I Miss You ! Do You Miss Me ? ♡ Carlana ♡ free porn video

Sometimes, if not all the while
I am not in denial, I miss you
And yes, it does make me smile
You might not be mine anymore
But we’ve been through a lot together
The sands of time will trickle on
But the memories will last forever
I have never been this clueless in my life
Not even when I failed again and again
I can’t pinpoint exactly how I feel
It’s not happiness, nor is it pain
I guess it is just your absence
Which is making itself known
Maybe this weird state of emptiness
Is my heart’s moan
I miss you .
A little too often
A little too much
Missing you, has become
A habit as such
I feel down and out
As if I have the flu
When I think about if
You miss me too .
There are two ways to describe how I feel
One of them is to just say that I am lost
Because every day goes by in a blur
As if life’s been covered by a thick frost
The other way to show you the state of my heart
Is to say that I feel like man who can’t dream
Memories and thoughts seem to just fly past
Even my soul is lifeless, without its gleam
In this hazy state, I have been
Since the day I let you walk away
I know I treated you in a way I shouldn’t have
I was wrong, I confess today
I miss you
We may pretend to have
Grown apart from each other
But no distance can erode
The memories we share together
As I sit by the window, staring away
Into the abyss of my lonely days
Sometimes I think about what if
We didn’t choose to go separate ways
I miss you .
What is the most I miss about you
Is the question I often ask my heart
I get so many mixed answers
I just don’t know where to start
Deep down inside I know the truth
I realize that we can never again be together
But there is this tiny speck of hope
Which says, never say never
I miss you .
We broke up bitterly
But this poem is not about our spat
I don’t love you anymore
But this poem is not about that
I guess you are wondering
What is the fuss about this rhyme
The truth be told, I confess
I have been missing you all this time
I miss you .
I think about you, I think about us
I really don’t know why
I reminisce about how things were
Even if sometimes, it makes me cry
I know, that I miss you like crazy
But sometimes I feel it’s best if I pretend
Things might get a bit too complicated
If I try to make amends .
I know, our relationship was
Like a poem without rhyme
Still, its heartbeat
Refuses to fade with time
One last hug, one last kiss
One last cuddle, one last dance
One last smile, one last laugh
One last memory, one last chance…
I miss you .
Every time I look at our pictures
I wonder why we ruined such a good thing
It is almost like we deliberately
Clipped off our own wings
Our love may be a lost cause
But the memories still remain
I wouldn’t have it any other way
Even if it hurts and pains
I miss you .
If I had to write a song about you
Surreal Dream, is what I would call it
Our relationship was too good to be true
I cherished it, bit by bit
Until the day it was torn apart
By silly misunderstandings and complications
Even today our breakup is a hazy memory
Did it really happen or was it just a hallucination
Everything about you and our love
Like a deja vu on repeat mode, it seems
Which is why I dedicate this poem to you
My ex-girlfriend, my surreal dream
I miss you .
The most beautiful thing anyone has ever said to me
Is the first time I heard you say the words I Love You
Never in my wildest dreams did I ever imagine
That those words would blur my life’s view
It has been a long time since that day
The love has disappeared, hate has ensued
But no matter how bitter it gets, it will
Always remain, something that I once valued
I miss you .
I’m stripped bare of all my feelings
Just like a drought savaged piece of land
I feel that life has become
Too complicated to understand
I question the reason for my being
Meandering through life’s maze
Thinking about you, I ask myself
Is this permanent, or is it just a phase
I miss you .
I still remember the first time we met
I fondly think about the time I asked you out
I smile when I think about our first date
After which, I couldn’t help but shout
I feel warm when I remember our first hug
It excites me when I think of our first kiss
The beautiful memories we share together
Of all these and more, I fondly reminisce
I miss you .
We fought like enemies
Promising never to see each other again
But little did we know
How much it would later pain
Did we do the right thing
By going separate ways
I often ask myself this question
And think about that fateful day
I miss you .
Because I am your ex-boyfriend
People expect me to hate you for what you did
After all, my life was on track
Until you broke my heart, and everything suddenly slid
But I am not angry
I don’t have bitter feelings, it’s true
Maybe because I cherished every single moment
Of once, being with a beautiful girl like you
Don’t worry, I am not trying to flirt
Nor am I trying to create a new mess
I miss you, I all I wanted you to know
We have grown apart, but you will always be my princess
I don’t regret how destiny
Has made us go separate ways
But thinking about you is often
How I spend my lonely days
I don’t rue about how life
Played its nasty game with me
Maybe, what I thought was perfect
Was never meant to be
I miss you .
Life’s most cruel lesson
Is that there’s no such thing as forever
That’s what I learnt, ever since
We stopped being together
The smiles, the laughs and the happy times
Would last, I always thought
Never had I imagined, that in loneliness
I’d be pushed to rot
I miss you .
To my ex-girlfriend…
Since the day we went separate ways
I have been left in a state of trance
I guess our relationship will always be
Sans of that one last beautiful dance
It is heartbreaking, this terrifying void
My heart feels numb and hollow
I guess it was just meant for me
To tread along life’s journey solo
I miss you .
I know that all good things
Must eventually come to an end
Which is why you went from being
My sweetheart, to my ex-girlfriend
But I am happy that we did not
Break apart too bitterly
I still have sweet memories
Of once, being a part of your destiny
Today I write to you
Not as a vengeful ex-boyfriend
But a guy who
Doesn’t want to pretend
I miss you .
Maybe we didn’t trust each other enough
Maybe we fought a little too much
Maybe we couldn’t see a future together
Maybe our feelings, we weren’t able to judge
Maybe life wasn’t fair to us
Maybe something was amiss
Maybe there was a lot of chaos
Maybe we couldn’t recognize the bliss
Maybe we took the right decisions
Maybe breaking up was the best thing to do
Maybe our love story wasn’t meant to be
Maybe I just need to stop thinking about you
I miss you .
Sometimes I dream about how it would be
If fate had played its game differently
But then I remind myself of the reasons
Why we broke up, why it was no longer fun
What happened, happened for the best
Is what I say to myself to put worries to rest
But I know I am creating a false perception
I miss you, it is a fact not a notion
Since the day we broke up
In true love, I have stopped believing
Because even though people move on
The memories keep stinging
I have already made peace
With the fact that you are not mine anymore
But remembering the precious moments
We shared, makes my heart sore
Trust me, I don’t regret anything
The times we spent together
Engraved deep in my heart, your memories
I will forever treasure
I miss you .
Life can sometimes be very cruel
Even beautiful memories can haunt you
This is what I have learnt
Since the day hate took over us two
We broke up and we have moved on
Our love has vanished in thin air
But then why do I still think about how good
Things were when we were a pair
I will probably never find out
The answer to this question
I guess memories and photographs
Are my heart’s only compensation
I miss you .
The flirty texts
The romantic dates
The good night calls
Talking about our fates
The priceless moments
The sweet memories
The cute cuddles
A life sans worries
The sudden breakup
The horrid loneliness
The bitter pain
I miss you, my princess
There was a time when I called you my Boobie
There was a time when you called me your Pudding
There was a time when I called you darling
There was a time when I called you my happiness
There was a time when I called you sweetheart
There was a time when I called you baby
Now, it aches me to call you my ex-girlfriend
I miss you, do you miss me ? Honestly Carlana??
Sincerely . Antwoinee . P

- 25.06.2021
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