Nora's Tale: 9 - Coming For Dinner free porn video

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“So, you remember that guy who thought you were harassing me?”

“Interfering twerp,” Levi said, nodding.

In the spirit of giving, I had decided to lift the ban on me and Levi walking together. By that, I mean he had just cornered me in the change room at work and given me a delicious orgasm. Now that we were on our way home, I couldn’t deny him the simple request of accompanying me, especially since we were going in the same direction. I probably couldn’t have denied him much at the moment.

“Josh,” I said, correcting him. “He asked me out.”

“Oh!” Despite the insult he had just slung at Josh, Levi seemed quite pleased to hear this. “And how’d you let the sorry sucker down?”

I snorted and smacked him on the arm. “Levi.”

“I’m sorry,” he said, smiling unabashedly. “He just doesn’t seem like your type.”

I frowned. “My type?”

“You know, tall, muscular, potty-trained...”

“He’s my age!” I argued.

“Exactly,” Levi said. “Which makes him too young for you, Norrra.” He rolled the “r” and sighed the “a” in the usual way that never failed to get my blood pumping.

“Maybe you’re too young for me,” I teased.

“Oh, I probably am,” he said with total nonchalance. “But you saw me first and now you don’t know how to get rid of me.”

“That’s ridiculous,” I laughed. “You’re four years older than me!”

“Mhmm,” Levi said, grinning. “And your boss is, what, fifteen years older than you?”

“Yeah…” I said, blushing. “More like eighteen.”

“And Ray is ten years older-”

“What?” I cried, grabbing his arm. “I thought he was your age!”

Levi laughed. “Why? Because he’s a guitarist in an indie-reggae band that plays at the bar every weekend?”

“Pfft, no…” I said quietly.

He laughed again. “Oh Norrra, darling,” he sighed. “For what it’s worth, I think he looks younger than he is too.”

“You’d think he would have told me he was twenty-seven when I told him I was seventeen,” I muttered.

“Ahh,” Levi said. “Twenty-eight.”

I let out a sigh. Truthfully, I didn’t care too much. What was one more year?

“Face it,” Levi chuckled. “You like ‘em older.”

We were rounding the corner of our block now and strolling towards our next-door homes.

“For your information,” I said, “I didn’t turn Josh down.”

“Oh?” He stopped me in front of my house and crooked a skeptical eyebrow. The sparkling humor in his green eyes reminded me of the first time we had met, making me blush.

“We just haven’t exactly set a date yet,” I said, feeling a little bashful.

“Ha!” Levi’s eyes nearly disappeared in the shear enormity of his grin. “Good luck Josh!”

“What?” I said, frowning deeply.

“I’ll see you later, Norrra,” he said. He stooped to kiss me on the cheek before walking off to his own house.

“You know, I actually do like him!” I called after Levi.

“See you at six!” he called back.

“He’s very sweet!”

Levi just waved to me and let himself into his house.

Just as he promised, Levi arrived promptly at six. As for me, I was in the middle of pulling on my white lace dress when I heard Mom answering the door. I released my damp hair from the bun at the nap of my neck, letting it fall in soft waves. I took a quick look in the mirror before dashing downstairs to greet our new neighbor and dinner guest.

When Levi saw me descending the last set of stairs, his eye was drawn to the turquoise kneesocks he had dressed me in earlier. His smile looked a little more playful as his gaze rose to meet mine.

“Nora,” Mom said. “Our guest has arrived.”

“I hope you like sangria,” Levi said, addressing the room at large.

Out of a bag, he pulled a bottle of wine, a bottle of rum, a bottle of ginger ale, and a basket of citrus fruit, setting them on the kitchen counter.

I could hear Daddy laughing from just out of sight. “This man is welcome any day.”

I hurried to his side, then turned to face my parents. “This is Levi,” I said.

“Jean Machine!” Daddy called out. He had been sitting at the breakfast table, but had likely stood when our guest had arrived. Levi let out an obligatory laugh as my father clasped his hand. “I’m John.”

“Lily,” Mom said, appearing at her husband’s side and offering Levi a delicate hand.

“Pleased to meet you,” he said, bowing ever so slightly over her hand. “Thank you for having me.”

Mom broke out her prize-winning smile, and I knew that Levi had already won her over. “Our pleasure.”

“I hope it’s not too late for me to make the sangria?” Levi said. “It’s about the only thing I make well.”

“Oh, not at all,” Mom said. “Dinner should be another twenty minutes. Nora, honey?”

“On it!” I said.

I winked at Levi as I skipped into the kitchen. I pulled out a couple cutting boards, knives, and a pitcher and laid them on the counter next to the ingredients. Then I turned to Levi as he entered the kitchen behind me and smiled.

“Awaiting instructions.”

Levi and I took the next five to ten minutes chopping up fruit and making small talk with my parents. They left us alone for all of thirty seconds while Daddy went outside to check the grill and Mom went to the washroom.

“Nice socks,” he said, looking down my legs. “Does this mean what I think it means?”

It did, in fact. My kneesocks used to be a quirky item I liked to wear around the house to keep my feet warm, but ever since Levi had spotted me pleasuring myself on my roof that first time, they had become much more than that. They were now a signal to Levi that I was ready to fool around with him – an invitation, not only to look, but to touch as well.

A giggle slipped from my lips as I wiggled my toes for Levi.

He reached across me to grab the pitcher, letting his lips brush the hair near my ear. “You look great, darling,” he whispered.

I flashed him a quick smile before the back door opened and Daddy came back in.

“Almost ready,” he sang out. “Sangria?”

“Almost ready,” Levi echoed back.

We dumped the fruit, ice, and alcohol in the pitcher before topping it off with ginger ale. I got out four glasses and Levi began to fill them.

“Not so fast, young lady,” Daddy said, playfully stern. “You’re not having any.”

“Oh come on, John,” Mom said as she returned. “It won’t hurt her.”

Levi looked back and forth between my parents. There seemed to be something persuasive in his eyes.

“I’m just teasing her,” Daddy said, throwing a wink at Levi. “You can pour her a glass.”

“I’m glad to hear it,” Levi said. “I wasn’t sure if the three of us could finish this pitcher on our own.”

“Believe me, Jean Machine,” Daddy said. “If you knew my daughter, you’d know that Nora won’t be much help.”

As it was, the first glass went down way too smoothly. On an empty stomach, it packed quite a punch, and I made sure to cut my second glass with more ginger ale. Mom and Daddy were loving it though, and decided to bring the pitcher to the breakfast nook with us.

Levi seemed to have figured it all out. Ply my parents with alcohol and compliments without overdoing it to distract them from the hand sneaking up their little girl’s leg under the table. It was light as a moth, and totally thrilling.

“Your house is absolutely charming,” Levi said. “It’s like a flawless extension of the beach.”

He couldn’t have said a more perfect thing to my mother.

“Thank you, honey!” she said. “You should see the view from the roof.”

I hid my smile behind my hand. Levi had seen all kinds of things from my roof, he just hadn’t gotten there in a conventional way.

“Nora, why don’t you give Levi a proper tour while we set the table?”

I was a little reluctant to get up. Levi was playing with the hem of my dress, closing in – ever so slowly – on the inside of my thigh. But even if his fingers had to leave my lap when we stood up, I knew they would be back on me when we were alone.

Very quickly, I showed Levi the main floor: the living room, dining room, washroom, and a peak of the backyard. The next floor had less square-footage: just my parent’s room, their bathroom, and a small lounge area. From this open area, a staircase led us to my loft.

As soon as we reached the top of the stairs, the whole atmosphere felt charged. I could see in his eyes that he felt it too. Levi and I moved as though we were attached by a three-foot rope, hovering around the room in close proximity and very much aware of one-another.

He studied the silly details of the space I had occupied my whole life. My shelf of books, my collection of rare seashells, my swimming trophies. It all felt very intimate. I moved closer.

Levi ran his hand over my white lace comforter, and smiled over his shoulder at me. “I see you like lace,” he said.

With a little smile I turned and lifted my skirt, revealing a pair of lace panties. Without looking back, I walked into my bathroom. I knew Levi was following right behind me.

When I passed through the door, I leaned against the wall to let him pass.

Levi moved towards the window, peering out of it into his own bedroom, and grinned. “So this is where the magic happens.” He turned his smile on me as he flicked on the shower. It sputtered, releasing a weak stream of water that caught Levi’s attention. “Not much pressure.”

“No,” I sighed. “Daddy won’t replace it because it’s not broken.”

Levi shut off the shower and quirked an eyebrow at me. “Daddy?”

I raised my chin challengingly. “Yes?”

Levi chuckled and shook his head. He pulled something shiny out of his pocket and brought it to the shower head.

“Are you going to fix it?” I asked, watching him curiously.

“No.” He made a lever-like movement, filling the room with a loud, metallic sound. He grinned mischievously at me. “I broke it.”

“What?” I wasn’t so much angry as annoyed. “Why?”

“So you could get a new one,” Levi said. He slipped the metal object back into his pocket. “Make sure you get one with a removable head.”

I was a little distracted, wondering about what was in his pocket. A bottle-opener, I thought. “Why?”

Levi backed me against the wall and slipped his hand up between my legs, making me gasp. “Because it’s more fun,” he murmured in my ear.

“Oh.” His fingers pressed against my pussy, rubbing it through my panties. “Oh.”

“Mhmm.” His lips moved to my other ear. “Especially one with a massage setting.”

“What makes you think I get to make that choice?” I giggled.

Levi started nibbling on my neck, dragging the seam of my panties against my clit. “Because I can tell Daddy would do anything for you.”

I pulled his head back so I could glare at him. “Could we not talk about my father right now?”

“Sorry darling,” he said with an easy smile. He shoved his hand under my panties and skewered me with two fingers. “Forget I said anything.”

I already had. I moaned and leaned my head against his chest, wrapping my arms around his neck. Without stopping the gentle pulse of his hand, Levi pulled my panties down to my knees and rubbed my clit with his thumb. His other hand grabbed my breast, kneading it through my dress. I let out a whimper as his lips descended on my neck, kissing and sucking.

“No marks,” I breathed.

“As you wish, Kneesock Norrra,” he growled.

My pussy quivered at his words. I dragged my fingers through his hair, pulling his head into me.

“Levi,” I moaned. “Harder.”

He put more force into it, making my body jerk against the wall with each thrust. I held on tight, feeling that familiar pressure building hard and fast.

“Dinner’s ready!” Daddy called out. His booming voice carried all the way up the stairs, making Levi and I freeze. He pulled back to look at me apologetically.

“Please,” I whimpered, my eyes begging just as equally.

“Nora!” Daddy called again.

Levi’s hand slipped out of me, making me whine in protest. “Sorry, darling,” he said.

He made to pull my panties up but, with a hand over his, I stopped him and turned my head to the door.

“Coming, Daddy!” I cried.

I stepped out of my panties and shoved them into Levi’s pocket. Then I took him by the wrist and engulfed his fingers in my mouth, sucking them clean.

“I wanted to do that,” Levi said, looking a little put out.

“Too bad,” I said, grinning evilly.

“Oh, Norrra,” Levi sighed, brushing my hair back from my face. “I’m sorry. I promise I’ll finish you later.”

“You’d better,” I said, then stomped out of the bathroom. “Wash up,” I flung over my shoulder. “Your hands are filthy.”

I was incredibly frustrated. I knew it wasn’t really Levi’s fault that he had stopped, but I wasn’t thinking very rationally. My pussy was swollen, throbbing with need. Without my panties, my juices were spreading between my thighs, slippery and warm. I swear I could practically smell myself, although that could have been the taste in my mouth.

When I arrived downstairs, the good dining room table was set, and Daddy was just bringing in the pitcher of sangria. He looked at me with an odd suddenness, his face creased with concentration. Self-consciously, I pressed my legs together.

“What?” I asked. “Is there something on my face?” I lifted a hand to my cheek and slid it down my neck. I realized it was still wet from Levi’s mouth, so I inconspicuously rubbed it dry.

“No, baby doll,” Daddy said, breaking into a light-hearted smile. “You’re just so beautiful.”

“Aww.” I wrapped my arms around his middle in a bear hug, hiding my blushing face against his chest. His arms came around me too, pressing my head against him with his great paw of a hand. “You’re beautiful too, Daddy.”

That made him laugh. He kissed my forehead, then let me go.

“So?” he asked me. “Have you made a new friend yet?”

“Working on it,” I said demurely.

He smiled and took a playful swipe at my butt. “Go wash up, baby doll.”

By the time I got back, so was Levi. He was in the process of tucking himself into the table, but stood when I entered the dining room. I blushed furiously as I sat down beside his place, feeling my chair being pushed in for me.

“What a gentleman!” Mom cooed. “Your mother must be proud.”

I stifled a giggle, looking down into my plate of fresh fettuccini and grilled chicken.

“My mother wouldn’t have it any other way.”

And there it was, the hand sliding up the inside of my thighs. Gentleman my ass, I thought. But I wasn’t about to complain. I angled my hips a little towards Levi and was rewarded with direct contact. Ahhh.

Daddy was busy talking about his mother’s disappointment with his own manners as a young man. Mom was gazing at him and giggling as if they had a private joke in there. Neither of them noticed the subtle movements of Levi’s arm as he rubbed my clit.

I was trying to breathe normally, but it was proving to be a difficult task. I had to remind myself: breathe, chew, swallow, breathe. Without being able to see what was going on, the sensation seemed to cover more area on my body. My whole pussy was pulsing, my legs and belly tingling warmly. My lips felt ultra-sensitive, and I made sure to lick them every time I swallowed a mouthful.

I spread my legs further, feeling my peak approaching. I couldn’t believe I was about to come at the dinner table, and in front of my parents!

But then it stopped. Levi’s hand slowed, then slipped to the top of my thigh. I let out a small huff, and took a large sip of my sangria. Levi smiled humbly at me.

“You mentioned you surf?”

I gritted my teeth, trying to hold back my desperation. I’m not sure it worked.

We had a short discussion about surfing, but I wasn’t putting my usual enthusiasm into it. Soon, the conversation dropped away from me, and I stirred my pasta sulkily.

Then it happened again. Long, clever fingers so sneaky I didn’t realize they had returned until I yelped and bucked my hips.

“You alright?” Daddy asked.

I nodded. “I bit my tongue,” I mumbled, making a face.

Levi’s fingers moved more vigorously, wringing the pleasure right out of me. I felt my ascent again. This time, I covered his hand with mine, trying to let him know without words that I was close.

The way Levi’s bright green eyes shifted towards me, I knew he caught my drift, but he pulled his hand back anyway.

It took all my self-control not to scream. I glared and kicked him under the table, but my soft little toes did little damage against his hard calf.

But I had a plan. If he was going to tease me like this, two could play. I slithered my own hand across his lap and he stiffened. It wasn’t hard to find his bulge, and with the tips of my fingers, I began to stroke it through his jeans.

Levi pulled my hand away and, slowly, he placed it on my own lap. For the third time, his hand slid from the top of mine and delved between my legs.

This time he did not let up. His hand worked furiously, and his mouth was nearly as busy. He chattered with even more gusto, continuously directing the conversation to me with a mischievous twinkle in his eye. I didn’t even care that I was barely contributing; I was too focused on my next orgasm.

When it finally came back around, it felt as though I were opening to Levi like a flower. I spread my legs apart as wide as I dared as if it would help me capture more sensation. My pussy clenched impossibly tight, then released a torrid of sensation through my body. My skin flooded with warmth, vibrating with electricity. I wrapped my ankles around the legs of my chair, my toes curling. I gripped the table with one hand and shoved a finger from the other into my mouth, sucking it as though it was covered in sauce.

When I came back down, my whole body tingled, and a satisfied smile forced its way to my face. I wrapped my fingers around Levi’s wrist in a grateful gesture, then slid my hand over his.

His fingers rubbed all the way up and down my swollen pussy, coating them in a flood of fluid. Then, when my parents weren’t looking, he slipped them into his own mouth. I slid my own fingers below, feeling that I wasn’t entirely clean yet, and copied his actions.

“Mmm,” Levi said. “That was delicious.”

My mouth fell open, but I realized he had already removed his fingers when he had said this.

Mom beamed at him. “Thank you, sweetie.”

“Room for desert, anyone?” Daddy asked.

When everyone confirmed, Levi rose to help him retrieve it.

Mom let out a sigh and fanned her face with a wicked smile. “That Levi is dangerous,” she said conspiratorially.

“What?” I said, my eyes flying wide.

“At least his sangria is,” Mom giggled. She took a sip and leaned across the table to whisper to me. “I’m drunk, honey!”

I laughed a little nervously, glad I had diluted my own drink. I’m not sure I could have held myself together had I been as far gone as Mom.

When Daddy and Levi returned, it was with four bowls of chocolate ice cream and a gift bag.

“What’s that?” Mom asked immediately, echoing my thoughts.

“Nora mentioned in passing that her birthday was coming up,” Levi said with a shrug. “I thought I would get her a little something.”

I tried to hide my appreciation for the gesture. It was a lot sweeter than my parents could understand. “You didn’t have to do that!”

He set the bag down in front of me. “It’s not much, just a little something.”

I reached into the bag and pulled out tufts of tissue paper before my hand got to the good stuff. There were five small rolls of fabric of various colors and patterns. After unrolling the first, there was no doubt what they all were.

“Oh, cute!” Mom practically squealed. “They’re kneesocks, John.”

“I see that, Lily,” Daddy chuckled.

The first pair were blue with white whales on them. There was another bright green argyle pair, and the rest were solid purple, orange, and pink. I don’t know if it was the hormones of my afterglow, but I felt an overwhelming pang of affection. The gift was both terribly sweet and secretly sexy all at once.

“Thank you,” I said, trying to control the emotion in my voice.

Levi cracked a lazy smile. “It’s nothing.”

“How’d you know?” Mom asked.

He turned to her with a casual shrug. “Both times I saw Norrra, she was wearing a different pair. I figured I couldn’t go wrong.”

“You were right!” Daddy said, his laughter booming. “Nora can never have enough kneesocks.”

After that, the night went by much too slowly for my liking. Every chance I got, I brushed my fingers against Levi – his cock, his ass, even just his hands. I needed him to know just how badly I wanted him. The longer he stayed, the longer it would be before I could have him.

I could tell Levi was struggling between being polite and the sweet temptation I offered. Finally he left, excusing himself with the need to pack.

As soon as he was out the door, I kissed my parents goodnight and ran all the way up to my roof. I stood there, patiently watching his window in nothing but my kneesocks.

Levi appeared a moment later. Without a word, he climbed onto his roof and leapt across the gap to land on the edge of mine. He swung himself over the banister and swaggered towards me.

“Why hello, Norrra,” he said, smiling with his usual ease.

He took my hard nipples in his fingers and tweaked them gently, wringing a gasp out of me. He hadn’t done that since we had met.

But I wasn’t going to let him distract me. I had a mission and, damn it, I was going to get what I wanted. I grabbed his head and pulled it down to me, kissing him with all the passion that had built up in me throughout the night. When I was finally satisfied that Levi was as restless as I was, I took him by the hand and led him down into my room.

I had thought this through in my anticipation, planning what I would do. I wanted control, and I wanted it bad.

I placed a finger on my lips, reminding Levi to stay very quiet, then I stood him at the foot of my bed. He was watching me very closely, both amused by the charge I was taking and captivated by my taut, naked body. But that wouldn’t do; I needed him naked too.

I pulled his shirt off, ruffling his shaggy hair, and dropped it on the bed. I took in the smooth edges of his torso, running my hands down his lean, muscular stomach before getting to his belt. It was a little stiffer than a woman’s belt, but with a small struggle, I managed to get it open. I unbuttoned and unzipped his pants, and as I pulled them down, I followed onto my knees. When I reached up for his boxers, I didn’t bother to stand, choosing to drag them down to where I knelt. With little coaxing, I had Levi stepping out of them, and I cast them aside.

This was the first time I was seeing Levi completely naked. From my kneeling position, it seemed to take ages to look up his body. He looked strong and graceful, and not gangly at all despite his impressive height. I could have been imagining it, but it seemed as though every line of his body was pointing me towards his cock. His big, hard cock.

Tonight was the night I was going to swallow his cock.

I took it in my hand, stroking it gently. Already, a bead of pre-cum squeezed out of the end. I bent his cock down and kissed the tip, smudging my lips with the sticky wetness. I looked up at Levi and licked my lips. He groaned.

Levi was a little too tall for me to reach comfortably, so I pushed him gently down on my bed. He sat, and I nestled in between his legs, resting my elbows on his thighs. I grasped the base of his cock, pointed it at my face, then lowered my lips to it again. Very softly, I suckled the salty pre-cum off the head, swiping my tongue over it. Levi sighed and leaned forward. He swept his hands through my hair, pulling it gently back from my face.

Encouraged by this, I tilted my head and licked up the underside of Levi’s cock. He twitched, and I did it again. When I reached the top again, I flicked my tongue in shorter, faster strokes under his head. Levi was responding to me, widening his legs and shuffling closer. I circled my tongue slowly around his head in both directions, pushing back his foreskin with my lips every now and then.

Then, with a steadying breath, I turned my eyes up to Levi and popped the head into my mouth. I swirled my tongue again, then lowered my head, filling myself.

It was an amazing feeling. Having his soft skin and his veiny stiffness pressing against my tongue and lips was exciting beyond belief. I never knew I could want something in my mouth so badly. His cock seamed to pulse with vitality. It felt surprisingly wholesome.

With one hand holding back my hair, Levi began stroking his fingertips through it. I used this rhythm on his cock, sinking it deep into my mouth and bobbing back up with each tender caress. I used my tongue to stroke the underside of his cock with each descent. He throbbed in my mouth a couple times, sending a thrill through me.

“Use your hands, darling,” Levi whispered against my ear.

I started moving the hand at the base of his cock up and down, in tandem with my mouth. My other hand snuck underneath and started playing with his testicles. Levi let out a grunt and I lifted my head to look at him.

“Shh,” I said, grinning impishly at him. Then, without another word, I lowered my mouth on him again, keeping my eyes locked with Levi’s.

It wasn’t long before Levi was pulsing in my mouth again. I picked up the rhythm just a little more, adding more pressure and twisting with my hand. I fondled his balls almost absently before I remembered the spot he liked right behind their base. I started to rub it, and Levi let out a rush of breath through his teeth. His cock expanded dramatically.

“I’m going to come, Norrra,” he warned me.

I hesitated. I hadn’t thought of what I would do at this point, but it was too late to decide. A jet of come shot into my mouth, making me gag. It dribbled past my lips and down my chin, and I was upset that I had wasted it. I removed my mouth and took over with my hand, pumping until another jet spewed forth. This time I was waiting with my mouth open, almost catching it all on my tongue. I swallowed, and opened back up. Two more jets – one on my cheek, the other on my lips – before Levi gave forth one last, subdued load. It oozed forth, leaking down onto my hand.

Levi and I looked at each other for a long moment. His eyes were dark and hungry, taking in the mask of come on my face. Absently, I raised my hand to my mouth and sucked the sticky mess off my fingers.

With a growl, Levi pulled my head towards him and kissed me hard, smudging his own semen on his face. The flavour lingered on our lips, and I was blown away by how careless Levi was about tasting himself.

When he pulled away, he stroked my hair lovingly. “Let’s get you cleaned up, hmm?”

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The Tale of the Comfortable Panties 3

THE TALE OF THE COMFORTABLE PANTIES #3 By Tammie Anne Freeman Chapter 4 I woke up the next morning, and I did not feel well. I took off my negligee and looked in the mirror. My body was red and swollen all over. It seemed that where more hair was removed, the redder that area was. My face was a bright red, and hurt the most. Thankfully the areas that were the least red were my back and my butt. So at least I could lie on my back and sit on my butt. I remembered that Debbie had...

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A Tale Of Forbidden Love

A Tale Of Forbidden Love My name is Shannon, and I work for an affluent college just outside of Chicago. I recently turned 30 years old, and have been single for the majority of my life. Admittedly, it's been an easy way to go for me and my finances since my parents were well off ever since I can remember. In fact, their large, charitable donations to the college landed me the job five years ago. I didn't see the point in working since money was never an issue for us, but now I clearly enjoy...

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Angels Peril a Whateley tale Chapter 1

Hi there and thank you for reading this little introduction. My handle is Branek, and what you are going to read is a joint venture of a group of Authors. Together Nuuan , Shadowsblade and myself are writing a Fan Fiction set in the Whateley universe. This tale will be readable from multiple characters and each of the main protagonist's is getting his or her own story. To have an idea about the main protagonist this story's will develop around here is a short introduction. Angels...

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Tattletale Tale 1

Tattletale Tail By Jena Corso Edited By Angela Meyers Chapter One "Wow," said his mother looking around as she turned the car into a fancy development. "Looks like you made a rich friend." "Yeah, I heard that in school," said Todd. "But she's still a nice girl, right?" His mother gave him a look. "I think so," said Todd. "I don't know that many girls too well mom." "Well, as cute as you are," said his mother reaching over touching his head softly. "You will honey. It takes...

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Scotts Yucca Man Tale

Scott told me this tale at the Irish while Howie was being turned into Helen. Peace Belle. Scott's Yucca Man Tale I was just getting in from taking Connie back to Prince Eric. I had returned Connie back to her original form with Prince Eric's promise that he would send regular reports on the Count's behavior. I went to the Irish to get a beer or two along with a meal. I also wanted to catch up on local events and the Baseball scores. I was on the weekly board. I...

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Uncle Montys Tale

Uncle Monty's Tale This tale is how Scotty met Nicole's and Larry's father. Please read the tale of Oh No before reading this one. Peace. Belle. Greeting everyone. Scotty here. This tale deals with Anthony James Sargento. I told this tale after the interment of Anthony Sargento. Both Nicole and Larry wondered why both Capt. Starr and the leader of the Marine funeral detail saluted William Bonnie. Capt Starr, William Wallace, William Bonnie, and myself were in full uniform with medals...

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Vantier a Whateley Tale chapter 1

Shadowsblade here. This is my newest story in a joint venture with a group of authors, so far this group is made up of Nuuan, then Branek and finally myself. We all got together and after a jumpy start decided to make a group of stories that all take place within the Whateley fanfic universe. This one here is my second one and hopefully its a good one. With this launch I am trying to go a different route and I will release the story in smaller chapters to make it easier on me to get...

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Vantier a Whateley Tale chapter 2

Shadowsblade here. This is my newest story in a joint venture with a group of authors, so far this group is made up of Nuuan, then Branek and finally myself. We all got together and after a jumpy start decided to make a group of stories that all take place within the Whateley fanfic universe. This one here is my second one and hopefully its a good one. With this launch I am trying to go a different route and I will release the story in smaller chapters to make it easier on me to get...

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Vantier a Whateley Tale chapter 3

Shadowsblade here. This is my newest story in a joint venture with a group of authors, so far this group is made up of Nuuan, then Branek and finally myself. We all got together and after a jumpy start decided to make a group of stories that all take place within the Whateley fanfic universe. This one here is my second one and hopefully its a good one. With this launch I am trying to go a different route and I will release the story in smaller chapters to make it easier on me to get...

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Vantier A whateley Tale chapter 4

Shadowsblade here. This is my newest story in a joint venture with a group of authors, so far this group is made up of Nuuan, then Branek and finally myself. We all got together and after a jumpy start decided to make a group of stories that all take place within the Whateley fanfic universe. This one here is my second one and hopefully its a good one. With this launch I am trying to go a different route and I will release the story in smaller chapters to make it easier on me to get...

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Vantier A whateley Tale chapter 5Dark Ones rise

Shadowsblade here. This is my newest story in a joint venture with a group of authors, so far this group is made up of Nuuan, then Branek and finally myself. We all got together and after a jumpy start decided to make a group of stories that all take place within the Whateley fanfic universe. This one here is my second one and hopefully its a good one. But remember all. I am not leaving Shadowsblade behind! I will start writing her soon! To have an idea about the main protagonist...

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Vantier A whateley Tale chapter 7

Shadowsblade here. This is my newest story in a joint venture with a group of authors, so far this group is made up of Nuuan, then Branek and finally myself. We all got together and after a jumpy start decided to make a group of stories that all take place within the Whateley fanfic universe. This one here is my second one and hopefully its a good one. To have an idea about the main protagonist this story's will develop around here is a short introduction. Angels Peril a...

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Vantier A whateley Tale chapter 9 school meeting

Thursday August 9 2007 6:10 am Guest cottage area The green space in front of my house Homestake Paranormal Activities Research Center I am running through my morning routine, when Becky rolls up with a cart and Gunny driving. I glance over the carts back deck, to see traveling bags all laid on it? I walk over to see what is happening "Hi Gunny what is going on?" "Heya Kyley, Ahh I think Becky should tell you? As I don't want to get hurt!" "Haaa you old warrior. Your afraid......

1 year ago
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Further Tales of Peggy Sanford Ch 03

Chapter 3 Saturday / The Sex Club Late Saturday morning Peggy woke up alone in the bed. She went into the bathroom for her morning routine and then looked for her robe. All of her clothes were missing, only her cosmetic products were left. She walked out of the bedroom naked to find Marcel and Mathilda cleaning up after the party. ‘Bonjour Marcel, Mathilda, how are you?’ Peggy asked. ‘Peggy, bonjour, we are fine, and how are you?’ Mathilda replied as she walked over to Peggy. ‘I am fine,...

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Transformation Rock A New Tale Part Three

I need to acknowledge the many people who have been reading and reviewing these stories and it feels great to have such great feedback such as this. Hopefully this will get the ball rolling on more ideas for other stories. For now enjoy this third installment. Transformation Rock: A New Tale - Claudia gets into shape. A few weeks ago I recently discovered a magical rock. A rock so powerful that it can change the very fabric of reality to the user's will. Now you're probably...

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Tale of the Wizards Apples

Copyright© 2007 by Stultus Synopsis: An old fashioned Fairy Tale about a plucky young lad who finds love and happiness in a Wizard’s apple orchard. Naturally there is a wicked step-father and some naughty step-brothers that need to get their own ‘just desserts’ as well. No Sex. None at all. Sorry. Codes: Fantasy, Historical & Magic Sex: No Sex Originally Posted at SOL: 2007-05-22 ******* The old Foole sat by the fire and tried to warm his aching joints next to the roaring fire of the...

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A True TaleChapter 9

Mia only took a second to think and then quickly removed her dress step out of her slippers pull off her stockings and then blew out the lantern before pull down her underpants and climbing into bed. The next morning Mia was shocked at the fact that the old man only slept touching her in a kind manner but never made any type of sexual move. He was dressed and watching as she climbed out of bed and dressed. The both walked to breakfast where they met Lord Kronk. Kronk asked how they slept...

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The Tale Of Swifty Black

THE TALE OF SWIFTY BLACK BY Dorothy StrangeloveSunlight shone through the window of the village church, beaming multicoloured rays of light through the stained glass, onto the man who was knelt in prayer at the altar. His voice echoed in the empty room as he said his piece to god, the light shone and bounced off his fine jewelled rings and the heavy gold cross and chain around his neck and it seemed to illuminate the whiteness of his embroidered shirt. "Oh Lord,"He said, "I am but a humble man,...

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The Tale of the Torch Singers Wife

THE TALE OF THE TORCH SINGER'S WIFE by enduringshades PROLOGUE Linda James was driving home in her husband's, Leo, SUV. She was distressed. She had been invited to the BRITs the night before, but her name was not on the guest list. Her husband's agency was supposed to have made the arrangements, but all they had done was book her a hotel room, just for her, and she had had to pay and she really couldn't afford it. She had thought the hotel room had been booked for her...

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Tales from the FuturePart 2 Iversons Tale

The group watched Iverson intently as he took a long swig from his mead pouch. The darkness fell around the group as they sat beside the brightly burning fire, drinking their mead and finishing off their stew. Iverson finally spoke: - Well. Where to begin? He mused tantalisingly. The young men shifted impatiently. All bar Romian, Luther and Iverson himself had rarely met let alone experienced the wonders of women! They all wanted to know what it was like! As highly hormonal...

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Miss Layla Smith tales a tale

My name is Ms Layla Smith, and I am, as you might say, a lady of negotiable affection. This is quite wrong indeed. My price is rarely negotiable, since the customers willing to negotiate obviously are not wealthy enough to afford me. I am a true professional, discreet and perfect in every manner a gentleman could ask for. I know what they want before they even know it themselves, when to smile, when to stare, when to lie, when to be the ever so modest little flower, and when to be the...

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True tales of submission and crossdressing Chapter Three Tale of Two Sisters

Another true tale... I've told it as accurately as I can from memory. Hopefully someone out there might enjoy this! Background ---------- The year was 2004. I had built up something of an online presence, with profiles on most of the personals sites out there - both as a guy, and as my girly alter-ego. That summer, two rather interesting women got in touch with me. Introducing Mistress Pink... ---------------------------- I had a profile on a well-known UK BDSM site. This...

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Jock TalesHomecoming PT 2

Jock Tales---Homecoming PT 2“May I have your attention please---all members of the freshman football team are to report to cosmetology following the final bell”.Four hours to kick off. As the team gathered in the 'hair club' I explained to them the orders we had been given to get hair cuts. “I know it sucks guys, but we don't want the rep from other students accusing us of being privileged cause we're jocks, either. The handbook says 'off the collar, and above the ears'. So---that's exactly...

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The Tale Of The Wizards Apples Revised

The old Foole sat by the fire and tried to warm his aching joints next to the roaring fire of the inn. If he inched any closer to it, he'd probably set his motley on fire. He called out to the tapster for another mulled wine. "After you earn your keep you old trickster. Tell us a tale to gladden our faces and warm our frostbitten hearts." He bellowed back in return, followed by the murmur of much agreement by my fellow trapped passengers. I had been on my way home from the Christmas Court...

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The Count of Monte CristoChapter 58 M Noirtier de Villefort

We will now relate what was passing in the house of the king's attorney after the departure of Madame Danglars and her daughter, and during the time of the conversation between Maximilian and Valentine, which we have just detailed. M. de Villefort entered his father's room, followed by Madame de Villefort. Both of the visitors, after saluting the old man and speaking to Barrois, a faithful servant, who had been twenty-five years in his service, took their places on either side of the...

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Draft Dodger On The Rag A Bunnys Tale

DRAFT DOGER ON THE RAG - A BUNNY'S TALE By: Deane Christopher Copyrighted: 2000 *********************************************************************** **** Draft Dodger on the Rag - A Bunny's Tale is the direct result of three different ideas coming together to form the bases for a single story. It all started with a suggestion from Mindy Rich for me to use some or all of the photos that she had posted on the Original Fictionmania from the made for TV movie A Bunny's...

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The Lancers Tale The Ripening

The Lancer's Tale "The Ripening" By Ranbarth of Dusain Author's Note: Some readers may find parts of this story familiar. This is not ~d?j? vu~. ~The Lancer's Tale~ is actuality the rewrite of a public domain Victorian erotic novel from more than a hundred years ago, one that we have transposed to Overlord's Zhor. It has undergone a great deal of rewrite and we hope that the result gives it some merit as a new work of art in i...

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The Witchfinders Tale

THE WITCHFINDER'S TALE By Dr.Dorothy Strangelove,T.L.C., C.P.,B&DIn the garden of the cottage, as the birds sung in the trees and the summer morning warmed the soil, the young girl sat on the grass and looked again at the baby son who slept in her arms. Her husband sat beside her, still with a look of awe in his eyes. His mother came out to the garden and joined them, she smiled at the way her son was so stunned he could produce such a perfect child. "I never thought you would be married by...

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The Elbow Trick A modern day fairy tale for the new millennia

The Elbow Trick - A modern day fairy tale for the new millennia By Caleb Jones Jack and Francine were sitting in a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g! They were in their favorite spot, inside the tree house her older brother had built when he was a little boy. They had been kissing since the fifth grade and they had just graduated the seventh. For all of those three years only the two of them knew they were boyfriend and girlfriend, and not just the good friends everyone else assumed they...

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The Count of Monte CristoChapter 74 The Villefort Family Vault

Two days after, a considerable crowd was assembled, towards ten o'clock in the morning, around the door of M. de Villefort's house, and a long file of mourning-coaches and private carriages extended along the Faubourg Saint-Honore and the Rue de la Pepiniere. Among them was one of a very singular form, which appeared to have come from a distance. It was a kind of covered wagon, painted black, and was one of the first to arrive. Inquiry was made, and it was ascertained that, by a strange...

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Seafarers tale

My name is Jack, better known to all and sundry as Jack the Rat, with another enthralling tale of my lusty adventures. I am a sea salt with years of experience of the high seas and the lowlifes that populate it. I have been at sea so long that when ashore I have problems walking a straight mile. Me dad was a second mate on board an old tramp steamer, and when me ma passed away, me dad took me into the service and left me brothers with an aunt in Bristol. Me aunt was a right river, and me...

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Transformation Rock A New Tale Part Two

Here is my second part to the Transformation Rock series. First I would like to thank everyone who placed comments all were positive and very helpful. I would like to give a special thanks to ZeDD who actually wrote a review and that to me was the best thing of all. Could not have asked for a better review then from this individual. And to those that didn't like the fact it was too long and only three paragraphs, etc "it was a first time for me". Regardless here is the second...

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A Cinderella Spell Chapter 6 A Fairy Tale Apocalypse Part 1

Authors note: Yes, I know I said at the end of the last chapter that this would be the final part and I had fully intended it to be, but since there was a lot more to this chapter than I had realised and I can't seem to feel comfortable writing stories that are more than around 20k in memory, I've decided that this chapter will split into parts (most likely 3, but I promise nothing). Hope you enjoy it, Sophie xxx A Cinderella Spell - Chapter 6, The Fairy Tale Apocalypse...

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A twisted tale 8211 1

Why is uncle (mama) sleeping my mother’s (amma’s) bedroom? An introduction. Notes: this is purely a work of fiction. No person(s) depicted in this writing are based on any true known person(s). About the tale: “a twisted tale”, is account of 20 year old amitabhe learning about the secrets of his family. The tale is told as chapters, the focus is not graphical sexual content, the only the thing guaranteed is the originality of these accounts. These are extracts from the diaries of amitabhe. “it...

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Shazia A Tale of Transformation From Conservative Muslim Girl to a Cock Addict Slut Part 1

“It was best of the times, it was worst of the times.’ (A tale of two cities – Charles Dickens) It was best of the times on March 11, 1990, when I cried for the first time after coming out of the womb of my mother, it was also the worst of the times, as I was born in a developing country and thereto in a highly conservative Muslim family. I am a young Muslim girl of 22, living in a small town known as Bhopal in Madhiya Pardesh State, India. I was named Shazia at birth. Muslims in India are...

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Shazia A Tale of Transformation From Conservative Muslim Girl to a Cock Addict Slut Part 1

“It was best of the times; it was worst of the times." (A tale of two cities – Charles Dickens)It was best of the times on March 11, 1990, when I cried for the first time after coming out of the womb of my mother; it was also the worst of the times, as I was born in a developing country and thereto in a highly conservative Muslim family.I am a young Muslim girl of 22, living in a small town known as Bhopal in Madhiya Pardesh State, India. I was named Shazia at birth. Muslims in India are merely...

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Further Tales of Peggy Sanford Ch 09

Peggy Sanford lifted her head off the lounge chair and took a sip of her Ramos Gin Fizz. She lowered her sunglasses and glanced around the pool area. It was filled with fit, attractive couples and a few singles. Yes, this is definitely worth it she thought to herself. Her accommodations at the Roosevelt New Orleans Hotel with its stunning rooftop pool, luxury rooms and wonderful restaurants were an expensive indulgence but the fifteen thousand Euros she had made from her night working as an...

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Further Tales of Peggy Sanford Ch 08

Peggy Sanford actually felt her hand tremble as she slipped the DVD into the slot of the player in her bedroom. She chalked it up to the jittery mix of excitement and emotions she was experiencing. First she was sexually frustrated. It was a Thursday night and the last time she had an orgasm was on Saturday night. She and her husband flew home from their trip to France and Germany on Sunday morning. Due to the time zone change they arrived home very early on Monday morning. She took off from...

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Further Tales of Peggy Sanford Ch 10

Peggy Sanford entered her room and immediately collapsed on the big comfortable king-sized bed. She had spent over three hours with Curtis and Jasmine, the attractive young couple she had met at the roof top pool, being dominated and forced to satisfy every one of their perverse and deviant sexual desires. In other words she had a wonderful afternoon, just what she had hoped for when she came to New Orleans. When she left their room the couple was sleeping soundly. They were completely sexually...

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A True TaleChapter 10

The old man and Mia entered the room and slowly got ready for bed. Naked they both climbed into the blankets and after adjusting their position with Mia backed to the old man’s front they drifted off to sleep. Mia enjoyed the strong arm draped over her with his huge hand covering her breast softly squeezing and rolling it in his hand. The next morning the old man told Mia he would be back in two days and left. Panicked, Mia told Lord Kronk that the old man had left stating he would return in...

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Almost a Fairy Tale

Almost a fairy tale Chapter 1- The beginning "In what a mess I'm involved in", I though. There I was, half naked and surrounded by two large and well armed guards. Close to me was Elisabeth, my lover, and together we did wait for our executioner, the mighty King-Wizard Wolf. My name was Richard. I was born in an untypical peasant's family. My father had been educated to become a monk, but was expelled from the monastery after the other monks discovered what he had been doing...

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The Tale of Leigh and Jo

The Tale of Leigh and Jo By Kelly Blake Edited and Proof Read by Andrea Lena DiMaggio and Alison Mary; artwork by the incorrigible Belle Meade Author's Note: This little tale would definitely not have been possible without the help of the above mentioned ladies and their staff. This tale is dedicated to all those who have 'little secrets' and unyielding families. "New Year's Day..." Mother, we always called her mother, and I were in the sun room. She wanted to...

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A Tale of Two Sissies

A Tale of Two Sissies By Sandy Brown This story is a tribute to Sandy Thomas. For those of us who came of age before the internet and sites like Fictionmania, Sandy Thomas books were a lifeline for us. I sat at a small table in the dimly lit bar, sitting directly across from one of the most beautiful looking middle-aged women I had ever seen. She passed my most demanding standard, which was, "Would I would love to look like her when I am her age?" Yes, I had instantly...

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Almost a Fairy Tale

Just some notes: -I do some research, but I do it in the spare time of my spare time, so I took many poetical liberties in the description of the past. -I'm no adept of metaphysics, but the interpretation I gave for prophecies as powerful spells look logical to me, perhaps someone had that idea already before. -There is sex, of course, but the main focus is on the concept of personality, what defines "us". This is the main theme of all my stories. Almost a Fairy...

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A Tall Tale From The Badger

I 'spose all you johnny foreigners think we British don't talk about sex. 'Tisn't true y'know, well, not all the time like you lot. It's just one of those things put about by people that are jealous of us bein' English. Stereotypin', that's what it is. If you say things loud enough and long enough then people'll believe it. Y'know the Froggies are always sayin' that they have a monopoly on culture. Huh, don't know when they translated Shakespeare from the French! And like Germans...

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A Tale Of ImmoralityChapter 8 A Foretaste of Damnation

He must have thought he killed us both. He should have. I am Anne. I betrayed my husband. And in the end I was unable to stop my betrayal. He found out, of course. He killed my lover. He almost killed me. Then he killed himself. No. I killed him. I know. I have no right to live on. But I do. I could annoy you with repentance and remorse, but I won't. Not because I don't honestly feel it. I do feel remorse, about ten tons of it and they all weigh on my heart. But there is no point, is...

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A tale to tell

A tale to tell A tale to tell My little slave boy has in fact just turned 19. He looks more like sweet 16 and unfortunately sometimes acts like he is going on 12.I sometimes wonder if he will ever just "grow up". Then again something about his very youthfulness (I am 44) really must appeal to me very much.Awkward and even clumsy at times in a charming very boyish way, he blushes quite easily and indeed he often has an extremely vulnerable, almost poignant young quality about him that I...

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The Tale of the Comfortable Panties

THE TALE OF THE COMFORTABLE PANTIES By Tammie Anne Freeman Chapter 1 I stopped at the restaurant on my way home from visiting my folks. I was planning to drive straight through, but my home was another two hours away, and I was getting hungry. The restaurant was cafeteria style; where you get your own food and then find a table to sit at. I got my food, but was having a hard time finding a place to sit. But thankfully a table near me came open. I quickly walked over and placed...

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Incestuous Bedtime Tale 5 Daughters Incestuous Toy

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Five: Daughter's Incestuous Toy By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Avalon Young – January 2038 “I hear you're making friends with my daughter,” Dr. Wilson said as he wielded over the 4D ultrasound to the bed. “Yes, Heaven's great,” I said as I sat on the hospital bed, both my parents with me. They were on the other side of the bed from my OB/GYN. Mommy held my hand, a bright smile on her face framed by her...

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Mai Corns Tale

This is the tale of a witness to the events chronicled in the tale of Miss Pepperidge, parts one and two. It occurred in the world of Templeton College, so compellingly described by Charles Petersunn. This tale is told with the approval and support of author Petersunn. == == == == == == == == == == Mai Corn stumbled a little as she walked from her plain-sight hiding place to her room. She wasn’t drunk. Indeed, she hadn’t had anything to drink all evening. But she was excited, more excited...

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