Conference Conception Part 1
- 3 years ago
- 30
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Dear God! Was this what being drunk always felt like afterwards?
It was late when I finally opened my eyes the following morning. The rest of the night had passed in a fitful sleep which had done nothing to refresh me. My head was thick, my mouth dry, my tummy heaving.
I hadn’t actually been sick; if I had been more experienced in the world of drinking I might have made myself vomit; I would have forced myself to consume several glasses of water too and would consequently be feeling better. But I was a rookie in that respect and woke with for me, the grandmother of all hangovers.
The only thing that made my situation any better was the certain knowledge that my husband’s hangover was worse; much worse if the green-grey colour of his skin was anything to judge by.
The conference had officially ended the night before so there was no real need to go down to breakfast the next morning but, if I was to support my husband all the way, I needed to be present at every opportunity. William could not be seen publicly either to be unwell and could not afford to miss what would be the very last opportunity before the Board meeting for a little schmoozing so, reluctantly, we dragged ourselves from bed, showered, shaved, dressed and put on as brave a face as we could.
It wasn’t until I was washing myself in the shower and came across a small knot of semen in my pubic hair that I remembered what had happened in the night. A shiver passed through me; the way I had felt and the things I had thought and said had been quite out of character but at least had been in private. Only my husband and Monica had seen me drunk.
I soaped my flat tummy wondering whether my instincts had been right and there was indeed the earliest beginnings of a baby inside me. To my surprise, a warm glow replaced the shiver; the thought that I might now actually be pregnant was nowhere near as alarming as I would have expected only a day ago. In fact, the prospect had a real if unfamiliar appeal.
The way in which my putative baby had been conceived came back to me too. Vivid memories began to fill my mind; how it had felt to be touched and entered from behind; how the complete darkness had heightened all my other senses. How very different my husband’s erection had felt in this new position; how it had filled me so completely; how his technique had been so very good, bringing me to an entirely unexpected orgasm before filling my body with the seed I had wanted so badly.
If this was what being a more normal wife and mother felt like, perhaps it did have some advantages.
Most of the other conference attendees had taken the opportunity to have a lie-in too so the breakfast room was busy as we arrived late and waited at the entrance to be shown to a table. The state of my tummy wasn’t going to let me have much to eat but copious amounts of strong black coffee were an absolute necessity.
To my surprise, as we waited to be served and the diners began to notice our presence, the noisy bustle seemed to quieten down a little. Couples paused in their conversation and turned surreptitiously to look at us.
I glowed with pride despite my throbbing head; the rumour machine was working. My husband must have done so well last evening that his place as Senior Partner was being openly talked about. I swelled with pleasure myself, after all, I had played a part in this success.
The next few weeks passed in something of a haze. Both Will and I were badly hung over all Sunday so it was Monday evening before our lovemaking resumed. I was too embarrassed to talk about all I had said, done and felt in bed that Saturday night so pretended all had been normal. Fortunately for me, Will could remember little so my blushes were spared.
All the same, it was a new me that lay beneath my husband that Monday evening, a new, softer, more sexually aware me who was happy to go through the motions of being inseminated again but who knew in her heart she was already pregnant.
In our usual missionary position, my husband’s erection felt more like it usually did. As a result, I did not reach anything like the heights of pleasure I had reached at the conference but, as I could not conceive twice, I had not expected to.
All the same it was a bit disappointing.
Other good things happened in the coming weeks too.
The first was that, at the very next Board Meeting, William was confirmed as Senior Partner. We both glowed with pride as we read the announcement first in the company’s internal newsletter then in the National financial Press.
The huge increase in salary that this promotion included was going to come in handy too because very shortly afterwards I missed my period. A week after that a home test confirmed that I was indeed pregnant.
William actually cried when I told him the good news.
The warm feminine glow that filled my heart when I realised I was going to be a mother is something that will live with me the rest of my life. There could be only one possible moment of conception; I basked in the contentment of having recognised it at the time, however drunkenly.
The prospect of being a mother changed things around us and changed me too. My all-consuming job began to seem somehow less important; my studies and reading began to feel like trivial indulgences compared with the reality of bringing life into the world.
How could mediaeval literature possibly compare to motherhood? How could I write about the self-indulgent Beat Generation when the real next generation was growing in my belly?
The fact that the baby had been conceived during the most intense sexual experience of my life was icing on the cake, but how could I study the climax of Twentieth Century fiction when the greatest physical climax of my life was still so fresh in my memory?
My God! That orgasm had been intense! Did conception always feel that good? Why had I fought against it for so long?
I wanted to talk to Maggie about this wonderful change in my life but for some reason she seemed to have been avoiding me since the conference. I had no idea why this should be; I hadn’t been so drunk I could have upset her during the weekend and not realised it. Indeed I was sure I had not.
A possible answer came a few weeks later when I visited Will in his smart new office for the first time since the conference. By then I was a full ten weeks pregnant and although my bump wasn’t yet obvious, my clothes were definitely beginning to feel a little tight.
Pregnancy had transformed our relationship completely. Though we had always loved each other, the passion I now felt for the father of the child growing in my belly was beyond anything I had dreamed existed. In return, Will seemed to view me as some kind of Goddess, his adoration manifesting itself in gifts, concentrated attention and an extraordinary vigour to our sex life that we hadn’t known since our earliest days together.
I don’t think either of us had ever been this happy in our lives.
To get to Will’s new lair I had to walk through the sales office. Convinced that the world could see my swelling belly, I was more than a little self-conscious but in fact, the staff seemed to be avoiding my gaze rather than staring at my bulge. Maybe it wasn’t considered appropriate to stare at the Big Boss’ wife.
As I made my way along the walkway between the desks, I passed Phil Gibson’s office again. It was empty; he must have been out with clients so I couldn’t resist having a look at the frame full of cards hanging over his filing cabinet as I went by.
I froze when I saw it! On the extreme right hand side of the frame was a new card; the queen of diamonds.
My mouth dropped open. If the rumours were right, this meant Phil had added one of the two remaining Partner’s wives to his list of conquests. If Maggie had told the truth, until the conference she and I had been the only wives to have resisted Phil’s undoubted charms.
Now it appeared only one wife remained unviolated…
Maggie must have succumbed! Oh my God!
My heart sprang back into life and began to race. After all she had said to me about him, my chatty, gossipy friend had actually let the company’s worst lothario get into her knickers.
I had seen her talking to him at the conference but had lost track of her shortly afterwards. Maybe she had been with him. Maybe they had been in his room! They had certainly seemed to be getting on well the last time I had seen them together, but would she really have let him have sex with her?
The cards told me all I needed to know. And if I could tell this, the rest of the business would know it too.
No wonder Maggie was avoiding me; the shame and embarrassment would keep her away from anyone work-related for a long time. And what if it hadn’t just been a one-night stand? What if they were having a longer term affair?
Though older than me, Maggie was still a good-looking woman; a woman with a past too, that might mean she was better in bed than her nature would suggest.
My mind was spinning as I left the parcel on William’s desk and made my way back through the office. This time I could feel enquiring eyes on me as I passed, as if hoping to see my reaction to the revelation I had just experienced.
I didn’t see or speak to Maggie for nearly another month, and then it was only because she came up to me in the supermarket.
Me in a supermarket? Surely not!
Before my pregnancy I would always order groceries online and have them delivered to the house. Much of it was convenience foods to fit in with my busy professional life and of course I insisted on eating out often. Now, nearly sixteen weeks gone and with a noticeable bulge, I preferred to take a trolley around the store, looking for ideas for my husband’s dinner. I had even started cooking more and more from scratch.
Indeed I had taken to the role of current wife and future mother with an enthusiasm that surprised me. I now worked only three days a week and had halved the hours our cleaner spent doing the domestic chores I used to hate but now actually enjoyed. My severe work suits had already been replaced with softer, more feminine dresses and leggings and would soon be followed by real maternity clothes. The prospect actually appealed to me!
I could tell Maggie was a little taken aback by my appearance but looked pleased to have found me. We took our shopping into a quiet corner the shop’s busy café and sat down to talk for the first time since the conference.
The atmosphere was strange to begin with. I looked at the woman I confidently believed to have recently cheated rather publicly on her husband but could see no obvious sign of change. Indeed, Maggie seemed to be eyeing me with suspicion instead but I took that to be a result of my new shape and more casual clothes.
It took a good ten minutes of banal chat before either of us referred to the subject we both knew eventually had to arise.
“I haven’t seen you since the conference,” I said as casually as I could. “Have you been hiding from me.”
I made it sound as much a joke as I could but there was a frown on her face.
“It’s a bit… awkward,” she began slowly.
“I hope we can still be good friends,” I replied. “I know Will is Brian’s boss now but that shouldn’t affect you and me. We’ve been friends far too long to let that get between us.”
She looked at me strangely again. It unsettled me more than a little to the extent that my next words took even me by surprise.
“And that thing with Phil shouldn’t come between us either.”
Maggie’s mouth fell open in shock.
“Sorry Maggie,” I hastily added. “I can keep a secret, I promise. It’s your business after all.”
“YOU can keep a secret?” she asked, stunned.
“Of course. You’re my best friend, whatever happened that night.”
She paused then looked at me quizzically.
“What exactly do you think did happen that night?”
“Well… you and Phil obviously,” I whispered confidentially. “I saw the card in his office?”
“What card?”
”The Queen of Diamonds of course.”
“And you thought it meant he’d had ME?”
“Of course. I saw you talking to him in the bar. He looked like he was giving you the full works and that you were enjoying it. I didn’t see either of you again after that. Then I saw the queen of diamonds had been added and…”
“And put two and two together?” she offered.
I nodded.
Maggie took a long sip of coffee then sat back in her seat.
“Can you keep a secret?” she eventually asked.
“Of course.”
“You were right. Phil was trying to seduce me in the bar.”
I smiled in satisfaction.
“He’s a very attractive man; a woman my age is more easily flattered than someone younger and I was enjoying the attention. Brian doesn’t seem to see me as a woman anymore; our love life has been in the doldrums for years and it felt so good to be the centre of an attractive man’s attention again.”
I nodded but kept quiet, not wanting to break her flow.
“Deep down I knew he was only doing it as part of his challenge but I was a bit drunk and Phil is nothing if not persistent. Eventually I decided not to resist any longer. Phil had made it plain that he wanted me and I had actually decided to give in and let him have me.”
“Oh! I knew it was wrong, but life with Brian had become so unbearably dull that even a one night stand with a man that good-looking seemed a release. I’m not stupid Carole; I know what he’s like. I knew it wouldn’t be much more than a quick tumble but after twenty years of Brian’s deathly dull bedroom technique, even an hour in bed with Phil seemed irresistible.”
She blushed and leaned even closer towards me.
“I was so desperate I’d wet my panties before he even touched me.”
“Maggie!” I gasped.
“I know. I’m not proud of myself but it’s true. I might have been back in a school disco, I was so wet.”
This would have been an extraordinary confession if the memories of my Conference Conception that the conversation was generating hadn’t been having a similar effect on my own body. Even talking to Maggie in this way was making me lubricate.
Was this something that always happened to pregnant women? The books didn’t mention it.
“Phil said we mustn’t be seen leaving the bar together,” Maggie continued. “He said he’d go to his room and wait for me there. Brian might come back to ours at any moment.”
“I see.”
“I checked Brian was still in the dining room then went back to our room and changed my panties. Then I slipped down the stairs to Phil’s room. I was very nervous in case someone saw me but no-one did. When I got there, something had gone wrong with the lights in the corridor. It was so dark I didn’t think anyone could see me.”
That made sense; the company had booked out the entire floor of the hotel. If something had gone wrong on our corridor, it had would probably have gone wrong on them all.
“I stood outside the door in the darkness. My tummy was rumbling really badly with nerves. I’d never cheated on Brian before and wasn’t sure I could go through with it.”
“But you did?” I hazarded.
Maggie gave me a sharp look.
“Don’t tease me Carole,” she frowned. “I was just about to knock when I heard the voices.”
“Which voices?”
Again she frowned at me as if in disbelief.
“Your voices, Carole. Yours and Phil’s. I heard your voices coming from inside his room. Then I heard the bedsprings.”
“For Christ’s sake Carole, I heard the two of you. It was a bit muffled but the door’s not very thick. I’d know your voice anywhere. It’s very distinctive, even when you’re wailing. It was you all right!”
“No!” I exclaimed in horror. “It can’t have been! You must have been at the wrong door.”
“It was your voice,” she insisted. “And it was Phil’s door. You were begging him to make a baby in you. You wanted – what was it you said? Oh yes, you wanted your Conference Conception!”
My world stopped turning and a cold chill came over me. Incapable of speech or movement, all I could do was stare straight ahead.
It couldn’t be true!
Okay, I had been drunk and in near-darkness when I looked for my handbag, but could I really have stumbled into Phil’s room instead of my own. Had I really climbed into Phil’s bed instead of the one I was sharing with my husband? Had Phil found me in his bed when he returned expecting Maggie to join him later?
“That Queen of Diamonds is you Carole, not me,” Maggie was saying coldly. “When I came down you were already in his bed. Your room door was open and William was still in the bar. There’s no mistake. Phil fucked you that night instead of me. Christ! Who do you think carried you back to your room?”
The bitterness in her voice was horrible but it all made sense. No wonder the sex had felt so different; it had been with a different man. Phil must have fucked me believing I was Maggie. We looked similar in daylight; drunk and in the darkness had he made as big a mistake as I had?
No! My mistake was far, far worse!
My hands fell to my belly in horror. I felt sick. Maggie’s eyes followed them then rose until we were staring into each other’s faces again.
No wonder it had only taken one brief insemination to get me pregnant; it hadn’t been my husband’s half-useless sperm at all. I was carrying Phil Gibson’s baby.
“I thought that might have happened,” she said with an unpleasant tone in her voice.
“Does everyone know?” I stammered. There was no point even trying to deny it.
“Not yet,” she replied. “They all think it was me he had that night. Like you, they all saw me talking to him in the bar.”
“Will you tell the truth? Save your reputation?” I asked.
“That depends,” she said enigmatically.
“What do you mean?” I asked, genuinely nonplussed.
Maggie leaned back in her seat and took another sip of coffee before continuing.
“Right now only you and I know the truth. Even Phil thinks he fucked me that night.” She leaned closer towards me again, a lustful leer on her face. “He says I was really good too.”
I was stunned. Phil Gibson had thought I was a good fuck?
“Don’t you want to put things straight?” I asked, puzzled.
“That depends,” she repeated to my frustration. “At my age I could cope with the world thinking I was foolish enough to let a man twenty years younger fuck me. It’s a compliment in a way, especially if he thought I was good in bed too.”
“What about Brian? Does he know?”
“Brian thinks Phil fucked me though he hasn’t asked and I haven’t confessed – at least, not yet. Brian thinks it’s his own fault for neglecting me and in a way he’s right; I would have let Phil fuck me that night if you hadn’t got in the way. Brian’s working so hard on our relationship now, in and out of bed that I feel like a new woman. I could live with that too – for now.”
She paused.
“But I could only bear the shame long term if I was married to the Deputy Senior Partner.”
“But William doesn’t have a Deputy…” I began then stopped.
“William…” Maggie pondered aloud. “He’s a lovely man, but I wonder how lovely he would be if he found out that not only has his wife been unfaithful, the baby he wanted for so many years is not actually his? That the father of the child in his wife’s belly is actually the man he hates most in the whole business?”
“Maggie you wouldn’t?”
“Why not? It’s all true. A simple paternity test would show that within days. I hope you’re good at explanations.”
There was a long pause during which I wanted the earth to open up and swallow me whole.
“But maybe he never needs to find out. If I say nothing, the fuss will have died down in a few months,” she eventually continued. “By the time your baby’s born the scandal machine will have moved on. If I can stand the world believing I was bedded by Phil until then, I can stand it forever. That kind of shame passes.”
She looked me straight in the eye.
“Bringing up another man’s child takes a lot longer. Do you think William would be up for that?”
“Go on,” I said, feeling trapped and dreading what she might demand.
“What if my husband was, say, promoted to Deputy Senior Partner within the year? What if his tenure in that role was known to be because of his personal affinity with your husband? That would give Brian and me a real incentive to make sure William’s boat didn’t get rocked by, let’s say, some form of scandal involving his wife.”
I nodded my understanding, my tummy hollow with anxiety as she continued.
“And if Phil Gibson had to be fired, how much easier would it be if it was done by the new Deputy, a man whose wife was believed to have been seduced by him?”
The logic was impeccable. I was trapped. Even if William did believe I had slept with Phil Gibson by mistake – and that was a very big if – the baby would still not be his.
Maggie was offering me a way out of the worst dilemma of my entire life.
I had no choice but to take it.
A year later, all was well in our household. I was a full-time mother of a healthy baby and a part time lecturer having given up all but a few hours a week at my job.
Will had no suspicions about his status as a father; I was as happy as I had ever been. We had even started trying for a second baby while we were both still relatively young - though so far without success.
With a small child in the house I had found I did indeed have much more in common with the WAGs. Freed from my job, I even started joining them for coffee during the week and watching some of the soaps and reality TV they enjoyed so much. Within a few months I had become addicted to several of these programmes and was almost as well connected to the company gossip as I had been before though Maggie.
It was surprisingly satisfying, unlike my sex life.
Having had so few lovers in my life, I had naturally assumed that sex with every man would be like sex with my husband had been. Phil Gibson had emphatically if unintentionally shown me otherwise. Now, every time my husband’s cock entered my body, all I could think of was how poorly it compared to my one act of infidelity and the extraordinary pleasure that had brought me.
With one single copulation Phil had ruined me as far as sex was concerned.
And he hadn’t even known he was doing it.
Though sometimes I could forget my night of extreme sexual pleasure, it wasn’t easy with a constant reminder in the house. Phil’s son grew more like his real father day by day. Fortunately the rumour mill was silent on the matter too so I had escaped the consequences – at least so far.
Maggie’s plan was working. Given the amount on his plate, it had been surprisingly easy to persuade William to promote Brian to the newly created role of Deputy Senior Partner six months later. A loyal and trusted ally was just what was needed during the company’s big expansion into the US.
It had been easier still to point out the advantages of having Brian take charge of the new US division Will was creating. Maggie and Brian moved across the Atlantic a matter of weeks later. I had lost my closest friend and main provider of gossip but I had also moved myself further out of the danger zone.
To everyone’s surprise, instead of firing him, Brian offered Phil Gibson the position of Head of Sales in the US branch. The rumour machine worked overtime, believing the new Deputy had deliberately brought his wife’s lover to be closer to her. Phil had of course accepted; with his undoubted charm, irresistible eyes and nearly two hundred million American girls to go for, he must have thought he had been invited into heaven.
Leaving many tearful eyes behind him, Phil left the country a matter of days before I gave birth to his son, still oblivious to his status as a father and my only lover. It felt very strange the day we all bid him goodbye and wished him luck. Though within days of giving birth, I couldn’t let the father of my unborn child him leave the country without seeing him once again so found an excuse to be in my husband’s office at the end of the day.
Phil kissed all the girls before he left, me included. Part of me wanted him to do something to acknowledge the special thing we had created but apart from his usual attempt at flirtation and a kiss on the lips rather than the cheek, there was nothing to suggest he knew it had been me in his bed nine months before.
It was crazy but in the confusion, I sneaked the picture frame containing the line of playing cards out of the office as a memento and hid it under the insulation in our loft when I got home.
My baby was born shortly afterwards. It was a truly amazing if painful experience that changed my life again. If I had felt like a real woman while getting pregnant and being pregnant, actually giving birth to a child cemented my place in womankind. There was no way I could possibly play the cold professional after all that.
William and I named our son Alex. From the moment I set eyes on my baby’s penetrating green eyes any remaining doubt about his parentage disappeared. Alex is unquestionably Phil’s child. I thanked God there were three thousand miles between father and son so wagging tongues might not notice the resemblance.
But I knew and Maggie knew.
A month after the birth I received an envelope in the post bearing an American stamp. The address was written in Maggie’s handwriting but it contained only a playing card; the King of Diamonds. On the back of the card was a post-it note with a few words also in Maggie’s handwriting.
‘To the real Queen of Diamonds. Please put this card where it belongs alongside the others. Yes, Phil has finally completed his set. It was well worth it, as you know yourself. I should have given in a long time ago. Now you and I have another secret to share. Love from your very happy and very satisfied friend. M xx’
So Maggie had succumbed at last. Although he didn’t know it, Phil had now fucked the wife of every Partner. From the tone of her note it sounded as if my friend had become more than just a one-night stand too.
It worried me how much I envied her the pleasure of that surrender.
Later that day I retrieved the picture frame from its hiding place in the attic. I unhooked the back and fixed the last card into place. The King of Diamonds lay proudly alongside the Queen; Maggie’s card lay contentedly alongside mine; one well-fucked blonde lay alongside another.
As I looked at the neat row of red-printed cards the memories of my impregnation flooded back. It had been without doubt the most important sexual experience of my life; a completeness of surrender, a profoundness of joy and an intensity of arousal that had transformed me into the real woman I now was.
Sadly, however much I loved William and despite trying for a baby once again, it looked unlikely ever to be matched by any copulation with my husband.
A wave of sadness and dissatisfaction washed over me. Tears began to roll down my cheeks.
I had been lucky; I had cheated on my husband – albeit unintentionally – but had escaped the consequences. If I hadn’t got drunk; if I hadn’t gone into the wrong room; if I hadn’t been so jealous of Monica I might not have let the man in my bed fuck me. In that event I might have gone through my entire life content with the sex my husband supplied, not knowing what extraordinary pleasures could be enjoyed with the right man.
But I had got drunk; I had gone into the wrong room and Phil had given me the fucking of my life, leaving me both pregnant and permanently dissatisfied. It was the worst possible combination, like being shown a feast or banquet but allowed only to taste the starter.
I had never intended to cheat on William but having done so and tasted sexual heaven, could I really turn my back on paradise forever?
I had been asking myself this question ever since.
On a completely unrelated subject, we’re going on a family holiday in the summer. There’s a conference for the new US team and as Senior Partner, William’s presenting the strategy so we’re all going, including Alex.
Afterwards we’re renting a Winnebago and travelling around the US for two weeks. On the way we’re going to call in on Maggie and Brian in their new home. I’ll get to see the new US offices for the first time.
I might even see Phil at the conference; Maggie says he still asks about me. Maybe I’ll have a few drinks with him too while William’s working.
You never know, maybe I’ll be lucky and there’ll be another Conference Conception.
After all, as far as he knows, Phil still has one last card left to play!
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Immaculate Conception This is a true story, as seen and experienced by self at the age when I was stepping out of childhood. My first vision of man and woman in intimate relations. Though this may be termed by some as adultery or extra marital relations I personally do not judge it or consider that perspective, though this is directly connected to my family- my uncle, his wife and her physical lover. The year: 1964. Age: Just out of childhood. Uncle: Paternal. Age: about 55 +...
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Immaculate Conception This is a true story, as seen and experienced by self at the age when I was stepping out of childhood. My first vision of man and woman in intimate relations. Though this may be termed by some as adultery or extra marital relations I personally do not judge it or consider that perspective, though this is directly connected to my family- my uncle, his wife and her physical lover. The year: 1964. Age: Just out of childhood. ...
VoyeurThis is a true story, as seen and experienced by self at the age of ten Immaculate Conception This is a true story, as seen and experienced by self at the age of fourteen. My first vision of man and woman in intimate relations. Though this may be termed by some as adultery or extra marital relations I personally do not judge it or consider that perspective, though this is directly connected to my family- my uncle, his wife and her physical lover. The year: 1964. Age: 14 years. Uncle:...
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Office SexDay Two The next morning I was getting ready for the first actual day of classes at the conference. I had just finished taking a shower in my motel room when I heard a knock at my door. I wrapped a towel around me and opened the door. It was the guy I met at the conference and played with last night. I invited him in. The first thing he said to me as he came in the door was "You know, we probably ought to at least know each other's first names, don't ya think? My name is Rick."I laughed and...
The past couple of Mark’s parties have been wild… the beach then out with two chics in the middle of a patch of woods. Not too shabby. I was actually still on cloud nine over the two chics that when my secretary knocked on my door, I hadn’t noticed, that is until she knocked a second time and opened the door."What on Earth are you doing in here Dave? Off in LaLa land again? I just got a call from Mark Sanders, says its vital you meet him for a conference this evening. Do you know who that is? I...
I wailed into the bed sheets as he slammed his hard cock deep inside myvirgin ass and grunted with each blast of hot cum as he humped it intome... My whole body was shaking in spasms as the lust, the heat of hispassion took over my being, and I wanted to cry out, "Fuck me, more.Give me more cock, please fuck me ..."His hands held me by the hips in a death grip as he continued to poundagainst me, his balls slapping against my own in loud spanking sounds ashe rapid fucked me, straining to get...
I headed off to a conference for a few days, which was located about an hour from where I live. I decided to spend the money and stay there rather than drive back and forth for the 3 days. Besides, it was a nice hotel, and we got a special rate from them. This particular conference was nice because it did not have a bunch of classes that we had to go to. They organized it where we would have some free time every day, and be able to enjoy the lake located in the area, as well as the hotel...
I think I fell in love with Claire the first time I saw her, standing with her team mates in her hockey kit in the queue for dinner in the refectory of our University Hall of Residence. Dark haired, athletically built and sporty, she seemed a long way out of my class. Despite being basically tall and good-looking myself – in great shape after many years playing rugby – there was something about her that I found different from other girls and, frankly, intimidating but I couldn’t get her out of...
Wife Lovers"Geez, honey," Jenn rolled her eyes. "It's a work conference, not one of your pervy fantasies." The airport crowds flowed around the young couple, people drifting in and out of shops and food stands or making their way to the security lines that stood between them and their flights. "Why can't it be both?" Dan grinned. "Perv," Jenn growled, but the twinkle in her eye betrayed her amusement. "All I'm saying is..." Dan started. "... that if some guy tries to pick...
My sweet Ana came home excited from her office, saying her Boss was sending her on a conference meeting at a city in the Northeast of Brazil.She said I could buy my own ticket and we could enjoy a kind of holidays while she attended some meetings during the mornings…As we boarded the plane, I felt very relaxed and almost passed out before departure. When I awoke, Ana was coming from the tiny bathroom; a young flight attendant was walking behind her and my wife had an evil grin in her face as...
Hi, all. I have been reading stories on this site for long. I would like to share my experience with you as well. Let me introduce myself to you first. I am Seenu from Bangalore, aged 37 now. This incident happened to me when I was 29. I was a member of a local club in Bangalore meeting during weekends. I met this lady in one of the conference in Bangalore. She is 44 yrs married, got a daughter aged 18 or so, she lived in Kolar about 60 kms from Bangalore. Hers was a happy family. We became...
Susan kept a diary like many teens her age. But she was the type of person who could remember something from just simple keywords, so her diary didn't read like prose - at least, not to an outsider. But since it was HER diary, it was already supposed to be totally private. Susan's parents trusted her and never displayed any inkling towards eavesdropping or snooping, so there was only Ted (her brother) for her to worry about intrusive behavior. But Ted was now a junior in high school ... and...
The ConferenceEveryone is called to the conference room, we are all sat round a large table, looking round the room I hardly know anyone, I look across from me to see you looking at me and you smile, our eyes meet and in that few seconds I feel you undressing me, I look into your eyes and immediately I know I want you as we start to undress each other a voice bellows out from further down the table as one of the members starts to identify himself and asks each of us to say who we are and from...
The door to the Hotel room was pulled open, and then slammed shut again, her body pushed against the hardwood as it rattled slightly in the jamb. The doorhandle pressed into her tailbone, although it wasn’t at all unpleasant, in fact, she rather liked the slight pain, it was growing on her.Urgently, he kissed her, his hands pawing at her tits through her tight blouse. Not wanting to waste any time, she made quick work of his belt buckle, pulling it through each loop and then throwing it across...
Quickie SexPretty soon, I was settled between her thighs, nuzzling her shaved little pussy... Last year, I went to a conference in Boston. The first night, I answered an ad on C-list that said "Eat My Pussy!". Two hours later, I was driving across town and knocking on the door of a total stranger. There was some awkwardness, but after a while, I was kissing her in the hallway. After a long moment, I pulled back, wondering how this happened. She looked at me, noticed my hesitation, and asked what was up. I...
AffairPrologue She intrigued me before I even opened her mind—she was at least 40, gorgeous, and dressed to pick up. None of this is uncommon in itself, but (without my influence) it's odd to see women that blatantly dressed, rarer still when they're that age, and unprecedented to see someone that attractive trying so hard. I sat down beside her. Her hand was on my crotch before I'd even placed a drink order, and her tongue down my ear before it arrived. It wasn't until the cab ride home—her...
"Brigadier, I have an Ultimate priority message coming in from New Delhi. The wrapper says it's from General Mahdi and it's 'eyes only' for all operational commanders. If you want me to decrypt it without looking at it myself, it will take a minute." "Go ahead and do it right, Rani. I may show it to you after I've read it myself, but we need to be able to say we followed our orders." Now what? In the month since the aliens had landed south of us, we had gotten an amazing stack of...
Engineer Mike Giles and wife Gloria have been unable to start a family and neither will undergo tests, fearful of being identified as the problem party. Gloria takes a lover leading Mike to suspect her motive is pregnancy. The tipoff came from his wife’s sister Liz. He sneakily identifies this bastard.. Now a young woman who befriends him sexually tells him what she thinks about his situation. SEVEN At the deli, I said to the assistant I was going to visit a fat lady who was dieting to loose...
Engineer Mike Giles and wife were unable to start a family and neither would undergo tests, fearful of being identified as the problem party. Gloria took a lover leading Mike to suspect her motive was pregnancy. Then his girlfriend at his worksite 200 miles north becomes pregnant which answers the question about his alleged infertility problem. Gloria agrees to a divorce and Mike’s reunion with his girlfriend Nancy ends in disappointment so he’s back playing the field. THIRTEEN I arrived...
Engineer Mike Giles and wife have been unable to start a family and neither will undergo tests, fearful of being identified as the problem party. Gloria takes a lover leading Mike to suspect her motive is pregnancy. The tip off came from his wife’s sister Liz. He sneakily identifies this bastard before deciding how to deal with it. Then he learns that his girlfriend on his worksite 200 miles north is pregnant which answers the question about his alleged infertility problem. Mike now follows...
THE CONCLUSION: Engineer Mike Giles and wife were unable to start a family and neither would undergo tests, fearful of being identified as the problem party. Gloria took a lover leading Mike to suspect her motive was pregnancy. Then he learned that his girlfriend on his worksite 200 miles north was pregnant – so that answered the question about his alleged infertility problem. Mike and Gloria agree to divorce, Gloria remarried and is pregnant through IVF. Mike’s girlfriend graduated and went...
Your name is John. You just got over a troubling relationship with your now ex-girlfriend Cerise, and moved onto dating, as well as fucking, your long-time crush, as well as best friend, Rose. Cerise was a bit of a bossy bitch. When you say "bit", you mean almost entirely. She never even let you have sex- with her, it was always "Oh, could you eat me out? I promise I'll repay you one day." That, combined with the fact that she never even got a job or any source of income, practically suckling...
Fetish“Oh God! Oh God, Tim!” My wife’s aroused voice sounded hoarse and crude over the slightly crackly telephone line, filling my Shanghai hotel bedroom. In the half light of the early morning I imagined Claire on her hands and knees in our house, on our bed, her bottom raised, her face on the pillow, her five month pregnant belly bulging down beneath her slim, athletic torso as he knelt behind her, thrusting. “How does that feel, Claire?” I croaked, my hand active in my lap. “Amazing… so...
Wife LoversClaire and Tim are married with three children and live in London. They have been enjoying phone sex while Tim is away on business. Claire’s mother has persuaded them to let her best friend’s son Simon stay with them as a lodger while he spends a twelve week internship with a Premier League Football Club. Simon has unwittingly become a recurring theme in their phone sex fantasies. Claire’s fantasies in particular have become very much more vivid recently… * The last week of Simon’s...
Wife LoversI spent christmas this year visiting the family as usual, and as usual it was boring as batshit. Spent the money on an airfare and made the effort to visit everyone, and by the end of the third day I was feeling fucking unwelcome as usual. Christmas day was the incredibly painful trek over to the grandmother's place, listening to my fuckhead uncle talk about himself all day and trying to look interested. By the time we left I was dying to get drunk, and that's precisely what I did when I got...
THE PRESENT: "That Maygis person," Tasmine asked me, "is that Dred?" "I think it is," I replied, my voice distant. Reading how he had seduced my mother had given me chills. I felt like I was going to vomit. I closed the book, then sat there with my eyes closed, feeling ill. "Gianna?" Tasmine asked in concern. "You don't look very well." "What is wrong?" I heard Atheria's voice coming from behind us. Tasmine quickly explained that I had been reading my mother's diary aloud...
'I should have my head examined for even thinking about this, ' Brenda thought as she drove to her mother-in-law's house the next afternoon. But she had made up her mind to go through with Sharon's solution. It made sense in every way. And there was that illicit element that made it even exciting. She could use some excitement if the truth be known. Chris was a very predictable sort in bed. There wasn't a lot of variation in their lovemaking. He wanted to be sucked for awhile and then...
Brad hugged his mother tightly, standing at the foot of her bed, while behind them Brenda began stripping off her own clothes. "Enjoy it, Mom... show her what we do," he whispered to her and then began unbuttoning her blouse. "I will, Brad," she said as she let him strip her. The last button came undone and he slid his hands into her blouse, sliding his hands around her soft sides, pulling her against him. She pulled his face down and they kissed as if Brenda was not there. Brad felt...
Mark Elsa and I hadn’t just made love; I’d fertilized her egg with my sperm. The essence of my being, my family, and my heritage had merged with hers to create a life. She knew with certainty that we’d done the deed that night. As we’d finished and I’d filled her vagina with my spend, her eyes got large after we kissed. She whispered, “I love you, daddy,” and then she cried with joy so I felt her tears on my chest as we lay in bed cuddling. She whispered, “We did it. That was ‘it.’” I was...
L's big evening began with Marianne and Mary sharing duties licking and sucking and stroking her pussy to several near peaks, Marianne revealing new techniques to her original instructor. Marta and Margie worked on Joe, similarly sucking him to the edge and easing off. Finally sending L over, her body shivered and convulsed as if electrocuted with blissful current. Climbing between L's stout little legs, Marianne holding his cock in position, Joe held up from pressing inside when L...
Detective Dianna Shepherd awoke from ... a nap? She was sitting on her couch, but hadn’t she just been sleeping in her bed? She was wearing her robe... She looked down. The front of her robe was spattered with blood! “What the hell?!” Then she tasted the metallic tang in her mouth. She rushed to the bathroom mirror. What stared back at her was a scene from a charnel house. Blood covered the lower half of her face, and her chin was practically caked in gore. She carefully washed her face,...
This was written for a co-worker who lived on the other side of the country. Other than inappropriate conversations and some heavy flirting, we never did anything. At the time that I wrote this, she was a hot looking 33 year old, blond who stood 5’8′ and weighed about 140lbs, with a smoking body. You and I were going to a conference in Chicago. I told you that I would arrange something special for you when we got there. After the sessions were over, I told you to visit me in my room. You...
As a middle-aged married professional, I can usually only play when I am out of town on business. This was the case when I recently traveled to downtown Louisville, KY to attend a conference. I was somewhat limited, since I traveled with several fellow employees. My hotel was within sight of an adult bookstore/theater, but I dared not go there for fear of being seen. I did however arrange to meet someone whom I had contacted online. My schedule was hectic, but after the day’s meetings and...
This was written for a co-worker who lived on the other side of the country. Other than inappropriate conversations and some heavy flirting, we never did anything. At the time that I wrote this, she was a hot looking 33 year old, blond who stood 5'8" and weighed about 140lbs, with a smoking body.You and I were going to a conference in Chicago. I told you that I would arrange something special for you when we got there.After the sessions were over, I told you to visit me in my room.You...
As a middle-aged married professional, I can usually only play when I am out of town on business. This was the case when I recently traveled to downtown Louisville, KY to attend a conference. I was somewhat limited, since I traveled with several fellow employees. My hotel was within sight of an adult bookstore/theater, but I dared not go there for fear of being seen. I did however arrange to meet someone whom I had contacted online. My schedule was hectic, but after the day's meetings and...
Gay MaleIn this audio play we share with you how my lover spiced up hours of tedious conference calls. Working from home really does have its benefits after all! Narrators note: With thanks to Citroen, another of our collaborations.
ExhibitionismIt was a time of horrible raids by terrible marrauding hordes, which caused untold misery, fear and poverty in all of Pelopones. It was a time when Xena and Gabrielle were needed by all the towns, before it is too late, but she was nowhere to be found. The century before had been a good time for all, under the Cooperation Accord of Olympia, there was piece between all the polises, and Xena could concentrate on petty crime and feuding Gods. But now Xena had been on a mission in Asia for years,...
Después de lo que había pasado en el hotel aquel, no podía quitarme de la cabeza lo ocurrido.Antes de salir de la habitación me había dado un pequeño papel con la dirección de su trabajo y el número de teléfono.Había pasado ya casi un mes cuando encontré esa nota guardada en mi cajón entre mi ropa anterior, la saque y no pude evitar sentir que mi respiración se agito recordando de nuevo aquella verga en mis labios entrando y saliendo, sus venas marcadas.Cargue la nota entre mis libros unos días...
Ships, particularly warships, have watertight compartments to stop internal flooding from torpedoes, bombs, or other hull damage to the ship. Sailors slam the heavy steel doors (hatches) shut and seal them tight, also known as dogging the hatches. This keeps the ship afloat during times of crisis.Military people, particularly those who have seen combat, also have compartments. When you’re flying off of your leader’s wing (who is also your best friend) and he gets blown out of the sky and you...
Love Stories(C) Mojavejoe420 2020 Ships, particularly warships, have watertight compartments to stop internal flooding from torpedoes, bombs, or other hull damage to the ship. Sailors slam the heavy steel doors (hatches) shut and seal them tight, also known as dogging the hatches. This keeps the ship afloat during times of crisis. Military people, particularly those who have seen combat, also have compartments. When you’re flying off of your leader’s wing (who is also your best friend) and he gets...
Theron won the great sparta and Queen of Sparta. By doing sexual war with Queen Gorgo. [email protected]
FantasyI have had a good weekend and learned a lot listening to those in the Virtual Assistant workforce. I want a few drinks. I decide to make a conscious effort to look damn good. I am slightly tan because it is summer, which makes my skin look like the sun kissed it. I chose to keep my eye make-up pretty and neutral to accentuate my hazel eyes, I love the way caramel tones bring out the sparkle in my eyes. Choosing a deep red lipstick that makes me feel bold when I put it on and shows off my full...
Oral Sexnous etions a table et attendions les miss qui etaient partie se faire un brin de toilettes ,le temps nous semblaient long ,trop long mon client et nous decidons d aller voir ce qu elle faisaient etant donné qu on avait tres faimnous montons dans ma chambre ou se trouve aussi notre salle de bain privative et la en entrant dans la chambre nous les voyons toute les deux nue sur le lit ,encore humide de la douche avec un etalage de gode ma femme a une collection exceptionnelle ,j avoue je lui en...
Sunday--Miss Suzy Premi?re partie "The best things in life are free. The second best are very expensive." Since I de-planed in the Big Apple (I came from Ohio, but am most certainly not a Scientologist--unless an impeccable platinum banded solitaire ring of about five carats is part of the deal) I've had oodles of marriage proposals and was even, briefly, engaged. All very flattering, but I can afford to be choosy--or could. I think it's well past time if a lady is unmarried at 3...
HumorThe second Saturday afternoon in June my wife, Leanne Neal, and I were busy dusting and vacuuming our living room, dining room and den. That evening we were entertaining a group of Leanne's business associates and several of her close friends. She wanted everything to be perfect. I understood so I was working hard to help her.Leanne is an assistant corporate designer for Elegant Interiors, a local interior design firm that specializes in decorating business offices. I'm Peter Lane. When we...
Cuckold"You labor under several misconceptions my dear." Ena gently interrupted causing the images around them momentarily to fade. "Arin Kagito, I am giving to understand, became fascinated by the holy power. He was 'seduced' some might say by his desire to understand it. His wish to somehow replicate it. Particularly the levels found among the holy trees and wielded by the royal family. To that end he left his home world initially to study the giant trees of Ryten, before turning his...
ProfNigma Stories #1 iCarly: One Night Part1 iCarly: One Night Part 1It was a late night in the iCarly studio as Carly, Sam, and Freddie cleaned up the mess from one of their skits. The gag revolved around Gibby diving into a k*ddie pool full of chicken salad while dressed a chicken suit, but as humorous as it had seemed in the planning stages, the stench, hours later, was certainly not funny."Whose dumb idea was this in the first place!?" Sam yelled as she cleaned up the car prop on the far...
This is my real life story which started 2 years back when I got married to my beautiful wife Neha.She was 21 years and looked like 16 but she had full grown assets and almost nobody could spare a glance. The first 6 months was real first and we had an awesome sex life in spite of being a arranged marriage. She has been always shy to sexual things and I felt good in exposing that. Slowly we started fetish and BDSM to spice up our boring life. We bought lot of BDSM equipments as well in our...
Hello i am Aryan back with my second story. My First Story “RELATION WITH COUSIN SISTER”() was posted few days back.. Received many mails for that. Thank you for writing to me. If you want to write anything about that story also then write to me on my new mail id i.e. I just want to say that all the stories which i will post here are my true experience. I don’t have time to post fake or fantasy story here. Any girls or Bhabhi want to contact me for satisfaction or for chat then they can...
Doctor Doctor, Dirty Doctor. Part1I (Ashley) was a hot blonde 18year old girl, Had big breasts almost a 36D, I was tall, Had long hair, Long legs, Had perfect curves, Perfect round ass, A bald tight pussy and lovely pink sensitive nipples with a perfect size areola.I was a horny girl, Always had the many boyfriends, Had sex very often and enjoyed oral.I was popular and famous in my school for my 'slut' image and my hot boyfriends.I wanted to join the Cheerleading team of my high school. The...
I had only met her earlier that evening at the book club at the library, an evening discussing literature followed by a drink in a pub would now turn into a highly charged sexual encounter.There was an awkward silence as she put the key in the lock and opened the door, we went inside, the silence quickly blown away by us kissing passionately and the sound of her dropping her bags on the floor. A momentary pause as she apologised for the mess, I couldn't care less.We slowly moved to the sofa,...