Part 1 free porn video

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In the beginning

I was down the bottom of the garden hiding behind the shed. It was my favourite of all the places in our overgrown garden where I performed my ritual, a ritual that seemed to get more frequent as time went on. Of course, at the age of 10 you don’t notice or worry about that sort of thing especially if you’ve already been doing it 2 years.
I was leaning against the fence with my trousers and pants halfway down my legs squeezing my cock and feeling it grow. I continued until it was very hard and soon the familiar feeling washed over me. Then strangely as always, the feeling would subside and I would hastily re-arrange myself and see if I had been missed.
I had other favourite places –up trees, in the garage, and of course my bedroom as well as (later on) up in the attic but none held the same attraction of the garden.
I can’t remember exactly when I first started doing it or for that matter found out the pleasure it gave me but without knowing, I had discovered a primitive form of masturbation.

My dad was struck by a car whilst riding his bicycle the day before my 3rd birthday. He was hospitalized for many years and didn’t go back to work for almost 12 years. Being stuck at home he took out his frustration and anger on my mum. The house was always the scene of his ranting and raving and even as a young boy I can remember escaping to my bedroom but still hearing words that one shouldn’t at that age.
Consequently, things around the house never got done. A window would crack and eventually start to break, a tap would start to leak, or the garden would need tending. None of this got any attention as my mother struggled to bring me up and look after dad on her own. Soon the house was in a state of disrepair while dad continued on with his shouting.
I didn’t have a happy c***dhood as you can imagine. The only enjoyable times I remember were losing myself in the extensive, overgrown gardens…

Jumping forward a bit to the spring of 1981, I was on holiday with my mum staying with her friends in Edinburgh. I remember she was speaking on the phone to the mum of a school friend back in home. She turned to me and asked if I’d like to go abroad with him and his parents that summer. Even though I said yes I was immediately frightened at the thought of flying for the first time and being in a faraway place. Little did I know the train of events that had been set in motion.
My friend's parents were well off. His mum, owned a clothes shop that catered for the ‘bigger’ sized lady. His dad owned a car repair garage. I never cared much for his dad who I was a bit afraid of but his mum was another matter.
In her early thirties, she was red headed and had a very trim figure. She was also lewd and very broad minded. To a young boy, the things she would do or the way she always said rude remarks to other adults would give me strange feelings down below. It wasn’t long before I realized that I wanted her as my girlfriend.
When I look back I suppose she did certain things innocently, thinking that I was oblivious. One time I remember we were down her shop and while her son and I played near the till she went into the little toilet in the back. She never closed the sliding door and on this occasion I could just see tights and knickers rolled down to her knees as she sat on the toilet. Although I didn’t ‘see’ anything, I could hear the tinkle of her pee and I think that was the start of me and my watching ‘thing’ that has followed me to this day.
It was from that moment on that I started to pay more attention to my women’s bodies. Nudity had taken on a different meaning for me and its innocence was lost. I was Adam and her tights & knickers were that first apple he picked. Events had been put in motion that could never be undone.
Without me even realizing at the time, I had started having my first fantasies…

The Bus Shelter
Mum used to let me play in the garden for hours on end without supervision knowing I would never go out of the front gate. Well she didn’t think I did but one day I got brave and ventured the few feet or so across the road to the middle of our crescent. There I found an overgrown piece of council ground with some sort of spooky single storey building in the middle. At first, I would only go in there for a moment then run back to our garden. Gradually I got bolder and would sometimes wander around in the bushes for longer.
One day while I was in there, I was kicking around in the rubbish behind a bus shelter that backed onto the piece of land when I saw it. A magazine laying in the damp grass with pictures of people on it. As I looked closer at the pink shapes my heart sped up as I realized that the people were women and that the women were not wearing anything.
Picking it up, I quickly tucked it in the top of my trousers and hid it under my t-shirt. Hurrying back to the garden, I sneaked in past mum and up to my bedroom without her suspecting anything underhand. Once in my room I had a closer look at the magazine seeing it was damp and having to peel the pages apart carefully lest they ripped. The images that greeted me nearly made me faint, I had never seen such pictures before and was speechless.
As I mentioned the book was in need of some TLC. Laying it in a drawer in my room I carefully separated each page with Lego bricks to allow things to dry. Then I closed the door and left the room to go back to the garden before mum discovered I’d been missing. I eventually was called in for dinner and subsequently forgot all about my find until I went to bed.
Making sure I heard mum close the living room door, I quietly retrieved the slightly drier book and getting back in bed, examined it with just my bedside light on. Right off there was lots of text which I decided to read at a later date as the many pictures looked much more interesting. The women were a lot younger and skinnier than my mum and were in various states of undress. Some were taken in houses and I noticed with interest that some were taken outside, mirroring my favourite location for all things naughty. After scanning mouth wide open for 5 minutes I made some discoveries – women had a hole at the front as well as one for the bum, tits could be all different sizes, and that my cock was bigger and harder than it had ever been before even though I hadn’t thought to even touch it yet!
I spent half an hour squeezing it until it was quite painful so I turned over on my front. One technique I used in bed was to lay on my front with the palm of my hand under my cock and rock my bum so my cock went back and forth across my palm. Here I was now with the book on the floor open at a large picture of a woman with her legs open. My head was hanging off the bed and as I frantically rocked I suddenly felt a wave wash over me different than any before. At the same time my hand felt warm and wet and panicking I turned over and sat up in bed.
On investigation of my pyjamas I found a white sticky substance which I realized straight away from conversations with boys at school was the hallowed spunk they had talked about and we had all said we could do just to not feel the odd one out. The holy grail had been achieved – YES!
It didn’t take long for my mood to change as I realized mum would probably see the stain in them and I’d be in big trouble. I put the magazine back in the drawer with my patented drying device (in truth I never did market that ‘Lego-dryer’ invention!). I then sneaked to the bathroom and after wiping the worst of the spunk on toilet paper, rinsed the offending area under the tap.
Returning to my room, I hung them over my bedside table to dry and got in bed. I can remember having vivid dreams that night about women with no clothes on showing their bits while I did naughty things to myself. I awoke in the morning to find myself still half naked and quickly pulled on my trousers having checked their was no stain to be found first. That day at school was a blur for me as I thought of nothing but the magazine all day.
I can’t remember what eventually happened to that magazine. Maybe I sold it or more likely wore it out!

The VCR - what a great invention
My parents had moved into a house on the outskirts of town when I was 2 years old. This took me away from the area where most of my school friends lived. I found myself far enough away from them that my only company most of the time was my cousin, who I saw a lot as mum visited her sister. We practically grew up together as I suppose our mums did when they were younger.
My father was tight with money so they always seemed to have gadgets and stuff that we were denied. One such thing being a Betamax VCR which as far back as I can remember, they had before anyone else. The nights we spent watching films that they’d hired if there was nothing good on TV made me marvel at the device. More excitement came when a big Mercedes panel van used to drive up and down the Streets, the inside housing wall to wall shelves of films. One of the highlights of a night was standing in the back of it while his father chose some tapes.
One day while we were in the house alone playing hide and seek, my cousin found some hidden tapes. He hadn’t told me at first, and knowing they were hidden for a reason had watched them whilst his parents were out. It was only whilst we were talking one day about sex (we did this a lot) that I noticed he knew more than I did. This from a boy 2 years younger than me!
I asked him how he knew so much and he confessed about the tapes saying he always watched them when his parents were out and that they changed them for different ones each time the big van came. I remember going on at him for ages to let me see one until he finally relented. His dad was at work and his mum had just popped to the corner shop. I waited as he put it on and what I saw blew my mind. All the pictures I’d seen in my magazine and all the talk at school about shagging, fingering, etc finally made sense as I saw it in real life, WOW!
We didn’t watch much as we didn’t have time but from that moment I wanted to see as much as possible. Now armed with more 1st hand knowledge I was a true expert and my standing amongst the boys at school rose markedly.

Early voyeurism
So by now my masturbation had gone from the odd chance I got without being caught to practically whenever I could and I would even chance my arm a bit now not realising at the time that the thought of getting caught added to the excitement. Sexual events seemed to start to take off also which I suppose was just the age I was at.
A school friend was one of the more advanced k**s at the school so it was fun hanging out with him and I always made sure the topic of conversation got onto sex. He had an older cousin who told him loads and he then passed it on to me. One of the things he talked about was ‘wanking’ which apparently made you 'cum'. Well I already had the cumming off to a T but what the hell was wanking?
One day we were walking over the park near an old wartime pillbox beside the river and we’d been discussing this wanking thing. I got my friend to show me and we both laid in the grass out of sight and with our trousers down as he demonstrated. I followed suit, very excited to be seeing another boys hard cock close up for the 1st time. Strangely I wasn’t shy at showing off mine either even though by now I had started hiding from my mum for fear she saw me naked.
As soon as he saw my cock he remarked how big and hairy it was which confirmed my suspicion from what I’d seen in the changing rooms. His was like all the others I’d seen, thin and shrivelled up with no pubes. At least it was harder than those I’d seen before though as I watched him wank it between 2 fingers I was smug in the fact I could get my whole palm around mine.
Neither of us shot our load that first time and when I tried the new technique at home not only did it feel strange but I couldn’t cum doing it that way either. Anyway that didn’t matter because now I had a partner in crime. Every time he came round mine which was a quite a bit now, we would both wank in my room. I noticed he didn’t really watch me much but just concentrated on what he was doing instead. For me though the watching was the best bit and I soon started to like the new found technique as well.
This went on for quite a few months and I can’t remember exactly when but things got a lot better one day. It was actually an evening and I was sleeping over at my cousins. We were bathing together as we always did but this time as we got out for some reason I had a right stonker. Anyway, his mum and dad did the usual ‘we’re off down the local pub’ routine and left us alone all evening. All my cousin talked about was how big and hard I was, like the blokes in the films we’d sneaked looks at. In his bedroom I told him about wanking and showed him how I did it.
Next thing he was doing it too, again I noted his cock was smaller than mine (he was 2 years younger) but no smaller than my school friends. I can’t remember all the events of the night but we ended up feeling each others hard ons and wanking each other off a bit before his parents came home and we had to stop. We carried on the next morning with the bed in front of the door in case anyone should try and come in.
Wanking with my cousin and my school friend went on for a while on and off. I must admit that looking back, my school friend didn’t seem quite that bothered about the whole thing. He always seemed deep in concentration when he was wanking and would only do it for a short time leaving me to carry on after he had stopped. My cousin was a different matter, arguably because he was younger and didn’t see anything wrong with it I suppose.
What ever the reason, we gradually progressd onto blow jobs and egged on by the films we had watched i even got my cousin to stick his cock in my arse. Although it would never go in properly I have to say that it was a great feeling. Gradually I worked it more one sided where he would suck me off only. He would only do it for so long at a time but I knew right then that it was the best feeling ever.
Over the next month or two the thing with my school friend gradually faded out as I guess he had had enough so it carried on with my cousin who by now was very willing to wank and see my cock all the time but had gone off the blow job thing. In fact one day while we were in my room wanking, I shot my first load doing it that way right in front of him. After that, I could pretty much cum at will and all before the age of 13!

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I usually never drink but my friend was getting married and I had a few glasses of champagne. I was drunk and Jim said he would take me home. Instead he took me to his house and I woke up the next day naked in his bed full of cum and Jim was sucking one of my nipples as he finger fucked my cunt. When I stirred he looked at me and said "Your tits are amazing. Big and round and firm with nice plump nipples. I sucked them a lot last night." Then he pressed his hard dick against my leg and it was...

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PARTY1.TXT 1 of 4. by Cindy V. femdom, TV, humil Dear Readers: This is a four part story that I wrote as a followup to an introductory story written by someone else. In the introductory story our hero lets his girlfriend Annie put panties and makeup on him for what he thinks is a little harmless fun between the two of them. She has other ideas ... The doorbell rings, and you tell me to the answer it. But I'm dressed only in panties. You smile sweetly and insist that I answer it...

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Princess of Castile chapter 8

Princess of Castile By Jennifer Reed Chapter 8: Storm This story is set in the world created by Rikki in the Marriage of Martin Hastings that he began some time around 2010. These events in this story occur around three to four years after the events in Rikkis story. "She didn't take my crown away," Alejandra protested to Dianna. "I allowed her to have it. I wanted her to be the Empress. And I wanted to be the Princess working with her behind the scenes. I arranged for...

1 year ago
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Rebeca gets smothered unconscious with a bathing cap

100% fiction! Rebeca walked slowly into the studio, she was surprised at how small it was, only about twelve feet by ten, it was small, the floor was covered with a thick rubber mat which gave way slightly as she walked on it, she stood in the middle of the room looking around. She noticed a small window in the wall, the glass was dark, Rebeca walked over to it and pushed her face hard against it, she pulled back eyes wide open in horror, "oh my god, no, no no" she had seen her mother in there...

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One of those daysChapter 12

By the time darkness fell outside his window, Jimmy thought he would burst with excitement. He had eaten and drank nothing since breakfast, taking his mothers advice to conserve his strength for the initiation, limiting his exploration of the astral realm to a brief foray into the forthcoming night: what he saw only served to whet his appetite and when his parents came to tell him it was time, he was prepared for everything and stood silently as they draped him in a thick, crimson robe edged...

2 years ago
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Working Out Never Felt So Good

Introduction: A little twist, written from his POV (Can you guess which of the girls I am? ,) )… I was just finishing up my workout at the gym, cooling down and doing some crunches when these two girls came over to the workout area, setting up their mats just in front of me. They were likely in their late teens or early 20s, and each having dirty blonde hair, brown eyes, lovely smooth golden-tanned skin and navel piercings framed by their smooth, flat tummies. One of the girls was wearing a...

3 years ago
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Rub A Dub Dub

When we got back to my brother’s place, Sylvie was still not there. Donna and I went into our room and I helped her out of her frock, panting slightly. The sun had browned her back and thighs, but her demure one-piece bathing suit had left the rest creamy white. We took a cool shower together, soaping and caressing each other. “Hey,” she said through the rushing of the water. “Why don’t you shave me?” I didn’t need to be asked twice. I grabbed my shaving gel and razor and rubbed...

2 years ago
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A Remembrance Amongst EqualsChapter 2

“Ooh, I’ve been wandering round. But I still come back to you. (Still come back to you.) In rain or shine, you’ve stood by me, girl. I’m happy at home. (Happy at home.) You’re my best friend.” -Queen, “You’re My Best Friend” (This chapter takes place in the morning hours on the day of “A Conversation Amongst Equals.”) “TROY!” Julie shouted as she emerged out of the gantry from the plane and into the terminal of Ted Stevens International Airport. The bleariness of the redeye flight cleared...

4 years ago
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Bare AssetsChapter 17

It was a bright summer Sunday morning in a naturist camp. Outside, birds were creating a symphony of sounds within the cypress swamp in expectation of the usual morning shower coming. We all had gotten up early to help with the bed and breakfast. We now had ten cabins, with the last five under construction. When everything was rented and we fed everyone, it really took a lot to feed all of the visitors. Sunday morning was special though, as we made a huge country breakfast of ham, sausage,...

3 years ago
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Oh So Friendly Part 2

I left home to attend Texas A&M and study animal husbandry and business administration. I enrolled in those courses by chance. My original choice was to get a liberal arts degree just so I could say I had a college degree. Then I met a young woman named Colleen. She took me to bed, learned I knew how to make sex last for an hour or more and was interesting to talk to. She invited me to room with her. Not long after we began to room together Colleen pulled a fast one on me. She had a slut...

1 year ago
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The Submissive Slutwife

My wife Becky and I are a fun couple who both enjoy all forms of sex play. We have an open marriage which means that, although we are married, we do occasionally play with others. It's strictly sex and fun with no emotional commitments, and we both have to discuss and agree before either of us goes with someone else. But it has worked out well for us. We have been playing around with others for the last four or five years. I love to watch her with other men and women, and she loves to be...

Wife Lovers
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Dannis Lesson

by TMS414 I guess the best place to start would be with a little background. First off my name is Tim. I live with my daughter Danelle, the only woman in my life since her mother died when Danni was 14 in a car crash. My wife had a life insurance policy which took care of me and Danni, and once she died I sold our old house and used the money from the sale and the insurance and moved Danni and I into a smaller house. No sense in having a big house with too many memories for just the two of us....

4 years ago
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Roses video Chapter 8 Kate And Rose talk

POV: KateI lied down on the bed. "Wow, Lil and Maria are like sexual angels. I just great sex with them yesterday and I feel like I'm having the biggest hangover of my life. I can still walk, but they warped my mind. I feel completely depleted, and I can barely think straight too. I feel just how I did the day after I had sex with Rose. My whole world seemed to turn upside down, and now I just don't know what to think. Although, I do know this: it was too good to just cut myself off from her. I...

2 years ago
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The White Guilt PimpChapter 30

When Marci’s mother came home, she was surprised that Marci wasn’t downstairs. She went up to Marci’s room and noticed that her computer was gone and she saw the note. When she learned that Marci had run away because of her parent’s racism, she felt sick. She frantically called her husband. He told her to call the police. In the meantime, he went to the train and bus stations and showed Marci’s picture. Of course, no one had seen Marci. That night, they called all of Marci’s friends to see if...

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The PowerChapter 3 Dates and Dalliances

Along around the beginning of November an astonishingly strange thing occurred, or at least it seemed strange at the time. It was Friday night and the only one going out on a date was Sue! Both Mom’s and my dates came down with the flu, while Sue announced that she was going to her first high school dance. She was very excited, since this was to be her first ‘date’ date. Mom had said no dating until sixteen but had relented so that we could date once we got to high school, and my sister had...

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Purity Comes To Visit Part 4 of the Retirement Village series

After I got back from St. Lucia, the time just went by in a whirl. Twice a week, Marilyn spent the night with me and Marcia also visited another night and also at the weekend. I felt great, though at times lacking a bit of sleep, but it was worth it. The Saturday before Christmas, I drove Marcia to Gatwick to meet Purity from her flight that was due to arrive early in the morning. We got there at about eight am just before the Virgin flight landed. Marcia was wound up tight, like a spring,...

2 years ago
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Black Cock Party

I am going to skip ahead during the same time frame that I stayed with Bob and share with you the wild evening I had at a party that Bob and I attended. Bob had been an athlete and even though he was now in his late twenties, somehow he had friends that were current athletes. He was pretty popular and was invited to a lot of parties. This particular party was huge and there were tons of people. The house was full of guys of all races and many hot girls as well. The music was pumping while...

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Arlene and JeffChapter 174

"But ... I enjoyed some of it," Hope whispered. "I hated most of it, but sometimes ... sometimes I came. I orgasmed. I'm a whore." Jennie wrapped her sister in her arms, Hope's body now wracked with sobs. "Hush, Baby. Hush. You're not a whore. You're just normal," Jennie kept saying as she added her tears to Hope's. After a few minutes, Jennie pushed back to look Hope in the eye. "You were raped. You were raped every time you did it against your will. And ... our bodies are...

1 year ago
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NFBusty Cathy Heaven Finish The Job

A silky robe gapes open to show off Cathy Heaven’s massive breasts and flat belly. Her bra and matching thong are an enticing sight as she lets her robe puddle to the floor and feels up her lush curves. This petite bombshell is all about seducing her boyfriend Thomas Stone as she pulls her boobs out to massage the large globes. Strutting towards Thomas in her high heels, Cathy leans in so her lover can open his mouth to suckle her tender nipples. Then she presses him back onto the bed so...

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Making Good Better Part Two

On Wednesday of that week, we received an engraved invitation that said Doug and Christy were having a pajama party on Friday night, and we were the honored guests. Neither Lynn nor I had any idea what to think of it. I called Doug at work to ask him for details. He just said it would be a casual affair and not to wear anything too formal. They would be dressed in pajamas as a part of the night's theme. If we were offended by the idea, he said to wear anything that we thought was comfortable....

Group Sex
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The Upstairs Neighbor

The Upstairs Neighbor I rent a house and live in the bottom half. The top half is a separate apartment. The house is a corner house and the garage is on the side of the house away from the corner. So the upstairs neighbor has to walk from the driveway around the front of the house and then half way down the side to a separate staircase upstairs. The bottom half of the house has a complete windowed alcove off the back door from the kitchen and some steps with screen doors to the front and the...

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