A Well-Lived Life - Book 3 - PiaChapter 13: Aftermath, Annie, ABBA, And The ABC-80, Part I free porn video

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September 1979, Hovås/Göteborg, Sweden

After my short nap, I took a bit of time to collect my thoughts before I called the girls. As I was doing that, Suzana came in to my room.

“Are you OK?” she asked.

“Yes, I’m a little better now, thanks. I’m sad, but I think I’ll be OK,” I sighed. “I need to call my sister and my two friends who knew about this and let them know.”

“Some people knew about this?”

“Yes, people who I could trust not to tell my parents.”

“Including your little sister?”

“She and I are very, very close. I tell her absolutely everything. She knows my entire life, what I think, what I do, what I dream. I miss her a lot. That’s why I was hoping we could at least be friends. I like having a sister I can talk to.”

“You can talk to me,” Suzana said. “I’ll listen.”

“Thanks. Let me make my phone calls.”

I called Jennifer first. Her reaction more or less mirrored my own.

“Oh my God! That’s horrible! I can’t believe her mom did that! You must be devastated.”

“I am. What I need right now is a hug from you, but I can’t have one.”

“Isn’t there anyone there who can give you one?”

“Not the same, Jen, not even close.”

“What about Pia?”

“She’s three hours away. And even so, she’s more like Joyce than you, or even Melanie.”

We spoke for a few more minutes, and then I called Melanie. She was more practical.

“You do have to admit that life was going to be hell for her having your baby. For you, it was going to be easy, really. You’d get to play dad on weekends or whenever, and maybe pay some child support when you were older. It wouldn’t fundamentally change your life at sixteen. Becky was going to have 3:00am feedings, dirty diapers, little sleep, and an almost impossible time graduating from High School. And she’d have no social life at all. What High School teenage guy would go out with a girl who had a kid, even if she could even find time to go out?”

“I admit it Melanie. I know it would have been hard for her. But that was my baby.”

“Yes, it was. But you and I both know that you’ll have a chance to have another one. So will she, when it’s time. It wasn’t time.”

“That doesn’t make it easier,” I protested.

“I know. But think about her, please. I know you don’t love her, but you do care for her.”

“You’re right; I still do care for her,” I sighed, resigning myself to the moment.

I took a deep breath, and forced a smile she would not see, “How are you and Pete doing?”

“Fucking each other silly!” Melanie declared mirthfully.

I chuckled, “Good; very good!”

After a few more minutes of small talk, we ended the call and I called Stephanie. I knew there was a chance my parents would be home, but I had to take the risk. Her response was what I expected.

“Good. I know you’re sad, but that bitch should never have gotten pregnant in the first place. It was a slutty thing to do and just not right. Now you can be done with her once and for all!”

“Stephanie, she killed our baby!”

“Yes, she did. A baby she tricked you into making. A baby that should never have been. A baby you didn’t want.”

“But I did!”

“No, you didn’t! After the fact maybe, but you didn’t want that baby when it was made. You know I love you, Big Brother, but I told you she was dangerous. You didn’t listen then; now maybe you will.”

Stephanie could be quite the bitch herself at times, but she was right. She had warned me and I hadn’t listened to her.

“You’re right, Squirt, but that doesn’t make it easier.”

“I know. You and Jennifer will have kids when the time is right,” she said. Then, her voice softened to almost a whisper, “I love you, Big Brother.”

“I love you, Steph.”

I hung up and went back to my room. Suzana came in to check on me and I said I was OK, even though I really wasn’t. I spent the rest of Sunday in a funk, thinking of what might have been. In that funk, I couldn’t even write in my journal. That would have to wait.

The next week was a blur. I really wasn’t in the mood for much of anything. I ran in the mornings, which gave me time to think. Something was nagging me in the back of my mind. About the baby and what had run through my mind. There was a clue there if I could decipher it.

On Wednesday morning while I was jogging, it hit me.

I was born in April 1963, which meant mom most likely had gotten pregnant sometime in July, 1962. Mom and dad had married at the end of November, 1961. Sometime between then and July, 1962, mom had miscarried. I had no idea what the recovery time was from a miscarriage, but assuming a couple of months seemed right. And to know she had a miscarriage, she probably had to be a couple of months along.

I also knew that my parents met late in July 1961. The marriage had been quick with dad flying from where he lived in Los Angeles to Cincinnati, where mom lived, to meet her parents. They married in Los Angeles less than four months after they met. I tried to remember the pictures of them at the church, but in my mind’s eye all I could see was a black-and-white photo of my mom and dad looking much younger than they did now.

Holy shit!

It hit me like a ton of bricks! Had mom been pregnant? Did they have to get married? That would explain so much about my mom. If she had sex before she met my dad, then had sex with Dad in Las Vegas, got pregnant, and had to get married, it was no wonder she was so freaked-out about me having sex. And if all of that was true, she would have completely lost it over Becky’s pregnancy.

That had to be it. That would explain everything. Perhaps with my new knowledge, I could figure out how to deal with my mom. Perhaps my Senior year wouldn’t be so bad. Of course, I had no idea how I COULD use the information to my advantage, but the knowledge itself was valuable.

I was still down in the dumps and I really needed Jennifer or Stephanie. They weren’t available because they were in Ohio. Pia might help, but she wasn’t in Göteborg and I wouldn’t see her for three more weeks when she came to visit for the ABBA concert. None of the girls at school were more than simple friends. Petra and Sofia seemed too young and inexperienced, and Freda and I just hadn’t clicked like I had hoped we would. The only person I had really talked to so far was Suzana, but our friendship was just starting.

I realized that I had no close emotional support, and that was frightening. It felt like when I had been without Jennifer and Melanie and had just broken up with Becky. I had been adrift and alone. Like then, I was surrounded by people and still alone.

I recorded my first cassette letter to Jennifer. I just talked into the tape recorder for twenty-five minutes, pouring out everything that was on my mind and in my heart. I wrote a short note to the Anderssons telling them how things were going. I also bought Karin a birthday card and a small gift that I put in a box and addressed to her mom to give her on her birthday. I’d mail everything on Monday from the Post Office near to Schillerska.

Saturday came, and I wasn’t really feeling up to ice skating, but I had promised. Being with Sofia, Petra and Tomas cheered me up a bit, but I was still just kind of going through the motions. I walked so Sofia’s house with the three of them. Petra and Tomas said goodbye and walked on.

“Something is bothering you,” Sofia said. “Come in for a minute.”

We went inside and after saying ‘hello’ to her parents, she led me to her room.

“What’s bothering you?” she asked.

“Just some things at home that I have to deal with. It’s just a lot of stuff and the person I would talk to about all this is back home.”

“Can I help?” Sofia asked.

“I don’t know. It’s really complicated.”

“I don’t want to see you be sad. Let me help you.”

“It’s OK. Really. I can handle it.”

“You don’t have to be alone. Please, I can help. Do you want to do something Saturday night, just us two?”

“Sure. What did you want to do?”

“Just come by next Saturday at 5:00pm.”


She hugged me and walked me to the door and I walked home, still in a funk.

On Sunday, I played a round of golf with Patrick during the afternoon. That evening, I finally wrote in my journal after a week of being unable to do so. It helped some, but I still needed Jennifer. I decided to call her, though I knew we couldn’t talk long.

“You aren’t alone,” she said. “You have friends there, right? Get help from them. What about the girl you were seeing?”

“Pia? She’s in another city three hours away by train. I can’t see her for a couple of weeks.”

“Is there someone there in Gothenburg?”

“I think the girls are too young and inexperienced. There’s my host sister, but she’s only just become cordial with me.”

“I love you, but you need someone to support you. Find someone, OK? I know you well enough to know what you need. Even if it’s just a comfort fuck, it’ll help.”

“The only girl I’m seeing that could fit the bill doesn’t like to make love, just go as hard and fast as possible. That doesn’t provide comfort, just release. I need you. Badly.”

“I know, but you need someone closer to you. I think that’s something Birgit recognized. There’s something about you that needs that kind of relationship at this point in your life.”

She was right, of course.

“This is like last year when I didn’t have you or Melanie after I broke up with Becky.”

“Don’t do anything dumb, Steve, but please find someone close to where you are, OK?”

“I love you, Jennifer.”

“I love you, Steve.”

I hung up, not feeling any better. I decided to see if I could find Suzana and talk with her.

I found her watching TV with Patrick and Pernilla.

“Suzana, would you like to take a walk? I really need someone to talk to.”

“Sure. OK.”

We walked down the street and I basically dumped everything on her — Birgit and her death; my breakups with Melanie and Jennifer; Becky and her deceit and the pregnancy; my mom; the abortion. She just listened without saying anything.

“Wow!” she said. “That’s a lot of stuff to happen to one guy in a couple of years. I don’t know what to even say or how to help you.”

“Just letting me talk helps. I’m grateful that you’re listening.”

“Well, all I can say is that you should spend time with friends, I know you go ice skating with Petra and Sofia. Maybe some kids in your class? Just be around people you like and have fun.”

Which is pretty much what Jennifer had said.

“Good advice,” I said. “Thanks for listening. Will you be my friend?”

“Yes, I’ll be your friend. I’ll do what I can to help.”

We walked back to the house, and I went to bed, mentally exhausted.

October 1979, Hovås/Göteborg, Sweden

On Monday, something happened that briefly took my mind off of Becky and the baby. Helge took me to one of the normally unused classrooms and showed me something that made my eyes light up — four computers! The computers were a Swedish model called the ABC-80 and were basically identical to my TRS-80 at home! It wouldn’t solve my problems, but it gave me something to do that could at least take my mind off of them temporarily.

The computers were available during my break period as well as after school. I signed up for one of the computers for my break period and then for Wednesdays after school. I met a third-year student named Jan who seemed to have the same level of programming skills I had. He and I struck up a conversation and he signed-up for the same periods that I had. It looked like I had a new programming buddy!

On Tuesday, Bengt invited me to a party that Friday that he was having for some of the kids in the class. It wasn’t a full class party, but about half the girls would be there, plus some of the guys and some of Bengt’s friends. I said I’d love to go. He gave me the address and said I could simply take the tram and bus with him to his house near Västra Frölunda. Remembering the advice, I asked if I could bring someone. He said sure.

I tried to decide who to ask. I figured one of the three girls who were helping me at lunch with Swedish would be a good choice. Suzanne seemed far too quiet and had not gone to the last party. Christina was vivacious, but she hadn’t gone to the previous party, either. That left Annie. When I thought about it, she was exactly my type — intelligent, self-confident, and friendly.

At lunch I asked her to the party, and she said she’d love to attend, but she’d be taking the last bus home as she had at the other party. I said that was fine with me and I let her know about the plans to travel there with Bengt. At the end of lunch period, I let Bengt know that Annie would be attending the party with me.

On Wednesday afternoon, Jan and I talked about programs we could write. He came up with a math game he called ‘Jug’, that involved moving the cursor around the screen to capture numbers that added up to the random number the game chose. I decided to write a slot machine game. We both got started on our programs and asked each other’s advice and checked each other’s programs. For a few hours, I thought of nothing but programming.

On Friday, Annie and I went to Bengt’s party. Like the previous one, we listened to music, danced, ate, and drank. I mostly danced with Annie, but did dance a few times with other girls. Unlike the previous party, I found that after a few drinks, I was hurting less and thinking less. For the first time in my life, I got drunk; drunk to the point where I felt nothing and cared about nothing. I wasn’t even aware that Annie left, in fact, by midnight I wasn’t aware of much at all. All I knew was that the emotional pain was gone.

Unfortunately, it was only gone until the next morning. When I woke up, all the emotion hit me again AND I had a staggering headache to boot. I trudged to the bus stop and managed to get on the correct bus to Hovås. When I got there, I dropped my stuff and went immediately to the bathroom, stripped naked, turned the sauna on to a higher temperature than usual, went in, and sat down on my towel. As soon as the rocks were warm, I poured triple the usual amount of water on to make some serious steam. I sat there and let the headache and the vodka pour out of my body as sweat.

About fifteen minutes after I went in, Suzana came in.

“Steve? Why so much steam? It’s too much!”

“I got drunk last night,” I replied. “I’m trying to sweat it out.”

“Oh, no!” she gasped. “Please don’t start drinking. Boys get really stupid when they drink a lot! And Dad gets really mean.”

“Don’t worry,” I groaned. “I think I learned my lesson from this one. I woke up this morning with all the same problems I had before I got drunk, and a horrible headache as well.”

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Annie in Atlanta Part Two

Part TwoThe Following Night Annie met Mal at seven sharp, and he quickly left the front of the hotel behind them. He drove to the same warehouse parking lot that they had parked in the night before.“Why here, Mal? I thought we were going to a party.” But Annie knew full well why they had returned to this particular parking lot. Mal turned to face her and she’d seen the look in his eyes. He wanted a going away present.“You’re going to the party. I’m not invited. Sorry, I’m sorrier than you can...

4 years ago
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The Erotic Adventures of Annie

Quickly she turned off the water, stepped from the shower and ran to the phone in the bedroom. “Hello.” She panted as she flopped across the bed and grabbed the telephone. “Annie.” “Stan, hi honey, where are you?” “You’re a little out of breath, there baby, you ok.” “I was in the shower, thinking about you.” She said softly, her face flushing at what she had been doing. “Hope it was good thoughts.” ”It was sexy thoughts, sweetie.” She giggled. The dampness between her legs made her...

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Annie Receives a Gift Part 2

I watched as my wife climbed up off of my cock as my cum ran down the insides of her thighs and walked over to the three men she had just met at the bar downstairs and knelt down in front of Jim and started sucking his cock as cum dripped out of her cunt onto the carpet. She sucked his cock deep into her throat as she reached out and stroked Paul and Bill at the same time then she pulled back and looked up at Jim and asked, “Do you want to fuck me now?” Jim just smiled at Annie as he pulled...

2 years ago
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Annie Receives a Gift Part 2

I watched as my wife climbed up off of my cock as my cum ran down the insides of her thighs and walked over to the three men she had just met at the bar downstairs and knelt down in front of Jim and started sucking his cock as cum dripped out of her cunt onto the carpet. She sucked his cock deep into her throat as she reached out and stroked Paul and Bill at the same time then she pulled back and looked up at Jim and asked, “Do you want to fuck me now?” Jim just smiled at Annie as he pulled...

Wife Lovers
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Annie and her Granny Chapter 8

Annie and her Granny By Susannah Donim Chapter 8 - My Wife's Mother-in-Law Steve's new normal - little sacrifices. Annie and I were married on the 29th June at the local Registry Office. It was a completely conventional wedding; i.e. Annie wore the dress, and she looked absolutely gorgeous. I asked Fred to be my Best Man, and he was brilliant. It was an opportunity for me to get to know Annie's family better. I had only met them a couple of times, as they lived up North and...

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Annie and Julie

Annie watched the spread-tied girl's narrow hips thrash as the young victim tried futilely to kick her legs free. Her open-legged struggle caused her pussy to "dance" above the bed delightfully. Annie reached out and grabbed a thatch of the girl's pubic hair, pulling her upward by it until the girl tore her hips away. Meanwhile Julie pinned the girl's shoulders down and buried her face in the girl's left breast, sucking voraciously as if she could force milk from it. Her free hand plucked the...

2 years ago
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Annie Says Maybe Ch 6 A Friend Indeed

Two months after the Anniversary"Claim the natural rewards your body provides." Dr. Carly's voice was collected; hushed, but resolved."We women come in all shapes and sizes, all manner of walks of life. No one would dispute the benefit of walking, jogging, or running to better your health. So it is with your body's pleasure centers. When we exercise them, we benefit holistically. This is science, not fantasy.For those of you who are just starting to explore yourselves, or are reinvigorating...

Wife Lovers
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Annie and Alex Ch 01

I met Annie 20 years ago. We were introduced by a friend, who worried that all work and no play would make me, Alex, a very dull boy. She thought the same about Annie, who was her university roommate. Annie and I came from different backgrounds, but we were both nerds. She was the only daughter of a wealthy businessman and his wife. Me, I was the son of a bus driver and a school teacher, ordinary people. Annie was posh, I was common. Both Annie and I concentrated on studies over social life...

4 years ago
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Scientific Experiments with Annie and Sex mf oral

"You Can Get Pregnant From Doing That!" Thursday: I woke up feeling rather nice. I wasn't mad, not even a bit annoyedat Maureen. I had been, though I'd resisted that feeling. I wasdisappointed by her restriction, but I loved her and it was OK. Iloved her even if we didn't fuck. I'd love her even if we didn't dosex at all. After all, I'd loved her before that, and I certainlyloved Sherry despite the fact that she wouldn't do it with me either.Fucking I mean, not all sex. I'd have been beyond...

4 years ago
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My sister Annie

She was my sister and I loved her. But when Mom called and told me I had to have her up to the school for 4 nights I was pissed. It was the 4 day weekend -- Founders Day into Memorial Day -- and I'd been looking forward to the college parties and particularly to getting closer to Sandy- my new girlfriend. I was a sophomore and woefully undernourished in the pussy department, but Mom doesn't take no for an answer. She and Dad were off to Barbados, there was no one else, she didn't trust Annie...

2 years ago
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Annie and I

To celebrate Annie's 16th birthday, we spent a week horseback riding and camping in the Ozark Mountains. It was then our plan to drive south to New Orleans for a few days of fine dining and civilized touring. Stealing a look at Annie in the passenger's seat, I couldn't help feeling a little sadness that her mother was no longer with us, to see what a fine young woman Annie had become. She had her mother's figure and the sort of plain honest face that wears so well. Annie and I enjoyed the...

4 years ago
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Annie Geff Part 2

Robert when was in a bay that had 6 beds in it but as Annie walked she saw that only 3 of the beds were actually occupied and she smiled as she saw the three men all in a row with her husband at the far end, she said “it looks like the 3 wise monkeys in here!” and one of the men smiled and said “no it is just 3 of your admirers” Annie laughed and replied “Well hopefully two he doesn't really count does he” looking towards her husband! The third guy looked Annie up and down and said “Hey Robert,...

4 years ago
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Lip and Annie Ch 10

Late Wednesday afternoon Robert made a phone call to Dr. Maier from his home in Thunder Bay. Although he was sure that Annie was completely past her emotional problems, he decided to seek confirmation from her doctor. ‘This is Dr. Maier.’ ‘Hello, this is Robert Porter calling. I know that Annie had an appointment earlier this afternoon, and I’m wondering if I could speak to you about her.’ He could hear a sharp intake of breath, even over the phone. ‘What is this about? Has this to do with...

3 years ago
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Lip and Annie Ch 08

‘You’re awake! I thought I could move away from you before you realized what I was doing. I’m more than happy to be here the way we are, if it’s okay by you.’ Robert tried to move forward a little bit to get them even closer than they already were. ‘I must have slipped my hand into your top during the night. I can’t say that I’m entirely unhappy with that, though.’ He gave her breast a little squeeze before moving his fingers to tweak her nipple. Her sigh of contentment let him know that she...

4 years ago
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Saving Annie Part 1

"So what's your choice? Your 10 minutes is nearly up Mr. Ivey." The words rang through Peter Ivey's head, bouncing back and forth like a hyperactive ping pong ball. It all felt surrealistic and he had a brief moment where he felt oddly out of body. He wasn't sure what to do. His flight or fight response was tripping strongly towards flight but intellectually he knew he could no more flee than abandon his best friend here. He was furious and scared. His heart was beating a trip...

3 years ago
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Annie Says Maybe Ch 3 A Shopping Trip Down Memory Lane

 Wednesday Morning: Four Days After the Anniversary.Annie worked the bullet against her clit, starting to push uncomfortably hard into her folds to get a little more buzz from it. It didn't help that her left hand wasn't quite as dexterous as her right, or that she been frigging her ever needier pussy every day since a hard go on Saturday with Sam.She'd even stunned herself on Sunday when she slipped two fingers deep inside herself while getting off in the shower after everyone was in...

Wife Lovers
2 years ago
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Lip and Annie Ch 09

Their first week back they were both very anxious to hear each other’s voices on a daily basis, so their phone calls back and forth became routine. Annie was working a lot of night shifts and trying to sleep in the day, and they usually talked in the late afternoon. Robert was busy too, but he was fortunate that his business didn’t run on set hours, and he could usually make time for Annie whenever she was available. She had told him that the first available appointment with Dr. Maier would be...

2 years ago
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Work Related Fringe Benefits Part 4 Fucking Annie

Annie was closer to my age, 42 in fact and well preserved for her age. She was married with a couple of kids (already out of the house) and stuck in a somewhat less than fulfilling relationship at home. Her husband didn’t make a lot of money and didn’t seem to want to either. Annie had been with the company for quite a while, much longer than I, and was doing pretty well for herself if you took into account her salary, benefits, and a sizable balance in her 401(k) account. She really...

3 years ago
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Annie runs out of petrol

Annie runs out of petrol1 Annie knew that she should have filled up with fuel before she left the motorway, but who could have imagined that the weather would get so bad and that she would get diverted down so many back roads because of the accident.The fuel gauge was showing nil and the warning light was flashing on and off as she whispered to herself “please don’t stop…please don’t stop”. But, then the inevitable happened. The car chugged and spluttered and she was stranded in the back of...

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Annie Pistol Lips Part 2

Make sure to read part 1 first, if you haven't already:https://xhamster.com/stories/annie-pistol-lips-652425-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Outnumbered 40 - 1, Annie knew it would be suicide to even try to fight back.Defeated, she knew her best hope is to surrender, and bide her time...The Indians spoke to each other in a dialect that she didn't recognise.This isn't the first Native American tribe she's ever come across.She's...

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Annie runs out of petrol1

Annie knew that she should have filled up with fuel before she left the motorway, but who could have imagined that the weather would get so bad and that she would get diverted down so many back roads because of the accident.The fuel gauge was showing nil and the warning light was flashing on and off as she whispered to herself “please don’t stop…please don’t stop”. But, then the inevitable happened. The car chugged and spluttered and she was stranded in the back of beyond and the rain was...

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The girls were in a man free zone in the large club room: men were not allowed in on hen nights. The crooner and the blue comedian had done their acts and now the male stripper held centre stage. he was blonde and muscular with a six pack and with a tanned body devoid of hair. Annie and her three companions where sat at a front table not sure if the huge bulge in his posing pouch was genuine. Annie was the bride-to-be, her companions her bride's maids. Annie was tipsy and enjoying herself...

Straight Sex
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Annie and the Junk ManChapter 2

Hollis backed his delivery van to the rear of his shop. He unlocked and opened a pair of sliding barn doors and stepped inside. The lower level was his storage area -- off limits to customers. He climbed the stairs and saw Annie sitting behind the counter. "I'm back," he said. She jumped. "You startled me." "Any business today?" "Some ... a lady came in and bought that deer figurine I liked." "It's almost closing time," he said. "I have to unload the truck. Once you've...

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My little sister Nina sounded so excited to hear that I was finally about to come home, and even though it was late she said she would wait up for me. I was using the phone in the Pastor's office to let her know that we had driven into the night, and the bus had just pulled into the church parking lot.And just before I hung up, I whispered her that "IT" had finally happened, and she literally squealed with excitement.She gasped, "Annie, are you serious? You mean you really 'IT' really...

2 years ago
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Lip and Annie Ch 07

Angus managed to maintain a straight face for several seconds while he watched Robert’s face turn white. That mission accomplished, he quickly added, laughing as he did so, ‘I’m just having fun with you, Robert. Annie is a big girl now, and she makes those decisions on her own.’ ‘She has told us a lot about you, and just how good you have been to her. She also explained that the room will have two double beds.’ Robert was immediately put at ease by the older man’s words, and he quickly said,...

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Annie and the Bachelor Party

My best girlfriend opened her sparkling blue eyes and smiled at me as my husband Rob pushed his cock deep into her pussy and dumped a huge load of cum inside Lacey’s throbbing cunt. Lacey moaned and closed her eyes again as Rob lay over her back for a minute before he rolled off of her. Then she rolled over onto her back and opened her eyes again and smiled up at me as I slid down her body kissing her nipples before I reached her dripping pussy. Lacey spread her legs wide for me as I started...

3 years ago
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Annie and the Bachelor Party

My best girlfriend opened her sparkling blue eyes and smiled at me as my husband Rob pushed his cock deep into her pussy and dumped a huge load of cum inside Lacey’s throbbing cunt. Lacey moaned and closed her eyes again as Rob lay over her back for a minute before he rolled off of her. Then she rolled over onto her back and opened her eyes again and smiled up at me as I slid down her body kissing her nipples before I reached her dripping pussy. Lacey spread her legs wide for me as I started...

Group Sex
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Annie and the Junk ManChapter 3

Hollis parked behind the Emporium and together they climbed to the apartment. Annie set down her purse and slipped off her coat and boots. "What do you want to do for dinner?" He asked. "I don't know. I don't have much of an appetite." "I have a frozen lasagna." "Okay..." "I'll move your bag," he said and picked it up. He noticed something inside and reached for it. "Annie -- where did you get these?" He held up a pack of cigarettes. "You have to be eighteen to buy...

4 years ago
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Pam and Annie

This is an excerpt from an unposted story, 'Windfall' Pam learns early Pam went on to describe to me, in detail, her childhood awareness of sex and her early fascination with it. She was fortunate that she grew up in a close-knit household with a great extended family and parents that were stern but doted on her. But she had discovered when she was about six that playing with herself brought on the greatest pleasures she had ever experienced, and she was masturbating from that time...

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