A Night With Fran - Part 1 Of 2 free porn video

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Hank had always like Fran. He liked her a lot. They had a great platonic relationship which he rued almost every day. In fact, he often dreamed about her and masturbated to thoughts of her. Sure, he had girlfriends over the years, and he had his share of sexual adventures since he was a senior in high school and during his time away at college. But Fran seemed to always occupy his idle thoughts. The problem was that she was almost twice his age and married with a teen aged daughter. Hank was twenty and Fran was thirty-five.

They had been co-teaching advance life-saving courses during the summers for the last three years. Prior to that she had taught him advanced life-saving and the instructor course as well. On this particular Friday evening, they were co-teaching a course at the local Y. Whenever either of them was assigned a course to teach they would always ask that the other be assigned as their partner.

Their ten students were swimming laps at the end of the night and Fran and Hank were walking up and down the length of the pool watching to make sure their strokes were correct. Hank decided to stop midway and watch from there as Fran continued to walk back and forth. On the third or fourth trip, she put her hand on his butt and gave him a little squeeze.

Hank was shocked. She had never done that before. She had never even touched him unless it was strictly necessary during the course of instruction. Even then, when they did touch, he thought of her touches as electrifying. He quickly glanced at her as she walked calmly away. He watched her perfect bottom move in her bathing suit, but her attention was completely focused on the students in the water. Hank then took a quick look at the lobby windows to see if anyone was paying attention but he saw that, from where he was standing, no one would have been able to see what she had done.

Not wanting to just let it go and chalk it up as accidental, because from the squeeze he knew it was not, he started to walk in the opposite direction thinking he would say something witty as they passed. He tried to think of what he could say that would be funny and bring a smile to her beautiful face. He was still without the words as he turned at the end of the pool. He saw that Fran had gotten to the spot where he had been standing and was now just standing there herself.

“What’s good for the goose is good for the gander,” he thought.

As he passed behind her, he tapped her butt with the back of his hand. She must have been expecting it because she caught his wrist with her hand and stopped him.

“Trying for a little payback?” she asked. With a slight grin on her face.

“I wasn’t trying. It was payback,” he said smiling.

“No,” she said, “I squeezed your ass, you just tapped mine. This would have been payback.”

She took his hand and placed his palm on her ass. He gave her a little squeeze as the looked into each other’s eyes.

“See the difference?”

“Fran,” Hank said, “what’s going on?”

“What do you mean? After all these years can’t you and I be a little more than just friends?”

“Of course. And besides, we’re already more than friends aren’t we? Don’t we always ask for each other to teach? Don’t we call each other to talk about stuff? Don’t we laugh about things together?”

“Yeah,” she replied, “we are and we do, but… Not to change the subject, but can I ask you for a favor?”

“Duh,” Hank said, “you know that you can always ask me for anything and if I can do it, I will.”

“Can you stay late with me and help fill out the performance sheets on the class? I know that I’m primary on this one, but I could really use a hand. Besides, you were the one in the water with them and know better how they did than I do.”

“Of course I’ll stay. After all, it’s only Friday night and I have nothing better to do.”

“Oh, I’m sorry,” Fran said. “I didn’t even think. So, who are you dating?”

“Nobody,” Hank replied, “I wasn’t kidding. It’s Friday and I have nothing to do.”

“Oh, so you will stay?”


“That’s great,” she said resting her hand on his bicep.

“Uh, Fran?” Hank said.

“What,” she replied still holding onto his arm.

“What’s with the touchy feely stuff tonight?”

She ticked her tongue and began to walk away but stopped and said, “We can talk after we finish the performance reports, okay?”

“Sure,” he said shaking his head.

They finished out the class and sent all the students home. Fran and Hank sat on the deck in one corner of the pool area and began working on the performance reports. They sat crossed legged opposite from one another as they worked. Hank’s attention was split three ways. A third on the reports, a third on her C-cup cleavage and a third on her crotch. They had never done this before and his mind wandered to thoughts he would want to use later that night. He wondered if she shaved “down there” because he saw no hint of hair and could just barely see the outline of her vaginal lips straining against the material of her red one piece suit. Not a camel toe, but it wouldn’t take a whole lot to get there. And, for the first time, he could see small lumps where her nipples pushed against the material as well.

Unbeknownst to him, her attention was also split three ways. Equal parts split between the reports, his handsome face and body and wondering what he hid beneath his suit. She had bumped it a few times, and even brushed it once with a hand accidentally, but it's full dimensions were a mystery.

“Good night,” called Ginny from across the pool area. “Hank, please make sure you lock up when you guys leave. You’re the last ones in the building. I’ll kill all the lights except for in here. Turn them out when you’re done.”

“Sure thing, Ginny,” Hank called back. “Could you leave the lights in the shower room on for us? We’ll be wrapping up in a little while and we both need the showers.”

“You got it hon. Good night.”

“Good night,” they both called out in unison.

By the time they finished the paperwork, it was another half hour. Fran packed all the papers in her carry-all and was about to get up to leave.

“Whoa,” said Hank. “Aren’t we going to talk for a while?”

“I was wondering if you really wanted to know or if you were just asking before. So, you really do want to talk huh?”

“Fran, what’s happening with you?”

“Hank, could you turn off most of the lights. Just leave the security lights on in here. I feel like a target sitting in here with all the lights on and it being dark outside. Besides, we don’t need a whole lot of light just to talk.”

Hank obliged her by going to the main office and shutting off the lights in the pool. When he returned he saw that she had arranged a bunch of towels against one wall so they could sit side by side in comfort.

As he sat next to her, she began to speak, “Do you know how much I like you?”

“Sure, and I like you too,” he replied.

“No, I mean, God, this is weird. We’ve known each other for over five years, since you were fifteen and took your life-saving class with me.”

“Yeah, I know. There’s nothing weird about that.”

“I’m getting to the weird part. Well… Okay, just let me get it out there. There’s been a bunch of stuff that’s happened in the last few months that’s changed the way I think about you. Number one thing was that Jimmy, my husband left me and Beth about three months ago for his bimbo secretary. Beth goes to see him on weekends and I filed for divorce about two months ago.”

“Oh crap, I’m sorry Fran. I didn’t know.”

“Nobody does yet except our families. Well, and here’s the weird part,” she said resting her hand on Hank’s knee. “When you were only fifteen, after only a couple of classes, I wanted you in the worst, or maybe that should be the best way possible.”

“What?” Hank spurted incredulously.

“Yeah, I did, but I didn’t want to be one of those teachers they show on the news that seduces their teenage students and then gets sent to jail. So, the only way I could deal with it was to never touch or even be close to you. Once you turned eighteen, I knew it would be safe to seduce you, but I was married and I was faithful to my husband even though he is a schmuck. I had to settle for just thinking about you when the times were right.”

“That’s funny Fran, because I think about you a lot too, when the times are right, if we’re saying the same thing.”

“I think we are,” she said rubbing his thigh. “Anyway, with Jim gone, I decided that I would like to get to know you even better if you wanted to get to know me. For me, touching is my way of making a first connection. Tonight was the first opportunity I had to touch you a little and find out.”

“So giving my ass a squeeze was your way of saying hello and asking, are you interested?” Hank asked.

Fran smiled and said, “In a way, I suppose. A little naughty, but effective. You responded didn’t you?”

“Sure did. What man wouldn’t respond to a beautiful woman wanting to play a little grab ass?”

“I guess you’re right, but then why do you tense up every time I do touch you? Even when I put my hand on your knee or thigh or when I grabbed your arm earlier, I could feel you get tense.”

“Because, except for when I’m teaching, I’m basically a shy and insecure kind of guy. Did you know that I went steady with my first girlfriend for almost three months before I tried to kiss her? When we finished our kiss she asked me what took me so long. I just didn’t and now don’t want to do anything that would offend you or make you upset with me. I’m always afraid of going too far with my thoughts or what I do.”

Fran looked at Hank squarely in the eyes and asked, "you've always been honest with me so I want you to be absolutely open with me now, okay?"

"Okay," he said tentatively.

"In your wildest dreams, where would you want our relationship going?"

"Jeez, Fran, that a loaded one. Okay, open and honest... Well, I have dreamed about you many times and some of those dreams were pretty wild. So I'd have to say that in my wildest dreams, I envision us as lovers."

"How do you feel about that?" Fran asked.

"It always makes me feel warm and excited and happy. A great wet dream you might say. My question is how do you feel about one of your students and a teaching partner having sexual dreams about you?"

Fran smiled and said, "It makes me feel good that you think that way about me. How would you feel about doing something about your dreams? As a matter of fact, how do you feel when I do this?”

Fran shifted onto one hip and began rubbing her far hand on his chest.

“I wonder if I’m dreaming,” he said closing his eyes.

“Or this,” she said leaning in and taking his ear lobe between her lips.

“Oh God,” he said with a sigh.

Releasing his ear she slid her mouth next to his and whispered, “Or this.” Her soft lips covered his.

Hank enjoyed her kiss. Her lips were soft and warm. With a reckless heart he brought his hand to the back of her head and inserted his fingers in her hair. He moved his mouth in small circles for a while before opening his mouth more and inviting her in. She immediately responded by offering him her tongue. He touched hers with his as their kiss became more and more intense and heated. Their tongues moved in a slippery dance as they tasted each other and reveled in the silky tango. He felt himself beginning to stiffen as her one hand continued to play on his thigh and the other on his chest while they swapped all the spit they had.

She broke the kiss and breathlessly said, “Wait, let’s try this.”

Fran pushed Hank on his shoulder and had him lay flat on his back on the towels. She straddled his stomach and leaned down to continue their mutual oral game. Her hands played between their chests and his began to run up and down her thighs, always touching her knees in one direction and going a little higher with each trip up.

Fran inched her way backward, constantly yearning for more and harder contact with his crotch. She finally hit his pubic bone and began to feel the heat emanating from his swelling cock. She wanted it, she wanted it in her, but she wanted him to want her too. She rocked back and forth sliding her swelling pussy over the hardness of his bones and now fully erect boner.

Hank brought his hands up her thighs one last time before they ventured up her sides and then, at last, he cupped her magnificent tits. He could feel her stiffened nipples through her bathing suit but could not think of a way to free them to the air and his skin. He pushed his hips up to meet each of her downward movements and she responded each time by moaning into his mouth. He played with her nipples, pinching them softly between his fingers. He loved how hard they were getting and how intense her moaning was becoming.

Fran lifted her face from his. She furrowed her brow, squeezed her eyes and held her breath for a moment. She stopped moving, so he did also. Unsure of what was happening, Hank moved his hands to her shoulders and he held her.

“Are you okay?” he asked softly while supporting her weight.

“Tell me something, and again, be completely honest. I’ll know if you’re hedging,” she whispered.

He nodded his head.

“If we keep going like this, are you going to want to fuck me?”

“No,” he whispered back.

“No!” she demanded jumping off of him and kneeling almost three feet away.

Hank moved to kneel in front of her, took her by the shoulders, moved his lips within millimeters of hers and whispered, “I guarantee you this. I will never fuck you. I’m going to want to make love to you all night long.”

She kissed him. The kiss was long, hard and wet. Their mutual desire was deepening and coming dangerously close to igniting what little fabric they wore. He wanted to move her to towels and get her suit off and from the intensity of her kiss so did she.

Again she broke the kiss to whisper, “I don’t want to do this here. I want you to make love to me in my bed.”

“Are you sure?” he retorted. “I think we’re both pretty ready right now.”

“Have you ever gone skinny dipping?”

“Jesus, Fran,” Hank said. “Are you kidding?”

“No, I’m not kidding. I want to cool down but stay hot at the same time. It’s perfect and we’re in the perfect place for it.”

“Whatever you say.”

“Good,” Fran said with enthusiasm, “get that suit off.”

“You take it off. Then I’ll take yours off. Deal?”

“Deal,” she said as they both stood.

Fran pulled on the front of Hank’s suit and found the string that kept it from sliding to his ankles when he dove in the water. She hunted for one of the loose ends and pulled out the knot. Kneeling in front of him, she put her thumbs in the waistband of the suit and began pulling the suit down. To her surprise, that was all he had on. Jim had always worn a jock strap under his suits. Hank’s cock was pushed off to one side and as it was freed from the confines of his suit, it swung out in front of her face.

“Oh my God,” she said, “you’re beautiful.”

Fran didn’t wait to get his suit off before taking his hardness in her hand to stroke it a couple of times. She squeezed him as she pulled up his shaft and she ran her fingers all around his head.

“You’re so long and thick and hard!”

“Thanks, but I thought you wanted to cool off and if you don’t stop that I’m going to make a mess right here.”

“Right, right,” she muttered.

She grabbed his suit and started to pull it down his legs but she couldn’t resist temptation. As she pulled down, she slid her mouth over his pre-cum gleaming head and gently sucked on him for a moment or two. She felt his hands in her hair urging her to take him deeper. She wanted to take him into her throat, but not yet, so she gently resisted his pressure and finished getting his suit off.

“Tell me something,” he said as she stood before him.

“Name it,” was her reply

He slid his thumbs beneath the shoulder straps of her suit and began to pull them off her shoulders.

“Do you like giving and getting oral sex or just giving it?”

He slid the straps down her arms and freed her beautiful breasts to the air and his eyes. Her aureoles were a light brown and relatively small and her breasts were surprisingly firm for their size. In his experience, women or girls with C-cup tits usually sagged, but hers were both full and firm.

“I like both giving and getting,” she replied.

“Good,” he muttered as he took a nipple into his mouth and began to suckle.

She shuddered as his warm mouth covered her and his tongue flicked quickly up and down across her nipple. She wanted this to be true and it was. He did know what she liked. Either by experience or watching a thousand porn flick, she knew that he was going to be a good lover.

He lowered himself to his knees and continued to bare her skin as he peeled her suit down.

“Oh yeah,” he said as the fabric cleared her crotch and he could now see that she was clean shaven.

As she lifted one leg to get it out of her suit, he put both of his arms between her legs and got a firm grip on her ass. She put her foot back down to get her balance. Her feet were fairly wide apart because of his arms between her legs.

Hank kissed the inside of her thigh and gently moved up toward her honey pot. He bit on the inside of his lips so that they pinched her inner thigh as he slowly progressed closer and closer. Her heat and aroma enticed him nearer. As he came close to her opening he licked her lips to savor her taste and gently begin to open her flower. Just as he began to slide his tongue between her lips she took his head in her hands and lifted him away.

“Aw gee, I was so close,” he said rising to his feet.

“You’ll get plenty of me later. Let’s go swimming.”

Leaving their suits on the deck, they both dove into the pool.

Fran toyed with him. She had him swim after her for a while and then would turn and try to get him in a head lock. He knew all the tricks and releases so she never really got a good hold on him. As for him, he enjoyed the chase and the escapes.

One thing they found fun to do was stay vertical in the water with their legs spread using only their arms to stay up. The other one would then swim down between their legs and release all their air up into the other’s crotch. That was fun until Fran, instead of releasing her air took one of his balls in her mouth. That was okay, but then she pulled on him a little too hard and she could hear him yelp even from under the water.

Another time, he caught up to her as she swam away and he put her in a T-bar hold. From behind, he wrapped his arm around her waist and then, reaching between her legs, grabbed his own arm with his other hand. She didn’t struggle to get out of the hold, but to stay in it. She even pulled up on his arm to help increase the pressure on her pussy. He didn’t let go until he ran out of air and had to surface. After almost an hour horsing around, they made their way down to the shallower end of the pool, where they could stand but keep their bodies mostly in the water.

“Well, look what you’ve done,” he said, “all the swelling is gone. Thanks doc.”

Reaching between his legs and cupping his balls and dick in her hand she said, “I don’t think that’s really going to be an issue.”

They smiled at one another, pressed their bodies together and began to enjoy another long wet kiss.

He couldn’t believe that after all this time lusting for her he was swimming around with her, in the nude, with the promise of a night together. She couldn’t believe that after all this time looking at this handsome, funny and adorable hunk and wondering what they would be like together, she had him nude and he was hung like a fucking stallion.

They were perfect for each other in many ways. Their heights were just about perfect. As they stood in the water, his cock pressed perfectly between her legs. He enjoyed women with just enough tit. Enough to be a good handful, but not so much that they needed to wear a bra to look decent.

This time he broke the kiss to ask, “What say we go take showers and get ready to leave.”

“Oh, I get it. You want to go play some other more interesting games, huh?”

“I can’t say the thought hasn’t crossed my mind. I would like to grab dinner at the Y.”


He reached down in the water, patted her pussy, and said “At the Y.”

She smiled and said, “Well in that case I can eat at the I at the same time.”

They both chuckled and began swimming down to the end of the pool where they had left their suits. They got out, gathered their few things and began walking toward the shower rooms hand in hand.

“You said we should take showers,” Fran reminded him.


“I want to change that a little and just take one. Together. You game?”

“Sure,” Hank said. “I’ve never had the pleasure, and sure would like to try it with you. You’ll teach me what you would like?”

“I plan on both teaching and learning all night tonight,” Fran replied.

They approached the two locker room doors and Fran said, “You go get the shower running and warm and I’ll go get my soap and shampoo, okay?”


They parted ways. He started the shower going and she went for the shampoo and soap. When she walked into men’s shower, he stood under the steaming water with nothing on but a smile. She grinned too as she joined him under the water.

“There’s only one thing I’m going to ask of you before we bed down for the night,” she said.

“Okay,” he said with a little hesitation.

“I want you to let me shave your privates. There’s nothing I hate worse that getting a pubic hair stuck between my teeth. I want you as clean as I am.”

“No problem if you have a razor we can use. I don’t have mine obviously.”

“Not only do I have a razor at home, but I have shaving cream, a big bathtub we can do it in and a very steady hand.”

“Great. I’ve never shaved down there before. What’s it feel like?”

“I can tell you the first time I shaved, it was just magnificent with the air on your skin. It really was exhilarating.”

“Nice. How should we start? Want me to wash your hair first?”

"That would be perfect. Here," she said, "this side is the shampoo and this side is the conditioner. I'm trying to think of how to stand to make it the easiest for you."

"Just stand still," Hank said.

He positioned himself behind her and waited until her shoulder length hair was completely wet. He wanted to bump his groin into her tight little high school cheerleader sized ass while washing her hair, but he figured there would be plenty of time for that later. The shampooing and conditioning took a while to accomplish, but they were both enjoying the feel of the hot water and being naked together in the otherwise familiar setting.

"My turn," Fran said reaching for the soap.

She got behind him and started with his back. Her hands slid across his broad shoulders and she relished the thought of how these powerful muscles we're going to make her feel later that night. She had to hold herself back from going too quickly to get to the good parts and enjoy every inch of his skin while he was under her control this way. She took her time washing under his arms and down his sides and back. She washed his chest from behind, marveling at his strong chest muscles and rippled abs.

Approaching what she thought of as the first good part, she lathered the soap in her hands, put the soap in the soap dish and, kneeling behind him, took both his cheeks in her hands and massaged him for a good three minutes. Thinking she had worked his glutes enough, she stood. She got the soap out of the soap dish, put her hand on his back and told him to bend over. She wanted every single inch clean.

Hank complied, wondering what she was going to do. Then he felt the soap and her fingers going up and down between his cheeks. She must have held the soap in one hand because with her other she ran her middle finger up and down his crack and then circle his ass hole for a little while. He had never had anyone play with him this way and he was ecstatic the entire time.

Clean enough, she thought. Fran then knelt behind him again and after telling him to spread his legs a little started lathering his thighs and calves. She got down to his feet and the started back up focusing her attention on the insides of his legs. She used the soap to pave her way up his legs. She wasn't reluctant, but wanted to teach him how she wanted to be done when it was her turn. When she got to the point where she was beginning to touch his nuts, she lathered her hands again, dropped the soap and caressed him gently.

Compared to Jim, Hank hung lower and his balls were bigger. She knew that from when she had taken him in her mouth earlier in the pool. She didn't want to hurt him again so she washed him as lovingly as she could. Fran wondered if he would like something that she had thought about trying with her soon to be ex to excite him. Gathering the soap back into her hands, she got a good handful of suds and then, from between his legs, began stroking his cock as though she was milking a cow. He was already semi hard, but with what Fran was treating him to, he became steel in no time at all.

Hank loved what Fran was doing. She was playing him like a violin and he was powerless to control himself in her hands. The only thing he hoped he could do was learn from her. He wanted her to be as powerless in his hands as she had him in hers. But now that she was stroking him from behind through his legs, he was at a loss to think of how he was going to return the favor to her. Hank didn't think he had ever been this hard and excited in his entire life. Even when he was playing games with the girls at school, none of them had ever touched him this way. She let go of his rod and stood before him.

Wordlessly they gazed into each other's eyes from a foot apart. Hank could not help from being the one to break the moment and he leaned in very slowly and gave his lips to the woman of his dreams. She took them with equal parts tenderness and eagerness. What had started as a night that she intended to seduce a young man into her bed was quickly turning into the beginnings of a mutual relationship with a young man whom she admired and believed in and was finding herself infatuated.

He reached for the soap while they were still kissing, and began to wash her back. His warm hands found her warm wet skin intoxicating. It was silky smooth from the soap and running water and his hands glided effortlessly to cleanse her of the pool water.

Mimicking Fran's approach he began washing her chest, beginning with her neck and inch by inch lowering his hand until he held her magnificent mounded melons in his palms and fingers. Her nipples immediately responded to his touch rising into hard nubs and pressing themselves into his exploring hold. His cock pressed into her ass as he felt her excitement grow. They were glorious he thought. They were so soft and pliant. They were firm but yielding at the same time.

His body yearned to turn her and explore them with his lips and tongue, but, he knew he would have his chance later. He wrestled internally, not wanting to interrupt his ministrations to pleasure himself, but also wanting to take this experiment they were doing to the next level and do it right now! Sanity prevailed and he left her tits to wash her stomach.

She gasped as he raked his fingers across her bikini line and brought his hands to her sides and hips. She turned her head and they kissed again, sliding against one another and eating each others' mouth. He reached the tops of her buttocks. He needed to break their mutual tongue play, but his heart, mind and body could not find the resolve. She at last recognized that he had stopped his washing and was now holding her in her arms with his hardened cock pressed between her cheeks.

Lovingly she turned her face from him and crossed her arms across her chest, hold her breasts in her own hands, playing with her nipples. He quickly resumed his labor of desire by kneeling behind her and gently washing her ass. She spread her legs and bent over slightly to accommodate him. He reveled in touching the marvelous globes of flesh as he gazed between her legs at the gash that he hoped would later provide him with sustenance and surrounding warmth.

As she had done to him, he ran his fingers up and down her crack and soon targeted her little brown rosette. At first he only ran his index finger in circles around her, but soon graduated to slowly inserting his pinky into her tightness. Her moans of pleasure told him he was doing it right and he soon spread her cheeks with his hands and brought his tongue to her brownness. At first he was scared that he would smell shit and be turned off but only the aroma of the soap met his nose as his tongue met her sensitive rectum. He started slow, but was soon running races and her sounds of pleasure increased in length and volume. She soon began to straighten up, putting an end to his first experiment in oral ass play. He had learned from it and would enjoy it many times in the future, in many positions and in many places.

He lathered his hands and, reaching between her legs, began to wash her at the bikini line. He made sure his wrist made firm contact with her pussy as he rubbed his hand both up and down and back and forth. She liked what he was doing but want him to stop teasing her. She reached down and pushed his hands down to begin washing her snatch. He knew how to do this well. He spread his fingers like a Vulcan and rubbed back and forth from front to back, careful to stay on the outsides of her outer lips. He tucked his pinky under and used just his two outer fingers to tease her lips as he continued to excite her body. She was beginning to swell and she had to put her hands on the wall to steady herself. That was when he dipped his middle finger to drag along her sensitive slit and he made first contact with her clit.

"Ooh," was all she kept spurting in short gasping breaths.

With one hand he reached around her and played her clit beneath his thumb and with the other hand he entered her with one, then two fingers and began fucking her.

"Oh Christ, stop. Please stop," she begged in a breathless voice.

"Why, you're so close?" He asked slowing his pace.

"Because," she said pushing his hand from within her, "I want the first time we cum to be together and I want your beautiful hard cock buried deep inside me when we do."

He knew she had a way she wanted this to go and the last thing he would do was disappoint her or ignore her desires. As she rinsed herself off a little, he tasted his finger for the sweet nectar she produced before rinsing his hands. When she was finished she wrapped her arms around his neck and devoured his lips. She was hungry for him and desperate for his attention and needs.

"Thank you, Hank. Thank you for wanting to please me. Thank you for wanting me as much as I want you."

"Fran, you have it so backward. I should be one giving you thanks."

"Okay, that's enough of that. No more of the thank you stuff. We are doing this for each other and ourselves, so let's just enjoy."

"Deal. I'll meet you up front after we get dry and get dressed."

"Nope. Dry off, the just wrap yourself in a towel. I'll do the same. We won't be needing clothes. Just gather your stuff and come in the ladies locker room to help me carry my stuff."

The ever obedient student, he did as told. They shut off the lights and he followed her home in his car.

This is the end of Part 1 in this two part mini-series. Please read part 2 for more of Fran and Hank's night together.

Same as A Night With Fran - Part 1 of 2 Videos

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Z Facing the World This Time With Her Sister FranChapter 13 DAY 6 Mid Afternoon DAY 7

DAY 6 “I want to barbecue steaks for our last night together. I have a flight out tomorrow morning. Please direct me to someplace that has good steaks.” Fran thought of Bianchi’s Italian market. Kyle wanted to get 3 300 gram steaks. “I’m not sure Fran and I can even split one that large and not have leftovers.” Kyle found a bottle of barbecue sauce and two bottles of Italian wine. I picked up garlic bread, a container of pasta salad, and a little paprika to use as a colorful...

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Z Facing the World This Time With Her Sister FranChapter 12 KYLE

Kyle returned ready for sex. “Mr. Skully, I began, showers first. Outside in the pool shower, or upstairs in the master bedroom bath? Your call.” I quickly loosened his belt, unzipped his fly, and let his pants drop. He answered, “Upstairs...” Then as Fran and I scampered up the stairs and into the master bedroom we heard, “Hey, wait for me.” Kyle arrived in the master bedroom holding his pants up. I gave Kyle a sexy full mouth kiss. “Mr. Skully, you are wearing entirely too much clothing....

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Fran in Service Ch 0102

I have the complete story. Send your comments to my email and if you want I will post more. Thanks DocS Fran in Service – The Beginning Part 1 Fran is an attractive 45 year old mother of three. Her children have left home for college and she and her husband had recently moved into a new neighborhood. America’s war on terrorism had taken her husband away the week after the move and placed him on an aircraft carrier on the other side of the planet. She attempted to keep herself busy with her...

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Ventura Fran and Me

You may have read about how Ventura and I got together and now I am her regular essential toy boy so to speak. Meeting Ventura was a great and wonderful moment in my life for which I shall forever be grateful to providence. I would never have thought in a month come sundays how wonderful such a strong passionate sexual encounter could be with a person 15 years older than I, but Ventura has all it takes and much more and now I am regularly seeing her and her friend Francesca whom I shall call...

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Slave SisterChapter 3 Fran Goes to Church

Fran laid in bed thinking. Her brother had, after his now traditional good morning fuck, just left the room heading back to his own bed before their mother woke up. How, she wondered, after the events of the last two days could she possibly go to church this morning and act like every thing was normal? How could she help teach those innocent second graders in Sunday school after all of the perverted and depraved things she had been forced to do? It all started Thursday night when her brother...

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A Night With Fran Part 2 of 2

At the end of Part 1, we left Fran leading Hank to her home. They had finished teaching a life-saving class, did some work, skinny dipped in the pool together and then taken a shower where they intimately came to know each other's bodies. We pick up as they reach her home. Fran opened both garage doors and shut them both once they were in. She had a beautiful home which he was appreciating for the first time as they walked through the den, the kitchen, the front hall, up the stairs and finally...

Love Stories
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Z Facing the World This Time With Her Sister FranChapter 7 Invitations

A brief recap: Fran and I manage what amounts to a lightly used vacation rental. The house belongs to the parents of our shared boyfriend, Rick May, who, alas, is in Chicago at UIC. Fran and I normally stay in our tiny house. Our most recent vacationers, a senior lawyer and his wife, enjoyed four days and three nights at the May’s house. As promised, they called my cell in the morning. “We have to leave at 8:00. We are up and you can come over any time to pick up the key. We knew about the...

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Z Facing the World This Time With Her Sister FranChapter 4 Iced Tea and Robert B

It was a comfortable 30-minute walk to The Beach Bistro. As Fran and I walked I had an idea. I had gotten a BS&O request from Robert B. I shared the idea with Fran and got an instant agreement. I called and Robert answered. I said, “Hi. This is Z3 from BS&O. My normal rate is $200 for one hour with me. But for today only, and by today I mean right now, I have a special deal that will cost you only a little more.” “I have to hear the deal and the extra cost before I agree to your...

4 years ago
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Fran Wants To Play

It was an absolutely off the wall question and it caught me completely off guard. I was sitting at the dinner table with my wife and we had been discussing how our days had gone when Fran said, "Honey, have you ever thought about me going to bed with another man?" Like I said, totally off the wall. I put my fork down and looked at her. "What?" I asked, not believing that I'd heard right. "Have you ever imagined me going to bed with some one else?" I stared at her and the said, "What...

2 years ago
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Moments in a LifeChapter 7 Fran

The basketball season was now over which meant that after completing his studies, Bob Lacy had more time for socializing. He had the time to go out on weekends and possibly expand his social horizons. Bob's relationship with Stacy had deteriorated after she had told him that she wanted to date other guys. Well, it just wasn't other guys as he later found out. It was one guy that she had her sights set on, Lou. Lou was a junior and had been the other starting guard on the basketball team....

3 years ago
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Fran the submissive slut

I have arranged for you to take a part time job as a substitute teacher at an all-boys school. The classes you will teach are small, 5-8 boys, at a school for especially difficult k**s with behavioral problems. The k**s are around 18. Young, eager, and very horny boys. You will dress in a simple blouse, two sizes too large for you, so that the top can easily fall away from your boobs. You will leave the top three buttons undone at all times. Your skirt will be about knee length, flared...

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Fran the submissive slut

I have arranged for you to take a part time job as a substitute teacher at an all-boys school. The classes you will teach are small, 5-8 boys, at a school for especially difficult k**s with behavioral problems. The k**s are around 18. Young, eager, and very horny boys. You will dress in a simple blouse, two sizes too large for you, so that the top can easily fall away from your boobs. You will leave the top three buttons undone at all times. Your skirt will be about knee length, flared at the...

1 year ago
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Z Facing the World This Time With Her Sister FranChapter 9 The Skullys

The email said that we would be greeting Douglas & Elane Skully, their son Kyle, his wife, Karleen, and their three children Kurt, 10, Kaycee, 5, and Kallie, 3. They would be spending five days (four nights) on our island. DAY 1 We had their flight information and as expected – it was in their written instructions – got a phone call as the family was leaving the airport in their rental van. We would great the family, show them the appliances, hot tub, and pool. And depart. That’s not...

3 years ago
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Fran and the Burglars

Your master had been very pleased with your behavior at school. The boys also must have been satisfied with their little slut toy, otherwise known as ‘Fran, the teacher’; at least, you didn’t receive any complaints or punishments. You don’t have any classes to teach for the next ten days and, while you are not able to forget about the experience, at least you manage to behave normal around your family during the following days. Until one evening, six days after your ordeal in class, you...

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Z Facing the World This Time With Her Sister FranChapter 15 Nude beach tour

DAY TWO Today we planned to visit the nude beach. The plan involved renting a beach tent for actual sex on the beach. But you know what is said about the best-laid plans. In modern translation: The best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry. We left Paul’s mansion but never made it back to the May’s house. My phone rang. It was Mitch. “Mitch, I told you Fran and I only have a few days to enjoy our boyfriend ... We had plans for the nude beach ... Seriously? ... He might like that. I...

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Fran whoring it at the parlour

Story for cuckman about his slut of a wife.Women enjoy sex. Now what we are taught to expect is a woman loves sex with her husband only. More and more women are cheating on their hubbies because they simply want more. Fran is one exceptional case. She enjoys fucking so much she gave up a 9 to 5 safe secure job to work in the sex industry in a “massage” parlour. She is also of the breed that doesn’t want her men to use condoms. She wants to feel the warmth of their meaty cocks inside her and the...

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Z Facing the World This Time With Her Sister FranChapter 8 Noon

Fran and I made fresh greens and mango salad. B&B brought our main course: a Spanish style hot sandwich with tomato, pesto, and thinly sliced chicken. And to wrap it all up Vodka Lemon Sorbet that Fran found on the internet. Buena started the conversion. “Remember ‘Jake the Snake’, the PE teachers’ assistant?” June commented, “How could anyone forget what all could see outlined in his tight shorts. No clue what the boys thought, but the girls were divided between wanting to get his...

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Z Facing the World This Time With Her Sister FranChapter 17 Our Breech walk

DAY FOUR Rick wanted a long walk on a beach. This time we were not interrupted. Orchid Beach is the other nude beach on our island. It was not only a long drive but it is also 20 meters of rocky cliff below street level. Well before I was born the Island Parks Department installed hand railings making a treacherous trip to beach level less of a problem. The sign strongly recommended wearing shoes when using the beach access trail. Based on reports from others, walking that trail fully...

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Z Facing the World This Time With Her Sister FranChapter 10 DAY 2

My cell dinged at 07:00. I got up, almost forgot to put on my robe, and headed downstairs to start the coffee. The senior Skully’s came to breakfast fully dressed. They helped themselves to coffee and asked for suitable bowls for the instant oatmeal that must have come from their suitcase. The directions called for boiling water. I looked for the tea kettle. It was then I noticed that Fran had already started it. Kyle looked sleepy when he entered the kitchen. Like his parents, he filled a...

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Z Facing the World This Time With Her Sister FranChapter 16 Zoo But First

DAY THREE The plan today was visiting the zoo. I started the coffee. Rick enjoyed a nice romp in bed. And it was coffee and bagel time. I was halfway through a toasted buttered bagel when my phone rang. I almost answered with, “This had better be important.” But said, “This is Z.”... “Okay thank you, Maryann. I will take care of it.” Fran expressed our thoughts with, “Fuck. What the fuck is it this time?” “Our house in Idle Park. The sprinklers have been on all night. We need to do...

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Z Facing the World This Time With Her Sister FranChapter 6 Client Mack

Fran and I were thinking of walking back home from the port when my stomach reminded me that our box lunches we ate at Swensen’s Beach were finished quite some time ago. “Hey Fran, wanna see if we can score $200 and a free dinner tonight?” “Do you have a client?” “I may. He left a phone number and wants to know how he can make me want to see him.” I called his number. “Hi is this me2x?”... “I’m Z3 but just call me Z.”... “Mack, it’s $200 per hour at your place but for today only I have a...

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Z Facing the World This Time With Her Sister FranChapter 3 Z Helps the Stross Enjoy Sex

We had a few duties after our guests left. We found the newlyweds over where the taxis parked. Stanley rode in front. We ladies rode in the back seat. When we got inside their motel Romana hung the do not disturb sign and locked the door. Everyone stripped and hugged. I announced, “Let’s all take a shower together.” Alas, their motel had only a tub shower. I whispered something to Romana. She told Stanley and Fran to shower first. We left the shower curtain open to watch. I think Romana was...

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Z Facing the World This Time With Her Sister FranChapter 5 Clothing Optional Beach

“Testing 1, 2, 3. Is this thing on? Can everybody hear me? Good. Thank you. Okay, just to be sure – this is the bus for Swensen’s Beach. In case you didn’t get the word, Swensen’s Beach is clothing optional. You will see naked people. So, is anybody on the wrong bus? “My list says 35 people all from the cruise ship. I bet you all don’t know each other. It’s time we got aquatinted. My name is Z. Or at least that’s what everybody has called me from before I can remember. Let’s start on the...

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Z Facing the World This Time With Her Sister FranChapter 2 The First Cruise

Today, okay, tonight is the first Midnight Lovers Cruise. Fran and I went to bed late to help us sleep in. No such luck. It must be some biological clock thing. We woke up at the regular time and could not get back to sleep. We will be up until at least 08:00 tomorrow. We will be two very tired ladies when we get home. Call time is just after the booze cruise ends at 22:30. We arrived just as the exiting passengers are being given breathalyzer tests. Several couples declined, having already...

2 years ago
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Z New HorizonsChapter 24 Z Fran and Kimi

We, young ladies, departed to the spare bedroom. Kimi carried her small step stool. Our new clothes were on the bed. We hung them in the closet. That bed had to be at least king-sized. Kimi asked, “How can we sleep in such a large bed? Okay, I’m being silly. I will sleep in the center sandwiched between the sister I know and the sister I just met. We will keep each other warm and comfortable. But before I sleep I need an orgasm. Mel was a lot of fun but I was providing for him. The lady of...

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RebelChapter 16 Fran the doctors widow

The second time I went to visit Madam Von R--'s doctor friend, he had good news for me. A compatriot of his, another doctor, had died, he said, and had shelves filled with various medications. "I'm sure his widow has no use for the stuff," he assured me. "She's a fine woman, but I have no idea if she is politically inclined." He gave me directions and a note of introduction. It took most of the day to make the trip with my light wagon, and I was hungry and tired when I knocked at the...

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Z Facing the World This Time With Her Sister FranChapter 11 DAYS 3 4 5 morning

DAY 3 Up at 07:00. Wear robes. Start coffee. Start breakfast sausages. The entire adult Skully contingent came to breakfast at the same time. Doug cleared his throat, “Z and Fran, you two ladies, have just made it possible for the firm to make several billion dollars in the EU. I wish I had something physical to hand you. You two now own your Idle Park home. The necessary paperwork is in progress. You will be contacted – should be less than two weeks – when you will need to sign some...

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Aunt Fran

When Dauntless Doug, single-handed, brought the Japs to their knees and waded ashore in Tokyo Bay, the war was over. Now it was spring 1946. I was discharged from the Army Air Corps and a member in good standing of the 52-20 club, a program that paid vets twenty dollars a week for a year if they couldn't find employment. There were jobs around in our small town of four thousand people but I had the brilliant ideas about writing a novel before I settled down to the old grind.I got into the habit...

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Asian bisex continues in Hotel Indochine franccedilais

Asian bi-sex continues in Hotel Indochine française – Room 54- Episode 3My editors had decided that perhaps the best way to get the writing assignment completed was to isolate myself entirely in another part of the world where I could work quietly by myself.And so I ended up at an exotic oriental location to my liking at Hotel Indochine française in the country where my novel was set.I had everything I wanted here - peace, quiet, tranquility, nice people, exotic location, picturesque country...

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MEMORIES 5 Frans Fun on a Bus

I am a tall tasty, big-breasted, good-looking lovely lady of thirty-threewith a normal sex drive and several gentlemen friends whom I see regularlyI have always been rather conservative where sex is concerned but recently something hot happened that opened my eyes to thepossibility of pretty pleasures in the most unlikely places!I travel to and from work by bus. I almost always manage to get a set in the mornings,but at night I'm often obliged to stand. About four months ago, returning home...

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Fran My Brothers Keeper

My brother. Frank. Frank Post. He used to be a little snot, a real pain in the ass little snot. That's back when he was between the ages of five and about fourteen or fifteen. He'd tease me relentlessly, walk in on me and my date as we were making out and yell, "Naughty, naughty," or "Naughty Frannie," or his favorite as he got older, "Get a room," before zipping up the stairs to his own room. But there was more to my relationship with my brother than that. Because both parents...

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Francis to Frances

Dad always referred to them as Aunt Matilda and Aunt May but actually Matilda is my dad's aunt and May is just her special friend, and they are at least fifty years old and dedicated to each other and dedicated to their local church and it's pastor Pastor Taylour. Dad made all the arrangements and the first time I really met them as a grown up was when I rolled up on their doorstep off the Greyhound bus one late summer afternoon with all my worldly goods in a couple of suitcases. I...

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Francis to Frances

It was never my intention to go to live with Aunt Matilda and Aunt May, in New York state five hundred miles east of Arlsberg but when I was offered a place at Uni a short bus ride from their place that Dad suggested I should see if I could stay with them.Dad always referred to them as Aunt Matilda and Aunt May but actually Matilda is my dad's aunt and May is just her special friend, and they are at least fifty years old and dedicated to each other and dedicated to their local church and it's...

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Frank or Francine

Frank or Francine By Donna Sash [email protected] Her nephew had been with her for three years now. When he came to her house at 15 he was not that much of a discipline problem, but as time went on he was getting worse. He was hanging around with a rough gang. April was at her wits end as to what could be done to keep him in check. His 18th birthday was coming up next week and she knew that either she was to do something right now or loose him forever. Last week at a gathering...

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How Frankie became Francesca

Ever since I was young, I was treated differently. My mom's friends would always comment on how pretty I was with my slender body, long eyelashes and bright green eyes. I spent a lot of time on my own growing up. My father left when I was a teen and my mom and older sister were always out of the house, which meant I spent a lot of time playing by myself.  When I was seventeen, I noticed that my body wasn't changing as much as my friends. I seemed to lack any manly characteristics and my penis...

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Meet Frans on Monday

Monday morning soon arrived and after an interesting weekend, I got my daughter up and dressed for crèche. A little after 7h00 I left to drop my daughter off at crèche, seeing Frans there dropping his daughter off as well. I then followed him home to join him for breakfast and company as we planned Sunday night when we message each other. We were soon by his house and once getting out our cars we greeted each other with a kiss on the cheek and a big hug again. We then went inside where he made...

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Frannies Femboy

Gay - cross dressing – femboy - feminization – blow jobs – anal sex – hand job – lingerieWhen I was finishing high school, I did a lot of different jobs to raise money. I mowed grass, worked part-time on a construction crew, and pumped gas, all to raise funds for college. I had been accepted to the college of my dreams on a partial wrestling scholarship, but my parents weren't going to be able to help with the other expenses. While I hoped to eventually turn the partial scholarship into a full...

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Fancy FrancieChapter 6

“Absolutely, sister mine. Have fun. And, at your age, I’m not waiting up for you. Have a ball, Sally. Tell Ricky to take care of you. Him, I’ll wait up for.” They both laughed. “Sally will explain later, folks. Nice to meet you. Better get to Ricky’s before he gives your table away. Some slick woman with a fiver may beat you out!” Again laughter. She herded us out the door and off we went to the car. “Sally, what was this about Ricky?” “Her husband. He works at Perry’s. That’s how I got you...

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Franc 2 A New Game

They look like rubber boxers with a sock in the front – like those novelty elephant ones you see around Halloween. Except these are solid pink. Shiny and pink. She’s on fuckin’ drugs if she thinks there is any chance in hell I’m wearin’ this. Anyway, they’re too small – stretch is one thing, but come on. The label said large, but labels have lied before. My cell rings and I check the number. As expected, it’s Franc. “You’re fuckin’ nuts,” I say. “Bobby.” The ‘bee’ part has this kind of...

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From Japan to San Fran

I am wondering if a few of my readers are Anime fans. If so, they might see a nod & a wink towards the names of some popular characters from a few series. It is purely intentional and a great big ‘Chi’ to all of you who enjoy this work. For those who aren’t fans, don’t worry – you’re not missing anything that will detract from your enjoyment of the story. ~~BrettJ For the first time in 2 years, Hideki Motosuwa woke up in a room that was not his private room in ‘the facility’ or a room he...

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Christ Version bleu Histoire en franais

Christ - Version 1 Par TFancred. Dimanche D'aussi loin que je me rappelle, j'ai toujours ?t? le plus grand de ma classe. D?j?, ? la petite ?cole, je d?passais mes camarade d'une bonne t?te. ? l'?poque, je ne peux pas dire que j'?tais particuli?rement studieux. On pourrait dire que je pr?f?rais l'?ducation physique ? l'?ducation elle-m?me. Ce n'est qu'? la fin de mes ann?es de licey que j'ai d?cid? qu'il serait peut-?tre temps de me reprendre en main. Bon, ma situation n'avait rien de catastrophique, mais je devais ...

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Christ Version rouge Histoire en franais

Christ - Version rouge Par TFancred Dimanche D'aussi loin que je me rappelle, j'ai toujours ?t? le plus grand de ma classe. D?j?, ? la petite ?cole, je d?passais mes camarade d'une bonne t?te. ? l'?poque, je ne peux pas dire que j'?tais particuli?rement studieux. On pourrait dire que je pr?f?rais l'?ducation physique ? l'?ducation elle-m?me. Ce n'est qu'? la fin de mes ann?es de licey que j'ai d?cid? qu'il serait peut-?tre temps de me reprendre en main. Bon, ma situation n'avait rien de catastrophique, mais je devai...

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Raoul and Francesco

When I lived in Luton twenty years ago I got chatting to these two Spanish lorry drivers, Raul and Francesco, that I met one weekend in a bar downtown. It was a place I regularly went on weekends called the Hard Rock Cafe. Served a Spanish beer called Sol with a wedge of lime in the bottle neck and there was a lot of karaoke and singalong hilarity about the place. I found out that these guys would stop over in Luton on their journey north from Spain to Glasgow because the younger one, Francesco...

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Franc 1 No Geek Policy

“The Federal Reserve?” “Uh huh. I specialize in currency exchange policy.” “Is that a fact?” I’m going to need a whole lot more beer if I’m going to have to listen to this for the rest of the night. She drones on like I could actually care about what she does for a living. Like anybody gives a shit about coin collecting or whatever. I look out at the dance floor. My buddy and her sister are practically doing it in public. ‘Oh, he so owes me for this,’ I think. I admit it; I’m taking one for...

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Fancy FrancieChapter 4

“Come. Let’s go to your house and get some clothes and stuff. Enough for a couple days, anyway. We’ll get more later.” We got there, and she threw a bunch of stuff in a bag that had handles. I saw her pull out about two handfuls, maybe four sets, of lingerie. Looked like matching bra and panty sets. Yippee, she was going to try to entice us. Yes! That showed a bit of initiative. Progress. She threw in a couple pairs of short shorts like the burgundy ones she had. LEGS! She also brought the...

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Fancy FrancieChapter 7

I got us home in time for a snack and a talk before bed. The trip planned for day after tomorrow was a short one. Two nights. An afternoon, then a full day, then a morning after that in meetings with a couple of customers this time. Seems milk jugs were becoming popular, but more so, very much needed. There was a changing, evolving, threat, and these devices were quick defenses and deterrents. This time they wanted to add countermeasures. Cheryl told me Monday night that Charlie smiled when...

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Frank was a young project manager. One of the best things he liked about his job was that he worked from home. His boss and even the whole team were scattered over the world. They've never met, but have been working together for year. Erica, well the best way to decribe her is wild. Erica had wavy black hair and like to dress in a funky goth style. This is what originally atracted Frank to her, she was so different from the other girls he had dated. They had been seeing each other for about...

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Fancy FrancieChapter 3

I laughed. She giggled. “No, nothing like that. Charlie told me some of the story about the past, and since that was many, many, moons ago, I, personally, was hoping the animosity may have moved on as well.” Cheryl became quite somber. “I never had any animosity toward him. That was all my mother, God rest her soul. I didn’t quite know what was going on, as most kids don’t. I was quite young at the time. I know my mother never said a kind word about Charlie’s father, but Charlie, from...

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Fancy FrancieChapter 5

Upstairs, we took turns, with Cheryl and me starting together, and as nasty as it normally was, turned it in to our own little love session. We cleaned each other out, very well. One time, for each of us, was laying on the floor on a towel, letting the water and soap stay and do some good. It felt nice. I was really, really starting to enjoy it, as a method of sharing with Cheryl. I think she did, too. On her time on the floor, I ran my thumb over her clit and she came enough to really have...

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Ian and Frans First Date

The big day had finally arrived for Ian. He was going to meet the woman that he had fallen in love with for the first time. It might seem strange to fall in love before even the first date but this is what had happened between Ian and Fran, the beautiful flame haired woman he was on his way to meet. It had started as an innocent game of internet pool which Ian had played countless times before, often chatting with his opponents from around the world and sometimes flirting jokingly with women...

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Franny is owned

Chapter 1 Cindy was enjoying the pussylicking she was receiving from her mom Joyce , she loved her old lady's tongue on her tongue. Meanwhile her boyfriend / master Todd was receiving head from a local stripper named Monique Gomez , who was 5ft 10 with big fake tits & fat ass . The 47 year old slut was deepthroating the monster penis & Cindy couldnt wait to eat the bare cunt . Monique was super sexy , & Todd had just gave her a super load of jism all over her face. Both Cindy & her momJoyce...

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Nina Franny Todd

Todd loved skullfucking Mrs. Rogers she was almost able to deepthroat his 11inch dong , but there was only one whore that could do that so far that was a certain medium sized 48 year old brunette named Franny . Currently Franny ( his mom/slut ) was showing a house , she was a local realtor& when she came home he planned a 3some with Nina . Nina currently received her massive cumload & swallowed. Todd ordered the old whore to wash up, put on thong bikini & heels and come back to the living...

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Fancy FrancieChapter 2

“Francie, are you OK?” I shook my head. “Francie? Please, say something! Please!” I shook my head again then threw myself into his arms, reached around his neck and squeezed. Moving my arms must have done it. I was able to inhale and get out a squeak. “Yes. And, no.” “What?” I held my hand up. “Wait. Please.” I whispered. I took a few breaths, holding him to me. Wow. Panic attack. Never did I think Francie Cooper would be at a loss for words. “OK. Sorry. I had a panic attack when you...

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When I lived in Hertfordshire we had neighbours who,s only daughter Frances was quite pretty, blonde with a nubile body usually dressed in a tee shirt and tight jeans with sandals, a petite young lady in pigtails. Wife Sarah, son Rick and daughter Christina Plus Myself were all invited to Franny,s s*******nth birthday party in our neighbours back garden and enjoyed the barbecue meal sitting in patio furniture next to their small heart shaped swimming pool as they had a fair amount of money, the...

4 years ago
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Payback for Franco

This story takes a slight detour from my previous styles and into the realms of magic, I hope you like it :-). This story is set after my story 'Be Careful What You Say' and involves Eryk the mage. This was to be a longer story but I have left is as a short story. Payback for Franco By Serena Lawhead Chapter 1: A Lesson Learnt Eryk was a local mage of some renown as well as a practising transvestite; he owned a small cottage and grounds outside of town as well as a 'mage...

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