Princess Ch. 02 free porn video

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by BrettJ (c) 2015

As her sporty little MG sped along its destination to the Ritz, Candy struggled with the pangs of guilt over her imminent – and ongoing – betrayal.

Her lovely Princess had a huge piece of her heart. She adored Clint, her boyfriend, he was everything she had ever wanted in a man.


Yes, he was strong and athletic and funny and good to her. Yes, his coach said that he was going places, maybe even the NFL. He was smart, although nowhere near Candy’s 145 IQ – something only a select few knew about. On paper, he seemed to be the perfect man.

It was in the real world that Clint’s perfect image fell apart. He was so many things, tall and handsome and sun-bronzed and well hung. He dressed like a young man ought to dress, he said the right things and did the right things.


In bed, he was sorely lacking. The petite blonde Candy had realized from the get-go that sex mattered to her. It mattered a great deal. Princess had been totally forthcoming in her opinion – she was a nympho. Okay, fine – she could deal with that. She and Clint weren’t exclusive. Clint thought otherwise and told her so. Candy had her own solution. She had known since the 6th Grade that she was attracted to other girls. She proposed to Clint that she would only sleep with other girls. That proposal went over like a lead balloon. Clint couldn’t understand why he wasn’t enough for her. Candy couldn’t bring herself to tell him 2 simple truths – that no one person would likely ever be enough – and that he was lousy in bed.

While she struggled with her relationship, Lucifer himself must have sent the temptation her way. How else could anyone explain its being so impossible to resist?

The temptation’s name was Aubrey and she was a delicious and tantalizing morsel that made Candy weak in the knees. Aubrey had been the first girl Candy was attracted to, way back in Grade Six. Even then, there had been an aura of sexy surrounding the pre-teen girl. Aubrey’s family had money and Aubrey could dress as she chose. Furthermore, Aubrey knew she was pretty and so, to get the boys to do whatever she wanted them to do, she did not dress like a 12-turning-13 year old girl. She copied the style of the older girls, the ones in high school. By the start of the 7th Grade, Aubrey was starting to have the body to go with her look. Not all of the boys noticed, but many did. Candy was one of Aubrey’s admirers.

Fortunately for Candy, Aubrey had decided to make friends with all the popular girls, which included Candy among their number. The two girls bonded, partially because of Candy’s tanned, blonde, petite good looks and nature. It didn’t hurt their friendship any that Candy hid her IQ from almost everyone except for a select few. Aubrey was included in the few. Aubrey was many things but a serious and good student was not among them. Candy often helped Aubrey with her homework or did it outright. What did it matter when she could be around sexy Aubrey and her family and enjoy life?

Candy had two friends that she loved with all of her heart and it was always tasking when choosing one over the other. Candy always weighed her options. She knew that her friends would never make her chose, both adored her. They were also equally leery of each other. Candy always thought that it was a shame because they were both gorgeous. Princess wasn’t the jealous type, yet she didn’t like being around Aubrey. Aubrey was self-assured and confident, yet something about Princess set Aubrey off.

In their high school years, you never saw Candy without Aubrey or her beloved Princess. She always enjoyed being one half of a whole. Aubrey’s popularity rubbed off. For example, it had been Aubrey who dated Clint first. Candy only ended up with him when – it – happened.

It was almost the end of their senior year when a tearful Aubrey ran over to Candy. The tears were falling in large drops and she was almost incoherent from sobbing. Candy tried to console her friend and find out what had put her in just such a daze.

‘We’re moving!’ Aubrey wailed. ‘My daddy is moving his business because labor costs are going up here! Candy, I don’t want to move, I love it here – I’m popular and I have my friends, I have you, a life I don’t want to give up. Oh Candy, what am I going to do?’

‘You’re 18 in three weeks, right before we graduate, right?’ Candy asked. Aubrey nodded in the affirmative. ‘Why don’t you stay here in your own place before you start university in the fall? Maybe I could move in with you and we could share?’ She suggested to the still-stricken Aubrey. She was throwing Aubrey a life preserver while trying to hold in her own anguish at the thought of losing her partner-in-crime.

Aubrey looked up at her best friend and her eyes began to fill up again. ‘I suggested that, but daddy won’t hear of it. He thinks I’ll just slut around and turn into some kind of tramp! We leave the week after I graduate. Oh Candy, what are we going to do?’

Candy’s lower jaw jutted out and she took on an unusual look of determination. ‘I don’t know Aubrey, but we are not letting your father ruin all of our plans. I think we should talk to Miss Thomas – she always gives us good advice.’

Aubrey’s spirits lifted the instant she heard Miss Thomas’ name. Lillian Thomas was the girls’ favorite teacher. In fact, she was a favorite among the students and faculty and even the administration. A former wild-child, the half-Vietnamese beauty was a stunning, exotic beauty who was the equal of any famous model. Lillian did not hide her light under a bushel, not her. She wore tight and low-cut blouses and short skirts with high heels. On several occasions, the girls had caught glimpses of real stockings, not hosiery. Her voice was sexy and always seemed to carry a hint of flirtation. Someone so outrageous should have been in trouble with the School Board all of the time, yet Lillian wasn’t. Everyone adored her.

The two upset girls had rushed into Lillian’s classroom where she was sitting grading some papers. She smiled when she saw them, spun around and crossed her beautiful legs. The girls noticed, but were too upset to take much interest. ‘My favorite students,’ Lillian smiled warmly. ‘I hear it’s a close race between you two for Valedictorian. Sorry, I can’t say anything that might give it away.’

‘That’s not why we’re here, Lil,’ Aubrey wailed as she spoke with familiarity to her teacher. Some of Lillian’s closest student friends were permitted to use the more familiar, abbreviated form of her name. Candy and Aubrey had both been accorded that honor.

The two friends poured their heart out to Lillian and to her credit, she didn’t interrupt until they had finished. Her concern for their well-being showed on her face and in her dark, beautiful eyes. When Aubrey finished, Lillian leaned forward, so close to the two girls that they could smell her perfume. ‘Honesty time, loves,’ Lillian said to the unhappy pair. ‘You’re screwed.’

Both girls’ jaws dropped. It wasn’t what they had expected to hear. They both idolized Lillian because she was so brilliant and always got what she went after. Here she was – telling them to give up?

Before they could voice that thought, Lillian spoke up. ‘I usually get what I’m after because I have learned to pick my battles.’ She faced Aubrey and shot straight from the hip. ‘You can’t win this. Your daddy controls the purse strings and his name carries a lot of weight. Even if you did rebel and stay here, I doubt anyone would hire you if he put out the word.’

Candy and Aubrey wanted the ground to open up and swallow them whole, they were so miserable. Looking at their pretty young faces, Lillian had a solution. She reached into her purse and handed them a wad of cash, it was more than $200. ‘W-what are we supposed to do with this?’ Candy asked.

Lillian smiled. ‘You’re both going to be adults, so don’t worry so much about things that are –
for now, at least – out of your control. For the time being, you can call and write – you both have cars, so you can visit. Being apart isn’t going to be the end of the world. I want you to take that money and use it to have a proper goodbye.

Aubrey didn’t quite get it, but Candy sure did and she hugged Lillian as hard as she could. She explained it to Aubrey on the way home. ‘Are you sure you want to do this?’ Aubrey asked her.

‘Very sure,’ Candy said, spinning her friend around on her heels and pulling her close. They kissed for, like, the millionth time, but it was also the first kiss of new, young lovers.


‘Yes really, dummy,’ Candy giggled as they walked home. The two girls held hands and Candy said ‘Like, who else, right?’ That part was a small, little white lie. Princess had been on that list as well, but she had always known it would come down to one or the other.

Aubrey nodded and brushed her chestnut hair from her eyes. ‘Yeah, you’re right. Let me handle the arrangements, I’ve got some connections through daddy. If I don’t spend his money – or too much of his money – he won’t figure anything out. Do you trust me?’ Candy looked at Aubrey as if she had just asked the most idiotic question in the world. ‘Okay, then trust me, I won’t fuck this up – it’s wayyyy too important for both of us.’

Her car was nearing the Ritz and Candy remembered how nervous she had been that first time. She had trusted Aubrey implicitly, but there had been so much at stake. One false move could have been a disaster. Fortunately, Aubrey had been true to her word and seen to everything.

‘Aubrey? Baby, are you here?’ Candy asked as she entered the lavish hotel suite. It sure as heck wasn’t some seedy little motel designed for an illicit tryst. The furniture was ornate, the room itself was spotlessly clean and there was even a large bouquet of roses on the nightstand. Candy looked around the room and saw a tray of canapés and an ice bucket with champagne chilling. She wasn’t really hungry, but that was only for now. She’d never had champagne, as she wasn’t legally old enough to drink, but did that really matter in the grand scheme of things?

Aubrey came out of the bathroom and oh yes, she was there. In a tiny black teddy and bedroom slippers, her presence in the room was very noticeable. ‘H-hey,’ Candy said, her voice suddenly hoarse. She walked over to Candy and took Candy’s face in her hands, planting a large, sexy kiss on the girl’s lips. No one seeing them now would mistake their intentions.

‘We’re really going to do this?’ Candy asked for one final time.

‘Yes, we’re really going to do this,’ Aubrey said, her voice low and breathy. ‘Oh yeah, are we going to do this.’

‘Okay baby, in that case …’ Candy giggled and dropped her trench coat to the floor. She stood in front of Aubrey with a pride she had never felt before, drawn from the look of awe in her girlfriend’s eyes. Her white lacy bustier, matching thong and high heels made her look wild, not sweet and innocent. Her hair was a bit more tousled than normal, her eye makeup a bit more risqué. She very much resembled a girl ‘on the make’.

‘H-how did you get out of the house looking like that?’ Aubrey had to know.

‘I think my mom is a lot savvier than my daddy,’ Candy smiled. ‘I told her that I was going to a pajama party because it was all I could think of. She just smiled and told me to say hi to Aubrey. By the time I got downstairs and past daddy, I was covered up.’

‘Your mom is cool,’ Aubrey said, still staring at the girl she was going to take to bed.

‘She is,’ Candy agreed. ‘I think that she might have her own secret past that she doesn’t talk about.’ Candy was still a bit nervous, so she looked over to the bottle of champagne. ‘Should we have that now or later?’

‘Later,’ Aubrey said as she moved close again. From behind, she nuzzled Candy’s neck and ears. Her girlfriend was so soft and smelled so sweet. ‘When we have something to celebrate,’ she said to Candy.

‘Oh – okay,’ Candy answered, more than willing to let Aubrey take the lead. Neither girl had much more experience than the other, so what was the big deal? Aubrey was the take charge type and Candy, being a person of high intellect, was content to stay silent and let the chips fall where they may.

‘God, you’re so beautiful,’ Aubrey murmured as she took Candy’s hands and led her to a plush settee. ‘You know, I wanted to have sex with you the very first time I saw you.’

‘Fibber! You did not!’ Candy laughed. ‘We were, like, twelve!’

‘Okay, you got me there,’ Aubrey confessed. ‘Maybe not that far back, but in high school, I had a thing for you. I was jealous of other boys, your other friends. I wanted to be your first. I knew it wasn’t rational, but that is how I felt.’

‘Silly girl,’ Candy kissed her cheek and then, spun her head around to kiss her adorable face. ‘If you had asked a while ago, I might have said yes even then. See – here you are – my first.’

‘I can’t believe that I get that honor,’ Aubrey said, blushing a bit and looking down. It’s like some kind of deeply erotic dream.’

‘I don’t get those,’ Candy sighed. ‘Mine are usually flashbacks or weird and disturbing.’

‘Not after tonight, I bet,’ Aubrey laughed. She placed her arms around Candy’s back and pulled the tanned blonde in close for a kiss. Candy’s heart was fluttering, but in a good way. Being with Aubrey was everything she had hoped it would be.

‘Isn’t in funny how much we both like lingerie?’ Aubrey asked, trying to make some small talk.

‘No, not really,’ Candy smiled as she laced her fingers through Aubrey’s dark hair and twirled it playfully. ‘We often like the same things, the same boy …’

‘… the same girls …’

‘Yeah, okay – and we both like girly-girls, so why not this?’

‘Can I ask you a personal question, Cin?’

‘Sure. I don’t see why not, considering what’s going to happen in this room tonight,’ she snickered a bit.

‘Do you have a thing for Lillian Thomas?’ Aubrey asked, looking directly into Candy’s eyes for a response.

‘Miss Thomas? Oh God, who in the school doesn’t. She gorgeous, kind, sexy, flirty, funny, smart …’ She stopped when she saw Aubrey was showing signs of distress. ‘Don’t be jealous, it’s just a schoolgirl crush and I seem to recall you drooling over her a time or two. I’m here with you, so chill and make this a night we’ll remember. Most of this is because of her and we’re on her dime,’ Candy told her girlfriend.

‘Partly on my dad’s too, ‘Aubrey confessed. ‘My mom knows more than she’s letting on, too. She gave me her card, the only daddy never goes near if he knows what’s good for him,’ the girl laughed.

‘Sometimes I wonder who really wears the pants in your family,’ Candy giggled.

‘Oh, it’s mommy. Daddy may hold the purse strings, but if he ever stepped over the line, she’d shut him down. She knows about everything. Hey, think about it – did she ever once walk in on us when you stayed over? Aubrey asked.

‘No,’ Candy shook her head and then, gasped. ‘Oh God Aubrey, did she think that we were …?’

‘We did come close a few times,’ Aubrey said and Candy admitted she was right. ‘Our moms are both cool, we need to follow their example. Come on, let me show you the bed,’ she said to Candy as she led her to the adjoining room.

‘My God,’ Candy gasped.

‘I know, right? Aubrey giggled as she ran to the bed and jumped on it with the playfulness of a child. ‘We could fit the entire football team on this thing and some of the cheerleaders.’

‘Oh yeah, mmm, how yummy,’ Candy sighed. Aubrey rolled her eyes. She had completely forgotten that her bestie had a big cheerleader fetish.

‘Hey girl, focus,’ Aubrey said, snapping her fingers to bring Aubrey back to reality. ‘I didn’t bring you here to indulge all of your fantasies – some yes, all, no.’

‘Sorry,’ Candy
said sheepishly. ‘I do tend to get a bit carried away.’

‘I’d love to carry you away,’ Aubrey teased her. ‘Isn’t this bed gorgeous?’

It was certainly that, lush and spacious, enough room for an orgy. Candy found herself thinking about orgies until Aubrey pinned her on her back and began peppering sweet, tiny kisses on her lips. Being a naughty and passionate little slut – at least for tonight – Candy began to whimper with pleasure and responded in kind. Neither girl had removed a stitch of their lingerie and yet, both were ready to start having sex. Their inexperience didn’t show through at all as they started to make love. The kisses they shared were soft and sensual, a perfect prelude to the lesbian sex that would ensue. Neither of the girls was nervous about what was going to happen between them. Any reluctance had faded the very moment Candy had dropped her coat to the floor. The sweet and intimate sharing was right for them, a moment forever locked in time.

‘I love you,’ Aubrey said as they broke their kiss. She looked into Candy’s eyes and felt swept away with emotion. ‘I wish that I could stay with you here, forever.’

‘I love you, too,’ Candy said in her soft, girlish voice. She sincerely meant it. She felt certain they had been in love since the day they met. ‘We’ll figure something out – and we have the entire night to share and enjoy ourselves?’

Aubrey felt a bit of sadness welling up inside of her, but tonight was not the night for such feelings. She moved the top of the teddy to one side, baring her breasts. ‘Taste me Cin,’ she said in a breathy whisper. ‘Take the first move towards making me yours.’

‘Always mine, yes,’ Candy breathed as she took one of Aubrey’s nipples in her soft lips. She heard an intake of breath from her lover and she realized that Aubrey’s nipples were one of her pleasure spots. She wondered if the same held true for her? She plucked at it with her teeth and heard Aubrey squeal. They had only just started and she was already so turned on.

‘Good, so good,’ Aubrey murmured as Candy teased her body. She looked at the petite blonde and felt such love. ‘God, you’re so beautiful – do you know how beautiful you are?’

Candy shook her head. ‘No, you’re beautiful – I’m – cute.’

‘No, you’re beautiful and we’re sexy,’ Aubrey corrected her as she gestured towards a nearby mirror. ‘Look at how hot we look – we could have any man we wanted.’

‘Or woman,’ Candy corrected Aubrey now. ‘Let’s not limit our options.’

‘Slut,’ Aubrey teased and mingled her tongue with Candy’s. The two girls had become entwined and were all over each other, still fully dressed. Aubrey wanted, more than anything, to see her love without clothes. She had seen the beautiful blonde in bikinis several times, so she knew what Candy’s body looked like. Still, she wanted to remove all barriers towards intimacy.

Aubrey had not said a word and despite that, Candy knew what she wanted. She moved some of her lingerie to one side so that her lover could have access to her. Aubrey loved seeing the nude form of her sexy, tanned Candy. She took full advantage of it, cupping Candy’s breasts and licking them the way that she had always wanted to.

‘Oh God, oh fuck,’ Candy moaned. In her soft little voice, it sounded so sexy to Aubrey. ‘I don’t want you to ever stop doing that!’

‘I know. I don’t want to stop,’ Aubrey sighed wistfully.

Candy ran her hands through Aubrey’s thick chestnut locks as her girlfriend teased her body. She had broken a taboo by coming here with Aubrey and she wouldn’t have wanted it any other way. They were meant to be together and there was only one person who meant as much to her as Aubrey did. Candy felt that it was of the utmost importance to be intimate with someone you loved as much as she did Aubrey.

‘May I?’ Aubrey panted as she came up for air. ‘May I taste your pussy?’

‘Are you asking if you can eat me out?’ Candy teased, feeling very mature and naughty.

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Blood Moon Chronicles Book 3 A New Moon RisesChapter 9

“So, Davik, this is where you have been hiding? I must say it is a quaint little camp that you have here.” The voice jarred me, given that I had not seen anyone here during my quick search of the rooms. I turned to see who had said that, as the voice was familiar, but my shocked mind was having trouble figuring out who it was. I soon looked into the deep brown eyes of my love’s mother, Ilane. “I assume you are having trouble understanding my presence here,” she said, with a smile. “You are...

3 years ago
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Somewhere in Time A Road Less TraveledChapter 46

"She finally got ya!" Sam said with a grin. He slapped me on the back and handed me a cold Sprite "Man, she's been after you since after Elissa died. She is horny as hell for you. Why don't you put her out of her misery? She's 18 and knows her own mind. Hell, I'd be proud if it was you that got her. Ever since 8th grade she's had her eye on you. I'm not certain, but she may even be saving herself for you. She only goes out in groups and doesn't keep a "Steady" boy. Says it's not...

3 years ago
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Saturday night escapades 2

I laughed as I leaned in and kissed Jess on the cheek, saying, “It’s nice to see you again!” “You too, Lisa!” She then added, while looking down at my hips, “I see you had the same idea I did!” I then looked down at her hips and noticed that she, like I, was wearing a skirt. It was a nice little white skirt, going down to a little over mid-thigh, complimented by a body-hugging blue tank top that showed more than a hint of her cleavage line at the top (which led me to wonder what kind...

2 years ago
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What You Find at the Beach

Chapter 1 I still live in the small city that I grew up in. My father had started a small car dealership which I now run and, even though there are ups and downs, it has done pretty well. I've had my own ups and downs as well, I suppose most of us have. My biggest up, I think was the birth of my son seven years ago and my biggest down, by far, was the death of my wife a couple of years ago when he was in preschool. Of course, everyone around us, my son and I, my parents, hers, business...

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Megans Mom

I waited till my parents finally left the house. My mom was adjusting my dad’s tie and applying mascara and searching her handbag. I pretended to focus on my homework, I bent over my books and read the assignment again while underlining some of the words in my notebook. They were finally ready to go. My mom was telling me to be careful and to not do anything crazy. I smiled innocently and said I was just going to watch some tv once I was done with my homework. Of course that was a lie....

2 years ago
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Life Isnt FairChapter 2

The conversation had been tabled, so I didn’t bring it up again. I wasn’t the president of this confab, or whatever you wanted to call it. Uncle Bob tabled it, so he had to be the one to bring it up for further consideration. That was the way I felt. On the other hand, after two days went by and it didn’t come up again, I decided I might be able to encourage him to bring it back up. This is when, that summer, it got too hot in the house to wear the pajamas my mother had packed for me. I...

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Doing twins 3

Suddenly something crashed besides us. “My God! What was that!” I gasped when I heard the loud crash. Both of us saw Rakesh, Arjuns younger brother standing near us. We froze. My hands and legs around Arjuns back and his penis deep in my cunt. Our copulating sex organs were clearly visible to Rakesh. “Fuckin’ shit! It’s Rakesh! What the hell are you doing’ here? You’re supposed to be at the movies!” Arjun shouted at his younger brother. “Yes, Rakesh! We… We thought we were alone,” I said,...

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Jasons TaleChapter 29 One Day At Sea Is Like Another

That set the pattern for the next several days. Every morning we’d go gather up all the drunks we could find, then try to get some things done, have the previous night’s duty section get us underway for an exercise, and come back to port, giving them their drinking money and trying to get some work out of the hungover sailors before giving up for the night. Some of them got the bright idea that it really wasn’t necessary to get drunk every night. Others thought it was required, but those...

4 years ago
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The school councellor part 1

Part 1.I knelt in front of the graffiti covered panel. The light flickered on and off above me. I saw my name written there. Wendy. It smelt, a mixture of urine, sweat and jiz. I watched the hole near my face. Waiting. I didn’t wait long. A cock was pushed through. I grabbed it, sucking on it hungrily. It was hard, veined. Black. I ran my tongue around it, then opened my mouth, closing my lips over the bulbous head. I pulled it, not very gently, pulling it through the hole. The Glory-hole. My...

1 year ago
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The Girl Next Door

Hello. My name is Parker. This is my first sex story. I have been reading ISS from when I was 18. I am pursuing engineering in a reputed college in BENGALURU. My height is 5’8, a quite handsome. All girls aunties can contact me here: Feel free to text. Sorry for the mistakes as this my first sex story. This incident happened 2 weeks ago. From when I hit puberty, I always wanted to have a lot of sex. I live with my parents in a residential colony in Bangalore. About two months ago, a newly...

3 years ago
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BLACK la 2

BLACK l****a CHAPTER 2 ''Are you alright sweetheart, daddy didn't mean to hurt you.'' He heard himself say those words to the sweet young girl lying next to him in bed. Jack really didn't understand how this could have happen. Why would he do this to someone that he love. Out of all the young girls in the world that he knew he could have, why did he have to have her? She was his daughter, and he had just taken her virginity. ''Yes daddy,...

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Demon GateChapter 4 Red Spider Lily

The Oni was waiting for him when he arrived, sitting on the boulder with her cudgel leaning against it at her side. She looked as magnificent as ever, her massive legs crossed and her red skin shining in the sunlight, her white hair blowing gently in the breeze. She greeted him with a wave, Satou taking a moment to catch his breath. He had hurried, and the terrain was difficult. “Welcome back, little Satou,” she cooed. “I trust that your journey wasn’t too taxing?” She was making fun of him...

2 years ago
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Virgin Sis Unlocked By Brother8217s Key

hi doston, ye meri pahali story hai aur koshish hai ki meri pyari bahno ko jarur pasand aayegi aur vo mujhse contact jarur karengi,khair baat aaj se 8 sal pahle ki hai jab mai 15 sal ka tha aur meri chhoti bahan preeti 14 sal ki thi aur hum dono ninth class me padte the.hum dono ke alava ghar me mummy-papa the.ghar me mera alag kamra tha aur preeti,mummy ek room me sote the aur papa aksar thodi-bahut drink karke govt job karke aate the to vo drawing-room me hi sote the.ghar me ek desciplined...

3 years ago
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Prateek Submitting Everything For The Sake Of Pleasure

The story starts of me sucking farooq’s cock with my eyes wide open with fear and tears juggling inside my eyes waiting to tremble down my cheeks with pain,humility and disgrace. My mom in her black sleeveless blouse and saree was watching me sucking another mans cock,and the man is none other than the boyfriend of her daughter rishika. She with her jaw wide open was staring at my face with a wtf expression when she noticed i wasn’t stopping even after getting spotted by her, “dejavu” i...

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Spring CarnivalChapter 3

Thursday evening rolled around. April and I had plans to catch a early movie on campus, then maybe do some dinner and go walk around Midway. Around 5:30, I was sitting in one of the campus computer labs, still waiting for April to show up, when Mark came into lab. "Hey Mark." "Hey George." He seemed a bit surprised to see me. "What are you doing in here?" "Just killing some time. April and I are going to catch the Thursday Nite Flick later." "That's weird. I just saw April; she...

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AbductionShe stood at the window of her apartment bedroom, staring out into the night.  Absently, she set her mug of fragrant, steaming tea on the windowsill with a quiet, precise clink.  The darkened room at her back perfectly suited her pensive mood. She sensed a presence behind her.  Probably L, she thought, and without turning, she asked, ?What do you want?? A subtle scent of some unknown perfume was her only warning, jolting her out of her reverie as a female voice whispered, ?You,? and a...

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NubileFilms Emily Willis Vanna Bardot Something Special

Emily Willis has a boyfriend she adores in Tyler Nixon and a roommate she loves in Vanna Bardot. Emily knows that Vanna has the hots for both herself and Tyler, but she hasn’t done anything about it yet. That’s about to change in a Valentine’s surprise that will satisfy all three of their longing for one another. Tyler and Emily set up a trail of rose petals leading to a table to attract Vanna’s attention when she arrives home. She follows the trail and finds a note to...

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It was a cold rainy night and I was walking home from work. I like my job, well about as much as you could like working in an office and staring at a computer all day. I was wearing a jacket, slacks and a button up shirt. My face was the 5 o’clock shadow that I get whether it has been 5 days or 5 minutes since I shaved. A small amount of long chest hair poked out of the top of my shirt. I was not really paying attention. I had walked this path home a hundred times before. I had no reason to...

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In the Movie Theatre Parking Lot Cheating

Someone got off work a little late, and they messaged me asking if I could meet him, but he only had 30 mins or so at the most. Of course, I said that's fine!I hadn't met him before, but he'd jerked off to my pics before, and showed me some tributes he did of me which turned me on a lot.When I asked where to meet him, he told me the movie theatre parking lot, and that raised a couple questions, but not enough to stop me. I've been fucked in public before, so it wasn't a problem, just...

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Ghost of Christmas Past

‘What do you want for Christmas?’ The child on Santa’s lap began a recitation of toys and gadgets that television had persuaded him were cool to have. Jenna Ritter stood at a distance. The scene did not delight or amuse her. What did she want for Christmas? Charles Ritter of course. Charles in the flesh, by her side, as he had been a week ago. Charles had died on December 10th. It was a senseless accident. He’d gone to the grocery and been hit by a drunk driver. Jenna had not wanted to...

1 year ago
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Mom Moves In Part One

Mom Moves In - Part One. Note : This story is completely fictional! 10 years ago when I was 28, my parents were in a car accident, which killed my father. He was 68 and Mom was 48. Dad left us a ton of money and after 6 months I called my mother and said look Mom, why dont you move east and we’ll buy a duplex together. We’ll live in one side while I’m remodeling the other side. When one side is finished we’ll move to the other side and remodel your side. She was ecstatic with the idea and 2...

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Truck Stop

It was late August and I was on my way home from a business trip. The sun was almost down and the sky was a beautiful red-blue. I had the windows down and the summer air was starting to cool a little. I was about 100 miles from home and was anxious to get home and shower off and make love to my old lady. I had been gone five days and was horny as hell and needed some release because I was so busy on the business trip I only got the chance to beat-off once, early one morning.The interstate was...

1 year ago
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Bus Me Hatho Ka Kamal

Hi dosto mera name Ravi or mai chattisgarh ke bilaspur shehar se hu mai iss ko bahut salo se read kar raha hu or ye sab se inspire hoke mai apni real incident app logo se shear karna chahta hu first my intro meri height 5″11 hai or mere incident padh kar aap sabhi ki chut se or land walo ke land se pani chod dega meri body attrative hai or mere land ka size 7″ incs or 3 incs mota hai aap logo ko ab zyada bore na karte hue mai apne story par ata hu Ye story 4 mahine pehle ki hai mai jab kuch kam...

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Cayla the whore

Description on "Cara". She is about 5'4 has blonde hair down past her shoulder a little bit and aside from that is completely hairless. Beautiful blue eyes and her tits are a B cup maybe a small C and her nipples are perfect...even though she doesn't think so. The areola's are the perfect color and her nipples are soft and puffy until she's aroused then they get nice and hard. Her body is thin and tight but not that nasty anorexic type of body and her ass is just fucking amazing. ...

4 years ago
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My Sexual Experiences

Here are a few true to life experiences that my partner and myself have enjoyed over the years, starting from basic sex and transpiring into oral sex, further culminating in anal penetration. Thereafter sex toys and gadgets enhanced the experience and as time went on, swinging became a part of the fun. If this was not enough than more partners were brought into the equation and desires and fantasies culminated in introducing males with "Monster cocks" (for my partner). Finally, things like...

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The GiftedChapter 4 Evaluation

Doctor Nancy Heinz walked down the tiled floor of the hospital, her heels clicking on the tile as she went. She was thinking about the patient she was about to see. Stopping at the door, she looked in the small window and saw him curled up on the bed staring at something he clutched in his hands. The sunlight covered him like a blanket as she watched him. "Oh Davy you were doing so good," she said with a sigh, as she pushed the door open with a knock, and put a smile on her face, "Davy,...

1 year ago
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The Boys a dog at Play 2 MEET AMBER

Three weeks had passed since Matt and I had enjoyed each other along with Boss the dog. Since then Matt and I had spent more and more time together it seemed. We had only once since that fateful Saturday sucked each other off. It wasn’t because we didn’t want too. It was the last day of school for the term, Matt and I had Math’s, worst luck as it always dragged. We were sitting together. I was busy drawing, Matt was busy looking at Amber, she lived across the road from him. Sometimes, she...

4 years ago
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Maa Ki Chudai

Hi friends, I am a regular user of this site, mujhe sex stories padhna bahut acha lagta hai. actually i am from Moradabad from U.P. mere ghar main, main apni maa papa aur meri ek choti behen rehte hain papa Chandigarh main mnc company main manager kid post p job karte hain. meri choti behen jo 21 sal ki h fig (34-26-34) M.A. m padh rahi hai aur meri maa ek housewife hai. yeh baat pichle 7 din pehle ki hai. yeh ek sachi ghatna hai.. plz isko padhiye aur ladke apne lund ko ragde aur ladki apni...

2 years ago
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Isolated Island of Long Love For a Foxy Triple Victim Gang-BangTwo tasty smart slender sexy pretty Parisians are among my finest friends, for sure the most kinky of all.As a tribute to their tastes and foxy fancies I invite them to a private party first weekend of September.I imagine we will all three end up at centre of a hot hurricane of love in a triple gang-bang in open air.Ile de Frioul for experts in geography, frivolic centre where the Mistral runs into hot local love storms.Hahaha, how...

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Hot Pongal

Hi iss readers , this is my third story to your pleasure.. However i can give you a summary of my 2nd story in case you’ve not read that. Its pongal time in madurai. Dad , a department store worker in mumbai sends me and mom to meet grandpa(dad’s father) who lives alone in madurai ever since grandma left us 11 years back. Inside train we got messed up with hijdas who cupped my balls and pressed moms boobs.I felt shocked i lost my courage to respond to that act.Mom however was cool said to me...

1 year ago
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How Far Would I Go For Love 5

At breakfast the next morning, Julie asked me, “Would you go to Club Erotes with us tonight? I know it’s your group gaming night but I’ve reserved a room for Hanna to give you a training session. You’ll have a chance to see how she acts as a Dom and compare her to me.”“I’d love that,” I said, “and I look forward to meeting your friends. What time?”“Really? Thank you, love.” Julie gave me several romantic kisses.“You want to call in sick, Julie?”“Oh joy,” Hanna said. “Can I get my spiked...

2 years ago
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A star is born

Finally I couldn’t wait any longer. I would ask for a minor pay rise and perhaps that was possible. I went to see Peter. “Oh hello Amanda. How are things” he said leering at me. I explained my situation and he listened intently. “I see” he said “well you know as well as me that the company is barely breaking even. In fact I have joined with a friend of mine and formed a small video business which is doing very well”. “You sell videos?” I asked. “No my dear, we MAKE videos” he replied “special...

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Anno Viventes Mortuae Ch 02

Hazy orange lit the trees lining the eastern border of the yard as Draga slowed to pull her little Honda into the driveway. She noticed one of her neighbors on the right standing in their yard. There was something wrong with him. Something about his expression. And… the way he stood. Weirdo. Her mothers car was in the carport so she parked behind it in the driveway. Her fathers truck wasn’t in the space between the carport and the rose bushes where he usually parked. She wondered in passing...

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Jens first real lover

This is an autobiographical story about my initiation into being a "girl". I hung out with a group of guys when I was a teenager, mostly to get high with. One of these guys had an older brother who had his own group of guys... Real Badasses. Guys you wouldn't ever want to fuck with. No one under 200lbs and really tough. Over the years I got in pretty tight with this group. Hanging out, scoring weed and getting high. One guy in particular became my dealer and "friend". I often went...

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Saras Story A Home That Love Built Universe Story

A Home That Love Built Story. Sara's Story. Rededication. By Catherine Linda Michel My alarm clock showed the time to be 3AM when I looked at it, blearily. Why was I looking at my clock at that hour? Well, the damn phone woke me up. "Hello?" I mumbled into the phone. "Who is this?" "Is this Cathilynn, the owner of The Home That Love Built?" The voice asked me. "Yes, yes, it is. Now who is this calling me at this ungodly time of the morning?" "We have a teen here in the...

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