Ο πρίγκιπά& free porn video

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Αυτή η ιστορία είναι αφιερωμένη στον πιο συναρπαστικό άντρα του κόσμου, εναν άντρα που μου γνώρισε τον έρωτα, με έκανε πραγματική γυναίκα, έκανε την καρδιά μου να χτυπάει δυνατά, ζωντάνεψε κάτι ξεχασμένες πεταλούδες στην κοιλιά μου!
Σε αυτόν έχω ορκιστεί να δώσω όλο το πάθος που υπάρχει μέσα μου, με αυτόν θέλω να κάνω κάθε τρέλα, πιασμένη απο το χέρι του θα εξερευνήσω όλα τα μονοπάτια της ηδονής.....

Ο πρίγκιπάς μου...

Απο μέρες ονειρευόμασταν με το μωρό μου αυτήν την συνάντηση, για την οποία είχαμε καταφέρει να είναι ολονύκτια! Ο αντρούκλας μου σχεδίαζε κάτι ξεχωριστό γι αυτήν την βραδιά, ένα ιδιαίτερο περιβάλλον, δωμάτιο με θέα, τζινάκια και ατελείωτο σεξ! Μετρούσα ένα ένα τα λεπτά για να βρεθώ κοντά του. Φόρεσα το αγαπημένο του καρώ φορεματάκι και επειδή θέλω να εκπληρώνω όλες του τις επιθυμίες το φόρεσα χωρίς εσώρουχο!! Όταν άνοιξε την πόρτα και τον αντίκρισα μπροστά μου ψηλό, γεροδεμένο και με την πουτσάρα του όρθια να με περιμένει, σηκώθηκε μέσα μου ανεμοστρόβιλος. Αρχισε να μου δίνει παθιασμένα γλωσσόφιλα και ταυτόχρονα να βυθίζει την χερούκλα του μέσα στην ήδη πρησμένη μου μουνάρα! Εκει μπροστά στην πόρτα έχυσα πάνω στο χέρι του... Ούτε κατάλαβα πότε βρέθηκα στημένη στα τέσσερα πάνω στο κρεβάτι με τον παίδαρό μου να με ξεκωλιάζει και να με ξεμουνιάζει και εγω να χυνω ασταμάτητα!! Κωλάρα, μουνάρα, κωλάρα, μουνάρα και εγω να χύνω και απο τον κώλο και απο το μουνί και να τρέχει άσπρο ασπρο το σπέρμα απο τις τρύπες μου!!!!
Μετα απο κανένα μισάωρο ασταμάτητου ξεσκίσματος ξάπλωσε ο αντρούκλας μου στο κρεβάτι και απόλαυσε την τσιμπουκάρα μου! Δεν την χόρταινα την πουτσάρα του. Την έγλειφα γύρω γυρω με την γλώσσα μου, την έβαζα βαθια μέχρι τον λάρυγγα, ρουφούσα τα αρχίδια του, χτυπιόμουν με την ψωλάρα του στο πρόσωπο, πασαλειβόμουν με τα ζουμιά της και γκάβλωνα ...γκάβλωνα.. Σταματούσα το τσιμπούκι και καβαλούσα με την μουνάρα μου την πουτσαρα του και ξεσκιζόμουνα και έχυνα και μετά πάλι τσιμπουκάρα! Όταν γκάβλωνα τρελά ξανά καβάλημα, αλλα απο την κωλάρα αυτη την φορά! Καλα η κωλάρα μου έχει τρελαθει με την πουτσαρα του. Μόλις μπαίνει μέσα χύνει με την μια και ζητάει και άλλο πούτσο και άλλο πούτσο..
Σειρά είχε η πολυθρόνα... Στήθηκα, τέντωσα την κωλάρα μου και ο παίδαρός μου με ξεκώλιαζε ασταμάτητα. Χύσιμο ξεκώλιασμα, χύσιμο ξεκώλιασμα... Δεν θυμάμαι πόσες φορές έχυσα. Με έπαιρνε παντού, όρθια, πάνω στις καρέκλες, κολλημένη στον τοιχο, με το πόδι ψηλά, στο πάτωμα, στο μπάνιο.... Χόρταινα πούτσο και έβγαζα ατελείωτη γκάβλα!! Εχω τρελό πάθος με την πουτσάρα του!! Με γκαβλώνει τόσο πολύ που δεν μπορώ να την χορτάσω!!! Σειρά είχαν τα φιλαράκια μας, οι δονητές.. Το μωρό μου, μου έμαθε να κάνω παρτουζίτσες. Μου έβαζε τον δονητή στην μουνάρα και αυτός μου ξέσκιζε την κωλάρα και μετά διπλό στην μουνάρα. Πω πω τι γκάβλα αισθανόμουνα, ειδικα όταν έβαλε τον δονητή στην κωλάρα μου και μπήκε και αυτός διπλό τρελάθηκα... " σκίσε με του φώναζα!!! δύο πούτσες παίρνω η πουτανάρα στην κωλάρα!!" Μου έβαζε δονητές, μεγάλους , μικρούς και αυτός μαζί μπρος πίσω ασταμάτητα! Η τρέλα ήταν όταν μου έβαλε μια μελιτζάνα στην μουνάρα μαζί με την πουτσάρα του και έναν δονητή στην κωλάρα!! "Είμαι η πουτανάρα σου του φώναζα.. η δική σου πουτανάρα, κάνε με οτι θες, σκίιιισε με" Ούτε ξέρω πόσες ώρες με πηδούσε έτσι ασταμάτητα, ούτε μπορώ να μετρήσω πόσες φορές έχυσα.
Μετά απο λίγη ώρα ξεκούρασης και ενώ ο ήλιος άρχισε να δύει, βγήκαμε να απολαύσουμε το ηλιοβασίλεμα στο μπαλκονάκι μας πίνοντας τα δροσερά τζινάκια μας. Όμορφες στιγμές, μοναδικές... στιγμές που έχουν χαραχτει μέσα στην καρδιά μου, στιγμές που γεμίζουν την ψυχή μου, που πίστευα ότι δεν θα τις ζούσα ποτέ!!Αφού ήπιαμε 3-4 ποτάκια και είχαμε φτιαχτει καλά ακολούθησε το πάρτυ. Δεν έχω νιώσει ποτέ ξανά τέτοιο πάθος, δεν ήξερα ότι μπορεί αυτός ο άντρας να με μεταμορφώσει στην μεγαλύτερη πουτανάρα! Ανοιγα τις τρύπες μου με τα χέρια μου και ήθελα πούτσους, πολλούς πούτσους! "Ποσούς πούτσους θέλεις πουτανάρα μου; με ρωτούσα ο αντρούκλας μου "Τέσσερις - πέντε του έλεγα ... θέλω στην μουνάρα μου, στην κωλάρα μου, στο στόμα παντού.. Εκείνη την στιγμή πραγματικα θα μπορούσα να παίρνω μέσα μου πολλούς πούτσους, δύο στην μουνάρα, δύο στην κωλάρα, αλλον να τον τσιμπουκώνω, άλλον να τον παίζω... τους ήθελα, γουστάριζα τρελά! Το μωρό μου τρελάθηκε απο την γκάβλα μου, μου έδινε γλωσσόφιλα, με πηδούσε, με ξέσκιζε μπρούμυτα, ανάσκελα, με δονητές, με χόρταινε πούτσους την άρρωστη .. και εγω έχυνα εχυνα ασταμάτητα και φώναζα " Θέλω πούτσους!!!!" Τρέεελα, όνειρο!
Κοιμηθηκαμε αγκαλιασμένοι και χορτασμένοι προσωρινά.. Πόσο μαγικό είναι να ακούς την ανάσα του άντρα που αγαπάς... Να τον αγγίζεις και να λες " είναι αλήθεια, βρίσκεται στην αγκαλια μου, δεν είναι όνειρο!" Είναι αυτές οι στιγμές που για κάποιους είναι δεδομένες και δεν μπορούν να τις εκτιμήσουν. όταν όμως μπορείς να τις ζήσεις κάποιες φορές καταλαβαίνεις πόσο μοναδικές είναι και πόσο μπορούν να ομορφύνουν την ζωή σου!
Η άλλη μέρα μας βρήκε ξεκούραστους. Το θηρίο μεσα μας ξύπνησε!! όταν άγγιξα την πουτσαρα του και την ενιωσα πετρωμένη, ενεργοποιήθηκε το ηφαίστειο!!! Έσκιψα κάτω απο το σεντόνι και τον πήρα ολόκληρο μέσα στο στόμα!! Εβγαζε απο την γκάβλα ζουμιά, τα πιο νόστιμα ζουμια του κόσμου!! Αφού χόρτασαμε τσιμπούκαρα συνεχίσαμε με πρωινό ξέσκισμα!! Στησιμο στα 4 και συνεχόμενο ξεκώλιασμα. Τώρα είχαμε και θέα.. τα καράβια μέσα στην θάλασσα! Κάποια στιγμη που με πηδούσε η μωράκλα μου, μου λέει μας παίρνει μάτι ο καπετάνιος απο την γέφυρα!!! Και όμως, μου ξύπνησε πάλι την πουτανάρα μέσα μου. Γουστάριζα τρελα να πηδιέμαι με τον αντρουκλα μου και να ξέρω οτι με παίρνει μάτι ο καπετάνιος. Μου άρεσε να βλέπει πως ξεμουνιάζομαι και πως ξεκωλιάζομαι! Γκάβλωνα περισσότερο... Μου κόλλησε η σκεψη ότι ήθελα και εγώ να βλέπω αυτήν την εικονα!! Πήγα λοιπόν μπροστά στον ολόσωμο καθρέφτη, στήθηκα, άνοιξα τις τρυπάρες μου και απόλαυσα τα κάλη του αντρούκλα μου. Είναι απίστευτα ερεθιστικό να βλέπεις έναν βαρβατάντρα δύο μέτρα να σε καρφώνει με την ψωλάρα του!! Ειδικα όταν μου σηκωσε το πόδι και αντίκρισα την πρησμένη μου μουνάρα γεμάτη ζουμια να ξεσκίζεται απο την γκαβλαρα του ήθελα να ουρλιάξω απο την ηδονή!! Δεν θα ξεχάσω ποτέ αυτην την εικόνα μας στον καθρέφτη!!!
Αφού πλέον χόρτασα την ψωλάρα του τον αποζημίωσα με μια ακόμη τσιμπουκάρα!! Επαιζα την ψωλάρα του με την γλώσσα μου ενώ με το χέρι μου χάιδευα την μουνάρα μου και αυτή συνέχιζε να γκαβλώνει και να χύνει!! Η μεγαλύτερη απόλαυση ήταν όταν ένιωσα τα χύσια του αντρούκλα μου πάνω μου! Σπέρμα παντού, μέσα στο στόμα μου, στις βυζάρες μου, στις χειλάρες μου!! Εβγαζα την γλώσσα μου και το έγλειφα και ήταν ότι νοστιμότερο έχω γευτει στην ζωή μου...το σπέρμα του λατρεμένου μου πρίγκιπα!!
Το παραμύθι μου τελείωσε με πρωινό στο δωμάτιο αγναντευοντας την θάλασσα και το πρόσωπο του αγαπημένου μου!! Εκείνη την στιγμη που καθόμουνα απέναντί του, την στιγμή που για πρώτη φορά απολαμβαναμε μαζί ένα γεύμα ένιωσα η πιο ευτυχισμένη, η πιο γεμάτη γυναίκα στον κόσμο!! Ένιωσα ότι έγινα η πριγκίπισσά του!!

Αντρούκλα μου ήταν μια ευκαιρία να ξαναζήσω το όμορφο όνειρο που μου χάρισες!! Πλεόν έχεις κάνει την κάθε μέρα μου ένα παραμύθι!

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My Experience After Marriage

I am Manisha Sharma 29 yrs. I like to read real story and share my own real experience. This incident happened just after my marriage which never shared till now but like to share now as it is most wonderful time. I am from a conservative family living in small town of North UP. I got married at the age of 23 and my hubby was 27 at the time of marriage. I am slim, fair colour, very attractive figure and no one can miss without notice wherever i am. in markets it is very difficult to move as...

4 years ago
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1994Chapter 7 Sammy is Indispensable

Mr. Tom Collingsworth's visit to his new space in our building was heralded as a major achievement for us. Having a member of the board of directors of some of our realty trusts house his company in the headquarters building was viewed as a prestigious event. John Oldham and Suzanne joined me in welcoming Mr. Collingsworth, and they hung around for the complete tour. Daniel McDonald actually wore a suit for the occasion. He proudly pointed out how effectively he had interpreted the...

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My threesome

My threesomeYes I have had a threesome. It was probably one of the most hornist things that I have ever done.It was with a couple that I had known for a long time. Their names were Vic and Patricia.I used to work with Vic on a few jobs and would also spend many an evening around their house having dinner or just around there enjoying a few drinks, I even sometimes used to stay over for the night. Things were always very friendly. We were very good friends. It was a lovely summer and they...

5 years ago
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Rapes as Ordered

“Have you ever raped a woman, taken one against her will?” the old lady asked with an arched eyebrow. “No,” I answered quickly, not wanting to think about it very much, my fingers crossed behind me. “Humph,” the Madam said with a sniff. “Well, I suppose there is a time for everything.” She handed me a slip of paper. “These girls,” she said, pausing, “women really, have been causing a good deal of mischief, and they have been serving our enemies; falling on their backs. You know what I...

3 years ago
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Boredom Leads To Taboo xxx

Chapter 1- Bill is Surprised Lacey was still covered in Master Mark's cum & was now nude only wearing heels . Joyce who also had a cumfacial was also nude wearing heels .On orders from her Master/Son Mark , she had removed her collar & leash & had put it around Lacey's neck . She led the shorter & older milf to near where her soon to be cuckold husband Ernie was having a beer & talking to a fat old slut , who Mark had invited as a fluffer (. Olga gave great head & she was great for...

1 year ago
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Tik Tits! Unsurprisingly, porn sites featuring TikTok pornography are popping up all over the goddamn place. Who can blame these porn webmasters? TikTok is fucking hot right now! Likewise, so many insanely beautiful models and amateurs alike are showing their perfect figures on the world’s hottest social network site making these kinds of porn sites are almost inevitable.Among all of these sites, it’s going to be hard to beat a name like TikTits. TikPussy and TikAsshole just don’t have the same...

TikTok Porn Sites
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Nick and Mommy

Nick was a big boy, a dark haired, good-looking boy, if a little thin. He was tall with nice muscles that girls and a not a few women liked to glance at. But Nick was not a high school "stud." Nick lacked the self confidence, the aggressiveness, that hint of a sexual predator that could make a nubile cheerleader drop her pants or a married teacher flash him her bare pussy in an effort to get his hard teen cock into her. Nick was just too nice to awaken that kind of female lust. No,...

4 years ago
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Last Rest Stop Before Hell

Last Rest Stop Before Hell(M+/f, rape, torture, nc)Samantha was stunned into silence, it was true. The last thousand miles had been a buffeting, blurry nightmare. Somehow, no one noticed her or cared, or believed their own eyes on seeing her. Perhaps it was shock. Who expected to see a semi rolling down the interstate with a fully naked girl tied to the front grill, spread eagled and totally helpless while barreling along at seventy miles an hour? Nobody, and yet thousands must have. So by the...

2 years ago
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Swap Week Chapter 6

Swap Week: Chapter 6 By RogerGirl Nicole woke up the next morning smiling to herself as she though of her date the night before. She went to the bathroom and brushed her teeth and took a shower. After the shower she dried her hair and went to her room to get dressed. She put on a black bra and boy shorts a tight fitting girl's t-shirt and a pair of low cut jeans. The t-shirt was short and showed off her flat sexy stomach. She stood in front of the mirror and noticed how good the...

4 years ago
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I Hope Youre Happy with Your Life

I Hope You're Happy with Your Life. It was a good day. The thought came once more unbidden to John's mind as he looked down into the constant rippling that was caused by the shopping centre's fountain. The 24 year old was sitting on the faux-marble edge of metal and plastic monstrosity that squatted obscenely just inside the centre's automatic doors. In truth he felt somewhat lost. John worked for one of the more prestigious car manufacturers, whose own multi-storied offices...

4 years ago
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Skeletons in my Closet part 19

Skeletons in my closet chapter 19 Princess and the slut in me returns ”What do you mean Princess is back?” I asked. Sara explained Princess was sort of Megan's alter ego. Whatever Megan wasn't Princess was. Princess was the opposite of Megan. Princess won't listen to anyone except daddy. ”Princess is trouble, she is pure evil,” ”I am sure you know her capabilities after finding your closet,” Sara said. ”Let's just leave it there,” Linda said changing the subject. I believed she did...

3 years ago
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My Nurse Ana

I was traveling overseas on business when i developed an infection in my foot that started to hurt and i noticed it slowly going up my leg. It had happened once before a few years ago so i stopped in the nearest hospital for a look at. A doctor looked it over and agreed with my assessment and admitted me for a few nights stay to receive IV antibiotics. He was certain we had caught it early and should be much better in a few days. I had a private room(wanted one so paid for it) so I could...

4 years ago
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ThursdayThursday afternoon 4.30pm. As is my required practice I was waiting naked at the door for Mistress Anna. A few minutes later Her car swept onto the driveway, Mistress exited the car along with my fellow slave puss and they entered the house. Once inside puss was sent upstairs to strip and shower. Whilst Mistress relaxed on the sofa, I hurried to the kitchen to bring Her a cup of tea. As soon as I returned with it the doorbell rang. I went to the door and standing there was a tall...

2 years ago
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Eric and Anton headed to the locker room after finishing practice. They had a good workout, and it was a nice spring day. Not too warm, just nice to be outside getting some sun. The guys on the team all got along very well. Everyone knew Eric and Anton were best friends and they were both liked and respected by the other team mates. Anton was probably the most popular guy on the team and one of the best athletes.The other guys on the team areJoe - a Latino guy, looks sort of like Corbin...

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Me and my friend

This is an absolute true real story which happened with me. I was living in Ranchi then. We had a four storey big house and my room was on the terrace and no one other was living on terrace. Our house was surrounded by several house but all were lower in height. I was 19 and had come to home from my college in summer holidays. One day I came to know from my father that a distant relative was coming to stay with us for a week along with his wife and daughter. I did not know them well and never...

2 years ago
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Absence makes the cock go harder

Our sex life used to be so raunchy but in recent years it had began to wane.I was scheduled to take an overseas assignment and discussed in detail with Becky what this would do to our relationship. Could we endure a long distant relationship? Would we be able to remain faithful? Becky surprised me by saying if we were unfaithful as long as the other partner knew about it and it remained only a sexual relationship then we could endure and possibly grow. This intrigued me and I began to enquire...

3 years ago
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Naked in School Bobby and KathyChapter 4 Thursday

When I woke up that morning, I was really looking forward to school because I was going to get to see Bobby. I couldn't remember ever being so excited about going to school on a Thursday. I was already making plans to surprise him tonight by calling him. I was kind of surprised that he gave me his phone number, since he had been a little unsure about calling me, but he didn't even hesitate. My parents seemed a little smug about me getting phone calls from a boy. I didn't care. Sometimes...

4 years ago
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Reginalds DisasterChapter 14

“Oh. You mean Daddy is already on the case?”’ “Didn’t he tell you? I must point that out to him, but he has had a lot on his mind.” “Sorry to have bothered you, Jenny. I should have thought of this claim much earlier.” “Not to worry, Freda. These things happen. Life is never simple, is it?” As she spoke, there was a crashing sound as the glass in the office front door was smashed. Without a word, Jenny cut off the phone and dealt with what faced her, leaving Freda out of it, astonished...

3 years ago
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SoulmatesChapter 5

Greg awoke somewhat disoriented. There was a head on his shoulder. He remembered. It was Megan. He yawned and put his arm around her. When he touched her, he became wide awake. He felt only soft, warm skin. The shirt he'd given her was nowhere in evidence. Not that the feeling of her body wasn't pleasant. Quite the contrary. He felt his erection growing. It escaped through the fly of his boxers and tented the bedclothes. He gently stroked Megan's back, feeling nothing but skin. Here he was...

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janice gets personal with her family

We were waiting outside in my car, parked outside number 45. She opened the front door and waved. We hurried over and quietly through the front door. “Into the back room” Janice said. We went into the room, “I have told David not to come downstairs until 12:30” she said.The room was cramped, there was a treadmill with two sun chairs on it and a mattress propped up behind it and the pine dining table in the middle of the room. We moved the table to one side, beside the fire and set up the video...

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Sexy cousin wife

Dear readers of Iss…i am again presenting you of my experienced story of my cousin’s wife with sexy assets.Mona…is 4 year married but no child.Her milky boobs with 32-28 36figure…sensual..pink..lips..inviting you to kiss them…she is 26 and fair, normal hight.As I had mentioned in my earlier story…she got the wind of my sexy sessions with the maid but did not show me any sign….instead kept asking the maid in details….and poor maid gave her the entire details as she was shit scared..but could not...

2 years ago
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The Cuckold

The Cuckold by Kezza We met Peter for lunch one-week day in the city. Lisa and I already thought we knew a little about him from his advertisement in a contact magazine. He was in our age range, looking to meet a couple; emphasis was placed on good humor, friendliness, health, cleanliness, discretion, which were all necessary for us; enjoyment of the finer things in life, wining and dining, good company, clean shaven and shaved, a nudist; all these sought after attributes helped us reach our...

2 years ago
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Stand in TimeChapter 07

We leave Socorro late but we stop early because of this as the next best camp spot is just too far away. The extra time between camping and the evening meal is useful to unpack and repack some of the gear on the wagons to be either more ready to hand or to better balance the loads when I set them out in a more thought out way. While this is going on I notice a couple of the families who joined us at Socorro have a few slaves with them. One couple, the Hewitts, have two males: one in his late...

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Prototype TenChapter 1

"Come on, Honey!" Karen whispered, snaking her hands sensuously inside his shirt and kissing him warmly on the back of the neck. "We're going to be late for the movie!" "Okay, just let me finish sending this one last resume," he replied, leaning back into the kiss, "and I'll be right out. You guys go ahead and load up." "Something will come up, Will." Karen said, hearing the desperation in his voice. "You're too good at what you do. Somebody's bound to hire you soon." "I...

4 years ago
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Identity Switch

Identity Switch By Terry Hansay Mom, you want me to go where? You want me to go with this woman somewhere to change my identity? I know I am in trouble with the gang, but they wouldn't kill me. All I have to do is leave town, Mom. "Bob you are 16 years old. How will you leave town? I can't move or take you to another state. You have to go with Mary, you have to save your life son" Mom said. I was shaking, crying knowing Mom was right. But how could I leave with this lady, to...

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Forbidden Sibling Treasure Chapter II Pearls of Wisdom

Pearl had taught Emerald every trick she knew about being with another female – and Emerald had been a fast learner! Her older sister had given her plenty of opportunity to practice, too. Emerald had found her pubic skin nearly rubbed raw from all the grinding and other attention it was receiving, but she didn’t care. It had felt too good to stop. The newfound pastime she and Pearl could share together was like a drug, and Emerald was hooked. They put the satisfaction of their bodies...

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Fucking my pervert female teacher first time sex

I am a boy. I had joined a college one month before. I had sexual desires over women for a while. I also masturbate. I go to college through bus. There are so many of our college buses that go on our bus stop. Everyday through bus window our college teacher sits at the same place and sees me observes me daily. She was 37 years old. She has nice physique. She has a pretty ass. She looks at me as a pervert. I can imagine her looks that she want to have sex with me. As i never had sex with anyone....

2 years ago
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Sexy Blonde gives Older Executive a Ride

We were driving to my office, and I decided to try something. So, just before we were about to turn off for the office, I decided to ask her whether she would like to go for a quick drink. She said OK. I was very pleased. We decided to go to a pub just after the turn off, I got her a beer and myself a whiskey and coke. We sat down, pleased to be in a cool place. Amberly looked stunning. She was wearing short shorts, high heels and mid drift top. We finished our drinks and went back towards...

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Dirty fucking spunk bucket

The woman had been staring at me all afternoon right in front of her husband, we where at the pool side all day soaking up the hot sun. I was there on a stop over for two days alone and took the time to relax, I didn’t mind the woman staring at me but her poor husband could see it and clearly didn’t like it giving me dirty looks all day. The woman must have been 45 or so and very overweight packed into a one-piece swimsuit that had her fat bulging out from every opening. Her breasts...

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Cuckold couple

Recently my co-worker King sent me an email with a Sex video where this hung black guy made loveTo this slim white lady in front of her husband. As I checkedOut the video my wife Susan walked over beforeI could close the clip. I was shocked that she liked Seeing a black guy bareback fuck a married white lady in frontOf her husband. Half way thru the clip Susan was Giving me a world class blow job. Susan was actingLike a totally different person. I didn’t say anythingBecause I was afraid that...

3 years ago
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Making om my slut

Rohit, can you take a look at my computer? I can’t seem to find some of my recent documents?” “Sure mom, give me a sec.” Rohit looked over his shoulder as his mom walked back down the hall to her home office. He couldn’t get over how, even in her mid thirties; she looked incredibly sexy with her firm tits and tight ass. Many was the night he lay in bed stroking his hard shaft to some girl in his freshman college class only to have his imagination slip into visions of his mom on her hands and...

2 years ago
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It was definitely bliss checking out content on My Hentai Comics, and I am more than happy to tell you just what the fuck you can expect to see. I think that it should be fucking obvious that this is a place filled with dirty comics since the name of the domain is giving it away. However, MyHentaiComics.com might seem all peachy and shit, but there are a couple of errors I’d like to talk about as well as all the good things that make this site very addictive.The design of the site is honestly...

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