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Fuller House Fourth of July WeekChapter 5

“Oh, fuck, bro! Gawwwddd!” Kimmy Gibler screamed as she took Jimmy’s cock balls deep inside her sloppy wet gash for about the second or third time since they took to bed that night. “Is someone worn out for the night and wanting to quit?” Jimmy teased his sister about the very sore and raw condition of her twat. “NOOOOO! Don’t you fucking ... dare!” Kimmy demanded that her brother keep fucking her in spite of how puffy and inflamed her cunt was by now after a whole day of getting pounded by...

1 year ago
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The Making of a CocksmanChapter 7

I probably should have felt bad. It was clear that Claire, when Donna hadn’t come over like she had promised, had been worried about where her friend was. The funny thing was that she reacted to seeing us like a parent does whose kids have been missing. “Where the hell have you two been?” she yelled. “I was about to call the police because I thought you must be dead!“ Then she saw our swimming suits, which we were still wearing, and our clothes bundled up in our towels. “You went swimming...

1 year ago
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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 193

Her evening with Brenda was a scorcher for both of them, and Laura was sure it would develop into a very rewarding relationship. They would have to be careful not to let Mavis know, of course, but since Brenda was married, they wouldn't see one another often. But Laura could still not get her mind-or her eyes-off Deshona Reed. Finally she realized that it was not only her physical beauty but her intensity that was such a sexual magnet. Deshona was consumed by bitterness over something, but...

1 year ago
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Brian Guess WhatChapter 2

The next afternoon, she asks me, "Do you masturbate every day?" "Well, Lys, probably most guys do. And, yes, I do." "Gonna do it this afternoon?" "Can I get any volunteers to help?" "Oh, you're cute. Yeah, maybe, would you kiss my breasts again?" "As pretty as they are, it's a privilege, sure." She pulled her top off and took her bra off and said, "Well, you're slow today," so I stripped off all my clothes and laid down. She already had the lotion and was applying it...

1 year ago
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Laylah and DavidChapter 10

Laylah opened her eyes slowly, but could not see a thing through the pitch black that surrounded her. As she became more alert, her head began to throb. It took her only a moment to realize that she was tied to a table. She tried calling out, but her cried were muffled by the gag that was in her mouth. Warm tears began flowing down Laylah's face as the uncertainty of what was happening began to frighten her. A door creaked toward the end of the room. Laylah saw the flame of a candle float...

2 years ago
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Specialist MooreChapter 5

Sunny had explained that she would be useless to me during the day, she could not go outside with out risking instant skin cancer as she put it, so seeing as it was already late or early depending on how you look at it, we had back to the no tell motel where I had the Doc stashed. "Whoa 3P0 I ain't that easy, you gotta wine and dine a girl first." Sunny said looking up at the shitty hotel. "Im not, this is where my friend is hidden." I said. "Dude seriously? Look man I got some safe...

8 months ago
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Project Eldest SonChapter 15

Talitha was sitting in the lounge area new the pool. She was waiting for a call back from Chiam Fogelman regarding a request she had made for Mossad to gather any information they could about the Balkans. Her eyes were closed, and she had a smile on her face. She had talked with her husband and 4-year-old daughters a few hours ago. Her kids had told her all about their learning to ride horses. They had even gone so far to ask if they could get some horses when they got older. When she told...

2 months ago
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Hidden Heritage II The ScholarsChapter 10

During the following few years things remained the same - and at the same time, everything started to change. The trade with Birgit flourished and she insisted that I spend those few days with her as a part of the deal. Somehow the women who took part in those trade missions found that more humorous than I did. Well, the truth was that now, when I knew that both Bellcauniel and Fainauriel were okay with it, I did enjoy those trips myself without any problems with my conscience. Those trips to...

1 year ago
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Trainee Secretary RequiredChapter 6

The next morning my teen secretaries brought me coffee, in their thin tops and little miniskirts, and I couldn’t bring myself to object when they brought their coffees in too and made themselves at home on the little visitors’ sofa in my office. I sat opposite them in the easy chair, telling myself I’d do some work in a few minutes. It was great to be able to ogle them openly. Sara and even Natasha grinned as they flaunted their panties at me. “So did you tell Dani about us?” Sara asked...

1 year ago
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Blood of BrothersChapter 3 The Hunter Soars

That same night in Los Angeles, Lisa got home from work at the Denny's at ten. It was raining, though it was not even cloudy when she had gone to work at eight that morning. She was wet and exhausted. All she wanted was to sleep and forget the bills that needed to be paid with the pennies she got paid from her two jobs. She opened the door, threw her purse at the kitchen slash living room slash dining room table, and locked the door behind her. Kicking off her shoes, she began taking off her...

3 years ago
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Six Times A DayPart 122 Good Vibrations

Christine was fit to be tied. As she drove her car, she thought to herself, This is serious! Alan is in extreme danger! Katherine and Amy are in serious danger too. Yet they all seem to be taking a "que sera sera" attitude. The football game is less than 24 hours away and all Hell will break loose then. I just know it. We need to plan. Strategize. Prepare! Alan mentioned something about how his family has their Thanksgiving meal early, and my family doesn't have it until late. Plus, he's...

1 year ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 392

Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei calls Trump and tells him, "Donald, stay out of office. Because last night I had a wonderful dream. I could see America, the whole beautiful country, and on each house I saw a banner." "What did it say on the banners?" Trump asks. Ali replies, "UNITED STATES OF IRAN." Trump says, "You know, Ali, I am really happy you called, because believe it or not, last night I had a similar dream. I could see all of Tehran, and it was more beautiful than ever,...

5 months ago
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EvolutionistChapter 7

Washington Times: The Academy of Sciences released a new study today that demonstrated the efficacy of abstinence-only education in decreasing unwanted teenage pregnancy. Unwanted pregnancies were down by 13% over the last three years. Critics charge that teenage marriages have skyrocketed and those pregnancies have been stripped from the statistics. Officials counter that the number of pregnancies among teenaged married couples is a trivial number and of no further moral concern. Brendan...

1 year ago
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10 May 2009Chapter 1

Dan smiled as he opened the front to his daughter, Cathy, and their daughter, Jessica. They had a polite hug and kiss with Dan carrying Jessica. “Where’s Danny?” He asked. “He’s with a neighbour’s boy, playing while Ben is having another therapy session.” “How is it going with you two?” “Things are a little testy lately.” “Is there anything I can do to help you?” “Yes, that’s why I’m here. Where’s Mom?” She asked looking at the normally occupied livingroom. “She and Wendy are in town...

1 year ago
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WenatcheeChapter 4 The Dead Zone

Summer in the Wenatchee Valley is predictable. Dry, sunny, and hot! Which is fine when you're living in a nice cottage on the Columbia River with a beach in your front yard. It's not quite as good when the shop doesn't have a proper air conditioner, and with the traffic in and out of the store the inside temperature gets pretty warm. I never heard a whisper of complaint from either Jana or Jimmy. Mind you, on most days they were dressed in t-shirts and shorts. By the July 4th weekend, we...

2 years ago
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Laura the StarChapter 10

I found out later that these three men had been the highest bidders to get to do what they had wanted to do to me. What wasn’t revealed was just how much they had paid. Two of the men were middle aged and one looked in his early twenties. A very handsome looking male with an athletic type body. The other older men both looked over weight and this was borne out when they all undressed. Big bellies from too much Italian wine I mused. There were no introductions and only the younger man was...

9 months ago
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Ghosts of the PastChapter 10

Bobby Joe Hutchins sat handcuffed to an interrogation table in a Los Angeles police station Thursday evening, February 7, 1957. "This is bullshit! I haven't done anything! You can't hold me here! Lemme go!" he ranted at the two-way mirror on the wall. "I know you bastards are watchin' me! Somebody get in here and tell me what the hell's goin' on!" Agents Charles Richards and Tom Seldon, L.A.P.D. Detective Jonathan North, Officer Rick Estevez and Hutchins' friend, Billy Green, stood...

1 year ago
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True and EternalChapter 4

"But I knew we would face it always together," I said. I tore my eyes from Lisa's face and looked to her mother, Amanda. This was our last chance. Twelve, almost thirteen, she was falling in with the wrong crowd. Getting into fights. There was even rumors that she was sexually active. And I knew whom to blame. Father. I was going to end up killing the sonofabitch. He never showed her enough love. She was trying to get the attention she needed. So in council together, Amanda, Andy and I...

11 months ago
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Samantha Just the TipChapter 1 The Experiment

Samantha's Mom was parked in front of the computer, while she and one of her parent's friends played video games on the couch. Samantha asked a question which caused her opponent, Aaron, to completely drop his controller. "Mom, a girl at school today said it was dangerous to let a guy put just the tip of his wiener inside you, even if he didn't cum." Sputtering, Aaron answered first. "Didn't you just turn fourteen Samantha? You're too young to be thinking about that sort of thing at...

10 months ago
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Hidden VideoAmandas Redemption

Suspecting something strange was happening around the house, he had installed some hidden video cameras in a few different locations. He had sprung for good ones, complete with sound. At first there was nothing unusual, and he had almost decided it wasn't worth the effort, that the things moved and strange occurrences were just the cat playing while the family was out. However, after discovering his voyeur side by 'catching' his son on the video, fucking a girl from school, Dad decided...

2 years ago
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My Journey Book 4 HeartsChapter 2

We all woke to the alarm early on Friday. I’d set it a little earlier than normal, since we had equipment to load in the car and Gina and I were picking up Tricia on our way. Everyone seemed excited or nervous about today’s seminar, and we were planning on spending some time tonight watching the tape. I was also sending the girls shopping after school for dresses. Most of them said they didn’t need one, but Gina did, and I knew she’d be more comfortable if she wasn’t the only one going. We...

5 months ago
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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 358

I spent the rest of the day in my office with Cindy and Mark. They had finalized the training schedule based on the information I gave them on Friday. I also asked them to be thinking about who would be next in line for an administrator’s position that they could work with and where we could place them in the office. If Victor’s budget came to pass, it would mean more expansion in all directions. Oh well, more to ponder when my mind was no so occupied as it was right now. Robert and Burt...

1 year ago
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The Devil and the Deep Blue SeaChapter 9 Legwork

I woke up in the warm and secure embrace of my husband and smiled sleepily at him. Last night, I'm not sure exactly when, we woke up to the sounds of someone else in the suite getting very lucky. At least, the lady in question sounded like she was having the time of her life. That sparked a divine early morning lovemaking bout of our own. Afterwards we curled up against each other and went back to sleep. Without waking Ted, I gently disentangled myself, slipped out of the bed and padded...

1 month ago
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Building a CAP Based FutureChapter 17 Test Anxiety

Fortunately, the rest of the protest was rather peaceful. My brother stopped the few anarchists who had shown up hoping to use the protest as cover for some robbery attempts. Jason, Ashley, and I found that someone had already warned people on the route of the march. Buildings were closed, and many had placed boards over their windows to protect them. The three-mile march proved to be no more strenuous than a weekend jog. Jason was the first to notice that the marchers were having trouble...

2 years ago
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Stop WatchChapter 9

The next morning the only thing I could think about was what had happened the night before. It was all a lust-filled blur, and I almost couldn’t believe it had actually happened. I knew I was beginning to regard Kara as a desirable woman first, and a daughter second, but I no longer cared. The brief flash I’d had last night of both Linda and Kara in my bed, had struck a low pit of excitement and disbelief in my belly that wouldn’t go away. I had to make that happen. But I didn’t want to...

2 years ago
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Ladies in Waiting Game DayCharacter Interlude Erris

For a cleric of the Light one of the most holy duties is bringing hope to dark places. One of an initiate’s tests for this was The Crypt. Erris, still a couple years from being a full disciple was to take this test. Alone she would venture into the crypt. Carrying nothing wither but her robes, prayer book and faith. She would spend the night in contemplation and meditation. If her faith was strong she would keep back the dark. Her teachers led her down into the dank tomb under the chapel....

9 months ago
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Mrs SwansonChapter 9

Kristen brooded over the event for a few days. She dwelt on it and her feelings. Although she was discovering that she questioned her behavior less and less. The bottom line for her was that she absolutely loved the way she had been treated. She fought that notion but it was always there, kind of staring her in the face. These musings were always accompanied by the question: “What is next?” It as always there at the end of the thoughts, much like her fingers in inevitably in her pussy...

5 months ago
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owyn Book 1 The CageChapter 17 Audience

[ Setting the scene: the events of this chapter take place at Dunharrow. Aragorn, who Éowyn has unsuccessfully tried to seduce, and the rest of his Rangers will depart for the Paths of the Dead in the morning.] Arms limp, legs weak, neither her body nor her voice offered the slightest protest as the Rangers picked her up and carried her across the tent. Two of them folded her hands around the sturdy poles framing the door, holding them there until her failing strength proved sufficient to...

7 months ago
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Jack And Jill The Second BookChapter 12

I looked at the receiver after I hung it up. Who stole my friend and replaced her with Dr. Laura? Well, maybe not. I don't think Dr. Laura would be too thrilled with my living arrangements. She would have spent the whole conversation trying to convince me to move back in with Daddy. I'd never listen to Dr. Laura on my own. Well, maybe, if there wasn't anything else on. But Daddy made it a point to listen to her whenever he was in the car and she was on. And if I happened to be with him,...

10 months ago
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Lucky Jim 3 Cajun and GatorChapter 24

Sunday It’s a good thing I woke up just before 0600. I’d barely finished with my shower when General Conklin commed me. “Thanks for the updates to the nav computers,” he said. “Did you find anything else--besides two girls?” he teased. I explained about the military base, about the newly trained soldiers used as guards, noting the elite troops were hiding and waiting. I also explained about the old subway tunnel that led to the college. He agreed that feigning an attack against the hotel to...

2 years ago
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That Sunday AfternoonChapter 3 The Confrontation

It took Sonya about an hour to round up all the guests and get them to head home. During that time I thought about what I had seen and tried to make sense out of it. How long had this been going on? Had they been together before? Had she spent time with him over the last two days while I was out of town? If this was the first time what do you call it? If you defined sex as having intercourse then they didn't have sex, but he had his fingers inside her. The biggest question on my mind was if...

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The Second Year and AfterChapter 18

I went home by train for the holidays on the Tuesday before Christmas, with a week to go until the 25th; I hoped that Julie was going to come up on the Thursday for a couple of days, after a quick trip home. She was probably going to have to sleep in Jen's bedroom; Mum wasn't the type to be having any hanky-panky going on in her house! Jen was already back from Reading, Mum and Dad having collected her and her record player on the Saturday, and she picked me up from the station in Mum's...

7 months ago
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Such Sweet SorrowChapter 19 Civil Engineering February

15 Months, 462 Days Since Jenny's Disappearance It's rather too early in the morning when my mobile chimes to say I have a text. I grunt and turn over in bed. Who is texting me at... 6.30am? I grope for the handset and try to focus on the screen. I open the text. It says, "Joseph. Can you do lunch on Friday? I suggest The Cranford Wine Bar in Warwick about 12.00? Regards, Andrew Edwards." Andrew Edwards? Just who exactly is Andrew Edwards? I don't know any Andrew Edwards, do I? Then...

1 year ago
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Faux RealmChapter 5

He stood in completely different passageway, the floor, the walls and the air itself felt alien. The unsettling environment was in the air and Lucian had to proceed further, even though his own brain told him constantly to turn and run. This was the enemy ship, the ship where those thugs came from. The ship behind his back was vivid and friendly. While this ship was strangely quiet and had an ominous air as soon as he touched its walls he pulled back trying to calm down. Alien in nature the...

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SamChapter 9C

After Jolene pedaled off unsteadily on her bike, Bud and I walked home. I felt confident that Jolene would not be getting in any trouble with something to look forward to. Looking down at the bulge in Bud's pants, he was looking forward to it too. I was even looking forward to it myself. Jolene's problem only manifested itself in situations where she was alone with a boy. In every other way she seemed to be as adventurous and as willing as anyone could want. She had been willing to do...

1 year ago
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SleepwalkingChapter 3

It was wednesday, and my mother in law and I had done very little except eat, sleep, and fuck. and Fuck. and fuck some more. The woman was an absolute dynamo, and my wife was an absolute memory. She had called on Tuesday and dropped what she thought was a bomb on me by telling me that she wasn't coming back, and that she wanted a divorce. I threw her a curve by telling her I just needed the papers to sign, and she'd be out of my life. "What?" "What's wrong Janet? I am just trying to...

2 years ago
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Doing it all OverChapter 12

The paramedic and the EMT that showed up were both strangers to me. Probably they were people that had worked briefly in the field and then had gone onto other things; the fire department, the police department, nursing, medical school. They came in the door shortly after the fire engine crew had barged in. I was glad to see that the paramedic took Mr. Blackmore's condition as seriously as I did. I stood back and said nothing, feeling confidant he was in good hands. While the paramedic went...

2 years ago
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Home Again Home AgainChapter 2

When I woke next morning the happenings of the previous day and night flooded back and I lay there for some time remembering it all and wondering how I could entice Mum further. I finally forced myself out of bed and pulled on shorts and a tee shirt and went down to the kitchen. My parents were sitting at the table in their robes, drinking coffee, eating toast and reading the Sunday papers. They both looked up and greeted me, and I gave Mum a peck on the cheek and squeezed Dads shoulder as I...

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Evil Ann and Miss KittyChapter 2

Beth carefully peeled her skin tight costume down to her waist revealing a black strapless bra encasing a vast amount of perfectly tanned cleavage. She stood up and turned to face Ann. She unclasped her bra and let it fall away but kept her breast concealed with her hands. Teasingly she slowly slid her hands apart only to quickly reposition them, then she squeezed her breasts together and bent over. Unable to wait any longer Ann took her wrists and pulled them aside revealing her huge yet...

10 months ago
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A Weed in the GardenChapter 3

My Jesse returned from the spa with a thrice washed colon, finger and toe nails of perfect symmetry and hair coloring a noticeable lighter shade of blond than at 9AM this morning. She told me she had not eaten anything all day since the scone I had fed her for breakfast. I was pleased to hear this for I did so love the slender look of her haunches when she presented her bottom to me for impalement. For reward, I allowed her to nibble on my cock before we went to the pub to meet "Posh"...

1 year ago
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Day of DestructionChapter 5

I finished Mary's grave putting some flowers over and along it and went inside. Joan and Doris hugged me and we all cried for a bit. They went back to their husbands who were weaker than before. They were fine men and I was rapidly losing hope for them and my little granddaughter, Ann. I decided that my office was not that important any more. Preparations for the future needed to be considered and this was my place to plan and work. I went to my study, opened a pad, and started making a...

2 years ago
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Sheriff PorterChapter 94

You know we never talk Wilson maybe this is a good time to ask questions. Let's call this a free time. What ever is said and done here tonight will have never existed, once the storm is over." I paused a second then asked, "Deal?" "Yes it's a deal. How graphic are you willing to be," he asked. "You mean like do I get off with a cock in my mouth?" I asked. "Yeah something like that?" he asked. "So do you?" "Usually, but not from the cock in my mouth. It's like cybersex it...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriesS13E04 Janette Stone 40 from Harrogate with Dennis

We begin this week’s show with an establishing shot of a large and impressive looking Victorian building. Two stories high, very wide, with tall rectangular windows spaced evenly in the sandstone walls along both floors. There’s something about it that screams ‘school’ even before we see the big sign by the entrance gate that reads, “HARROGATE GRAMMAR SCHOOL – WELCOME”. We turn away from the front of the building and look up the street where we can see the familiar figure of today’s host...

1 year ago
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Dominated By My SonChapter 4 Another Mother Submits

When I awoke I felt gloriously happy, tired, but oh so happy. I know I should not have felt that way, I know that technically I was 'corrupting' minors, but those minors had taught me more in one day than I had learnt in my lifetime. Stirring sleepily I opened my eyes and turned my head towards the warm body beside me. It was no surprise to see that the body belonged to my son; he was half sat up in the bed looking down at me with a smile on his lips and a loving, but devilish twinkle in...

1 year ago
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Indian Fighters White DeathChapter 10

I was received at home with hugs, kisses, and a thorough examination to determine if I might be hiding a wound somewhere that my wives could take care of. The only such "wound" was in my balls, and my wives were soon draining them to make sure that they were going to recycle properly. Luckily for all of us, there was no problem there, and we had an extended session to demonstrate that. The next morning was one of those where I was full of piss and ginger. My wives knew that there was only...

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Love Aint Nothin but TroubleChapter 4

“Oh, fucking God, this meal is outstanding, Mrs. Lewis!” Jeff exclaimed as he dug into the bangers and mash, an English specialty that he fell in love with in a hurry. “Well, I’m Rhodesian, which is basically transplanted British, darling. I’m very pleased that you enjoy my cooking, love,” Carolyn smiled at him, “but do call me ‘Mum,’ will you? Especially since I’m going to ride your cock like a fucking thoroughbred.” “Please do that, Mum. Hubby deserves the best and that’s definitely you,...

2 years ago
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The GameChapter 4

"I'd like to thank you, Mr. Cameron, for coming down to the station. I know this has been rough for you. I'm Detective Sarah Crenshaw. This is Detective Frank Banks," she said motioning to the third person in the room. The thirty-two year old New York City police detective offered the husband a seat and sat across from him, while her partner, a burly man of middle age, stood near the corner of the interrogation room. It had been two days since his wife had disappeared and the deep...

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A Routine EnslavementChapter 20 Contest Interrupted

In the aftermath of the meeting at Slendabond, as it turned out, Morgan was able to corroborate much of Edgar Miller's story about having been a whistleblower at his former bank. Green then contacted Edgar's former attorney and it was determined that a separate action would be filed by the other attorney seeking Edgar's freedom. The two attorneys felt that they could share some common research expenses because of the common legal issues in the two cases. Roger Maxim arranged to have his...

4 months ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 191

The following are compliments of J & B As we age... A traveling salesman visits a small town in the Midwest and sees a colorful circus banner: DON’T MISS THE AMAZING GOLDSTEIN! Curious, he buys a ticket and sits through the usual circus acts. Animals, clowns, contortionists and other performances - but where’s the Amazing Goldstein? Finally the trumpets blare and all eyes are turned to the center ring. There in the spotlight is a table with three walnuts on it. In comes a little old...

1 year ago
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Ann and the HandymanChapter 14

Sandi's deepening feelings were a source of concern to me. Of course I was flattered, but having someone actually in love with me was a frightening prospect, especially if the feelings were not reciprocated. I would feel a sense of duty towards that person, a sense of loyalty and fidelity. Not conditions I could guarantee. I could not bear to break her heart with my sexual indiscretions. I would have start distancing myself from her. Sandi wanted a girlfriend/girlfriend relationship. I, on...

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Emilys Boarding HouseChapter 6

It was October, the boarding house was full of boarders again, and I remained a resident of Frederick, Maryland despite having no guidance yet from the Orioles Organization concerning where I would be assigned in the coming season. I knew that my solid performance for the Frederick Keys would likely mean that I’d be moved up to the Double-A Bowie Baysox in the Eastern League. Getting assigned to the Orioles’ Triple-A club (Norfolk) wasn’t out of the question, but I knew the Orioles had lots...

2 years ago
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ConfessionsChapter 6 Secretarial Sucker

It was late when I got up off the floor and helped Irene to her bed. Even though she'd drained me with her snug cunt and tight ass I felt a stirring in my groin from her submissiveness. For no particular reason I peeked in her roommate's bedroom before I left and I got a shock. On the other girl's bed was a sheet of paper that I picked up and read. The message was brief but quite clear. Irene was telling her to be away tonight so she had been lying when she pretended surprise that her...

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Head of the Clan The adventures of Steve and LanaChapter 14

We stopped at the BBQ shack; Mam and Betty Ann drove in right behind us. I asked, "Do you want to eat here or just get some to take home?" Mam responded, "Ya'll get it and bring it home, we'll meet ya there." We tried to figure how much to get and finally just got three family meals knowing that it wouldn't go to waste with all of us there to eat it. Pap, I and Harry sat and drank iced tea while the food was being prepared. "How much did ya be a transferin' into Bobby's...

1 year ago
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Witch SwitchChapter 9

Once again, when Penelope goes to open her eyes, she is wrapped in the comfort of a nice, warm bed. Her first thoughts go to the small shack on the beach, but as she looks around it become apparent that this is far from that place. This island is just full of surprises. The witch sits up and looks around, taking more of the room in than the first time. It is decorated with weapons and shields hanging on the wall. There are sconces lit by fires and a warm, cozy fireplace. Other than that,...

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The God Pill Winter JenningsChapter 9

“You’re so vain You probably think this song is about you You’re so vain, I’ll bet you think this song is about you Don’t you? Don’t you?” One sunny Saturday morning, out of the blue, Vanessa reached across the kitchen table, took my hands, and recited her rendition of Mr. W. H. “You’re my North, my South, my East and West, My working week and my Sunday rest, My noon, my midnight, my talk, my song; I know that love will last, we’re forever strong.” Walker beamed with pleasure. Pilar...

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The FindChapter 4

Tom called the bank owner and asked about the Fury I and the missing parts. He knew nothing of this and wanted more information. Telling him the story about Fury I and his employee’s ties with Fury II in England outraged this man because it was his money loaned in both deals. I asked him would he sell both boats to us for the right price. He asked when and I said today but I want all the parts back out of the warehouses here and in England. He asked me to give him a little time and he would...

7 months ago
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Witch SwitchChapter 11

The witch, on unsteady legs, walks into the inner chamber of the temple. Where the floor and walls were stone, the portal gives way to a sandy beach and open air. It is like being on the beach once more, but there is no little shack with a single bed here. In fact, even the doorway she stepped through is gone. On one side is a beach stretching for eternity on the other a wall of tree so dense that the witch doesn’t even think a fly could get through. The only parting in the dense collection...

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New TimesChapter 16

The next morning, Sylvie was walking awkwardly as was Marva. Miranda came back to me later and said, "Sylvie is a bit sore. I am, too. You've never pounded me much less her as hard as you did last night. Marva's situation is a little different. After Red fucked her pussy and ass, he fisted her in both holes. She really feels opened still." She chuckled. "You can always try harder tonight." Jules came out of the house grinning. She said, "Miriam feels better today. She told me this...

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The AtticChapter 9

To say the girls were surprised to see what their brothers were doing would be an understatement. They were surprised, but not too shocked, since they knew that the boys liked having sex together as well as with them too. No, they weren't shocked, they were turned on! Over the time that the foursome had been together, there had been a little ass play, but what the guys had been doing brought things to a whole new level. Leaving the boys sleeping, the girls quickly stripped down and got on...

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Day of DestructionChapter 11

BOB We all arrived at our house in less than an hour from town. Elaine and her children could pick a house and come by ours again. My wife, Doris, wanted her to come to our house for supper. We parked at our house and Doris suggested that Charlie take Elaine, Jack and Alice out to pick a house. Melody volunteered to go, also. "Okay," Doris said, "Bob, you and Angela can help me prepare supper." "Okay," I replied, "Charley and Mel can show them around. Elaine, you don't have to chose...

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JudgementsChapter 61

"How is she?" Hope asked Marcus as he eased the bedroom door closed. "Sleeping." He rested his head against the wood of the door for a moment. "How are you?" "Me?" He turned to face her, surprised by the question. "I'm fine." "No, you're not." She stepped away from the sofa beckoning for him to follow her to the garden. "I'm fine, really," he assured her but followed her nonetheless. "You're angry," she told him, once they'd emerged into the damp air. The recent...

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The Making Of A Gigolo 14 Erica BradfordChapter 25

On the other side of town, the man Agatha was thinking about walked up the ramp to Erica’s house. He knocked. Something in her voice had told him to knock. When she answered the door she looked pale, but otherwise normal. She stood back and he walked in. By the time he turned to look at her again, tense had been added to pale. “I’m pregnant,” she said simply. Erica had thought long and hard about whether she should face the man she’d made a baby with or not. She didn’t have to, as far as...

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Spreading Genes in Tight SpacesChapter 4

"Good morning, are you feeling rested, Jason?" asked Dr. Watkins. "Better now." He had worked off his post-thawing horniness with Sally, wasting precious semen to preserve and strengthen the partnership that anchored his emotional life. "We debated about whether to tell you this, but we ultimately thought we ought to. We realized that treating you with extra testosterone and not telling you about it was at the least disrespectful." "I agree," he said, memories coming back to him...

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The Quest for the Black QipaoChapter 11 Kngzh Rn The Culture of Dominance

“You come with me!” Liu Wei barked as she unfastened the door to Bernard’s cage. The others had already been taken. Bernard wasn’t sure where they had gone, only that ten minutes ago three other girls in Sunrise uniforms had come and unlocked the the others’ cages and taken them away. All that had been said was one of the girls asking “Where’s Liu Wei? She should bring fat one.” Liu Wei had obviously just arrived at the Sunrise Tea Parlour. Her hair was wet from the rain outside and water...

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The Quest for the Black QipaoChapter 14 A Question of Trade

In the House of Commons Terrace Bar, Jackie Maygood and Florence Daniels were talking over a glass of wine after a long day’s work in Committee. “What do you know about what’s been going on with Sunrise and my team, Jackie?” Florence Daniels was keen to make sure Home Affairs and Inwards Investment were singing off the same hymn sheet. Jackie Maygood shook her head. “Not a lot. Just what you read in the press. They haven’t really been on the radar for any special attention from Inward...

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The Second Year and AfterChapter 60

There was some more furtive whispering and giggling between the girls as we strolled back to Caledonia Place. Sheila had instructed her brother and I to walk several paces ahead of them, while she and Julie 'conferred'. It would have been more honest if she had come out with the 'P' word - 'plotted'! Adrian just shrugged his shoulders when I shot a questioning look at him. "There are much worse ways to go, mate. You can't do anything once their minds are made up, so just lie back...

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Exhibitionist WifeChapter 8

"Can we look in your bedroom... to make sure, first?" Evelyn countered Ron's statement about wanting to burst in and catch his wife in the act. "I don't know. The windows are kind of high in the bedroom... !" he told her. "But maybe I could get something to stand on..." Walking softly, they stole up to the window, Ron carrying a folding aluminum chais lounge chair, which he placed on the ground and gingerly stood up on to test its stability. The added height brought his eyes up...

8 months ago
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Apocalypse BluesChapter 12

“So, what’s with the nudity?” Mayor Eileen Connally asked me as I pumped in and out of her in front of an assembly of all townsfolk fourteen years of age and up. “It was my idea,” Ariel announced his return, with Lavelle accompanying him. “You ... you’re ... you’re ... an angel! You’re both angels!” Eileen crossed herself, having been a good Catholic prior to Fireball Day. “Yes, we are. Angels, that is. Do not leave with this party. Do not attempt to leave with them. Except for any women...

4 months ago
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The Actress and IChapter 7

As we lay on the couch, holding each other, basking in the enjoyment of becoming parents, the doorbell rang. "Hello anyone home," Sarah yelled. "We are in the living room," Shannon called back to her. "What is the matter with guys, why are you laying together like that?" She asked. We both looked at her smiling, not saying a word. "O MY GOD you're pregnant, your going to be parents," She shouted with joy. Shannon smiled at her and just shook her head yes. We got up off the...

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Road TripChapter 11

We have had the ahead ... now for the behind. In the beginning there was Russia and Russian Alaska. A Dane, Bering, leading a Russian expedition discovered Alaska in 1741. By 1778, Russian Fur Traders were firmly established and sending out serfs to trap and trade. In Alaska. a serf could buy his freedom by hard work. Not in Russia ... a serf was bound to the land and what ever Duke, or Baron owned the land. Nikolai Post, Post is a Russian name, Nikolai was sent to Alaska to trap and work...

7 months ago
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JourneyChapter 4

Tim made Janice a strong drink when they arrived home. He left her sitting on the bed and went into the bathroom. A short time later he came out and pulled Janice from the bed. She was like a rag doll as he stripped her clothes off and led her into the bathroom. The bathroom was lit in the glow of a dozen fragrant candles. The large Jacuzzi tub was filled with a steaming bubble bath. Janice stepped into the steaming water and settled down with a moan of pleasure. Tim handed her another...

1 year ago
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Faux RealmChapter 15

The ships danced. Beams of light fired from one ship to the other missing it by a fraction of an inch. Lindsay and Liza breathed a sigh of relief, “That one was too close.” “I don’t care.” Calm Ericha noted. She was busy reading the reports from days past. “These reports make no sense. It says he was right in front of our nose the entire time.” Ericha yawned, “For all its worth he’s in there.” As she said that the ship on screen was replaced by a facility somewhere on the surface of the...

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Techno CultivatorChapter 34 Mysterious Challenger

-Tech City Spire- With 4 days left until the auction, things had been quickly ramping up in the city. More and more powerful cultivators were entering the city and with that influx was the increase of people taking advantage of the cities services. Namely, a lot of people were trying their hand at the Spire or at the Arena. On this day, James had been busy trying to ascend to the 22nd level of the tower when he got a coms from Jasmine. “James, it would appear that a new contender has...

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The FacilitatorChapter 7

Three months after breaking into Gesima's house the house made a boom big enough to leave a five metre deep crater. Not only was it said that there were nobody injured, there were no remains at all found and almost nothing left of the house worth discussing, so police and the bomb squad was mystified. Nobody knows that we have the complete Crab Bait file so they think I am good enough to pull the job off on the partial file, I should feel honoured at the amount of respect they have shown for...

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The Collapse A New Beginning Book 1Chapter 10

Day Ten: Tuesday I woke up feeling like I had slept late but was surprised when I saw seven o'clock on the bedside clock. Groggy as I was I knew I needed to get started on all the work that I had planned for the day. I awoke my still slumbering brides so we could walk out to breakfast together. Hopefully Jim would be awake and I could find out if he knew the other 'Agents of the Antichrist'. Knowing Kari was a sound sleeper I awakened her first by teasing her nipples and kissing her neck....

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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 246

(Yes, they’re ALL TRUE as heard at the information kiosks managed by Parks Canada staff!) How do the elk know they’re supposed to cross at the “Elk Crossing” signs? At what elevation does an elk become a moose? Tourist: “How do you pronounce ‘Elk’?” Park Information Staff: “ ‘Elk’ “ Tourist: “Oh”. Are the bears with collars tame? Is there anywhere I can see the bears pose? Is it okay to keep an open bag of bacon bits on the picnic table, or should I store it in my...

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Uncle Bobs Charter BoatChapter 15

Bob blinked. His mouth opened, and then closed. It looked to Bob like both women leaned forward half an inch, but he might have been mistaken. He tried to think of the best way to respond. "I'm not sorry," he said on impulse. That covered how he felt, but then he worried that Jill might be sorry, and that it would put her under pressure. "That doesn't mean I expect you to be happy about it," he added. He looked at Mandy, who had cocked her head and was biting her lower lip, studying...

1 month ago
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The New StartChapter 24 I Can Rebuild

The new community had changed and was changing daily. With the addition of the Silkas the community had more than doubled in size. Tani was now in charge of a unit of twenty-one full time soldiers in addition to having trained all the adults and teenagers in military ways. Each of the soldiers had camouflage jumpsuits and weapons, jumpsuits and weapons for the rest of the non full time people were kept in storage at easily accessible locations throughout the compound and the Silka village....

10 months ago
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Free Universal Carnal KnowledgeChapter 21 Far too many

The day had started warm and it got steadily hotter and muggier as the afternoon wore on. I filled in time until we could leave without giving offence, allowing George to tell me some interminable story about the difficulty of getting his American bosses to pronounce his surname correctly. After this I thought I ought talk to Vicky and Simone and say thank-you for leaving me alone and contenting themselves with only the occasional yearning gaze in my direction. Before doing so, however, I...

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Apocalypse BluesChapter 48

Minutes later... Saturday, 26 April, 2014 Roanoke, Virginia “Well, they control Williamsburg and Newport News now, but the Virginia Naval Defense Force has managed to contain them at the moment. They won’t be allowed to expand much beyond that point. We want them to have access to the Atlantic shore long enough to pull in more Nazis from around the world. We have to get them to fall into the trap, after all. There will be a sort of ‘Brown Belt,’ if you will, Nazi-controlled territory that is...

2 years ago
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Living Next Door to Heaven 147 What I Love

I had a lot of work to do to get ready for my internship in Kokomo. My departure was still a week away, but I needed every minute. Not the least of which would be spent with my friends. Rhonda slid to a stop in our driveway on Monday morning at six-forty-five. She parked her bike and newspaper bags by the breezeway door and walked into the house. She'd been coming to my house for almost two years now and knew the back door was always open. If by some chance it wasn't, she knew where the...

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June and AliceChapter 8 Rick Maddy

After a somewhat restless night of worrying about her future with Rick and Maddy, June awoke and looked over at the nightstand clock. It read 7:40, and June threw off the covers and jumped out of bed. Of all the days that she was late getting up in the morning, this had to be the worse day for it to happen. Roger could walk through the door at any moment if he decided to leave Buffalo very early in the morning. She ran naked into the kitchen, put on a pot of coffee, and jumped into the...

6 months ago
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Second ChanceChapter 11

Constance was waiting for me at the helicopter, and as soon as we were belted in it took off but didn't head toward Camp David. The Judge obviously had some other agenda for me, but didn't think to tell me, so I relaxed and went with the flow. To my surprise we landed on the White House lawn, and were ushered into the building through a rear door. Constance was dismissed by her boss to check her mail, and I was hustled to the elevator and taken to the bunker deep underground where I found...

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Techno CultivatorChapter 40 Off to the Capital

With all responsibility to the guild well and truly shirked, James now had the free time to ... well if being honest, not much changed for the first few weeks. For starters, James had long since shirked his responsibility to the city. He had given all of those duties to other people, namely Jessy and Jasmine. It also didn’t help that he was still affected by Skay’s death. The first few weeks were spent flipping between brainstorming for his future flying Headquarters and meditating alone. By...

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The Four Hour ErectionChapter 10

"Don't cry Mamma," moaned Dub. He looked at Angela. "Why's she crying?" He looked like he might start crying himself any second. His mother reached for his hand and subsided to a sniffling kind of hiccupping cough. When she got herself under control she said "I'm not sad, Dub." Her head swiveled, taking in the splendor of the place Dub and Angela were offering her little family to live in. "I could never have dreamed of something this fancy." The squeals of the twins could be...

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Weight Loss ProgramChapter 6 Thrills

I woke up a couple of times that night. The first time, I felt a strange hand cup my breast. I opened my eyes and found myself in a strange bed. Then, the memories of the previous night came flooding back. I was in Jim's house, in Jim's bed, having been fucked by Jim that night. I sighed as I thought of that wonderful, gentle, and understanding man, and reveled in the touch of his body behind me and his hand playing with my breast. At about six in the morning, I had to pee really badly....

9 months ago
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A Beautiful MessChapter 37 Seeing Stars

The drive to the airport was quiet. I was in the front, driving, and Charlotte and Amy were in the back seat. Amy was resting her head on Charlotte's arm, and just staring out the window, watching the city pass by. Charlotte was just staring down at the back of the passenger seat, lost in a world of her own. It was deathly quiet in there, and the luxury car we were driving, with sound-proofed interiors, made it even more so. "Anyone care to hear the radio?" I asked. Neither of them...

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How I Got the Name Posh Slut and Into K9Chapter 6

Now that wasn’t part of the script and I wondered how many other of Dave’s women had been in the same position as I was. I was betting I wan’t the first. My attention, though, was now focused on feeling two cocks at the entrance of my anal opening. I was surprised how easily my ass opened up to accept both of them at first, but after they were successfully into the entrance, it started to hurt. I was, however, thrilled I had been able to achieve even this. Another first. Then the ball gag...

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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 278

About noon the same day Laura got a message from the mail room that a package had been delivered addressed to her. Since they were shorthanded, she would have to wait for them to deliver it; or, she could come downstairs herself to get it. Intrigued, since she was not expecting anything, Laura took the elevator down. The package, it turned out, was from Bailey Banks & Biddle, a high-class jeweler. Rather than open it in the mail room, Laura acted nonchalant and returned with it to her...

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Mike Naked in CollegeChapter 3

Saturday, August 22, 2009 I awoke with my face buried in David's chest. I breathed deeply and looked up. He was already awake. "Hey, David." "I think I've fallen in love with you," he confessed. I kissed him, but quickly pulled off. "Morning breath," I explained. "We should probably take a shower." "Yeah. I have a towel you can borrow." We got up and walked to the shower. We decided to share a stall, but didn't do anything more than washing each other. We brushed our...

1 year ago
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Suzy In BondageChapter 5

By dawn Ben was more than five thousand dollars down. As the alcohol fumes cleared from his head, he knew he'd been suckered. Glenda's smile turned more and more into a sneer. Finally, she took the last of the chips and tossed them back. "You're a born loser, kid," she said. Hips swaying provocatively, she walked over to Frank and put her arm possessively on his shoulder. Frank was smiling coolly. Ben stood staring down at the table. Staring at his stack of markers. Then he looked up...

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Breeding Day at the MallChapter 14 Father Daughter Bonding

Spent, Floyd pulled out of his teen breeder. Rolling onto his back the forty-six year old was reminded just of how hot it was in the tent. He felt beads of sweat roll off his body. It clung to every part of him like a second skin. Beside him Sona sat up. “That wasn’t bad.” “I aim to please,” came Floyd’s offhanded reply. With the back of his hand he wiped the sweat from his brow. “Please don’t tell anyone we did this. I’ll get in trouble,” Sona pleaded. Looking over Floyd found the blonde...

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Portrait of the Valkyrie as a Young WomanChapter 2 An Unfair Fight

The next morning at work, I got bad news. Gary Ross was having trouble again. Gary was an ex-con, a weightlifter, a former state wrestling champ, and a troublemaker. The mill owner, Mr. Crabtree, had a soft spot for problem cases, or Gary would have been out on his ass years ago after all the trouble he used to cause at the local dives. More than one townie woke up in a hospital bed after crossing Gary. Two years ago, though, Gary started dating Lisa Hatcher, a former beauty queen from Polk...

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Overcome by LustChapter 2

Kyle's family was not quite as devout in their worship of The Lord as the Isaacson family, and did not actually attend church every single Sunday. They had pretty much degenerated to the point where they only attended on special days such as Easter and Christmas (and, truth be told, they had been prone to missing one or the other of those in recent years). What this meant was that Kyle was still sound asleep at 8:30 the next morning, the only day of the week he could linger in bed as long as...

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Free Universal Carnal KnowledgeChapter 40 I have to see Miss Smith

It was my birthday and I wanted to enjoy it. I had worked very hard the day before, and I felt entitled to reward myself. I was going to have a nice, easy, relaxing day fucking whom I chose when I chose, with no conveyer belt, no rotas, and no surprises. Things never work out as we plan them. I had slept in the main bedroom with Florence and Kylie, who had arrived the evening before and who both, I felt, needed my attention. Florence had evidently been obeying my orders to eat; she was...

6 months ago
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Why Me LordChapter 19

It didn't take long to count out the gold. After that was taken care of Zeke wrote out a bill of sale and handed me what he had for a deed, signing it over to me. I knew a deal like this wouldn't pass muster back when I came from but figured it was good enough for now. The sun was about to set but it didn't really matter much. Zeke called his family, Gertie, and the girls back into the kitchen and gave them the happy news. Gertie didn't look pleased but she did look determined. Taking...

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Vigilantethe Beginning1Chapter 11

July, 1950 I knew that I had promised the dinosaur people to visit the next day, but something had come up that I couldn't ignore. Besides, I could visit any time in my time and shift to whenever I wanted to in their time. This time shift could get to be really confusing if I let it. My more pressing interest right now was a report among the teenage community of drugs becoming readily available. I couldn't say what it was about drugs that bothered me so much, except that I equated the...