To Be Frank Ch. 03 free porn video

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The usual disclaimer – this is (mainly!) fiction, the characters’ names are disguised, and it’s better to start reading about Frank at Chapter One. Thanks to all of you who’ve provided feedback and suggestions, all of which have been gratefully received, even if I’ve not replied personally (sorry!)

Next morning we awoke at sunrise, anxious to get an early start for the serious hill walking we were about to undertake – from nearly sea level to 750m (it doesn’t sound much but remember it’s Britain) over rough rocky terrain shaped by millions of years of exposure to mother nature. I hit the shower block with my girl friend Nessie and we took adjoining stalls, stripping easily in front of each other. I’ve always admired Nessie’s fuller figure, especially her D cup breasts, which put mine to shame, and I made a mental note to myself to one day explore her further. We chatted about our day ahead as we cleaned up. I knew Nessie had to wash up after her session with Paul the previous night, but she had no idea that Tim and I had also indulged, culminating in him flooding my love tunnel with his ejaculate.

‘So, hard climb ahead’ she half-shouted, over the shower noise.

‘Not half as hard as tomorrow night’ I replied, smiling to myself as I rinsed the shampoo out of my hair.

‘Ahh Kate, you’re soooo crude!’ Nessie responded. ‘Crude but fair’ she added, after a half-pause for comic effect. We both giggled a little.

We chatted for a while as we washed. As I soaped up my front, feeling my nipples harden in the early morning rush that the body gives you to let you know it’s good to be alive, I toyed briefly with the idea of teasing my clitoris to a quick orgasm, but then realised that it’s hard to focus on sexual relief when the girl next door is trying to hold a conversation with you, and reluctantly left my hot button alone, figuring that Tim could attend to it later.

After showering we dried off and dressed. As we knew the day would be both hot and long the two of us had opted for light clothes Nessie was in cotton undies, jean shorts and white cotton shirt and I’d ended up choosing to wear my little blue polka-dot bikini (it was the eighties!) under green cotton shorts and a sleeveless green t-shirt that didn’t do much to hide my svelte teen figure from the world at large. I was very aware of my petite breasts and tight little bum being shown off by my choice, but also knew that, given we were hiking into the wilds of North Wales, the only male audience would be the man I intended sleeping with that evening, and Paul, who I knew was so wrapped up in Nessie that he wouldn’t notice if I hiked nude.

We quickly struck our tents and distributed the canvas and poles amongst our packs. The guys were suitably gentlemanly in taking the lion’s share of the weight allowing us girls an easier walk under lighter loads.

It was still early as we set off from our campsite, stopping (oh how good we were!) to leave a route plan and e.t.a. for our return under the door of the campsite owner in case of difficulties.

Our walk across and over the Rhinog mountains was odd in that we were walking South to North, where most people went the other way, for the simple reason the boulder field and scree slopes were easier to go across that way round. As we’d left early we figured that we’d have the worst rock scrambling out of the way before lunch and before the day really warmed up, and so it proved. The dry weather meant the mountain bogs were drier and easier to navigate than after rain, and the rock scrambling was much simpler than it would have been had the rocks got a good soaking while were there. With only a couple of short snack stops and comfort breaks we were lunching by the small lake on the Eastern flank of Rhinog Fach, the smaller of the two giant brothers.

‘We’ve made good time’ said Paul, checking the map and his watch. Choice ahead: do we laze over lunch or get on with it, conquer ‘Fach and hit our campsite early?’

‘Where’s the advantage in that?’ said Tim. He stole a sidelong glance at me, as he’d been doing all morning. ‘We could have a swim here, cool off and then get going’

‘Swim at our campsite’ said Nessie. ‘There’s a lake there too, isn’t there Paul?’

Paul confirmed Nessie’s expectations, and we all agreed we’d push on to get to destination as soon as we could, much to Tim’s chagrin.

‘Easy, tiger’, I told him as we put our packs back on to move off. I squeezed his hand in mine, letting him know my interest matched his. ‘Wait till later!’

‘I know, Frank. It’s just that, well, I’ve had to look at your butt while we’ve been walking all morning and I figured that rather than walk we could, you know…’ his voice trailed off.

‘Know what?’ I teased. I didn’t wait for his response, as his face flushed. I turned him to face me, and, as Paul and Nessie helped each other with their packs, tilted my head up to his to kiss him, briefly, full on the lips. ‘Later’ I emphasised, raising an eyebrow and smiling at the expression on his face – all hope, fear, frustration and expectation. He still took the chance to cop a quick feel of my arse before I smacked his hand away!

Our final ascent up Rhinog Fach was steep, sweaty and breath-stopping. We had little energy for anything other than a quick cheer as we hit the summit, sun beating down on us and no shelter in sight. The view out across the Barmouth Bay was spectacular, and we could see for miles.

‘I can see all the way to future’ I breathed. Nessie cocked a quizzical eyebrow at me. ‘Where the sun sets,’ I explained. ‘By the time it’s going down over there it’s already night here, so I’ve always looked at sunset over the ocean as being in the future.’

She lifted her water bottle to me in a mock toast. ‘Here’s to your future’ she said, a little smile playing across her face. Having set Tim & I up for the weekend, she was milking it for all it was worth!

‘What goes on tour stays on tour’ I responded, echoing the age-old mantra of weekenders across the whole country, be they sporting, dirty or sci-fi convention-goers.

‘Hear, hear’ came the reply of the other three, as we all raised our water bottles in one of the more sober toasts ever delivered.

We set off down the steep slope to the glacial lake on the West side, taking our time over the steep, rocky descent to save our joints and energy, and arriving shortly after three in the afternoon, a good two hours ahead of when we expected to be making camp. We’d seen not a soul apart from each other all day, and had the lake to ourselves. Llyn Hywel was at the same time blue, green and grey, depending on the angle of the sun and how you looked at it, and was dammed at the one end by glacial waste, with a small remainder hillock off to one side in the middle of the flat alpine meadow area we intended to pitch our tents in.

‘No disrespect’, said Nessie, ‘but Paul and I are going to pitch here, and there’s a good flat spot just the other side of the hillock here where you ought to find the ground easy enough to get your tent pegs in!’

‘None taken’, I murmured as I checked the look of expectation on Tim’s face.

We tramped the hundred metres or so round the base of the small mound that Nessie had chosen as a barrier between us, and dropped our packs. As she’d promised, the ground was reasonably easy, not too stony, and promised a bit of give under our sleep mats to help us relax that night.

‘I don’t know about you, but I could do with cooling off in that lake’ I said, deliberately facing Tim as I grabbed the hem of my t-shirt and pulled it over my head. My boots came off, my shorts were quickly unbuttoned and they joined my top on the grass, leaving me in just my bikini.

Tim swiftly divested himself of his shorts and shirt, leaving himself in a pair of blue cotton boxer shorts, which he quickly adjusted as I copped a sneak peek of his knob, semi-hard, trying to make its way out in appreciation of me!
I walked to the lake, amused to see Nessie & Paul, both clad in only their undies, heading the same way just up the shoreline. I waved to them, and slowly immersed myself in the chill waters as Tim followed me. We swam slowly, lazily for a few minutes before Tim came up to me, standing up in the shoulder-deep water.

‘Frank’ he started. ‘I don’t know how to start this, but please forgive me if it comes out wrong’

‘Carry on’, I encouraged, standing to match him. ‘We know each other well enough by now for that.’ By way of reinforcement I put my arms round his shoulders and hugged him quickly, leaving my hands resting on his back as we pulled apart just a little. Again, I let my lips brush his, lightly.

‘Frank’ he started again. ‘I’m in a bit of a mess. There’s you, there’s me, there’s Karl. Much as I dislike him, and despite last night, I don’t know what I’m supposed to do about you, as he’s your boyfriend.’

Nice passion-killer, I thought briefly, then squashed the thought as being uncharitable, as Tim was being brutally honest.

‘Tim’, I replied. ‘I love you dearly. We’ve been through a lot together, and we’ll no doubt go through a lot more. I know Karl’s a problem to you, but, please, take it from me, it’s running it’s course, and what you do to me just being around is making me more sure every day that I’ve got to do something about the whole situation. Meantime, I can’t give myself just to you, but will you take this little piece you have, just the two of us, just now?’

I looked into his blue, blue eyes, watching for his response. He gave it to me physically, enfolding me in his arms and initiating the kiss.

Our tongues entwined, and arms around each other, we lost ourselves in that moment, french-kissing for a full five minutes before I broke the embrace, acutely aware of the chill in the water.

‘I’m suffering from a depression’, I stated. Tim looked blank briefly, before he got the meteorological in-joke. ‘Ah, he replied. ‘A bit of a cold front?’

I smiled, nodded, and taking him the hand led him back to dry land. We quickly got to work putting our tent up, but left our sleep mats outside, next to each other, sleeping bags on top, Nothing was spoken, it was just a tacit agreement that we’d not be going into the tent for some time.

We quickly boiled some water and ate the freeze-dried meal we had for tea, washed down with a coffee, fortified with a nip of brandy from Tim’s handy hip flask.

I stretched out on my sleep mat, feeling the early evening sun beat down on my already tanned body, and Tim lay down to join me. He lay on his side, and reached one arm under me to pull me close as his lips once more sought mine. We kissed again, eyes closed, virtually alone under the sun, and slowly his hand came up across my stomach to grasp my left breast, hardening my nipples instantly. He slowly caressed my tit, his fingertips lingering around my aureole as he alternated between cupping the breast and squeezing my nipple through the cloth. The feeling was fantastic, as only the first conscious touch can ever be between lovers, and I was briefly disappointed as his hand left its duties.

He moved his hand round to my back, seeking the ties that held the brief triangles of fabric between my chest and nakedness, and slowly pulled the string loose, repeating the procedure at my neck, then pulling my bikini top off and dropping it next to me. My breasts were exposed to him, and he broke off his exquisite kiss to prop himself up on an elbow and survey my 34b chest.

‘You don’t know how often I’ve dreamed of this, Frank’ he breathed, as he leant forward and kissed my tits. His tongue danced across me, and sent shivers down my spine. Every few moments he’d grasp one of my little brown acorn nipples and nibble it with his teeth, stopping to lick circles round my aureoles.

I moaned my pleasure into his neck, and my hand crept down his chest, across his stomach and onto his boxers. His cock was rigid, pulsing with the energy stored within for me, and my hand encircled it through his boxers. I left it, pulling instead on the waistband, intent on releasing him from his cloth prison.

Tim raised his hips, allowing me to pull down on his underwear, slowly taking it past his knees, where with some wriggling of his legs he managed to get free and lie naked next to me. As he continued to use his mouth on my breasts I grasped his cock in my hand and slowly began to wank him off, tugging on his shaft in long, easy up-and-down motions.

We continued this for some time, enjoying the feelings generated as we pleasured each other, until I reluctantly moved his head off my breasts and kissed my way down him to his shaft.

Up close, his uncircumcised cock looked as thick as I remembered it feeling inside me the previous night. I gently kissed the tip, being rewarded with the twitch that guys can’t ever stop when a girl gets close enough to promise oral satisfaction. I wrapped my lips round him, quickly bobbing down and back to give him a taste of my blowjob technique.

I settled into a routine, swirling my tongue around the tip, then taking him deep into my mouth, dragging my teeth on the underside of his cock on the way up to repeat the process, whilst one hand cupped his balls, hot and heavy in my grip.

It was all too soon when his warning grunt told me that he was about to come. After all Karl’s ejaculations across my face, chest and butt I wasn’t about to let this go to waste, so I held him in my mouth as I squeezed his full balls, encouraging him to let go as I speeded up my sucking. Within a few quick moments his come was filling me, with three, then four, then five generous spurts of his liquid hitting the back of my throat and the roof of my mouth. He tasted tangy, salty, musky, sweet, all at the same time, and it wasn’t unpleasant at all, as I licked him clean and swallowed his semen down.

I rested my head on his stomach, looking up, licking my lips.

‘Good?’ I asked, knowing instantly what a dumb question that was.

‘More than’ Tim replied. ‘More than.’ He pulled me up, surprising me by kissing me fully, the way most guys avoid after they’ve just spunked in their girlfriend’s mouth, then setting me down again on my sleep mat. ‘My turn’ he said, kissing me on the mouth, the neck, my breasts and my flat stomach. He arrived at the tip of my bikini, and lifted my hips as he removed my bikini bottom, leaving me naked in front of him.

‘Wow, full shave’ he noted with smile. It was rare back in the eighties, with most girls thinking it was a bit sluttish, a bit porn star. I’d decided a couple of years previously that being shaven was much more fun than having pubic hairs trapped in your pantie line in class, and my friends in my school year had, after the initial teasing, almost all played follow the leader, much to the delight of their respective partners.

He lay between my legs, lifting them over his shoulders and burying his face fully in my pussy with a big kiss, trying to fit it all in his mouth, tongue playing all up and down my slit. I held my legs above him as his arms came up so his hands could once more play with my breasts.

He kissed my slit, driving his tongue up my cunt before running it up and down my labia, then flicking it lightly across my clitoris before diving back down to play with the opening to my hole. As he’d done to my nipples, he’d occasionally grip my clitoris in his teeth before playing his tongue across it, and it was this strangely gentle, yet somehow aggressive play that set me loose as I cried out my pleasure to the afternoon sky.

‘Oooooooh, TIM! Aaaaaaaah.’ My breath was short, as were my cries, as he expertly brought me to orgasm with his mouth and hands as I clamped him with my leg, trying to draw him deeper into my sex. ‘Oh wow!’ I echoed, as I came down from the high.

Tim lifted himself up and drew up so our faces were level, and kissed me again. I could taste my own familiar musky scent on his lips
and tongue.

‘Ready?’ he said, the subject of his question being made obvious by the feel of his, once more erect, penis at the opening to my well-lubricated vagina.

‘Please Tim, put it in me’ I replied, again using my legs as an urgent signal, clasped around his back to pull his cock into me.

He thrust, all at once, no finesse, to bury himself inside and set our pubic bones together, drawing a startled gasp from me as he filled my pussy with his hard, fat cock, then just as suddenly withdrew, leaving just his head inside me and an empty feeling up my tunnel.

He thrust again, more slowly as I buried my head in his neck, then set up a series of slow steady fully-in, almost out strokes, each time stretching my cunt and tweaking my G-spot with his cock. The ecstasy was total, only minutes in and I knew it was the best fuck I’d had ever. Tim’s rhythm was everything, and he slowly speeded up his fucking, taking me along with him to another orgasm as his penis, a perfect fit in my limited experience, brought out the sexy woman within me.

I pressed gently against his chest. ‘I want to go on top’ I whispered. ‘Let me fuck you back, please?’

Awkwardly we rolled, to retain his dick in me and waste none of the wonderful sensation, and eventually I was astride him, hands on his chest as his reached upward to once again cup my firm little titties as he thrust upward into me. I used my thigh muscles to pull myself upward, repeating the agony of leaving just his head inside me, before relaxing to engulf him once more inside me, savouring the rush as I set the pace, fast as he had, slowing down to a languid, sensual slow dance, before once more sprinting toward another climax. Tim’s breathing became more rapid, and his hands squeezed my nipples harder as he met me thrust for thrust, before gasping as his cock disgorged another load of his cum inside my stretched cunt.

I collapsed on top of him, seeking his mouth and kissing him deeply, sharing the experience we’d just had as he slowly softened inside me. Rolling off, I lay beside him as he cradled me in his arms, and we both looked Westwards, across the sea, to the future.

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Sophie was 17 when she started working for me and is now 18. She’s a cute red head, 5’ 5”, slim build, C cup tits and a nice firm ass. We’d flirted a lot since she started working for me but nothing had ever happened. She’d had boyfriends from time to time but nothing serious. Sometimes we’d sat had a drink after work and quite often sex would be the topic of conversation. It became apparent that Sophie liked to be submissive when it came to sex. Things that she said about boys she’d be been...

1 year ago
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Naughty Natalie Male Perspective Part Two

Naughty Natalie Part 2. It was around four in the afternoon, hearing a slight knock at the door I get up and walk to the wooden frame, shuffling my feet slightly tired due to the intense night before. Opening it and seeing her, long blonde locks in a messy bun, small yawns escape her lips. " Well, good afternoon you." I exclaim moving out of her way letting her slip past me. Her hips sway back and forth under the tight fabric, almost forgetting to shut the door. " What brings you over...

4 years ago
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Master John and whore Pat Again

Master John and whore Pat, AgainPat is 40, looks 27, and fucks like a 19 year old. She's tall, tanned skin, with long wild auburn hair. Her legs and ass are perfect. I don't mean perfect for a 40 year old, I mean just perfect. Toned, rounded in all the right places and tight as a drum. Her 36c tits are perky and her nipples are always hard.We have been playing around with others for the last 10. I absolutely love to watch her with other men and women, and she absolutely loves to be watched. So...

1 year ago
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Can You Keep From Getting Impregnated

You are Emily: a short, curvy 18-year-old brunette-haired girl. With elegant long curls that surround your round bright face, wide wondrous eyes, and pouty lips, you are, at times, the moon and sun to the people who surround you. It is said that when you're smiling and laughing, your face brightens into the most terrific beam of sunshine; however, when you're not smiling or laughing, your eyes cast a black-eye shadow which gives many the assumption that you're sad (when you may or may not...

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Rainy Day Transformation

PreludeI was driving into Boston to see my GF. We were both graduate students but at different colleges. I was staying in her dorm room and there was no hassles at all. Other guys stayed there with their GFs. We had been steady for about 3 years. {I did not know she was cheating on me}. I was 30 years old, thin , petite with real long hair. My GF K. often brushed it and put it in barrettes. I am about 4 inches and she said it was too small for her ...

3 years ago
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Jawan College Teacher Neha Ki Chudai

Mujhe sex karte hue kafi time ho gya hai. Maine ajj tak bohot ladkiyo ki chudai kar chuka hu. Yeh sab aapko meri pichli stories padh kar pata chal jayega. Sabse pehle maine apni college senior “reema” ki chudai kiya tha. Uske baad apni classmate “navneet” ki chudai kiya tha, phir main inn dono ko ek saal tak chod chod kar bore ho gaya tha or kuch naya chahiye tha. To mene kisi tarah apne padosi aunty “rakhi” ki chudai kiya aur usi doran mene apni badi behan “Anjali” ko bhi choda tha. Me ab...

4 years ago
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Miy first fuck

Due to malaria I got fever and was admitted in a well renowned hospital (name being secret). After three days, I started to improve. There was a nurse on night duty who used to give medicines to patients. Let me tell you something about her. She was of 20 years,having a fair complexion, reddish brown hair, beautiful eyes, with moderate swellings on her chest. She used to wear a tight shirt (Qameez) in which her buttocks used to look great. She had a very sexy smile. One night, she came to give...

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Sally was very worried. Colin, her boss, called her into his office before she had left for the evening and given her a final warning. "Either improve your sales or get out." Sally was a pensions sales rep, but for the last six months she had had no takers. There had been many meetings and promises but no one would make a final commitment and sign up. It was not that she wasn't trying, she had more prospective clients than any of her colleagues but they just wouldn't close the final deal....

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BlackValleyGirls Adriana Maya IR Dick Down From The Delivery Man

Nerdy ebony chick Adriana Maya has had an eye on her neighbor for a long time, so she will do anything to get into his pants. Today, she notices that the delivery man left his package out in the rain, so she delivers it to his front door herself. But when she sees his stiff boner, she knows what time it is. She wraps her lips around the tip of his dick and sucks voraciously as saliva drips from her lips. Then, she backs her pussy onto his cock and twerks her ass as he penetrates her black vag....

3 years ago
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Hard Condo Adventure

By Millie Dynamite I walked into the building, and there he was just as he had described himself when spoke on the phone. A tall white man with brown and gray hair standing near the elevators, holding a briefcase and wearing a pinstriped business suit, with blue and red striped tie. He was, actually, quite attractive and the suite spoke of money a lot of money. I walked up to him, extending my hand. “Sandy Leary, Mr. Daystar I am very pleased to make your acquaintance,” I said, with a...

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Becoming a Daughter Chapter 2

Becoming a Daughter - Chapter 2 In the car my mother told me to relax and try to enjoy our outing. She was certainly excited and looking forward to our shopping trip. Before she drove off, she took her tube of moisturizer and held my chin firm as she applied some to my lips. 'Don't worry honey, it is clear'. I looked in the vanity mirror. I thought there was a faint pink color in the moisturizer. As we got to the mall, I was reluctant to get out of the car. "Mom, I really can't do...

2 years ago
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Massage Treat

You get home from a hard day at work. Your shoulders, legs and feet all ache, and you wish you didn't have work tomorrow. You sit down with a drink, cursing your furniture for being so inconsiderate about not being softer. Your shirt hugs you, stretching the buttons across your bosom. You close the curtains, and slowly unbutton your shirt, thinking it’s a shame that no one is here to watch. You have an exquisite wardrobe for work, every item picked to show you off you’re your best. The black...

4 years ago
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Swimming Hole Extortionist

It was a thrill to find the swimming hole just as it had remained in my memory. A deep area below an outcropping of rock provided a great place for diving and oak trees populated its grassy banks making it shady and secluded. Even from the time I was little I tended to plan ahead so I didn’t just strip and dash into the water. Instead I looked for a distinguishing feature on the shore so I could find my clothes easily when I got out. Then I found it, a large gnarly tree with a huge burl that...

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Pipe CrewConclusion

The cement trucks arrived two days later, just as promised. Each of the piers would take half of the nine full yards, so it took six truckloads to pour the twelve piers. As the cement was cascading in, we pipe crew boys were given shaker rods to run up and down in the wet cement to get the load to settle into the cracks and around the rebar reinforcements. Mr. Schultz put the finish edges on the top himself. The foundation forms took another four truckloads. Witham Hill Aggregate...

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CarolChapter 6

She heaved a big sigh and turned her attention to the big dog. She put his paws up onto the coffee table and scooted under the dog's belly and leaned against the heavy table. Bubba's cock was slapping her in the face and leaving a trail of slime where ever it touched her milky skin. She reached up and wrapped her fingers around as much cock as she could and guided it to her open mouth. As soon as bubba felt her lips close over his dick he started humping her face. There was a collective...

2 years ago
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Manhattan Rhapsody

Last night I had a rather pleasant dream, after spending the evening reading a time travel story and eating a large pastrami sandwich. I don't blame or credit the dream on either, but just saying. I was living in the 1950s in New York, renting a small apartment that I was sharing with a young lady I had met in college. We both came to NY to pursue our dreams; mine, as a reporter, writing for the Times and hers, composing music and performing. Mary was a talented pianist and although I wasn't...

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I was a little bit naughtyAnd i loved it

Me and my ex split up over 8 years ago and we have a son together,We remain really good friends and even though she has now got a husband i still go round to see my son.About 2 weeks ago i went round and when i got there my ex and her fella said that they were going out shopping,so i was in the house waiting for my son to get home from school,I had about 30 mins to wait.I needed the toilet so i went up to the toilet and on the way up,i know i shouldnt of but i went into my exs bedroom and...

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Franks Box

Frank's Box By Pilgrim Frank was off again for class. He was an excellent student and had a keen interest in his college classes. Today was a full day of classes, and the only problem he had with that is he couldn't ever concentrate on one class at a time. A fairly good-looking male, Frank stood six feet two inches tall with brown hair and brown eyes. He was slim but not a stick, and he carried himself in a presentable manner. During high school, Frank was an average athlete...

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Where the Heart Lies

What goes around comes around as the saying goes, yet looking back, my thoughts at the time would have put my distant past behind me. I was adopted as a baby and brought up along with my sister (also adopted) by two very loving parents whom I naturally called Mum and Dad. They brought us up well and I never questioned my past or wondered who my birth parents were. It simply did not figure in my life. I was special because they chose me, was how my Mum put it. They were there at every step of...

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Slaves Ch4

Chapter 4: Meet the QueenDimillah smiled at the terrified way the boy walked in between her and the other ladies. Naked and, though tall, standing shorter than they did in their high heels. Pulled by the leash around his neck, as slaves did in Mučenia. A lovely sight, with whip marks crisscrossing his smooth, shaved skin. Delicious, youthful complexion.He was right to be terrified, of course! This was a big moment for him."You should consider yourself honored," she told him as they walked the...

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Halftime Stranger

It was a warm October night and I was at a college football game with a few buddies. Throughout the first half of the game, I looked to my right and there was this hot sexy bald guy 3 sections to my right. He had huge arms and was wearing a black wife-beater and jeans. We kept looking at each other and at each time, he would show that bright smile of his.At halftime, I went to the restroom and used one of the stalls, luckily I was the only one in the bathroom. As I opened the stall, he was...

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Naughty Pretty Things

She is terribly horny. Mom has been at home so much lately she and Daddy have to settle for quickies in the car or just up against a wall in the house. She can hear Daddy driving mom crazy at times. Mom may be a prude about a lot of things but she loves Daddy and enjoys his body. Almost in desperation she agreed to sleep over at Sherry's. They have 'fooled' around a little and she hopes that the 'fooling' would turns into some serious licking, sucking and fingering tonight. She really...

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Cletus Tucker4Chapter 8

Colorado Territory, June, 1872 Cletus asked the chiefs' council to call everybody together for a pep talk. "By now you all know that the Utes are very near. Tomorrow, we will have to begin moving into the fort. You have been calling it 'Fort Cletus, ' but I would like to call it 'Fort Defiance, ' because it is proof that nobody can push us around! Will you join me in changing the name?" After the cheering had died down, Cletus went on, "We are greatly outnumbered, but we can win if...

2 years ago
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A Second ChanceChapter 5

Grama belched ... not one of your, 'urp' s, nope ... Grannie BELCHED... 'BUUUURRRRPPP!' and daintily patted her lips with her hankie. "Lou ... magnificent ... you still got it. Hey ... Antonio ... you Lou's kid?" "Yes, Mrs. Austin." "Who's your ma?" "Thelma, Mrs. Austin," Tony said it proudly. "Thelma? Lou ... you married Thelma Whitaker? You finally made an honest woman outta Thel?" Grannie was in full spate. The stories she told ... never in my wildest dreams did I...

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Deflowered Or Experience With Indian Sex Stories Reader

Hi buddies, I’m a regular reader of indian sex stories dot net for past 10 years or more. Each day I’ll never sleep without reading a story as well I have shared few of my experiences here, when I read stories, few are amazing and some are fake, maybe to get contacts their writing down and some are true. I’m going to narrate one such true story of mine where one of the ISS readers who is a virgin wanted to lose with me desperately. Not sure how easily both men and women accept or get into bed...

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Seduction In Bunny Pyjamas Ch 02

Chapter 2 – Things can only get better after they’ve got a damn sight worse! An unexpected blast from the past rocks Alex’s world, in more ways than one… Note from Buzzlegirl – this is part 2. Things start to heat up now and get moving. please do vote and leave comments, I’d love to hear what you think about how things are developing! With lots of thanks to luvtaread for her superb editing skills. ‘So how come I haven’t seen you in here before’ Justin shouted over Nicola’s warbling karaoke...

1 year ago
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My Crazy But Arousing Boss

"Fuck, I just want to pull my hair out, I'm so sick of filling this shit out." I glanced at the clock. "Two more hours, shit." "Two more wonderful hours you mean, right?" she asked, strolling towards my desk. My eyes moved to her six foot figure and a smile appeared on my face. I looked right at the crack located only a few inches south of her chin as her white button up blouse failed to leave anything to my imagination. Some of her long and straight blonde hair came down onto her tits, but I...

Office Sex
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Mias Fantasy

Mia's fantasy. Her rape fantasy. Noah could never forget the night after they were married, just a few months ago. He'd held her in his arms after they'd made love. She'd snuggled up against him, softly kissed his muscled chest, and whispered words he'd never expected to hear in a million years. 'Noah…I have a confession to make. I've always fantasized about being…raped.' 'Sweetheart, are you serious?' The beautiful, slender blonde girl just nodded. 'Yes, Noah. I know it...

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On Orgasm Pond

Orgasm Pond is a name I affectionately gave a small Adirondack lake in upstate New York after a summer I had spent there that changed my life. The real name of the lake shall remain nameless. You know that point when you've given yourself passionately to something for years and all that something does is take, take, take? That point where you, suddenly and forcefully, can't take it anymore. My life careened toward that breaking point for years. I was blind to it until I reached that...

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only a game p2

Legs on his shoulder bouncing on the bed a gagball in my mouth looking at him, in controll and strong , fucking his secret sissy boywe can ear his mom downstair making breakfastHer son powerfull cock pounding in me , taking away my pussy for his pleasureI never expected this to happen but last week end drunk and alone it just happenedNow he just fuck me whenever he wantsevery day of the week, during school break we drive to a safe spot and he fuck me full of cumhe unloaded in me , replaced my...

1 year ago
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Destined Hearts Ch 03

‘H-how do you…I mean.’ Camryn turned away from him and stared out at the Ocean. This couldn’t be happening. She sliced a hand through the air, ‘I can’t believe you. How could you have pretended not to know?’ She lowered her head to her hands on the railing, suddenly feeling faint. Luke’s hand guided her to a chair, ‘Cam, just sit down, okay? I swear I didn’t know at first. You look so different, and when you lied about your name…’ His eyes pleaded with hers. ‘I did know there was something...

2 years ago
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The Big Game Bet Chapter 2

"Hey honey," my wife called out from the bathroom as she was getting ready to leave for work. "I forgot to tell you; Teresa is coming over to make us dinner tonight. Isn't that nice of my little girl?" A smile crept on my face and a slight tingle of arousal shot through my groin. I knew exactly why my stepdaughter Teresa was being so nice. She's planning to pay off our big game bet tonight. It's been more than a week since her team playing in the big championship coughed up the ball and...

3 years ago
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I Always Knew She Was BrokenChapter 4 Home Wrecked

I helped Sam prepare for his Bar Mitzvah. I helped Benjamin too, mostly just by listening and discussing politics or letting him turn me on to some cool band or letting me turn him on to the music I loved--mostly Miles Davis and Chet Baker and Gerry Mulligan and cool jazz. In other words I came home relatively early and got to know my sons. We got on surprisingly well. And my wife remained mostly pleasant. We only made love with Bess. She made love with George. Evenings and absences she lied...

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