Vanished Ch. 03 free porn video

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Heaving me over his shoulder again ‘Now then, off to bed for you. When you wake up we will talk, not now. You are still too woozy for it to mean anything.” I thrashed around as he re-tied me spread eagle with my ass on two pillows. ‘Suzie, while you sleep I will shave your cunt. These pillows will allow me to shave you easier.’ Throwing a quilt over me he sauntered out and shut the door with the same slam that announced his arrival. Alone the tension I had been feeling lessens enough that I drifted into a fitful sleep, full of nightmares, I screamed and cried out, reliving the fire and crash.

‘SSSHHHHHHHH, there little lady, SSSSHH, lay still or you will be cut in a really bad place.’ He chuckled lightly as I felt a wet something on my crotch. Placing a hand on my stomach he started to shave me. I felt a shudder roll through me. He pulled my lips taunt as he shaved each side of my labia. I had never been shaved except to give birth to my two children. The thought of them made me sob uncontrollably. He pulled open my ass cheeks and checked for hair there, too. I felt cool water run over me and then a soft towel patted me dry. The towel was replaced with his large paw, between my legs. It was there possessively, not moving just here. His hand was huge, hard and calloused. All I could think of was his hot calloused hand. I had closed my eyes tight not wanting to see his demonic look that this mad man must have as he shaved my crotch.

‘There Suzie all done, you can open your eyes, I know you are awake. We need to talk, open those big brown eyes. Well if you are not going to open them, I will still talk and I am only saying it once. Here goes. I saw you go off the road after hitting the herd of deer and you flipped the car plowing right into an outcropping of rocks in a stand of pine.” I could feel bile rise into my throat at the mention of the poor dead deer.

“I was on my way back from town rushing to get through before the fire overtook me but I stopped and pulled you out. Your stuff was scattered all over the ditch from the impact, your purse and briefcase, anyway. I pulled you away moments before the car exploded into a fireball setting that stand of trees on fire too. Then the idea came to me. You know you are very pretty especially in you pink camisole and black panties. Is that how they drive around back east?

I have been looking for someone to be my woman, my slut. I get lonely up here sometimes. Why not? Your arrival into my life was like manna from heaven. The fires, the crash, all your stuff strewn all over, people will just think you are dead. Bet they think you were hurt but still mobile and that you ran away from the fire and got trapped by it and in this terrain, your body will never be found. After I went through your purse I threw it back into the car and watched it burn. Suzie, the world thinks you are dead.’ A sob escaped me, I had been holding my breath during his monologue and now I sobbed uncontrollably.

‘Please, please I have a family, a husband and two beautiful babies that need me. I must go back. Please sir, I beg you to call the police and tell them I am OK or just untie me and let me go. I won’t tell them about you, honest. PLEASSSSSSE!’ I pleaded between uncontrollable sobs.

‘Nope you are mine now and I know that soon you will not think of anyone except me. You are my woman for as long as I wish.’ Tremendous shudders of revulsion rolled down my body. I felt so ill, so sick to my stomach.

‘No! No! No, never will I be yours. You must understand I am married. See, see, my wedding ring.’ I turned to look at my left hand and there were no wedding rings there to see. ‘No, where are they?’ I whimpered unable to hold back my despair. Then the fire in my belly rekindled, “I demand you give them back to me right now, you prick.” My eyes danced in defiance.

‘No Suzie you belong only to me.’ Since he started to talk his hand has never moved from between my legs and it had just kept up a slow tapping on my nude pussy, as if it is the most normal thing in the world for a total stranger to possess my body.

His left hand moved onto me also, claiming my left breast. His index finger circled my nipple and about every third time around he gave the nipple a tug. I thrashed around in my restraints trying to dislodge his hands. ‘Go away, you bastard. Take your fucking hands off me. ‘Now I am fighting mad.’ You, motherfucker, take your HANDS OFF ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!’ I shrieked.

‘You can shriek and fight all you want but you are mine now and you will do as I say, you have no choice. End of statement! You hear me bitch!’ His powerful right hand came off my crotch in a straight swing he hit me on the side of my head. Everything momentarily went fuzzy, not black, but my headache instantly returned with a vengeance. I whimpered, wishing I could just disappear. ‘Understand this, Suzie, you will do what I tell you when I tell you. You have no idea what awaits you if you ever refuse me. For swearing at me you will spend the rest of the night where my dog sleeps.’

He undid my restraints and pulled me by my left arm, gone were the niceties. I fell off his high bed and he dragged me to the corner where there was an old green plaid wool blanket on the floor. An old, crippled dog lay there on it. The dog growled at me as he threw me quite literally onto the blanket it with his dog.

‘I can’t stay here, please, I am allergic to dogs and he looks like he is full of fleas and likely worse, please don’t make me stay here.’ I begged in a whinny totally unnatural voice for me. He chuckled. Pushing me down, he bent and reattached my hands to the belt around my waist and attached an extra chain to my ankle cuffs that he pulled up and attached to my belt at the back, holding me tight with my ankles pulled unnaturally up behind me.

‘We will see how much fight you have left tomorrow morning.’ He turned and walked away.

‘YOU FUCKING BASTARD, DON’T LEAVE ME HERE!’ I screamed. ‘I WILL SCREAM ALL NIGHT UNTIL MY DYING BREATH, YOU PRICK IF YOU DON’T UNTIE ME THIS SECOND.’ He never said a word he just turned towards me and took a dirty looking used handkerchief from his back pocket and stuffed it in my mouth.

‘There try screaming through that, why don’t you?’ He turned and walked away shutting the lights out as he went. ‘Be careful you don’t vomit or you will asphyxiate and die, bitch.’

The night was dark. I was naked and cold. My teeth usually chatter when I get cold and they would have now except for the gag. The thought of his dirty snotty hanky in my mouth makes my stomach roll and the bile swelled up into my esophagus, I willed it down afraid I would vomit. I attempted to stay as far away from the dog as possible. The blanket smelt of dirty old dog. But my tether only allowed me to just get off it. ‘Oh I hate dogs and I hate fleas even worse. AND I HATE BEING HERE.’ Every noise was amplified in my fear-racked head.

I heard him rolling around in his bed, it creaked under his weight. Every time he moved my heart stopped in terror of what was to come. ‘Oh what is to become of me?’

I guess at some point I must have slept because the room was full of sunlight and he was fully dressed smelling of his strong smelling soap and his unique spicy aftershave even across the room. I tried to watch him through half open eyes not moving my head, maybe he had forgotten me. ‘Oh, dear God, in heaven, please let him forget me. Please make him let me go in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost. Amen.’ I silently pray repeatedly.

I tried to keep my breathing slow and deep as if I was sleeping. He ignored me. I was not sure whether or not he was aware I was awake or even if he remembered I was there.

He went outside leaving the door open. The sun was bright, the air was cool but not cold even on my bare skin. The smell of the pine-drenched air was so nice after sleeping with this smelly dirty dog for hours. It wiped out all the dog smel
l instantly. It was like a tonic awakening my senses. The sun was in my eyes and I automatically squinted. I eagerly drank in the fresh air in great deep rejuvenating breaths. The dog limped to his feet and sauntered outside too. The fresh air and the absence of him gave me the confidence to open my eyes wide. My head swiveled around sizing things up now that my head was not aching as badly. It had settled into just a dull pain now. Maybe there was a way I could get out of here.

For the first time I got to clearly see the other side of the cabin. It was nearly all glass and appeared to be set up as a lounge and a home office. I could not help but wonder what he did because he had all kinds of computer equipment, lots and lots of it. Beyond the wall of glass was the most beautiful scene, all mountains and trees and I could see a trace of water glistening through the trees. I could see why he had his desk facing it, I wouldn’t get any work done if it was my desk.

I guess I was lost in my reverie. He was standing over me, he had moved silently like a cat. How had he moved that fast? ‘Well, well, you are awake. Suzie, I knew the instant you woke up, I just wasn’t ready to deal with you, and so I left you here like a dog, an animal. You can stay there until you are ready to talk to me.’ He poked me with the toe of his sneaker as he turned and walked away.

He should not have done that, his poke though not hard had hit me right in the bladder and now I must use the toilet. I laid there willing my body trying to quell my urge to pee. As always though Mother Nature would not be denied, the urge grew. If I did not get to the toilet soon, I would be no better than a dog that had not been house trained. I held off as long as I could, now there was real urgency for to me use the toilet. I could not lower myself to the level of the dogs. ‘Sir, may I use the bathroom, please?’

He was going about setting the table. Glasses, bowls and spoons, we must be having juice and cereal. Something was not right he had only one of each. ‘No, that can’t be I was so hungry, but I must pee first. No. He cannot possibly refuse me something to eat. ‘When did I last eat? What day is it?’ Louder I said with a dry throat ‘Sir, Sir please, I must go to the bathroom, please, don’t make me go on the floor. I beg you not to humiliate me any further.’

Without a word, he turned and looked at me, giving me a long stare. We just looked at each other. I was praying he would untie me and let me go to the bathroom. ‘Oh Please, let him.’ I had no idea what he was thinking but he finally walked over and knelt down from his great height he undid my chains. Then he went back about preparing breakfast. I tried to stand but my legs were cramped so badly that I could not stand when I tried. ‘Oh help, please help me.’

‘If you have a problem, Suzie it is of your own making, so I suggest crawl, bitch, crawl.’ I crawled, my tears were flowing again. But I must reach the bathroom immediately.

‘Oh thank Gawd.’ I closed the door. I fumbled for the lock. There was no lock. No lock! Even my privacy was subject. I was alone. Maybe I could think, but I must pee first. I stumbled to the toilet sitting as my pee started flowing even before I was seated. I had no more than stopped than he opened the door and walked it. He walked in quickly, he moves gracefully for a man of his size. He reached for a clean washcloth and towel while filling the sink with warm water. He again put me over his knee and washed my whole crotch, my pussy and my ass hole. This time it was his soapy finger he inserted into my ass hole. I closed my eyes, ‘How can anyone want to so degrade another human being?’ I breathed deep trying to fight the pain. He never said a word. He left me standing there. This time I kept my mouth shut because I must eat.

‘Come eat!’

‘Oh thank you.’ I said under my breath, my prayers were answered. He just wanted to scare me, that’s all. I walked out still embarrassed at being nude in front of a strange man, I averted my eyes, like a child that believes that if they cannot see someone, and then the other person cannot see them. I used my hands to attempt to cover my private parts. I know it’s just a mind game but it helped me survive what was happening to me. I walked right towards the table on my still wooden legs. He was sitting there eating a huge bowl of oatmeal. I was just about there when it dawned on me that there was no place set for me. I looked at him gasping.

‘That’s right, woman, until you submit to me willingly, you will eat on the floor. It is right here beside me. Come here now.’ He indicated where the bowl was on the floor beside him. I stood there, wishing I could be defiant, but I was so weak from the lack of food, I must eat. I could fight after I ate.

I know my blood sugar must have been way down and that was adding to my fuzzy feeling. I walked over and held out my hands. ‘Please Sir?’

Shaking his head he said no. ‘No, find your own way to eat. After you eat, you will do the dishes and clean up, understand.’ I nodded and kind of tumbled down to the bare floor. I took the bowl as best I could in my hands and brought it to my mouth and gobbled it up quickly. I did not think it hit bottom until I ate the last bite. I had oatmeal all over my face. I tried my best to wipe the sticky goo off, wishing I had a napkin like I would have had at home.

Dishes. Oh, I hate doing my own dishes but to do his is low. ‘All done.’ The kitchen was spotless, unlike mine at home that somehow always seemed to have too much stuff on it for in it to look spotless. This little kitchen was Spartan but efficient, open concept with only a utility island to break it from the central room. It was obvious he was fastidious, everything was spotless, but short on the amenities that make a house a home. It was definitely a man’s nest, unlike my men, it was a neat man’s nest. He had been sitting at the table watching me all this time do his dishes and clean his kitchen, just watching. He came up behind me saying, ‘Now it is time to clean you, my pet.’

To Be Continued…

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Jays Beginning Updated

About 3 o?clock he arrived. He greeted each other with a handshake. He told me to head inside and get a booth; he?d be there in a couple minutes, that way the clerk wouldn?t think anything of it. I paid the clerk and got a handful of tokens. I headed towards the back and walked into the dark hallway. Different TVs with porn could be heard. I chose the 2nd booth on my right and waited. Randy came into the hallway a few minutes later searching for me. I opened the door and let him in. We sat down...

3 years ago
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The Tutor Chapter 3 Cam Girl

I had been too nervous to ever go back to Kyle’s apartment. There were a few times when I walked there after class, but as soon as I spotted that big blue door my heart would race so hard that it drowned out my hearing. Even if I had knocked on the door I had no idea what to say. I probably would have just stood there fumbling for words like a goon and gesturing bluntly at my penis. So while I was caught up with all of these extra-curricular studies, my actual schoolwork fell to the...

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Helen leant back and took a drag of the cannabis cigarette in her hand. She smiled at her companions, the public school educated boyfriend with his friends, and her friends from the local Comprehensive. Marijuana always made her chilled and she relaxed back sucking in the smoke from the illegal cigarette. "When are your folks back?" A wiry black haired boy asked the eldest boy present in his well-spoken voice. Fabien sniffed. "Monday," he replied after pausing; the skunk was powerful...

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Deeper Lulu Chu Muse 2 Episode 3 What We Have Lost

As Jessie leads the charge on the celebration of Lulu’s presentation, a damper mood settles over the group with the discussion of Maitland’s scandal, Lena’s quiet crisis, and Avery’s further unraveling relationship with Ivy. Behind closed doors, Manuel tries to calm Maitland down as she finally names her frustration with the pedestal she’s been placed on but the unspoken problem between them forces its way through again. By the end of the night, Lena finds connection in an unlikely place and...

2 years ago
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I was watching Sex and the City as I awaited my love to come and pick me up. I heard the doorbell ring and quickly ran toward it. I silently cheered and opened the door. "Hey!" Blake said to me. I noticed him look at me up and down. He got lost in my boobs until I said "Hi" back. He told me I looked amazing. He lead me to his car and we got inside. We drove off We finally arrived at the park. We ate lunch there and talked for hours. We flirted alot, and told each other sex jokes....

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Hot Neighbor Girl Nadia

Hi friends Its Danial, 30 male working as a senior manager in a reputed company. Today I am narrating my experience with my neighbor girl Nadia.  Let me describe you Nadia. She was 18 years old at that time and has a very sexy figure of 34, 24, 34, with very fair complexion and attractive eyes. We are living in an apartment building Nadia’s apartment is on the same floor as mine. We have 2 separate doors for entrance, 1 for regular use and the other for guests which open directly in the drawing...

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First Time

When I was 18 my buddy and I went to an adult book store to brouse the shelves, watch a few arcade vids and mainly get horny. We used to go to an adult drive in theater from time to time. We would just sit and watch the film, maybe sneek in a few beers to drink while watching, and then go home to jack off alone. Somehow I knew tonight was going to be different. We walked in the back to the arcade to view a few vids. I went in one booth and he went in the other. I put a few dollars in my...

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Private Charlie Red Anal Debut

Today on Private, we introduce you to Charlie Red, a saucy redhead who has come to Private Specials, Urban, Sexy and Anal Loving 2 dressed in her sexiest lingerie as she looks to lure her man away from his video games in the only way she knows how! Watch this cute debutant masturbate next to her boy on sofa as she uses the temptation of her pussy to get some oral attention. Then enjoy Charlie in action as she returns the favour with a sloppy blowjob before going on to receive a hard anal...

1 year ago
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Friends get friendlier

Toward the end of my senior year of high school I had a girlfriend that was always horny as I. Which was pretty horny, even for an 18 year old, I always thought. Lucy was game for pretty much anything and almost any time. We loved to go out in the woods and do it and her old car had a back seat that easily doubled for a bed. But sometimes other things happened. For example, during the summer after graduation, we would go hang out with a friend of ours, Bernie, who lived in an apartment outside...

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True Story First time with Sex toys

Hello again, i have another true tale for you and this one is one of my very 1st sexual experiences hehe. now i was torn between telling you about the first time i discovered the pleasures of masturbating or my 1st use of sex toys. but with age etc to consider i decided to do the later. if you want to hear about the first time i masturbated I'm more than happy to chat privately about that.This particular event, a pretty big event in my sexual awakening if you ask me happened a couple of month...

1 year ago
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Big Time SwitchChapter 5

Jake backed up as far as he could on his bed, but he then hit the wall. "We can't have sex Cleo. It's wrong," stammered out Jake. I laughed, "And it wasn't wrong when you forced yourself on Angela all those times? Come on, man up." He looked down ashamed, "She told you?" Then a little louder but still afraid he continued. "When she miscarried and it broke her heart, she made me promise never to force myself onto anyone ever again." He was a little more sure of himself this time....

3 years ago
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Is It Always This Easy

I’m Wade, a forty-five-year-old married man that until a few months ago was totally straight. I’ve been married for twenty years and like with most old married couples, sex with my wife Gladys had fizzled to once a month. That wasn’t nearly enough for me so I masturbate quite often. Everyday, coming home from work on I-20, I drive by an adult bookstore in Kennedale. I was always curious what it was like in there. It seems to be a busy place. There were always at least ten cars parked there....

Gay Male
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The Bane of a Blessing

It started casually enough. It was early in the day. Work had just started. Warren Giles, the CEO and owner of ‘A Works Inc’ was walking down the long hall that led from the employees cafeteria to the offices. He was about to pass Janie Dieter. As she got to him, with a kind of smile plastered on her face, she sneezed. “Bless you!” he said, and Janie simply began to cry. It seemed that the sudden niceness of the blessing statement simply grated against all that had been happening, that she’d...

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Kahani Zubani

Hi. Mera naam hasan ha or ma Lahore ma rehta hon. Actually ma kisi or city se hon or Lahore perne k liye aya hon. Aaj jo ma app ko story sunane jar aha hon ye 5 month pehle ki baat ha. 1 raat ma Lahore ma bahir gumne k liye nikla apne saare dosto k sath or different places par gaie wahan 1 larki thi jo k baar baar hamare group ki taraf daikh rahi thi ma ne to notice nahi kiya lakin mere 1 dost ne notice kiya iss ne sab ko bataya. Ma ne phr bas isi waqat se ise daikhna suru kr diya. Bohat notice...

3 years ago
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Legally Binding Ch 12

I turned, as quietly as possible so as not to disturb You. I just wanted to look at You, Sir, and maybe after a while wake You with a kiss. But You weren’t there, Sir. Tossing the covers aside (and blushing a deep red at the sight of the lengths of rope still attached to the bed) I got to my feet. You weren’t in the bathroom, which was a good thing because I had urgent need of it. Still naked, I padded on bare feet out to the stairs, thinking You might be making breakfast for us. I...

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My Moms Friend

I was never what you would call "popular" with the ladies. I was never fighting through throngs of girls. So it wasn't really a surprise when after my 19th birthday I still hadn't ever had a serious girlfriend or lost my virginity. I was always more into computers than real people anyway, or at least that is what I tried to tell myself. Which leads me to my mom's best friend. They had met while they were in college, and while my mom had settled down and had children Janet had never really lost...

Erotic Fiction
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SovereigntyChapter 17

Alan awoke, startled at first as he didn’t recognize exactly where he was. Then he felt a soft body next to his looking down he saw that Hopix had at some time climbed into the bed with him for warmth. God Alan thought she feels so good so soft so... ! Alan had looked under the covers immediately growing hard as he found that Hopix was stark naked! Holy shit he thought as he could only stare at her naked form my god! She’s perfect! Slowly Alan reached under the covers and began to gently...

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Sex With A Girl I Met At A Pub

Hi, This is Vishal (name changed). I am a 27-year-old male from Bangalore working in the IT industry. I am a huge fan of ISS and have been. I am not a guy with six-pack abs, as portrayed by many people on this site. I am a tall and average-sized guy with a 5’8 inch tool. Now let me move to the story directly. The heroine of this story is Shruti (name changed). Her age is 26, and her sizes are 32-26-36. Yes, she has an amazing ass compared to the size of her boobs. Let’s move to the part about...

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(Author's Note: This is a Chyoo version of a story I am writing on Hentai Foundry. You can find it by searching on there for Inheritance by Galloway. ) Adam let out a sigh as the last of the financial advisors left, leaving him alone in the large office. He sat back in his chair and relaxed, reflecting on the day. After arriving in the morning, he had been in constant meetings with all sorts of people, as the ownership of his great uncle's estate and investments was transferred to him. He had...

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It was a warm late spring afternoon when I arrived at her door, much like the one in Notting Hill with a large knocker in the middle, as I lifted the knocker I started to shake. Being aware that the centre of my back and armpits felt cold and shivery from sweat despite the nice warm weather. The knocker went down with a solid resounding thud. To late now I thought as I suddenly decided a need to spend a penny. I started talking with this lady, a “Mistress” about a year ago on the net and as I...

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Beach Daddy Follows Me Home

Part of the thrill, and fear, of dropping one's dork shorts and wearing speedos in public is thinking that everyone is looking at you.However, in most cases, nobody cares or is evening paying you any attention at all.Around mid-morning today, I got myself motivated enough to go to the pool. I was wearing my ADIDAS 3-stripe speedos.As I mentioned in yesterday’s blog post, when I go for a swim at the local pool, I usually jump out of the pool, wrap a towel around my waist, throw on a t-shirt and...

Gay Male
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A Godmother and a Princess

A Godmother and the fairy princess Janet L. Stickney [email protected] "Mom, what are you going to be this year, for the party I mean?" "I was thinking that I would go as the fairy godmother, why?" "I can't think of anything." "I knew it would come to this! You always wait so long to decide!" "Yeah, but..." "And, since I figured you would do this, I decided to be prepared this year! I already have your costume!" "You do? That's great mom! What is it going...

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Video Store Gal Pal

Hi, it's me again...Crista. Well if you read my last post "Thru The Window", you remember how at 19 I caught my next door neighbor masturbating in her back yard and how that completely changed my entire sexual persona. From that point on I fantasized constantly about being with another girl. I had boyfriends yes and loved sex with them, but I just couldn't shake this fantasy.I finally got my wish...only took me four years. I was working in a video store while in college and one day this girl...

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Fucking Papa On The Sofa

This is a FICTIONAL incest tale between a father and daughter. This is not a real story. For suggestions and comments mail me When dad called me about mama’s deteriorating health a week ago, I could hear the desperation and worry in his voice. I had never heard him so scared in my life. He was after all my papa, my superman. I sensed something seriously amiss, and left for my parents house in Mumbai that very night. My sudden trip had thrown my life at home out of order, but my husband Deepak...

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Legion of LightChapter 12 Calm Front

Birds chirped, the wind moved through the trees, the nearby stream babbled its continuous confession. We collectively held our breath and waited for the reaction. Such a strange feeling déjà vu is... Chet's dad got it out first. "What the hell!" "Oh My God!" Mike's dad added. "Fuck!" echoed in simultaneous triplicate from Chet's three brothers. Everyone else just gasped. Chaos Bombs, gotta love em. "Dave, what did you do? Where are we?" From Arden's parents, overlapping...

4 years ago
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Im the Monster Now

Hi Folks. Thanks as usual for all of the comments both positive and negative about last week's story. Your opinions really do matter to us. I did want to clear up one thing. I got a bunch of E-mails this week that suggested that I should delete some of the comments that were extremely vicious or personal. My slant on that is pretty much the same as it ever was. I really believe in free speech and usually when someone writes something that's more of a personal attack on either me or another...

4 years ago
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First Lesbian Encounter With My Irish Neighbor on

Maureen and I had been lesbian lovers for going on three years now. As crazy as this seems we met at a PTA meeting and became friends. She had just moved here from Ireland and knew no one, but for some strange reason Maureen and I had a special attraction to each other almost instantly. We were both happily married to two great guys. We had money, nice houses, new cars and were “good girl” suburban house wives with five k**s between us. Who would guess that today we were madly in love with each...

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