Maran’s Hiding free porn video

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Maran, a young woman in her late teens, stared at her plate of roast beef, potatoes, and carrots. Her gray eyes were avoiding the other two faces at the dining room table but it was difficult with her pulled back short brown hair to do anything that would hide her face. Not that she was one for supporting the hiding method. Nothing was ever solved that way. One of the inhabitants of the table was her younger sister, Kirsa. The fourteen year old girl with long brunette hair had been staying with their father for a few years, and had come back to her hometown of twenty-five thousand begrudgingly after being suspended from several schools in Marinette. The divorce had been hard on all of them, but so far the few months hadn’t helped her at all. It would take time, Maran thought.

Their mother Joan was an impatient blond in her mid-forties suffering from a divorce that should’ve been for the best according to the lawyer. She hadn’t been taking it well recently because the father dumped his daughter on her doorstep in order to pursue his own personal interests without the burden. This is the story Joan gave Maran when the news of being forced to take on another child she grudgingly took care of and treated like more like a burden than a daughter. ‘Even on academic probation we can’t help you, Kirsa. Why do we have to go through with this every other week? You’re hopeless.’

Maran’s eyes met those of her mother. Kirsa wasn’t going to accept help from a mother who was there for her about as often as their father would be for Maran. They had to at least act as though they’d lived together at one point.

‘Mom, no one can be perfect.’ Joan, looked at Maran in near contempt for talking back. The dinner table was often a battleground. They’d never had meals anywhere else, some were quiet and some weren’t. Joan was a lawyer who cared too much for her job and her boss, Kirsa was always getting into brawls at school, and Maran was the solemn one.

‘You have proved that enough, haven’t you? I got a call from your principal earlier. You punched a boy in the hallway. Kovit Havelock.’ Maran had barely a bite of her food before she was sick to her stomach. Every night she ate here she felt a little more sick and wondered if her mother had put something in the food. She didn’t believe her mother would do such a thing but the woman did regret many things in her life. Maran knew she was one of those things.

Kovit was a businessman with no calluses to pull him through the trouble he caused. She hit him because he tried to pay her off. Money meant very little to her and she ended up where she was because they wanted to prove her wrong.

Her father, Henry, was a good man, but it was right for he and Joan to get their divorce. He was in charge of a small publishing firm and valued good ideas. Joan was able to get custody of Maran and Henry was able to afford Kirsa for a few years. Kirsa had eventually gotten suspended in Marinette and was sent to live with Joan and Maran. Not too long after, she began to get into the same troubles as before. She unfortunately didn’t like the idea of their parents splitting them up or separating in the first place. Her older sister understood perfectly, though.

It was better this way. However, Maran and Kirsa were constantly being judged on their performance since their father was no longer in the picture. While Kirsa was away, Maran hadn’t seen her mother a lot, she was constantly working and made Maran make do with what she had. This grade issue was brought up every other week, if not more often. Her mother had turned into a bitter woman and Maran had tried to help Kirsa ignore everything, shut out the sounds coming out of Joan’s mouth. It didn’t work, so it resorted to defensive conversations.

‘Lay off. This has gone on long enough. There are better ways to deal with–‘

‘Don’t you lecture me, young lady. I can send you out of this house at any time and I can send Kirsa into the foster program as well.’ Kirsa hadn’t looked up from her plate yet. She was rigid.

‘You won’t do it because you promised dad. Nothing that goes on inside this house is making the situation any better. You’ve been fighting it since he came back ‘

The dishes were done in silence. Maran washed while Kirsa dried, their routine never really changing. Joan was in the den already, working on documents the firm had faxed to her. She was always in that room, distracting her from the life she forgot she had with her family which was part of the reason for the divorce. Kirsa was on edge. Even now after the two months she’d been here she didn’t feel comfortable in the house. She’ll get over it, Maran thought as she handed her sister another plate.

Kirsa hadn’t asked yet about the scar on the top of her hand or the one on her cheek. It was the only consensus Maran and her mother had ever come to in the few years they’d been living alone. The one on her cheek led to the one on her hand. Her father never knew, he was never around. When he dropped Kirsa off he spared her the rarest of glances. Sometimes it hurt knowing his was the face she saw when she looked in the mirror.

And it was because of the truce she and her mother had that no one was aware of the past few years. No one was supposed to know that the scar on her face was a cut from a fight or the one on her hand was from boiling water being poured over her knuckles. The scar she hid underneath her tee-shirt, large and reminiscent of a past, hadn’t seen the light of day since she’d actually gotten it. Gangs weren’t keen on helping those whose family name wasn’t on the roster.

When Kirsa was in her room and blaring her music Maran began to make her way up the stairs. Good thing I decided not to continue on that path, she thought as a knock came from the front porch. The pattern of raps was familiar but with the way things had been lately she was a little surprised. This does not bode well, she thought. She turned to answer the door, prepared for almost anything. The worst was a visit from the gang that gave her the scar on her cheek and hand.

There stood a man she didn’t want to see around her family despite the differences. They were incomplete but still related. She was half tempted to slam the door in his face. She hated being right. With ebony skin, a few inches on her height, and a large jogging suit, Malice of the Fang clan was here with intent to harm. Granted he had an intimidating look on his face, but she wasn’t convinced that he was the most dangerous person on the porch at the moment. She knew a well-placed jab to his left temple was entirely possible, and knew he’d fail to dodge without pulling out his weapon of choice, a sharpened ring which acted as a incisor. It was a deadly weapon but not so deadly as some of the other knives in the world. She’d been cut on the face with one, but she was worried more of the one in the small box in her own room.

‘You exited the ring too early, Yoru. There are things you can’t walk away from so easily.’ She shut the door behind her, and nobody would be getting through the door if she had anything to say about it. Looking away to gather her senses, she noted no other men or women in her eyesight. She kept her hand on the doorknob just in case.

‘I don’t know who you’re talking about.’ Her eyes came up to meet his. ‘You obviously have the wrong house.’

‘Once a Claw, always a Claw. Gang members can’t quit so easily.’ A short white boy around her age was standing at the base of the porch stairs with his right eye missing. His name was Crow and he was Malice’s sideman. There was a fight he started with Maran a year or two ago when she proved that he was below her. Crow, though quick on his feet, had not been able to hold her arm back well enough before she pushed past his defenses and made the final blow that would win her the fight. Crow was difficult, though, sporadic in his fighting techniques, she blamed his obsession with action movies.

It was her fault that she let Kovit g
et on her bad side–she should’ve never broken his nose. She knew she was going to regret it later. What if he planned on this? Maran did nothing but stay quiet to collect her thoughts.

‘And she has no idea what to do. She must be scared shitless.’ Crow was a little wary, though. Maran tightened her fists.

‘This look isn’t fear.’ Malice looked back to his friend then back to Maran before she threw her fist into his face. She had been quiet. Her hand grabbed his dark locks and threw her knee upwards to break his nose. Satisfied with the crack she heard, she tossed Malice aside and stepped back when Crow landed a punch to her collarbone. After a quick recovery she landed a kick to his gut and a fist to his neck. She’d forgotten she could do that. Walking over to Malice and landing a hit to his temple, she lifted him so her voice was low and understood.

‘I have no qualms with you. Havelock paid you off to get to me because he wasn’t strong enough to take me. If there were any doubts about my abilities they have been laid to rest. You, however, have been slacking off, Malice, and if you come near me or my family I will not hesitate to make your miserable life worse. It’ll be hard to be malicious if you’re dead.’

‘The debt hasn’t been settled.’ His hand came up and the fang dug into her arm. A trail of blood ran down onto his shirt and

‘Tell him to take care of his own dirty work.’

Nix that, she thought. He planned on getting on my bad side. However, his broken nose probably wasn’t planned for at all.

‘I think not.’ Maran didn’t need to look at the finger ring that extended along the man’s right hand. The ring symbolized a gang, the Fang. They were hard to get along with. Their leader, Malice, lived to fight, as did the rest of the Fang, but he toyed with his victims every once in awhile.

This was Malice. ‘We were given the right address and the right name.’ Maran could only glare at him. ‘Don’t play dumb with me, Yoru. My employer was very irritated with your actions.’

‘That person doesn’t live here. I’m sorry to disappoint you.’ Malice reached up to grab her shirt, and her hands came up, grabbing his limb and efficiently twisting it behind him. She pushed him away from her with unseen strength. ‘Leave now.’

‘Or you’ll do what? There is a debt that needs to be settled and I won’t leave until it is.’

‘It will never be resolved, Malice. Why take money from Florian in the first place?’

‘Because he’s paying in advance. That and there have always been loose ends between our people.’ Maran clenched her fist at her side. She was getting agitated, and when that happened there was usually an electric shock of a reaction. The thirst to strike out was becoming a bit stronger since she had taken liberties with Havelock’s nose, and her fingers tingled with anticipation.

‘I don’t have people.’

‘Once a Claw, always a Claw. That scar on your hand would be the proof.’ She grabbed his throat quickly and tightened her grasp on his esophagus. She maneuvered him into the brick column of the porch and gripped his neck tighter. ‘You can’t just stop being a gang member.’

‘Stay away from me and my family. It’ll be hard to be malicious if you’re dead.’

‘The debt hasn’t been settled.’

‘Tell Florian to take care of his own dirty work.’ Malice grabbed the hand at his neck and made a deep cut in it with the metal ring on his finger. A steady stream of blood ran down her wrist and trickled down her arm. Maran let him go when her arm began dripping onto the floor as the blood. He watched as she bled, her face empty of emotion.

‘More.’ It was a game that had been played between certain gangs, the blood-letting. They sent the leader or second-in-command to get proof that a debt of some sort had been settled and the incident would be over. She made enemies easily, though, and they held grudges for years.

‘There’s a time and place for everything, you’ll get your chance I’m sure. Now if you’ll excuse me I have schoolwork to do.’ She opened the door behind her and entered the house, leaving Malice on the porch. He stood there, infuriated, but walked away with his nerves shot. She hadn’t lost her aggressiveness.

Maran leaned up against the door in shock and covered her arm with her shirt, tightening the material to cut off the circulation. Malice showing up on her doorstep, paid off by her worst enemy, was not a good sign of things to come. It meant trouble, meant that she might get forced into a very disturbing position to fight against her will. She gave up on her arm and ran her good hand through her hair, she started up to her room, feeling a bit dizzy.

‘Maran, who was it?’ It was her mother. Maran hid her arm behind her back and tried to stop a small trickle of blood from pooling onto the carpet.

‘Prank kid, don’t know,’ she lied. When Joan entered the room to face her, Maran hid behind a passive face and a darkened foyer. Joan had seen the face before, but would probably rack her brain for the significance of the look. If the light was turned on she’d see the blood. Maran was good at hiding, and she walked up the stairs, disappearing into her bedroom. Her mother, apparently satisfied with the explanation provided, promptly went back to the den to continue working. A trust had been established over the years that they wouldn’t ask too many questions or demand the answers no one would give.

After shutting the door to her room Maran walked over to her mirror. Her shirt had taken in the blood and she shed it off, walking over to her small bathroom and drawing some cold water in the sink. Her mother never snooped because she trusted her daughter not to get into anymore trouble. Maran took one look in the mirror and glanced at another scar on her stomach which spread for about twelve inches. Looking away she tended to more important things. Plugging the sink she drenched the shirt and left it to soak. She opened her drawer and found her band-aids, but looked down at her soaked shirt and pushed past the bandages to reach further back, she placed a large gauze bandage on the sink. Grabbing her washcloth and placing it next to the sink, she grabbed the peroxide.

Turning to lean over the shower, she doused her wound with the peroxide and waited patiently for the fizzing sound. The wound stung and bubbled up. The pain increased, she clenched her teeth. It had been a while since she had to do this, and she knew it wouldn’t be the last time. But she would be damned if she let Malice get a hold of her again. Though she didn’t fear him, the mere thought of having to go up against the whole gang unnerved her. She suppressed the urge to punch the wall and waited for the pain to go down, it was her first deep wound in a long time and she doused it again.

The sting came and went once again. She dampened the washcloth, cleaning the blood from her arm before taping the bandage there for the night. Over the years she had to learn to hide these things from her mother and tend to her own wounds before anyone realized she was injured, it didn’t stop her. The one time she was slowed down, she was hospitalized by her best friend after a spar, but that was different.

Walking back into her room she reached her bureau and pulled out an extra large shirt, pulling it over her front. It was true that she didn’t have much up front, but she had always thought it to be a gift so no man could hit her there and make it sting before she got her turn. She turned on the bed stand light and opened one of her other drawers which revealed a plain, black box about the size of a large fist. She paused there for a minute, just thinking about the past. A memory came to her for what seemed like the thousandth time, a harsh memory.

The gang wars and the ones who lead made the most trouble. She herself was involved more than willingly, she was one of the best. The rules were created due to Maran’s fighting ethics, in which others adopted them as well. And everyone adopted the rules
for a time.

It was in middle school that Florian Havelock had pushed her into a fighting ring. This was during the summer before she became a seventh grader. When she had stumbled into the fighter’s ring, she had seized roughly and given a beating she would never forget by the once leader of the Fang, JJ.

He had given her one of the two scars she’d adorned. She was approached by a boy who wore a red bandana around his dark, bald head. He was there with an offer that would change her life. She was given the chance to learn to defend herself and quit when she felt satisfied with her techniques. She of course accepted and had to go through the initiation. It involved hot metal and the hand of her choice, she chose her left. The metal was molded over her exposed hand, and the initiation was complete when the weapon was made. Many questioned why she used her left hand. She could injure someone with her left and punch another with her right.

Composed and shaped of hot metal and human tools, the Claw was considered one of the most deadly weapons of the gang world. It took the form of brass knuckles, but on top of the metal was a solitary blade, curved towards the fingers like a small dagger sharpened to perfection. What better way to perfect it though, but to put it into the hands of a perfect warrior, they put it in hers.

Maran opened the box and gazed again on the beauty of the abandoned weapon. She had quit at the end of her sophomore year, four years of fighting as hard as she could. What had happened? She forgot why she fought when she struck a seventh grader so hard that he had been hospitalized, he wasn’t guilty of any crime. She finally understood her flaw, what it felt like to be dangerous. Afterwards she went to visit the parents of the boy to apologize and they pressed charges, she accepted the punishment. She vowed never to fight again.

She hadn’t fought for close to two years, and she wasn’t eager to start up again, especially if it involved the Claw and the Fang. If Florian is planning something, I have to be prepared, and if that means fighting back, she thought as she picked up the claw made for her and slipped her fingers into the holes, then I have no choice but to defend myself. I screwed everything up in one moment of emotion and now I have to face my demons.

Maran stared at the ceiling and closed her eyes. The Sun would rise again.

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I liked to go to the glory holes in the adult book store across the tracks in the seedy side.I would often stop in and watch a few guys jerk off or once in a while I would jack them, but had never actually sucked another guys cock in the glory holes til this one day. I drove in and a young guy on a bike slid up next to me where i parked. he was cute and quite young. he said what goes on in there. I said he didn't need to know. He said i think i already know. I didn't want to say anymore cause a...

2 years ago
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If You Never Try Youll Never Know

If You Never Try, You’ll Never Know When I went to the ticket office to collect the tickets I had won to go and watch PlayingItCold, I had no idea that this wasn’t the biggest of surprises I was to have this month. So let me introduce myself to you, I am Sarah, I’m 19, and a music student. I live it, breathe it, if it was a currency, I would be rich. But as it is, being a student, I don’t have funds to burn. I don’t go on nights out with my friends, I don’t go to gigs unless I save up for them....

Group Sex
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Mother Superior And I

My girlfriend is a recalcitrant Catholic (forgive her father for she has sinned, it’s been 10 years since her last confession) and I was born a protestant but have been eternally in love with the Catholic Church.In my country, people call lesbianism ‘supi’. To the best of my knowledge, supi is not a word derived form any native Ghanaian language. It appears to be a slang word which was coined somewhere along the line. I have not done any specific research on the origins of the word ‘supi’ and...

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My introduction to sex by my mother uncle and their black friend

Introduction: I was caught peeking in on my mother when Dad was away. I had gone to bed at nine thirty as usual but after a while I woke up. I guessed that it was because I had to go pee. I looked at the clock and it was a little before one am. From down the hall I could hear moaning sounds. I recognized them as sex sounds as I had often heard them after Mom and Dad went to bed and had peeked a couple of times and saw Dad on top of Mom and the blanket going up and down where Dads butt would be....

1 year ago
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The Trouble with Roommates

The Trouble with Roommates Chapter 1 Nick was right in the middle of a firefight in an online shooter when he heard a knock on his door. His roommate Brian stuck his head in. "Hey Nick. Rent's due tomorrow, make sure you have it for me." Oh shit, Nick thought to himself. Nick was regularly late with the rent. His website design job paid fairly well and let him work from home, but there were more important things like new video games or beers with his friends that he needed that...

3 years ago
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Family Beach Party Turned X Rated ReIssued Part 4

Introduction: continuing story about Geg and his wife Sandra Family Beach Party Turns X Rated Part 4 Re-Issued by gregorthegrant True Story, Cheating, Authors infos Gender: male Age: N/A Location: N/A Report Introduction: Continuing story. Please read Parts 1,2 and 3 first. Family Beach Party Turned X Rated Part 4 Re-Issued. The real sexual part gets started about half way. I like to have the intro to lead to the sex because thats what happened. I just want to remind you about Part 1...

2 years ago
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Sex With Neighborhood Girl In Garage

Hai indian sex stories readers. Im chaitanya from andhra pradesh. I’m a regular reader of iss. This is my 1st story in iss. So please forgive my mistakes. I’ll narrate my story in telugu from now onwards. Na peru chaitanya. Nadi vizag. Ma intlo 4members vuntam. Ma house 2floored house. Ground floor lo garage vuntadi. Na height 5.5inches and weight 665kgs with muscular body. Nenu apudu inter 1st year complete chesi holidays lo 2nd year records rasukuntuna. Ma inti aeduruga oka family vundaevalu....

4 years ago
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Son Of A Preacher Man

Gilbert Ray was a Baptist minister of the full Hellfire type. He was a God-fearing, bible punching minister with no flexibility in his beliefs. Sex, other than with one's wife, was unimaginable. You can therefore imagine his views on drugs, homosexuality and abortion. This was 1966 and attitudes all around him were changing, but not Gilbert. He still preached in his Baptist church to a moderately packed congregation of like minded people who loved him for defending the moral high ground. It...

1 year ago
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Restaurant Cherry

It started out as just another day in the week. Get up, catch the train in to town, go to work for 8 hours then catch the train home. I work in a bank and have been in this branch for 8 years. I had started out as a teller and progressed through to the lending department.There are a lot of really nice looking girls working there and some really good looking female customers as well. I’ve had a couple of girlfriends, but can take or leave them.Ever since I was 17 I’ve wondered what it would be...

3 years ago
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Surprise Melody Flintkote Part TwoChapter 29

A problem extant with a catamaran with a professional crew: passersby tend to view the guests as that ... guests. Lazy layabouts waited on hand and foot, their every need and want catered to by the bevy of beauties seen tanning nude on the foredeck ... Seven, Six, Five, Four, Three, Two and One ... two men and five women. They were the layabouts and not the entertainment. For the past six or so months the essential work has been done by we five ... Flintkotes and spouses, those of us who had...

2 years ago
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i night spent with my mum

When I was 10 my mum and dad divorced, and me and my mum moved in to a new house,my mum had a good job in an office so she could support us we was both happy with our new life away from my dad. A few years past and I had come in to my body I was in to sports so I was in shape muscular I got a lot of attention from the girls at school I would date girls but nothing seemed to last a couple of months at the most when I would get in to a relationship I wouldn't take long till we started having sex...

2 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 427

This is another RabbiRabbit Joke When my wife left, I was sad, upset, and lonely. Since then I've got a dog, bought a new motorcycle shagged two women, and blown a grand on drugs and booze. She'll go fucking mental when she gets home from work. This one is compliments of a reader... I bought beautiful Lab Puppy by the name of Cocoa as a surprise present for my wife, but, as it turns out, she's allergic to dogs. So, unfortunately, I am going to have to find a new home for her and I...

2 years ago
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My TRUEXXX Theatrical DE beau

My TRUE-XXX Theatrical DE beau There won’t be sequels to this story as it happened once and if it happens again it will be another story in itself.This is not like my FANTASY series, ‘Internet Porn’ or ‘Doctor’s diagnosis’. These are pure fiction where the story I am about to relate to you just happened to me for real just a month ago, July 2014. To validate this to be a true story… I invite you to look up the Buford Highway Twin Cinema at 5805 Buford Highway NE, in Atlanta Georgia. This is...

3 years ago
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22 Is on My MindChapter 3

All I know is that I'm young; and your rules they are old If I've got to kill to live then; there's something left untold I'm no statesman I'm no general; I'm no kid I'll never be It's the rules not the soldier; that I find the real enemy 2+2 is on my mind For the next few months I worked hard at my classes, and filled in work when I could. Ford is very pleased with my progress both in school and at the office. The Sunday after Thanksgiving Day, I got a call from Bob's...

1 year ago
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Forced to Masturbate

How I was forced to masturbate in front of 20 strangers I'm a man from a third world country. This Story happened when I was 20 years old. One time I had been in the bus terminal just walking around and looking for the riding time to come. I should explain that there is a police post in every bus terminal in my country to maintain public discipline. Unexpectedly, a cop came towards me and addressed me that I looked suspicious and I would have to follow him to the post for a brief investigation....

3 years ago
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I Hate It When That HappensChapter 6

Leaving wasn't that simple. Even after everything was packed and the women had it strapped to their backs there was still a good bit of goodbying and such. Finally were got underway. Teechi and I were leading the way since none of the others had any idea of where we were heading. "Teechi, I didn't see a single one of the men that were left from that bunch yesterday. Didn't they live in that camp?" I asked, as we walked. "Yes, and I saw two of them when we first came into the camp....

1 year ago
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GirlsWay Veronica Rodriguez Chanell Heart Prove It

Chanell Heart comes into the reception area in a huff and the secretary, Veronica Rodriguez, professionally and politely greets her. Chanell is confused and suspicious when she sees Veronica, asking, ‘Where’s Edna?’ Veronica responds that dear old Edna finally retired and that she’s there to fill in. Veronica then asks how she can help Chanell, and Chanell says that she’s there to see Veronica’s boss — her husband. Veronica’s smile falters as she...

2 years ago
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Once a Slut Always a Slut

My Jennifer is a total fucking slut whore! I know it - she makes no bones about it. But that is what first attracted me to her, and I actually think I like the fact that she is as easy to lay as a throw rug! I have never chased after her - I never had to. She always comes to me when she is horny (which is most of the time) and I never turn her away. Jenny was and still is the sexiest girlfriend I’ve ever had and I’ve had several very attractive girls in my dating life. She is a ten in anyone's...

Love Stories
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The Glass Box

Copyright© 2006 by Carlos Malenkov Greg shivered as he stared at the wall. Even with the temperature steady at 84, blood heat, he was cold. Maybe it was the tension. Or knowing that he was being watched. At his side, Marilyn breathed softly. She was stunning. Tall and blonde and soft and round in all the right places. Every teenage boy's fantasy lover. And she was his, his for the taking. If only he had the nerve to take her. It was tough being a virgin at 18. Not knowing the moves or what...

1 year ago
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Behind The Waterfall

You are wearing your flowing white sun dress and walking barefoot on the white sand beach... There is no one else around... as I approach, I see your womanly figure walking towards me... you are lost in thought and haven't yet recognized me... your lovely smile appears at the instant you realize that it is me... As we reach each other, embrace, and kiss, I notice that your white dress is quite translucent and the white bathing suit that you have underneath accents your figure in a most...

4 years ago
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Sophie The Pain Slut II

The other side of my new found popularity was that all the girls in school had started to try and sneakily flirt with me whether I was on my own or if Sophie was around. It had been a busy 2 weeks since that night of our first BDSM session as we had exams coming up and had only had time for 1 short session and a couple of quick shags the rest of our time had been spent studying and I was surprised to find myself fantasizing about tying her up and torturing her at the worst possible moments,...

3 years ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 124

These are compliments of fmwarmac This is the story about a little girl that didn’t know what cursing or what sex was. Two nights before thanksgiving, she heard her parents having sex. Her father said: “Oh honey, I love your luscious tits.” Then her mother said: “And I love your slim dick!” The next morning, the girl asked her father what “luscious tits” were. The father panicked. “It’s a fine coat.” He said. The little girl then asked her mother what a “slim dick” is. The mother...

1 year ago
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A Mallu Couple 8211 True Story 8211 Part II

Hi Part2 .. Come here. … In first part you saw how I went to a party hosted by my wife’s boss and how I came to know of her ventures… Kavitha started laughing. “even after seeing 3 naked ladies and a lady sucking a guy your dick is still not erect. NO wonder you are not able to satisfy her. What pavi told was perfectly correct.” Kavitha continued to torment me mentally. The actual fact was that I was tensed, depressed and devastated with the event. What I was looking was not a porn for me but...

3 years ago
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Horny Sister In Chennai With An Unexpected Surprise

Hi all I’m Karan,I live in Chennai and I’m 24. I work for a software company. First let me tell you about myself, I’m 6 feet 1 and have an athletic build. I have a 9 inch rod and I’m very horny. I love Indian women in high heels,and love to lick and suck their feet and pussy. Let me start of my true life incident that happened a week ago. I came to visit my cousins and stay with them for a week. Both my cousins are beautiful girls. One is 26 and the other 24. As I was staying with them,they...

1 year ago
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MomIsHorny Katie Monroe Stepmom Fulfills His Fantasy

Katie is enjoying a little bit of private time to herself. She gets naked and rubs her pussy as she lays in the bath. Tyler, her stepson, walks in on her. He’s in shock. He’s always wanted to fuck his stepmom. He tries not to get caught but she catches him. He begs her to make his fantasy come to life. She tells him to get in the tub and she gives him an amazing blowjob. He fucks her tits before moving on to the pussy. They have amazing sex in the bathtub and he lets out a huge load...

4 years ago
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Kiss in the Rain

The rain fell softly on the ground as she sat up late into the night typing and thinking. ‘Why didn’t he call me, I know he is home from the horse show,’ K thought to herself. Thunder crashed outside her window and she jumped. ‘Pussy,’ K laughed at herself. Jimmy Buffet was on the radio singing a remake of an old song. Four dogs were surrounding her sleeping on the floor comfortably. Precious, a half sharpei half pit bull, Lacy, a half sharpei half lab, Chica a yorkie, and Snoopy, a...

2 years ago
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Beetlesmiths Ch 02

What follows are chapters 2 through 5 of my ‘Beetlesmith’s’ saga. The first chapter, undesignated, can be found under the ‘Mind Control’ genre, or by going to my ‘Member’s Page’ and clicking on the appropriate link. The story follows the exploits of Will Henry, who has been given the ultimate aphrodisiac by a man named Beetlesmith. These next four chapters are a continuation of that narrative. Most importantly, I must thank Bella Mariposa, who was kind and patient enough to edit these the...

2 years ago
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Best Laid PlansChapter 5

Bob arrived home first and found a note from Sandy propped up on a chair when he entered the kitchen door. It said for him to freshen up and meet her at Jan's. He showered and dressed in his dark blue suit and tie. He knocked on Jan's back door before entering and made his way to the family room. The two girls sat in easy chairs and he noticed their skirts rode well above their knees. Both of their outfits screamed expensive! Clearing his throat, Bob said, "Don't you two look...

1 year ago
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The Virgin

After four years of studies I was finally graduating from college, I decided to cool down from all and remove myself from anything related to school works. Personally, I was the need with the athletic body, 6'1 with large muscle build, every girl on campus was drooling but I wasn't interested in them and being a handsome black guy on campus made the matter worst lol. Nevertheless, I was the need who focused on the books, and ignored pussy for 4 years, crazy right, however, senior year was a...

2 years ago
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Love For An Older Man Chapter 3

A couple of weeks had passed since Michelle had met Amy and they became good friends.  Amy would meet her in the gym every morning and they would work out together. Afterward, depending on their plans, they would come back to the condo and have some wild fuck sessions.  Since their first time, Amy had become an expert at girl-on-girl pleasure. Sometimes Bob would join them, but if he was not around, it was just the two of them. Bob was planning for their Mexico trip, which was coming up soon. ...

Love Stories
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Choti Behen Ki Galti Jamkar Chudai

Hello dosto aaj mai aapse ek sachi kahani bolne jaa raha hu. Mai 26 saal ka mumbai mein rehne wala ladka hu. Mai job karta hu. Mai apne mom and apne sister ke sath rehta hu. Meri sister bhi job karti hai. Ye kahani us waqt ki hai jis waqt school mein chuttiya chalu ho gayi thi aur meri bua aur uski family mere ghar rehne aaye the. Meri bua ki 18 saal ki beti aur uske husband hamare ghar chuttiyon ke mausam mein aksar aaya karte hai. Christmas ki chuttiya chalu thi, meri choti behen convent...

3 years ago
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Deputy PorterChapter 175

The car was an old American sedan. "Why is it these guys in special ops can never afford a fancy car? They are always running around in a ten year old ford." I asked. "You are kidding they have all the money in the world. They run around in these old egg beaters because someone told them they draw less attention. We are all cramped so the boss can slip around town. You know they have a deal. They buy a whole fleet of these as 'after lease cars' and transport them all over the world,"...

1 year ago
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Fucking my virgin college room mate how Mort bec

I got Mort to Jerry’s office and as usual, Jerry was accompanied by Bart, his normal boy toy. I was a tad surprised to see Jerry’s jaw drop just a bit when we entered and the energy of sexual desire in the air was palpable. I could feel my cock stiffening under my robe as Jerry and Mort locked eyes. Jerry rose from behind his desk. His bathrobe came open, exposing his long thick cock. Jerry paused at the edge of the desk and stopped, opened a drawer and pulled out a pair of black nylons, the...

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