ReginaldChapter 19
- 4 years ago
- 26
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“Oh. You mean Daddy is already on the case?”’
“Didn’t he tell you? I must point that out to him, but he has had a lot on his mind.”
“Sorry to have bothered you, Jenny. I should have thought of this claim much earlier.”
“Not to worry, Freda. These things happen. Life is never simple, is it?”
As she spoke, there was a crashing sound as the glass in the office front door was smashed. Without a word, Jenny cut off the phone and dealt with what faced her, leaving Freda out of it, astonished and frightened at what might be going on. She went to redial, then decided that life might be too complicated for Jenny to speak now.
In the outer office, Jenny saw a man in a V for Vendetta mask burst through the already unlocked broken door, brandishing a knife, screaming “Where is he? I am going to get him this time!”
Jenny leaned under her desk to pick up something hanging on hooks, then with her other hand, pointed at her employer’s inner office. She stood up, one occupied hand behind her back as she asked loudly but politely, “Who shall I say is calling, sir?”
The man stopped in surprise, to take in this extremely commonplace query, and snarled, “Jessica’s husband, of course!” and turned back to attack the inner door to get to the target of his ire. Stepping behind him after he passed, Jenny swung her weapon in a wide arc as hard as she could and brought her police truncheon violently down on the back of his head with a solid thump. The man staggered and involunarily dropped his knife. In between starting to look for it and at the same time see who had hit him, his consciousness left him, and he collapsed face down on the floor.
At this point the inner office door opened, and Hubert Dangerfield stood staring at the sight on the parquet floor of an unconscious man, with Jenny standing over him, one foot now pinning the knife to the floor and one hand brandishing a truncheon. She looked over at her employer.
“My apologies, sir. I asked who he was, to introduce him, but all he said was ‘Jessica’s husband, of course!’ He attempted to enter and attack you with a knife, so I prevented that happening.”
Hubert took this news in, then bent to get a better look at the unconscious man, and nodded his approval when he saw the mask.
“Well done, Jenny.”
He pulled the man over on his side, and wrenched the mask off. He observed the intruder’s features and decided, “Yes. Mr Sadaf, I do believe; finally following through on his earlier attack. A man of very little brain, I am afraid. We must restrain him before he wakes up, Jenny.”
“Of course, sir. One minute.”
She returned to her desk and rummaged in one of the drawers, producing a set of handcuffs.
“These will do in the interim, I think.” She efficiently pulled the man’s hands behind his back and fastened the cuffs on him, as Hubert stared in amazement.
“Where did the cuffs and the truncheon come from, Jenny?”
“One of my girlfriends, sir. She once had a stab at magic tricks, but gave it up after a while. The truncheon and cuffs were part of the act. You can get out of the cuffs easily if you know how. Mr Sadaf won’t know the trick. The truncheon is just that: a truncheon, that she bought on e-Bay. After that first attack on you, she offered me these items for my personal use, if the need arose. It just did, so she deserves a big kiss for that.”
“Jenny, I would kiss her myself, to say thanks, if I thought she would like it, but I suspect not.”
“Oh, no, sir. In the right context, she will accept a kiss from anyone.”
“Okay. For the moment, has anyone rung the police?”
“No idea, sir. Someone else in the building may have done so, if they saw him with a knife, but I shall do that myself, just in case: belt and braces.”
She handed the truncheon to Hubert, saying, “If he starts moving again, a hard impact should do the job,” and returned to her desk to make the phone call.
The police emergency switchboard assured her that the alarm had already been raised for the address, and a car was on its way, but could she give an update, please.
“Male intruder, wielding a knife in his right hand, and intent on harming Hubert Dangerfield, Q.C. I was able to get behind him and render him unconscious before he reached Mr Dangerfield’s office door. The assailant currently remains unconscious and restrained by trick handcuffs that were in my desk at the time. An ambulance might be needed for the assailant, as he may have concussion. There is no sign of blood on the man’s head.”
“That is an excellent report, madam. Did you ever do a spell in the force or the military?”
“No. I am Personal Assistant to Mr Dangerfield, and accuracy is important to a lawyer, thus I have trained myself to be complete and accurate in reporting to him.”
“Impressive. The constables should be with you shortly, and you can report directly to them. I will organise an ambulance to the same address. Thank you for your help. Goodbye.”
Hubert was standing with one foot on the man’s back, holding him down as he started squirming from the pain in his head.
“Do I need to hit you again, Mr Sadaf? Or will you cease wriggling?”
Sadaf simply groaned as he tried to remain still, and two minutes or so later, the broken door was slowly pushed open by a cautious policeman checking that no intruder was in a position to attack him.
Jenny called, “Please come in, constable. We have the intruder on the floor, ready for you.”
The policeman ignored Jenny and instead concentrated on the man on the floor. His partner remained at the door, watching avidly. The active one noted the handcuffs plus the truncheon and raised his eyebrows at Hubert, who raised his foot from the man’s body and advised, “You should change these for your own handcuffs, constable. These are ‘magic trick’ handcuffs. The truncheon was the weapon that my P.A. found handy when the attack happened. The man never reached my office door.”
“Do you know him, sir?” The policeman asked as he deftly opened the fake cuffs with practiced ease, and replaced them with his own. He retained the trick cuffs and dropped them into a plastic bag as evidence in the case. “Good quality magic cuffs, these,” he commented. Hubert chose to answer the question put to him.
“I cannot be certain as yet, but from his visage, colouring, and what he said to my P.A. about being ‘Jessica’s husband’, I can tentatively identify him as a Mr Sadaf, of Pakistani origin, a former suspect in a previous attack on my person on the street. The assailant was never caught for that attack, but the resemblance is telling.
I acted on behalf of a Jessica Sadaf in her successful divorce proceedings, so he is only her ex-husband, no matter what he might claim. She has since left the area and found a new partner, or so I am led to believe.”
His careful statement covered him for all eventualities.
The wailing of an ambulance siren heralded the arrival of that emergency service. The first policeman leaned over to take close look at Sadaf, noting the flickering eyelids. “He’ll live, I think.”
The ambulance trauma team entered at a wave from the policeman at the door, and were examining their patient at once. The policeman informed them, “A strike by the P.A. with a truncheon while protecting her employer. He has been semi-comatose ever since.”
“Strong suggestion of concussion in that case, so he will have to go to hospital.”
“He will need a police guard in case he wakes up. He is the suspect in an attack on this lawyer.”
“You can come along with us. We need him to be seen by a doctor as soon as possible.”
With that plan established, the other policeman decided to follow the ambulance in his car after recording statements by Jenny and Hubert; and reporting the situation to his base station, so that they could organise a continuing watch on the suspect in hospital.
As the policeman at last closed his machine and bid them farewell, Jenny remembered Freda’s call.
“Sir, just before this interruption to our day, Freda called to ask about making an injury claim resulting from the rail crash. I explained that you were already working on it, but she was still on the line when the door glass broke, so I cut her off. I had best get back to her to assure her all is fine; and then I must arrange for the door to be repaired, or at least made secure by close of business today.”
“Hmm ... You concentrate on the door, and I’ll speak to Freda. She will want to hear my voice, to reassure her that we are fine.”
Moments later, he phoned from his office to Freda’s mobile.
“Freda. Dad here. Sorry about you being cut off. We had an intruder, but Jenny dealt with him. The police were here, and the ambulance to take the intruder to hospital. Jenny bashed him over the head; I did nothing. It was all over by the time I opened my office door. Jenny even had a pair of handcuffs in her desk drawer. Apparently they are trick cuffs from a magic act!”
Freda interrupted, “But you are both okay, Daddy? Nobody hurt at all, apart from the intruder?”
“I promise you, daughter; we are both unharmed. Now that was a bit slow of you to not recognise the possibility of a legal claim on the rail company after a train crash!”
“Sorry, Daddy. I know I failed on that one. I must have been too distracted by events around me. We are now assuming that the threat to Jenny came from the same source as ours: the reporter’s husband, wanting to help her, but just digging a bigger hole for her.
With the help we got from the Personalia, the man will not try anything like that again. The reporter has been sacked for her part in it. The Trumpet editor was quite adamant that her behaviour was unforgiveable.”
“I understand. The newspaper will still be faced with a large claim, but not perhaps a punitive one if the editor is conciliatory.”
“Anyway, as long as neither of you is hurt ... will this make a change to Jenny’s thoughts on emigration?”
“She hasn’t said, yet. We must give her time to think about it. She can stay and keep her job, or go to Rehome and marry her girlfriends. It may take some deep and careful thought for all of them, for I don’t know their employment situation.”
“Thanks for letting me know, Daddy. I was fearful of what might have happened to you; and to Jenny.”
“Freda my love; just look after your little one. We old folk can look after ourselves; at least Jenny can.” He barked a short laugh as a thought struck him. “I wonder if she has been training her potential successor in protection duties as well as her normal tasks?”
“Make sure she does, Daddy. Reg got us girls some self-defence training at the university which has proved useful. Sidra and Elizabeth want to get the same instruction, but they are still in their mid-teens, so I don’t know.”
“It is never too early to learn how to look after yourself, Freda. I shall push Jenny on this, even though she did well today.”
Freda passed on to Frances the excitement at her father’s law practice, and told her that he was already working on the injury claim.
“That’s great, Freda. Good for you.”
Freda blushed. “Not me, Frances. Daddy was already working on it before I phoned. He was more with it than me. As soon as I had told him about the train crash he was thinking of the next steps. He remembered I had said we were in hospital in York, so he has got that documentation in hand. They would tell him that continuing medical help was provided in Scarborough, for the doctor would have been in touch with them for the background facts.”
“Well, that’s fine. Don’t worry about it, Freda. We all slip from time to time. Remember how many times we had to correct Reg until he got how to behave around other people.”
“Except for lovemaking, Frances. He got into that pretty quickly!”
“That was through plenty of practice, Freda. He keeps learning new tricks from one or other of us. Jessica is always wanting to try out different positions, he tells me. All these years of marriage and nothing worthwhile from her husband; pathetic man.”
“Oh, that reminds me. The intruder was Mr Sadaf, Jessica’s ex-husband. The man never seems to learn to give up on a bad job. He’ll be put away for a long time for that attempted murder with a knife.”
“A knife? The man is a fool. If it had been Reg that he was after, he could have died, based on Reg’s track record.”
Freda had had enough. “Frances? Can we take ourselves home as soon as possible? I can’t relax with my baby with all this unwanted excitement around us.”
“The carriage should be available for the return leg of the journey, so if you are all of a mind, we can make that arrangement. Where’s Reg just now?”
“He’s around somewhere. It is too early in the day for him to be making love to someone. Perhaps teaching Elizabeth and Sidra something useful?”
“That is a possibility. I’ll try their room, and if not, then the lounge.”
They were located in the lounge, and Reg was with them, listening to what they had to say. Elizabeth was speaking.
“But why is that, Reg? Why do so many people listen to quack doctors who are spouting nonsense? The history books are full of charlatans promising the Earth. It is so silly, for it is clearly rubbish, but people seem to listen to them. Why?”
“It is a combination of factors that apply to all human beings, Elizabeth. Folk want to believe that there is a solution to every problem, and that includes medical problems. You and I know that medical science will never catch up with all human ailments, but there will always be those who live in hope that there is a cure just round the corner for themselves or their spouse, and even more so, for a child. If your child was dying, you would try anything that might give you hope, wouldn’t you?”
“Even if the promised medicine was clearly nothing more than a concoction of herbs made into a potion?”
“More so then, for there is ample evidence that certain herbs have medical benefits, such as willow bark that contains aspirin, and the feverfew plant that helps with migraine. The fact that some herbs are valuable for some treatments make the desperate imagine that some herb, any herb, might do the job for them. Human beings are already geared up to accept as fact what is not provable by science, such as a religious deity. At least half the population can accept the existence of God, even if most of them never practise any religion.
Then think about politics: at an election, politicians will promise you that they have the answers to all the country’s problems, yet many of them offer opposing solutions. They can’t all be right, but millions will swear that their preferred candidate’s policy is correct. Mostly they do not listen to the words used, for most politians hedge their bets by claiming that their solution will work, given specified conditions. If it fails to work, then the excuse is that conditions were not right, or their claim was misunderstood, or it was someone else’s fault, or they answered the one question but it was not the right question to ask, or the facts have changed in the interim. There are always excuses for the politician’s failure: it is not HIS failure; it is someone else’s failure, or misreporting on the facts.
Do you see? Excuses are legion for the politician, the religious leader, the medical man whose cure doesn’t work, the inventor whose machine fails to do what was promised. Often the accused politician simply attacks the accuser, rather than deal with the facts.
What you have to learn is how to discern the phony from the accurate; the wild hope from the researched facts; the veiled promise that is not really a promise, just an expectation. If you can look rationally at the true facts of the case, the faulty reasoning is usually clear. When astronomers looked at the heavens, they had to work out what they were seeing. However, the Book of Genesis appeared to offer an explanation, and in the context of a religious world, your conclusions have to match the ‘revealed word of God’ in some way.
That was why it took centuries for the observed facts of the night sky to be correctly interpreted. There were a dozen theories trying to explain how the peculiar movements of the planets could be reconciled with a universe that according to the Vatican, revolved around the Earth. Even the concept of moons around other planets did not fit their concept of crystal spheres where all the stars and planets were fixed. The stars appeared to stay fixed, but the planets moved, and in odd ways, spoiling their theories. Occasional eclipses also did not fit the theories, so new variations of their theories had to be incorporated to explain these anomolies.”
“But Dad, all they had to do was point out the facts, surely?”
“Ever tried to tell a convinced adherent to a faith – any kind of faith - that he is wrong? You will almost certainly fail to get through to him. He already KNOWS he is right, so he can’t accept any alternative.
The same applies to organisations. If a religious dogma says one thing and the facts say another, in a religious-oriented society, the dogma will win out and the facts get ignored as irrelevant or misobserved: a mistake.
An example I gave to someone before was the medical fraternity having been convinced by a single test that the stomach acids of a person did not host bacteria, then by simple unthinking reasoning, ALL stomachs were without bacteria. That thinking is like saying ‘this tree produces chestnuts, so all trees produce chestnuts!’ This led to many decades of treatment for stomach ulcers as an imbalance of acids, when all the time the ulcer was caused by bacteria in the stomach. Simple errors lead to silly conclusions that are like religious dogma: difficult to get through to doctors that they might be wrong. You cannot get researchers to look for bacteria when everyone KNOWS there are none, all without checking for valid evidence in the past.”
Sidra asked, “So that is why so many new ideas take so long to be accepted?”
“Exactly. There is an inbuilt mental world that says that a thing is so; and to offer a counter concept is to go against all those who have espoused the original. These in the past may have included university professors whose idea of teaching is to refer to the books of ancients from a thousand years before. Testing old, ingrained ideas is going against what people KNOW to be true from the old books, so you categorically object to testing what is accepted reality.”
Frances broke in, “Reg, can I challenge your own reality by asking when we should be going home? Have you asked the other ladies their opinion yet?”
Reg looked up at her, and faltered. “Sorry, Frances. I hadn’t gone that far. What did you think?”
“I am happy to go along with the others, once I know their minds. Would you be so good as to go around them and ask if leaving in the next couple of days is acceptable?”
“Is that feasible? Is the coach fixed?”
“Yes, the company said that it was only minor repairs to the bogies of the coach, and a couple of wheels had to be sent for reprofiling due to the sharp braking. They are happy with the restoration at the repair depot. It is good as new, according to the woman I spoke to. There will be a report with the carriage, ‘for our special customers to see that the carriage has been made good’.”
“Excellent. Does that mean it will be here at Scarborough station for us?”
“Yes. I thought I made that clear. Day after tomorrow for certain; possibly tomorrow; depends on getting it from the repair workshop to Scarborough, hitched to a scheduled train.”
“Fine. Speak to the girls then. I’ll be fine with whatever they decide.”
As it turned out, there was general agreement on the day after tomorrow, so Frances told the rail company that they would board the carriage that morning, if there was a train service that would land them up at Luton again. The company phoned her back within the hour to say that they had a t route with several changes that would get them where they wanted to be. It would mean three changes of train to be fixed to, but preparations were in hand for that. They simply had to be aboard the carriage by 9.30 am, to allow for necessary shunting of the train between platforms to place them at the end of the train.
The same consultation was used by Frances to deliberate on emigration, and the legal marriage promised made all the difference, especially for the Robson girls. They were afraid their parents would be unable to leave the farm for some days, due to animals needing fed and watered. Frances told them that new settlers got a land grant and that might suit the farming couple if they didn’t mind upping their roots for ever. If they could get a neighbour to fill in for a few days, they could see what Rehome was like and the deal offered, before deciding.
“Do they own their land?” Frances asked.
Jemima looked puzzled at the question, as she had never thought about ownership, but Hermione had.
“They lease the land from a big landowner, Frances.”
“In that case, they might end up better off to take a land grant, if they don’t mind starting with virgin ground.”
Hermione decided, “I’ll speak to them, Frances. They are not completely stuck on tradition; they may be willing to look at new land that they would own. Will it be decent farming land?”
“That may be up for negotiation, but I am assuming that the best farming land will be reserved for known farmers.”
“That could be tempting for Dad. I’ll ring them and raise the idea with him.”
That call from Hermione was not what the Robsons were expecting.
“Eh? Emigrate? Why?”
“I am not asking you to emigrate right away, Dad. You can come and see the land, when you are there to attend our wedding.”
“Wedding?” Mr Robson was lost for a moment.
“Oh, sorry. I was getting ahead of myself, Dad. All of us – the Robertson family – are moving to Rehome to get formally married, and we will get a land grant for moving to Rehome. If you like the look of the place and want a land grant to own and farm, it comes free with your immigrant status.”
“I have never heard of this Rehome place, Hermione. Where the heck is it?”
“It is not a place, but a planet, Dad. It is the first human colony on another planet, and emigration is by invitation.”
“Really? So who issued you the invitation?”
“The Personalia asked us if we would like to emigrate, when they heard about the press intrusion into our family structure.”
“Hold on a minute, girl. I heard something about an article in the Daily Trumpet, and a later retraction, so I ignored it; but this Personalia thing means nothing to me. I have never heard of this person or group.”
“That is because the Personalia are alien spaceships that are allied to mankind. They provide transportation between Earth and Rehome. You get to take what you can carry in a suitcase or rucksack, just like with an airline, but if you emigrate to Rehome, you can remit digital cash into the Bank of Rehome, for your land needs a house built on it.”
“Okay, I can see that this is beyond normal emigration, but you said a formal marriage there. Does that mean the laws on marriage are not the same as here?”
“Exactly, Dad! You can have as many spouses as you like, but the marriage is permanent: no divorces, just banishment to Earth if you threaten the marriage. Jemima and I are delighted with the idea of being legal wives to Reg.”
“Does that mean your babies will become legal as well?”
“Umm ... yes, they will. Reginald is already officially registered as their father, so this will complete the legality.”
“He did that? Registered himself as the father, despite what happened to you?”
“Hmm ... yes.” Hermione’s voice took on a timbre that her father recalled when she was not telling the whole truth. He queried her.
“Hermione? You are not telling me the whole truth, are you?”
“Not quite, Dad. Jemima and I actually got Reg to make love to us, once we saw what a good deal his girls had, so they really are his children!”
“My God! That explains why he was so solicitous towards them; they were his own babies!”
“Yes, Dad, and now we get to marry him for real, on Rehome. Isn’t it wonderful?”
“Hermione, are you and Jemima completely sure you want to do this? Both of you marrying the same man?”
“Dad, can you imagine what we might have been like, had Reg and his family not taken us on? We might have ended up as drug addicts or promiscuous women, not caring about the future. This way, we are caring mothers with a caring husband – or husband-to-be – and a stable family life. Which do you think is better for us?”
Hre father paused, then repied, “When you put it that way, I suppose the new you is much preferable. I can’t fault Reg and Frances, and the rest of the family, for the way they turned you round, just making you both pregnant; that seems wrong.”
“It is not just us that Reg and Frances reformed, Dad. We have two teenage daughters in the family now. One was a runaway from an abusive father, and the other we saved from suicide and changed her world around. Both are now adopted daughters of Reg and we are home-schooling them; or rather the girls who are at university are doing the teaching. Jemima and myself are picking up some of the stuff they are learning, where we ignored the same material at school. The Robertson family are strong on learning, so we have adopted the same strategy, to be able to teach our children; and learning can be fun, if you treat it in the right way. The girls taught Jemima and myself all the facts about pregnancy and childbirth, so that we knew what was happening all the way through. We had to learn about health risks and how to manage them and take them in our stride. Fear of the unknown is far worse than judging the risks of death through childbirth. We learned that fewer than ten in a hundred thousand pregnancies and births in the UK result in the death of the mother, so it is safer than crossing a busy road! And even then, the risk is higher for women over 40 or who are obese, so having babies in your twenties is a low risk affair, unless you are black or Asian for some unknown reason. You see what I mean about learning being fun?”
Her father let his breath out. “Hermione, I never expected to hear you, of all people, praising learning, so if that is what life with Reginald is doing for you, you have my blessing. Do you want your mother to know that Reginald fathered your babies; or shall I keep it to myself?”
“Use your own judgement, Dad. I trust you to do the right thing for her, just as you always tried to do the right thing for us. Handing us over to Reg and his family to be reformed was the best thing you ever did for us.”
Mr Robson was chuffed to have his good judgment recognised. “Right. Now what about this Rehome thing? The wedding, and so on?”
“We haven’t fixed a timetable yet, but we should be moving there soon. The trip is astonishingly fast: only a few hours from planet to planet, they tell us: unbelievable! We will fix the date and time of the wedding once we arrive, but we would love you to travel with us for the experience of a lifetime.”
“But where do the spaceships take off from? Cape Canaveral, or some other spaceport? I didn’t hear of such comings and goings.”
“Nothing like that, Dad. It seems the spaceport is at Ascenscion Island, in mid-Atlantic, out of sight of practically everyone except the military. The RAF fly you to Ascension, and the spaceships take you up from there. It is almost as easy as arranging a flight to the USA.”
“Very well. Keep in touch, Hermione, and let us know when and how we get to the RAF flight line.”
“Will do, Dad. Bye.”
Hermione found Jemima playing with her baby, and told her what had transpired with their father. Jemima merely declared, “That sounds fine, Hermione. I’ll leave you to do the keeping in touch. You’d best tell Frances as well, so she is up to date.”
The next day was mostly spent preparing for leaving; doing essential shopping to replenish supplies, catching up with laundry needs, and buying a few small souvenirs of the locality for their parents, including the sweet delicacy of Scarborough rock that the two mid-teens took a liking for.
Frances booked the rail carriage for the morning start at Scarborough station, and phoned the minibus hire firm to pay their bill by credit card, including the final trip from the hotel to the station. Thus they were well prepared for the rail schedule in the morning.
Reg made a point of meeting with the hotel manager and thanking him for making their stay comfortable and pleasurable, and gave him his company credit card to pay the bill. The manager was effusive with his thanks, adding how much he appreciated the help with the hotel budget.
Reg told him the time they expected their minibus to collect them in the morning, and asked that anything left through forgetfulness be disposed of unless the manager thought it worth phoning about. He explained that they were now thinking of emigrating soon, and additional baggage items would not be welcomed by the transportation people.
“Thanks for the invite, but your mother expects me home tonight, so I must refuse. In fact, I’d better be off, so that I am not too late in getting home. My best wishes to all of you. Let me know if you need anything, Frances.” “I will, Dad. Give my love to Mum.” A few minutes later, Mr LeBrun was back in his car and driving away. They all returned to the living room, where they reviewed the visit. Prudence was delighted with Mr LeBrun. “Your Dad is a really likeable guy, Frances.” “I...
For once, his studying was not simply a means of escaping from social interaction. Now, he was paying attention to the aspects of each subject that other students were having difficulty grasping, for these were the very matters which were likely to come up in their evening reviews. With these thoughts in his mind as he listened to a history lecture next day, he neglected to pay attention as the lecturer droned on about civilisations. It was only when his name was called, that he came back to...
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“Ah.” Reg was reticent. “I admitted that you were my girlfriend, Frances.” “I have no problem with that, my darling boy. There must have been more.” Prudence interrupted, “I told Mrs Compton that my tutor was also my boyfriend, when I was talking with her. I didn’t mean to, but it just slipped out. I was so proud of that status.” “From what little I heard, it was a lot more than that, you lot. Give!” Reg told her, “I was called to see Dr Henderson after classes, and he said he had heard...
Erika explained, “Yes, but I think the History of Art may have connections to some of your own scientific subjects. I was intrigued at the idea from Prudence that the first printing ink was based on artists’ oil paint of the time. If there is more crossover from science, then you might be able to help me with aspects of the history of art. Speak to my lecturer, Reg, and see what you think.” Later that day, Reg met Erika outside the door of her lecture room. She dragged him into the room....
“When we were set Robert Heinlein’s ‘Stranger in a Strange Land’ to crit, I was left unsure where to start. That book was notorious when it first came out, I read, so how do we view it without prior bias?” Reg gave a little laugh. “I suspect that was a trap, Frances. We were expected to find reviews from the period, and simply slap together a melange of them, under the guise of our own intellectual examination. We would be slapped down for that. Like so many other examples, the reviewer...
She gaped at him, suddenly aware that he spoke the truth. Her devious plan for him had unravelled, but she rose to the occasion. “Oh. Oh, well, I suppose...” and she grasped her nightie hem and lifted it up and off her body. She was wearing only panties underneath, but quickly dropped these and stepped out of them. She faced Reg and said, “Right. There you are: just as you demanded, Reg, you forceful boy. Happy now?” He was indeed happy, getting a full-frontal view of Frances in all her...
“Thank you, Reg.” Freda kissed him again, and made a point of rubbing her breasts against him. He took the opportunity to put his arms round her upper torso, to hold her tight to him, and enjoyed the kissing session. They were still in that position when Frances and Erika came into the room. Frances called softly, “Hello, you two. Can you spare us a minute?” Reg was embarrassed. “Sorry, Frances, Freda insisted on apologising, in her own unique way.” “Oh, yes. The other girls. We’ll talk...
Frances concluded, “Right. Do what you want with him tonight, but I get him to myself tomorrow night. Goodnight to the three of you.” She slammed the door shut behind her as she left. Erika murmured, “Wow. She sounds peeved. Reg, was that a promise to fuck you tomorrow?” “I am not certain, darling. It may be, but I am not going to count on it. It might just be a cuddle like we are having now.” Erika disabused him of that notion. “No, Reg, not just a cuddle. Prepare for a lot more. I can...
“Well now, there are several things to decide on. One, can Reg help you with tutoring, and if so, can you assist him in picking up social skills? Second, if you get accepted as part of the study group, Beth gets rejected and we help you shaking loose from her. Is that it?” “More or less, Frances. I am not sure what you meant – IF Reg can help me with tutoring?” “Oh, that is simple. Reg has to decide if you are worth his effort. If he concludes that you are not picking things up as he...
“No, I have a good brain, but most people don’t see beyond my height. I am five foot nine, if you wanted to ask. Similar height to you, Reg?” “Should think so. Let’s check. Come and stand in front of me, Prudence, and we’ll see.” She and Reg moved to face each other, and sure enough, they were eye to eye. Reg smiled at her and moved forward to kiss her gently on the lips. She was startled at that familiarity, but reacted by kissing him in return, then stepped back. “Wow! Do you do that...
He hurried in, but she was not in the bedroom as he expected, so he tried the bathroom. Prudence was kneeling naked in the empty tub, with one arm resting on the side. She looked very appealing as the Venus of the bath, but she was truly frustrated. “Reg, I can’t get myself out of the bath! It is too slippery, and my balance is not good at the moment. Can you help me?” She turned her body to face him, again displaying her small breasts in front of him. He took a sharp breath, but...
Reg explained, “It was much later, when I observed other children, that I saw how they and their parents seemed to act differently towards each other than my parents were with me. I decided there was something wrong with me, and that was how I couldn’t be loved like other children. I turned my attention to the world around me, and started studying it. I found school a great revelation, for the teachers started explaining what things were, and how they reacted, like water will do magical...
“But Prudence is a university student. She won’t want to have a baby while at Uni.” Reg made a factual remark. “Frances, there are at least several female students who are expecting babies, as far as I have observed.” Frances retorted, “Yes, but all of them are married, so it is not such a problem for them.” Reg backed down. “Sorry, I didn’t know that. Sorry I spoke.” Frances patted his arm. “No, it is all right, Reg. Your observation was accurate, just not fully comprehensive. These...
Prudence told him, “For the moment, Reg, do nothing. I phoned your mother back, and explained a little to her about you, me and the girls, but I emphasised that you need a lot of time to adjust from being a loner to dealing with people at large. She said she was willing to wait. I believe her, Reg.” “Thank you, Prudence. I don’t think I could have done that myself. I couldn’t have told her about you girls. You are a wonderful, thoughtful girl. It is no wonder that I love you.” Still...
Reg sat in a chair facing the Dean, and waited. The Dean cleared his throat before declaring, “Mr Robertson, it has come to my notice that you have arranged for a commitment ceremony next week. Is that correct?” “Yes sir.” Reg was not offering anything. He had learned to be careful. “I understand this is not a simple cohabitation agreement, but something more complex.” “Yes, sir.” “You and four other students – girls - are proposing to live together as a family unit. Is that so?” “Yes,...
The idea of a threesome including another man was around for sometime. Main obstacle was mom's understandable concern in the possible unfolding results from a bad choice. As an attorney Anne tend to deeply analyze all aspects of a decision. She was afraid of the negative repercussion to her career and even to me as her son. In several occasions we discuss the subject but never came to a safe solution. A had even put it aside since I notice that it somewhat bothered mom. The opportunity...
You know how the Christmas story went, "Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house not a creature was stirring not even a mouse." Well, in my house, there was no one stirring, except me, I'm wide-awake, and surfing the net. Our, two dogs were sleeping in their kennel, and my husband, was sleeping soundly in the bedroom down the hall. It's Christmas Eve, and for the first time, we aren't able to spend it with our children. However, we made the best of it, and had that day...
Oh Cable Man"Base to unit 57, base to unit 57, go ahead base this is unit 57. Unit 57 some friends of mine are having a little trouble getting there V.C.R. to work right with there cable. Unit 57 will you please go by there and see if you can take care of their problem. No Laura not at all what’s the address. Unit 57, the address is 800 Caulker Ave, Apartment 312 it’s located in the Brook Wood Apartments. Thank you again Unit 57, no problem base. Laura while I’ve got you on the radio will you...
You stare down at the jailhouse commander. He looks your sandy brown hair and matching brown eyes over. Your hand buckled under two metal cuffs into a position where you couldn't jut out. You stare at the commander as he bears down upon you in the storage room of the small towny jailhouse. "John you know damn well I didn't want to catch you stealing from Mr. Timms local grocery store." The man said wearing basic cop wear, a cheaply produced blue t-shirt with a rusted badge above his heart. "I...
FantasyChapter 2-The Examination Bella cringed as she took her place in line to be displayed for the master that claimed her. She nodded at Raisa trying to reassure her that she was going to be okay. The piercing emerald eyes of the Master shot through her as Bella looked at him. He had a wicked grin on his face. "You know, little tiger, that I can request to see all of you right here in front of all these other men. I am going to do that, so prepare yourself. Maybe it will take some of the fire out...
EroticHello everyone, I hope sab badhiya honge. Mera nam Vivaan hai. Yeh kahani jiske bare mein hai woh hai meri ex girlfriend Astha jo ki mere sath college mein thi. Kahani ka background aur introduction is part mein hai. Jaise jaise kahani aage bhadegi apko mazza ayega, I hope. Aur yeh kahani puri tarha se sachai aur facts mein based hai. Nahi toh ap apni fantasy aur suggestions de kar isse aur bhi romanchak bana sakte hai. Waise apke mails mujhe kahani ko aage bhadane ke liye motivate karenge. Ab...
September 25, 1994, Amsterdam, the Netherlands “Steve? Steve?” I heard Karla say through the fog that clouded my mind. Fortunately, when my knees had gone weak and my head had spun, there had been a low wall just to my side. I’d sagged onto it just as my knees would have given out. I fought the effects by doing my best to regulate my breathing and allow the adrenaline surge to run its course. “Steve?” Karla said, now sounding very worried. “I’m fine,” I said slowly. “You almost passed...
It was a few weeks after my last phone conversation with SC. I checked into a hotel upon my arrival in Mumbai on tour (in a different hotel, just as a precaution). I called SC and suggested a meeting that evening, giving her the details of my hotel room. She sounded rather remote and impersonal and appeared reluctant to meet me. She agreed after a bit of persuasion, but added a condition. “I don’t want to meet in your room. Let’s meet in the coffee shop, as usual.” She said. I was a bit puzzled...
My name is Frank and I have been dreaming of fucking my aunt Eileen for a while. It all began one Sunday when my cousin decided he wanted to sleepover at our house. When my eighteen-year-old cousin arrived, I went to the door to let him in. He came in and showed me that he'd just got the newest Call of Duty game. I thought to myself, oh for fuck's sake, now I will never get to sleep, because he always plays it with the TV up as loud as he can get it. Just as I was about to close the door behind...
IncestTo be an on-call cocksucker... 24/7? If yes, text us back the following oath: I am a cocksucker for big black cock. I was born for big black cock. I crave big black cock. I am available 24/7 for every big black cock. Did I feel guilty leaving my girlfriend in my bed after fucking her to go upstairs and suck dick? Yes. Did it make me stop walking up the two flights of stairs to go and suck the cock of a stranger, or perhaps even someone I knew? No. I re-examined our brief correspondence:...
(C) Mojavejoe All Characters are eighteen 18 years of age or older Sunday Night “Honey?” my wife, Blaire, called out to me. “You coming to bed or staying downstairs?” “I’ll be up in a few minutes, hon. Gotta do the Oreo thing with Ash.” The last season of Game Of Thrones was in full swing, and the Oreo cookie company decided to issue a special batch of Oreos stamped with various factions, and they were served in a very cool package. Of course, we had to buy several packages. So after...
Well, for the rest of the school year Tom and I had to be happy with making out in the car and a lot of feeling up. Of course there was the occassional handjob and we did play around quite a bit, but no real alone time. He spent too much on the hotel stay and school was busy for both of us,with working full time and studying.Summer finally came and we decided to take a short break to celebrate the end of the school year and have some fun. We got permission to have some time off, summer...
“Anything you wish baby, anything, your blow jobs are so good, so fucking good.” “Can I have a hung man and a bi-sexual female while you watch and masturbate?,” I whisper as his whole body is trembling as I tease his erection with just the tip of my tongue. “Yes baby, yes, I want to watch,” he moans just before he hits the back of my throat. I am Sarah, of French descent, bilingual, fluent in both French and English and as I recently discovered with a little prompting from my man,...
Veronica Leal and her stepson Alex Spitter have just finished a really good workout. They collapse on the couch and recap their gym session. Then Veronica tells Alex that he needs to let his body rest so she’s going to get changed. She closes the curtains as she changes into some sexy PJs and then peeks through them to watch her stepson as he takes off his shirt. Opening the door, Veronica invites Alex to sleep in the bed with her since his dad is out of town. He reluctantly agrees, only...
xmoviesforyouHi dosto, mera naam hai Nikita. Mujhe ghar mein log Nikki bulaate hai. Main 20 saal ki hu, aur apni family ke sath Mumbai mein rehti hu. Mera figure 32-24-36 hai, aur colour bahut fair hai. Mere fashion sense ki wajah se log mujhe dekhte reh jaate hai. Now, let us start the story. Baat May-June ke dino ki hai. In dino me Mumbai mein bahut garmi rehti hai, aur hamari family mein bhi sab log free rehte hai, to hamne kahi ghoomne jaane ka plan banane ka socha. Meri family mein papa, mummy, chachu,...
“I don’t have to ask how the grouper was,” I said with a grin. She had devoured it. “It was wonderful,” Gabrielle said. “I’m so glad you chose this place. I didn’t know it existed.” “I found it by accident a few weeks ago and saved it for a special occasion. I have to confess, I phoned yesterday for a reservation, gambling that you might agree to join me.” “Pretty confident, weren’t you?” she said with a sly look. “No ... not really. If you weren’t interested, I’d still have my meal...
Here is a true story, of a girl I had in high school. In the city I grew up in there were many parks, at the park we and my friends palyed in had a canyon next to with trees that came almost all the way to the ground, so in other words a great place to hide out. Me and my friends built this bad ass club house that had everything a teen would want. We had a toilet we found that we conected to a pipe that went into a storm drain, nobody could do #2 in there that was the only...
Mistress Liz Michael and Molly and Milton Mistress Liz- D tells me that he wants to talk to me before I start. D- What the fuck is up with you? I know that you have been a little down so what gives? Liz- I think I am just going through the motions. What you need is a hard session. I know I just need to find the time and someone maybe a bottom boy that I can whip and fuck hard. I can’t do it with Michael maybe one of the new once. He tells me to take Milton but don’t kill him. Michael and...
The days of summer were going by quickly. Before Ron knew it the football season would be starting and all his weekends would be spent officiating football games till the New Year. Ron wasn't sure how long he would be doing this but thought he would stop when he hit sixty years of age. When he phoned Kelly to see if she wanted to do dinner with him her response was a little bit of a shock. Kelly told him that she couldn't go out with Ron because she had been talking to and seeing her...
Aphronia slowly regained consciousness and felt agony in every muscle and fiber of her body. The bastard had spent who knows how long torturing her. Not for information or her acquiescence, but for the simple and perverse joy it brought him. He had been cutting her skin, with slow and precise slices. Generating the most pain for the least amount of damage. Her abilities helped her heal quickly, but the psychological impact was hard on her. She still had not eaten, and her hunger, coupled...
My pet is the best sub ever. And I wasn't even looking to be a Master. I just wanted a good fuck. She picked me, after I picked her. I believe she chose well. I know I am happy with the situation. I have yet to find anything she will not do. It was in a club in Indianapolis that had a bad reputation. But I like those kind of places. They keep my adrenaline pumping and make me feel alive. When I walked in I saw her sitting at the bar between two goofs looking for a good time. She had long, wavy...
BDSMCindi was back in her house, now, at last, packed and ready to go. It was time to tell her the rest. Well, the rest of what she needed to know for this trip home. This was going to be hard. For me. She had called me a God and meant it, so I had to handle this carefully. I had to expose some weakness. «“Cindi, before you go, there are some things we have to talk about.”» “Of course, my Lord. Anything you need.” «“I’ve never been to Themiscyra before.”» “Well, My Lord, it’s really not that...
Silor had spent much of the next three months after that horrid council session at the bards headquarters in Butcherblock Docks. His wife, when she discovered the reason he had left, that he was against killing Tamalain had sent a notice of separation and had his personal items dumped over the edge of the city platform they had lived on. Several of Silor's Guild headquarters staff that had been sent to collect the guild leaders gear had arrived just as the last few things where being tossed...
"B" IS FOR GIRL Chapter 7: "B" is for Blossom, the Forest Fairy Princess It was a few days before Christmas. The snow had gone, but it was raining very hard, so me and mummy stayed in the house. Mummy told me to put on my pink tutu and my white ballet tights and my ballet shoes. "You should practice your dances for the pantomime, Beverly," she told me. "You don't want to make any mistakes when you perform in front of the mayor, now do you?" I was puzzled. I knew that a mare was...
Chapter 28 - A New Dawn So far: Dale introduced a stone mason to his family, and River and the river helped him choose apprentices. Then Dale took Mark out hunting, or was it the other way around? ----- -------- ------ On Friday night, while Dale and Mark were still at their camp, in between hunts, River got up as usual at 2 a.m. and went to the river. She had been in there for about two hours when she looked up and found, to her surprise, a taxi from Sudbury Yellow Cab pulled...
While we were cleaning up I asked Lesly if she had always been an exhibitionist. She told me that when she was dancing with her group she often fantasized about being naked in front of other people. She liked the looks that she got from women’s husbands while she was on stage. Her pussy would get wet and tingly and she would have to finger herself to a climax when she got home. She then told me that she had only had sex once before me and that he had not taken off all of her clothes. She had...
My life was pretty typical and normal and for some reason all of it changed at random one day. I was walking through the halls when one of the schools I go to, Go Hawks! But for some reason I got the weird feeling something bad was going to happen. I was called out of my class going to the office, I was curious at what I had did cause I hardly ever do anything wrong unless for the right reasons. I finally got to the office at the main building of the campus and was called into the...
It has been several weeks since we have talked. You have been busy. I have been working almost every day it seems like. When we have had a few moments to drop messages, you learn how sexy I think you are in the black dress you wore the last time we were together. I do finally ask you to meet me again. There is an invitation in our email: Your presence is requested at the Grand Mansion in Huntington Valley, Friday, October 25 th , for a formal Halloween Ball.. Drinks and Dinner will be...
VoyeurHave you ever wondered how it feels to be a beautiful girl? I bet you have unless you are one, which I assume the vast majority of you are not. Allow me to describe the experience since I am extremely well qualified. It’s a strange deal. You get completely boxed in and defined by it. I am relentlessly stereotyped and pigeon-holed as if my visual appeal is all there is to me. I may be clever, kind, brave, funny, all of that good stuff, or of course I may not, and it matters hardly a jot. My...
COUPLES Their women sat in comfortable arm chairs sipping wine while watching their ex-husbands, who sitting side by side on the sofa opposite them were busily hand sewing zips into the backs of the dresses they had made for each other. It was what June and Ann called used to call "Sissy Sunday." Sissy Sunday was the day after Servile Saturday, which was the day after Fun Friday. Their husbands had willingly given up their weekends to do whatever their wives demanded of them,...
This is another in a series of quickie slutty cheap motel sex tales, based on the true stories of Julie and Ashley, as they go to the bar and soon their game of truth or dare is played out again! Ash and I walked through the old style saloon doors into The Pub, a regular haunt of ours. We were here for sex and our clothes revealed that. Ashley had on a shimmery silver top that fit tight across her chest, accentuating her full tits and a pair of low rise shorts that verged on showing her butt...
Quickie SexWe lived in a large town deep in the southern part of India. My father worked in a bank and my mother maintained home. In about five months time I was about to turn fourteen. I was lonely and longing for mother’s love. My mother and father disliked me very much but loved my sister and brother. When I tried to hug my mother she pushed me away but showed her affection to my brother and sister. I strongly resented this bias. Quite often she lost her temper on me and beat me with a cane.The time...
Incest“Rookie! Hell, you suck cock like a pro! But now it’s my turn.”I stood up and went to wipe Steve’s cum from my chin, but he stopped me. He leaned in and licked his own cum from my chin and then came in for a kiss. I hesitated for just a second and then went with it. I mean hell, I just had his cock in my mouth after all. We intertwined tongues as his hands tugged and tore at my clothes. He had me completely naked in what felt like seconds and his mouth never left mine. He finally broke...
BisexualTHE FIRST TOPIC OF DISCUSSION over Christmas Eve dinner was which church would have the best Christmas service on Sunday morning. We finally all agreed that the Lutheran church on the edge of town, would be our choice. They had an eleven o’clock service and no one wanted to get dressed before then. Beth’s parents, Dot and David, joined us. David borrowed a banquet table and folding chairs from the Kiwanis Club so we’d have room for everyone, including Beth’s sister, Brenda. Brenda is four...
Weary, sore and filthy from they're long journeys the children were being given refreshments in the hall when Miss Marchant strode in carrying a vicious looking whip in her hand. "Assemble these children in the courtyard for a thorough cleansing now!" Alice ordered Rebecca Bolton the matron and then just as quickly strode out again to rejoin the governors and their guests in the courtyard where they waited with baited breath for the entertainment to begin. Full integration into...
IndianSexMMS is an Indian porn site full of sexy desi porn available for download. It has a vast selection of porn videos showing what Indian partners get up to when the bedroom door is closed. By that, I mean fucking each other’s assholes into oblivion. They also provide scandalous MMS and Hindi content.Indiansexmms has something for everyone, especially desi fans. It’s an Indian site, but it was created for all to enjoy. People all over the world want to see sexy Indian bitches fucking. The...
Indian Porn SitesThank you so much for continuing with me and for your support and encouragement. * That was how we began, and we became a couple after that weekend… sort of. As Becky had warned me, there was only so much of her to go around. Although her oldest was off at college, Kelly was graduating high school and shopping around for a college of her own. Then there was this Jerry, whoever the hell he was. How did he feel about this arrangement? Who knows? Probably not over-enthused, I would imagine,...
Ally, a 19-year-old SoCal girl on a gap year vacation in Thailand, sat on a plush leather couch in a high-rise condo overlooking the glitzy night scene of Pattaya Thailand. To her left sat Gib, a sexy, glamorous Thai bargirl she had connected with on their first meeting for afternoon shots on the sleazy side street of Soi 6. Ally’s thick natural red hair draped from the right side of her face, shielding her vision from the 50-year-old buff American man, lounging in a chair with an intimidating...
SeductionI’ve been married to Laura for 22 years. I’m sure I rebelled against the rigid, authoritarian attitude of my father. The word sexism did not exist when he used to give my mother the back of his hand. But sexism it was. I could not construct myself according to this male model and I became nearly its opposite. I was a gentle, kind, open-minded male in the face of women.. Where he was intolerant, abrupt and even violent, I was kind, patient and understanding. This might have never changed...
The Undercover Detective Part 11 July 5th Anne came round to Mary's to see me. She was extremely nervous and very upset. She was in Roger mode, wearing a smart suit. After a quick introduction we got down to it. "Mary told me that you were an undercover police officer, but asked me not to tell anyone. Why are you undercover?" "Do you remember the murders of the trans women and the capture of the killer, well I was the person who arrested him. I had gone undercover to catch...
Hello my name is Lucy and I am a total slut... I love to go without clothing where I can get away with doing that because I love to show off my body! I am petite and Asian with black hair but very good curves and a shapely body and two big tits that hang down sagging a little so you can know they are natural and not full of silicone. I have a round butt that is very sexy with shapely hips and womanly curvature to my body to show off to everyone. I also have hair on my pussy beause I do not...
A month had passed, and the threat of more hurricanes seemed to have passed as well, although the season had still not come to its conclusion. It was a hot, hazy morning, and Katelyn and Hayley had found themselves alone at home. Katelyn's daughter, Carly was in Kindergarten, and her twin sons were in a pre-school program three mornings a week. On this particular morning, the pretty dark-haired mother and her sexy, blonde nanny were swimming in the pool. The ladies often used the mornings...