A Week Of Fitting In Part 2 free porn video

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A week of fitting in Part 2 Thursday Paul practically bounded out of bed on Thursday morning. He was anxious to see what changes his body faced today. Looking in the mirror nothing struck him as obvious. He still looked like himself, with a cute blond haircut. A wave of panic washed over him and he thrust his hand inside his shorts. 'Phew,still there,' thought Paul. He groped around though as something seemed different. Didn't he have more hair. He pulled out the waistband of his shorts and looked down to see he was completely hairless down there and all the way down his legs infact. A quick further investigation identified that todays change was the loss of all his body hair below his eyebrows. He wouldn't even need to shave today. 'Not so bad,' Paul thought as he headed to the toilet. Without even thinking about it, Paul headed into the left cubicle, pulled down his shorts and sat down to relieve himself. If he had been more awake and alert at this point he would have felt the extra padding his ass seemed to have, cushioning him on the cold toilet seat. Paul pulled off some toilet roll, reached between his legs and wiped the end of his penis dry. He pulled his shorts back up and exited the cubicle, heading straight to the left bathroom for a shower. While the water warmed up, Paul stripped off and admired his now hairless body in the mirror. 'Hmmmm not bad,' he thought as he stroked his hand up his leg, 'although im not sure why I've been left this bit.' Paul was referring to a small strip of hair still in place just above the base of his penis. 'Whatever, shower time.' Paul stepped under the water. "AAAAARGHHHH," and instantly jumped back out of the stream of boiling hot water. "What the fuck?" Paul checked the shower settings and it was on his usual 6. He gingerly put his arm under again and again was forced to recoil at the heat. His freshly shaven skin was much too sensitive and he was forced to turn the temperature down to setting 3 before he was comfortable. Fortunately he had remembered Becky's advice to not wash his hair again yet after his styling so was endeavouring to keep his new do dry. The next step was to wash, and Paul now realised in was not in his usual bathroom so would have to borrow some shower gel. 'I'm sure the girls won't mind,' he thought as he reached for a bottle of strawberry scented shower gel and held it up to his nose. 'MMMM delicious.' He luxuriated in the feeling as he lathered up his smooth skin, forgetting wehere he was and having easily the longest shower he had ever had up to that point in his life. After rinsing off he chose a bright pink towel off the radiator, again hoping no-one would mind him borrowing it, and gently dried himself. Without thinking about it, he grabbed a bottle of moisturiser off the side of the sink and proceded to rub it in over his entire body. He finished off with a spray of deoderant from a pink can, wrapped the towel round his waist and headed to the kitchen. He was making a coffee when Suzie came in. "Morning babe," she cheerfully greeted him. "Morning Suze," he said, turning to see his friend already dressed for the gym. She was wearing leggings and a long sleeved althletics t-shirt, both in baby pink, with white and pink trainers. "Are you joining me for a workout today then?" Suzie asked. Paul had never set foot in a gym in his life. Despite actually being in pretty decent shape, the limit of his idea of exercise was a leisurely walk. "Absolutely, it sounds like fun." "Awesome. Go get some clothes on then and we'll head out." "Ok, will do." Paul walked down the hall sipping his coffee, Suzie watching his now plump ass wiggling as he did so. "Hehehe, and you will need to pack a change of clothes for when we've done," she called after her friends, "and a towel" Without looking back, Paul gave her a thumbs up as he disappeared into his dorm. *Rrrriiiipppppp* "Shit, shit, shit. Now what can I do?" Paul exclaimed out loud to the empty room. He threw the ripped tracksuit bottoms onto the bed, alongside the two pairs of shorts which had already suffered the same fate as he had tried to pull them over his shapely rear. They constituted the whole section of his wardrobe that could even loosely be called gym clothes. 'I need some help.' Paul stuck his head out the door. "SUZIE" She quickly appeared, sticking her head out of her own door. "What's up?" "I have a problem. My P.E clothes don't fit anymore and I can hardly go with you in jeans." "Hang on." Suzie smiled and disappeared into her room. "Wait there, I'll be down in a minute," she yelled as her door clothes. Paul did not have to wait long, a matter of minutes later and Suzie was bounding in with an armful of clothes and a big grin on her face as she spied the tattered garments on the bed next to where Paul sat. "What happened?" "I dont know, I guess I've put on weight since I last had to do any exercise. Even these boxers feel a bit snug but at least there still in one piece," Paul said. "I think youve definately put on weight in one place," Suzie laughed, "at least you won't need to do any squats today" Paul blushed subconsciously. "What do you mean?" Suzie was now struggling to hold her laughter in. "You have a phat ass girlfriend." Paul jumped up and started examining himself again in his mirror, pulling the legs of his boxers up to help get a better view. There was no denying it, he had a 'phat' ass. It was the kind of ass any girl would have been proud of, the kind of ass he would not be able to take his eyes off if a girl walked past him with one. And to be truthful, he couldn't take his eyes off this ass. His ass. His ass which Suzie had just slapped. "Owww," Paul squealed as Suzie continued to laugh. "Sorry. But you can't stand ogling yourself all day, I want to get my sweat on." Paul rubbed his sore ass with one hand and indicating his state of undress with the other. "I can hardly go out in public like this can I?" "Of course not, that's why I brought you these to borrow," Suzie said holding up the pile of clothes she had brought in. "Fine, but don't get your hopes up. I'm not exactly your size, and this ass has shredded enough already." "Just try them. They are designed to stretch and show off your assets. See?" Suzie turned to show Paul her own not unsubstantial ass in her leggings. "I suppose so," replied Paul as he took a similar pair of leggings from Suzie, these in grey, "and you do have a great ass too." "Aww thanks sweetie." Paul sat on the bed and put both legs in the pants. They felt tight but not in an umcortable way. He stood and carefully eased them up his body, being extra careful as he stretched them over his ass. He settle the waistband in place and realised they had not split and actually fit pretty well. Especially surprising was the fact they were the correct length, he had expected them to be too short in the leg. Suzie's response to him pointing this out was to stand him up and stand herself opposite him. "Oh my...." exclaimed Paul who was looking Suzie straight in the eye, instead of down slightly at her. He was now the same 5'2" as his friend, not the 5'10" he had been. "I've shrunk. This magic is something else." "How did you not notice?" Suzie asked. "I don't know, I guess I haven't had to reach any high shelves this morning. Anyway, these fit so we're good." "Not quite babe, they look ridiculous like that." Paul now had to look in the mirror again to see what Suzie meant. The pants fit OK but his ass and groin looked like they were stuffed like a badly filled pillow. "What's happened?" the naive Paul asked. "It's your boxers, they're too big to wear under those type of leggings," Suzie said as she opened Paul's top dresser drawer to find him some better underwear. "Is that all you have?" she asked as she rummaged through a pile of near identical boxers. "Yeah, they're comfy so why try anything else?" Paul answered as he tried in vain to pull the material down to get it looking something like acceptable. "Only one thing for it then." Suzie was now searching in the pile she brought from her room. "Here, try these." Suzie handed Paul a pair of blue cotton panties. "Real...." Paul started to protest as he looked at the small garment now in his hands. "No arguing, it's just the right thing when wearing leggings." To prove her point, Suzie pulled the waist of her leggings down to reveal the side of her own pink panties. "Now hurry up." Paul started to wonder if this was all worth the hassle but had begun removing the leggings anyway, pulling them off from the leg so they didn't end up inside out. He was about to pull off his boxers when he realised Suzie was still watching him. "Ahem, a little privacy?" Suzie turned around. "There, better?" "Thank you." Paul took off his boxers and examined the panties. As he had suspected, they were a thong style. He eventually got them the right way round and up and stepped into the legs. Pulling them up he felt his genitals nicely cradled and the thong back snuggle between his ass cheeks. It was an unusual sensation, but much like everything else that week it was not unpleasant. This was heightened further when he bent down to pick the leggings back up and the thong settled further into his crack. Once his leggings were back on, he told Suzie she could now turn around again. "What do you think?" he asked. "Better, but try this to make them fit perfectly." Suzie demonstrated how to pull the material on both legs up from the ankles upwards then how to pull it around from the front towards her ass crack on each side. The resutling effect was to really make her. "Finally, now were getting somewhere," Suzie said. "Now put these and your trainers on while I grab my bag and we will be ready to go." Suzie handed Paul three more items and disappeared out the door. Not wanting to hold Suzie up anymore, he quickly pulled the sports bra over his head, settling the band in place under his 'pecs', the grey long sleeved shirt to match his leggings (which even had holes for his thumbs to stop it riding up while working out, a feature he had never had in his male clothes) and a black zip up track top. He was putting on his pink and white socks and trainers when Suzie returned. She was carrying two small backpacks and handed one to Paul. "Here, Ive put you a towel and some clothes in for after our workout. You can put your keys and wallet in too." Paul did as he was told and they set off together. Paul's nerves hit as they entered the gym, forcing him to squeeze close behind Suzie as they approached the reception desk and a rather bored looking young lady. "It's so busy. I can't do this, I look ridiculous," he whispered in his friends ear. "You look fine babe, everybody works out nowadays in these kinds of clothes. Look around, no-one has even noticed us, they are focused on their workouts." This was true. Paul looked closer at the range of men and women working out at various pieces of equipment. Suzie was right, they all had determination on their faces and were completely engrossed in what they were doing. Paul relaxed just a little. He and Suzie could do the same without incident, surely. "Just sign your name here." Paul vaguely heard he words but was watching a middle aged woman doing squat lifts with a weight bar. He was dazzled by how good her ass looked. "OWW," he cried out as Suzie dug him in the ribs. "What was that for?" "Put your eyes back in and wake up," she laughed. "Alice here needs you to sign in as my guest. Just a formality." "Oh right, sorry." Paul blushed as he turned and took the pen being offered by Alice, still with her disinterested expression which Paul assumed was her default. He hastily glanced at the terms and signed at the bottom with his usual signature, Paul A.Davies. "Thanks," Alice grunted as she slung the form onto the top of a similar pile on her desk. "You can show your friend where everyhting is cant you?" This was addressed at Suzie/ "Sure," Suzie replied and motioned to Paul to follow her. A look of relief passed over Alice's face as she realised she wouldn't have to do anything resembling work. "She seems entusiastic," Paul said quietly to Suzie as they walked away. Suzie laughed. "Yes I don't think she's exactly suited to a public facing roll. Probably related to someone else who works here." "Classic nepotism in action," Paul laughed as he followed Suzie through a door into what was obviously a locker room, which was currently empty. "You can stash your bag in here, the lockers are free. Just find one with a key still in, lock it and put the key on your wrist," Suzie instructed as she did the same at a vacant locker of her own, keeping just her water bottle with her. Paul found another vacant locker on the opposite side of the room and copied his friend. "So, what's first?" he asked as they exited back into the main gym. "This is all alien to me" "Let's start simple then," said Suzie as she gestured towards a bank of treadmills. **Two hours later** "Whew." Paul put the weight bar down carefully, stretched up tall and wiped his brow. "I think I'm done," he told Suzie. Suzie did two more reps, lifting the bar and squatting down before stopping too and taking a swig from her water. "Fair do's," she said. "You've done great for your first time, we've gone pretty hard there." And they had. They had followed a 30 minute run with a series of different weightlifting exercises directed by Suzie, apart from the squat lifts which Paul had instigated, thinking about the woman he had seen earlier. Admittedly, Suzie had done everything much harder or with more weight than Paul but that was understandable as he had never been particularly athletic. "Come on then, let's get showered so I can be back in plenty of time before Jessica comes round." "Cool," Paul replied breathily, following Suzie back towards the locker room he had stashed his bag in earlier. He pulled up short as he noticed the symbol on the door Suzie was now pushing open, something he had completely missed when he followed her in there earlier. "Woah, I can't go in there." "Why not?" Suzie feigned a look of ignorance. "You were in there earlier." "But it's the womens locker room." Suzie made an exaggerated look at the symbol on the door. "Of course it is, where else would I go?" Suzie laughed. "But what about me?" Paul hissed, suddenly aware of other gym users glancing there way. "Well you can come in, or you can go to the mens room looking like that and with no change of clothes," Suzie said this and disappeared into the locker room, leaving Paul with no option but to follow her. Paul's worst fear was instantly realised as the room was not empty this time around. One young woman was pulling her hair into a ponytail, clearly about to start her workout, wearing a sports bra and a tight pair of shorts. The woman Paul had taken squatting inspiration from was towelling herself dry after a shower. Suzie was pointedly ignoring him and was retreiving her towel from her bag and was starting to undress. Paul breathed deeply and headed straight for his locker, making sure not to look anywhere else. If he could just grab his bag and get out quick everything might still work out OK. As he was fumbling to get his key wristband off, the young woman came up on his right side. 'This is it' thought Paul 'she's going to call me out as some kind of perv.' He braced himself for the inevitable hysterics. Instead what actually happened was the crushing of whatever masculinity Paul had left in his current guise. "Excuse me," said the gym goer as she opened the locker next to Paul's. Paul turned to look at her as he stepped to his left and they made eye contact. "Thanks," she said with a smile, locked her locker again and strode out to the gym. "Showers are through there to the left, loos to the right," Suzie called over as she headed that way with her towel and shower gel. Paul, now ressigned to being seen as female pulled out his bag and removed the towel and shower gel Suzie had packed for him. Strawbery scented, just like he had borrowed that morning. He put the bag back in the locker, along with his trainers and socks, and very self conciously peeled off his top and pants while standing next to the woman now getting dressed. Stood in just a sports bra and thong was not a situation he wanted to be seen in so he quickly turned his back to her, whipped them off and wrapped himself in the towel, fastening it around his chest as he had seen his mother do when he was younger. He locked everything in his locker and headed to the back of the locker room. The other woman had barely glanced at him but as he passed Paul couldn't help but admire her matching maroon bra and panties set as she stepped into her pencil skirt. Paul shook his head, walked on and turned right. 'Damn,' thought Paul as he realised he had walked into the toilets instead of the shower 'Oh well, I could do with going while I'm here.' Paul occupied the nearest cubicle and simply pulled his towel up and sat to relive himself, taking the time to take stock. Despite what was evident between his legs, the world was currently seeing and accepting him as a woman. Not that what he had down there was impressive exactly, another reason for his shyness around girls in ordinary circumstances, it was still 100% male. His biggest concern was the fact that being in the womens locker room around nude or sexily dressed women hadn't even caused his penis to stir. 'Probably for the best,' he decided, 'a boner might just have broken the illusion that I should be in here.' He broke himself out of his revellry, wiped the end of his penis, flushed and headed to find a shower cubicle. He was wrong again. It turned out there were no cubicles, it was an open shower environment. Paul had sudden horrible flashbacks to school P.E lessons and the teasing and bullying that that brought. Suzie was facing away from him and Paul could not help checking her out. Again, no stirring in his loins was a cause for concern. Paul resolved to quickly shower and get out of there. He hung his towel next to Suzie's by the door and turned on the shower in the corner, facing himself into the wall trying to make himself as small as possible. He quickly lathered himself in shower gel and was rinsing off when Suzie spoke to him. "Nearly done Paula? I'm going to get dried and dressed so don't be long." When she addressed him Paul instinctively turned towards her, in time to see her wrapping herself in her towel. His attention was drawn to breasts. Her was impressed with there pertness and the small pink nipples. "I'm coming now too," he replied as he grabbed his own towel and wrapped himself in it again. "Super. I bet you feel better for that shower." "I do, I feel nearly human again now. Although my legs are already feeling stiff." Suzie laughed as they got back to their lockers. "Yeah that will take a few more workouts to stop feeling so bad. You'll get there babe." Paul pulled out his bag and put it on the bench infront of him. They were again now the only two women in the room. Paul dried himself off as quickly as he could while keeping himself covered, making a conscious effort not to look at Suzie while she did the same. Still wrapped in the towel he opened the bag and pulled out the clothes Suzie had packed for him. "What the ......?" he said out loud, not necessarily to Suzie but loud enough for her to hear. "What's the matter?" Suzie asked innocently while fastening her bra. "Where's my clothes?" "In your hands silly," Suzie laughed as she squeezed her jeans up. "I cannot wear these. They're so girly," Paul fumed. "Well I had to lend you something that would fit. And if you haven't noticed already, I am a girl so what did you expect?" "But couldn't you have given me something like that?" Paul gestured at the jeans, t-shirt and leather jacket Suzie now had on. "Not really. The jeans would not have fit, you have a little more junk in the trunk than me. The rest goes together to make a cute outfit. Now stop fussing, get dressed and lets get home. I'll meet you out front." With that, Suzie was out the door, leaving Paul stood alone in a womens locker room, holding the women's clothes he was now expected to wear. "Fine," Paul sighed to himself and proceded to dress. Suzie's chosen outfit for him consisted of a white thong, a white vest with lace trim, white t-shirt and a red and white floral midi skirt. Everything apart from the skirt was at least similar to mens clothing so he put those on first, along with his socks and trainers. Then he stepped into the skirt and pulled it up, positioning the tag at the bag as he figured that would make it the right way round. This left the zip on the left hand side rather than the front but he had enough awareness that women's clothes fastened differently to guys. Once fastened he admired himself in the locker room mirror. What he saw was a young woman with his face ready to face the world. 'WOW,' Paul mouthed as he slung his bag on his back and went out to find Suzie. "So, how do you feel?" Suzie asked as the lift doors opened and the two of them stepped oout into their corridoor. "Weird but.......comfortable," Paul sheepishly admitted. "That's great, I knew you would like that skirt, and it looks great on you too." "Thanks." Paul blushed at the compliment. "I was worried about it at first but it was actually nice having my legs free as we walked back. But I'm going to change now." "Ok then, I'll let you know when Jessica gets here and you can join us for a movie if you like." "Maybe, I'll see how I feel later." Paul headed into his room, kicked off his trainers and flicked on the TV. The soap opera he had found himself engrossed in the previous day had not long since started so rather than change his outfit he settled on his bed to watch. 30 minutes later he had discovered that Charlene's baby in the show had been fathered by the lifeguard she had slept with in the local pool after hours. 'Does that sort of thing actually happen in the real world?' Paul pondered. *Knock knock* Suzie appeared just after 7 that evening. "I thought you were getting changed?" was her first comment when she say Paul was still dressed as before. "Eh, I was comfy and engrossed in the TV so couldnt be bothered in the end." "Good for you. Anyway, Jessica's here, you fancy a movie then?" Suzie asked. "Sure, why not," Paul hopped up and followed Suzie down to her room. "Jessica, this is Paula. Paula, this is Jessica." Suzie handled the introductions as Paul winced slightly at his female moniker. "You guys get a movie on and I'll grab the wine." Jessica was perusing Suzie's DVD collection. "Any preference Paula?" she asked. "Nah you choose whatever youd like." Jessica popped her choice in the DVD player and settled on the bed, motioning Paul to sit beside her. "So, I haven't seen you around?" "No, I've not been out much this term, been busy with my studies. Suzie is doing her best to get me out more though," he laughed. "Yeah she's good like that," Jessica laughed. "but remember, all work and no play makes Paula a dull girl." Suzie reappeared at that moment with a bottle of wine and three glasses which she proceded to fill up and hand round. "What are you girls gossiping about then?" "You making Paula get herself out into the world," Jessica replied. "I'm doing my best," Suzie giggled. "'shes' definately more out there this week than she was during term time." Paul blushed at this inside joke which thankfully went right over Jessica's head. "So what are we watching?" he changed the subject as Suzie sat the other side of him and pressed play while flicking off the lights. "Classic chick flick," said Jessica. "The Notebook." "Yay," said Suzie as Paul inwardly groaned. **Two hours later** *Sob,sniff*. "Get's me everytime," blubbed Jessica. "Me too," sniffed Suzie as she put the lights back on. Paul normally would have rolled his eyes at girls reacting to a chick flick like this. He could not do that this time as he was too busy wiping his eyes to try to hold back tears. How embarrasing. "Look at us all weeping like schoolgirls," Suzie laughed through her tears. Paul laughed too as he pulled himself together. "Well this was great fun ladies but I actually have to work in the morning so I better make tracks," announced Jessica. The three of them said there goodbyes with hugs all round as she left. Once she was gone, Paul nervously asked Suzie what she had planned for the next day, worried about how whatever it was would add to his body modifications. Suzie squirmed and avoided catching his eye. She really did not want to tell him so tried to change the subject. "It's a surprise but you'll enjoy it I promise. When I got the wine I left a treat on your bed for you. Why don't you turn in and see what it is." Paul resigned himself to not knowing what tomorrow held until it came, wished Suzie a good night and headed back to his own room. The surprise turned out to be one of Suzie's nightdresses, silk dressing gown and pink fluffy slippers. Paul felt the silk and lace of the nightdress and smiled. 'I bet that will be super comfy' he thought as he quickly slipped out of his other borrowed clothes, leaving only the thong on as he slipped the nightie over his head. He quickly fell into a deep and contented sleep. Friday It was gone 10am by the time Paul awoke the next morning. He opened his eyes and felt more rested than he had in weeks. Remembering the last few days he lay still and tried to tell if anything felt different. It didn't so he threw back the covers, swung his legs round and sat up. It took longer than usual for part of his body to stop moving. Eventually, his jiggling breasts settled into place. Paul simply sat looking down, mesmerised at his new cleavage showing above his nightdress. He never heard Suzie knock and come in. "Ummm, hi babe. You OK?" she asked gingerly. Paul slowly registered her presence and turned his head up to look at her. "Fine. But these are new," Paul cupped his breasts,at least a C cup as he stood and faced Suzie "I can see that. How do they feel?" "Heavy. Don't get me wrong, I'm a guy and I like big boobs I admit. Just not necessarily when they are attached to me." Suzie stepped forward and gave her friend a consoling hug. "I know, I'm sorry. It's only until Sunday remember, count this as a chance to experience something no guys really get to." Paul was distracted by the feeling of his boobs squashed against Suzie's. "I suppose so," he said as he pulled out of the hug. "Are they always this uncomfortable though?" he asked as he felt them pulling down again. "You are kinda big so you need some support sweetie?" "You mean a bra?" Paul swallowed hard. Girls clothes was one thing, but a BRA? Suzie sense his trepidation. "I'm afraid so, unless you want a bad back. You better come with me to my appointment today I suppose." "What appointment?" "I have a bra fitting booked. I've put on some weight since I came here so wanted to make sure I'm wearing the right size. That'll be why the magic has endowed you for today I guess." "That'll be it. What time are you going?" "11.30 so you better get a move on. You go for a shower and I'll grab you an outfit to borrow, deal?" "Deal" Paul was rushing by the time he got back to his room. His shower had taken longer than usual. Not only was there now more of himself to wash, he had needed to investigate his new appendages. The weight had caught him by surprise but that was nothing compared to his nipples. He now had large, dark brown areola with large nipples, which when he touched them sent a jolt of electricity through his body down towards his groin, although it still didn't cause the sort of arousal he was used to down there. He had eventually pulled himself from his explorations and was now looking at the outfit Suzie had chosen for him. The blue thong was now easily slipped on as was another midi skirt, this time a gold pleated one. He also put on the white socks with a frilly top before confronting the unfamiliar garment which matched his thong. Holding it up he slipped his arms into the bra and placed the cups over his new breasts. He took hold of each end of the fastening and attempted to fasten it behind his back. After contorting his back and arms nearly to the point of dislocation he had to admit defeat and call for Suzie. She showed him how to fasten it infront of him, turn it round, put his arms in and settle his boobs in the cups. So much easier. "How does it feel?" Suzie asked as Paul was pulling a long sleeved black blouse with a bow detail on the front. "Constricting, its digging in at the back and shoulders," Paul answered as he fiddled with the straps. "But the weight is easier to bear." "That's good. It's a 32C, almost certainly too small for you, hence the tightness. The fitter will get you sorted with a more comfortable option I'm sure." "Come on then, that can't happen quickly enough. Where's my trainers?" "MY trainers you mean," Suzie laughed, "they dont go with your outfit at all. I've put some shoes by the bed for you." Paul looked over to where Suzie was gesturing. He saw a pair of strappy, opened toed, gold shoes with a 2" heel. "Seriously???" "Yep, they are perfect with that skirt. Now it's time to go so get them on. I've got a bag for you too." Paul sat on the bed and fastened himself into the shoes. He stood up and immediately fell forward,only just catching himself before he slammed into the wall. Suzie howled with laughter. "Nope, not doing this," Paul protested even as Suzie slung the gold shoulder bag onto him, linked his arms in hers and guided him out into the corridoor, helping keep him upright as he got used to his new footwear. By the time they were outside Suzie felt confident enough to let go of his arm and she was right. Paul was in step alongside her, swaying naturally as he strode along. Paul didn't even notice Suzie had released him as they chatted and walked, as if he had been born walking in heels. They arrived at the department store after a short walk and Paul followed Suzie to the lingerie department. Suzie booked herself in with the staff member while also asking if her friend could be fit in too. This would be fine and the two friends were directed to the fitting room area. Suzie was taken in first, leaving Paul sat in the waiting area contemplating just how he had found himself here. He would have cursed Suzie and her magic potion if he hadn't had such a fun week. 5 minutes passed and Suzie reappeared and told Paul he could go in. She was off to look for bras to try in her new size, 34C. Paul went into the cubicle to meet the fitter, who introduced herself as Lucy. Paul confessed that this was his first bra fitting so didn't really know what to expect. Lucy reassured him that it was straightforward and she would take care of him. He took of his blouse as instructed and Lucy told him to stand straight. She then measured him with her tape measure, once around his ribcage under his breast and once around the breasts himself. "What size bra are you wearing at the moment?" Lucy asked. "32C," Paul answered, confidently remembering what Suzie had told him it was. "And how does it feel?" "Tight here," Paul indicated the shoulders, "and at the back." "That's because it is too small hun. You measure out at a 36D." "Wow, OK." Paul couldnt quite believe he had a pair of D cup boobs "Pop your top back on and go have a look for something in your size and bring it back and we'll double check the fit." As Paul headed back into the store, he passed Suzie heading back in with a handful of bras. She looked like the proverbial kid in a candy store. "How was it she asked?" "Fine. I'm a 36D apparantly." "Cool. You've only had boobs a couple of hours and they're already bigger than mine," she chuckled. "Funny aren't you." "Yes hehe. I'll let you go choose something then while I try these on. There's loads of great choices so go enjoy yourself." Paul was left stood in the bra section looking at a huge number of garments in various styles, colours and materials. He had no idea where to start looking for something that would look good on him. He browsed a number of bras, feeling the materials and holding them up against his breasts. He was totally lost. Just as he was about to admit defeat and run away from the whole endeavour, a bra caught his eye. He had seen one identical somewhere recently but it took a moment to place it. That was it, the maroon bra had been worn by the squatting woman from the gym. He searched the rail and found one in a 36D. Looking at the label it was something called a Demi coverage bra and had some lovely lace detailing on the cups. He carried it back to the fitting room and Lucy and Suzie were waiting for him. "Here she is," said Suzie. "Did you find something?" "I did." Paul held up the bra. "Ooooh gorgeous," Suzie enthused. "Go try it on then." "Let me know when it's on and I'll check the fit for you," said Lucy. Paul headed back to the fitting room and changed into the new bra, following Suzies instructions from earlier. It immediately felt better than the borrowed one. Lucy confirmed this when she came in. "Would you like to wear it out?" "Yes please," said Paul. Lucy removed the tags so she could ring it up and Paul stuffed the blue bra into his handbag before putting his blouse back on. At the tills, Suzie paid for her 5 new bras before Lucy rang up Paul's purchase. Paul's eyes widened at the price of ?35, especially as he would only need it for two days. He was too far into the process though to back out now and he prepared to fork over the cash. "Oh by the way, we have an offer on at the moment. You can get the matching panties for just ?5?" Paul thought of the woman at the gym and how good the set looked. "Great, yes please." "I'll grab some for you. What size and style do you need?" "12 please, a thong," Paul answered, realising that they were his preferred style of panties now. Suzie was so proud of Paul as they walked back to their dorm. He had truly embraced not only the changes to his body but a more fun and involved lifestyle. She knew deep down that even when he was back to Paul the workaholic he would be more willing to experience live outside his studies. Not knowing what Suzie was thinking, Paul was having pretty much the same thoughts. He could not disagree with the thought that he had had the most fun week of his life hanging out with Suzie, and surely these experiences would help him understand women better and help him get a steady girlfriend. He knew then he would get out more and try to enjoy his university experience. Just one more day to get through and things would be back to normal. Saturday Paul checked the time on his phone when he woke up. 11.13am. Another restful nights sleep and a long lie in. The week really must have taken a lot out of him. He noticed he had a message notification but he really had to pee so he took his phone with him as he dashed to the loo. Lifting his nightie, lowering his panties and sitting down he started to relieve himself while he read the message. It was from Camilla, his boss at the bar. 'Hey Paul. I know it's short notice but there's a bug going round. Can you do a 4-10 shift tonight? Pretty please.' Paul knew he and Suzie didn't have plans today and he didn't like letting Camilla down so he text her back to let her know he could come in. 'You are a lifesaver. It's our 50's theme night tonight so don't worry about normal uniform, we'll have something here for you. Just get here a little early so you can change.' 'OK cool. See you at about 3.30 then.' Paul then set his phone on the cistern, pulled a couple of squares of toilet tissue of and reached down to wipe his penis dry. Only he couldnt seem to reach it. 'Damn, must be cold today' He moved his hand closer to himself but still no luck. He looked down but could not see past his tits. It still made him pause, thinking off them as 'his' tits. He leant forward for a better view while reaching back with his hand. This meant he both saw and felt what was going on at the same time. He saw a distinct lack of male genitalia at the same moment he felt a damp slit between his legs. Paul's mind reeled with about a million different thoughts before settling somewhere between 'Of course that makes sense', 'OH FUCK' and 'this is so weird.' In the moment though his only thought was to wipe his new equipment, front to back of course, pull up his panties and go find Suzie for help. As he walked down the corridoor towards Suzie's room he was aware that his panties were even more comfortable than the last few days as they fit his new sex better. He also enjoyed the cool breeze feeling around his legs in his nightie and the way his breasts bounced slightly in his bra as he walked. All these new sensations were lovely. He knocked on Suzie's door but got no answer 'Shit,' he thought, 'guess I'm on my own then.' He was halfway down the corridoor to his own room when he heard the lift doors open. 'Phew, she's back.' His relief was short lived though as it was not Suzie who emerged from the lift but Graham. "Oh hi Graham," he mumbled. "Hey Paul, don't mind me just a routine check of the fire extinguishers," Graham said. "No worries," replied Paul as he moved his way past. "What are you doing this fine Saturday then?" Graham asked as he began taking an extinguisher off the wall for inspection. Politeness forced Paul to turn back. "I'm working later, covering for sickness." Paul was conscious of the fact that Graham appeared to be talking to his ample cleavage rather than his face. "Oh well enjoy." "Thanks," said Paul as he hurried away. When he got to his dorm room he glanced back, causing Graham to quickly avert his eyes to his job. 'Was he checking out my ass?' thought Paul as he went inside. This thought gave Paul a sudden unfamiliar warmth in his groin. Paul also felt a dampness down there although he was sure he had wiped himself thoroughly. It turned out that Suzie had gone to the library to do some reading so Paul was forced to wear the gold skirt and black blouse again, although he was able to wear his own new maroon underwear underneath. He arrived at the bar at around 3.40, walking in heels made him slower than he usually was. "There you are Paul," exclaimed Camilla as he entered the staff room. "I was getting worried but ......." Paul was putting his bag down as he felt Camilla's gaze focus on him. "Ummm.....have you lost ....weight?" Camilla stumbled over her question. Paul looked down at himself and chuckled. "I guess you could say that. Problem?" Paul read the worried expression on his boss' face. "I'll say." Camilla was holding up what Paul guessed was the 50's style uniform for the barmen for the evening. It comprised black pants and white shirt, red bow tie, red and white pinstriped apron and a white hat with red trim. "I don't think you'll fit in this anymore." Paul had to agree with her 100% and the two stood and stared at each other for what felt like an eternity but was in reality probably just a minute or two before Camilla cast the outfit aside and handed Paul a garment bag instead. "This should fit better,I'll work the bar and you can wait in the restaurant tonight for a change." Paul trepidation obviously showed. "You'll be fine, you're used to customers. I'll got get Emilia to come and help you with your uniform if you need it. You start putting it on." Left alone, Paul unzipped the garment bag and examined the contents. 'Well this will certainly fit better' Paul mused. He was looking at a red and white pinstriped dress with frilly lace underskirt and an apron style pocket at the front, a red neckerchief, red and white hat, white frilly ankle socks and a pair of shoes similar to his own but in red. Paul resolved himself to the fact that he was here now and had no chocie so quickly stripped off to change before someone came in. He stepped into the dress, put his arms in and fastened the two buttons. The first thing he noticed was how much cleavage he was displaying, he felt very exposed. He quickly tied the neckchief round his neck, hoping it would at least distract from his rather booby display he was putting on. The second thing he noticed was just how short the skirt was compared to the midi he had got used to wearing. This one didn't even reach his knees, even with the frilly lace peeking out underneath the hemline. He now felt totally exposed as he sat and put his socks and shoes on, doing his level best to keep himself covered. He was stood back up fixing his hat in plase with the provided hairpins when Emilia burst in, dressed in a matching uniform. "Wow, that really suits you babe," she gushed as she handed Paul a name badge. Paul looked at Emilia, noticing how good her cleavage and legs looked too. "You too hun." He pinned the on his left breast, noticing it said Paul.A (to differentiate him from Paul.C behind the bar he guessed) "Come on then let's get to work it's already getting busy out there." Paul went to followe her when Emilia spun back round. "Hang on, one more thing." She pulled a tube from her apron pocket and told Paul to hold still. She then proceded to coat Paul's lips in a bright red lipstick. "There, now you are the perfect 50s babe. Come on," She playfully slapped Paul's ass and guided him out into the restaurant. *6 hours later* Paul sat in the staff room rubbing his feet having changed out of his uniform. Walking in heels was fine but being on them for a full shift had played havoc with his arches. The shift had been busy but generally uneventful. The other girls had had to tell him off a couple of times for bending over and accidentally showing his ass but he soon remembered to bend at the knees. The only other embarrassing moment was when he had managed to spill a drink on a customers lap and Paul had tried to help mop him dry without thinking about it. Paul felt that strange feeling in his loins again as he recalled the way the customer had obviously had a reaction to his towelling down, he had felt it! "There you are, ready to go?" Emilia came in carrying two bags of coins and a piece of paper. "Here's your share of tonights tips." She handed Paul one of the bags which he put in his handbag as Emilia did the same with hers. "Yep, come on I'm bushed." Paul put on his gold shoes and prepared to walk home. "Almost forgot, this is for you too." Emilia thrust the paper into Pauls hand as they left the bar Paul read it out loud, 'Jon 07856203912' "What's this?" "That guy who was flirting with you all night asked me to give you his number, I think you had a real effect on him babe." "Shut up, I did not." "Whatever, you are so oblivious. So, are you going to call him?" Paul folded the number into his bag. "Maybe," he said, knowing that he would not as come tomorrow Jon would definately not be interested in him anymore. "You ngo girl," teased Emilia as they strode arm in arm through the night. Sunday **Bzzzzzz Bzzzzzz Bzzzzzz Bzzzzzz* "Urggghhh." Paul rolled over and groped on his bedside cabinet for his phone. "Hello." "Hi sweetie. Hows things?" Paul heard his mom ask down the phone. "Hey Mom. All good here thanks. How are you? How was Jane?" "I'm great thank you. Jane is fine, we've had a lovely week. What have you been up to? Not just holed up in your room I hope." Paul's memory was suddenly foggy. Just what had he done all week? He knew he had had a busy, fun week. He knew he had spent most of it with Suzie. But just what had they done?. "No I haven't been. Suzie has been stuck here too so we have hung out and had fun. In fact, I've barely studied at all." "Good good. Well just wanted to check in and let you know I was home. I'll speak to you later in the week." "OK mom, love you." "Love you too. Mwah." Paul pulled himself out of bed and examined himself in the mirror. 'What the hell am I wearing?' he thought to himself 'Just how much did I drink after work last night?' Paul pulled off the nightie that he inexplicably found himself adorned in, revealing an ill-fitting maroon bra and thong hanging incongruously off his male frame. 'Must have been some night' Paul removed the underwear too and pulled on a pair of boxers which were a perfect fit. *Knock knock* "Just a minute," Paul called out as he stashed the nightie, underwear and what appeared to be a full outfit of womens clothes (which were lying on the floor) under his bed. He would deal with that lot later, hopefully when he could remember just what the hell had been going on. He then opened the door a crack to find Dave, one of his dorm mates, standing there. "Hey Dave whats up? Good week off?" "Yes thanks Paul. You?" "Pretty good ta." "So anyway, me and the guys are going to the bar tonight for the pub quiz. I know it's not normally your sort of thing but Suzie said we should invite you so umm yeah, fancy it?" To both Dave and Paul's surprise, Paul replied in the affirmative. "Sounds fun actually, i'll be there." "Ohh well great. We're leaving at 7 this evening, see you then." "Cool, see you later," Paul said and closed the door. He wasn't sure what had come over him but he genuinely was excited about a night out with his dorm mates. Guess a week away from his studies had done him some good after all. Epilogue Paul slowly blinked. Only a second had passed but it felt like he had truly relived a week of his life. How could he have possibly have forgotten the strangest yet most enlightening time of his life. But now he remembered, and knew what he had to do. He placed his beer glass on the nearest table and hurried after Suzie. "Suzie wait up." Suzie turned to him with a knowing smile. "Paul, did you forget something?" she grinned. "I think you know I did. How is that possible?" he asked breathlessly. "I guess it was the magic. You did have fun though, trust me. And it helped you to get more involved in university life. So if forgetting was the price to pay I'd say it was worth it." "True,true. But I think I want to try it again," Paul confessed. "Really? But I thought you were happy with your life? That's how it sounded." "I am, don't get me wrong. But maybe I could be....I don't know.....happier?" Suzie hugged Paul again. "Maybe you could sweetie." She turned her head to call over to Jon. "Jon, is it OK if Paul comes to stay with us for a while?" Jon's grin was huge across his face. "Absolutely, It will be our pleasure to have you Paul. Shall we get going now?" "Sure," said Suzie, leading Paul out by the hand. "This is perfect timing too Paul, as I'm planning to get my hair done tomorrow," she said with a wink. "Wonderful," said Paul. The end???

Same as A week of fitting in Part 2 Videos

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Top Sports Shop Custom Jockstrap Fitting

“Donnie what are these?” I just counted 20 jock straps in your drawers,” Mrs. Patterson asks her son as she is placing clean clothes into his chest-of-drawers. “Oh, bein’ out for basketball, I go through them fast.” “Not that fast. I do your laundry every week and I don’t see why you can’t get by with four or five. This seems excessive.” “Well, Mom, I don’t want to run out. Besides, Tommy can use them when I go to college.” “Your little brother has his own. You have way more than you...

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I had no idea that I could be so easily seduced. All it had taken was a few glances, a couple of touches, and here I was, in less than five minutes, spreading for a total stranger – why, I didn’t even know her name! In truth, I was simply gagging for it, and perhaps it showed somehow, radiating subliminal signals to anyone attuned enough to pick them up. I was sixteen and a half, a lesbian without a lover or any prospect of one (in fact, with no sex life at all), and I would have gone...

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Fitting Room Surprise

I had no idea that I could be so easily seduced. All it had taken was a few glances, a couple of touches, and here I was, in less than five minutes, spreading for a total stranger – why, I didn’t even know her name!In truth, I was simply gagging for it, and perhaps it showed somehow, radiating subliminal signals to anyone attuned enough to pick them up. I was sixteen and a half, a lesbian without a lover or any prospect of one (in fact, with no sex life at all), and I would have gone with any...

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The Fitting

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The Fitting Room

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(C) Mojavejoe420 2020 Ships, particularly warships, have watertight compartments to stop internal flooding from torpedoes, bombs, or other hull damage to the ship. Sailors slam the heavy steel doors (hatches) shut and seal them tight, also known as dogging the hatches. This keeps the ship afloat during times of crisis. Military people, particularly those who have seen combat, also have compartments. When you’re flying off of your leader’s wing (who is also your best friend) and he gets...

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The Fitting0

Ali is a petite middle aged woman in her late fifties. She suffered from depression when our only child died in a car accident. This actually brought on an early menopause and the loss of her sex drive. She comfort ate and put on the pounds. At one point she was over 170 pounds mostly around the middle. She woke up to the health risk when she hurt her back. After several attempts to diet she decided to create her own sensible diet – mainly eat less and exercise. She came back down to a healthy...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 152 Outfitting Housemates

How long have they been held by those people transporting them? The only difference between how the twins looked when they came out of the showers was the towel around the girl’s head. I checked both out. The girl had a nice set of firm breasts, each about the size of half baseballs and her pussy juices already making the inside her of thighs shiny. Her brother was sporting a boner about six inches long and a bit thicker than mine. Neither of them seemed to care that they were there naked in...

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The fitting room

I’m Carly. I  had planned a night out with the girls. I had to shower, shave my legs and pussy the way Tom liked it. As I looked through my wardrobe I couldn’t find a single thing to wear. I wanted to feel nice. I wanted to feel sexy. The time was 4 pm. Tom was in the garden fixing his shed. I quickly grabbed my floaty dress and threw it over my naked body, grabbed my bag and keys, and made my way through the garden to the car. Tom looked confused. “Tom I need you to choose me a dress for this...

Quickie Sex
2 years ago
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Fitting In

Fitting In The woman sitting next to me on the couch was about my age. She took a cigarette out of a pack, her dark fingers raising that white tube to her brown face as she smiled at me. She put her lips on that whiteness, lit it with a match, and sucked at it while my cock began to rise in my pants.. I looked across the room at the mirror on the opposite wall. I looked very white, while this woman seemed a buttery shade of brown. She exhaled a stream of smoke, and I turned...

1 year ago
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A Bra Fitting Expert

You know, dear, most girls can't wait to get home and out of their bras at the end of the day. You're the only person I know who can't wait to get home to get into a bra. Well, that makes me feel really good, Mother. You don't need to tell me how other girls feel about wearing bras. Maybe if they purchased the correct size bra, they wouldn't want to remove it at the end of the day. Oh, so you're the bra purchasing expert, are you? Mother was in a really good mood today. Maybe I...

3 years ago
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Wenchs Fitting

Wench's Fitting Love and I woke up early in the hotel room. We had gotten into Baltimorelate the night before. I was nervous, knowing full well why we came here. Love had me get dressed in my vanilla enough leather outfit – leatherpants and leather jacket go well with Love's motorcycle. We got on, with himin front of course, and he handed me my helmet. I saw that he covered the insideof the face shield with pictures – the center one had me naked exceptfor a blindfold, and tied to the bed....

2 years ago
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Fitting Together

The morning was hot. Carol Wake had carried a load of luggage from her car. Now she was so ready for a refreshing shower. All of the furniture and carpets had been changed. Only the stair carpet remained, and Garson Wilde would complete the fitting that morning.Five months since the divorce and being a financial director, ex-husband Victor, was affluent enough to agree to Carol keeping the house, and she had been determined to make it a clean sweep and replace anything that remotely reminded...

1 year ago
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The Tuxedo fitting

When my best friend told me that he was getting married and he wanted me to be his best man, I was thrilled to say the least. I had known Brian since high school and although we lived a few hundred miles apart, we made a habit of calling each other as often as possible and even meeting for drinks or dinner every now and then. My wife Kim has only met him a handful of times because of her work demands. I got off the phone with Brian after madly scribbling down some notes on the back of an...

3 years ago
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The Fitting

Fitting a gown for the Charity GalaDave and Julie had been inseparable since the sailing date. Dave’s shop was in between yacht restorations and Julie had quit the restaurant job, so nothing competed with their time together. Dave loved the way Julie embraced life, so he took her to all kinds of events and activities just to see the joy on her face.Dave also encouraged her exhibitionism and provided her with additional wardrobe that a young woman with an incredible body could tease others with;...

1 year ago
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Sissy Julian Chapter XII Amongst Other Things A Well Fitting Jock

Sissy Julian - Chapter XII, Amongst Other Things, A Well Fitting Jock by: sissystevie At last! Julia gets her Jock, but when will they come up for air? Well, the Countess has a betting line on just that, at least when she and Auntie Jane eventually come up for their own air! Flash: could Constance be in love with the Brittany Spaniel? Then, as a side dish, served hot, try Daphne and her new mentor, Dominica. Fred Gingerman's wedding parties start early with many, many bangs on Lake...

4 years ago
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The Tuxedo fitting

When my best friend told me that he was getting married and he wanted me to be his best man, I was thrilled to say the least. I had known Brian since high school and although we lived a few hundred miles apart, we made a habit of calling each other as often as possible and even meeting for drinks or dinner every now and then. My wife Kim has only met him a handful of times because of her work demands. I got off the phone with Brian after madly scribbling down some notes on the back of an...

Oral Sex
1 year ago
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The Fitting

Janies 46DD chest had led her to Nina to make her an exclusive ball gown, on the day of the final fitting Janie's work schedule and Friday motorway traffic meant she missed her fitting appointment. Nina arranged to leave a key in the garden shed as she and her husband were going away for a few days, "I just need you to try it on and say it is ok and then I can finish the trimming ready for next weekend" After a long day Janie decided to go home and try the dress at Nina's on the Saturday. Mike...

3 years ago
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I bounced the tennis ball lightly off the dirty storefront window. Only 7:52, I thought to myself as I caught the ball coming back towards me. Still over an hour before we shut this shithole place down. Who shops for dog toys and fish food on Friday night anyway? I was getting anxious about going out already but I still had to run home and change out of this stupid uniform before I met Leslie at her house. I had been to the house this party was at once before with her but she had...

2 years ago
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Its July Scotland is in the middle of a heat wave first time in years. We haven't seen one another for a couple of weeks as we both have been very busy but still call one another most nights its friday and you call me in the middle of the afternoon saying that you fancy going away for the weekend and would I be interested, Of course I don't need an excuse to go away on the bike with you. So the agreement is I come down on Saturday for around about 10 am and we could just take off down towards...

2 years ago
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36Weekend away 1

36Weekend away 1 Friday, work had dragged, hubby had helped her get ready to go out and having rushed around here she was the sun going down, the hot dusty streets still basking in the warmth of the summer day rushing to be at the location where she had been told to meet him.She believed her date would not wait, so her heels clip clopped along the paving at a fair trot, his car stood at the kerbside, the door just open as she by now panting arrived beside the sleek 4x4. She leapt in throwing...

2 years ago
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Translatet With GoolgeIt was Friday at had passed 1400 and looked forward to a pleasant evening with Randi. When the bell rang the doorbell. It was the record that came with the package. Waited no packages, but the visitors leveled and took the package into. I opened the box and there lay a patch. Walk in shower and wash well. There are several bags in the package, do not pack the up until you have been notified. Randi. I went in the shower, washed and shaved. Took me morning coat and went into...

2 years ago
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Bikeweek To Remember

I sat on a bench on the board walk that faced the ocean, and stared out over the Atlantic. My name is Brian, and since my extremely nasty break up 6 months earlier, I spent a lot of time at the beach. Truth be told, I spent quite a bit of time at the beach any way. There was something both soothing and exhilarating about the surf, and sea. I knew I had been in a funk since my break up. Janet had been my world, and she had turned it completely upside down. Now Bikeweek was coming back to...

1 year ago
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The fitting

"Awwww mom, do I hafta," cried Judy Kilmer!?! "Now be quiet and sit still," her mother admonished her, "we'll be there in a few minutes!!!" Judy turned her head and looked sullenly out the passenger door window, dreading her first visit to her mother's lingerie shop. "Jesus," she thought to herself, "I'm only eighteen years old, what the fuck do I need custom made lingerie for anyway???" "Oh well," she thought resignedly, "I might as well just get it over with, 'cuz there is really nothing I...

1 year ago
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The Fantasy Fuck Store part 2 lovely mature ladies want a man for private girdle fittings

The store starts new home visit girdle fitting service. And the lovely BBW hairy mature ladies only want a man to measure them After a few months of working for Heather, the Fantasy Fuck Store owner, she approached me with a new offer. “Ken I have received several phone calls from ladies who have got wind of your ‘personal services’ from their friends - you know how our clients like to show off - but the difference is that they admit to not being confident and would rather be...

3 years ago
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ma femme et mon client 2eme partie

nous etions a table et attendions les miss qui etaient partie se faire un brin de toilettes ,le temps nous semblaient long ,trop long mon client et nous decidons d aller voir ce qu elle faisaient etant donné qu on avait tres faimnous montons dans ma chambre ou se trouve aussi notre salle de bain privative et la en entrant dans la chambre nous les voyons toute les deux nue sur le lit ,encore humide de la douche avec un etalage de gode ma femme a une collection exceptionnelle ,j avoue je lui en...

2 years ago
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Sunday with Miss Suzy Premire partie

Sunday--Miss Suzy Premi?re partie "The best things in life are free. The second best are very expensive." Since I de-planed in the Big Apple (I came from Ohio, but am most certainly not a Scientologist--unless an impeccable platinum banded solitaire ring of about five carats is part of the deal) I've had oodles of marriage proposals and was even, briefly, engaged. All very flattering, but I can afford to be choosy--or could. I think it's well past time if a lady is unmarried at 3...

3 years ago
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Changing For Gym Fitting In

This is light little story inspired by Xoop's 'Changing for Gym' at Big Closet. It could be considered a sequel of sorts, but is actually more of a stand alone story set in the same place. I do make use of Xoop's setting, and a few of his characters (School officials, Jessica Woodruff(in a supporting kind of role) and of course, Hill Street High School. I have also, quite shamelessly, taken Xoop's intro verbatim just to maintain continuity, with apologies to the original author. But...

1 year ago
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Fitting Room Passion

Sylvia had bought a really nice black dress to wear for a very fancy party that she had no choice but to attend. Sylvia wanted to try the dress on again, and make sure she had just the right lingerie to go with it. After paying a great deal for the dress Sylvia realized her only black bra looked pretty tacky under the dress, and it felt uncomfortably tight as well. Rather than take a chance at feeling uncomfortable and self conscious all evening she returned to the mall to buy a bra that fit...

1 year ago
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Fitting Scions

Fitting ScionsBy: Londebaaz ChohanI am Howard. I have no clue why; although there was no one to suggest this or pushing me for this but from my earliest memory; I always wanted to be in sports and of all the sports; I wanted to be a champion boxer. Now at the age of 23, no way that I can be called a sportsman. Even after spending a lot of time and putting in all the effort, I am nowhere close to being a boxer but after all said and done, I am in best shape and healthy like a horse. I am 6’2”,...

1 year ago
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Samanthas Dress FittingChapter 1

I was trying to save money, so I didn't have cable. However there was a basketball game on that I wanted to watch and my friends James and Mandy did have cable. I had gone to high school with James, and he had married a woman with a daughter a few years ago. I stopped by often, so I went over to their house to watch the game there. Midway through the first half, Mandy came downstairs holding a dress. "Samantha! Come try this dress on. I'm going to be out of town on a business trip right...

2 years ago
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KT LLCChapter 9 Tis Fitting

Interlude: 25th Anniversary Cindy: It may be hard to believe now, but Aunt Jo was once into the punk/grunge/goth look. She still has a mismatched set of Army boots, which she claims to have worn through six years of grad school. Aunt Jo also claims Aunt Frannie tried to get her to leave them behind and go shopping barefoot. Knowing them both, I believe it. There is also something about Aunt Francine telling a story... Francine: I had not been thrilled when Sheila told me that Sean's...

3 years ago
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ProfNigma Stories 1 iCarly One Night Part1

ProfNigma Stories #1 iCarly: One Night Part1 iCarly: One Night Part 1It was a late night in the iCarly studio as Carly, Sam, and Freddie cleaned up the mess from one of their skits. The gag revolved around Gibby diving into a k*ddie pool full of chicken salad while dressed a chicken suit, but as humorous as it had seemed in the planning stages, the stench, hours later, was certainly not funny."Whose dumb idea was this in the first place!?" Sam yelled as she cleaned up the car prop on the far...

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