Depth Of FieldChapter 13: Obvious free porn video

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When we got home, it was turning into one of those wondrous autumn nights that grace the mountains in early fall. Crisp, rarified air was descending from on high. Stars that we should not have been able to see were abundantly brilliant. A gauze of tree limbs fixed the pointillist heavens into a cracked-glass mosaic and a slender breeze swayed the leaves around us just enough to delight the ears. Heather and I bypassed the house altogether and strolled arm and arm to the backyard.

“Push me on the swing?” she murmured.

I led her to the old wooden plank that hung from an exceedingly high branch. She’d noticed the apparatus the previous day when I gave her the tour. I’d promised her a ride.

Before my dad died, he’d scaled the tree and climbed out on the sturdy limb in order to secure this pendulous seat. Lara and I used to play on it when we were younger, though in recent years it was rarely used. We would occasionally see our moms using it, usually on days that had special importance to them with regard to our dad.

Heather settled down and grasped the thick ropes. She let out a contented sigh as I pushed her with slightly more than a caress, taking a small step backward after each gentle nudge. It was lazy exercise, since the swing and its precious cargo spent almost six seconds going forth and then returning.

“Ooooh,” Heather breathed. “So smooth!”

I knew exactly what she meant. The ropes were very long, such that the rider moved close to the ground for a good distance, giving the impression of effortlessly gliding through the air.

I was careful to avoid pressing against the scrapes on her back. After some time and repeated sighing, the bench was reaching eye level. Heather had kicked her shoes off. I guessed that she was flying some thirty feet each way. Given the contented sounds coming from her throat, I knew she was enjoying it.

“This is so cool. What an awesome day!”

“Yeah, totally,” I agreed.

“Great time on the river. And I beat your butt at fly-fishing!”

Since we’d each caught one more fish with the fly rod, Heather had claimed a ten-eight victory.

“You did good, for your first outing,” I said, deciding to ignore the comment.

“Thanks! Next time I’ll know what I’m actually doing from the start, so you won’t have it so easy.”

“Funny. But it’ll probably have to wait until the spring, unless you surprise me and come up again this fall,” I said wistfully.

“I wish, Matt.”

“But Thanksgiving will be great. It was cool of your parents to invite us down to Montauk, even if we do have a place to stay.”

“I know. And I’m already missing you. I can’t wait for it.”

I continued my intervallic impulses, breathing with each stroke and getting into a slow rhythm as I kept her oscillating through the night air.

“How’s your back?”

“It’s fine. Thanks for not pushing on it,” she said sweetly.

“Do you want to try to finish the blackouts for the window? I think I got some good shots of you fishing, so maybe we can develop them tomorrow.”

“Sure. A few more minutes on the swing, and then we can go.”

I gave her a couple of harder thrusts and then stepped a little beyond the center of her trajectory. I gauged her path and then selected a spot on the grass where her legs would just clear my body if I reclined on the ground. Heather giggled as she flew toward me and then sailed over my head.

“Bring back memories?” I asked.

“Of course,” she answered, her voice full of warmth.

“Can you believe that was less than two months ago?”

“Really? Feels like I’ve known you forever.”

“I know.”

“August eleventh,” she mused happily. “Our first kiss.”

I lay back onto the grass, watching as Heather sailed over me, each time with a little less energy.

“Do you have to leave tomorrow?” I asked.

“I don’t know. Can you hide me somewhere?”

“The woods are big,” I offered.

“Ooh, maybe we can build a tiny cabin where I can live. No one else in the world would know about it. And you can come visit me everyday.”

“You’d get bored.”

“Hardly. I’d never be bored if I saw you every day.”

The near apex of her swing was not enough to reach me anymore. She hopped off onto the grass and let the momentum carry her toward me. She fell down atop me, planting a kiss on my lips. We spent a long time there, looking at the reflection of the stars in each other’s eyes.

When I returned to the house late that night, I wasn’t surprised to find Lara in my room again, reading.

“What’s up?”

“Shh. This is getting good,” she said, waving me away dismissively.

“Um, you’re actually in my bed, if you haven’t noticed.”

She ignored me, deeply invested her novel. When I returned from the bathroom ready to retire, she had the book flat on her chest.

“Now can I have my bed please?”

Lara slid toward the wall and patted the sheets. “How’s Heather?”

I hesitated a moment and then lay down next to her. “Good. We finished the blackout for the darkroom windows. Then she fell asleep right away.”

“Wore her out, huh?”

“Long day on the river.”

“How was it? Mom said they hardly saw you.”

“It was ... really awesome.”

I gave her a rundown of the fishing action. Lara laughed at Heather’s ridiculously mangled scoring scheme.

“You ain’t never going to win, boy!” she whooped. “But I can’t believe you didn’t bring back any trout for me!”

I looked at her sheepishly. “We just decided to cook them right there after all.”

“Lucky shits. So, did you get any other action?”

“Yeah. It was actually a bit crazy. We did it on that big boulder. You know, the one where I met Alana.”


“Yeah. And let’s just say we almost got caught!”

Lara’s eyes lit up. “By our parents?”

“No, by a family that was tubing.”

“Ooh, sounds exciting!”

“It was. I swear, sex with Heather is amazing, but mostly it’s also a crazy adventure. I think we’ve only ever done it once in a bed.”

Lara laughed. “Cool. Did you tell her about Alana, then?”

I felt my heart sink. “No. I started to, but then she distracted me.”


“What?” I retorted. “It wasn’t the right time.”

“Never is.”

“Hey, come on. I have, like, three days with her. Less, even. I don’t want to make the weekend awkward with something that’s not even all that important.”

“And yet you sound nervous.”

“No, I’m not worried! It’s just...” I struggled for words. “It’s not a big deal. I will tell her sometime, okay, but just not right now.”

She shrugged. “Last month you said you were going to tell her in person, and now you’re not.”

“What’s your beef with this anyway?”

“It’s not a big deal, but if you keep not telling her, it’ll become a big deal that you didn’t. Just trying to keep you honest, that’s all.”

“Fuck, that’s not fair, Lara.”

She sighed. “You’re right, it’s none of my business. Just friendly advice, but you don’t need it, so whatever.”

I softened some. “Look, I know what you’re getting at. But I feel like this is all blown out of proportion now. Heather doesn’t tell me every time she goes out and hangs out with people, and it’s fine.”

“You should at least tell her you’ve been smoking pot. What if she’s not into that?”

“When the time is right. I promise,” I said with finality. “Let’s talk about something else. We’re just going around in circles here.”

“I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be. I appreciate you speaking up, but I think for now, just let me handle this one.”

I stared at the ceiling, searching in vain for another topic. Part of me just wanted to ask her to leave, but I needed to end the conversation on a better note. Lately, I felt my connection with Lara becoming weaker every time we talked. I wondered if it was just the Alana thing she seemed fixated on, or if something else was going on with her.

“So, how’s your essay?” I finally asked, alighting on the only thing that came to mind.

“Easy. Blasted out a thousand and twelve words in under an hour. Done.”

“Wow. If only I could write that quickly, it wouldn’t take me seven years to write a novel.”

“What the hell are you talking about? You’ve never written a book,” Lara dismissed, looking at me funny.

“I know, I was just joking,” I said hastily. “But I thought your essay was going to be an all-day event. You could’ve come fishing after all!”

Lara grinned impishly. “I was entertaining a guest.”

Oh, of course. That’s why she stayed home. I should’ve guessed, I suppose. Images of them fucking flashed through my head, but I hurriedly pushed them aside.

“Pete was here,” I observed evenly.

Lara sniffed, her eyes sparkling. “Duh! He was helping with my essay!”

“Right. I’m sure he added those extra twelve words.” I tried to keep my voice light, even though I was suddenly feeling anxious again.

“It may have been less than that! It was a really fun afternoon. I’m going to be a little sore tomorrow, though.”

“I thought you were going to go easy on him.”

“I will, eventually. But first I have to make up for the last two months of celibacy!” she explained.

“Oh, I see. And then let me guess, you have to make up for his last fifteen years?”

“Ooh, good point!” Lara agreed. “And besides, he’s so cute when—”

“I really don’t need to hear whatever you’re about to say next, thanks.”

Lara chuckled. “All right. But I think by the time it was over, he was a little blown away.”

“Yeah, I bet. Kind of like going from zero to sixty in three seconds, with you.” Despite the banter, I was feeling detached from the bed. Am I getting sick?

“How would you know?”

“Just saying. I know how your summer with James was.”

“You’re one to talk, Mister I-had-sex-on-a-boulder-in-front-of-the-whole-world.”

“Okay, get out of here. This conversation is going nowhere fast and I’m beat.”

“Fine, kick me out of your bed,” she pouted.

I said nothing, closing my eyes and issuing a fake snore to underscore my point.

Lara rose. “Goodnight Matt. Hope you have a good last day with Heather. And hey, I trust you, but I also ... I also love you so much and don’t ever want to see you hurt again.”

I opened an eye. She was standing by the foot of the bed.

“I know, Lara. Thanks.”

She returned to her room. I took some deep breaths, trying to settle my insides. Please don’t let me get sick. That was the last thing I needed on Heather’s final day.

The next morning, with a bit of trial and error, Heather and I produced the first set of prints in the assembling darkroom. Each of us drew on our experience from our photography classes to make it work. There was one particularly nice photo of her with the fly line curled in the air, so I reprinted an eight-by-ten for myself. This ability to impulsively make any print I wanted felt both immensely decadent and deeply satisfying. Heather liked one of me standing on the bank, grinning with my fourteen-inch ‘meaty one’ in hand. The original shot was taken from some distance, so she cropped it closer and blew it up to fill another eight-by-ten sheet for herself.

Heather hummed appreciatively as the photo came out of the rinse tray. The final product was as if from a different era. The film grain helped to make it seem like I had the beginnings of a beard, and the shadows accented my physique in a good way. It was a rare picture of myself where I actually thought I looked quite a bit like my dad.

“You look so hot,” Heather cooed appreciatively.

“If you say so.”

“That’s going up on the wall in my bedroom,” she added.

“Mine too,” I agreed.

“So what’s the plan today?” she asked me, once we’d cleaned up the supplies.

“Do you still want to hear my band?”


“Okay, I’ll call them and see if they can come at two, instead of tonight.”

“Can’t wait to hear you play.”

“Don’t get too excited. Like I told you, Bruno probably won’t want to sing. You might just end up listening to a bunch of riffs and random jams.”

Heather grinned. “I don’t care. What are we doing now, then?”

“I don’t know. Lunch in a little while. We can go for a walk in the woods after.”

“That sounds great. Lock the door,” she ordered.


“Yes, really. And switch back to the red light. It’s my turn to be the enlarger!”

I sniggered after I got the joke. “That was bad, Heather.”

“I know! But sometimes you just have to, you know? Now get over here.”

As my eyes readjusted to the safety lamp, Heather grabbed me and pulled me toward the bed, ready to pack eleven minutes of fun in before we had to return to the house for the lunch meal. This darkroom business had its collateral advantages, I was realizing. Any unexpected knock could be deflected by saying there was a print development in progress. That would give us a good while to disentangle our bodies before having to open the door.

No matter, though. No one knocked, and Heather quickly took me to the far side of bliss in that enflamed room.

I was slightly apprehensive about presenting Heather to my friends. There would inevitably be teasing and annoying questions for the rest of the week. And yet, I was eager to have them meet. It seemed that all the guys were involved with girls now, so I didn’t want to be left out. There was also the small idea in the back of my mind that they still might not believe Heather was real unless they met her. Carl had already admitted he’d thought as much before seeing the photos of her.

The Martins had packed, since they were to leave right after the rehearsal was over. When my friends arrived, the nervous energy made me act foolish. Unsure of how to introduce Heather, I stumbled with words and generally acted out of sorts. I rushed to have everyone get their gear into the cabin before anything more than brief hellos were exchanged.

Carl seemed most put out by my huffy attitude. Eventually he made a comment to Bruno, too loudly, about how Heather looked just like she did in the pictures. Heather gave me a slightly amused, questioning look.

“I showed them some shots from the summer,” I muttered, realizing there was no way to indicate to her that it was only the tame ones they’d seen. Silently, I cursed Carl, giving him a glare when my back was turned to Heather.

The unexpected arrival of Mina and Randi added to the confusion. I found myself feeling upset at the decision to have the rehearsal after all. With Lara dropping in now, the four girls soon were sitting at the cabin’s dining table with sodas in hand, conversing about random things. I wondered if Heather would have the chance to listen to our band at all. After trying a few times to get them to quiet down with vague hints, we simply started playing. As expected, Bruno wouldn’t sing, so very soon things grew tedious as riffs led nowhere and we screwed up transitions because there was no vocal reference to guide us.

Same as Depth of Field
Chapter 13: Obvious Videos

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Depth of FieldChapter 1 Splash a Little Water on It

The end is in the beginning and lies far ahead - R.E. “Are you just going to stand there and watch me all day?” I raised an eyebrow at my sister and smiled slightly. “Is that what you want me to do?” Lara grinned impishly before turning back toward the lively river, stepping onto the larger rocks that jutted out from the rapids. The sudden lift of her fishing rod gave away the fact that she’d settled too quickly on an unsteady stone. Her toned leg muscles twitched as they tried to make...

2 years ago
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Depth of FieldChapter 2 Been Caught Stealing

Lara wore the most priceless look as I approached a campsite that was now occupied by three extra girls. Alana greeted me warmly, that same honest smile on her face. For a second I imagined I had x-ray vision, since I could easily strip away her short shorts and form-fitting tank top to imagine her in her translucent underwear. Then I put the thought out of my head. Things were awkward for a bit, but once I reminded everyone that we were all hungry, we got to work. Sophie unpacked a paper...

4 years ago
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Depth of FieldChapter 3 Summertime Rolls

If I’d learned the meaning of ‘stoned’ the previous evening, then the morning’s vocabulary lesson was ‘cottonmouth’. Except for this sensation, though, I felt surprisingly good as I stretched into a seated position. Lara was still locked in a deep slumber, her lower body submerged in her bag. Her awkward sprawl made her seem dead. Before I could check, she shifted to a more natural position. I looked at my watch, astonished to see how late it was. So much for fishing at dawn. Then again, I...

3 years ago
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Depth of FieldChapter 4 Strays

As we prepared dinner, Alana and her friends pulled up in their car on their way out of the campground. Alana expressed her jealousy at missing the impending meal, Megan griped about the hour, Alana rolled her eyes as she waved one last time, and then they drove off. Just like that, I knew I’d never see her again. There was a feeling of deep relief to that realization. Even if I’d done nothing wrong, I didn’t think it was wise to keep pushing the boundaries. If I made a mistake, I’d never...

3 years ago
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Depth of FieldChapter 5 Price I Pay

I was aware of an engine rumbling near my head, but I ignored it, half-asleep. A car door opened and closed, punctuating the ever-present sounds of nature. My mom’s voice floated through the morning air, finally triggering a return to consciousness. “Matt, Lara? Don’t tell me you’re still sleeping?” Melissa called out. I peeled apart my desiccated lips, finding it hard to croak out an acknowledgement. “Hgghh...” “Oh, no! Are you sick?” I cleared my throat and spoke more normally. “No....

2 years ago
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Depth of FieldChapter 6 Jane Says

A couple of days after leaving Aunt Beth the phone message, she finally called back. Fortuitously, I happened to answer. “Hi, Matt. How are you? I got your call.” “I’m doing good. Find anything?” I asked, keeping my voice neutral. “I did. You left a couple of rolls on the desk.” I breathed a sigh of relief. “Cool. I thought maybe I lost them!” “Do you want me to give them to Heather for you?” “Uh, sure—actually, no, wait. Can you send them to me instead?” I winced, hoping she’d agree...

2 years ago
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Depth of FieldChapter 7 Idiots Rule

“The CD comes with nude pictures!” Pete exclaimed, grinning broadly as he held the photos tight. “Give me that!” I blurted out, snatching them from his hand. I felt heat rapidly rising to my head. For a moment, there was confusion on Pete’s face. Then it changed to amusement. “Wait, are those yours? Holy shit, I thought they came with the album!” My mind raced as I stared at the pictures, keeping them turned away from my friends. How the hell did these get into Pete’s hands? I looked at...

1 year ago
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Fucking A Black Stud 8211 Part 1 At The Concert

Hello Friends! I am Chahat Khanna. I am back again on this platform with another of my sexual escapade. Let me start with a brief description of myself. Chahat Khanna, height 5’7″, fair complexion, big eyes. I have been blessed with 34 size boobs and a 24 inches waist carved on a base of  34 inches with a glowing milk tone. Not boring you any longer, I will start with my story straightaway. I was so excited about that weekend! My favorite band was coming to a concert in Delhi. I just could not...

3 years ago
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Ovid 4 The Bank Robbers

As usual, this contains adult material. Be 18 or begone. You're welcome to archive at any site. Please notify me, though. Ovid IV: The Bank Robbers By The Professor For the Captain The light breeze that blew up my skirt as I crossed Main Street on my way to Susan's office was almost warm. One pleasant surprise for me in Ovid had been that spring came much earlier to Oklahoma than it did to Indiana. Here it was, only the last week of February, and already the sun had...

3 years ago
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Educating Anne Ch 6

The man tipped the bottle sharply and the wine flooded into Anne’s mouth. As it hit the back of her throat, she choked, and coughed, and the wine spilled over her chin and down on to her shirt. She grabbed the neck of the bottle and pulled it away from her mouth – but the big man held it tipped downwards and watched as it slowly emptied its contents over Anne’s white shirt. The red stain spread across the girl’s chest, turning the shirt transparent, and outlining, first, the shape of her...

2 years ago
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Mast Aunty Ki Chudai

Hi indian sex stories dot net friends me anish tiwari from indore ye bat tab ki hai jb me apne ghar pe akela tha den mumy ne pas me Soniya aunty ko bola k hum log 4 din k liye bahar ja rahe hai to plz iska dhyan rakhna…Me apko mere bare m btata hu ..M 6 ft hight ..Wight 80 kg krib and …7.inch + 3 inch mota …Or soniya aunty ek bhari hui jAwwni ki malkin hai jaise k koi sangemarmar ki murat sab chije usme bhgwan n ek dum perfect size or shape m di h ..Koi ky …Insan to chodo janwar b dekh l to...

2 years ago
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My first biguy pt 4 ndash do I get to fuck him

We finished part 3 of my true story, with us both well and truly spent, and with Simon cuddled up with me, his head resting on my chest and my arm around him holding him close to me.I had certainly enjoyed the evening so far, and my mind was racing as I thought what else I would like to do, which basically was to fuck his cute arse, how I should approach it, and how gutted I would be if he wasn’t up for it. You’ll find the previous 3 parts linked under the ‘About me’ section on my profile page:...

3 years ago
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I was sitting in the bed decorated with flowers, awaiting my husband's arrival. I never ever dreamed even in my wildest one that I would be married off to a old guy, who turns 60, within a few months. My eyes were swelled up with the tears that I cried after I got engaged. It was my fate, a young girl who turned just 19, a few weeks back is now someone's wife. I am not against marriage but with a old pervert, I just can't digest it.I am really not in mood now, to tell my past nor how I look. I...

2 years ago
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Helping a friend move

I helped a lady friend move some stuff from a storage unit last month. She told me that she wanted to finish clearing out the unit but it would have to wait until later. She called me yesterday and wanted to know if “tomorrow would be a good time to finish clearing the storage even though it was supposed to rain.” I told her sure as I had nothing planned for tomorrow. I told her I would be at her place at around 9AM. When I got there it was raining pretty hard but we decided we had already...

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Dr Grey Ch 04

At 9 am the following morning Karen was again in the waiting area. The shot that Grey had given her the night before had helped a great deal but she had again woken this morning with withdrawal, convincing her further that she had indeed become obsessed with, and therefore lost without, Doctor Grey. Inside the office Grey worked at his computer, composing himself whilst remembering the fantastic sex Karen had given him the previous night. If sex were his prime motivator, however, Grey would...

1 year ago
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Mistis Adventures Part135

Tod was mentally kicking his own ass as they sped down the lane to the County road. It was almost a mile because of the roundabout path, and he was going MUCH slower than he wanted. It just wouldn't do, to wrap them around a tree, or get stuck. If they got into a REAL jam, even calling for help might be useless, from what HE had been told of their speed, agility, and strength. They only had the one gun, that HE knew of, and the guys pig-sticker probably wouldn't help much. He looked up and...

2 years ago
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A Cats FancyChapter 9

The weekend comes quickly. It signals Sylvie’s arrival from college for Spring Break. The city they live is a popular spot for Spring Breakers, so it’s a win-win for Sylvie and her parents. Upon the girl’s arrival, Missy watches her and follows her around the house. She has only seen the college student a pawful of times when was visiting home. It is time to put her plan into place. First, Missy would have to reveal herself to the girl. Then it is just a matter of bringing her master in. But...

1 year ago
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SweetheartVideo Dana Vespoli Brandi Love Malibu Barbie All Tied Up

Brandi is a ‘Barbie’, and enjoys wandering around her glorious dream house in various glamorous outfits. Her arch nemesis, Raquel, has been spying on her with binoculars. Raquel is jealous, and wants revenge. Brandi wakes up and discovers that she has been tied up and is wearing a hideous and embarrassing ensemble. Raquel is standing over her taking pictures, and is planning to publish the photos in a fashion blog. Barbie is horrified, but manages to negotiate with Raquel, who has...

2 years ago
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My lovely fuckloaf

It was my first day at university and I was at a mixer for freshers in my halls when I found myself staring at a girl. She was worth a stare, straw blond hair neatly tied in a single plait, pale blue eyes set high in a slightly pudgy face above the cutest little nose, and lips parted in a wide smile revealing perfect teeth. However, it would take me a beat or two to notice her most attractive features. I must admit it wasn't her beauty that had me staring at her, it was that she had neither...

1 year ago
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MommysGirl Elexis Monroe Gia Paige The Block Parent

Lesbian MILF Elexis Monroe is masturbating in her bathroom when she hears a commotion outside. It’s teen Gia Paige arguing with her overprotective father who’s driving her crazy trying to prevent her from growing up too fast. Elexis is concerned for her neighbor and volunteers to be a Block Parent, so Gia can have a safe place to go in the neighborhood. When Gia sees the Block Parent sign in the window, she rings the bell and follows Elexis into the bedroom to talk about her issues...

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Barsaat ki wo raat

Hi Iss readrs kaise hai maine ise side ka bahut purna readrs hu aur aaj maine apni bahut hi impotrant story submit kar raha hu meri ye story bilkul real hai aur koi bhi edition nahi hai shyad is liye thodi lambi. Hai par kahi aap bor nahi hoge.Mujhe school ke time se hi naye dost banane ka bahut shouk hai aur meri kai ladkiya dost hai par aab meri shaadi ho chuki hai par aaj bhi mujhe ye shouk hai aur bhi kai ladkiya meri dost hai kuch real kuch mobile par. Yane baat to hoti hai par mulakat...

2 years ago
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Rocky fucks a innocent gay 2

Hi this is Rocky again with mine other real story, hope u like this too. Contact me at I told in my last story “Rocky fucks a innocent gay” that I had a guy with me in my college, His name was Jimmy, and He was really a innocent guy. He was slim, not so good looking but an ordinary guy. We Became good friends n started to visit each other’s place.My last story was liked by many n got many mails too. so thought of telling u wat happened after that story………. As i told jimmy`s mom saw rubbing...

3 years ago
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Fucking Your Wife Ch9

Tapping softly on the door with his signature knock, Jeff waited briefly before entering. The room was unoccupied but there was evidence that a great deal had happened there. The room reeked of sex, the bed was nearly torn apart and an upended champagne bottle presided over the dresser. Oddly, the scene prompted no excitement within Jeff, in fact, what he felt was one of isolation. He was an outsider in his own marriage. In port their cell phones would work but Jeff suppressed the urge to text...

4 years ago
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No fair reading this if you lack an 18 year old's ability to read about sex and yet remain virtuous. Or whatever the age, if the law requires it. Correspondent By Vickie Tern It worked out beautifully. Better than we'd hoped, better than we'd planned, way better than we'd imagined. Jeffrey was easy, just as Janice said he'd be. And the rest was easier still! I mean, I do love Ron, very dearly, he's my husband and my whole life I hope forever. I want everything he wants, and I...

3 years ago
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The Taking of Paulina

I had been thinking about it since the first time I set eyes on you two months ago. Gazing on your perfect alabaster body, my mind seeing my red handprints on those rounded ass cheeks. I could feel your hair in my hand as I pulled your head back, hear your voice whimpering to me, begging me for more, obeying my every command. I had watched others approach you with similar requests, seen you sneer at the thought of allowing yourself to be taken, to be used by another. Men and women alike desired...

2 years ago
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Sharis WeddingChapter 8 Twentyfive days to Wedding

All three had brunch late in the day. Michael took off to study to wade through the merger documents. Nat chose to go to his study and start on the research bundle on the merging companies. Melissa worked on her articles. She rang 'Asraa' and managed to find Sharleen and Heather. All three had loud, giggling girly talk. Heather and Sharleen were inseparable since their very young childhood days. They behaved more like conjoint twins than cousin sisters. Melissa realised long time ago that...

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Fun on the Job 2

It was a Saturday night, and as usual I was ready for a night out with the "girls". I span around in front of the mirror admiring my handiwork. Our group is always competitive when we go out, so I had to look my sexiest, or I'd be letting the side down. I'd opted for a black miniskirt and jacket with a pink top. Offset with an hour worth of makeup, my long dark flowing wig and my fuck me heels, the whole combination was looking like I had hit the mark. All I needed was my phone, and this...

1 year ago
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Careful What You Wish For Part 2

“Your wife is an incredibly sexy woman,” said Evan.“Yes, she is,” replied James.  “Evan, why don’t you go change and I’ll pour us each a glass of champagne.James smiled at his wife, uncorked the champagne, and filled three flutes.“Still okay?” he asked.  Emily nodded quietly.“Do you know how… big… he is?” she asked.“Yes,” he responded, passing her a glass of champagne.  “Don’t worry, sweetie, he’s a pro.  He knows what to do.  He says he always takes it very slow, but that the critical thing is...

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Abigail Mac 1700 695000

I've been jerking off all night to Twitter bitches, but I recently came across a porn star on Twitter that I've seen in many videos that made me jizz my fucking pants. If you're not using Twitter to follow porn stars, I don't know what the fuck you're doing. If you didn't know, Twitter lets adult creators post NFSFW content like Reddit. Of course, they do this to gain fans, but you can use this to get more fap sessions out of the day! Why would you just use Twitter to look at dumb-ass trending...

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