Hump Day free porn video

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Damn it! I hate playing these little games Daddy invents. Well, if I am going to be totally honest with myself, I must admit I actually do like Daddy's kinky games. They usually are very inventive, and oh boy my pussy gets so wet just thinking of each erotic and sexually charged scenario that comes out of Daddy's devilish mind. He is a master of painting pictures with his words. Edgy and risque aptly describe Daddy's deviant games, but kinky and brilliant work just as well. Each game usually centers around his Baby Girl morphing into a sexy slut, or a dirty whore. Daddy is very cautious not to push his little girl too far.

Stop, stop, stop. Damn it, I am mad. And I am going to stay mad while I pout.

Baby Girl is a sub for a very good reason. And I am not just any submissive, I am Daddy's submissive. I get excited when my Daddy gives me a task to accomplish. My pussy flutters and I get very moist when I think about how it would feel to have another man's cock inside of me. I want to be able to let go of my fear long enough to fulfill every sexual act my Daddy demands of me. I want to be his dirty whore. I need to let my inner slut run wild.

I am Daddy's little submissive. Yep, yep, yep... There is no other word to describe me. I am Daddy's Baby Girl. I crave Daddy's attention, and I know that I always will. But to my point, I need Daddy to make decisions for me.

My body is completely under his control, it is his to use as he so desires. I trust my Daddy, and I want to please him. I need for him to decided what I wear, what I eat, where we go, and certainly who I fuck. It is not fair for Daddy to say, "Your Inner Slut must make this choice." Not fair at all!

Feeling a little more than put out by Daddy's decision, I stomp my feet a few times. "Damn it!" I scream, rather glad there was nobody was around to witness my bratty little tantrum.

"Fuck!" I think to myself. Why did Daddy have to choose today to force me to start making my own decisions?

I was horny as hell and I missed Daddy holding me. I needed to be reassured and sheltered. I did not need my Daddy letting me off the proverbial chain for a romp around town. Today of all days, I craved Daddy's strict rules more than ever. It has been days since I have seen him. I need some discipline. I want a good spanking.

I wanted nothing more in that moment than to be curled up in Daddy's strong arms. I needed to feel his warmth, and know I was safe. I needed to look into his eyes and feel his love. But instead, Daddy teases me with his beautiful words, gets me excited beyond belief and oh so very wet. And finally, when I am so horny I will agree to anything, Daddy side steps his usual domineering role and tells me my "Inner Slut" has to make the decisions today. My "Inner Slut" has to decide who gets to use my body.


And to top it all off, not getting my way was only fueling my inner brat. "Brat Daddy, Brat. Not Slut." I yell out loud. Right now I feel that I am more of a brat than a slut. How dare Daddy tell me no. Well, technically he did not say no. In fact he all but gave me a blank check for the day, but it is the principal of the matter.

Talking to myself, I emphatically plead, "Daddy, please tell me which hole you want to see get fucked." Waiting on a response, I look around for a sign. Right, as if some magic fairy is going to materialize my Daddy out of thin air from half way around the world. On the verge of being very angry, I spout in a huff, "Ok, have it your way Mister."

"I'll teach Daddy a lesson, I won't make any decisions either. We can simply leave the events of the day in the capable hands of the three fates." I thought as I stormed off.

Yes, that is what I will do. Daddy's bratty little baby girl is giving her inner slut the day off. Correction, baby girl is simply by-passing her "Inner Sluts'" need to make decisions. If Daddy will not tell his Baby Girl whether or not she should get fucked, then we will just have to roll the dice and see what happens.

This could get very interesting. "Ok Daddy. If you want my inner slut to be in charge, then this dirty girl says let the party begin. Inner Slut proclaims herself open to all possibilities." I said aloud as I did my best bratty dance. Throwing my hands in the air, I call out, "Universe, do with me as you wish. My mouth, ass and pussy are yours to play with."

Almost as soon as the words had come out of my mouth, I felt a sense of relief. Knowing I did not have to be in charge was very relaxing. A calm, soothing feeling began to wash over me.

Maybe my one decision to not make any decisions and just go with the flow, would work to my advantage. Who knows? Not I.

Moments later I get a strange text message. The Artmore Hotel in Atlanta is hosting a mid-week brunch. I must have got on a mailing list when Daddy and I checked into staying there recently. Oh well, the Universe seems to know what's best for me. I guess this sexy sub will be having lunch a little early today.

Throwing on just a touch of makeup, I grab a lite wrap and head out the door.

Walking into the lobby, I check my keys with the doorman and proceed to the dining area. The array of food is stunning, everything from fresh fruit to seafood. Of course the standard breakfast fare is also well represented. The maître d' informs me the brunch buffet will not be ready at 10:30 as planned, but the bar manager would be happy to pour me a complimentary cocktail.

Sitting down at the bar I see a placard for a premium Margarita. "Universe to the rescue," I think to myself.

Minutes later a delicious looking margarita is placed in front of me. "With our apologises Ma'am," the handsome bartender says as he flashes me a quick smile. Sipping on my yummy margarita, I relax a bit more as I take in the 1920's retro decor. Although the theme of the hotel is roaring 20's, the actual style and arrangement of the furniture is very eclectic.

Enjoying the scenery, and of course my refreshing drink, I notice an older distinguished looking gentleman enter the room and look around before turning to leave. Out of the corner of my eye I see him stop and look at me, smiling I turn and nod in his direction. Pointing at himself in a questioning gesture, I nod yes. "Come on over." I say, fairly certain he can't hear me.

Walking toward me, I shift my chair slighty so that I am facing the bar at an angle that would make conversation easier. Sliding into the chair next to me, he nudges his chair a few inches closer. Extending his hand in a warm greeting, he says, "Hi, my name is Trevor."

"Nice to meet you Trevor," I reply as I take a sip of my cocktail. "And your name is?" He inquires. "Oh my god, I am so sorry." I sputtered as I nearly spit my drink out. Catching my breath, I respond, "Stephanie. My name is Stephanie."

Quickly adding, "God help me, I am a dork." Squeezing my left hand ever so slightly, Trevor interjects, "Well, I think you are cute." Wow, did he just say that. Blushing slightly, I squeeze his hand in response. Emboldened by my response, he slowly tickles the back of my hand with his fingers.

Looking into his eyes, I can feel my heart racing. Taking another sip of my drink, I break our silence. "What are you drinking?" Smiling, Trevor replies, "Nothing at the moment." "Don't be coy with me. You know what I mean." I gently scold him. "Let me guess, a gentleman like yourself enjoys a good bourbon or scotch?"

"No ma'am. Give me an ice cold martini and I am content." He says, cradling my upper arm in his strong grip. Motioning to the bartender, I call out, "My friend here needs a martini." "You did not have to do that," Trevor said, as he gently squeezed my arm. Smiling, I put my hand on his leg and slide a bit closer.

Giving me a somewhat puzzled look, Trevor asks, "Cozy?" Instinctively pulling my hand away, I blush. "I am so sorry." I say, as I look away. "Not at all," he adds. "By all means, please continue." Trevor says, as he places my hand back on his inner thigh.

Raking my nails over his thigh, I slide my hand closer to his crotch. Stopping just shy of my target, I begin brushing my thumb ever so lightly against the seam of his zipper. Working my thumb up and down his zipper for a few seconds, I look him square in the eye. Blushing bright red, I ask, "Better?"

"Yes ma'am, you are getting warmer." He said with a smirk. Oh Boy! He most assuredly hit that nail on the head. My heart was racing, and I was rapidly getting very wet. Trying not to dwell on my well lubricated pussy, I grab his crotch ever so slightly as I lean forward to whisper in his ear.

Teasing his cock through his trousers, I proudly proclaim, "I can assure you sir, warm is not the temperature I aspire to reach." Flipping my hair over my shoulder, I turn and finish my drink in one final gulp. Pushing my chair back, I stand up hoping Trevor would understand my non-verbal cues.

"Care to join me in my room for a private conversation," he said, as he winked at me. Ding, ding, ding... We have a winner. Not that I was surprised in the least, but it was nice to know we were on the same page.

"Lead the way handsome." I say, offering him my hand. Patting me on the ass, Trevor insists, "No ma'am, ladies first." Heading straight for the elevators, we don't waste anymore time talking. Without a word between us, we step into the empty elevator. Grabbing me by the hair, Trevor shoves his tongue into my waiting mouth before the door closes.

"Mmmm... I like the way you taste." I mumble, before breaking our kiss. Rubbing his growing bulge, I ask, "Does your cock tastes as good?" Smiling, Trevor looks at me and says, "Better." My heart skips a few beats and then begins to beat even faster as my clit spasms out of control. Fuck me! I am so wet.

Almost falling out of the elevator, Trevor barely gets the door to his hotel suite open before I start pulling his jacket off his shoulders. "Settle down missy," he demands. Closing the door behind us, he calmly walks over to the sofa lounge and says, "Sit." Lowering my head, I silently comply. Sitting on the edge of the sofa, I look up as Trevor takes off his tie.

Putting his finger to his lips, he unbuttons his shirt one button at a time. Very calmly unbuckling his belt, he looks at me sternly and wags his finger to tell me no. "No!" I think to myself. Fucking hell, I am dripping wet and Mr. Trevor wants to take it slow.

Pulling his belt free of his pants, he holds it up and lets it drop to the floor. Shaking in anticipation, I almost scream as Trevor turns his back to me. Really? Don't get shy on me now buddy.

Sliding his trousers down mid calf, he steps out his pants and lays them over the back of the chair. With his back still to me, Trevor slips off his briefs and turns to face me.

"Holy shit!" I shudder, as the most magnificent cock I have ever seen bounces into view. Standing in front of me, wearing only a shirt and a smile, was a man that was obviously built for sex. "Thank you universe." I think to myself.

Michelangelo himself could not have carved a more perfect specimen. From his well toned physique, to his flawless cock, Trevor appeared to be nearly perfect. He was almost too good to be true. "Oh my God," was all I could think.

What made Trevor so amazing to behold, was not the size of his cock, which was certainly well above average - rather it was his perfect symmetry. Smooth as a babies butt, and perfectly proportioned. I could not detect one single aspect about his body that was not aesthetically pleasing.

His dick was straight as an arrow, and smooth as glass. His cock swayed back and forth with every breath he took, as if Trevor was a human metronome. His beautiful cock was seductively hypnotic.

Dropping to my knees, I crawled toward him as I reached up to take a hold of my prize. Kneeling in front of Trevor, I open my salivating mouth to lick the head of his magnificent cock. With a slight twitch, Trevor smiled as I sucked the head of his dick into my warm mouth.

I was far too horny and wanted to taste his cum so badly to bother with the whole seduction routine. There was no fucking way, I was going to take my time to savour his cock. Maybe round two would be different, but right now I needed Trevor to cum in my mouth.

"There, your dirty girl made a decision." I thought to myself. I was quite proud of myself. I hope Daddy would appreciate how quickly I could decide what to do. My inner slut craved the taste of warm cum in her mouth. My inner slut wanted to taste Trevor. My inner slut was in charge.

For the first time in a very long time, I was in charge and I kind of liked it. I made a mental note to be sure and tell Daddy everything. I was certain he would want to hear every minute detail no matter how trivial. Yep, yep, yep...

My inner slut would spare no detail when telling Daddy just how wet his Baby Girl got sucking on Trevor's gorgeous cock. In fact, I do believe Daddy's little slut would become quite aroused sharing the sordid details of her mid-morning tryst.

Returning my attention to the cock in my mouth, I continued my fevered assault of Trevor's dick. Bobbing up and down on his rock hard dick, I had a sixth sense Trevor was getting dangerously close to cumming.

Without any warning, Trevor grabbed my hair and pulled me off his cock. "Fuck me. I can't catch a break." I thought to myself.

Looking extremely puzzled, I ask, "What's wrong babe?"

"Well, umm..." He started to stutter. "I ummm, I mean, what I..." Trevor trailed off as he looked at the floor. The poor bastard was tongue tied. If I was not so sexually frustrated, I would have thought his nervousness was cute. But right now I needed Trevor to get to the point.

"Come on babe, tell me what's on your mind." I reassured him. I could hardly believe what I was saying. All I wanted was his cum to coat the back of my throat, and here I was trying to talk a nervous nellie off of the cliff.

Trevor took a deep breath and finally said, "May I fuck you in your ass?"

Jesus, my pussy spasmed and fluttered so wildly I thought I was going to cum. Fuck! Now it was my turn to catch my breath. Looking up at Trevor with a seductive glance that did not need a translation, I said, "Anything you want babe." Pausing for just a second, I continued, "Yes babe. Please fuck my ass."

"Mmmmm..." I purred. "That would feel so freaking good." I said, as I stood up and started to remove my skirt. "Damn, I love a good ass fucking. But there is one condition."

Listening intently, Trevor made sure to lean forward so he would not miss a single word. Looking him dead in his eyes, I said, "You have to cum in my ass."

Trevor's knees seemed to buckle slightly as he stood there with the biggest grin I have ever seen. "Yes ma'am. I can do that." Continuing, he said, "I have some hand lotion. I hope that is ok." Looking slightly bewildered, he inquired, "Will that will be ok?"

Sensing he had little to no experience with anal, I informed Trevor I had lube in my purse. The look on his face was absolutely priceless.

Shaking my cute little ass, I pulled out my lube and began to tease Trevor. "Who wants to fuck my ass?" Squeezing a healthy bead of lube onto my finger, I put one foot on the coffee table as I slid a finger into my tight asshole.

Working my finger in and out of my ass for a minute or two, I turned my attention to Trevor. Winking at him, I asked, "Was that hot enough for you babe?"

Stroking his hard cock, he simply nods.

Squeezing a good amount of lube across the top of Trevor's dick, I massage the lube all over his cock. Rubbing the excess into my ass, I apply a generous glob of lube to the head of his dick.

"Come on big boy. I want you in my ass." I proclaim, as I climb on the bed. Laying my head on the bed, I push my ass into the air. Spreading my legs wide, I offer Trevor complete and unrestricted access to my puckered asshole.

Placing his hands on my hips, Trevor attempts to guide his cock toward my waiting ass. Grabbing his dick, I push the head of his cock against my anal opening. Taking the hint, Trevor pushes forward with a little more pressure. Squeezing my hips ever so tightly, he thrusts his pelvis forward as the head of his cock slides past my anal ring.

"Oh my God." I gasp.

Daddy used my ass quite a bit before he went out of town, but Trevor's dick is the biggest cock that has been in my ass and he only has a couple of inches in my tight ass. Fuck, this is going to be a great day after all. Pushing back against the cock invading my asshole, I take a few more inches before Trevor starts to pump in and out of my ass.

"Fuck, you feel so good." I whimper.

Without saying a word, Trevor picks up his pace. Within minutes his dick is balls deep in my back-door. His thick cock pushes against my anal walls as he continues to slide in and out of my ass. My inner slut is in hog heaven. I love feeling stretched and full of cock.

My ass has never been stretched so wide, or felt so good. His perfect dick is doing such an amazing job hitting all of the right spots. Fuck, I am so close to cumming.

Each and every delightful stroke of his magnificent cock pushes me that much closer to my impending orgasm. Concentrating on every exquisite thrust, my mind drifts off as my ass surrenders to the pounding it so desperately needed.

Trevor's increased tempo is quickly pushing me beyond the point of no return. Each powerful thrust seems to spread my ass just a little bit further. Fuck, I can't wait any longer. Slipping a finger into my pussy, I trigger my own massive orgasm.

Pushing back as hard as I can, my legs go rigid as the first wave of my orgasm hits. Shaking and trembling, my ass clenches Trevor's cock tightly. Which in turn triggers his earth-shattering orgasm.

Cumming together, we both convulse with unimaginable pleasure as wave after wave of pent up sexual energy washes over us.

"Oh my God!!! That was fucking incredible." I call out, as I slump over onto the bed. Looking absolutely dazed, all Trevor can muster in response is a simple nod.

Trevor slowly gains his senses and crawls up the bed to rest next to me. Cradling my head against his chest, he kisses my forehead before sharing a very touching story about his life.

Long story short, his wife of 28 years past away four months ago from breast cancer. I am the only other woman he has been with in the past 30 years, and he never had anal sex before.

Trevor was in town to settle her estate and felt like he needed a drink when he walked into the bar. Lucky for me he decided to turn around for a second look.


Daddy's little slut has a real weakness for heartfelt stories. Fuck, my ass is going to get one hell of a workout today. I am also fairly certain this is going to turn into a very long night. Who knows? I might even convince Trevor to feed me a few loads of his tasty cum. The one thing I am absolutely certain about is, my stretched asshole will remember Trevor's perfect cock for many years to come.

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Meri aor meri babi ki garma girm chudayi

Main Mohan fm hayrana se kafi mahino ke baad es site pe apni ek new kahani lekar aaya kahani aaj se thik 8 saal pahle ki hai aasha karta hun ki pahle ke tarah es baar bi mujhe aap aapna aecha response doge. Story padne se pahle land wale apna land hath main nikal le aor chut wali apni chut main ungli karma suru kar de because kahani bahut interested hai vaise to aap ko peta hi hai mere hathiyar aor power ke bare main phir kuch new reader ke liye beta deta hun mera land 9.5 inch longa and...

4 years ago
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Sali ki jabardast chudayi

My dear ISS readers (Chut valo aor land valo), Sabse pahle aa sabko mera namaskar. I am Mohan fm sirsa (haryana) age about 29 years working job in a company. Mere paas 9.5 inches long and 3 inches motayi wala land hai. Main apne baap ka eklota beta hun. Aj main ap logo ko apni ak real story suna raha hun. Es se pahle main aap logo ko apni 2 story paste kar chuka hun (1. Sali ki sasural main chudayi, 2. Sasural main saas ki chudai) Meri sadi feb,03 main hui thi, Meri shadi ko karib 4 saal aor 6...

2 years ago
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Nokeri Versus Chudayee

I was jobless and had not enough money to ride a bus from town to my home. I was living in a remote township of Bhagalpur. It was about 10 Km from city to my place. I used to find a job in the city and in the evening return hopelessly. I was quite young and smart, but there was no job matching to my qualification. One day I was walking along the road, going back to my home. I was tired and hungry. It was the last working day. The next day was weekly holiday. I was very depressed and worried for...

3 years ago
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Amandas Sudan Holliday

?Amanda's Sudan Holliday? By Angelgirl If you have already read "Amanda's Letter from Daddy" you probablydon't need to read this introduction. But if you haven't or might take offenceto a brutal story about a very young girl you will need to know these few things.This story begins after the death of my Daddy. It was at his funeral I firstmet two of his lifelong friends. They were twin brothers from the Sudan andwere Princes. They were amongst the richest men in the world. They told methey had...

4 years ago
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Virgin Bhabhi Ki Jabardast Chudayi

Ye jo story main aapko sunane ja rha hun isko sunke sabhi ladkon ke lund khade ho jayenge. Aur ladkiyan apni chut me ungli daal lengi ab story pe aata ye baat aaj se ek sal pehle ki hai mere bhaiya ki abhi 1 saal pehle hi shadi hui thi to unki wife yani ki meri bhabhi ki age mere barabar hi thi 22 ki to main apne bhaiya ke ghar jaya karta aur apni bhabhi se baat karta dhire dhire main unki taraf attract hone lag gya unka figure kamal ka tha 34 ke boobs the gol aur mote mote ras bhare unki kamar...

1 year ago
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38 yrs old radhika ki chudayi

Hi doston mera naam krish ha m a gr8 fan of iss or maine socha kyon na apna experience share kiya jaye i m frm delhi mujhe mobile chating ka bhut craze ha or ek din mujhe idea k voice chat par ek ladki mili jo phone sex ka bahut shouq rakhti thi or use bhut maza ata tha usne mujhe apna mob no. Diya or kaha raat ko baat karna. Raat ko kariban 11 baje uski miss cal ayi maine use call kiya to usne kaha mujhe maze karne hain abhi ma bhi masti ma tha or usko bola janeman shuru ho jao masti karna...

3 years ago
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Thumper Ch 05

Note: This story veers into BDSM territory. Fun as it might be for some, it’s not to everyone’s taste. *** Previously… With their marriage on the rocks, Abby and George turn to a most unlikely source for help. Unbeknownst to George, Abby has agreed to let the incubus, Damian, and his mate, Britt, act as marriage counsellors. Their first session has broken down some barriers. The next session promises to be even more challenging. *** ‘I made you an omelette. Just the way you like it.’ ...

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hump day cookie

Well i am bi. So i like women too. And this 1 chica was just what i needed. Sophia was so fine with 42 dd tits, ass for dayz, long black mexican hair and a sexy body that makes ya hard just thinking about it. Well any ways, she was on the bus with me and we startd chatting and she was licking her lusious lips told to me in my ear" get off with me." So we got to her casa and kickd it. Looking at her i was hard as steel. I could cut glass with my rod. She brought some wine in her red thong and...

2 years ago
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Hump Day OrgyChapter 2

“Oh, damn, what did I sleep through? What did I do?” we heard Christine as she woke up from her nap, quite sober now if a little worse for wear. “Hey, now, you’ve ... been out of it for a bit. I take it that you haven’t seen the video yet?” I grinned as I pulled my girlfriend into the shower and washed her clean. She didn’t even try to fight me on that issue, nor did she resist when I slid a finger into her wet and juicy twat. I began fucking my “born-again virgin” Mormon girlfriend in...

1 year ago
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Hump Day OrgyChapter 3

We all collapsed for a little while, drained in every possible sense of the term, or so it felt. We slept well past our normal supper time, too. I, in particular, had pushed myself longer and harder than most. When I awoke, it was to Maria riding the fuck out of me while Chase plowed my ass. I also found that Christine sat on my face. In the background, I could hear Mom and Dad going at it like jackrabbits or newlyweds or something, too. “Wait, where am I?” I asked now, as Christine climbed...

3 years ago
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Hump Day OrgyChapter 4

“So, just to be clear here. At least for now, my lovers are Maria, Christine, Chase, and Mom. In no particular order. Dad’s lovers are also Mom, Maria, Chase, and Christine. Not sure what order his would be in, just going by degrees of familiarity. Maria’s lovers are?” I turned to Maria next. “You and Dad for now. I don’t know ... what will happen with Christine and me ... or Mom and me, for that matter. I’m not sure who is open to the lezzie stuff. I won’t rule it out, though. I just know...

3 years ago
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Hump Club Barts Odd PropositionChapter 2

"I want you to follow instructions," Bart replied. "I think we ought to get a little deeper into things before everybody makes a lot of promises - but I've already told you what I'm offering. Take off your top." He released her and she stepped away and turned to face him, but didn't move immediately. He eyed her for a moment. "When you stop doing what you're told, we're done." It was as if they were the only two people in the room. There were Bart's eyes and Bridgette's eyes and...

2 years ago
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Hump Club Barts Odd PropositionChapter 3

Bridgette played with Shannon's hair for a few seconds, putting the hurt aside and moving on, then, "Why are YOU doing this? Why are you out hunting for a ... skank ... who can't catch a guy with a butterfly net? What is YOUR motivation?" Bart chuckled. "You tried to turn ME away in there, remember? You've seen one of my best features - but how many women can I reasonably show THAT to?" Shannon sniffled and spoke to the appendage involved, "You can show it to me again..." "You...

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Hump Club Barts Odd PropositionChapter 4

Two o'clock came -- and slowly went, taking the occupants of the main room with it. At least one other occupant got dosed with the 'hangover cure' in the trio's presence -- and one actually got smelling salts to make her more alert. The dancers wandered in -- naked -- and started making out with the 'latecummers' and some wit had dubbed them. The 'medic' waved the dancers off the blonde, explaining, "She likes does, not bucks. Chubby, there, can keep her happy -- tell her she's...

3 years ago
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Sweet Tuesdays

Every Tuesday morning at nine minutes past ten Kay says to her husband, ‘I’m off to town Tom.’ Tom always replies, ‘Have a nice time dear,’ then he laughs and says, ‘Give him my best wishes.’ Kay smiles and replies, ‘I will dear,’ and then leaving the house she makes her way to the bus stop and catches the nine fifteen bus into the CBD. Had Tom known it his joking remark about giving an make-believe lover his best wishes was closer to the truth than he knew, but to explain that and tell...

1 year ago
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Badi Maa Ki Pasine Bhari Chut Ki Chudayi

Mai shivam bhabua bihar ka rehane wala hu ye kahani meri aur meri badi maa ki h Aapka samai na jaya karte hue mai siddha kahani pea ta hu meri badi maa ek gadraye hue jawani ki aurat h unaka figure k bare me ako kya batau mast golgol chuche moti aur muscular gand jise dekhate he kisi ki bhi land khada ho jaye rang aisa k mano jaise koi pari….. Ek din mere ghar pr koi nahi tha sirf mai aur meri badi maa the wo dopahar me so gayi thi tabhi mai cricket khel k ghar aya to dekha unki sari uar tak...

2 years ago
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Divya Mami Ki Nabhi Ki Chudayi

Hello,sabhi aunty,didi,bhabhi aur girls ke liye h. Mai abhi yahaan naya aaya hu. To plz mera thoda khayam rakhna aap sabhi.Ok to ab mai apne bare me btata hu. Mai 33 yrs ka ek naujawan ladka hu aur abhi tak single hu.Mera naam raj h aur mai agra se hu. Meri height 5feet 8inch hai, mera rang gora h aur mera lund 7.5 inch lamba h aur 3.5inch mota h. Mai hamesha se hi nabhi ka deewana hu. Muje gehri aur lamhi nabhi bahut psand h. Nabhi itni bdi ho ki usme lemon pura aa jaye fir chahe wo nabhi...

3 years ago
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Mamta Ki Mast Chudayi

Hi friends ye meri first story hai mujhe story likhne ka experience nahi hai to ho sakta hai ki koi galti bhi ho jaye agar aapko ye kahaani pasand aaye to mail jarur karna mera mail id hai To ab main kahaani par aata hu mera naam Sanjay name changed hai or main delhi ka hi rahne wala hu main iss ka regular reader hu dekhne may ekdum taqatwar hu or height bhi meri 6’2″ hai or meri age 32 years hai. Ye ek dum sachi kahaani hai chahe koi maane ya na mane meri ek muhboli nani hai. mera unke yaha...

4 years ago
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Ek parivaar ki auratoon ki chudayi

Mera naam ramu hai. Meri umar 19 saal hai aur lambai 5 ft 4 inch hai. Mera lund kareeb 6 inch ka hai. Mein dekhna mein koi bahut handsome nahi hoon, lekin kisi ladki ko gf banane layak hoon. Mere frnd ka naam varun hai. Woh bahut smart aur handsome hai. Woh kareeb 5 ft 9 inch lamba hai. Uski umar 24 saal ki hai. Uski ek bahut khoobsurat patni hai. Sale ki ek girlfriend bhi hai. Gf dekhne main bahut mast maal lagti hai. Lekin patni jyada achi hai dekhne main. Sala woh bahut ladkiyon ko dhok...

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Friends 21st Bday

It was the summer of 08 and I had just finished the semester for the year. That year saw me break up with my first real g/f and i was single for the first time in 4 years. I wasnt looking for anyone in fact at this point the break up was 8 months in the past but it still weighted heavy on my mind. It was a nice summer day when I was to attend my friend katys 21st bday party which we were going to party and camp in her back yard. The event was small and mostly all of my old friends from town who...

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18th bday

it was my birthday, i just turn 18 and i told my lady friend to come over at night about 8pm.. my parents would be gone and no one would be there but me and the dog.she was about 19 and weight about 130lbs.. 32b and nice hourglass figure.. she knocked at the door and i lead her to the spare bedroom.. she know it was my birthday and told me she wanted to have sex with for my bday gift.. i told her that i would love to but its my first time.. she said it was ok and we didnt have to use a condom...

1 year ago
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Humping my sexy new maid

This is about the time when I had an unexpected sexual encounter with my maid. I’ve been married for 7 years now and have had a happy married life with my wife. Our long time maid quit work last month and we found another one. She is barely 19 years old but doesn’t look it at all. She is quite tall, about 5’7″, and very well endowed. I used to wake up late and very often she was gone by the time I woke up. My wife had to go to her parents’ place for a month to help them out with some issues....

2 years ago
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For many years I have tried to come up with a technique to construct and experience erotic encounters and stories, using only the power of my mind while in a conscious state. This essay will introduce the concept of Erotic Daydreaming, describing what exactly it is, what its objectives are and how it compares to alternative methods of fantasy-immersion that are currently available. WHAT IS EROTIC DAYDREAMING Erotic dreaming is the act of putting yourself in a daydream-like state to create...

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Wild Wednesdays

A couple in the swinging lifestyle make their weekly pilgramage to a private club. Wednesdays have been punctuated by a young woman who puts on quite a show in one of the anything-goes areas. Caitlyn's husband is in the crowd of onlookers while she sits alone in the public area. She's not alone for long.Wild Wednesdays“Mind if I sit down?” asked the black man with the muscular build.“What, you’re not going to join the others?” she said. He looked toward the wide doorway that led into the back...

2 years ago
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Girl Fridays

Girl Friday By Gingerfred Man Chapter One - Casual day Lemon or baby blue? Perhaps pink? We all know what they say about girls who wear black panties, don't we? [Giggle] Fridays can be such a challenge. I mean, I had been wearing panties every day since my boss, Mr. Everhard's, "Girl Fridays" decree six weeks ago. But on Fridays, besides panties, I wore the miniskirt, stockings, garter belt and big heels to work too. On Monday through Thursday, when I'm wearing icky boys'...

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Girl Fridays

Girl Fridays Belladonna The car came to a stop as Vern Lowry pressed down the brake and put the vehicle in park. He pulled off his black sandals and slipped his black, opaque tights covered feet into the pair of 3? inch high heeled pumps he had placed into his pocketbook that morning. Vern smiled at the shoes as he buckled their thin ankle straps. Once he finished buckling the shoes, Vern lifted his wife's black aviator sunglasses off his nose and checked his appearance one...

3 years ago
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Alexa Chapter 34 Mondays

Alexa Chapter 34: Mondays God, I hate Mondays! I always have. I think everyone does. Getting back into the grind of everyday life was never any fun, but today was even worse. The events of the previous night cast a pall over not only my feelings but most of the state. Sure, the Vikings lost yet another NFC Championship, we were used to it. But the way they lost was so unlike the way the team had played all season was confounding. Add to that the sheer joy that had been created...

2 years ago
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Her hands are loosely tied behind her back. She is kneeling before Him, wearing just black panties, her tiny tits exposed. "When was the last time you came, slut?" He asked. "Last night, Sir", she replied quietly, avoiding His gaze. "Oh, is that so? Hmm... How did you cum?" This was embarrassing... She came when she masturbated, lying in bed with her legs spread wide, thinking of meeting Him here today. But how do you look someone in the eyes and tell him you made yourself cum thinking of him...

1 year ago
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Humping Young Virgin Mallu Girl During Sleep

Hello readers, my name is Elijah (changed). I am a 27 years old Tamil guy working in an MNC. Enough about me, let’s get into the story. This sweet and unforgettable experience happened in July 2019. This is a bit long story but trust me guys, it will be worth it. This is a story having both real-life incidents with a few imaginations as well. This is the story that explains how I was able to fulfill my dream of tasting an exotic mallu girl (Anu – heroine of the story). Anu is about 160 cm in...

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Ek Sham Uncle Ke Sath Chudayi

Mera naam pinky h aur main delhi ki rahne wali hu aur main call center me job karti hu. Main dikhne me bahut sexy hu aur log mujhe bahut line marte h aur meri colony ke sare uncles aur ladke mujhe line marte h. Main hamesha tight suit aur salwar pahanti hu aur apne honto par lipstick lagati hu aur jab bhi main market karne jati hu log mujhe line marte h aur meri figure bhi bahut acchi h main ek dum maal hu meri figure 36 30 38 aur mujhe chudwane me bahut maja aata h aur main bahut logo se...

2 years ago
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Meri Muh Boli Behen Ki Chudayi

Meri umar us waqt 25 thi or ashna ki 16 . Ashna us waqt 12th mai study krti thi. Ye to thi meri introduction . Ab jyada der na lgate hue mai apko story btata hu ……. Mai fb pe nya nya tha..Maine ek ldki ko friend request beji uska naam tha ashna . Luckily she accepts my request and hum roj chat krne lge. Kuch din aisa hi chlta gya and muje pta tha k vo mere se chhoti hai to mai use apni chhoti behn kehne lga.. And vo v bda bhai keh k bolti thi muje. Din gujrte gye and hmne apna mbile nmbr share...

3 years ago
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Bhai Ke Dever Se Chudayi

Hi maira name Rahil h meri 21 h ye meri real story hai maira rang gora h aur dekhne me bht khubsurat hun college ke bht se ladke mujhpe marte h par mai kisi ko bhav nhi deti hun mairi frnds mujhe apne sex ke bare me batati h to mujhe bhi sex kar ne ka man karta h par moqa nhi mila kabhi ab apni story pe aati hun Ye baat do saal pehle ki h jab mai b.Sc ki student thi Mairi do sis aur do bro h dono sis ki shadi ho chuki h mairi badi sister ka name nahid h aur chohti ka rehnuma baat tab ki h jab...

1 year ago
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Neelam Ki Chudayi

Hello friends , mera naam rashid hai aur main lucknow ka rehne wala hoon. Yeh meri pehli story hai , meri aap sabhi se request hai ki meri story ko padhkar mujhe “” per email ker k bataaiyen ki aap ko story kaisi lagi . Ab main seedhe story per aata hoon , main aur neelam dono ek sath padhte the . Neelam jo ki 20 saal ki thi ek dum model ki tarah lagti thi . Uski choochiyaan aur gaand aise the ki buddhon k lund bhi khade kerwa de. Use film line mien jaane ka bahut shauq tha iss liye woh filmon...

1 year ago
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Virgin Muskan Ki Chudayi

Hi this is Raj from Ggn sector-15. I’m a smart gay or esliye he koi b ladki meri taraf jaldi attract ho jati hai.. ye jab m 19 saal ka tha tab ki baat hai or abhi m 21 ka hu. Mere frnd ki gf thi or uski 1 frnd thi jab b wo mere frnd ki gf usse milne aati thi tab wo sath mai apni frnd muskan ko lati thi..or m mere dost k sath jata tha..wo dono sath baithte thai or uski frnd or m 1 sath ..Ek 1din mera dost apni gf ko room mai le gaya or hm dono bahar wait kr rahe thai.. Tab andar se aaaaa uuu plz...

2 years ago
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Ritu ki chudayi

Sabhi gandi gandi kahaniya padne wali sunder sexy ladkiyon or motai lund walon ko mere lund ka namaskaar,mein raman aaj apko apni dusri real story le kar hazir hun pehle ki tarah muje mail jarur karen,yeh kahani aaj se 3 saal pehle ki hai,to pais hai kahani. Muje kaam k silsile mein bombay ek kiraye k flat main rehta hoon. Mere samne ke flat main aik bohat hi khoobsoorat ladki rehti hai. Uski umer 20 saal thi. Us ka naam ritu tha. Meine jabh se usai dekha tha meri to nind hi udh gayi thi us ki...

1 year ago
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Shadi me chudayi

Aap sab ladke khub louda hila rahe ho our sab ladkiya bur me ungali dal rahi ho story pad ke.. To chalo mai bhi apni life ki ek real story batata hu.. Par karam hai tumhe tumhare choot ki.. Call ya mail jarur karna.. Mail Ye baat hai koi 3 saal purani.. Mai apne friend ke bhai ki barat me nagpur gaya tha.. Ab aap to jante hi hai shadi ki raat har ladka-ladki kya chahti hai.. Choot our lund.. Bus yahi mai bhi chahta tha.. Chuki mai ladke walo ki taraf se aaya tha to vaise bhi thodi chhoot thi....

3 years ago
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A Happy Holly Daye

To those who did not know him well, Brad Tyler might have come across as a bit of a Scrooge, a Grinch. Of course, those were people who did not know him well. Were the truth to be told, that was as far from an accurate description as saying Antarctica is a tropical climate. Brad was one of those rare individuals who got the true meaning of the holidays — giving of yourself. All of the employees at Tyler Chemical got a week off at Christmas time — with pay, something his father had started...

2 years ago
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Humping My Cousin Alka In The Bath

Hi guys, thanks for the awesome response for my previous story. I am going to proceed ahead with what happened the next morning. Those who have not read my previous story, can find it . A quick recap about my cousin Alka. Alka is 5’5′ in height. She is really slim with a figure of 32C-26-32. She is really pretty with a peach-shaped perfect face, brown eyes, and silky brown hair. A little bit background about me. I am 5’10” tall, average built and dick size average. In the previous story, I...


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