Em Phải Làm Sao đây Khi Bạn Em Là Người đồng Tính? free porn video

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Chào các chuyên gia tư vấn của trung tâm tham vấn tâm lý Hoàng Nhân!

Năm nay em 19 tuổi. Từ nhỏ đến lớn em luôn đuợc ba mẹ cưng chiều, sống yên ấm trong vòng tay của gia đình, hầu như không phải làm việc gì trừ việc học. Trong mắt mọi người em là một cô bé ngoan ngoãn, học giỏi, là một tấm gương sáng và thực tế là em đã gặt hái được nhiều thành công trong học tập. Trong mắt bạn bè thì em là một cô bé vô tư, trong sáng. Năm vừa qua em đã đậu vào một trường đại học lớn. Do từ nhỏ đã ít phải làm việc nhà nên em đã gặp không ít khó khăn trong cuộc sống sinh viên. Hơn nữa, do môi trường mới, ít bạn, việc học tập không đợc suôn sẻ như nên em cảm thấy rất cô đơn, lẻ loi. Em lại không có thói quen tâm sự với ba mẹ nên lại càng cảm thấy cô đơn. Nhưng từ khi lên đại học em quen thân với một bạn nữ chung tổ với em. Bạn ấy tuy là con gái nhưng có vẻ hơi giống con trai một chút. Bạn ấy rất năng động, đá banh hay chơi bóng chuyền đều giỏi. Em cảm thấy rất ngưỡng mộ bạn ấy. Vì ở chung tổ nên chúng em rất hay gặp nhau và ngày càng trở nên thân thiết. Em hay đi chơi cùng bạn ấy, còn hay về phòng trọ của bạn ấy để ngủ (phòng trọ của bạn có nhiều người ở và có giường tầng, mỗi người ở một giường, có rèm che). Em rất mừng là cuối cùng đã tìm được một người bạn thân. Bạn ấy cũng tỏ ra quan tâm, chăm sóc em rất nhiều. Mọi việc cứ như vậy cho đến tháng 3, nhà bạn ấy gặp nhiều chuyện buồn. Em đã ở bên bạn ấy nhiều trong thời gian đó, cùng bạn giúp đỡ gia đình bạn ấy. Bạn ấy từng nói với em là em thật là tốt, là người bạn thân nhất từ khi lên đại học. Em thấy rất vui khi nghe như vậy. Thời gian khó khăn đó cũng trôi qua, nhưng bạn ấy lại trở nên kỳ lạ. Bạn ấy nói là tốt nhất là em không nên chơi với bạn ấy nữa và tốt nhất là chúng ta không nên gặp nhau. Em không biết chuyện gì đã xảy ra cả, cố gắng nài nỉ bạn ấy đừng nghĩ như vậy nữa, nói rằng em không muốn xa bạn ấy. Và những lời nài nỉ của em đã có kết quả, bạn ấy đã chịu quay lại chơi với em nhưng tính tình có đổi khác. Bạn ấy vẫn rất quan tâm, lo lắng cho em nhưng lại rất hay giận hờn, nhiều lúc như muốn né tránh em. Chúng em vẫn hay đi chơi và ở bên nhau nhiều hơn. Có một lần bạn ấy nhắn cho em một tin "I LOVE YOU", em cũng nhắn lại là "I LOVE YOU, TOO". Em nghĩ từ LOVE đó bạn bè yêu quý nhau thường dùng cho nhau. Những khi không gặp nhau bạn ấy thường nhắn cho em là"I MISS YOU, VERU MUCH". Rồi một hôm khi em về phòng trọ của bạn ấy ngủ trưa bạn ấy đă hôn lên má em. Em không biết hành động đó là gì nhưng em nghĩ đó là cử chỉ thể hiện sự yêu quý và cũng chẳng hại gì nên em chỉ cười. Có những lúc bạn ấy nhìn em rất lâu, nhìn một cách ngây dại. Lúc đó em cũng chưa hiểu chuyện gì cả. Nhưng sau đó mọi chuyện đã vượt quá tầm kiểm soát của em. Bạn ấy không chỉ hôn em mà còn làm nhiều thứ khác, những việc mà chỉ con trai làm với con gái mà thôi. Lúc này em đã ngờ ngợ ra bạn ấy là ai, em nghĩ bạn ấy là Les. Nhưng em cũng không hiểu nổi mình, tại sao em lại cho bạn ấy làm như vậy, em cũng không giải thích nổi. Bạn ấy rất nhẹ nhàng khiến cho em có một cảm giác rất lạ, cảm giác chưa từng gặp bao giờ. Nhưng em biết mình không phải người đồng tính. Có lần em đã khóc trước mặt bạn ấy. Bạn ấy ôm em và nói rất thương em, nói sẽ không lặp lại chuyện ấy nữa. Sau đó bạn ấy cố tình xa lánh em. Nhưng chỉ được một thời gian ngắn chúng em lại gặp nhau, bạn ấy nói nhớ em không chịu nổi. Em cũng rất sợ sẽ mất bạn ấy, mất đi một chỗ dựa tinh thần bấy lâu nay. Và mỗi khi chúng em ngủ cùng nhau thì lại xảy ra chuyện, càng ngày càng tiến triển. Bạn ấy biết thế là sai. Em cũng vậy! Em có cảm giác rất xấu hổ chỉ sợ ai phát giác ra chuyện này. Em còn một nỗi sợ to lớn là lỡ đâu có người trong phòng bạn ấy biết được, có quay phim, chụp hình lại thì sao. Lúc đó ai cũng biết và em sẽ chết mất. Hiện giờ em thấy mọi người đều rất bình thường. Em cũng cố gắng không gặp bạn, có gặp cũng không để xảy ra chuyện gì nữa. Nhưng nỗi lo lắng kia làm em không ăn, không ngủ được. Nếu mọi người biết chyện thì em sẽ không thể sống bình thường được nữa. Ba mẹ rất tin tưởng và kỳ vọng vào em. Tương lai của em sẽ hoàn toàn sụp đổ.

Em xin nhà tư vấn tư vấn giúp em. Em đang rất lo lắng & không thể tập trung làm một việc gì cả.

Chào em!

Trước hết, thay mặt những nhà tham vấn của trung tâm tham vấn tâm lý Hoàng Nhân, cảm ơn em đã tin tưởng và gửi đến chúng tôi tâm sự của mình.

Xu hướng tính cảm, tình dục bình thường của con người thường hướng đến người khác giới với mình. Bạn em đã có những hành động mà chỉ “con trai mới làm với con gái”, cộng với những khác biệt ở bề ngoài như tính cách mạnh mẽ, ăn mặc như con trai, thích chơi bóng đá và bóng chuyền… Điều đó có thể khẳng định rằng người bạn của em là người là đồng tính…

Rất có thể cho đến thời thời điểm trước khi gặp em bạn em không nhận ra mình là một Les. Sự gần gũi, thân mật với em đã kích thích “con người” của bạn ấy trỗi dậy. Trước đây, Tổ chức Y tế thế giới (WHO) xếp đồng tính là một trong những chứng bệnh tâm thần nhưng thực tế không phải là như vậy. Ngày nay Y học nói riêng và con người nói chung đã có cái nhìn khách quan, đúng đắn hơn đối với những người đồng tính. Không ai mong muốn và vui vẻ khi phát hiện ra những trục trặc trong giới tính của mình. Bạn của em cũng vậy! Theo những gì em kể thì bạn ấy đã cố gắng tìm cách xa lánh em, cố gắng che dấu để em không phát hiện ra con người thật của bạn ấy để bảo về tình bạn vô tư, trong sáng, thuần khiết trong em… Không ít người đã sốc khi nhận ra sự bất thường của mình về giới tính. Họ đã cố gắng để mình như “người bình thường”, họ kết hôn, sinh con đẻ cái… nhưng họ chỉ thực sự hạnh phúc, thực sự được là chính mình khi được sống với người mình yêu thương. Bạn em đã cố để không lặp lại những hành động bất thường với em nhưng những chuyện như thế dường như vẫn diễn ra. Bạn ấy cũng cố xa lánh em nhưng nỗi nhớ em khiến bạn ấy không chịu nỗi – nỗi nhớ của một người đang yêu. Em sốc và chới với vì sự thật về người bạn của mình. Ngược lại bạn em cũng đau khổ vì những tổn thương đã gây ra cho em.

Em quả thật là một cô bé trong sáng. Em cần phải tìm hiểu thêm về thế giới của người đồng tính để hiểu hơn về người bạn của mình. Một người bạn gái thân bình thường rất ít hôn người bạn của mình và càng không “nhìn mình một cách ngây dại”. Em đã vô tình đón nhận tất cả những cử chỉ yêu thương từ bạn ấy, tạo điều kiện để bạn ấy thể hiện tình cảm của với em. Mặc dù em “có một cảm giác rất lạ, một cảm giác chưa gặp trong đời” nhưng em cũng đã khẳng định rằng em là một người bình thường. Cũng không thể trách được em khi đã nhận ra con người thật của bạn nhưng “mỗi khi chúng em ngủ cùng nhau thì lại xảy ra chuyện, càng ngày càng tiến triển”. Với hai người Les đó là một việc bình thường, cùng đáp ứng nhu cầu tình cảm, tình dục của nhau. Nhưng em là một cô gái bình thường, nếu tiếp tục lún sâu hơn vào những tình huống như thế thì em sẽ gặp phải nhiều rắc rối. Khi mọi chuyện chẳng may bị phát hiện em sẽ phải đối mặt với gia đình và dư luận xã hội. Bản thân em đã rất lo sợ về sự vỡ lỡ của chuyện này nhưng dường như em chưa có một kế hoạch cụ thể cho bản thân để tìm ra một lối đi cho mình. Đó là người bạn gái thân duy nhất của em, là chỗ dựa tinh thần cho em trong cuộc sống sinh viên xa nhà. Em có nghĩ rằng nhiều khi em đã quá phụ thuộc vào “chỗ dựa tinh thần đó” nên mất “nó” em luôn trong trạng thái hoang mang. Không thể phủ nhận bạn em là một cô bé tốt nhưng nếu hai em tiếp tục gẫn gũi, thân mật với nhau thì chỉ làm cho lương tâm cả hai thêm dằn vặt, bởi em và bạn ấy ở hai thế giới khác nhau. Bạn ấy thuộc thế giới của những người đồng tính, sống trong thế giới đó bạn ấy sẽ tìm được tiếng nói chung của mình. Nói như thế không có nghĩa là chúng ta kỳ thị họ, xa lánh họ mà chúng ta đang cảm thông và tạo điều kiện để họ có môi trường sống tốt nhất. Em hãy làm quen dần với cuộc sống tự lập, học cách đối phó với mọi tình huống có thể xảy đến với bản thân. Em hãy luôn ở bên người bạn của mình, là chỗ dựa tinh thần cho bạn ấy nhưng đừng để bản thân mình bị sa ngã vào những tình huống như trước kia.

Same as Em phải làm sao đây khi bạn em là người đồng tính? Videos

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Fucking My Beautiful Sangita Aunt

Hi Zintoo Here I am going to tell you about my experience with my sexy aunt Sangita. I am 21 year with a height of 5.8’. I have just completed my graduation and had come for a vacation to my maternal uncle house. My uncle is alcoholic and used to return home late. They had two children, one daughter, and 19 years and is perusing her higher studies in five years LLB course in Bangalore and one son who is 9 years old. Sangita aunt is around 39 – 40 years. She is a real beauty bitch. That night...

1 year ago
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Delphine Films

Delphine Films is a new enough brand that I’m sure a lot of you have some immediate wrong ideas about the website. Hey, I get it, because when the link slid into my DMs, I initially thought this was going to be a new offering from every neckbeard’s favorite pink-haired cosplay slut. Turns out, Belle Delphine ain’t involved in this production, but I wasn’t the least bit disappointed to find out who was. In fact, I started getting all hard and drippy just as soon as the tour page had loaded...

Premium Porn For Women Sites
2 years ago
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Ralphie and Me

My pecker actually looked like a plump acorn on top of two large balls.But when hard it was then almost four round inches...I would grow another two inches or so before graduation.I had a sprinkling of black pubes. He winked at me as he began to soap his chest. He was slender and pale, with a thick patch of dark curlies in his crotch. His dick hung like a long sausage, impressive for one his age. When he caught me looking he winked again, and shook his cock at me. He then turned around and...

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My Gay Story MeNikhil And Amit8217s Big Dick

Hi readers..this is sunny.after a lot of hesitation and inspiration from you all i am here to present my true story. Let me tell you about myself,i am sunny-23 yrs of age,slim and fair.Till the age of 18 i thought myself as straight with no gay feeling until one day. That one day-i was 18 and has just started my first year of college.like other guys i was too busy searching for a good girlfriend to hangout with.Nikhil was my best friend.We were together since school.we used to sit on same...

Gay Male
4 years ago
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Dukhi Bhabi ko Sukhi banaya

My only brother-in-law is elder than my wife and of my age only. He married about 4 years after our marriage. I had been to attend his marriage and saw his wife first at her house before wedding started. By first look itself I could felt her sexy and thought of screwing her one day. She little dark in color but having a well built and sexy body with big eyes , wild lips and long nose and sinning chicks. Her tongue was also looking sexy in her bridal make up. Wedding was over, me and my wife...

3 years ago
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Sophies frustration part 2

Introduction: Hope you enjoy the people. Id appreciate and comments as PM, especially from any girls who fantasise about being tied up, punished and teased 18 year old Sophie is restrained on a table in my flat and her dress is pulled up exposing her bare ass cheeks. My fingers are rubbing her pussy. Her lips are engorged from the chilli that I was rubbing on her a few minutes ago and she is dripping wet. She really wants to cum but Im not letting her . Her cheeks are still red from the...

3 years ago
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Akhil gets by wife and maids

Hi Readers this Akhil here. I am Male 30 yrs and married to Archana 26 yrs. She is a dominating woman and she humiliates me to the core. We are south Indians.If you had not read my earlier story on wife humiliation please read that as well.Now coming back to the story. Let me tell you we live in a separate bunglow house and no one else stays other than me , wife and servant maid valli (18 yrs old).Other maid servants come and go for washing etc and my wife prefers to have only female servants...

3 years ago
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JosephinePart 2

JOSEPHINE (continued from part 1, file split in two because of size) A Novel by Miss Anthropy (c) 2000 Miss Anthropy. All rights reserved. This is an erotic work of fiction the setting of which is an alternative history of the United Kingdom. Any resemblance of the characters therein to actual persons living or dead is entirely coincidental. The text contains strong language and depictions of persons engaged in violent, sexual and/or degrading acts that some people may...

4 years ago
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Thanks to Private_Label and Black Tulip for the suggestions and their time. July 1916 I knew how much time I had left to enjoy before I went to France. I had what remained of this day, tomorrow and the two nights that separated the daylight hours. That was it and then I’d be off to God knew what. Feeling pensive I stood at the side of the track and looked down at the houses crammed together side by side, the town of my boyhood, the town where I was born. I looked down at the grey sided...

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Pados Wali Sangita Kaki Ko Choda

Mera name mohit hain aur me ahmedabad, gujarat ka rahena wala hoon. I am a fan of iss. Addicted of this site since i was in college. Bahot sara experience read karne k baad i am sharing my experience here.Before wiring this story i want to tell you about the cast of this story who is really most gorgeous character of my life. Even you can say she is the lady who taught me how to satisfy women. She is 42 year old, having 2 child . And she is most dashing woman i have ever seen. As i had crash on...

2 years ago
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The nurse, Kara according to her nametag, stared back at me. She was supposed to be watching me, for reasons not quite clear, but I could tell she was listening to the conversation in the next room. I was, too. "...horrible shock. It surprised all of us, she was such a sweet girl, and of course we had no idea she would do such a thing. Tracy took it especially hard -- she and Elizabeth were so close." Believe me, mom, you have no idea... I chewed on my lip and tried to look scared...

3 years ago
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Josephine My First Whore

I had some spare time in the big city after concluding my business and had usually gone to strip shows to conclude such trips. This time I wanted to see what it was like to hire a prostitute. The idea of a woman who would sell her body was intriguing to me. I knew that many of them did it not only for the money but also for the pleasure.I saw the ad in the weekly paper. "I am Josephine and I love men. You will enjoy yourself as will I. Call this number." I called the number and asked if...

4 years ago
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Angies Girl

Angie's Girl by Pamela ([email protected]) There are a lot of kids in my neighborhood. Lots of opportunities to play baseball or football with the guys, and sometimes I do play ball with them, though not too often lately. I'm not a very good ball player. I have a hard time swinging a bat forcefully and I can't catch very well. The worst part of it is when I have to throw the ball since no matter how hard I try to throw it like the other guys, they say I throw like a girl...

3 years ago
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Angies Humiliation

Angie's Humiliation By: Michael Alexander [email protected] A cool night breeze blew gently, ruffling Angie'slong dark hair as she walked across the sun baked parking lot. Despite thesinking of the flaming sun a few hours before, the sticky asphalt still radiatedthe extreme heat it had collected throughout the day. Angie could feel thewaves against her bare legs and then right up the short black skirt that waswrapped around her hips. She paused as she stepped up onto the walkway...

2 years ago
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Josephine Gets Submissive Or Does She

“Jake, I’ve heard from Josephine,” Livia said.  “Apparently, you did quite well yesterday.”That was when JoJo was in her dominatrix mode. He was surprised, “I did?”“Yes, you certainly did. She was impressed with your, call in stoicism, during her discipline of you. Give her a few days, and then call her and ask her out.”“Are you sure of that?”“Absolutely. She said she’s looking forward to it.”Livia had sent up her boss with her kinky friend Josephine. That lady was a switch, and she sometimes...

2 years ago
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Farm House Humiliation 8211 Continues for Akhil

I am Akhil, 32 years. This is the continuation of the Farm house story were 2 girls Rani and Sita, servant girls made me stay in komanam ( loin cloth) during my stay. In the earlier part i had been forced to go to the neighbours house and get some drinking water etc and was humiliated by these girls. After i came back from the neighbour house both of Rania and Sita were eyeing my komanam and asked me to turn either side and were taking a deep look on the way i was wearing it differently. It was...

3 years ago
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Sophias Diary

Sophia's DiaryLastnight, I dreamed of a black horse. Upon waking, I looked in the dictionaryof dreams I keep in my bedside table, to see if there is any significanceto this particular night time vision. It seems a dream of a black horseis a dream of passion. Considering all that has happened in the past weeks,I am not surprised. Iread it again, noticing she had written those words the previous night, andslyly returned her diary to the walnut table where I had found it. It hadbeen a mere whim...

2 years ago
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JosephinePart 1

JOSEPHINE A Novel by Miss Anthropy (c) 2000 Miss Anthropy. All rights reserved. This is an erotic work of fiction the setting of which is an alternative history of the United Kingdom. Any resemblance of the characters therein to actual persons living or dead is entirely coincidental. The text contains strong language and depictions of persons engaged in violent, sexual and/or degrading acts that some people may find offensive. "In woman, a slave and a tyrant have all...

3 years ago
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Sophies Revenge

"So what happened this time?" Rich asked, shaking his head slowly, the cell phone pressed to his ear. "Sophie thinks I'm having an affair," Jon replied. Rich shook his head again, knowing that if his friend's girlfriend thought he was being unfaithful her concerns probably weren't completely unfounded. Sophie was, in no uncertain terms, gorgeous. 5'4", blonde, beautiful, with full lips and hair that trailed down her back and could, Rich always suspected, almost over her 34D breasts. It wasn't...

Straight Sex
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Stephie serves More than Coffee

Stephie parts with BF expands coffee skills to landscaping Breaking up Fondled Pinned Submitting... When I go and get a coffee she smiles and asks what I want to get while grabbing a cup then attentively writes my order, my thoughts are that she has more great flavor concealed inside her black shirt and pants and I wonder what it will take to get her to reveal her young enough to be my daughter bounty filling her clothes. Finishing my order she goes in back emerging without a green smock to...

1 year ago
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Angies Ride Home Chap 4

Dot, Goody, and Ted squeezed into the back seat and Angie climbed onto Rod's lap in the front passenger seat of John's Corvair. Angie leaned sideways toward John with her left arm around his neck and her head on his shoulder as he drove away. John made his way through the late-night city traffic to Goody's apartment. They all poked fun at Rod who was enjoying Angie's derriere on his swelling member. Angie's short skirt was mostly up around her hips. Her panty covered crotch nestled in Rod's...

2 years ago
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Sophies neue Welt

Sophies neue Welt von Satan_KlausDieser Text ist eine erotische Fiktion von Satan_Klaus. Die Erstver?ffentlichung erfolgte auf: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/newpaofficeStory codes:Hauptthema: M/f , D/s , B/D , slavery , spanking , slow , heavy Nebenthema: toys , teen , M/ff , F/f , chastity belt Alle Rechte vorbehalten. F?r Kommentare, Kritik, Dankesbriefe und Schm?hschriften bin ich unter der folgenden Adresse erreichbar: [email protected] Sophies neue Welt Einleitung: Wie ein G...

4 years ago
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Sophias RevengeChapter 3

The scene in this chapter will be the confrontation between Sophia and her father and he relays the bad news about Jeffrey's romantic entanglements to her causing much grief and terrible heart-breaking pain. Sophia runs to Jeffrey's side and finds that he is as much depressed as she is with the previous commitment to the prearranged marriage. They decide to consummate their love regardless of the consequences and she allows him to steal her virginal status in a tender love scene played out...

1 year ago
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Avenging Angel chapter 9

Time hadn’t healed the wounds Mandy had inflicted, or diminished my gratitude to her. Every few nights I was awakened by the conflict between urges to kill her and hug her. I clung to the straws of superior dress sense and relative pulchritude but resented the facility with which she outthought and outwitted me. And she still knew more about me than I did about her; it was annoying, and slightly menacing. My plans for the evening were therefore simple: look my best, prove I was the better...

1 year ago
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Sophies Ice Cream and Blowjob Stand

Nowadays, ice cream stands are getting more and more sophisticated, offering dozens of different flavours with strange and exciting names like ‘Death By Chocolate’, ‘Strawberry Strangulation’, and ‘Chunky Choke Cherry’. But I have discovered a really special stand near the Canadian coast where the special of the day truly does involve a certain amount of choking and gagging, at least for the pretty blonde server girl. I had driven by the place many times on my vacation, but never stopped. But,...

Group Sex
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Akhil Humiliated by Elderly maid

Hello Readers, this is Akhil here. I am writing again a humiliation story. I love to get humiliated and stripped. Those who love such stories may only read through. Women who like domination (bit) and those who love to watch men strip can also read this story. Your comments will encourage me to write better and better stories. To my knowledge no one writes about female domination, CFNM, Humiliation stories here. Those audience were left with no choice earlier, but now here I am to keep you...

3 years ago
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Angies List err Lust Ch 01

Let me start by explaining that all of this was the result of chance, none of this was planned. This morning had started out like any other. I awoke well before dawn, and decided to head outside to our screened-in back porch for a smoke, before falling back to sleep. I opened the door to the back porch to have a cigarette before it got light out. Since it was still dark, I was wearing nothing but my underwear. My wife had already left for work and I figured I was the only one up, but as I...

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Dekhi Mardon Ki Mardangi

Traveling in a crowded bus in a rainy season, and that too alone by a young lady is a experience that I would like to share with my readers.It was a dark rainy night with lots of lightening and sounds. Our electricity boards were quick enough to shut down all the street lights that plunged the city into darkness. I stood at the bus stop desperately wishing that I get a seat in the bus. I’m a young housewife of about 24 years with a super sexy figure of 36-26-38. Due to heavy rains I was...

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Sophies Tale 01

She looked through panel after panel of glass, out onto an unknown city. People rushed around her, to and fro like busy ants. But she just stood there. Taking deep breaths. Quietly smiling to herself. After what seemed like hours to her, but was in fact around ten minutes, she picked up her small trolley suitcase and headed towards the doors. Washington Dulles International Airport. The beginning of a new life. Sophie was British, born just outside London. She’d attended a good university...

1 year ago
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Philip Lecturer Likes N Fucks Babydoll

100% fiction! "Slam." Babydoll hobbled out of the Classroom followed by Philip, Lecturer. Philip, Lecturer slammed the door behind them n locked the door. Babydoll had injured her left ankle. Philip helped her to the bench opposite the Classroom. "R u all right?" Philip asked worriedly. Tears welled up in her eyes as the pain was horrible. "I will carry u on my back." Philip said n helped her onto his back. After a while, Philip n Babydoll reached Philip's Room. Philip put her down onto his...

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Sophias Frist Lesson

Sophia was not extraordinarily beautiful. She was just an average girl but what made her so desirable to her Master was her willingness to submit to his whim. Someone told her once that it takes a woman who is completely sure of herself to be strong enough to submit. In essence, that was Sophia. To be sure, she was brought up to believe she was always right. People rarely, if ever, opposed what she said. But that persona could not have been further from the truth. Sophia didn't quite care for...

3 years ago
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Virgin Nikhil Steamy Sex With Radha Aunt

Hello readers, I’m Nikhil from Hyderabad.I’m going to share my sexperience with you all.Thank you iss for helping me for that.I am a regular visitor of this site.I am pursuing engineering in a reputed college in hyd.My aunt is a home maker and she is homely and very reserved.She is wife of my maternal uncle.She may be around 35-37 years.Her name is “Radha”. Coming to my physique,I am 5’8″,broad chested,muscled with athletic body.I am light brown in color.And coming to the stats of my loved...

1 year ago
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Angies Dog Orgy

It was almost one a.m. The dance floor was crowded, swollen with anerotic jostling of squirming loins and legs and asses. Angie had beendancing almost nonstop for the last two or three hours. She loveddancing–it made her feel so alive, so sexy. It was dancing that let herexpress all the latent urges and frustrations that smoldered beneath thesurface of her seemingly calm and self-confident appearance. She letherself go on the dance floor as she did nowhere else, sensuouslywrithing her hips and...

4 years ago
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Ines Flowers Black Orchid Avenging Angel

This story is set in a universe created by Enbreeze, though the darkness in it is mine, not hers.Thanks go to Enbreeze for the idea of bringing Mama Juju into the tale, and to Steve Zink for his comments and fine editing. Ine?s Flowers: Black Orchid - Avenging Angel By Maggie Finson The room may have been different from on her previous jaunt to Earth in quest of retribution against those who had wronged her in another life. But it was still dingy, cheerless, and nearly...

1 year ago
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Sophies encounter at the playground

"Hey there, you ok?" he asked with concern. Sophie's bottom lip trembled slightly as she nodded. The man had dark hair that was combed back, dressed in a high priced suit. Eye's the color of a stone with a stern deep, yet gentle, voice. "Well good, don't cry now. You're too pretty to be sad." He ran his thumb over her cheek and grinned at her before pinching her nose. "I've got your nose! Oh no!" he pulled his hand back, pretending to keep her nose. Sophie gasped as her small...

3 years ago
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Sophies Revenge Part 3

"Do you think I'm a slut?" Sophie asked, her head resting on Rich's chest. She felt his arm wrap around her a little more tightly."No," he replied.She paused."But we just had sex," Sophie said, "and I'm your friend's girlfriend."Rich shrugged."I guess it's just one of those spontaneous things that happen. You were upset with Jon and, let's be honest, I kissed you first.""But only because I said I thought you were sexy."Rich paused, looking for something to say which would help to alleviate her...

2 years ago
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Angies New Life

Angie character was created by and is used with the permission of msboy8 Former Deputy Sergeant Angie Applegate had belonged to Gregor Andropof, owner of Brightston Security for 6 months. While working undercover vice for the LAPD, a mobster by the name of Viktor Rostovitch had died while having sex with her. Viktor had a bottle of spray Viagra and the Coroner had ruled the drug had killed him. Gregor Andropof, aka Greg Smith, was Viktor's cousin and learned Angie's identity when she...

2 years ago
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Angies An AdultChapter 3

The next morning was a Sunday and Angie went to the service along with her parents, each of them remembering their two family threesomes of the day before, while Angie recalled her own little orgy with Ray Lassiter and the Dumonts. She was wet during Reverend Mitchell's sermon on "unconditional love and other forms of love," which somehow seemed fitting. Angie regarded her love for her parents as very multifaceted, though she was skeptical that any love could exist without some kind of...

3 years ago
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Sophia A Doomed Love Story

After I broke up with my live-in girlfriend I was kind of at a loose end.  So I became more involved with the local Rotary again.  I had by that time became one of the 'old hands', which was good since the local club had swelled with many new recent college graduates joining at the urging of their company officers.  I became more involved in the service side of the club as well;  volunteering at the local Special Olympics, helping to organize a silent auction and other things.Just after...

Love Stories
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Sophia Enjoys Some Unexpected Action

I had to stop by the office, and I was taking Sophia with me to show her around. We made small talk about life back home and her plans.I need to tell you that where I work is not like any place you have worked. The girls are open about their sexual orientation and some are lesbian. If you see any with the tattoo “RoF” which stands for Ring of Friends. I do not mean that you will see girls having sex on the desk. We have a special place where we take care of our needs. One of the senior managers...


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