15 Minutes Of Fame free porn video

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Lily pulled her car into the driveway, the house looking normal except for the other ten cars parked in the driveway and street. It was just another house in Simi-Valley, California. Except it wasn’t anything close to being normal. Simi-Valley was the center of the porn business, and inside this house, a porn movie was going to be shot today. Lily was going to be in it, her first ever.
Lily didn’t look anything like a porn star or have the experience to be one. It was a chance encounter that landed her here with the opportunity to fulfill a fantasy that she had since she was thirteen.
It was four o’clock, Lily sitting in the small diner near the university, in the same seat she had occupied for the last three months. A cup of coffee and a small slice of lemon meringue pie were in front of her, putting just a smidgen of crème in the coffee. She had noticed him looking at her, but he had done that many times before. It didn’t bother or scare her. After all, she didn’t wear short skirts to keep the San Francisco chill off of her. Many businessmen came into the diner close to the financial district. He was dressed nicely, a white shirt with a blue and red tie. The navy blue suit fit him as if it were tailored for him, which it probably was. A hint of a five o’clock shadow covered his face, short hair neatly trimmed, handsome, but it was his smile that she liked. Even when she caught him looking at her, his lips curled into a smile, not a hint of embarrassment at getting caught watching her.
Eric looked at her perched on the stool at the counter. She wore a red-plaid skirt, short, a lot of long leg revealed. A sweater hugged her breasts. Her black hair was cut short so he could see her face. He saw her many times in the past. The coffee was good at the diner and the scenery got even better since he saw her, so he came back more often. She was a student, the pile of books on the floor beneath her feet giving her away. He got up, taking his cup of coffee with him, walking over to her. She saw him coming, looking up, Eric smiling at her, the girl smiling back.
“Is the seat saved?” Eric motioned to the empty stool next to her.
“Not at all.” Lily smiled back at him. She liked men that weren’t bashful or shy, and this one was neither. She saw his wedding ring, knowing instantly this was not going very far, Lily refusing to get involved with a married man. Relationships were hard enough without having a third person in it.
“I couldn’t help looking at you,” Eric confessed.
“I noticed that the last couple of weeks,” Lily confirming his attention.
“You are an extremely attractive and interesting woman.”
“You look extremely married,” Lily shot back.
“Yes, happily with one boy, seven.” It dawned on Eric that she thought he was trying to pick her up.  No, that’s not it. I’m not trying to get a date with you.”
“Good, then I’m Lily.” She took a sip of her coffee.
He liked that she had a sense of humor, hoping that when he said it, she would either laugh it off or seriously consider it. “Do you model to support yourself during school?”
She was flattered by his suggestion. “No, I just scrimp by with part-time jobs and a lot of student loans.” She smiled back at him again. “Thanks for the compliment, a girl loves to be flattered.”
“Ever think about doing a movie?” He didn’t add anything to it, looking up to see her interest before he said anything else.
“What girl never thought about being a movie star?”
“I have some investments on the side and one of them is a movie I am financing.”
“I don’t have any acting experience; I don’t think I would be very good.” She was flattered, but she didn’t know how well she could stand before a camera and act like someone else.
“It’s not a starring role, more part of the background. It doesn’t even have any lines.” He paused while he let it sink in. “It pays a $1,000 for the day.” He saw her interest pick up.
The caution flags shot up instantly when he said a thousand dollars. “What kind of movie is it?”  Lily didn’t say it in displeasure, just questioning it.
“It’s porn but tastefully done. It actually has a story line and there are characters that do more than have sex all the time. And it’s a novel theme, a western with cowboys and Indians.”
“So you just decided to ask me because I look like a porn star,” she teased him.
“Contrary, I asked you because you didn’t look like one.”
“Good answer. Do you do this often?” Lily liked the banter with him.
“Never before.”
“So how is it working out?”
“You haven’t slapped me or walked out yet, so I guess I would be still working on it, but so far, so good.” At least she was good-natured about it.
“I’m not about to have sex in front of a camera for a thousand dollars. Or for any amount of money.”
“I was thinking of you more as the Indian squaw. One of two in the background.”
“For a thousand dollars, I suspect that there is more than just being in the background.” She took a bite of the pie as she waited for the answer. The idea of an Indian squaw brought back something that happened over thirteen years ago, something that was always lingering in her subconscious.
“The Indians are captured by the soldiers. They are going to take their pleasure with the princess while the others watch.”
“And not with the other two?” He did say no sex. “They just stand around and watch their princess having sex with a bunch of white men?” There was more that he hadn’t mentioned.
“No, I did say you would be background, very beautiful background. You would be tied to a pole.”
“Yes, and the rest?” Her background memory just became more vivid.
“You would be dressed very skimpily.”
“Describe skimpily.”
“A little, short skirt made of leather, panties and a leather vest.”
Since there were no bra’s back then, the picture became more vivid. “This leather vest is secured someway?”
“Not exactly. Your breasts would be bared. After all, these white soldiers are horny.” He saw her catch him looking at her breasts as he described it.
“That’s it, no grabbing or groping, no sex?”
“That’s all of it. It will take about 30 minutes of film time. The only thing that will touch you is the camera. I have a feeling the cameraman will love you.”
Lily could already see herself in the scene. Just as it was thirteen years ago, but her body had matured since she was thirteen. There would be more to see now.
Eric could see her mind working. She was contemplating it. “It’s in LA, but you would be paid travel expenses. And it’s on a Saturday, so it wouldn’t interfere with your classes.” Eric looked at his watch; he had to get back to work. He took out his card and one of the producer’s. “I have to get back to work. You can contact the producer if you are interested. Here’s my card, too. Filming is in two weeks. I hope you do it, you will add a lot of class to my movie.” He left a ten on the counter for the tabs. “Nice meeting you, Lily. I’m sure I will see you again, if not in my movie.”
Lily watched him leave, grabbing her books to go to her late class.

She didn’t pay much attention in her class, coming home and picking over dinner as she contemplated the conversation she had with Eric and his proposal. She turned off the television and the lights, going into the bedroom. She stood in front of the mirror, slipping the sweater over her head, unsnapping her bra until she stood in front of the mirror. Her breasts weren’t huge, but she considered them ample. Her areolas were the size of quarters, her nipples already hard and swollen, in spite of not even touching them yet. She worked out, so she barely had an ounce of fat, helping that she didn’t have a lot of money to indulge on food. There was no doubt in her mind that she would look good naked to the waist. By the time she got to the bed, her skirt and panties were on the floor behind her. She lay in the center of the bed, naked, her legs spread slightly, closing her eyes as she remembered what had happened when she was thirteen.
At thirteen, Lily was more of a tomboy and she looked more like a boy than a girl. She was flat chested, even though other girls her age were already sprouting bumps on their chests and wearing training bras. She worried about it then, her mother told her that she was probably a late bloomer, which she was correct, but that did little to put away the jealousy she felt for the girls that were already sprouting breasts. I guess that is why she hung out with boys more than girls, feeling comfortable with them.
Lily even saw the changes in boys her age, showing interest in girls, talking about their budding bodies, even in front of Lily as if she wasn’t a girl. Lily even began to see them with hard-ons when they talked and looked at girls.
She remembered the last day that she played with boys. It was a Saturday, Lily living in a small town in eastern Washington state. They lived by a small pond, a cluster of homes built around it. There were four of them, Lily and three boys. They were bored, not much to do that day, the summer day hot already and it was barely noon. Lily was dressed in her shorts and t-shirt, her short black hair pulled into a ponytail.
“I got an idea.” It was Billy that said it. He was older than the rest of them, f******n already. “Meet me on the south side of the pond in fifteen minutes.”
Anything to break up the monotony, the three of them went to the pond, Billy staying behind. They only had to wait a few minutes before he showed up, a hatchet, some rope and a knife in his hands. She didn’t say anything, Petey saying it.
“What’s that for?”
“We’re going to play cowboys and Indians.”
“I want to be a cowboy,” Petey yelled out.
“Me, too,” Teddy chimed in.
“I guess that leaves Lily to be the Indian.”
Lily should have known right then, when she saw the smirk on his face, but Billy was older than them and the leader, so they never did anything that he didn’t like. She always had to try and fit in with the boys, so it was no surprise that she was the Indian.
“Bring the Indian squaw over here.” Billy moved next to a small tree by the pond. He took the hatchet, cutting some low-level branches on the tree until it was smooth at least five feet up.
Lily went along with the boys, as they held her close as if she would try to run away and brought her over to the tree.
“We don’t want our squaw getting away, so we better tie her to the tree.”
She felt something that she couldn’t understand until later that year, a strange tremor in her body. At that time, she thought it was the heat.
“Put her back to the tree, I’ll tie her hands behind it and then circle her waist so she can’t get free.”
Lily noticed his erection, but boys were always getting hard at almost anything, not thinking anything else about it. They pulled her against the tree, feeling the rough bark on her back. They grabbed her hands and pulled them behind the tree, her back pressed harder into the tree.
“Hold it. Indians never wear tops, especially the squaws. Take off her top and then we can tie her.”
Warning sounds should have been going off in her head, but she was as flat as a boy and really didn’t think much of it. Lily wasn’t foolish enough to go against Billy. She didn’t say a word as Petey pulled her tee shirt up over her head, grabbing her hands as they pinned them behind the tree again, this time feeling rope wrapped around them. Another tremor hit her body; this one centered between her legs, confused, she still did nothing, not that she could, the rope tied tightly around her wrists behind the tree. The rope then encircled her naked waist, drawing her tightly against the tree. She never even saw Billy staring at her naked chest.
They started tickling her, Petey and Teddy running the hands up her naked sides, making her giggle, struggling against the rope that held her pinned to the tree. Billy’s hands were different. They slid up her side, but grazed over her front, shocked as she looked down, her small nipples now hard and pointed, a tingling racing through her body that she couldn’t understand. All of them were tickling her, but fingers were also running over her nipples, a strange tingling that raced between her legs. She felt the tightness of the ropes holding her pinned as the boys had their way with her, unable to stop them from what they wanted to do. Not that she wanted them to stop. Her body quivered with a strange excitement.
It ended right then. Billy’s father came out of the woods, yelling at Billy, slapping him across the face so hard that he fell down. It seemed that he saw Billy taking the knife and hatchet out of the garage and thought he might get hurt. Then he saw what they were doing to Lily and stopped it immediately.
She wasn’t allowed to play with the boys again, her mother sitting her down and explaining the birds and bees to her, but she didn’t know then what it had to do with the boys tying her up. It was almost a year later when she first masturbated, and it was that day with the boys that went through my mind when she had her first orgasm. Being tied up were in lots of her fantasies but never in her realities until now.

She got out of the car, the day hot in the Valley in spite of the sun ready to set soon. Her heels clicked on the sidewalk as she walked up to the front door.  It opened before she rang the bell.
Stan looked at her through the window as she walked up, as nice as Eric said she would be. She was nothing like the star of the movie who looked a little worn for the wear, but that wasn’t her expertise. The camera wouldn’t pan on her face much.
Stan looked at Lily’s figure, lean, long legs, a short skirt leaving a lot of them naked. Her high heels made her calves tighten up, but it was the gentle sway of her ass, packed tightly in the skirt, that Stan liked. Too bad the camera wouldn’t get much of that, but the blouse that hugged her breasts and the two top buttons opened revealed a nice pair of tits and that is what the movie would get. Her hair was black, a little past her shoulders, ideal for an Indian squaw once they tied it in back. She was beautiful, dark brown eyes, big lips that were smiling even as she walked up the sidewalk. “You must be Lily,” he put his hand out, feeling her soft hand in his as he stared into her beautiful eyes.
“Yes, you must be Stan. Nice meeting you.” He was still holding her hand but her eyes had already wandered to catch what was going on in the house. There were people running around, but outside in the back yard was where the cameras were set up, Lily instantly spying the two posts that jutted out from the ground that she would be secured to, an excitement between her legs before she even felt it. She thought she would be scared a little about doing this, but since she drove down yesterday, it was only excitement she felt.
“It is a little unbelievable when you first see it, but I get the same feeling with each movie. It’s the feeling that you are creating something that others will watch. I know its only porn, but it’s my porn.” Stan was never embarrassed at what he did. He put just as much in each film that the big producers put in their high-budge movies.
“I always envy creative people and what they can accomplish with their talents.” There were other girls there, some already half-naked and most of the men didn’t pay much attention to them once they saw them initially. Eric was correct; most of the other girls didn’t look like porn stars.
“If you see Sara over there, she’s the makeup and costume artist, she’ll get you ready. You have an hour before we start, as soon as the sun sets. We’ll have a nice fire to illuminate the outside and it will be much sexier than the bright sun.” Stan turned to the grip that was already complaining as Lily walked off, Stan’s eyes still hypnotized by her ass as she wiggled off so sensuously. Now why can’t I find girls like that to be the star?
The dressing room wasn’t more then a sheet spread across the room to separate it, Lily hearing men on the other side, a little nervous at the thought of someone walking in as she took off her clothes. She put on the squaw clothes, if you could call them that. The skirt was shorter than the one she wore in, though not as tight. It was made of leather; luckily, they gave her panties to keep it from sticking to her flesh. There was the vest, but even if it did have a tie to connect the two halves, they would have never covered her breasts. The vest stayed open, both of her breasts exposed, the leather doing nothing more than to highlight the naked flesh of her skin. Leather moccasins replaced her heels. She took a deep breath and walked out into the other room to find Sara. It felt like the whole room stopped and all the men stared at her naked breasts, though it was probably more her imagination than reality. Yes, some men did look at her, at her breasts, but they quickly went back to work.
“You already have a pretty good tan and it will be night when they shoot so your skin tone is okay. Just have to get rid of the makeup, not that you need any.” Sara went to work on Lily, cleansing her face. “Relax for a moment; I need to touch your nipples. A little rouge will make them stand out more for the cameras.”
Lily tried to will her nipples not to get hard, but it didn’t work. The fingers were too soft, working across her nipples one at a time, the touch sending vibrations that raced through her breasts and ended between her legs where she grew damp. Sara worked the rouge around her nipples and areola’s as if she were a lover, teasing the flesh with her touch, arousing them into hard, little nubs that gleamed with the ruby red rouge by the time she was finished. Lily looked down at them, never seeing them so hard or vibrant.
“The cameraman is going to love your breasts. I think you’ll get more camera time than the star. I’ll tell Kevin, the white man that is tying you up to give them a little nip now and then when the camera is not taping them to keep them erect. Off you go, I have the star to take care of now. She requires much more work than you do.”
All of the no groping and touching seemed to have gone out the window now that she was here. First, Sara touching her nipples and stimulated them until they became rock hard, and now, there was talk of Kevin doing the same thing while the movie was being shot. It’s not that she could do anything about it; her hands would be tied. Just as Billy had done to her when she was thirteen.
“Let’s get the background girls in place,” the voice boomed out. Lily walked over to one of the posts, squeezing her pussy at the thought of her fantasy about to be fulfilled in front of strangers for all to see her. It wasn’t how she always fantasized it, but this was better, bound while others saw her helplessness. What would it be like if it wasn’t a movie but a man that had bound me for his pleasure?
Kevin was a young, handsome actor, a few years older than Lily. He was dressed as a cowboy, but his shirt was off, his chiseled chest bare for the camera, his pants fitted tight to enhance the bulge of his erection. “You new to the business?”
“Yes, probably my first and last.”
“Too bad, nice body. You don’t look like the star, a fresh face. Don’t worry; you don’t have to do much except look scared and pretty. Put your back to the pole, and I’ll get you tied up.”
She felt the rough pole on her back, even with the leather protecting her.
The costume designer walked over to Lily. “Lose the vest; those breasts are too nice to cover up.” She walked off as fast as she walked over to them.
Lily took it off without as much as a word of protest. It wasn’t as it was doing much to cover them up. She backed against the pole again, this time feeling the rough bark on her naked skin. The other girl was moving against the other pole. Lily put her wrists behind the pole.
“No, lift your arms up to the top of the pole. Real high so it stretches out your body.” Kevin was ready with the rawhide rope, it would leave indents in her skin, but it would be realistic.
The pose that he wanted her to be in was more revealing, her naked breasts rising up as she stretched her arms behind her and over her head. She felt Kevin grab her wrists, feeling something lashed around them, digging into her flesh. He yanked her arms up higher until she was almost on her toes, her lean body stretched taut. He released her wrists, but they lay pinned to the pole, Lily looking up to see the leather rope digging into her flesh. She looked at her nipples, almost pointing up to the ceiling.
“Take a deep breath and relax. Now you have to have a scared look on her face for the camera.”
She felt Kevin’s hands slide along her naked sides, almost as the boys did to her when she was thirteen. His hands were bolder, like Billy, slipping across her belly and sliding up to cup her breasts. She didn’t say a word, knowing what he would do next, but she wasn’t prepared that he had licked his fingers to make them wet. He rubbed his wet fingertips across her nipples, teasing the nerve-rich flesh, the cool air blowing on the wet tips until Lily shivered in excitement. Her nipples felt so big, swelling up as his fingers continued to tease them erect. She was glad her legs weren’t tied, clenching her thighs together, squeezing her pussy as though she was clenching on a lover inside her. Wishing there was one between her thighs.
“Look scared, not excited, Lily,” Stan yelled out to her. The fire was burning brightly, the night growing darker as the sunset. The star of the movie had already been stripped naked by two men, one holding her pinned to the ground while she feigned being scared, but as soon as the other spread her legs and slid into her, she went to work on pleasing him.
Lily felt excited each time the camera aimed at her, the red light on it showing that it was capturing her. It was hard to act scared while she was so excited, but the camera lens was more interested in her breasts than her face. The camera left her to show the star again, but a second camera came over to her, panning up and down her body as Kevin moved behind her. She felt a little panic, letting it show on her face as his hands slid around her naked body, Lily tugging on her bound arms, surrendering to the helplessness that pervaded her body as his fingers moved to her nipples. The fingers strummed her nipples as though she was a musical instrument, the camera catching every touch, every shiver in her body as her nipples grew so big and hard that she ached deep between her legs. His fingers would leave her nipples alone until the camera came back, then he went to work on arousing her once again.
His fingers were pinching her nipples, pulling on them, stretching them as though he wanted to push them into the camera lens. He pulled them up; forcing her breasts into elongated flesh, the fingers hurting when they pinched too tight, but it was a hurt that made her wetter. The star was being fucked by the second cowboy, on her hands and knees, doggy style, Lily watching as the thick cock penetrated her deeply from behind. Lily almost wished it were her that was being fucked from behind.
Kevin took his turn with the star, returning to Lily. He whispered into her ear. “It’s almost over.” He plucked at her nipples again, hearing a moan from her lips as he did. He squeezed her nipples, Lily moaning loudly, not in pain but in pleasure. The camera took in every moment of her excitement, focusing on her face and breasts and the hands that abused her flesh.
The camera left them, Kevin’s hands disappearing from her breasts, her pussy soaked in excitement. She never felt anything like this. Half naked and bound, a stranger fondling her with immunity and all she could do was grow in excitement. She welcomed the camera when it returned, but it was different this time. The star was being fucked by the last cowboys, one taking her from behind as another used her mouth.
Kevin bent down, his hand sliding under her leather skirt and pulling her panties down. Not a word of protest came from her mouth as he stripped them from her. The camera moved in close, panning down to her waist and down her legs and back up.
“Spread your legs,” he ordered her. He didn’t know what to expect as it wasn’t in the script, but a lot of what happened in porn movies was not in the script. One hand slid around and cupped one of her breasts, his fingers digging into the flesh until he felt the hard nub of her nipple pushing into his palm. His other hand slid down across her bare stomach, and by the time it smoothed over the front of her skirt, the camera had already captured her surrender, the squaw spreading her legs for the cowboy that had her bound.
She had promised herself that it wouldn’t happen, but that was before she was enticed into the bondage, her body playing tricks on her as soon as she was helpless to stop them. One hand was playing with her nipple until it was throbbing, the blood forced into the tip until it felt like it would explode, his powerful fingers pinching the base until the blood pounded in the tips of her nipples. She spread her legs as soon as she felt the hand slide down her belly, the camera following the hand. She didn’t protest as she should have when he stripped her panties off. She spread her legs too eagerly as he ordered her. The hand grabbed her leather skirt, feeling it being pulled up as the cameraman kneeled in front of her, aiming the camera directly at her mound as her skirt was pulled up to reveal her to all that would pay a few dollars to buy a porn movie. Lily should have cried out for Kevin to stop when his fingers found her slit and began to run up and down it, but she only moaned loudly as her pussy soaked his fingers. The camera caught every intimate detail.
The cameraman was glad that she had a full bush, not many Indian squaws were shorn and this one had no tattoos either. He hoped this would make it to the final film, catching a close up as the fingers rubbed up and down her slit, her hairs glistening in the lights, as she grew more aroused. Her hips began to move with the fingers that were pleasuring her, capturing her as she rose on her toes as two fingers slid easily inside her. A second hand came around, sliding up her slit until it found her clit, exposing it to the camera as it became aroused.
She could feel the heat of the camera’s light on her pussy, but she couldn’t have stopped them even if she weren’t bound. She was being filmed more intimately than any girl should be, but it was only arousing her more, each time tugging on the ropes that held her bound to add to her excitement. She clenched her muscles on the two fingers inside her, wishing there were more fingers or a cock to take her. His other fingers found her clit and that was all that was needed to send her over the edge. It hit her with a ferocity, racing through her body, and her head exploding as she came, as she never did before. She milked his fingers as if they were a cock that she was trying to please, the orgasm spreading through her body as Kevin’s fingers wouldn’t let her stop, taking her from one plateau to another as the camera recorded every intimate detail. It took long minutes before she came down, the camera finally moving away from her, the movie ending. Kevin finally released her from the bondage, Lily rubbing her wrists, deep indents in her skin where she tested her bondage. She didn’t even put the panties back on, her own clothes in the other room. She took her time dressing, her legs still weak, spent from her orgasm. She finally got dressed and walked out, Stan finding her right away as if he were looking for her.
“I want to thank you, Lily. You added a new dimension to the movie. It was quite unexpected.” He handed her the check. “If you ever change your mind, you have top billing in any movie I make.”
Lily surprised herself. She wasn’t embarrassed or regretful of what she did. In fact, she was proud of herself, though she doubted that she would do it again. “No, I think that will end my acting career.” She took the check, leaving without seeing Kevin.
She copied the check before she deposited it in her bank, so she would have a reminder of her fifteen minutes of fame. The tape that Eric gave to her two weeks later went with it, though she never did look at it. She preferred her own memory.

The End

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Part 2: Marsha Going to the dentist always made Marsha feel nervous. Of course, most things that involved leaving her home made her nervous. She could deal with work, but that wasn’t very frequent. Most of the time, her boss allowed her to work from home, but every so often, she had to actually come in to the actual office. ‘Jesus, Marsha,’ her boss would say, ‘you’ve gotta find some way to get over your problems.’ And she would promise to try to come in more often, and promptly ignore that...

2 years ago
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The Touch Ch 11

WARNING TO READERS – This is a long, rambling, multi-part story and VERY British. The individual chapters will make more sense if read in sequence. * Chapter 11: Wet and Dry With Debbie As I drove to work Monday morning I thought about what was happening. Since that first night in September my entire world seemed to be centred on the seduction of women and the pursuit of sex. I know that it is perfectly normal for teenage lads to be strongly focused on getting their end away, but this was...

3 years ago
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Loves MastersChapter 5 The Hamilton Mansion

The limo dropped Joey and Suzi off at their homes, but they would all join us at the Hamilton mansion for dinner the next night. I had mixed feelings about Joey and Suzi not being with me to see the mansion in all its new glory for the first time, but the parental units insisted. Joey and I usually spent the rest of the day apart anyway as whenever we didn’t, we ended up getting into a massive argument before the day was over, sometimes even before we got home. I normally was so wiped out I...

2 years ago
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Unexpected Surprise

Hello, everyone, I’m Varun and a fan of ISS for a very long time. After reading so my stories now I like to share my own experience. I’m a gay bottom living in Chennai. I always wanted to have a dirty sex and wanted a real adventure in it. I’ve had many experiences like seducing my friend, masturbating in the classroom, sucking in a lonely theatre, and my most favourite picked up in public restrooms etc.. To tell about myself I’m really a good looking smart guy, with a small belly and nice...

Gay Male
1 year ago
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My first time with a guy

It was my senior year of high school. I had never had an interest in guys, had had lots of girlfriends and a big guy, about 6'3", 220 lbs, and very strong. He was also very dominating and intimidating, and always got what he wanted. One weekend my parents left, and weren't coming back until the following Tuesday, and Corey came over to spend the weekend at my house. We messed around for awhile, playing video games and what not, and then he told me he had an idea. He said he would bet me $20...

1 year ago
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Threesome With My Girlfriend And Her Sister

This is my first story in ISS. I’m Mahesh (Name Changed), 21yrs old, living in Coimbatore with my family. I’m doing my B.E final year. I’m a fair, handsome guy, with a 6inch cock, lean guy. My gf name is Sanjuna (Name Changed), 21yrs old, living in same city with her mother. Her father passed away when she was 6, her mother is working so we had a good amount of time alone in her home. Her sister’s name is Hema (name Changed), she is lean, 18yrs old, very pretty. My gf has a nice structure, and...

3 years ago
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A Tale of Two Women

A Tale of Two Women: Part One By Some Writer Amanda looked up from her book as Joanna stuck her head round the door."I'm off out in a minute, pub and club trip with the girls as usual.Did you want to come?" "No thanks," Amanda said with a warm smile.Joanna nodded in acknowledgement and returned to her own room to get ready.Amanda always declined her invitations to come out with the girls, but Joanna always asked out of politeness anyway.If she was honest, Joanna could not imagine Amanda out...

4 years ago
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Office conversations can lead toEDITED

I arrived early in the morning to get some e-mails taken care of before the other workers came in and took up all the computers. To my pleasant surprise she was in early also. I thought to myself, it is now or never. So I started telling her a story. It was not un-true, but I definetly added detail. She was setting at her desk directly across from, and facing mine, in the small, 4 desk office. "Hey, I had a dream about you last night. It may not be appropriate to tell you this, but I...

1 year ago
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WildOnCam Bailey Brooke Busty Blonde Bailey Brooke

Busty all natural babe Bailey Brooke has an ass to die for; actually her whole body is straight from heaven and Small Hands is eager to get his hands all over those gorgeous curves! He goes down on her giving her some oral that will make her cum in no time and that is just what he wants as he presses his tongue deeper into her wet pussy! She makes those glorious tits of hers bounce when she gets on top consuming every inch of that hard cock deep in her pussy! She wants to feel that hot cum so...

1 year ago
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Good Book

It started with a book. The company I worked for had arranged a holiday gift offer through one of those warehouse booksellers. We could order any book we wanted. The selected book would be gift-wrapped, mailed and ready for opening Christmas morning. I decided on a gift for my wife, Melissa. We'd been married less than a year yet, being married was more than I'd ever hoped for. To share your life with someone else was wonderful, the intimacy, the devotion, the togetherness. Oh and the sex,...

3 years ago
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April and Jessica part 2 Jessica finds herslef

Jessica broke her vow about three months before April had her experience with Heidi, but hers was broken in a very different way. It happened one day when Jessica walked home from school; she walked in her front door to find a sight she never thought she would see in her entire life. Her brother’s girlfriend, Sarah, was wearing a black leather cupless corset, thigh high boots, and she was whipping her brother. She called him a naughty boy and punished him for being that way. Jessica was...

3 years ago
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My first gay experience with an old man part 9

After standing there for a bit I decided to go into the restroom to clean up. I told him that I would be right back but to get comfortable on the bed. I quickly freshened up and wrapped a towel around my waist and walked back over to the end of the bed. Vern was laying on his back with his beautiful thick cock fully exposed for me to see. He jokingly said, "why don't you come over here and join me." I gave him a flirtatious little grin and let the towel fall to the floor. I climbed onto the bed...

3 years ago
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Normal Times

There is still one thing that gets me. It is always hard to see my wife depart to do vanilla stuff with her guys. Even worse when it is a holiday deal. Or some special occasion. Friend’s Wedding: First part of last month The Woman Who Married me and HER Real Man went to a wedding. It was HIS friend’s wedding in Jamaica. There had to be a big cover story and the fact that SHE was taking a ten days trip made it interesting. It was an all-inclusive with the wedding for the first Friday afternoon,...

4 years ago
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My son loved fucking me

From past one month some kind of tension was going on between my eighteen year old son, Brad, and me. It started when I caught him looking at some dirty magazines in his bedroom. I always thought that he would be studying in his room, but when one day I walked into his room I saw him enjoying the big asses and boobs shown in those dirty magazines. He was not jerking off on those magazine but I guessed that was his plan, and I interrupted it. He got scared and tried to hide the magazines, but...

2 years ago
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Preferably DeadChapter 4

"I don't know what you're talking about. I ain't no kidnapper!" I didn't say anything in reply to that. Instead, I just walked my horse a step or two. I let him swing in the breeze for nigh on to five minutes before I backed off this time. I let him back to the ground before I said, "How long do you reckon I can leave you hanging like that, Mr. House? I got my lunch with me, so I expect that I could last a couple of hours or so, real easy-like. Do you have an opinion?" "Oh, God,...

3 years ago
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Coffee Shop Girl

I went out to my favorite coffee shop on my lunch break and ordered a latte. I sat down at a table to wait while they made my coffee.I turned around to survey the room a little and caught this girl staring at me. As soon as I looked in her direction I could tell that she looked away. Her legs were crossed and they were both pointed right at me. It felt like she was pointing her pussy at me.I looked into her eyes, waiting for her to look up again. When she met my eyes I just looked at her sort...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Butt Fucking

My boyfriend and I both LOVE anal sex. And when I say we love it, I know that I can’t get enough of it and he’s an anal enthusiast to say the least. I’m not submissive, I just adore a big, juicy, hard dick in my asshole. If I had my way, I could take a dick in my ass every day, twice a day if I had the chance. Gregory, on the other hand, likes to keep a little variety in our sex lives so he has me on anal restriction. I can only get butt fucked twice a week so I have to ration it out until...

2 years ago
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The Closer

Terry Lane is the 51 year old Senior Vice President for New Business Development and Sales for Tri-Care Healthcare. She has been with Tri-Care for over 21 years, starting out as a Marketing Director and Salesman and then was promoted a Regional Marketing Director and then on to a Vice President for New Business Development. She was finally promoted to her current position eleven years ago. She is attractive, smart and very good at what she does. The CEO of Tri-Care has the fullest confidence in...

1 year ago
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Taken abused and displayed 4

Sara continues to moan with need for release as the weight hanging from her swollen clits swings gently Oh my god ! Saras mind screams. Every breath Causes the small weight hanging from the clamp on her swollen clit to swing , No matter how hard she tries to stand still it swings and pulls l. Her nipples are swollen and distended and the crotch rope in he little cunt itches as it rubs the tender lips of her pussy. Bound helplessly as she is she can do Nothing except moan into her gag. How much...

2 years ago
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Mom Fucks Son

It’s a story about a son and his mom, a son who turned 18 last month, and mom 38. I don’t know why this happened to me. I had born in a small town where our family, dad, mom and me lived for 13 years. But five years ago my dad and mom decides to separate out. I decided to live with mom, as she was helpless at that time. After two years of their divorce I left our town for my graduation. Up till now all the things were going normal. The relation between mom and me was same as every other mom and...

1 year ago
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HussiePass Molly Little She Likes a Good Sized Dick

Doe-eyed coed Molly Little is back home once again, and since she’s had pretty much everyone else, we paired her up with new stud Don Sudan for this unforgettable interracial Hussie?Pass update. After director Johnny Robins guides the interview portion of the program, Molly sheds her skimpy lingerie and begins to warm up her very meaty vag, first with her fingers, then with a considerable translucent rubber dong. Don then makes his way into the scene with some lube for the legit...

4 years ago
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Montana Jake

Today seems like a good day for some pool. I have returned to my home town, after being gone for 4 years going to college. I was at a local pool hall, bar, and restaurant combination like you will have in these small Nevada towns. It even has a casino in it. I have just beat 2 college boys, that thought they would be better at playing 8 ball than I was. I was even playing with a very crooked pool cue, and barely beat them or so they thought. We were playing for $5 per person per game, with the...

4 years ago
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Passionate Bondage 8211 Part 1 The Beginning

Hey sexy guys and girls. This is Raj, a 28-year-old software engineer. I am currently living in the Bay Area, USA. Sexual Interests: Passionate bondage, Wild BDSM Sex. Without wasting any time, let me get to the story. It was a Friday afternoon. Like most of you, I finished my last meeting and set my laptop aside. Slowly dozed off into a peaceful nap. Suddenly woke up with my phone buzzing for a text message. It was Geetika. Geetika: I am bored. (Sad smiley) Geetika is my new friend. A 34...

3 years ago
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Seema and the Truck Drivers

After her first hardcore gangbang with me and my friends all of us fucked Seema couple more times, though never all together. And I was the common factor in all those sessions. Once when I was returning to Mumbai from Bangalore I thought why not take this bitch with me to Mumbai and have more fun. So, we planned to go together, she would stay for couple weeks and return. I was sure this was going to be more fun than what I have had till now. We left on a Thursday evening in my car. As we were...

4 years ago
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Letter from Annapolis

LETTER FROM ANNAPOLISDear Shoeblossom:I’ve always known I was a bad boy. My Mother used to get so mad at me?she’d want me to spend time with my sisters, and help polish the silverware?she’d shake her head because I didn’t want to play with paper dolls?I wanted to be like my macho father.Mother had strawberry blonde hair in a bouffant hairdo, and what they used to call a Rubenesque figure. When she heard me say ?Fuck? over the phone to a classmate, she knew that I was doing the evil adolescent...

3 years ago
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Dee Does High SchoolChapter 13

"I'm not going to ask Missy to be the bait," I stated flatly. What followed was me against all of them. Well, almost all of them. Mom was brooding, and the lady from CPS was caught on the horns of a dilemma -- me or Missy -- an impossible choice for her. I've always wondered, what does a dilemma look like? Like some sort of a cow or bull, with long twisty horns? It certainly must be uncomfortable to be on the horns of, judging by her expression. Anyway, in the end, outnumbered and worn...

3 years ago
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The Painter

Aiden was a painter by trade. Not the imaginative, Picasso type, but a decorator. It wasn’t what he had aspired to be, but for now, at least, it kept him living comfortably in his bachelor lifestyle. At 33 years of age, Aiden had yet to find a woman he connected with on a high enough level to convince him he wouldn’t be wasting his time and money on a wedding. It didn’t faze him though; he was good-looking, kept himself in shape and, from extensive experience, he was quite the ladies man. They...

Quickie Sex
2 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 890

Life! 1. When I was 13, I hoped that one day I would have a girlfriend with big tits. 2. When I was 16, I got a girlfriend with big tits, but there was no passion I decided I needed a passionate girl with a zest for life. 3. In college I dated a passionate girl, but she was too emotional. Everything was an emergency. She was a drama queen, cried all the time and threatened suicide. I decided I needed a girl with stability. 4. When I was 25, I found a very stable girl but she was boring....

3 years ago
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La Hacienta

It’s 3pm right now, and I’m sitting in front of the computer with a glass of Mountain Dew and a bag of popcorn, along with a plate of reheated pizza from last night. But, my mind is away from my food and the Yahoo messenger, with the instant message windows popping up. I quickly close them – my attention is focused on something else. I keep on going back to last night, and wondering if I should have walked out farther, even if it was raining quite hard and the ground beneath me was a muddy mess...

3 years ago
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New PleasuresChapter 8

"Church," I replied seriously. Rhea laughed. "No where are you going?" she asked persistently, not hiding any of her teenage body. "Church." "No, you're not. The last time you were in church was my Christening and you pissed all over one of the gravestones. Mum and Dad were very embarrassed, they keep reminding you." I smiled. "Given that I was two you can't really blame me. I am off to Church." "You're not. Who are you going to see. Is it Abi? Or Sarah? Or..." "God?" I...

4 years ago
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Maid of Orleans

Tom Fisher, the game-keeper's son, was mighty proud of his new trousers. The pair they replaced had been threadbare, and he had worn them every day for four years, until they threatened to rip apart every time his enthusiastic friend tried to take the salute. Now, it was restrained by the tweed material, pushing the tough fabric out but with no danger of breaking through. This was a matter of some relief to him. He sat on a fallen log in the woodland round his home, casually throwing acorns...

2 years ago
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His and Her Jobs Part 2

"There are a lot of girls depending on you and one in particular as well, so Bridget are you game?" she asked in all seriousness. I really thought about what she was asking me to do. I mean it was one thing to dress like a girl. It was one thing to try to pass in a crowd, even one thing to ask to be accepted for the way you chose to dress. But to truly try to live as a woman is a task far more complicated than all those put together. I looked around at the room again taking it all...

4 years ago
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Family Escapades 8211 Part 4 Slave To The Servants

Hi, I am Jai and this story which I am going to narrate is a real-life incident, which happened in my friends’ life. I have narrated it as he explained it to me. Just sit back, relax and enjoy while shagging your dick. I even gotta see some encounters after my friend explained this experience. It’s a long story and I will try to make it as interesting as possible. I am a good looking, 5’8 tall and have a 6-inch strong dick; I work out regularly which helps me go really long sessions on the bed....

2 years ago
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Strange Therapy

STRANGE THERAPY The prosecutor said, "Your Honor, the facts in this case are clear. The boy, Henry Lincoln, placed his hands on Carla Gianassi in a clearly aggressive and sexual manner. He stopped only because he was about to be discovered by others coming into the room. He is a clear danger to all the women he comes in contact with. "Don't let his young age fool you. No doubt the defense will argue that he's just young, and it's just his hormones raging out of control. Well,...

1 year ago
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A Night at the Club

One warm evening, as the sun was setting over the horizon, the skies glowing in beautiful purplish, reddish tones, a young lady of Asian descent began to undress. Alexis was preparing for a shower before heading out for a night on the town. Her body was that of perfection although she would never admit to it. She was proud though as she gazed into the mirror. Her supple breasts were perky and firm, every man’s fantasy. They were soft and smooth to the touch. Her legs were strong but hidden with...

4 years ago
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Tingles Eleven

TINGLES ELEVEN By Katharine Sexkitten I took a moment during the first meeting of Tuesday to zone out, focussing not on the latest marketing and operational plans for a product roll-out, but instead on the never-ending exquisite rapture of wearing panties. Words are hard to find to express just how sexy wearing panties can make me feel. Does make me feel. Every time. Every second. Soft fabric cradling my little hairless feminine cock and balls, holding them in a pillow of...

3 years ago
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Akanksha My First Love

All characters mentioned in this story are 18 and above. It was 3 days after I had proposed Akanksha and we had our intimacy. The last period of Saturday was games period. The whole class was in ground and we both were in class. Well the games period provided us 45 min of privacy and we made it sure that it was well used. I kissed her neck. She: What are you doing? Me: I am trying to kiss my girlfriend. She: Not here. Someone will come. I turned her face towards me. She was wearing new nose...

4 years ago
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Ganga Kama Kathaigal 8211 Part 8 First Night Sex With Purushan

Indru tamil kama kathaiyil enathu thodar kama kathaiyai ungalidam pagirugiren. Sir en soothil sunniyai vida naan udane vali endru sola avar sunniyai veliyil eduthu soothai naka aarambithaar. Soothil sex seivathu enbathu ithu thaan muthal murai, enaku soothil kuda sex seivaargala endru viyapaga irunthathu athai vida athai naki ookum pozhuthu sugam kidaithathu innum ennai achariyathil aazthiyathu. Teacher soothu ootaiyai nandraaga echu seithu avarin oru viralai vitu aata aarambithaar, haaaaaa...

1 year ago
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Deciding MomentChapter 33

Jessica saw the two come in the door with Jeanie and shrieked, bringing Theresa and Fiona into the room. "Barnes! Report!" she heard in her earpiece. Talking into the cell phone, Agent Barnes said, "We're inside and Jessica saw me." Downs and I could hear Jessica over the phone asking Agent Barnes, "Where is he? Did you bring him? When do I get to see him? Tell me!" As Agent Barnes heard Jessica pelting her with questions on the one side, she heard Downs in her ear. "Is it...

1 year ago
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Kings and ConquerorsChapter 9

I heard the shift in sounds, from shouts and rug snapping of the servant family and a general conversational hum of the angels not in the theater working on the Tales, to a hush and a more focused murmuring. No laughter though. Maybe it was too strange for laughter seeing a gorgeous naked brunette Jewess, substantial tits swaying beneath her, crawling from the parking lot to the back entrance of the theater. I knew to turn to that entrance before I saw her entering. The shift in sounds let me...

2 years ago
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Kunjaunty nalla ooo irukkam

Yithu mattoru anubhavam: yithil Kunj-aunty kku koottu yathra yum Malayattoor Punnya Mala kayattam/yirakkam vivarikkunnu. Mammi yude yeattavum ilaya aniyathi Mollyaunty; jhangal ellam Kunjaunty ennu vilikkunnu, annu oru 24 vayassu prayam, 5’ 3”, 32-28-30,(un-married); yenikku 19 vayas (Mary aunty yude shishanathil thilachu nilkunna samayam, nearil aruthaaiyma onnum cheythillilla yirunegilum ullil palapposhum chalanangal undaakkiyittundu. Kunjaunty Kozhencherryil ninnum General Nursing passayi,...

3 years ago
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My fucking family

I love my family. Always have, and always will. I worked hard for the bigger part of my life to provide them a nice living. To care for them. And to look after them. I spend most of my free time with them, because I always liked being surrounded by my loved one. I always was, and still am the caring father. Family first. Always. And forever. But there was one day, when it all nearly collapsed. When I almost lost my way. When I thought of leaving them. Running off somewhere else. Start a new...

1 year ago
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Bald Adventure Part One

For the first two evenings of his vacation, Gary sat alone at an outdoor cafe, listening to music across the square, having a few drinks, and now and then chatting with passersby who seemed in the need for talk. It was a pleasant place, no pressure, total relaxation, a nice way to while away some hours. But as the evenings turned into nights, Gary went back to his hotel feeling a little drunk, tired but always wanting at least one sexual experience before he fell asleep. A good looking, fit man...

2 years ago
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My First Cock Chapter 3

I replied “Sure.” And headed toward the steps to get out of the pool. As I got to the steps, Gary had already reached them, I looked up at his firm, but not hard cock, and balls. Interesting perspective. I realized that I could still taste his cum in my mouth. It was very agreeable. When he shot into my mouth, it was so fast and such a large volume, that I hadn’t really caught the flavor. I liked it. Climbing up the steps, I became aware that we were both naked. Essentially exposed to...

1 year ago
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Lauren gets two new lesbian lovers

"Can i stop yours tonight?" asked Lauren "Yeah sure, my parents are away" replied Jess "Great i'll see you about 6?" said Lauren "Yeah but i hope you don't mind Katies stopping the night too." said Jess "Thats fine, see you later" said Lauren 6 o clock came. The doorbell rang. Lauren was greeted by Jess and Katie, who were giggling and stumbling around. "Your drunk" said Lauren, hardly shocked. "Yeah, grab a drink" said Jess, filled with enthusiasm. Jess' mum had left the alcohol cupboard...

4 years ago
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My First Bi Experience

Last night I had my first experience with a guy and thought I'd share it with you here.I was out with a few friends for a mates birthday and I'd had quite a lot to drink. I was walking home by myself and decided to log onto a well known swingers site to see who was online. I got a message from a guy (I'll call him K) who I had been speaking to for a while saying he was horny and was needing some fun :P I told K where I was and he said he lived very nearby! We exchanged a few more messages and I...

3 years ago
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Sex Slave Greets After Work

I would love to make you my dirty sex slave. I would dress you up in a tight lingerie dress where your big tits are exploding out of the top and your ass covered up tight. You would wear thigh high socks that nearly reach your the bottom of the dress but a little skin is exposed between your ass and the top of your thighs. You would wear a sexy choker neckless that highlights your beautiful neck and throat. I would meet you after work with you dressed up like a pretty sex slave waiting for me...

2 years ago
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The Twelve Lays of Christmas Ch 06

Day Seven Cherie Partridge wasn’t the type of person to curse, but she was cursing today. She’d gone into the Le Petite Chou and Brandi must have hugged her twenty times for introducing her to Irina. Irina had thanked her in her own unique way. She was hoping to meet Thomas for lunch, but he had to meet with the ‘Turtledoves’ for another event, then his French friends, the three LeClaire sisters, were taking him to lunch, an annual tradition. Brandi told him his ‘birds’ from England had also...

2 years ago
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Nine Memorable DaysChapter 6 The Phone Call And The Plan

I waited the required ten minutes before picking up the phone. I heard the phone ringing on the other end of the line and wondered just who was going to pick up the phone at the other end. I don't know why but I hoped it wasn't Julie Morris. Oh I knew the call was about her, I'm not that silly, but I just hoped that mum didn't have to talk directly to the bitch. "Hello," came the breathless voice on the other end of the phone, "Jane Morris." Now I understood. It seemed obvious that...

4 years ago
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Bleak House

Bleak House Synopsis A fervently righteous young couple find their views challenged when they becomelost on the moors and seek help at a house where the occupants very sexuallyliberated. Bleak House by obohobo Warnings Please take note! The text in this story contains erotic material and is expressly written foradults only. MF MM FF NC. Spanking If you are underage or offended by such material -or- if viewing this fileis illegal in your locality, then leave, close or delete this...

2 years ago
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Mood Meter

It's the maximum pleasure and satisfaction that people derives from a particular interest that drives them toward it. Imagine if you could change that. A bully takes sadistic pleasure from beating weaklings black and blue, right? Well, you can just reduce his interest in such act and turn it elsewhere with the MOOD METER. The MOOD METER can even do so much more than that. This is the story of those who use it in the grandest way possible.

Mind Control

Porn Trends