A Room In London free porn video

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Now the deed was done, he didn’t know where to look. There he was with his rapidly wilting cock seemingly lying in the liquid proof of the beautiful girl’s excitement and yet the enormity of what he had just done loomed towering above him. He needed to run, to flee the scene of this vilest of presumptions. For right now he felt hollow and hated himself more than he ever had before even during this lowest of patches in his already lowly life. But he did not.

Now in the stark light of what he had done, there came a guilt and a shame the likes of which even he had never felt before. Yet behind this there was also a tempering… His organ had been in forged in the furnace of Her arse and was now quenching in the oil of Her pleasure. With it there was born a nascent new character; the quiet, docile boy had now become a man and though he would always maintain a compassion, a politeness and an unwillingness to resort to profanity except where it was most suitable possibly even expected: henceforward he would be much more the Dom… At this moment in time though he was still a tentative and unsure Dom and his bravado which had been born from what could easily be considered insanity was fading fast. Logically he should get up and leave as quickly as he could.

Pet was stunned, the fiercely intense heart in Her perfect breast fluttered as though it were a pennant in a force nine gale, the pain in Her so rarely used but pert little bottom filled her acute senses as She lay still; trying to clam her breathing whilst Her limpid eyes were drowsy with the afterglow of an unusually potent orgasm. She hadn’t expected the first encounter with the man who had been Her devoted shadow for so long now to be so abrupt and forceful, in truth She had almost given up hoping he would dare to approach Her at all. Now though She was already hoping that he would visit Her again and that it would be very soon that he did so.

Mistress too was stunned. For all the while that Pet had been Hers Mistress had known She could never tire of the spectacle of Her pet being abused, but what She had just witnessed even in it’s unlovely graceless brutality had excited Her in a way She had not known in some while. She considered Herself one of the pre-eminent judges of dominant character and though the clay of this one was coarse indeed Mistress suspected that he would make for a most competent Dom if only were he given the minimum of guidance. Her breath was still quickened by the sight of Her beautiful pet being so thoroughly used though and it would not be done to reveal Herself to this man in any other state than serene – though steel eyed – calm. She waited quietly for Her breath to slow, and with Her own dampness slowly drying on Her elegant fingers She teased Her soft lips with just the tips of Her digits, revelling in the slightly salt pelagic taste, once Her composure was returned She rose with a fluid grace to approach the scene of debauchery She’d so recently enjoyed observing.

He should rise, regain his feet, adjust his clothing and flee this place as soon as he could. In the back of his mind was the thought that he would leave all manner of forensic proofs of his presence and actions in his wake and as such fleeing would be all but pointless anyway. So, whilst he did adjust clothing again so that he no longer looked foolish he did not leave, instead he crouched reverently beside Her. To apologise seemed trite and ridiculous so instead as he gently even reverently stroked the lovely lustrous hair at the back of Her head and in a voice barely more than a whisper he said;

“Thank You sweet girl, that was honestly the most exhilarating experience of my life.”

Her reply in a small quavering voice shocked him:

“No Sir, thank you, I enjoyed it too...”

Now he was utterly confused. He had already concluded he would now simply wait and accept his fate; there was no point running, nor did he want to, he just wanted to be near Her for as long as he could remain so. In a vain attempt to make Her more comfortable though he reached beneath this beautiful girl to release Her tortured nipple from the bite of the bull dog clip, but just as he did so;

“No, leave it where it is, She can take it, in fact I think She rather likes it.”

The voice was rich, feminine and distinctly well educated. At it he pulled his hand back as though it had been scalded and was so surprised by it, even as he turned to consider this new presence he stumbled and fell backward; sprawling comically like a turtle flipped over onto its shell. It was the other girl who lived with Pet, the one who seemed so very superior in their relationship. While he considered his girl quite the most beautiful person he had ever seen this newcomer had an aesthetic which surpassed mere beauty; classical goddesses from antiquity must have appeared to mortal men as She did to him now. Her hair was the most wondrous Titian and the smoke like silk of the robe She wore caressed more than covered a form which any artist who ever saw Her would beg to have as a muse. With Her so close to him, so immediate She was too elegant, too deific to be thought just beautiful, no one word however complimentary had yet been coined that he could use to fully express just how pleasing and desirable he found Her, had he been able to; but in this now increasingly surreal situation at Her arrival he could only stare wide-eyed his mouth gaping open. Even if he had words to do justice to it, he was dumbstruck by Her appearance.

“Don’t move pet, myself and Your new friend it seems have much to discuss, thank You though You did so very, very well. Mistress is pleased with You.”

Though he could not see it at these words pet’s face burst into a beaming smile and a shiver at once of both pride and joy coursed through Her, the bite of the clips which had so tortured Her sensitive nipples now did not ache nearly so much now that She knew She had pleased Mistress.

As She considered his aghast expression and lowly position the elegant woman couldn’t help but smile as She spoke;

“My man, do not fret yourself, I assure you all is well. Despite the circumstances and your distinct lack of formality in approaching my pet here I am delighted to finally meet you. However please do get up I have no wish to converse with you on the floor.”

Not unsurprisingly he didn’t move. He was still reeling from all that had happened. He had made the decision to accept his fate and after ensuring that his girl was as comfortable as he could make Her he had fully intended to offer to remove himself to the pavement outside and wait until the police arrived to arrest him and cart him away. Now instead of facing several years behind bars for his b**stly act it now seemed not only that he would remain at large but he might also be permitted to see Her again… By now Mistress was almost chuckling as she repeated;

“Good lord man, do please get up, it is only my pet who should be on the floor!”

Shifting Her gaze a little She addressed the girl;

“Now You may get up slut, tidy up here then get us refreshments, our new friend and I will be in my study.”

The girl leapt to Her feet with gymnastic grace, the chain which still secured the clips on Her now exquisitely painful nipples chinked musically across Her back at the swiftness of Her movement. As She crouched to collect her discarded - and often unwanted - clothing She could feel his copious ardour slowly seeping from Her rear hole, she used Her blouse to wrap the brush and soak up the worst of the evidence of Her own ardour which had pooled on the floor before scampering off to the kitchen to do as She was bidden.

He couldn’t help but follow Her departure with an intense admiring glance, before with another popping of his now slightly painful knees he struggled to get to his feet. As he did so, just how inelegant he must look beside Mistress flashed through his still lumpy thoughts, but he couldn’t concentrate on that what with the image of pet’s rapidly retreating bottom filling his vision. It wasn’t until this was gone that he shook his head and was able to direct his attention to the Mistress.

For so long his life had been almost devoid of anything aesthetic, here now in this enchanted house his eyes were almost seared by the intense beauty of all that he saw, it was difficult to look directly at Her, he simply couldn’t – yet – look into Her face, he was though slowly realizing that She wished to talk with him and had even invited him into Her inner sanctum…

By turns during which She became increasingly amused at his grovelling on the floor, he finally found the wherewithal to face the charming Mistress who deigned to address him, his gaze though started at the floor beneath Her, Her robe did not quite reach the floor so the daintiest – despite Her height –of feet and a pair of well turned ankles were the first parts of Her that he really saw. The robe which clung to Her as though it did so with a willingness born of desire just to touch the exquisite flesh beneath was due to Her stance partly upon and as such hidden within he could see the silkiest and softest of long elegant legs, he longed to run his hand up this just to fully appreciate its complete smoothness. Everything about Her was the epitome of elegance and again he felt inadequate in Her presence, his gaze though was now too greedy to the see the whole of Her to stop in its ascent up Her fine body, the ample swell of Her breasts made him sigh as he noted the dark nipples beneath the pale silk that covered them. To look at Her face was almost to look into the sun itself, it was mesmerising but at the same time almost terrible in the perfection of its beauty, he never would be able to find the will to look directly at Her again but now at this moment in time doing so was almost an epiphany to him. Just that single occasion that he was able to see Her visage was enough to change him from that instant in time and evermore. No longer would he be weak and defeated by life, a timorous boy apparently in the body of a man facing a hostile world, but something much more. Somehow his sluggish brain was able to form the words to say;

“Oh M’Lady, lead on and I shall follow like a dog in Your wake…”

Chuckling She replied; "You must and will call me Rachel, all my friends do."

The slight emphasis She put on "friends" made his heart flip, already aware of the honour She did him by it, She spun on Her foot with a swirl of silk, and the last expression he actually caught a glimpse of was Her amusement. He was good to his word though and followed eagerly behind Her as they made the short progression to the study, Her dulcet tones wafted behind Her as She asked:

“I am delighted that You finally found an, err opportunity to introduce Yourself to slut sir, She I think has been intrigued by You for some while, as I admit have I. I cannot though continue to simply call You sir, how should I address you?”

“You might address me as You like Rachel, but my name is daniel. I can only beg Your forgiveness at my intrusion upon You, if You wish to call the police I will make no resistance simply waiting here for them or if You’d want me to wait outside I shall do so. Today has already been the most significant day of my life, If I never saw the light of day again it will have been worth the vile injustice I did to Your friend.”

“Let me assure You I have no issue with Your actions daniel, in fact I encouraged my pet in Her enticing of you, and you mistake our relationship; we are not merely friends. slut though is mine and I mean that in the strictest possessive sense of the word, I dislike the coarseness of the word slave but technically; though I have a wealth of feeling for Her She is indentured to me after willingly signing a contract which gave me that power over Her.”

He was stunned anew, even after only his observations it had been obvious that Mistress was very much the superior one in their relationship but to have it explained in such explicit terms was shocking. He though was already swelling again at the thought of it…

“So, so ,so You may command Her to do anything You wished?” he stammered.

“Well yes. I could even, if I wished to do so pass Her on to someone else, though of course I certainly do not think it will ever come to that because She pleases me so completely.”

At that his heart beat just a little faster and it had already been racing, the idea that his girl might actually just be transferred to someone, potentially even someone like him was truly staggering…

“…as to my pleasures and indeed those of my chosen associates though, yes I could command Her to provide Her charms to whomever I saw fit and I would do so fully expecting Her to give them willingly and energetically.”

They had by now arrived within the sumptuously appointed study, though it was more a boudoir than a room dedicated to stuffy paperwork. As every room in the house was it was chicly and elegantly decorated, Mistress had a fine eye for décor and the pet was a thorough cleaner when She needed to be, all was spick, span and in its proper place and the sun beat through the wide, tall windows to illumine the interior in its best light.

His head spun with all that had been so recently revealed to him. Now that he was able to consider a future at all, least of all one which might include such stimulating – in every sense of the word – company he stood straighter and with a head held higher than it had been in years.

She gestured to him to take a seat, as She lowered Herself into the slightly taller one just beside it and smiled enchantingly as She turned to him and said;

“We have much to discuss daniel, I pride myself on being a remarkable judge of character and I feel very strongly that you sir have not lived up at all to your potential. I know you are very much taken by my slut, believe me when I say you are far from the only one for She is that rarest of creatures a true submissive. However I think I know Her well enough to say She is not a little fond of You too.”

At this he found himself blushing and smiling stupidly simply at this news. The conversation that they had was shocking and eye opening to him. Where before he did not really consider that he belonged in this world or if he did so, just what his position within it was. As She talked in Her relaxing, honeyed, dulcet tone just what he was, was by degrees revealed. In his former life he would have laughed to be told by anyone that he was a Dominant, but when it came from Her not only was he able to believe it but was surprised that it hadn’t occurred to him before. Daniel would always thank and be indebted to Mistress Rachel for all that She revealed and encouraged in him, and it would not be exaggeration to say it was really Her who had saved him. Without Mistress and Her pet his future in the city would be have been short and final.

Pet was still breathing heavily and the little trickle from Her sore rear hole as She worked with dedicated efficiency made Her smile. He was wonderful… Perhaps a little rough around the edges and certainly not attractive but nonetheless She was ecstatically happy that he had chosen Her and used Her with such ardent passion. As She worked to prepare iced tea flavoured with fresh peaches She hummed happily to Herself and had now all but forgotten the rein that still crossed Her lower back. To the two tall glasses – which She had checked thoroughly for the merest hint of a smear – and jug which held the iced liquid on a plain brushed aluminium tray She added a plate of madeleines She had baked that morning before leaving for work and a bowl containing pistachio halva which She had carefully cut into regular sized cubes. To center herself before returning to Mistress’ presence She ran Her petite hands down Her chest to a delta still a little sticky from Her earlier excitement, breathing out slowly as She did so, as they brushed the wicked clips on Her nipples She shivered at the sensation. She was still aroused and Her heart beat fast within Her little breast, She briefly considered Her reflection in the darkened glass of the halogen hob and tucked an errant lock of hair behind Her ear before carefully lifting the now full tray and with eager steps returned to the study.

Just the lightest of scratching at the door was enough to alert Mistress to pet’s return even though She was still engaged in conversation with him, “You may come” She said, smiling as She did so for She knew just those words were enough to make pet blush prettily; the way She always liked to present Her to a new Dominant. The door swung open on soundless hinges to admit a refreshing little breeze with the girl who carried a laden tray.

“Thank You Mistress, the refreshments You requested.”

“Place them on the desk, then come and kneel here before me pet, You will be pleased to know that our new friend and I have further use for You.”

“Thank You Mistress, You are too generous” She responded happily; and cocking one leg in front of the other bobbed a curtsey that even in Her nakedness She made look elegant before on supremely willing feet moved to the desk and deposited Her load upon it. Eagerly She skipped back over to Her Mistress before seamlessly taking Her knees before Her. With Her head bowed reverently pet haltingly asked;

“Please, what might the happy pet do for Her Mistress?”

He was already achingly hard again from all that had been discussed between them, and Mistress’ words that confirmed he would get to use the girl again so excited him he sighed heavily. As his gaze rested on the pert little bottom nestled on dainty feet on the floor before him he spasmed with the delight of it; almost pushing him over the edge once more. Mistress’ intimate part was shielded from him by the head of the girl but he was more than happy in considering the sight he did have, as Mistress languorously opened wide Her long legs though, he shifted his gaze to see and the sight of what was thus revealed was enough to make him twitch again and gasp.

“Mistress is going to allow You the honour of showing Your devotion with Your little kitten tongue, whilst our new friend will I think want to acquaint himself with The lower hole of Yours he hasn’t yet discovered. After the both of us have found our pleasure - though young lady I forbid You from finding Yours at this time - and if he is willing our friend if he chooses, will take You downstairs to administer to You, where there and only there will I allow You cummies.”

He saw the girl shiver a little at the mention of “downstairs” he assumed with excitement and was intrigued by this but that was soon forgotten as he realized that he had also been permitted to soil Her ripe young body again so soon after the first time… He watched hungrily as pet dropped catlike onto all fours and lowered Her head willingly to Mistress’ loins. When pet was properly positioned, Mistress with Her strong right hand reached to lift the chain of the tit rein and juggled it slightly once or twice to gauge its weight as Her left hand moved possessively to rest on the back of the girl’s head. Mistress’s eyes closed tightly and Her neck relaxed meaning Her head lolled backward as soon as the skillful tongue started to lap greedily at Her, taking this as a sign that he could join in, he again with protesting knees knelt behind the girl and his coarse hands caught Her smooth hips as he slipped his length easily into Her already moist, warm welcoming cunt. They tripled slowly, lazily; though pet was still somewhat tortured if Mistress chose to raise the hand that still tightly held the rein, each of them found their pleasure intensely. Even though one of them, despite the intensity of the stimulation She received was not allowed to reach Her peak, She ached to and truth be told She had done more than enough to earn another cum but without permission doing so was simply inconceivable, She knew why She was present here and that was simply for the pleasure and benefit of the others. She hoped and willed that he would want to take Her downstairs so that after all She would be allowed at last to cum but knew that if he did so She would suffer much before She did…

Even at his most spry and masculine he had never before felt any desire to achieve again so soon after he already had, but here in company with Mistress and Her pet; his girl, he was so enthused and aroused he found himself pistoning into Her with almost as much desperation as he had earlier, his still heavy cods slapped Her belly painfully with the urgency of his strokes as he looked toward the beautiful flushed face of Mistress as Her head thrashed back and forth as She too ascended toward Her peak. With a great sigh he again flooded one of pet’s holes; pulling Her sharply back onto him, just as Mistress pulled back on the rein, pet’s cry of pain at this was muffled since Her face was buried in Mistress’ loins and tears mingled with the saliva from pet’s tongue and excitement from Mistress’ cunt as She too came with a keening wail. Through all this; though he had achieved inside Her and Mistress had achieved over Her pet knew She must not join them, with supreme effort of will even with such intense stimulation pet held back the floodgates of Her own orgasm even as the sweat broke out on Her brow and tears filled Her eyes.

He was spent in every manner, once he had groaned out the last of his achievement he fell backward drained of energy and his essence both. Mistress released the rein to fall over pet’s back once more and once She had caught Her breath stroked the soft lustrous hair slowly as She basked in the afterglow of Her achievement Her eyes still closed so that sleep beckoned, the girl though remained on Her knees shivering with excitement. They remained so for several moments, he on his back, Mistress lying back in Her chair still with pet’s face pressed into Her delta, pet still on Her knees. At length both Mistress’ arms fell to Her sides in exhaustion but it was with kindness now She look down at pet as she lazily said;

“Well done pet, it seems You have warn out both myself and our guest, Your eagerness to please never ceases to amaze me. Now though You must clean us both up thoroughly, perhaps if You do so with as much diligence as You’ve just shown daniel here might be persuaded to take You downstairs for a reward.”

“Yes Mistress, thank You Mistress though I have already been rewarded by Your company…”

Chuckling Mistress continued; “I know, You are indeed a good girl, but You were given an order girl best be quick about it.”

For the next few moments pet lapped diligently at Mistress’ delta this time more gently and with purpose and a desire to cleanse away as much of the liquid proof of Mistress’ delight as She could, pet’s face was already covered by it and Her now sweat dampened hair also fell onto Mistress’ flesh which aided the cleansing process. It was not very long even despite pet’s ministrations before Mistress fell into a well earned snooze, while aware of this pet continued with no less diligence till the task was complete. All the while he had been watching entranced by the obvious bond between the two women, and to his surprise the scene before him saw his arousal growing and a distinct tumescence to his already well used organ. Pet as though She were transfixed by the treasure before Her eyes remained staring at it for several seconds; after She had finished ministering to it, as She gently and reverently stroked Mistress’ smooth well muscled thighs. Once She was able to tear Her eyes away from the glorious sight She crawled backwards a couple of feet before turning to face him, rocking back onto Her dainty feet and with Her head bowed, Her lustrous hair falling in a curtain before Her face she asked quietly;

“May I clean You too now sir?”

Again he found himself stunned at Her compliance and it was a few moments before he was able to reply, he had just been staring flabbergasted. When he was able to speak his voice was cracked and shaky;

“Yes, You may, thank You girl.”

She crawled forward still upright, Her beauteous face still masked by the curtain of hair, though he did not see She licked Her lips hungrily. Bending reverently when She was close enough, She caught his slowly growing organ in Her gentle hands stroking it as though it were a well loved pet, three times She leaned in to kiss it then whisper “thank you” to it before taking it hungrily into the warm cavern of Her mouth to suck the taste of Herself from it. She concentrated just as hard on cleaning him properly as She had Mistress, by the time She was done he was fully hard and panting noticeably, his arms were wide behind him bracing himself upright and his head lolled backward to expose his throat with his eyes closed tightly. She rocked backwards again on to Her heels, Her face still hidden, She too was breathing hard but waited for Her breath to return to normal before in a quiet voice asking;

“May this girl ask a boon of You sir?”

His head came up smartly to look upon Her and he cleared his throat twice before replying;

“Of course You may, I already owe You so much, anything that’s in my power to give; if You want it is Yours.”

“Thank you sir, will You take me down to the dungeon to earn a cummie please? You may be as hard with me as you are able and would like to be if only I am allowed to achieve for you.”

“No girl, no You may cum now if You wish, You deserve it!” he readily replied.

She was still kneeling “I’m sorry Sir I can’t and You can’t permit me to do so, Mistress decreed that I must earn it and do so in the dungeon and I must be punished before I do, that’s what Mistress meant, She was generous to allow it but it is also up to You to allow and help me earn my pleasure, sir.”

When there had been mention of “downstairs” he’d assumed that Her room or quarters were there, he had now lost his voice entirely at this new revelation but wide eyed he nodded several times, evidently She was able to see him through Her hair despite Her bowed head for Her voice was jubilant and excited;

“Thank you sir, oh thank you!! I will pleasure you again first and please be as harsh as you want to sir. Mistress has trained me well to the whip and the belt, i’m so excited sir, I could cum now just a single touch to my bud would push me over…”

Turning again She grovelled at Mistress’ feet as She slept and caught up each foot in turn before planting a slow reverent kiss on them both. She was smiling broadly as noiselessly She stood and turned to him, showing the great spectacle of Her nakedness to him in all its glory, he couldn’t repress an appreciative sigh at the sight of it.

“Please follow me sir, and don’t imagine some musty rough stone crypt, the dungeon is more a playroom, comfortable and thickly padded, so my screams will not carry. I would though happily wear a gag if it please You sir, I can find my knix again if You’d want them used as such.” She informed him blushing slightly.

Her voice was ebullient and excited and she was obviously very eager to descend with him to the dungeon. Mistress had been correct when She opined that pet was fond of him: She was going to enjoy being punished by and to achieve for him, She was already damp and dripping slightly at the prospect … By now he was shaking his head and actually wondering if he was dreaming; he hadn’t had nearly enough sleep in a long while and his eyes were dark and sunken, he was now considering that logically the only explanation was that he had actually fallen asleep somewhere and this was really just fantasy fueled by his obsession. It was though by far the most realistic dream he had ever had and he silently cursed himself that he would very likely not remember a moment of it. Dream or not though he wasn’t going to waste a moment of it, so followed Her enticingly swaying derriere along the hallway to an anonymous everyday door on the left at its end. He saw Her lips move before She opened it, some personal private ritual sotto voce which though he was confident She would explain if quizzed he chose not to mention, as with the lightest protesting squeak – he assumed which had been allowed for some effect – the door opened to reveal a flight of bare dark wood stairs polished to a sheen leading downward…

He, being focused on the hypnotic swing of Her buttocks did not notice that as She descended these stairs She held Her breath and Her heart rate quickened as She reached the bottom step, here there was another heavier door which to his surprise opened soundlessly, light welled from within silhouetting Her in the doorway triggered he assumed by some motion detector which they had passed coming down here. She was noticeably shivering though it was not cold at all; pausing before crossing the threshold, his heart so long withered and unused went out to Her anew, he smiled warmly and tears crept to his eyes though he could not say just why they did so. When She did move into the room it was with the lightest of steps on Her very tiptoes, he followed Her in, his movements next to Hers were lumpen and unlovely but he was just as eager to get through the door as She had been.

After all that had already been revealed to him of this new fantastical world of pleasure that his girl inhabited he was already reeling, the "dungeon" was an altogether much more huge revelation to him though... It was as though that on passing through the door he had entered an entirely different world, once he was inside the room the door closed slowly and silently behind him without him pushing it to. She turned to him, Her face glowing and with a beaming smile She said;

"Isn't it wonderful? i'm so lucky Mistress allows me in and deigns to use me here..."

He wasn't really sure just what he had been expecting, stocks he had thought and maybe racks of restraints and implements for correctional beatings, perhaps a naked bulb and light that was stark and almost too bright. The space he found though was in keeping with the rest of the house, elegant tasteful, the floor was bare planks paler than the wood of the stairs but polished to the same the same shine, the walls were wood paneled too, there was no window obviously this room being below street level and whilst there was only one bulb it was within a pale red shade and the light it offered was warm and welcoming. In one corner was a cage though it contained opulent linens to keep any inhabitant warm, there was a horse of dark chestnut leather with think tan leather restraints already secured to its polished wooden legs and along the two side walls were indeed racks and racks of bindings, chains, plugs, crops, whips, paddles and all manner of items only most of which he knew or could fathom a use for, from the surprisingly high ceiling did hang a stocks along with chains and ropes both of smooth silk and coarse heavy hemp. The opposite wall though was dominated by a great St Andrew's cross, again wooden but stained almost black from which heavier black leather restraints hung by chains, it was seeing these that reminded him;

"Come here girl, i forgot You still have the rein on."

"Oh sir, it's fine it feels right to be wearing it here, please can i keep it on ...?"

"If that's what You really wish..."

"It is sir, it really is, Mistress said if i am to get to cum i will need to earn it and wearing Your rein is all part of that sir, and well umm it's yours, you put it on me and that means a lot to me too..."

"Alright girl, if You're sure, i want You to cum and very much so, what should we do?"

He raised his arms gesturing around the room and encompassing all the numerous possibilities that were open to them. He looked baffled by all the options.

"I don't really know where to start, what should i do to You and with what...?"

"That's up to you sir, do what you want, do with me what you want i will happily adopt any position and open any orifice for you sir, you are entirely in charge and i would not refuse any order from you sir. If though you are permitting me to choose my favourite manner to be abused, would you ummm, would you put me on the cross and beat my breasts sir...? While i'm wearing your rein i would find it exquisite and you could, errrr position a massager on my bud sir to stroke me as i was beaten..."

He looked around the room, along the numerous racks trying to imagine what a "massager" was, there was an array of vibrators and dildos and next to these something that looked like a mace; a wand with a bulbous head into which an electric cable ran, he assumed this is what She'd meant, he moved to the rack on which it hung and lifted it from the clips that secured it, surprised at its weight.

"Do You mean this...?"

She nodded eagerly, "Yes sir, that's a massager, it makes me feel all tingly when its applied to me." He flicked the switch on its side and his hand shuddered slightly at its action, its buzz was almost silent, but when he touched the jiggling head lightly the sound increased in intensity and changed in timbre, he looked up and now Her head was bowed again and She blushed noticeably at which he smiled his crooked smile.

"That's really what You want?"

"Yes sir! but of course if all you want to do is fuck me, you can do so over the horse until i squeal."

With the wand still in his hand buzzing quietly he looked from the horse to the cross, then back to Her; She had clasped Her hands behind Her back and stood legs slightly apart Her head still bowed.

"Position Yourself on the cross."

She was almost skipping as She moved swiftly to the far wall then stood arms held aloft above Her and with Her legs wide apart forming the shape of an X as She lent lightly against the cross. He looked again slowly about the room shaking his head just a little at all he saw, before he stalked across to confront Her. He placed the wand on a wide shelf just to the right of the cross so that his hands would be free to secure Her, She had already positioned Her wrists and ankles in just the perfect spots to be strapped into the leather restraints which hang from it. Her joints were so petite beside his own, he wondered again at just how delicate She looked whilst at the same time being so willing to suffer terrible treatment from those She so obviously cared about, but She smiled as Her hands were secured. As he bent to secure Her ankles too She instructed him further;

"You could get a belt sir or a chain and circle it around my waist so that You can hang the massager from it, even with it just resting on my bud it will be very stimulating...."

But he ignored Her, instead after he had checked that the shackles which held Her were secure he knelt before looking up into Her face as She looked down into his. She was so beautiful; again he felt tears creep to his eyes and still could not account for them.

"Oh Sweetness..." he breathed as he reached his right hand to her cunt and started to oh so gently manipulate and stroke it. She was so wet... He had always been fascinated by female masturbation and wanted to learn to do it well for Her, but his touch at the moment was inexperienced and awkward, even so just to feel his hand upon Her excited Her. He continued his gentle but inept manipulation in silence for several moments all the while looking in to Her face, it began to dawn on Her that he might want Her to cum quietly and without v******e to Herself quite unlike the manner which Mistress had instructed.

"Oh sir, please don't be gentle Mistress meant i had to suffer if i'm to be allowed to cum, beat me sir, hurt my breasts please sir!"

He said nothing for several moments but continued gentling Her, though in a quiet voice said;

"You'd better not cum then had You pet? And You will not speak again until i say You may."

With that he removed his hand from Her now soaking cunt, only seconds later to lean in closer and replace it with a still less skilled tongue. This was another skill he wanted to learn for Her. If he were to be permitted to see Her again he wanted to be able to please Her to the very best of his ability.

She tasted of the sea, he lapped at Her with clumsy strokes slowly for several minutes, by now She was biting Her bottom lip hard and violently shaking Her head, the muscles of Her flat stomach were beginning to spasm. It was the rattle of the tit rein that Her movements caused though that allowed him to realise just how close She now was. He stopped but his chin and lips were now covered in Her juices, he lent backward so that he could look up into Her face again but placed his hand flat on Her belly reveling in the play of muscle there. His voice was now husky as he asked;

"Do You want to cum girl?"

She nodded quickly, Her eyes were pressed tightly closed and Her breathing was rapid so that Her breasts swelled up and down appealingly with it. He smiled again, not a little pleased with himself,

"But You won't unless i hurt You...?"

The shaking of Her head was much more emphatic, almost violent in itself in fact.

"You may speak girl."

"Thank you, sir! Please sir, just abuse me till i can cum sir, just once after that if Mistress doesn't put a halt to it or summon me we can be more relaxed about it if that's what you want sir. If i'm to cum at all though my first achievement must be earned!!"

She spoke so desperately and with such rapidity that the words almost tumbled over one another. He couldn't with a good conscience tease Her any longer and so with knees protesting he got back to his feet, once more looking around the room his eye was drawn to a rack full of rods and canes. After some time in consideration of these, from it he lifted down a four foot length of rattan about an inch thick, perfectly straight with its base wrapped in leather cordage to form a handle and a lighter straight whip which ended in a wide leather flogger at its tip. He swung both through the air experimentally a couple of times and pleased with the results turned to Her held them up and asked hesitantly;

"Will these do Sweetness...?"

"Oh yes sir, what a good choice. Cut my breasts with the cane then beat my cunt with the flogger till i cum, please sir do that for me and then i'll do anything You want..."

How could he resist that? Though he was by now very willing, such punishments were another thing entirely to him... The three cuts of the cane he gave her breasts were awkward and the welts he left behind were far from parallel, but there was nothing false or exaggerated in the screams She gave in response to each of them. Her wailing was loud enough to unnerve him but She thanked him emphatically after each one and thus he was able to administer the next but after the third She begged him to use the flogger instead on Her still more tender part... His use of this was somewhat halfhearted and again clumsy but even so, each stroke of it was greeted by a satisfyingly wet slap, nor did it take many of those selfsame strokes to bring pet to the orgasm She'd been waiting for, She howled with pain and pleasure both as Her perfect little body was wracked by shivering spasms when the cummie so long denied coursed through it... It had been quite a sight, or rather an experience, accompanied by the clinking of the chain that still weighed on Her breasts from behind. When She finally came down from it She slumped like a rag doll supported only by Her bonds.

By now he was achingly hard again even despite his two earlier achievements, he wanted Her again...

It took several moments for Her breathing to return to normal, when it did and She could raise Her head to face him, it was glowing and all beaming smile and wide wide eyes.

"Thank you sir, thank you, thank you. What do You want to do to me now sir? I'll do anything, anything at all and entirely willingly."

He released Her and carried Her wilting form over to the horse, gently putting Her on to it sitting he knelt before and splayed Her legs so that he could again lap at the cunt he had so recently tortured. Her fingers knotted behind the back of his shaven bald head, pulling his inept but willing tongue onto Her and soon enough she rose again to another cummie, as it peaked She reached behind Herself to yank hard downward on the rein. By now he was oozing and together they removed the sheets from the cage before placing these on the floor, he had wanted at last to remove the rein but She begged him to let it remain and thus he laid Her down gently upon it before mounting Her and leisurely possessing Her cunt again... This was enough for both of them and they tumbled into sleep wrapped in each others arms with his now wilted organ still inside Her.

When She was sure they were sleeping Mistress clicked off the feed to the dungeon She'd been observing on Her monitor, so that She could get back to work. As She wrestled with the figures though She pressed Her thighs together and the dampness at their height made Her smile anew...

Same as A room in London Videos

4 years ago
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Facebook Fuck In London

This is a true story that happened to me 2 years back in London. I am not here to advertise myself as many others are, but I have been reading this site for a while and decided to post one of my true stories. To start with, I had come to the UK to do my higher studies. When you are out of your home country you start feeling lonely and spend more time on the internet. This is exactly what was happening to me. I used to sleep very late 2 or 3 am and used to surf on net, watch movies etc till late...

2 years ago
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My Secret Life Vol02 Chapter 11 Molly in London

VOLUME-2 Chapter XI Out shooting. • A female carter. • A feel in the train. • Molly in London. • Giles in town.-Fred on the scene. • Molly at the Hall. • Copulation in uniform. • A sham illness. • An afternoon with Molly. • She turns harlot. • Gets clapped.-Her baby. I was in wonderful condition. Early to bed, out-of-door exercise, good plain living, everything to make me so. I felt as if I could fuck all day. If one day I had neither of the women, the next day my prick stood from morning...

4 years ago
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Vampire Empire from London

The arrival of the Brigantine Sacrum Maya VI It is May 28, 1830, when Edward-Maximilian Williams went to work like every day. He is 23 years old and was born on December 31st, 1806 in London. Edward-Maximilian is 1.81 m tall, he has blonde hair, a mustache, gray-green eyes, a muscular body and his angular face usually has a smile on his face. Edward is an only child and his parents are. Skye is 45 years old and Edgar Williams is 55 years old. Edward's personality was characterized by friendly,...

1 year ago
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Facebook Fuck in London

This is a true story that happened to me 2 years back in London. I am not here to advertise myself as many others are, but I have been reading this site for a while and decided to post one of my true stories. To start with, I had come to the UK to do my higher studies. When you are out of your home country you start feeling lonely and spend more time on the internet. This is exactly what was happening to me. I used to sleep very late 2 or 3 am and used to surf on net, watch movies etc till...

3 years ago
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Lithuanian Wife and Cock Slut in London

The blended cultures and people where I live, about eight miles southeast of London, are very different than those of the small city outside of Vilnius, Lithuania where I was born and raised. Most people in Lithuania are the progeny of ancient Caucasian tribes, while the London metropolitan area has a mix of people and cultures from all over the world.My name is Isabel, and I moved to London when I was twenty years old. That’s where I met my Portuguese husband, Pedro, and we have a wonderful...

1 year ago
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Angels Of London

Some of you old-timers remember when banging a hooker meant trolling the seedy side of town, trying not to get shanked by a bum while getting a toothless beej from a crackwhore. The Internet has sure changed things, huh? These days, it’s safer and easier to find a girl to give you a handy for money. The girls at Angels of London are more than a few steps up from the local lot lizards, too.AngelsOfLondon.com operates under the motto, “Maximum Pleasure Very Discreet”. It doesn’t take a fucking...

Escort Sites
2 years ago
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Weekend in London

It is coming up to Easter weekend and I suggest a weekend in London . “Let’ s see what sexy fun we can have” I say. I book a hotel in central London for the Friday and Saturday. You pack your suitcases for the weekend but I am waiting for a chance to do a little unpacking. While you have a bath I open your suitcases and remove all your underwear, pants and long dresses. I only leave you with 3 miniskirts, 1 see through blouse, 2 low cut tops and a few pairs of stockings and suspenders. I...

2 years ago
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An online friend from the USA visits London

Another day of heavy rain in London.  I listened from my bed as the latest storm drove rain into the window. Outside I could hear the wind howling. Without even opening the shutters I knew it was going to be grim.My mood was not improved by the radio news. Coronavirus, Trump and the latest post-Brexit fuck-up from our incompetent government.If all that wasn’t enough I had just been dumped again, by WhatsApp this time, a first for me. I was done with online dating, it was a disaster for me....

4 years ago
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My day out in London

The following is a description of my day out in London on Monday 29 March 2011. Everything here really happened, I have made nothing up. For those of you waiting for further instalments to my stories, please be patient, I am working on them. Thank you to all of you who have left feedback to those stories. I have a blog, thefeminme.blogspot.com. I plan to post some of the photographs that I took on Monday. Thank you, Sissy Graham. I went in to London catching the 06:48 train. I...

2 years ago
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Weekend in London

It is coming up to Easter weekend and I suggest a weekend in London . “Let' s see what sexy fun we can have” I say. I book a hotel in central London for the Friday and Saturday. You pack your suitcases for the weekend but I am waiting for a chance to do a little unpacking. While you have a bath I open your suitcases and remove all your underwear, pants and long dresses. I only leave you with 3 miniskirts, 1 see through blouse, 2 low cut tops and a few pairs of stockings and suspenders. I...

4 years ago
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Weekend in London

“Let' s see what sexy fun we can have” I say. I book a hotel in central London for the Friday and Saturday. You pack your suitcases for the weekend but I am waiting for a chance to do a little unpacking. While you have a bath I open your suitcases and remove all your underwear, pants and long dresses. I only leave you with 3 miniskirts, 1 see through blouse, 2 low cut tops and a few pairs of stockings and suspenders. I replace the missing clothes with a few towels. We set off...

2 years ago
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An American Fox in London

Authors Note:Welcome to An American Fox in London! There is a cast page with pictures and a little more information on the main characters so please do have a look at that. I've set this story in London and used real places, landmarks, shops etc although some details are fictional. If you would like more info on what I have or have not invented then please feel free to PM me, I'd be happy to discuss. This is an incest based story but it will cross over to other kinks. Depending on your point...

2 years ago
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Swetha Loves Her Life Part 4 Living In London

This is the 4th part of my sex filled life story. Please send me your honest feedback to They all completed college got placed in different cities. They said bye to each other and left for their jobs. They said they keep in touch and will visit me frequently on weekends. We were in constant touch on phone and once in a month, they all would come for a group sex celebration. But after a few months, they got busy with work. Slowly the phone calls reduced. I faced the reality that I have to move...

1 year ago
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An American WereHypnotist in London

An American Were-Hypnotist in London Author's Note: There are other Were-Girl stories out there by other authors, this story is not set in that universe. Everyone's heard of what happens if a werewolf bites you, but I'm telling you, there are even stranger were-creatures out there waiting for the moon lay heavy on the sky. Ok, here's the story, I was an archeology student, part of an expedition sent to deepest London to dig up a Roman mosaic; but that?s not important,...

2 years ago
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Kurzurlaub in London

Ich war jetzt schon einige Wochen mit Monika befreundet, aber es ging nicht so recht vorw?rts. Sexuell meine ich. Ein bisschen K?ssen und Schmusen, und das wars. Dabei war sie ausgesprochen attraktiv, fast so gro? wie ich mit pechschwarzen Haaren, die ihre Schultern umspielten. Dazu kontrastierte die bleiche Haut, die fast unwirklich hell erschien. Ihre zarten Augenbrauen waren zwei perfekte Bogen, und die Wimpern waren sehr lang. Wegen ihrer schwarzen Haare brauchte sie kein Makeup, um ih...

1 year ago
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My Affair With Mrs London

Welcome to sunny Florida, my name is Aaron, and I'd like to tell you my story. I'm your average American kid, spending my time trying to pick up chicks and stealing booze just for the hell of it. But this story isn't concerned with all of that, this story concerns a one, Mrs. Bridgette London, and more importantly, her affair with her young next door neighbor, me. She was a knockout, to the truest form of the word. She was about 5'5", bright blue eyes, and body like a brickhouse; 34 DD's and an...

3 years ago
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After a wide range of experiences as a gigolo, I developed a preference for a certain type of client: elegant, sophisticated women aged around forty-five years old, with bodies anywhere between size ten to fourteen and not overweight. They were often a long way from home on business. Almost without exception these women would be very good communicators, uninhibited and able to articulate their sexual preferences. And if they enjoyed what I had to offer and recommended me to others that was an...

1 year ago
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18th I Visit London

I was apprehensive about going home with Darleen, I mean she had told me her family knew about her orientation and accepted it, but I was still too introverted to face others who would know about me. At times I regretted agreeing to go home with her for the weekend, but now felt committed as she was the type of woman who wouldn’t take no for an answer. We drove up on the Thursday after work, I was a bundle of nerves of course and wanted to get it over with. The traffic was really heavy going...

3 years ago
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I was due to spend a week in London visiting the head offices of thecompany to present my ultimatum to the board. From Heathrow I took thecompany limo to my hotel in central London and settled in. I was a bit jetlagged from the trip so I enjoyed a quiet dinner in the hotel and an earlynight. The next morning, following an early breakfast and a jog in HydePark, I dressed carefully and conservatively for the first meeting. I tooka taxi, arriving at the company's City office building just after...

4 years ago
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A sexy weekend in London

Ian glanced across at Susie, his daughter, as she sat next to him on the train as it pulled away from the station on its way to London. She quickly smiled back at him as they settled down for the journey, conscious that they were not alone – although the rest of the seats around them were empty, sat opposite her was Mike, her younger brother.They were on there way up to London to spend some time at a job fair. Although Susie was still at University, the fair was important in considering her...

2 years ago
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My parents in Iowa went to London for two weeks and sent for me on 9/26/13 to see the Minnesota Vikings play at Wembley stadium. They had a package deal where I arrive Thursday and go back on Tuesday. The only problem was I was at a different Hotel. After flying all night I got the Heathrow Thursday around noon and got my ride to the hotel. I checked in, contacted my parents and agreed to meet for dinner later. The nice thing about central London was it didn’t take me long to figure out the...

2 years ago
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18th I Visit London

I was apprehensive about going home with Darleen, I mean she had told me her family knew about her orientation and accepted it, but I was still too introverted to face others who would know about me. At times I regretted agreeing to go home with her for the weekend, but now felt committed as she was the type of woman who wouldn't take no for an answer. We drove up on the Thursday after work; I was a bundle of nerves of course and wanted to get it over with. The traffic was really heavy going...

3 years ago
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Orgasmic train journey to London

A few months ago we made an otherwise boring journey into London into an orgasmic pleasure. Let me explain a bit. We live about an hour from London by train; it’s one of those trains that stops every few minutes at each station along the route.My outfit for the day was just a pair of boots a coat and a smile. Other than that I was naked. I left the house like this and was going to be naked under my coat all day in London. We didn’t have any backup clothes for me to wear. This was it!We walked...

3 years ago
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My Internet adventures Part 1 welcome to London

These stories are about when I met a lot of female fuck buddies from the Internet. All information is true. I moved to london in mid July 2004, as I was starting job that week. I had been in a relationship for 10 months. However, less that 2 weeks into me moving, she told me she couldn't deal with the distance and wanted to end he relationship. I was pretty pissed off about it, but after acouple of days I though fuck it, I'm in a new city to for some fun. I set myself a challenge to get laid in...

2 years ago
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When I arrive I Jacqui is very effusive, “You are a very attractive man. Just my type I think on first impressions.” She is tall, sun tanned, with short blond curly hair, very voluptuous and I guess a full size 14 body. I note her stiletto heels as I take in what she is wearing for me. Her full-length diaphanous see-through pink negligee is almost touching her feet. As she moves I note that it is split at the sides way up past the tops of her brilliant long legs and wonderful thighs to the...

4 years ago
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After a wide range of experiences as a gigolo, I developed a preference for a certain type of client: elegant, sophisticated women aged around forty-five years old, with bodies anywhere between size ten to fourteen and not overweight. They were often a long way from home on business. Almost without exception these women would be very good communicators, uninhibited and able to articulate their sexual preferences. And if they enjoyed what I had to offer and recommended me to others that was an...

4 years ago
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When I arrive I Jacqui is very effusive, “You are a very attractive man. Just my type I think on first impressions.” She is tall, sun tanned, with short blond curly hair, very voluptuous and I guess a full size 14 body. I note her stiletto heels as I take in what she is wearing for me. Her full-length diaphanous see-through pink negligee is almost touching her feet. As she moves I note that it is split at the sides way up past the tops of her brilliant long legs and wonderful thighs to the...

2 years ago
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After a wide range of experiences as a gigolo, I developed a preference for a certain type of client: elegant, sophisticated women aged around forty-five years old, with bodies anywhere between size ten to fourteen and not overweight. They were often a long way from home on business. Almost without exception these women would be very good communicators, uninhibited and able to articulate their sexual preferences. And if they enjoyed what I had to offer and recommended me to others that was an...

3 years ago
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The Darker Side of London

The following tale was told to me as being a true event and took place in the 1981. Chapter 1: The Back Ground My name is Paul and I was born in 1939; I am now 72; I am 5'10" and at the time of our visit to London I weighed about 11 stone and was 42 years old, I was pretty fit having played a lot of rugby and cricket up until my late 30's. I worked in the office of a major car manufacturer and retired from this position 7 years ago. In 1981 the year of our visit to London, Ruth and I had...

2 years ago
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At a PriceChapter 19 The London

On the Saturday, the couple went off to the airport. They had a three-hour drive followed by an hour and a half flight to get to Brisbane. Then they had to transfer to the international airport. After a two-hour layover and then eight hours of flying to get them to Singapore. Both were glad they were flying first class. Mary also had to use her glamour for the overseas flights, and they had to behave themselves. They had decided to do the short overnight layover and catch the fourteen-hour...

3 years ago
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Morris Dancers in London

Denzil Penhalligon an me growed up down Port Wen. One Sat day us went up the smoke for a bit of a spree . We went up on the train to Paddington which is as near London as the train gets. We bought they saver tickets about a month afore so’s we could afford it. We knew the streets weren’t paved with gold but we had at least expected some tarmac not pot holes held together with more pot holes and us ant realised how much they rip off bastards charged for everything. Anyway us went up the...

3 years ago
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A Night in London

Introduction: I finally get to be with the man I love London. So beautiful at night. I stood staring out my hotel room window at the magnificent view. From here I could see Big Ben. It was stunning. My dad was in his hotel room down the hall. He had planned this daddy/daughter trip to London in an effort to keep me his little girl. Even though Im 16 and couldnt care less about our relationship. But London did have one advantage, it was the home of you, my lover. Aka, my Master. Your real name,...

4 years ago
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Mike Spanked While on Business in London

My name is Angie and my husband Mike started to spank me soon after we were married. He first spanked me when I forgot to set the burglar alarm. Shortly after that I was chatting to my mum and it came out in the conversation and before I knew it she and I were spanking Mike for something he’d done wrong. Both Mum and I got very excited watching him being stripped and caned and judging from our time in bed afterwards, so did Mike. That was a few months ago and we’d continued to spank each other...

3 years ago
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Weekend in London

It was Friday evening and as dusk drew in, and i sat thinking how much i was looking forward to the weekend. I was sat on a train hurtling down towards London to attend a conference the next day. I couldn't really care less about the conference. One of those all expenses paid interdepartmental things that work made me go on from time to time. No what I was looking forward to was seeing my best mate Joe and his gf Sarah. Joe had been my best friend since we started uni 6 years ago but as we...

2 years ago
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La Boudoir London

Wow thing was really starting to heat up. Swinging was getting addictive for us. we decided to go to a club closer to home, located in Central London,first we didn't want to go to a Swingers Club, so close to our Home. Nasima suggested to her Husband, let’s try A Swingers Club somewhere that offered us more Luxury, Nasima and her Husband, wanted to meet with people into the Lifestyle, especially the naughty, Couples, from the City. On the way to the Private Party on Saturday night, we were so...

4 years ago
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A January Day In London

He’s done it again. The little shy boy routine, the wide oval eyes full of sparkle, the uneasy stammer. I’ve been with James for a year or so now. I know the tricks only too well because I fell for them myself. The story of a softly spoken, innocent looking guy who wouldn’t hurt a fly, but scratch the surface and you find the reality. * We’re sat in a backstreet pub in the centre of London, nothing out of the ordinary, and in fact we almost walked right past it, until James had taken a quick...

4 years ago
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Fun in London

It was Friday evening and as dusk drew in, and i sat thinking how much i was looking forward to the weekend. I was sat on a train hurtling down towards London to attend a conference the next day. I couldn't really care less about the conference. One of those all expenses paid interdepartmental things that work made me go on from time to time. No what I was looking forward to was seeing my best mate Joe and his gf Sarah. Joe had been my best friend since we started uni 6 years ago but as we...

3 years ago
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IN THE OFFICE In the afternoon I dressed, as a girl. Tucking my penis into panties, stockings, heels. Knowing, I guess, what might well happen in the evening but still unsure of myself. It was both expected and unexpected. When I took the job, it was just as a computer nerd. Andrew was a great boss, if that's the word when two people work together, in the office that's just the ground floor of his three storey terrace in Swiss Cottage. In his late 30s, reserved and polite, no...

1 year ago
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Lustful in London

  I was just twenty when I met Marcus.   A two hour train journey to London, we sat opposite each other with just  the customary  formica covered  table separating us.   I caught his eye a few times but disregarded the visual union as he was just an old man - older than my Father - yet like my dad smart, well groomed and stylishly dressed - for his age. My attention was for the first hour confined to the silly magazine I'd been daft enough to pay three pounds for but now, getting somewhat bored...

2 years ago
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School Trip 2 London

It must have been the year 1995, I was age 17 and I my last year of school. And in the last year of school each class makes a trip to another country for about 3-4 days. Our class and 2 other classes were going to London, England. As I live in Belgium, we just had to take the Chunnel so we were going be in London fast. I was looking forward to it for months. When we arrived at our hotel in London, the teachers parted the classes in small groups of 3 for our rooms. I ended up in a room with my...

4 years ago
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No FutureChapter 51 The Streets of London

Molly & Mark 2073 At long last the good times had returned. The economy was booming and there were more jobs, more money and more international confidence. And if it wasn't an economic boom for the whole Kingdom of England, it was undoubtedly a boom for those employed in the Docklands and the City of London. Although England's financial capital could no longer be ranked with New York or Tokyo, it was a comfort that something remained of the Square Mile's historic significance in the...

1 year ago
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School Trip 2 London

It must have been the year 1995 , I was age 17 and I my last year of school . And in the last year of school each class makes a trip to another country for about 3-4 days . Our class and 2 other classes were going to London , England . As I live in Belgium , we just had to take the Chunnel so we were going be in London fast . I was looking forward to it for months . When we arrived at our hotel in London , the teachers parted the classes in small groups of 3 for our rooms . I ended up in a room...

1 year ago
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A Corsets Loose in London

Set in late 1800s LondonI wind up my new gadget and press it against my puffy clit. Ahhhhhhhhhh! As the gears turn, my delightful button is hammered. The whir of the machine adds to the erotic atmosphere. My knickers are bunched around my knees and my left hand grips the edge of the desk while my right holds my new invention steady against my aching clit. Genius. Bloody genius, I think.I allow myself these pleasures for a few delightful moments before I select the one with the rounded head....

3 years ago
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Lost and Found in London

Her piercing blue eyes flicked from the map to the city vista before her, then back to the map once more. Like everyone, she carried a smartphone but there was something special, something tactile about a paper map. A more authentic, genuine and personal experience and she liked that.As the cold December air fluttered the map in her hands she could barely believe she was here. She’d never done anything like this in her entire life. It was totally out of character for her. Or was it? Did she...

3 years ago
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A business trip to London

Monday I had been hired by an Irish based company to join their team moving back office support from London to the cheaper Dublin location, offshoring while improving the accent. I'd have an initial two weeks training In London to pick up what they did as with my experience I wasn't expected to take any longer. I'd been offered the job after one interview a couple of months before but the company seemed to take forever to do all the background checks, which I have to point out was due to their...

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Kings of London

Ah, London. The largest city in all of England where you can find anything from cheap booze to cheap women. Shops all around for every day consumption and the odd number of people you meet on a day to day... And who could possibly forget the pubs. Fine buildings with plenty of alcohol to drink your life into a pit of bad decisions and good times. London is the place to be! There are however certain areas you have to be cautious of and certain people to be wary of for if you don’t listen, you’ll...

1 year ago
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My special day in London

Field ReportA report of my recent visit to the big cityThis trip had been some time in the planning and as you will see if you plough through the whole strory it actually worked out really well.Booked a hotel in Paddington which I had seen reviewed in Telegraph of all places. Someone had thought that what was needed in a hotel was lots of quirky details, some worked, some just looked weird but it did give the place the feel of something different a bit special which helped with getting me in...

2 years ago
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Oscars Cinema LOndon

Oscar’s Cinema in LondonApologies for my English, it is not perfect! In 2009 I was lucky enough to get an Erasmus grant to study in England, my Mother’s homeland. I was born and grew up in Sweden, in a small town called Sveg right in the middle of Sweden – and apart from very occasional visits to Stockholm I had not spent a lot of time in a big city. Now I was going to stay for a whole year in London. I was nineteen, quite small and slim for my age – blonde hair (but not blue eyes) and good...

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Train to London

Train to London We got the train to London for the evening to meet up with some old work colleagues. Ann was wearing a lovely figure hugging dress that showed off her voluptuous body and a short top coat. We had to stand on the train, I stood with my back to the door and Ann stood in front with her back to me. She pushed back to me, rubbing her pert rear into my groin. My hand stoked her round bum…..I couldn’t feel the outline of her knickers, covertly moving my hand up to her waist I felt her...

2 years ago
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Blonde Rachel in London

I was delighted with the job offer in London. And the more I thought of it the better it seemed. I’d visited a number of times there as a young man and spent six months as an intern when I finished university. I knew the city well and had many great memories. I work as a software contractor and do stints for several months or years at a time. I don’t really need to work as my father left me fairly well off even though he didn’t let me know until I was thirty. I can do whatever I like within...

2 years ago
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Lonely in London

Internet.By day I am a working professional but by night you will come to realise I am quite the sexual deviant. This is my story of a recent experience I had. My name is Suzie and I live and work in central London and have done for about 3 years now. Moving here on my own was a challenge in itself but also very difficult to make any decent friends. This is when I came to realise the wonders of the internet. Passing countless hours either chatting to strangers or browsing through the copious...

2 years ago
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Oral the way to London

The Way To ParisI couldn't wait, I wanted to go to Amsterdam more than anywhere else in Europe. This was my first visit to the city which I imaged was full of enlightened thinkers and freedom from the stodgy American war on d**gs and the cloistered view of prostitution. I couldn't wait to experience it for myself. I was practically vibrating with impatience to be on the coach to London. Miguel said coolly, in no hurry to be off, "Belle, if we get to the station before the bus, we will still be...

3 years ago
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My name is VIJIT I’m 25 yrs old and live in London, UK. Over the last few months I have decided to go into the london university and thank god it has done well. One of the properties that I own is a two bedroom flat that I was looking for tenants for. A Sikh girl by the name of Harpreet applied, she was 22 and new to England. She was studying medicine at a local london university. She was very interested in the flat and took it. Everything went fine for about 6 months; she paid her rent on...

2 years ago
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Chris Visits Friends In London

I had been friends with Catherine for some time, we had in the past been a little intimate and I always found her pretty hot. A year or so after we met she moved away to live with her boyfriend in London. I always regretted not taking our sexual relationship further.About a year later I went down to London on a business trip 5 days & nights in England’s capital city, I took this opportunity to re-connect with an old friend and gave Catherine a call, we arranged to meet on Tuesday night I...

3 years ago
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Fucking Ramesh8217s Sexy Slut Wife In London

Hi, I am Sunny from London, originally from Delhi & live in Hounslow London. I can’t help but picture Ramesh’s hot wife sitting on my lap. Those big boobs as they bounce up and down as she screams out my name in my mind. Well sure it’s wrong for me to have her there in the first place. I just cant help myself! God made that woman for guys to have hardcore, sweaty, sexual thoughts about. It all started about a year ago. Ramesh, my co-worker, invited me over to watch a India Pakistan Cricket...

4 years ago
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The Gals Of London

Hi friends this is Willy and I’m from Mumbai currently in London pursuing further education. This is a true story about a gal that I’ve met on the website named ‘Tagged’as I mentioned earlier I met this gal on tagged website. She is a Brit-Asian gal. We started chatting and came to know that both of us have blackberry so we exchanged our BB pin and started chatting on that rather then the website. After couple of days she asked me for my mobile number i gave it to her and she immediately called...

2 years ago
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One Night Stand In London

I am Raja,29 yrs old, six foot, medium built physical structure. After finishing my MBA, taking care of my family business. Among few other business, we have a pharmaceutical company. I had to attend a conference of British Pharmaceutical Industries(ABPI)in New Castle, England. My sister lives with her family in Pinner, Middle sex suburb of London. Which is just twelve miles away from London Heathrow Airport. I talked to my sister and brother in law before the departure from our country. They...

3 years ago
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Mary Felix goes to London

The train arrived in Southampton at half past three, and I sat in the ladies’ waiting room until the London express’s departure at a quarter past four. When it was time to leave, I had trouble finding a porter to assist me with my suitcase but finally attracted the attention of an elderly, stooping, knobbly-kneed specimen who looked as though he should have been safely retired some years previously. Because of this, we arrived on the platform in something of a rush and with less than two...


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