Heather's Hiding free porn video

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“Oh you bastard that fucking hurts like hell!”

“We’ll have no more of that foul language Mrs Reid, you’ve agreed to be punished and punished you shall be.”

After only the second stroke Heather Reid knew she was in trouble. A further ten was quite unthinkable, but that was what she had agreed to – twelve strokes of the tawse across her bare bottom and thighs as an alternative to being reported to senior management, an action that would almost certainly result in her dismissal. It was so unfair. She hadn’t done anything different from what she and her fellow reps had been doing for years. Everyone worked a flexible schedule – Christ her old boss Sam had once told her that she could work from the surface of the moon as far as he was concerned, provided she met the sales targets. And the claiming of expenses based on receipts, presented with her monthly form, was how it had always been done. Nobody had ever questioned any claim she’d made in the past, not until now at least. But things had changed since the take-over by Simpsons from the South of England. Much of their management team had been paid off and the sales team had been restructured. Heather now covered most of Northern Scotland with her three remaining colleagues covering the central belt between them. Which was how she found herself bent over a desk in a hotel room in Wick while her new boss, twenty-five years her junior, was applying a heavy leather belt to her ample bottom with some vigour.

She’d been completely unaware of her impending fate when she’d pick up the fresh-faced Stephen Baxter at Inverness Airport that morning. He’d been politeness personified when they’d met several clients in the city, then Dingwall and Brora before stopping for the night at their present location. It was over dinner when he’d calmly announced that he’d been checking her time sheets and expenses claims and had concluded that neither had been in order for many years. Apparently, I had been claiming excessively for mileage, meals and hotel stays, amounts which he calculated were far in excess of what could be justified for the territory I covered. While he accepted that most staff were guilty of minor exaggeration in claims, in my case he believed the amount would run to many thousands of pounds and he had no option to report his findings to senior management. I of course denied the accusations but he quickly pointed out that I had claimed to have stayed in the very hotel we now found ourselves in no less that 62 times in the past year, more than once a week and that was before taking account of holidays.

This I couldn’t deny, but my previous boss was very good at signing off my claims without question. In his late fifties, Sam normally joined me on three or four overnight stays each year and accompanied me on visits to key customers. He was only too happy to cut me some slack in return for giving me a good seeing to back in his room after dinner. I enjoyed the sex however, and Sam had a nice fat cock, which he knew how to use, so I’d been genuinely sorry to see him leave once the takeover deal was closed. I’d always submitted my monthly claims in person in Sam’s office at the end of the day. He’d sign them without question then lie back in his chair while I unzipped him and proceeded to lick him up to full erection before wanking and sucking him to a climax, always swallowing his spunk and licking his knob clean afterwards. I wasn’t stupid however, and realised that the new owners would be looking to achieve savings from the combined businesses and would scrutinise all outgoings. I hadn’t anticipated them to be quite so forensic however, and look back through all my previous expense claims for any sign of improper behaviour.

Stephen Baxter very quickly pointed out my failings and the consequences of fraudulent behaviour. Disciplinary action probably leading to dismissal. A huge stain on my career and little likelihood of a forty-eight-year-old woman securing further employment as a result. Loss of status and a lot to explain to family and friends. He was right of course – I’d fucked up big style and my best option would be to try and resign and hope they would agree to let bygones be bygones. It would be difficult for any enquiry to corroborate my misconduct without speaking to Sam, who of course was now spending most of his time in his holiday apartment in Majorca. So that’s how I played it. I offered my resignation over coffee and had it turned down flat.

A smirking Stephen explained that the company had no wish to lose my services and my sales figures were easily the best of the combined business. On the contrary, I was in a good position to attain the vacant position of Group Sales Director Scotland, the new title for Sam’s old position. Sam had spoken very highly of me, and management hoped I would take a lead role in introducing their new products to our established customers while chasing new opportunities too. Stephen explained his dilemma. Although he was the only one who had discovered my dishonesty he felt duty bound to report it, and there was no way that management would consider my promotion once aware of my crimes.

I had much to think about. Promotion to the sales director’s job would bring additional salary, status, and a lot less driving around the Highlands. I’d get to spend more time at home and might even have time to find a steady boyfriend following my divorce from Tom last year. But how was I to persuade this young upstart to abandon any attempts at disciplinary action and allow me to get on with my career? I’d nothing to lose, so I decided to use those skills that had served me so well over the years in closing contracts with reluctant procurement managers. I’d just fuck his brains out!

“There might be another way around your dilemma if you’d let me explain?”

“Do you think so Heather? And what might that be?”

“Well you could ask that young barman for a bottle of red and a couple of glasses and then we could go up to my room for a bit of a cuddle and forget all about my expenses and things.”

“I suppose I could, couldn’t I”

“But of course you could, and I could probably give you a bit of a massage and try and relive some of the tension you’re feeling.”

“Well that does sound nice. I’ll just grab that barman”

“Good boy. And I hope you’re feeling fit Stephen, because I’m needing a good workout.”

“Oh well I’m sure I can organise that for you.”

It was like shelling peas, and I soon had him up in my room where I drew the blinds and told him to sit on the bed. I sat down beside him and without breaking eye contact reached across and squeezed his cock through his trousers.

“Goodness Stephen, you do feel like a big boy. I think I’m going to enjoy this”

“I’m not so sure you will Heather. You see this is all very nice and I’m sure I’m going to enjoy riding you just shortly, but I’m still your boss and do require to be respected as such. You have been extremely dishonest over a significant period and I certainly won’t be able to overlook your crimes and recommend you for promotion without you enduring some form of punishment. Do you understand?”

“I’m not sure I do – what exactly was it you had in mind?”

“Very simple Heather. I’m going to take you across my lap and give you a good hiding. A long hard spanking followed by a dozen stokes of the belt while you’re bent over that desk. What do you have to say about that?”

“I think you’re bloody mad, that’s what I think”

“Perhaps I am, but it’s the only way you are going to hold onto your job.”

I tried to reason with him but in the end, it was useless. He had all the cards and unless I told him to stuff his job I was going over his knee, end of story. Resigned to my fate I reluctantly agreed to take a punishment from him but begged him to go easy on me as I had never been spanked as a grown up.

“Out of the question Heather. Serious crimes deserve serious punishment and I’ll be showing you no mercy on this or any other occasion I chose to discipline you.”

Stephen pulled the chair out from the desk and turned it to face the bed. He removed his jacket and hung it over the back of the chair. He also removed his tie before taking a seat.

“Right Heather – get your arse over here and stand beside me. That’s it. Now get your skirt up and then get across my lap. Come on get it right up so I can see your bottom.”

I struggled to get my skirt up over my hips – it would have been much easier to undo the zip and slip it down my legs, but although I’d asked Stephen up the stairs for a good fucking, I’d now changed my mind and didn’t want to encourage him. No sooner had I managed to raise my skirt than he was pulling me down across his lap. My tits were resting on his left leg and I was almost kneeling on the carpet. Reaching back, he forced his hand between my legs and hooked it around my fanny before heaving me right over his lap until my face was almost touching the floor and my bottom was pointing straight up. I tried to push myself up from the floor but I got two heavy slaps on the back of my thighs and was ordered to stay where I was. My spanking then commenced in earnest across my black tights which as usual I wore over my very practical white M&S, medium control, leg and waist cincher. Had I thought for a moment they’d receive this level of attention I’d have made sure I’d worn something a lot more appealing, but one’s underwear on these sorts of trips tends to be chosen more with comfort in mind rather than the titillation of any chaps one might meet. Likewise, my footwear, which was usually black leather fashion boots at this time of year, with only a moderate heel – practical if perhaps not particularly sexy, but there were few opportunities this far north and it was better to be nice and warm rather than have your cunt frozen off in your stockings and flimsies. That was all very well for a girl’s night out in Glasgow but on the early flight to Shetland In January it was way beyond the call of duty! So, I took some comfort from the suitability of my attire for this sudden onslaught, but I could certainly still feel the benefit of Stephens efforts on my bottom. He was now laying them on very smartly, and with metronomic regularity, and the underside of my arse-cheeks in particular was becoming very tender indeed. My thighs weren’t to be spared either, and although my shape-wear extended perhaps four or five inches down my legs, there was scant protection from the regular flurries of stingy slaps that Stephen chose to deploy there. Perhaps it was two minutes, certainly not three, but after well over a hundred firm blows he suddenly stopped with his hand resting on my thigh. I was fighting back the tears, trying to display what little dignity you can with your arse on fire and pointing at the ceiling. I was ordered onto my feet and told to stand with my hands on my head which I did. My legs were visibly shaking and my mascara had run onto my cheeks but Stephen was stroking my bottom and grinning widely.

“Well then Heather I hope you now appreciate the scale of your misdemeanours and also my commitment to doing something about them! We shall now proceed to the next stage in the proceedings which will be pretty much the same again, but this time without the protection of what I would describe as your quite ample underwear covering your more than ample bottom.”

My cheeks burned with embarrassment at the cheeky young sod’s remarks, but I held up my skirt as ordered while he peeled down my tights to the top of my boots. He had some difficulty with my pants however as the idiot was trying to remove them by pulling the hems of the legs down and of course with the stretchy material, and its grip on my “ample bottom”, all he was managing to do was stretch the legs. It was much easier to grab the waistband and pull it down, turning the garment inside out down my thighs, the normal procedure when I went for a pee, but there was an alternative.

“Look Stephen I think I’ve had enough, but if I must have more, then just leave my pants up and get on with it. You’ve no business taking them down and my bottom’s already very sore.”

“I certainly hope so after your disgraceful behaviour, but your pants will be coming down and we’ll have no such nonsense about whether it’s my business – you should have thought about that when you were swindling this business with fraudulent claims – you are very fortunate I’ve decided not to get the police involved, so get those pants down now and be quick about it!”

I was quite shocked at his outburst and he was no longer smiling – rather an impatient scowl instead as he pointed his finger downwards. I was deeply embarrassed and I needed to pee but he shook his head when I asked to go to the loo, quietly telling me again to get my pants down and get back across his knee. He held my hand for a minute before speaking softly.
“I’m sorry Heather I shouldn’t have shouted but I must insist you do as you’re told and show me some respect. You’ve been a very naughty girl and you must take your punishment. Now would you please take your pants down and get across my knee and we can get this part over with.”

My face was still burning but I slowly rolled them down over my bottom, inverting them onto my thighs and revealing my hairy bush at the same time. Needing to gain at least some control I stood with my hands on my hips and pushed my mound and tits forward, trying to look as dignified as anyone can with their tights and knickers down. Stephen licked his lips and then took my hand again and helped me down over his lap. This time he grabbed my pants and used them to hoick me up over his legs in to his favoured position with my face near the carpet and my arse displayed to him. Only this time it was my bare arse, and once he’d pushed my legs apart, he had all my womanly charms on display to him. This second part of my spanking was much more measured. He’d give me six or more quite hard spanks on the same spot before gently rubbing and massaging my whole bottom for up to a minute. Then I’d get another six on a different part but always followed by this gentle massaging of my cheeks and thighs which after a while was extended to the area around my lips. This went on for a good fifteen minutes or so by which time my arse was quite numb and not really registering the pain anymore, but my fanny was running like a tap, such was my arousal, and when Stephen’s fingers inevitably reached my clit I was coming strongly within seconds. As I came down after a most intense orgasm Stephen rolled me over on his thighs until I was lying across them on my back before bending my legs back onto my chest. He used my juices to lube up his forefinger before pushing it into my arsehole. He then used his thumb to work on my clit and with his free hand he managed to unbutton my blouse, although I had to help him get my tits out above my bra. He now pinched my nipples and redoubled his efforts on my clit and in less than a minute he had worked me up to a second wonderful climax. I must have looked a right mess with my legs up and my tits out, my hairy fanny lewdly displayed before him.

Once I’d calmed down he took advantage of my position and gave me twenty hard spanks on my bottom and which felt quite different now with the target area stretched much tighter than before. Stephen then stood up, lifting me in his arms and carried me to the bed where he positioned me with my bottom resting on the foot of the bed. He pushed my legs back as before and told me to keep them there. I then watched him take off his socks and shoes and his trousers too, before turning to his briefcase which he had left on the dressing table. He opened it and removed a packet of condoms, and after selecting one he moved over to the bed beside me. He was wearing a pair of black boxer shorts which were well tented out by the promising erection within. He certainly looked a fit lad, a bit skinny, but very young looking, and with only the slightest wisps of ginger hair showing just above his sternum. Likewise, when he pulled down his boxers there was only the slightest fringe of ginger pubes on the topside of his cock and his balls were completely clean. They were also tightly pulled up against his cock, which in my experience was a sure sign they were ready to discharge sperm very soon indeed. As he was opening the packet I pushed myself up and leant forward reaching out to him, grabbing his cock in my right hand and cupping his balls with my left. I slipped down onto my knees and took his cock into my mouth and started to suck and lick his knob while all the time stroking his balls. He started to thrust into my mouth but I kept my hand clasped around his dick to prevent him giving me the whole thing. I lubed up my forefinger in my honeypot, and as I pushed the tip into his arsehole he shouted out and came heavily, spraying my throat and then my face with his spunk. He was a bit unsteady on his feet but I held him still and cleaned him up before taking the condom from the packet and rolling it over his knob. I rolled it right down and then stretched the band back until it encapsulated his scrotum too. He howled in discomfort as I gave his supersensitive plumb a squeeze.

“Well Stephen, that was quite a performance. I thought I’d just take your first come now, as it’s a good hard ride I’m needing, and I didn’t want you going off when I’m only half-cocked so to speak. So, I’m going to lean on the bed here with my arse up in the air and I want you to get your cock up my cunt and give it a good fucking – do you hear me?”

“All in good time Heather dear. I think you’re forgetting it’s myself that’s in charge here and if you recall, I did promise you a good belting as part of your punishment. I just couldn’t face letting you down by omitting to do so. If you’ll just hold exactly that position I’ll fetch my strap.”

His cock was still quite rigid and it swayed from side to side as he walked over to the dressing table and opened his briefcase again. I couldn’t quite see what he retrieved from the case until he turned around. He was now holding a heavy brown leather tawse which was curved upwards between his hands. Being a Scots lass, and not a very well behaved one, meant I’d had some previous experience of the tawse while at school. I had often felt it’s fearsome sting on my hands when being belted by male and female teachers for whatever misdemeanour I was guilty of. However, I had never ever felt it across my arse before and my stomach was doing summersaults at the prospect. Stephen positioned himself to my left-hand side as I was bent towards the bed and rested the tawse against my bottom. He used the leather to stroke my bottom up and down as he measured the distance and composed himself for the first stroke.

“I think you’ll find my tawse an excellent way for us to get to know one another and especially the bit about who’s in charge here. I’m going to give you a dozen hard strokes Heather, 9 across your bare bottom and a further 3 across the backs of your thighs. I’ll just slip these granny pants down a bit further as we don’t want these plump thighs getting any protection they don’t deserve. That’s better. We can now see the full target, so to speak.”

He cracked the first one in shortly after, across the middle of my rump and very hard. I stretched up onto my tip-toes to manage the pain but the second came in right on the back of the first, and this time half way down the backs of my thighs which had remained untouched until now.

“Oh you bastard that fucking hurts like hell!”

“We’ll have no more of that foul language Mrs Reid, you’ve agreed to be punished and punished you shall be.”

Numbers three and four followed, both applied just as hard and both to the backs of my thighs again, although number four was really in the crease below my bottom, and the upper edge of the tawse had just caught the bottom edge of my arse cheeks. I was screaming out by this stage, the pain was so intense, and I begged Stephen to show mercy.

“For fucks sake Stephen - not so bloody hard!

“The punishment must fit the crime Heather and I’m dammed if I’m letting you off with a hand spanking and a blow job. I’m going to give you another dozen and then it’s your arsehole I’ll be having, make no mistake!”

And that’s how it came to pass. I did indeed get a further dozen, most of them on my backside but a couple more across my thighs too. Not only that, but after the tawse he had me back over his knee for a final “warm down” hand spanking which was a full two minutes of peppering my excruciatingly painful bottom with some heavy cupped hand spanks. True to his word, after my spanking he produced a bottle of lube from his case and spread it liberally around my arse hole and coated his cock before mounting my sphincter from behind. I made a hell of a fuss at first but I actually enjoy it up the arse, and after a minute or two I was urging him on to ride me harder.

“Come on you fucker, ride me harder with that big cock – go on – fuck my arse – come on –harder you bastard!”

It seemed to get him there and within seconds he was spunking up my arsehole for all he was worth. I wasn’t quite there yet, but I reached back and gave my clitty a good rub while he spunked me and then I was cumming hard and squeezing his cock with my vaiginal muscles, wringing every last drop of spunk from his dick. My arse still hurt like hell and would be bruised for at least a week but he’d given me the good ride I’d needed and there would be plenty time for a repeat performance before we headed back down south the following day.

Stephen got up from the bed and walked across to the en-suite for a piss before returning to the bed and lying beside me. Even flaccid he had a pretty impressive package hanging between his legs and I could feel my cunt starting to juice again, the way one’s does when it needs some attention. As he’d walked away from me I also noticed something which I might be able to use to my advantage and gain the high ground for the foreseeable future. I rolled over on my back and spread my legs wide open, smiling at my young lover as a plan began to form in my mind.

“Right Stephen, my arse has had quite enough attention for one day and is off limits for the rest of your trip, no matter what you threaten me with. On the other hand my clit is feeling quite left out of things and a gentleman would now ensure that it was fully stimulated, both orally and then with a gentle fucking with that big dick of yours. Come on now get down there and start licking! Three comes for me and then you can ride it!”

I placed my hands on the back of his head and closed my eyes as he started to lap at my clit. I hadn’t worked out the fine detail yet but his would be a very painful bottom on the plane back to London if I got my way tomorrow!

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Amy loved her job, but she had no illusions about what her job really was. After all, you couldn’t expect success if you pretended it was anything else. She was a sex performer, and she was paid to have sex on stage several times a night whenever it was her shift. And sex, whether on stage, for film or in private, was still sex. It meant disrobing, it meant groping and above all it meant penetration. That was what the punters expected and what they were paying for. The art of it was in making...

4 years ago
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Sex With A Matured Maid

Hi guys, This is a real sexstory happened to me in 2015 in Bangalore. This lady is about 32 years working as a care taker/baby sitter/maid. Every day in the morning I used to go for an hour of walking/jogging in our area. I noticed her holding a baby, moving around our area. Her name is Malini, she is about 5 ft 1 inch, good weight to height ratio. Her statistics are 32b-28-32. The most attractive feature about her is her cute smile. She is fair and very fit due to her regular handwork of 10...

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Doctor My Eyes

After you left the room and went back to the conference, I lay on bed thinking about what you had just done to me. Your perfume lingered on my skin and mixed with my own sweat. I raised my forearm to my nose and breathed you deeply. The whole scene played back through my head and I began to get hard again from just thinking about your warm mouth caressing my cock, your hands fondling my testicles. I wandered around the room thinking about you. Your body, your smell, your taste, I still lusted...

2 years ago
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Popper Immersion Tank

“A Guild Navigator is a fictional humanoid in the Dune universe created by Frank Herbert. In this series, starships called heighliners employ a scientific phenomenon known as the Holtzman effect to "fold space" and thereby travel great distances across the universe instantaneously. Navigators are able to use a limited form of prescience to safely navigate interstellar space. To enable their prescience, Guild Navigators consume large quantities of the spice known as Melange which is found only...

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Aria and The Guys Part 2

“Excuse me, my name is…” My words die in my throat as the first man turns around. “Aria? Hey, it’s good to see you. I didn’t know you worked here.” It’s Dean! Fuck, fuck, fuck.  I bite my lower lip in a nervous habit. Calm down, Aria, keep cool. He’s just your neighbor… your smoking hot neighbor. Damn it, he looks so sexy in a suit. With it being a casual business affair, Dean is wearing a black two piece suit that has a light gray pin striping and both jacket buttons were undone. The shirt...

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Virgin no more

He also occasionally looked at male on male, more than anything else... So, I decided there may be some interesting possibilities. Phil and I used to be roomates. He had the upstairs, and wife and I had the lower, Then the WIfe moved, and it was just me and Phil. We sometimes talked about our porn likes and dislikes, and it turned out we both had a similar habit. That habit would lead us to some interesting adventures. Self cleansing, and insertion. Yup, a nice warm enema to clean out...

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Santa fucks Olivia

It was late Christmas eve and Olivia was laying in bed feeling quite horny and with everyone in the house asleep she started to slowly move her hand down her naked body until she got to her already wet pussy and she gently started to rub herself trying to think of someone sexy using her and that is when she thought it would be hot for Santa to catch her being naughty but little did she know what was going to happen in the next few minutes. As she played she had her eyes closed and as she...

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TTh Class will never be the same

“I saw what you were doing.” The words came from behind me as I walked out of my last class of the day. I turned and said, “excuse me?” He said, “I saw you…just now, in class. Your hand down the front of your sweats. It feel good?” So first—a little background. My name is Jesse and I’m a sophomore at UGA in a little town called Athens, Ga. During school, I work as a personal trainer at a local gym and during summers, I work as a lifeguard. I’m 5’6, 105, athletic and lean. I had actually been...

1 year ago
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Caris and Matthew had been together for over 2 years now. They enjoyed each others company the majority of the time and kept each other satisfied in the bedroom. Caris enjoyed being wrestled and by Matt. The feeling of being ravaged and dominated by her powerful lover turned her immensely. Even though the thought of a man shooting wads of his cum into her face or over her big tits never appealed to her, she could never get enough of it when she was on heat and begging for it. Matt liked the...

Group Sex
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Bikini Beach Nerds Date Rape Avenger

Bikini Beach: Nerds - Date Rape Avenger When a friend of the nerds is date-raped, the nerds decide to help see that justice is done. ********************************************************** Bikini Beach: Nerds - Date Rape Avenger This tale is part of the continuing tale of the Nerds and their adventures with Bikini Beach. Earlier installments define the characters, which are very loosely based on Revenge of the Nerds. The cast is repeated here for convenience. ...

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my new life part 1

As the truck we were in pulled up to the location my captors were taking me too they grabbed my arms and pulled me out of the truck. As I stepped out I took a moment to take in my surroundings. There was a large mansion surrounded by trees to create a fence, the two large women who were holding me by my arms and very little else. As they pulled me from the truck and up to the doors to the mansion I looked out at the gate to the property, there was nothing behind it but more trees which is...

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Craigslist Roommates

Checking the address, you look around and find yourself approving of the location. Green lawns, cozy ranchers and several two-story homes dotted along the street, it seems like a quiet neighborhood. At least the ad didn't lie about that, unlike most of the other apartments and houses you looked at during your search for a new home. "Right," you mumble. "322 Pickerton Ave. This is it." Hesitating for just a moment, you steel yourself and knock on the double-story house's front door. "I'll get...

2 years ago
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In the closet with my cousin

Introduction: I find out that my cousin is dirty little whore. I am no author. This is the first story from me, so sorry if it sucks. I posted this story earlier but for some reason my account was not approved. So lets try again. My dad and uncle were very close when I was growing up. We spent a lot of time with my aunt, uncle and our 3 cousins. Our parents would sit around and play board games while us kids played together. My brother and I had three cousins all around our age that we enjoyed...

1 year ago
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MyPervyFamily Skylar Vox Help StepSis Take Twerking Vids

I was about to jump in the shower when I heard my stepsister Skylar messing around in our parent’s bathroom. They have this huge bathroom with a Jacuzzi and big mirrors. Apparently my stepsister wanted to be a hot and post some twerking videos on her Instagram. I offer her my help but things took a turn when my stepsister pulled up her shirt to show off her amazing big natural tits, I thought she was joking around but I quickly realized my stepsister was trying to fuck me in our...

3 years ago
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ChanceChapter 7 The Separation

The soup had looked good when Duncan took it off the stove but when he sat down to eat it, there was no taste. After a few trying a few spoonfuls he disgustedly dropped his spoon. Pushing the chair back he got up and bussed his lunch dishes, rinsed them and popped them in the dishwasher. Since his return to Seattle nothing tasted good. Restlessly prowling his living room he stopped in front of the big picture window to watch the happy crowd promenading around Green Lake. A light wind rippled...

3 years ago
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Imperium Birth Of a DynastyChapter 2

Samael had a meeting scheduled with a woman named Vanessa Rovencroft in a week’s time. She all but begged him not to do anything impulsive and wait until they had their meeting. So he did. He promised and waited patiently. On the outside at least. Inside he was a nervous wreck. The expectations he had from himself were high. Samael made sure he was well prepared. Reading and studying anything. A little excessive. Finally, his father made him stop and take a step back. Breathe and focus....

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Me my friends fuck my mom

my Friends and I fuck mom I was 14 when I entered high school and had two good friends, Dennisand Jerry. Dennis was a bookworm and worked at a local supermarket.He was our source of our "girlie" magazines. Jerry was taller, athletic and more extroverted. He was the source of our "true sexstories." In total, we were three horney friends who thought a lot about pussy, but were not getting much.My friends didn't come to my house much, but every once in awhile they would come over to do homework...

2 years ago
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Rejoining the Family

The day started out with great expectations. Jenny, my eldest daughter was coming over for an evening meal. She phoned me last week and we started chatting. It was a nice chat, fun, and I was relieved to know that she wanted to talk. She suggested that she come round for a meal and I jumped at the chance. When I told Joanna, she was also over the moon.About nine months ago, Jenny walked out of the house. Joanna, my youngest daughter at seventeen and I were left on our own. I was never told why...

1 year ago
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Winter At Beech Mountain Chapter 7

I was down the mountain and at Sandra's in less than an hour. I made my way inside, and at that hour- 10:45am , the place was pretty full. Donna waved from the juice bar as I carried my things to my new home. I just threw everything on the bed and went back down to the bar. “ Well Dano, I didn't count on seeing you again for a few days. What's up?” I laid out my story to her, including my new friend Debra. “ Just my luck, I was daydreamin of the things I was gonna do to...

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Let me tell you about my little 18 year old girl. Well, first of all she is a little slut. You probably think that is a little harsh, but when I get done with this story, some of you will be excited and some of you will be disgusted but I’m gonna tell you the way it is. First of all, like I said, she is 18 and a little brunette, about 4ft 10 and weighs about 100 lbs. She has the cutest little ass and a nice set of budding breasts. For years she has run around in those tight leather pants or a...

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September 9, She: Hey… I thought of you last night. I thought of you when I was naked and alone in my bed. My pussy throbbed, already wet, thinking of you… thinking of your lips on mine… our tongues exploring… your mouth kissing its way down my neck. I rub my nipples, they are so hard and sensitive, sending waves of pleasure down my spine. I stroke my slit once and pull away, I imagine again… I imagine you kissing my tits, sucking and licking and pinching. I can’t stop moaning, I need you so...

1 year ago
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Allison Part 5

I'd never been a huge risk taker. I'd just done what was expected of me, gone through life the way I was supposed to according to society, minded my own business, and never stepped across the line. I just knew what was expected, and I didn't push the limits. I'm not really sure what changed that. It just happened. I started looking at girls I'd never looked at. I started flirting with my teenage step-daughter's friends. I started making sarcastic sexual comments when they'd comment to me, and...

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Balling the Gym Teacher

I was a real suck up too. I got teased about it a little but I didn't care. Whenever Ms. Miller needed a volunteer, my hand was up. She seemed to like me and I basked in her smiles and compliments. Gym was only mandatory for 9th and 10th grade but I elected to continue my physical education the last two years as well. Ms. Miller was the only p.e. teacher in our school. By the last two years, I was kind of like her assistant. It sort of just happened, instead of asking for volunteers,...

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Natalie heaven sex storyrsquos the tail of a friend an

Hello natalie hear agein with a nother sex story off my my real life experiencesThis story take place a very long time ago I was only 18 at the time and had only fucked 2 guys at the time previously to this story For story porpoises friends name is ( G ) and friends mums name is ( s ) who was really hot well friends mum hot you know all though my teens I perved on her and Natalie who is me but ( G ) didn’t know and called me by my man name but for story I will just refer to my self as Natalie...

4 years ago
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Welcome to Planet Plunoyafan. Some may call it Pizzaz. Others call it Pluto. Mostly, it is Plunoyafan! For centuries, even millenniums, scientists throughout history have denied its ability to strive and succeed as another planet successful as Juliennar or Venezuela, but time in itself has proven every one of them wrong and has wiped them out. Now it is the year 463745 and over time mutations and smart breeding has occurred, resulting in many species. Interspecies breeding has become so out of...

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A slow smile spread across her face as she watched him over the rim of her glasses. She could hear his breathing as it changed. He was frustrated. She kept quiet, knowing that he wouldn't appreciate her talking to him just then. He was stuck. He'd been trying to write the same page for days, and he couldn't seem to get past it. She didn't have to look at him to know that he was getting upset. She could hear it in the way he was typing. The more frustrated he got, the angrier his writing got.He...

Oral Sex
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GloryHole Kenzie Taylor 01022017

Warning to all the fellahs out there: DO NOT LET YOUR LADY GET BORED! I mean in the bedroom, guys…cause when they’re bored, they seek out other ways of pleasuring themselves. Take Kenzie Taylor, for example. She hasn’t had sex in forever, and the last time she remembers even banging, it was missionary with the lights off. And he came too fast. So Kenzie’s on a hunt, and her trophy is going to be the BBC! She wanders into an adult bookstore, simply to purchase a dirty...

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Danny and Jenny chapter thirteen

They both laughed. but the laughter turned to gasps of pleasure as both Dave and I moved up and tasted the juicy little pussies above us."Oh yes," I heard Jenny moan, "That is fucking gorgeous Dave." but to be honest, I was more interested in exploring the glistening pink wetness of Molly's hot little cunt as she ground herself down onto my mouth.Wolf whistles from a group of youths in the street below brutally disturbed the moment and the four of us ran laughing into the flat where Molly went...

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Harry Potter and the Chamber of Victorias Secret

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Victoria's Secret By Missy Crystal Hermione Granger was very concerned. "Harry, do you think Dumbledore is in some kind of trouble?" she asked. "He has been acting very oddly, disappearing for days at a time. Perhaps you should use your magic map to see where he is going." "Really, Hermione, can't you mind your own business. I am sure he can take care of himself. Besides, the map only works inside Hogwarts." "Yes, Harry, but once we know that...

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Trophies Part 1 Of 2

Women my age will understand: menopause and its flood of hormones can really mess up a woman's view of herself and her world. Mine made me feel older, unattractive, and okay, ugly. My husband worked at changing my opinion. "You're more beautiful now than when I married you," he said and he persuaded me to pose nude for him one Saturday morning because "You may become more beautiful but you will never be younger."  The camera was incidental to the foreplay but far from incidental to this...

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The second round

Introduction: This is the part two of the time I banged a hermaphrodite. Look for part one first After the first time at the office me and Stephanie had been going pretty steady. We werent dating, we were just fuck buddies. We would meet up once or twice a week at night or before school and have a little fun. During our time together we got to know each other a little better. Stephanie explained that she wasnt a shemale, that she was born a girl but with a penis, and how a large penis was...

4 years ago
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catching my stepbrother

This is a short story, of when I caught my stepbrother wanking. It does not contain any form of i****t or sexual intercourse. My mom divorced my dad when I was starting high school and a year or so later she met a guy named Mark who had a son 2 years younger than me, named Bryan, after a year my mom got engaged to mark and soon after they got married, and they became my stepdad and stepbrother.We soon all were staying together in a lovely home, although my new younger b*o, Bryan spent most of...

3 years ago
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Uninvited 4 the Way HomeChapter 7 Under the Skin

I walked around the courtyard holding the cellphone over my head, searching for a signal. God damn it, how many satellites had the ADVENT fleet plowed through during their time blockading the planet? I couldn’t get any damned bars. Vi watched with amusement from her perch on the roof of the barn, idly guzzling barbecued pork as I wandered around the property cursing. I hadn’t had any idea how to prepare the pig carcass Kadavy had given us, but Vi apparently did. I had given her a knife and...

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Wife finds good sex with black lover and humiliates husband

It was the Saturday night before our first anniversary. I climbed on top of my young wife Beth and stuck my dick into her for our usual once a week fuck. She was a virgin on our wedding day and has never shown any signs of enjoyment or even that she noticed that I was between her legs. I would just take my pleasure then roll over and go to sleep. But not this time. She grabbed a handful of my hair, pulled my head back so that she could stick her face into mine. I was stunned by her...

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Saturday Morning Surprise Part 3

It was a couple of weeks before Laura was able to come over. When she called last Friday and asked what I was doing Saturday morning, I was so ready to see her again. Laura called and asked, “What are you doing tomorrow morning?” I laughed and said, “I hope I’m going to be fucking you.” “That’s good, because that is what you are going to be doing,” Laura said with a wicked laugh. Then Laura said, “I’m coming over as soon as I can. I have to work tomorrow afternoon.” I told her, “I can’t...

4 years ago
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When Daddy Isnt Home 5

It had been weeks since I’d last had sex with my dad, and let me tell you, I was bursting. I couldn’t get the thought of sex with him out of my head. The way his huge hands ran all over my body, the feel of his teeth tugging at my bottom lip, and especially the pleasure of his dick thrusting in and out of me. Daddy was ignoring me. Well, not outright ignoring me exactly, but he was avoiding me. I couldn’t get his attention no matter how hard I tried. He refused to be home alone with me and...

1 year ago
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Fucking 2 sweety

Hi! Everybody, I m Bad a totally new entrant to this story section and in introduction I would only define me as an Call center professional at Mumbai with a Height of 6 ft & 23 years young, fair complexion and a regular normal body. This is an original story of my fantasy coming true and how was the experience. This is about the girl who lived opposite to our flat in the same society and her name is Sweety who is again a very fair, very good looking, tall with a great body of 32-28-34 a 3rd...

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Linda the Petsitter CH2 Linda Prepares for Fri

Linda spent the next several days extremely nervous fearful full of anticipation and frankly more turned on and she’s been in her entire life which was about to change. Her boring sexless single life of work and pet sitting is about to become more exciting. So she got a beautiful manicure and pedicure her hair done and she went for a full body massage and skin treatment during which she had an explosive orgasm when the cute young Latina girl who spoke very little English rubbed her vulva. Linda...

2 years ago
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works do

I recently went on a night out with work. Nothing unusual just a few drinks. The few drinks turned into a lot of drinks. There was a girl out that I always flirted with but nothing ever happened. We ended up in a club and had a few more drinks and a bit of a dance. I could tell by the way she was rubbing me on the dance floor that tonight something could happen! My thoughts soon became reality when I went to the toilet and she followed me to a cubicle. She started kissing me and I got an...

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