Depth Of FieldChapter 26: Hypersonic free porn video

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We dance tango because we have secrets
- M.C.L.

“How was school today?”

Heather laughed. “Are you kidding? I didn’t go.”

“Really? Why not?”

“Didn’t feel like it.”

“So you just didn’t go?” I asked incredulously.

“Why bother? I felt like lying around, thinking of what a great weekend we just had. So I had a great day, actually! School will still be there tomorrow. It can wait. Thinking of the weekend couldn’t!”

“It was pretty amazing,” I agreed.

“Now we’re back to phone calls,” she added sadly.

“I know.”

“How was your first day back?” she asked.

“Ugh. It sucked.”

“See? You should’ve just stayed home,” she said with a giggle.

“Maybe I will next time. I got loaded up with assignments today, and I was busy until after dinner.”

“That sucks.”

“We have a science project due in a couple of weeks, plus I’m way behind reading the book for English class. I have to write a report by Friday.”

“What’s the book?”

“I have no idea,” I admitted, wincing at the thought.

“It’s only Monday,” Heather reminded me.

“Yeah, but she assigned our next English project today. We have to do a biography of someone.”

“Ooh, who are you going to pick? Me?”

“I wish. I have to pick someone in the community, whatever that means. Like a police officer, teacher, business owner, something like that.”

“Could be interesting.”


“Are you rehearsing this week for the party?”

“Yeah, probably just Saturday, though. We’re all pretty busy this week. Still, me and Lara will play a bit every night, if we can.”

“How is it, playing with Lara?” Heather asked.

“It’s fine.”


“I mean, it’s no big deal. She sings, I play.”

“I know. I just was wondering what it was like. I know how close you two are. Must be fun to make music together!”

“Honestly, I haven’t even thought about it much. And ... I guess it’s been a bit different lately.”

“What do you mean?”

“She’s with Pete.”

“And what’s that got to do with anything?”

“She’s busy with him, and, I don’t know. She’s been a bit different lately. Things change when you have a boyfriend or girlfriend, I guess.”

“Or not,” she countered.

“Or not?”

“Why should they?”

“What do you mean?”

“Just that you and Lara could still be close without it having to do with Pete. Or me, even.”

I contemplated. “I know. Still, for some reason, she’s been a bit different. I think we’re just getting older, finding our own space. That kind of thing.”

“That’s cool. I was just wondering.”

“Well, I need to get some more homework done, so I should go.”

“Anything else to tell me?” she hinted.

“Anything else? Hmm...”

I picked up the stiff envelope addressed to Martin’s Fish Market that was sitting on my desk. My mom was going to drop it off at the post office in the morning, sending it by express mail. I had already given her the money.

“No, not really,” I said, smiling broadly but keeping its expression from touching my voice.

“Okay. How many times have you looked through the Trilogy pictures?” she asked.

“But...” I paused. “Oh, Trilogy. None, actually. I’ve been way too busy. I’m hoping to have a look this week, though.”

“Really? I thought you’d want to see that last set you never got to.”

Wow, a hint. This was rare!

“Oh, I do. Maybe Wednesday I’ll have some time.” I fought to keep my voice serious and disinterested.

“I better let you go then, if you’re that busy!” she finished. “Talk tomorrow?”


It was hard to be away from her again. The wild high of the Thanksgiving weekend was making the coming weeks seem depressingly low. Still, there were a few things to look forward to, so I flipped open my books and tried to stay ahead of the wave of work that was going to close out the calendar year. Heather would be here for a few days around New Year’s Eve, so I had to do my best to keep from having any work to do when she arrived.

“How’s your project going?” I asked Shannon, as she fell in beside me on the way to our photography class.

“I took the mic stand into town and put it in different places.” She didn’t sound very satisfied.

“And? Get anything good?”

“Maybe,” she said evasively. “I’m still working on it. I guess you need it back?”

“Maybe for rehearsal this week. We need to practice a bit for the party on Saturday. Are you still up for going?”

Shannon grinned. “I have to go. It’s going to be the last photo of my project!”

“Cool. Thanks again for driving me down to the river yesterday.”

“No sweat. I was glad to help. Although I have to say I’m really interested in seeing your pictures now!”

“I know. Sorry I made you wait in the car for that long, but...”

But I had to masturbate on top of a big rock!

“I understand. I’m not letting you see my shots either!”

I grinned as we took our seats in class. Jane was setting up some photos, but before I could study them, Shannon leaned in close and whispered in my ear.

“What are you doing on the fifteenth?”

“I don’t know, what day is that?” I replied.


“Nothing at the moment, I guess.”

“I’ll understand if you say no, but I wanted to see if you wanted to go to a ballet.”

“A ballet? Like at a theatre?”


“With you?”

Shannon smiled. “Sort of. I’ll be dancing. But Clara and my folks will be going too. You don’t have to sit with them, though.”

“Yeah, I guess I could probably go. Are you going to dance that thing you did in the studio for the photo shoot?”

Shannon shook her head. “No, it’s a Nutcracker performance, with a conservatory in Albany.”

“Nice! Do you go there for classes too?”

“I don’t, but Clara knows the director of this school, so I’m allowed to audition for parts in their shows.”

Jane announced the start of class, so I whispered into Shannon’s ear.

“Nice. I’ll come, but I don’t know how I’d get there.”

Shannon rolled her eyes. “You can bum a ride with me, as long as you don’t mind going a little early.”

I grinned. “Sounds good to me.”

Heather was extremely pleased when I talked to her on Wednesday night. “Wow, you really had me fooled!” she exclaimed. “I was thinking that you hadn’t even looked in the shoe box yet and then the pictures showed up, like magic!”

I looked over at the flat stone that she’d used to weigh down the paper bag. I’d put it on my dresser, displaying it like a natural trophy. “I’m catching on to you, I guess,” I said happily.

“Good pics, too. Putting the heels into the shot of you holding the boulder picture on the bed was a nice touch.”

“Thanks. I did that one at the last minute.”

“Awesome. I can’t wait until class on Friday!”

“Are you going to show them all?”

“I don’t know yet. I’ve printed a bunch, now I need to see what goes well together. Definitely the one at the swings, the bikes, the one on the fish counter—”

“That came out good?”

“Amazingly good! Weird, but cool. Oh, and wait until you see the catwalk one. Spotlights on! And I like the one of the couch, of course, where you’re cleaning. The three you sent me will be nice because it’s obviously not Montauk. Not sure about the steps at your aunt’s house.”

“Yeah, that was pretty weak of me.”

“The one from your room at your aunt’s house is a fun shot, but I don’t think I want it in there. It’s pretty clear that it’s a sex picture.”

I laughed. “You don’t want anyone to know, then?”

“I don’t care about that, but I don’t like it when things are in your face that much. That one is too obvious. The others could be anything, but come on. A picture of messy sheets, discarded clothes, and the heels? It’s been done a million times.”

“It was what it looked like after we finished, though.”

“I know. But anyway, that’s why we had lots of sex last weekend! So I could have options to choose from!”

“I’m suddenly feeling used again.”

“Sorry!” She giggled. “I won’t put you through that ever again. No more sex.”

“Actually, never mind, I’m not feeling used anymore.”

Heather just laughed.

Saturday arrived with remarkable speed. Band rehearsals and fresh stacks of homework competed with frequent phone conversations with Heather to dissolve the weekdays away.

“So what exactly is the story tonight?” Lara asked me, after the guys had packed up our band gear from the guest cabin and driven off.

“You’re sleeping over at Alice’s. I’m staying at Brian’s.”

“I thought it was Bruno’s.”

“I changed it. Easier to meet everyone there.”

“Okay. And how am I getting from Alice to Brian’s house?” she asked. “I’m not walking all that way in the cold.”

“We’ll come pick you up.”

“All right. Hopefully the moms won’t notice that your guitars and stuff are gone.”

“Doubt they’d come up here. Besides, the vocal amp is still here, and I can always just say Carl took my stuff because we’re rehearsing at his house tomorrow.”

“Cool. I am a little worried about what we’re doing, I have to say.”

I looked at her. “Really? Why?”

She shrugged. “We’re going pretty far away, Matt. Who knows what kind of party this is going to be? I just hope things turn out all right.”

“It’ll be fine,” I said, although I had to admit that I wasn’t without anxiety myself. “I bet we have a blast.”

Lara sighed. “I’m also worried about singing.”

“Okay, that’s definitely one thing we should not be worrying about.”

“First real show,” she said simply. “I’ve never done it before.”

“You’re going to kill it.”

“If you say so.”

As twilight was beginning to descend in the mountains, Melissa drove us to Alice’s house, where Lara popped out with her backpack. A short time later, I was at Brian’s. Since Brian’s older brother Craig was going to the party along with a couple of his friends, we ended up having plenty of vehicles. When Shannon showed up, she and I left to pick up Lara and Alice, while the rest of the guys loaded our equipment into the bed of Craig’s pickup truck and took off for Jonah’s house.

I was a ball of nervous energy by now. Thoughts of the show’s reception by the crowd fought with images of Alana in my head. I kept repeating to myself that there was no way she would be there and that the band would do just fine. I vowed that there would be no repeat of either the Esopus or the talent show auditions.

Shannon noticed my quiet. “Earth to Matt.”

“Huh? Sorry, did you say something?”

“I asked how your project was going?”

“Oh, sorry. I was thinking about the show. Um, yeah, it’s going. I think I just need to develop my shots. I took a bunch of pictures in Montauk over Thanksgiving.”

“What was your object?”

“Uh, a pair of shoes.”

“Nice. Can’t wait to see what you came up with this time.”

“Me too,” I said evenly.

“What’s the plan tonight?” she asked.

“I don’t know. What time do you have to be home?”

“No particular time,” she said. “I told my folks I was staying at a friend’s house.”

I laughed. “I think everyone in the whole town is staying at each other’s houses. Hopefully no parents decide tonight is a good night to catch up on the phone. But I guess we’ll play our set and then we can head back up here.”

“Okay. I just don’t want to drive too late, you know.”

“Yeah, that’s cool. You let me know when it’s time to head out. Even, I think we have enough seats that if you took Alice and Lara back, I could still get a ride back with someone else.”

“I’m not going to leave you stranded!” Shannon exclaimed.

“You won’t. I don’t want you getting in trouble if it gets late.”

“Same here. And I’m not sure I’d want you to be riding with any of those guys later tonight.”

“Yeah, you’re probably right,” I admitted.

We pulled into Alice’s driveway and the two girls slid into the back seat.

“Ready to party?” Lara exclaimed.

I grinned. “Sounds like you are. Feeling better?”

“Now I am!”

The drive down was a bit tricky even with a map, but we managed to find the massive stone entrance that was blanketed by an overgrown thicket of vines. The iron gates, blacker than the night, invited us in. As the driveway wound up through the trees, we were all quiet. There was a bit of grandeur to the place, and yet we caught glimpses of ruin as well. As the colossal house came into view, we started seeing cars parked haphazardly on the lawns to either side of the long driveway.

“Damn, there’s more than a few people here,” Lara remarked.

“Yeah,” I agreed. I didn’t know if that was good or bad.

Up ahead, I made out Craig’s truck, parked near the side of the giant house.

“I think they’re up there, unloading. Maybe we can squeeze in along side?”

Shannon shook her head. “I think I’m going to park down closer to the gates. If this clearing fills up, I don’t want to get locked in here. I’ll drop you off and then go park. Can you take my camera, Matt?”

“Sure, I’ll grab your stuff.”

We exited Shannon’s car, pulling our coats tight against the chilly air. The night was crystal clear, letting the unusually bright evening sky prick our eyes with a variety of singular colors.

“What’s up guys?” I called. Carl and the rest of them greeted us.

“Almost loaded every thing in,” he said. “Just need to grab my bass drum and your amp.”

“Let’s do it. How’s the place?”

“You’re going to shit your pants,” Carl said with a grin.


“It’s fucking ridiculous in there, man!”

I stepped into a dark hallway, pushing my amp along on its wheels. Lara was in front of me, following Carl and his bass drum. After a short walk past a dark kitchen of some sort, the passage opened up into another hallway. The sound of clamoring people and thumping music at the far end of the hall grew louder. Then Lara emerged into the great room.

“Holy shit!” she cried. I barely caught it above the din. Once I passed the threshold, I took one look around and then caught Lara’s glance as she turned to me. There was a moment of fearful incredulity.

Then we grinned at each other. The great room – for it couldn’t really be called anything else – was practically a small concert hall. Giant windows that overlooked some invisible outdoor vista formed the semi-circular backdrop of our stage area. Jonah had set up a P.A. system, through which recorded music was pumping out into the room. Several lighting trees plastered the walls with vibrant patterns that tracked to the beat of the music. Overlooking this performance area was a wide-open floor that was filling with people. A second floor balcony flew over the space, accessed by a curved staircase along one side of the great room. The balcony also supported a number of people milling about, holding plastic cups, smoking, and generally having a good time. Some of them watched the band setup with interest, while others were carrying on with their friends. For an instant, an image of the room packed to the hilt with screaming people made me shiver. Then I turned as someone tapped my shoulder.

“Good to see you, man,” Jonah said into my ear.

I shook his hand, returning the greeting.

“This is crazy!” I yelled.

He made a dismissive face. “This is nothing, bro. It’s still early!”

I shook my head in disbelief as he led me to the area that was cleared for our band to set up in. After I placed my amp in a good spot, Jonah pointed to a large cooler.

“Band fridge with a bunch of beers,” he indicated.

He looked around and then waved someone over. A cute blonde girl with a Goth look sidled up to Jonah and gave me a polite smile with her black-painted lips. Her lively eyes were set in a bed of deep shadows. Jonah introduced me to her.

“Miss Ellie is here to take care of the band,” he explained. “If you want anything, just ask one of us. We’ll take care of you. You name it. Tequila, scotch, wine, pot, blow, chicks, you just say the word and we’ll get it for you.”

I nodded, wondering how much of his list was truly accessible. Do we really have someone waiting on us?

“Cool. This is going to be awesome,” I said, trying not to sound too awed.

“Most definitely. You guys play as long as you want. And, I still wouldn’t mind sitting in on a song or two!”

“Do you have your guitar set up?”

He nodded, indicating a rig that was on the other end of the stage area. “I have a monitor speaker set up for Lara,” he explained. “I already showed the guys where the power is and stuff, so I’ll let you do your thing. Help yourself to anything.”

Jonah wandered off, slipping into a group of three girls passing a joint just in time to grab a hit.

“Do you need anything, sir?” Miss Ellie asked.

I smiled, savoring her English accent. Did she really just call me ‘sir’?

“Nah, I’ll grab a beer in a sec. Is that your real name?”

“I am Miss Ellie,” she deferred.

“Nice. I think we’ll be pretty easy to deal with, so just have a good time and enjoy the music.”

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Chapter 26: Hypersonic Videos

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Depth of FieldChapter 30 Superhero

“Less than three weeks until I see you!” “Wish it was three days,” I moaned. “Me too. But hey, just think how good it will feel when we pull into your driveway!” Heather chirped. “I know, I know. I’m happy that you at least convinced them to leave a day earlier from Idaho.” Heather tittered. “We’ll have three days plus a little to ski and hang out. We’ll make the most of it, Matt. So how’s the suit?” “It’s actually pretty cool,” I admitted evenly. “Nice. You know you’re going to have to...

3 years ago
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Depth of FieldChapter 31 Underground

The day after Shannon’s Nutcracker performance, I arrived at Clara’s house after an early lunch. Since dance classes had just finished at her studio for winter break, she was busy with paperwork. I got right to work, making heavy use of my Walkman. The painting was quite easy, but the job was clearly going to take the rest of the afternoon. The plan was to finish before sunset in order to catch some natural light portraits of Clara near the studio windows. If more pictures were needed after...

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Depth of FieldChapter 32 The Riches

In photography, there is a reality so subtle that it becomes more real than reality - A.S. The talent show started out with Roy, who was quite an impressive singer. He was mixing a Bobby McFerrin-style a cappella solo with some comedy, and the audience was eating it up. We were scheduled to play in the fourth of six slots – one act had withdrawn – preceded by some kid doing magic and followed by Elaine’s brother. The evening’s other band, Green Space, was closing out the night. Shannon...

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Depth of FieldChapter 33 Three Days

When the devil came, she was not red. She was cold and she said, “Let me in!” I jumped up and peeked out the window when I heard the light tapping. Heather was standing in the blanket of snow that had settled on the ground during the past hour. I silently slipped the window up, bracing myself against the blast of frigid air that pressed against the warmth of my room. Heather climbed through the windowpane with a little help and I quickly shut the night out. I took her into my arms so that...

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Depth of FieldChapter 1 Splash a Little Water on It

The end is in the beginning and lies far ahead - R.E. “Are you just going to stand there and watch me all day?” I raised an eyebrow at my sister and smiled slightly. “Is that what you want me to do?” Lara grinned impishly before turning back toward the lively river, stepping onto the larger rocks that jutted out from the rapids. The sudden lift of her fishing rod gave away the fact that she’d settled too quickly on an unsteady stone. Her toned leg muscles twitched as they tried to make...

2 years ago
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Depth of FieldChapter 2 Been Caught Stealing

Lara wore the most priceless look as I approached a campsite that was now occupied by three extra girls. Alana greeted me warmly, that same honest smile on her face. For a second I imagined I had x-ray vision, since I could easily strip away her short shorts and form-fitting tank top to imagine her in her translucent underwear. Then I put the thought out of my head. Things were awkward for a bit, but once I reminded everyone that we were all hungry, we got to work. Sophie unpacked a paper...

5 years ago
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Depth of FieldChapter 3 Summertime Rolls

If I’d learned the meaning of ‘stoned’ the previous evening, then the morning’s vocabulary lesson was ‘cottonmouth’. Except for this sensation, though, I felt surprisingly good as I stretched into a seated position. Lara was still locked in a deep slumber, her lower body submerged in her bag. Her awkward sprawl made her seem dead. Before I could check, she shifted to a more natural position. I looked at my watch, astonished to see how late it was. So much for fishing at dawn. Then again, I...

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Depth of FieldChapter 4 Strays

As we prepared dinner, Alana and her friends pulled up in their car on their way out of the campground. Alana expressed her jealousy at missing the impending meal, Megan griped about the hour, Alana rolled her eyes as she waved one last time, and then they drove off. Just like that, I knew I’d never see her again. There was a feeling of deep relief to that realization. Even if I’d done nothing wrong, I didn’t think it was wise to keep pushing the boundaries. If I made a mistake, I’d never...

4 years ago
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Depth of FieldChapter 5 Price I Pay

I was aware of an engine rumbling near my head, but I ignored it, half-asleep. A car door opened and closed, punctuating the ever-present sounds of nature. My mom’s voice floated through the morning air, finally triggering a return to consciousness. “Matt, Lara? Don’t tell me you’re still sleeping?” Melissa called out. I peeled apart my desiccated lips, finding it hard to croak out an acknowledgement. “Hgghh...” “Oh, no! Are you sick?” I cleared my throat and spoke more normally. “No....

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Depth of FieldChapter 6 Jane Says

A couple of days after leaving Aunt Beth the phone message, she finally called back. Fortuitously, I happened to answer. “Hi, Matt. How are you? I got your call.” “I’m doing good. Find anything?” I asked, keeping my voice neutral. “I did. You left a couple of rolls on the desk.” I breathed a sigh of relief. “Cool. I thought maybe I lost them!” “Do you want me to give them to Heather for you?” “Uh, sure—actually, no, wait. Can you send them to me instead?” I winced, hoping she’d agree...

2 years ago
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Depth of FieldChapter 7 Idiots Rule

“The CD comes with nude pictures!” Pete exclaimed, grinning broadly as he held the photos tight. “Give me that!” I blurted out, snatching them from his hand. I felt heat rapidly rising to my head. For a moment, there was confusion on Pete’s face. Then it changed to amusement. “Wait, are those yours? Holy shit, I thought they came with the album!” My mind raced as I stared at the pictures, keeping them turned away from my friends. How the hell did these get into Pete’s hands? I looked at...

1 year ago
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Lock the Door

1. “Tell me when you want to come”, Paul said breathlessly as we both intently watched him working on the rim of my erection. He had formed his thumb and forefinger into a loose circle which he was steadily moving up and down just over the swollen rim of my cock-head, His fingers gliding in the thick film of cream which his intense teasing was milking from my hardon; his other hand was engaged in lightly tickling my balls. It was a hot afternoon in the small woods behind my house, and my...

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I knew I had already made you wait too long at the door, so with a sigh, I unlatched the hook and turned the long handle with a click. As you came into view my eyes widened. Until now I’d only seen you in pictures. I had always thought you were very attractive based on your photos, but seeing you here and now in person, not only your handsome features were present but also a very strong sense of masculinity. I pulled the door open further and stepped back, allowing you the room to pass...

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Sex Therapy

My name is Candy and Brandon and I have been married a little over a year now. At first our sex life was great, I think it was because we were so new to each other. Nowadays it has become more of a chore and the sizzle is definitely gone. I find Brandon so sexy, so I am not sure what the problem is. We have tried renting pornos and we will get hot and fuck within the first half an hour and then it is over. I long to have Brandon run his long tongue between my pussy lips and suck on my clit. He...

Group Sex
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The Contract

WARNING! All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Actions, situations, and responses are fictional ONLY and should not be attempted in real life. If you are under the age or 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you reside in any state, province, nation, or...

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Damn! It was ruined! Would it ever be the same??? Red, swollen, stretched and gaping open. But wow was it HOT! I obeyed her as she said lick it clean but go easy I'm sore. On my knees I bathed her used pussy with my tongue. Sucking the 2 big loads of come out of her loose hole. So let me tell you how her once little pussy got this beat up.With my permission we went out with the goal of getting her fucked by another man. Wearing her fuck me heels and a short yellow sundress, we went to a hotel...

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Magic woods pt 2

Sorry for the delay. Wanda sat down between us with our dicks out and we immediately started feeling her big titties as she grabbed our cocks and began stroking. My buddy" scoot" had evidently approached her before, they were making out hot and heavy but she still had a hand on my dick. I figured she would like him better because to be honest his cock was obviously longer than mine and fairly thick but mine was thicker and I was a little fat dude and most women like skinny long docked guys...

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Oh Daddy

It all started with an online ad. I had always known I was different. I tried to pretend I liked girls, but I really wanted to be one. Let me describe myself. My name is Tony. I am 17. I'm 5' 10", 125 pounds. I have long blonde hair that girls are always jealous of, but it's always my blue eyes that draw everyone's attention. I was pretty shy and mostly kept to myself. I had a few friends, but I didn't spend much time outside school with them, as I was trying to keep my feelings secret. As I...

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A unusual situation Pt 5 VWOM BUSTED

Day by day went by and Debbie would bring first one girl then another home for me to fuck. I tried several times to find out about Rene but Debbie only said "I told you she is a blonde with died black hair. Then Friday night arrived and the girls started arriving. Ann pulled me aside and said Debbie wants you to wait out by the pool for her and the girls. Then She added find a seat and just cover up with a towel and pretend to be asleep. I did as told and a few minutes later all the girls came...

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Those Three Little Words Part One

I had just recently become single and I wasn't coping very well on my own. I had been sure that my ex-boyfriend had been The One - until I found him in our bed with our next door neighbour. Enough said. In my depression, after watching endless romantic films and eating my weight in ice cream, I had the insane idea that internet dating sites would be the answer. I set up my account, enclosing cute pictures of my slim 5'6 frame, making sure to hint at my ample DD breasts and my long brown hair....

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08 The Julie Journals

***** ... Julie was bored, she clicked through the channels on the TV before clicking it off and threw the remote onto the couch in disgust. It was a few weeks before Christmas and Julie was spending her birthday on her own, a situation she didn't normally mind but tonight she wanted company. Walking into her bedroom she stripped to her thong and bra and stood with her wardrobe doors wide open looking at her clothes. Running her fingers along the rack she smiled as she came across her biking...

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Cowboys and Bikers

______________________________________________________________ It was a very pleasant late spring evening in northern New Mexico in the mid 1960's. The sun had set long enough ago that it had gotten dark. That Friday evening two late fifties pick-up trucks sat in front of 'Hank's Honky Tonk' and an old '51 Chevy four door sat behind the bar. The bar was located between two small ranching towns and was never very busy. It was an old wooden building and the name sign was hand painted...

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Her Special DeliveryChapter 2

Dear Connie, I called this morning but got no answer. I'm at the library now writing this and looking at your pictures and dreaming a little bit. I know you won't mind if I mentally undress you. I saw the redhead last nite but have decided to cancel all plans. She is too inhibited and would rather get serious than enjoy life. I don't want to get involved. I've heard that redheads are quite passionate but I believe she would be the exception... too conservative. Oh well! back to the...

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Sexcom POV

Betas would kill to look through my eyes as I grip that back of some slut’s hair and push her further down my cock or plow her pussy while slapping her ass from behind. These are views that some of you cucks simply haven’t seen before. It’s like a fabled land to you nerds. But, don’t worry, one day some whore will pity you enough to let you hump her for a few strokes before you blow your load in her unsatisfied snatch. We all start somewhere. Some just, well, start much further down the totem...

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Losing My Virginity PT2

This is a true story:The day after my teacher emailed me is a day that will go down in history for me. My teacher wanted me to come in after school. I had her 2nd hour and was the first person to walk in since my first hour was right next store. I walked in and went to my spot when she came up behind me. I sat down and all of a sudden she was there. She leaned in front of me and came face to face with me. I could easily see her boobs and I was definitely caught looking. "You have to wait for...

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ProfNigma Stories 5 If Wishes Were Hornets 10

iCarly/Victorious: If Wishes Were Hornets #10 – Andre9 am came way too quickly for Andre Harris who could barely form a coherent thought as his alarm blared next to him. He reached up to hit the snooze button so he could get a bit more sl*ep but as soon as he touched it, the brand new digital clock exploded with a loud crack, leaving smoking remains behind.Needless to say, Andre was completely awake now. He stared at the smouldering clock and tried to figure out what happened. He grabbed some...

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24 ChristmasesChapter 19

Rin is lounging on the deck of the large yacht overlooking the harbor. She has the feeling that she is being watched and the sensation brings her back to reality. Sure enough, Nil is standing in the doorway with a towel wrapped and knotted at his waist. Rin never tires of looking at his body and his gaze tells her all that she needs to know. “How long have you been standing there?” she asks. “Long enough to see your fingers moving under that wrap in an area that I can only hope is being made...

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BlacksOnBlondes Ember Snow 12152020

Prince needs to hire a new maid for his house so he calls a service and they send over a maid. He tells her the things she needs and shows her all his cleaning supplies and gives her his maid uniform he supplies. She tries it on and shows it to him (it’s frumpy), and says this actually isn’t the right size and that she has a better one to wear for him when she’s cleaning. He says OK lets see what she has. She puts it on (it’s super slutty, shows off her jeweled buttplug...

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Born to serve

My nerves were on edge. The waiting and the anticipation had me completely a mess. My palms were sweaty and my breath was short. I was on my hands and knees lying prostrate on the floor as directed by my Mistress in her instructions I was completely naked and was waiting for her to make her entrance. My nervous energy had me trembling not just because I knew I would be punished but also because I wanted to be punished. I wanted to see her. I wanted to serve her. I wanted to be hers. I wanted to...

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OMG Im a Bimbo Slut Part 3

For those who have read and reviewed part 1 and 2. Thank you sooo much! It has really pushed me to develop this more and more. It started as a solo short which I'm now making up as I go. Apologies if there's a story hold or my style isn't good. This is my first series and I'm eager to continue it. Again please review if you like, this goes for anyone's stories not just mine, it means so much to the writers! :) No pic this time but I will try and fit one into the next part. I'm...

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Concupiscent CongregationChapter 5 Debauching Darlene

While Bridget Mahoney's seldom satisfied libidinous needs were being satisfied by her minister her husband came home early. Peter Mahoney did appreciate his wife's sexy charms but ever since the first time she suspected him of screwing their regular babysitter she'd acted too frigid, disinterested in sex. And with that rationale he had screwed many other women. His new secretary was proving to be a delightful piece of ass. Was it her youth? Ever since he'd fucked that big-titted, sixteen...

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Mother Virgin SonPart 3 of 3

As Mom lied there smiling and not saying anything, I thought for sure she was holding back laughter. It felt like forever before she finally spoke. And when she called it beautiful, I regained some confidence and composure. Then, she brought her left hand up and ran her pointer finger along the shaft to the tip. All I can do is freeze and let her do whatever she wants. My breathing has gotten more rapid and heavier and she notices. (Jessica) "You okay with...

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Neha Ki Chut Maari

Hi doston mera naam Vicky h pyaar s sab mujhe vajita bulate hain.main new delhi m rehta hun.meri girlfreind kaa naam Neha h.uski hieght 5’7 inch,gori,sexy figure 36,28,36 h.aur mujhe jo chees us me sabse badhia lagti h wo h uske honth bilkul angelina jolie ki tarah jinse m khelta rehta hun aur choosta rehta hun.aur m meri hieght almost 6 feet h,personality badhia h,sexy hun aur mera lund 6.5 inch lamba aur mota h. Jab m 12 m tha tab ek juniour neha naam ki ladki p nazar thi.neha bala ki...

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Cabin A

I have been driving for hours, and I can’t wait to get out of the car and unpack my bags. I am so glad Jack agreed to let me go away by myself for the weekend. Well, to be fair I didn’t really leave him much choice. I told him either he let me go away for the weekend or I would go away permanently. It’s not that I don’t love my husband and kids, it’s just that sometimes I wonder if there’s more. More for me than being a forgotten wife and taxi driver to my children. The lady at the rental...

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