Artist in Residence
- 3 years ago
- 21
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The apartment building was an old one, perhaps dating back forty years, but Jennifer liked the place's homely comfortable feel so she was happy when the real-estate agent said that the landlord had accepted her application for the apartment that had been advertised. It was a big two-bedroom apartment, but surprisingly cheap at only a hundred dollars a week even though it was so close to the city business district and the harbour. Jennifer never bothered to enquire why the place was so cheap, although the real-estate guy had mentioned that it had been advertised for awhile but the landlord was very choosy about who they rented the place out to. Jennifer had already looked over the place pretty thoroughly before, but it wasn't until the agent gave her the key that Jennifer had her first suspicion that maybe she should've investigated a bit more about the place first. The key tingled in her hand as she first held it, and Jenny wondered whether it was her imagination or not, but the feeling faded quickly.
The very day of her moving into the apartment was the first time that she had the chance to use the key for herself, opening the door so the delivery guys could bring in the furniture & all her boxes of books and stuff. The key seemed to glitter, and Jenny saw a golden spark flicker as the key touched the lock of the door, but she shrugged it off as merely a reflection of the light on the shiny metal of the apartment key. Nothing else weird happened, so Jenny soon forgot about the incident as the apartment became a hive of activity with furniture being brought in, boxes being dumped on the floor, and Jenny running around to organize things a bit better so she could find everything easier later on. It was the typical chaos of moving into a new residence.
Like most times when moving house, of course, some things tend to be lost…and one can never be quite certain of finding them ever again.
Jenny realized this truth in spades well after the delivery men had left.
She'd decided to have a shower after everything had been delivered, and all the hired help was long gone, so she opened a couple of the labelled boxes and took out soap, shampoo, and other bathroom stuff, plus a bath-towel and went into the bathroom to shower.
Jenny sighed as she thought, It was lovely when she could finally wash away the cares of the day…at last!
The shower wasn't quite the experience that she was expecting. As Jenny washed herself in the hot water, she could feel herself becoming rather exhilarated, enjoying the relaxing pulse of the hot water splashing down on her, relaxing, so relaxing that it was almost dreamy. The sensation was so nice, and Jenny was tempted to stay a little longer in the shower than usual. There did seem to be plenty of hot water. So Jenny enjoyed it, closing her eyes, and relaxing. She scrubbed herself from neck to toe, surprised that the liquid body-soap smelt better than usual…almost a strawberry odour, and it seemed so warm and nice too on her skin. When she rinsed off the soap, her skin felt so much cleaner and smoother than usual, but Jenny was also feeling a bit distracted by an increasing need. Her body had for some reason decided to remind her that it had been a long time since Jenny had dated any guys, and even longer since she'd had any sexual relationship. Her last real boyfriend had accepted a job contract in Japan for the next year, so Jenny hadn't done any screwing (or even heavy petting) since then. She felt kind of guilty when she thought about dating other guys when she'd promised to wait for Andrew to come back from overseas; they wrote to each other frequently, but recently Andrew's letters were becoming a bit more sporadic. Jenny had begun to suspect that Andrew wasn't being anywhere nearly so faithful as she'd been over the past year.
The increasing heat in her pussy seemed to be picking a funny time to remind her of Andrew. She was becoming horny, and it was frustrating. Jenny never masturbated, she told herself, although it wasn't strictly true. Right then though, in the shower, it was becoming very tempting to touch herself "down-there". In an effort to satisfy the need a little, while pretending to merely wash herself better, Jenny held the shower-hose head just for what was supposed to be only a few seconds up between her thighs, directing it's throbbing spray of hot water directly onto her youthful feminity. The sensation was better than Jenny was prepared for, far better than she could ever have expected from previous experience. She moaned out loud as the pulsing water drove rapid waves of pleasure from her feminine core, sending shivers of delight up and through her body.
Before she could even think clearly about it, Jenny was overwhelmed in a mind-blowing climax like she'd never experienced before even with Andrew at the best of times. Her legs turned to jelly as she shook & shivered for almost a full minute, so Jenny found herself afterward sitting down on the floor of the shower cubicle with her back against the tiled wall.
"Oh wow!", she exclaimed in wonder, as she stood up again.
Funny, she thought, I'm still really sensitive down-there….
In fact, Jenny's skin tingled with pleasurable sensations everywhere, although especially between her thighs and on her firmly erect nipples. She brushed a nipple by accident with one arm and the touch sent shivers of delight everywhere, causing her to gasp. Her nipples were so hard and erect that they seemed larger than ever before. Actually, even her breasts seemed heavier and swollen…more so than during that time of the month…
Jenny turned off the shower, feeling suddenly a little guilty and self-conscious about masturbating in the shower, and then stepped out of the shower cubicle. She grabbed the towel to dry herself and complained a bit to herself that she was obviously in so much of a rush to have a shower that she'd picked up the wrong towel. The little white towel was barely big enough for a hand-towel, and certainly wasn't the large bath-towel that Jenny had thought that she was grabbing out of the box. As she dried herself, Jenny noticed that the large bathroom mirror was bigger than she'd noticed before too…and it wasn't fogged either. It was kinda disconcerting to suddenly notice that the bathroom-mirror covered an entire wall, and wonder why she hadn't really noticed that before. In it, she could see her reflection perfectly clearly…
…but when Jenny noticed what she looked like in the reflection from the big bathroom-mirror, Jenny was stunned. Her voice came out as a sexy little gasp. For a moment, Jenny thought that she was looking at the face of a complete stranger and the idealized body of a guy's porn fantasy.
She studied her hugely full-breasted figure in the full-length mirror on the bathroom wall, amazed at the narrow waist, and wide hips. A prominent nipple, rosy and hard, poked out erect from the tip of each of her full, yet firm, and very large breasts. Between her thighs, her girl-slit was utterly bald, as was the rest of her body from neck to toe, her skin baby-smooth and hairless. She looked down and was mortified by the sight of her own smooth-skinned girl-slit, but was very curious as well. She reached down and touched the smooth skin, finding it free of any stubble and smooth as a baby's bottom. She wanted to touch the girl in the mirror, kiss her, hug her, lick her in her most private places and taste the sweet juices between her long shapely thighs. Without any conscious awareness of what she was doing, Jenny slid her hands over her body, caressing her lovely figure, down her hips, and then between her slightly parted thighs. Her arousal was so strong that her fingers immediately found her pussy sodden with lubricant, with a dribble of pussy juice making the innermost top of her right thigh damp and slippery.
Her long legs appeared exceptional and shapely, even though Jenny noticed that she was unconsciously standing on the balls and toes of her feet. She tried to stand with her feet flat to the ground, but found it too difficult to maintain such a stance. Her calf muscles and feet began to cramp when she tried to stand flat-footed, and within seconds, Jenny's feet felt painful. It was more comfortable to stand with her heels far from the ground, in almost a tiptoe stance. Her whole stance was one of posing, with her breasts thrust out proudly, her feet slightly parted.
Jenny studied this image of herself in the tall mirror, and then looked at her hands that were fine and very feminine. Her nails were a soft pink, the skin had a soft golden-brown tan, but with a soft pink blush, which covered the rest of this body (her body) that she studied in the mirror. Jenny turned her hands over, and looked at palms whose lines were simple, and finger tips without any lines at all. She felt and looked young, or was it younger?
Her face wasn't as she was familiar, for it too had changed; her face was now too lovely…it was so fantastically beautiful, that Jenny could only stare in wonder and fascination. Her own eyes (?!) stared back at her, such a deep azure blue, with pupils impossibly large. Eyes which had a subtle oriental cast to them, which certainly wasn't there before. Full, sensuous lips, deep coloured and moist. Childish nose and slightly childish face with baby smooth skin. High, but subtle cheekbones, and a triangular face. Jenny pushed back her lustrous black hair behind one ear with her right hand, and was surprised at how long her hair had suddenly become. Her hair was so very long, that Jenny could feel it touching her on the very top of the roundness of her own ass-cheeks.
How could this happen? It was impossible!
"What's happened to me?", she asked herself out loud, and stopped when she heard the sound of her own girlishly cute and too sexy voice.
She frowned in confusion at hearing her voice seeming so different, yet so familiar at the same time.
Feeling the trickle of wetness down the smooth skin of her left inner thigh, Jenny wiped at her thigh with one hand. Then she touched herself with curiosity, and was surprised at the delightful feeling of even the most fleeting of touches. Her clitoris was larger and more elongated than before, she discovered, but Jenny couldn't explore it for long as she realized the pleasure was just too distracting. Her clit, like her nipples, was swollen ridiculously and incredibly hardened by excitement. Her whole body had the blushing colour of sexual excitement, she realized. Jenny's breath came in small excited gasps, and she realized that she was breathing as if close to throes of sexual ecstasy. She glanced around in embarrassment and quickly took her hands away from her delightfully wet cunt. Instead she rubbed the outside of her right thigh, trying to avoid touching the hot and horny wet spot between her thighs. Now there was a trickle of wetness making a tiny rivulet down her uppermost right thigh as she stood there examining her reflection in the mirror, making her feel embarrassed at being so aroused. She wiped the wetness on the inside of her thigh with her hand, and then had the odd urge to lick it and taste her own pussy juice. Despite the intense curiosity, Jenny managed to ignore the urge and simply wiped the vaginal lubricant on the outside of her thigh instead.
She took her hand away and began to fidget, rubbing her outer thigh with her left hand.
"What's going on?", Jenny asked out loud, but she didn't expect an answer, "How is this even possible?"
Jenny's voice again surprised her with it's cuteness and sexy sound.
Feeling herself about to faint, Jenny forced herself to try to stay calm. She opened the bathroom door and was even more astounded to see the apartment not only tidy and organized, with all the boxes gone, but all the furniture that she'd owned was gone…replaced with stylish and expensive furnishings that Jenny didn't recognize. Otherwise, the apartment was almost exactly the same. It was as if she'd stepped into somebody else's apartment entirely.
Feeling very close to panic and wanting to run, Jenny rushed to the living room window and pushed back the white curtains. Outside was the street in front of the apartment building, four floors below, just as she would've expected normally to be there. Nothing else seemed out of the ordinary.
Had she been drugged and kidnapped, Jenny wondered with worrying suspicion.
She quickly closed the curtain when she recalled that she was still completely naked. Then looked around for a telephone, and saw some high-tech type of large telephone attached to the living-room wall. She rushed over to it, and then stopped.
Should she get dressed first?
But then Jennifer pushed the worry about being naked out of her mind as she decided it would be better to call the police or at least one of her friends first before whoever it was who had kidnapped her returned back here again…
Jenny picked up the slim telephone handset, and saw a display screen light up with a list of telephone numbers with names beside them. The list stunned her into stopping mid-motion, for every name on the list was someone that she knew; friends, close relatives, Andrew's number in Japan, her mother's number, her work number…
Jenny was so surprised by this that for a long minute she didn't know whether to call anyone or not. It was as if the telephone was her own, not some stranger's…even though she didn't recognize it.
She replaced the telephone handset and sat down on the high stool that was nearby.
Then Jenny looked around the apartment again, really studying it. Could this place really be hers? Even though she didn't recognize it?
Curious, and fearful about what she would find, Jenny stood again, and walking tip-toe (because she couldn't do otherwise), she walked over to one of the bedroom doors and opened it. Inside was a single huge bed, luxuriously covered in pink satin sheets and with lots of big cushions spread about randomly. The ceiling was mirrored, as were the walls. It took a moment to recognize the wardrobe because the wardrobe doors were mirrored as well. The dressing table was long and had several framed photos on it. Jenny walked over to the dressing table to study the photos, and saw that they were almost the same photos as she had always had…but only almost; the differences were very disturbing.
In a photo that was a lot like a picture of Jennifer standing next to her older sister, "Michele", she saw that although Michele was dressed normally in a nice white sweater and a pair of stonewashed jeans, Jenny was as she appeared in the mirrors, except that she was almost naked. In the photo, Jenny saw a stunningly beautiful and very over-the-top sexy-shaped teenage girl standing next to her sister. A teenage girl who appeared just as Jenny looked in the mirrors, but wearing an indecent, very revealing teddy-like outfit that left her breasts bare for all to see. The image confused her, so she looked at the other photos.
There was a picture of Jenny's Mum and Michele standing together in front of the scenery of a beach, exactly as Jenny remembered the picture to be (she wasn't in that picture).
Then there was another picture of Andrew and the too-sexy teenage girl (herself?) holding hands. Andrew was dressed just as she remembered he was that day, but Jenny couldn't comprehend the rest of the picture. The background was a public place, down at the harbourside near the ferry wharves, yet the teenage girl (herself?) was wearing only a tight-leather corset with frills, and a pair of very high stiletto heeled pumps; other than that, the girl was pretty much naked. She wore no panties, so her hairless girl-slit was exposed for all to see, and her breasts were only half-covered in the lower-half; the nipples hard & erect being left uncovered. Otherwise the pose and the background and Andrew himself were exactly as Jenny recalled it should be. Apart from the scantily clad girl, the pictures were normal.
Yet, they confused her even more than by the anachronism of the girl, for Jenny could recall those photos being taken. She could vaguely recall (as well as most people could) what she was supposed to be wearing in the photos. That was the real problem, because although it was utterly irrational and made no sense, Jenny could recall that she had indeed been wearing only a corset and high-heels that day at the harbourside. She could recall that she was wearing only that too tiny, and thoroughly sexy & indecent teddy-like outfit that day with Michele at the beach. She also knew that such a thing had to be crazy.
She tried to remember what she was wearing when the delivery guys were bringing all her furniture & boxes to this apartment; and her memories of what she was wearing were as crazy as those photos…
Jenny remembered that she'd been wearing a metallic-blue corset, high-heels, and no panties or stockings or anything else. The delivery guys had all leered at her, of course. She'd been walking out on the street in that outfit as she'd taken stuff from her car this morning as well. No panties, no bra, no decently covering clothing of any kind. But that's crazy….why wasn't she arrested or something? Why didn't anyone behave as if it was really out of the ordinary? (Well, apart from perving on her highly visible sexual assets…)
She started opening the dressing table drawers, and found clothes in them, but all of it was sensual sexy stuff…without any sign of panties, bra, or normal lingerie. No stockings or pantyhose either.
There was no way this could be true, Jenny thought, I'm not that kind of person…nobody could go around all day without getting problems from dressing like that…They'd get arrested by the cops, and be hassled by everyone for sure…
In one of the drawers, Jenny found her photo album. Inside were school photos. There were photos of Jenny in high school, wearing a mostly open white blouse with the school-badge, and nothing else; no bra, no panties, certainly no skirt. The pictures of Jenny as a teenager in high-school didn't appear to be any different from what she physically appeared to be in the reflection that she saw in the mirrored walls of the bedroom. The high-school "Jenny" was shown in one class photo standing in front, big breasts nearly popping-out of a white blouse that was only half-buttoned up, wearing extremely high-heels, and not a scrap of any other clothing. The rest of her class mates were dressed in proper school uniform.
Jenny couldn't believe these photos were real. They had to be fakes, surely.
Unable to recall ever wearing panties, yet knowing that she must've done, Jenny tried to imagine herself having panties on.
The task was futile; she couldn't imagine wearing panties at all, or anything that would cover her pussy or ass. She couldn't even imagine a picture of herself wearing a skirt and regular clothing. She tried to imagine having pussy-hair, but couldn't do that either…in her mind's eye, her pussy-slit was always bald of any hair, and never ever covered from the sight of anyone. The thought made her acutely embarrassed, and even more confused.
Surely that can't be true, Jenny thought, maybe somebody was playing with her mind…
Jenny decided to at least get dressed then, and try to work out what was really going on. She opened the wardrobe doors, admiring her own reflection for a brief moment, and feeling a stir within as the need for sex reasserted itself at the glimpse of her own luscious body. In the wardrobe there were no normal clothes; although there were numerous corsets, sheer negligees of tiny length, and numerous outfits somewhere in between. No dresses or anything even slightly decent at all.
I can't go out like this, but I have to wear something…
Jenny chose one of the negligee-outfits and put it on, finding it a perfect fit. It also left her breasts, pussy, and ass-cheeks completely exposed. It made her look like she was about to go to bed, perhaps entertaining a boyfriend, but certainly she couldn't rationally have worn such a thing in public. Yet, she recalled that the last time she wore this particular outfit was when she was visiting her Mum only a week ago. She tried to push the clear memory aside, tried denying that it could be real, but the memory refused to be called fake. Jenny could absolutely remember wearing the outfit at her Mum's place; in fact, she could even recall that Mum complimented her on how attractive her pussy looked that day (!?).
"I must be going insane", Jenny said to herself out loud, "…or I'm dreaming this whole crazy thing."
Wearing only the negligee, Jenny left the bedroom and idly started caressing her pussy-slit with one hand. It felt very nice, but she was hardly aware of what she was doing at the time. The horniness was getting stronger too, the need more persistent. Like an ache inside, an itch to be filled, and a hunger for touching in private places. She tried to ignore it, but it was growing more insistent with every minute.
She shook her head, trying to stay centred and calm, while her right hand slid a finger up & down her wet groove and rubbed her hard clitoris.
"Stay calm", she told herself, "I'm probably dreaming anyway…or there's a logical, rational reason…something that makes sense."
She didn't really believe that she was dreaming though; everything felt too real, too true, even though it had to be impossible.
Jenny tried to think, although her thoughts were fuzzy because of the intruding distractions; the nice feelings from her cunt as her finger caressed her love groove and button, the delightful sensation of the mere movements of the air brushing over her extra-sensitive labia and nipples and every other erogenous zone on her young body, the insistent hunger for sex deep inside her…
Jenny let a moan escape her lips, and tried hard to think clearly & rationally about the situation that she was in.
Okay, she thought, let's make a list of what I know to be certain and true here…I'll need a pen & paper.
Jenny searched around the apartment, just as if she herself had really been living there, and found a pen on the kitchen-counter and some sticky-notes on top of the refrigerator. Then she sat down in the living room on the wide leather sofa and commenced a list;
1)I've never worn any underwear or any kind of decent clothing which covered my wet pussy and lovely ass.
2)I've dressed really sexy like this in public, and not got into serious trouble!???
3)All the photos in the apartment show proof of 1 + 2 above.
4)Before I went into the shower this morning, the apartment was a mess. After I left the shower, the apartment is tidy and there's furniture that I don't recognize.
5)The telephone is of a type that I've never seen before, but has all the telephone numbers of my friends and relatives in it's memory.
6)There are no clothes in the bedroom except the ones that I remember wearing…but it's crazy that I would've worn such things.
7)I can't remember wearing panties, bra, trousers, skirts, or anything similar that would be called normal clothing.
8)What's in the other bedroom?
That last thought stopped her writing further; Jenny had to investigate that at least.
Thinking about this, Jenny stood up and went to second bedroom and opened the door. It opened easily, but what was inside was unexpected.
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BisexualShelly wasn't so sure she agreed. Her life was connected enough, without spending extra time playing with weird electronics. The evening could have been spent on a date, or studying, or just relaxing. Instead, she'd spent it listening about Ximena's new obsession, and now it was turning into some lame geekfest. "Aren't these 3-D glasses like they used to use with old TVs?" Shelly asked, watching her friend tease out the cords and plug them into the surprisingly large box. "Do you...
She came to me very quietly, the bed moved as she moved across the end of the bed on her knees. Her long brunette hair swung seductively from side to side and as I lay with my head on the pillow I could see down her blouse. Her tits were perfect and swung side to side as she moved between my legs. She had to push my legs apart and I knew I was fully erect before her hand touched my bulge.She reached inside the leg of my briefs and pulled that hard fleshy shaft into view and she blew gently...
Pebbles fantasy finally comes to life.Your fantasy begins with you going out for a night on the town with your girlfriends. Your boyfriend is away with his friends on a camping trip for three days, so you ring around your friends and arrange to go out on Friday night to the club. When you get there you do some dancing and drinking and have lots of fun. You meet two guys Jason and Joel at the club. There is instant chemistry between the 3 of you.Though only in their early 20’s, you first notice...
There is nothing wrong with your computer screen. Do not attempt to adjust the monitor. We are now controlling the transmission. We control the horizontal and the vertical. We can deluge you with a thousand transformations or expand one single crossdresser to crystal clarity and beyond. We can shape your reading to anything our imagination can conceive. For this story we will control all that you see and read. You are about to experience the awe and mystery, which reaches from...
HumorVirtual reality had come long way from the old school technology where user watched the display inside the helmet and swung the hand-held controllers in real life. Today's technology enables way better immersion to the virtual worlds. By utilizing advanced sensors on your body and head, one can basically leave their physical body behind and find themselves in whatever location created by the world creator. That level of virtual reality would have been considered as sci-fi just few years...
I wrote this BEFORE Spike and Buffy became an item during the actual show and due to Dawn's age at the time I only touched on her character lightly. I. Willow Willow couldn't get enough as she eagerly lapped at Tara's wet pussy... she had already made Tara cum twice and she could tell that her lover was on the way towards another orgasm by the way she was thrusting up her pelvis. "Aahahhhhhhhhhhhh" Tara cried out, exploding in orgasm. As they lay cuddling, Willow felt a heightened...
Something has shifted in the universe, and as such your character has inadvertently ended up in a completely different reality. It can be something small to something completely fantastical. However one thing is for sure, there is something off from this reality. Who knows what will be. Perhaps the world has turned gay or maybe all woman are futas. Maybe the socio-economic dynamics of the world has changed. Has it made your characters life better or worse. The universe has decided to change...
FetishThe day I met him was a big day. It was the day I moved out of my parents’ house and into my college dorm. The first week at school was only freshman, so that we could adjust to college life before the upperclassmen moved in. Having always been interested in older guys, I assumed it would be a dull week in terms of meeting hot guys. That day we had to attend a mandatory ‘alcohol awareness seminar.’ The girl in the room across the hall and I walked to the campus center and found seats in the...
The house had been on the market for a long time. The locals stay away from it, due to its history. The owners had been absentee for as long as anyone could remember. Finally, the For Sale Sign, which had become so weathered and faded by the elements that it was unreadable, was replaced by a For Rent sign. Apparently somebody new was taking over the account and had convinced the owner to lease the place. After all, with the college expanding in the town next door, rents were up all over, and...
"Fool! It has been too long!" The demonic voice echoed round the tiny house in Chelsbay. In the living room, flames crackled, yet strangely failed to burn anything. Leicester O'Donnell cowered before the cruel entity standing there. "Mercy, Master... Mercy!" "NO MERCY! My children grow hungry. We gave you all you asked, and your payment is past due. Where is the flesh you promised they would enjoy? WHERE?" Leicester held a letter in his trembling hands. "Look, Master! Look, I have a letter from...
FetishCliff Anderson had a hard-on. That wasn't anything unusual for him, but he was grading papers and he needed to keep his mind on his work. Well, he thought, leaning back in his chair, he wasn't in the classroom and didn't have to hide his stiff cock. He was at home, in his own apartment, and his wife should be back within a few minutes. Elaine wasn't exactly a schoolgirl, but she was only twenty-nine and looked and acted much younger. And what she didn't know about sex probably wasn't...
"That's the last of the furniture!" Said the middle-aged man and his movers as they finished putting the furniture into the empty, was-empty, house of the new suburban area. The movers would begin exiting the house as the new proud owner of the house began signing their paycheck and gave it to the head mover. "Thank you for the service! If it weren't for you guys, I would have bought the furniture to fill up the house" You jested, giggling and smiling as the head mover let out a hearty chuckle...
TranssexualChanging for Gym By Xoop Hill Street High School was built in the early 1990's in response to the town's recent growth. Too, the old school was a remnant of the 1920's, and looked it. The town had eventually given in to the inevitable and voted in a new school. The new building had everything. As befitted area weather, it was totally enclosed (except for the athletic's fields, of course). Yet its public areas never felt claustrophobic, for it relied a great deal on glass. The...
Introduction: After surviving her rape and the medical exam at the hospital Tori continues her struggle to grow up. How much had she contributed to her own downfall? What responsibility did she have for the situation she found herself in? The story again returns to erotica as things began to happen to Tori again, but are they reality or nightmares, read on to find out. Sunday morning my mother told me the doctor had called Saturday night and had given her good news about my ribs. I did not have...
You are in a deep dream when suddenly you feel a mysterious presence. You strangely feel at peace, but at the same time vulnerable, eventually this presence speaks. "You Are about to enter an alternate reality that is very different from your own. In your own world, you were raised since around two years old to pee into a strange bowl under a seat like contraption, with water that would carry your waste down pipes when you are finished. This contraption is found in private rooms, often...
FetishAuthors note: Normally I wrote this story with Matt as the main character but I wanted to give everybody their own freedom. So I added something small as a first chapter. The Book of Reality went trough a lot of universes, to some it helped but in some cases it generated total caos. In every world there are some who prefers chaos to harmony. Each Master of the book was different sure some of the book inputs were the same or had similar meanings but The Book of Reality granted every input...
Mind ControlKelly stared at the paper in her hand with excitement, her heating beating rapidly in her chest. 'I can't believe it!' she thought, her eyes brightening. 'I've actually been chosen!' Nearly skipping in excitement, Kelly quickly reached her phone and dialed the number that she had gotten from the sheet, excitedly declaring her positive response. Now, to get prepared. "Virtual Reality is the most advanced gaming and training technology found on Earth," the man talking to her said. He was leering...
You wake up to the sound of your buzzing alarm clock. After missing the mark a few times you eventually manage to hit the snooze button. Pulling your blankets tighter around yourself you let out a big yawn and try to fall back asleep but, before you can you hear the doorbell ring. You try to ignore it but they just keep ringing over and over again. Pulling your pillow over your head muffles the sound some but not enough to keep you from hearing the unknown guest begin to pound on the front...
Part 2.I open the door to the stark reality of him as a flesh and blood male, no longer the fantasy figure he’d been when Abbi and I spoke about him in Greece. He is brutishly present, a monolith of muscle and bone. I stand on our front step with my feet six inches above his. Our eyes are dead level: he is six-three tall. He seems taken aback to see me -- probably because it’s usually Abbi who answers the door. I ask him inside and take him...
CuckoldWhen Fantasy Becomes RealityLewis was Nigerian in origin but we had become friends in the gym.But there was a complication in all this: I found him sexually attractive. I couldn't look at him without imagining sucking his big black snake cock. He would just be running around the gym and I just could not help thinking about pulling his shorts down and taking his cock in my mouth.And when we met in the locker room showers, I couldn't take my eyes off his huge, monstrous cock, causing my shy...
From the netThe doorbell rang for the third time. I had no other option than getting myself out of the bed. Being alone at home on a Sunday morning does not guarantee peaceful sleep, I thought, while walking towards the door."Good morning, Mr. Handsome.""Radhika? How come...? Were we supposed to meet today? Did you call before leaving? Sorry, I didn't check the phone... And where's Madhav? You came alone?" I fired a round of not-so-significant questions, blocking the door."Wow. Is it a quiz...
It starts off as a wonderful day, it’s the first day of Laura’s new job as stay at home mom and Lydia has already left to pick up Ray Jr. at the airport so he can spend the summer at home. It would be a perfect day if Ray had been able to put off the business trip he had planned, but as usual, business comes first. As long as she can quit her job and relax at home for a while its worth Ray’s frequent out of town trips. Maybe with her added free time she can begin fixing herself up and try to...
The conversation was not that unusual; we talked about sex all the time. It was where we were having the discussion that made it atypical: at dinner, before a warm, crackling fire, at an old colonial Inn, surrounded by a dozen other diners. It was our six month anniversary. We celebrated with an evening out and a quiet dinner; me in a suit and tie, Sandra in a little black, cum-fuck-me dress, which she insisted on wearing despite the frigid winter weather. Her long, strawberry blonde hair...
HardcoreFanfiction to RealityCarly opened a search tab on her PearPad as Sam sat down next to her. "What're you doing Carly?" "I'm curious about something. Our show is really popular. I was wondering if we had reached the level of popularity where people begin to write fan fictions about it." "Are you sure about that? There are some strange fan fictions. Are you sure you'll be comfortable with whatever you find?" "Of course, what's the worst that can happen?" Carly typed iCarly into the search bar of...
226 JULIE KNEW IN REALITY.Her name was Julie, she is a pretty, 5ft 2” blonde, 34d perky breasts, a tidy bubble butt and a slim-waist, men would die for... in your dreams… sadly that’s not true, the real Julie is 5ft 4” dirty blonde, 36 34 38 and everything setting off south if it wasn’t for the support of a good bra and a strong corset. She is married to a no hope, layabout, gambling, drinker called Mac, Mac `s last job was milk monitor at the school, where they met. Julie is deeply in love...
Both my wife and I really enjoy viewing videos, blogs and profiles of mature couples like ourselves involving wife swapping, cucks or just adding that extra person to share her body. We have yet to make that final move in turning fantasy into reality, this nearly happened during the summer. It was a hot a July day and we were teasing each other,touching, flashing etc,she was also being very verbal saying that she wants two cocks to tease rather than the one and the other needed to be bigger...
Reality By Maid Wendy My story starts just seven months ago. A normal day of packages to deliver, and protective dogs to tend with. It had just snowed, and I was eager to wrap up the day, and head for home to get my driveway cleared. Just one more package stood between me and freedom for the day. Reaching back while the motor hummed at the stop light, I grabbed the small package, and read it's address... 213 County Rd 2. "Uhm, I thought that house was empty." The name read...
Due to the limitations of plain text, I will be adopting a convention where the accent mark, ', will signify character thoughts for the Fictionmania version of this tale. My Dreams, My Reality By Kellie "Cowgyrl" Thomas "You coming with us tonight, Al?" Greg asked I hesitated. "I don't know. I..." "Oh, come on." He pressed. "It's the end of the semester. You need to unwind." He leaned in closer and whispered suggestively. "Besides this place has the hottest chicks...
EMAIL REALITY by Lauren Westley (Authoress Note: All disclaimers regarding characters, age appropriateness etc are in effect. This piece is about humiliation, degradation and other XXXX sexuality. This is a short story and not sure when or if I'll complete. If you read it I hope you like it and if it's not your thing just stop reading now. Thanks, [email protected] I know I'm neither pretty nor young but even though to the eye I'm visible as an older man that's on the outside it doesn't...
Back to Reality By Kasumi This is the direct sequel to The Castaway. If you haven't read that story yet, please do so before continuing with this one! March 1st 2013 It's strange to be opening this journal once more. I thought... well, I thought that once I was off the island, back to civilization, back to reality, that maybe things would just go back to the way they were. Actually I don't know if I really even thought anything about what would happen. I mean, when the...
Julie had left work early so she would have plenty of time to get home and ready herself before Matt got home from his business trip later tonight. Sitting on the train, her mind racing as she ran through everything in her head. Her heart pounding at the thoughts she was having. Her face flushed as she realised she was getting aroused at her thoughts. She looked around making sure no one was looking at her. She arrived home and went straight into the bedroom where she stripped off to her...
AnalA New Reality by Karen Beth (Karen Elizabeth L.) To say that my sister Karen and I don't get along is an understatement. She's fourteen and I'm fifteen, but to me, she's a bratty little kid who's always getting me in trouble with our parents. She always managed to know when I was doing something I wasn't supposed to be doing and made sure that our parents found out. Of course I happily returned the favor my telling our parents...
An Alternate Reality Written by Rikki "Kevin, get up. Breakfast is almost ready," his father called out. "Wake up." Kevin slowly got out of bed. Today was the first day after high school graduation and he was looking forward to sleeping in. It had been a long night. He looked at the clock. 7:00 AM. "Kevin," his father called out again, "let's go honey." Honey? His dad never called him honey before. Kevin pulled on a tee shirt and a pair of...
A Beautiful Wishby 800ibgorrilaChapter 1: Waking from RealityGeorge lazily opened his eyes to the sight of the ceiling fan in his room spinning slowly overhead. Its hypnotic circles threatened to put him to sleep again. He turned to the alarm clock next to the bed, it read just past 1:00 am. He turned back to the ceiling fan and let out another deep breath as he rubbed his face, immediately grimacing in pain as he remembered his black eye.He laid there a moment trying to get his bearings. ...
NovelsMy parents were both professors at a nearby college. Their work never interested me, yet I found myself front and center at their latest demonstration. Their department had finally finished constructing a particle accelerator. Science was not my area of expertise, in fact, I was not that good a student in any subject area. Everything went over my head. My Mom explained how the massive contraption worked, what it was used for, and the purpose of their research. Each time she spoke, it flowed in...