Zanu PF Fuckpig Pt 2_(3) free porn video

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Her fingerless hands had healed now, and the skin on her stumps where they had severed her legs at the knee was hard and calloused and she was able to discard the child's boots she used to wear if she kept away from the Tarmac. She liked an early morning dip in the river and would wallow in the mud banks to get a nice coating of mud to avoid sunburn.

She was getting fat, not from pregnancy, Her friend and surgeon Mr Stephens had seen to that, but from eating scraps, she was so scared of starving that she was eating too much, a great big fat lazy fuckpig. None of her clothes would have fitted had she been allowed any, but she was the official ZANU PF imperialist fuckpig and fuckpigs don't wear clothes.

She liked to wear her boots in the mornings and had learned to put them on herself, then she would go to the carefully manicured lawn, now used as the parade ground where The Officer took the salute and have a shit as the flag was raised, kneeling on all fours like a Pig, sometimes she would eat an apple as she shit, but no one thought of her as a person anymore so her act of defiance was ignored.

Stephens had realised he could read her lips and they had long conversations in the moonlight, she would not let him fuck her but used her mouth to keep him satisfied, with no tongue to obstruct her facial orifice his prick fitted easily into her throat, and she breathed easily as he shot his load each evening, but each night she returned to her lonely kennel and he to his bunk.

She had made other friends, Bush and Blare the Rottweillers, she had stolen food from the kitchens for them, and spent time with them, sooner or later she knew they would be ordered to attack her, she sneaked into Blare's kennel one stormy night he was unsure but after eating the meat she had stolen for him he allowed her to give him a blow job, and soon he realised she wished him to mount her.

She came to enjoy her nights with the dogs, when she trained them to take her cunt and to fuck face to face not doggie style she found the experience emotionally satisfying, the knot keeping them together when passion was spent, and she appreciated the warmth of their fur coats in the cold African nights, she visited them in turn, one tonight the other tomorrow, after seeing Stephens in his quarters and then dozed on the hill by the tennis court in the daytime as the Soldiers fucked her.

She sometimes thought of her previous life but there was always someone needing to fuck her or else with her obscenely enlarged breasts her nipples were touching the ground as she bounded along stimulating her so that she needed to find someone for sex that really she had no time for such thoughts.

"What would you wish for if you could have anything?"

A voice asked as she was fucked again.

"Campari and Ice," she whispered as she had painstakingly learned to do.

The Officer roared with laughter, he had asked, she had not known it was he.

He was troubled, white women were supposed to hate sex, yet she seemed every bit as oversexed as the young girls from his own tribe, perhaps there were no differences under the skin. He quickly set the treasonable thoughts aside.

Warm sun, regular orgasms, her pet dogs, her soul mate Mr Stephens, she did not know his Christian name despite all the blow jobs she had given him, Susan realised that for the first time in her life she was happy.

Her mother hated her, legacy of a failed attempt to ensnare an earl, he mother dumped her at the earliest possible stage and her mothers parents brought her up in their austere town house, then boarding school at five years old, a fat ugly duckling she remained a Virgin until University where her belly subsided and her tits became pleasantly rounded and then in the gap year she had married Richard so she could accompany him to the UAE an Islamic country frowning upon single women.

Why could Richard have not fucked like Mikel Bung or Joshua Unfartu, or flooded her with pints of cum like Johnston McBride. Her sex life had never been important to her but now she realised it was because she had never really had one.

She lay watching and a woman approached. "You fuck my husband too much, he has nothing for me"

Susan pointed to her empty mouth with her stump.

The Woman looked sad, Susan put her arms around her in a sisterly way, but their breasts interlocked and they looked into each others eyes and smiled, their lips entwined, the girl explored Susan's mouth with her tongue as Susan eased her knickers down and for the first time explored another woman's cunt with her thumb.

They were unaware they had an audience.

"Mugenwe what are you doing" A voice shocked them to reality.

"I tell her leave you alone, you fuck her not me" Mugenwe told her Husband Pieter.

"You are insatiable, you are not normal" he replied pulling his gun and aiming it at Susan.

A shot rang out and Pieter fell to the floor dead.

"He was going to shoot fuckpig" Joshua Unfartu explained.

Mugenwe looked stunned "He was no husband, he was a boy, I want a man."

Joshua needed no second bidding and quickly tore Mugemwe's knickers from below her knees and drove deep within her. Fuckpig held he face between her fingerless palms and kissed her as Joshua pleasured her and the crowd grew, someone started to fuck Susan but she did not look up preferring to concentrate on Mugemwe's tender kisses.

"Am I man enough for you?" cried Joshua as he came.

"Do it again and I will tell you" whispered Mugemwe as she giggled satisfied as she had never been before.

Fuckpig was learning all the time, she watched Blare and Bush and took to marking her territory with piss like they did, and still made sure they fucked her regularly, but life was hassle free, she came to realise she had found utopia.

The UN mission came, Fuckpig saw them coming, the plume of dust travelling fast. wasting fuel, where ZANU drove carefully. A Landcruiser, White with UN emblems.

Fuckpig crawled to her kennel and checked her stash, she had hidden three knives and two grenades which she had stolen, she knew The Officer could not let the UN find her, and she tried to hide in the shadows.

The Officer just missed her at the Hillock but correctly assumed she was in the Kennel, she heard his footfalls and stopped breathing. He could see nothing, he edged into the stinking kennel and in the gloom he saw her, the grenade in her front paws, the pin in her mouth.

He froze, then carefully aimed his gun down and returned it to his holster. "The UN, I can't let them find you." she could not speak without losing her grip on the pin but she bowed faintly. "Stay in the darkness until they go, then you may be safe." The Officer cautioned her and then carefully walked away, gently shaking with fear at his brush with death.

Fuckpig should have followed his advice but a few minutes after the delegation arrived she scuttled out, she had become used to her status as pet but had not realised what her effect upon the UN team would be.

The Inspection had started well, Stevens had polished up his instruments and was wearing a clean white coat, the Dogs and Crocodiles had long ago digested the evidence of executions, and the four UN inspectors seemed well satisfied with the arrangements for the elections to come. The polling booths, boxes waiting and voting rooms were all fine and then as they enjoyed a cool drink fuckpig trotted around the corner.

The tinkling of a glass breaking on the concrete announced to those who did not see fuckpig coming that something was wrong. his face turned ghostly white as the glass fell from his hand. The Officer drew his pistol "Be calm gentlemen please, this is Miss Susan Harding, our white imperialist fuckpig."

"I shall haf to report this" Piet DeNeuve, the European UN observer mentioned."

"We won't live that long, you bloody fool," announced the woman in their party, "how could she demean herself, I would rather die."

"Well said Madam," The Officer beamed, The Woman would have been beautiful but for her thin straight nose, narrow lips and undersized breasts, her white skin tanned to a healthy shade her blonde hair bleached white. She stood proud erect upright like a man, he thought of her sucking his prick whilst the dogs took turns to fuck her, he smiled, he would have some fun.

"This desire to report things is unfortunate, but we can always use an extra Land Cruiser, and the Crocodiles are hungry," He walked slowly towards fuckpig and tenderly stroked her head. "You see Susan is healthy and happy so why do you react so negatively, would you think the same if she were black?"

The Woman spat, "you are an animal".

The Officer replied, "as are you anthropologically" as his gun barked, and three neat holes appeared in three foreheads, it was strange how two fell backwards and one forwards. of the Five in the UN party only The woman and the driver remained alive, for the time being at least


"I am sorry, but I cannot leave witnesses. Jakob, let us feed the Crocodiles."

"What about me" the woman asked.

"You shall watch the Crocodiles."

Orders were shouted and men ran to obey.

An ancient GMC five ton truck lumbered across the once immaculate lawns of the Club and the War Veterans easily loaded the still warm bodies aboard, the gun barrel in his ribs encouraged the UN driver to board whilst the woman climbed up quietly without protest.

The trip to the river was fairly short, the track led to the river then along the riverbank to the deep ponds near Klevedon lodge, even in the driest summers when the river shrunk from its fifty yard width to a muddy trickle a few feet wide and but a few inches in depth plenty of water remained here but there were always crocs around at Klevedon, with its ponds and long fishing Jetty.

The Lodge was a blackened shell with the roof gone and the walls peppered with bullet holes, an oversized Bungalow for the amusement of white farmers as they fished for crocs for fun and now used by locals to catch crocs for meat and raw materials, crocodile shoes being a cheap alternative to Chinese plastic now the economy had collapsed.

The wooden Jetty looked very unsafe, standing several feet above the sluggish river water, the legs rotten, some parts missing completely. The Officer undid the catches and dropped the truck's tail board, allowing the passengers to disembark. The Woman remained clutching the side rails tightly.

"Yes you can see very well from there, I shall come for you later." The Officer advised her, as the others carried the stiffening bodies towards the pond.

They stood around the landward end of the Jetty awaiting orders, unsure of the safety of the structure. The Officer shouted

"Ah Driver, walk to the end, there's a good chap, make sure it is safe for us."

The UN driver looked at The Officer's gun barrel and carefully set off along the apparently unsafe structure, he reached the end, The Officer shouted "Jump up and Down"

The driver obeyed reluctantly, the structure barely moved.

"The end structure is Steel, just made to look like wood, sir" Jakob Unfartu murmered quietly.

"Yes Jakob, but let's not spoil the fun." The Officer replied.

"Come here, take a stiff out to the end." The Officer bellowed and the terrified driver

returned and lifted the first body and took it to the end of the Jetty.

"Just put it down and fetch another."

Soon three bodies lay on the wood planking at the outer end of the jetty.

The Officer smiled "Live bait I think, shoot his leg please Jakob"

The Driver screamed as he lost his balance deprived of the support of his left leg as Jakob's bullet smashed his knee cap.

The water boiled as Crocodiles fought over the free meal, the muddy water briefly turned red with spilt blood.

The Officer walked to the Truck and held out his hand to guide the Woman as she climbed down to the ground, he led her to the Jetty, "Just push the bodies in for me."

he asked politely.

She walked carefully, as if the six feet wide platform were a tightrope. at the end her dead friends and colleagues, now cold if not stiff, crocs eyes breaking the surface betrayed their presence.

She pushed the first, carefully, careful not to fall herself. it landed with a splash and the waters boiled as the crocs tore the meal into bite sized pieces, the waters subsided and the order "Next" drifted across the water, the woman pushed another body, the crocs came again, the same or different ones she could not know but there could be hundreds, and certain death awaited her if she fell.

The waters subsided, and again the order and the body descended the waters boiled the red stains crocs fighting for their fair share of the bounty.

"Last one" The Officer ordered.

"Jump, or dive, we are waiting, this is your chance, to escape, surely you prefer death to the humiliations which await you?"

She looked down, he had won, she could not face the plunge.

She stared straight into his eyes "Shoot me"

He smiled and shook his head.

"Please" she added, "please shoot me."

"No it would waste a bullet, just jump, like at the swimming baths." The Officer suggested.

"I can't."

The Officer spoke loudly and clearly "Then you understand how Miss Harding became my fuckpig, will you become our fuckpig, live like an animal. or will you jump."

"Will you hurt me?" she asked pointlessly.

"Of course we shall hurt you, we shall rape you this evening and when we have worked out what you do best we shall modify you to our taste, like fuckpig. but not exactly,

She stood and slowly walked towards the shore.

The Officer shouted across, "Stop, take your clothes off and throw them to the crocs,"

"Shoot me" she replied hopefully.

Willing hands grabbed her as she reached dry land her jacket, shorts and underwear

were stripped away to reveal her pale beauty, the pulled her hairpins out to let her hair cascade around her shoulders.

"That is disgusting," The Officer pointed to her lush pubic hair, "somebody shave her now."

Their razor sharp bayonets barely scratched her s they hacked the fur away and despite the humiliation or maybe because of it she realised to her horror she was becoming aroused, her clit peeped shyly from its hood and she was becoming distinctly wet,

"No please not my arse" a savage fondled her tight rear entrance, all black men were savages in her book, animals, all of them. It did no good for instantly a black wooden rod was produced, a policeman's truncheon, she recognised it and she saw a savage spit on it and despite the searing pain she was unable to resist its entry, it eased as the savage moved it around to loosen her then suddenly with a plop it was withdrawn and thrust instead into her moist slit.

She felt relieved they would just use her normally, she had never even considered the possibility of Anal sex, and the pain of the truncheons entry had convinced her she would never consent to such when she felt a warm stiff prick pushing at her rectum, strong hands held her as the first savage entered her, awkwardly at first then more easily as her insides adjusted but, when having closed her eyes because of the pain, she felt a penis against her labia, pushing in and up she realised that she was to be taken simultaneously by two men.

Two big men, she wondered if one penis would emerge from her intestines into her mouth it felt so good, she meant to think huge but, self preservation instincts were playing tricks with her mind, a disembodied voice she later recognised as her own was asking to be fucked harder, men changed places, and slowly the sun set on the Lodge, a fire was lit to keep wild animals away and amid the flickering light they took their pleasure.

The Officer looked on, she looked like something from a pornographic magazine and she seemed to enjoy the attention, she needed to be brought to heel.

The Officer waited until everyone had taken their pleasure before her embarked on the next stage, they brought her to the camp fire, where on The Officers instruction

Ezikiel Bezu, heated the brass hooks in the flames.

She looked in horror yet silently as the hot metal sizzled against her left nipple, it stiffened in confusion as the metal slowly burned the flesh away and passed through.

Willing hands held her as she fainted and someone pissed in her face to wake her.

The right nipple was next and again the smell of burned flesh, then the lips of her sex two brass hooks, one through each side, and finally as it strained peeping from its hood her clit, the brass sizzling as it passed into her most tender spot and she screamed the tortured scream of legend, echoing around the river valley, scaring birds into flight and sending wildlife scurrying away fearful for their lives. They hung fishing weights on the hooks through her nipples threatening to tear them from er body, then on the labia hooks, she supported the nipple weights in her hands she reasoned she needed her tits and screamed as the weights on her labia distorted the flaps of flesh, they lifted the dropped each in turn tearing the flesh a little more each time causing the blood to trickle then flow and finally from the continued torture as they molested her again and again the hooks tore completely through the fleshy flaps her lips tore apart, she realised she could be bleeding to death.

The Officer regretted not having Stephens along but they quickly staunched the blood with a rag that had been part of her clothing and after loading the Truck they returned to base.

The Officer roused Stephens and he came quickly to the makeshift operating theatre with the old Pub bench to operate on and his rusty surgical instruments, he saw the blood soaked rag between her legs and feared the worst, had she been disembowelled the way defeated enemies were disembowelled in olden times?

Stephens ordered the War Veterans to leave him some room, as he peeled away the blood soaked blouse to inspect the wounds, then taking his craft knife he started cutting slicing the skin around her cunt cutting away the torn and useless flesh before sewing the wound neatly, he admired his work, no longer would she endure the pain of pierced lower lips because essentially she no longer had a visible labia at all, the skin now remodelled so the entry to her womb was now a simple slit like a young girl, the ugly flaps of skin consigned to history.

"When can we fuck her?" a War Veteran asked.

"Right now, give it a try, I will do the stitches again if they tear."

But there were no takers, and she lapsed into a fitful sleep.

She woke next morning, and immediately fainted.

Stephens had cut her left breast open and was fitting a none too clean silicon implant, one of a pair bought for fuckpig before they realised her tits already brushed the ground.

Soon Stephens had enlarged both of the Woman's Breasts to DD or beyond and the skin now stretched painfully over them the stitches threatening to pull out.

She woke and then fainted several times before she finally managed to ask Stephens what he was doing.

"Officers Orders", he lied, the boys liked big tits and being liked was the only way she would stay alive for a while.

Stephens looked at her naked and ravaged body, her breasts a mass of bruises, the stitches ugly and raw, and her cunt, somehow especially obscene with the neat pattern of the stitching etched out in dried blood.

The woman was saved by an unlikely event, a gang of Movement for Democratic Reform (MDR) had attacked a ZANU PF Land Rover when it broke down, the War veterans had fought back and captured their attackers and Stephens was asked to work his magic.

The four men were brought in, proud full of fight, sure of the justice of their cause, all young, eighteen perhaps. The Officer spoke softly "Mr Stephens, I wish these "Men" to return to their families as a dire warning.

Stephens smiled "I shall try, have you any guidance sir?"

The Officer shook his head, Stephens spoke thoughtfully, "I shall experiment in that case,"

The woman laid on one of the Pub Tables Stephens needed for surgery, her freshly enlarged Tits still painful but her remodelled cunt now less so but unattractive with the scars still so prominent.

Stephens untied her bonds and she tried to sit up, the weight of her new DD or was it larger Breasts unbalanced her. Stephens carried her to a corner.

They brought three benches from outside then the four were tied down naked.

"Chop their Pricks off" suggested a War Veteran, The Officer smiled.

Stephens took out his rusting surgical instruments and with an oily and blunt Stanley knife he started cutting, he remembered a story about gender reassignment where someone had made a cunt from a mans penis skin and slimmed down the Penis for a Clit, he soon had the entire skin of the Penis separated from the body and he delicately manipulated it within the War Veterans Pelvic area, then a quick cut and the whole assemblage was pushed through an incision and up the unfortunates Anus.

Stephens struggled to stitch up before the wound became saturated with shit leaking from the ruptured back passage and as the flies came and went he not so neatly stitched the gaping hole closed.

He was tiring, he needed a rest, something touched his shoulder, he turned, The Woman, "If you find me a Bra I'll sew up the rest, Sarah Mallan, formerly Staff Nurse Mallan, at your service."

He shook her hand as he worked. "There is some Woman's stuff in a holdall through there" he pointed.

She went as directed supporting her breasts in her hands, "Some filthy bastard has wanked all over...." she stopped seeing his embarrassed grin.

She found a maternity Bra which stretched enough to accommodate her, and felt a lot more comfortable, which lasted about twenty seconds as she found the effect she had on Stephens, the bulge in his pants unmistakeable. "I suppose you want to road test your handiwork," she teased pointing downwards, the spreading wet patch on Stephens trousers gave mute testimony to her effect on him, she returned to the clothing and taking a pair of small child's Panties with a few deft cuts and some new elastic covered the scars of her pubes to give a possibly even more obscene look.

The screams of the Victims had aroused great curiosity but it was not until late that

Stephens finished.

The Officer came, "Excellent, now give them Tits,"

Stephens spoke quietly "I don't think I have any more silicon"

The Officer smiled "Then use these again" he pointed to Sarah.

She was annoyed "No you're not having my ..." even she was shocked

she was supposed to be humiliated not pleased.

The Officer stroked her left nipple. it responded instantly, "Such beautiful breasts.

I shall enjoy them, find something else Mr Stephenson.

There were some shapeless blobs of soft plastic around so Stephens and Ms Mallan set to work shaping then into Madonna shaped cones ready for implantation, and by the end of the third day our warriors were transformed, Ms Mallam used her dainty surgical stitching to remodel a set of curtains into lovely little dresses and dressed the Warriors appropriately.

Stephens watched anxiously as they healed, one went septic so they fed him to the crocodiles, which livened up the afternoon a bit, in fact it was a bit tragic in that Morgan Botsuma was larking about on the jetty when he fell into the pond and was seized by two crocs who tore him in two, he was screaming for help with both legs bitten off, and it took five shots to the head to shut him up, "A remarkably thick skull," the Officer commented.

"And where are our three little maids? The Officer commented and the name stuck

"Maids" they were now to be called. The Maids wandered around the camp, hands tied behind their backs, their wounds had healed but their frustration built like a pressure cooker until one of them found an old bicycle pump and sank down to force it up his arse and stimulate the itch that needed scratching, his imbedded penis swelled and soon there was a crowd watching the Maid cavorting as he tried to wank himself off using a bicycle pump up his arse, the crowd laughed and shouted, it was so funny, and the Maid was so caught up in things that he could not stop.

The other two tried it in the calm of night and they then fought over the pump till they broke it. They took to begging passers by to fuck their arses, some Traders from the North, obliged but Fuckpig was always available and her cunt much preferred to their arses.

The Maids decided to kill Fuckpig, she suspected their ploy and built a mound in her kennel, burying two grenades and removing the pins, so if disturbed it would blow up and she spent her nights with the Dogs, Soon enough it blew up, two Maids made a nice meal for the crocs, the third, blinded and deafened was sent back to his homeland and Fuckpig's place in society was secure again.

ABS + PM 2007


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Hi friends, mera naam arayn hai. Mai rajasthan se hu koi bi aunti bhabi or girl mujse meri id pr contact kar sakti hai meri id hai ( ) Meri pahli kahani makan malkin ki chudai -1 or makan malkin ki chudai -2 me aap logo ne deka ki mane kase makan malkin kiran ko choda ab mai kiran ko dely chodne laga pr mera man nahi barta tha usse ab meri nazar pooja pr thi jo mere room ke bagal avale makan me hi rahti thi vo hamari makan malkin ke pass tution padne aati thi or kabi kabi meri makan malkin ke...

4 years ago
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The Godparent

No one wants that call. The Godparent call. So many things have gone wrong if it comes to that. Clarice was lost to cancer a couple of years ago. Her parents were both lost to her when she was much younger. I’m pretty sure it was a plane crash. Rodney is not coming home from Syria. Not alive. Sorry, officially he’s not coming home from Iraq. Just got that word today. This morning. From Edna. She was a mess. Rodney and his family were all she had left. Rodney had eked an education out of a bad...

2 years ago
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My Spanish next door neighboor

Hi there. I’m honest to say it’s not been easy for a woman, to tell you my stories and share experiences all together, mainly if the story teller is not a young girl, rather a mature like I am. I still have my doubts and objections. I’m in my 40’s now, a Latin mature, and it would be my fate to become a widow 6 years ago, having to raise two teen ager daughters by myself. I am on my own, independent, neither major economic problem, nor financially embarrassed. I hadn’t realized how time goes...

4 years ago
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Welcome back Fred

This story is a continuation of Fred and Mitzi. This story is fresh in my mind as i have just seen Fred for the first time in nearly forty years. I was at the local supermarket when i heard a voice call out hey Jamie how the hell are you!! I quickly turned my head as no one calls me Jamie any more i am usually called James. I knew the voice and well he really didn't change all that much still mangy looking now very gray as far as hair color goes. I just said Fred what the hell !! Yeah Fred said...

4 years ago
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moonbeams training anal fantasy

This story was written as an assignment for my former Mentor, a wonderful Dom in Florida named Jack. i met Him online when i began exploring BDSM 5 years ago, before I met Master Falcon. Jack would give me writing assignments with specific topics as a way to help me learn about various aspects of BDSM. He would critique my writing as a way to help me learn from what i had written. This story was written to help me explore anal sex....

4 years ago
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My Summer at the Mill

The shrill wail of the whistle echoed from the hills surrounding the mountain valley and I stepped out into the 7AM brightness. Another graveyard shift was finished and I could go home, shower, and catch some sleep before my next shift at 11:00 that night. As a less senior employee at the mill, I was doomed to night or graveyard shifts for the foreseeable future. I’d just started work there for the summer after my first year at college. The air around the mill, and much of the time across the...

2 years ago
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AllGirlMassage Bree Daniels Mia Malkova Return Of The Bolster

Client Mia Malkova is suffering from a pulled muscle in her butt that she sustained on a horseback ride. Seeking much needed pain relief, she schedules a treatment with her masseuse Bree Daniels. The pixieish red head assess’ her client’s condition and decides to put Mia on a triangular bolster pillow. Lifting her butt will give Bree better access to her glutes and hamstrings. She instructs Mia to remove all of her clothing. Mia wiggles her pantiless bubble butt out of her tight...

5 years ago
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A Rare BirdChapter 2

The winds and seas were favorable, requiring only two tacks to reach a position off the northwestern corner of St Martin. Rita got on the radio with her relatives that had a fishing boat in the harbor of the small town of Grand Case. They arranged a rendezvous with the sailboat to take Rita ashore. Mike and Bruce took Calypso to the south end of the island where the big Philipsburg harbor is. Procuring an anchoring buoy from the harbormaster they shut down the boat and took a water taxi...

3 years ago
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Dr Zaaijer Family Therapist Part 3

For the real Mikie's transition, Dr. Zaaijer used a different tactic. Mikie was becoming stronger every day. The time to return home and go back to her old life was approaching. Mikie knew this but she didn't want to go to her old self. She was reminded of how it used to be at home with her alcoholic father. She didn't want that. It would be worse since her mother was not around anyway. The idea scared her. Then Dr. Zaaijer gave her a way out. She didn't have to be the scared...

3 years ago
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3 Some Sex With Bhabhi Maid

In my previous story I told u abt how I first had lesbian sex with my newly wedded I am going to tell u about our encounter after 7 was the month of march in 1999 when i went to mamta’s house,in jabalpur with my son n daughter.she was also pregnant by now.she was waiting eagerly for me to come.though we used to do phone sex every day but it was not enough for us.we were waiting to become one.we reached her house at 2:30 children were sleepy so they went immediately to...

4 years ago
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Me and Mr Bill Part 1 2

Introduction: A fictional meeting between me and an admirer met on the internet. Me and Mr. Bill!: Part 1: I had been chatting electronically with an admirer named Mr. Bill or as his IG name was, Nastyokie69. I met him online on IG several years ago and we became Kik buddies. The photos of his beautiful 8 inch cock always made me so wet and made it impossible for me to keep my hands from venturing in all my sexual spots, especially my drenched little cunt! His nasty photos on IG and his audio...

3 years ago
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The Neptune Swim Club

"My name is Jerry Hartur and I own the Neptune Swim Club. Neptune is a private organization that is not affiliated with any particular school or school system. We try to attract students from all of the surrounding area schools to help them become better swimmers. Our teaching methods differ from what you may have experienced at some other area swim clubs, in that we don't waste ours or your child's time busing them to and from swim meets. We don't go to swim meets. That is what they do on...

2 years ago
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WildOnCam Candice Dare You To Fuck Her

Sexy hot Candice Dare is excited to play with you and tease in her lingerie. She loves how her perfect little tits look in her bra and can not wait for Small Hands to peel off those panties and eat out her wet pussy! That tongue feels so good flicking on her sensitive clit and she wants that large hard cock of his deep in her throat. Small Hands and Candice are ready to break the bed fucking hard from all your favorite positions until Candice wants all that built up cum splattering all over her...

2 years ago
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Peeking SisterChapter 7

Dippy Gallagher was in his element. He loved breaking new broads into show biz, particularly when there was no risk involved, and Borman had assured him that with this big gorgeous brunette, June Wright, there would be no risk whatsoever. Also, the kind of people who were filling up the theater he had improvised in the loft upstairs were a double guarantee. They were strictly class, well-heeled and top-drawer, old chap... Friends of Borman and the society guy Jock Richmond. No sweat about...

2 years ago
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Bareback father

I just had my 18th birthday. I was in my room reading a book when I heard my dad come home. I ran downstairs and gave him a hug as usually. I always try and grab his ass. But just can"t. My dad is musclar, fair skin. Very hairy and smells of man. I have seen him wank and envy his cock.Anyway. Ieft him to get his food that I prepared and go for a shower. We lived alone so the shower door never closed. I though ill go for a shower before him. I went into the shower. And began rubbing soap all...

2 years ago
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Padosi Aunty Ko Choda

Mere pyare dosto aur meri kolkata ki auntiyo ko pyar bhara land a main vishal jaise ke aap mujhe jante honge main every day apni life mein jitni time sex hua main every update karta hu agar kolkata ki auntiyo ko main pasand hu tho mail kare my mail add send me yr n.O and I m there.K now I start the story Mera land 6 inch aur 2.5 inch mota Mere ghar ke opposite mein ek 45 saal ki aunty rehti hain naam renuka size boobs 40.Gaand 50 ya 55 hoga main every day jab zym jata hu tho unse meri nazar...

3 years ago
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Reuninting with Laura

We went through elementary and high schools at the same school though often in different classes. She was a sister from another family. Laura was a bit of a tomboy and regularly roamed with us boys in the neighborhood. She could rough and tumble with us, but alone she seemed quiet and shy. She loved to play in the woods with us, but was an avid reader as well. We went to colleges in different towns. We texted now and then, but we only saw each other sporadically. Laura had developed into a...

2 years ago
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MyPervyFamily Alina Belle Stepdaughter Plays Naughty Nurse for Stepdad

Halloween is a big deal in my family’s household, I love decorating the house for the neighborhood! This year I am a bit disappointed with my Daughter, Alina. Alina is grounded this year and is not allowed to go out with her friends. But yet she still tries to beg to go out with her friends, I can not take it anymore and just snap on her. I felt bad after she stormed off to her room, I let her calm down and go into her room and speak with her. I wanted to apologize but when I walked into...

3 years ago
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Myself is Kamal, I'm a 50yrs YOUNG SINGLE GUY ;-) Average looks... Average height 5ft8...Average 6 inches long Tool but bit thicker... that's what all the ladies have said ;-) Slim Built (likes to keep fit) Average job & Average wages. Only one thing is not Average about me.... I'm always Craving for SEX ;-)This is my another SEXIDENT... I'm taking you 30yrs back...It was a nice cloudy Summer Morning... I left home for College about 9am. Bus stop is like 15mnts walk from home. Bus stop was...

3 years ago
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My best friends mom in the shower part II

Jessica and I were standing there in the shower completely naked all wet and Holly was waiting for an explanation."What? You know I've been wanting to have sex with a young and sexy kitten," Jessica said."But mom, Carol is my best friend," Holly replied."I know, but it's not like she doesn't find me attractive. You told me you did, but you wouldn't have sex with me though. So I had sex with Carol," Jessica said.Did I just hear that right?"You asked your daughter to have sex with you?" I asked...

3 years ago
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First orgasm

Being a guy, orgasms are as common as the sun rising. Having talked with female friends over the years I discovered how many women have not had an orgasm during sex or in some cases never even while masturbating. It was my goal that every woman I was with would cum.This particular woman at the age of 34 had never, ever had an orgasm. Having had sex since she was 17 with different men over the years made it seem even more unbelievable that one of them couldn't get the job done.One night while...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Memoirs Of A Young Victorian Lady Volume IChapter 6 We Have Guests

As the month of August approached, Uncle James informed both Siobhan and me that the start of the Saratoga social season was nearing and suggested that we both make sure that any dresses and such that we would need had been procured by then. It seemed as if the local merchants all had two sets of prices and menus. The normal one was used but for eleven months of the year, the other showed double prices and was used in August, a fine example of Yankee ingenuity! By then, I had written Mrs....

4 years ago
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Training Big Brother Part IV

Sunday morning came and Tom dutifully put on his panties when he got dressed. Again, he was up early so he could empty the dishwasher before their mom came downstairs. Karen came in just as he was finishing up. "Good morning," she said pleasantly. "Oh... hi," Tom replied, a little surprised as he'd not heard her footsteps. "I see you've emptied the dishwasher already." She smiled. "That's good. I like to get my chores over with early." Tom gave her a look. Her chores....

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Office Hours Slut

A couple of days ago I was really bored and horny at work; a dangerous combination. Luckily my new friend Jim was bored and horny too. Jim has a really nice cock and loves getting sucked. I called him on the phone and asked him if he would enjoy a blowjob break and he was totally up for it.I work in a downtown office and can usually slip away for awhile so I excused myself for an extended afternoon coffee break. First I went to the bathroom to slut up a bit. I changed into a low cut light blue...

2 years ago
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Fate Chapter 03

Ethan was laying on his back staring up at the ceiling when he felt Sabina stir next to him. He turned to watch her as she shifted in her sleep, on the verge of waking up. He'd found it strange when he woke to the room being completely dark, the strange part was he could see even though he was still aware of how dark it was. Sabina mumbled as she slowly rose to consciousness and turned her face towards him unconsciously seeking him even in her sleep. The dim...

2 years ago
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NuruMassage Mona Azar Twice Booked Once Shy

A masseuse, Mona Azar, is behind in rent and worried about making ends meet. She’s soon met by one of her regular clients, Lee Bone, and sends him to the private room to get ready. But before she can join him, a charming stranger, Clarke Kent, comes in and wants an appointment on the spot… That’s when Mona realizes she can get DOUBLE the bookings if she secretly massages them both at the same time behind a divider! Mona sneakily sets them both up and then strips down. She...

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Fuckout Nude Vegas

My first story based on the Fallout: New Vegas. Looking to make this very interactive with many options to reach the conclusion. Current and future themes include Male/Female, Female/Female, Male/Male, Solo Female, Solo Male, Human/Robot, Human/Super Mutant, trans content, and more. You can only see pitch black with spots of light coming through the sack covering your face. Your mouth is covered and your hands are bound. You can hear muffled talking, as you try to wriggle free from your bonds,...

2 years ago
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Genius FloridusChapter 16

I was waiting by the pool when Mom came out of the women’s locker room. She was wearing the same conservative black one-piece swimsuit and swim goggles she always wore. There was something different about her. She seemed to stand a little taller and walk with more confidence in herself. We lined up on the pool’s deep end, dove in, and started doing our laps. We paced ourselves and stayed pretty much side by side as we did our laps and finished up at the same time. It was time for our race;...

3 years ago
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Seduction Of My Old Conservative Colleague

Hi. This is Prathib again. My earlier story didnt have proper response and hence I have dropped my idea of continuing the second part of it. May be the way I wrote the story in a wrong way and failed to evoke ur sex hormones. Let me move on this story. Myself Prathib 27 Male , Chennai and working in an ITES sector as TL. I was virgin for all these years and never ever dared of speaking something naughty with any woman. However my first experience has made me believe that with little smartness...

4 years ago
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Tears of the Moon

David Brennon sat with his glass of whiskey in hand, as the memory of her rolled painfully through his head and heart. He remembered her last day of life, what she looked like, how she smiled at him that morning as she left, and her scent. She was gone before his day had finished. An aneurysm had taken her, without warning or reason vibrant one moment and still the next. He took a long pull from the ice-laden glass and let it sear the pain from his heart. He lost faith with so many things in...

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The Salon Assistant Part 7

When I got inside the house I immediately rushed upstairs so that I could lock myself in my room and divest myself of the blouse, culottes and camisole set that had been my travel clothes for the journey home. I made it upstairs into my room and waited a few minutes for the inevitable knock at the door from my mum. The knock never came however and, after cautiously popping my head out of the door and shouting for her, it became clear that my mum wasn't home. 'Where was she?' I thought...

4 years ago
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A True Event

Another weekend is here and what do I have to look forward to?   Two more nights on the town watching stupid ignorant people drinking far to much and then start trouble or cause unnecessary problems usually for the innocent victims. Or should I go with my better judgement and just stay in watch some films, become a weekend warrior on the playstation or get lost in cyberspace and wank my Willy stupid?   Well I opted for the stay home option sat down to watch a good horror film when this was...

2 years ago
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First we Talk Then I rape

??????????????? ??????????????? ??? First We Talk. Then I Rape. Page 1. ????????? ?It was time for our first conversation.??? ??????? ?I had them both, mother and daughter, kidnapped and completely under my control in my secret holding place far from prying eyes or where anyone might hear their useless screams for me to stop or for help.? I'd had them this way for several hours by now, and it was time to get on with my plans. Get my balls rolling, so as to say and I really looked...

2 years ago
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Simon Says RevengeChapter 8

“What’s so funny, babe?” Jamie asked me as we waited for Ana and Oscar to join us. “Just the thought that not that long ago, I was a betrayed husband with a horrible harridan of a wife who drugged, kidnapped, restrained, and humiliated me. Now ... I have what some might call a harem and such ... couldn’t I have just skipped the shrewish cunt of a wife from hell and gone straight to the harem?” I blushed a bit at my own stupidity in trusting, loving, and marrying a royal pain in the ass bitch...

1 year ago
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Jo Jo

Hi my name is Jo and I’m 37 years old, married and a mother of two, a daughter and son. My husband is a police officer and we live in a small rural village in England. I have fair to blonde straight hair which is just past shoulder length. I am slim, often going running and swimming. I have small breasts and a round bottom. My husband is very strict and very jealous, probably because of his job. My story starts a few years ago when we moved in to our new home. I met a neighbour at the school...

Group Sex
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Alpha Virtual Sex

"Just ease yourself in, Sir," the technician tells you as she's pressing you into a spongy recliner. Its black rubber is buttery soft and your whole body sinks deep into its moist warmth. She takes out a tube of lubricant and pours it liberally onto her hand before rubbing it over your chest. "This will aid the sensors in reading and stimulating you as you experience the various environments." You can't believe that you've finally gotten into the Virtual Sex lab to help break in the software....

2 years ago
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Life Changing Mistake 8211 Part 2

This is my second part of my series. I hope you all enjoyed the first part. The first part is all about me a fresher gets horny in an empty office and naughty stuff. Let’s go into the second part where worse is about to begin. So getting into the story. After an intensive orgasm for the first time in office, I reached home had a good shower and was watching tv. Suddenly office thoughts struck while going to sleep. I got a little doubt about Ashok’s presence. I was almost 1 hour alone in the...

1 year ago
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How my Daughter become my slut

Note : This story is completely fictional! My name is John and I am 40 years old and work for NACA and make good money. Last year my wife died of cancer left me with an 18-year-old real sexy and caught me looking at her several time and just smiled. Well one day she came to me and asked if I would get her a new car knowing I had good savings account in the bank. I told her I didn’t know about that but she keeps asking me off and on for a week. She said daddy please I would do any thing for you...

3 years ago
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Twin Japanese Nieces Pt14

Introduction: Family reunion Twin Japanese Nieces Pt14 Hey gang, this is a short chapter but action packed. Now I was tired, and I mean really tired. The girls had got me worked up, and I wound up finishing myself off. I looked down at my daughter. She looked so beautiful and helpless with my big thick dick stuffed into her. Her legs were spread out wide, giving me a great view of my nut sack pressed up against her ass. She had all of me, and then some. She was also completely full of my...

4 years ago
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Cindy shopped on Wednesday afternoons since that was her day off from answering phones and scheduling appointments for Dr. Weiner, a local dentist. The routine was the same every week; gas up the Chrysler, visit her ninety-three year old mother at the assisted living facility for an hour, meet her old friend Jennifer for lunch, then grocery shop before returning home to prepare dinner for her husband Matt. It rarely changed. There were few surprises or variations, and almost none that were...

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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 148

Two nights after Laura's 2 a.m. tryst with Vondi, she got a frantic phone call from Shavon, whose husband would be leaving town that evening. She was desperate to see Laura, and a few hours later they ended up in her bed fucking in a frenzy. Laura told her nothing about seeing Vondi alone, and did not tell Vondi about seeing Shavon either. She wondered how long this juggling act would remain possible, but for her the joys of fucking with them together were outweighed by the intense delights...

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My Sister Can Drive

My Sister Can Drive The day my sister Kitty turned sixteen she got her Learner’s Permit and took her written test along with her road test and got her license. The people at the Department of Motor Vehicles were impressed. The truth be known Mom and Dad were just as impressed even though they had been coaching her for several months. Her first assignment two days later was to drive our younger sister and I up to the cabin for the week. Dad had been up there most of the last month...

3 years ago
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Comment and Rate, and most of all Enjoy I jumped as my phone rang, I had just gotten comfortable and started working my favorite dildo in and out of my wet cunt when it went off. I sighed and dropped the toy then answered the phone “Yeah?” I asked. “Hey Chris, can you stay over here at my place with Jack for a couple weeks? John has been sent to Connecticut for two weeks for work and he wants me to go with him.” my friend, Jennifer, said. I agreed to, I loved her dog Jack, and she said...

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