Rosy Au Bureau free porn video

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Nous sommes en décembre ,il fait un froid de canard . Ce matin j'vais deux rendez vous ,le premier à 8 h 30 vient de se décommander , le second est pour 11 heures , mais cela m'ennuie vraiment d'attendre jusque là ! Je vais donc essayer de me rendre à l'adresse indiquée ,peut être y aura t'il quelqu'un !

J' arrive devant le bâtiment , l'endroit est désert . Avec ce brouillard , l'ambiance du lieu est plutôt sinistre .Il n'y a pas de numéro 8 dans cette rue . Je vais attendre un peu dans la voiture ,au chaud , dès fois que je vois quelqu'un passer !

Ha zut ,je viens de voir dans mon rétroviseur , une femme, je pense, en jean et sweet , rentrer dans le bâtiment juste derrière ma voiture , bon trop tard !

Cela fait un quart d'heure que je n'ai vu personne ! Je vais peut être aller voir si la femme qui est entrée tout à l'heure peut me renseigner .

Je pousse la grande porte métallique ,j'arrive dans un long couloir . Tout au fond ,une porte est légèrement entrouverte et un rai de lumière s'échappe de la pièce , elle doit être là !

Je regarde dans l'entrebâillement avant de frapper . De toute évidence ,elle ne s'attend pas à de la visite . Elle est assise devant un ordinateur portable , le jean baissé sur les genoux ,une main dans sa culotte mauve ,l'autre sous son pull sur un de ses seins . Elle a l'air bien "réchauffée" pourtant ,je n'ai pas l'impression qu' il fasse bien chaud dans la pièce ! Je n'ose plus bouger , je la regarde prendre du plaisir seule et j'avoue que cela m'excite.

Par moment elle tape sur son clavier ,comme si elle conversait . Elle n'est apparemment pas très à l'aise avec son pantalon qui l'empêche d'écarter les jambes ,aussi elle enlève une chaussure et retire une jambe de son jean ,puis la pose sur le bureau . De sa culotte elle sort un protège slip et reprend ses caresses. Son index parcoure sa fente de bas en haut et petit à petit, je vois apparaitre une tache longitudinale un peu plus foncée ,là ou je devine facilement sa fente s'humidifier .

Elle est vraiment très excitante et je ne peux m'empêcher de déboutonner mon pantalon pour y glisser une main . Ouf ! j'ai les doigts glacés ,c'est pas très agréable , je laisse ma main se réchauffer entre mes cuisses ,tout en continuant à la regarder se toucher avec une grande sensualité.

Soudain un bruit métallique au bout du couloir ! surprise et paniquée, sans réfléchir , j'entre dans son bureau et referme la porte derrière moi .

J'écoute à la porte, plus aucun bruit ,j'ouvre légèrement et regarde ,personne dans le couloir , fausse alerte . C'est seulement à ce moment que je me rends compte du caractère insolite de la situation . Je suis en face d'elle, pantalon déboutonné ,elle est là, jean en bouchon au dessus de sa chaussure ,tirant de ses deux mains sur son pull pour caché sa culotte toute humide , les joues rouges écarlates . Je me mets à rire sans pouvoir me contenir , elle esquisse un sourire gêné , puis rie aussi en baissant les yeux .

"Je suis désolée , j'ai eu peur que l'on me surprenne alors je suis entrée "

"Que faites vous ici ?"

"ben ! Je vous regardais vous caresser et je le faisais moi même ! Vous ne voudriez pas continuer ,comme si je n'étais pas là ?"

"Non quelle idée ! c'est gênant "

"Oui je comprends ,mais vous regardez faire, depuis un quart d'heure maintenant m'a terriblement excitée et pour être franche avec vous ,je n'ai vraiment pas envie de m'arrêter là ! "

"D'accord ! commencez , alors ! "

Je me place en face d'elle , de l'autre coté de son bureau ,baisse mon pantalon à mi cuisses. Je remonte mon pull d'une main et recommence à me caresser par dessus la culotte

Elle retire son autre chaussure ,puis son pantalon . Elle se rassoie pose ses deux pieds sur le bureau se rapproche en faisant glisser le siège à roulette et sans me quitter du regard reprend ses caresses par dessus sa culotte mauve . Elle est terriblement excitante ! et mes doigts sur mon sexe sont tous humides .

"enlève ton pantalon"

Je ne me fais pas prier , j ôte mes bottes et mon pantalon ! là elle se relève vient vers moi d'un pas décidé, m'att**** par les hanches et me fait reculer pour me plaquer contre l 'armoire métallique . Elle s'agenouille et baisse ma culotte . Machinalement je lève un pied puis l'autre ,elle me débarrasse de mon sous vêtement. ses mains froides , se faufilent sous mon teeshirt et mon pull , elle soulève mon soutien gorge et le passe au dessus de mes seins qui tombent sous leur poids . Elle les caresse de ses deux mains alors que de sa bouche elle baise mon ventre , puis mon pubis . Je prends sa tète entre mes mains lorsqu'elle s'approche de ma fente et je la colle à moi tout en relevant une jambe . Je n'aurais droit qu'a un seul coup de langue de bas en haut .

Elle se relève et enfonce sa langue toute entière dans ma bouche, l'a tourne autour de la mienne , sa salive coule à chaque coins de ma bouche . Son baiser est d'une fougue inouïe. Elle se recule et me prend par les mains.


Elle me fait signe de m'assoir sur le coin du bureau , ho ! que c'est froid surtout que j'ai la raie des fesses humide . Elle enlève sa culotte , je découvre une jolie toison peu fournie de poils long . j 'ai à peine le temps de la regarder qu'elle enfourche ma jambe, collant son sexe chaud et humide sur ma cuisse. Elle m'embrasse à nouveau ses deux mains massant vigoureusement mes seins .

"Allonge toi " me dit elle tout en repoussant sur le coté l'ordinateur portable ! me prenant par les hanches elle me tire vers elle , att**** le fauteuil pour que je puisse poser mon pied libre dessus et ensuite le pousse sur le coté afin d'écarter mes cuisses .

Elle a pris les choses en main si je puis dire et ce n'est pas pour me déplaire , je dois l'avouer . Elle a remonté mon pull mon teeshirt au dessus de mes seins , je ne vois plus rien , bizarrement ,je n'ai pas froid . Je suis totalement à elle.

Je sens sa chatte descendre le long de ma jambe jusqu'a mon genou ,ou elle s'attarde en faisant des petits ronds ! ma jambe est toute mouillée . Ses mains se posent sur l'intérieur de mes cuisses et elle plonge littéralement sa tète dans mon entre jambe . Là c'est un concert de coup de langue, de baisers avec des bruits de succion , de pénétrations de sa langue, de son nez ,de son menton peut être , c'est tout simplement extraordinaire.

Elle a repris sa position, foufoune sur ma cuisse et l'appuie fortement tout en donnant des coups de reins , de plus en plus rapides. Ses doigts parcourent ma fente de mon anus à mon clito, de façon anarchique.

Elle jouit sans prévenir et inonde ma jambe . Son doigt c'est arrêté sur mon petit trou pendant son orgasme . Je me suis redressée sur les coudes pour la voir ,secouée par de derniers spasmes .

Son téléphone sonne . Elle se presse pour décrocher ,mais trop tard .

"Ho merde , je suis en retard , j'ai pas vu l'heure passée , dépêche toi de te rhabiller , je m' excuse de te presser ........

Nous nous rhabillons toutes les deux à toute vitesse . Elle est déjà à la porte en train de m' attendre . Je lui tends son protège slip qu'elle a laissée sur le bureau. Ho ! merci, me dit elle en le mettant dans la poche arrière de son jean. Je sors ,elle ferme la porte à clef derrière moi . De son sac elle sort un stylo prends ma main et en écrivant une adresse sur la paume me dit "sois à cette adresse à 13 heures si tu peux , on ne peut pas se quitter comme cela" Elle pose un petit baiser sur mes lèvres et disparait .

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Rosie wanted another lesson

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Rosie Soles

I had been here before. Kissing the inner sides of her thighs, working my way higher and higher... This time, however, she seemed to sense the direction I truly wanted to go. felt the tips of her toes brush lightly against the tip of my already erect dick. The sudden realization brought me to full attention, my erection forcing its way tightly against the tiny pocket her toes made. I thrust into her toes and let out a slight moan. I looked up in time to see her smirk, before her hand was on my...

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Rosie lured me in with offers of her sister

Rosie is a nineteen year old work colleague of my wife, she is gorgeous and has a great body. Recently I was asked by my wife to teach Rosie how to give a blow job in her presence. I accepted the offer and it went well. A few days later I met Rosie again and this time we were alone and had a great evening of sex. Rosie has since that day been pestering my wife for further lessons, albeit she knows nothing of the second meeting. My wife has so far been reluctant to share my cock again with this...

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Rosies first time part 1

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Rosies first time Part 1

As a submisive BI crossdresser, l was an anal and oral virgin. I had a FemDomme friend who l saw on a regular basis. She typically would spank me and Dominate me in the usual manner while l was dressed as Rosie. Then one day she told me she had a surprise for me... she left the room and returned wearing a strap on dildo... it was about 7" long and not real thick and she informed me I was going to become a "real" woman and learn to suck cock! She threw a pillow onto the floor and commanded me to...

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Rosie 4

Rosie/M Jon and I had come to terms with my relationship with Ron and I must say he was being a lovely husband and spoiling me outrageously. My undies draw was full of new and very naughty items Jon had brought back from a trip to the US. I was enjoying my more dominant status in our marriage and I am sure Jon was much happier with me taking the lead. Ron and I were continuing with our delicious and very sexy affair, if that is what you call it with the full knowledge of your husband. We were...

4 years ago
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Rosie 2

Rosie/M Jon and I had come to terms with my relationship with Ron and I must say he was being a lovely husband and spoiling me outrageously. My undies draw was full of new and very naughty items Jon had brought back from a trip to the US. I was enjoying my more dominant status in our marriage and I am sure Jon was much happier with me taking the lead. Ron and I were continuing with our delicious and very sexy affair, if that is what you call it with the full knowledge of your husband. We were...

4 years ago
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Rosia martinez was 18 years old and she walked into her seventh period classroom late every day. Mr. Velasquez was a pushover, so he never did anything about it. Besides, he was terribly intimidated by her. She was one of those really short girls that looked tall – she stood at 5’1″ but seemed 5’10”, even to mr. Velasquez, who was well over 6 feet and normally very self-assured. Rosia had curvy, round hips and an ass that just didn’t quit. Her waist was so small it didn’t seem to fit with the...

2 years ago
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Making a video

My wife sanjana and i are broad minded persons form rich family. Sanjana aged 29 and had sexy figure 38-26-38.i am 31. We are married for last 6 years and our was love marriage. My friend sanjay always visits at my house and we are free with him. He is not married and staying alone. He is working at studio and is professional video grapher. Last year in summer night we ware watching xxx movie i said “sanjay sala english blue film mai wo maja nahi atta hai jo indian blue film me atta hai” but in...

4 years ago
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A night of change

Claire enjoyed her career as a librarian. Yes, she knew it was cliché. She was a tall voluptuous blonde – she could have been a model – but every weekday day for the last 3 years, she trotted off to her little desk at the public library, her long hair up in a conservative bun, her wide rimmed glasses planted exquisitely on her forehead. It wasn’t that Claire loved books to some phantasmal degree or that she was shy or any of the reasons one would suspect, Claire was the city librarian by...

3 years ago
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Used at a gay sauna

I was quite comfortable enjoying gay sex, even taking domination to a certain level, so long as I always felt relatively safe, and had recently begun to find certain guys attractive (see my blog about Picked up on a train, and the Pakistani checkout boy) but I did not consider myself to be gay manDespite that, it was all I could to not to watch gay, bi and T/S porn all of the time, and as most guys do, fantasise it was me having my face fucked, or being ridden by a huge aggressive masterI had...

2 years ago
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Tanya finds a girlfriend Part 5

"I got to know most of them when Neil and I started to come out. Once I got really into it, you know. Stephen, he'll be here. You'll like Stephen. He's the one married man whose wife really doesn't understand him. Lovely guy. A lot older than us, but, well, we'll see, I think you'll like him. You could meet as many as three Sarahs tonight, if they're all out, and of course they will be. You can make your own mind up, but there's one of them that you have to watch out for. I'll explain...

2 years ago
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Cuckqueaning with the Secretary

It was Friday afternoon and the office party was that evening. My young 22 year old secretary was joining us that evening and i had been flirting with her for weeks. She was returning the flirting with a stunning size 12 body but with a large set of boobs supple arse that just perfectly sets out from her body with brunette hair just passed her shoulder. She had come dressed to impress with a short pencil skirt half way down her thigh stockings with a low cut top and the edge of her red bra just...

4 years ago
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Daddies and their Whores Pt 1

I grabbed my daughter's chin with my left hand while the fingers of my right rubbed at her clit. "Whose pussy is this, Lucy?" She swallowed hard and met my eyes. "It's yours, Daddy." "And when can I use my pussy?" With a small voice she answered, "Whenever you want." I reached further and plunged two fingers inside the wet cunt in question. Lucy yelped before sagging against me and accepting the intrusion. "If I want to march you out to the 50 yard line and shove my dick down...

4 years ago
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NikkiChapter 11

Nikki as an engineer. I wrote the comment off as part of the give and take of conversation. Nikki and I had talked only in passing about college ideas. After all, she still had almost three years of high school to complete. There was plenty of time for discussion and decision. I didn't make a big deal out of the remark and the conversation moved on to other things. At the end of the day, it appeared to me that my unusual wife had shown herself to be quite a decent fit to our family. I can...

3 years ago
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My Wife Does A Young Biker

How we ever got ourselves messed up with this I still don’t know. My wife had a few lovers over the years, but nothing like this. She is somewhat conservative at the age of 49, but one day something had gotten into her that I had never seen before in her.We had a guy name Derek contact us one day. He had seen a few pics of my wife on a site and really wanted to fuck her. He was a biker and was part of a group called the Outlaws.He was in his twenties and had plenty of tattoo’s strewn across his...

Straight Sex
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All Things Come To He Who WaitsChapter 12

JULY LUKE'S VOICE Coming back was a wrench. As our intimacy had grown the mental link had strengthened until it was almost permanent, and the smallest things gave as much of a shared experience as the most intense sex. We both knew that the magic would fade and there was a bittersweet air to the journey. As the taxi drew up outside the Fischer house the door opened and Trudi came bounding out. 'Uli, can you still walk, you're going to tell me all about it tonight, hello, Luke, I hope...

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Discovering Your Roommates Hidden Treasures

Darla walked down the hall of her new home for the next nine months with butterflies in her stomach. This was the first time she had been back here in the dormitory since move-in day two weeks ago. Darla moved down the hall passing by others moving their things in at the last minute. Unlike most colleges, Darla’s future alma mater allowed students an easy weekend to move their belongings in instead of a mad rush at the beginning of school. Darla was very grateful for this since her dad would’ve...

College Sex
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The Morning After

I watched him sleeping peacefully in my bed, the sheets twisted in all kinds of ways, his brown hair tossed carelessly and his mouth slightly open. He was lying on his stomach clutching the pillow. I smiled thinking of the night before. Our bodies pressed tightly together on the dance floor, the excitement as his hand slid under my barely-there dress. No one could tell that his fingers were pushed deep in pussy and each grinding movement that looked like dancing was pushing them even deeper....

4 years ago
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Around the mid of the year, I came back from Germany and was thinking between staying in PG, vs. Roommates or single, I landed up in a hotel. Pretty famous and on MG Road. I landed up early morning walked to the booking counter and introduced myself. While the guy was checking the booking, a girl may be of age 23 or so appeared from the service room (back side of the booking counter). Smiled at me as normally they do at hotels. Since the booking was done by the guys I dint get a chance to talk...

3 years ago
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The Sheriff of Spiny Cactus CountyEpisode 3 SCARECROW

The rattle of the engine caught the girl’s attention. When the power steering squealed, and brakes screeched, Cathy Lyman peeked through the blinds. She saw the Sheriff’s clunker pickup sitting in their circle drive. Her daddy got out of the passenger door, walking with a quick ginger step, when on his left foot. Earl Lyman leaned against the Sheriff for support. His left leg didn’t appear to enjoy supporting his body. Cathy took a deep breath, ‘Is Daddy hurt?‘ she ran to the door, flung it...

1 year ago
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Teenage Cousins

Note : This story is completely fictional! I have pretty hot cousins. Of course I fantasize about them, but if I ever told them, I have no idea how they would handle it. My hottest cousins are in their 20's, so they would be harder to get for myself, who am only 18. I go over to one of my cousin's house quite a bit, not to just hang out, but to check out his sister, who is my cousin, and the current hot friends she has over. Of course I had never tried anything with her before, because I was...

2 years ago
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My new young black neighbor

One Saturday afternoon, as I pulled into the driveway, I noticed that we had new neighbors moving in next door. A nice couple of blacks in their early forties, Samira and Shawn.I introduced myself to them, saying I was married, but my loving hubby was now out of town due to business.They called their son, Tyson, a very handsome dark skinned guy.I saw these nice people were busy with the moving; so I told them, that if there was anything they needed, to just knock on the door. Later on, I was...

4 years ago
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Giving Tilly Some Fresh Excitement

In this house lived a pretty girl named Tilly. Tilly also loved horses but didn't have any of her own, so it wasn't unusual for her to wander over whenever she saw my daughter out working or grooming the horses. She was probably not more than a young teenager when she first started coming over, which would make her about 14 now . . . maybe older. As I mentioned, Tilly was a very attractive girl, with wavy blond hair and big blue eyes. Her body was...

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