Depth Of FieldChapter 4: Strays free porn video

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As we prepared dinner, Alana and her friends pulled up in their car on their way out of the campground. Alana expressed her jealousy at missing the impending meal, Megan griped about the hour, Alana rolled her eyes as she waved one last time, and then they drove off. Just like that, I knew I’d never see her again. There was a feeling of deep relief to that realization. Even if I’d done nothing wrong, I didn’t think it was wise to keep pushing the boundaries. If I made a mistake, I’d never forgive myself. This episode is over and it’s for the best.

The pan-fried trout were as tasty as the previous night’s, even if we didn’t have the benefit of Alana’s impromptu smoker. Sated, Lara and I loafed at the table for a while. I started feeling less paranoid about the events of weekend, now that Alana was gone. Fortunately, Lara didn’t dwell on them any longer, either.

I realized that it was growing darker. Our last evening at camp was approaching and I didn’t want to waste it. After dumping my plate into the plastic wash bin, I seized the spinning rod from where Lara had leaned it up against a tree.

“Hey, what are you doing?” Lara called out as I rushed toward the river’s edge.

“What do you think?”

“My pole!”

“What? You said you were going to read!” I reminded her.

“I still might fish in a bit.”

I looked at the approaching sunset, giving her a dubious look. “It’s getting late.”

“So? I caught those three pretty quick this afternoon.”

“Whatever. I’ll be fishing right out here, so just come get me when you want to use it.”

“Oh, so you’re going to steal my spot now, too?” she mocked.

I smirked at her as I marched off.

“What happened to practicing your fly-fishing for Heather?” Lara’s voice yelled out, followed shortly by, “Remember, it’s five to two, bro! Good luck with that!”

I waved my free hand over my shoulder as I strode away, making sure to extend the longest digit.

Once I found a good spot to stand, I started fishing again. Perhaps an hour of light remained. I was hoping that I’d have better luck than I’d had that morning. As the minutes went by with no action, my thoughts wandered.

I was still a little worried about telling Heather of my afternoon with Alana, but I was much more worried about having to admit that I’d been outfished by Lara. Even though there were several things in Lara’s favor – not least of which was my choice to spend over two hours with Alana instead of working the water – I could already hear Heather’s response to my defeat: “Five to two? Really? I guess when I get there I’m going to have to fish with Lara!” Then, as always, I’d find myself trying to argue my case, finding each dubious excuse dismissed as easily as the trout had rejected my fly. So it would go, until I ran out of defenses, only to be reminded that she was just teasing to begin with. And then retold the score one last time, of course.

I laughed out loud at the thought. I was very much looking forward to calling Heather when I got home the following evening. We agreed to call each other once or twice a week, since I was concerned about relying on letters like I’d done with Julie. Even though the phone was no substitute for being together, it was unquestionably better than trying to imagine her voice by reading her words.

Lara and I had never requested a weekly allowance – nor had it been offered when we were growing up – but when I’d asked to exchange some housework for long-distance credit, the idea met with no resistance at all from my mothers. I started into some of their wish list projects the day after arriving back home from Montauk, finding the toil to be easier when the promise of Heather’s voice tickling my ear was attached to it.

There was some peril to speaking on the phone, however. Even in our first conversation, a few days earlier, there were moments when Heather had turned naughty. I’d squelched it at once, unwilling to risk an eavesdropper on another handset. I doubted my parents would do such a thing intentionally, but still: even a brief pickup of the phone to check the line could reveal an embarrassing phrase. At the same time, I knew it was futile to try to restrain Heather. She might listen to my warnings for a few more calls, but eventually I’d be listening to her desires instead. She had this uncanny ability to find the weakness in my control and then slide in and take over. And then it was too late. There I would be, having sex on the pier, leaping into shark-infested waters...

Or, jumping off a rock while stoned. Or playing with myself as my sister did the same thing, right next to me. Hmm ... Maybe it wasn’t such an uncanny ability after all.

“Are you touching yourself?” That’s how she’d probably start.

“Heather,” I’d warn.

“You are!” Eyes surely wide with glee.

And so on. After somehow getting me to admit it – even if I wasn’t actually doing anything – I’d ask her if she was caressing herself.

“Of course not! You said: ‘Nothing naughty over the phone,’” she would explain primly.

There was at least one thing that I did have to imagine over the phone: her glance. Without that little confirmation, things were always less certain.

“What would you do to me if you were here?” she might ask.

After I’d try to offer some tame propositions, she’d carefully but unavoidably steer the exchange back to the sexual. Inevitably I’d find myself with a few figurative fingers inside of her.

Then, “Ok, my turn!” she’d exclaim, somehow sliding downward along my body even over the phone.

‘My turn!’ And then—

“Hello, Matt? My turn!”

I whirled around, surprised to see Lara right behind me. For some reason the world was spiraling sideways. Strange, that... Then I realized that I’d slipped. I fell to the river, smashing my hip against one of the stones and issuing a cry of pain. After staring at me in shock for a moment, Lara helped me up.

“What the hell was that?” she asked.

“Shit, you scared me!” I cried, regaining my feet awkwardly.

Lara winced. “Sorry! Are you all right?”

“Yeah, I guess so,” I said, gingerly rubbing my side. “I’ll probably have a bruise, though.”

“You said to come get you when I wanted to fish,” she reminded me.

“Yeah, but you didn’t have to sneak up on me!”

“I didn’t! I called out from the bank. Then I came out, because I thought you were ignoring me on purpose so you could keep fishing. You didn’t even hear me when I was right behind you. I said ‘My turn’ twice before you went for the faceplant!”

“Oh. Well, I’m okay. I just didn’t hear you. Here,” I said, handing her the pole.

“Did you catch anything?”


“It’s not a fly rod, you know,” she scolded.

I frowned at her, not understanding. “What?”

“You were just standing out here with the line let out,” she explained. “You have to reel in, so that the silver thingy spins.”

I shook my head, clearing the surprise out of it. “I know that. I was just ... thinking, I guess, and forgot I was fishing.”

“Thinking about what?”

“Uh, Heather actually.”

“Oh. No wonder.”

She giggled and flicked her gaze downward at my wet bathing suit. I was chagrined to see that my penis was awkwardly positioned, the remnant of arousal still apparent. Within a moment I’d fixed it, but Lara remained amused.

“Sorry,” I muttered, feeling the warmth rise to my face as I turned away from her. I wondered what state it had been in before I fell into the cold water. I decided it was wisest to head for shore.

“It’s no big deal. I’ve seen it before,” Lara remarked nonchalantly. “I know you get horny when we swim sometimes.”

I whirled to look at her. More carefully, though, so as not to repeat my pathetic fall. “What?”

“When we swim at the creek, back at home. Sometimes you get hard there.”

I opened my mouth, closed it, and then opened it again.

“It’s not a big deal,” Lara repeated, interrupting my foolish chewing. “I get horny too. How can I not, though? You’re always talking about sex. It’s like your favorite topic.”

Her frank tone was incongruent.

“My favorite topic?”

“Well, yeah. You’re talking about it now. You were talking about it before you went to fish. You were talking about it last night. Also a bunch of times last week. And most of our vacation in Montauk, if you really think about it, asking me how things work and all that. All sex, all the time with you, it seems.”

“That’s because you’re always bringing it up!” I blurted out.

She shrugged. “No one’s forcing you to.”

I was unsure whether to laugh, or to run and hide. “I’m going to go change out of this suit,” I managed.

Lara took my hand. “Let me help.”

“Oh, quit teasing all the time!” I cried out, exasperated.

She looked at me in apparently genuine astonishment. “I was talking about helping you to the shore,” she explained patiently. “Like, if you wanted a hand for balance, because your hip is hurting.”

I stared at her for a long moment. “Oh, sorry. But you’re always saying crazy shit, so I thought you meant something else.” The defensiveness in my tone disappeared. “I’m okay to walk,” I said, more calmly. I let go of her hand.

“All right.”

“I’ll see you back at the camp?”

Lara smiled as she cast out the line. As I picked my way along the rocks, rubbing my pained hip on occasion, I heard a whoop from behind.

“Yeah, yeah, six-two,” I groaned, not even turning to confirm the catch.

I had a fire roaring when Lara returned from the river. After her quick catch, the water had grown quiet again. She’d had no further luck.

“Mm, nice and toasty,” she cooed, pausing to warm herself near the flames before continuing on toward the tent. “I’ll be right out.”

While Lara changed, I pulled out the bag of marshmallows that Alana and her friends had gifted us. After finding a few good sticks and whittling some fresh points on them, I settled into a chair. Lara soon emerged from the tent and sat next to me.

“Thanks for doing the dishes,” I murmured. “I was going to do them when I got back from fishing.”

“No prob. Thanks for cooking the fish earlier. You know, it’s pretty cool that our moms didn’t stop by this weekend,” Lara remarked.

“Yeah, I know. I really expected them to come see how we were doing.”

“Good thing they didn’t show up and hike to the boulder, huh?”


“I know, isn’t it? Well, I guess they’re taking advantage of their time alone.”

“Probably,” I agreed.

“I wonder if they have sex out in the rest of the house when we’re not there.”

I jabbed a finger at her, my eyes wide. “Okay, did you just hear that?”

“Hear what?”

“You brought up sex. Not me.”


“Earlier you said it was my favorite topic!” I explained triumphantly.

“It is. You’re the one talking about it.”

“No! You are!”

“I just made an observation,” Lara dismissed. “Now you’re going on and on about it.”

“On and on?” I stared at her for a moment as she ate her marshmallow. “There’s no way for me to win, is there?”

Lara shook her head, swallowing the white cream and letting out an excessively content sigh. “Damn, that’s good.”

“Okay,” I muttered. “Good to know.”

Lara just speared another treat on the end of her stick. “Aren’t you going to toast any?”

I snapped out of my thoughts and grabbed a rubbery marshmallow from the bag.

“You’re too close,” she said, dismissing my choice of placement right near the red coals.

“Nah. That’s where the true skill comes in. Watch, and learn,” I said dramatically.

Lara shrugged. “So anyway, like I was saying, I wonder if they have sex around the house?”

Reluctantly, I resumed the conversation. “You mean like on the couches?”

“Yeah. Or in the laundry room.”

“Say what?”

“You know, on the washing machine.”

“You’ve tried that?” I asked, dubious.

“Yeah, me and James were all over Aunt Beth’s machine, every time she washed her clothes!”

I chuckled at the image.

“No, I haven’t,” Lara continued, “but I bet the vibrations would be interesting.”

“Hmm. Maybe ... Oh, fuck!”

My marshmallow had flared up from inattention. Lara laughed wickedly at the conflagration. Before I could retort, her perfectly golden attempt was hovering in front of my mouth. I grunted, grudgingly appreciative as I ate it.

“Thanks,” I muttered sheepishly.

“No problem. You taught me everything I need to know about toasting them!”

We spent some time in quiet, roasting more of the sweet treats. I didn’t waver from my original cooking method, but even when I ate my best one, I had to concede that it was not quite as sublime as the one Lara had shared with me. Not that I admitted that to her!

Eventually, we’d eaten our fill. The darkness of night shrunk our world down to the small sphere illuminated by the dwindling flames: Lara, me, the near outlines of our tent and the picnic table, and a few surrounding trees. The river and the breeze were still in our ears, though unseen.

“Do you think Heather smokes pot?” Lara asked me.

I considered. “I don’t know. Never talked about it.”

“I wonder what she’ll say.”

“After she breaks up with me for swimming with Alana, the weed won’t really matter, will it?”

Lara sniggered. “Funny. She won’t care about the swimming.”

“Why do you say that?”

“I just know. As long as you’re not doing anything like that without her knowing.”

“She doesn’t know what I did yet.”

“She will when you tell her. I guess I meant, doing anything without telling her about it right away.”

Something about that wasn’t making sense, but it was still more comforting than the alternative so I let it go.

“Does she drink?” Lara asked.

“Well, she had some wine at dinner with us. I don’t know. We didn’t really drink when we were out. Didn’t need to.”

“Oh, poor Julie. Ouch!”

“Hey, I didn’t mean it that way,” I said honestly.

“I know. I think it’s cool that you didn’t have to get drunk to have fun. Seems like that was the only thing I did with James, besides fuck.”

I laughed. “True.”

We were silent for some time, staring at the sparks that were aperiodically propelled into the night air. Worry crept back into my thoughts.

“Do you think she’ll be mad at me for smoking?” I asked.

“I don’t know. She seems pretty open minded.”

“Yeah. Still, maybe she has something against it.”

“I don’t know. You’ll find out tomorrow when you talk to her, I guess!”

“I guess so.” After a pause, I spoke again. “Alana said having sex when you’re high is really cool.”

Lara considered me for a moment before answering. “Really.”

“So she said.”

“Sounds like she wanted to demonstrate it.”

“No, I don’t think so. She told me that after I told her about Heather.”

Lara dismissed the information with a shake of her head. “Doesn’t mean much. Here she is, alone with you, middle of nowhere, probably will never see you again. If you said yes, I bet she would’ve been all over you. Do you really think she cares too much if you have a girlfriend?”

“Yeah, actually.”

“Well, okay. You know her better.”

“She gave me a joint, so I could try it with Heather.”

Lara bolted up and looked at me. “What?”

“When we were walking back, before we got to the camp. She pulled one out and gave it to me. Told me to use it with my girl.”

“Whoa. What did you say?”

“I said thanks.”

Lara leaned closer, her eyes wide. “You mean you took it?”


“No shit! Where did you put it?”

“It’s in a fly box, inside of my vest.”

Lara glanced toward where my fishing attire hung from a tree limb. “Wow.”

“What’s the big deal?”

Lara composed herself and settled into her chair again. “I don’t know. Sorry. I didn’t mean to get all excited. But, it is ... interesting.”


“I guess we’re getting into this, huh?”

“What, smoking pot?”


“Not really,” I said. “But anyway, I’m not sure what to do.”

“What do you mean?”

“It’s one thing to smoke it at a party, or out here. It’s different having a joint hidden under my bed.”

“So that’s where you keep your porn!”

“I don’t have any porn.” I gave Lara a look, which she deflected with a grin. “Anyway, it’s a little, I don’t know, dangerous.”

Same as Depth of Field
Chapter 4: Strays Videos

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Depth of FieldChapter 28 End to the Lies

I awoke to Lara’s voice, feeling like I’d just talked to her. “Wake up, bro,” she announced. I tried to make sense of things, but I was groggy as hell. “Why?” “We have to get back home. It’s getting light out.” “We’re not home?” Lara just sniggered, so I looked around. Jonah’s cabin, of course. I forced myself to sit up and looked at the two blankets that covered me. Two more were folded on the opposite couch, next to where Lara was sitting, observing me. When did I get the blankets...

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Depth of FieldChapter 29 Twisted Tales

Pete arrived at the cabin during the photo processing session with Shannon, calling out for Lara since he didn’t find her at the main house. The four of us took a break to refresh our high by burning another joint down to a roach. Lara and Pete then excused themselves, apparently to do some ‘homework’ together. Had Shannon not been there, I would’ve sniggered. Shannon and I still had work to do, so we returned to the darkroom. “How long have they been going out?” Shannon asked me as she...

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Depth of FieldChapter 30 Superhero

“Less than three weeks until I see you!” “Wish it was three days,” I moaned. “Me too. But hey, just think how good it will feel when we pull into your driveway!” Heather chirped. “I know, I know. I’m happy that you at least convinced them to leave a day earlier from Idaho.” Heather tittered. “We’ll have three days plus a little to ski and hang out. We’ll make the most of it, Matt. So how’s the suit?” “It’s actually pretty cool,” I admitted evenly. “Nice. You know you’re going to have to...

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Depth of FieldChapter 31 Underground

The day after Shannon’s Nutcracker performance, I arrived at Clara’s house after an early lunch. Since dance classes had just finished at her studio for winter break, she was busy with paperwork. I got right to work, making heavy use of my Walkman. The painting was quite easy, but the job was clearly going to take the rest of the afternoon. The plan was to finish before sunset in order to catch some natural light portraits of Clara near the studio windows. If more pictures were needed after...

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Depth of FieldChapter 32 The Riches

In photography, there is a reality so subtle that it becomes more real than reality - A.S. The talent show started out with Roy, who was quite an impressive singer. He was mixing a Bobby McFerrin-style a cappella solo with some comedy, and the audience was eating it up. We were scheduled to play in the fourth of six slots – one act had withdrawn – preceded by some kid doing magic and followed by Elaine’s brother. The evening’s other band, Green Space, was closing out the night. Shannon...

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Depth of FieldChapter 33 Three Days

When the devil came, she was not red. She was cold and she said, “Let me in!” I jumped up and peeked out the window when I heard the light tapping. Heather was standing in the blanket of snow that had settled on the ground during the past hour. I silently slipped the window up, bracing myself against the blast of frigid air that pressed against the warmth of my room. Heather climbed through the windowpane with a little help and I quickly shut the night out. I took her into my arms so that...

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Depth of FieldChapter 1 Splash a Little Water on It

The end is in the beginning and lies far ahead - R.E. “Are you just going to stand there and watch me all day?” I raised an eyebrow at my sister and smiled slightly. “Is that what you want me to do?” Lara grinned impishly before turning back toward the lively river, stepping onto the larger rocks that jutted out from the rapids. The sudden lift of her fishing rod gave away the fact that she’d settled too quickly on an unsteady stone. Her toned leg muscles twitched as they tried to make...

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Depth of FieldChapter 2 Been Caught Stealing

Lara wore the most priceless look as I approached a campsite that was now occupied by three extra girls. Alana greeted me warmly, that same honest smile on her face. For a second I imagined I had x-ray vision, since I could easily strip away her short shorts and form-fitting tank top to imagine her in her translucent underwear. Then I put the thought out of my head. Things were awkward for a bit, but once I reminded everyone that we were all hungry, we got to work. Sophie unpacked a paper...

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Depth of FieldChapter 3 Summertime Rolls

If I’d learned the meaning of ‘stoned’ the previous evening, then the morning’s vocabulary lesson was ‘cottonmouth’. Except for this sensation, though, I felt surprisingly good as I stretched into a seated position. Lara was still locked in a deep slumber, her lower body submerged in her bag. Her awkward sprawl made her seem dead. Before I could check, she shifted to a more natural position. I looked at my watch, astonished to see how late it was. So much for fishing at dawn. Then again, I...

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Depth of FieldChapter 5 Price I Pay

I was aware of an engine rumbling near my head, but I ignored it, half-asleep. A car door opened and closed, punctuating the ever-present sounds of nature. My mom’s voice floated through the morning air, finally triggering a return to consciousness. “Matt, Lara? Don’t tell me you’re still sleeping?” Melissa called out. I peeled apart my desiccated lips, finding it hard to croak out an acknowledgement. “Hgghh...” “Oh, no! Are you sick?” I cleared my throat and spoke more normally. “No....

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Depth of FieldChapter 6 Jane Says

A couple of days after leaving Aunt Beth the phone message, she finally called back. Fortuitously, I happened to answer. “Hi, Matt. How are you? I got your call.” “I’m doing good. Find anything?” I asked, keeping my voice neutral. “I did. You left a couple of rolls on the desk.” I breathed a sigh of relief. “Cool. I thought maybe I lost them!” “Do you want me to give them to Heather for you?” “Uh, sure—actually, no, wait. Can you send them to me instead?” I winced, hoping she’d agree...

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Depth of FieldChapter 7 Idiots Rule

“The CD comes with nude pictures!” Pete exclaimed, grinning broadly as he held the photos tight. “Give me that!” I blurted out, snatching them from his hand. I felt heat rapidly rising to my head. For a moment, there was confusion on Pete’s face. Then it changed to amusement. “Wait, are those yours? Holy shit, I thought they came with the album!” My mind raced as I stared at the pictures, keeping them turned away from my friends. How the hell did these get into Pete’s hands? I looked at...

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Her First Stray

Introduction: This is another semi true story of my wifes encounters with other men. I, of course, encourage her in these carnal pursuits. Her First Stray The phone rang jarring me from the semi-catatonic state of near sleep and deep fantasy I was in. It was 3:00 a.m. and I knew she had gone out tonight with her girlfriends to a local bar in Detroit near 8 mile. Since we lived apart, I in DC and she in the Michigan burbs, I knew she got lonelyespecially on the weekends. Those used to be our...

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Her First Stray

The phone rang jarring me from the semi-catatonic state of near sleep and deep fantasy I was in. It was 3:00 a.m. and I knew she had gone out tonight with her girlfriends to a local bar in Detroit near 8 mile. Since we lived apart, I in DC and she in the Michigan ‘burbs, I knew she got lonely—especially on the weekends. Those used to be "our" times—shooting pool, throwing darts, dancing till they threw us out and then off to the car and to whatever dark corner, alleyway, or parking lot we...

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I have never strayed

I was alone at home. My husband decided to take the kids on a camp for the weekend. I had three days to myself. Out of the blue John phoned. We hadn’t emailed each other in months. I went weak at the knees when he asked me to join him for drinks. I didn’t hesitate to accept. After I got off the phone my mind was racing. I desperately want to rekindle this relationship. I still love him. I need to go to the next step and fuck his brains out. I want to feel his arms around me. I want to kiss...

2 years ago
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The First Time I Strayed

One evening after work, while having dinner with my husband, he asked me if I could 'set up' one of his out of town business associates with one of my girl friends. He said the guy was lonely, would be here for two days, and could certainly use some least someone to have dinner and a drink with! I just laughed and told him I didn't have any girlfriends that would want to be 'lined up' with an out-of-town stranger for dinner, so I joked that I would take care of 'both you...

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Permission to Stray

I had not thought about the permission story in a long time. Writing for Lush has stirred the sediment deep in the pond of my memories. Mental images from long ago are now floating lazily and randomly toward the surface. Some reach the top with total clarity while some hover just deep enough that I can’t quite tease out the details. This ‘permission story’ is like that. Some things are clear and some are hazy, so the tale I tell will be partly fact and partly fiction. I can’t remember it well...

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Chapter One First Time Stray

About 7 or 8 years ago my children were young and as one of my boys played football, we got to know a lot of the parents of his teammates. I became friendly with some of the wives and assisted in serving water, running concessions, etc. One wife, in particular, I was friendly with. She was attractive and our boys became friends and they’d spend some time together not associated with school or football. The husband/father was in sales in the extermination materials business. Our families would...

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Thunder rumbled through the night sky as rain poured down drenching the streets with cold droplets. The city slowed to the speed of a small town; the occasional dog owner or a car going down the road. As the sun starts to set, a man leans against the frame of the porch door watching the night take over the day.Lost in thought, he stands oblivious to the growing storm while the thunder gets louder than before and lightning begins to flash. The wind picks up, and the pace of the city dies down to...

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The King and the Stray

appearing before you lays a field of immense vitality ... as you stare down you see a massive castle made out of what appears to be reddish clay and stone. you feel as you stare at it a immense aura of power, the gleaming stone in the sunrise giving you a massive shiver down your spine for you know the castle holds one of the greatest and arrogant kings in all of the world of Meloda. this would be the King of the land of Aurora, king Joseph.....hes known as one of the greatest and most powerful...

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Last chance to stray

Jon and I were best friends all through our youth. Inseparable.But times change. After university we made new lives in different cities. We both had long-term girlfriends and busy schedules so didn't talk much or even email.We'd still see each other at holidays though, when we visited our folks in the old home town.When we got together it was like we're picking up from a conversation five minutes ago. He called one day a few months ago to tell me he was getting married and asking if I'd be his...

2 years ago
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Picking up a Stray

As has happened many times before the little woman and I had a "domestic dispute" that ended with her telling me to "Get Out!!!". Usually I tell her to fuck off and settle in to the couch for some loud TV to drown out her bitching until she shuts up, but this evening was warm and it had been days since my last blow job,,,probably why the arguement started in the first place. I hit a couple of sleezy bars where the blow queens hang out, you know , the sluts that will suck cock for a couple shots...

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Permission to Stray

I had not thought about the permission story in a long time. Writing for Lush has stirred the sediment deep in the pond of my memories. Mental images from long ago are now floating lazily and randomly toward the surface. Some reach the top with total clarity while some hover just deep enough that I can't quite tease out the details. This "permission story" is like that. Some things are clear and some are hazy, so the tale I tell will be partly fact and partly fiction. I can't remember it well...

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Chapter One First Time Stray

About 7 or 8 years ago my children were young and as one of my boys played football, we got to know a lot of the parents of his teammates. I became friendly with some of the wives and assisted in serving water, running concessions, etc. One wife, in particular, I was friendly with. She was attractive and our boys became friends and they'd spend some time together not associated with school or football. The husband/father was in sales in the extermination materials business. Our families...

First Time
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The Sorority HouseChapter 4 Straying

"Dammit, get up here and fuck me!" I looked up from my perch on the bed, lying facedown with my head buried in Lisa's crotch. The lower half of my face was coated with her third and latest orgasm of the morning. A half-hour earlier, I had awoken this Thursday morning with the usual raging hard-on. Taking special care not to wake my sleeping charge, I slipped out of bed, and gently crawled back in underneath the blanket at the foot of the bed. Lisa had been wearing a loose pair of...

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Allison and the PrimdalesChapter 47 Wild Party

Lissa sat in the front room of her apartment that night, all dressed up for her first date in five years. In a few minutes, Matt would arrive to drive her to a party that one of his friends was throwing. The two of them had been studying together for over a week now, and he had finally "worked up the courage" to ask her out, as he had put it. He was so charming that she had immediately said yes. Now as she sat there in the apartment awaiting his arrival, she felt extremely nervous....

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You're waiting in the motel room in the position in which I've instructed you to await my arrival: on your knees with your ass and cunt up in the air exposed to whatever I have in mind, your head and shoulders down, pressed against the bed, your face turned to the side. Again, per my instructions, you've left the light on, but you yourself are blindfolded. I told you when to assume the position, but not when I would arrive. You've been in the position long enough now that your hips are...

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Bondage Dream

You awake in confusion with a sensation of confinement, your limbs feel tight, your mouth is dry and it's dark. Not just normal night time dark but impenetrable darkness, as the fog of sleep clears your mind you try and remove the obstruction from your eyes but realize you can't move your arms, nor your legs, pulling and twisting you realize your tied spread eagle on something soft, presumably your bed. You skin is chilled and you realize your bed clothes have been removed. You attempt to call...

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Living the Dream part 22

Living the Dream, part 22 I was halfway through getting things ready when another call interrupted my plans. "Hello?" "Malissa, we found her. She's ok." "WH, what?" I asked. "Malissa, it's Old Elk, We found Night Bird. She was walking in the hills muttering about not being able to take a Spirit walk without people worrying about her every step." "And she's ok? She's not hurt or anything?" "No, not that old woman. Of course we had a bit of trouble with the Brown Bear that...

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Exchanged Chapters 9 and 10

Before you read this story you need to know it is heavily written towards the Adult Baby/Diaper Lover readers. If diapers, bottles, and all that entails for babies doesn't interest you this story will not be for you. It is not a Whateley FanFiction like my last story and instead is in the 'DiaperDimension' that was created by PrincessPottyPants on some of the ABDL boards. Before I begin I have to give full credit to PrincessPottyPants for the DiaperDimension universe, as well as...

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Dudleys DilemmaChapter 7 Petunia Outed

Luna Turned to Tunie and said "That was wonderful Tunie; you have made them bloom again. Can you do other things too?" "Yes," said Petunia, "If I am playing on a swing I can jump off when it is high and not hurt myself. I don't do that if anyone is around though. The people I was with when I did it said I was just showing off and that I would hurt myself if I kept on doing it. I really can hear animals speak to me too Luna but I don't think even daddy believes that." "I am not...

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Mark Smythe Esquire Naked in SchoolChapter 9

It was now time for me to go to the ladies’ locker room in anticipation of gym class, as per the rules in the Naked In School program. Now, the previous day had witnessed some real insanity in the locker room, mostly the attempted rape, but I naturally hoped that things would go better this time. In fact, no sooner than I arrived in the ladies’ locker room, but Candace Fazio approached me and stripped in such a way as to invite me to fuck her quickly. “I hope that you don’t mind Trista...

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