9-11 Perspectives free porn video

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This story may not be what you expect. This is the introduction of a novel upon which I am working about the struggles of two people to come to turns with cognitive dissonances in their memories of loved ones that they lost on 9-11. This is the story of the random encounter of a fire fighter’s widow with the younger brother of one of the hijackers.

It is not about wrapping ourselves in Old Glory and singing the anthem. Nor is it about pacifism. It is about humanity and healing. Through their eyes, I hope you will see not propaganda that has wrapped itself in the flag and rhetoric to the exclusion of even common sense and respect for basic tenants of human rights. Instead I hope you will witness the true human tragedy of that day, which changed us all forever.

The human mind has this tendency to only remember good things about the dead. Especially given the heroic manner in which so many died on 9-11, it is even more natural to glorify them all. But the truth is that 3,017 humans, including nineteen hijackers, died when those planes hit the Twin Towers. They were humans with both good and bad in each and every person. In this story, there are no heroes or demons, just people trying to cope with a tragedy.

Of course, all people in this story are fictional and merely the creation of an overactive imagination that has witnessed too much of the human condition to simply believe in black and white or good and evil. It is about taking the first steps towards healing, accepting the truth and seeing in shades of grey.


September 11, 2011 8:30am

Gail rambled through the park in Jersey City. She had arranged for a friend to drop the boys at school today. Of course, everyone was also so accommodating this time of year. It was as if, even a decade later, they still walked upon eggshells of the memories. She knew that everyone assumed she would be joining the other families at Ground Zero. The truth was that Gail rarely had anything to do with the other families. Their presence somehow made her feel even more a fake than she already did.

The truth was that for Gail 9-11 had been a blessing. Her husband, who had died so heroically that morning, was a great fireman. But he had also been abusive to her and their sons. It was a side of the tragedy that no one, not even herself, wanted to see.

Gail had been just eighteen when she met and married Tim, who was a decade older and already a fire fighter. The irony was that they met when she sprained her ankle running to make it to work on time in the South Tower. She had been bright eyed, a recent high school graduate, who was so excited to have landed a temporary receptionist job at one of the trading companies in the big, shiny apple of New York City. It was quite an accomplishment for a Jersey girl.

Of course, the laughing blue eyes, dark curly hair and seemingly endless broad shoulders of the young fire fighter had almost made her completely forget the pain in her ankle. He and his partner had bandaged it before transporting her to St. Vincent’s. Almost before the ankle had healed completely, she had become romantically involved with Tim. It had been a whirlwind three month courtship before they ran off to Virginia Beach to elope. With her years of training, looking back now, Gail could recognize signs of trouble common in many domestic violence relationships. But she had been young then and had seen the possessiveness as romantic.

They had barely been back from their honeymoon when things went terribly wrong. Tim had been working nights when he arrived home a little before eight. Gail had been sleeping in that morning, the exhaustion most likely caused by a pregnancy of which she was not even yet aware. Tim had pulled the covers from her and before she was fully awake he had used his heavy booted foot to kick her from the bed they shared.

‘Get up, you lazy whore. Where’s my fucking breakfast?’ He demanded as he began to toss his clothes randomly about the room. ‘I didn’t marry you so you could fucking lay around the house getting fat all damned day,’ he spat with vitriol that she had never heard before.

Even almost twenty years later Gail could remember that morning so vividly that it was almost like going back in time. When she did not move fast enough, he had drug her by the hair to the kitchen where he oversaw each of her moves as she cooked his morning meal. She had cowered silently in a corner as he consumed his food. Then without a word, he had disappeared back into their bedroom, leaving her to cry for hours in shock and fear.

Over the almost decade they were married, the abuse was to escalate. Gail had even discovered a pattern. Tim was more likely to lose his temper, as she had come to excuse his behaviour, if things had gone badly at work. If there was a bad fire or he lost someone, then she had come to walk upon egg shells. She had learned to cook things just the way he liked. She kept the cleanest house on the block, despite having three young boys. She had done everything she could to create a perfect world, but it never seemed to be enough, especially on those days.

She shivered, despite the warmth of the early fall morning, as she remembered her first thoughts that morning. She had dropped her older two at school and had settled their two-year old in his highchair for his snack. As always she flipped the television on in the family room as she began to clear the breakfast dishes and straighten the kitchen.

But instead of the cheery smiles of Good Morning America, the screen was filled with the images of the planes hitting the Twin Towers. She knew that Tim, who was on days that week, would be one of the hundreds of New York City fire fighters responding that morning as would several of their neighbors in the quiet Brooklyn suburb.

Unlike her neighbors, the other wives, her first thought was not of the danger into which her husband was running. It was the danger that she and the boys would face from his anger that night. She immediately placed the chicken she had been thawing back into the fridge and pulled out steak. Perhaps it was futile, but she would try with all her might to avoid another beating, bruises on her arms and ribs still a faint green from the most recent one.

When she watched as the buildings crumbled to the ground, the possibility that Tim was trapped inside one of them was not even in her mind. She re-doubled her efforts to scrub the sink, her fingers already reddened from the bleach. Of course, she heard the wailing from houses around her, but still she cleaned, moped and vacuumed. After silently picking the boys up from school, she returned home to begin dinner, making certain not to overcook Tim’s rare steak. By that evening, the house was perfect and his favorite dinner awaited him.

But Tim never walked through the door, instead there was a phone call. His captain told her that he had been in the South Tower and was missing in action. Gail was numb with disbelief. But a part of her was also relieved that this night at least she had escaped a beating. Still she had expected him to walk through the door the next day. So again she cleaned and cooked.

Looking back, she was certain that her behavior seemed odd to friends and family that began to gather at their home. The people only made it more difficult, of course, to keep the home clean. By the end of that first week, she was exhausted and had begun to wonder if Tim would ever come back to them. That thought alone brought conflict. She had clung for almost a decade to the good memories: that dazzling smile that had first won her heart, the loud ring of his rare laughs, and even the hundreds of tearful apologies and promises that it would never happen again.

Of course, there were darker thoughts too. Chief among them was relief that perhaps she would never have to endure another beating or protect their boys from the harsh words or too rough spankings. Then Gail would look around her at the truly grievi
ng and devastated widows that were her neighbors. She would be filled with guilt at such an odd emotion as relief.

By the time that the second week came and went…with it all hope, Gail had withdrawn further, if that were possible. She kept the boys close to her as she politely dismissed the others that had invaded her home. She felt that she could no longer keep up the façade of the distraught widow especially around Tim’s brothers, who had begun to impose their wills upon her and the boys. Like Tim, they had strict expectations of what she should do and how she should feel. After so long under one tyrant, she would not easily fall under others, of that she was determined for her boys’ sake.

Over the weeks and months to come, there had been other battles. The damned money seemed to draw out the worst in Tim’s family, who demanded that Tim would want them to have control of it for the boys’ sake. Of course, they pointed out that she knew nothing about managing finances, that Tim had always controlled the money. It was not a pleasant reminder of the man, whom Gail was trying to mourn in earnest. Then when they found Tim’s body several months later, it was another string of arguments about the funeral. Gail did not want to be the center of some spectacle that drew huge crowds. She preferred a private and modest farewell to the man that she had both loved and feared. It was though a mixed victory: she kept control of the money, but acceded to his family’s need for a huge traditional Irish wake.

Approaching the benches that overlooked the water and offered a clear view of Ground Zero, Gail was reminded again of all that had happened in the past decade. She was here today to try and make some sense to all of it. To find closure as those in her field would say. She feared that it would once again prove an elusive dream, but still she tried, not only each year on this day, but every day of her life since that horrible moment.

Seeing that there was a young man sitting on the bench that she had always favorited for these musings, Gail almost turned back towards the car. But something kept her going, just as it had during those dark and confusing days, months and years since that day. It was as if her body continued to do what was expected of her, even when her mind screamed out at the fallacy of it all.

Standing at the edge of her bench, as she had come to think of it, she looked over the slumped figure with dark hair and eyes as haunted as her own. It pulled at the counsellor in her as other people’s troubles always did. She knew that a part of it was that when she dealt with the troubles of others, then for a moment she could ignore her own. But today was about dealing with her own, so she fought back the professional desire to probe the younger man’s thoughts and feelings and instead simply inquired, ‘Is this seat taken? Do you mind if I sit here?’


Jamil looked up at the woman. His mind had been thousands of miles and almost twenty years away. He had not relished the thought of any disruption this day, which was one of the reasons he had avoided the bustle and crowds of that place, but not the only one. He knew that his would not be a welcome presence there, but then again when was the last time that his presence had been truly welcomed anywhere? He simply nodded his dark head with its traditional, short cropped hair. He tried to ignore the presence of another as he focused upon the task that brought him to this place today of all days.

Growing up as they had the sons of an Egyptian bureaucrat, their lives had been privileged. Their father had begun his career in public service under Anwar El Sadat, a man whom he held up to his son’s as visionary for his peace treaty with Israel. Even Jamil’s mother, his father’s second wife, had been an American educated Christian. While the family professed Islam, as did the majority of their countrymen, they were not extremists by any means.

He still could not fathom how it had happened. How had the older, half-brother, whom he remembered as a laughing and loving teen, become a man who could murder so many people? How did Abdul, his mentor and friend as a child, come to do such an unthinkable thing? Even after almost a decade of enforced solitude to consider the issue, Jamil still could not fathom it.

Of course, Jamil had been a mere boy of twelve when Abdul had left the family home outside of Cairo to study engineering at a German university. Over the next six years, he had only seen Abdul on the rare visits home, but during those trips his brother had seemed unchanged to the teen. Of course, Abdul would call home to speak with his parents on occasion as well, but his father complained that most of those calls were simply to ask for more money.

For him, the brightest memories were September 10th. He had just begun his freshman year at Boston University, an accomplishment of which both his parents were proud. He would study computer technology and return to a post his father would arrange in the government. He was adjusting slowly to the new surroundings and people, but he was also homesick for his large, extended family.

So he was delighted when his much loved older brother called him that Monday afternoon. He had just finished classes for the day and was studying in his dorm room. He was surprised when his brother suggested that they meet for dinner. Jamil had no idea that Abdul was in the United States. The last he knew his brother had been working in Germany. But he was delighted at the opportunity to see and converse with someone from home.

Over dinner, Jamil had noticed that his beloved older brother was at moments exactly as he remembered him. But at other times, he seemed distracted and distant. Jamil assumed it was the result of too many years apart. The evening had ended rather abruptly when his brother received a phone call. He had stepped away from the table for several minutes and when he had returned he had said that he must go. He had hugged his younger brother warmly and then shook his hand firmly. His final words to him would stay in Jamil’s mind forever. ‘Remember, little brother, I have always loved you. Nothing will ever change that.’ Then he was gone…forever.

He had been in a calculus class the next morning when the news began to spread of the attacks on New York and Washington, but in his mind it had nothing to do with the visit of his beloved older brother. Even when it was announced that two of the planes had originated there in Boston, Jamil’s thoughts had been hope that his brother was not on either of those planes. He never considered that his brother might be one of the hijackers.

The next evening when two men in dark suits knocked upon his dorm door, Jamil was shocked when they began to question him about his brother’s visit. It was the look of shock and then fear and hatred upon the face of his roommate and new friend that shook him most. That night the men had left after only a few moments, but silence had reigned in the small, plain room the rest of the night.

The next day though other men in suits had arrived at the university while he was in the computer lab. They demanded that he go with them. When he stood up they shackled his hands and feet. They practically drug him from the room as the eyes of all the other students followed them. Those eyes were filled with the same fear and hatred that he had seen in his roommate’s the previous evening.

It was the beginning of an ordeal that was to last over eight years and in some ways continued to this day. He was taken from the lab to a darkened SUV. The men said nothing more through out the drive to the airport. He was loaded into a plane with several other Arab men that he did not know. They took off in silence for an unknown destination. One of the men had dared to ask where they were going. His only response was a back hand across the face and a bag over his head. The others had taken the warning and remained silent for the journey.

When they lande
d, bags were placed over the heads of the other prisoners as well. To this day, he never knew the places he was taken in those early days as he was transferred from one interrogation site to another. In fact, it had been sometime before he even knew of his brother’s death and the reason he was being detained.

Eventually, he was not sure if it was weeks or months later, he was transferred to a sunny place overlooking the sea. The irony was that the rare glimpses he caught of the tropical paradise belied the harsh, torture and isolation that he endured. He lost track of time and place. He would spend long periods of time alone in his small cell with nothing to read or do and only the most basic of food. Then for endless hours and days he would be subjected to interrogation and torture. The worse was being forced to maintain the same positions for days upon a time. Even now his back would still bother him if he remained in the same position for too long, he thought as he shifted nervously upon the park bench.

Of course, Jamil had nothing he could tell them. He knew nothing about his brother’s activities. He, himself, had no involvement with Al Qaida or any other radical group. He knew only of a loving older brother that would take him on long walks as a child. Eventually, his captors began to believe the truth of his assertions. He had thought that would result in his release, but it did not. Instead they began to allow him to mix more freely with other prisoners, only to demand that he share with them any secrets they revealed.

It had been a dilemma for his conscious. He did not agree with the actions of terrorists, even his brother. But were these men any different from those terrorists? They had snatched him from his life without trial and imprisoned him without rights. They continued to hold him, despite knowing of his innocence. In the end, practicality had won out. He had chosen to spy upon others in hopes of winning his own freedom.

He knew now that he had been taken to the detention center at Guantanamo Bay Naval Base, Gitmo as it was called. He knew too that he had remained there for almost eight years until a new US President ordered its closure. Even then it had taken months as the authorities decided what to do with him. He learned during this time of his mother’s death, likely from a broken heart as the result of the loss of a son and step-son. His father had lost his prized career as a result of the suspicion. Now he lived in a less affluent area further from the city. His health too was deteriorating.

Jamil had returned to Egypt when he was released. His reunion with his father was tense, as if his father blamed him as much as Abdul for the shame that had befallen the family. His father was stooped and his face drawn in pain. They spoke little in those days. Then one morning, his father simply did not wake up. Jamil was now alone. Alone in the world. Perhaps as he had been for a very long time.

He had not been able to find a job, haunted as he was by accusations. Finally, he had decided to return to school, but this too proved challenging. How did one explain a lost decade? Finally with the help of the US embassy he had been accepted into a small college in California. Instead of studying computers, he now studied psychology. He hoped eventually to understand his life and family even more than helping others.

This day, a decade after it all began, he had decided that he would begin that journey with a trip to where it had all began. He had not thought himself capable of braving the actual place where his brother and the others had taken the lives of so many innocent people. But after some research on-line, he had discovered this park that overlooked the site, a safe distance from others. He had come here before dawn. He had watched the sun rise upon a clear, beautiful early fall day. In fact, it was almost identical to that other fateful morning.

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It was Just a One Night Stand

Now possibly alzheimers disease in setting in, but I recall the decade beginning in the late 70s and running through at least the first half of the 80s as a time when getting laid was impossibly easy. It was casual sex, the classic sport fuck without commitment or expectations and prior to both ‘Fatal Attraction’ and heterosexual AIDS. I was in my late twenties and thirties and had a very well paying, straight, unlimited commission, executive level sales job which required quite a bit of...

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Pretty Wild

 Flowers in Her HairThe flowers were waiting for Julie when she pulled up to her apartment.  A bouquet of daisies resting upon the welcome mat putting a smile on her face.  Even after all these years, she mused as she unlocked the door, then closed it behind her before searching for an unused vase to set them on, settling on a glazed pink cylinder, which was placed on near the kitchen window.  She’d always loved flowers.  The backyard was small, but there was enough room to keep a carefully...

Group Sex
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TRANSLESBIANS this is a true story

When I first got married in 1992,my exwife,and I were getting along well,everything inbetween,ecept for sex,either I was stressed out from work,or somthing else.well one night we were talking in bed,and were dicussing what we wanted to try out in the bedroom.I'd say well blindfolds,and being tied up sounds nice,or even whipcream,and some type of cream dessert,where we would smear over are bodys and lick it off.but then it happen,I told her that I use to dress in drag,she replied what?she new...

2 years ago
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Die TrainierinSklavinnen in der hlle

Gut gelaunt und erholt von meinem Malediven-Urlaub beschloss ich also einen neuen Lebensweg einzuschlagen und k?nftig mein Geld mit geilen Fotos zu verdienen. Die passende Ausr?stung hatte ich ja schon. Und wenn ich an die letzten Wochen zur?ckdenke ... In der Ferienvilla neben meiner hatte sich eine komplette Filmcrew einquartiert. Sie produzierten im Haus und auf dem Grundst?ck verschiedene Szenen auf Bestellung. Schon wenige Tage nach meiner Ankunft – ich machte gerade ein kleines Nickerchen...

1 year ago
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Stories from the Sub

Scanning the Craigslist casual encounter section again. She couldn't understand why it's so hard to for a girl to get laid. Well, that's not entirely accurate. It's not that hard to get laid but Cricket wanted something different. Nick text, "Come over." "Ugh!", Cricket slammed her phone down. Nick was a good hard cock that was always ready to 'go'; but they had dated for a year. A year too long, in Cricket's opinion. For some reason Nick had never developed a spine. Even after Cricket trained...

1 year ago
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Fb Friend Sara

Hi. I’m anand from bangalore. Age. 23. I’m 6 feet tall. Avg body. Basically a bangalorean malayali. Currently in chennai pursuing my highers. My email id is Ladies feel free to contact me. This is my first story. This is a real story that happened in 2014. I was doing my 2and year engineering. I was browsing through fake fb account and was randomly sending requests. And a girl with a weird name (obviously fake name) accepted my request and we started chatting and within some time she asked for...

1 year ago
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In Times of Need

"You have to help me, man. I'm serious, there's absolutely no work out there. It seems like everyone is trying to find a job, but no one is hiring. Even the Mexican guys can't find work, and they'll work for almost nothing. I don't know what to do anymore... Mom's garden is the only thing that keeps us from starving. But that won't matter if we don't come up with the money by the end of the month. They'll come, take it all, and throw us out on the street." Kevin put his head in his hands and...

3 years ago
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Inseminated at Sarahs Stud

Monday dawned bright and clear. Janie was beside herself with excitement, she really wanted to be impregnated, her very being ached for it. Roger was less enthusiastic and a little subdued but he had no part in the decision. Janie called the tune here."Good morning Janie," Sarah greeted her as they both arrived, hardly giving Roger a second glance. "Ramon is ready for you, would you like to examine him and make sure that he is the stud you selected?"Janie nodded, and Sarah took her through to...

4 years ago
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RevengeChapter 7

After losing Ana, I'd had no intention of getting another girl, there. However, in order to stay in the role I had been playing, I had to accept Sofia. Being trained in the whorehouse she wanted to please. On the other hand, she had fiery temper she could not totally control. For the first time I had to force her to accept that I go down on her. Next time it was much, much easier. And when she learned that I really wanted to please her, she also became very eager to learn English. On the...

2 years ago
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Personality Talk Me and Mom

2010 10 07 My name is Dre. I'm a 27 year old single guy with bisexual view of interest. Despite already having a steady job, i still live with my parents due to their old age and i don't have any siblings to take care of them. For once, i have the idea to hire a maid or servant to serve them, so that i could live on my own, but they refused and like me to live with them. I have TG tendency in a form of i like wearing women clothes a.k.a. crossdressing. Usually i borrow my mom's,...

4 years ago
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You would think she had done this before

This story is based on some fact and alot fantasy. No physical descriptions will be given so you can create your own perfect people. Please enjoy this and leave your comments tell me what you would even like to see so I may write more stories in the future. Carla and Dave are ex-boyfriend and girlfriend, but still great friends and are both openly bi-sexual. Carla has even become good friends with Dave's wife Lucy. Lucy has had some thoughts about trying another womean but never had the...

3 years ago
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Lets Go To The Bahamas Pt 6

Surprise, surprise, I wake up feeling thoroughly used and horny as fuck. I look at you and you’re still sleeping. Checking the clock, it’s only 6:00 am. Damn, I want you to fuck me so bad, but I hate to wake you up. I think of masturbating, but I know you like to watch me so what am I supposed to do? Finally I decide to wake you. I move down the bed until I’m laying between your legs and I slowly begin sucking on your balls as gently as I possibly can. I feel your cock twitching so I start...

3 years ago
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Going To The Pictures Together

My son and I had always been close and we felt very comfortable with hugs, kisses and being in close proximity physically. Mark would even hold my hand when we walked together or put his arm around me when we were sitting on the sofa. Nothing about this was sexual, at least not for me. In retrospect, I don't know if Mark had any amorous feelings or not.The first time Mark and I had more than a normal Mother and Son experience began one day at home. He was having girlfriend troubles. His...

2 years ago
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Duke Dana pt 4

“Oh…not this morning big boy, I gotta go to work and my pussy needs some time off,” she said regretfully to her four legged friend, then went to the bathroom to get her morning started. The work days passed slowly to Dana. Her thoughts were filled with Duke and his incredible cock. She couldn’t believe she was still fantasizing about it even after the debauchery she had been part of over the weekend, yet just the thought of his thick member and massive knot made her wet. The nights on the...

2 years ago
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Pokemon the right way

Welcome to the world of pokemon! A land full of adventure and mystries... and creatures who happen to have the ability to kill if the mood so took them. ANY WAY, your journey is about to begin but first things first... which region are you in any way?

2 years ago
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Revenge in Moonlight

This is my first story. I hope you enjoy it. It is set in a past era. ———————————————– In a moonlit forest Elizabeth was running for her life. The life she knew, the life she cared about, the life that she adored. Sobs mingled with the exhaustive intakes of air, tears streaming down her face. She clung on desperately to an oak old tree and screamed in anger and forlorn despair. The screams echoed in the shadowy wooden wall around her until silence, only her gasping sobs muffled the...

3 years ago
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Crated By SG [email protected]        My crate was built the only thing left to do was put my plan into motion. I called Craig, my ex boy friend, and asked him if he would be willing to help me move a large crate from my house out to the new house out in the county I had just bought.        "Hi Craig, I really need your help." Craig had always been a push over while we were dating and still is even after I broke up with him. He was always willing to do what I wanted. That was the whole...

4 years ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 293 I Start Escaping from the CIA

Sunday, February 19, 2006 (Continued) 5B arrived in 5A's head, increasing its population to thirty two. Just that fact alone is going to make life interesting. Plus we are going to be meeting LOTS of other Mark Andersons, thirty two more of them every seventeen hours - the Universe is WEIRD! We'd had an unconscious (meaning "natural" rather than "asleep") maximum NP force of 51.2 kg two merges ago. Now that'll be 51.2 x 8 x 8 = 3,300 kg. We've had ten months of practice, gaining 5%...

3 years ago
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Horse Racing

We were out together, that late spring morning - she and I - lazily riding across the long grassland. Here the age-old, green road skirted the lower reaches of the escarpment. In a little while, it would wend its way gently upwards.Those ancients, the ones from several thousand years ago, knew a thing or two when they trekked this way and drove their animals before them. The old Drovers Way, the path we trod so lightly, was well-worn, making its way towards the next small river ford where they...

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Becoming Suzanne A Womans Journey Part 5

Chapter 5 (Final Chapter) Becoming Suzanne - A Woman's Journey Steven noticed Suzanne across the restaurant shortly after she arrived. It was a large open room and she was getting a drink with Julie and laughing with some of the others at the bar. She wore a tight black dress, with a plunging neckline, that hugged the contour of her curves. "God," thought Steven, at once frustrated and intoxicated. He hadn't stopped thinking of her since that time they'd shared a smoke in...

2 years ago
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The Night Bus Journey With A Horny MILF 8211 Part 2

Hello everyone! This is Neeraj. This story picks up right from where I had left off the previous part. I stay in Bangalore. This is a multi-part story, so stay tuned for the final part. * * * RECAP: I was travelling to Bombay from Bangalore via bus and in the journey, I found Riya, a hot milf. We shared a smoke while the bus had stopped for its dinner stoppage. Things picked up from there and we ended up making out there. Then we went in the bus and as the journey progressed so did our sexual...

4 years ago
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Sticking Plaster Part 2

The hotel bar was jammed with weekenders, people on short breaks. Alcohol was plentiful and the atmosphere lent itself to unwinding, letting their hair down Kirsty sat at the head of the table, her devil’s horns still in place and a “Groovy girl” note book in her hands like some teenage student about to sit her exams. It may not have been cool but it did the job sufficiently. “Now can I have your attention please?” Kirsty called above the hubble of conversation. The girls all turned,...

3 years ago
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Becoming A Slut Wife Linda

My deepest, darkest fantasy has always been to watch my wife fuck another man. I wanted to watch her in the throes of passion, clamping her legs around and digging her nails into someone else. I finally got up the courage to mention it to her and she laughed at me, "Get serious Vern." Even though she wouldn't admit it the idea did turn her on. I could tell she was turned on by how wildly she would fuck me after I mentioned it. In a one hundred and eighty-degree turnabout Linda began to tell...

1 year ago
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Mitch and Candy

Mitch was six feet tall, two hundred and thirty-five pounds, blond hair, and blue eyes. He was thirty-five years old and worked construction.He especially liked virgins, they were so eager once they got past their shyness. Sometimes he had to take guys by the hand and literally show them what he wanted them to do.Mitch’s boss had just hired a new guy for the construction crew about a month ago. The boss told everyone he was fresh out of high school and for now, he was just a helper. His name...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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Retro Getting There Is Half The FunChapter 6

An interesting sidelight on the communicator was that you heard the person at the other end of the conversation speaking in the same accent as your own. This meant that conversation through the communicator was often easier to understand than when heard directly. We were given a general rundown on our target and how Venta's people thought we should be organized. The assignments were for Julia to be our demolition expert and the other six to be warriors, with me in charge. However, we would...

2 years ago
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The Broken Ankle

Fantasy can be brought crashing down very quickly by the intervention of reality, and perhaps it should be. Yes, Jackie was beautiful. Yes, I thought this was the woman I wanted to spend my life with. In my eyes she was the loveliest and sweetest creature I had ever met, and I was deeply, passionately in love with her. I had spoken to her of marriage and she had smilingly gone along with my flights of connubial fantasy. Not for one moment did I doubt her fidelity and our future together. I...

1 year ago
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InnocentHigh Alyce Anderson Fucking With The Freeze App

Alyce Anderson was sick and tired of her teacher always babbling and saying she didn’t pay attention in class. On his latest harangue, she truly got pushed to her limit. She had downloaded a new freeze app that supposedly mutes and immobilizes any person in front of you. Alyce clicked the button, and bam! Her teacher was a statue. After taking some provocative selfies, she decided to see for herself what all the moms in the PTA were talking about. Turned out teacher had a thick cock. Alyce...

2 years ago
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Pleasure CentralChapter 1

Chrissy was so excited. She had her first real job, and today was her very first day on that job. Now that she had her driver's license she could get to work and her parents had consented that she begin earning her own money. Not knowing what she wanted to do she had asked her parents for advice. Her father suggested she talk to her Uncle Bob. When she did he said he needed to hire someone in his business and that, if she was willing, he'd let her give it a try. He had inherited a piece...

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1st tym in milan

hi my name is jp im 24 yrs old that was the 1st time i experienced sex with other guy its about 50yrs old he is italian citizen the name is lucio.The start of was on june 2010 story is when im there in place of doumo square i sat in the side of one statue there bcoz im waited my cousin and then the time has pass my cousin was late one men sat beside me and then we chatted to each other he asked me where im from and i was said from asia we had long time to chat each other and then he asked me if...

3 years ago
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Mama Ki Ladki Ki Chudai

Hi indian sex stories doston   Mai rohit panipat se hun.Meri age 21 year hai mai b . Com kar raha hun. Meri height 6’2 ” hai. Mere ghar pe mai mummy papa or ek sister hai jiski shadi ho chuki hai. Mere papa government job karte hai wo delhi hi rehte hai kbhi kbhi ghar ate hai.   Meri mummy ghar ka hi kaam karti hai wo ek housewife hai. Ab mai story pe ata hun. Summer vacation chal rahe thei tou hmare ghar mere mama mami unki ldki or unke ldke ki wife charo hmare ghar aye wo yaha pe4-5 din...

3 years ago
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Adrenaline! I can’t begin to contemplate the complexity of this chemical that controls so many of our urges, our desires, giving us the propensity to fight and to fuck in equal measure. It is not for me to analyse and to decipher the intricacies of such chemical reactions with-in our bodies but more for me to understand it and how it translates into the situation that I find my-self and my guest in at present. For some time now I have been watching her shiver and convulse whilst emitting muted...


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