Broken Angels: Two Moons Sonata_(3) free porn video

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Chapter 1 - Awakening

A young blonde woman named Daisy had woken up from a drug-induced coma. A few weeks ago, she had overdosed heavily on heroine. She didn't do it with the express purpose of killing herself, but she had done it knowing full well even though she knew it was a possibility. Her life had fallen apart and she just wanted the high, and to not feel anything anymore.

When she awoke, the nurses at the rehab clinic told her that she would have died if it weren't for her best friend, It felt like she was the only person she had left the only person who she still felt like she had. She had been pronounced dead and brought back and put into a coma until she could get all the drugs out of her system. Now, she was recovering at the center, trying to get her thoughts straight and recover to get better.

Today was the day she was finally supposed going to get to go home. However, something felt different about life, about her body, her mind. Better than before, but different. She couldn't explain it.

It was late in the evening when a dark SUV rolled up next to an old church. Drug addiction rehab signs posted. Mister O stepped out of the vehicle wearing his dark suit, black polished chelsea boots and his neatly cut black hair combed in a fauxhawk style with a scruffy beard covering heavy scruff on his face.

He stood by his vehicle and waited until all the attendees were dismissed from their session. With a lit cigar in his mouth he watched until he spotted a man looking to be aged in his fifties. From there Mister O threw the cigar to the man’s feet as he approached the him and tossed his cigar at the man's feet.

"Carl Johnson, my name is Mister O,” the sharply dressed man introduced himself only to punch to Carl in the stomach causing him to lose his breath. "You don't look too good. How about we speak in private?" said Mister O.

As Daisy exited the building with her small bag of belongings, she saw the scene going on outside the center. She gasped and couldn't help but watch. For some reason she felt compelled to watch the scene, feeling an irresistible urge to and approach the man, the one in the suit.

"There's a girl missing and I know you know what's going on!" Mister O demanded of Carl Johnson.

The other man fell to his knees and began to whimper, "Please, Sir, don't hurt me.!! Call the police!"

"Okay, you wanna play hardball?". Mister O responded sounding in a frustrated tone. He then reached for his hip and drew out a pistol, and pointed it at the man's head, "You know who I work for, so you also know that means the police aren't coming. You got until I count down from three before I end you."

“Three!” Mister O started counting, “Come on, Carl, where's the girl?”

Carl winced while covering his face as Mister O put the gun to his head. "Please... Stop!" he begged.

“Two!” Mister O continued.

"I... I...," Carl stuttered.

“Last chance, where is your cult?" Mister O demanded with one last final warning as he pulled the hammer back on his pistol.

Daisy was frozen in her place on the cool sidewalk, watching the two men in what seemed like a very heated situation. The one ratty looking man named Carl had fallen to his knees and was begging the sharp dressed-looking one named Mister O and asking for someone to call the police. There seemed to be a girl missing, according to the suited man, and he certainly looked like a detective or something, so she wasn't about to call the police on him. Besides, she also had no phone.

A strange voice then spoke softly into Daisy's mind. A male voice, but gentle, "Lux Omnia Vincit," repeated over and over as if wanting her to say it to Mister O. When she heard the phrase repeated in her ear, she looked confused., but again, something compelled her forward.

Doing her best to appear seemingly calm in manner, she took a deep breath. After readying herself as best she could her feet brought her over to the man and she whispered in a low voice, looking up at him. "Lux Omnia Vincit.”

Mister O paused when he heard the girl whisper to him. He had been so occupied with the now ragged man he didn't notice the girl approach. But, hearing the phrase, "Lux Omnia Vincit," caught him off guard.

He then turned towards her, while his pistol still pointed at the other man. "Wait...who are you? Why did you say that phrase?" he asked. It was obvious that phrase had a deep meaning to him. Just then, the other man got up and ran off.

Mister O turned and saw him run and immediately pursued after him. He quickly caught up to him and tackled him to the ground from behind where they wrestled a bit. During the scramble, the man had landed on his head causing him to go unconscious.

"Hey, you gonna help?", he asked Daisy as they hadn’t run far, "Seeing Assuming as you're familiar with ancient Illuminati code words, you're here to help, right?"

The man demanded that Daisy tell him why she said that phrase and who she was here. "I, um...," she mumbled not really sure how to respond.

She didn't know what the phrase meant. She'd never even heard it before. She just felt like she needed to say it to this man.

As she was trying to respond, the two men took off and one of them was knocked unconscious. Not surprising to her, it was the sharp-dressed man that seemed to come out victorious. He then asked if she was going to help and something about Illuminati code words. She seemed even more confused for a moment. "Illuminati?" she said, gasping and blinking. "I... I don't know. Something just made me say that to you. What... what does it mean?", She asked quietly as she walked over and helped him with the other man. She was not all that large though, and only provided a bit of help.

"It means Light Conquers All,” Mister O responded as he dragged the other man with Daisy's help. "In the old days of my organization, it was code to enter secret catacombs under specific towns undergoing research. Either way, it's not everyday someone spouts out ancient code."

He led her to his SUV, though the commotion had attracted a crowd of people to watch, Mister O didn't seem to care as he stuffed the man into the trunk. "Okay, I don't know who you are or who sent you. But, obviously there's something odd about you. You can either hop in or run, but either way there's a drone flying over us and I’ll catch up to you eventually. So please save me that trouble," Mister O explained.

Daisy blushed when she realized all the people were watching them. She still didn't know what was going on. He explained what the phrase meant and she nodded a little bit, not really understanding. What was happening to her? The man was now in the SUV and the suited man was telling her that she could either come with him or run and she didn't really wanna run, but she had no idea who this man was. But he did a good job of scaring her, so she followed him into the vehicle.

As Mister O started the car, a computer screen emerged from the dashboard. A webcam lense on top scanned Daisy until an automated voice spoke, "Greetings, Mister O. I am the Eye. The Eye in the Sky, the pyramidion. I see you have a guest. Remember this Friday is Hawaiian shirt Friday."

Then the computer screen filled with various records, police records, medical records all belonging to Daisy. The voice known as the Eye continued, "Greetings, Daisy, it says here you were pronounced dead not too long ago and then revived. O.M.G. that reminds me, Walking Dead season premiere coming soon. I see no record of affiliation to any secret society, cabal, or shadow organization. Have a good day."

Daisy stared at the computer as it spoke. She looked like she was completely mesmerized by it. It was so futuristic and seemed to know everything about the situation, about her, about the man beside her. Occasionally few times, she looked at between the computer, and the man beside her. It had all of her records. Even the ones from the most recent overdose incident that had landed her where she was right now. She also couldn't help but let out a soft giggle when it seemed excited about the TV show. A computer that got excited. Odd. Just like that, the screen submerged back into the dashboard.

"Okay, so your name is Daisy," Mister O began, "I'm Mister O, and I work for the CIA, Shadow Spectrum division. You can say we investigate and operate outside the realm of normal by societal standards. But what's your story? You some kind of clairvoyant?"

When he introduced himself and told her that he worked for the CIA, she nodded some. "Nice to meet you," she said softly. Then he asked what her story was and she ran a hand through her hair, looking down and shrugging. "I'm no one. A depressed heroine addict who can never get her life together," she explained. "No... not a clairvoyant or anything like that. I mean... I don't think so? I don't know what's going on."

Chapter 2 - Blue Angel

He pulled into the driveway of a random house in quiet suburbia. It was nothing out of the ordinary. It matched all the others, and definitely followed within HOA regulations.

"There's a girl missing, and this is her house. Daisy, look, you probably have no idea what the fuck is going on. But, I need your help," Mister O asked as he dismounted the vehicle and made his way towards the trunk and opened the door. He then grabbed the man and threw him over his shoulder. "The front door is unlocked, Daisy. Can you open it for me while I carry this asshole inside?"

Daisy frowned when he mentioned the missing girl again. She wondered who this missing girl is, how old she was, how the man in the back of the truck connected to that. He said he needed her help and she nodded but looked confused. "Okay, but... how?" she asked, sighing, feeling like she really had no way of helping.

Nodding when he said to go and open the door, she moved out of the truck and went to open the front door. She looked back to see Mister O carrying the man in and then walked further inside, looking around the quaint family home. No one was here. It looked like it had been some time since anyone was but it was mostly in good order, save for some rummaging.

"Her name is Madelyn," Mister O said as he nodded towards one of the family portraits that hung up on the wall. Among those in the portrait, there was teenage girl with dyed blue hair, a real cute smile and a girl next door type of beauty.

Daisy frowned more when she looked at the family portrait as Mister O explained the situation in more detail. She was so young and beautiful. Daisy hoped the girl was okay, then had a thought and looked around the house. "What about the mother?" she asked, pointing to the woman in the photo. "She's not here. Did something happen?" she asked, frowning again.

The blonde watched Mister O as he continued to carry the man towards the basement door only to open it and throw him in and locking him inside.

"We'll deal with him if he wakes up. If not, we have ways to probe his memories. But I wanna show you something," he said while he led Daisy back to the living room where many works of abstract art hung on the wall.

Daisy ran a hand through her hair, nodding as he explained the process. She looked like she wanted to question him when he said something about probing someone's mind for memories, but figured it wasn't the weirdest thing she'd seen today.

"Her step father went missing about a few weeks ago, he's an art professor in the local college. But, earlier in my investigation I noticed this," he then pointed at a strange pattern within the art, "These are occult runes. He's using art to mask these runes. We haven't determined anything yet as far as the nature of these runes. Do you feel anything?"

When he called her over, she looked at the art closely, going from piece to piece. "Yeah, I see them," she said. She was no expert on runes of any kind, she'd never even finished college, but it was pretty easy to tell once he pointed them out. He asked her if she felt anything and she blinked, looking at him for a moment and then back to the art. Running her fingers over some of it, she frowned, feeling silly. "I don't know how to do any of this... I don't know if I even can do any of this," she said and sighed. "If he hid them in the art... they have to have some meaning to him, or be leaving a message to someone... Do you know if the runes have any ties to, like, specific occult rituals?"

“Runes are not necessarily evil in itself. But, like everything else, it depends on how you use it. Depending on how they use these runes can better explain the nature of the rituals being intended," Mister O explained.

He then walked over to the computer in the living room which had a tablet already hooked up to it indicating he had already been at the house at least once before meeting Daisy. "Here's the mother," Mister O explained as he brought up an article online, "She had been deceased as of a few months ago while driving home from work during a hit and run car accident."

Mister O then opened his tablet which seemed to bypass all password restricted programs which he brought up an email from the girl's father:


It's daddy. I'm in trouble and I need your help. I'm going to call you soon! Love you, my blue angel.

Mister O continued to explain more, "This email came in less than a week ago. Soon someone at this IP address began searching the deep web looking up various occult websites. Not the cheesy Gothic fashion stuff, I'm talking stuff under the eyes of Venice. And then three days ago her friends reported her missing. Now you might be wondering how dipshit in the basement is involved."

Mister O then brought up police records regarding the man, "He's a known pimp. Likes to sell girls struggling out in the street, more specifically college girls barely able to keep their tuition costs. And look what we have here, the night of Madelyn's disappearance is a Walmart surveillance footage of him with his arm around her."

Daisy looked distraught by everything he was saying. None of this was good news. Nothing he was saying made the situation any brighter or made her think the girl might be okay or easy to find. She watched him with the tablet, showing her all of the information he had found. The girl's mother was dead, her father missing, and now she'd been seen with a known human trafficker. The email from the father made her stomach turn. It seemed... off. Things were bad and were going to get worse from here on out. She went back to the art and stared at the runes once more, running a hand through her blonde hair.

"This whole thing makes me sick," she said quietly and chewed on the inside of her lip. "The girl is with her father... somehow. I don't know how I know. But there's no way, with that email and the way all this lines up with the search history... she's definitely there. Looking at that email makes me certain," she said, taking a breath. "But how does that guy play into this then?" it was more of a thought out loud than a question to him.

Suddenly the man in the basement woke up. He began banging on the door, "Help! Let me out!" Mister O looked annoyed by the screaming. He then sighed in frustration, "Okay, Daisy, I know this ordeal might be too much for you to handle. But, I'm going to open that door and I'm going to beat the information out of him. You can leave or look away if you want." And just like he advised her, he did just as he said. He opened the door and attacked the man as he entered and closed the door behind him.

Daisy took a deep breath when he said that he was going to go beat the information out of the man and she nodded. "Okay," she said and watched as he went to the door. While all this was going on, she seemed a little shaken but fairly calm given the situation. She walked to the front door and stepped outside, pulling the pack of cigarettes from her pocket and lighting one. She let the nicotine calm her nerves as the scene carried on in the house.

"Where is she?!!" Mister O roared from inside. From the outside a lot of yelling and banging sounds could be heard. The commotion was enough to cause the closest neighbors to peak out the windows.

Then the man screamed in agonizing pain. It was almost as though he was weeping and crying and then there was silence. The door opened and Mister O stuck his head out the door for a second.

Daisy didn't pay attention to the neighbor peeking out the window, tried not to pay attention from the sounds coming from inside the house and smoked her cigarette. Finally, she turned back to the door and peeked inside, curious as to what was going to happen next.

Mister O's clothing was a bit ruffled from the his scuffle with Carl Johnson. His sleeves were rolled up to his elbows in which his inner left forearm revealed a tattoo of Old English calligraphy writing saying, "MEMENTO MORI."

"We got a lead," Mister O said to Daisy as he straightened out his clothing. "You willing to do some undercover? There's a brothel in the Albanian district in the city. Carl dropped her off at one of his contacts. Ultimately, I don't think she's there, but there has to be a clue."

Then as he headed out towards the SUV, he turned around and looked at Daisy, "I'm sure you're wondering about dispshit in the basement, if so...hop in and I'll explain."

Chapter 3 - Lost Souls

Minutes began to roll by as the SUV now entered the freeway towards the city. "You're asking how Carl Johnson connects? He's no ordinary street pimp, he mostly deals with occult groups. They usually have good funding operations, therefore they can pay scum like Carl Johnson to deliver her. Either way, he's locked up in the basement, and don't worry, I have a team en route to erase his memories,” Mister O explained.

"I'm guessing the brothel is a meet up point to exchange the girl for money with the cult. But, here's the thing, based on the family portraits and the family pictures, we assume Madelyn has a strong bond with her step father. But after him disappearing and then her mom passing, she'll do anything to get her dad back. But, the question remains, do you think the father is a victim or is he one of the assholes?" Mister O further explained.

Daisy listened as he started to explain the situation with the cult and the pimp, she nodded in understanding and ran a hand through her hair. When he asked the question, she frowned a little and nodded. "Yeah, that is the question and I have a sick feeling about it. To me, the signs point to something bad. I don't think he's the victim, but that's just my feeling."

"I agree, something seems off about everything. I don't like it at all," Mister O responded. He then switched on the car radio and the stationed playing was that of the news. The more it aired, the more he looked annoyed by current events.

"Today the United Nations has recognized two time Nobel Peace Prize recipient, Sebastian Saint to lead the new cultivating island off the coast of Greenland, just north of Iceland. His humanitarian nature and drive to better mankind has made him the ideal choice for this new colony," the radio reported until Mister O turned it off abruptly.

"Okay, here's the plan. I'm going in as one of Carl's lackeys and you'll pretend to be someone I'm bringing as tribune. When we meet with the brother host, I'll tell them the pass phrase he gave with Madelyn. Either way, we're going to find some fucking answers. But, stay close to me," Mister O explained.

Daisy seemed quite interested in the radio show and she couldn't figure out why she was so drawn to it. She really had no idea who or what they were talking about, but something made her ears perk up and listen. Perhaps she was just eager to hear any news in the world since she'd been basically locked up in rehab for weeks.

When he started to explain the plan, Daisy nodded confidently. "Okay, I can do that," she said.

Daisy started thinking of ways to make herself look the part more. She currently looked fairly put-together and mature. She'd had a friend of hers drop off some of her nicer clothes when she found out she was getting to leave rehab. She lifted her hands and ruffled up her hair some and few small smudges in her makeup and smudged her eyeliner a bit. She did all this with the mirror on the sun isle but it worked. It made her look like she had put up a bit of a fight and had teary eyes recently. She still looked pretty and didn't look like a huge mess but she thought it was a bit more believable.

"Eh?" She asked, looking over at him and tilting her head with a little smile. "Do I look like a distressed soon-to-be prostitute?"

Mister O looked at her and then gave her a double take. The look of her being distressed no doubt appealed to him. He knew she was broken on the inside, but the sight of her as she was attracted him to her. Either that or her broken matched his, but instead of heroin, war was his addiction. It was his validation for purpose in life.

"You look great," he responded, "I mean you look great in the sense that I believe it'll pass." And then as they got off the freeway, they passed a sign notifying their entry into Little Albania, a community of Albanian immigrants looking for a better life. But, within the community also lurked a secret sect of cultists using the community to hide their shadow work. "Look around, it should be labeled as a hostel of some sort. It has no name, just a hostel with a red ‘D’ above the door," he explained.

Daisy smiled at him when he said she looked great and then corrected himself saying she looked like she would pass. Biting her lip, she nodded some and fought the urge or fix her hair. It was a short drive to the part of the city they were going to and when they got there, he told her to look out for their destination and she nodded some. Looking at all the buildings and homes, she finally saw what they were looking for and pointed out to the left of them. "Is that it up there?"

Mister O circled around the block a few times before eventually pulling over. He backed in his vehicle a couple blocks from the building and then dismounted. There had been a bus across the street from the building loading and unloading passengers.

"Okay, we need to play the part from the get go," he whispered. He then opened the door for Daisy and grabbed her arm and yanked her out. He was a bit rough with his handling of her.

Mister O then instructed Daisy, "Follow my lead and resist every now and then. The guy in the bus stop across the street from the building is a guard. He was sitting in the same spot since we first pulled up and have been sitting there even after a bus had come and go."

Daisy nodded some when he said that they needed to play the part. "I can be a pretty good actor," she said with a little smile and followed him after he pulled her out of the truck. She didn't really mind the rough handling. She knew it was part of the act. She put a large frown on her face and let him drag her toward the building. Every now and then, she'd turn her body and try to push against him. Even less often, she'd let out and frustrated sigh and tell him to let her go.

Mister O didn't respond verbally as she played her role as she demanded to let her go as part of the act. Instead he tugged her and pulled in the direction towards the building, it looked rundown. Perhaps an old apartment building with empty rooms with the exception of old beds used for service.

Inside more homeless looking stragglers stood near the entrance, no doubt they were guards. As Mister O made his way towards the landlord's office, all the tenant unit doors were open, inside the sight of girls appearing to be in their college years, most looking foreign were being forced to serve older men.

One room in particular had a girl that looked about Madelyn's age, she was petite with such a baby face. Though she was obviously not Madelyn, but all she had was a robe which she was barely removing when one of the three older gentlemen inside had shut the door.

Daisy continued to try and tug away from him and made frustrated noises as he led her into the building. She was looking around and giving dirty looks to everyone she saw and giving Mister O a few of them every few moments. The old men who looked homeless made her uncomfortable, especially since she knew they were guards. When they got inside, she looked stunned. Part of her was, but she figured it fit the part since she'd be wanting to take in her new surroundings. She was looking in the rooms at the poor girls and frowning, tugging away from him every now and then. She saw the girl who looked Madelyn's age and glared at the man as he shut the door. These poor girls, god only knew the things that were being done to them.

Mister O approached what appeared to be the building office, "Wine, women, to which I act the giddy goat," he said to the people in the office. "I work for Carl Johnson," Mister O added.

The people in the office sat there and looked at him for a minute, and then at Daisy. One in particular seemed to be the boss as he sat in the back of the office chewing on his food while he talked with a heavy accent, "Okay, up stairs. Third floor, room 314. We give you $500 extra if she is virgin like girl with blue hair. But, if not, okay she will start fucking tonight for money.”

Daisy glared at the man when he said that she'd be fucking people tonight. She sure hoped that wasn't true. "Let's go," Mister O demanded as he tugged Daisy away from the office. As they made it to the stairs, he whispered in her ear, "Stay calm, I won't let them put you to work. But someone knows something."

But the guy did mention Madelyn so there was definitely something here. As they went up the stairs, Mister O told her she wouldn't be working and that there was indeed something there. "Yeah, he mentioned her," she said and nodded.

Mister O continued the charade and pulled on Daisey's arm until they arrived at room 314. As they entered the room, there had already been a man inside with his back turned. He had no shirt on, but appeared to be pulling his pants back up.

Around his body were a pair of female legs, as he turned around he revealed a naked girl appearing to be in her twenties laying on her back on a table. She began to sit upright as the man faced Mister O and Daisy. Observing the situation, Mister O noticed the young girl had the man's seed dripping from her swollen vaginal lips. Daisy bit her lip as she too saw the man finishing up with a pretty young girl and could plainly see the seed dripping from her.

"Young and fertile," said the man with an accent, "That's how I enjoy my subjects. I test out the new girls, if they bare our children then my kin grows. But, if not, then they fuck for money and provide for my kin."

Horns began to emerge from his forehead and strange markings began to glow on his skin. Daisy looked over at Mister O and then when the man began to speak, she looked back at him and blinked. Why was he telling them this and what was he talking about?

Mister O didn't hesitate and drew his pistol, but the strange man lunged forward in one leap and grabbed Mister O. "I know who you are. Everybody knows Mister O of CIA," he said and then pushed him out the window. The man then faced Daisy while the room door shut by itself locking Daisy and the other poor girl with the strange man.

Daisy screamed and went wide eyed, wondering if he was dead. She was pale and staring at the man, "W-who are you?"

"Who I am is not important," said the man as he approached Daisy. A slow paced walk, with each step his boots thumped on the wooden floor, "What is important is that we bring Djall into this world. Through Djall, I plant his seed into fertile bodies like yours. My reward....eternal youth."

He then lunged out at Daisy grabbing her and pinning her up against the wall, "Because of the blessings Djall has given me, my virility causes an insatiable urge to plant his seed." As he explains his intention with one hand around her and the other touching her tummy where the womb is located, "I can feel it...Djall's offspring will grow inside here."

Daisy cried out again as she was pinned to the wall with his arm was around her, holding her there. "No! Let me go! Please!" she whined and tried to push him away, looking over his shoulder at the girl and hoping she was going to try and help.

He then brought his face closer to hers, his teeth were like fangs, piercings on his nose and tattoos that glowed. He growled for a moment and smelled daisy like an animal, then a long stroke with his tongue licked her from her neck then ups the side of her face, "You smell and taste... Impossible! Your kind hasn't been on this earth for centuries! Djall will be pleased," he said. He then tugged on her pants as if he was in a hurry to undress her. Something about her scent and taste caused him to go into a frenzy.

Daisy grimaced a little when he smelled her and licked her neck and face. His hand was on her stomach, almost like it was sensing her womb. She whined again, but this time it was different. She needed something. Not him, but... something she'd never felt before. He seemed surprised by something. The creature of a man told her that “her kind” hadn't existed on earth in a long time.

"What do you mean? I'm just a person! Fucking let me go!" She yelled and tried to shove him again. She wanted to ask him who Djall was but wanted him away from her more. And then gunshots erupted on the bottom floor, men were yelling throughout the hallways. When she heard gunshots, she jumped again and looked at the door.

The unusual amand with the horns continued to yank and tug at her pants until it was halfway down her thighs. Though the gunshots almost seemed endless, the crazed man with horns didn't seem to care, instead he seemed he didn't even notice. He was so fixated on Daisy, he didn't react to anything but her. He continued to taunt her.

With a look of insatiable lust in the horned man's face, he continued to speak, "You resist now, but soon you shall serve Djall. In two moons when my kin plants Djall's seed into the virgin by the father, then soon the kindred will plant inside her. Djall will be born anew and your offspring shall help usher his rule over this new dominion."

She continued to fight him until he started to speak and she realized that he was talking about Madelyn. She took in all the information she hear and hoped that she would get the chance to use it.

He zipped down his pants as his vile phallus, a grotesque version of a man's cock emerged. It was discolored, a burgundy like color with odd shapes like that of a series of knots and stud piercing along the shaft. Her pants now halfway down her thighs along with her panties and here he was pulling his cock out of his pants. This man didn't even seem to notice the gunshots going on downstairs. Had he not heard them? Was he too focused? She wasn't sure.

He pushed it between her thighs, though he did not penetrate her, he savored the feel of her pussy rubbing against the top of the shaft. However, assuming it was Mister O coming, Daisy thought she could buy herself some time. If not, maybe she could buy herself some favor with whoever this guy was at the cost of her own self-respect.

Her eyes saw his vile cock as it slid between her legs and she tried not to overreact to it. It was so strange and scary looking. Steeling herself, she looked at him, spread her thighs, raised her hips and put her hands on his shoulders.

"So if I don't resist and give your lord offspring, I'll have a higher chance of being rewarded for my service?" she asked in a quiet voice. "Mm, then get me good and wet before you put that big thing in me," she said and let her hands move back to her chest, where she undid a few buttons of her blouse, still looking at him. This was all a show, of course, but somewhere deep down, perhaps it wasn't.

His smile was a nefarious one as she appeared to give in. As she unbuttoned a few buttons on her blouse, his tongue escaped his lips. It was a long skinny and forked tongue like that of a snake. His eyes also began to shift as though they were like a snake as it slithered on her exposed skin. But then he grabbed her wrists and slammed them against the wall.

"Do I look like I want foreplay?" said the man, "I am an animal to breed the fertile body!!" With that he moved his hips trying rub his strange cock against her, angling it upwards to position it to penetrate her.

Daisy gasped and frowned when he pinned her hands to the wall and scolded her. "Well you seemed to be enjoying it," she said and continued to look at him. Her words were almost cut off as he shoved his cock against her pussy again, causing her to gasp in a much different way.

But just as he was so distracted, the door burst open when man came flying through as if he was thrown against it. Mister O then charged into the room, he looked a bit roughed up with his clothes ruffled and shot the man while he was on the ground. The shot rang out as Daisy winced in surprise.

Mister O looked and then saw Daisy in her predicament and ran up to the man who didn't even seem to notice and jumped in the air to crack him in the side of his head with a flying knee strike causing him to let her go. Daisy quickly pulled her pants up and got a gun from the dead man on the floor and fired a few shots, trying to aim for the head, when Mister O wasn't in danger of being hit by them. When the clip was empty, she dropped the gun and was wide-eyed.

Along with Daisy, Mister O open fired on him. The bullets were effective against him, though being increased in power it took more gunshots to put him down than it would a normal human being.

Stunned, the horned man complained in disbelief with his final words, "No, impossible! I am eternal! Djall has blessed me with immortality!"

Mister O approached and taunted, "If you knew who I was, then you should've known better and made sure I was dead before enjoying some sexy time with my friend." He then looked at Daisy. "You okay?" He asked while checking the young girl's pulse, the girl that was flowing with the man's seed. "Anyhow, I got one mag left and they're reserved for the assholes in the office, I think I might go say hi," he said as he reloaded while walking off into the hallway.

Daisy winced with the first few shots from the office as she worked. She got a wet rag from the bathroom and cleaned the now-dry seed from the other girl's vagina and thighs and then got her to wake up and helped her dress.

"I don't know who you are, sweetie, but if you have someone to go to, go there. If not, try and get to a hospital or police station. Somewhere safe. Get a morning after pill and tell them what happened or as much as you can," Daisy assured the poor girl. With that, she reassuringly fixed the girls hair and smiled at her, "You'll be okay." Daisy then got up and carefully made her way to the office, happy the shots had ceased by now.

"How're you holding up?" Mister O asked as he caught Daisy just outside the office. "We have a containment crew en route. They'll be treating the girls, it's possible they're carrying children of ‘other-kin.’ If so, traditional medicine won't be able to help them. Let's head back to Madelyn's house until we have more details."

Daisy heard him ask how she was holding up and she shrugged a little bit and looked at him. "I'll be okay. Been through worse. Well... kinda," she said with a soft, uncomfortable laugh. He explained the situation and how they had access coming to care for the girls and she nodded some. "Good, they need looking after," she said. Nodding in agreement about going back to the house, she walked toward the door. "He said that Madelyn was with her father and was a virgin they were using to summon... Djall? He said in two moons or something," she said, frowning.

"Djall?" Mister O replied in a semi surprises tone, "Djall in America? Strange that they would summon him here, his followers are normally found in Eastern Europe. Djall is an Albanian deity, the god of youth and virility. But then that would mean the runes hidden in the paintings were some sort of attunement runes. A means to make her body capable of his acceptance. But, two moons, I'm guessing it means we have two nights." Daisy was glad that she remembered to tell Mister O about what the man had told her, was glad that she got the chance to do so.

"Okay, this makes more sense now. So Madelyn is a virgin. Always a fucking virgin with these cultists. Which is making me even more surprised they're here on US soil, abstinence is not really a strong American tradition these days," Mister O continued.

The blonde followed Mister O and continued to listen to him and then she said, "It does seem like it's always virgins, at least in the old stories and wives tales." She looked down and nodded some when he made the comment about there not being many virgins in America, nodding and letting out a small laugh. "Yeah, not really," she said.

As they made it outside, a helicopter hovered over the street while large vans pulled in. From the helicopter, men and women in tactical gear fast roped from the aircraft and on the street to approach the building. From the vans, many in dark suits arrived.

"Operative O, we will take it from here," said a woman from one of the trucks with dark hair which seemed to be in charge, and then she turned around to everyone, "This whole building is now under quarantine!"

"CIA Shadow Spectrum clean up crew and containment," Mister O explained regarding the sudden surge of people in the dark suits with combat boots. "I was able to call in for help when dispshit threw me out the window."

As the men and women came down, she watched and blinked, taking in the sight. It was so foreign to her. The woman said that they were taking it from here and Mister O seemed to agree and she followed him back to the truck. "He... also said that 'my kind' hadn't existed here in a long time,' I don't know what he meant," she explained.

Then as they made it back to the SUV, Daisy explained how the horned man referred to her kind which left Mister O somewhat baffled, "I don't know. Do you experience anything outside of the norm? Example, a buzzing in your mind, or second sight like visions, or do you actually see things manifest that no one else can see? There are several symptoms that can reveal what ‘your kind’ might be. Anyways, if we can't figure it out now, it'll have to wait until we find Madelyn, we're already three days behind."

Daisy shook her head a few times and sighed when he asked if she had any symptoms. "I don't think so..." she said quietly and tried to think of anything different she might have felt both in her life and just in the last few days. When he mentioned it having to wait, she nodded. "No, of course. That's what's important right now."

Chapter 4 - Family Reunion

Hours earlier, in an undisclosed location, a small abandoned town is now populated by strange men in cloaks and hoods. Many roam with torches in their hand as they circle around what was once a church that had been regaled in strange glyphs and markings. Eerie effigies surround the church, while inside many of the hooded men await the word of a man in charge. He looked up and saw a van pulling into the town through the window. He appeared in his forties and had gray hair. As the van pulled closer, he smiled, "My blue angel arrives."

Madelyn looked disheveled as she sat in the back of the van, surrounded by a solemn, dark dressed pair of men with one others in the driver seat and another riding shotgun. She looked tired and upset. Her eyes were red-ringed from crying and she looked like she hadn't slept so well in days. No one would talk to her and tell her what was going on, where she was going, who they were. All they'd say was that she was important.

She'd been taken from her empty family home by some creep and taken to a building full of scumbags and poor girls forced to sleep with men. Men had tried to take her but the men with her now stopped them. She'd been forced to strip naked and be examined multiple times. She'd only been fed gross, cold food and given water to drink. Now she was dressed in the clothes she'd been taken in, a cute skirt and plaid blouse with knee-high socks and flats to match. Her hair was messed up and her makeup was wrecked but had mostly been taken off.

The van pulled up right in front of the church, then the men inside dismounted the vehicle only to open the side door. Though the two men in the van looked normal, those that stood in cloak and hood seemed different as they saw Madelyn.

"Blessed Djall! The vessel has arrived! Grant us immortality," they chanted.

Then one by one they removed their hoods and revealed what looked like tribal tattoos on their faces with multiple piercings. Much like the man in the brothel, they all had horns coming out of their foreheads. As the the two men from the van led Madelyn into the church, each of the cloaked men bowed their head while continuing to chant.

Madelyn had heard people talk about Djall for the past few days but none of them would tell her who he was and what it meant. When they removed their hoods, the teen's eyes widened and she couldn't help but stare. "What... what are you?" She asked in her soft, raspy voice. A voice boys had always described as sexy and mature.

"My blue angel," said the man inside the church. The man who married her mother when she was a small child, the man that raised her. "We have a lot to talk about, my blue angel. You have no idea how special you are," said the man.

She was so confused as she was led inside the church and all the men bowed their heads. Then, when she heard that voice ring out, her skin got even more pale and she looked like she'd seen, or heard, a ghost. Looking over in the direction of the voice, she bit her lip and looked at the man. "Daddy... what is going on? I've looked for you for so long. Mamma... she.. Who are these people? Why are we here?" the girl trailed off. There was obvious fear in her eyes and she didn't know what to think or do.

He continued to smile as he looked at her. There was no doubt he had great affection for the young girl, "Come, sit down," he offered as he pulled out a chair.

As the man sat down on his own chair, the rest of the horned men in cloaks sat as well, but on the ground. Madelyn watched her father as he spoke and shook her head when he told her to take a seat.

"I've been sitting for hours in a cramped van with four strangers. I'd rather stand," she said and watched him. She was obviously confused and scared and hurt over what had happened the last days.

Her father began to explain the situation, "I know you have many questions, sweetheart, but there are things you should know. I've raised you since you were young, but the truth is I've been looking for you my whole life and I've been alive a long time. When I met your mother, it was by accident and I fell in love with her. She was a single mother who was struggling because her partner abandoned her. But, when I saw you, I could feel it. How special you were, and it was my greatest joy to watch you grow. But what you have to understand is that my life's purpose was to find the true vessel for Djall, for he can grant eternal life.

"Then something happened, you grew to a teenager. The many students I had taught in my college learning arts classes, none of my runes responded. But, when you started your first year of college and came to visit me in my classroom. Do you remember how I showed you my artwork? The runes glowed. It meant you were the one. When I saw the signs, the glowing runes, I knew I had to take them home and leave them where Djall can watch you. Because where Djall can see, I too can see you. And why I also had to leave suddenly, because I needed to let our brethren know that we have found you. Do not be scared, Madelyn, instead trust me. Allow me to show you a new world," he insisted.

He was saying things that didn't make sense to her. It sounded like he read it out of a Lovecraft story or something. She was so confused and overwhelmed by what he was saying, all she could really do was shake her head and fight the tears building up in her eyes.

"Runes? What are you talking about? I don't understand... this is all crazy," she said with a sigh and shook her head more.

"You asked who all these people are, they are our brethren, you see. They are the kindred souls which resonates with ours. They will protect you and they will serve you. Djall can also bring your mother back, but there is something that must be done," her father continued.

"I don't want their protection. They're the ones who put me through all this. Who is 'Djall'? What is all this?" She repeated one of her questions.

"What do you mean he can bring mamma back? You sound... crazy. This is all crazy. I just want to go home. I want you to come home," Madelyn cried out in confusion.

He looked at her body and took it in. Her young figure, the youthfulness in her face as well as her teenage style of dress. Her father marveled at what he saw with there. Since raising her, he saw her only as his newly adopted daughter, but now he saw something different. She was more than just the nineteen year old girl he raised going into college.

"Madelyn, it might be hard for you to understand, but I need you to listen. I've been alive for a long time, longer than most. You see, I have found a way to cheat death Itself, I had learned to defy aging. I first escaped to America in 1939 when the Italy invaded my home of Albania. The Italians were after something, a very important artifact that my kindred and I protected," he explained as he revealed a strange statute made of bronze sitting at the altar of the church.

The statue depicted a satyr sitting down. His body leaned back slightly with his hands holding up at the sides. Another interesting detail was that of the satyr's penis depicted as flaccid which is uncommon as they've always been depicted as extremely phallic creatures.

Madelyn crossed her arms over her chest and watched her father as he spoke. She tried to listen to what he was saying and follow the things he was telling her. This all still sounded insane and like some shitty sci-fi movie or Lovecraft story. It was strange to hear him talk like this. He was usually so logical and smart and mature. Now he sounded like he was actually insane.

"What? You can't be serious... you expect me to believe you're that old," she said with a frown, running a hand through her long blue hair.

"They can't bring back mamma, it doesn't work like that and if it did, something would go wrong, you know that it doesn't work that easily. Something will go wrong. This is all crazy!" Madelyn said and then took a deep breath, "Please tell me this is all some sort of joke!"

As Madelyn responded, the horned men began to seem agitated, more in the sense that they were feeding off of her energy. And then her father raised his hand at the others in a gesture to calm them, which they did. He then responded with a sense of seriousness and a stern tone, "You may not understand yet, but you will, soon it will become clear" he said. He then stood up and began chanting in a strange foreign language.

Madelyn looked scared when her father's tone changed and he began to say that she would soon find out. The chanting took a moment for her to realize it was happening and she looked over at the men and then back at her father as he started walking away.

"Daddy, wait! What is going on?!" She darted out and tried to follow him but the men stopped her.

The more he chanted the others surrounded Madelyn to prevent her escape, yet their hands reached out to her as if they wanted to feel her body with their hands. "The vessel is among us," they chanted, "First the one who delivers, then all of the covenant, then soon he shall come to life!"

At first it was just touching and she pulled away and shooed their hands off of her but then when it became groping and touching, she started pushing them and trying to pull away more aggressively. It was no use for the small girl though as she was soon grabbed and basically dragged toward the front of the church.

It was obvious they wanted her to watch as her father continued while the dark walls of the church glowed with glyphs and runes. Then suddenly the bronze statue itself began to glow. Her father stared at it for a moment, and then as he turned around horns began to sprout from his forehead as similar markings on his face also began to glow.

She stopped struggling and stared with wide eyes and an open mouth when her father began to grow horns and glow. She had thought the other men were just crazy and using some makeup or something but now, she was stunned. Her arms were being held and there were hands all along her body, touching to grope and fondle or even caressing but she was no longer fighting. She was too stunned to struggle or really even speak. This couldn't be real. It couldn't.

Chapter 5 - Two Moons

Present time, Mister O was on his way back to Madelyn's house with Daisy when a red light began to beep in the center console. Mister O then pressed a button on the vehicle which caused the same LCD monitor as before to pop up in the dashboard, in the screen was a blonde woman that began to talk with a European accent," Greetings, Operative O,

"Alright, what do you have for me Gretchen?" said Mister O responding to the woman in the screen named Gretchen.

"It seems the man you disposed of in the third floor is a satyr," she answered.

Mister O seemed a bit surprised by that, "A satyr? Here? They're trans-dimensional beings, those types don't normally cross over. The asshole worshiped Djall, is Djall that powerful?"

"Yes, but those would be satyrs from birth, this one in particular we believe was human born and then transformed to a satyr," Gretchen explained, "We have reason to believe Djall is the same deity as Dionysus as worshipped by the ancient Greeks as the god of grape harvest, winemaking and wine itself, ritual madness, fertility, and religious ecstasy."

"That's strange, Dionysus wasn't a deity that promoted kidnapping, prostitution, and human trafficking. Instead he was more about consensual hedonism. Do we know anything else about where the cult might be located?" Mister O asked.

"Stand by, we will let you know when we find out," she said.

“Alright, keep me posted,” he replied.

Daisy had asked if she could roll down the window and have a cigarette when they were on the way. She was no a heavy smoker by any means. The pack in her purse had been there for weeks. But with all the events of today, she couldn't help it. She blew smoke directly out the window as to not let it stink or smoke up the vehicle and then tossed the butt when she was done, which was during the phone call.

She looked over at the woman and then at Mister O a few times and took in all the information, being obviously lost in all this talk but trying to keep up. When the call was over, she stayed quiet, not wanting to interrupt his thoughts.

Mister O had finished his briefing with Gretchen when the SUV pulled into Madelyn's house. As they arrived a few U-Haul style trucks were parked along the curb. Each truck were labeled "Quantum Wreckz's Air Conditioning" which obviously was a rouse by the CIA.

"The team is here," Mister O explained, "Daisy, you've been a great help, but you are a civilian and not a trained operative. I'm sure you have questions that needs answers, and we do too. Like how you knew about ancient cryptic code and the satyr implying about your kind. But, you will be compensated for your service today and we will be in touch if you should decide to find answers to those questions."

Daisy got out of the SUV with her purse and watched Mister O as he spoke, saying that she had been a big help. She knew where this was going. He was going to say that she had to go now and that this wasn't a place for her, be it for her safety or because the things that were going to happen were top-secret or something.

“A driver will be here shortly to take you to any destination you wish to go, I wish you well, Daisy," said Mister O before he turned around and walked towards the front door without even a hug or a handshake. He said pretty much what she anticipated, the blonde pursed her lips and shook her head.

"I don't... okay," she said quietly and looked down, not sure how else to react. She didn't really think either of them owed the other anything. She wanted to see the girl returned to safety and wanted to know what the satyr meant but she didn't know what to do. "Goodbye," she said and waved a little bit.

But then something strange happened, an unknown entity began whispering in her mind, "Open your mind, sweetling. Open it and you shall see."

Then the strange entity began flooding her mind with the whole church as if she were there. She began to look around and see all the things going on. The details filtered in slowly, first was that of a satyr completely naked and thrusting savagely into a young woman that appeared in her mid twenties. And then there was another riding another satyr rocking her hips to pleasure him. There were plenty of girls there seeking to have massive pleasure from the men and giving it to them in return.

Then, she saw Madelyn and the older man who she recognized from photos as the father. She made her way close and could see the women orally pleasuring him. She could see Madelyn sitting in the cage, watching everything going on around her as others casually would reach their fingers in the cage to touch her body. There seemed to almost be a hunger growing in the young girl, slowly overtaking the sadness and anxiety. Daisy then tried to go outside to see any details that would lead them there.

Just behind the father was the bronze statue that overlooked the ordeal. Though no one in the ceremony could see nor feel Daisy's presence, but a non corporeal entity emerged and hovered over the statue and looked right at Daisy as she ventured out into the town. Outside of the church seemed desolate. But then, there was one sign that left a clue to their location. A wooden post leaning almost sideways with an arrow with a sign that read, "Two Moons Vineyard."

The further away from the church, the stranger the town seemed...or at least in the astral planes. A black raven suddenly landed right in front of Daisy, and then another. Soon a flock of ravens flew in circles around her which eventually caused black smoke to vortex with Daisy in the middle. Her eyes widened as she looked around as the ravens crowded around began to smoke and whirl around her. Then, she heard the ringing and winced.

Within the black smoke, a man in dark and torn clothing emerged. The smoke seemed to emanate from him, but his head was covered in a black bag while wielding two crude looking blades. He approached Daisy with his head down and echoes of indistinct whispers continued to ring as if he were inside her ear.

When she saw the man approaching her as the ringing got louder, she covered her ears and shrank away from him before a pair of sprouted wings surrounded her and she looked up to see the man from before. He, whose voice spoke gently and pierced through the echoes as his wings embraced her.

The closer the smoky dark one approached, the louder the whispers as he raised his blades. Just as he was within reach, behind Daisy that familiar gentle voice had spoken, "Wake up, sweetling," he said, "I shall see you again, and it shall be soon. WAKE UP!"

Daisy opened her eyes. That was Madelyn, from what she could see and those looked like cultists or something. Daisy composed herself and went after Mister O when it was over.

"Hey," she called out after him. "I, uh... remember how I said I just kinda knew what to say to you when we met? I had that again about Madelyn and where she is."

Mister O turned around and looked a bit confused, "What?" he asked as the situation surprised him. "What did you see?" he asked.

It wasn't that he didn't believe her, he knew well enough to know that there were other forces at work. If anything, Mister O has been in the field long enough to know better than to dismiss a lead, even if it seemed far fetched, it was always better to play on the side of safety and at least confirmed the lead.

"Come inside," he instructed as he opened the front door.

Inside, the house was filled with operatives in coveralls with equipment as they were conducting a strange forensics investigation of the house. Mister O continued into the house trying to avoid getting in the way of the forensics crew as he led her into the garage.

Daisy nodded some when he said that he'd listen to what she saw and followed him inside. She looked around at how busy the small family home had gotten since just a few hours ago. There were a lot more people here now, all of them doing something and looking serious in their gear. She also tried to stay out of the way and followed Mister O.

Inside the garage were a few men in different gear, rather than the suits the others wore, they all each had on regular clothing such as denim pants or cargos with t-shirts along with black tactical gear. Daisy blinked and looked around, noticing how different this crew was from the others. They looked like military or something.

However one man in particular was uniquely dressed in designer clothing. While the military looking ones had scruff and beards with short hair, this other gentlemen had long hair tied into a ponytail. And rather than guns, he was armed with various throwing daggers and a fighting blades.

"Well, O, glad yah can join us," the man said with a Cajun accent. And then he noticed Daisy and took one hand to greet her "Well hello, darlin', the name is Beaumont LaCroix, but yah can just call me Beau," he said as as he kissed her forehand. He seemed charismatic though his eyes were a tint of red with pale skin.

When the charming man with the Cajun accent approached her, took her hand and greeted her, Daisy blinked and smiled, blushing a bit when he kissed her hand. "Aren't you dangerous," she cooed and gave him a knowing smile, "I'm Daisy. Nice to meet you."

"Okay, Daisy, this is the Strike Team that will be assaulting the cultists. You just met Beau, the one with the short one is Big Papi, the one with the Dallas Cowboys ball cap is Doc Holiday, our medic. Nate "One Time" Jackson, J-Rod, and Hawk. Now could you please explain what you saw," Mister O explained as he pointed on a map laying on the table.

When Mister O spoke, she nodded and turned toward him and tried to collect her thoughts a bit. "I saw a dark place, maybe a church. But not a normal one. It was crowded. There were people dressed in dark clothes, doing all kinda stuff to each other, all together. Then I saw a blue haired girl, Madelyn I'm assuming, in a cage in the middle of all of this. Then, I kinda saw a bird's eye view of what I think was grape fields. That's... that's it."

"Grape fields?" Mister O thought. "Wait, Djall is also believed to be Dionysus, the Greek God of fertility, religious ecstasy, ritual madness, and wine making. A hedonistic deity. It would make sense if they chose a place near the harvest of wine, like near grape fields," he said as he began to change out his clothes into jeans and a t-shirt with boots and tactical gear. Meanwhile Big Papi and the others with the exception of Beau continued to look on the map.

Beau being his normal self tried to make light of a serious situation, "Well, cher, I wouldn't call myself dangerous. But, I do like to bite," he said as his smile revealed fangs, "That is only if ya let me."

Daisy watched Mister O as he went through all of the processes in his head to figure out what it was she had told him. Then, as Beau talked to her again, she turned her head to look at him and then gasped a little as he revealed his fangs.

"Okay, Beau, not right now," Mister O instructed as he started loading ammo mags in the ammo pouches of his vest, "Daisy, there are several possible locations with vineyards. Do you remember anything else?"

"Two Moons Vineyard," Daisy exclaimed and looked around at them, "I saw everything, it was, depraved, dark, and sexual," she said and ran a hand through her hair. "The town looks dead and desolate. Madelyn's in a cage, watching her father with the others."

"Two Moons Vineyard?" Mister O replied to confirm her statement, "Dammit! When when those fuckers said they were bringing Djall into the world in two moons, I thought they meant in two nights. If they're engaged in depraved acts, then it's happening tonight."

Daisy nodded at Mister O when he asked her to confirm what she said. She thought that as well when the man had said two moons. But it all made sense now.

"I'll assemble a chopper," said Big Papi.

"Well, doll, what is that?" said Beau as he crouched down beside Daisy picking up a raven feather stuck on her foot."

When Beau leaned down and picked up the feather, she looked at it and sighed, shaking her head. "I don't know, there was some man there. I think he tried to kill me," she said.

Mister O and the rest looked at each other for a moment, "We need to move now!" said Mister O as he slung an assault rifle over his shoulder and holstered his pistol on his thigh holster. "Daisy, what you saw was a shadow wraith. They're bringers of death and doom. They’re usually found near hospitals, disasters, terrorist attacks."

"Or all over florida," Doc Holiday chimed in.

"Either way, if they're around then that means death and destruction is coming," Mister O explained while making his way out the house and into one of the trucks. "I doubt they're summoned by the Djall worshipping assholes, but if revenants are showing up it means Djall's summoning is sure to lead to mass death," he explained.

Daisy looked between Doc and Mister O as they spoke and nodded a little bit. "That makes sense," she said quietly and ran another hand through her hair. She didn't tell them about the man who met her in the void and whatever saved her from the thing that tried to kill her. That seemed somehow personal and like something that was here alone to remember and wonder about. She might ask about it at a later time, but for now, it was her memory.

Chapter 6 - Black Raven Down

The drive in one of the trucks wasn't much significant. A lot of the team members including Mister O spent most of the drive locking and loading their guns and calibrating their scopes.

"We got a fix on Two Moons Vineyards," said Mister O, "Only problem is, we have several towns that connec

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Batwoman meets Catwoman Part Two

Introduction: Batwoman returning back to Hollys loft from patrol beliving trhe woman is asleep is in for a rude awakening. It had been a long night and an even longer patrol, and Kate was drained. Slipping into the window quietly to find her Holly fast asleep, Batwoman moved quietly for the chair and started to get undressed. Removing the belt with practiced ease, she then took off the cape before she removed the gloves and boots…, only then placing her hands on the dresser and lowering her...

1 year ago
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The Angels Take America part 3

"Well," Jamie said as the end credits rolled on the cartoon. "That was - that was different." "Yeah," Charlotte concurred. "I mean, I'm used to seeing myself on TV, but - yeah. Not too sure about that." "But I'm sure the kids will love it," Hannah said. "And there's no arguing with the message, right?" "Definitely," Jamie said. "If we help only one person with this cartoon, it'll be worth it." Much like the main Angels show, Jamie thought to herself as she and her friends filed...

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Beauty Angels

When you think about the name ‘beauty angels,’ what is the first thing that you think about? Could it be a bunch of fucking angels flying into heaven, then getting their fuck on as soon as they land at those pearly gates? But that leads me to another question: do you want to see human/bird hybrids really fucking one another? Since angels are supposed to have giant pterodactyl wings according to ancient text.But fortunately, that is not the kind of content that you will find on the site that I...

Premium Female Masturbation Porn Sites
2 years ago
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When Angels Cum Chapter 4

"Don't try anything stupid" Jie Er warned Blaze, as she stepped out of the house on the morn of Tirdas."I'll try..." Blaze replied, trying to sound sarcastic. He had plans for being reckless.It was a warm sunny morning and the breeze from the southeast was starting to pick up momentum. He waited until the breeze reached a good steady speed before jumping up on the wall. He manifested his wings and launched himself in the direction of Varan.He glided for about a hundred fifty feet before he had...

3 years ago
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The War of the Angels part 5

"How- what- why-" Stephanie stammered as the flame-haired Scottish girl looked at her expectantly. "I think you might need to sit down," Lauren giggled. "As I said, I've got a car waiting..." "Umm, okay," Stephanie said, following Lauren to her car in a state of near-shock. "Why- why did you-" "Why did I take the option that was best for my career?" Lauren asked. "Kinda answered your own question there, didn't you? Steph... We've gone as far as we can with out of Heaven. And sure,...

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Part 6 Country Western FUN in Vegas Angels sur

Monday morning we got up around 8:00am & let Angel get dressed for awhile at least so we could go to breakfast. Billy had got out her new sheer white western style skirt with the cutout sides & her sheer fringed white blouse for her to wear today. I had 1 other thing for her today as well. I had brought along, her 10x4 red butt plug with a 24 inch Auburn colored tail attached to it for her asshole. We lubed the plug & Billy stuck it in her ass 1st. Then we let her get dressed. She...

4 years ago
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The Angels Take America part 2

"Well- well you look amazing," Nikki giggled, composing herself as she and her friend exchanged a warm, friendly hug. "When did you get here? I didn't think I was going to see you until Thanksgiving?" "Did you really think we were going to miss this?" Alexa asked. "The closest Angel launch event to Minnesota, AND it's Jamie? Of course we're going to be here!" "Well I am seriously glad you are!" Nikki giggled, wiping the tears from her eyes. "Ugh, my mascara's probably wreck- wait,...

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Under the Moons of Eden

UNDER THE MOONS OF EDEN by Christopher Leeson Copyright 1996 Revised 11/99 Chapter 1 *The sly slow hours shall not determinate The dateless limit of thy dear exile.* KING RICHARD II Our outfit, the 54th Battle Group Earth Alliance, was in transit to Cathara when an Asymmetric search-and-destroy mission intercepted us off Ophir. Since our light escorts had no firepower to match theirs, they did a good job of...

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When Angels Cum Chapter 2

 Chapter 2When Blaze woke up the next morning, Jie Er was waiting for him in the kitchen with a breakfast of eggs and bread. She was wearing a feathered push up and strapless bra, and a pair of low hanging skimpy panties. A silken translucent skirt covered her butt but was open at the front.Blaze wondered if all angels dressed like her or if his angel was just a pervert.“Morning’ dear. Breakfast?” she said with a warm smile.“I have to go to work, little one, but I will try to be back early. I...

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When Angels Cum Chapter 2

 Chapter 2When Blaze woke up the next morning, Jie Er was waiting for him in the kitchen with a breakfast of eggs and bread. She was wearing a feathered push up and strapless bra, and a pair of low hanging skimpy panties. A silken translucent skirt covered her butt but was open at the front.Blaze wondered if all angels dressed like her or if his angel was just a pervert.“Morning’ dear. Breakfast?” she said with a warm smile.“I have to go to work, little one, but I will try to be back early. I...

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When Angels Cum Chapter 32

When Jie Er came back, Rebecca was teaching Blaze some of her own experiences with wing manipulation. One could always theorize with things like wing dynamics, but practical experience was also quite important. The brain couldn’t perform the required calculations while flying, so short cuts and rules of thumb gained through experience were quite useful.“Here you go little Blaze!” Jie Er exclaimed, bringing out two sets of clothing.The two cotton tank tops were red and white, while the two...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Charlies AngelsChapter 22

Jenny Beth was staying with Lisa, Sher and Jimmy. Julie and Mandy took Pat, Jean and Jill home, but not before Andie and I promised to come over one night for supper. They promised Andie and me that they would be at all our home games. Jada, Jen and Jan walked across the street to their house, after they too, promised they would attend Andie’s and my home games. At the pool, Andie and I stripped, then swam twenty fast laps before showering and heading up to bed. Both of us were excited and...

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The War of the Angels part 1

Jamie-Lee Burke yawned as the alarm on her phone woke her from a dreamless slumber. It had been a long week, but it was now Friday- a chance to relax and let her hair down, which she had every intention of doing that night, surrounded by all her friends. "Morning, sexy," Jamie whispered in the ear of her still-sleeping fianc?, who mumbled incoherently as he slowly opened his eyes. "Does it have to be morning?" Stuart moaned, eliciting a small giggle from Jamie. "'Fraid so," Jamie s...

3 years ago
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Charlies AngelsChapter 17

{Angels, whatever we do, please don’t let me penetrate Andie’s pussy.} [IT IS DONE, CHARLIE. HER PUSSY IS SEALED AGAINST ANY PENETRATION BY A COCK UNTIL YOU ASK US FOR PERMISSION. SHE CAN USE TAMPONS AND SHE WILL FEEL AS IF SHE IS THE ONE WITH YOUR COCK INSIDE HER WHEN YOU FUCK BLAINE. HER PLEASURES WILL DOUBLE WHAT HER MOTHER EXPERIENCES] {Then I want Blaine to have the most mind blowing orgasms ever in her life.} “Charlie, lie in the floor so Mom can sit on your cock. I want to be the...

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Charlies AngelsChapter 20

I looked back at the couple on the ground and Alana was already sitting astraddle Coach Peters. They were both making loud noises and I heard him scream about the time I made it to Aunt Carol’s vehicle. I knew they would be fine though. My Angels would never let harm come to them. I had to laugh, because it was him screaming and not Alana. Our young cheerleader coach has finally become a Bad-Girl and our football coach is going to be the beneficiary of her new found, bold sexuality. The next...

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Batwoman meets Catwoman Part Two

Holly crept up behind Kate with instinctive ease, then like some guard dog she bit on Kate's cunt then chewed playfully on her flesh through her latex while her hands shot forward, and grabbed Kate's tits. She let out a deep, long moan that resonated through the latex into Kate's cunt as latex covered flesh muffled it. She couldn't resist Kate's succulent position one moment, and she wanted some of that sweet pussy so badly! "Ahhhhhhhhhhh...., uuuhhhhh....,...

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The War of the Angels part 3

"Stephanie..." Beverly whispered. "Even if I wrote you a prescription, it'd still only be dated from today. I can't backdate them for the time you were supposed to have been taking hormones." "It's still better than nothing," Stephanie insisted. "Please, if I have to get down on my knees and beg, I will." "Stephanie," Beverly sighed. "We've been over this time and time again, you know that oestrogen isn't a magical cure to all your problems-" "Not all of them, but this one, it is-"...

1 year ago
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Sin Angels and Vampires

The angels descended on Rome in the dead of winter. Three of them – forsaken, pale and naked creatures arriving in the black night like falling silver stars.Sophrosyne watched the heavenly bodies approach with a shiver. She had seen angels before, but these were different – they made an uneasiness crawl in her bones. There was something ragged about them. Something broken and awful. When the angels landed at the temple steps before the clergy, they were unsteady, weak and disoriented.The first...

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When Angels Cum Chapter 31

Surdas (Sunday) flew by quietly but pleasantly in each other’s companionship. Jie Er did some chores and read some novel, while Blaze spent most of his day reading his books or practicing his energy manipulation. The book was a great help. They also pleasured each other three times that day. Blaze made sure that Jie Er came multiple times before he made her suck him off.The next week also went by in a similar fashion to the first. He finished the history book by mid-week, so he asked Jie Er to...

3 years ago
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When Angels Cum Chapter 1

Chapter 1I first posted this story on literotica. I’ve received a decent response, so I decided to share it on other sites. It is an ongoing webnovel and there are currently 10 chapters.Author's Shitty Initial SynopsisIt's basically about a guy who finds himself in a land of angels and demons. Since the world is only inhabited by females, it's up to him to teach them the ways of sexual pleasure.Join Blaze, as he experiences the seemingly utopian society of the angels only to find out that both...

4 years ago
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When Angels Cum Chapter 1

Chapter 1I first posted this story on literotica. I’ve received a decent response, so I decided to share it on other sites. It is an ongoing webnovel and there are currently 10 chapters.Author's Shitty Initial SynopsisIt's basically about a guy who finds himself in a land of angels and demons. Since the world is only inhabited by females, it's up to him to teach them the ways of sexual pleasure.Join Blaze, as he experiences the seemingly utopian society of the angels only to find out that both...

2 years ago
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The War of the Angels part 2

"Oh shit," Krystie gasped as she gently lowered Mary onto the floor. "Someone get me some hot water! Joshua, do you have any towels?" "There are some in the dressing rooms, I'll get them now," Joshua said, hurrying out of the studio. "I am NOT giving birth on this damned floor," Mary said between gasped breaths. "And I am most definitely NOT giving birth without painkillers!" "Jamie, call 999," Krystie ordered. "Charlotte, call Dan, get him here now." "Will do," Charlotte said,...

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Charlies AngelsChapter 7

Mom was still laughing when she told Andie, “I caught that, do the two of you have anything else you need to share with me?” “Ms. Walker, I’m sorry. That just slipped out. Charlie has been telling me that he’d tutor me and help me get a scholarship. We were sort of having fun, making up ‘make believe’ plans for our future.” Andie looked down at the floor as she spoke. “Mom, they weren’t make believe plans. Andie will be the mother of your grandkids in about six years, after she has had a...

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Killing Angels For Sport

Oh death, why has thou forsaken me? My name is Anthony Dhaliwal Adewale, and I want to die. The problem is that I can’t. And that, my friends, is a problem. Anyone looking at me would see a six-foot-one, lean and athletic young biracial man with light brown skin, light brown eyes and curly black hair. I was born in the City of Imphal, in the Manipur State of the Republic of India, to an African immigrant father and Punjab Indian mother. I lived in the Republic of India for most of my early...

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Charlies AngelsChapter 11

Linda, Connie and Bobby were jumping and clapping their hands as Candy leaped to the boat and I followed. We were on our way again in no time and back to open water where I slowed and let Aunt Carol pilot the boat. “Linda, I want some of your pussy, Bobby get ready for a fucking you’ll never forget, first by Candy then the other women here. Connie I want your pussy next then I’m going to show all of you what fucking is all about when Aunt Carol sits on my cock,” I said as everyone clapped...

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The Vampires Kiss Chapter Seven Angels Stained Passion

Introduction: The angel Aurora faces down the vampire Damien. But is she still righteous after falling from Heaven? The Vampires Kiss Chapter 7: Angels Stained Passion by mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Aurora the fallen angel had thrown off the shackles of Heavens pathetic rules. All they did was constrain the forces of good and allow evil to flourish unchecked. To allow Jezebel to flourish unchecked and protect her client, Faust. Aurora would see the vampire Faust slain and Jezebels plans...

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Angels and Demons

Angels and Demons By Morpheus This is a story idea that had been bouncing around in my head for over a year before I finally decided to start writing it. Originally, I'd envisioned it as an anime series and as such, I ended up writing it as a serial and posting it on Big Closet and the TG Fiction Yahoo group over a period of about two months. Part 1 I leaned back in the passenger seat of my vehicle, silently listening to the radio. There wasn't any music playing or...

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Charlies AngelsChapter 5

My Angels were lying inches apart, on each side of Deanne’s pussy. As I raised my head to lick her little button, I felt the pull of them on the monofilament line around my neck. Looking down, I saw each and every one of her pussy hairs standing on end, like they had been combed up and spritzed in place with styling gel. I kept looking down as I slipped forward a few inches, her pussy hair leaned forward as my little black Angels slid forward with me. I backed up and the Angels slid back...

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Charlies AngelsChapter 16

(You did this didn’t you?) {Yes ... Well, they did. I just asked them to, I hope you approve.} (You could have left me just a little more hair on top of my pussy, but I’ll get used to it the way it is. I love this and I promise you and your Angels, I’ll never – ever lose what you just gave me. Thank you, Charlie.) {You’re welcome and I thank my Angels for what they’ve given you too. I think they used Andie as your mold, your body looks just like hers, what I can see that is} I smiled...

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Charlies AngelsChapter 6

I finished packing and sat on my bed as I thought of the events of the past day and a half. I reached up and touched the two Angels hanging from my neck and instantly, they warmed to my touch. The warmth spread to my belly, then to my groin. My dick jumped and sprang to a steel hard erection inside my tight jeans as I sat and smiled at my two little friends. I pulled them up to my lips and kissed them. Looking them over again, I couldn’t resist licking right up through where their pussies...

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Futa Angels And Demons And Monsters

Introduction: Angels and Demons are two warring factions, each in their own separate dimensions, that have a standing bet on the souls of humanity. Why they have such a bet is unknown. Angels represent the best part of humanity. Although they too can have sinister agendas of their own. They are immortal but not invincible. Demons represent the worst of humanity. Although they are also responsible for mankind's continued growth. They too are immortal but not invincible. Half-breeds can be...

4 years ago
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Angels A Christmas Story in Three Acts

Dear Readers, Attached to this Christmas story is one of those "what I did this year" notes that folks like to enclose in their Christmas card. Here it is. In 2018, I decided to publish some of my stories online to Amazon and make them Kindle novels. If you read "The Wildcats" that I posted here on Fictionmania in 2017, you'll now find a more substantial, newer version, three, in fact, now titled Wildcats - a Rock 'n' Roll Odyssey. It's a simple coming-of-age story about a high...

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Charlies AngelsChapter 2

I walked the four blocks to our house with a totally terrific, new feeling. I could feel myself swagger just a little as I walked slowly. The heat in my groin is a steady, soothing warmth. I thought of my huge cock ... HELL YEAH - I’VE GOT A HUGE FUCKING COCK NOW! Then, there was the two hundred dollars in my pocket ... and the two black, magnetic Angels pulling on my balls and my cock as I walk. I had a right to swagger. There has to be more to those Angels than I’ve learned so far. I need...

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Hills Angels

It was 10:00 PM on an early summer evening in the London studios of Thames Television, and taping had just finished on the last of the season's episodes of the nationwide comedy hit THE BENNY HILL SHOW. Everyone was glad to see the end of what had been an extremely long day. People were scattering out of the studio, the cast to their dressing rooms, the crew to try and make it home before too late. But one group of girls, walking off in unison, was turning heads even as they left. This bevy of...

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The Haunting of St Angels

The Haunting of St. Angels By sammig82 "Double, double toil and trouble; Fire burn and cauldron bubble." - Shakespeare's Macbeth St. Angel's Girls School was a popular private boarding High School for the rich and the famous. Its alumni consisted of highly successful members of the community including CEOs and successful celebrities. Many of its girls had grown up to earn the respect among the elite of the high society. Parents would be...

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Charlies AngelsChapter 3

When I rolled over, Jan rolled to face me. I pulled her left leg over and spread her feet so I could get to her pussy. I smelled pussy up close for the first time and fell instantly in love with the aroma. I opened her tight slit and licked right up through the short length of it. I fell in love all over again with her pussy smell and her pussy taste. “OH GOD YES ... Kiss my pussy Charlie. Fuck ... That feels so fucking good. YES, just like that. OH GOD YES,” Jan yelled. “Jen, keep her...

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My blueeyed neighbor has a fetish for Angels Fetish Sex Stories

I am Sofia- a 28-year-old curvy blonde residing in Cathedral Village. My affair with the next-door neighbor had been the talk of the town since I came here. John had half the neighborhood crushing on him but only I caught his fancy. Baby-faced John, blue-eyed John, the handsome Greek god John- that’s how everyone knows him here. But no one knows him better than I do and about his fetish for angels. I know why he chose me though. None could satisfy him the way I do. Our steamy sex was on a new...

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Angels Shoe Shopping Adventure

Angel got a BIT WILD shopping for shoes 1 time in Las Vegas--------------------------------------------- 1 time when we were in Vegas Angel wanted to go shoe shopping, but she wantedto do it in a KINKY way & see how many pairs of shoes she could get for FREE. Before we left our room she had me take a marker pen & write 'I'LL TRADE YOU'in about 4 inch letters from her upper right thigh, across her cunt mound, toher left thigh so that when she sat down to try on a pair of shoes the...

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Angels shoe shopping adventure TRUE Story

1 time when we were in Vegas Angel wanted to go shoe shopping, but she wantedto do it in a KINKY way & see how many pairs of shoes she could get for FREE. Before we left our room she had me take a marker pen & write 'I'LL TRADE YOU'in about 4 inch letters from her upper right thigh, across her cunt mound, toher left thigh so that when she sat down to try on a pair of shoes the shoesalesman could easily see it written there just above her shaved cunt. Then shehad me take 2 little red...

3 years ago
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Random Victories Angels of Mercy

Another episode in the Random Victories Universe. See Legend Of Hair House, You're Gonna Carry that Weight and Mid Mountain File for background and character introduction, or just try to figure it out. Random Victories: Angels of Mercy Chapter 1: Standard Dungeon Scene Miss M was starting to get furious. She had been held in this essence blocked cell for a week now. The Realities pirates obviously did not know what to do with her and were afraid to let her go. She had...

2 years ago
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The War of the Angels part 4

"Uncle Joshua!?" Jonathan asked, his voice filled with panic. "Uncle Joshua! Get up! Please, please get up..." "Oh my god," Viks gasped as she crouched down beside Joshua. "Steph, call 999! Now!" "Uh, okay," Stephanie said, fumbling in her bag for her phone as Viks rolled Joshua onto his back and checked his neck. "He's got a pulse but it's very weak," Viks said. "What- what do we do?" Jonathan asked, unable to contain his sense of panic. "Get a first aid kit," Viks said. "If...

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Charlies AngelsChapter 8

When we’d unloaded and stashed away all the groceries, paper towels, plates and everything else Aunt Carol could think of to buy, she suggested we take a look around the grounds, then walk down to the lake. “Put some swim trunks on Charlie, unless you want to skinny dip with your old aunt,” She laughed. “I hope we get to do that while we’re here.” “We will, I promise,” she said as she pulled her shirt over her head and threw it on the porch rail as we walked down the steps and left the...

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Charlies AngelsChapter 10

Connie was excited as she sat astraddle my belly. I helped her slide back to let my cock plop down on my belly. She looked at my cock, then at me and smiled. “Raise up like Aunt Carol did and I’ll hold my cock up for you. You just let it go inside your pussy slow and easy so it won’t hurt too much. When it begins feeling good, you can fuck me like they’re fucking,” I told her. I rubbed the Angels together and they warmed to a feverish heat as Connie touched her pussy lips to my swollen...

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Charlies AngelsChapter 13

My Angels’ predictions came true, and who am I to ever doubt them again? Mom and Richard were married in a double ceremony with Dr. Kellogg and Linda. We were at their lake house and everyone was naked. There were thirty other guests in attendance from around the lake, and all them were naked. The five members of the Kellogg family left three days later for Cancun on a three week honeymoon. Bobby, Connie and Kristi were ecstatic that they were getting to go on their parents’ honeymoon. Dr....

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Charlies AngelsChapter 14

{Angels?} [SHE SAW A MENTAL PICTURE OF YOUR COCK WHILE SHE WAS MASTURBATING IN HER ROOM. SHE’S DYING TO HAVE YOUR COCK INSIDE HER PUSSY. ASK HER TO SWIM WITH YOU AND JIMMY, WE WILL DO THE REST] “Sher, I was just telling Jimmy that we have a new pool, and I’ve asked him to go swimming today. You wanna go with us?” “Sure, I love to swim. When?” “When we leave school today.” “I don’t have my swimsuit. We’ll have to run back by and get it.” “No problem. I hope you’ve got a really daring...

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Angels Of London

Some of you old-timers remember when banging a hooker meant trolling the seedy side of town, trying not to get shanked by a bum while getting a toothless beej from a crackwhore. The Internet has sure changed things, huh? These days, it’s safer and easier to find a girl to give you a handy for money. The girls at Angels of London are more than a few steps up from the local lot lizards, operates under the motto, “Maximum Pleasure Very Discreet”. It doesn’t take a fucking...

Escort Sites
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Charlies AngelsChapter 15

{Yes Alana, there’s nothing they cannot make happen. Now, they want you to let yourself go and be as naughty as you’ve ever dreamed. They really are magic, they love sex and they love for my friends to be happy and sexy too} (I want to be happy and sexy. I love the way I feel right now. I want another orgasm! I want to feel like I’m fucking your magnificent cock right here) {Be careful what you ask for Alana, they’ll double up on you and you’ll feel like you have my cock inside your pussy...

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Fallen AngelsChapter 2

As I moved from my rack and got showered all I could think of was the beauty and how one kiss had changed me. Brovo knocked and entered my room and informed me that we were on deck at 13:00 hours. I normally, before the Innocent Beauty entered my life would have snapped to, ready to slay the next evil, rise to the challenge of the operation handed to me. But all I could think of was her, I had to call her, to let her know. I knew it was against protocol to even mention being called to action,...

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Victorias Angels

Victoria's real secret? It isn't lingerie... Its crime-fighting supermodels! Like its Angels' modeling careers, the Victoria's Secret business is just a cover. Its real purpose? To bring bad guys to justice. The Victoria's Secret Angels are the organization's operatives. All of the Angels, old and new, are trained martial artists, sharpshooters and detectives. Working in small teams with little backup, they also use many crime-fighting gadgets, from bulletproof negligees to lipstick-mounted...

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