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Lynette, the late arrival at the celebration of Anna’s and Priscilla’s colorfully bruised bottoms, was one of the older girls; small, quiet, rather mousy looking in fact. She'd only been caned once, and that quite recently, but had been allowed to join the group because one of the other girls had persistently asked for it.
Lynette was an odd girl, rarely speaking to any one (and hence regarded by most as quite harmless), but often turning up in unexpected places. Occasionally she earned her place by providing some surprisingly helpful information.
One of the other girls, actually the one who's asked for her to join, knew a little more about her, enough, indeed, to have been in a situation sufficiently embarrassing to request the special favor. But even she knew very little of what was to be known.
If any one in the school had known anything close to the whole truth, it is not impossible that St. Swithin's might have experienced its first murder.
Lynette was as close to being the perfect professional spy as an amateur could be. Always quiet and seemingly invisible, she had also always been intensely curious about her fellow humans. A tendency to observe and collect information about her colleagues had received an enormous impetus when, one day, she had peered through the window of a school shed, and seen one of the girls making out with a groundsman.
At that time, she knew almost nothing about sex, and had been astonished to see the girl, still dressed, apparently eating the thingy (her vocabulary was a peculiar one, for reasons that will be explained) of the young man, which was peculiarly rigid and large, sticking straight up as he lay on his back, with his trousers and pants down. After a few minutes of this extraordinary sight, the girl had hurriedly pulled off her knickers, climbed up astride his crotch, reached down between her thighs to arrange something, and then started going up and down, a charming smile on her face, while strange grimaces began to contort the face of the young man himself. Lynette fled at that point, from confusion as much anything else.
She soon realized, however, that a vast new world was inviting her curiosity. She started to do some intensive research and soon enough knew a great deal about what she had seen that day. Some of her research was in books, for the school library, being quite old, held some rather surprising resources, and there were some unofficial works of reference that circulated among curious girls.
Her vocabulary became a peculiar mix of the colloquial words used by the girls, and the academic terms garnered from reading. But she also began looking for other occasions for secret observation of activities in progress.
No one could possibly have forecast how many these would prove to be, or how successful Lynette would be at finding them. Within a year, she had observed lively goings on of a wide variety among the staff, among the students, and between the staff and the students. Both her knowledge of this new world and her techniques in spying on it increased to an astonishing extent.
She had become interested in watching punishments as a result of seeing some spanking in the sexual activities she observed. Several girls had discovered how to observe the head prefect's tawsings from a very narrow opening in the wall between a staircase and the Seniors Common Room, high up in the room but low down in the staitwell. Lynette soon joined their number.
Occasionally these girls bumped into each other on the tower staircase, but there seemed to be a code of silence and none of the other girls suspected Lynette's wider activities. She had soon gone far beyond any of them.
Everyone knew that the headmaster administered canings in his "disciplinary study" on the third floor, because almost every girl had been caned there. All his other activities were on either his first or second floors. These floors seemed to be completely inaccessible to spying, but the third floor was a different matter.
The disciplinary study had been set up where a great many servants' activities had once been located in Victorian and Edwardian times. It had since been largely abandoned. Lynette, with patient and careful investigation, had found a way through the buildings on the third floor, using doors that had been abandoned unlocked.
Eventually, to her gratification (but not surprise, because she had come to believe that almost anything was possible), she had penetrated to one of the small rooms that had once opened into the servants' common room where the headmaster had now located his disciplinary study.
The door was locked but the key had been removed and so the keyhole provided a view into the room. It was behind and to the right of the desk. Lynette had discovered that it provided a view of much of the disciplinary activity. She could see the bottoms of girls who were bending over to touch their toes, and hence the cane landing across this target, even if not the headmaster himself as he stood further to the left in delivering the strokes.
When girls were bent over the table, however, she could see the entire proceedings. She had found a box, on which she could sit in comparative comfort while she observed invisibly. Since the times of canings were usually announce, she had got to watch many.
If the girls were in her own house, where she had inveigled her way into the group calling themselves the “bum-fun girls” or the “caning connoisseurs" by a bit of very judicious blackmail, she often got back in time to take another, much closer, look at the results,.
Her first sight of a cane landing across a bottom (it was a classic six) had excited her unexpectedly. She had become enthralled, so much so, indeed, that she had finally and deliberately got herself caned (before this being one of the few, like Priscilla, who had managed to stay out of Dr. Stanton's reach).
She had managed it with characteristic cleverness, and had received only a classic "six of the best." She had been startled at how painful it was, but even more so by the peculiar way in which the headmaster had managed to embarrass her with his instructions for undressing.
It had been rather a shock for someone who preferred to see without being seen. She had, in fact, remained surprised, because she hadn't seen him act quite the same way at any of the canings upon which she had spied.
She made certain that she was there to spy on the caning of Anna and Priscilla, which was clearly destined to become a major school event.
It had, indeed, been quite a performance, leaving even Lynette amazed. She had therefore been rather more slow than usual in easing up from her perch after Anna and Priscilla had left and, when she had tried to do so, her skirt had become caught.
This, then, was the cause of her somewhat odd appearance at the celebratory scene.
However, even Lynette could not possibly have guessed the even more surprising revelations that followed a few days later.
On a day when no canings were scheduled and the girls had free time for a while, Lynette decided to visit her secret perch at the disciplinary study. She wanted to make the perch a little more comfortable and quiet, and finding her way there had by now become such a familiar action that she barely gave it a thought.
She was sitting on her perch for a few moments thinking when she was suddenly and seriously startled by the lights going on in the study.
She froze in place – luckily that place was already the one from which she could so secretly observe.
The headmaster entered. What was happening? Was he simply attending to some odd jobs, or – better – was there perhaps an unexpected caning? No entirely unexpectedly – and, she thought, possibly indicating the more interesting possibility, Miss Martin, the Matron, followed him into the room.
This was not surprising, because on several previous occasions Lynette had seen Miss Martin in attendance at canings. Their conversation was not audible, but something about it, especially Miss Martin’s expressions and actions, began to seem a bit odd.
No girl had entered the room, but at first Lynette guessed that the Headmaster and his matron were just discussing a caning that was about to take place. Who was going to suffer? Lynette was getting intrigued. She most enjoyed watching the older girl getting beaten … perhaps it would be one of the senior girls that she heartily disliked? She was starting to hope.
Miss Martin moved to pull the caning bench away from the wall, which was the usual practice.
But still no girl presenting herself for punishment.
And then, she realized, Miss Martin’s attitude was starting to change. Instead of chatting cheerfully with the Headmaster, she was now just standing there, hands clasped in front of her, head bent but eyes raised, staring at the Headmaster.
Then a fuller realization began to dawn in Lynette’s stunned brain. Miss Martin – and the Headmaster – were both starting to act as if Miss Martin herself was the miscreant student. Clearly she was being lectured and, equally clearly, she was beginning to act as though she was also being told that something very unpleasant was going to happen!
The Headmaster moved out of sight and Lynette heard the sound of a cupboard opening and … yes! It was unbelievable but certainly true! The sound was of rattling canes, a fact immediately confirmed by his re-appearance … carrying a cane.
Lynette remained frozen in place, transfixed by the unfolding of an extraordinary scene.
When Miss Martin finally moved, it was toward the caning table that she had just pulled away from the far wall. And she was clasping her bum … the gesture that Lynette had seen many girls make when they realized that this part of their anatomy was threatened by an imminent caning.
Lynette could hardly breathe.
The headmaster had then moved out of sight and then re-appeared, now holding the cane in an even more purposeful manner. Miss Martin, in the next stage of this astonishing drama, had proceeded to remove every stitch her clothing, leaving it in a pile on the floor.
She had then turned to the table and bent over it in the position in which Lynette had previously seen not only Anna and Priscilla but many other trembling girls forced to adopt..
Lynette couldn't help noticing that, enviably proportioned though the figures of both Anna and Priscilla had been, Miss Martin's body had a further degree of fullness that her few extra years had given her, especially in her tits and bum.
Lynnete was old enough to join in, or at least to listen in, to the intense discussions among the oldre girls about their by now rapidly developing figures. Many of the girls regarded Miss Martin with envy and hope, as the ideal figure they hoped to achieve in their maturity. But to see her quite suddenly naked in this condition in the Headmaster’s study was startling in the extreme.
Then, further, to see her clearly preparing to present her bottom in the position adopted by so many girls whose errant ways had led them to this study for a beating, astonished Lynette perhaps more than anything she had ever witnessed before.
Astonished though she was, Lynette still noticed that there was now something very distinctive about Miss Martin's movements. Instead of the many nervous backwards glances and shifts in position that characterized almost all of the girls as they were obliged to adopt the position for their caning, Miss Martin seemed to be settling herself firmly, almost comfortably, across the table as she lifted her bottom for the Headmaster's attention.
And the Headmaster, indeed, proceeded to offer that attention in the manner that Lynette had repeatedly observed, focussing on his target with such intensity that the twin globes of the bottom cheeks seemed to fill the room with a mesmerizing power.
He raised the cane to lay it horizontally across the center of those still perfect cheeks, shuffling his feet slightly to and fro and side to side until he was comfortable with the angle at which the cane would strike the bottom, its position stretching equally across both sides of the cleft that curved between Miss Martin’s upper thighs, squeezed between the soft lips to enclose her inmost secrets.
Lynette was a girl whose curiosity was driven by a remarkable intensity of observation and she found herself cataloging these details of Miss Martin’s private anatomy, following each movement of the Headmaster’s cane as, one by one, it seemed to reclaim these secrets for its own private domain. She had watched such performances with such fascination that she could feel as the Headmaster himself was surely feeling as he moved through these preparatory actions with such deliberate care.
And although she had, on so many occasions, observed what the victim was forced to revealed in those intimate recesses (and even her own when she had access to a suitable mirror!), she found the fascination even greater than usual now that it was their much admired matron who was being forced to reveal herself. Lynette felt as though she were being pulled into the Headmaster’s own obsession. It was something that she had, almost u*********sly, sensed when he was beating one of the many girls who came under the rule of his cane, but she suddenly saw it with a powerful clarity now that it was the Matron herself who was suddenly captured in his spider-like web. And her intuition began to tell her that even she, herself, was becoming captive.
She had repeatedly remarked on how the Headmaster would seem to prepare for delivering each stroked with such deliberately careful adjustments of the cane’s position. But now she could see clearly that he was extending these preparations into an agonizingly slow ritual, shifting, sliding and tapping the long, thin instrument of pain against the flesh of Miss Martin’s bottom. It was becoming like an irresistible spell.
Even Lynette herself could hardly stand the suspense and she felt her own nerves tighten almost unbearably as she realized that the cane had stopped moving. For a second everything in the room – and in herself -- seemed frozen … until the arm and the cane abruptly lifted high above the Headmaster’s right shoulder, paused for a split second, and then flashed down.
Although the door blocked most of the sound, an explosive “crack!” penetrated the keyhole. But more telling was the jump of Miss Martin’s bottom and the sudden jerk of her body.
The stroke had been very severe, perhaps as hard as the most severe that Pricilla had received. It was hardly surprising that it had made Miss Martin’s body jump, but Lynette already realized that that it could not have been her first caning, otherwise she surely would have leapt up, shrieking.
Lynette herself had been holding her breath and now found herself struggling to let the breath out as quietly as possible. She was not in much danger of being heard, however, for the Headmaster and Miss Martin were now entirely caught up in their mutually conducted performance. The wider world had practically ceased to exist for them.
Lynette could sense this and felt again that, in some very strange way, she had been drawn secretly into the intense private world of a cane and its bottom. Even Miss Martin and the Headmaster themselves almost seemed secondary. She watched the line of the cane’s impact turn white and then redden, as the Headmaster slowly brought his instrument back up into position and began to move it gently over the cheeks, as if to quieten them.
In almost every way, the scene was one with which Lynette was very familiar … except for the identity of the bottom and the way that seemed change the identity of the man wielding the cane. And they changed everything.
She continued to watch the performance, still mesmerized, … and, indeed, she understood that it was a performance, of a remarkable kind.
The headmaster proceeded to cane her, with slow, agonizing care. He gave her exactly eight strokes, starting close to the top of her bottom and working down towards her thighs. They were hard strokes, perhaps as hard as the worst than Anna and Priscilla had received.
The results began to show very clearly in brilliantly crimson, precisely spaced marks. Each stroke was a hard as the others and Miss Martin's naked body continued to react with a little jump to each stroke, though Lynette could not hear any sounds of protest … until the last stroke.
Lynette could see that this was harder than the others, from the way the headmaster delivered it, the more lively reaction of Miss Martin's bottom, and the squeal she could just hear.
As Lynette continued to watch in amazement, the headmaster carefully put his cane on the table, alongside Miss Martin, placed his left hand on her back and then moved his right hand between her thighs. Lynette could clearly see what he was doing … he was massaging her quim.
This sight she was not unused to, having seen many variations. It was the current circumstance that was so highly unusual. When he further dropped to his knees behind her and pushed his bearded face into the intimate places where his hand had just been, this did not seem, n itself, all that peculiar either. Lynette even knew that this activity was called cunnilingus (as she also now knew the first sexual activity she had seen was called fellatio). Again, it was the situation rather than the actions that astonished her.
When he stood up and carefully removed all his own clothes, it was the same combination of shock and familiarity. Again, it did not in itself surprise her, since this usually preceded much of the sexual activities she had just observed. But she certainly felt it very strange, however, to be seeing her headmaster stark naked, with his thingy, enormous, vertical and wobbling.
Then he disappeared briefly and Lynette tried to calm herself with a deep but very silent breath.
She heard sounds of a desk drawer and then he reappeared, this time holding a little opened jar. It was evidently some kind of lotion and it was also not surprising to Lynette when he dipped his fingers into it.
She was not prepared, however, for the way in which he then placed these fingers against Miss Martin's bottom hole and started carefully massaging it. Lynette was even more surprised when he pushed one of his fingers into that hole, and more surprised still when he managed to insert two fingers, moving them gently in and out and round and round as the tight ring of Miss Martin’s anus began to stretch into a visible hole.
She began to twist her body, gently and slowly at first, but then her thighs and bottom cheeks began to react with little shivers. Clearly, she was enjoying this peculiar form of attention.
Lynette had actually read about anal intercourse and she realized with, for her, some considerable excitement, that she was probably about to see it performed.
This was, indeed, the case.
When the headmaster moved to position himself directly behind Miss Martin, grasping his thingy firmly in his right hand, her first raised himself up on his toes so that, between his thighs, she could clearly see that he was carefully positioning it right against her bottom hole and then pressing its head into the well-oiled gap between her cheeks.
Then he started to force his way into her bottom, with obviously increasing desperation. For a moment, the head of his thingy began to press against the soft flesh, squashing the soft skin inwards, until suddenly something gave way. Lynette could see the little circle of Miss Martin’s anus start to open up, and the head of the Headmaster’s thingy begin to squeeze through, slowly disappearing into her bottom.
With barely a conscious thought, Lynette’s fascinated eyes and mind were focused, like binoculars, on every detail of each moment.
She saw the ring of Miss Martin’s anus sinking between the cheeks of her bottom, forced in by the pushing head, and then start to re-emerge like pouting lips as he slowly reversed his efforts and began to ease his thingy out again. It seemed to be growing longer and harder every second, pulling out the now pouting anus. Its opened ring, soft yet hard at the same time, held tightly to his thingy, stretching out as though unwilling to let go. Then his thingy pushed her anus slowly inwards again, pushing in and sucking out , pushing and sucking.
Then the Headmaster’s hips suddenly began to push inwards, vigorously, harder and faster against Miss Martin’s bottom which now seemed in turn to be pushing back outwards against him. Lynette caught a glimpse of his thingy burying itself completely in Miss Martin’s bottom, before the desperate thrusting of his whole body his body hard and fast into her, blocked her view.
As her earlier observations had taught he to expect, his movements soon became increasingly urgent. He forced his right hand down between the cushion and Miss Martin's hips, and now her frantic movements began to match is own became more frantic, her body bucking beneath his.
Lynette knew well enough what was happening, from experience as well as observation, because she had been masturbating rather frequently with her increasing, secret observation of sexual activity both by students and grown-ups.
So she was expecting the explosion of desperate convulsions that soon overwhelmed both headmaster and matron.. She also knew by observation what was coming, although the male's contribution to this event often seemed to her peculiarly and unattractively messy.
But what she was not expecting was the equally sudden burst of hot, intense sensations in her own quim. She was, of course, familiar with the delightful burst in which her masturbation usually concluded. What was unexpected was it’s sudden invasion of her body while watching other peoples’ performances.
Normally, well after a session of secret spying, she would hide herself away (not always easy) and start rubbing her privates softly and gently as she “recollected in tranquility” (the phrase she liked to use to herself) until coming, if she was lucky. But this time she feel almost as if her own body was in Matron’s place, as if overcome by a totally bewildering confusion of sensations – the burning pain that came with the hiss-thwat of the cane and the unknowable (because still unknown to her) plunging of the Headmaster deep in her bottom – all somehow blended in a turbulent whirl.
She found that her hand was already thrust under her skirt and inside panties, desperately rubbing the stickily moist softness in her quim.

She wanted, frantically, just to slide off her seat and give herself up to the overpowering need. But she was Lynette! She was different from everyone else! And she was still spying on her Headmaster and her Matron. Overcome with their own desires though they cerainly looked, she must, in mo possible way, reveal that she was watching them.
With great force of will, she pulled her hand out from her panties – though still allowing it to press hard against her crotch through her skirt, trying to make herself stand up as quietly as possible and leave, before giving herself away.
Taking her eyes way from the keyhole was another, however. So she caught some of the grand finale.
As the headmaster slowly drew himself back, she saw his thingy sliding out of Miss Martin's bottom hole with a drooping thread of white still connecting the two, while another thick, gooey-looking, white blob slowly oozed from this same hole and began to drip down along her quim, a thickening stream of oozing white, between bottom cheeks that were each symmetrically marked by eight, evenly spaced, scarlet stripes.
It was a sight sufficiently striking to imprint itself firmly in her memory, probably for ever. And the performance was not quite over.
She could see that Miss Martin, pushing the Headmaster back, was trying to rise. But, instead of standing up, she slid back till she was lying on the floor, flat on her stomach, with her legs wide apart. Whether the Headmaster was expecting this, Lynette couldn’t tell, but he certainly understood what was expected of him.
Lynette had one, last glimpse of the parted cleft of the Matron’s bottom, smeared with thick, white liquid that still seemed to be bubbling from her anus, before the Headmaster knelt between her legs and carefully lowered himself onto her. The Matron reached back between her bottom and his belly as he wriggled his hips. Lynette could no longer see the details at that point, but she readily imagined his still-dripping thingy slowly squeezing its way back into the welcoming bottom that was now probably well-filled by his explosive performance.
It was at this point that Lynette finally pulled herself away from the key hole and very slowly and quietly crept out of her secret room. She went immediately to the nearest toilet, which was, fortunately, otherwise unoccupied. There she relived the amazing experience. Still gasping, she had to wait several minutes, cooling her reddened face with cold water, before returning to her house as quickly as she discretely could, fascinated but starting to wonder whether her newly gained knowledge would lead. Perhaps it was a little dangerous, even for her.


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PRISCILLA’S FIRST CANING. PART VIIFurther instructions by Dr. Stanton himself Some Subtle Considerations A word of reassurance on two related matters may be in order here. The first is somewhat private and, one might consider, embarrassing. However, as I have made it clear, I hope, I am striving to be both franks and comprehensive in my advice. In addition, I would note that I have even discussed this with ladies of my acquaintance, who have all...

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Liz is subjected to a Judicial Caning 1

Elizabeth Mary Wilkins, her proper name in the Court proceedings, twenty-six years old, had been sentenced by a Court to Judicial Punishment. Despite the use of her full proper name in the Court she was usually just called “Liz”.To cater for the ever increasing number of Judicial Canings for women, the process had gone from being a private one on one with a Punishment Officer and the offender. Now it was much less personal, where women dressed and undressed more publicly. The already caned and...

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Lady Caylethorpes Caning

Lady Caylethorpe’s Caning. On a warm day towards the end of July, a month shy of her thirtieth birthday, Lady Caylethorpe, the beautiful but conceited wife of the Fourth Earl of Caylethorpe, received the soundest and most comprehensive thrashing of her pampered and privileged life. It was, in the opinion of every member of the domestic staff of the Caylethorpe ancestral manor, one of the most thoroughly deserved chastisements ever meted out in the history of the household and few would have...

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Lady Vaylethorpes Caning

Lady Caylethorpe’s Caning. On a warm day towards the end of July, a month shy of her thirtieth birthday, Lady Caylethorpe, the beautiful but conceited wife of the Fourth Earl of Caylethorpe, received the soundest and most comprehensive thrashing of her pampered and privileged life. It was, in the opinion of every member of the domestic staff of the Caylethorpe ancestral manor, one of the most thoroughly deserved chastisements ever meted out in the history of the household and few would have...

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Mixed Metaphors xiv

Tony sat for hours unable to sleep. Although the sun was coming up, by Tony’s watch it was only two o’clock the afternoon before. They had been flying almost eight hours, and due to all the details in his mind and the fact he had slept most of the night before, he couldn’t close his eyes. They were scheduled to be in Naples, in about two hours. He placed an old favorite DVD in the player, placed the expensive headphones across his ears and started the movie. The movie was “The Adventures...

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Sisters Gift XIV

Part XIV End of Part XIII: With that she left. We knew she wasn’t upset with us, and we knew she loved us. I sighed and lay back on my pillow. My right arm was around Gabby while she lay on my chest. “I hope she finds it. I really do.” Gabby chuckled. “She already has. She just doesn’t know it yet.” I looked down at her questioningly, and she responded with one word. “Allison.” The next morning I woke up. Apparently during the night, Gabby and I had maneuvered ourselves into the classic spoon...

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Erotic Comic Orgy Series Chapter XIV

Erotic Comic Orgy Series – Chapter XIV“The Tranny who Banged (With) Me”, with Vic (OC) and Rory (based on a shemale art)Rory: Lying on his king-sized bed, Vic tried to find something to do that Thursday night. Alone at his place, he ran around his cellphone chasing someone who could give him a good night of cuddling and fun.He ran through his contacts, but couldn’t find someone worthy to share a bed with. Not that anyone at the list wasn’t good. It was Vic’s own reasons to find some kind of...

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Romance Comic Cover Stories Chapter XIV

Chapter XIV – Never Waiting (based on Falling in Love No. 16 cover, DC, February 1958)The high-school prom is one of the most important things a girl can expect in her life. Dancing with the man she loves, being alone with him, sometimes even getting a kiss or something else. For girls like me, the moment is pure magic, like in the movies...However, when I got my prom date, things went a little different. Me and my best friend Susan were about to go together to the date. She brought her...

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George Isolde etc Chap XIII XIV

Chapter XIII It was just 5:00 when Isolde pulled into the driveway and parked behind George’s VW. George and Terry came out of the house to greet her and she said, “Here – each of you grab a bag of groceries. Watch that one, Terry – it’s heavy.” She had bought several cans of soup, and some tomatoes and the rest of the ingredients for marinara sauce, and the store bagger had put all of the cans in one bag. “I forgot you were gonna have to rent a car,” said George. “We have to do something...

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A Parfect Caning

A ‘Parfect’ CaningAs the 9 o’clock news came on the car radio Luke began to get annoyed, “Oh come on Steve, where the fuck are you?” he muttered to himself in the privacy of his car, tapping his hands in irritated fashion against the steering wheel as he did so.Luke had been parked on the overgrown gravel drive of the former boarding school since 8.30 am and wished he’d collected the keys from the office himself. At least that way he could have made a start on the inventory. Patience was not...

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Another Caning by Miss Strictwell

Thirty-seven-year-old Angela was awake as usual at seven-thirty and was looking forward to her day shopping and meeting her friends at the restaurant at the mall. Before that, though, she had her meeting with Miss Strictwell.As she threw the bedclothes off and swung her legs on to the floor and walked towards the bathroom she thought about her meeting which would be straight after breakfast. She knew to stay in her shorty nightdress which had a hem that only just covered her bottom. She also...

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The Caning at the Cafe du Concorde

The Caning at the Cafe du Concorde.On the face of it, to any casual or uninformed observer, the Cafe du Concorde may have appeared an unlikely location to act as a setting for the public disgrace and punishment of Yvette Marie-Louise Renard. The cafe in its snug location on the eponymous main square of the idyllic little village of Pont du Rochelles showed nothing at first glance to suggest that it was anything else other than the sort of pleasant and friendly little rural establishment whose...

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Cleverly Planned Wife Swap 8211 Master Plan To Convince Conservative Couple 8211 Part XIV

This is real story of a two friends where we exchanged our wife with each other for bit lengthier live in relationship. Usually in swinging/exchanging wife with others, generally people will exchange partner for just a fucking session in just a week end visit or night visit to one of the couple’s home. In our case, to make our life spicy and have more thrill and adventure, we have decided to do this for bit longer period of time, where my wife will be with my friend for 2 months and where as...

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The Caning at the Cafe du Concorde

On the face of it, to any casual or uninformed observer, the Cafe du Concorde may have appeared an unlikely location to act as a setting for the public disgrace and punishment of Yvette Marie-Louise Renard. The cafe in its snug location on the eponymous main square of the idyllic little village of Pont du Rochelles showed nothing at first glance to suggest that it was anything else other than the sort of pleasant and friendly little rural establishment whose twin could be found in any village...

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A Domsub couple decide to live out a fantasy involving hard caning

Brian lit a bit of Forest Dance, it was his sub Giovanna’s favorite incense and a deep, musky scent, like earth under an old oak spread over the playroom. Giovanna herself knelt on the floor, she was a pretty woman, a bit on the plump side with dark curls to her waist and large olive colored eyes, Brian liked the soft curve of her body, the little love handles, and the size of her breasts that usually only came naturally with a bit of overweight. “Are you sure you want to do this my...

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Rachel Crossing The Line Part XIV

Thank you, for all the great feed back! Many Thanks to Kristina for the edit work! Love to hear your thoughts. Rach... November 30th, 10:12 AM I rolled over gingerly and rubbed the small of my back. It was tender, like I'd done a thousand sit-ups or something. Rubbing it didn't do much and I decided to get up and find something to take for the nagging pain. I stood carefully and took the first few steps as though my hip was out of joint, stopping to lean over and steady myself...

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The Platinum Chef A Tale of Delacroix Part XIV

Chapter 49 Bzzt,Bzzt. Bzzt,Bzzt. Bzzt,Bzzt. Nothing again... C'mon Fay-fay, where are you? Rach couldn't remember the last time she'd been so hard to get to on the phone. It made her wish she could cry over something so trivial. Rach felt her eyes dampen. She knew it was the painkiller they'd given her. She got all emotional the last time they gave it to her; which, oddly enough, was due to a completely different snowboard injury. They'd gotten her out on the snow, fitted...

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Tim the Teenager Part XIV

Tim, the Teenage Part Fourteen By: Rass Senip +++ Chapter V: 9th Grade, Spring 1986 - The North Mansion Part 1 - Mother, Father, and My Lovers. (mc, oral mf & ff) The black limo pulled into our driveway, filling the entire drive. Even before the vehicle had been taken out of gear, I had my suitcase waiting by the trunk. I had a feeling that this was a different vehicle than the last one I had ridden in, but there were no exterior markings to indicate this. A different driver got out,...

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Becoming Emily Part XIV

After Paige and her Daddy left I cleaned up and decided to take a nap. I couldn’t help but think about the way that he held her after they first fucked and how, as a male, I had avoided that at all cost. When I was done I was done and if the girl was insistent upon staying I would just roll over and go to sleep. More often though I had tried to have a reason in place as to why they couldn’t stay or I couldn’t stay at their place. Even after I was turned into a female I hadn’t really sought out...

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Caning Her Bottom

Having had her first-ever genuine lesbian experience at the age of fifty-nine, Christine Hargreaves was wanting more. She had been, sort of, picked-up by sixty-year-old lesbian Brenda Sutcliffe and had recently tasted cunt juice for the first time as well as having her own cunt receive a female tongue for the first time ever.During her so far only visit to Brenda's house for an afternoon and early evening of sapphic sex, Christine was shown an implement that Brenda wanted to use at a future...

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My Real Sex Life 8211 Part XIV

Hi My dear horny readers. How are you all doing? My name is Deva (not real name) I’m now 27 years old, 5.95 feet height, athletic and average looking. Okay let me continue the Story … Kavitha’s mom said “yeah we know that you can take care of yourself. We actually come today for something else Deva. I already spoke to your mom regarding this. Me: what is it aunty? Kavitha’s mom: nothing much Deva, we are actually going to a function and marriage in Mumbai. We couldn’t take kavitha as she will...

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Lady In The House Part XIV

Lady in the House - Chapter XV By Michele Nylons I awoke in my cell the next morning unaware of the terrible fate that had befallen my sister Angie. I knew that Steve had sent his henchman Danny to do something to her in retribution for my recalcitrance but I didn't know exactly what that evil bastard Steve was capable of. I lay there shivering with dread hoping that Danny had just given Angie a warning, or at...

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Marthas bare bottom caning

It was Thursday late in the afternoon when five pupils, three girls and two boys were standing at the corner. The pupils were Martha 18, Michelle 17, Veronica 16, Morgan and Kelvin both 16 years old boys. The two boys were trying a  cigarette when the girls were chit chatting. Mr Jordan, a 55 years old gentleman appeared from nowhere jogging, he...

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You Only Live Once 8211 Part XIV

He made me stand and told me yeh chudkar chal utah, abh wapis se bait mere lund pe. We both were bathed with our sweat in spite of the cold weather and I slide down and took his cock in my cunt, it was painful in the beginning but with two three jerks I sat on his lap with his huge cock fully in me. He said chal chawal kilha. The pain and pleasure or so much that somehow I managed to take some rice in my hand and mixed it with curry and feed him. The moment the rice was in his mouth he pushed...

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The Cuckolds Reward Alistairs Story Part XIV

Alistair did shave her properly that Sunday afternoon, just as he shaved her properly at 7:30am on the morning of her rearranged assignation with Jeff. Julie lay naked across the bed with a towel underneath her and her legs dangling over the edge of the bed. He stared down at her pussy for a few moments with a can of shaving foam in hand. ‘Another man was going to be looking at this in less than a couple of hour’s time’ he thought to himself. Not just looking but touching. Not just touching...

2 years ago
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The Caning of Gina Part I

Gina sat nervously, holding onto her mug of coffee as if for dear life. Jim sat opposite her relaxed and waiting patiently. “So how do you feel about things now?” he asked her, in a soft spoken voice. She smiled nervously but said nothing. “You can leave it for another time”, he told her, “There’s no pressure” Gina took a sip from her mug. He was wrong there was pressure. Though the choice was hers and hers alone she knew that if she walked away now she would probably never come back and would...

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Singapore Caning

Roger Emerson was at the cusp of learning what most Americans never really understood: the extent of the penal system in Singapore. Roger had conducted business in Singapore for several years, but never fully appreciated the intricacies of the culturally mixed court system, nor did he understand the sense of justice that was almost inbred in the life long residents of Singapore. As the celebrated Michael Fay incident suggests, Singapore was formerly a British crown colony and has been an...

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A Necessary Cuckolding Part XIV

Alan  Alan helped her dress for lunch in near silence; black lacy bra and matching suspender belt. There were matching panties to wear but she shook her head when he picked them up. “No. I’ll put them in my handbag to wear for going home,” she told him. “Bradley’s a touchy feely type of guy. He can also get a bit rough when he’s overeager and I don’t want them torn.”He began to stiffen immediately. Dawn reached for his cock and held it momentarily. “You don’t mind him feeling me up at will do...

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The Cuckolds Reward Alistairs Story Part XIV

Alistair did shave her properly that Sunday afternoon, just as he shaved her properly at 7:30am on the morning of her rearranged assignation with Jeff. Julie lay naked across the bed with a towel underneath her and her legs dangling over the edge of the bed. He stared down at her pussy for a few moments with a can of shaving foam in hand. ‘Another man was going to be looking at this in less than a couple of hour’s time’ he thought to himself. Not just looking but touching. Not just touching...

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Crimson Cheeks 4 Caning Training

“I’m going to start by giving you each a very hard spanking. Then your asses will feel the wrath of my cock,” Mr. Black explained. “Somehow, I have a feeling that this won’t teach you a lesson either. But who am I to complain? I have two willing anal sluts, and I’m going to enjoy every thrust. Are you ready?”“Yes, sir,” the girls said together.“Wonderful!” Mr. Black said. “Oh, and to make this session more memorable for you both, I’ll be attaching clamps to your nipples. I’ll be right back with...

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The Pool Party Chapter XIV

While their mothers had been inside getting ready, Jamie and Tyler were leaning on the edge of the pool getting to know each other better. They had talked about their schools, friends, skateboarding, and girls. Being teenage boys, they finally began comparing notes on how far they had gotten with the opposite sex, but while they each admitted the most they had gotten was a blow job, neither confided the secret of who had given it to them. Little did they know just how much they had in...

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Public Caning in London

Back in the late 90s I used to frequent two spanking chat rooms. In those days it was possible to have some good chats without some of the politics that goes on now. Over the course of about two years I struck up good friendships online with some women who were into corporal punishment, and I actually met with five in real life. One, a very posh young woman from Wendover, met me for lunch, but decided to take it no further; a shame as she had a lovely looking bottom that would have taken a good...

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My First Judicial Caning

Well here I was in my mid fifties and you start thinking bucket lists. I had not seen a dominatrix in any shape or form for over ten years, then it had been here and there at odd times but I had never experienced a full and proper judicial caning, it seemed like now or never.These days its so much easier browsing the websites and I found a couple and made some enquiries before selecting a forty something dominatrix in Yorkshire. Yes the session would be as authentic as possible, I was to attend...

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The Caning The First Six

The Caning - The First SixKelly knocked softly on my office door. The Master's Lair, as I knew the girls called it behind my back. The Caning Master they called me, which I rather liked.I bid Kelly to enter, which she did rather nervously. Kelly was a pretty girl, at that stage of womanhood where she was all knees and elbows. She walked over to me desk like Bambi on Ice. Long tanned legs, ungainly as yet. Clumpy shoes with block heels did not aid her gracefulness. A bum which had yet to fill...

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The Caning of Gina Part II

Gina sipped her coffee as Jim looked on. As on her previous visit to his home she was very nervous. There was no feeling of nervous anticipation this time because she knew what to expect, but she was going to experience pain and, of course, someone else would be present. It had been an ordeal letting Jim see her nakedness last time and it was going to be a bigger ordeal letting another stranger see her intimately. “Well let’s get it over with then” Gina said as she stood up. Jim smiled. “Is it...

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The Caning

The third week of Gina Meadows' incestuous affair with her son Ryan had gone much the same as the first two. They had had sex every night and sometimes had sex during the day as Ryan got more and more confident in his sexual abilities.The affair had started after a heated argument culminating in Gina giving Ryan a very hard bare-bottomed belting, which sexually aroused both mother and son. After having sex for the first time that night, Gina suggested the purchase of a cane for future use in...

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Joannes Summer Job Joanne witnesses the caning of her boyfriend

Peter Mitchell placed the key to the front door in lock and turned it slowly. He hoped to avoid waking his girlfriend Joanne and then having the unpleasant task of explaining to her where he had been and why he was only arriving home at eight o’clock that Sunday morning, long after he had promised he would be home. Peter pushed the front door open gently and removed his key. He stepped into the hallway and turned around, slowly closing the heavy door behind him.He winced as it clicked loudly....

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I Work in a Doctors Office XIV

The following is a report that Jack related to me about a recent experience he had. I was flying cross-country to visit my grandparents. My dad is quite wealthy so I was flying first class. I had noticed this extremely attractive young girl at the terminal before boarding. She looked to be about my age. She had cutoff shorts on and had killer legs, cute ass, and very pretty feet clearly visible in her sandals. I have always had a thing for pretty feet. So imagine my surprise when she was...

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A Boy and His dungeon XIV

Friday morning, Jill and I were on our way to London to bring Jennifer home. We rented a small trailer, and the three of us had all of Jennifer's things loaded, including her scooter, and were on the road by mid afternoon. The drive back to Swansea passed quickly. We arrived in the early evening, unloaded everything and returned the trailer to the rental yard, had dinner at a coffee shop, and went home exhausted, lacking the energy for anything more than cuddling together. Saturday...

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Luck and Love XIV

Michaels life seemed fine after Zo got back. He didnt quite know how to deal with his nightly visits from Dana, but he figured it would work itself out as everything else had. He and Zo had been dating for a week when she finally invited him over to her house for dinner. My parents decided that theyve given us enough space, Zo rolled her eyes as she told Michael. They were sitting on the steps of the school after the last bell, cuddled up as close as they could be. The teachers passed them...

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