- 4 years ago
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Looking up at the sky, I’m thankful that at least it stopped raining. Not sure I really like these static displays but it gives me a chance to fly into a town and land in parking lots. These little displays are set up to give people a chance to look at the equipment, climb around on the aircraft and ask us questions. I happen to be a helicopter pilot stationed at Ft. Lewis, Washington. I fly the Cobra gunship. This was my month to run the static displays. So like I said, at least today wasn't rainy like it is so much up here in the Pacific Northwest.
We were a group of three aircraft and a few ground vehicles that we use in the field. We had my gunship, a Kiowa scout ship as well as the old ‘Huey’ troop ship. That meant our group had four pilots, three crew chiefs, and four ground troops with the vehicles.
I continued to help set up the display, making sure all the warning banners and pins are in place, taking one last walk around to make sure there isn't anything that I don't want to lose just laying around. Things tend to walk off. I got back up to the front of the aircraft and moved in my position for people to start their little parade through, watching as they open the gate. I had only seen maybe half a dozen kids come through and climb around on the aircraft and I turned to face the new group that had walked up to me and immediately felt a warm, wet, sticky blob slap me in the face. The girl standing in front of me looked up at me and said, “You ought to be ashamed of yourself, baby killer.”
Yep, one of the guests for this little function had decided to spit in my face and call me a baby killer. Hadn’t happened in quite a while and of course, it couldn't be some big college guy that wanted to start something, it had to be a very small woman. She was up in my face and yelling at me as if I had stepped on a puppy or something. Local Leos grabbed hold of her and pulled her away before I even get a chance to talk to her. I head back inside our little tent to clean up.
As I came back out of the tent I saw that the local police and Sp5 Daum are talking to the woman. Daum is my crew chief. She is a hell of a mechanic. She takes care of my bird and the only time she gets to fly is when we go to these displays. The Cobra is only two seat and has a pilot and pilot/gunner, so no room for a crew chief in flight. I figured I should just stay away, so I go over to get a hot chocolate and relax. I sat back in the lawn chairs near the aircraft. I looked over and saw the woman sitting with Spec5 Daum and the local police. It looked like Rita was doing most of the talking.
“Listen,” Rita started, “I know that Mr. Bohn would not want this to turn into anything ugly. He's not going to press charges, he's not going to say anything at all. How about just leaving her with me and let me talk to her for a bit. Like I said, he's not going to press charges, after all, it was just a little spit.”
I saw one of the cops shrug and said it was okay and they left the girl behind with Rita.
“I know you don't know Mr. Bohn, but you got him all wrong. First off, he's one of the nicest men you'll ever meet. Yes, he was involved in some things but that was combat it doesn't show the true person inside. Let me tell you a little story about him. His last mission really fell apart. There are a lot of casualties and one of the aircraft that he was with was shot down. Mr. Bohn took his aircraft in to help extract the survivors and it was shot up pretty bad. He got who he could back to the airfield and got them into the MASH and then he went back with that shot up aircraft. That day he made seven different trips to extract both soldiers that were trapped there by crossfire, as well as some locals."
She continued, "When everything was said and done he had pulled thirty-two people out of a firefight, he made seven trips and starting with the third trip in he had to change aircraft, the one he started with had too much damage from the rounds it took. When it was all over, when everyone was safe and the shooting had stopped, Mr. Bohn climbed out of the aircraft that he’d been flying and was covered in blood, his blood. It seems he took shots to the belly and his legs on the first trip in, when he saved the downed aircraft crew."
She added, "He kept going back until he got them all, as well as soldiers on the ground and some civilians that have got trapped in the firefight. Now tell me, does that sound like a baby killer? Trust me, we understand your hatred of what we do but someone has to do it or your life wouldn't be what it is today. Just think of things like that when you see someone like Mr. Bohn. Don't see the soldier, see the man.”
Rita sat and talked to her for a little longer and then she walked away from the woman, came over to where I was and sat down. I already had her hot chocolate ready. A few minutes later we looked over and the woman was no longer in the area.
“She got you pretty good, old man, I'm surprised you didn't go after her,” Rita chuckled as she spoke.
“Hey, listen, you know people have their ideas about us and there's nothing that I can do about it. I just wish they'd rather sit and talk than to throw stuff, spit on me or whatever, you'd be amazed at how many times this has happened,” was all I said.
We spent the rest of the day at the display, answering questions, helping kids up and down so they can climb in the aircraft, watching to make sure too many switches aren't flipped the wrong way and enjoying the day and the people. It was a very nice day, well, after the start.
We are set up for an entire weekend, Friday through Sunday, and the ‘powers that be’ in my unit, the ones that are not here, have given us accommodations at a lovely little motel just down the street. So, after our nice little show, we walked to the rooms, changed into civilians and stopped at the nice little bar on the corner.
It was a typical small town bar, loud music, louder conversations but at least friendly faces and food. I needed food. We ordered and sat back to enjoy the rest of the evening. When the food was brought to us, I noticed that the waitress was the lady from the display earlier. I picked up a napkin from the table and held it up in front of me. It took a few minutes and I believe she actually recognized Rita first, but her eyes widened and her face turned red and she made this funny little noise as she stared at me.
“ I… umm… aaah… I can get another waitress if you wish?” stumbled from her mouth as she looked like her throat suddenly went arid.
Everyone looked at me and I simply said, “You’re already here, so just write, there is no problem here.”
She took our orders and scurried back into the kitchen and of course, that was when the jokes started. “Hey old man, aren’t you worried she might add something special to your chow.” And that was the nice comment. We finished the meal and sat for far too long drinking from the bar.
Since I was in charge I had the funds for the meal and went over to pay. Yes, of course, my accoster was the one that checked me out. It was a very quiet transaction and when she handed me the change and receipt she didn’t even look at me. I took the money and told her, “No need to feel bad, I do understand and it is nice to see someone with that much passion for what they believe in. Just remember, most soldiers are not the monsters that the tasks that are required of them make us appear to be. I have no hard feelings.”
“Thanks for not pressing charges,” slipped out of her mouth as she turned to go back to the floor.
Smiling as I walked away, I headed back to the group, finished up our drinks and headed out. On the way out the door, I noticed that Rita had held back, headed toward the ladies room, so I waited on her. I stood outside to catch some fresh air and after about five minutes or so, Rita came out and we headed down to our rooms. I dropped my crew chief off at her door and move down to the next one, slipped my key in the lock and headed inside. Heading in for a shower, I got ready for bed to rest up for another day of sitting in a lawn chair and answering questions.
I came out of the bathroom picked up a pair of sweat pants off the bed and slid those on as I started drying my hair. I heard a knock at the door. Thinking it was one of the group, I opened the door and standing in front of me was the waitress from the restaurant. She stands there and looked at me for a few minutes dressed in an overcoat.
She looks at me and says, “Rita gave me your room number and said that perhaps you would be willing to accept my apology for today.”
I’m not sure what to do, I drop the towel from my head and told her, “Ma'am, I don't have any problem with you at all. I accept your apology and I think it's wonderful that you came up to tell me, thank you.”
“I was wondering if maybe we could have a nightcap before you head to bed. I was told you like tequila,” she pulled out a bottle from behind her back.
“Yeah, but it's just not the same without limes and salt,” I laughed a little at the situation. Then she pulled a couple of limes and a salt shaker out of her pocket.
Taking the limes and salt from her I told her, “You are just exactly what the doctor ordered, by all means, come on in."
As I moved back into the room I said, “My name is Warner, nice to meet you.”
She stepped into the room and responds, “I am Sara and I agree, it is nice.”
I picked up a couple of glasses off the table and walked back over by her, still standing in front of the open door. I offered her a glass and walked over and motioned to a seat on the edge of the bed. I sat on the only chair in the room, over by the table. She filled the glasses with a couple of shots and as she did, I cut the limes into wedges. Taking the bottle from her, I turned around to set it on the table. When I turned back she'd already emptied her glass and held it out for another. I picked up the bottle and gave her another couple of shots, drank mine and then filled it again.
I watched as she downed her shots with one swallow, after using the salt, she picked up a lime. As she bites into that lime I finished mine and grabbed one of the other slices of lime. She kind of choked a little bit and I patted her on the back. I smiled and said, “You don't normally drink tequila do you?”
“Noooo…” she coughed and sat down her glass. “ I have a confession to make. I felt so bad that when I saw you at the restaurant I thought I had another chance to make it up to you. I talked to Rita and she told me where you were staying and what room you would be in and I asked her if you thought it would be okay if I came for a visit. She said that I would truly enjoy a visit and then she thought I should do it as soon as we get back from the restaurant.”
Smiling, well, let's call it a grin that covered my face, I told her, “Well, I am very happy that you visited and I'm glad we could resolve any problem that we had. I'm not from here, so I don't know what station would play good music, all I have here is a radio. You're welcome to take off your coat and relax, so we can talk,” with that said, I turned around to turn on the radio and when I turned back, she had taken off her coat and was in a very lovely babydoll nightie and stretched out on the bed.
I walked over to the bed and looked down at her, “Are you sure?”
She dropped her head and looked at the floor, “Yes, please. Rita told me about your last mission and I knew then I wanted to be close to you. May I please see your scars?”
I stood for a moment, longer than I would have ever imagined. I slowly untied the sweat pants, pulled them down to my knees and watched as she looked down at my legs and belly. I look as though I had been in a sword fight. She reaches up and traces the scars on my flesh, lightly touching the purple stripes as if she might hurt me. I see a small tear had formed in her eyes.
“Look at me, Sara,” I whispered.
She looked up and smiled as I slowly slid off my sweats. My cock was already responding to the situation and her look. Stepping out of the sweats I took a step toward her. She slipped off the bed and onto her knees at my feet. Her tiny hands wrap around my manhood and slowly stroked. Smiling, she looked at my cock as it grew. Looking up at me, she slowly slid her tongue along the bottom of my cock, her eyes never leaving mine, she licked around the ridge, slowly slid the head into her mouth and moaned. I thought I was going to explode. She continued to stroke and tease me as she licked around my head, up and down the shaft until she sucked my balls into her mouth one at a time.
As she licked and teased me, I untied and pulled off the top of her nightie. Sliding my hands down her sides I lifted her up off my cock and stood her up on the bed. I started to caress her as she stood above me, her pussy at my face. I kissed above the little tuft of hair below her panty line. Pressing my face against her little pussy. She spread her legs just a little to allow me to slide my tongue between her thighs, teased and coax her little clit from hiding.
I slid my hands between her thighs and spread them farther which, at the same time causes her to lose her balance. I pushed her backwards onto the bed. Slid up and kissed the inside of her thighs as I got closer. My fingertips teased and caressed her skin as I moved up and then spread her labia to see my prize. lightly I licked and teased her lips, up and around the hood, opening her up as her little pussy began to weep for me.
I positioned myself between her legs and lifted her up and over my shoulders. Pushing her legs back, it opened her up as I began to lick with my tongue flat against her, sliding up and down her lips, teasing above and across the little hole as I slid my tongue under the hood and freed her little clit from its hiding place. I sucked and I began sliding my fingers inside her, palm up, two fingers pushed against the front of her pelvis, looking for that little rough spot inside. As I sucked her clit, my fingers prodded and probe that little elusive G-spot inside. With each poke, it sent electric shocks up her spine and I saw that she was getting closer and closer.
At this point, I backed off a little bit letting her relax from the previous roller coaster ride and just took my time slowly teasing, pleasing, her getting her more and more ready. She was panting and gripping the bed beside her, blankets wrapped between her fingers as I could tell she was almost beyond the point of no return. I took my fingertips and I pinched her clit hard, holding it, squeezing it, after a few seconds I let go and she felt the blood rush back inside as I slowly fanned across the top of her clit with my fingertips.
The more I sucked, the more I fanned her clit, the harder it is for her to stand still and she'd gotten to the point where she was grinding her pussy against my face, dreaming, hoping, praying for that orgasm to fill her and take her over the edge. Still, I just kept her there, not letting her find that edge, not letting her have that orgasm, holding her, making her need so much more.
Sitting up, I moved away from her, the look on her face was priceless. She looked as though I had just taken away something incredibly special and she wanted it back. I pulled her over as I rolled onto my back with her on top of me.
I whispered in her ear, “Show me, let me see your need. Show me how slutty you can be.”
She slid down and almost swallowed my cock in one stroke, holding me so deep and fighting her gag reflex. She soaked and teased my cock as it plumped even harder. She then sat up and guided me into her wet lil' kitty. She dropped down and forced me in as deep as her tight lil' pussy would let me. Immediately she was bouncing and slamming down on my cock. She was so close as her eyes rolled back, pumping me deep. I pinched and held her clit as she rode me and when I release, I spanked her little clitty as the blood rushed back. She was shaking and convulsing but would not let her cum, kept up a pace that drove her on but did not let her explode.
Her head dropped back and she thrust her breasts forward. My hands reached up to grip her breasts, pulling, massaging, squeezing them working my way down to the nipples and pinched those as she rode harder and harder and now she was begging to cum.
“PLEASE… pleasssse, let me cum, I am so ready,” was the low growl that came from her mouth.
I looked up at her and when she again made eye contact I whispered, “Cum for me, CUM Now lil' one… Soak me.”
With those words, I saw her body tighten and she shook and quaked. She let out a howl as she came, her pussy squirting around my cock as she slammed down. Watching her cum, I lost control and began to fill her with my seed. She tensed with my first squirt and I believed she was cumming again. I held her up until she could no longer hold herself and fell down on top of me, quivering and panting for air.
We lay there wrapped arm and arm, with her on top with me for what seemed like a very long time. She raised up her head, look down at me and smiled. Then she slid down and she took my spent cock in her mouth and began to clean me up, licking our combined juices off of my cock and balls.
Just then the door to the room opened and in walked Spc5 Daum. She stood at the door for a couple of minutes and then said she had heard screaming and just wanted to make sure everything was okay. Rita walked over to the side of the bed. She smiled as she slid off her robe and was naked underneath. As she climbed on the bed and wrapped her hand around my cock, I heard Sara giggle.
Looking at Sara, Rita said, “I told you he would like the apology. I hope you don't mind that I decided to join, Sir?” Rita looked up at me, blew me a kiss as she bent over and slid her lips around my cock...
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Introduction: Jessaica is asked by the local butcher to sit in his window display to show off her meat untill his late meat shipment can arrive. Mistaken Display Story: #45 Copyright 2009 Written: March 22 2009 A Story By: KaosAngel Proofed by: KaosAngel Please send any comments about this story to ([email protected]) ******************************************** Jessica woke up this morning to the sound of her mother calling her from the kitchen, Jessy, Jessy dear come on down here She...
Story: #45 Copyright ©2009 Written: March 22 2009 A Story By: KaosAngel Proofed by: KaosAngel Please send any comments about this story to ([email protected]) ******************************************** Jessica woke up this morning to the sound of her mother calling her from the kitchen, "Jessy, Jessy dear come on down here" She called, forcing Jessica from a wonderful dream, she slumped out of bed gave nude body a quick look in the full length mirror, looking in the...
On Display Part 2 [email protected] the end of the row of desks, she had to turn with her backto the windows briefly to turn a corner to the elevators. Thepeople on the last row got a full backlight frontal view of hersupple curves, and perhaps even a glimpse of pussy hair between herlegs as she walked. She knew the image she presented oozed sex! Kim had never felt so embarrassed and out of control. The elevatoropened, and Kim entered. She was thankful that no one else was inthe elevator. It...
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FetishOn Display Part 4He continued, "Well, perhaps not IN the office, but certainlywith the office as your largest audience to date. They have beenclued as to the show which is now about to begin. The opening ofthe d****s was the cue. You were the only one in the office "inthe dark" so to speak. But that is OK. YOU ARE TO BE THE STAR!!"I am to be known to you only as "master." You will address me assuch when I allow you to speak at all."Now it was certain. All the office staff knew exactly who wason...
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On Display Part 3"You will go to the 15th floor and exit the elevator. Goimmediately to room 1501. When you arrive at the door, you willturn and face down the hallway towards the elevator. You willimmediately remove your dress regardless of who is in the hallwaywith you at the time. You will remain facing toward the elevatorwhile you do this, with your full frontal nakedness totally exposedto whoever may come down the hallway. You will leave the dress onthe floor. You will leave the shoes on....
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It was a couple of weeks after I started modeling for the life drawing class and I was downtown on a Saturday doing a little shopping. I stopped to look in the window of an art supply store and was dumbstruck. There was a framed black and white drawing in the window sitting in a display easel and it was me. It was my long, dark hair; it was my quirky eyebrows and full lips; it was my plump titties with bullet-like nipples; it was even my smooth pussy with a hint of my clit hanging out. Anyone...
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Last night, Agness wanted to go see the local Holiday lights display at the city lake. Brett was more than happy to have me chauffer him and my beautiful wife for the night. We drove to Brett’s place. I went around and opened the wife’s door, gave her my arm to assist her getting out. I escorted her to the rear door, and opened it for my Goddess. After closing her door, I went to the other side waiting for our Bullfriend to join us. Brett soon came out and shook my hand as I opened his...
It is the same as I have been telling you the last few times – I am your master and you my slave. Although you are just one young girl of my large harem (for I have made my career out of raising you slaves as whores for amusement as well as livelihood) you have a special position – you are my favorite, and I keep you for myself exclusively. You share my bed nightly and I only allow you to couple with other men on very special occasions – for visiting kings and the like – and always I...
The room was still cloaked in gloom despite the shard of bright afternoon sunlight that poured in where the edges of the heavy d****s failed to meet. The gloom was soft with sounds of slumber, a muffled sigh, and the silken rasp of chiffon sliding across satin. Slowly, the occupants of the oversized bed drifted from their dreams through the layers of sleep and into the gentle awareness of waking. No shrilling sound of an alarm or piercing ray of light dragged them abruptly from sleep.Carolyn...
My name is Susmita Sanyal. I am from the city of kolkata and currently studying in final year of b.A.(hons) in a college in kolkata itself.From the time when i understood the meaning and the pleasures of sex i had been very much fascinated by it. I watched a lot of porn on my computer from class 10 onwards that led to a bad result in my class 10 board exams and also my class 12 exams. So my dream of studying in a college outside kolkata was shattered and i had to stay at home and go to college...
The Women in the Red BlouseOkay, I am 70, so all of you guys that are middle 40’s and below have this image of an old grampa that can’t get it up can move along and find another story to get you hard. The rest of you that want to hear the fantasy produced by my shopping trip read on.Yes, it was a trip to the grocery store for a loaf of bread. I suppose if I was a professional porn writer I would have changed the loaf of bread to a grocery shopping trip for a sausage, but it really was a loaf of...
My wife and I took a quick trip out of town for the weekend. We arrived at the hotel to check in and it wasn't until we looked at the room key to realize we had a ground floor room. Usually these aren't to our liking since you catch lobby noise at all hours, traffic, and of course the floor above you. We realized the room was at the far end of the hotel which is bordered by trees, thus no outside annoyances and it was as far as one could go from the lobby. Once inside, I opened the curtains...
The glass andsteel cabinet you had built to display me in your office looks like a largefish tank. Each morning at exactly 8.50am sharp, you open the glass panel atthe front and help me climb inside. I kneel on all fours, completely nude andastride the metal tubing that is set between the leather-padded mats on thefloor of the cabinet. My forearms resting on the mats forces my buttprovocatively in the air; a padded T-bar riser supports my hips and holds me inthat position. For added measure,...
Introduction: At a department store downtown for lunch …. Wife Displays herself. Voyeur, fm, cuckold, public It all started one Tuesday when my wife, Mary and I were in a department store cafeteria meeting for a late lunch. My office was nearby and she wanted to shop a bit afterward. It was on the top 6th floor behind the furniture department. A pleasant time and a good lunch. Until I noticed Mary was kind of distracted. She seemed to be watching someone at another table behind me. When I...
A Display of Powersrone I?ve prepared her a small breakfast and served it to her in bed. I made the bed and tidied up the bedroom while she was in the shower, and then I cleaned the bathroom when she was done with her shower. I was now kneeling before her massaging her feet while she was putting the finishing touches on her hair at her vanity when we heard the doorbell ring. I hated these interruptions in our weekend game and angrily went to sit on the bed to wait for our guest to...
(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Three: Sisters' Naughty Display By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Melody Samuels I smacked my half-brother, and my lover, on his naked, muscular ass. “Fix those pipes, stud.” Clint turned around, a big grin on his mouth. “I'm skilled at laying pipes!” It was the next morning after he pinned me against the refrigerator and fucked me hard. It was nice to be hammered so hard by him. It had me buzzing, but it...
On Display Part 1 [email protected] was a senior vice-president of a stock brokerage firm inNew York City. She had attained such a high position in part byplaying the part of the consummate, castrating bitch. No one inthe office had been able to successfully challenge her. One thingwas certain, she did NOT get where she was by sleeping her way tothe top. She was determined to make herself successful by usingher brains, not her body, although her body WAS gorgeous. She wasenvied by every woman...
My wife and I were driving to the adult theater once again, a normal occurrence for us, at least twice per month. I enjoyed taking her to the adult theater and have her play with the variety of men that ventured in to see a movie, but she provided a different level of enjoyment.We had found a new blouse for her to wear, a sheer blouse that left nothing to the imagination. Cheryl was hornier than usual, and was quite anxious to get to the theater for some sexual fun and games.As we drove she...
So my wife's friend turned his attention back to my wife telling her how sexy she looked and how it would be great if they can hook up and go out for a few drinks. This guy was totally asking my wife out on a date in front of me. He told her Dave was going to bug out when he tells him that he saw her. Then it hit me. Dave was my wife's ex and this was his roommate Tom. They have been the root of my wife's BIG COCK GANG BANG fantasies. See, long ago my wife and I had separated for a while and we...
It sounds like a good party is going on. Sound is all I have had to go by for quite a while after someone zipped my eye holes shut. Sound and various fondlings and feelings. It is an odd feeling being and object, a piece of art. To have someone fondling and stroking your cock who you’ve never met, cannot see and is having a conversation about it with someone else as if you aren’t even there. One woman, whose deep, throaty voice make me believe is considerably older than my 25 years, is...
Public Display of Affectionby NinjaI had just broken up with Lisa the day before. My choice. I sat through the tears and the pleading and all that - and now I was done and out again. There wasn't anything in particular that caused me to break up with her - it was just that I was bored with the relationship.So who else is at the party? Lisa. This sucks. Ok, hopefully we can just ignore each other. Lots of cute girls here so I don't want to leave. But of course she comes over. She is starting to...
From Nikki's wardrobe, I selected a very tight blouse and the shortest pleated mini skirt that she owned. Looking through her panties, I found a tiny black sheer thong. I placed the clothes upon our bed. Black stiletto heels completed the outfit.I informed Nikki that we were going out later in the evening and that she was to wear the clothing that I had chosen for her. I insisted that she wear heavy makeup.Nikki did as she was told. She stood before me. Nikki looked like a complete...
ExhibitionismThree minutes into the job interview my eyes goggled as she stared fixedly at me. I thought, “What the hell? No! I’d never live it down.” My face blushed in a sudden flush of embarrassment as blood rushed to both my brains. She continued watching me impassively, middle-aged, dominant, and gorgeous, and I thought twice. “Anything for a chance at that,” I thought. “The others won’t even remember me in a month’s time.” Her brown eyes were even more seductive than her wide hips and ample bust and...
InterracialThis is fiction. No part of this story is true nor do I wish it to be true ... If you are not 18, you should not be reading this. If you believe this is real, you should not be reading this. It all comes from an overactive imagination. The next morning she awoke with start. Damn if her fingers weren’t sticky again. She hardly thought twice as she licked them clean. What she did think of was what she had done in front of her son and those damned pictures! She had to figure a way to talk him...
I went to Mr Collins’ office, David’s, for my normal briefing. I enjoyed working for him, he was a quiet kind man. The corridor to the office was long and quiet, it being above what used to be the stables in the old house where our offices were situated. Unusually Mr Collins was sitting, not at his desk but at the low coffee table near the window where he and clients often sat discussing work. The door was open, as it was when he wasn’t busy, and he motioned me over to him. I closed the door...
During a night of unabashed debauchery at the club, Simon proudly flaunts his new and improved sissy apparatus. Much to the delight of those he holds so dear. Author's note: Although I'm posting this in serial form, I assure you, dear reader, this humble offering consisting of eight chapters, is complete. "Tweak" By: Simonne Danielle © 2008 - 2010 All Rights Reserved Chapter Seven - New Talents Displayed If Simon thought he was embarrassed at having to wear his...
Continuing the story of my slutvslave wife she loves to be displayed and exhibited to others. Last week she wanted to be taken out and displayed. She dressed the part strippernheels very short skirt blouse no bra and collar. . I walked her to the car and asked her where do she want to go? She said the adult store and to the strip club. I drove her to the adult store she walked in alone I followed a few minutes later. I saw her looking at the dildoes and so were the 5 other guys she was showing...
she writhed and moaned helplessly in her bonds as his hand slid up her stocking thigh Sara was her name and She awoke from what she assumed was a dream. Only to find herself helplessly bound onto some kind of an X shaped cross in a standing position. Although she seemed to be fully dressed Try as she might she couldnt move.. her arms were strapped at the wrists and above her elbows ..her stocking covered legs were spread wide and strapped at the ankles as well as below her knees. Strangley it...
BondageIt all started one Tuesday when my wife, Mary and I were in a downtown department store meeting for a late lunch. My office was nearby and she wanted to shop a bit afterward. The cafeteria was on the top 6th floor behind the furniture department. A pleasant time and a good lunch. Until I noticed Mary was kind of distracted. She seemed to be watching someone at another table behind me. When I finally stole a look, I saw that it was an older man and paid little attention, thought she...
"Hey Mike. Come on over and say hi to the girls." Donna P. beckoned to her husband. He looked tired. His hair lay matted from sweat and the hardhat now held at his side. He painted on a brave face while he sauntered toward the pool. Wrinkles in the corners of his eyes mirrored a genuine smile when he said his greetings."Why don't you join us? You look like you could use a cool down.""Alright," he muttered after a pause to consider. I'll rinse off and come back.""Bring some more beers - will you...
While I was in Orlando, I received eight videos, four from Catherine featuring her regular performances, and four from the self-styled Chase I. Tyturp, chronicling Catherine’s infidelity.The videos from Chase were curious indeed. Whereas the first had been grainy and the people in it almost indistinguishable, the four I received while in Orlando where all good quality.There was one in particular that fascinated me. There could be little doubt that the young man Catherine was carrying on with...
Wife LoversIn a nightclub years ago I had a holy grail moment and caught my one and only pantiless upskirt. There was an outside smoking area with heat lamps and some seating. If you weren't lucky enough to get a stool you sat on the floor. It provided no end of upskirt shots later in the night when girls were pissed or whatever.We were sat in a group of 3, my friend his girl Lou and me. She was new on the scene and while none of us wanted to admit it her plain face was overshadowed by a hot body and a...
Folsom Street, San Francisco I'm English from Brighton. Last year they entered me into the Folsom Street Fair wearing just a well filled pink bra, matching panties and a spiked collar around my neck. I had no shoes on my feet and my wrists were cuffed behind my back and I was hobble chained. My face was made up like that of a whore but it was obvious I was a man as I wore no wig my hair being typically that of a man. There was much interest in me with many photographs taken...
Time: November 28, 8236 10:10 AM By the time I got back to my private suite of offices ten minutes after the close of morning Prayers, it already seemed as if I had put in a full day. I had been up since sunrise seven hours ago, but that wasn't it. It was my 5 AM holocast call with Abigail. As she was giving me the scheduled status report, she flashed a secret hand signal. She was asking that I recall her immediately. With the multiple rail and ferry connections needed to get back to my...
Note : This story is completely fictional! At long last, summer had finally come to a close. Autumn pretty much never happened this year, as if mother nature wanted to hurry up and get winter started; and what a cold winter it was turning out to be! By the second week of winter, temperatures had already dropped to twenty degrees Fahrenheit. However, the cold winter could not dampen the twins’ spirits. Far too many things were going right for them. For instance, both of them had found new jobs,...
IncestChapter Three: Salome's Futa Passions Displayed By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Salome Cardozo's Week, Wednesday I hit the back button, closing my phone book app and stopping myself from calling Shelena. I threw my smartphone onto my bed. I wouldn't give in to my lust for the bullying, Black futa and her massive girl-dick. I didn't need her fucking my asshole any longer. I had Paloma and the kinky changes to our relationship. I flopped onto my bed and shuddered, rolling over in my...
helplessly bound swollen pussy drooling and twitching Aware of how obscenly she is displayed wearing only stockings completely and helpless spread wide open for all to see with her swollen little pussy literally running juices down over her puckerd asshole as it twitches and gapes. Her needy little clit is throbbing and standing tall and proud between her puusy lips like a little cock. All Sara can only think of of how is badly She needs to cum. At this point she is sexually delirous she can...