Weekend With Alexia Part 1 free porn video

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It was early, just after 7 am, when she let herself into the office. She had the entire building to herself, she knew that. No-one would show up on a Saturday, not unless there was a very special reason. Like a very important delivery that needed to be shipped or like the time when they had to implement all the new computers and be ready for work on Monday. But today was very different for a whole other reason!!
She had received a letter, an old-fashioned letter, in an envelope, with a postal stamp on it, hand-written, even her address. Send to her home. Inside the envelope there had been a post card with a kitten on one side and a text on the other, simply telling her to be at work, today, Saturday at 7 am.
It was not a hand-writing she had recognized, but curiosity had, of cause gotten the best of her, and here she was.
She was the grey mouse of the office!
At least in her own opinion. Alexia was 36 and unmarried. The right man had not been there at the right time. She was a slim, almost petite woman with long brown hair, always kept in a bun, and she wore round, golden glasses and never wore much make-up. She always dressed very conservatively, while the other girls wore tight skirts and showed more cleavage than necessary for working in an office.
Yet, Alexia knew that SHE had been chosen for this and yes, she had known from the start that there was some kind of secret game in it, perhaps even something erotic.
Yes, she had been very hesitant, but her curiosity had of cause won. And here she was.
She had just turned the computer on, when she heard the sound of the outer door being unlocked, opened, then closed and locked again. Her heart skipped more than just a single beat.
She opened her browser, because she had to do something.
“No, don´t turn around, Alexia….”
It was a deep voice. Not the voice of a young man. The sound of a more mature guy. That was a plus. She nodded and sat very erect on her chair. The large office was only lit by the single lamp on her desk and the light from her screen. She put both her hands on the desk, in front of the keyboard. She was thinking hard, but she didn´t recognize the voice.
“I knew that you would show up, but are you also ready?”
“Ready for what, sir?” she asked back. Her own voice was hardly recognizable, too.
“I want to take you on a...special tour...But only if you think that you are ready…
She gasped.
“What...kind of tour, sir?”
“I told you, a very special tour...Do you want to go on a very special tour today, Alexia?”
She was not quite sure what this was about to evolve into, but she knew that it was not very likely to be a reoccurring event.
“But...i have so many questions, sir..”
“You can only ask...three!”
She twitched, as he put his hands on her shoulders.
“Will this...special tour involve...having sex?”
“Yes, of cause!”
She had kind of known from the moment she had received the letter, but now she was certain.
“Why...was I...chosen for..this?...i mean, the other girls here are younger, and more sexy..”
“Because..this tour was made especially for you, Alexia..You only have one question left now...”
He was massaging her shoulders gently.
“Well...Do I know you?”
“We have never met...but I know who you are, and I am sure that you know who I am too...”
She knew that it was now she would have to say stop or to proceed. Her eyes were closed behind the glasses. She also knew that she would never be able to say yes to something like this.
“I think you need a firm man...some-one who tells you what to do...and what not to do...”
She gasped loudly. Was she this easy to read, or was this just something that was more common that she thought?
“Stand up, Alexia...”
She nodded, pushed the chair off to the side and stood in front of the desk, her arms down her sides. His hands were holding her elbows now. Not very firmly, but still. She was wearing a black jacket with a white shirt under it plus a black skirt, a little shorter and tighter than she would have used for work. Since it was November she was also wearing brown boots with semi-high heels.
“You will love your new role, I think...”
He leaned down a put a gentle kiss on the side of her neck. She could smell his cologne and a hint of tobacco.
“Take your skirt off, Alexia...”
She lifted her eye-brows, but without opening her eyes. Just like that, telling her to begin undressing!
Both her hands behind her, finding where the buttons were. Undoing 2 of them. Pulling the zipper down. Wiggling as she got out of the skirt. Put it on her chair. She was wearing black g-string and self-suspending, black stockings. Yes, she had been expecting some kind of erotic adventure, but not any thing quite like this.
“Will you have to...tie me up, sir?”
“you are not allowed any more questions, Alexia….Remember, I only gave you three..”
She moaned softly. That was right. She was new to this, she still had so much to learn. The man put his hands on her hips. It was the first time he was touching her skin and it made her twitch, just a little. One hand slowly wandered towards the front. Caressed her, outside the g-string. She sucked on her lip.
“Take them off...”
“Yes, sir”
She did it, before she had time to think twice and (maybe) regret. She felt dizzy. This was the things she sometimes had fantasies about when she was alone; it was not really things that was supposed to actually happen. On an early Saturday morning in November, while the first daylight was beginning to illuminate the suburb outside the office windows.
Her clothes were then removed from her chair, and the man sat down. She could only see a part of his legs; he was wearing ordinary blue jeans. She would somehow have preferred something a bit more up-scale, but she guessed that even executives wore blue jeans on Saturdays. At least sometimes.
“At last...” he said. That should have been her line; she had never been very promiscuous and it had been quite some time since she had been with any-one. Both his hands were on her behind, gentle, but possessive.
“Will you do all...all that is demanded of you, Alexia?”
Again her heart skipped a few beats. This was things that just didn´t happen in real life.
“I am new to this...kind, sir, but I shall try my best, and I will learn from my mistakes...”
She was not really sure where all that came from. Maybe it had been something left from a very vivid dream she had the other night.
“That is the right attitude...That is why we picked you for this..assignment…
He gave her buttock a light slap, that sounded loud. It must have been less than ten minutes since she had let herself into the company.
“Turn around..”
Which she did, looking at the floor. Mostly. She managed to see that the man was wearing some kind of mask, that hid the lower part of his face. He was wearing a black cap, so she couldn´t even see his hair. For a brief moment, it almost got her scarred, then she realized that it was either some-one who she knew but face ( a client or a supplier) or some-one at least semi-famous. She took a deep breath of air. Semi-famous would definitively make it all even better!
“Come closer...let me see your cunt...”
She moved closer. He grabbed her leg, lifted it, and she placed the knee on the table-top.
Her legs was wide apart and his face was almost in front of her pussy. She was regretting that she had not shaving it completely. Leaving just a tiny, well-trimmed tuft had seemed more sophisticated as she had been getting ready for this. She closed her brown eyes, even though it made it a bit harder to keep her balance. His warm hands on both her thighs, pretty high up.
“Such a pretty pussy…
She moaned. Fingers were touching her lower lips. Yes, she was wet, had been for a long time. In fact, every time she had been thinking about the letter. The tip of a finger slid up into her.
She wanted to pull his face closer, but that wouldn´t really be fitting, not in her current status.
“I know that you are horny right now, but are you ready to go on?...you know, it will probably take some time….”
Alexia moaned much louder. Anything over 20 minutes would be good. Her sex-life had been quite dull recently. Or rather, it had been that way for most of her adult life. That was just the way she functioned.
“You will probably be exhausted when you show up for work on Monday morning…
A testing finger still inside her. If he would begin fucking her right now, she knew that she would come quickly.
“Perhaps I will keep you until early Monday morning...Drop you off here...all your colleagues will wonder why you suddenly looks so...well-fucked...”
She nodded, very, very lightly. She was sure that this was just bragging. Spending a weekend in bed was something people did in their early 20´s and he looked to be well over 40. She folded her hands behind her neck, primarily to get them out of the way; out of HIS way. With a little luck, she could have him inside her in less than a minute…
“You seems very promising…
“Thank you, sir”
Her reply came almost automatic. Too automatic. As if she had just been waiting for this to occur (well, she had, but no need to talk about that).
“But are you sure that it will not be too much?...i mean, the rest of the weekend..?”
Was he playing with her?
Alexia swallowed once.
“I...shall do what is asked of me...Sir” she said softly, but with a calm, clear voice. There, it was out!
She had revealed her darkest fantasies to this stranger.
“Are you sure?”
“Yes, sir!”
There was more firmness in her voice this time. He could NOT stop now!
She was more than half naked, he had her where he wanted her!
“Well, okay, then...”
He removed his hand from between her thighs. Then he actually sniffed at his fingers. That was so kinky, he didn´t even try to hide it!
“Get on your knees now, please..”
“Yes, sir”
Was she not clear enough?
She sat on the probably dusty hardwood floor, and stretched her head out, eyes closed and hands still behind her head. Then she heard the sound of his zipper being pulled down. Her lips parted just a little and she twitched, when he gently put his hand on her head.
“A little further forward, please..”
The smell of soap. Something warmer than the air in the office…
His soft sigh as the tip of his penis met her lips.
“Yeah, suck it…
She opened her mouth some more, enclosed the head with her red lips. This was it, her transformation was happening, she was finally becoming a slut!
The man closed one of his hands around both of her wrists, holding them very gentle at first.
“You are my whore now, Alexia...”
She could not object to this, her mouth was full of penis. Hard penis. And she did not even know who the penis belonged to. It could be almost any-one!
And she knew that today everything could and would happen. All the stuff she hardly dared to think about, when alone at home. He held her firmer now. Escaping would not be easy, if even possible at all. Finally!
It had been so long since she had sucked a man, and being held this way, completely at his mercy was something she had never actually tried, but both things felt so right at the moment.
“My beautiful whore Alexia...”
She snapped for air as he pushed her back a little, just enough for his cock to get out of his mouth. She looked up at him, but she could not see his eyes, thanks to the shade of the cap.
“Stand up, and turn around...”
A quick nod, as she began to do as he had asked. He rose too, but never let go of her hands. Then he turned her. She could feel his erection poking her buttock.
“Lean over your desk...”
Which she did. And made sure that her feet were far apart and that her legs were straight. She moaned softly. For a fraction of a second she thought that it was his cock, then she realized that it was still poking her buttock. The stranger was fingering her.
He could so easily have taken her, but he just gave her 2 or possibly 3 of his fingers.
“You have not earned the right to be fucked yet, my whore...”
This was the most kinky thing she had ever heard. Her knees felt weak. That was mean!
She also liked it!
Him, not asking any questions, but just taking what he wanted and needed. Him, treating her as if he actually owned her.
She knew that she would come, if this went on for more that a minute or two, maximum!
Fingers slid out of her!!
“Are you mine, Alexia?”
“Yes, I am, sirrrrrrr”
The last almost became a screeching.
A finger.
In the wrong hole!
“I..am, sir” she repeated. Gawd, he was good, so very imaginative!
Not that she really wanted him to do THAT, it was the thought of him being able to do it!
His finger deep into her butt. Then he let go of her wrists. She could heat him going through his pockets.
Cold metal, around her wrists. Chains!
He leaned down and kissed the side of her neck.
“Are you regretting that you accepted..this?”
“No, sir”
Her answer was still calm, in spite of the circumstances. Then there was something cold on her behind. No, not metal!
More like some kind of cream from a jar or a tube. Some sort of lubricant…
“Are you sure, Alexia?”
“Yes, sir!”
But she wasn´t. She was on new ground here. A finger was okay, but she had not really tried more than a finger...there.
No, now there were two fingers…
Outside it was now completely light and she could see raindrops on the windows. Not many meter away, people would start to do their Saturday shopping, while she lay in chains on the table-top of her work-station.
Still two fingers fucking her rear. She could hear customers from the supermarket next door using the company´s parking spots. For a few second she feared that it could be a colleague, then she heard voices of people too old to be her colleagues.
She sucked air in through her teeth. He was doing it!
Easy for him to say. She had been at the office for less than 30 minutes and a stranger was pushing his cock up her poor, untried ass. There was pain, but it was endurable. But very fitting, for a woman with her current status. It was so insane, so perverse!
Alexia liked it. Finally, completely possessed, even if it was just for a limited period of time. Oh, she should have taken this step a long, long time ago!
“You must always...be ready...to be of...service...”
He had started to actually fuck her bum. He had a firm grip on her hips, and he was taking her, slowly. There was all the time he needed. It was so different from what she had know before. Her phone beeped; an in-coming e-mail. With all probability some kind of spam.
“Such a tight little ass...”
She moaned. He was a pervert, a degenerate, and she loved it. In chairs and being fucked in the rear by a stranger!
She knew that if he should start to caress her pussy, she would come almost instantly, but of cause he didn´t do that!
“My lovely slave...” he said softly. In spite of the pain, she smiled a little. This was so wrong, yet it felt so wrong!
He closed the fingers of one hand around her hair, loosening the careful braided bun. It had taken her almost a quarter to make nor so long ago. The cock slipped out of her. Then, back into her rear. Then the same again.
And again.
Each time he penetrated, her forehead became a mace of furrows. Why had she not been brave enough to do something like this much earlier?
The right mixture, both rough and gentle, so demanding and so different and so wonderfully perverse. She had no control, for once. Did not need to think.
“Perhaps...i should only...Fffuck your...ass today...”
His breathing was getting heavier. Could he really be this mean?
She knew, of cause, that he could. His cock slipped out of her, and he probably helped him self the last bit. She felt his cum land on her behind and her back. On her shirt too.

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Weekend of SubmissionSix weeks had passed, since my 1st encounter with Camille (Cami) and her roommates in my ?Lesbians and Unicorns? story. Cami had me tied naked and spread on her bed. Time after time, Cami mercilessly teased and tormented my pussy, with her tongue, bringing me higher and closer to my 1st orgasm that I so desperately needed. But each time, she would stop just before I could have my release. Shortly after Cami began her 5th diabolical assault on my wanting clit, I became...

2 years ago
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Weekend Cook

LUNCH It started out simply enough; and as these things do, it went awry. Or was it perfectly? I guess that depends on your point of view. But let me digress to the beginning... Corinne and I went to a well-known pizza joint to have lunch with the kids, Dominique and her kids, Holly and her kids, on a bright wintry Sunday afternoon. Corinne was telling Dominique and Holly about a house we sometimes borrow buried in the deep woods in a very scenic part of the state. The next thing I...

1 year ago
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Weekend Woman Prelude

Author's note: As with all my stories this one contains scenes of an explicit sexual nature, deals with transvestism and has a strong homosexual theme. So if you are too young, not allowed or offended by such matter, then please leave. You have been warned. B.G. Weekend Woman ? by: Belle Gordon Prologue My name is Doctor Victor Burnley, MD. I am a well-respected member of the community, serving on school and hospital management boards; I am chairman of several charities...

2 years ago
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Weekend Fantasy

Weekend Fantasy By Morpheus It was Friday afternoon and I had just gotten out of school, so I hurried home as fast as I could, filled with a strange mixture of nervousness and excitement. If I stopped to think about it I probably would have concluded that the excitement dominated. After all, this was the opportunity of a lifetime. My parents were going to be out of town for the weekend, thanks to my dad's high school reunion, leaving me home alone. They'd left for the airport...

4 years ago
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Weekend for Four ndash Sensual Saturday

This morning, the room was bright enough that I could tell for sure it was Rita cuddled up against me, her glorious mane of red hair spilling across my chest, one well-toned arm flung across me, hugging me. The room was heavy with the musky scent of lovemaking, and dapples of sunlight played on her bare skin. We had made love twice after going to bed upstairs, the second time when she heard my wife and Bill busy in my bedroom downstairs. This was two mornings in a row I’d awakened to the sound...

2 years ago
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Weekend Woman The Sequel

Author's note: This story deals with transvestism and gay love. Please do not read it if you are under eighteen, if it's against the law in your country to read such stuff, or you are offended by such themes. I should also warn you that one of the story lines features a man of the cloth so if this offends your religious sensibilities; read no further. Whilst this is a stand-alone tale a better understanding of preceding events will be gained if you first read "Weekend Woman --...

2 years ago
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Weekend i will never forgetpart 2

Weekend i will never forget(Part 2)I went back to the guest room and pulled the sheets back to turn in for the night. Mistress Cindy had put hot pink sheets on the bed. I suppose that is because I am not man enough to sleep in a bed with any color other than pink sheets. As I laid down and pulled the sheets and comforter up over me, my head was swimming with the events of the day. My initial thoughts were about how sore my legs were from the heels and how sore my back was from carrying...

3 years ago
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Weekend Sissy Little Girl Part 2

Weekend Sissy Little Girl Part Two By Susieq This is the follow on from Weekend Sissy Little Girl in which Martin (Susie) goes to the wedding as a flower girl. It is highly recommended that you read part one first to get the characters into perspective. On the Monday morning, I reverted to being Martin, and after showering and dressing in a smart business suit I went downstairs where Sarah was happily humming to herself as she made toast and boiled eggs for my breakfast. As I went...

2 years ago
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Weekend Jobs

Weekend Jobs Belladonna "Can't I wear something a little more contemporary?" Bruce asked his wife while he unrolled a nude, sheer nylon stocking up his right leg. "Why? You're going to look so darling!" "I'm going to look like June Cleaver," Bruce retorted, feeling foolish despite his increasing arousal from the silky garment that was clinging to the waxed, smooth skin of his leg. "Oh, they all know what you are. Don't worry about it." "That's true enough, but they could...

1 year ago
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Weekend at Sleepy Creek

Cabin One Michael had not been to Sleepy Creek Cabins since his honeymoon five years earlier. Sleepy Creek, a bed and breakfast that featured four cabins tucked into the Virginia mountains provided the perfect level of comfort and isolation for a week of pure enjoyment for Michael and his new bride. They had stayed in Cabin One, which featured a full kitchen, covered back porch, king bed and full size Jacuzzi that had a view of the entire grounds. From the back porch, and the Jacuzzi, Michael...

3 years ago
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Weekend i will never forgetPart 1

I hadn’t seen Cindy for nearly 2 years, other than a quick lunch as She passed through town last year. We text or IM almost every day and talk on the phone every few weeks. We had been coworkers for many years and remained very good friends to this day. I would say that She is my best friend as I have been able to confide in Her about things I have never told anyone. In addition to being a very trusted and loyal friend, Cindy is beautiful and very desirable. I still can’t figure out why...

3 years ago
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Weekend Hooker for My Husband

Hubby would normally arrive home from the around 6.00pm. Why was his key turning the front door lock at 11.30am on a Thursday? Closing the door behind him, I could hear his footsteps all the way till he reached the kitchen. I was sitting at the breakfast bar, holding a half drank cup of coffee wearing only a silk robe. "Glad I caught you!" he started. Sitting on the stool opposite he continued."We'll need to go round to your flat to pack a bag full of toys and outfits!" "Why do we need to do...

2 years ago
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Weekend Transformation

Weekend Transformation written by Pet (Shadow13) dedicated to my Mistress        I drove into the parking lot of the hotel, pulled into a space located in a corner knowing it wouldn't be used for the rest of the weekend and shut the engine off. I sat in the driver's seat for a couple of minutes to finish off the last few drags of my cigarette knowing that for the next 36 to 48 hours mouth would be so busy, I probably wouldn't have much time, if any, to have another another one. After I put it...

3 years ago
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I bounced the tennis ball lightly off the dirty storefront window. Only 7:52, I thought to myself as I caught the ball coming back towards me. Still over an hour before we shut this shithole place down. Who shops for dog toys and fish food on Friday night anyway? I was getting anxious about going out already but I still had to run home and change out of this stupid uniform before I met Leslie at her house. I had been to the house this party was at once before with her but she had...

2 years ago
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Its July Scotland is in the middle of a heat wave first time in years. We haven't seen one another for a couple of weeks as we both have been very busy but still call one another most nights its friday and you call me in the middle of the afternoon saying that you fancy going away for the weekend and would I be interested, Of course I don't need an excuse to go away on the bike with you. So the agreement is I come down on Saturday for around about 10 am and we could just take off down towards...

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36Weekend away 1

36Weekend away 1 Friday, work had dragged, hubby had helped her get ready to go out and having rushed around here she was the sun going down, the hot dusty streets still basking in the warmth of the summer day rushing to be at the location where she had been told to meet him.She believed her date would not wait, so her heels clip clopped along the paving at a fair trot, his car stood at the kerbside, the door just open as she by now panting arrived beside the sleek 4x4. She leapt in throwing...

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Translatet With GoolgeIt was Friday at had passed 1400 and looked forward to a pleasant evening with Randi. When the bell rang the doorbell. It was the record that came with the package. Waited no packages, but the visitors leveled and took the package into. I opened the box and there lay a patch. Walk in shower and wash well. There are several bags in the package, do not pack the up until you have been notified. Randi. I went in the shower, washed and shaved. Took me morning coat and went into...

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Weekend Away with Brothers Girls Little Sister 2

My phone starts to go off, a text message. I was expecting a girl I was talking to who worked in the building I work in to call back. We had a delightful lunch the other day, exchanged numbers, so naturally, I thought it would be her. Looking at the sender “Dani” it said. “Hi Mike! You busy?”. It read. “Hi Dani. What’s up?” I replied. “I applied to UM and wanted to see if I can take you up on that offer to show me around the town and campus.” “Sure, when you want to come down.”...

4 years ago
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Weekend at the Lake

This is a longer story than those I’ve written lately. It is not a love story, not an incest story, and not a gay story. Is it a story with a grain of truth in it? That is your call. For me, it is just a fantasy. Weekend at the lake I began loading the car with weekend essentials for a planned escape to the lake. I enjoy a trip there every three or four weekends just to unwind and be foolish for a couple days. My career is in college classrooms teaching college freshmen students their core...

3 years ago
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Weekend Sissy Little Girl

Weekend Sissy Little Girl by SusieQ I looked at my reflection in the hallway mirror. My make up was immaculate, the pink glossy lipstick matched the subtle eyeshadow and the delicate rose blusher, a shade or two darker, flushed my cheeks, highlighting my ultra girly look. Of course the short blond bob wig with its floppy fringe and a white ribbon tied into a bow on top of my head helped. The short pale blue cotton dress I was wearing had a white Peter Pan collar and a fitted bodice...

1 year ago
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Weekend Party

A WEEKEND PARTYMy wife, Shauna, and I got invited to a swingers bbq a couple weeks ago. We haven’t heard from Dave and Kelsey in some time, it was going to be nice to see them and catch up. Brief history, Dave and I were in the military together and were roommates during our first couple years in California. Man we were bad, we fed off each other. We double teamed every girlfriend we had or any girl we invited over always ended up getting spit roasted on our cocks. We both knew we were always...

3 years ago
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Weekend Fun With Neighbor MILF

Hi, indian sex stories dot net Friends, I am back with another story of mine. A small background about me, this is Raj 33 from Bangalore 5’11”. You can reach me and share your feedback at This incident happened very recently. I am a normal looking Tamil guy working in Bangalore. I stay in one of the premium apartment in South Bangalore and I stay with few of my friends. This story is about my encounter with the neighbor lady Padma. She must be into her late 30s or early 40s, as like most of...

1 year ago
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Weekend Daughter

Weekend Daughter By Pamela ([email protected]) My mother, may she rest in peace, was a very beautiful woman. She had done some modeling and been in some theater productions and even a couple of movies, but then she decided she wanted a quieter life. She met and married my dad and had me, Greg, a son. Unfortunately, my dad was a philanderer and when I was about 5 he left to never be heard from again. Though, many years later, I did receive a small inheritance from him after he...

2 years ago
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Weekend For Four Sinfully Sunday

I sleep on my side, not so well on my back, so it was natural that I was turned towards Rita or Claire the entire night. Rita had climbed into bed on my left, my wife Claire on my right, and they had stayed there all evening, sexy naked bookends for me. There was plenty of room for us, and I woke several times during the night to one or the other snuggling up against me, bare breasts and naked thighs pressed up against my body. Sometimes it was both of them, and I traded kisses with the one I...

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Weekend of Lesbian Discovery with my Aunt

"Danni, can you get tomorrow off if I write a note for you to take to the school?" Mum asked. "Aunt Jenny has just rung to say the friend staying with her at her Lake District hotel has had to go home, so she wondered if you would like to take her place for Friday and Saturday nights. I can take you over to the hotel, then she will bring you back on Sunday afternoon. I'll meet you after school if you like, and we can look for some nice clothes for you to wear - it sounds a really...

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Weekend with my niece

Naturally their oldest daughter thought she should have been able to stay at the house by herself, but her parents told her they wanted her to help watch her siblings so it wouldn't be so hard on her grandparents. Just like my my siblings and I, there was an age gap between my oldest niece and her youngest brother, as he was an unplanned souvenir after a family friend's wedding a few years back. The next part is the same worn out story about an uncle not having much contact with his niece...

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Weekend 1

I read on my Graduation Card. I looked up and seen her eyes smileing at me it was kind of special to me. Ali was a very toned and shapely young ladie. She was as old as me but one year behind in school due to late birthday. she and i planed to go to community college and all of our friends were going north for school. It was rather disapoiting all my best buds gone for the school year but hopefully i will transfer there after 2 years but we will see? It was that time when everyone was...

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Weekend Story

Weekend Story - Part One Thursday night found us packing the cases ready for a very naughty weekend. It seemed to have taken forever to get here. We were now middle aged, without family responsibilities, free to do what we wanted and to please ourselves. Both still fit, good looking, me slim and blonde, Rob tall and dark and both with a hunger for plenty of good adventurous sex. Rob came into the bedroom and looked at the piles of my sexy clothes next to the suitcase. "We're only taking one...

Wife Lovers
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Weekend of Surprises

I listened half-attentively as Sarah answered the ringing phone, Weekend of Surprises, Part 1 ? Bob Aganoush Note:? If you?re looking for wall-to-wall sex, this story isn?t for you.? There?s quite a bit of sex, but also at least a modicum of plot and character development.? So you need to have some patience to enjoy this story. ?Wow, how are you?? I haven?t talked to you in what, about three years?? Where?? When?? Absolutely, we?re not doing anything, we?d love to see you!? Okay, give...

3 years ago
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Weekend Party

I sat in Mrs. Myers’ senior English class. I was half nodding because I was up late playing Madden NFL 16 on my PS3 against my little b*****r. We split the wins one and one. I still can’t believe how he beat me. It was a lucky ass field goal attempt that went good. I lost by two points. I’m still kinda pissed if you can’t tell. Anyway, this old woman is going on and on about some shit I care nothing about. I winked at my girlfriend, Kara, who is across the room. Her smile can kill. She’s...

4 years ago
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Weekend Party

I sat in Mrs. Myers’ senior English class. I was half nodding because I was up late playing Madden NFL 16 on my PS3 against my little brother. We split the wins one and one. I still can’t believe how he beat me. It was a lucky ass field goal attempt that went good. I lost by two points. I’m still kinda pissed if you can’t tell. Anyway, this old woman is going on and on about some shit I care nothing about. I winked at my girlfriend, Kara, who is across the room. Her smile can kill. She’s...

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