Reunion Ch. 3_(2) free porn video

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Cindy left early the next morning to get home, and watch her siblings. I sat on the back porch with my coffee, and pulled out my phone.

“Change of plans.” I texted Katherine.

I wasn't expecting her to reply. I didn't know what her shooting schedule was, and was surprised when she called me a minute later.

“Good morning, Beautiful.” I answered.

“Good morning to you, Love.” She said back. “What changed in the plan? I thought that you had that sweet little tart lined up to make Candice jealous?”

“I still have her on my line." I told her. “But, jealousy is not the emotion that Cindy will illicit from Candice. It would be more like rage. I found out that Cindy happens to be their daughter.”

“Oh my god! That's a knock out blow.” She gasped.

“Exactly, so I'm just going to keep sleeping with Cindy every night. She has to babysit her siblings during the day.” I told her. “Friday is the last day of the reunion, and it's family day. You're flying in on Thursday, so you'll be there when it all explodes on that last day.”

“I highly doubt that Candice will want to sleep with you after that bomb goes off.” Katherine said.

“Truthfully, I don't even want to sleep with Candice.” I told her. “Just seeing the look on their faces when they find out that their daughter has been sleeping with me all week, and that she's the one that pursued me. That will be good enough for me.”

“You are a wicked man, but I love you.” She giggled. “I have to get going, but I'll see you in a few days.”

“Alright, I'll see you on Thursday. I love you too.” I said, before we hung up.

I got showered, and dressed. The first day, everybody was to check-in at DiMillo's Restaurant for breakfast. It was a restaurant that was actually a large boat docked in Portland.

I arrived a half hour late. The line to get in was empty, but the table with all the name tags was still sitting at the door. There were a bunch of unclaimed tags still on it. I found mine, put it in my pocket, and went in the restaurant.

There were dozens of people there. Most of them were eating from the buffet breakfast bar that was setup. I already ate breakfast, so I just got myself a coffee. I found a seat in the corner, and watched around the room.

There were a lot of familiar faces, a few that I could actually put a name to, but most that I couldn't. I didn't see Candice and Matt until there was a loud macho yell from across the room, and Matt stood up, and hugged one of his old football buddies. Then I spotted Candice sitting in the seat next to him.

She looked every bit as beautiful as I remembered her to be. Their whole table was filled with faces that I could actually remember the names of. They were all friends of Candice's.

I sat there drinking my coffee when a few other women arrived at my table. They were all carrying a plate of food. I looked at their name tags, and recognized their names immediately. They were all cheerleaders while we were in school.

“Excuse me, are these seats available?” Heather asked for the group.

“Please, by all means.” I said gesturing for them to sit.

“Thank you, um……” She was searching for my name tag.

“Oh! Right, I'm sorry.” I said, standing up, and pulling out my name tag, and sticking it in my t-shirt.

“Oh my god! Luke D’Angelo!” Kim exclaimed. “I never would have guessed that it was you! You look so different! You look good. How have you been?”

The funny thing was that she sounded genuinely happy that I was there.

“I've been well. Living out in California.” I answered. “How about you all? How have you all been?”

“Where to begin?” Heather snorted. “Let's see, I'm in the middle of divorce number two, Kim has had a string of bad boyfriends, and is currently living with me, Rachel got dumped by her husband after he found his secretary more appetizing, and Suzie lost her husband after she didn't bounce right back after their third kid.”

Just then, there was a roar of laughter coming from Candice's table. All of us looked over.

“Ugh!” Kim groaned as we all turned our attention back towards each other. “Her majesty seems to be holding court.”

That struck me as odd. The cheerleaders, and jocks were the crowd that Candice hung out with in high school. They were all always together.

“Falling out between you all?” I asked.

“Her and Matt just like thinking that they are better than everybody else.” Suzie answered. “You weren't here for the last reunion, but she actually had the nerve to tell me and Rachel that it was our own fault for losing our husbands.”

“And, Matt still thinks that he's king shit quarterback.” Rachel added. “I was actually happy as Hell when you kicked the shit out of him after graduation.”

“Yeah, that was so hot.” Kim giggled. “Then you just up, and disappeared. You didn't even come to the ten year reunion.”

“I went into the Army right after that, then out to California.” I told them. “Besides, from what I understood, everybody thought that I was a lowlife looser, and didn't want anything to do with me.”

“Who the fuck told you that?” Heather barked. “We all loved having you around. Hell, Kim here wanted to fuck the shit out of you after you and Candice broke up, but Candice told her to back off.”

“You bitch!” Kim giggled as she turned red. “You're not supposed to tell him that!”

“Well, I'm flattered, but I don't see why. I was fat back then.” I told her.

“No you weren't!” Kim exclaimed. “Where were you getting your information from?”

“The same person that told you to stay away from me.” I answered.

“You two were together for a year, around all of us, and you believed that?” Suzie asked.

I sighed, and told them exactly what happened when we broke up. None of them could believe what I was told by Candice and Matt.

“Then when factor in me being young, and dumb, and that they were telling all of you to stay away from me. It all lined up.” I concluded.

“That's some seriously fucked up shit.” Rachel said, with the rest of them nodding in agreement. “Is that why you didn't come to the last reunion?”

“Partially.” I admitted. “That, and I was busy building up my business.”

“That's level headed of you.” Kim said. “What made you decide to come this time? I mean, we're happy that you did, but just curious.”

“Business is good, and a friend of mine convinced me that I should.” I shrugged. “I'm glad that I did. You lovely ladies have been, enlightening, and great company.”

We all continued to talk, and catch up. Our class president was scheduled to talk before the tour of the Old Port was to begin. It wasn't an actual tour, it was basically bar hopping in the Old Port.

I excused myself to refill my coffee, and duck outside for a cigarette before the speaking was to begin. Kim asked if I minded her joining me. I told her that I didn't. The rest of the girls razed her as we left, which caused me to chuckle.

I refilled my coffee. Kim got herself another O.J., and we headed toward the door. The route took us past Candice and Matt's table. Kim and I were chatting as we walked, and Candice and I caught each other's eyes for a moment as we passed by her table. It looked like she was trying to figure out who I was for a moment before recognition exploded all over her face.

I just kept walking, and talking with Kim out the door. I left my cigarettes in the car, so Kim followed me out to the parking lot. She spotted the Ferrari.

“Oh, Jesus. Did they really get that car to show off in front of everybody?” She asked.

“No, actually it's my car.” I told her, unlocking the door, and grabbing my cigarettes. “Well, it's a rental, but still.”

I handed her a cigarette, and pulled one out for myself. Then threw the pack back in the car before locking it.

“Sorry, I wasn't trying to insinuate anything.” She said, as I lit her cigarette for her.

I lit my own cigarette, and shrugged. “I rented a car, and that's what they gave me.”

We smoked our cigarettes, and talked some more. She even got a little flirty, touching me every so often while we talked, and laughing at all of my corny jokes. I got the feeling that she still wanted to fuck me.

We made it back inside right before the class president took the stage. Candice's eyes followed us the whole time, from the time that we came back in the room, until we sat at our table. Kim scooted a little closer to me when we sat down.

The class president took the mic, and welcomed everybody. She laid out the itinerary for the week. We were doing the Old Port tour today, Funtown the next day, Old Orchard Beach on Wednesday, Freeport on Thursday, and a family gathering at the State Park on Friday. The State Park is on Sebago Lake, it's where the sandbar was where I met Cindy.

We all hung out at the restaurant until 11, and then moved out into the Old Port. We all stayed as a group, but pretty much stayed in our subgroups at the same time. Kim was getting even more bold, and held my hand as we were walking around.

I spotted Candice, and her little group. Every time that I'd glance in her direction, she was staring at us. She also didn't look too happy about it either. Matt was off in his own world, reminiscing about his football days with his football buddies. Not a single one of them looked in shape enough to play the game now.

We hit the first bar, and I bought a round of drinks for all of the girls in my little group. We took them over to one of the pool tables, and started playing a game. None of us were serious about the game. We were all just having a good time laughing about missed shots. Kim missed a straight shot, and buried her face into my chest as the rest of the girls laughed. I wrapped my arm around her. I was chuckling about it too. It was all in good fun, so none of us were upset about it. It's not like any of us were pros, or playing for money.

“Everybody seems to be enjoying themselves over here.” I looked up to see Candice standing there. She was looking right at me. “Luke, you're looking well, and I see that Kim wasted no time swooping in.”

“Excuse me!” Kim whirled around. I put my hand on Kim's shoulder to stop her from going over to Candice, and beating her with the stick in her hands.

“I am well Candice, thank you.” I told her, smiling. “And, we're just having some drinks, playing some pool, having fun, and catching up with each other. Isn't that the point of this thing?”

“It is.” She smiled. “Maybe our two groups can merge together, and play?”

“Honestly, we're just goofing around, and having fun.” I said. “The guys in your group are competitive, and our group would ruin that for them. Thank you for the offer though.”

She frowned at that, and seemed to be at a loss for words. So, she just nodded, and went back to her group. The girls started snickering after she left. Rachel came over, and took the pool stick from Kim. She bumped her ass into my hip to get my attention.

“I don't think that she was happy with our answer.” She said as she went up to the table to look for her shot.

“Yeah, I really don't feel like dealing with them right now.” I said, and downed my drink. “Who's ready for another round.”

They all hooted, and I gave the waitress a $50 for our next round, and her tip. We continued our game of pool, and having fun.

We left that bar, and moved on to the next one. As the day progressed, and the more that they drank, the more rowdy the girls got, and the more handsy they got with me. They thought nothing of kissing me, copping a feel of my ass, or dick. Then commenting to each other about it, right in front of me. It was all in good fun though.

I noticed Candice watching us throughout the day. I was really surprised that Matt wasn't even paying her any attention. He was more interested in reminiscing with his old teammates.

At one of the bars, I really had to piss. I was heading to the restroom, and ran into Candice heading to the same place.

“How's your day been going?” She asked.

“Not bad, but I really have to piss.” I said. “Then I think that I'm going to back off the drinking for today. Yours?”

“Just listening to football stories.” She said.

“Well, I really have to get in there, or I'm going to explode.” I chuckled.

I went into the men's room, and whipped my dick out at the urinal. Just as I started to go, the door opened, and Candice came in.

“I think that you might have had a little too much to drink.” I said. “This is the men's room.”

“I know, but the ladies room has a line, and I can't wait.” She said, locking the door behind her. “Besides, you're not using the toilet.”

The bathroom had a urinal, toilet, and sink. There was no partition around the toilet. It was all open. She went around me, lifted her skirt, and dropped her panties. Then sat.

I was watching her, and chuckling.

“What? I really had to pee, and didn't want to piss myself.” She said, laughing too. “It's not like I have anything that you've never seen before.”

“True, but I really don't want to have to drop Matt again if he ever found out about this.” I said zipping myself up. She was watching me tuck my dick away.

“I wouldn't worry about it. I don't even think that he remembers that I'm here.” She said wiping herself, and standing up. This time it was my turn to watch her. “He's so engrossed in his glory days, that he doesn't even know that you're here.”

I was washing my hands as she straightened herself out, and moved to dry them as she started washing hers. She was looking at me through the mirror.

“Look, I really don't want this week to be awkward between us, and would really like to catch up with you.” She said. “I have a lot to apologize to you for, and a lot of explaining to do. Do you think that, that could be possible?”

She dried her hands, and we exited back out of the bathroom.

“I don't have a problem with it, but I can't speak for Kim, Heather, Suzie, and Rachel. Apparently, you've said some pretty nasty things to them, and they're not too happy with you about it.” I told her. “Then there's Matt. I really don't want things to get ugly if he has a problem with it.”

“I understand. I'll straighten things out with the girls, and you really don't have to worry about Matt.” She said. “He's drunk before we even leave the house, and too wrapped up in his glory days to pay attention to anything else that's going on around him.”

I just shrugged, and we parted ways. I went back to the girls, and she went back to her husband. I was pacing myself all day, so I wasn't as drunk as everybody else. I stayed for a while longer, drinking straight soda. I needed something more in my stomach, and knew exactly what I wanted.

“Well, ladies. I need to get going. There's an Amato's around the corner calling out to me. I haven't had an Italian Sandwich in twenty years, and I need one.” I told the girls.

They were all disappointed that I was leaving, and kept asking if I was coming back the next day. I assured them that I was. They all gave me a hug, and kiss goodbye, and I left. Candice watched me leave.

I went and got my sandwich, and sat on a bench, and ate it. A flood of memories came back with every bite. I forgot how much I missed those sandwiches.

I was pretty much sober by the time I got back to my car, and headed back to the house. I called Katherine, and filled her in on my day. She filled me in on hers. Then I heard a car pull up, and let her go.

I was sitting on the couch, with a drink on the end stand, and my head laid back, when Cindy came in. She came over, and sat on my lap, facing me, and kissed me.

“Did you miss me, Daddy?” She asked, wiggling her ass. “I missed you.”

I smiled, and put my hands on her ass. “I sure did. It's been a long day."

“Well, you sit right there, and let your little girl take care of you.” She smiled, and got up off my lap.

Cindy kneeled down in front of me. She took off my sneakers, and socks. Then started rubbing my feet. I groaned contently, and laid my head back. She continued to rub my feet, then moved up my legs.

When she got to the bottom of my shorts, she unbuttoned them, and pulled them, my boxers, and shirt off, leaving me naked on the couch. Cindy kneeled down in front of me again, and rubbed my thighs.

When she got up to my hips, she sucked my cock into her mouth. She rubbed my hips, and ass as her head was bobbing up and down on my cock. She spent a good amount of time there. Then got up, and sunk my dick into tiny wet pussy. She rode me as she rubbed my chest, shoulders, and arms.

She came twice as she was riding me. Then got up, turned around, and sat with my dick going up in her ass. She leaned back into my chest.

“Do you feel better, Daddy?” She asked, grinding her ass onto my dick.

I wrapped my arms around her, grabbed one of her tits with one hand, and sinking the fingers of my other hand into her pussy.

“I'm well on my way.” I smiled, and started kissing her neck.

I pulled her with me, as I laid down on the couch. She was still on top of me, and I started driving into her ass. I played with her tits, and fingered her pussy as I did.

“Oh God! I'm going to cum with your cock in my ass, Daddy!” She screamed, and she came.

That was all I needed, and came with her as her asshole clamped onto the base of my dick. We laid there like that for a while. I continued to kiss her neck, and rub my hands all over her. She laid there, cooing, and enjoying the attention. She'd shiver every time my hand brushed across her clit.


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Chapter 1 Of late, I have gotten into the habit of suddenly sitting back, in the midst of work, gazing out of the window and thinking of her. Sigh! I am a 35 year old man and I have a terrific job. Ihave a good team to work with and I enjoy my work tremendously. A lot of travel is involved, which I actually consider a perk, as I just love meeting people and interacting with them. But when it comes to making those reports... gosh! I get really lazy and have to literally force myself to finish...

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© Copyright 2003 -- all rights reserved It was a perfect September evening. A nearly cloudless sky allowed the stars to sparkle like magic. The white silk tents billowed gently in the breeze as the music drifted around us. I was dancing with the father of the bride. He twirled me around the dance floor while keeping an eye on his radiant daughter, my best friend, Susan. "So when am I going to dance at your wedding?" "Geez, Pop. Give a girl a break. Can't you be happy that Susan...

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"A world turns to the edge of night, the moon and stars so very bright... Your face glows in the candlelight, It's all because tonight's the night..." It was our song, mine and Diane's. It was the song that played when we first met, the song we sang to on our first date, that rang in our ears with that first kiss, that played softly in the background the first time we made love... "Now hold my hand and take this ring As we unite in harmony... We can begin to live the dream,...

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Leo received a wedding invitation. It was located in different city, an hour away by plane. He didn’t really want to go but he thought he should go, networking purposes. He used… Leo received a wedding invitation. It was located in different city, an hour away by plane. He didn’t really want to go but he thought he should go, networking purposes. He used to work with the groom few years ago, and he had a good job with the finance system, so it might open a good chance for Leo...

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Bridget is spending Easter with her friends Lilly and brandy. They started rejoice their teen years. Lilly asked, ''what took you so long to come over''. Bridget explained she was really busy with school. Brandy surprised Bridget by telling her Lilly and her moved in together. They decided to have a picnic in the yard. While they were eating food they decided to play around. They started sucking on food, Lilly was praised for her sucking. Lilly and Bridget started feeding each other cherries,...

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A DaemonHorn BladeChapter 19

If Boyle had been amused by the Lady Ayleth's modesty back at the hot tub in Dragontooth, her reaction to the casual partial nudity that was common in Corælyn, was even more entertaining. Even in the late autumn, the humid and warm winds from both sea coasts kept the temperature quite pleasant and the attire rather stimulatingly casual. For women, the presentation of mostly bare breasts, and their virtually always pierced nipples, was quite the art form. The Foole, quite sincerely, tried to...

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Warm Up Ass

“What’s wrong with you people,” sneered the 17 year-old.“What’s the problem now,” her father inquired not looking up from the screen of his phone.“Look at all this leftover food in the fridge and you’re still cooking something new.”“I wanted salmon patties,” the wife and mother retorted. “Plus your dad likes them.”“Trinity, you’re welcome to eat any leftovers you please,” Dwain McNeil chided his oldest c***d. “Otherwise, sit down and be quiet.”“I should’ve known you wouldn’t care. You’re not...

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Tenchi Muyo All Good ThingsChapter 2 Think Of The Future

In spite of her being closer at start of their sprint, Tenchi easily beat Kiyone to roadside. Not that she was really going 'flat out' mind you. When coming finally a breast to him however, it seemed to her that most of his sense of urgency was lost. Obviously reading her next question with a glance, Tenchi simply pointed. Allowing her to follow the line of his gesture. Before Kiyone suddenly felt a groan rising from within. "Kiyone!" Came a weak and distant wail. Staggering up the...

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Baby Girls Social Media Upset

Baby Girl stood in the kitchen wearing a short flowing skirt and a tank top. She had started dinner, so it would be ready when her Daddy came home. She hummed a tune as she stirred and simmered. She had no idea of the incoming storm. Daddy busted in the door and ran right to her, but instead of the hug and kiss she had expected, he bent her over the counter top and smacked her hard on her ass. "Daddy! What did I do?" Baby Girl cried out. Daddy grabbed a fistful of her hair and yanked her...

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What A Surprise

This will be a story hard to believe. Myself, I don’t believe in coincidences. Nor fate. You will have to judge that for yourself. Just listen and come to your own conclusions. But I am not giving my name. My wife would kill me if she found out. My wife and I were driving through the West earlier this year. When we were approaching Las Vegas, Nevada, my wife expressed the need to stop and rest for the rest of the day and night. You see, she is disabled with chronic pain, and we make it a point...

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Right from the Start Chapter Nine

Right from the Start, Chapter Nine - By: Beverly Taff. After dinner the girls retired to their room. The effects of jet lag still lingered but the girls simply hung loose for a couple of hours. Dorie Lou phoned their mum and both 'daughters' chatted happily to their 'mum' for a while. After exchanging the usual family pleasantries and gossip, the girls prepared for bed. They both stepped out of their evening clothes and Dorie Lou bent over the huge bathtub as she turned on the taps....

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Reminiscences of My Rapturous Days With RanjaniChapter 4

Saturday That morning I did not see Ranjani on the tree though I waited for a long time. I was disappointed very much and later left to office. The following two days were holidays for us. Sunday was a regular holiday. Monday was holiday due Independence Day. The audit officer's native place is Virudhunagar, a town south of Trichy at some 4 hours journey (whereas from Chennai it is some 12 hours). So making use of the holidays and the proximity, he left early on that Saturday to go his...

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Sues Woodshop

She knew she had a couple of minutes before the next period so she took her time. As she entered the woodshop she tried to remember the last time her husband had fucked her. Sue chuckled as she remembered that it was after their fourth of July party and she was so drunk she’d barely felt a thing. Her smile turned to a frown as she realized that July was three months ago. It’d been three months since her husband had fucked her. As the door behind her opened she buried her thoughts and put on a...

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My GF first sex

In high school I felt like the only virgin around. All my friends were doing it, and while I went out with guys all the time, I never met anyone who I really wanted to fuck. I wanted my first time to be special, and all the guys I dated were just too lame.Still, I was horny as hell. I masturbated all the time, in the morning, after school, at night, I even locked myself in a plane bathroom and fingered myself. I became obsessed with cumming, it just felt so good. I would go online read a nasty...

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The Bank Robber

THE BANK ROBBER BY JANICE (A MIND MELD STORY) Synapse. Ron Baxter is a sixteen year old quadriplegic, confined to a wheelchair. He has the power to Mind Meld with others and either just ride along in their body, or take control. In this episode he enters his favorite person, a Latino girl of fifteen. She/he enters a bank just as it is being held up and, along with several others, becomes a...

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Fertilizing her Face

A while back I lived just outside of Boston where I would play out my fantasies. One involved calling into a chat line. You would leave a message describing yourself and your needs and a female would call you back if your needs overlapped with hers. Just interacting this way excited me. So one evening I got on the line, described myself, and got a strange call back.A young woman whispered her instructions:“I live in Charlestown, I will leave the downstairs door unlocked, be absolutely silent,...

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A Loser Rebounds Ch 16

The sun was shining, the birds were singing and every woman, even the elderly, eyed by Andy appeared to have big breasts and long legs. He knew this was not so, that he was just horny and Addison was uncomfortable in her final stages of pregnancy and kept pushing him away. Andy was trudging through the city on a quest for his wife: Addison wanted him to buy some crème brulee. He’d said no one sells that, he’d buy custard and mix some super thick cream into it but she began to cry and alleged...

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The Ghouls Wedding

Introduction: Loved to death. The gruesome ghoul, the grisly ghoul, without the slightest noise, Waits patiently beside the school, to feast on girls and boys. -The Ghoul, Jack Prelutsky *** The first time they came for her she was six years old, and it was Valentines Day, which was also her birthday. Amina stayed up late with a flashlight that night, looking at the Valentines from her classmates and chewing the small, chalky candy hearts the teacher gave out. The cards were flat...

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Trick or Treat

It was Halloween, our school was sponsoring a trick or treat event. Some of the teachers would be in class rooms and as you entered and answered the quiz they would reward you with candy for the right answers. If you answered wrong you would be asked to pick an envelop and inside would be a treat or trick. I was doing pretty good when I heard that there were better prizes on an upper floor. I darted up the stairs and started for the very first class room, as I knocked at the covered door it...

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WebYoung Abella Danger Kenzie Reeves I Love You Too

Kenzie Reeves and Abella Danger were once inseparable best friends until Abella pushed Kenzie away because of an intense crush on her. Abella’s confusing and powerful sexual desires toward Kenzie put a strain on their lifelong friendship. Yet, once Kenzie was no longer a part of her life, Abella realized just how much she missed her and needed her. Hoping to finally set things right, Abella invites Kenzie over. The two girls sit together on a bed with Abella commenting on Kenzie’s...

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DDFBusty Alura Jenson Always At Her

When Alura TNT Jenson hires Donny Sins as her personal assistant, he has absolutely no clue of what he’s getting himself into! She requires him to travel with her 24/7 and be always at her service. One day, that blonde and top-heavy bombshell calls for him while in the bathtub, asking him to show her his big black cock while she masturbates her shaved pussy. The next day, the big ass Milf from the United States can’t wait to show him her newly-bought lingerie and black high heels,...

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The Builders hut

I’d walk past the small building site every day on the way home from school. Had it not been for what I could see through the little site shed window, Id never have given it a second glanceLinda Lusardy ( I think thats how she spells her name) Naked on a calendar on the scruffy wall. I’d noticed several times that the door had a padlock but they must have lost the key because every night it would be wedged shut with something heavy and the door wasn’t properly locked.I decided to raid the shed...

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Protection and Preservation Book 02Chapter 6

The three of us loaded everything into the truck along with some more tools and headed out the drive. Our drive was long with an outgoing curve to the right. When you came to our drive from the road with our drive on the right, you would turn right into our drive or continue on and the road would curve to the left away from our property. We put a sensor and camera set about thirty feet in from the road before the curve started but into the tree line where it couldn’t be seen. I had wished for...

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3X Planet! Everyone who prefers to watch Asian porn will surely enjoy what has to offer, as this is a site dedicated to all Asian porn clips. There is really a lot of content for you to explore here, from basic porn to hentai and a lot of other shit. However, as every other site, the ups and downs will always exist, and I am here to tell you the good and bad side of visiting… although seeing as their overall content revolves around Asians, I am not sure how anyone...

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Chapters 16 17

< 016 - ? >I felt disgusted with myself for days. For allowing that to happen. For actually enjoying myself, for taking the money and for returning to that grim place. The money ended up in my piggy bank and I never touched it for weeks. True to his word he did not approach me again. After a few weeks I resorted to daring to touch myself again and the relief was enormous.The occasion went out of my head and the weeks and months rolled by happily. When I saw Jenna pull up, early summer...

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Alexs first day

It was my first day of college. I had just arrived and after spending what seemed like hours trying to find a parking spot, I dragged myself to the dorms that I would be staying in for the next four years. I hoped that I didn’t end up with a straight homophobe as a roommate. As I was walking across the campus lawn I was knocked over by a pretty girl who had been hurrying by, her nose buried in a book. She seemed just as shocked as I was. Neither of us had realized that the other was on a...

4 years ago
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Shadowsblade Some things should not beTaken

Shadowsblade a Whateley Tale: Written by Shadowsblade Created for war and forged in pain, dealing with demons within and without. To all my readers, thanks for your posts. I do read each one and some of the ones posted recently, they added to my ideas on where to go in long term plot ideas! So keep posting and thinking out there! Copyright © 2016 by Shadowsblade All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by...

1 year ago
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I Warned You

This story is different from my others. I consider this Humorous, but there is no sex in the story so I submitted it for posting under Non-Erotic. I understand that many of you will not think this story funny. IT IS NOT A SERIOUS STORY and no permanent damage done so please just take it lightly. There is a sequel to this story, so if accepted by the powers that be, the scales will balance out. ***** I Warned You ‘The doctor will be in to see you shortly,’ said the nurse with a huge smile on...

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Best Summer Job EverChapter 8 The Visitors

The day after I gave the girls their ID necklaces, I got an e-mail from Mr. Paxton: Kevin- I hope this does not come as a shock, but I have been getting daily reports about you. It's never judgmental, just a straight forward report of your activities. I hope you understand. I have entrusted you with a valuable piece of recently developed prime real estate. I have to make sure that my evaluation of you was correct. In yesterday's report, there was a description of the necklaces that you...

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i went with my mate dan to see his caual hookup. he said i mighy have a chance with her flatmate. SO WE ARIVED, AND FRANK WENT OFF W/ HIS GIRL, i sat watching tv. i srarted to hear them gettin sexy, so i yurned down the tv. before too long, er fltmate arrived. she was so fat, w/ a hot face. we chatted, and watched a cock was buldging in my pants, i made shore she saw. when i returned for the toilet, i made my move, kissing her lips, n feeling her flab.It was clear she was hot for...

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The Slaver Gets His Wish Chapter 2

Introduction: Read Part 1 First The Slaver Gets His Wish Chapter 2 I expected Tory would come but was surprised how quickly he had shown up. I had just begun to train his sixteen year old daughter, r, as a sexual slave. He had sent her to me last night, and I was just dozing off at five in the morning when the knock came. I opened the door. There he stood, where only twelve hours earlier his daughter had stood, a supplicant, the necessary handcuffs around her tiny wrists, the key to those...

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My introduction to black Pt2

Hi futher to my story and my introduction to black cock my story continues a few days later Daryl rang me to meet me ,which of course I did he told me that nopw I had proved my worth to him as a slut my education would continue on the forthcoming Friday.He told me to go home and that I was not to have any sex until then,I said ok and went to kiss him but he told me no,I was to have no contact with him or any other man and if my husbnad wanted sex I was to refuse.Anyway Friday came along and we...

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