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My name is Charles Havers Jameson. A tall, good-looking black gentleman with a body that both sexes can’t help but stare at. I’m the man who’s going to dazzle you with the story of his life. I’m a senior partner at Darwin & Jameson, one of the top law firms in the Boston Area. I love my job. Practicing law is what I do. The firm got started ten years ago. I had just passed the bar exam when my former roommate and college buddy James Darwin approached me. He attended Morehouse College with me before moving to Massachusetts, and graduated from Suffolk Law School two years ahead of me and had been practicing law for some time. He wanted to start his own firm. So, we joined forces and made it happen. Ten years later, our firm had sixteen lawyers and was considered one of New England’s best criminal defense law firms.
All of our lawyers were black men. We didn’t hire female attorneys or male attorneys of other races. Darwin & Jameson is staying an all-black and all-male club. Why? Simply because we’re intelligent black men united for a common cause. Who are our secretaries? Young black men with excellent typing and computing skills selected from undergraduates at schools in the Boston Area. The only female at the office is my godmother, Elisabeth Jameson. She enjoys working for us. She’s the only female I trust. After that, I don’t need anybody else and the other lawyers at the firm feel exactly the same way. Nobody is a liability. Nobody makes false allegations of harassment. I run a tight ship and we’re keeping it that way. We’re not trying to expand. We’re not bringing in new players. We’re consolidating and keeping the power we have. That’s the way it’s gonna be.
Our offices are located on Commonwealth Avenue in Boston, not far from Bay State College, from which we selected a few of our male secretaries. I like to give talented young black men a chance. I felt that life gave me a chance when I won an academic scholarship to Morehouse College, fourteen years ago. I’ve done fine ever since. Thank heavens for that wonderful school. No better place for educating young black males. I love Atlanta and it’s the city of my birth but in the past few years, Boston has become home. I’ve grown accustomed to Bean Town and the busy, pseudo-intellectuals and mundanes who make up most of its population.
These days, I’m on vacation. Last year, the firm’s net income was nineteen million dollars, after taxes. We were suddenly on the map. We had become a powerhouse in New England and could do just about anything we wanted. And since we were virtually immune from frivolous lawsuits the way other firms could never be, I think our place in the legal landscape of New England is assured. I like my life right now. I donate to charities which help poor men, women and children from the African-American community. I also volunteer at some of the homeless shelters from time to time. I know what it’s like to struggle and I never turn my nose up at people in bad situations. I wasn’t born rich. Far from it.
I was born in 1977 in Atlanta, Georgia. My father, Luther Jameson, is a retired Atlanta City policeman. My mother, June Smith Jameson is a former elementary schoolteacher. I have an older brother named Stuart, who’s currently working as an Instructor at West Georgia Military Institute. He recently got promoted to Athletic Director. Back in the day, we led a decent life. I mean, we had our own house, in a decent neighborhood and there was food on the table every day. My parents were tough disciplinarians who redefined the meaning of tough love. Oh, yeah. They believed in corporal punishment. It toughened me up and helped shape me into the man I am today. I fly back to Atlanta to visit my folks all the time. My father is retired from the police force. He manages a private Boxing Gym these days. My mother still teaches, though only part-time. She enjoys being a grandmother to my brother’s brats. Stuart married his high school sweetheart, Corrections Officer Michelle Brunot. They have teenage twins, a boy and a girl. The boy’s name is Jack. The girl’s name is Jill. Yeah, I know what you’re thinking. My brother and his wife got corny taste but their kids are wonderful.
I love surprising my brother at work. Stuart is a big and tall black man who looks rather intimidating, until you get to know him. He’s a big softy. I’m the mean kid in the family. He used to get picked on by kids half his size. Me? Nobody messed with me. I was a mean-spirited brat with a slingshot. Anyone who talked trash to me or gave me an attitude got a small pellet as reward. Guys, girls, whoever messed with me got deal with. That’s why nobody messed with me. Before I was even grown, I was the man in my city. I wasn’t a delinquent. No sir. I went to Brothers of Saint Michael, a Christian-themed private High School and I got good grades. Hell, I ended up valedictorian. I just didn’t put up with anyone’s crap. That’s why I’m the man! Stuart only looked intimidating. Too bad the folks at West Georgia Military Institute bought his act.
West Georgia Military Institute was a private, four-year, coeducational military college. It was founded in 1977 by former U.S. Army General Samuel Branson. Since then, it’s become one of the best schools in America. Ranked among the One Hundred Best Colleges and Universities in America five years running. It’s an old-fashioned military college in the tradition of the Virginia Military Institute and West Point. Although much younger than these time-honored institutions, West Georgia Military Institute holds its own. With my brother at the helm of the Athletic Department, I can honestly say that the school is in good hands. Of the seven thousand students at the school, almost forty percent are student-athletes.
Originally, West Georgia Military Institute student-athletes competed in Men’s Varsity Baseball, Basketball, Cross Country, Soccer, Swimming, Squash, Fencing, Volleyball, Ice Hockey, Golf, Tennis, Track, Fencing, Water Polo, Rugby, Gymnastics and Rifle along with Women’s Varsity Softball, Basketball, Cross Country, Soccer, Swimming, Water Polo, Volleyball, Track, Fencing, Ice Hockey, Tennis, Gymnastics, Squash, Rugby, Golf and Rifle. They were members of the National Collegiate Athletic Association’s Division One. In his first year as Athletic Director, Stuart Jameson added several new sports to the program. First, he added Men’s Varsity Football. Then, he added Men’s Varsity Wrestling, Coed Sailing, Women’s Varsity Wrestling, Women’s Field Hockey, and Coed Equestrian. Bringing Football to the West Georgia Military Institute was my brother’s dream. He felt that an institution of this size ought to have such a sport. And he was right. Beefing up the sports programs really put the school on the map. The first Football game between West Georgia Military Institute and Georgia Tech was attended by nearly half the city of Atlanta!
I’m a College Football fan. Many years ago, I played for the Morehouse College Maroon Tigers. It was one of the best experiences of my life. I was a running back who barely saw any playing time but it was great to be on the team. I wished we were in the same athletic division as Georgia Tech so we could kick their butts. Partly because the nerds over there are so cocky and partly because my brother Stuart once played Football for Georgia Tech. Oh, well. Yeah, I was proud of the sportsman and instructor my brother had become. I’ll never admit this out loud but sometimes, I envy him. He lives in a mansion in one of Atlanta’s nicest and priciest neighborhoods. His wife is a beautiful, supportive and successful, decidedly strong black woman. He has two wonderful children. He’s the first African-American Athletic Director at one of America’s top schools. He has it all.
What about me? Let’s see. I lead the kind of life many people can only dream of. I live in a mansion in Milton, one of Massachusetts wealthiest cities. My house has six bedrooms, three bathrooms, an indoors pool, three jacuzzis, and it’s sitting on thirty acres of land which b
elong to me. I invite friends and their spouses and children to play golf with me on weekends. I sometimes host charity events at my residence. I don’t live alone. I even have a butler. No, his name is not Jeeves and he’s not British. He’s Harold Gray, a professional butler trained at the Central California Butler Bureau. He’s alright. And the man doesn’t come cheap. You might wonder about my romantic life. I’m single. I’m not seeing anyone. With my hectic work life, I don’t have time to meet anyone. Truth be told, I’m not sure if I want to meet people.
The civil branch of the firm has handled some nasty divorces. Marrying the wrong woman can cost a man his house, his car, his job and worst of all, his children. I’ve seen enough of that to swear off marriage altogether. For men who are considering taking the plunge, I heartily recommend a well-drafted prenuptial agreement. I know it’s not the most romantic thing in the world but you will thank yourself later. It can make the difference between a divorce court victory and the poor house for the remainder of your days. I don’t think much of humanity. I’ve defended too many psychopaths and sociopaths. With my analytical skills, I can see right through most people. And they don’t like me for it. Spotting both male and female liars and deceivers, the remorseless among us, has always been easy for me. It’s a natural talent which only got better as I grew older. At thirty years of age, I have a networth of twelve million dollars and absolutely no idea what I want to spend it on. The things men and women value don’t mean much to me. I like the house but it’s not essential to my existence. I like owning two Hummers, a Rolls Royce, a Jaguar and a Mercedes but I can do without them. What drives me?
That’s a question I ask myself a lot these days. I live in the state of Massachusetts, where Same-Sex Marriage is legal and a black man is the Governor. There’s a black man serving as Mayor in one of the state’s largest cities. There are black men and black women serving in the House of Representatives. Yes, I live in an interesting place indeed. And I love it. Maybe someday, a black man will be president. Or a black woman. Wouldn’t that be something? I support all of our black elected officials and runnerups, regardless of political party. It’s about our people, not some artificial divisions such as Democrat and Republican. I want to see American Power in the hands of black men and black women. I think this century could be ours if we play our cards right.
I push myself because I want to show the men and women in my community that a black man or woman who is smart and works hard can go places. We can be millionaires. We can be lawyers. We can be police officers. We can be State Senators and Governors. We can do anything. There’s nothing holding us back except our own fear and prejudices. The world is ours for the taking. And there is a right way to take it, too. Stay out of trouble. Go to college. Get that degree. Get a terrific job. Help the members of your community. That’s what my father taught me. All he wanted was for me and my brother to be successful and happy. He never asked us for anything. My parents both live in the same house I grew up in, even though both their sons are rich men. I love my parents. My father is a strong man. My mother is a strong woman. And my brother is a great man and one of the best role models anyone could ask for. Educator. Family man. Valued member of the community. It doesn’t get any better than this.
I am very proud of my family. My parents keep asking me when I’m going to introduce them to a nice young lady, settle down and have some kids. I laugh and change the subject almost every time. My folks don’t understand that I live in different times. When my folks met, it was the late 1960s. They were both in their late twenties. A black policeman and a schoolteacher in Atlanta. They were both deeply conservative people with a staunch belief in family values and loyalty. That’s why they got married and stayed married. My parents still go marathon dancing with each other. They’re both in their seventies now, and still very much in love. They don’t understand that people today don’t value family anymore. Men and women meet and they’re usually both selfish and amoral. In it for themselves and their own pleasure. It’s never about family or loyalty anymore. Wives betray husbands. Husbands betray wives. Spouses war against one another in courts. They fight over assets and children who get treated like assets. Good men get taken to the cleaners and lose the right to spend time with their children thanks to bias in family courts. Sometimes, good women get the shaft too. It’s an unfair world.
This is what marriage and relationships are like today. A man and a woman meet. They fall in love. They move in together. Either they live together or get hitched. At some point, they change. The husband wants to get away from the wife. The wife sees the husband as the most flawed thing in existence. Spouses can’t stop mentioning each other’s faults. Sometimes, violence follows. There are abusive husbands out there. What you won’t read anywhere is the story of the abusive wives. There are women who abuse their spouses and families out there. Of course, social workers and police officers along with judges and prosecutors will deny this endlessly. The husband or father is always at fault. Does this sound like the kind of institution a man should rush to get into?
My folks keep asking me to take time off to meet women. I’ve met many interesting women. Women who were beautiful and successful. Lawyers. Businesswomen. Sportswomen. Entrepreneurs. Yeah, but guess what? No one lights my fire. I’m a man who works hard for a living. And I’m one hundred percent loyal to my family. I would gladly lay down my life for my father Luther, mother June and brother Stuart. And I love my nephew Jack and niece Jill, and my sister-in-law Michelle, who brought them into this world with God’s help. I just can’t seem to meet a woman who wants the same things. I want a lifelong commitment and a family, with lots of children. Money’s no object. I would gladly share what I have with my wife and children. Sadly, I’ve met enough manipulators and gold diggers to become permanently jaded. And there lies my dilemma. Sorry, mom and dad, looks like you’re going to have to content yourselves with having Jack and Jill as your grandchildren. I’m flying solo. Forever.
I am not designed for a couple’s life. I’m a smart man who goes out there and gets things done. I’m good-looking and rich too. For a lot of women, that’s a magnetic factor. Unfortunately, I don’t attract quality individuals. Just because a gal is rich, beautiful and successful doesn’t mean she’s a good person. I’m a lawyer, so I lead a morally dubious lifestyle at times. I’ve defended bad men and bad women. People who committed murder. People who hurt other people. Quite often, I get them off. I hate myself for doing it. But it’s my job. So, I find ways to give back. Out of my pocket, I donate to public schools. I also give the homeless money, personally. I don’t give it to an agency. I hand it to them. It’s there’s one thing being a lawyer has taught me, it’s that anyone can become homeless. Some of the homeless men and homeless women out there were once lawyers, doctors and even cops. Sometimes, things just go wrong and there’s nothing you can do. I like helping people in need. The poor people. The disadvantaged children. The good men and women in bad situations. That’s what drives me to take a few pro bono cases each year. My way of giving back. I’m too attached to wealth and power, and I’ve compromised my beliefs too often to be saved in this life. But maybe there’s hope for me in the next.
Thanks for the appreciation for my last story. Your wishes encourage me to write better. The next story is of a criminal under trail and his lawyer. Amol was an honest salesman working for a hardware company. His honesty and integrity were never questioned until he was charged with raping a woman from his neighbourhood. He was arrested immediately upon a complaint from his next building neighbour. Amol was 29 living in Solapur for his job. He was tall, about 6.2, he had a slim frame and used to...
It was Friday afternoon, and Mike was working on some cost estimates when he looked up from his office desk in the corner of the barn where he stored construction materials and equipment. The clothes were like a man's, dark pinstripe jacket with shoulder pads and lapels, trousers, white shirt and striped tie. The contents were distinctly female, wide hips, crimson lipstick, a delicately boned face with shortish, wavy black hair, black pumps with inch-high heels. He guessed she was in her...
Note : This story is completely fictional! Hiiiiiiiii………dis is prema I jus wanted 2 narrate a story which was 4 years back We r frm my father had many transfers v hd hpnd 2 cum 2 hyderabad. Now lets tel u bout myself I m a cute white girl with 39-25-38.i can understand that how people get tempted Now I just tell when I wer studying my 9 class I hd got sum infection wich doctors use 2 take long period. So our neighbors said that there is a saint who can cure any disease. so we wer...
IncestI'm not proud of myself for throwing a punch. I mean, I am, really — the guy's a professional killer — but I'm sure I could have handled it another way. Andy Richardson — or Richie Rich as we called him behind his back (just jealousy, really; he had his own convertible) — was one of the assholes that my dolls and I had taken care of in high school. Actually Karen had done most of the taking care. Whatever; they were still my dolls. Andy and Julie had started dating in the ninth grade. And...
Lawyer to sub - 2February 14, 2011, 4:18 pmThe rest of the first night was great as Sarah shared her limits and desires to please a strong forceful Master and to become almost his slave. Her one limit was that her partner was not to find out but that she was open to any and all possibilities that I could think up. I offered a few to test if a no might be provoked from her sweet lips. I started with her being shared in a group scene and the answer was yes when. Then other DOMs using my sweet...
::Xhamster doesn’t allow for all the things that took place that weekend to shared…but what can be, is shared below in Kim’s account of her slave weekend. The pictures are also not all of Kim but a representation of what occurred that weekend.:::::Part 1: 2: 3:...
::Xhamster doesn’t allow for all the things that took place that weekend to shared…but what can be, is shared below in Kim’s account of her slave weekend. The pictures are also not all of Kim but a representation of what occurred that weekend.:::::Part 1: 2: 3:...
::Xhamster doesn’t allow for all the things that took place that weekend to shared…but what can be, is shared below in Kim’s account of her slave weekend. The pictures are also not all of Kim but a representation of what occurred that weekend.:::::Part 1: 2: 3:...
::Xhamster doesn’t allow for all the things that took place that weekend to shared…but what can be, is shared below in Kim’s account of her slave weekend. The pictures are also not all of Kim but a representation of what occurred that weekend.:::::Part 1: 2: 3:...
Femdom Fantasies Becomes an Unpleasant Reality By: Ken Bristol want2b Chapter 1 (Discovery) Ed came walked into the kitchen Saturday morning and saw his wife Diane glaring at him while sitting at the kitchen table with her knees tucked up under her and holding a cup of coffee. Diane, in an ominously quiet voice said: ?Sit down, we need to talk.? Ed poured himself a cup and said: ?what’s your problem?. ?You are.? She replied. ?I don’t understand.? He said. Diane continued: ?I feel like I...
::Xhamster doesn’t allow for all the things that took place that weekend to shared…but what can be, is shared below in Kim’s account of her slave weekend. The pictures are also not all of Kim but a representation of what occurred that weekend.:::::Part 1: 2: 3:...
CHAPTER 1 The sun reflected out the breeze-rippled waters of Lake Plume near the center of New Zealand’s North Island as Chester Wigg looked out of the offices of Chester Wigg Law. He watched the big breasts of a middle-aged tourist, probably American, spill out of her inadequate bikini top. He sternly quoted aloud to himself, ‘Council bylaw 31 – 4: 3a. Males and females aged seven and over must have their breasts (females), posteriors and genitals adequately covered at all times whether in a...
Anne and Jane kissed as they were screwed doggy style. The cousins snogged enthusiastically with their tongues dancing together. The men swapped partners and pushed against the girl’s anus working their way in, to give them a thorough buggering. They were both dirty little tarts who were always up for some sexual fun.That had been twenty-one years ago. Jane thought back to her time at uni taking her law degree. Life was so much more fun then. Not much money unlike now but far more enjoyable. A...
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"Studly," I heard through my sex-deepened sleep. "Go away," I muttered. I turned over and wrapped my arm around my naked wife's waist. There was an insistent hand shaking my shoulder. "Come on, Jase," some annoying bitch was saying. "Wake up." I popped open an eye, staring at the redheaded beauty I was spooning in the motel bed. Slowly I looked back over my shoulder, only to see the same woman standing next to the bed. "Come on," Karen said again. "Wake your girlfriend up and...
The dinner only lasted until eight o'clock, because God forbid we should miss evening prayer. But in those two hours, we ate our steak, drank some exquisite wine (a '76 Chambertin, I think), and smoked cigars. Then Tomás pulled his seat over next to mine, bringing with him a bottle of eighty-year-old scotch. He poured us both glasses. "All right, boys, roll the tape," he yelled back over his shoulder. "These are highlights of the day's performances," he told me sotto voce. "Our...
"Yes, he certainly is expecting you, Brother Peter," I recovered quickly from the sense of impending doom that had engulfed me when I first heard the name. "Come on in. You must be tired, huh?" "Not really," he said jovially. "It's only a two-hour drive from Minnesota." "Of course," I agreed, hustling him in. "Still, you should probably visit your room first. You know, get settled, unpack your things?" He had a gym bag with him, probably full of underwear and socks. Probably...
There was nothing I could do for Julie; Andy had much more training than I did, and a small nod told me that he thought that her injuries weren't life-threatening. Instead, I grabbed the Pope and threw him into Bob's study, pausing only to grab the doll that Andy had put on Bob's bookshelves after I'd given it to him, and to snatch a blanket from a closet in Bob's hallway. "Put her down, sir," I said grimly. "But she's —" he sobbed. "Put her down, you fucking asshole," I...
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Associate professor Cassandra Marsh stomped into her office, tossed a plastic folder of notes on to her desk and groaned in annoyance. She had just (finally) gotten rid of an insufferably persistent gentleman by acquiescing to his request for a date. Cassandra, or Cassie, as those she was closest to called her, sat down in the comfy leather chair that had been an office-warming gift from her grandfather and turned her eyes to the ceiling as she mulled over the prospective night ahead. Cassie...
Associate professor Cassandra Marsh stomped into her office, tossed a plastic folder of notes on to her desk and groaned in annoyance. She had just (finally) gotten rid of an insufferably persistent gentleman by acquiescing to his request for a date. Cassandra, or Cassie, as those she was closest to called her, sat down in the comfy leather chair that had been an office-warming gift from her grandfather and turned her eyes to the ceiling as she mulled over the prospective night ahead.Not to...
My life was very rewarding. I was a doctor, and a very famous one at that. A long time ago I found out my family had a special gift. We were blessed with the ability to heal anyone. When I turned 18 and finished high school ready to go off to college my parents pulled me aside and told me about our gift. They said a long time ago one of my ancestors on my mother's side livid in a tribe. The tribe lived in the Brazilian rainforest and attempt to please one god, angered another. They had...
Chapter 1 The Meeting I can always remember the way I use to look at Jessica. Her long dark silky hair and her almond shaped brown eyes mesmerized me. Her skin looked so soft and delicate. She had that fresh innocent look about her, her smile so sweet and such a tease. I used to stare at her for hours obsessed by this beautiful girl. The kind of girl any man would want for himself. She never had any clue how much I use to think about her. I often went into a rage, knowing she’d never be mine....
Erotic"MY FRIEND BECOMES MY MISTRESS" Sonali is my friend over three years. I (Pooja) and Sonali are in third yearin Degree College. She is my best friend but now she is dominating me and keeps me as her Slave.I do all her class work and personal works like washing her cloths and makingfood. She has a large circle of friends. It's all started when we were in second year of college. One day she sawme doing sex with one of my boy friend Vishal. But she didn't tell me any thingat that time. One day she...
::Xhamster doesn’t allow for all the things that took place that weekend to shared…but what can be, is shared below in Kim’s account of her slave weekend. The pictures are also not all of Kim but a representation of what occurred that weekend.:::::Part 1: 2: woke up early the next morning, the sun was shining brightly...
It was turning out to be a pretty typical Monday morning when Becky looked up from her work as Mr. Barringer and a woman walked into her office. Mr. Barringer just walked into my office. He never does that. If he wants to talk to me, he, or rather Ms. Riegger, buzzes me. He’s with a woman. Older than me, probably about twenty-nine. Small, about 5’2”, nice figure, pretty, and good taste in clothing. Nice shoes, Ferragamos, I think. “Becky, this is Katherine Martin, our new associate,” said Mr....
Becky looked up from her work as Mr. Barringer and the woman walked into her office. Becky was surprised. Mr. Barringer rarely came into her office; she usually reported to the senior partner's office not the other way around. The woman was someone new to her. She was older than Becky, probably about twenty-nine, but younger than any of the other women in the office. She was small, about 5'2", with a good figure and good taste in clothing. "Becky, this is Katherine Martin, our new associate,"...
Becky looked up from her work as Mr. Barringer and the woman walked into her office. Becky was surprised. Mr. Barringer rarely came into her office; she usually reported to the senior partner's office not the other way around. The woman was someone new to her. She was older than Becky, probably about twenty-nine, but younger than any of the other women in the office. She was small, about 5'2", with a good figure and good taste in clothing. "Becky, this is Katherine Martin, our new...
I.R.C. Internet Relay Chat “ When predator becomes prey.” © drkfetyshnyghts 2009 Foreword IRC stands for "Internet Relay Chat". It was originally written by Jarkko Oikarinen in 1988. Since starting in Finland, it has been used in over 60 countries around the world. IRC is a multi-user chat system, where people meet on Channels (rooms, virtual places, usually with a certain topic of conversation) to talk in groups, or privately. There is no restriction to the...
FetishI.R.C. Internet Relay Chat?When predator becomes prey.?? drkfetyshnyghts 2009ForewordIRC stands for "Internet Relay Chat". It was originally written by Jarkko Oikarinen in 1988. Since starting in Finland, it has been used in over 60 countries around the world. IRC is a multi-user chat system, where people meet on Channels (rooms, virtual places, usually with a certain topic of conversation) to talk in groups, or privately. There is no restriction to the number of people that can participate in...
LAWYERS ARE HAMSTERS RUNNING ON A WHEEL By Pirategrrl (c) 2000 1. YOU DON'T BELIEVE THAT MAGIC IS POSSIBLE IN LIVES LIVED WITHIN TRADITIONAL BOUNDARIES. "This is American Airlines flight 201 from New York's Kennedy Airport to Los Angeles International Airport" the flight attendant said as the passengers shuffled on to the 7:00 am flight. Thirty years earlier, Robert Levy gave conscious thought to the meaning of every movement. Every gesture was a carefully thought out method...
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My parents had one c***d, a boy, me. Many times I overheard them talking about me and how they wished I was a girl. I always felt a twinge of pain when I heard them say that but they loved me, always treated me very well and never said anything to my face so I pretty much ignored it. When I think back maybe dad’s parents felt the same way since he was an only c***d also. In retrospect it would explain dad’s secret hobby, as he and mom called it. It was a secret, or so mom and he thought but I...
November 3, 1984, McKinley, Ohio “That was fantastic, Mike!” Melody gushed when the debate ended about two hours after it had begun. “He served me up a series of fastballs right over the plate,” I replied. “His mistake was attacking externals at first, because that put him on the wrong foot from the get-go. If he had focused purely on theology, I wouldn’t have been able to score so many points with what amounted to ‘zingers’.” “You had him too tied up in knots trying to explain how he knew...
MARY JANE BECOMES A SEX SLAVESpiderman, Mary Jane (Peter Parker?s wife), Electro and Sandman are all Marvel Comics character. This is a non profit story and for people above 18.By Sonya Esperanto ([email protected])Synopsis:About the wife of Spiderman forced to become the personal slaves of his two enemies, in order for him to be spared his life, after they captured him.Story:Spiderman has for long been New York?s hero, capturing villains like Doc...
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BondageThere is plenty of room for her to be able to stay at their house. After a few weekends Anna slowly more of less turns the guest room into hers, bringing some of her clothes and stuff so she doesn’t have to bring it all the time. Everything seems to be going along fine until Jack notices himself starting to have thoughts of Anna in a sexual nature. He is able to suppress these desires much as possible and just takes care of them in private. After a particular weekend when Jack returned...
There is plenty of room for her to be able to stay at their house. After a few weekends Anna slowly more of less turns the guest room into hers, bringing some of her clothes and stuff so she doesn’t have to bring it all the time. Everything seems to be going along fine until Jack notices himself starting to have thoughts of Anna in a sexual nature. He is able to suppress these desires much as possible and just takes care of them in private. After a particular weekend when Jack returned...
Best read after chapter 1..I forgot to add this bit! couldn't help whispering to my open mouthed husband, "That's O.K. isn't it?" as cheekily as I could.His cock was clearly semi erect and his eyes eager and full of excitement as he approached. I knelt up and handed him the camera. Then swept up in a wave of lustful desire, madness and a rush of blood drove me to pretend to over balance. As I fell forward my hand dropped , the...
::Xhamster doesn’t allow for all the things that took place that weekend to shared…but what can be, is shared below in Kim’s account of her slave weekend. The pictures are also not all of Kim but a representation of what occurred that weekend.:::::Part 1: was dark out and Kim had no idea what time it was. Her tail butt plug was still firmly in place and she was still locked in the the cage. A dim light in...
Deaf Becomes Her By Susan Brown It was dark and wet. I knew it was dark because I had my eyes open and I couldn't see a thing. I knew it was wet because the rain was pouring down like it was time for Noah to get out the inflatable. I was in the back garden of a Mr. Roland Deaf's residence. He was a quiet man with no unusual habits. My job was to watch his every move and report back to his fianc?e, a Miss Trixie Havalot any unusual, kinky or downright weird things that he m...
I’m Riyaz 24 yrs old Muslim Boy From Andhra Pradesh. I’m big fan of Iss. Actually This was my friend’s real story. To my curiosity to share with u people I’m Posting with original names. My family consists of Father Hussain 38yrs ,Mother Mumtaz 36 yrs Like Indian Muslim Mother But Her sizes made me horny Like 42-38-44,me 24yrs ,younger sister Reshma 19yrs with 36-28-38 sizes. Actually we grown in a poor circumstances that we stay in a single room with all inside. We don’t have proper clothes to...
IncestAuthor: Powerone and Nikki Title: Tawny, Daddy’s Little Girl Becomes A Woman Part: Chapter 1 Summary: Daddy teaches his little girl to be a Woman. A story of incest between father and daughter. Keywords: M+f, anal. oral, virg, incest, teen, bdsm Tawny, Daddy’s Little Girl Becomes A Woman Copyright 2003 by Nikki and Powerone. Comments to the authors can be e-mailed to [email protected] or [email protected]. Note : This story is complete fictional! Michael stood next to Tawny. He had...
IncestGentle Robert becomes a New Eve By Kresha Matay My parents died in an automobile accident shortly after I was born. The probate court decided that I was to be raised by my mother's younger sister, my Aunt Lilly, in accordance with my parent's will. My Aunt, barely an adult herself, just twenty-one years old, was my only living relative. Little did the court realize that Aunt Lilly unfortunately lacked the necessary knowledge, experience and most importantly, attitude to raise me...
Jenny becomes a Porn Star Chapter Eight After getting home I was almost too tired to go down to the pool and do my laps. However, I dragged myself down to the pool and as soon as I hit the water the coolness of the water against my skin seemed to revive me and I completed my ten laps. My swim suit today would have had me arrest if I wore it anywhere other than the pool where I live. I think the manager likes watching me every day as I do my laps. My bottoms consist of a small gold horse shoe...
Ruth becomes a slave Sexy young lawyer is degraded and humiliatedand turned into a sex slave It was 10 a.m., on a sunny Monday morning in mid-June, and Jim had completedthe tour of the office of his new firm and was sitting at his desk and looking,without much enthusiasm, at the pile of papers in his in-tray. The most interestingpart of the morning had been meeting the firm's in-house lawyer. Ruth was inher late 20's, petite, with thick, dark hair, alert, intelligent eyes, andwas...
"Purple Pills 2 - David Becomes Sonya" David looked at the pills laid out on his table. There were ten of the oval-shaped pills in all, each one holding the chemical compounds to restructure his DNA and turn him into ten different girls. Just last night his friend Mark had surprised the group and turned half of them into girls, and David had turned into a skinny teenage girl with a great body. He'd acted pissed off in front of everyone, but secretly he had wanted to explore his...
Sally becomes a porn star by accidentThere are key moments in life which, when looked back on, change your direction and perspective completely.The seminar which Sally was contracted to cover certainly changed her life, but in the most unexpected way.Sally was a 24 year old free-lance journalist writing for magazines like Hello and FHM and occasional items for the local radio and newspapers when this story took place. Nottingham born in 1980, she was brought up since she was 12 years old by her...
Kali Cardano drives home in her mini van after a stressful day at work thinking about all the household chores she will be burdened with when she arrives. "At least the k**s will be with my parents," she thinks to herself. Being a pretty thirty-two year old woman in the sales field leaves her to deal with too many, demanding, middle aged men and sends her home mentally exhausted everyday. "Where are the k**s," her husband Michael asked, annoying her just hearing his voice. "They're at my...
1. THE BEGINNINGI blame XHamster.No seriously...if it wasn't for XHamster, none of this would have happened.Now in all fairness, some would argue it is my fault; as it was my own stupidity and my own weakness that led to this whole crazy mess; that said I wouldn't change a single thing. I am just really never would have happened if it wasn't for XHamster.Now I suppose I should start by saying I had and still have a pretty good life. I am happily married to a beautiful woman named...
Tables Turned - Rod becomes Roxanne Rod came home after his visit to Rosalie's and sat down to think about what just happened to him there. There was something that was extremely exciting to him and at first he could not figure out why. Once he started to think about his past, there were some things that were buried in his memory that he had not thought about for ages. He started to remember how his older sisters had got him to dress up in their clothes and make-up when they were...
Paul becomes my submissive Cuck: Part 2 of My Rules my husband might regretWhen we closed the door that day it marked a change for both Paul and myself in our lives. He was very happy with me because Paul had talked me his wife into fucking another man and I knew he wanted it to go well beyond John. My husband was never an aggressive man or rugged type of guy he was a business professional and a suit for the day was the norm. He was gentle and kind in our love making and never gave me an...
It was another boring day at college. Drawing the objects kept on the table seemed FINE ART to the faculties here. Why don’t they understand I have taken FINE ARTS to make FINE PAINTINGS not to waste my time on basics which I have learned in the past. Let me introduce myself to you. I am Ravi, a fine arts student in a reputed art college in my region. I always had a passion for art and paintings. I lived far away from my home in the college hostel. I went against my family’s wishes and chose...
Chapter Thirteen: Schoolgirl Becomes a Camwhore By mypenname3000 Commissioned by n1one Copyright 2021 Clara hated the dean at my college. He was just the worst. And he deserved to have perverted rumors about him. Rumors that would destroy his career. He did nothing for Clara when she reported the bullying to him. Nothing. But now that her tweets were believed like gospel and everyone played along, like how everyone now claimed those smart girls had become bimbo sluts and were only...
It was another boring day at college. Drawing the objects kept on the table seemed FINE ART to the faculties here. Why don’t they understand I have taken FINE ARTS to make FINE PAINTINGS not to waste my time on basics which I have learned in the past. Let me introduce myself to you. I am Ravi, a fine arts student in a reputed art college in my region. I always had a passion for art and paintings. I lived far away from my home in the college hostel. I went against my family’s wishes and chose...
Connie Becomes Entertaining Please read Training a Young Slave first. Over the next few months, slave Connie became a very good slave for Master Jim and Mistress Dora. She was becoming a good cook, kept the house neat and clean, and performed all of her other duties well. She had even come to enjoy her subservient situation as a sexual slave. She happily submitted to the many ways her masters used her body. Slave Connie loved being fucked in her pussy, ass, and even her mouth. She...
When Fantasy Becomes Reality by Susan Johnson This story may only be archived on free sites. Please note that I have used British spellings - apologies to non Brits! Additional notes: further apologies for the time taken to finish this one but I wanted to do a decent job and that takes time. Many thanks too to all who reviewed the first part of this story; it's what persuaded me to finish it. *************************************************************** My husband David...