Ο πρίγκιπά& free porn video

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Αυτή η ιστορία είναι αφιερωμένη στον πιο συναρπαστικό άντρα του κόσμου, εναν άντρα που μου γνώρισε τον έρωτα, με έκανε πραγματική γυναίκα, έκανε την καρδιά μου να χτυπάει δυνατά, ζωντάνεψε κάτι ξεχασμένες πεταλούδες στην κοιλιά μου!
Σε αυτόν έχω ορκιστεί να δώσω όλο το πάθος που υπάρχει μέσα μου, με αυτόν θέλω να κάνω κάθε τρέλα, πιασμένη απο το χέρι του θα εξερευνήσω όλα τα μονοπάτια της ηδονής.....

Ο πρίγκιπάς μου...

Απο μέρες ονειρευόμασταν με το μωρό μου αυτήν την συνάντηση, για την οποία είχαμε καταφέρει να είναι ολονύκτια! Ο αντρούκλας μου σχεδίαζε κάτι ξεχωριστό γι αυτήν την βραδιά, ένα ιδιαίτερο περιβάλλον, δωμάτιο με θέα, τζινάκια και ατελείωτο σεξ! Μετρούσα ένα ένα τα λεπτά για να βρεθώ κοντά του. Φόρεσα το αγαπημένο του καρώ φορεματάκι και επειδή θέλω να εκπληρώνω όλες του τις επιθυμίες το φόρεσα χωρίς εσώρουχο!! Όταν άνοιξε την πόρτα και τον αντίκρισα μπροστά μου ψηλό, γεροδεμένο και με την πουτσάρα του όρθια να με περιμένει, σηκώθηκε μέσα μου ανεμοστρόβιλος. Αρχισε να μου δίνει παθιασμένα γλωσσόφιλα και ταυτόχρονα να βυθίζει την χερούκλα του μέσα στην ήδη πρησμένη μου μουνάρα! Εκει μπροστά στην πόρτα έχυσα πάνω στο χέρι του... Ούτε κατάλαβα πότε βρέθηκα στημένη στα τέσσερα πάνω στο κρεβάτι με τον παίδαρό μου να με ξεκωλιάζει και να με ξεμουνιάζει και εγω να χυνω ασταμάτητα!! Κωλάρα, μουνάρα, κωλάρα, μουνάρα και εγω να χύνω και απο τον κώλο και απο το μουνί και να τρέχει άσπρο ασπρο το σπέρμα απο τις τρύπες μου!!!!
Μετα απο κανένα μισάωρο ασταμάτητου ξεσκίσματος ξάπλωσε ο αντρούκλας μου στο κρεβάτι και απόλαυσε την τσιμπουκάρα μου! Δεν την χόρταινα την πουτσάρα του. Την έγλειφα γύρω γυρω με την γλώσσα μου, την έβαζα βαθια μέχρι τον λάρυγγα, ρουφούσα τα αρχίδια του, χτυπιόμουν με την ψωλάρα του στο πρόσωπο, πασαλειβόμουν με τα ζουμιά της και γκάβλωνα ...γκάβλωνα.. Σταματούσα το τσιμπούκι και καβαλούσα με την μουνάρα μου την πουτσαρα του και ξεσκιζόμουνα και έχυνα και μετά πάλι τσιμπουκάρα! Όταν γκάβλωνα τρελά ξανά καβάλημα, αλλα απο την κωλάρα αυτη την φορά! Καλα η κωλάρα μου έχει τρελαθει με την πουτσαρα του. Μόλις μπαίνει μέσα χύνει με την μια και ζητάει και άλλο πούτσο και άλλο πούτσο..
Σειρά είχε η πολυθρόνα... Στήθηκα, τέντωσα την κωλάρα μου και ο παίδαρός μου με ξεκώλιαζε ασταμάτητα. Χύσιμο ξεκώλιασμα, χύσιμο ξεκώλιασμα... Δεν θυμάμαι πόσες φορές έχυσα. Με έπαιρνε παντού, όρθια, πάνω στις καρέκλες, κολλημένη στον τοιχο, με το πόδι ψηλά, στο πάτωμα, στο μπάνιο.... Χόρταινα πούτσο και έβγαζα ατελείωτη γκάβλα!! Εχω τρελό πάθος με την πουτσάρα του!! Με γκαβλώνει τόσο πολύ που δεν μπορώ να την χορτάσω!!! Σειρά είχαν τα φιλαράκια μας, οι δονητές.. Το μωρό μου, μου έμαθε να κάνω παρτουζίτσες. Μου έβαζε τον δονητή στην μουνάρα και αυτός μου ξέσκιζε την κωλάρα και μετά διπλό στην μουνάρα. Πω πω τι γκάβλα αισθανόμουνα, ειδικα όταν έβαλε τον δονητή στην κωλάρα μου και μπήκε και αυτός διπλό τρελάθηκα... " σκίσε με του φώναζα!!! δύο πούτσες παίρνω η πουτανάρα στην κωλάρα!!" Μου έβαζε δονητές, μεγάλους , μικρούς και αυτός μαζί μπρος πίσω ασταμάτητα! Η τρέλα ήταν όταν μου έβαλε μια μελιτζάνα στην μουνάρα μαζί με την πουτσάρα του και έναν δονητή στην κωλάρα!! "Είμαι η πουτανάρα σου του φώναζα.. η δική σου πουτανάρα, κάνε με οτι θες, σκίιιισε με" Ούτε ξέρω πόσες ώρες με πηδούσε έτσι ασταμάτητα, ούτε μπορώ να μετρήσω πόσες φορές έχυσα.
Μετά απο λίγη ώρα ξεκούρασης και ενώ ο ήλιος άρχισε να δύει, βγήκαμε να απολαύσουμε το ηλιοβασίλεμα στο μπαλκονάκι μας πίνοντας τα δροσερά τζινάκια μας. Όμορφες στιγμές, μοναδικές... στιγμές που έχουν χαραχτει μέσα στην καρδιά μου, στιγμές που γεμίζουν την ψυχή μου, που πίστευα ότι δεν θα τις ζούσα ποτέ!!Αφού ήπιαμε 3-4 ποτάκια και είχαμε φτιαχτει καλά ακολούθησε το πάρτυ. Δεν έχω νιώσει ποτέ ξανά τέτοιο πάθος, δεν ήξερα ότι μπορεί αυτός ο άντρας να με μεταμορφώσει στην μεγαλύτερη πουτανάρα! Ανοιγα τις τρύπες μου με τα χέρια μου και ήθελα πούτσους, πολλούς πούτσους! "Ποσούς πούτσους θέλεις πουτανάρα μου; με ρωτούσα ο αντρούκλας μου "Τέσσερις - πέντε του έλεγα ... θέλω στην μουνάρα μου, στην κωλάρα μου, στο στόμα παντού.. Εκείνη την στιγμή πραγματικα θα μπορούσα να παίρνω μέσα μου πολλούς πούτσους, δύο στην μουνάρα, δύο στην κωλάρα, αλλον να τον τσιμπουκώνω, άλλον να τον παίζω... τους ήθελα, γουστάριζα τρελά! Το μωρό μου τρελάθηκε απο την γκάβλα μου, μου έδινε γλωσσόφιλα, με πηδούσε, με ξέσκιζε μπρούμυτα, ανάσκελα, με δονητές, με χόρταινε πούτσους την άρρωστη .. και εγω έχυνα εχυνα ασταμάτητα και φώναζα " Θέλω πούτσους!!!!" Τρέεελα, όνειρο!
Κοιμηθηκαμε αγκαλιασμένοι και χορτασμένοι προσωρινά.. Πόσο μαγικό είναι να ακούς την ανάσα του άντρα που αγαπάς... Να τον αγγίζεις και να λες " είναι αλήθεια, βρίσκεται στην αγκαλια μου, δεν είναι όνειρο!" Είναι αυτές οι στιγμές που για κάποιους είναι δεδομένες και δεν μπορούν να τις εκτιμήσουν. όταν όμως μπορείς να τις ζήσεις κάποιες φορές καταλαβαίνεις πόσο μοναδικές είναι και πόσο μπορούν να ομορφύνουν την ζωή σου!
Η άλλη μέρα μας βρήκε ξεκούραστους. Το θηρίο μεσα μας ξύπνησε!! όταν άγγιξα την πουτσαρα του και την ενιωσα πετρωμένη, ενεργοποιήθηκε το ηφαίστειο!!! Έσκιψα κάτω απο το σεντόνι και τον πήρα ολόκληρο μέσα στο στόμα!! Εβγαζε απο την γκάβλα ζουμιά, τα πιο νόστιμα ζουμια του κόσμου!! Αφού χόρτασαμε τσιμπούκαρα συνεχίσαμε με πρωινό ξέσκισμα!! Στησιμο στα 4 και συνεχόμενο ξεκώλιασμα. Τώρα είχαμε και θέα.. τα καράβια μέσα στην θάλασσα! Κάποια στιγμη που με πηδούσε η μωράκλα μου, μου λέει μας παίρνει μάτι ο καπετάνιος απο την γέφυρα!!! Και όμως, μου ξύπνησε πάλι την πουτανάρα μέσα μου. Γουστάριζα τρελα να πηδιέμαι με τον αντρουκλα μου και να ξέρω οτι με παίρνει μάτι ο καπετάνιος. Μου άρεσε να βλέπει πως ξεμουνιάζομαι και πως ξεκωλιάζομαι! Γκάβλωνα περισσότερο... Μου κόλλησε η σκεψη ότι ήθελα και εγώ να βλέπω αυτήν την εικονα!! Πήγα λοιπόν μπροστά στον ολόσωμο καθρέφτη, στήθηκα, άνοιξα τις τρυπάρες μου και απόλαυσα τα κάλη του αντρούκλα μου. Είναι απίστευτα ερεθιστικό να βλέπεις έναν βαρβατάντρα δύο μέτρα να σε καρφώνει με την ψωλάρα του!! Ειδικα όταν μου σηκωσε το πόδι και αντίκρισα την πρησμένη μου μουνάρα γεμάτη ζουμια να ξεσκίζεται απο την γκαβλαρα του ήθελα να ουρλιάξω απο την ηδονή!! Δεν θα ξεχάσω ποτέ αυτην την εικόνα μας στον καθρέφτη!!!
Αφού πλέον χόρτασα την ψωλάρα του τον αποζημίωσα με μια ακόμη τσιμπουκάρα!! Επαιζα την ψωλάρα του με την γλώσσα μου ενώ με το χέρι μου χάιδευα την μουνάρα μου και αυτή συνέχιζε να γκαβλώνει και να χύνει!! Η μεγαλύτερη απόλαυση ήταν όταν ένιωσα τα χύσια του αντρούκλα μου πάνω μου! Σπέρμα παντού, μέσα στο στόμα μου, στις βυζάρες μου, στις χειλάρες μου!! Εβγαζα την γλώσσα μου και το έγλειφα και ήταν ότι νοστιμότερο έχω γευτει στην ζωή μου...το σπέρμα του λατρεμένου μου πρίγκιπα!!
Το παραμύθι μου τελείωσε με πρωινό στο δωμάτιο αγναντευοντας την θάλασσα και το πρόσωπο του αγαπημένου μου!! Εκείνη την στιγμη που καθόμουνα απέναντί του, την στιγμή που για πρώτη φορά απολαμβαναμε μαζί ένα γεύμα ένιωσα η πιο ευτυχισμένη, η πιο γεμάτη γυναίκα στον κόσμο!! Ένιωσα ότι έγινα η πριγκίπισσά του!!

Αντρούκλα μου ήταν μια ευκαιρία να ξαναζήσω το όμορφο όνειρο που μου χάρισες!! Πλεόν έχεις κάνει την κάθε μέρα μου ένα παραμύθι!

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Following DoryChapter 22 Getting Married and Other Stuff

I would never dream of saying this to Dory, but getting married was almost an interruption in my life. We, the staff and I, were so involved in getting the store ready for the grand re-opening that I was feeling more than distracted when guests for the wedding arrived in town and Dory and I were expected to greet and entertain them. I think part of my frustration went back to a conversation that I had with Paul Ildebrun several weeks earlier. I had talking about how it wouldn't feel much...

2 years ago
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Futas Wild Passion 07 Futas Naughty Study Session

Chapter Seven: Futa's Naughty Study Session By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to FallenAngelX00 for beta reading this! I felt like a million bucks as I walked through the college, trailed by my little sister. Allie and I had just had a naughty time in the bathroom. Of course, right before that, I had a naughty time with my new girlfriend Wendy. I had deflowered her while Allie lurked in the stall next to us, masturbating to the sounds of our love-making. My sister was my...

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I found out about my husband fucking his secretary from the janitor of the building he has an office in he is a doctor there and has a busy practice but apparently has more free time then he lets on he has! I suspected he was cheating as I found some strange marks on his body that looked like love bites and he usually is after me for sex all the time but lately has been leaving me alone especially during the night I used to wake up to his cock poking my pussy and his hands squeezing my tits but...

1 year ago
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Porno with the MILF next door Free Sex Stories and Adult Erotica Stories

I had watched Mrs. P for over a year now, the hot MILF next door and I knew she was quite horny. She had many suitors who would visit and then I would hear banging on the wall followed by moans. I fantasized about her and then one day I met her in person. Her glance was quite lascivious and I knew this lady wanted a good banging. I proposed to her that I would bang her if she would make a porno with me. I would hide her face of course. She agreed. I set up the camera in her large luxurious...

Extra Marital Affair
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The call from Johan came, I was to meet my new master if I passed the interview I would belong to him, my debt would be paid and I would start a new life that I did not believe that I would want when I started on this journey. I was to meet Master at an out of town bar I was told not to drive their but to get a cab, and to dress like the slut that I now was.  I chose a very short PVC skirt, which just covered my pussy, which was shaven smooth, a tiny black lace thong just covered my lips, net...

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Black Teen Masters

My name is Ryan. I'm a 22 year old university student,5'8", 160 lbs, blonde hair and reasonably athletic(swim team member). I have a great looking girlfriend andam 100% straight with no experience in any way with anothermale. Four guys in particular - four black teens, all 18year old freshmen at my university - would soon change allthat. I arrived at their place for my usual tutoring sessionto help them in math, Kyle, Tyrone, Lee and Jackson. Nothingseemed unusual until they suddenly...

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The Goblin Mother Of Kings

The conflict between Valok and the goblin clans of the Southern Peaks had bred unusual customs on both sides. For the men of Valok, on their eighteenth birthday, they were sent out of their homes and told to head into the mountains. They were not to return unless they killed a goblin and carried the body back as proof. It was a moment of adulthood. It was an act of revenge against the goblins who raided their kingdom. Every warrior of Valok told grand stories about their first goblin kill.The...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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New Boy in Prison

So, I found myself on the wrong side of the law. I had been convicted of a crime and would be spending 5 years in a maximum security prison. I got off the transport bus and was transported to a search room. I was told to take my clothes off completely.  I noticed there were two inmates in the holding cell next to me. One was male and one was female. Both were in orange two-piece uniforms and barefoot. As I started to strip, both came to the bars to get closer, when I got down to my underwear,...

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Muslim Widow Aunts Wild Train Ride

I'm back with another incident between my widowed aunt Sheen and I. Those of you who have read my earlier posts are well-aware of my background. However, here's a short recap for the new readers. I belong to a strict Muslim family and live in one of the larger cities in central India. My family is highly conservative yet we are quite rich. In the sense, that my father and his 7 brothers are able to live comfortably with their families in a huge, walled compound. It has three 3-storied...

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Down on the Farm Ch 06

It was January 26th and I remember looking up from my work to see Chuck drive up to the milk house. Chuck was the local milk inspector who would visit about every three weeks. Even though it was always unannounced all the local dairy farmers knew close to when he would appear on our doorsteps. He stepped out of his truck and I greeted him. Over the past few months I’d come to know him well. He carried his checklist on a clipboard and silently began his inspection. As we always received above...

1 year ago
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BangPOV Kira Perez Kira Perez8217s Beefy Pussy

Kira Perez was relaxing on the bed When I called her over. She obliged and crawled to me. While on her knees She begs to get fucked. But before I fulfill her sensual request. I pull down her panties. She has a beefy thick pussy. I just want to eat her out and get her nice and wet. She’s ready to take my giant cock. I skull fuck her until her eyes roll back. and made her ride my cock until her knees couldn’t keep her up. I flipped her over fucked her doggy. I came all over her...

4 years ago
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..... It was hidden in a bank by the creek. I told my mom how cool it was and how no one could see or find it. She smiled and said how her dad had built her one when she was young. A private place where dad and her could go to talk private. Talk private? I wondered what they would have to talk ‘private’ about. She would say no more but just stared out the window with a smile on her face. “Ya gotta come down and see it mom. It’s even air conditioned by the creek.” She looked at me with a strange...

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Mausi Aur Unke Baccho Ke Sath

Mein mithoon ek nayi kahani kelar aaya hu. Ye kahani mere mausi ke parivar aur mere beech jo ghatna ghati uske baare mein hai. Mere mausi ke parivar mein masaji , mausi aur unke do bacche ek ladka aur ek ladki. Bhai behen se chota tha.   Baat tab ki hai jab garmi k chuttiyan chal rahi thi. Mein final year mein tha aur mere mausi ka ladka dhruv. Mein 21 ka tha aur wo 16 ka. Maine to pehle hi sex ka anubhav kar liya tha apni teacher ke sath. Mein straight hu. Par ek baar dhruv ne kuch paisa kiya...

3 years ago
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Commander Rainey

I was sitting with my back to the door when Commander Rainey came in. My feet were up on the windowsill, the weekend’s watch roster on my lap. I’d like to say I was working on it, but really I was kind of staring into space. She tapped twice on the open door. “Come in,” I said without turning, thinking it was one of my girls. “I’m already in,” she answered. I turned to see her halfway to my desk. She waved me down as I started to stand. “Sit, sit. No need to discover military protocol this late...

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Massage Mom

I remember my mom's friend Beth used to come over twice a week and give mom a massage. After that mom would give her a massage. They both undressed for the massage, but covered their buttocks with a towel. I used to come and go as I pleased and they seemed to think nothing of an eleven year old seeing them partially nude. Some days I would sit and watch as they massaged each other from head to feet. When I was just turned eightteen, I used to watch more frequently. I was becoming much more...

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Dream Cum True

Synopsis - Jackie had always wanted to be a guy since she was little, wondering when she was going to grow a penis like her brother. Growing up she'd always been a tomboy. In adulthood she continued to be female, but deep down she'd always wanted to be a man. After hearing of an experimental procedure, she volunteers to be their guinea pig with surprising results. Dream Cum True Part One Jackie was somewhat nervous but excited when she was picked for the experimental procedure....

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Lost Virginity To My Best Friend

I would first like to start by introducing myself. My name is Nimisha, I’m 20 years of age and I’m a second year engineering student in Delhi. This incident took place last summers between me and my best childhood friend, Saurabh (name changed). Saurabh and me studied in the same school in Delhi and both of were in hostel. We were very good friends. We shared almost everything about each others lives and still never had any feeling for each other. We only shared pure deep friendship. I...

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Jenny Ch 03

This is a re-post of an early story of mine. I have re-edited it to improve the punctuation, grammar, and, I hope, readability. Nikki had calmed down and was sitting in a chair beside her mother with her towel wrapped around her. She was watching Tom string a floating white rope across the shallow end of the pool at the three foot depth. It would serve to mark Nikki’s safe area and prevent the floater from moving into the deeper area. She had recovered from her fright and was waiting to get...

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Claire Gets Glasses

Claire gets glasses ? Claire was unsure how she felt about her new glasses. ? On one hand they were very cute, having been both the most expensive pair at the store.  And they did look good on her- she was one of those people who looked good either with or without glasses- same went for hats, but these days who actually wears hats anymore. ? But on the other hand, it was a sign that she was getting older and they were a pain to always remember to have with her.? Not that she needed them always,...

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“I’M GLAD YOU’RE UP,” Kate said. They got back from the Aquarium at one o’clock and the boys were bouncing off the walls. Lissa and I had awakened at noon got up to have our coffee. I wasn’t feeling too bad, but I knew that after my three o’clock study session with Rio, I’d probably be bushed. At least, I would have company in a nice warm bed tonight. I had a little pang of sorrow for the folks who would continue to spend every night alone in a tent. “Come here, Kitten,” I said, standing up...

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The Bar 3

This room was dark. A chair a bed. Loud music. Mila had you sit in the chair. She climbed on your lap avoiding eye contact. She leaned down to whisper in your ear. “Are you sure this is what you want?” You nodded. “Ok” she kissed you softly on the cheek. Two men entered the room and strapped your arms to the chair. “Hey what the hell is going on?” You yelled. Mila was standing in front of you. Her eyes still not looking directly into yours. She Bends down this time her eyes staring deeply into...

2 years ago
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Awakening Her Desires V

Charlotte was quite sure she had never been in a longer, deeper bath tub. “Any bigger and you’d have had to call it a spa”, she had said to him, as he carried her naked from the stained and rumpled bed and laid her in its steaming luxuriance. He had then stepped into it with her and settled down facing her, a smile of pure contentment and pleasure settling over his chiselled face, making her realise anew that though she had been drunk last night and flinging herself at him, she had been right....

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My first time witha a shemale

I was holiday in Spain with my friend and his Mum when i was 17, we didnt have any problems getting served in the bars so went out every night drinking. Half way through the holiday we all went out and me and my friend ending up in a club quite the worse for wear, a girl was dancing against a pole and keeped looking at me so i look backand maintain eye contact, she danced in my direction so i danced up to her and as she started to grind against me i started feeling her tits, she turned round...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 7 SakurakoChapter 16 A Slow Recovery

November 27, 1993, Chicago, Illinois On Saturday morning, I went to karate and exercised with the class, then practiced kata with the blue and purple belts. My left arm tired easily, partly from the broken wrist, but mostly from the weight of the cast. When we arrived home, Kara helped me wrap my cast in plastic, then helped me take a shower, though it had to be quick so as not to have water leak under the plastic. After lunch, I followed Jessica back to the ‘Indian’ room and asked if she’d...

1 year ago
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PenthouseGold Madelyn Marie Does Hubby8217s Best Buddy

Brunette bombshell Madelyn Marie has had a sex fantasy of fucking her husband’s best friend while all under the same roof. The idea of possibility getting caught is an XXXtra turnon for the busty MILF and in today’s premium Penthouse porn scene, her naughty dreams cum true when hubby’s hunky buddy Nick Manning stays over for the night. The horny nympho hungrily goes for the stud’s monster dick for a blowjob and gets her shaved pussy pounded until her tight body is...

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Fucking 2 sweety

Hi! Everybody, I m Bad a totally new entrant to this story section and in introduction I would only define me as an Call center professional at Mumbai with a Height of 6 ft & 23 years young, fair complexion and a regular normal body. This is an original story of my fantasy coming true and how was the experience. This is about the girl who lived opposite to our flat in the same society and her name is Sweety who is again a very fair, very good looking, tall with a great body of 32-28-34 a 3rd...

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A Night Out With A Sexy Twist Part 2

We had to get up and go. I cleaned up and reapplied my make-up and tried to cover all evidence that I had been fucked by this gorgeous young stud. We raced down to the car to hurry back to the club where my hubby patiently waited for his clean shirt. The entire drive back his hand was playing with my pussy. Slow tight circles around my swollen clit. He was moving his fingers fast enough to get me soaking wet but not aggressive enough to make me cum. He was teasing me perfectly. I wanted more!...

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KennedyChapter 1 Kennedy Meets Her Watcher

Her name was Kennedy, just that and nothing more. At eight she was relatively tall, but that still meant she was just a little kid to any adult in the vicinity. Her biological father had gone away; her mother hadn't supplied the reason and he wasn't around to explain for himself. Her mother was, though, a cynical woman who was tall, elegant, dark and pretty, and she had definitely set out to marry upscale the second time. Kennedy had kept her father's last name and tossed out the one her...

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Blood of the Clans Ch 09

Stuart could see that many of the guests were getting tired, but still interested in the story. Feeling it should be told to completion, he thought of something to really make it hit home with a flourish. ‘How about I finish here and let everyone get a good sleep. In the morning, we’ll rise early at six or so and we’ll go fer a sail on the yacht. I’ll ha’e a breakfast prepared tae eat on board and we can stop in and get a bite later on in one of our stops. How many would like tae come wi’ me...

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Sebastian The Male Escort Part 56

Saturday morning dawned and I realised that since starting my job at Mike’s Bar, I had not been back to the gym and I truly felt that I needed a workout: so I decided that I would go over there this morning and see what I could arrange with Jonathan. I had more or less resigned myself into becoming a paying client at the gym where I had been working until just a few days previously. I had just packed my things together to leave, when the ‘phone rang and it was Mark, my bartender buddy from...

Gay Male
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Burning DesiresChapter 6

They rose the next day, ate a small breakfast that Elf (as he had nicknamed the tomboyish Lady of Hort) prepared, mounted Richard of Millhouse and headed north toward Elf's city. By midday, Ponkert saw the towers of the battlement-surrounded city rise from the flat meadowland that they had moved into. Another hour's ride brought them before a massive oak portal, protecting the city of Hort from invasion. A brief exchange of pleasantries between Elf and a guard and they rode within. The...

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Confessions of a chronic Masturbator

Ever since I was a k**, i heard stories from the other girls in school about the penis. To me the penis became somewhat of a mystery that I wanted to be a part of but never had the courage to be a slut like the others. Mostly because I was overweight and did not have a great clothing sense.I went online almost everyday and checked out pictures of guys showing off their "dicks", It was amazing how everyone seemed to have a different kind. Some thin and long, some short and thick, some bent like...

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