Real Pleasure, Is When Men Force You free porn video

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I left the bar and made my way home, the few drinks I had, had tempered my day's anguish and frustrations at work, I knew deep down alcohol was not the answer, but just to find the peace and solace a place to gather ones thoughts and feel that warm glow of escapism as the outside world hectically flies past.

Filing for divorce against an errant husband leaves and angry streak running through you. You want to get even because everyone told you so, but you chose to remain confident you could change him, but in the end, your faith was tested and burned and crashed.

By the second wine I was ready to leave, perhaps pick up a bottle at the Licenced Grocers on the corner and maybe a Pizza, another night in front of the telly, maybe grab a DVD, I laughed inwardly at the last thought, 'Rent a Porno and have a session with my vibrator'. God knows it's been months since I had good sex and as those thoughts refreshed my libido, I started to gather my things and get ready to go, I was suddenly very horny and cast a glance around the darkened room for any possible males looking for a bit of action, but sadly there were none, 'Typical', I thought, 'men are like buses', that thought brought a laugh to my strained face, 'three men was my sexual fantasy'.

I made my way across the street and with a deliberate stride in my step I knew of a small seedy DVD shop that had a good selection of porn, women's porn, toys and literature and men who followed you around with intent to m*****, I always fancied being fucked in a sex shop, with other men watching with their cocks in their hands waiting their turn with me.

I heard a wolf whistle and glanced in his direction and smiled, perhaps he will see that as a sign of acceptance and follow me, who said women fancy a good r****g, I could feel the wetness between my thighs telling me I was ready and in the mood, by the time I reached the video store, pushed the door and walked inside.

Typically I walked to the film section and browsed whilst secretly eyeing the people already engrossed in choosing their movie, there was a young couple and she looked as if she had just thrown on some clothes and most had missed her skinny frame, her boyfriend kept feeling her ass and I felt a pang of jealousy, his fingers would drown if he felt me down there.

I edged along the rows of films and came to the room marked 'Adult', this was where I bought my vibrator and 'Ben Wa Balls', now called 'Luna Beads', electronic vibrations in a small but neat package, great for the 'Kegal' Pelvic muscles
I have to give it to the Swedish peoples, that company 'Lelo', are keeping half the western world of divorcees happy.

I cast a glance into the cavernous room I see one body at the base of a row of porn, his feet pointing towards the movies, the women's section at his back, I could go inside and be confrontational, men are funny that way, when they see a woman studying the porn covers of DVD's, they get embarrassed but aroused, we become 'Slags and Whores', holes to be cummed upon, as they pleasure themselves at our freedom to look at the same thing they want, I was flashed in there once, which was laughable, as he could not even get it hard for me, I felt cheated.

That's sex for me, it's a function not love. I see sex as something we all need to do an emotion where opposites work better, Black and White, Old and Young, Ugly and Beautiful, Pain and Pleasure, my best sex was like that, polar opposites, never the Prince charming type, never the men who kiss your ass or put you on a pedestal to worship you, I like men who see me as something to be used and discarded, like a used condom.

I was getting hot, my thoughts had urged me back into the room and now it was all about bravado, I could feel the urge to tease, a man ans a woman showing they both wanted to do something sexual, just being in that room with sex aids and toys and hundreds of explicit photos on DVD covers, we both wanted sex and I walked to the end of the row and turned to see him looking at me, aghast and excited, a young and beautiful women wanting sexual release, just us, and I smiled warmly and ever so slightly, bowed my head, as if in an act of subservience, a small nod of approval as I stopped and picked up the first DVD, a group of black guys hung like horses and a naked white chick with blond hair like my own.

I smiled with a naughty thought in my heart, I sort of liked stuff like that, and knowing he was looking at me I put it back and stepped a little closer to him, sensing he was trying to see what was titillating me. I could feel the booze in me was making slightly dizzy as my sexual urges were propelling me, I could see he was watching me closely through the long strands of my hair that covered my face. I deliberately bent over and went down onto my haunches, feeling my already short skirt rise up my thighs, deliberately pointing my knees pointing in his direction.

I reached out and scanned the lower row, my finger tracing each DVD cover, as if fondling each cover with my feminine touch of approval, 'That's a good one', he said hoarsely and I looked up from my crouching position, my face level with his crotch, 'What!', continuing with, 'this one', my finger going back to the one I had touched when he spoke.

I smiled warmly, I wanted to be friendly, after all, we both wanted the same thing, and I picked it up and stood up alongside him and looked at the sleeve, 'Caligula', 'it had a string of good actors and actresses, it was made by Tinto Brass, and Bob Guccione', he continued.

'Why is it in the porn section', I asked him, genuinely curious, 'You see a lot of real fucking', he replied, studying my face for a reaction to the word 'fucking', there was none, instead I asked him what he had, and he handed it to me, 'Bondage', the cover showed young women tied up and being touched and posing in awkward positions.

'I have never really gotten into it', I said quietly, 'but I have to admit to being curious', I continued.

'Have you ever tried any knots', he asked me? I smiled, my pussy felt knotted as we spoke, we were getting into a sexual conversation that could only be resolved by fucking, 'When I was in the Girl Guides', I started with a malicious look in my eyes, 'we used to tie each other up and that was fun, feeling helpless and open to the elements', little girl speak for abuse.

'Yes, the women I tie up actually like to say no when I start touching them', he retorted thickly, not quite believing he was actually talking to a real woman about tying her up and fucking her and I was getting off on the idea.

My head felt as if it was going to explode, we were testing each other, I knew I wanted to be tied up and fucked I was convinced after eight months of forced celibacy, I would have explosive orgasms being subdued and forced to do things I did not want to do.

'Shall we watch them together', I challenged him, barely able to get the words out, he was a lot older than I, and his age made him uglier in a nice sort of way, and for me to be tied up allowing him the pleasure of control, my question was more of a plead than a query, and he sensed it and replied, 'Yes, why not'.

'You live close by', I asked him as my need for a man just released a steady stream of vaginal lubrication running down my inner thighs?

'Just around the corner' he replied. I handed him the DVD's and said, 'You take these out and I will across the street and get some wine, meet you outside', and started to walk to the entrance, each step feeling my pussy respond to my thighs as they crushed my swollen labia and they in turn my clitoris (Now you know why horny women cross their legs and rock them left and right).

A bottle of Rose wine and a half bottle of Vodka, as if I needed lubrication, the slender neck of the Rose bottle was tempting, I just wanted my pussy to grip onto something, eight months since my last fuck, I wondered if the girl at the cashiers desk could see my need in my eyes?

I hurriedly went back across to where he was waiting, 'I did not think you would come back', he said, looking as if I were some dream, and who could blame him, what are the chances a man would meet a girl half his age in the pron section of a video store and want to be tied up and abused as much as he wanted to do it to her?

I slipped my arm through his and we began walking, 'Can I call you Daddy', I whispered to him? 'Yes', he replied, smiling at my simple request, I looked at him, then said in a little girlish voice, 'Daddy, I have been a naughty girl', we stopped walking and faced each other, by now we had turned into his street, it was dark as the lamp closest to us had gone out, giving a sense of security and a sense of fear, and my sweaty hand holding the plastic bag almost slipped from my grasp as he leaned forward and kissed me full on my mouth, I pushed my tongue into his mouth, feeling the hard edge of his false teeth, reminding me of the vast age difference, and the dam just broke.

All the pretense and story telling, the innuendo and the total lack of cock in my sex starved pussy for eight frustrating months burst forth into my needy action as I let the bottles slip to the ground and I crushed myself against his shocked body.

I felt between his legs for the tell-tail sign of a cock, a hard-on, anything, but there was nothing to indicate he wanted me as badly as I needed him right now.

I stopped kissing him and looked into the darkened shadiness of his face, 'What's up', I asked in desperation as my fingers gently massaged his flaccid penis, praying for life so I could mount him and finding his zipper and easing it fully open.

'You want your cock sucked here', I asked him through gritted teeth, as my knees buckled and I sank down onto them in the middle of the darkened pavement and licked him as my fingers teased him out into the evening cool air, my warm breath and wet tongue and began blowing him for all to see.

I was past caring, I needed him hard to fuck me, here and right now, I cared not who saw us, in fact the more the better, I was like him, a local girl who might be recognized, like some girls I knew, who had a steady stream of men who turned up at their front doors for a quick fuck, because she had a reputation for doing it, I was so horny I wanted badly to be one of those girls, but social constraints and upbringing had blocked me brain and restricted the feelings I was experiencing right now.

I had been sucking his cock for a few minutes when he pulled me to my feet, 'Let me put these on you', he said as I felt the hard smooth objects he was holding and now clamping onto my wrist.

It was handcuffs and as they made that familiar clicking as they bound my slender wrist I felt his cock jerk in my other hand, as I gently squeezed it to life, the warm blood was flowing at last he was getting hard so much so I never really felt my wrist being cuffed, my arm being wound around my back and my other hand torn from his cock and cuffed to the other. 'Now I have got you', he said with a sinister tone in his voice.

'My filthy, dirty, slutty daughter', I felt relief momentarily, he was calling me his daughter as I suggested to him, 'Yes Daddy', I pleaded as he took hold of the drinks bag and forced me forward towards his home, his motions more determined his strength renewed, 'Daddy', I pleaded, suddenly scared as I twisted against my restraints.

He stopped walking and turned me and forced my back against the stone wall, reached under my skirt and run both his hands all the way up to where my pussy gaped, he tore my panties down my legs and off over my shoes, 'You little cunt', he said maliciously, bringing the sodden mass of cotton and vaginal secretions of my evident need for a man to his nose.

He breathed in heavily, his eyes were black, like a shark about to embark on a feeding frenzy, I could smell myself from my wet panties, but my smell was doing something more to his senses than mine, I could feel his cock press against my naked pussy as my skirt was trapped high above my hips and I moved to encourage him to penetrate me and fuck me in public.

I pleaded and begged in whispers for a fuck, but he responded by forcing my panties into my mouth, adding to my feeling of helplessness, I was compliant possibly more up for it than he was, but I instinctively knew my fear was real enough, he was only responding to my inability to stop him, the more I struggled, and he overcame me, the more turned on he became, it was the classic **** scenario.

'If all else fails and the man is inside you doing it, relax and go with him, you stand a better chance of survival'. Her voice echoed in my head, I had attended **** therapies and that last sentiment rang true, let the perpetrator think you are enjoying it and he will let you go, even give you his phone number for more meetings.

When these men are caught and brought to court, they always say we were up for it, and this is why, never mind that some of us actually get off being forced then get to see the violator go down for time, knowing your pussy was the last one he was inside and the lasting memory on his mind for the coming years ahead.

We reached the stone steps of his close and began the push upwards, I stumbled and fell forward, my skirt rising to expose my naked bum to his lust. He fell atop of me and I could feel him handle himself by swiping his cock between the soft folds of my buttocks, lubricated by my overly producing wet pussy.

He grunted like a boar mounting a sow in heat and I felt him go inside me, I gasped, eight months did dull the memory of penetration, but now, it was as if my virginity was being retaken and all of my crotch was alight once more, as I started grunting like the sow I felt I was, as I screamed my pleasure into my bunched panties stuffed in my mouth, 'Oh Daddy' flashed through my sex starved brain, 'fuck me, fuck me', as I settled into a humping back at his thrusting, 'One, Two, Three,. Four,', I counted his strokes as he pleasured himself inside my pussy, then he stopped and slowly and teasingly pulled out of me, leaving my buttocks searching for his penis, as if a whale was gasping for air.

I screamed, 'Daddy', into my knickers, and he laughed sadistically, he relaxed and I could feel him on my arse again as I twisted under him, trying to guide him home into me, 'No Daughter', he hissed into my ear, 'not in there, in here', and before I knew he was forcing his cock up my arse, and I counted again with each dead stroke, as there was no feeling, just pain as the lubrication for penetration had not gone deep enough up my arse, he anally fucked me face down on those cold hard stone steps, using my soft buttocks to cushion his thrusts, the sheer pleasure he took from my discomfiture, the tearing of my pubes on the edge of the stone and rawness of my clitoris crushed under his weight.

I endured as my class lecturer had suggested and eventually we shifted our weights and positions, suddenly there was an unexpected pleasure being felt inside my pussy, he was long enough to push hard against the thin membrane separating my holes, he was pushing roughly into my hidden 'G' spot and giving me the ultimate pleasure and I groaned out loud to tell him I was cumming, he stopped moving, but I continued until the very last vibration had finished coursing through me.

I was satisfied, he had visited my every fear and dream, he drew out my desires and satisfied me beyond my wildest dreams. Men like him really do know a thing or two about satisfying the lust of women in heat, no wonder we allow them to do what they do to us.

Sex is not about love, men who put us on pedestals don't satisfy us, it's men who overpower us, men who are different, men who come onto our computers and groom us, dirty men, old men, ugly men, men who expose themselves and shoot cum into our faces, sex is about reproduction and the thoughts and dreams that make us wet and hard, open our legs to show ourselves to you who dare to look for something considered impossible, 'I let him fuck me because I felt sorry for him', yes I have echoed those sentiments like many of my sisters have, I get horny and want to fuck, that is the truth, that is why I go into bars on my own, walk down dark streets and wander into parks.

'She was asking for it, the way she dressed and teased'. 'That's it boys, you're getting the message right, see you all in Princess street gardens after midnight', I'm usually naked.

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Clementine in HellChapter 17

"I suppose you know what you're getting yourself into, Amanda" said Jeremy. "And you'll have to tell me what to do. I'm a bit new to this." "You are totally new to this! But it is in at the deep end for you! Just give me some water to swill my mouth with and the bucket to spit blood into at the end of each round. Clean up any cuts - and there will be lots! These gloves are lethal mon ami! You can't do much else. And wish me luck, because I fucking need it!" Jeremy sighed. This...

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Realignment By AlterEg0 A nerve impulse travels with the speed of thought from your eyes. That jolt of pain that is not pain when you are awoken by someone turning on all of the lights at once. Involuntarily you squint. Eyelids slamming shut as tears form at their corners. Only for a moment and then they begin to adjust. You don't know this room. "You have been chosen," says the voice. The voice is being altered says your mind. Lowered in pitch by some electronic device you...

2 years ago
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With my Watchmen and his Daughter

Hi all, here i'm again with my new true incident of my life. Sorry for the delay cause my second story took a month to get published. I will make sure that my upcoming stories may upload faster. For the new readers my previous incident titles were: 1) Neighbour Apartment Watchmen Kids Having Sex 2) Best Friend With Her Brother-In-Law And Me Watching Thanks alot for the comment,thoughts and your feelings for my stories. i liked that some people even sent some exotic pictures with their...

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Clementine in HellChapter 9

"It's time you snapped out of this, Clemmy my love." murmured Alexia to her brooding, withdrawn friend and lover. It was now two months since the prison guards, sickened at what they were doing to Clemmy, but under orders to spare her nothing of her punishment, had finally got to the end of chastising her for her attempted escape. It was two weeks since she had been the given the last painful instalment of two hundred lashes on a back still raw from previous sessions. Now she was healed...

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Neighbour Apartment Watchmen Kids Having Sex

Hi everyone, . i know you won’t believe me because most of u think that women don’t write sex stories. but i’m real and what i’m writing is not stories they are the incidents that really happened in my life. There are 5 experiences that happened in my life and i’m sharing one of it which happened yesterday 10 may 2013. I got introduced to this site as i was far from sex as my husband died 5 years ago and i didn’t had sex till 3 years since then actually one of my friend told me about this i...

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The Allotment

“I went to the allotment today, dear,” Sarah revealed as her husband sat at the small dinner table. Sarah sat opposite and started to eat her dinner with her husband Allen. “Have the rabbits got to the vegetables yet?” “No not yet the small fence you put up has kept them at bay for the time being. They’ve devastated several other plots thought,” Sarah went on as she ate, “I had a go at weeding that plot we’re resting when Derrick made some very suggestive remarks to me.” “What did he say?”...

3 years ago
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Carmens Girls

Carmen's Girls Chapter 1 The boy who cried man "You can stay in this room - if you need to freshen up, the bathroom is down the hall," Carmen gestured, switching the light to her guest room on while guiding the young man inside. "My old place had toilets bigger than this room," he scoffed, angrily sliding his heavy bags against the opposite wall. "Ah, I see. I'll just move your things to the restroom instead then, John." "Never mind," John quickly replied as the...

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Last tine two men pleasured me

In the afterglow she asked if she could tell me about one of her sexual fantasies, something she is very good at articulating. “We are both naked sitting on high stools facing each other. We are both going to watch each other receive oral sex from people we have never met before. “A male we have never met before is standing behind me teasing my nipples with his fingertips. His lady is watching as she prepares to tongue fuck me. “Or perhaps a female we have never met before is is standing behind...

1 year ago
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Semen Refinement

Jroll the Hammer: There she is! Wakey wakey, little princess. Its breakfast time! And we’re gonna make sure you’re well fed. Jroll is the first to reveal his cock. Nine inches and full of warts. Amy: Eww, what is that? Jroll the Hammer: My cock, sweetheart. This is gonna give you a nice shot of jizz to fill your belly. Just work it real smooth with your mouth and I’m gonna fill you up nice and good. Amy: What do you want me to do? Jroll the Hammer: Aww, just put it in your mouth and...

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Real Commitment

Real commitmentBy 2nnWARNING! This story is not for minors or people who don?t like sexual writings and such. It deals with hard core homosexual sex, BDSM, brutal torture, body modifications and worse. If this offends you or you are a minor, stop reading now.Chapter 1: What are the odds?Lately the sense of disconnect has been getting stronger, like everything I do is basically a waste of time.  Maybe it?s passing forty or maybe it?s the ghost of relationships past, I don?t know. Some would...

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4th Dimension Men in Dresses

4th Dimension: Men In Dresses By Busko John is a bodybuilder. All that is male in society is common to him. John is more Rambo than Sylvester Stalone will ever be. Heavily built by his 5 days a week at the gym he is a hunk to all the girls. They all want to date him. John however is very shy, everybody thinks. John has a secret. He loves to wear female underwear. He would even wear dresses if he could, but western society 'prohibits' men to dress the way they want. Women can...

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Free Use Laws SPACELINK Quantum Entanglement

This story follows Emma from the SPACELINK programs in Free Use Laws: Human resource Management. Emma is recently 33 year and now officially free of the SPACELINK programs. However, like many other recently retired woman she often feels empty now, both literally and figuratively. She had been part of a generation of women who spend their adult life with the constant overdose of intense sexual activities. Those experiences were intense and not suitable for women's health over the age of 33. Some...

1 year ago
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Commandments and Rules of Life

Without rules the BDSM relationship is nothing more than an SM relationship that does not confess. Some will need few rules to feel bound, as opposed to others clamoring for many and complex rules, it is up to the master to find the right measure. Some are content to enact rules in the sandstone of their fantasy of the moment. It is much more coherent and therefore structuring for the submissive to set a framework of main principles, the rules of everyday life being only the application in a...

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Body ImprovementsThe rarely seen Body Swap episode of Home Improvement

Body Improvements - The rarely seen Body Swap episode of Home Improvement By Caleb Jones & Eric ___ Chapter One - More Power Invention week on Tool Time was just a few weeks away and Tim had built one of his wacky high-powered inventions from a used C.A.T. Scan machine and other miscellaneous used equipment he picked at a sale. Tim was hoping to develop a super C.A.T. Scan which could totally analyze the human body even on an atomic level and pinpoint any problems...

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Gentlemens park retirement home

Gentlemen's park retirement home was founded in the 1960s and was originally a normal retirement home for the more upper class. Man and wife would live out there days in a pleasant mansion. Over time Gentlemen's park changed into something different. The old women slowly faded out and new management took over with an idea of a more male exclusive home. The original staff was fired and replaced with younger desperate beautiful woman that would serve the male residents in anyway they could and...

1 year ago
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Diamentional displacement

You are James Altair, a janator at Wendigo Corperation. You were suprized that you got the job so soon after graduating highschool. For fovr months now, you stayed on the bottom 3 floors but when you got you schedule for this week, you see you have the labs. Excited about the promotion after being dumped by Sara, you girlfriend of four years, you get on the elevator and go up to floor 12. You clean the halls and office outside the labs. You start cleaning thd last office and start cleaning but...

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Menage a quatre 4

“I don't get it.” my mum said as we sat around the lunch table on Saturday, finishing the last of our wine. “What don't you get, Cynthia?” “Well, you've invited my son to become a member of your menage a quatre. In my opinion, after what I've seen of him with you three last night and today, he'd be mad if he didn't accept. The four of you seem great together. But doesn't 'menage a quatre' imply some sort of exclusivity? I've been having the best sex of my life with the four of...

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Clementine in HellChapter 6

After a wait of several hours she was taken upstairs and into a room which she realised was a court. A charge was read out. She had been seen in a state of nudity climbing a national monument and this insult to the country's dignity was to be severely punished. They gave her a choice. "Miss Anderson! You have been convicted of a very serious offence against public decency. This is not your own decadent country and you should realise that as a guest you have a duty to respect our ways. You...

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Salvation Ch 7 Entertainments

She was able to see all the intertwining buildings that made up her beloved St Saviour’s and the long tree-lined drive that was now showing signs of wear due to the increased number of visitors. “Today, we are going to have so much fun!” she told herself. The newly built dungeon will at last come alive with the sound of children’s screams, as they struggle to entertain the lusting audience. Alice had to pinch herself to be reminded that this wasn’t a dream. The very thought of...

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Maria Mendez

(Please feel free to write your chapter if I like it I will add it to the story) Hi my name is Maria Mendez. I'm 37 years old. Despite having three kids I still look good for my age. I stand 5 foot 6 inches tall. Im a honey skinned mexican milf. 36c voluptuous breast with all the exercise I do I manage to keep my tummy and my 40 inch ass tight. It was Friday morning when the sudden noise of the alarm clock woke me up. 4:15 ugghhh!!! Time to go drop Dan off. Dan is my husband. I married him...

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297 PT1 The last atonement

297 PT1 The last atonement! This in pt1and 2 is a 100% true story as given to me by the lady concerned, some features of it some will find distasteful and normally I would not deal with in my normal course of writing, but because its true I have included the whole sorry story in her own very precise wordsThe last atonement! I was going through a bad patch emotionally, things were very difficult at home and I was in a rather dark place, I knew I needed some release from the mental struggle of my...

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Consequenses of Embezzlement

The Consequences of Embezzlement Synopsis ? Rather than taking his and his friend’s wife to court for embezzling a considerable sum of money, Alan hands them over to ‘The Organisation’ for punishment and disposal. ? ? The Consequences of Embezzlement ? by obohobo ? ? Warnings ? Please take note! ? The text in this story contains erotic material and is expressly written for adults only. ? MF NC. Spanking ? If you are underage or offended by such material, or if viewing this file is illegal in...

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MenagerieChapter 2

I walked Shelly from her cabin down to the courtyard and found the rest of my pets already stripped out of their outfits. Not that nudity was an issue when they were just lying on the beach or frolicking in the warm ocean water. I only expected them to wear their outfits in the public areas. The outfits didn’t make any real effort to cover their bodies, but it identified them to anyone who may be visiting the island as the pets in my menagerie. It was an important distinction as we only had...

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The woman hurried towards me, then when she was close enough for there to be eye contact, she pulled up. For a moment I thought she was going to run away. Then she put one foot in front of the other, moving at a snail’s pace.“Martin?” she asked, extending a cautious hand.“And you must be Meghan,” I said as we shook.“Sorry I’m late. Only…”“Think nothing of it.” I glanced up at the town hall clock, as I had done at intervals for the past quarter of an hour, registering each passing minute,...

Wife Lovers
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Eighteen months later…Tobias sat on the sofa contentedly sipping his wine, pleasantly weary after a full remit of parish ministering. Leaning back, he surveyed the cosy domestic scene before him.His dear wife, Lucy was finishing the last of the household sewing for the day, her hair gleaming softly in the lamplight. Meanwhile, their baby son of nearly five months gurgled and cooed to himself in his cot, having just been fed.As he did every evening about this time, Tobias took another mouthful...

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Tobias’ calmly determined mindset got him through the days that followed. He tried not to expend any more time or worry on the Lucy situation. He scolded himself that he had wasted more than enough energy over the past weeks moping and agonising over whether or not she had rejected his suit.                                                           His refreshing night with his good friend Meg had soothed his nerves (as well as other bodily parts). Also, given that she had promised to try to...

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Tobias started the Sabbath day in a buoyant mood. When in church, old Mr Hodges woke up from an apparently vivid dream in the middle of the sermon, no doubt recalling some ancient wrongdoing. He yelled loudly when Tobias was in full flow about turning the other cheek, “I’ll get ye for this if it’s the last thing I do, ye rotten bastards!” Even this slightly awkward interruption did not disturb Tobias’s sense of inner well-being.After all, he had virtually plighted his troth to the lovely Lucy...

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Tobias departed from Meg’s little cottage at a more advanced hour than he had anticipated, leaving the luscious Betty sated (at least temporarily) and still a-bed. Aware of the approaching dusk, he hurried towards the main thoroughfare of the town, hastily tucking in his shirttails as he went. Thankfully he met no one he knew who might question why a vicar from another parish might be loitering so late about the street en deshabille.As he reached the coaching inn, he was fortunate enough to...

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It was Saturday morning when Tobias hastened from the church after yet another meeting with his churchwarden, hoping, at last, to get some free time to compose his Sunday sermon. He was not usually so behind with such duties but his week had been rather overwhelmed by an unasked-for visitor in the shape of his soldier brother’s former mistress, the actress Miss Fifi Fontayne.The anxiety of trying to get rid of her before she caused a scandal, plus the fact that she regarded him as some sort of...

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Even in his half-awake state, Tobias realised that things were not quite as they should be. Beyond his almost closed eyelids, the bedroom was bright, but the angle of the sun seemed lower and more golden in tone than was normal in the morning. He started to become more aware of his surroundings and as he did, he noticed that he seemed to be pushed to one side of the bed and also, that something was tickling his nose.As he came to full consciousness, he realised that he was not alone, which...


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