Whores 5 free porn video

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“Tell me you wouldn’t love to fuck her,” she said.

She was soaking wet in Dogface’s pool, holding onto Stone’s knees as he sat on the edge with his feet dangling in the water. A fit, pneumatically enhanced blonde in a black bikini and spike heels had just delivered them a pair of fruity cocktails. Nikki watched Stone glance at her ass as she walked away.

Nikki grinned brightly. “You’re such a fuckin’ whore. Her, too. I mean … really.”

She hadn’t wanted to come, but she was having a better time than Stone expected, which was about the only thing that made the day tolerable. Neither of them was anywhere close to being in their element. The only difference was that Stone had had a pretty good idea of what they were getting into. The crowd was bigger than he thought it would be, but he was actually relieved. The bigger the crowd, the easier it was to fade into the woodwork. It meant fewer awkward amounts with Dogface or Nikki’s mother, and at the moment, neither of them were anywhere to be seen.

The catering company alone probably would have cost Stone two months’ salary, and all the servers were women who worked at one of Dogface’s gentlemen’s clubs.

“So tell me again why we had to come to this thing?” Her fingers dug into the meat of his thighs, seriously close the hems of his trunks.

“Because it’s a good way to show your mother that things are … going well. That you’re doing okay living on your own.”

“Am I on my own?” It was the first truly serious look she’d given him all day. The wondering behind her eyes took him by surprise. She slid her hands up inside the legs of his trunks, dangerously close to his cock.

“Do you want to be?”

Her eyes traced a circuit somewhere in space far behind him, as if she were thinking her way through a trick question. By the time they settled back on his face she seemed to have the universe comfortably organized.

“Yes,” she told him. “But I don’t mean alone. I don’t see anything bad about being important to … somebody.“

He nodded and touched her face. “There isn’t. And you are.”


“Oh yeah. Very.”

She grinned. “She thinks you’re fucking me, you know.”

“Aren’t I?”

She smirked. “Not technically. And if you don’t pretty soon I’m gonna fucking implode.”

“It just seems like your first time should be … I don’t know … something.”

Nikki opened her mouth to spit something back, but then her face turned a sort of russet shade.

“How did you know?”

“Educated guess,” he replied, finally confirming his inkling.

She blushed. “I hate it, you know. It’s like carrying somebody else’s baggage.”

He nodded.

Despite the music and crowd noise, it felt like they were in their own private bubble. Nikki’s expression softened into a mask of inner embarrassment, as if Stone had discovered something wrong about her. He tipped her chin upward and leaned down to kiss her. She absorbed mouth with a kind of need he hadn’t felt from her before. Her lips and tongue were as supple and vital as ever, but there was less boldness and more ache to the way she kissed him back.

“Aren’t you afraid my mother or Dogface will see?” she asked quietly afterward.

He shook his head and kept his eyes on hers.

“He asked me if I wanted to come live here with them,” she added.

“I’m not surprised.”

“He came into the changing room and watched me undress. I had my bikini on under my clothes so at least I didn’t have to get naked. He made me feel naked, though, the way he was looking. I sorta felt like a whore in a way. He said I could probably even work at one of his clubs.”

Stone sat quietly a moment. “And what did you say?” he finally asked.

Nikki reached up and pulled Stone’s head down so she could whisper to him. “If you fuck me I’ll tell you.”

He straightened up and smiled at her. He wanted to put his hands around Dogface’s neck and choke him just long enough to let him know how much he truly disliked him. But then he thought of Nikki undressing in front of him, nervously playing her perky vixen routine like the champ she was. He fingered the wet string of her bikini top around her neck and felt tingles in his cock.

“Take a look around,” he told her, even though he was pretty sure he already knew what she’d told Dogface. “You could be living like this if you wanted.”

She followed his gaze as it swept the area. The pool and terrace were crowded with people of all ages and types, and the vast majority had a pampered look of privilege about them. People were gathered everywhere in pairs or small groups. Most were either just going in or coming out of the pool. Several of the women were topless, giving off an air of natural comfort in the urge to be noticed. One deeply tanned brunette somewhere in her thirties was openly discussing her recent surgery with three others, a man and two other women. The others were showing enthusiastic awe over her newly enhanced breasts. She invited the others to touch them. None turned her down.

At the other end of the pool a man was standing in the water with his arms fanned out along the sides. A slender black woman had her back toward Nikki and Stone, and her hand was down inside the man’s trunks, under the water. The difference in their ages was probably twice the difference between Nikki and Stone. The woman’s arm and shoulder betrayed how she was stroking his cock. They were smiling and talking to a small group standing on the terrace near them. Stone watched Nikki watch them a moment and snuck his finger under her bikini top, brushing his finger over her hard nipple.

“You could have just about anything you want – whenever you want it,” he said. “This would be your life.”

She looked around one more time and snickered. “So when I’m living here, you’ll come to all the parties so I can jerk you off in the pool while you brag about your fictitious stock portfolio to people who are pretending they aren’t more interested in watching me stroke your cock.”

Stone laughed deep and hard, but kept his finger inside the barely sufficient triangle of Nikki’s bikini. She started laughing, too, and they laughed for a long time, until Stone took her face in both hands and leaned down close to her.

“Baby,” he told her with a smile, “that’s just one of about a thousand reasons I love you so much.”

Her eyes went wide and watery as much out of surprise as anything else, and when Stone kissed her she gave it back to him in a deeply hungry groping of lips and tongue. She pulled one hand out from his trunks and put it on the back of his head. The scene began to fade as they devoured each other with a fresh sense of urgency. Stone’s blood raced through his veins, and he was starting to think about sliding down in the water and fucking her up against the side of the pool.

Then there was a shadow cast over them and they reluctantly broke apart to look up and see Nikki’s mother gazing down impassively at them. She was wearing a strapless, white sheath that was so short they could see the gusset of her panties. Nikki frowned, while Stone kept eye contact despite the dark, oversized shades she was had on.

“Glad I see you have good time,” Ning said. The private accent coaching Dogface had been paying for was working. She still spoke in her habitually clipped way, but her accent was much clearer than when she’d first arrived in the country.

Nikki’s frown held fast, but Stone thanked her for the invitation and hospitality.

“Need speak to you, Stone,” she said. “By you self.”

Nikki rolled her eyes, but Stone kissed her again and promised he’d be back quickly.

“Please,” she said. “Don’t leave me out here on my own too long.”

She stayed down in the water while Stone pushed himself up and out and followed Ning into the house. The scene indoors was nearly a mirror image of what it was around the pool, but without water. She led him through a large, well populated salon, then down a corridor to a small solarium with oversized wicker chairs that looked out on the pool and terrace.

Ning sat and crossed her smooth, brown legs slowly. Stone gazed openly at the slow flash of her panties this time. He noticed her nipples were conspicuously hard, distorting the fabric of her dress. She pulled off her sunglasses and smiled, giving off an air of comfort, as if she’d lived her whole life this way.

Stone glanced out the window and spotted Nikki backstroking across the pool sideways. More than a few heads had turned to watch her. Fresh fish swimming into the spawning grounds.

“So you fucking her now,” Ning said, unceremoniously.

Stone turned to face her. “Technically,” he said, “your daughter is still a virgin.”

Ning did an impressive job hiding her surprise. “But not much longer.”

“No,” he nodded, briefly glancing back outside. “Not much longer at all.”

There didn’t seem much sense in explaining the dynamics. Besides, Ning was one of the sharpest judges of character he’d ever met. He was sure she’d already figured out more than he knew himself.

“I glad it’s you,” Ning smiled. “Better she have someone who love her. She love you back real hard. Harder than you ever see. Harder than me. She smart girl. Better she not stay here.”

“She thinks you want to come back.”

Ning nodded. “Let her think.”

Stone almost smiled. He considered whether or not to tell Nikki about her mother’s subtle ruse, but in the end, he decided she probably knew much more about the way Ning’s mind worked than he ever would.

“You a good friend, Stone. To me. To her, too. She wanna be a big whore. Think everybody love to fuck a whore. Now she your whore. You love her like an angel-whore.”

“She started sleeping in my bed a few nights ago.” Stone felt relieved to be able to tell someone. “You have no idea how hard it’s been to hold back.”

Ning chuckled. “You forget I sleep three year in same bed. You got some shitty memory, Stone.”

He smiled and nodded. “Ok, sorry, but I think you know what I mean.”

“Yeah, yeah. Only don’t know why. You bigger whore than her. Bigger than me. You fuck anyone anytime.”

Ning laughed harder than she needed to and Stone just waited, not exactly pleased with her assessment of his morals. When the laughter subsided, she was still looking the question at him.

“Fucking a virgin is more responsibility than I’m qualified for,” he admitted. “Of all the ways it could go, I wouldn’t be easily forgotten.”

She laughed again. Longer and harder this time, like a school marm laughing at some kid in the back who just got an easy answer wrong.

“So why you change mind?” she asked, finally dead calm.

He sat long enough to think up half a dozen lies that all sounded better than the truth, but in the end, he went with the truth.

“If she ended up with someone worse than me I’d never forgive myself.”

She nodded, and then a coy smile crossed her face. In the moment, she resembled her daughter so much no one could ever mistake where Nikki’s devilish side had come from. She uncrossed her thighs and held them apart, slowly drawing the slim gusset of her panties to the side. Her pussy looked every bit as smooth and fresh as Nikki’s. Stone swallowed air to avoid noticing if the resemblance ran that deep.

“Want a real whore?” Ning nearly cooed. “Old time sake? Clayton probably somewhere fucking one of his bargirls.”

Clayton was Dogface. Nikki had started calling him that because of his full, silver beard, not because he looked like a dog.

Stone’s cock buzzed with warmth as he watched Ning brush her finger up and down the length of her exposed slit. She was supple and intensely appetizing, but she was only inflaming his desire for Nikki. He stood up and went to the window, giving Ning his back out of sheer self-preservation. A moment later, she was standing beside him, watching Nikki let one of the blonde servers give her a hand stepping out of the pool. She was a sleek convergence of tightly articulated curves, and somehow, in the few minutes since the last time Stone had looked out, she’d managed to lose the top of her bikini.

Soaking wet, Nikki’s body had a lacquered look. The bottom of her bikini rode the impudent curve of her ass like an afterthought. Some kind of smiley exchange was passing between Nikki and the server, who was still holding her hand. In her spikes, the server’s garish breasts were almost in Nikki’s face. The blonde smiled and held the girl by her bare shoulders, leaning back to give her an admiring look.

The server’s lips moved and Nikki laughed. Then the blonde scooped Nikki’s pert breasts into her hands and leaned forward to kiss her. The kiss was only half polite.

Ning snickered deviously. “You not careful, she gonna break you like cheap watch.”


Stone caught up with Nikki sitting on one of the few backless stools under the tent shading the bar. She was sitting with a straight spine and squared shoulders, letting the pert cones of her stiff nippled breasts push conspicuously forward. She was the only guest under the tent, sitting with the bartender and two of the servers: the blonde who had helped her out of the pool, and a raven-haired woman with a Mediterranean complexion.

“Hey Daddy,” she purred as he approached. Stone rolled his eyes while the others gave her look of surprise. The blonde smiled at her in comic disbelief. “Oh, it’s all right,” Nikki waved her hand. “He’s only my sugar daddy.”

The servers both laughed and the bartender glanced at Nikki’s naked breasts again before going back to work on making two more of the tall cocktails they’d been drinking in the pool. The sun was beginning to dip low, and free standing lamps were beginning to glow throughout the entire area. Low volume trance music was filtering through from speakers Stone couldn’t see. He sidled in close to Nikki and placed his hand on her waist.

“That’s a nice look for you.” He tried to look disapproving.

Nikki smiled and looked away and down, as if she suddenly felt naked. “You see me like this all the time,” she reminded him quietly.

“Sure, like this,” Stone replied. “But not like this.”

She seemed at a loss to reply for a moment, but finally just told him, “Go with the flow, Daddy Stone.”

The man who’d been getting stroked under water before Stone went inside with Ning was now sitting on the edge of the pool without his trunks. The slender black woman was still down in the water with her head between his thighs, stroking the man’s swollen cock with an agile tongue while he leaned back and watched her through a hail of sighs. Others paused in their conversations to watch, comment or laugh.

Stone watched Nikki’s face as she watched them. Her look was somehow far away but right in the moment at the same time. He felt the sense she was off with the couple at the edge of the pool, yet sitting right down inside his sphere of presence as if she’d been there all her life. He was beginning to understand she was driven by pure nerve. The act itself was a close second.

The black woman took the man’s cock into her mouth and her head started bobbing up and down between his open thighs. A couple of half-hearted cheers arose from the small group paying the closest attention. Stone’s cock tingled and thickened as he watched Nikki’s face.

He realized how much he loved studying her face. Her skin was like raw, light brown silk, with lines he could follow to oblivion. She always looked away and down if she caught him looking too much. It made him smile inside. But now she was going somewhere else inside herself and her usual responses were less predictable.

“How’d it go with the dragon lady?” she finally asked under her breath, keeping her eyes on the poolside blowjob.

“She’s the one person on Earth who loves you more than I do,” he replied just as softly. The servers were making conversation with the bartender, letting Stone and Nikki have the space they’d already slipped into.

“Nice cock,” Nikki said distantly, still watching the man get sucked at the edge of the pool, “but too old. Too fat.” Stone let it go by and kept watching her face. The flickering glow of the lamps was beginning to take over from the disappearing sun. The dance of light and shadow on her face gave her an ethereal look – half angel, half devil.

Stone slid his hand over her naked breast and outwaited her as he felt the scrape of her thick nipple under his palm.

“She try to fuck you?” Nikki finally asked.

“No,” he said. “Not really.”

“Huh. Not really? What the fuck is that supposed to mean?”

“It means – as you already damn well know – that she knew what was going to happen between us the moment she walked out of the house.”

Her lip curled as she kept watching the progress of the blow job. She was watching, but suddenly not really seeing the svelte black woman and the man she thought was too old and fat. She looked happy, and Stone wanted to keep seeing that look on her face. He inched closer, until he was standing up against the edge of her stool, tucked in the space between her thighs. He squeezed her breast and moved his hand onto the other one.

“Bet you’d just love to fuck all these whores,” she hissed under her breath.

He pinched her nipple just at the edge of too hard and leaned toward her ear. “What would you think if I told you I just want to fuck my own little whore?”

The look on her face went even happier, which only seemed to make it that much harder for her to look at him.

“I’d say you’re a fucking whore,” she hissed back at his ear. “And that you’re a liar and you’d shove your fat cock in any cunt or mouth that was hot, wet and convenient.”

“I could only ever shove my cock in a mouth as dirty as yours?”

Her peal of laughter drew attention. Then the man at the edge started groaning louder, leaning back on his hands as he arched his hips at the woman’s face, drawing most of the attention back away from Nikki.

Stone and she were drawn to the splashing of two more people jumping into the water. There were around seven or eight people in the pool, and all of them were naked.

There was a striking, dark haired woman, deeply tanned, with hopelessly prominent, round breasts standing just below waist level. Stone guessed her to be around forty, but she had a very fit, pampered look that gave off a much younger air. A man about fifteen years younger was sidled up behind her with his hands around her kneading and massaging her naked breasts. She was grinding her round ass against his equally naked body, with her hand thrust back between them as she fondled the hard, young cock trapped between them.

A cluster of three, two women and a man, stood at the near edge watching. Below them was a man Stone took to be the dark haired woman’s husband. He was as naked as his wife and the younger man fondling her, and there was a mildly distant grin on his face as he stroked his fully aroused cock and watched them. One of the women in the nearby cluster was intently watching his hand slide along his cockshaft.

Nikki turned to face Stone and gave him a smile that made him feel like steam was rising out of his blood. “Then I’d have to tell you your cock is nothing but a dirty, nasty fuckstick … and only a dirty little whore like me would ever suck it.”

Stone took a deep breath. Nikki was grinning defiantly while his temples pulsed with a rush of sweaty heat. The soft heave of her breasts betrayed the depth of her breathing. Stone let his hand slide off her breast toward her hip, where he pulled the knot loose on the string that was holding the bottom of her bikini in place. He pushed his hand under the loose patch of fabric, savoring the smoothness of her pussy against his fingers. He searched for her lips and stroked them with his fingertips. They were already moist and flushed readily as he touched them.

“You’re just a little whore with a sopping wet cunt,” he told her, holding her eyes with his. He gave up whispering, and the bartender and blonde stopped talking and turned their attention to them. The dark haired server had walked away carrying a tray of drinks.

The man at the edge of the pool was gasping loudly now, fucking his hips at the woman’s mouth. Nikki turned her head along with Stone to watch him cum in the woman’s mouth with a flurry of grunting hip thrusts. A couple of cheers came from the closest people who were watching them. There was a couple sitting at the patio table closest to them, the man’s hand under his wife’s short dress, fingering her steadily as they shared the fleeting moment.

Nikki sighed and arched her ass against the cushioned seat, angling her pussy toward Stone’s stroking fingers. “Everybody here is a whore,” she said breathlessly. “Maybe I should tell Dogface I’ll move in after all. I’d fit right in.”

“But you’re not going to,” Stone replied, rolling his fingers over her hard, sap-coated clit.

Nikki bit her bottom lip and heaved a deep breath while Stone massaged her clit. The blonde came around to their side of the bar and stood behind her. She took Nikki by the shoulders and guided her back against her full, pillowy breasts.

“C’mon, baby,” the blonde cooed soothingly. “Let your man treat that pussy right.”

“Oh, fuck,” Nikki sighed.

She leaned against the blonde, letting her scoop her arms under Nikki’s to cup her sweet, fresh breasts. She massaged Nikki’s mounds, tweezing her thick, dark nipples while Stone pushed her thighs open wider.

“She’s such a sweet, pretty thing,” the blonde said absently, as much to herself as Stone.

“No,” Stone replied anyway. “She’s more than that. Much more.”

He leaned forward and kissed Nikki long and deeply, pushing her harder against the blonde’s accommodating breasts. The blonde snuck one hand down to untie the other side of Nikki’s bikini bottom, leaving her naked on the stool between them.

“She’s some kind of motherfucking flower,” Stone said, ostensibly speaking to the blonde, but looking straight into Nikki’s glazed eyes. “And she belongs to me.”

“Whoreflower,” Nikki sighed.

“Whoreflower,” the blonde purred, falling in love with the word.

Stone knelt on the deck and rolled his tongue up the length of Nikki’s wet slit. It sounded as if she and the blonde both sighed at the same time, as if the blonde could feel Stone’s tongue, too, feeling that stroke of wet, loving tongue through Nikki’s body. He probed briefly into the gap between the girl’s swollen lips, and then kissed the hard little nub at the apex of her maw. He closed his lips around it, and lightly sucking, let the tip of his tongue swirl and roll back and forth until Nikki and the blonde were both heaving with breath.

The blonde cradled a squirming Nikki in her arms, tweezing and rolling her prodigious nipples while Stone methodically devoured her aching clit, finally slipping two of his fingers into her sheath.

Nikki wrapped her thighs around Stone’s neck and let the blonde hold her up while he slid his fingers in and out of her pussy as he patiently sucked, nibbled and lapped at her clit. She rose steadily toward her peak, letting Stone and the blonde take over while she leaned back and rolled her hips to let the wash of sensations shiver through her.

Stone’s face was smeared with Nikki’s honey. For the time he was there between her pert, round thighs, he was oblivious to everything going on around them, completely focused on absorbing her, sucking her sweet syrup into his mouth and sending a steady current of sensation through her body. He sucked and fingered her steadily, hungrily, until her spine suddenly arched and she banged the heel of one foot against his back as she mewled and shuddered over the crest of her peak.

When Stone stood back up, Nikki let the blonde push her back upright.

“Looks like you’ve got yourself a sweet little whoreflower,” the blonde told him.

“Looks like.”

“Sweet as honey, I’ll bet,” the blonde hinted.

Stone leaned across Nikki to kiss the blonde, giving her a taste of the sweet nectar smeared across his mouth. The blonde put her hand on the back of his neck and leaned eagerly into the kiss, not tasting him but the other girl, but it barely had a chance to go any deeper when Nikki yanked Stone back by the elbow and charged in to kiss him herself. The blonde just laughed.

By now, the big breasted woman in the pool had moved toward the edge. She was leaning over, gripping the side while the younger man was grasping her hips and plowing his hard cock into her pussy from behind. The man Stone took to be her husband was still sitting on the edge within arm’s reach of her now, watching intently as the younger man vigorously fucked his wife. One of the women who’d been standing in the small group behind him was now sitting on his right side, stroking his excited cock with a vicious smile.

The bartender was looking at Nikki with a whole new interest while the blonde was stroking her hair with an eager smile. Nikki still looked a little dazed from her climax, and when Stone pulled her off the stool by the wrist she followed like a zombie. He started to lead her out from under the tent, and she had the presence of mind to turn back and tell the blonde something Stone didn’t catch because he wasn’t paying attention. He just wanted to get Nikki away from the bar.

The sun was down and the patio area had an eerie cast to it under the dim illumination of the lamps. Everyone seemed cast in shadows and amber. The trance music was still playing, and there was less sound of conversation but more laughter and urgent moaning coming from isolated spots in and around the pool.

“What a bunch of fucking whores,” Nikki said distantly as Stone led her by the hand.

He might have laughed, or even admonished her for the thoughtless word like he used to, but the shroud of emotions around them was rapidly deepening. He was hard and throbbing inside his swimsuit, and acutely aware of the heat of Nikki’s hand in his. He was leading her off to fuck her, but he couldn’t begin to think of where. It wasn’t their home. None of the people surrounding them were friends, let alone people whose names they even remembered after a few brief introductions.

He stopped and turned back to look at Nikki in the dull shimmer of the lamps. There was an agonizing air of perfection about her, something in her blood Stone would always be reaching for but would never be able to hold. She was the only true, raw piece of reality within miles. Her body had a lithe, compact quality. When she moved in the eerie light, she didn’t appear to move so much as it seemed the dull glow was dancing on her skin.

Stone was painfully aware of his cock oozing precum so hard there was a fist sized smear of moisture staining his trunks. He suddenly felt ridiculous to be wearing them. He pulled Nikki close.

“Get these off me,” he said.

“Yes, sir,” she purred with a half smile.

She calmly lowered to her knees on the slate. Looking up at his face, she slowly pulled down on his trunks, until his rigid cock snapped free and his suit was pooled around his ankles. He stepped out of them and she stayed where she was, taking his thick cockshaft into her hand and casually stroking him. She looked around in every direction, then once more at his face before taking the dome of his rod into her mouth.

He realized they were more exposed than any of the others, who seemed to be keeping their sexual games contained in the pool or down low by the edge or in seats by the tables. He glanced over to see the big breasted woman taking the younger man’s cock in deeper, harder thrusts than before. The woman sitting by her husband stroking his cock had started laughing.

Dogface had been scarce, but Stone didn’t imagine there could be much going on at one of his parties he wasn’t aware of. Nikki started stroking the length of his throbbing shaft with her wet lips, cupping his balls in her hand and fondling them at the same time. He groaned and scanned the house as his hips ground forward at Nikki’s face. He could feel Dogface presiding over everything like some kind of grand wizard-voyeur. He looked back down at Nikki, who was beginning to twist her mouth along his cock like a wet, slurping corkscrew. She was using both hands now, fondling his balls as well as the base of his hard shank.

It seemed as if the harder Nikki worked at sucking his cock like a flesh starved nymph in front of whoever bothered to pay attention, the more the sweetness inside her shone through her eyes. She was above and below everything all at the same time. The more she wanted to be seen, the more alone they became.

As much as she was making his head spin with need, he suddenly grabbed her shoulders and pulled her to her feet, throwing his arms around her and kissing her urgently. They kissed for a long time while he groped and fondled her ass, peeling her cheeks apart to let the fingers of one hand search deeper for the hot, wet lips of her pussy. She moaned into his mouth and leaned harder against him as he stroked and probed between her pussy lips.

“If you don’t fuck me here and now,” she told him, half out of breath, “I swear to god I’m just gonna jump on the nearest hard cock and ride it straight to fucking Hell.”

Stone gripped a fistful of her hair in his left hand. “If you even think about riding anybody’s cock but mine I’ll tan your ass raw,” he growled. Then he brought his right hand down on her ass with a sharp smack that drew the attention of everyone within earshot. The big breasted woman grunted while her husband laughed. Stone glanced at them to discover the husband had moved in front of his wife. She was lapping at his cock while the woman beside him was still stroking his shaft and fondling his balls. The younger man was still steadily pumping his cock into her with deep gasps of exertion.

“Ow! That hurt,” Nikki pouted. Then her voice fell to a growling whisper. “Do it again.”

He groaned and tightened his grip on her hair while he smacked her ass three more times. Each smack harder than the last. She mewled and pouted and moved her body against his dribbling cock. Then he led her toward the shallow end of the pool, leading her down the steps into the water. They waded in until she was just above waist deep, not far from the woman who was fucking the younger man. Stone scooped her into his arms and she jumped onto him, wrapping her thighs around him all in one, smooth motion.

He kissed her neck and mouth as she ground her ass against the spine of his jutting cock. He spotted the blonde from the bar at the edge by the steps where he’d just led Nikki down. She was watching them, toeing off her spikes and peeling off her bikini before tracing their steps down into the water. She practically floated up behind Nikki and wrapped her arms around her. Nikki craned her neck to look, but didn’t say anything and just turned back into another of Stone’s hungry kisses.

“I got you, baby,” the blonde said, soothingly. “Just like before. Lean right back and let your lover shove that cock so deep inside you.”

Nikki leaned back against the blonde’s wet, naked breasts, letting her hold her upright while she gripped Stone’s waist with her thighs. Stone reached down and spread her pussy with one hand while he tucked the dome of his cock into the snug aperture of her core with the other.

“Just let go and feel it, baby girl,” the blonde said in a breathy rush.

Nikki whimpered. She turned her head halfway back and told the blonde, “I love him.”

“He loves you, too, pretty baby,” the woman said. “He’s got it bad as I ever seen.”

Stone pushed forward, gradually sinking his heated cock deeply inside the younger woman’s pussy.

“Oh fuck, yes,” the blonde hissed, as if she were the one taking the thrust of his cock deep inside her.

He started pumping into Nikki’s body with the longest, hardest strokes he could manage under water. The only way he could pull Nikki closer was to get his arms around the blonde, too, and pull them both into his lunging body. The blonde reached around Stone and they squeezed Nikki tightly between them. She mewled and whimpered with urgent gasps, her serpentine body writhing between them.

Nikki was all that Stone and the blonde had in common, and she became like a living bond of flesh between them. They were both laying kisses all over Nikki’s mouth and neck and shoulders from opposite sides. Their interest in each other ended at Nikki. Stone understood the blonde had sensed Nikki’s virginity, and found it a bittersweet thing that she’d come to absorb Nikki’s experience down through whatever layers of jaded regret clouded her life. In the moment, they all became pure together. A private conspiracy of virgin whores.

The blonde’s hands squeezed between Stone and Nikki as she kneaded Nikki’s breasts. Stone started pumping so hard the force was rocking them all backward, the blonde absorbing his heaving lunges into Nikki’s body. She kept carefully stepping backward until she was leaning against the side of the pool at the shallow end. They didn’t have the buoyancy of the water taking any of Nikki’s diminutive weight anymore, but between them she was easy to hold up.

Nikki had given in to everything. Her head leaned back against the blonde’s shoulder as she squirmed and came with a sputter of gasping as Stone thrust his raging cock into her harder and faster.

Then Stone pulled his dew soaked cock from Nikki’s pussy. “Turn around and hug her.”

She never once stopped to question what would come next. Nikki set her feet down only long enough to turn and face the blonde, then wrapped her arms around the blonde’s neck and her legs around her waist, just as she’d been attached to Stone. Stone and the blonde held each other’s stare as he pressed the slippery wet dome of his cock against Nikki’s rimhole. With a carnivorous grunt, he pushed inward, opening her taut ring and slowly filling her channel with his dew-lathered cock.

Nikki let out a long, low yowl as Stone’s cock filled her ass. She leaned down and bit the blonde’s shoulder, causing her to yelp and laugh at the same time. Nikki was holding onto her tightly while Stone began to stroke his shaft in and out of her ass.

The woman fucking the younger man started to cum. Her husband looked on, grunting as the woman beside him bobbed her head up and down his cock.

“Baby,” Stone growled. “Baby…I…ffffuck…”

“I know,” Nikki huffed against the blonde’s shoulder. “I know everything.”

“Fuck us,” the blonde whispered.

Stone reached around and gripped the blonde by her ass cheeks as he drove his cock harder and faster into Nikki’s clasping channel. Everything started to blur. It was as if their bodies all moved as one, their panting gasps for breath staggered but following the same tempo.

He shoved one hand between Nikki and the blonde and finger massaged Nikki’s clit while he fucked her ass. He slapped and rubbed her clit until she started to cum again, whimpering into the blonde’s shoulder as her body shuddered and writhed. Stone couldn’t hold out any longer against the clamping ripples rocking the length of his driving cock in Nikki’s ass. With a heaving volley of hard thrusts, he threw his head back and wailed as every sense in his body felt centered on the shooting spasms speeding through his cock.

There was desultory applause coming from somewhere around them, but none of them paid attention. Stone threw his arms around the blonde only to hug Nikki tighter against him, still stroking his cock into her, his speed gradually ebbing, until he finally withdrew from her body completely.

Nikki held onto the blonde a few moments longer, her eyes closed, savoring those moments in which her cells were still flickering with sensation. Finally, she let go and kissed her once softly on the mouth, then turned toward Stone and never looked back.




Nikki gazed silently through the windshield of Stone’s car. They were parked in the broad driveway that circled in front of Dogface’s house. The party was still going on, and they were still naked from the pool, having walked out together, not so much as bothering to retrieve their clothes and swimsuits. Stone’s pants were the one exception, containing his wallet and keys, but they were sitting in a wrinkled lump on the back seat.

They sat quietly for a long time. Their fingers found the bare skin of each other’s leg, touching lightly, like touching someone for that first, tentative time. Stone leaned back against the headrest and closed his eyes, but he could still see her.

“You wanna go home?” he asked.

“Yeah. I do. And I’m glad you don’t say my house anymore. Like I’m just staying there or something.”

“I said that?”

“Yeah. A bunch of times. Not for a while, though.”

“I’m sorry.”

“It’s okay.”

Ning then walked slowly around the side of the house. Dark, oversized shades covered half her face. A burning cigarette dangled from the corner of her mouth and she was carrying the clothes Stone and Nikki hadn’t bothered to pick up after they crawled out of the pool. She went to Stone’s side and handed the bundle to him through the window. Then she leaned toward the window and took in the naked pair sitting in the car.

“You gonna drive home like that?”

“Probably,” Stone told her. Nikki looked the other way, giving her mother the back of her head.

“Better use turn signal,” Ning said. “Not get stop by cop.”

She walked away as slowly and calmly as she came out, and broke into laughter just as she rounded the corner of the house.

Stone waited for Nikki to turn her face back and say something about her mother. She sat a long time and he finally started the car. That’s when she looked at him again.

“So you think I’m a haunted angel?”

“Oh. You read that, huh?”

“Yeah. So? Am I?”

“What do you think?”

She smiled that same smile she always tried to hide from him, except this time she was staring straight at his face.

“Maybe. I dunno. I guess I feel like that sometimes. I’m not sure what you were talking about, but …” She trailed off into thought for a while. “So, um, I guess maybe you love me for real. Like I’m the right kind of mess for you.”

“Yeah. Everything except the maybe part.”

She looked forward through the windshield again, the smile still on her lips. “I’m leaking spunk on the seat of your car, you know.”

He almost started to laugh but swallowed it. “Maybe I should make you walk home.”

“Hey, it’s your spunk.”

“Fuckin’ better be. Want me to put a towel on the seat for you?”

“No. I wanna stain something that belongs to you.”

“Sooner or later you could end up staining everything that belongs to me.”

“I was thinking something like that already.”

He leaned across and kissed her slowly. Her lips always reminded him of the beginning of something.

He put the car in gear and drove.



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Kinky Love Story

First of all, I would like to thank this community. I have been reading stories here since I entered into my puberty. Though earlier stories used to be well written and told. I have seen the unwelcome trend from few years that there has been a degrade in story content. I like story building backgrounds and thrills but nowadays it’s just bang bang. Hi, I am Suraj. I live in Delhi. The story is a real story about my girlfriend. It’s going to be a long story as I will tell about the every detail...

4 years ago
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Castaway Vons HavenChapter 65

In the morning candle light, Laudus heaved again as my hips thrust up into her channel. Swarta began innocently stroking Laudus' nipples when I paused to spurt my seed into my concubine's womb. Laudus continued to arch her back as my wife played with my lover. I knew Laudus was close so I flicked her nub. "Ahhhhhh, Master!" Laudus shouted. I saw the babies suckling on Palus's teats stop for a moment, waiting for my lover's cry to fade. "Laudus, this is the third morning in a...

2 years ago
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The Sissy Diaries My Two Mistresses

Dear Diary, Things were going so good for me. I got promoted at work, even though I know most people there don't like me because I'm quiet and reclusive. It's just that I can't get too close to anyone there and risk exposing that I'm a closeted crossdressing sissy. Still, I do my work and go home to my apartment and escape into my sissy world. Still, I decided that with my promotion and my increase in salary, I could afford a better apartment in a better neighborhood and that's where...

1 year ago
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Curing a Whore

The thundering sounds of the rain slamming against my window filters through my headphones as I listen to mellow music. Writing through flickering candlelight as the power suddenly fails. My thoughts they turn to a time, a time I speak not of, but write about. It had been a night, starting unlike the forceful winds ripping through this one. There was a gentle, almost ghost like mist flowing down the dark streets. It rolled in tides through the street lights crashing up against the tall trees. A...

2 years ago
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The Lusty Medical Profession

Chapter 1 It had been another typically long day in Surgery. Sabrina, Angie, and Karen had all three kept busy and their main boss, Dr. Williams, had depended heavily on them to take care of his every need. And saying that they met his needs was saying far more than anyone outside their little lusty foursome would ever have imagined. Let me introduce you to Sabrina, Angie, and Karen. They're all totally hot, sexy, horny, and more than willing to fuck and suck Dr. Williams or anyone else...

3 years ago
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The Office Mess Part 4

 I arrived at the agreed upon restaurant right on time. She entered the door five minutes late, walked straight to where I was seated, kissed me on the cheek, and sat down facing me. “First of all, we have been together three times and have not introduced ourselves. I am Brittany.”“Yes, I know,” I replied. “I have researched you. And my name is Kyle.”“And Kyle, what have you discovered in your research?”“You are a very successful business lady, well known in the city and state, and you have...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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A stunned husband caught his wife cheating on him

Mike and Lori had been married just under two years. Mike 30 had met Lori shortly after graduating from college. He had fallen hard for her as she was a very beautiful looking girl. She had the most beautiful smile and a outstanding body to go along with it. He was on top of the world so he had thought the day he had married her. Their marriage after two years seemed to be even stronger than the day they had gotten married. They did everything together including running, biking and going to...

2 years ago
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342 bdsm and the neighbours pt1

342 bdsm and the neighbour`s pt1 It was a dark and stormy night and the rain came pitter-pat down, and had for the last three days, next doors ornamental garden pond was so overfull that it being a semi-raised sided pond, it broke its banks. Not in itself a big thing but the koi carp that were washed towards the house must have cost a bloody fortune and the folks, their friends at no7 were out. Gethin had rushed to help Megan his wife scooping up each fish and throwing them back into the now...

3 years ago
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Mom in law Massage

This is a story of what might be called, In(law)cest. It involves masturbation, oral sex, and vaginal and anal intercourse between me and my mother-in-law, Kathy.I called my mother-in law in Chicago to tell her that I was going to postpone a planned business trip there and so wouldn't be able to see her the following week as expected. I had fallen while bike riding a few days earlier and pulled the quadriceps muscle in my left thigh which was causing me a lot of difficulty. Each morning when I...

2 years ago
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My Night with Alexis Loxx

I consider myself to have a dominant personality NB: This is my second story, after ?Sara and Ms Davies? ? thanks to everyone who liked that, by the way, and everyone who has emailed and reviewed it. This is more of a male submission story, as I?m a bit of a submissive male myself, and has quite a few similar traits to ?Sara and Ms Davies?, but it?s less consensual, it?s only one (rather big) part and, of course, features a male sub. Enjoy. I consider myself to have a...

2 years ago
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My wife Lisa PT4

Cont. from part 3Over the next few weeks Lisa began spending more time with the k**s I guess to keep her mind out of the gutter and I would bring her home small gifts just to show her my affection things were back to normal, I would still watch her on cam occasionally and on some days she would masturbate, I would lock myself in my office and masturbate while watching her, wow she still turned me oneven after so many years of marriage. This routine went on for a good while and I began watching...

3 years ago
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Psst I Dont Love My SisterChapter 2

Being a hopeless loser is not for everybody. If you are someone who finds happiness in being surrounded by friends, being a hopeless loser is not for you. I understand that I am different from other people. While I am not able to understand why a rich person would want to work, I can understand, in principle, why a rich person would not wish to sit at home all day playing video games. Some people find their happiness from being around others. I am not one of those people. After convincing my...

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