A Dare Is A Dare (Fair Is Fair Part 3) free porn video

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Hi, my name is Steve and this is the story of why my friend Tim and his girlfriend Amy are my best friends.
Tim and I grew up in a sleepy retirement town in Florida called Ormond By The Sea, really the only thing that it had going for it was the beach but most of the tourists preferred Daytona Beach, just to the north. We met in elementary school, and both of us being nerds, we became good friends. The downside of being nerds in a town that was eighty percent blue hairs and the other twenty percent surf rat is that there is zero chance at a social life. That was until a few months ago when Tim and Amy hooked up. They tried to keep it a secret but I knew that something had changed not long after Tim had been "forced" to start taking disco dancing lessons with the cute brunette next door. Tim hates disco music.
Anyway, back to my story. Every year Tim and I go out to Tomoka State Park camping for a weekend. We fish and hang out, and usually one of us get's their hands on a bottle of booze for the weekend. Our site Turned out to be one of the more secluded ones at the end of the camping area with only one other site within sight of ours. We made pretty quick work of setting up the tent and getting the gear squared away before heading down to the river to try and catch us some dinner.
After about an hour we returned to the site with three good sized bass and some blue crabs. As we turned off the trail I could see a tent going up in the site next to ours, I'll admit that I was a little disappointed that we'd have neighbors until I spotted the blonde who was hammering in the stakes. From behind she looked pretty hot in her denim daisy dukes and bikini top. The bottom of her ass cheeks were peaking out of her shorts and I became so distracted that I nearly walked into a palmetto bush.
Tim chuckled, "Cool, the girls are here."
It took a second for it to register what he said, but just then I saw Amy emerge from the other side of the tent. Part of me was a little pissed that he'd invited her to what was to be our weekend to just hang out. Since they started going together we haven't had nearly as much time to do that and yeah I was a bit jealous.
Amy spotted us and waved and the blonde turned to see who it was. Holy shit, it was Bonny Strickland. My eyes drank in the site of her very cute face before wandering down to her ample breasts that were seemingly trying to escape the confines of her bikini top. Bonny was one of the prettiest girls in school, all of the guys drooled over her but like most of them I'd always considered to be out of my league.
"Steve, this is my friend Bonny", Amy introduced us, "Bonny, this is Tim's friend Steve."
I held my hand out awkwardly, do you shake hands with a girl when you're introduced? She took my hand looking just as unsure. "Hi Bonny, I've seen you around school, you have Mrs. Murphy for third period, I have her for second."
"That's probably where I've seen you before, "That and at the football games."
I played in the marching band and Bonny was a cheerleader. The unspoken rule of junior high is that the two never mingle.
"Dude, you mind helping the girls finish setting up while I clean the fish?" Tim almost always cleaned the fish since he was much better at it than I was with a fillet knife. He prepped them and I cooked since he usually burned anything that he tried to cook.
Bonny and I finished setting up the girls site while Amy went to help Tim get the fish gutted and filleted, although I think they spent more time kissing and groping each other than they did working on the fish. I really didn't mind though as working with Bonny gave me several opportunities to check out her firm young ass and great tits. At one point she joked that if the other two didn't stop playing grab ass that the fish may wind up being breakfast. We both laughed and although we had known each other by sight for a couple of years it was the first time that we'd actually talked. Mostly we talked about other k**s at school and which teachers we liked, and which ones we hated. It turned out that she wasn't the dingy blonde bimbo that I'd imagined she was and after some initial awkwardness the conversation became fairly natural. After the site was set up and Tim and Amy finally finished with the fish we all went out gathering some firewood.
Bonny and I had each gathered a couple of armloads and piled them near the fire pit when we realized that neither of us had seen our friends. I started to say something to the pretty blonde but she silently raised a finger to her lips. Listening closely I could make out grunting that sounded a lot like Amy. We both blushed as simultaneously it dawned on us what we were hearing. Evidently they got distracted and it sounded like my friend was giving it to her good somewhere in the forest off to our right. We smiled to each other knowingly and went back to work, but not before I called out, "Tim, aren't you supposed to be gathering wood, not getting wood?"
Bonnie and I had enough firewood for the night piled up by the pit before our friends emerged from the tree line each with an armload of branches. Tim looked a little flushed but Amy's face was beet red with embarrassment at having been caught.
"Ya think that you have enough energy left to start the fire", I asked my blushing friend.
Without a word he started getting the pit ready and soon had a good fire burning. While he was working on that Amy and Bonny disappeared into their tent. After some whispering that I couldn't make out and some giggling which was very clear they came out with four plastic cups and a large box of white wine. "I hope that it's white wine with fish", Amy joked as she set the box on a nearby tree stump and released the built in tap. None of us knew for sure, but we all agreed that for tonight it would work.
We sat around the fire laughing and drinking wine while we waited for a good bed of coals to build up. Dinner consisted of boiled crabs, fried bass a can of baked beans and a can of brown bread, which the girls had never tried before but for Tim and I it was a camping staple. Afterward the girls cleaned up the pans and got them packed away while Tim and I discussed the implications of a new model for the Big Bang that Steven Hawking had just published. At one point Bonny looked over at us and asked Amy, "what are they even talking about?"
"Don't ask," she laughed, "Tim tried to explain it to me once, my brain hurt for two days."
The girls came back to sit with us by the fire so Tim and I dropped our debate. We drank some more wine, smoked a couple of joints and laughed and told raunchy jokes until Amy suggested that we play a game of Truth or Dare.
"I'll go first", Amy started, "Steve, truth or dare?"
"Fuck", I said to myself. "Truth"
"Have you ever kissed a girl? Who was it"
"Yes, Suzie Johnson." I looked at Tim and challenged, truth or dare?"
"When did you and Amy first start going together?"
"That's easy", he smiled, "April 16th." Amy shot him a glance and he corrected himself, "No wait, it was the 17th, but the 16th was a pretty good day too."
Amy blushed, I then knew what I was asking on my next turn.
Tim continued with his turn, "Bonny, truth or dare?"
"What do you think of my buddy Steve here?"
Her face visibly blushed in the firelight as she pondered how to answer, and at that moment I thought that she was the cutest girl that I'd ever laid eyes on. "He's nice."
"Nice", I repeated to myself silently as if her words were the kiss of death to any hope that I had of impressing her. I'm not sure what the answer that I was hoping for but "he's nice", was not it.
"My turn", continued the girl who'd just crushed my dreams with just a word. "Amy, truth or dare?"
The answer apparently caught Bonny off guard and she thought a moment, "okay, I dare you to kiss Tim, and make it sexy."
Amy smiled and got up from her seat across from Tim. She walked around the fire and straddled his legs, sliding down onto his lap before giving him what had to have one of the sexiest kisses that I'd ever seen. Their bodies ground against each others as their tongues danced erotically. They were practically fucking right there by the fire. When she finished she got back up and resumed her place between Bonny and I, Tim tried to discretely adjust himself, before getting up to refill everybody's Dixie cups with wine.
The next couple of rounds everyone took truths, I 'm pretty sure it was out of fear of having to top Amy's performance on Tim's lap. Finally Tim challenged Bonny and she answered ,"dare."
"I dare you to let Steve kiss your right nipple for thirty seconds."
I was going to kill him, but she blushed and came over to sit in my lap. I could see her nipple poking out through the material of her bikini top so shyly I lowered my mouth to it. I sucked the fabric clad nub into my mouth and I was in heaven until Tim upped the ante by adding, "bare nipple."
I could feel my face burning as I reached up and touched the fabric of her top. I pulled it down until her pink areola was revealed. Holy shit! Her nipple stuck out like a little pink bud. Softly I sucked it into my mouth and teased the tip of it with my tongue. It tasted slightly of salt from her sweat but I have to admit that I liked it, a lot, enough that my prick was beginning to fill with blood and getting kind of uncomfortable in my shorts .Bonny inhaled deeply and moaned softly, "mmmm", as I teased her nipple. I'm pretty sure that nobody was actually keeping time but it seemed longer than thirty seconds before Tim called time. Reluctantly I let go of her firm breast.
Bonny, looking flushed, pulled the fabric of her suit back over her tit and got off of my lap. Returning to her seat with a smile she looked down at Tim and said, "Truth or dare?"
"I dare you to take Amy into a tent and lick her pussy", she commanded with a wicked grin.
"How long", Tim asked with a grin that would have rivaled that of the Cheshire Cat.
The blonde thought a moment before answering. "Until she cums."
Amy's smile now matched her boyfriends as hand in hand they headed for our tent. A few minutes later we could hear Amy moaning with pleasure. Evidently Tim knew what he was doing because her moans turned into cry's of, "oh my fucking God I love when you do that! Don't stop! Don't stop! Oh, oh, oh fuck!" A couple of minutes later they emerged from the tent, Amy looking worn out and Tim with his face still glistening with her juices in the firelight.
"My turn", Tim proclaimed with an evil looking grin that kind of scared me. Obviously Bonny saw it too and looked over at me nervously.
"Steve, truth or dare?"
I wanted to say truth, I really did, but I heard my mouth betray me, "dare."
"I dare you to take Bonny into our tent, both of you throw all of your clothes outside, and make out with her for ten minutes."
Deep down I knew after Bonny's dare, it was going to get interesting, but this was over the top and I may just have to kill my best friend.
"Oh and Steve", my best friend added, "you aren't allowed to put your dick in her and neither one of you are allowed to cum, just making out."
Nervously I took Bonny by the hand and helped her to her feet. With a shy smile I let her to the tent that Tim and I shared. Once inside I could smell the scent of Amy's sex and it turned me on further. I stripped off my shirt and shorts and tossed them out the zippered opening. Bonny did the same and we looked to each other as to how to proceed from there until Tim called out, "I don't see any panties out here, yours either Bonny." I was definitely going to kill him. I turned my back to Bonny and stripped off my underwear before flinging them out of the tent. Bonny's magnificent tits brushed against my back as she tossed her panties out of the fly. My dick was so hard that I could probably drive railroad spikes with it.
Shyly I turned to the amazingly cute blonde and pulled her in for a kiss. "A dare is a dare."
Her lips tasted like strawberry as our lips met. A few pecks and suddenly I could feel her tongue timidly probing my lips. I let it inside and soon both of our tongues were exploring the wet confines of the others mouth. Gently, we laid back into the soft down of my sleeping bag. We kissed, holding each other close, I let my hands roam across the soft skin of her back to the fleshy mounds of her ass, it was unlike anything that I'd ever felt before. She began to grind her down covered crotch against my raging hard cock, her soft hair teasing my hypersensitive rod. We kissed some more, my fingers now buried in the fleshy globes of her ass, the heat radiating from her sex scorched my prick. We kept this up as long as we could stand it without cumming, surely at least ten minutes had passed.
I unzipped the tent enough to gather our clothes and noticed that the campfire had been deserted. What the fuck? Listening closely I could hear the faint sounds of love making coming from the other tent. Son of a bitch, we'd been set up. I looked down to the base of the opening where our clothes should be. The operative word is "should". "They got us."
"What do you mean", Bonny asked.
"They are in your tent", I explained, "and seem to be preoccupied."
Bonny stuck her head out of the tent , giving me a great view of her firm white ass and even a peek at the yellow hair that covered her nether lips. I was so hard that it hurt. She ducked back into the tent and zipped up the door "I'm guessing that our clothes are there too. We've been set up"
"I'm sorry."
She grabbed my face and pulled me in for another kiss, "I'm not."
The strawberry of her lip gloss mingled with the sweet taste of the wine as we kissed. I lowered us gently back into the warmth of my sleeping bag. We lie snugly face to face, the soft yet firm globe of one fantastic breast in my hand, her full lips pressed against mine and her pussy leaving warm wet trails of her juices as she ground it against my thigh. I kissed softly down her jaw line. I ran my tongue along the line of her jugular, drinking in the sweet taste of her young flesh while relishing in the faint smell of coconuts from her hair. Gradually I worked down to the swell of her breast, sampling every bit of her flesh that my tongue or lips could reach along the way. I kissed every inch of that sweet flesh of her breast, even licking up the sweat that had gathered between it and her chest before taking her nipple into my mouth.
"Oh shit", she hissed, "you are amazing." Her pussy seemed to be getting even wetter as she now was basically fucking my thigh with her hot gash. "You're going to make me cum!"
I rolled her onto her back so that I could get to her other breast. As I gave it the same tortuously slow treatment I slid my hand down her trembling belly until I cupped her mound. I ran my finger down the steamy furrow of her pussy. Her hips arched off the sleeping bag as I dragged my finger tip across her clit. Her hips by now were thrashing against my hand as I fingered her clit and teased her nipples with my mouth and tongue.
"Uh, uh, uh", she grunted then tried to stifle her scream of ,"oh fuck, fuck, fuck", as she came. Her arms were wrapped around my head and her silky thighs gripped my hand in place." Oh my fucking God!"
Still panting she pushed me onto my back like some type of Greco-Roman wrestler and in a flash was bent at the waist with my cock in her mouth. I'll be honest, the sight of her long blonde hair pooling in my lap and the way her boobs swayed each time she sucked my rod into that glorious mouth would have been enough to drive me over the edge, but the feel of her lips sucking me into her and the way her tongue teased the head of my prick as she did so, oh my God! I doubt that I lasted two minutes in her hot wet mouth before my nuts erupted like Mt. Vesuvius. She grabbed the base of my shaft with her soft hand and pumped my jizz into her throat like a woman possessed.
After she sucked out the last of my seed I finally had to pull her up from my hypersensitive prick. She reached for her Dixie cup but it was empty, so I offered her the last sip of wine from mine, it seemed like the gentlemanly thing to do.
We lay back into the sleeping bag, kissing and holding each other tight. Absentmindedly I stroked the outside of her fur lined slit, she was still very wet and radiated heat like a miniature furnace.
"Steve, fuck me", I heard her whisper.
I rolled over on top of her and positioned myself between her silky tanned thighs. I rubbed the head of my prick up and down her hot wet slit until I found her opening. Her mouth had been amazing, but it had done little to prepare me for the sensation of pushing into the tight confines of her steamy pussy. The silky walls of her box seemed to suck my in as I slowly fed more and more of my trouser snake into that welcoming burrow. Finally I could feel the downy hairs of her sex mingling with mine.
She groaned those three words everyman wants to hear, "it's so big." She then asked with a whimper, "give me a second to get used to it inside me." I held her tight to me until I felt her beginning to rock her hips below me. I pulled about half way out and pushed back in, she sighed contentedly . I slowly began to pump my prick in and out of her tight canal. Gradually I picked up the pace and force of my strokes.
I leaned forward on my knees and elbows as I, for the first time ever, fucked my dick in and out of her tight box. Her breasts were pressed between us and our tongues danced in each other's mouths as we made love. I could feel the muscles of her pussy begin to squeeze me tighter and seemingly try to milk my rod as she began to cum again. She wrapped her legs around my ass, urging my to fuck her harder and her painted pink nails sc****d across my back. I held on tight in order not to be bucked off her thrashing teenaged body as she moaned and grunted below me trying not to scream out in pleasure.
The feel of her tight canal clenching at my rod and the knowledge that I had just made her orgasm had the seed in my nuts boiling. I tried to think of anything else but the climaxing beauty below me in an attempt to stave off my approaching orgasm, algebra equations, motorcycles, my grandma naked.
"Fuck, I'm gonna cum", I grunted in her ear.
"Cum inside me baby, I want to feel it fill me up", she hissed back. Her words broke down the last of my resistance and millions of my little baby makers made a break for it. I slammed my dick into her quivering sex all the way to the hilt and pumped my jizz as deep into her as I could. "Uh! Uh! Uh, fuck!"
We lay like that for a few minutes, me on top of her, both gasping for air as we recovered with my deflating prick still buried inside her hot gooey canal. We kissed again for a bit before I rolled off of her.
She rolled onto her side facing away from me then pressed back against my body, my soft prick buried between her silky ass cheeks. "Mmmm, I think that I love camping", she sighed. "Or at least camping with you."
I d****d on arm across her body and struggled for a moment to figure out where to put the other. "This is definitely better than sharing a tent with Tim." I joked. I know it sounded lame to me too as I said it so I added, "he snores like a freight train."
"That's okay, Amy farts in her sleep."
We laughed and she twisted around for one more kiss before we settled in and fell asleep.

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The Rogues Harem Book 1 Chapter 13 The Fairys Pet

Book One: Rogue's Sultry Harem Part Thirteen: The Fairy's Pet By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to B0b and WRC 264 for beta reading this. Chapter Thirty-Seven: A Precious Gift Zanyia – Forest of Lhes, The Strifelands of Zeutch “Let's talk,” I told Nathalie. The Zeutchian girl was watching Sven, Kora, and the faerie with tremulous eyes. “Okay,” the girl said, her fingers wet with my pussy juices. We had made each other cum. I loved that. Cumming. So wonderful. The girl...

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Kelan Fairwater Pool Boy1

Langdon- 18. A senior in Highschool. He has brown hair and grey eyes. He is the captain of the varsity swimming team. He has the thin, yet muscular, body with very little hair. Langdon is one of the popular kids in school. He is always at every party and is always the center of attention. Langdon comes from a middle class family, his father is CPA and his mother is a nurse. Has two little brothers. Currently he is bisexual, secretly. Setting- Fairwater High School. Student population of...

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Family Affair0

Omar was in the lead as usual. Younger than his brother-in-law at nineteen Omar was five feet six inches tall and slim. He, like Byron, was very athletic and it showed. Muscles didn’t bulge under his skin but when he flexed you knew they were there. Byron was close behind. Going up the steep incline he was face to face with Omar’s ass and in spite of being married and in fact being married to his sister he couldn’t stop his shaft from twitching in his shorts. “Let’s go this way,” Omar...

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School Affair0

Thus i had to stay late in school that evening to fix my notes. I was struggling to finish my work faster, but at around 5 PM i realized that I'm not going anywhere soon, i got depressed because i couldn't get the task done. The class was completely empty, I started to get a headache from all those working computers, and it was really hot, i started to sweat and my headache got worse. A couple minutes after, my teacher came in. She had very short hair, it was blond with black highlights, a...

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School Afair 201

She and I were supposed to go to her apartment as soon as she returned, so we can continue our little ‘affair’ there. I knew that she was married and had a child that’s only a couple years younger than me, but I was hoping they wouldn’t be at home tonight otherwise I didn’t know what to expect once we got to her place. My teacher was only gone for a couple of minutes but I already got hard real quick again, as I kept dreaming of how I’m going to fuck my hot teacher on the bed she and her...

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School Affair1

Thus i had to stay late in school that evening to fix my notes. I was struggling to finish my work faster, but at around 5 PM i realized that I'm not going anywhere soon, i got depressed because i couldn't get the task done. The class was completely empty, I started to get a headache from all those working computers, and it was really hot, i started to sweat and my headache got worse. A couple minutes after, my teacher came in. She had very short hair, it was blond with black highlights, a...

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School Afair 200

As I sat there in the classroom all by myself. Tired and exhausted from tapping my smoking hot computer-science teacher I was waiting for her to return from the bathroom. She and I were supposed to go to her apartment as soon as she returned, so we can continue our little ‘affair’ there. I knew that she was married and had a child that’s only a couple years younger than me, but I was hoping they wouldn’t be at home tonight otherwise I didn’t know what to expect once we got to her place. My...

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School Afair 2

She and I were supposed to go to her apartment as soon as she returned, so we can continue our little ‘affair’ there. I knew that she was married and had a child that’s only a couple years younger than me, but I was hoping they wouldn’t be at home tonight otherwise I didn’t know what to expect once we got to her place. My teacher was only gone for a couple of minutes but I already got hard real quick again, as I kept dreaming of how I’m going to fuck my hot teacher on the bed she and her...

4 years ago
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A Family Affair0

What you don’t understand is that although most people think what happened was wrong, at the time there was no harm meant, no malice. I mean my first reaction was anger, but then I thought more about it. Even if the people involved knew that it was something they shouldn’t have done, they never harmed me. They never forced me to do anything. My life was my life, and although its different, and I wouldn’t do what I did again, it is like everything that we go through. The past is the past, and...

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School Afair

Thus i had to stay late in school that evening to fix my notes. I was struggling to finish my work faster, but at around 5 PM i realized that I'm not going anywhere soon, i got depressed because i couldn't get the task done. The class was completely empty, I started to get a headache from all those working computers, and it was really hot, i started to sweat and my headache got worse. A couple minutes after, my teacher came in. She had very short hair, it was blond with black highlights, a...

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Family Affair1

Let me relay an experience at a time when I caught her in the act. As it happened more than once, it’s worth mentioning this one as it’s somewhat unusual as it relates to incest with her brother whom she did an oral with as he knew that she often does it to me. During our time and stay at her brother’s place, sex is discussed as if it’s a standard practice, and the easiest way of actually demonstrating it is by physical encounters. During a particular day I found things very quiet as my wife...

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Family Affair2

Rachel grudgingly forced herself out of bed, to begin her daily chores. During the day she wasn’t that busy. Later on, she became a chauffeur for their kids, taking them to their activities that never seemed to end. She was proud of them though and watched as their daughter won awards in swimming, their son an avid golfer. A chip off the old block, Tom taught him how to play golf at a young age. Rachel sometimes had pangs of jealousy at the amount of time the two spent together, wishing...

3 years ago
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Angies Affaire De Coeur

With the passing of Liz each attempted to deal with their tribulation as best they could. Neither wanted to accept their loss and distanced themselves from everyone including each other. Angie went back to school to become a nurse in an attempt to provide comfort to others trying to survive similar ordeals. Jack couldn’t bear the thought of losing to something outside his control and did what many successful intelligent people do . . . drank himself stupid. Angie’s brother Bartholomew was very...

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An Office Affair1

by ubiquit2s Nina worked for me, part of the team in the outer office. I inherited her from my predecessor, and at first I found her work to be proficient, if a little perfunctory, as if she always had something better to do. But the standard of her work had less and less interest for me, as I steadily fell for the insidious spell of her sensuality. She’s twenty-six, with a sturdy, but undeniably shapely figure, Wide shoulders, magnificent, but not over-large firm full breasts that are...

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the afair

we kiss hard and long are tongues dance together as we suck there air out of are bodies i place my hand on her left nipple i pull it gently to me she moans and breaks are kiss. she pushes me away saying no i want to be incharge i want to make you come when i want you to. I remind her that she lost the last bet and she has to do what i want, but she refuses, I go into my bedroom and get my hand cuffs these are police issue she wont get out of these unit i let her. I ask her one more time to...

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Boddiford Affaire

Chapter One Angela Boddiford had it all – a glorious house, an expensive car, the finest clothes, a fully stocked vintage wine cellar, and a filthy rich husband to pay for it all. Her house was staffed with people to cater to her every whim – a cook, two house cleaners, a pool boy, a gardener and a personal valet who took care of anything that she could possibly dream up. Her house was in the finest area of town, and if she had children, they would have gone to the most exclusive schools in...

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LAffaire C 02

Jack couldn’t help smiling the rest of the evening. He had done it. He had her. And it was a relief to know that her resistance to letting their status as couple be known was not because she didn’t want a relationship, but because she thought she was some kind of diversion for him. The woman was anything but a diversion, he couldn’t keep his mind away from her. He closed his laptop with a click, resigned to the fact that he wasn’t going to get any more work done tonight. Instead he made his...

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LAffaire C 06

A familiar yellow lab greeted Matt and Nicki at the door when they entered Matt’s single story rambler. Nicki knelt down to let the dog smell her and scratched behind his ears, letting him lick her face. ‘Hey now, back off Harry,’ Matt said, pulling Nicki up to a standing position and pulling her into him. ‘That’s my woman.’ Nicki grinned and let Matt kiss her, a slow tantalizing kiss that soon escalated and before she knew it she was pressed between his body and the front door. Matt’s hands...

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LAffaire C 03

A comfortable silence stretched between Nicki and Matt and she couldn’t help but smile. She probably looked completely goofy but she didn’t care. Her lips still tingled from his kiss, and she got the feeling by the way he was looking at her that he felt it, too. ‘So…’ Matt said, eyeing her. Nicki looked at him from under a thick blanket of black eyelashes and licked her lips. ‘Weren’t you supposed to be making sure I get home safe?’ Matt was on his feet so fast it looked as if his chair had...

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Ally turned to focus on Jack, who was setting his laptop aside and getting up from his seat on the couch. After the shower he changed into flannel pajama pants and a worn T-shirt advertising UC Davis School of Law. He’d done nothing with his hair out of the shower and it had dried into a wavy mop. He looked incredible and Ally wanted to shout to the world that he was hers—all hers—but he wasn’t hers. She smiled through the familiar stab of hurt. ‘Are you being protective? That’s adorable.’ Her...

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LAffaire C 05

Nicki was nervous and she was drinking too much. Any minute now she was going to start saying something inappropriate. She had been thrilled when Matt had barely waited twelve hours to call her, and even more thrilled when he asked her to dinner. She was still having trouble trying not to think about how forward she’d been last night, and how hard and hot he’d felt under her palm. Just remembering the heat from their kiss had Nicki shifting in her seat. It was ridiculous how much she wanted to...

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LAffaire C 11

Ally had maintained her position on the bed, her eyes grasping the decorative rails in the headboard. With her knees bent and legs parted, her naked body was on full display. She felt vulnerable and exposed, and she grew more aroused by Jack’s little game with each minute that passed. It took hours before he came to her, still in his button down shirt and suit pants. He looked so aroused he was animalistic, and she knew she wasn’t the only one tortured by his game. His eyes were dark with...

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Fairfax Story

(This story was inspired, and is dedicated to the Fairfax County Rescue Squad, in Fairfax, VA. I had the pleasure (and I do mean pleasure) of seeing them in action at the Reston Town Center and was blown away by how gorgeous the entire group of them were! Just so no one gets in trouble, may I say I do not work with FCRS, nor do I know anyone on the squad (pity), and this story is entirely from my imagination!!!) So, I guess I really needed to get layed! It had been a very long time since my...

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Fairmount Palliser

‘The Palliser,’ I said. ‘Call me when you get to the parking garage.’ Finally! We had been waiting for months and now we were to meet. Twenty minutes later another ring. ‘Suite 531, just like your birthday, the door will be open,’ I told my beautiful partner. Now I relaxed in the oversized chair for the most desirable woman in the world. The door silently eased open and there she was. Blue jeans and a white blouse were hardly the proper attire for the Rimrock Restaurant, but slung over...

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School Afair

Introduction: The most unexpected event in my life, involving me,my teacher and a special friend i like to call intercourse It was a warm day in mid-April, which i spent in school on detention, due to skipping computer science class multiple times for the past couple of weeks. Thus i had to stay late in school that evening to fix my notes. I was struggling to finish my work faster, but at around 5 PM i realized that Im not going anywhere soon, i got depressed because i couldnt get the task...

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School Afair 20

Introduction: The continuation of a story about my teacher and myself,and our little affair As I sat there in the classroom all by myself. Tired and exhausted from tapping my smoking hot computer-science teacher I was waiting for her to return from the bathroom. She and I were supposed to go to her apartment as soon as she returned, so we can continue our little affair there. I knew that she was married and had a child thats only a couple years younger than me, but I was hoping they wouldnt be...

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School Afair 2

Introduction: The continuation of a story about my teacher and myself,and our little affair As I sat there in the classroom all by myself. Tired and exhausted from tapping my smoking hot computer-science teacher,I was waiting for her to return from the bathroom. She and I were supposed to go to her apartment as soon as she returned, so we can continue our little affair there. I knew that she was married and had a child thats only a couple years younger than me, but I was hoping they wouldnt be...

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School Afair 20

Introduction: The continuation of a story about my teacher and myself,and our little affair Let me start by apologizing for the previous post, apparently something has gone wrong and the text wasnt the way it was supposed to be,thus i decided to re-post it in a proper way, Enjoy! As I sat there in the classroom all by myself. Tired and exhausted from tapping my smoking hot computer-science teacher I was waiting for her to return from the bathroom. She and I were supposed to go to her...

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Battle for Castle Fairlith

"Lady Fila, Lady Fila," shouted a royal handmaiden, flying frantically through the royal chambers, searching for the Queen of Emeraldin. Clearly concerned, the very pregnant fairy queen fluttered out to meet her breathless servant. Standing at nearly a foot high, Queen Fila towered over most of her subjects and it was in no small part due to her divine size and in-born ability to command that she gained her status on the throne. "Calm down Imadea," said the queen, grasping the shoulders of...

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life in fairytail

You were born on a farm that your mom and dad ran until one day when you were eight. You were fishing in a creek when you heard a scream. You rand towards whoever was screaming. You got their just in time to live the nightmare of watching your mother and father being brutally murdered by a group of bandits. You were so scared you couldn't move. Then you took a step back and stepped on a stick alerting the bandits to your presence. When you saw the murderous look in their eyes you ran away and...

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LoveAffairs The awakening

Faith is young and naïve but full of passion for life. She walks with her hands tied with her groceries bags. Her mind, as always, drifts as she smiles at the sunny Florida day. "Are there any gentleman left nowadays?" Quietly she puts away her groceries, as her mind drifts to He Who is Unknown—only a shadow and a dream. Days go by and the dream continues to haunt her. Faith plans on going to the gym, but she never makes it there. On the way she sees this magnificent creature. He is tall, and...

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A Fairys Tale Chapter 2

"Taren?" came a familiar voice. Taren stilled, shocked into motionlessness."G-Gaeldess?" he stammered, walking closer. It was indeed his beloved, only the teeny tiny fairy was gone. Replaced by this tall, beautiful woman. "What happened?""I had to do it, my love," Gaeldess said caressing his cheek. "Now I can please you as you please me.""But how did this come about?""The the sorcerer Merticai, who lives atop Mout Kreios," she said."But Gaeldess, he asks a price. Always.""Do not worry, my love....

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A Fairys Tale Chapter 1

Gaeldess, the pixie fairy, glanced back as she flew swiftly through the trees. Although she couldn't see him, she could hear the forest troll Maalik, grunting and crashing through the trees and bushes as he charged after her. 'When will that horny old troll leave me alone!' she thought to herself. She flew faster, weaving in and out of the trees, trying to get far enough ahead of the hideously ugly Maalik so that she could hide from him. Her tiny six inch tall size came in handy for hiding, but...

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It was a warm hot summers day at the fun fair Sun kissed freckle faces and messy hair Dribbling ice creamspinning round and round on rides so fast The thrill of the roller coaster making my belly flip as you’re zooming around The wizz making you feel horny as hell. Day time slips into night time Bright lights hairspray and the fairgrounds still open flashy lights loud musicAdults onlyI’ve had a couple of glasses of wine and my mates playing ClaweeOnly the stuffed toys have all disappeared And...

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The Witches of Fairmont High

Given all the recent controversy, I should mention that this story can be posted or archived without further permission from me. I write for my own enjoyment and for the enjoyment of others - not for money, fame, or anything else I can think of. With that in mind, please enjoy. And, oh, by the way, this story is pretty PG (maybe PG13). No steamy sex scenes or the like. Still the them is essentially adult and TG, so if you don't like this sort of stuff, don't read it. Again,...

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ToothFairy.net By Bashful Author's note: The URL "ToothFairy.net" does not exist as of the writing of this story, I checked. I would like some feedback on this as a possible new universe. If you might be interested in writing a story in this universe, send me an E-mail. The rules need to be established yet. [email protected] ***************************** 10 years old Jimmy...

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