Twisted Fairy Tales
- 3 years ago
- 25
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Pete arrived at the cabin during the photo processing session with Shannon, calling out for Lara since he didn’t find her at the main house. The four of us took a break to refresh our high by burning another joint down to a roach. Lara and Pete then excused themselves, apparently to do some ‘homework’ together. Had Shannon not been there, I would’ve sniggered. Shannon and I still had work to do, so we returned to the darkroom.
“How long have they been going out?” Shannon asked me as she checked the framing of a negative on the enlarger’s easel.
“A couple of months, about,” I replied.
“Do you think they’re really going to do homework?” she asked dubiously.
I let out the reserved snigger after all. “If I know Lara, probably not.”
“She seems pretty open about it. I mean, with the hot tub and stuff.”
“Mm,” I murmured. “Lights going out. How long do you want to do it this time?”
“Seven looked good when I stripped it, earlier.” She let out a sniff. “When I was a sophomore, I was barely dating, let alone hot-tubbing with guys.”
“Mm,” I repeated.
I dialed the lamp timer to the desired setting while Shannon worked the dark box with the photo paper.
“Time’s set,” I announced.
“How can you tell in the dark?”
“I just know how to point it by now.”
“Cool. I’m loaded. Let ‘er rip ... She’s like the opposite of you.”
“Hmmm.” I flipped the switch and the exposure began. “Maybe so.”
“Well, I don’t know! Maybe you’re a wild man yourself, but you don’t let on if you are.”
The lamp seemed to stay on forever. Did I fuck up the timer setting?
“That seemed like more than seven seconds,” I observed, when it finally switched off.
Shannon laughed. “Nah, I think time is just moving slower for the two of us right now. You want to pull it out?”
“Sure.” I removed the print and tonged it over to the chemical trays. “I’ve always been the quieter of the two of us, I guess.”
“Obviously. But, that’s not a bad thing.”
“Maybe I’m too quiet sometimes,” I mused.
“Like when you’re not telling me you had a girlfriend?” Shannon teased.
“Yeah, like that,” I said sheepishly. I stirred the print as I heard Shannon loading another negative. “What’s the next pic?”
“One of you. Looking a bit wild, I have to say. So are you a wild man?” she asked, her voice casual.
“I am what I am,” I replied simply.
“Ooh, a mystery man, then. How long have you been with Heather?”
“Since August, when I was in Montauk.”
“So I missed my chance by a few months, huh?”
I laughed. “I guess so. But I thought you didn’t want to talk about that anymore.”
“After today, I guess I said. It’s still today.”
“True,” I agreed.
“No, I’m just being silly. The pot makes me say things I probably shouldn’t,” she said with a giggle.
“I don’t care. It’s funny.”
“Well, that’s cool, Matty. I’m just giving you a hard time.”
“I deserve it, I guess.”
“Maybe a little!”
Shannon exposed the next print as I dropped the previous one into the last rinse tray.
“Maybe this should be the last one,” she mused.
I shrugged, a pointless act because it was completely dark. “If you think you have what you want.”
“For now. I still have some others of the mic that I took over Thanksgiving to print, but that’s going to be multiple exposures and stuff. Not sure if I’m up for that right now.”
“I’d be into seeing how you do that.”
“Sure,” she said. “But some other day. I’m feeling a bit out of it, now. Here, can you develop the last photo?”
“Yeah.” I dropped the last print into the bath as I heard Shannon plop down onto the bed.
“This is such a cool setup you have here, Matty.”
“Thanks. It is pretty damn nice to just develop what you want, whenever you want.”
“Yeah, and you can even nap between prints ... Is Heather a good photographer, then?”
“Yeah, I think so. She has an eye for detail. Like you do. I think you’ll like her.”
“Yeah, sounds like it.”
There was some silence as I finished processing the print. I flipped on the red safety lamp to make it a bit easier to finish it up.
“It’s in the rinse,” I announced. “Should I hit the lights?”
“I think I’d go blind right now if you did. It’s like visiting the sun, I swear! Give me another minute to rest.”
I sat down on the edge of the bed, next to her. She was lying back on the covers, her form barely discernible in the red light.
“Are you and Heather serious?” came her ruddy voice.
“You mean as a couple?”
I paused. The answer was easy. “We are.”
“What’s that like?”
“What do you mean?”
“I haven’t ... I’ve never been with someone in a serious way.”
I considered the meaning of this, wondering what ‘serious way’ meant. Before I could answer, Shannon continued, a bit nervously.
“I’ve dated a couple of people in high school, but it didn’t last. I’ve always been too busy, with ballet, photography, stuff like that.”
“Nothing wrong with that.”
“I know. But I’m also about to go to college, and...” She trailed off for a moment and then spoke quietly, some sadness in her voice. “I’m just wondering what’s going to happen there.”
“When I go to parties like the one last night, it just seems like I’m missing out on a bunch of stuff.”
“I think you know how to party just fine. I was the one who crashed out!”
“It’s not that. I don’t mind a beer or some pot, but really, I guess I mean with guys. I have no idea where to start. What to say. I mean, look, I tried to dance for you last night. How lame!”
“Come on, it wasn’t lame. It was great! And when you find the right person, you’ll be fine. Your dance will be just the right thing.”
“Yeah, that’s what they say, I know. But how do you find them?”
“Like we found each other. But, it’ll be someone else, even better, you know.”
“Hmm. I guess that’s true. But you’re the first guy I’ve ever spent any serious time with, Matty. Believe it or not. And I’m still doing ballet and photography, but somehow I have time to hang out with you, too. And just my luck, you’re taken. So what if there’s not any more of you out there?”
“I’m sure there are plenty,” I said simply.
Shannon laughed. “Know any names?”
“No,” I admitted.
“I’m sorry, I must be making this a bit awkward again.”
“No, it’s fine. Talk it out.”
“Talk it out. Talk it out, he says! You make things so easy, Matty. Okay, well, then I take it you’ve had sex, huh?”
I felt a twinge, but subdued it. “Yeah, I have.”
“I haven’t.”
I admit I was a little surprised by this, but I wasn’t sure why. As a result, I took too long to answer.
“Which maybe is sad, I don’t know,” Shannon continued nervously.
“It’s not sad, don’t say that.”
“I’m seventeen, though. A little late these days it seems...” she sang.
I laughed. “Oh, so you’re a Zep fan too?”
“But heaven is well worth waiting for, “ I completed.
I felt Shannon’s hand pat my back. “See? You’re so sweet.”
“Thanks, but honestly, I don’t think it’s sad. Opposite, really. If I could go back, maybe I wouldn’t have made some mistakes that cost me.”
“Like what?” she asked.
“Eh, it’s a long story. But it’s easy to rush into things, harder to get out of them. I would’ve waited for what was right.”
There was a period of silence.
“You’re a good friend, Matty,” Shannon said quietly.
“You too, Shannon. Don’t worry about stuff. You’ve got a lot going for you. And since it’s still ‘today’, I’ll say this: you can bet that if I wasn’t with Heather, we’d probably be more than friends.”
“I know. And that’s why it’s so cool to be here right now, but also kind of really hard.”
“Life is both cool and hard. It’s all good.”
“Oh Matt, I wish I was half as confident as you are!”
I burst out laughing. “Okay, maybe you really don’t know me, then!”
“I’m serious. You seem to have everything figured out. You’re like an eighty-year old guy in a teenager’s body!”
“Um, thanks, I think. But I really doubt that, based on some of the stupid shit I’ve done recently! Then again, I guess I’ve been through some things, and maybe I’ve learned something, too. Just passing it on.”
Shannon sighed. “I guess that means you won’t be breaking up with Heather anytime soon, huh?”
I took a breath. “She’s the love of my life.”
“As far as I know. Then again, I’m way too young to be saying shit like that, right... ? Still. She’s incredible.”
“Wow,” Shannon murmured.
“But that doesn’t mean you and me can’t be great friends. I don’t believe in that.”
“Is she coming to the Winter Dance?” Shannon asked expectantly.
“Mm. No, she can’t make it up because of exams. I’m a bit down about that, but she’ll be around after Christmas. And I’ll make sure we three hang out.”
“That’d be really cool.”
Shannon spoke after another period of silence, her words coming both quickly and slowly. “So, I’m still a bit stoned – a lot stoned, actually – and I’m probably going to regret this later, but I’m just going to ask you something anyway. As a friend.”
“Go for it.”
“Will you go to the Winter Dance with me?”
“You should do it,” Heather answered.
“I’m serious,” she said, most seriously.
“Come on. Really?”
“Yeah. It’s her senior year. Has she ever been to a dance?”
“No. Didn’t sound like it.”
“Ironic, since she’s a dancer. You have to take her then.”
“Wouldn’t that be weird?”
“If it was that weird, why did you even ask me?”
“I wasn’t asking! I was just telling you what she said. Anyway, I bet she changes her mind once the—” I caught myself in time, silently cursing myself for not having told Heather about my pot smoking yet. I had to get that out one of these days.
“Once what?” Heather asked.
“Once she thinks about it, I guess.”
“Is she still there?”
“No, she left a while ago. It was kind of awkward, obviously. I told her I wasn’t sure if I could do that, since I was together with you, but that I’d think about it, you know, or something. Then I told her I was turning on the lights.”
“Nice. Way to crush a girl’s dreams, Matt,” Heather chided.
“Whatever! You’re too funny.”
“Let me talk to her. What’s her number?”
“Her number, Matt.”
“Her number.”
“No. How was your day?”
“Really?” I asked.
“Yeah. Trust me, it’ll be fine. She obviously wants to go with you, so you should be a good friend and do it.”
“This might be the strangest thing I’ve ever heard of.”
“My girlfriend is calling another girl to invite her to be my date to a dance.”
“I wouldn’t have to call her at all if you’d quit dragging and put in some damn effort yourself. And anyway, what’s strange about it?”
“Nothing,” I muttered, shaking my head. “Nothing at all, obviously. But I’m going to be missing you like crazy that night.”
“No, you won’t. You’ll be too busy being the rock star after the talent show. What’s her number?”
I reluctantly gave her Shannon’s number, feeling like I was opening something I’d never be able to close again.
“You think she’s home now?” Heather asked.
“Probably. She had to stop at the photo place to get some batteries, but she’s probably back by now.”
“Okay, bye.”
Heather hung up before I could say another word. I stared at the receiver and then shook my head. Yeah, life was cool and hard ... and confusing as hell sometimes.
When she didn’t call back right away, I wandered over to Lara’s room. She was working on an assignment, radiating the glow of someone recently laid.
“I thought Pete helped you with your homework,” I said sarcastically.
“We felt like having sex instead,” Lara answered with a grin. “But you probably guessed that, observant guy that you are. Those pictures Shannon took are pretty cool, huh?”
“Yeah, some good ones. I guess we need to be careful that our moms don’t see them, though.”
“Hmm. Yeah, you’re right. Hadn’t thought of that. They’ll ask where we took them. Obviously it’s not Brian’s or Bruno’s house!”
“I have to remind Shannon of that,” I muttered, making a mental note.
“How was last night with her?”
“Fine,” I shrugged nonchalantly.
“She has the hots for you, huh?” Lara asked directly.
I looked at her. It wasn’t really a question, I knew. “Yeah, you might say that. But she knows about Heather, so it’s all good.”
She glanced at me archly. “Thanks to me.”
I rolled my eyes. “Yeah, yeah, yeah. But I wasn’t worried. We’ve always just been good friends. Still, I know I should’ve said something sooner. But for her sake, not mine. So anyway, yeah. Thank you, and all that.”
Lara nodded smugly. “No problem. So does Heather know that Shannon digs you?”
“Oh, does she!” I sighed.
Lara made a frightened face. “Uh oh. What happened?”
“Shannon asked me to go to the winter semi-formal with her.”
Lara raised a brow. “This happened last night?”
“No, today actually.”
“Today?” she exclaimed. “She asked you, even knowing about Heather?”
“Yeah. But we’d just go as friends, of course.”
“Oh, of course!” Lara echoed, dubious.
“No, really, as friends. That part of this story is totally fine, no problem there. So, I told Heather that she asked me.”
The brow went even higher. “And she’s going to kill Shannon when she comes in December?”
I laughed. “If only it was that easy. No, Heather’s calling Shannon right now to tell her to go with me.”
“Heh, she’s probably—Wait, did you say Heather wants you to go to the dance with Shannon?”
Lara was clearly confused by this as much as I was. She nodded appreciatively. “Well, I guess why not,” she murmured, shrugging as her face contemplated the scenario.
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Virtually Twisted By D.A.W. The following story is set in Morpheus's Twisted Universe. All characters, any locations in the town Clearville, and the town Clearville itself are my own creation. Any resemblance to real life individuals events or locations is purely unintentional. Only Fictionmania, and have permission to post this story Before reading this story, I recommend you read Morpheus's three twisted stories: Twisted, Twisted Pink and Hair and Now before...
=== Twisted Throwback === by Trismegistus Shandy This novel is set, with Morpheus' permission, in his Twisted universe. It's set about a generation later than his "Twisted," "Twisted Pink," etc. A somewhat different version was serialized on the morpheuscabinet2 mailing list in January-April 2014. Thanks to Morpheus, Maggie Finson, D.A.W., Johanna, and JM for beta- reading earlier drafts. Thanks to Grover, Paps Paw, and others who commented on the earlier serial. This work...
The following is based in Morpheus' `Twisted` universe, written with permission. I'm classing this as non-canon but if Morpheus were to declare otherwise, I would be chuffed to bits. Twisted Princess - Part 1 In a world where superpowers are common place and anybody could gain them, who could be trusted? How would you fight the ones who used their powers for selfish deeds? Would you be able to trust the ones who claimed to do good? In a world where anybody could have...
When I was 24 and in the Navy, they sent me to a school at Vallejo California, where I spent the next 12 weeks. Vallejo is a small town north of San Francisco. I mean a small town. On the first visit I discovered the only ABS in town. It was enough. There was no internet back then, and I would buy porno playing cards (good for jerking off in the bathroom) and magazines. Straight porno because that’s what I enjoyed looking at while I jacked off. But then I would leave my bag up front and go back...
The thought of her father's fat, heavy cock increased Michelle desire, as she slipped a finger inside herself, and feeling her wetness, pushed the finger deeper. It was at that point that she remembered the hidden cameras her neighbour Julie had planted, and hoping she had the angle right, pulled her panties to her ankles and opened her legs. The thought that Julie was watching her wanton display made her finger herself faster. As she rubbed, she mentally photoshopped the image, where is was...
It happened at the swimming-pool where I go two or three times a week, quite early in the morning. It’s a modern pool, shared with the Secondary School next door and sometimes the pool sessions during the day are shared too; on my days off, I’ve been there later in the day when the older boys of the Upper School are having their lessons – lean young 16 to 18 year-olds, nearly always wearing those baggy board-shorts; the serious ones sometimes wear compression-style “Jammers” but always in...
This tale starts with Naruto. Naruto can be a child, meeting a brother figure, or with Naruto on his way to the academy. Either way plz follow these guidelines 1) All teams must be 4 Genin and 1 jonin, 2) Your OC must not be a godlike, overpowered, super ninja, at least not at the start of the story 3)Have fun writing and reading :)
The young Isabeau clenched her jaw and struck the ivory keys of the piano with her fists four times in quick succession. “Arpeggios, arpeggios, arpeggios! I despise arpeggios!” she screamed out in anger and frustration.Isabeau stood from her piano bench and stomped her way to the open window that looked out over the impeccably maintained garden of the mansion’s grounds. She stood in defiance with her back to her piano teacher, the Maestro, her arms crossed under her small breasts and her head...
SupernaturalPart One ~ his perspective~My wife Brittney and I married early in life. That was the best part. Because we both loved each other and also knew that there was a difference between love and sex. And we LOVED sex. We always flited with our friends and really enjoyed the times when we one would watch the other making out with one of our friends, and while the furthest either of us got was either giving or getting head, or eating pussy or getting pussy eaten; we’d never really had an opportunity to...
(episode 30) My infatuation with Mary Beth grew during January of 2008. She was damned sexy and really good looking, plus she had one of planet Earth’s best camel toes. Another great thing about Mary Beth was that she was almost as daring and insatiable as Jennifer. However, as February came along, a few problems did arise. Mary Beth was becoming more and more possessive and controlling, and she would get really pissed off about me going over to Brittany and Jennifer’s apartment to study. ...
College SexTWISTED GUARDIAN Part One by Blushing slutJ's babysitter, Nicole, found his stash of porno mags, and fetish stories once, when she was over for an evening, babysitting. Things have been very different for him, ever since. She put him through several hours of humiliation that night, flipping through them, asking him questions, forcing answers out of him, upon threat of exposing him, to his strict, religious parents, if he didnt give suitable answers.J was attracted to some very perverted...
It was about nine o'clock on a quiet winter evening. Abby sat on the couch in the family room of their 4,000 square foot, upper middle-class home in the outskirts of Houston with her two c***dren, watching a comedy movie that wasn't really very good. Abby was 37 and her daughter, Joy was 18 as was her twin brother Billy. Abby was considering suggesting that they try a different channel when suddenly the side door of the house was kicked in and four men burst into the home. Each man had a...
“Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while you could miss it.” Ferris Bueller Have you ever thought of hosting a party in the middle of the desert and inviting 70,000 people? Well Larry did and John finally went. _________________________________________ The Present- “Smelling the Roses” It was the morning after the Sunrise Dance. John’s head was pounding with the dull throbbing pain of a heavy hangover. What a spectacular fucking night. It had been years...
Love StoriesA Twisted Path to HappinessKinkracerMeeting Her:I suppose you could say our meeting wasn’t typical. In fact I think it is pretty unique. No other guy I know can say they met their wife while bound, chained to a man’s chariot and pretending to be a horse.It was the annual ?Race Weekend? and Steve wanted to enter Mike and myself in the chariot class. So here we were, side by side, a matched pair. We both had our arms bound behind us. Mike in a single glove. I was too muscular for that, so...
In a small suburban starter home a young single woman with big ambitions is wondering why she can't let go. Really relax and feel free from the daily stresses. Her career was good. Her health was good. Her living arrangements were adequate for now. Everything should be comfortable. Still she couldn't shake a strange nagging and she was beginning to explore just about any opportunity. Within reason. As long as she deems it acceptable. However, she's about to get that theory tested. Kim...
Helen had happened to the armory. Adult magazines were scattered all over the cabin and most of his posters were wedged between the mattress and bulkhead. He hadn’t checked the room after he left Helen alone to check the engines and ship status. She’d left the locker open or hadn’t secured it and everything he’d stuffed in there had been thrown around during the short fight. Shaking his head, he spotted Helen sitting on the deck, reading a magazine and breathing hard. “I forgot to mention to...
Caught in the Storm Chapter 6 - A Twisted Game The rules were explained as everyone was given a very very full shot glass of rum, as it turned out to be. Billie downed his quickly as Terri, Lisa, and April had. Each glass was immediately half-filled again. Lisa listed the rules, mostly for Billie's sake as she'd never played. There were so few, Billie noted. 1) Everyone does every move until someone falls. Then everyone starts clean. 2) If a placement comes up you're already...
Once upon a time there was a beautiful little princess. Her name was Aludra, which, in the language of her people, meant “unwanted one”. Of course she didn’t know this, because all the servants in the palace DID want her. They loved her dearly. She was sweet and pretty and fun to be around, whereas her mother was a stone cold class A Bitch. The Queen was such a bitch that, after her husband, the King, knocked her up with Aludra, she poisoned him. “Imagine!” she...
Prologue ‘Shit. Feels so fuckin’ good.’ ‘Please, please, please. Harder,’ the little redhead begged. We started pounding harder. ‘Oh, God. Yes,’ she squealed. ‘Fuck, man. I can feel you,’ I gasped. ‘Yeah. Jesus. Fucking close,’ Raine gritted out. I looked at his enraptured face and my balls tightened painfully. Shit. His dark eyes were hooded, his teeth sunk into his bottom lip, and head rolled back slightly. He was sexy. He was gorgeous. He was also very, very straight. ‘Holy fucking...
There are many people that decide to read stuff they know they will think is worthless trash and then make an insulting, negative comment like, "You're sick! You're pathetic! I hope you die," after reading the story. I know that no matter what I say and no matter how much I warn you, you people will still read the story and then post a negative comment. This is because you are supercilious hypocrites. Why on earth would you read a story with sick codes that do not appeal to you and...
Well Jen as you know is twisted and a little purvey too. We did sleep in her bed no sex 20 minutes or so 69ing and then we went to sleep I was tired she maybe too.Any way Mom and Dan got home the next afternoon and told us a few new things.Our summer vacation to Hawaii is now at Christmas Jen is playing tennis for the clubs team and I was going to play on the all-stars, the baseball team that is being sponsored by Dan's work. This is a gruesome schedule 15 games in 21 days and we practice a...
It had been a month since I felt the warm sun on my skin at the farm and I hadn't since left the quaint single story abode that my Master inherited after his mother died. I was comfortable with my routines as they gave me structure and comfort. Sometimes he would even generously dump the scraps from his plate into my dog bowl, providing me with variety beyond my usual broth and cold oatmeal. I felt special and loved when he would charitably share such gifts with me. I was a lucky little cunt...
After he’d finished securing all the doors, he went about the onerous task of securing any loose objects. While the ship had an artificial gravity system, it didn’t mean everything wouldn’t fly around during space travel if it wasn’t secured properly. He was conscientious about keeping everything in his ship safe, but he’d just moved a bunch of items from his cabin into the armory. It took him about thirty minutes to secure and hide some of the more graphic magazines, posters, and find space...