A Problem In Russel Hall, Part 2 free porn video

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I went to bed early that night, at perhaps 10:00. I was just too tired to stay up any later. But, just like last time, sometime in the middle of the night, the door creaked open. My covers were lifted off while I was still mostly asleep. Then I felt hands on my boxers, tugging them down.

I forced my eyes open. “No,” I said.

Kayla was already kneeling between my legs, lowering her mouth to my dick. “No?” she said.

“I don’t want to do this anymore,” I said. “When I get a blowjob, I want it to be from my girlfriend. I don’t want to hook up.”

“Well, do you have a girlfriend?” she said.


“I could be your girlfriend,” she said.

“No,” I said. “I don’t want it to be based on sex. If you come here tomorrow, during the day, we can talk. But I don’t like you sneaking in here without telling me.”

She pouted. “Fine, then. I’ll just suck off your roommate.”

Steve had woken up in the meantime. “I don’t have a problem with that,” he said.

“Good,” she said. “I’m very hungry.” She peeled off his blankets, then pulled his boxers all the way off. His dick was already standing at attention. Steve is one of those lucky guys who looks just as fashionable at the beach as in a tuxedo, but somehow he looked just as dressed lying naked on the bed with a huge hard-on. His hard dick was just the right length and thickness to be perfectly in proportion to his body.

This time, she lay down in between his legs before she opened her mouth wide and lowered it onto his dick. Steve gasped as her mouth closed around it. Her head went up and down, making squishy sucking sounds all the while. I was mesmerized by the sight of his dick going in and out. Every time she came up, she came up far enough that I could see a lot of that elegant dick of his. Steve breathed heavily.

Sometimes, when she lowered her head most of the way onto his dick, I heard more squishy, watery sounds. When that happened, Steve gasped and moaned. I couldn’t look away. I wanted to see her pleasing his dick. I wanted to see him gasping and moaning more. I could almost see the semen forming in his crotch, and I needed to see him cum.

She disengaged from his dick with a slight popping sound. Steve caught his breath, as if he’d just finished a set in the gym..

“It looks like your roommate here is enjoying the show,” she said, nodding at me. I still had not pulled my boxers back up after she had lowered them, and I saw that I was sitting up to better enjoy the view, stroking my very hard dick.

“I don’t mind,” said Steve. “He’s not the one getting his cock sucked.”

“Would you mind if he joined in? I do have three holes, you know.” Still lying down, she squirmed to lower her panties.

“I guess I wouldn’t,” said Steve.

“Well, whenever you’re ready…” said Kayla.

“Thanks,” I said.

“Or you can enjoy the show from there,” she said. “You can turn on the light.”

I flicked on the lamp on my desk. The room was bathed in a grey light, which Steve and I blinked in. Steve’s abs were defined, and his slimy, shiny dick was the same purplish-brown color of his nipples.

Kayla turned her attention back to Steve’s dick. His breath caught. The slurpy sounds increased, as did his moans as she worked him more. I found myself stroking harder and faster. Steve’s breath caught again. Kayla lowered her face almost to the base of his dick, and started a sucking, pulsing motion in her tongue and throat. Steve’s legs twitched, he looked surprised, and he let out a huge breath. The base of his dick pulsed and pulsed, pumping his semen down her throat. His expression was of pure relaxation and bliss, and he breathed hard.

I came. My dick jolted in my hand and spurted out hot semen. It splattered over my chest, my crossed legs, my crotch, and my left hand as it shot out. The last drops of cloudy semen pulsed out and dribbled down the side of my dick.

Kayla lifted herself up again. “I could help you clean that up,” she said. She ran a finger over the vein on the underside of Steve’s dick, forcing out one more gluey drop of greyish semen that oozed out and ran over his purplish-pink dickhead. She licked it off.

“No,” I said. And before she could come over here and lick it off herself—she stood up as if that were what she wanted to do—I licked all the translucent semen off my left hand. It tasted salty, a little bitter, and it had some sort of peculiar funk to it, like overcooked vegetables. I swallowed hard. My semen was almost thick enough to be hard to swallow, and very slimy. Then, gathered the whitish drops of semen that had landed on my chest and legs with my right hand, and licked that too. I almost gagged, but I managed to swallow it.

Kayla was almost standing over me now. With her panties down, it was clear that she was no crossdresser. “I think I know why you refuse me,” she said with a smirk, as she pulled her panties back on. Then, she pulled her grey bathrobe on, and left the room.

Steve pointed at the door. I looked at the door, then at him.

“Go,” he said. “Follow her. Find out what you can.”

“Oh!” I said. “Thanks.”

I pulled up my boxers and threw on a pair of sweatpants, and stepped out the door just soon enough to see the door to Andy and Tommy’s room close. I stepped back into my room, grabbed my shirt and a book, then stepped out again.

I sat down outside the door to the stairwell, fairly close to Andy and Tommy’s room. I could see every door in the hall easily. If anyone asked, I’d say that I wanted to read without waking Steve up. Then I waited.

From the hall, it’s hard to hear much that happens inside a dorm room. If people inside are talking, you can hear that they’re talking, but you’d probably have to press your ear to the door to figure out what they’re saying. So it might have been my imagination, but I was sure I heard a little bit of a squishy thrusting sound. I heard a bit of moaning. Then quiet, for a long time.

Then, I heard more squishiness, and finally, the sound that Andy had described as like a tornado warning: a low moan that got high, before it degenerated into just doggy panting. I’d never thought of Tommy as particularly hot, but there was something unsettling about hearing him cum.

I thought that Kayla would emerge from their room at that point, but then I heard her voice, gentle, teasing. I didn’t know what she was saying, but I had a pretty good guess. I heard Andy’s deeper voice, and Tommy’s higher one, chatting for a moment.

Then, I heard squishy sounds again. I heard more panting, but this was definitely a deeper baritone pant. She’s sucking Andy’s dick now, I thought. I couldn’t help imagining Kayla sucking Andy’s dick, and somehow that seemed really hot. I’d only seen Andy’s dick a few times, in the showers, but I knew it was big. Andy is tall, and kind of big all around, and I imagined his hard dick was big to match. I imagined Kayla stretching her mouth around it.

His baritone pant continued, along with the squishy sound, and then finally, I heard deep grunts in a voice that was unmistakably Andy’s. He’s squirting semen into her mouth now, I thought. I didn’t know why, but that thought made me really horny.

Kayla emerged from Andy’s room, wearing her bathrobe, looking pleased with herself. She saw me almost immediately, and I saw a moment of shock on her face.

“What are you doing here?” she said.

“I wanted to read this, and I didn’t want to wake up Steve,” I said.

“Liar,” she said. “Why are you really here?”

I thought fast. “This is my dorm, not yours. I’m allowed to be in any of the common spaces at any time.”

“That’s not an answer,” she said.

I thought fast again, looked down at my erection, which was tenting my sweatpants, and blushed. “I… umm…”

She laughed. “I see. Well, then, carry on.” She walked past me, to the stairwell, and went downstairs.

I waited just a moment, then also went downstairs, so I could see where she was going. She disappeared into Chelsea and Erin’s room.

What could Chelsea and Erin possibly have to do with any of this?


The next morning another ambulance arrived. Amit was stable in the hospital, but not changing. But this morning, Tommy was sweaty, pale, dizzy, and had a thin pulse.  So he too was carried away.

After a mid-afternoon breakfast, I stopped by Chelsea and Erin’s room again. Chelsea and Erin were at their desks. Erin was smoking a hookah while she had her books and notebooks spread out; Cody was sprawled on the floor.

“I have a question,” I said. “Have either of you seen Kayla?”

“Kayla? That girl from that party on Thursday?” said Chelsea.

“Yes,” I said.

“I haven’t seen her since Thursday, in Ricky’s room,” said Chelsea.

“You’re sure? Last night, I swear I saw her go into your room,” I said.

“No, the only person here other than us was Cody,” said Chelsea. “Maybe you mistook him for her?”

“Could be,” I said doubtfully. “Has Cody been here a lot?”

“Yeah, he’s been hanging out a lot here,” said Chelsea. “He was kicked out of his school a few weeks ago, so us and Adam have been letting him stay while he figures things out.”

“Okay. Thanks,” I said.

“Cody,” I said. He turned bloodshot eyes to me.

“Yeah?” he drawled.

“Do you know a girl named Amanda?”

“No, I wouldn’t say I do.”

“OK. Thanks,” I said, and left.


Outside in the hallway, I looked over the picture I had surreptitiously taken of Cody. It was very blurry, but he was recognizable. I suspected he was lying, which was why I hadn’t asked him any more questions.

My next stop was Heather’s room on the second floor. I’d studied with her before, so I knew right where her room was.

I knocked on her door. When she opened the door, I could see that she had books out, and her roommate Amanda was in bed. I had never met Amanda. She was large, almost fat, with thick brown hair. She looked very tired.

“How’s Amanda?” I said.

“They told her the same thing they told you,” said Heather. “They don’t know what it is, so all they can do is tell her to get lots of rest and avoid sex with strangers.”

“Yeah, about that,” I said, pulling out my cell phone; “would the guy she met happen to look like this?” I showed her the blurry picture of Cody.

She squinted. “Sort of, but this guy looks a lot spacier. Is he high?”

“I think so,” I said.

Heather took my cell phone and carried it to Amanda. “Is this the guy you met?”

“This is what he would look like if he were super high, yes. Where did you take this picture?”

“This is Cody. He’s Adam’s friend. He was hanging out in Chelsea’s room,” I said.

“Well, he definitely looks like the same dude. Why?”

“A lot of people have been coming down with something after some weird person has sex with them,” I said. “Amit and Tommy have already been taken to the hospital. You were too. My guess is that he has something to do with it.”

“Well, unless Amit and Tommy are gay, I don’t think Cody has anything to do with them, but he definitely has something to do with me,” she said. “He’s the guy who sneaked into my room.”

“Do you want to see him again? Do you want to press charges?” I said.

She smiled and shook her head. “I was the one who wanted to fuck him,” she said. “I wanted to do it in the library, but no, he had to sneak in here and do it. God, he was good. I swear, I have never had a stronger orgasm.”

Heather looked put-upon.

“Heather doesn’t like me to have screaming orgasms while she’s in the room,” continued Amanda. “That’s why I wanted to do it in the library. They have study carrels on the fourteenth floor, and no one ever uses them. But no, he had to sneak in in the middle of the night like this.”

“Would you want to see him again?” I said.

She shook her head. “I don’t know why, but I swear coming when I fucked him took something out of me,” she said. “I felt tired the day after the first time, and more tired the day after the second time. I don’t think I could handle a third time.”

“Thanks,” I said.

Heather frowned, as if she was thinking of something. “Mike, can I talk to you in private for a moment?” she said.

“Sure,” I said. We headed for the community rooms downstairs, which aren’t used very much. After we arrived in the depressing cinder block room with the dingy sofa, she said, “I think Cody is definitely something strange. Did you notice how Amanda’s symptoms are so close to yours, or the boys in Russel?”

“Yeah,” I said. “The other thing that worries me, is that Adam brought him over just last week. He’s been hanging out mostly in Russel. That’s when this weird death by fucking thing started. But how come Cody has the same effect on her as Kayla has on me? And Collins dorm doesn’t fit in at all.”

“But it does fit!” she said. “That first Thursday, a week before last, we went to a party in Collins. We’d met Cody before, but Adam brought him there, too. Then half an hour later, Adam said that Cody had to go.”

“And then that girl April shows up,” I said. “That would fit if she didn’t show up until after Cody left.”

She nodded. “Let me text Peter,” she said, typing into her phone. “Cody left at about 8:30, so my guess is that no one saw April until after that, maybe even well after. But it makes sense, because that night, we hear about guys getting sucked off by April.”

“Wait a minute,” I said. “That only makes sense if April is really Cody in disguise. And I did see Kayla without panties, and she’s definitely a girl.”

“But there’s another weird thing about this,” said Heather.

“What is it?” I said.

“I think Cody might have been going around the second floor,” she said. “Did you notice all the girls from the second floor in Health Services? Erica was there, and Natalie, and Brooke. All of them had that same really tired look that you and the other boys had. And Kim was looking really bad, so her roommate Michelle took her to the hospital.”

“How come I didn’t hear about that?” I said.

“Kim didn’t want it spread around,” said Heather.

“So Cody’s the mystery boy who’s been fucking half the girls in the dorm to death?” I said. I couldn’t quite visualize the dopey guy from Chelsea’s room getting all that action.

“Think about it. It makes sense. Amanda fucked him, and now she can hardly walk. The other girls look almost as tired as she does. They aren’t saying what happened, but it looks like they all got hit with the same thing.”

“When did the other girls start getting sick?” I said.

“Earlier this week. All of us had a Messy Monday in Chelsea’s room last Monday,” she said.

“And Chelsea said that Adam brought Cody in about a week ago,” I added.

“Yeah, it really looks like Cody is definitely doing something weird with the girls in Russel,” she said.

“But what would that have to do with all the girls sneaking into the guys’ rooms?” I said.

“Well, what if they were the same person?” said Heather. “Think about it. She sleeps with men, changes her shape, and then sleeps with women, and she drains them of energy in the process.”

“So you’re saying that she’s a shape-shifter?” I said.

“Have you ever heard of demons called the incubus and the succubus?” she said. “The succubus is the female version. It has sex with men at night and sucks them dry. Then it changes into a male, and has sex with women.”

“Well, if Cody is an incubus and a succubus, it certainly would all fit,” I said. “But how do you know that they’re real?”

Heather’s phone buzzed. She showed me the text from Peter: “I didn’t see her until 10. She might have come a little earlier.”

“Well, that does make the shapeshifting thing make more sense,” I said.

“Think about it,” she said. “A woman no one knows sucks people off, and then only the guys who get sucked off feel drained of energy. Then a man not many people know has sex with women, and those women also have to go to the hospital.”

“Well, that does make sense,” I said. “But if that’s the case, how do we defeat it?”

“I have a theory, but I think you’re not going to like it.”

“What is it?” I said.

“Well, the succubus sucks energy when you ejaculate, right?” said Heather.

“Yeah,” I said. “It feels like you’re ejaculating a whole lot, way more than normal.”

“Well, then you would want to suck it back,” she said.

“How would you do that?” I said.

“Probably the same way the succubus sucked it out of you,” she said.

“No way!” I said. “Couldn’t you do that?”

“I don’t think so,” she said. “When the incubus has sex with women, it can give back the semen it sucked from men, but it doesn’t give up any of its energy. So I think that if I, or another woman, were to suck an incubus off, it wouldn’t do any good. I think it has to be a man, because a man normally only runs into them in their succubus form. Then, if a man sucks off the incubus, the cycle will be broken.”

“How do we know that the incubus can’t just suck the energy out of the semen and ejaculate plain semen, like it does with women?”

“Let’s ask Peter,” she said. “Half the people in Collins are gay. He would know.” She typed into her phone again.

“So if your theory is correct, what would we do?” I said.

“I don’t know,” she said. “Maybe a man only needs to suck off the incubus once. Maybe every man that was affected needs to suck it off. Maybe each man who was affected has to suck off the incubus as many times as he was sucked off.”

“If that’s the case, wouldn’t the women have to make the succubus come as well?”

“Maybe,” she said. “But I think my idea is worth trying.”

“Okay,” I said. “Do you know any gay guys that would like to try sucking off a demon?”

“I do know some gay guys,” she said. “But I think you have to do it.”

“Why?” I said.

“Because you were affected by it. This way, at the very least, you should get some energy back.”

At that moment, her phone buzzed again. The text was, “Some bi guys got sucked off, but only by April.”

“What about these bi guys from Collins?” I said.

“I don’t think so,” she said. “Look, you’ve seen both sides of this. You’ve been hit twice. You’re pretty much in the epicenter. But Collins was only hit once. How do you think you could convince a bi guy from there to suck off a random guy he doesn’t know?”

“Maybe they won’t need very much convincing,” I said hopefully.

“Maybe not. But think about it. You have to set a trap. You would have to wait in a girl’s room. It would have to be a girl who is likely to get hit by the incubus. You’d probably have to wait either in or right by her bed, and then as soon as you see the penis, you’d have to suck it. That seems awkward.”

“So we’d have to convince a guy and a girl,” I said.

She sighed. “I don’t like this, but I think we should do it.”

“Why us?”

“We wouldn’t have to convince anyone. Also, this way, if it doesn’t work, no one other than us gets hurt. And I think the demon is going to come to me soon.”

“Why is that?”

She sighed again. “Well, he hit me up last night, right after seeing Amanda. That was the third time he visited Amanda. I think he likes to visit people more than once, and he’s already visited me.”

“Okay. So if we do this, what would the plan be?”

“The day we do this, you’d come over here and hide under my bed. Then, when Cody comes in to have sex with me, you put his cock in your mouth.”

“I don’t like that plan very much,” I said.

“Well, do you have any other ideas?”


Ten minutes later, we were on Heather’s rug with a pair of Amanda’s glass dildos, which we’d covered with condoms just in case. I was trying to get it into my mouth without scratching the dildo. Amanda was explaining how to suck to get that wonderful vacuum-cleaner feel that Kayla had given me. After all, if I didn’t know how to suck off a human, how could I hope to suck off a demon?

I climbed the stairs back to the fourth floor with a heavy heart, but resolve. I didn’t want to lose any more friends to the succubus. I knew I needed practice.

I stepped into my room. Steve was lounging in bed, looking sleepy.

“Steve,” I said. “I have a question.”

“Go for it,” he said.

“You know how you said that if some guy who could suck dick as well as a succubus wanted to suck you off, you’d let him?”

“Yes,” he said, dubiously.

“Well, could I?” I said.

“Could you—Oh! You? You want to suck my cock?”

“Sort of. I think that Kayla turns into a man sometimes, and I think that if I suck off that man, I can break the curse and take back all the energy she took from us.”

“Whoah, hold on. Kayla can turn into a man?”

“Sort of. You know how she sucks off a lot of guys?”

“Yes,” he said.

“And you know how all those guys always feel really bad the next day? To the point where Amit and Tommy had to go to the hospital?”

“Yes,” he said.

“Well, the same thing has been happening with the girls,” I said.

“But that doesn’t show anything,” he said. “They could be unrelated.”

“Maybe, but that’s a risk I’m prepared to take,” I said.

“And how does that have to do with sucking my cock?”

“Well, if I manage to trap an incubus, I’ll have to suck it off. And I can’t do that very well if I haven’t got practice.”

“How do you know how to suck cock?” he said.

“Amanda showed me the basics,” I said.

“Okay, forget I asked. You’re sure you want to suck some Steve cock?”

“Yes,” I said.

“When?” he said.

“Now works for me,” I said.

“Okay. Lock the door.”

I locked the door behind me. Steve stood up, took off his t-shirt and his boxers, leaving him naked, and lay down and spread-eagled himself on his bed. His curly blond hair spread out on the pillow, and his half-hard dick and nipples were pinkish brown. He had a light coating of golden hair on his toned legs, and a mess of brown pubic hair by his half-hard dick.

“How come you’ve already got a chub?” I said.

“Thinking about Kayla’s blowjobs,” he said.

I stepped out of my shoes and tried to kneel in between his legs. My jeans cut into my waist uncomfortably, and my T-shirt hung awkwardly in my face. “Sorry, I’m going to take these off,” I said. I stood up, and took off my jeans and T-shirt. For some reason, my dick was already half-erect, too.

I kneeled on his bed in between his legs again. I saw his abs again, and that beautifully proportioned, straight, pinkish purple dick. I could smell a faint musky smell. I took a deep breath, opened wide, and clamped down. Steve gasped.

Steve’s dick fit in my mouth better than Amanda’s glass dildos had. It was just as big, but somehow the fact that it was warm flesh made it easier.

I pulled my lips over my teeth, so that my teeth wouldn’t scratch Steve’s dick, and gathered some saliva in my mouth, around Steve’s dick. I spread this saliva around his dick, and I was sure to swirl my tongue over the head. Steve gasped. He looked surprised. Somehow, the head felt good against my tongue: it was the perfect warmth and softness, like a girl’s tongue, and it was easy to swirl my tongue around its shape. I felt as if my tongue had been made for this. I hadn’t gotten turned on at all sucking glass dildos, but now, with Steve’s live dick in my mouth, knowing exactly how much pleasure he was getting, I was definitely getting a little horny.

I laid my tongue against the underside of his dick, and pushed my head up and down along Steve’s shaft. When I got to the base, my nose almost got to his brown pubic hair. The base of his dick went in and out of my mouth, just like I’d seen with Kayla, only this time, the rest of his dick was in my mouth, not hers. That fact made me oddly happy. Steve panted, and he looked flushed.

I kept on rolling my mouth up and down Steve’s shaft. He panted. He had that same spacey expression that he’d had when Kayla had sucked him off, like he was in his own world somewhere, and I felt weirdly happy that I was getting him there.

When I took a break to gently tongue the soft tip of his dick, he moaned. “Mike, you might be better than a succubus,” he said. I couldn’t quite believe that even though Steve was so much more good-looking and popular than I was, I still got to have this much of him. I still got to have his beautiful body under me, with my mouth in control.

I gathered my saliva again, and re-formed my tongue and mouth into the perfect sleeve for his dick. Breathing through my nose, I pulled up and down, now a little faster. This was taking a while, I thought. My jaw was starting to cramp from having it open for so long. What had Amanda said about that again?

“If your jaw cramps up, just take a break. Take his cock out of your mouth and just jerk it off a bit with your hand while your jaw recovers. You can also kiss his balls then, or you can just relax until you’re ready to go on.”

I took his dick out of my mouth, and rested my head on his thigh, which was faintly covered with hair, and felt incredibly relieved to not have to keep my mouth open. I wrapped my hand around his dick and pumped it up and down, the way I jerk off. It felt odd holding a dick, because his dick felt the same as mine does in my hand, with the big vein for pee and semen underneath, but even though I was jerking it, I couldn’t feel anything. His dick and balls smelled musky. As I rested my head on his thigh, it struck me as just how odd it is that I should be giving my roommate a blowjob just for practice.

“What are you doing?” said Steve.

“Taking a break. My jaw was cramping up.”

“Do you think the succubus also—ahh!” I had placed my slightly-opened mouth against his balls while I rested my jaw, and apparently Steve liked the warm sensation.

Steve’s dick had meanwhile lost its shine and become sticky under my fingers. I gathered some saliva in my mouth and licked over the whole surface of his dick again, from his balls to his dickhead, once on each side of that vein underneath. I knew Steve was a lot more popular with the girls than I was. Steve is more manly than I am, period. But I felt very lucky that I got to get this close to his infamous dick.  I felt turned on knowing that my tongue was running over a dick that had been inside so many girls’ vaginas.

After I licked to the head of his dick again, I put its head in my mouth, and gathered my saliva around it. I ran my tongue over it, and gently laid my tongue in the groove in the front of the head. My tongue fit perfectly.

I laid my tongue across the underside of his dick again. My jaw was still tired, but I wasn’t noticing it as much. I pushed my head down his shaft, and then up.

What was that technique that Amanda had described? “I call it the vacuum cleaner,” she’d said. “You keep your tongue pressed against the head, and move your wet lips over the head, almost like you’re going to take the cock out of your mouth, and then change your mind, only while sucking a little at the same time. It feels really good. Guys cum pretty fast.”

I pulled my lips over the soft head of Steve’s dick again, then pushed his dick back into my mouth. He winced and pulled away. “Agh! Teeth!” he said.

“Sorry,” I said. I remembered again: “Some girls like to cover their teeth with your lips. Remember, your teeth cannot touch his cock.”

I tried again, covering my teeth with my lips, and letting his dickhead slide through. He gasped, and this gasp sounded good. Steve moaned again. “I think I’m going to cum,” he whimpered. I sped up. His legs trembled. Finally, I took his whole cock very deep and sucked, just like Kayla had. “Oh God!” he said. His hips bucked, his butt clenched, and his dick pulsed in my mouth. His warm semen hit the back of my mouth, again and again. As my mouth filled with the warm liquid, I swallowed. I could hardly even taste it. His expression was an odd mixture of surprise, relaxation, and bliss.

I waited until his dick stopped pulsing before doing one final suck, like Kayla did. “Oh!” he moaned. Finally, I sat up, and swallowed the rest of the semen in my mouth. It had a mildly bitter aftertaste.

“You never told me you were such a good cocksucker!” he said. His now half-hard dick oozed a few more drops of pearly semen as it lay against his moist brown pubic hair.

“I wasn’t,” I said. “I learned everything from Amanda and Kayla.”

“Well, after we deal with the problem in Russel, are you going to find any other reasons to suck my cock?” he said.

“Maybe,” I said. Truth be told, I had enjoyed the whole process.

“Look at how into it you were,” he said, pointing to my boxers. They were highly tented, and stained with precum.


I waited in Heather’s room, under her bed. It was dark and a little musty. In the bed beside, Amanda breathed deeply and regularly.

I must have dozed off, but I woke up to the familiar sound of a door creaking open. I saw legs of a thin, barefoot boy wearing baggy jeans.

“Good evening, my lady,” I heard a young male voice say.

“Oh, Cody, I’ve been waiting for you,” said Heather. “I just couldn’t wait for you to fuck me again!”

Again? I thought.

“I live to serve,” he said.

“Take off your pants and underwear,” she said. “I need to see your cock.”

I heard a rustle of fabric, and saw him step out of his jeans. They landed on the rug beside the bed. I heard another rustle, and saw a pair of boxers come off.

The blanket was peeled off, and I got a blessed rush of fresher air.

I saw Cody. It was the same guy who had been lounging in Chelsea’s room, but he looked different. Somehow, his shaggy black hair looked regal; he looked more like a movie star or a teen heartthrob, not like a careless stoner, and that sloppy doped expression was gone. He was naked, and he had the perfect physique of a statue of Apollo, as well as a stiff erection.

His dick was much narrower than Steve’s, smooth and pale brown.

I quickly crawled out from under the bed and put his dick in my mouth. His dick was much smoother than Steve’s had been, and felt warm in my mouth. His dickhead was small and soft. I rolled my tongue around it. His smell was as musky and male as Steve’s, but with a touch of volcanic dust. His body jerked.

“My lady, what is this?” he said. I heard Heather chuckle. I struggled to get into a proper kneeling position with his dick still in my mouth, and then I looked up as I squished saliva around his dickhead. His face was an odd mixture of horror and gooey relaxation.

Now, I could focus on giving him a proper blowjob. I gathered my saliva, and made his whole dick slimy and wet, I laid my tongue across the underside of his dick, and I worked up and down. I traced my tongue around its head, and heard him pant. I sucked carefully, but firmly, making my mouth into a perfect vagina. My nose almost hit his wisps of dark pubic hair. He moaned.

“My lady—, what do you— mean by this?” he pleaded between gasps.

“Does Mike’s mouth feel good?” Heather asked cruelly. I gathered more saliva around the head, which I knew would feel extra-good. He moaned. “Does his mouth feel as good as my cunt felt? As good as Amanda’s cunt? Or Sarah’s?” He moaned again, and his expression was of mingled bliss and frustration. I thought of this narrow, pretty dick that was in my mouth plunging into Amanda’s vagina. I imagined his narrow hips grinding and his tight butt clenching as he fucked Heather. I reached around and grabbed his smooth, small butt in my hands—it was hot, as if he had a fever, and tight—and pushed his crotch farther into my face and his smooth dick deeper into my mouth. I almost gagged, but I didn’t mind. I imagined the cleft of his dickhead rubbing against the inside of Sarah’s vagina, just as the back of my tongue was rubbing against it now, and somehow, the idea really turned me on.

I again rolled my tongue around his dick, and pushed my head up and down, surrounding his hot dick with a ring of soft, squishy tongue and mouth. His dick felt so good in my mouth, and it felt so good knowing that I would finally get payback.

He panted again. Finally, he yelled. His dick pulsed in my mouth, and shots of warm liquid filled my mouth. I gulped. I lost a few drops, which trickled down the side of his dick, as his dick continued to pulse inside me. I saw his stomach go in and out as his dick pulsed. Then, as the pulsing died down, his body dissolved in a burst of sparks. The drop of semen that had been on the side of his dick fell sparkling to the carpet.

I felt as light and revived as if I’d had several cups of coffee.


The next day was Monday. The dark circles were gone from my face, and from Steve, and from everyone in the dorm. My blowjob had destroyed the incubus. In the hospital, Amit and Tommy were judged OK to go home, although they were warned to take it easy for a few days, and to not have sex with any strangers. I was able to get through all my classes with only naps in between them, although I would have to make up my test.

After dinner, after both Steve and I had returned to our dorm room for the night, and everyone’s health was confirmed, Steve said, “Well, congratulations. You were right. I didn’t want to believe you. But I kind of have to. I definitely feel a lot better, and Amit and Tommy are way better. So you did it.”

“Heather did all the work,” I said. “She was the one who figured out what was going on, and she also figured out how to break the curse.”

“Sure. But she couldn’t have done that without you.”

I nodded modestly.

“Now, I think Russel Hall has only one problem left,” he said.

“What’s that?” I said.

“That I need another blowjob. Any suggestions?”

“I think I can help you with that,” I said.


Same as A Problem in Russel Hall, part 2 Videos

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Tricked and Treated at a Halloween Party

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The Ghost of Becknall Hall

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Dirk Saber PI Jane Russell Ch 06

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Blackhawk Hall Ch 02

The Duke and Duchess had just dressed after bathing when Arilee walked into the bath room. She marveled for a moment that there was no evidence of the battle that had occurred there only a short time before. She found that she had to concentrate to maintain her composure in light of Christi wearing only a thin nightshirt, and Cerebus clad in only a pair of cotton pants. ‘Excuse me – Ashtar wishes to speak with you.’ Mindblind grunted and nodded his head. ‘That’s a good sign for you, Ari. If...

4 years ago
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Blackhawk Hall Ch 02

The Duke and Duchess had just dressed after bathing when Arilee walked into the bath room. She marveled for a moment that there was no evidence of the battle that had occurred there only a short time before. She found that she had to concentrate to maintain her composure in light of Christi wearing only a thin nightshirt, and Cerebus clad in only a pair of cotton pants."Excuse me – Ashtar wishes to speak with you."Mindblind grunted and nodded his head. "That's a good sign for you, Ari. If...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
1 year ago
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Blackhawk Hall Ch 01

Heads turned when the door to the servants' common in Blackhawk Hall opened and a blonde woman entered, looking somewhat unsure of what she was supposed to be doing. Her face bespoke youth, still having an unmistakable softness that would fade with age. She smiled nervously as all eyes in the room fell upon her, a deepening flush in the cheeks framing that smile served to make her look even younger.Her figure contrasted with her face, obviously the body of a grown woman, although her skin...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
3 years ago
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Blackhawk HallChapter 6

"The elf mongrel is in the Hall, and the half-breed moved on to fort up in the inn once they broke the charm over our dupes," Cordell reported. Garvin, self-appointed Governor of Darius, frowned. "They moved forward after the attack? How much does that change things?" Cordell shrugged. "Not much, really. They will be here tomorrow unless we throw everything we've got at them to slow them down. It's all a matter of what time." "The clerics are ready?" Garvin asked. Cordell...

3 years ago
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Historia 8 La Cita 2 Parte

Después de lo que había pasado en el hotel aquel, no podía quitarme de la cabeza lo ocurrido.Antes de salir de la habitación me había dado un pequeño papel con la dirección de su trabajo y el número de teléfono.Había pasado ya casi un mes cuando encontré esa nota guardada en mi cajón entre mi ropa anterior, la saque y no pude evitar sentir que mi respiración se agito recordando de nuevo aquella verga en mis labios entrando y saliendo, sus venas marcadas.Cargue la nota entre mis libros unos días...

3 years ago
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Ships, particularly warships, have watertight compartments to stop internal flooding from torpedoes, bombs, or other hull damage to the ship. Sailors slam the heavy steel doors (hatches) shut and seal them tight, also known as dogging the hatches. This keeps the ship afloat during times of crisis.Military people, particularly those who have seen combat, also have compartments. When you’re flying off of your leader’s wing (who is also your best friend) and he gets blown out of the sky and you...

Love Stories
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(C) Mojavejoe420 2020 Ships, particularly warships, have watertight compartments to stop internal flooding from torpedoes, bombs, or other hull damage to the ship. Sailors slam the heavy steel doors (hatches) shut and seal them tight, also known as dogging the hatches. This keeps the ship afloat during times of crisis. Military people, particularly those who have seen combat, also have compartments. When you’re flying off of your leader’s wing (who is also your best friend) and he gets...

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Lactating Wife Impregnated by a Stranger at a Halloween Party

Jill’s PerspectiveHalloween has always been one of my favorite times of the year. And even now, at the age of twenty-five, married, and with a five-month old daughter, I still look forward to fall and the chance to dress in costume. My name is Jillian, but most people call me Jill, and I am married to John, who most people call Jack. I know it sounds kind of corny having our nicknames be Jack and Jill, but we have a lot of fun with it.We started our lives together in a nice suburb outside of...

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Lt Elisabeth Hall Pirate Adventures

HMS Brilliant has been in the South China sea for the last few months carrying out anti piracy operations. The duties like those of the blockade around the Balkan states was becoming tedious. Lieutenant Liz Hall was detailed to lead a four man team from the Brilliant to the Tanker "Siam Xan Xai" it was early evening. The tanker had departed Singapore the day before and was bound for SongKhla, Thailand. She hated duties like this. The Captain had an attitude about Women in the Navy, He always...

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Halloween Party

Halloween Party by Suzi (Johnson) Thomas "Hi, dear," my wife said when I walked into the house, "how was work?" "Not bad," I replied, "we landed that new account, so the boss was thrilled. What's new?" "We're invited to a Halloween party, a costume party, at the Peterson's Saturday night. Do you want to go?" In truth, we hardly knew the Peterson's, having been introduced by a friend of a friend, and we usually didn't really celebrate Halloween. "I guess so, sure, why not," I...

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