Mma' Sorority (Part 4). free porn video

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The Sorority I was pledging had assigned us to fuck three guys, photographing it for proof. Buchi was my first, an easy one since I had fucked him before. Now I had to decide who was going to be my second.

Two guys from this one fraternity had asked me out, so when I heard that they were having a big blow-out at their house that weekend I thought I would go. I hadn't dated them but they seemed okay. If the rest of the frat was like them, maybe I could meet my next 'trophy.'

Three of us Pledges went together, safety in numbers and everything. None of us had been to that house before, but we all knew several of the brothers, and a few other people who were there. We were having a pretty good time for a while. We talked to some people and got hit on by quite a few guys, but no one that was too interesting. At least not yet.

The house got louder and rowdier as it got a little later and everyone got a little drunker. Some d**gs were around too, but I wasn't interested in that. I started spending more time talking to this one guy named Tope. He was pretty cute and I started thinking that he might be a good candidate for my picture gallery. In fact, since we were both pretty drunk, I thought maybe I could take care of that tonight. He was certainly willing, nearly attacking me there in the middle of the room.

So when he suggested we move off into one of the side rooms for a little more privacy, I agreed. I had declined to go up to his room, but I thought it was worth seeing if he might be worth it.

We went into the room. It was the pool room, as in pool table. There were two other couples, each in a corner, kissing and groping each other. We ignored them and, leaning against the pool table, began kissing and groping each other. We did that for what seemed like a long time until he took me by the waist and lifted me up onto the pool table.

He kissed me again as I sat there, then his hands took my legs and spread them apart. He bent down, kissing my thighs and going quickly into my crotch.

"No panties," he said, looking up at me and smiling nastily.

He buried his mouth in my crotch, licking my slit. It didn't last long, though. Very quickly he pushed back onto the table and climbed on top of me. He kissed my lips (with my pussy juice on him), then began moving himself upward. His body slid over my head until I realised his naked penis was pointing right at me. When had he gotten that out of his pants?

If I hadn't been so wasted it wouldn't have gotten even this far, not here in public, let alone what would happen next. But as his penis pushed against my face, I opened my mouth to lick the head. I licked all around the head and then opened my mouth to let the shaft inside. I sucked on it and Tope pushed more of it in.

He was mauling my breasts, and tore my blouse open. Whoops! No bra either. He liked that. He did seem to be having trouble trying to jam his dick into my mouth and play with my tits at the same time, so after a few minutes of this he pulled his dick out and moved off me.

I felt my skirt being pulled off me and looked down to see it happening. I lay there on the table completely naked as Tope stripped his pants off. He pushed my legs apart and crawled on his knees in between them. His hand reached into my crotch and played with my pussy lips, sticking a finger into my hole. Then he grabbed my breasts with both hands and laid on me, his dick pushing into my crotch.

Reaching down with one hand, he guided his dick into my hole and pushed. It didn't hurt at all. In fact I hardly felt it. Was he that small or was I too drunk to tell? He grabbed my ass and lifted it up. He was now on his knees driving into me, and my ass was held in the air, only my shoulders and head on the table. It was feeling pretty good in my pussy, so I guessed that he wasn't that small after all. As he began driving his dick harder into me, I at least could remember that I needed a picture. I couldn't ask permission to take one at this point, so I just asked for my skirt. My phone was in the pocket.

"Hey, Sopulu," Tope yelled. "Come here and give me that skirt there."

Someone gathered up my skirt, and Tope said to him, "She wants a picture of us. Get her phone - in the pocket." He kept pumping into me the whole time.

We fucked while Sopulu took a picture, and another. Then Tope said, "Wait a second. Let's give her a better picture."

I didn't know what he meant, but I soon found out. There were a few other people nearby. I don't know if they were watching us or doing their own thing, but one guy joined us quickly when Tope suggested he stick his dick in my mouth. The new guy climbed onto the table above me, dangled his cock down towards my mouth, and shoved it in. I hardly had it open, but the force of his dick pushing in opened it quickly.

I had never had two cocks in me at once, and I wasn't really a fan. The guy in my mouth was being very rough. I was having trouble breathing, and nearly gagged when he forced himself to the back of my throat.

"Okay." Tope said. "Her Sorority wants pictures of her fucking, so take some good glamour shots."

I had not told him about why I wanted a picture. He knew! I suddenly realized that he knew! And then I felt foolish. I shouldn't have been surprised. I should have suspected. Buchi had heard about our initiation, and he was a science nerd. Surely these guys would know what was going in with us Sorority girls prowling around for people to fuck. They probably all knew!

As I saw the guy taking picture after picture I looked to see if anyone else was taking any. I was relieved to not see any, and thought he could take as many with my camera as he wanted. I could erase them. By that time I thought Tope was getting close to cumming. He was getting erratic, and I felt his cock engorge, then blast inside of me. When he was done cumming, he stayed inside me, still holding me up, as he watched the new guy still fucking my mouth.

I was worried that he might never cum. My mouth was sore, I was tired, worn out, and aware of others watching me be double teamed by these guys. i felt humiliated. It was with great relief when I felt the new guy begin shooting his load. It shot down my throat, gagging me. I opened my mouth and turned sideways to try to breath. His cock slipped out of my mouth but it kept spurting. It shot onto my face, and as he grabbed hold of it he aimed it at my face as he pumped it dry. Eyes, cheeks, chin, all felt drenched with his cum. And I didn't even know his name.

Tope was off me, so I was able to sit up. wipe off my mouth, and grab my skirt. I found my blouse laying nearby. I mumbled a question to a girl standing there, and she told me where the bathroom was. I walked numbly past more people and found the bathroom. Once inside I sat in a stall and broke down. It was several minutes before I could stop myself from crying.

It had been so humiliating. I had never had two guys like that, and didn't like it. Even when I tried I could not concentrate on the feelings in either my mouth or my pussy. And that didn't even count the audience. I was glad I was drunk, because even now I couldn't remember what faces I had seen watching me.

Watching? Suddenly I remembered the phone. I grabbed it and looked at the pictures. Oh, now I felt even worse. They were disgusting. I didn't enjoy much porn, and even less when it was me. The only good thing was that I could delete all but one, but I wasn't about to decide that now. I had to pull myself together and get out of that house.

I left the restroom and met my friend in the large party room. Neither of us had seen the other girl we came with. We couldn't leave without her, but we both felt like we needed to get outside. Luckily she was waiting for us on the porch. All of us had finished our assignments - that is, gotten fucked. One of us was fine, but two of us felt humiliated. We did not go into details with each other. We were just glad it was over.
That was a traumatic night, and I had no interest in finding my third guy to fuck just now. A few days after that incident I was spending the night at the Sorority House. Each Pledge spent a few nights there in one of the guest rooms. I was surprised that this time I did not have any extra chores or indoctrination like the other two times I had been there. I was just told to get to bed early as I would be up early.

I was just getting comfortable in bed when three sisters walked in.

"Are you awake?" one asked.

"Yeah, just getting settled in."

One of the girls opened the door and a few more girls came in. I guessed I wasn't going to get settled in just yet. Then came the big surprise. A large, strange man walked in, dressed in nothing but a robe. I had never seen him before, and I didn't think he was a student. He looked like he was about 30 years old.

He stepped over to the side of the bed and looked down at me. I was still mostly laying down and did not have any idea what I should do. He reached down, took hold of the sheets, and pulled them completely off me.

"Makuo here is to help with your initiation," someone said. "Hopefully you will enjoy it. Try, anyhow." Makuo sat on the bed beside me and stroked my arm gently, saying, "Hi."

"Hi," I answered, and felt foolish as soon as I said it. I don't know why. Perhaps I felt too nervous. Perhaps my voice sounded too nervous, like a little school girl or a virgin. I was neither of those, but I was nervous. What the Hell was I in for now?

"I think you'll like this." he said, quietly. "Most girls do."

So he was a regular at doing... whatever he was going to do. Well, I thought it can't be too bad if others had done it in the past. So I steeled my mind to accept whatever was going to happen.

About that time Makuo seemed to get started as his hand went down my arm and slid over to my leg. Concentrating on my thigh, he stroked up and down it several times, each time getting further and further on the inside of my thigh as well as going higher and... OH! He brushed against my pussy. And again. And soon his finger stayed right there on my pussy. So far I was enjoying it!

He had folded my nightgown neatly above my waist. He slid a finger up and down my slit, and with the other hand pushed my leg so that I was spread out for him. "And for all the girls standing here watching," I said silently. But I reminded myself that I was ready for anything. The Sorority was definitely breaking down my modesty. I could do anything!

My pussy was reacting. I could feel his fingers slide easily in the wetness. He explored the whole region, from my clit to my ass hole. That sent chills up my spine since no one had ever touched my ass hole before. I didn't think I would like it, so I was surprised at the pleasant sensation when he touched it and pressed in a little. I was happy that he did not enter it, though I knew he might before this was over.

"She has a nice pussy," I heard Makui say to someone. "Her lips are puffy. The inner ones are pushing out, see?" He slid a big, thick finger inside me a few inches. "And her hole is nice and wet. I think you have a good one here. This girl must like sex."

I have never been so embarrassed by a compliment before. I closed my eyes tightly so I could not see any of the girls' reactions to what he said. Or to what he was doing!

I felt a second finger push inside me. Oh, man! It was pretty tight, especially as he was pushing against the walls, as if stretching them out. His fingers curled and uncurled, trying to touch and stretch out every spot. I was breathing fast and shallow, and gasped each time his fingers pressed on my G-spot. I peaked out at him and saw him smile when that happened. He knew just what he was doing to me.

My eyes shot open as I felt a third finger force its way inside. His fingers were thick, and I was surprised I could hold three of them. I was sure that I had never had anything inside me that was as thick as he was stretching my pussy, because he still was pressing against the walls, pushing outwards. And though I was scared, and nervous, I was also leaking. I was so excited, and he was pleased.

He suddenly pulled his fingers out of my pussy, reached down and took hold of my arms. He lifted me up onto my knees as he stood up. Reaching down he took my nightgown and pulled it over my head. Suddenly I was naked in front of this complete stranger as well as a room full of girls. He gently lifted my chin upwards and placed two fingers on my lips. Then he traced around my face, over my cheek, around my ear - it felt good - and sexy.

His other hand then found my breast. He stroked it, then began squeezing it and pinching my nipple. The other breast got a similar treatment. I was missing his fingers in my pussy, but I was enjoying this. My eyes were mostly closed again while I enjoyed the new sensation. I opened them slightly when I heard murmuring come from several of the girls. I didn't know what had happened that was different, but I got the feeling that something had. Then I saw it. His dick was erect and had found its way out of the folds of his robe. I gasped when I saw it. I had never seen anything like it.

I did not look at much porn. It didn't excite me much. But I had seen pictures of a couple very large dicks back in the dorm. A couple girls had them, and there was much conversation if they were real or if it was a photography trick. I thought they could not be real, because they were just too big. I didn't believe that they could really grow that big. Until now.

As I looked at Makuo's dick, I thought those pictures might be real after all, though even looking at his I could not believe it could grow that thick. I couldn't tell the length yet, as it was sticking out of his robe, but the thickness was ridiculous. I suddenly realized that it was entirely likely that he was going to stick that thing right up inside me before long. I thought I would rather have a baseball bat stuck up there, because this dick looked thicker than a bat. I found that my mind was still debating whether it was real or not.

That was settled quickly when he untied his robe and let it slide down off his shoulders. A gasp was heard from the other girls when they saw his entire dick now, sticking straight out from his body, long and thick and looking mean. Holy shit! It probably looked even bigger to me than to some other girls, because I had not had a tremendous amount of experience. The dicks I had seen had been about the size I expected. Not all the same, but similar. But i had not been with a guy who had a dick much bigger than any of the others. Certainly none like this one.

His hand took mine and led it to his dick, wrapping my fingers around it. Partially around it, I mean. They couldn't possibly reach all the way around, nor could one hand cover close to half of the length. My hand looked smaller than normal when it was wrapped around his dick. His cock. This thing was too big to be called a dick.

Now with a hand on the back of my head he pulled me forward, towards his cock. I was having trouble breathing as I came closer to his monster. I felt like I would hyper-ventilate, and I told myself to breath steadily, don't get upset, whatever was going to happen had happened to others, so it must be okay. Just breathe.

"Kiss it," I heard him say.

I did as he said, on the head, on the side, and I even licked over the end. But that was not enough.

I heard his voice again. "Take it in your mouth."

You've got to be k**ding. I have had dicks in my mouth. They were much smaller than this one, and even then there wasn't much extra room in there. This one would not fit. But with my realisation that others had done this before me, I opened my mouth and tried. My lips stretched around the head, my jaw felt like it was detaching, my lips tried to keep it wet so I would slide on it easier. I pushed my head onto the rod, sucking and trying for as much as I could manage. His hand on my head pushed as well. When I had gotten all I could take and my jaw was aching, begging for relief, I brought my hand up to mark the place I had been and pulled off. I was dismayed when I looked where my hand marked - I had just the head in my mouth, nothing of the shaft. Oh, shit, how big was this thing?

I heard some giggling as I gasped for air, and decided that I wasn't done. Perhaps a different approach would work. I opened wide and attacked his cock again. This time I did not try to take it in my mouth from the front. Rather, I wrapped my lips around as much as I could and traveled around the head and down a few inches of the shaft, licking and sucking and kissing as I went. I hoped that this give the effect of having more in my mouth than I actually could get. Makuo seemed to appreciate the feelings he was getting, and none of the girls complained.

"Yes, Sweetie, you are a good one," he said. "You are determined. I think you like it."

Actually, I did. I was enjoying it. I was excited. I could feel my pussy leaking. But then my mind would flash on the fact that I expected him to be shoving it inside me soon, and I got scared.

Then it happened. He pushed my head back and looked into my eyes.

"Lay back," he said quietly, and I obeyed.

I was on my back while he held my legs. Then his hand moved up and grabbed a firm hold of my ass cheeks, lifting them up so I was level with his pole. Holding me with one beefy hand, he rubbed my slit again, feeling the moisture.

"She's dripping," he laughed.

He began fumbling with something. I could not tell what it was. My mind passed through a few scenarios - a dildo he was going to use on me, perhaps another person was involved, I didn't know. A girl was close to him, and he was doing something, but what? Then it hit me. I must have seen something, and my mind decided that he was putting on a condom.

"Thank God." I said to myself. I didn't know what diseases this guy might have. I was sure that he has had sex with many, many girls. Hell, maybe boys, too! What did I know? I felt relieved that it was going to be okay now - until I remembered how big the thing was that was soon going to be inserted into my pussy. Ahh!! He seemed to struggle a bit with the condom, but then all was ready. He guided his cock to my slit and rubbed it around, up and down, teasing me, making me hot, and getting himself lubed up. "For penetration!" I thought.

I felt that large head that I had licked settle itself at my entrance, It pushed in, and I opened up, but I knew I was not opened nearly enough. Then I felt his fingers pulling at the side of my pussy, pulling the labia out away from his cock, making it easier for him to slide inside me. I could feel that, and though no one else had done it, I knew that Makuo knew what he was doing, and that it be easier that way. I actually felt comfortable, a faith in Makuo that I would be okay in his hands.

Then I felt his cock pushing hard against my opening. Suddenly my faith in him disappeared. I felt pain as my pussy resisted the intruder. He lifted me up and down by my ass, wiggling my body so his cock could saw back and forth as it pushed forward. I could feel my pussy giving way, slowly and painfully, inch by inch. Probably more like half inch by half inch. Maybe less. For all the pressure and pain he didn't seem to be inside very far.

I could feel my walls stretching, my pussy tearing. I only hoped that it just felt like tearing, not actually doing it, but I didn't know. I had pretty much quit breathing all together, and I heard someone whimpering, often and sometimes loudly, not realising at first that it was me.

Then the forward pressure stopped. He pulled back just a little. I tried to imagine how far inside me he had gone, but I wasn't able to guess. He was spreading some more lube on him and me, and then he was at it again. Here we go," he said with a grin as he took my ass in his hands again and began pushing.

He seemed to go in a little easier, and was making some progress. I was concentrating on trying to figure out just how far he was in. This kept me from concentrating on the pain. It did hurt, a lot, but it begun to ease a little. My entrance wasn't burning as much. Most of the pain seemed to be coming from deeper inside me, where his cock head was pushing into places where nothing had been before.

Then I felt a very strange sensation. My breathing became quicker and shallower than ever. I felt what seemed like small electrical shots from clit, radiating out to the rest of my body, and I began to shudder. I was cumming! It was quite a surprise as I figured out what was happening to me. He quit pushing until I finished my convulsions, holding his shaft right where it was.

"Damn, this one is built for sex," I heard him say, just before he started pushing again.

It seemed to go easier after that. Perhaps it was just my mind feeling different. Or my body. I didn't know, but was glad when he started pulling out and pushing in. He did that a few times before I realised that he was indeed fucking me. The worst must be over, because he is fucking me, and it wasn't hurting nearly as much as before. As he went along, most of the pain had gone and I was actually beginning to enjoy it. At least a little.

He bent my knees back to my chest, then said, "Roll over."

It wasn't easy in that position, but between the two of us I did manage to roll over. My pussy hurt a little more as he did not remove his cock from me. My pussy just turned over with it still inside, A sensation I seemed to enjoy even with the added pain. When I was over, I lay face down, on my elbows, and on my knees, and he began pushing himself into my pussy once again. It actually felt like he was going deeper now. No, he actually was deeper. And I was enjoying it! I realized I was still feeling pain, especially as he was hitting places that nothing had ever penetrated before, but now that pain didn't bother me. I swear I was almost enjoying it. As I was finally relaxing and getting my body to get in the flow of things, thinking I might be okay from now on, I was surprised to feel the bed shake and roll. I looked up to see a girl sitting in front in me, getting into position with her legs spread and her bare pussy staring right at me. I could not look up enough to even tell who it was, but there no mistaking what she wanted me do. Eat her!

She pushed her crotch into my face and pulled my head into her pussy.

"Lick that damn pussy. You have to make her cum!" A girl's voice, but it did not belong to the pussy in my face. Not a familiar one, but deep and ragged and lustful.

I buried my nose and mouth into her pussy. I had little choice, as Makuo's thrusting pushed me forward each time. Then it registered in my mind what the voice had said. "You have to make her cum." Did I really? Was it really a requirement as a Pledge that this girl has to cum? I started to get so nervous about that, I couldn't concentrate on the shaft impaling me from behind.

My tongue licked her slit, running up and down it as I kept getting pushed deeper into it. I licked and sucked, trying my best to make this unknown girl climax. I hadn't even realized that I was, for the first time, eating a girl. Never would I have done that, I thought. Yet here I was, deeply involved in doing just that, before I even gave thought to what I was doing. My mind was reeling again with the new experiences I was being put through, some things that I never thought I would willingly do but finding that I liked each one as it happened.

It was then that I felt a finger being plunged into my ass hole. I didn't resist, as I hadn't felt it until it was already inside. At least I hoped it was a finger. Or did I? I didn't know anymore. I didn't care. But I liked it! I had no trouble eating that pussy at the same time as my face was still buried in it by the force of Makuo's fucking, but I had to try to remember to lick and suck and do whatever I could imagine would excite her. I remembered again that I had to make her cum. I had to.

Then I felt her body begin to shake. I felt it all through my own body. I was actually disappointed to realize that it was indeed my body shaking, not hers, as I convulsed into another orgasm. My entire crotch was hot. My pussy, my ass, everything down there felt like needles, driving me crazy, cumming more than I ever had before. I felt the finger withdraw from my ass and that just made me shudder again. I was yelling, totally out of control now, unable think. Still yelling and squirming, I regained enough of my sense to realize that I was yelling into the girl's pussy. My mouth was wide open, teeth bared, and yelling as if I was trying to be heard somewhere down her deep, dark hole. My body settled down, but I just kept at her pussy. I was wild now, wanting - even needing - more. I actually shoved my ass back toward Makuo as he pumped into me. He drove harder, yelling something that I couldn't understand. I gave all I had to tonguing that pussy as deep as I could reach. My lips kept brushing over her clit, and my teeth were trying to actually eat anything they could reach.

Soon - I had no idea how long, as time had no meaning for me any longer - the girl I was eating began yelling and thrashing into her own orgasm. I kept at her as long as I could, until she pushed me away and moved ner body away from me, though she was still cumming. I gave no thought to how I should feel at eating out another girl, or that the task I had been given was completed. I only felt pride at the fact that I had given her a delicious orgasm.

After she pulled away, Makuo turned me again, this time onto my side. He held one leg high into the air while the other lay flat on the bed. He kept piledriving into my poor abused pussy. I felt so fucking full that I was afraid I might burst open from being so full, but I no longer was worried. There was still some pain, but mostly it was pleasure. I was luxuriating in the two orgasms I had just had, especially the second one, and the memory of the great job I did eating that girl out was fresh in my mind.

I was now doing nothing but being pounded repeatedly by Makuo and his huge cock. I could concentrate on it, and I was loving the feeling of it as it was driven into me - still needing to push my walls apart with each thrust inside. Makuo's fingers reached around me and found my clit. Shocks immediately flew through my body. I was in overload. Everything felt so wonderful. What had just happened was still exciting my body, not to mention what was happening right now. My clit was burning with his attention when I realized he was doing something different. He was pushing in only a few inches, stopping right as he rubbed - what? - my G-spot! He was purposely pushing his cock head repeatedly against my G-spot. And still rubbing my clit with his hand. I felt like a sandwich. I was soon moaning, groaning, and writhing as these two spots were driving me insane.

Both spots began shooting out to my whole body. I grabbed whatever sheets I could find as I screamed out. I had never felt such an overwhelming feeling as my crotch seemed to dissolve in a puddle while the rest of my body exploded with electrical shocks. This kept going and going. I don't know how long it went on, the explosions rolling and rolling, climax after climax. It seemed that my orgasm would never end. I could feel my clit and his cock still being rubbed, rubbed raw. I wanted it to stop, but I could not move my hands to push him away and I could not say a word except for my screaming. Evidently I passed out. Suddenly I was aware of my surroundings, and the fact that I had missed an uncertain amount of time. Makuo was still in my pussy, but he was no longer moving, nor was he rubbing my clit. That, however, did not stop my body from having aftershocks, each one bringing groans from deep inside my throat. I began to become aware of voices, people around me talking, but I was not able yet to understand their words.

Makuo withdrew from my pussy, leaving me feeling empty. I curled up, trying to hide my body as much as I could, suddenly feeling shy. A little late now, I thought, laughing to myself. My body continued with a few more aftershocks. I could not come to grips with how long and strong my orgasm - well, orgasms - had been. Never in my life had I even imagined that sex could be like that.

Makuo leaned down and kissed me lightly on the cheek, then was gone. Then I realized that the girls had gone as well. I was alone in my room again. My sheets were totally messed up, torn away from the mattress and soaking wet in several places. My lower body was covered with cum. Mine? Of course. What about Makuo? Was some of it his? Had he even cum? Thinking back, how had he lasted so long? Or was there something that kept him from cumming at all?

Before I could try to think of reasons that might keep him from cumming, I saw a condom laying beside the trash basket. It was used. It had a large load in it. Yes, Makuo had cum. I'm not sure when, but he did, and it gave me a lot of satisfaction to know it.

I awoke, still naked, uncovered, and wet. It was late in the morning. I lay there a good while trying to realize what had taken place. Yes, I was embarrassed. But I realized that, once again, I had no choice but to do what I did. I smiled, thinking that I did it much better than I had to, though. But still, it was degrading. I was trying to come to grips with it all. I was hoping that this initiation was finally over. Oh, shit, I still at least had to have sex with someone else. With a picture. You would think with what I been through I would have done enough.

I started to crawl out of bed and stopped. In pain. My pussy hurt. That whole region hurt, but my pussy was flaming. I could hardly bear to move my legs because they rubbed my pussy. I managed to get into the bathroom and sit on the toilet. Peeing even hurt. I tried to look at my pussy. I got a mirror out and looked at it. It was red. It had been abused. But it wasn't bleeding. Maybe there was no serious injury.

I managed to get into the shower and get cleaned up. It hurt to wash my pussy, but I managed, then put some cream on it. I thought that I could get my panties and... oh, no! I was not allowed to wear panties yet. I would just have to be very careful today. When I went downstairs some girls were having lunch. There was good news - last night counted as my third fuck, so I had completed my assignment. My last assignment! And I was given strict orders to not mention last night to anyone. Most of the Pledges had already gone through the same thing I had, I was told, but there were a couple still to go. It wouldn't be fair to warn them. I did find out that Makuo was one of three 'large-cocked gentlemen' that was used to service the Pledges. And, by the way, they were available to the sisters if wanted as well. Hmmm.

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The Sorority Christmas party

The fraternity guys and I had trudged out into the snow on a brisk December afternoon to cut down a Christmas tree for the Alpha Kappa sorority house. By the time we got the tree back to campus and unloaded it off the truck, a cold wind was blowing and snow was falling steadily. We carried the tree into the sorority house common room and stood it up on a stand. A roaring fire had been lit and its warmth was welcome after being outside in the cold. As a reward for our efforts the sorority girls...

3 years ago
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Feminist SororityChapter 12

The play & recreation wing of the sorority had been packed full of chattering sorority girls. Worried expressions and stress filled the room. Amy had called a general meeting for every member of the sorority, even pledges were included. The rumors that had swirled around the sorority for weeks were finally being addressed. Amy stood on a stage with Mrs. Turner, flanked by Brandon and Jason. Amy adjusted the microphone, tapping it to get the attention of the worried girls. “Everyone,...

1 year ago
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Sorority Tutor

Sorority Tutor by Linda_C (Note: While I've been working on a longer story, which might never get finished, I've decided to try something shorter, inspired by the works of "A Happy Wife" and "Jennifer White". Well, I failed, and wrote another long story instead. Oh well. Anyway, I adore their work, and hope this homage is appreciated. If it comes out well, I'll try to write more! By the way, this is forced feminization, done to a guy who doesn't want it to happen to him by women...

1 year ago
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A Strangeness In The Sorority House

A Strangeness at the Sorority House Part 1 - Starting a New Term by Bill Hart The first thing that Chris Wagner saw when he woke up was his best friend and roommate Terry Jenkins reading the final draft of the paper he'd been working on into the wee hours of last night. Noticing that his roommate was awake, Terry set the paper back down on the desk. "That's a nice bit of writing. It's short and straight to the point." said Terry. "Quite eloquent, in fact. But then,...

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Another sweet sorority story

I just started college at a university over 100 miles away from home. I was put into a dormitory on campus with a returning student as my roommate. He had many friends and did not pay much attention to me, so we basically just shared the room. I did not bring much to campus except for my basic clothing and school stuff. I grew up in a small town with my Mom and sister, Dad was a truck driver which meant we did not spend a lot of time together and we did not have lots of money. Mom...

4 years ago
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Sorority Tutor part 6 and end

Sorority Tutor by Linda_C Holly pointed at his feet, "You know, except for his sneakers, Ella is dressed completely as a girl. I know we wanted to get him some dresses, but I think we should get him some sandals and heels first." All the girls agreed, of course, and Jake was led to Payless, which wasn't too far away in the mall. He'd been in the store before and remembered how the men's section was really small. That wouldn't a problem this time, he thought. This was it, he realized....

3 years ago
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Another sweet Sorority Story part 2

ANOTHER SWEET SORORITY STORY PART TWO PART 2 Recap: Our college freshman boy accepted a part time job offering as a house keeper in a local Sorority named "Phi Omega". The sisters seemed to like our boy especially his capability to clean the sorority house, act sweet, gentle and give great Pedicures. They also noticed his love to cross-dress and how wonderful he looks as a girl when wearing his skirt, blouse and sandals for his uniform. They sensed his inner feminine side as well and...

4 years ago
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Sorority Sissy

sorority sissy by sissy 4 u i had been dating karen ever since I started going to college about six months ago in a northeastern university karen was an extremely beautiful girl which was part of the reason why it was so easy for her to join the sorority delta kappa all the girls at that sorority about 50 in all plus a house"mother"who took care of the bills the dormitory and any trouble the girls might get into the resident girls of delta kappa as i said were were real "lookers...

2 years ago
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Sorority Tutor part 3

Sorority Tutor, part 3, by Linda_C School took on a different tone for Jake. He still got teased, but a lot less than expected. Most guys wouldn't talk to him, mainly they just looked uncomfortable and didn't understand what was happening, or want to understand. Some of his friends, who usually turned and looked at him with a double take, didn't tease him. But they didn't hang around him as much anymore. Sure, a couple did, and even accepted his changes, but Jake could tell it wasn't...

1 year ago
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Feminist SororityChapter 13

Events at the sorority went on much like normal after the confrontation with Mrs. Turner. While the betrayal of a favored alumni still shocked the girls of the sorority, it did not break them. In fact, finding out the source of so many of their problems liberated them. First on their agenda became repairing their relations with the frat boys who they had neglected in favor of the donors for so many years. Their spontaneous orgy after Jason’s defeat of Mrs. Turner became a weekly event for...

1 year ago
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Sorority Tutor part 4

Sorority Tutor, part 4, by Linda_C The sorority was having so much fun that they had another drawing the next night, and the choices were to wear bras all the time, to shave his body completely, or to wear a corset all the time. To him it was no contest - shave his body. He was not going to ever wear a bra, let alone a corset! Deep down he knew it was a matter of time, but he still hoped they'd tire of this. Maybe after the holiday break... He had to admit the sorority helped him out...

2 years ago
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Sorority Tutor part 5

Sorority Tutor by Linda_C When he woke up the next day he was told to get ready for his special spa day. He was wearing the long nightgown. It was so strange to not be wearing any underwear, just a long gown. How could he be so covered up yet feel so exposed, he wondered. Still, it was far better than the babydoll, and part of him was a little bit relieved he could choose to wear the nightgown instead. But only a little bit. Stacy and Susan were with him that morning (and the night...

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A sorority girl seduction part 2

It was a week since she went into a lesbian club and had her first sexual experience with a girl. In the days that follow, she noticed the change within her when around other women across the campus. She started noticing other women's bodies in ways that she had never done before. She saw an attractive woman reading a book on a bench wearing a short skirt. Alicia couldn’t keep her eyes from the woman's thighs, and when she opened them for a brief moment to get more comfortable, she exposed her...

2 years ago
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Sorority hazing drinking party

Sorority Hazing Drinking Party        The infamous drinking initiation had been a legend about the Suk Cum But sorority for years.  It was also, with good reason, the favorite tradition of not just Suk Cum But’s brother fraternity but the entire college campus.  And it was already well underway.        The 16 terrified freshmen pledges to Suk Cum But had already surrendered their dignity to an unpardonable, mentally traumatizing degree, and it was going to get four hundred times worse.  They...

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Sorority Sponsors Part Four

Introduction: Plans are made for Michelle and I That fall semester fell into the almost same routine as every other. One exception was that Kay and I spent all of our alone time wondering at Augie, our infant son. He was such a captivating little guy. Kay and I had a robust sex life before Augie was born, including a vigorously randy pregnancy where Kays secret whorish side was revealed. Now that we were both sleep deprived, our mutual sex life had dwindled to nothing at all. I did have a...

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Lesbian MILF Seductress BrideChapter 2 Flashback A Sorority Mother Falls

Ms. Parker had a reputation for being the Ice Queen or an Iron Bitch; those were actually the names the majority of the girls called her when she was not around. Ms. Parker actually knew about the names and revelled in them. She was tough, but fair. She ran the sorority with an iron fist. She had gotten pregnant, when she was twenty-two and in college, to a loser one-night stand and she sure as hell wasn't going to let that happen to one of her girls. And, for the past ten years, she had an...

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Alpha Delta Pi Sorority House

Alpha Delta Pi Sorority House By [email protected] I was attending college, I liked to pull practical jokes on people. I was able to handle spiders, ants, and other insects with very few problems. When I attended my classes, I liked to drop the ants and spiders on a person's clothes or on their desk. Usually after a few minutes, the ants and spiders would make the person jump out of their desk and disturb the class. It was even more fun when I did it to the girls that were in class. ...

3 years ago
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Sorority Secrets Part 1

I am responsible for the original posting on literotica.com____________________________________________________________"Pledges, you will all be assigned a big sister to guide you through today's initiation process. Here are the assignments," Amber said, loudly and confidently, reading from the piece of paper in her hand.Amber was apparently the head of the sorority, at this school at least. Strikingly beautiful, with shoulder-length blonde hair, blue eyes, and tanned skin, and effortlessly...

2 years ago
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LoriSorority Sister

Ken told the young woman that he was a man of his word. "She's all yours. I promised you Lori and her sweet, ass daughter, and I am a man of my word." He watched Kim's pretty face turn to sheer happiness knowing she was fantasizing about lesbian lust. He was setting the stage for one more arousing afternoon for his beer‑drinking buddies. 'If only she knew,' he determined. His plan was simple. Kim was in love with Lori. She would do anything for the woman. He would satisfy Kim's desire for his...

1 year ago
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Sexy Sorority Chapter 2 Crime and Punishment

Introduction: At the sorority house, a girl who gives away secrets to other sororities needs to have her privacies revoked as well… Continued…this is the morning after part one… ——————————————————————————————————————– The sun dawned on a beautiful Saturday morning on the Rice Hills college campus, and shone into the shared bedroom of Veronica and Rachel, two sorority sisters and girlfriends who were just waking up after the most amazing out-of-the-closet night that either of them had ever...

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Sorority Tutor part 2

Sorority Tutor, part 2, by Linda_C A few days later, Jake realized this was all out his control. Stacy and Jill decided to change how he was paid. He still made his full amount, but only one third of it was in money. The rest, they decided, would be in material things. "You know," Stacy said happily, "things to help you fit in more with all the other girls around here." Jake was surprised by what they got for him. He was terrified that they'd go for a dress or something, and he...

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Sorority Sex Olympics Ultimate Strip Fighting

Sorority Sex Olympics – Ultimate Strip-Fighting by R.E. LavaqueUltimate Strip-Fighting is a sport invented by the collaboration of a pimp and a web master. The history of Ultimate Strip-Fighting is a story unto itself. While its origin and general practice is anything but wholesome, USF is very popular among college girls who want to make some extra money. The sport is simple and adaptable: Two girls find a group of guys to put up a kitty (usually money). The girls fight until one is stripped...

2 years ago
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Sorority Sluts Drug Delivery

Game Mode may be required to view all the events. Please let me know if, not in game mode, you cannot enjoy the full story... Disclaimer: Story contains both consensual and non-consensual sexual situations and pharmacological situations that your local politician and/or grandmother may or may not approve of. Nobody was harmed and no laws were broken in the making of this piece of fiction, and drugs are bad, 'em kay? ------------------------------a prototypical university campus in the modern...

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Sexy Sorority Chapter 2 Crime and Punishment

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The sun dawned on a beautiful Saturday morning on the Rice Hills college campus, and shone into the shared bedroom of Veronica and Rachel, two sorority sisters and girlfriends who were just waking up after the most amazing out-of-the-closet night that either of them had ever experienced. Rachel awoke first, opening her sleepy brown eyes and shifting around in bed, making soft...

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Feminist SororityChapter 9

Lisa and Brandon sat in an unused classroom at the college, waiting. They had invited Green, Yellow, and Blue for a talk they wanted to stay away from the eyes and ears of the sorority. The girls were late, but that did not bother him. It gave him more time to chat with Lisa. Lisa wasn’t a pretty girl. Certainly not the classical image of a sorority girl. She did not have blond hair, gleaming white teeth, and huge breasts. Instead, she sported blotchy skin, mismatched breasts, and a narrow...

3 years ago
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Enslaved By Sorority Sluts Chapter 2 Feminized Pimped

The slaps to the face which awoke Zack were light ones only because Rebecca couldn't utilize her full strength. He was still trapped under the covers where he'd spent the entire night roasting in his sweaty latex prison. The hot and sticky gimp suit had become a second skin, glued to his entire body and immobilizing him just below Rebecca's pungent sex. She had woken several times and put his tongue to work; enjoying orgasms throughout the night before drifting off to sadistic dreams of...

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Sorority Games

This is the story about hell week at Rutgers University in New Brunswick, New Jersey. My friend Anne and I were pledging one of the biggest sororities (Delta Sigma) at the College. We were a bit nervous and very excited, because this sorority dated the hottest guys on the campus. There fraternity was called Phi Gama Delta (Figi). It was 1981, and we were in our first year of college. Anne and I were room-mates and living in the dorm. Dorm life was okay, but if you were a sister in a sorority...

College Sex
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Dianes Submissive Adventures The Sorority

Diane’s Submissive Adventures: The Sorority College had just begun a few weeks before, and Diane was finally getting into the swing of things. The pace was very different from high school, but not in a bad way since she was responsible for scheduling her classes. Although she would have preferred to spend all her time pleasing the inventive twins, the two were currently preparing for football season, and their trysts together had become sporadic at best. To make matters worse, most of the boys...

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S Is for Sigma Sorority

Sigma Theta Chi was in jeopardy of losing its charter at Carleton University because of all the initiation stunts they forced pledges to undergo last term. Most of the pledge tasks took place on campus or in frat houses nearby. But one in particular took the college high jinx very public by mistake. The pledge in question, a 17 year old freshman by the name of Ashley, had misunderstood her pledge instructions which had been e-mailed to her. She was supposed to go to the student lounge at...

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Sorority Auxiliary Part 1 My Application

The only child of egghead parents, I’m a geek, I admit. I’m tall and thin, but lousy at basketball and other sports. There are good aspects to being a geek. I’m smart, I get good grades, I ought to get a good job when I graduate from engineering college. Kids in high school asked me for help with homework in sciences, so I at least had that kind of popularity. Girls, even some cheerleaders, wanted my tutoring. But that was all. They didn’t want to tutor me on the subject I was just as...

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Sorority Sisters

Kelly Johnson, a eighteen year old sorority sister in college, walked up the library steps and entered the tall, grey building. She sat down quietly at a table and got some books from her bag and began to read. It was a book on English History. Two of her sorority sisters, Lisa and Jenna, sat beside her and whispered that their sorority sister leader, Megan Adams, wanted to see Kelly urgently. Lisa and Jenna were both blonde and big busted.Kelly sighed with annoyance because she wanted to read...

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Sorority Auxiliary Part 1 My Application

The only child of egghead parents, I’m a geek, I admit. I’m tall and thin, but lousy at basketball and other sports. There are good aspects to being a geek. I’m smart, I get good grades, I ought to get a good job when I graduate from engineering college. Kids in high school asked me for help with homework in sciences, so I at least had that kind of popularity. Girls, even some cheerleaders, wanted my tutoring. But that was all. They didn’t want to tutor me on the subject I was just as...

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Sorority Sisters Secrets

Chapter 1 Everyone in high school knew that Amy Madison was a good little girl. She never even considered giving up her cherry a single time. Not even when the hunky Franco Hardy took her out to the prom and got her in a hotel room all by themselves alone. Sure, she gave him a nice blowjob, but that was only because he had spent a lot of money on the date and she was curious to see how a cock would taste inside her mouth. It was not a pleasant experience because the macho Franco kept...

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Feminist SororityChapter 11

Life at the sorority had become tense. The campus life Yellow had become accustomed to fell apart around her. Despite Amy’s best efforts, the donors had abandoned the sorority. Without their large influxes of funding, many of the facilities had to be closed down. The library filled with books espousing their brand of feminism closed down, preventing young women from benefiting from the knowledge. Recruiting new members for the sorority was on pause as they trained the current batch. Even the...

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Sorority Sweetheart Part 1

Part One It was hot and muggy inside the trailer, even though the small window air-conditioning unit was going full blast. The weather reports all said the state was in the middle of a heat wave, though as far as Jeb could remember this time of year was always hotter than hell. A couple summers back he had worked on a roofing crew and on a few occasions had been convinced that his clothes were either going to catch fire or simply melt away. But he didn’t subject himself to that sort...

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Enslaved By Sorority Sluts Chapter 2 Feminized And Pimped

*smack smack smack* The slaps to the face which awoke Zack were light ones only because Rebecca couldn't utilize her full strength. He was still trapped under the covers where he'd spent the entire night roasting in his sweaty latex prison. The hot and sticky gimp suit had become a second skin, glued to his entire body and immobilizing him just below Rebecca's pungent sex. She had woken several times and put his tongue to work; enjoying orgasms throughout the night before drifting off...

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Pledging Alpha Kappa Betta Sorority

Anyways, Casey and I have been best friends for as long as I can remember. He’s already finished packing and we’re about to go explore the university once he gets out of the shower. I’m so excited, I can hardly wait! I hear him finally finish up in the bathroom and he comes out in nothing but a towel, showing off his slim, tan figure. His blonde hair soaking wet clings to his beautiful face. His bright blue eyes sparkle vibrantly, just like mine. He walks over to our bunk beds we’re going to...

2 years ago
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Sorority Sponsors Part Three

Introduction: I am attracted to Michelle In the fall, after the new school year began, our first baby joined our family. We named him August Paul David after both of our fathers. We called him Augie and Kay and I spent a great deal of time doing what all first time parents do: We spoiled that little guy with attention. So much so, I think we failed to give each other the attention we owed ourselves. Even after Kay went back to work, the baby was really all we ever talked about when we were both...

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Pledging Gamo Doulos sorority Intro Chapters 12

She purposefully bounded up the gym steps; she had a plan and she was going to make it work! Nervous, she started to glisten with sweat and was brushing away her long brown curls from her face as she entered the gymnasium. She looked around for the sorority table, biting her lip as she stood in the doorway and caught her breath. She saw the sign for Gamma Delta and put on her best smile as she approached their table. ”Are you interested in pledging to a sorority? I represent Gamma Delta, and...

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Sorority Flag Pole Night

Sorority flag pole night   A fantasy of girls using a man Bob was nineteen and a student. One day the group of lads he sometimes hungout with suggested a night on the town with the proviso that Bob stayed soberas the driver. He was reluctant but agreed. The lads visited many bars butall Bob drunk was coke. Not so his friends who by the end were all legless.On the way back they were larking about in the car until he told them to sitstill as they were affecting his driving. They all jeered and...

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Teen Fire Frost Sadist Sorority Slavers

Teen Fire & Frost ....Sadist Sorority SlaversKara and Tara Bishop AKA Teen Fire and Frost were investigating several disappearances at the state university campus: many freshman girls had gone missing since the beginning of the school year, prompting the super heroines to investigate. The investigation revealed that all of the missing girls had recently pledged the same sorority. Tri Kappa was known to be the most difficult sorority to pledge, their members were the richest and the most...

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The Sorority Auction

The girls sat excitedly in a corner of the main dining hall, clustered around the group’s treasurer.  It was one of the first warm days of Spring and the ladies were enjoying wearing their new light-weight outfits. Some wore sundresses, others wore skirts and light blouses. A few wore just their official Sigma Alpha Tau sports bra as a top, complete with matching jogging shorts.?Ladies,? their treasurer started, ?as I mentioned, we’re currently upside down on our mortgage and the bank is...

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A Sorority Girl Seduction

Alicia let her friend Kate convince her to join a sorority to be invited to the best parties while in college. It was rush week at the sorority that they were pledging themselves to and had to do some uncomfortable things. Everything that the girls of Alpha Delta Pi made them do while pledging was sexual in one form or another. Last night during their hazing, they were stripped down to their undergarments to participate in some degrading sexual theme games.Alicia was one of those girls who...

3 years ago
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Feminist SororityChapter 7

The best thing about the sorority was not the orgies that Brandon regularly partook in. It was the cafeteria. Unlike the food offered at the rest of the college campus, the sorority offered real food. Not the 3D-printed fake meat everyone else was forced to eat. Brandon sat alone in the spacious cafeteria, the usual hustle gone. Most of the sorority had gone to participate in some ritual that he was not allowed to attend. He did not mind. He needed a break from the constant sex. So, he sat...

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The Sorority HouseChapter 4 Straying

"Dammit, get up here and fuck me!" I looked up from my perch on the bed, lying facedown with my head buried in Lisa's crotch. The lower half of my face was coated with her third and latest orgasm of the morning. A half-hour earlier, I had awoken this Thursday morning with the usual raging hard-on. Taking special care not to wake my sleeping charge, I slipped out of bed, and gently crawled back in underneath the blanket at the foot of the bed. Lisa had been wearing a loose pair of...

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Fraternity Brother to Sorority Sister Chapter 13 Homecoming

Fraternity Brother to Sorority Sister Chapter 13 Homecoming Before she knew it the date that Beth had been dreading arrived, the Homecoming Mixer with her old fraternity. Beth wasn't sure how she would feel seeing all of her old fraternity brothers. Even though she had Thomas's assurances that she would be recognized, she was still nervous. She tried almost every dress in her closet and in the Governor's Square Mall for the mixer. She went back and forth on how she should dress for...

1 year ago
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Sorority Games

This is the story about hell week at Rutgers University in New Brunswick, New Jersey. My friend Anne and I were pledging one of the biggest sororities (Delta Sigma) at the College. We were a bit nervous and very excited, because this sorority dated the hottest guys on the campus. There fraternity was called Phi Gama Delta (Figi). It was 1981, and we were in our first year of college. Anne and I were room-mates and living in the dorm. Dorm life was okay, but if you were a sister in a sorority...

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Sorority Male Slave Auction

Early in October, the Phi Delta sorority hosted an “auction” of young male freshmen who were pledging a nearby fraternity. Phi Delta—the Greek letters for FD, or Female Domination—was devoted to young women who enjoyed inflicting sadistic, erotic v******e on men. And the fraternity pledges, for the most part, were eager to show they were tough enough to survive a night of sexual torture so they could join a prized college fraternity. So it was a “win-win” situation for the sorority and the...

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From Fraternity Borther to Sorority Sister 2

From Fraternity Brother to Sorority Sister By Jena Corso Chapter 6 The girls headed over to the mall, where they window shopped and killed some time. They dragged Carla into many different types of stores as they were working on tiring him out. He was certainly not used to shopping for a few hours, walking in heels for that long, or just wasting time in a mall which was something that he despised. As they entered a shoe store, he was thrilled when he could finally sit down,...

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The new Sorority girl

I have a lovely story to share about how I became one of the girls. I am forever a Sorority Sister forever and have made life long friends. I all started when I was a young boy. I always had a very soft, loving female side. I loved to play with girls instead of boys. When in high school I had a girl friend that was very understanding about my feelings. I was very submissive and I liked to help anybody. She helped me explore my feeling toward feminism and even dressed me up head to toe as...

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Sorority House Neighbors

Sorority House Neighbors By c.c. I should have been happy--no, make that ecstatic! Wealthy enough to retire in my late 20s, married to my lovely and sexy young wife Jayne, and we just bought a house with a luxurious swimming pool in the bohemian off-campus neighborhood... which I soon discovered was right next door to a Sorority House! I was even more intrigued when I found it was the Lesba-Delta House: the University's openly gay sorority! Visions of kinky couplings next...

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The Sorority Christmas party

The fraternity guys and I had trudged out into the snow on a brisk December afternoon to cut down a Christmas tree for the Alpha Kappa sorority house. By the time we got the tree back to campus and unloaded it off the truck, a cold wind was blowing and snow was falling steadily. We carried the tree into the sorority house common room and stood it up on a stand. A roaring fire had been lit and its warmth was welcome after being outside in the cold. As a reward for our efforts the sorority girls...

1 year ago
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Sorority Staff

The titles I use are a chapter, a sub-chapter, and a section. Table of Contents Beginnings Party Plans Party Time Dinner Surprises Sunday Following Weeks Parental Displeasure Today Beginnings In my early teens my life was a real misery. My dad was a drunken bully who died in a car accident when I was about thirteen, he was drunk at the time. There was so little insurance Mum had to sell the house and furniture to cover the mortgage and debts. That left Mum, my older sister, and me with...

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Mmas Sorority Part 1

My date with Buchi gave me hope that some guys could please me, that sex wasn't always just about the guy's pleasure. Though it made the high school guys look even worse in comparison. I could hardly wait to get to college.The time finally came. I packed up and moved in to my college dorm, ready for this new adventure. And I was planning on making it a very big adventure. I had two main priorities: do well with my studies, for I was a serious student; and get into my chosen sorority. This...

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