K&T, LLC Ch. 04 free porn video

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Author’s Note: This is a girls day out section, mostly. Pretty close to no sexual content. However, if makeovers get you off, we got you covered.

Chapter 8 — Coffee to Go

Interlude: 25th Anniversary


One thing I have always wished I could have watched is the meeting of Aunt Frannie and Aunt Jo. If you want to talk of odd couples, start right there. Of course, shopping in New York is a great way to meet anyone. Mom and Nanny CC were involved, so almost anything could have happened.


For the first time in our relationship, I woke at the same time as Sheila. I put it down to exhaustion on her part. I rolled over and sucked on one of her nipples. This earned me a very un-Sheila like squeal. I told her that I was prospecting for milk. I had found a good site and would keep looking, even if it took months. Sheila blushes so prettily.

It was a full day, so we could not linger in the shower, tempting though that was. We had our usual quick breakfast, then Sheila took off for an early appointment. I sent Helen a message saying that I would be late, because I was checking on wedding preparations. That gave me an excuse to go down to the boathouse and look around again. The progress was substantial.

First, the yard below the house had been sectioned off like a county fair midway. Blocks were laid out for various food providers and entertainment stalls, even one for clown makeup. The boathouse itself had been pressure-washed and a crew was laying drop cloths for the painters.

Inside, I was pleased to see a crew working on the houseboat. Sheila had told me it was silly calling it a houseboat, because there were no rooms. She could call it a party barge if she wished. I hoped I would call it an altar. Five minutes discussion encouraged me on that point. It would, I was told, make a lovely platform for the ceremony. For some reason I flashed to the bible story about Jesus preaching from a fishing boat.

Across the boathouse was the yacht. Much of the draping had been removed, so that you could see the woodwork underneath. The boat specialist, who had just assured me of the water worthiness of the houseboat, followed my gaze to Grandfather’s pride. He cleared his throat, so I gave him my attention.

‘Mr. Richards, that is truly a work of art. She’s a ways from being fit, but the structure’s sound. I’d be glad to see about getting her float ready, but you’ll be needin’ cabinet makers for the woodwork. There be wood in there that ye don’t find no more. Put the right people on the job and they could add a quarter million to her value.’

He cleared his throat again. ‘I been meaning to ask, ’cause I seen the name’s been stripped off, what do ye call her? T’ain’t good luck for a fine boat to have no name.’ I liked this guy. He thought of poetic things.

I gave it a moments thought. By rights, naming should go to my bride, but I wanted to give her a gift. Sheila would get my reference immediately, and she would love it. I looked at the guy and asked his name. It was Clayton Roberts, ‘Just call me CR.’

I said, ‘Well, CR, I should let my fiancée name her, but then I would not get to see her blush. She’ll be The Other Shoe. I am guessing there are none in the registry yet.’ CR thought that was quite funny. Then he sobered. ‘Give me the job. I do right by her.’ I told him to get me a formal estimate by Friday, but the job was his. We shook on it.

When I emerged from the boathouse, I saw the first of Jo’s grad students. It was one of the six we had delivered to the motel, though her name escaped me. She was arguing strenuously with Mitchell Gilbert. As I walked up, they both turned to me. Rather than settle an argument, this was a time to back up my manager—to a point.

I said, ‘Miss, I do not know the point under discussion. I do know that it is Mitchell’s decision. It probably does not matter much, since we are still in clean up mode. Both of you, make some mental notes and we will have a war council tonight. Both of you remember, you will have to defend yourselves to my sister Jo and my fiancée. Choose your poison, because they are getting along like hammer and anvil. God help the first one to try playing them against each other. Now, I need to borrow Mitchell.’

I went over the plan for the day. As expected, the rest of the students were present and almost all were hung over. I told him that hangovers crave sunlight and sweat. Then I told him to expect deliveries from my events people. Mitchell said that he had been contacted. I love competent people. I told him that I would have catering dedicate a truck to the project, so that at least lunch was covered. That done, I found Michael and gave him the same speech.

By the time I hit the office, the shit was ankle deep and rising. One of the drawbacks of owning thirty odd companies is that they all have clients. Clients get nervous when there is a change. My marriage was the biggest change in years. Naturally. I had staff to sooth and coddle, but that only works with some clients. The important ones have the clout to get through to me. By the twentieth call, I was looking forward to meeting Elder Neufeld for lunch. I was only asking him to bend his religious convictions for money.


There are times I hate my brother. Early morning is at the top of the list. If anything, Sheila was worse. I dragged myself out of bed and paged Sean’s room, only to find that Sheila had left over an hour before, presumably already having had breakfast. That, at least, was worth a small chuckle. Sheila’s idea of breakfast was probably tea and toast.

I showered and dressed, including a bra for a change, and nuked the latest offering from freezerland. During the third cup of coffee I called down for a car. I was told that Russell was available for Sheila and myself. Fortunately, Sean had not left, so I could commandeer the Mercedes. Sheila had mentioned shopping, so we might need the extra space. That reminded me to notify American Express. Any charges would not be in my normal pattern. It is a good idea to let them know ahead of time.

Before we left, I made a pit stop and checked the reflection. I looked like what I was—an oversized intellectual with no pretensions of beauty. My big concession was to wear only two sets of earrings and a newish shirt. I stuck with the boots because they are comfortable. I mentally snorted to myself. As if someone my height would wear heels.

I hoped I would not regret this.


Tuesday at the gym was a new experience. I had appointments with four clients at once. Normally, I believe a personal trainer gives personal service. But, things were not normal. All of this group had declined to cancel or reschedule. Mostly that meant that they wanted news directly from the source, me, but they also wanted some continuity. At least, that is what I told myself.

Watching them together was interesting. This was unfamiliar ground for them as well. They all knew each other socially, but this was not a social occasion, at least not in the usual sense. After a few tense moments, I called for their attention. My informal meeting was brief. I told them that I was getting married and that changes were coming, beginning with substitutes both in the gym and in the studio. I also told them to expect another move. It had been five years since the last one, but heads were nodding. I have good client loyalty.

That done, I had them all move to the yoga studio. Sharon took a moment from her class so that I could make introductions. As we filed back, I told everyone that Sharon was not a trainer, so the routine would be their responsibility. Sharon was going to coach them on limits. That made sense to everyone, since no one trifles with yoga.

Once we finally hit the weights and machines, things went smoothly. Everyone did know their own routine. I just needed to spot check occasionally. In fact, it went better than usual. I think so
me competitive juices were running. Then, it was over and my other day began.

When my clients were released to go shower, I headed for my studio for a change of clothes. It felt odd to think of it in those terms, rather than a change of costume. At the studio, I untied Christine, so she could help me change. She had been working on the computer during the exercise session. Since flexibility was Christine’s current objective, I had lashed her ankles to opposite ends of a pole. That way she could stretch while using the computer.

I often tied clients in uncomfortable, or even painful ways, but it was a new thing for Christine. It would be interesting to see how it progressed. In any event, I gave her a moment to deal with the stiffness, while I peeled off my workouts. The outfit I would be wearing would be textbook turn of the century American, except that it had cheat zippers in the pleats. That meant a smooth fronted blouse, with buttons in the back. The skirt hooked, rather than zipped, but it was still easy. Stockings, of course. I had too much respect for my feet to wear turn of the 20th century style shoes. I was visiting Julian, so the bustier was mandatory. None the less, I brought a pair if garters and a bra. This was purely for changing at Julian’s shop.

Christine helped me with the skirt hooks and stocking stays. Then, I asked her to go start the car. As she walked away I checked for signs of bruising in her movements. I was pleased to see her moving comfortably, allowing for a bit of stiffness from her stretching. That would change tomorrow, when I did a session with both Tess and Jason. It was also going to be Richard’s job interview.

Julian’s studio was in Elizabeth, so we had a bit of a drive coming. Siobhan was going to meet us there, but I needed to pick up Francine. As luck would have it, we went to the last place Christine had worked—the 7th Street Diner. It was an old favorite of Francine’s. As we approached the door, Christine tugged on my sleeve, for attention, then held a finger to her lips. She tapped her wrist and help up three fingers. Christine wanted me to wait three minutes.

I was mystified, but complied. It gave me a chance to check my messages. As it happened, Harold Johnstead had sent me a set of images for the finished invitations. I replied. Use your judgment Harold. Time is short. I am sure you will not disappoint me.


When I entered the diner, I saw Francine at her usual table, with the wreckage of another huge meal laid in front of her. I sat down across from her. Just then, Christine came up, wearing a waitress uniform. She quietly warmed Francine’s coffee. It took considerable control to keep from laughing out loud.

Francine said, ‘Well about fucking time. Don’t we have a 20 minute drive? And where is that cum factory of yours? I thought she was going, too.’ Cum factory? Just how intense were Christine’s orgasms?

I said, ‘Christine is reading a part today. Wait a minute and we will get some tea and coffee for the drive. In the mean time I have a favor to ask. I know it is an imposition, but I will need someone to cover my special clients while I am, ah, otherwise engaged. It would be for two weeks, ending Monday after next. Here’s the drinks.’

Christine set two covered styrofoam cups on the table, along with a tab. Francine literally growled as she pulled out $20. ‘I suppose you expect a tip.’ Christine was not going to say anything, so I did. ‘After the way she got you to cum the other morning, I think she deserves one. Don’t you?’

Francine stared at me, glanced at Christine, did a double take, then pointed at Christine and started to laugh. Once Francine got started, she may have had trouble stopping, because she laughed until tears were running down her face. When she finally calmed down, Francine threw $20 more on the table. Christine picked that bill up, then did a quick exit.

Francine said, ‘God Schwartz, when did you think that one up? It was exactly like the one I played on Pedro at his retirement dinner. Angela recognized me, but never tipped off Pedro. He did not recognize me until the middle of his farewell speech, and I had to wave when he mentioned not seeing me. Damn, that was good.’

I admitted, ‘All the credit on this one goes to Christine. She just asked for three minutes. She never told me what she had in mind, but I spotted her warming up your coffee when I came in the door. I tried to throw you a bone by mentioning we would get tea to go, when no one was here to take the order.’ Christine had come up, dressed for the street again. Since Francine’s original $20 was still on the table, I saw no reason to linger.

Once we were in my car, driving toward Elizabeth, Francine asked me what, exactly, I needed done. I laid the bones of a plan out. Christine was available to cover the clerical part of the business, as well as the tedious things like checking the showers and sanitizing the equipment after use. Francine had done a decent job with Christine, Tess if you prefer, though I would not look kindly on another long absence. I also mentioned that Siobhan was willing to assist.

Francine summarized, ‘So, you want me and Ricky’s sister She-o-ban to do the sessions. Miss Cums-a-lot will cover the rest. Is that about it?’ Francine was nervous. She is never rude accidentally.

I said, ‘Please do not make fun of Siobhan’s name. I hate funerals. Besides, she answers to Jo, if you can’t get the pronunciation down.’ Yes, that was a low blow, but she started it.

Francine opened her mouth, then closed it. Opened, then closed. Finally, ‘Damn Schwartz, I forgot how good you were at this. CC, make note. Your Mistress just insulted me at least three different ways, and managed to sound helpful while doing it. You really think she could take me?’ Wow. Francine caved after one punch. Now that I thought about it, Siobhan had waved a fast white flag as well. Maybe I was the one that needed to lighten up.

I said, ‘Siobhan has to be experienced to be believed. For the moment, her preferred persona is bull dyke, with physical strength to match. I gave her a tip that she would be getting a makeover today, but she may not have picked up on it. So, play nice, or you will spoil her moment.’

That did not shut Francine up, but it did get her to play along. If there is one thing Francine loves more than a good practical joke, its pulling people out of shells. Siobhan had just become Francine’s project of the week. Wait til they actually met.

I had agreed to meet Siobhan, on foot, at a news stand near the downtown train station. Julian’s place of business is difficult to find, even with a map and instructions. It is easiest to find a parking spot first, then walk. Francine and Siobhan eyed each other like new dogs at the pound. I simply walked away, forcing them to follow.

About three blocks from where we met is an old Kress department store, which had been converted into a Sisters of Mercy resale shop. Francine would have dived into that, had I not held her back. Up the alley, halfway to the thrift store receiving dock, is a pair of disreputable concrete stairs. The one leading up is to Julian’s official business. It is a dress alteration shop, called the Parlor. The one leading down is where Julian performs his corsetry. Make no mistake, Julian was all about performance.

The Parlor is exactly what the name implies, a seating area. He employs two elderly ladies to do mundane things, like take measurements. Occasionally, they also alter dresses. Mostly, they chat with the clients, explaining why Julian cannot, or will not, do whatever the client wants done.

The two ladies greeted us warmly and offered tea. One was named Millie and the other was new to me. Things change in a year. Millie came over and gave me a hug, subtly feeling me over when she did. The other woman introduced herself as Maggie. She shook hands with Siobhan, then invited her to step into a booth. As Siobhan moved away, Francine called, ‘All of
it. Even the panties.’

I do not know how Francine knew, but she was correct. Julian needs many measurements, all taken from skin. From what I judged, Siobhan would be very heated before they were done. I suspect Millie was a closet lesbian, and it would not surprise me if Maggie was as well. It is all part of Julian’s particular genius.

Millie asked Francine and Christine to be seated, while I was with Julian. Suddenly, I was nervous as a best man that cannot find the ring.


Sheila wanted to meet near the main train station in Elizabethtown. I had not given much thought to our plan, until I climbed in the Mercedes and Russell pulled out of the garage. It was all very well to say ‘fitted for a corset’ as if I knew what I was saying. Corsets were rather common among my usual group at Dartmouth. They are used as party wear, to give a bit of fetish flavor.

Sean had said that Sheila almost never went without a foundation garment of some description. This was something that was important to her. Somewhat to my surprise, that made it important to me. Once the reality began to approach, I realized that I was completely out of my element and I hate feeling adrift.

Once in Elizabeth, Russell found a parking place and I walked to the rendezvous site. I was first to arrive by a few minutes, which allowed me to see them approaching. Francine Martel was much as I remembered her, both from my short foray into dance instructions and from seeing her on stage. I watched her walk along, barely as tall as Sheila’s shoulders, talking at 100 miles an hour. It brought back many memories, none of them were good.

Behind them, taking no part in the conversation, was a young woman. This would be CC. She looked rather attractive in her flowery sun dress and pony tail. She was wearing tall wedgie sandals, which made her almost as tall as Sheila, who was wearing lower heels. Francine Martel was wearing what looked like house slippers. Like me, why would she wear heels.

The trio brought one other thing to mind. CC was wearing 3′- 4′ heels, and doing it pretty well. Still, she walked like a woman in heels. Francine Martel flowed smoothly along, despite constantly gesturing and twisting her torso. As impressive as that was, she was a famous dancer, so you could expect it. What struck me was the way Sheila walked. Having a professional dancer for comparison highlighted the effortless grace that Sheila personified. No wonder I remembered her as the more talented of the two.

At that point, Sheila saw me and made a subtle gesture with her head. The three of them changed their direction and I moved to meet with them. Suddenly, everyone was quiet. I am rarely at a loss for words, and clearly Francine Martel could talk, but there was nothing to say. Just as things were getting awkward, Sheila glided over and gave me a hug. Grace is more than just movements.

Introductions were made. I thought I saw a glimmer of recognition in Francine’s eyes. It was hard to credit, since I had been ten and she was eighteen or nineteen. Sheila would have been about fourteen, yet they were always paired. Just how good could Sheila have been?

There was no conversation on the walk, but it was only a couple of blocks. I do not know what I expected, but an employee entrance to a decrepit department store was not it. There was a brief break in the tension, when Francine Martel made to go into the thrift store and Sheila warned her off. I felt a twinge of sympathy. A new thrift store is a fine thing.

We went up a run of stairs to a sitting area. It may have once been the employee break room. Two elderly ladies were introduced as Maggie and Millie. Both were wearing corsets, though it was not obvious. They seemed comfortable. Maggie picked up a tape measure and asked me to go into a curtained area. Here goes. Nothing but T-shirts have ever fit me. There was a sign listing alteration prices.

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You dust yourself off as you pull up your pants. You've been a little under the weather lately, and have resolved to liven things up the best way you know how, hilt deep in pussy. You've always been overwhelmed by the idea of being with an older woman, as at 22 you're still not as experienced as you'd like to be. Your whole time throughout high school and college, you found yourself unable to pique as much lust over the young, sleek women all around you as you could some of the choicest female...

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Narisa 1 A Life Changing EventChapter 3

... All he said to me was, "It's time." It's time... Those two words had such a tone of foreboding and doom. Just the way he said it seemed to fuel my suspicions that I was being led to the hangman. With a deep sigh of resignation, I slowly rose and exited the cell. He grabbed me by the arm and briskly walked me through a series of corridors to where I had begun my incarceration. I was told to strip, shower and shave what little beard I had after which my street clothes were handed to...

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Bless Me Father 2 Exodus

Bless Me Father Part 2: Exodus By Deane Christopher Having just reconciled herself to the fact that she was no longer Father Dan, the new Karen Miller was keenly aware that she had some fast thinking to do. It was Sunday, and that meant that were she still the man and priest that she had been the night before, she would be in the church's sacristy shortly before nine, preparing herself to function as the celebrant of St. Catherine's nine o'clock services. Though there were only a...

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The Search For Understanding

FRIDAY - DISCOVERY At last, a busy and stressful week was over and, as Chris pulled into his driveway, he looked forward to a week away from work spending some quality time with Jane, his wife of 31 years. They'd married young and had children straight away so now, just turned 50, they were enjoying their freedom from their children who now had families of their own. As Chris walked into his house, he called out to his wife but, instead of the usual "In the kitchen, darling," he...

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On the outskirts of Raccoon City the wind is strong and very cold, the speed and strength give it an ominous sound like an animal howling. The forest leaves rustle to and fro through the dark green grass blades. Through small breaks in the clouds beams of moonlight shoot down upon a forgotten place. Surprisingly enough a mansion stands among these elements but not in contrast to them. This residence melds into the dark environment perfectly. The mansion is styled after the Victorian homes of...

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A late night interview

I am Raj with another story. This happened when I was in my 2 companies back about 6 yrs ago. I was aware about the resource crunch and we were planning to recruit people. I love meeting people and trying to gauge their depth and character. So I always agreed to be part of the interview panel. This time there were several interviews telephonic planned from USA. I had more than 25 interviews arranged like that. Now panel meant minimum 2 people. SO I was assigned a gal from my group called Padma....

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Different Points Of View

She sat, quietly watching the flower fairies open the early morning flowers. There was no rush to their work, no sense of distress. They exuded from their very beings the total confidence that everything would go as planned. What would it be like to go through life with only the worries of how much dew to give to this flower or where to plant a few extra seeds? A life without deadlines or back stabbing, she shook her head. It was beyond her ability of imagination. She glanced up and realized...

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when i was thirteen1

When I Was Thirteen When I was thirteen years old I asked my mother to tell me about sex. Instead she suggested that I ask the girl next door to teach me. Well, Angela was only eleven years old at the time and since we played together all of the time I hardly considered her a girl. Hell, she didn’t even have tits. Mom made it easy on me by suggesting that she invite Angela over and that she ask her for me. I really didn’t have a problem with that. So Mom called over and told...

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The Trailer Park The Fifth Year Part 1 Words And MusicChapter 19

"You've had a busy morning." "I have?" I said, turning around. I'd been standing in the lunch line with Tami and Robbie when Stephy Ward came up behind us. "Un huh," she said with a giggle. "When I got to the office second period, Mr. Parker was in with Mr. Reed. He wasn't exactly yelling, but he was pretty loud, and even with the door closed I heard your name several times." I tried to look humble. "One of the prices of fame. Everybody talks about you." "Just before I left,...

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Watching Mother

I had taken of late to spying on my mother, as she was the only female I was really exposed to regularly. She was lovely, everything a boy or a man could want, nice large breasts, not too large but not so small that she could ever be accused of being flat chested, long legs, tall and slim. She was this morning going through her morning routine, tidying the house up and getting dressed. Well there she was at the other end of the long hall in her bedroom facing the huge mirrors she had on...

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Vander Mullens Good Wife Uncovering of Black Cock Sluts is Overdue

Vander Mullen's Good Wife - Uncovering of Black Cock Sluts is Overdue Synopsis: One goodie girl wife's tardy self-discovery of her inner hyper Black Cock Slut. Coming out to her husband, and her journey of discovery and fulfillment as a she becomes a Black Only Sex Slave.by Reginald Story Codes: M/f M+/f exhibition interracial size spanking toys voyeurism Swallowing Tit Torture B/D S/M slavery bondage Rape real romantic consensual humiliation torture nc Forced Extreme Heavy Serious Hardcore...

4 years ago
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Workout Time

This story will feature a variety of celebrities who are known to be fit and athletic. During one of their workout sessions, they will go from working out to getting fucked. Below is the list for now, but more will be added. If there's a celeb you would like to see, just let me know and I will add them.

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Uber Driving Slut

With the kids in school and my days to myself I decided to look for some work that was flexible given I still have my kids to haul around to Scouts and other activities when they are out of school. A friend recommended I try becoming an Uber driver. I was a bit hesitant but decided to try it out since I have a Honda Odyssey and could make a little more as a Uber XL driver. So after applying, getting my car inspected and passing the background check, I soon had my mini-van equipped to start...

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Quest for the better life

I watched her from my chair at the table near the back of the cafeteria. It was lunch and I was alone as usual, no one wanted to be friends with a loser like me. I was about five and a half feet, had pale skin, and long black hair. I wasn’t the attractive type and I had almost never wanted to be. I dressed in baggy black clothes and a hooded sweatshirt. I kept to myself; I wrote and drew but no one seemed to care about my work. I watched her as she stood in the lunch line; she was beautiful...

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Sharing really is caring

It is well over a quarter of a century now since we first got to know Tim. He and his wife Jenny were very kind to us when we moved in next door with a young family, and Jenny would often babysit for us if we wanted to go out for the evening. Sadly, Jenny died five years ago after a long illness just ten months before Tim’s seventy-fifth birthday; however, Tim felt that she would still want him to continue with the planned celebration, although it became more a memorial of their fifty years of...

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Accidental Hero Chapter 6 Sym Moves in Temporarily

"Are you sure, Mr. and Mrs. Dunlop? I mean, it's the perfect solution for me, but I'm a stranger. It's not like your daughter was living here." "Ian has vouched for you and that's good enough for us," Dad said. "But the big question is about the rent. What can you afford?" "Well, I was expecting to pay more than four hundred dollars per month, not counting utilities and food. Even then, I'd just be scraping by." "Well then, three hundred a month for room, board, and utilities...

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The Old Bitch

There was this woman that lived the road from me. She was always mean to me and my friends. Even my parents said she was a bitch. As I entered my teen years her husband died and she was all alone. One day she stopped me and asked if I could do some yard work for her. I said yes. But I did worry as I knew she was mean as all get out. She was not bad looking, medium height, nice tits, a little plump. She had dark hair with some gray. She was in early sixties. She helped me with the yard work...

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College for Krista Part 3

Summer took her hands and ran them down the sides of Krista’s naked body.  She was not sure if she was doing something right or wrong; she was just trying to emulate what Krista did to her.  Krista did make little sounds as Summer traced her fingers along Krista’s hot skin, but still, Summer was not sure if it was enough to please Krista.   Summer stopped suddenly as she reached Krista’s smooth legs.  She was sort of in shock at what she was doing.  She wanted to please Krista as Krista had...

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The Red Dress

The Red Dress By Cherysse St. Claire Baseball. Hot dogs. Apple Pie. Mom. We have all heard these little homilies used to describe classic Americana; the things, big and small, that make us what we are. But what about that other quintessential American tradition? No, not sleazy talk shows; Shopping! What could be a more red-blooded, all- American tribute than taking to the malls on a whim and a charge card? There I was at Water Tower Place, in the shadows of the John...

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JulesJordan Bailey Brooke Blow Job Naughty Teen Is Going To Dredd This Big Black Cock

Tasty teen Bailey Brooke services Dredd’s massive member! Bailey Brooke is looking super fine in her white lace lingerie with matching stockings and heels. She shows off her body as she teases us and runs her hands across her supple skin. Bailey heads inside where Jules has a surprise waiting for her…. DREDD! Dredd has his cock out and is ready for Bailey as she makes her way over and wraps her lips around it. She can barely fit it in her mouth but that doesn’t stop this slut...

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R and RChapter 3

Sabac had his hands full. “Anna! Easy, bitch! Take it a little slower and back off on the teeth! Damn!” The bitch was nothing if not enthusiastic — something Sabac had trouble understanding — but she was also completely without experience. “Hold it! Stop!” Anna ground to a halt; it didn’t take a degree in anthropology to read the expression on her face — you’d think he’d taken away a favorite toy! “Okay, let’s take it slow! Lick the underside with your tongue ... Yeah, that’s it ... The idea...

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Bonding With my cousin Andrea

It all started out on one long hot summer day about 3 weeks ago my parents and my aunt who was recently divorced took a short trip for the weekend to get my aunts mind off of things. My aunt has 3 kids 2 boys about 14 years old named Gabe and john and a beautiful daughter who’s 13 now and was named Andrea. That Friday my parents kissed me good-bye left me 200 dollars for food and gas and took off. I was finally home alone to do what ever I wanted but was tiered from a long day out...

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Sissy Emma is Turned Chapter 4

Sissy Emma is Turned Chapter 4 I couldn't go outside dressed like this, could I? Here I was forced to dress like a slut in locked on heels, barely black stockings, mini skirt, frilly white blouse through which you could clearly see my black bra and 38d breast forms, and a heavily made up face. I would have looked like a reasonable vision of a woman, albeit a very slutty woman, other than the fact that my new Master and my ex-wife had failed to give me a wig. So to anyone seeing me,...

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MyWifesHotFriend Jada Stevens 22777

Derrick’s wife thinks he’s cheating on her, so she wants her friend and their roommate Jada Stevens to try to catch his ass by seeing if he wants to fuck her — scandalous!!! The entrapment begins when Jada struts in with some crazy new thong, fishnet lingerie and heels, puts it all on and calls Derrick to help her with something. That something turns out to be her pulling his face into her fat big ass! Jada doesn’t play around, she wants Derrick’s big dick slamming her from behind! First she...

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Stormont Cottage Ch 06

Far Fucking Out Christina was a good swimmer too, but she was falling behind the others because she was laughing so hard at them, the girls were really scared, and even Tommy was moving pretty fast. She had been scared of those things too when she came here from Boston four years ago, but she had done a lot of swimming in the lake since then, and she had never even come close to a snake, and the snapping turtles never came around this part of the lake. She was having a great time, it was so...

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Its My PartyChapter 41

The following evening, at theHiltonExecutiveConferenceCenter Time: Wednesday, January 30, 2019 7:48 PM One nice thing about the Center, Jada thought as she exited the elevator and headed for the conference room, was that the monitoring hub allowed absolutely everyone to attend the meeting, even the two people who had the current monitoring shift. When theeight o’clockmeeting started, they would have a full complement of twenty-three, including the four people who were dialing in...

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Wife unknowingly creampied by a stranger

This is a true story. Short but true. My wife loves cum especially inside her an she really likes being fucked when she has cum in her pussy she said she loves the idea of being full of sperm as much as the slippery lubed feeling. We normally only get to fuck on the weekends do to are work schedules so she tells me y don't you start cuming in a condom when you jack off during the week an keep the condom in the refrigerator an we. An use it on the weekends as lube so I did just that she would...

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A WellLived Life Book 10 The WifeChapter 81 Husband and Wife and Wife

December, 15, 1985, Chicago, Illinois On Sunday morning, Jessica, Kara, and I had a quiet breakfast together just after 9:30am. All of us had slept in, and were feeling well rested, but excited not only for the day, but also for the night to come. We ate lightly - fruit, toast, juice, and tea. It was a cold day, but not bitterly so, with the temperature predicted to be in the mid-to-upper 20’s during the late afternoon. “Are either of you nervous?” Jessica asked. Kara and I both shook our...

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Sometimes you get seduced by a 19 year old

Having rented the house from Jim, an older gentleman in his mid 70’s, I agreed for a lower monthly rent to do whatever minor maintenance which the house may need. For eight years, I did everything including cleaning the gutters, but when I hit the age of 68, I no longer would climb a ladder. I called Jim, regretfully saying I would no longer be willing to do that chore. Jim was understanding and responded he would have it taken care of and not to be concerned as he would take care of the...

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295 ITrsquoS A DOGS LIFE

295 IT’S A DOGS LIFE [Translated from the original passed to me by an interpreter from Battersea] God why is it humans think we dogs always want the same old dog food, day after day, after bloody day… He`s worse, she at least occasionally shoves some of his lousy cooking under my nose its lousy, but it makes a change.My name by the way is Montmorency Major the third, he refers to me as Monty I of course but I am a hybrid Irish wolf hound from a long line of stud dogs, though granddad did have...

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Toen ikklaar wasmet de materialen naar het opslaghok brengen, liep ik de kleedruimte in. Er was allang niemand meer. Ik kleedde me uit en pakte douchegel en liep richting de douches. Toen ik bijna bij de deur van de doucheruimte was, hoorde ik iets wat op een douche leek. Ik liep door en opende zachtjes de deur. Ik had het wel goed gehoord, want helemaal achter in de doucheruimte stond jij nog onder de douche. Ik bleef even staan en keek naar je. Het viel me opdat je wel heel lang je buik aan...

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There’s this one bookstore I have been going to since I was a kid. An old rambling house right on Route 1.  Room after dusty room, endless stacks of books, some probably haven’t been touched in decades. It’s easy to spend the day there, to get lost in those endless stacks, running your fingers over thick leather spines, the golden titles barely legible. Josh and I had only been seeing each other for a few weeks when I took him to the bookstore. We wandered together for a while then went our...

Oral Sex
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StepSiblings Judy Jolie Miranda Miller Step Sister Secrets

Judy Jolie and Miranda Miller are always annoying their step brother. Usually he does a good job of ignoring them, but today they are making so much noise he has to check things out. He cracks the door and sees them making out with each other. He is so turned on, that he starts jerking off until they catch him and kick him out. Later on, Judy is feeling curious, so she asks her step brother to show her his cock. He takes it out and she is shocked at how big it is. When Miranda sees the action,...

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Did a Full 180 Part 2

Did a Full 180 By Jena Corso Edited By Dee Sylvan Chapter Two "Oh my gawwddd," gulped Mark. "Look what you've done to me." "Sexy right?" grinned Erica. "I promised mom you would be. See how that works when you don't lie?" "I'm half naked and I'm dressed," grumbled Mark turning and looking at the back view. "I can't go out like this?" "Well, if makes you feel better we'll take off your panties again," joked Erica. "But I'm not sure that'll make you any less sexy but the rest...

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All the Kings HorsesChapter 5

Box’noxia (Trade Planet), Sector 98-A, Neutral Space The Milky Way Galaxy 2398 Tiff scowled at the ugly, hissing puddle of goo and spikes that had chosen to lay in the middle of the only road she could walk down. “What is that?” She asked. “A g’nok,” Bryce said, nodding slowly. “Centurions love em.” G’noks were not as cute as Tiffany had hoped – and just as Sebastian had promised, they were absolutely everywhere on the streets of the primary city of the trade planet that the colonizers...

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