Utopia Chapter 11 - The Survivor Special - free porn video

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Title: Utopia
Rating: NC17
Summary: A world without clothes and money... but with the same drama.
Note: Special Chapter featuring some Survivor stars!

Jan woke up from his slumber and after he had made himself some coffee exited his apartment.

"Good morning, Laura, Claire." Jan said with a smile as he took a sip from his coffee when he saw the girls outside.

"Hey you, haven't seen ya in a while," Laura said as she had her arm around Claire.

"You going to check the mail downstairs as well?" Claire asked.

Of course Jan got hard again at seeing them, his arousal of course very evident and visible, and he could have sworn their nipples had hardened for some reason.

"Yeah," Jan replied as they went into the same direction.

They took the elevator down to ground level where the mail lockers were.

"Have you ever taken advantage of the elevator before, Laura and Claire?" Jan asked as he couldn't help himself but get a stroke in.

Their eyes watched with interest as one rubbed her fingers over the other loved one's nipples while they also watched Jan take another sip from his coffee mug.

"Damn, I knew we forgot to do something! Thanks Jan for the suggestion!" Claire piped up as she squeezed Laura's nipple to which Laura replied with a moan.

"Always coming up with the best ideas, huh?" Laura asked with a grin.

"Well, I try to come up with new exciting stuff to heighten the pleasure without taking any intoxicated stuff." Jan replied as the doors opened.

"After you lovely beautiful ladies." he indicated the created opening with his hand that had briefly jacked off his large cock.

"Thanks, gentleman Jan." Laura said as she and her girlfriend walked out followed by their male neighbor.

Laura and Claire got to their box first and opened the lid containing a lesbian magazine, whereas when Jan reached his, he only got a flyer.

"Hmm... I guess my Cock Champions Magazine is not there yet... all I got was a flyer."

"Look! There's a note attached to it!" Laura pointed out.

Survivor Night at the Tribal Council's Club with special guests Cole Medders and Devon Pinto and of course Jeff Probst! read the flyer.

Jan flipped the flyer over to the back and there was indeed something attached to the flyer.


I would love it if you came tonight, Cole and Devon would love to meet you... as would I...

Sincerely yours,

Jeff Probst.

PS: Maybe we can discuss something for next season..."

"Oh My God! Is that invitation from Jeff Probst himself?! Oh My God Jan you have to go!!" Claire and Laura talked over eachother excitedly.

"Wow, I'm so honored to be invited by the man himself. Of course I'll be there!"

Just that moment a videocall request window decided to start chiming, like the kind you (sometimes annoyingly) get on Facebook but technology is so far advanced, it can just pop up in front of you at any time.

Grant Gustin is calling you. Accept/Refuse?

"I wonder what this will be about." Jan spoke out loud as he tapped the accept button.

"Maybe it's a booty call." Claire commented.

"Yo Jan, what took you man? Normally you always jump at the chance to quickly accept a videocall request of mine, almost like that Flash guy. Oh, hey Claire, Laura."

"Hey Grant!" they both said.

Of course there was Grant at the beach, at the lifeguard station.

Just seeing him hard caused Jan's cock to get even harder.

"Hey buddy, what's up?"

"Apparently there is this huge partay event happening at a place called The Tribal Council Club. Was wondering if you wanted to go with your good ole friend?"

"Oh he's so totally going there! Jeff Probst even invited him to it himself!" Laura and Claire exclaimed.

"Wow, he did!? Wow, that's amazeballs, dude!"

He hadn't even had time to reply to Grant himself.

"Yeah, isn't it? Sure, I would love to go with you. You're the very first one to ask me that, although I do have a feeling there'll be more, like there could be another video request coming at any moment."

"Oh, well, good for you if it does. How late do you want to go?"

"Well, you know me, I'd like to get the party started, so let's meet when the party starts?" Jan asked Grant.

"Sure thing, buddy. See you then."


Surprisingly enough, there were no more videocalls, not even a jacking off session with a male cop or a male personal trainer.

"Hey, you." Grant said as he parked his car outside Jan's apartment building and saw Jan walking toward him.

He wrapped Jan in a huge big hug and kissed him on his lips.

"I hope you weren't waiting long for me." Grant said as he looked into his eyes.

"Nope, not long at all."

After the encounter with the girls, Jan had put a cockring around his cock and had walked around with it all day so when he would finally bust one out there would be a massive eruption of cum, yet all day he hadn't even jacked off, not even for a little bit, okay, there had been that greeting with the girls and him but that was hardly a jacking session, just a quick one- jack off stroke.

And of course that didn't result in Jan cumming, he wasn't Superman who could probably do that.

Now when he greeted his friend Jan was no longer wearing the cockring.

"Are you excited?" Grant asked him after Jan had kissed him back.

"You betcha. I'm just bummed neither Cole nor Devon won. Happy that Ryan got that far, what with his tiny body but that huge cock." Jan said, then sighing and shrugging his shoulders.

"I guess we should be happy that the winner has this incredibly tattooed body and huge cock. Bet his wife is happy to see him every day."

Grant gently tugged on Jan's cock.

"Is someone having a huge crush?"

"On him?! God no. Although yeah, he does have a killer body but I wouldn't touch a hair or pubic hair on that straight guy. Who knows what would happen if I did or anyone would? Now, a crush on Cole and Devon, fuck yes."

Grant slapped his friend's rear.

"Then let's giddy-up and go to them!"

"Ahh," Jan moaned, "You'll pay for that, one way or another."

"Pay me back later, after the huge party we're going to attend."

"Lead the way, handsome."


Some sexual erotic music later in the car, the two arrived at the parking lot of the Tribal Council Club.

There was a line of people already outside the club, but once Jeff Probst saw who had exited out of the vehicle, he signalled for the two naked bouncers to bring them right inside.

"Thanks so much for the invite, Jeff." Jan said with a huge smile on his face as he was being escorted inside, lots of excuse me's and sorry's but he just didn't mind at all, barely even paid attention to it.

"I know how much you loved this season, so why not do something a little special for my biggest fan of the show?" Jeff told him as he couldn't help but squeeze one of Jan's ass cheeks.

"Is he there too?" Jan asked.

"Who? The winner? Nah, he had other stuff to do."

"Oh. Pity." Jan replied, while not really caring that much if he was there or not.

He hadn't been the most biggest fan of him, that was for sure.

There was a dance floor, loud music thumping from the boxes of course, and a huge bar, where of course who else would be tending it but Cole and Devon.

"Oh My God, there they are."

Suddenly he felt a finger in his ass and a breath close to his ear.

"Yes, they are, especially for you." Jeff whispered in that ear then licked it slowly, while after he brought up the finger that had been in Jan's ass and licked it as well.

"Now you simply have to join the show, no audition needed," Jan was told in that same whisper.

"You're not pulling my cock here, are you?" Jan asked.

"100% legit truth," Jeff replied with a grin.

"I could kiss you right now."

"Then what are you waiting for?"

Jan wrapped his arms around the host of his favorite show and kissed him deeply and passionately.

"Thank you so much."

"My pleasure, would you mind if we reveal it at the end of the party?" Jeff asked after he had taken Jan's chin in one of his hands and kissed him back with everything he could.

"Go ahead, I would love that."

Jeff smiled and winked at him.

"Go have fun with your favorites... strike up a conversation and maybe you'll get lucky."

"Don't mind if I do." Jan said.

Everyone was dancing all around, some girls grinding their pussies against eachother and some men humping other men, definitely some cocks were touched as well.

It was hard to avoid them, but Jan and Grant eventually reached the bar.

"Hey there, what can I get you?" Cole asked.

Fuck, he's even hotter in person, more ripped as well? Hot Dayum, you, handsome, can that happen? Jan thought as he smiled.

"Hey there Cole, oh my god I loved you on the show, I actually didn't feel bad or horrified at the romance with Jessica, because I was rooting for the two of you, and then that epic bromance with Devon, that was sooo good..."

"Yeah, and then his epic bromance with Ryan, am I right?" Cole interrupted.

"Totally. Can I have a beer? What would you like, Grant?" Jan asked.

"Oh, hello." Cole said looking Grant up and down, even bending over the bar to see how well equipped Grant was.

"I'll have the same thing, sweetie." Grant said with a smile.

"Hey!" Devon exclaimed after he was done helping someone with taking their order.

"I know you. You're that big fan who tweeted me along with Ryan and Cole a bunch of times."

"Guilty as charged." Jan said as he turned his eyes on Devon while no longer looking at Cole who was using the beer tap to get them their drinks.

"How ya doin'?" Devon asked as he put a hand around Jan's waist and leaned in for a hug.

Fuck, he's actually hugging me, Jan thought as he wrapped his arms around Devon's body and could actually feel his own cock hardening against the wood of the bar.

"I'm very good, thank you, loved this season, you were amazing in it, too bad that sudden death thing didn't work out."

"Oh yeah, Million Dollar Disaster. Bummed that the Survivor Gods didn't want me to beat him."

Jan leaned in.

"I think you could have won," Jan whispered in Devon's ear, not daring to let this opportunity go to waste and softly kissed his earlobe.

"Really?" Devon asked as he tipped his fingertips under my chin, and I couldn't help but get turned on by that.

"Ahem, your beers." Cole said, breaking up the sexual tension that was forming.

"Thanks, Cole, cutie." Jan said as he took it from them.

"Will we see you later?" Cole and Devon asked in unison.

"You betcha. I have no desire to leave just yet, I just got here." Jan said with a wink as he and Grant walked to a more private setting.

"Cut the fucking sexual tension with a razor sharp knife, Jan my man." Grant whispered as he clinked their glasses and took a small gulp from their beers.

"Yeah, for real. I got so fucking hard when he put his hand around my waist and went in for a hug. Part of me just wanted to fucking do them behind the bar, both at the same time, first both their cocks in my firm grip, stroking them off, my tongue licking one and then the other and..."

"Fuck it off, man, I'm getting hard just thinking about it!" Grant exclaimed.

It didn't come out that loud that the music stopped, so they were both good with this exclamation going unheard.


"Fuck, dude, Jeff was right." Cole said.

"What's that, dude?" Devon asked.

He grabbed Cole and put his lips to his ear.

"Fuck, dude, Jeff was right!"

"About Jan being hot as fuck in real life just like his Twitter profile picture? Hell to the Yeah." Devon exclaimed.

"What did you think about his friend? What was his name again... Grant, right?" Cole asked.

"For sure, dude! But Jeff wants us to make sure Jan has a fucking good old time." Devon said.

"Did you see where he went? I think Kelly Wentworth and Spencer Bledsoe can cover this shift for the time being."

"With Grant to a place more private, I think. Oh, we can do that? Okay, let's do that."

They announced their replacements as the search for Jan began...


"Look, as much as I love to do it right here, Grant..." Jan started, but Grant knew his buddy like the back of his hand.

"Save yourself for your hot Survivor Duo, hey pal, I feel ya." Grant told him.

It was actually up for interpretation if that said hot Survivor Duo heard that or not... because that was the moment they found him.

Devon smacked him firmly on the ass.

"Thought you could hide from us, eh?"

"Yowch!!" Jan exclaimed as he felt like Elmer Fudd had just been hit by another rival toon in the game Looney Tunes World of Mayhem.

"Mmm, that was hard. I like it." Jan groaned.

"So yeah... uhm... we actually wanted to talk to you, away from the social scene a bit, like maybe, outside?" Cole asked.

Jan was about to reply when there was another pounce on someone, this time on Grant's ass cheek.

"Dude, you made it!" sounded a familiar voice.

"Stephen, hey man, fancy meeting you here... and right here, no less. How have you been?" Grant asked as he wrapped an arm around Stephen Amell's muscled arm.

"Sorry guys, nice meeting you, we have some catching up to do." Stephen said as they moved away, preparing themselves for a good fucking session. "Yeah, very good, and yourself?"

"Sure, I'd love to go somewhere more private, heck, I would go into the dungeon with you guys if this place has one." Jan told the Survivor Duo.

"Interesting, but even we don't know about that..." they said as they walked to the door that would take them outside.

"So..." they said once they got him alone and fully showed off their naked bodies to Jan by standing in front of him.

"Hashtag Survivor Duo, right?" they smirked.

"You...You've heard that one, did you?" Jan asked.

"Of course we did, it was all over Twitter, thanks for starting that trend mind you. What? Did you think we meant something else?"

"Oh yeah, I may had said that to Grant just now right before you found us... well, me."

"Amazeballs. Do tell..." Cole and Devon both said as they acted in unison and wrapped a hand around their cocks at exactly the same time, stroking softly.

Jan acted on instinct and pulled Cole closer to kiss him hard on his lips while he felt that grabbed cock connect with his own hard cock as his tongue plunged deep inside Cole's mouth to mesh with his, whereas also feeling the touch of Devon's lips on the back of his neck and an acheing cock begging for entry being placed at a very awaiting ass.

But Devon actually forced himself to wait and pulled Jan away from Cole, thus ending that hot scorching french kiss session.

"Hey, no fair," Cole replied, throwing both his hands up in the air, thus freeing his cock from its hand captivity, but Jan's hand quickly reclaimed that.

The other hand of the big fan's found purchase at Devon's cock.

"I bet you both like that, huh, don't you?" Jan asked as his eyes darted from Cole to Devon, all to see the bliss on their face.

"Y... Yeahhhh, stroke it, mmmhhmmmm that's so good," they both groaned at first.

"B... But you know what would ahhh be totally amazeballs? If you could suck one and then suck the other." they suggested.

Jan slowly kneeled down on the ground.

"Yeah? Well, your wish..." Jan started as his face neared the direction of Cole's cock first and then kissed it before slowly taking it into his mouth to suck and then let go... "...is my command," and then quickly repeated the process on Devon's hard cock.

"Ahhhh fuck!! I want to mouth-thrust ya so fuckin' bad!" Cole groaned.

"Mmmmm" Jan moaned as he took Cole's in his mouth again. "Go right ahead."

And no sooner than that did Jan feel two, three, no, four quick thrusts against his mouth, almost taking the whole thing into his mouth.

"MMmmmnnhhhmmmmmm," the fan groaned as he clearly enjoyed every second of this, and then quickly did the same thing to Devon's cock who also had the same dirty mind as Cole.

"FUCK, STOP!" Devon groaned.

So Jan did.

Then he was pushed against a dustbin, only his ass touching the coldness of the object.

Before Jan could say a thing, Devon wrapped his lips around Jan's thick cock and began to suck.

Jan's hands dove into Devon's hairline and pulled as he moaned and groaned.

Well of course Cole couldn't be left alone to enjoy himself so he plunged himself home-deep into Devon's ass.

The feeling of hearing Devon's moan, no, or maybe also feeling Devon's breath on his cock was enough to get Jan even closer to that final ending, but he didn't cum right then and there.

Jan tugged hard on Devon's hair as he was sucked so beautifully, so intimately, not realizing a brief pause and that it now was Cole's mouth wrapped around Jan's thick dick and now Devon the one fucking Cole hard from behind.

"Oh god this is soooo good, if you ever play again with me we'll totally have a threesome alliance!!!"

"Oh yeah, I would love that, your dick every night, even if we lose a challenge, not sure if I wouldn't vote you out, I mean, if we were the sole three of our tribe and went to Tribal Council again, well, then someone of the three of us would have to get voted out but fucking dayum that would rock for sure, dude!"

And then it was all gone.

That feeling of bliss.

All that remained were a naked Cole and Devon laying on their backs on the ground, looking up at their fan with rock hard cocks.

"Choose which one you want to ride... stud."

Truth was, he had a crush on both of them, but maybe because Devon got the furthest Jan chose Devon?

So Jan positioned his ass above Devon's cock before he slammed himself down on that hard cock of his, a cry erupting from his lips, which soon got muffled because Cole decided to silence him with his cock in Jan's mouth.

"Yeah, fuck.... me... upward hard!" Jan groaned around Cole's hard cock that was in his mouth, saying it to Devon who had gripped Jan's back so there would be no way out of this one as he unleashed a salvo of thrusts of his cock which Jan happily bounced on like it was a bouncing ball, while also feeling the back of his throat get hit with Cole's cock time and time again.

It took a while before Jan was blessed with his season's favorites's cum hitting his ass and engulfing his mouth, but he happily took the force of both.

"And now for our favorite part... we know you love wearing your cockring so you betcha we hope you wore it today." both his favorites told him as Jan leaned against the dustbin so he could jack off.

"Oh you bet your delicious cocks and ass and cum that I did... I feel like you two know me so well..." Jan groaned as he frantically jacked himself off to get that release, that climax, that euforia of cumming with his favorite players of this great season of Survivor.

And when he came, a burst of cum so thick erupted, yet sadly it didn't hit Cole's body nor Devon's, but dayum, was it a thick load.

"Mmmmmm, FUCK, that was soooo good." Jan groaned.

"Hell Yeah it was!" Cole and Devon cheered.

The second they went back inside, the music died and Jeff Probst stood there in all his nakedness with a microphone in hand.

"I'm pleased to give out at least one spoiler for next season right now. The first castaway of this upcoming season 36 GHOST ISLAND is... JAN VAN ES! Give him a round of applause!!"

(The End of This Special Survivor Utopia Chapter)

To Be Continued (For Utopia)

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Survivors Survive This

This is a fantasy version of the show "Survivor" that is currently the rage of the concept of "Reality Television." All characters and the concept of "Survivor", and all rights, trademarks, and copyrights attendant thereto belong to CBS. This fan fiction is not intended to be an infringement of any type upon those rights. Thus this story minus those elements belonging to CBS and others is copyrighted to us and is to be posted at NO pay-to-read sites. Survivors, Survive This! By...

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Vegas WeekendChapter 5 Monday Another Survivor

(Monday morning) Bobby woke at 6 A.M. As his mind travelled back over the things he did yesterday, he didn't know whether to feel guilt or elation. Everyone in his party was certainly much more... liberal. And he had gotten more sex than he would ever have BELIEVED! -- HELL, he wasn't a VIRGIN anymore! Not by a LONG shot! But... something had obviously been done to all of them -- the changes in them were just too extreme. Had he... taken advantage of them... during their weakness? Of their...

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Aunt Katherin and Her SlavesChapter 2 Katherine

Katherine stepped into her elegant living room and took a book from the shelf. She sat in a plush lounge chair, specifically selecting a chair in the back corner of the room next to an old dumbwaiter that was once used to ferry delicious meals from the downstairs kitchen to the dining room table. She planned to read the book for a short while, but she already knew her attention would soon be diverted. Tonight the dumbwaiter would once again be placed into service, except this time it would be...

4 years ago
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SurvivorsChapter 2 Twilights Last Gleaming

"I like the look of that one," Samantha said as we stood at the shore-end of one of the docks. The one she nodded toward was a custom Princess Motor Yacht nearly a hundred feet long. It was not the biggest boat in the marina, but it was definitely in the top ten percent. I looked around for a minute as the ladies made appreciative sounds and then decided there was no time like the present. I walked down the quay a little way to look at the boat's name. "Caroline II," I said out loud....

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Thangaiku Theriyaamal Amma Magalai Oothen

Indru tamil kama kathaiyil ilamaiyaana magalum pinbu vithavai ammavaiyum eppadi usar seithu matter poten endru ungaluku solugiren. Suvarasiyam athigam irukum kama kathaikul selalam vaarungal, en peyar karthik. En veethiiyil oru pen ilamaiyaaga sexiyaaga irupaal, avalai thinamum sight adithu kondu irupen. Thinamum aval kalluri sendru varum pozhuthu iru velaiyilum sight adika arambithu viduven. Aval peyar nandhini vayathu 21 irukum, avaluku veetil aan thunai kidaiyaathu. Veetil oru amma iru...

3 years ago
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Plague Survivortexas Panhandle The Next Chapter

John rubbed the sleep out of his eyes, but the scene outside the window still refused to change. There was, in fact, fresh snow outside. It was at least an inch deep. "Damn," he muttered out loud. "Wha?" Clarissa muttered, startled out of sleep. "Nothing, Dear. Go back to sleep," John told his wife. John looked at his wife. She had sharp ears, even in her sleep. He didn't try to be quiet when he left the room, as that would have woken his wife fully. Normal noises seemed to settle...

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SurvivorChapter 02

The trip deeper into the property does take them through a few of the lower fences, and Pat is surprised all of the gates are left open. When asked about it Sarge says, “If we leave the gates open it makes moving about easier, but the main reason is it allows the little stock we do have here to wander as they will so we don’t have to move them to new grazing. In short, we’re too lazy to move the stock so we let them move themselves when they wish to.” Pat laughs at the very practical...

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SurvivorChapter 04

On the first Wednesday in September Hard Ball is picking Pat up at school today. Erin and Gunny are in Eagle Pass and they don’t know how long their business will take them. Thus the change in routine. It has no real effect on Pat because all of the pickups look the same and they all know the place where he waits for them to collect him. Hard Ball is a little delayed so Pat is looking around the area while waiting outside the school. He notices four people in a car parked on the other side...

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SurvivorChapter 05

When Pat moves from Grade School to Junior High School he’s a bit surprised by the change in the student culture. However, soon after he starts the 10th Grade in Senior High School the differences in the student culture to his previous schools is a shock to him! In the first few weeks he learns how important the student social standing is to the majority of the students now, and how it can make school easier or a lot harder than it needs to be. The real shock for him is how so many minor...

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Home for Horny Monsters Book OneChapter 10 Soul Survivor

Lily sipped at her cocktail, smiling at the ocean waves that crashed into the shore, scattering sand along its edges. Technicolor crabs that looked like they had been drawn by a toddler scurried in every direction, a remnant of a childhood memory seeking shelter from the crushing surf. While the drink was good, Lily was a little sad that it had no bite to it — it was impossible to get truly drunk from a dream. “Hey!” Lily held up her drink. One of her beach minions ran forward to refill it....

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Survivor Moving OnChapter 02

The first day of college is organised mayhem, just like it is at every educational facility around the world on the first day of the year. But Pat has no problems because he’s already been all over the campus several times to plan where he’ll park and how he’ll move from class to class, as well as to the other locations he needs to visit, like the cafeterias. He already has all of his text books for those classes with set books, so he only has to wait for the course notes for the two classes...

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Survivor Moving OnChapter 03

During the last week before the summer holiday break the Major in command of the college ROTC unit has a meeting with Pat. When Pat is in the office the Major hands him some papers, waves at a chair, and says, “Captain Nolan, those are the forms to attend a two week training course at one of the Army training posts in July. Everyone else in the ROTC unit will be at the course and I want you to sign the papers to attend as well.” Pat reads the papers, checks the dates against his other...

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Survivor Moving OnChapter 04

Pat’s class schedule is heavy and very full. However he doesn’t have any classes until after lunch on Wednesday, so he doesn’t need to go to the college until 2:00 p.m. on Wednesday. He uses the morning to catch up on many other tasks and to relax a bit. One part of this is to have an early lunch in one of the city diners near the college. The place concerned is very busy in the afternoon and very empty in the morning. It started life in the 1950s and it still has the same customer area decor...

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Survivor Moving OnChapter 05

Both Pat and Rosa do well in their studies and they get good scores in all of their exams. Rosa has to go home to be involved in the preparations for their wedding so Pat pays for her to fly home a few days after their final exams for the year while business affairs keep Pat in Fayetteville until early June. When he can Pat packs up his Yukon and drives to the ranch to stay in his room until the wedding on the last Saturday of June. On the day of the wedding Rosa is surprised to see her best...

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Survivor Moving OnChapter 06

Although she doesn’t know what he does or where he goes Rosa does know Pat goes away to do some work every now and then. He never tells her what it’s about or who he does it for. Since he always wears his BDUs when he leaves and the few places she knows he goes to are military posts she assumes he’s doing some extra work for the Army related to his work with the Maverick Militia. However, while Pat does spend a lot of time on Army posts for the extra work he’s actually employed by the Secret...

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The Survivor

Myra swore under her breath as she cut through a thick tangle of Kudzu. The damn vines were everywhere, and made traveling through the forested hills of the Ozarks a complete nightmare. Her arms ached terribly from the continual effort of swinging her machete, making it feel like it weighed twenty pounds more than it had when she had started her flight through the countryside. ‘At least the weather has cooled down some,’ she ruefully thought, grasping onto anything that might give her some...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Thea Chapter Four

When the car with Jake in it became a dot on the horizon, Thea turned to go back in the house. Suddenly Floyd appeared. “Mrs. Thea, how you be?” Smiling, she knew immediately what he wanted. He had that look and a glance at his crotch confirmed it. The imprint of his cock was prominent as it pushed against the material. “Looks like everyone is gone.” Floyd said. His eyes looking out over the farm. “Yes, I am by myself for at least the next few days.” She replied in an...

1 year ago
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Utopia 2067

A shaft of morning sunshine streamed through a gap in the curtains and crept across the bed until it found me and woke me from my slumbers. I stretched out and patted the duvet to see if I still had company.The smooth female voice of our Home Analysis System floated around the room.“Hello Murray, it is 6:30 on Wednesday the 30th of November, 2067; it is your national saint’s day, and all is well with the world. Kay left twenty-five minutes ago and my sensors report she is twelve minutes from...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Mrs Ethel HarrisChapter 4

Anna introduced Ethel to her father, Jonas Strong, when they met him in Wilsonville. Jonas was owner and manager of the bank and was a pillar of the community. He was surprised to see a woman dressed as Ethel was, but was completely taken by her when he found out that she had saved his daughter's life. He was impressed by any woman who had the gumption to be a gunfighter, and he was further impressed by the way she was armed. Jonas wanted to get to know Ethel better, so he and Anna stayed...

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Mrs Ethel HarrisChapter 5

Ethel developed a really great liking for Adam Strong in the week she spent visiting them. He did not exactly remind her of her dead husband, Archy, but he had a lot of the same characteristics that she had loved in Archy. His main attraction, though, was that he let her be her. Adam did not try to change her to fit some sort of "ideal woman" in his eyes. Ethel hated to leave at the end of her week's visit, but she knew that she had to if she was ever going to satisfy her vendetta against...

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Mrs Ethel HarrisChapter 6

The next afternoon, Ethel, Hester, and Anna rode into Wilsonville. Ethel had her horse, but the other two ladies were riding in a carriage driven by Anna. Ethel was planning to open her bank account and stay over to play poker, but the other two were going to do some shopping and return home in time for supper. They met Jonas for dinner (lunch to you damyankees) and had a very nice meal at the hotel restaurant. Of course, it was not up to what Hester could and would fix, but it was still...

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Thelma and her brother

Note : This story is completely fictional!In nineteen forty six Thelma Lou Anderson was married with three kids. Linda was the oldest. She was sixteen. Guy and George was ten and Guy seven. Thelma owned a beauty shop in Kansas City. She suspected her husband Lawerance was cheating on her again. She followed him one day when he thought she was at work and saw him go into a house. A woman opened the door and he went in. That was all the proof she needed. She went home and packed her suitcase and...

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Monster Lab 3 The Other Survivor

She yawned once brushing her black hair to the side and looked at herself in the mirror. Making sure she was decent enough looking to pass for working.  She straightened her puffy white oiled tank-top. Her bra always showed through it. Many thought she looked trashy, however they didn't have to work in the hottest place in the building and they were lucky she wore a bra at all. She wore short-shorts all year long, because in the winter it's still made it up to the uppers 80's in the...

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Mrs Ethel HarrisChapter 3

"What the hell are ya talkin' 'bout? Git that God damned gun outta my back afore I gits real mad!" "My pistol is on full cock and my finger is on the trigger. If you make a sudden move, I might slip and blow a big fucking hole in your back. Now, do you want me to do that?" "Shit, no! Don't do that. OK, I'll come with ya, but ease off on that gun muzzle. It hurts the way ya're pressin' it inta my back." "Not yet, I won't. Put your hands behind your back and cross your...

2 years ago
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Repopulating the WorldAnother Survivor

It had been 2 years since the dreaded meteor had hit earth. Allie, Rich and John seemed to be the only ones that had survived the hit. They had traveled through many towns and had found no life. The trio had made it a goal to repopulate the world, and they had started. Adam was now a year old. The three survivors and their son entered a new town. According to Rich’s navigation it was a town some where in Texas. John went ahead and found shelter in a nice ranch house just outside of town. As...

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Harry Thelma and HarryChapter 2

I suppose it was about a month later, that Thelma stumbled one day in those bloody high heals that she was back to wearing, breaking a bone in her ankle. I got a frantic call from her when she was at the hospital asking me to come and collect the girls. When I arrived the doctor told me the break, although not serious, needed to be set in plaster. But there was a problem. Thelma's ankle had swollen up and they would have to wait until the swelling had gone down before the plaster could be...

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The Passion of Mother Ethel

Mother Ethel always enjoyed the short walk to the train station. It was beautiful Autumnal morning and Mother Ethel took the opportunity to walk to the train station as she knew that she had a very busy day ahead. Those that saw Mother Ethel along the way bowed reverently,they knew that Mother Ethel was a Nun of the Monastery of Repentance and when a Nun or a Monk walked past it was polite to bow, for many knew what the Nun's and Monk's of the Monastery were capable of. As Mother Ethel strolled...

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Mrs Ethel HarrisChapter 7

The poker game that Ethel and Adam found was in a rougher saloon than they realized. This was the kind of place where cheating was rampant, and, not only did you have to watch your cards, you had to watch your back. As a matter of course, Ethel and Adam did sit on opposite sides of the table so that they could keep an eye out for the safety of the other. That was not because of this particular saloon, they would have done it at any saloon. The first few hands did not bode well for Ethel, as...

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Mrs Ethel HarrisChapter 8

Ethel and Adam dropped off the gold at the bank in Wilsonville and rode to the ranch. They hastily packed supplies on a pack mule for an extended wilderness trip, picked four new horses so that they would have remounts, and dashed off for that cabin in the woods near Harley Springs. They pressed as hard as they could, but it was still the next day before they reached the shack described by Willy Simpson. The shack was empty, but there was a trail to follow. Adam was a very good tracker,...

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Dot Dorothea and Dick

Dot, Dorothea, and Dick Chapter One Dear sister: I found this letter among some others, scrolled up and tied with purple ribbon, in a chest belonging to our great grandfather. The name Charles has belonged to several in our family line, but I believe I know the one who received and saved this letter, and kept it preserved for so many years. I believe the letter speaks for itself, so I will now offer it up to you. Dearest Charles: I hope this missive finds you in such good...

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Athena Corp Chronicles Chapter 2 Black Swan

Madam Snow opened the mini fridge in her office and extracted a bottle of liquor. She smiled, observing the familiar crystal clear bottle with it's thick orange lettering near the top spelling out the brand name. It featured thin, black, cursive *********** down the center describing its delicious contents. It was Absolut Mandrin, 80 proof; her favorite variant of the popular vodka. She only ever opened a bottle on special occasions like this. “This vodka is flavored. Mandarin Orange. I hope...

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Plague Survivor

I woke to a disgusting stench, feeling weak. The stench came from me. I had thrown up and used my pants as a toilet. My empty stomach heaved from the smell, but I had nothing left to expel. I got out of my clothes, and hit the shower. I washed the smell and other things off of me. I threw the clothes away. I went to the kitchen and made some soup. I even managed to keep it down. I sat and looked out the window. It was late afternoon, it was snowing and I had the plague. It had to be the...

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EstherChapter 3

When we entered the dining salon, all conversation stopped. I had changed from my travel clothes earlier, but was still in black. Esther was in a peach colored evening gown. As I said before, she was ravishing. Martha and Hatty walked behind us in their evening gowns. It was plain that everyone wondered who this girl was with the Royal Executioner and the Guild Master for companions. Certainly most of the apprentices and the other Guild members had not met, or been introduced to Esther. None...

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EstherChapter 2

“Are the statements, that the Lord Executioner made, true?” the Village Chief demanded sternly. “Yes, Un ... Uncle,” the young man finally answered very quietly. “A week in the stocks,” the Village Chief pronounced, “and the same for those two friends of yours.” The Village Chief then turned to me to apologize. “I am sorry I doubted you, Lord Executioner. It would appear that I need to pay closer attention to what is going on with the workers in the fields.” “An excellent idea,” I replied,...

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My Golden Summer with Blythe Ch 01

Our Last Day of School. I can’t believe it. This is my last day of school, I thought, not sure how I felt now that the long awaited day was here. Stepping out into the beautiful sunny afternoon, heading toward the group of waiting yellow school buses I breathed a sigh of relief. I was glad school was finished. Throughout High School like a ship at sea, I had plotted my course, studying hard. However, the Scholarship that many felt I had rightfully won had somehow ended up going to one of...

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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

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