K&T, LLC Ch. 04 free porn video

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Author’s Note: This is a girls day out section, mostly. Pretty close to no sexual content. However, if makeovers get you off, we got you covered.

Chapter 8 — Coffee to Go

Interlude: 25th Anniversary


One thing I have always wished I could have watched is the meeting of Aunt Frannie and Aunt Jo. If you want to talk of odd couples, start right there. Of course, shopping in New York is a great way to meet anyone. Mom and Nanny CC were involved, so almost anything could have happened.


For the first time in our relationship, I woke at the same time as Sheila. I put it down to exhaustion on her part. I rolled over and sucked on one of her nipples. This earned me a very un-Sheila like squeal. I told her that I was prospecting for milk. I had found a good site and would keep looking, even if it took months. Sheila blushes so prettily.

It was a full day, so we could not linger in the shower, tempting though that was. We had our usual quick breakfast, then Sheila took off for an early appointment. I sent Helen a message saying that I would be late, because I was checking on wedding preparations. That gave me an excuse to go down to the boathouse and look around again. The progress was substantial.

First, the yard below the house had been sectioned off like a county fair midway. Blocks were laid out for various food providers and entertainment stalls, even one for clown makeup. The boathouse itself had been pressure-washed and a crew was laying drop cloths for the painters.

Inside, I was pleased to see a crew working on the houseboat. Sheila had told me it was silly calling it a houseboat, because there were no rooms. She could call it a party barge if she wished. I hoped I would call it an altar. Five minutes discussion encouraged me on that point. It would, I was told, make a lovely platform for the ceremony. For some reason I flashed to the bible story about Jesus preaching from a fishing boat.

Across the boathouse was the yacht. Much of the draping had been removed, so that you could see the woodwork underneath. The boat specialist, who had just assured me of the water worthiness of the houseboat, followed my gaze to Grandfather’s pride. He cleared his throat, so I gave him my attention.

‘Mr. Richards, that is truly a work of art. She’s a ways from being fit, but the structure’s sound. I’d be glad to see about getting her float ready, but you’ll be needin’ cabinet makers for the woodwork. There be wood in there that ye don’t find no more. Put the right people on the job and they could add a quarter million to her value.’

He cleared his throat again. ‘I been meaning to ask, ’cause I seen the name’s been stripped off, what do ye call her? T’ain’t good luck for a fine boat to have no name.’ I liked this guy. He thought of poetic things.

I gave it a moments thought. By rights, naming should go to my bride, but I wanted to give her a gift. Sheila would get my reference immediately, and she would love it. I looked at the guy and asked his name. It was Clayton Roberts, ‘Just call me CR.’

I said, ‘Well, CR, I should let my fiancée name her, but then I would not get to see her blush. She’ll be The Other Shoe. I am guessing there are none in the registry yet.’ CR thought that was quite funny. Then he sobered. ‘Give me the job. I do right by her.’ I told him to get me a formal estimate by Friday, but the job was his. We shook on it.

When I emerged from the boathouse, I saw the first of Jo’s grad students. It was one of the six we had delivered to the motel, though her name escaped me. She was arguing strenuously with Mitchell Gilbert. As I walked up, they both turned to me. Rather than settle an argument, this was a time to back up my manager—to a point.

I said, ‘Miss, I do not know the point under discussion. I do know that it is Mitchell’s decision. It probably does not matter much, since we are still in clean up mode. Both of you, make some mental notes and we will have a war council tonight. Both of you remember, you will have to defend yourselves to my sister Jo and my fiancée. Choose your poison, because they are getting along like hammer and anvil. God help the first one to try playing them against each other. Now, I need to borrow Mitchell.’

I went over the plan for the day. As expected, the rest of the students were present and almost all were hung over. I told him that hangovers crave sunlight and sweat. Then I told him to expect deliveries from my events people. Mitchell said that he had been contacted. I love competent people. I told him that I would have catering dedicate a truck to the project, so that at least lunch was covered. That done, I found Michael and gave him the same speech.

By the time I hit the office, the shit was ankle deep and rising. One of the drawbacks of owning thirty odd companies is that they all have clients. Clients get nervous when there is a change. My marriage was the biggest change in years. Naturally. I had staff to sooth and coddle, but that only works with some clients. The important ones have the clout to get through to me. By the twentieth call, I was looking forward to meeting Elder Neufeld for lunch. I was only asking him to bend his religious convictions for money.


There are times I hate my brother. Early morning is at the top of the list. If anything, Sheila was worse. I dragged myself out of bed and paged Sean’s room, only to find that Sheila had left over an hour before, presumably already having had breakfast. That, at least, was worth a small chuckle. Sheila’s idea of breakfast was probably tea and toast.

I showered and dressed, including a bra for a change, and nuked the latest offering from freezerland. During the third cup of coffee I called down for a car. I was told that Russell was available for Sheila and myself. Fortunately, Sean had not left, so I could commandeer the Mercedes. Sheila had mentioned shopping, so we might need the extra space. That reminded me to notify American Express. Any charges would not be in my normal pattern. It is a good idea to let them know ahead of time.

Before we left, I made a pit stop and checked the reflection. I looked like what I was—an oversized intellectual with no pretensions of beauty. My big concession was to wear only two sets of earrings and a newish shirt. I stuck with the boots because they are comfortable. I mentally snorted to myself. As if someone my height would wear heels.

I hoped I would not regret this.


Tuesday at the gym was a new experience. I had appointments with four clients at once. Normally, I believe a personal trainer gives personal service. But, things were not normal. All of this group had declined to cancel or reschedule. Mostly that meant that they wanted news directly from the source, me, but they also wanted some continuity. At least, that is what I told myself.

Watching them together was interesting. This was unfamiliar ground for them as well. They all knew each other socially, but this was not a social occasion, at least not in the usual sense. After a few tense moments, I called for their attention. My informal meeting was brief. I told them that I was getting married and that changes were coming, beginning with substitutes both in the gym and in the studio. I also told them to expect another move. It had been five years since the last one, but heads were nodding. I have good client loyalty.

That done, I had them all move to the yoga studio. Sharon took a moment from her class so that I could make introductions. As we filed back, I told everyone that Sharon was not a trainer, so the routine would be their responsibility. Sharon was going to coach them on limits. That made sense to everyone, since no one trifles with yoga.

Once we finally hit the weights and machines, things went smoothly. Everyone did know their own routine. I just needed to spot check occasionally. In fact, it went better than usual. I think so
me competitive juices were running. Then, it was over and my other day began.

When my clients were released to go shower, I headed for my studio for a change of clothes. It felt odd to think of it in those terms, rather than a change of costume. At the studio, I untied Christine, so she could help me change. She had been working on the computer during the exercise session. Since flexibility was Christine’s current objective, I had lashed her ankles to opposite ends of a pole. That way she could stretch while using the computer.

I often tied clients in uncomfortable, or even painful ways, but it was a new thing for Christine. It would be interesting to see how it progressed. In any event, I gave her a moment to deal with the stiffness, while I peeled off my workouts. The outfit I would be wearing would be textbook turn of the century American, except that it had cheat zippers in the pleats. That meant a smooth fronted blouse, with buttons in the back. The skirt hooked, rather than zipped, but it was still easy. Stockings, of course. I had too much respect for my feet to wear turn of the 20th century style shoes. I was visiting Julian, so the bustier was mandatory. None the less, I brought a pair if garters and a bra. This was purely for changing at Julian’s shop.

Christine helped me with the skirt hooks and stocking stays. Then, I asked her to go start the car. As she walked away I checked for signs of bruising in her movements. I was pleased to see her moving comfortably, allowing for a bit of stiffness from her stretching. That would change tomorrow, when I did a session with both Tess and Jason. It was also going to be Richard’s job interview.

Julian’s studio was in Elizabeth, so we had a bit of a drive coming. Siobhan was going to meet us there, but I needed to pick up Francine. As luck would have it, we went to the last place Christine had worked—the 7th Street Diner. It was an old favorite of Francine’s. As we approached the door, Christine tugged on my sleeve, for attention, then held a finger to her lips. She tapped her wrist and help up three fingers. Christine wanted me to wait three minutes.

I was mystified, but complied. It gave me a chance to check my messages. As it happened, Harold Johnstead had sent me a set of images for the finished invitations. I replied. Use your judgment Harold. Time is short. I am sure you will not disappoint me.


When I entered the diner, I saw Francine at her usual table, with the wreckage of another huge meal laid in front of her. I sat down across from her. Just then, Christine came up, wearing a waitress uniform. She quietly warmed Francine’s coffee. It took considerable control to keep from laughing out loud.

Francine said, ‘Well about fucking time. Don’t we have a 20 minute drive? And where is that cum factory of yours? I thought she was going, too.’ Cum factory? Just how intense were Christine’s orgasms?

I said, ‘Christine is reading a part today. Wait a minute and we will get some tea and coffee for the drive. In the mean time I have a favor to ask. I know it is an imposition, but I will need someone to cover my special clients while I am, ah, otherwise engaged. It would be for two weeks, ending Monday after next. Here’s the drinks.’

Christine set two covered styrofoam cups on the table, along with a tab. Francine literally growled as she pulled out $20. ‘I suppose you expect a tip.’ Christine was not going to say anything, so I did. ‘After the way she got you to cum the other morning, I think she deserves one. Don’t you?’

Francine stared at me, glanced at Christine, did a double take, then pointed at Christine and started to laugh. Once Francine got started, she may have had trouble stopping, because she laughed until tears were running down her face. When she finally calmed down, Francine threw $20 more on the table. Christine picked that bill up, then did a quick exit.

Francine said, ‘God Schwartz, when did you think that one up? It was exactly like the one I played on Pedro at his retirement dinner. Angela recognized me, but never tipped off Pedro. He did not recognize me until the middle of his farewell speech, and I had to wave when he mentioned not seeing me. Damn, that was good.’

I admitted, ‘All the credit on this one goes to Christine. She just asked for three minutes. She never told me what she had in mind, but I spotted her warming up your coffee when I came in the door. I tried to throw you a bone by mentioning we would get tea to go, when no one was here to take the order.’ Christine had come up, dressed for the street again. Since Francine’s original $20 was still on the table, I saw no reason to linger.

Once we were in my car, driving toward Elizabeth, Francine asked me what, exactly, I needed done. I laid the bones of a plan out. Christine was available to cover the clerical part of the business, as well as the tedious things like checking the showers and sanitizing the equipment after use. Francine had done a decent job with Christine, Tess if you prefer, though I would not look kindly on another long absence. I also mentioned that Siobhan was willing to assist.

Francine summarized, ‘So, you want me and Ricky’s sister She-o-ban to do the sessions. Miss Cums-a-lot will cover the rest. Is that about it?’ Francine was nervous. She is never rude accidentally.

I said, ‘Please do not make fun of Siobhan’s name. I hate funerals. Besides, she answers to Jo, if you can’t get the pronunciation down.’ Yes, that was a low blow, but she started it.

Francine opened her mouth, then closed it. Opened, then closed. Finally, ‘Damn Schwartz, I forgot how good you were at this. CC, make note. Your Mistress just insulted me at least three different ways, and managed to sound helpful while doing it. You really think she could take me?’ Wow. Francine caved after one punch. Now that I thought about it, Siobhan had waved a fast white flag as well. Maybe I was the one that needed to lighten up.

I said, ‘Siobhan has to be experienced to be believed. For the moment, her preferred persona is bull dyke, with physical strength to match. I gave her a tip that she would be getting a makeover today, but she may not have picked up on it. So, play nice, or you will spoil her moment.’

That did not shut Francine up, but it did get her to play along. If there is one thing Francine loves more than a good practical joke, its pulling people out of shells. Siobhan had just become Francine’s project of the week. Wait til they actually met.

I had agreed to meet Siobhan, on foot, at a news stand near the downtown train station. Julian’s place of business is difficult to find, even with a map and instructions. It is easiest to find a parking spot first, then walk. Francine and Siobhan eyed each other like new dogs at the pound. I simply walked away, forcing them to follow.

About three blocks from where we met is an old Kress department store, which had been converted into a Sisters of Mercy resale shop. Francine would have dived into that, had I not held her back. Up the alley, halfway to the thrift store receiving dock, is a pair of disreputable concrete stairs. The one leading up is to Julian’s official business. It is a dress alteration shop, called the Parlor. The one leading down is where Julian performs his corsetry. Make no mistake, Julian was all about performance.

The Parlor is exactly what the name implies, a seating area. He employs two elderly ladies to do mundane things, like take measurements. Occasionally, they also alter dresses. Mostly, they chat with the clients, explaining why Julian cannot, or will not, do whatever the client wants done.

The two ladies greeted us warmly and offered tea. One was named Millie and the other was new to me. Things change in a year. Millie came over and gave me a hug, subtly feeling me over when she did. The other woman introduced herself as Maggie. She shook hands with Siobhan, then invited her to step into a booth. As Siobhan moved away, Francine called, ‘All of
it. Even the panties.’

I do not know how Francine knew, but she was correct. Julian needs many measurements, all taken from skin. From what I judged, Siobhan would be very heated before they were done. I suspect Millie was a closet lesbian, and it would not surprise me if Maggie was as well. It is all part of Julian’s particular genius.

Millie asked Francine and Christine to be seated, while I was with Julian. Suddenly, I was nervous as a best man that cannot find the ring.


Sheila wanted to meet near the main train station in Elizabethtown. I had not given much thought to our plan, until I climbed in the Mercedes and Russell pulled out of the garage. It was all very well to say ‘fitted for a corset’ as if I knew what I was saying. Corsets were rather common among my usual group at Dartmouth. They are used as party wear, to give a bit of fetish flavor.

Sean had said that Sheila almost never went without a foundation garment of some description. This was something that was important to her. Somewhat to my surprise, that made it important to me. Once the reality began to approach, I realized that I was completely out of my element and I hate feeling adrift.

Once in Elizabeth, Russell found a parking place and I walked to the rendezvous site. I was first to arrive by a few minutes, which allowed me to see them approaching. Francine Martel was much as I remembered her, both from my short foray into dance instructions and from seeing her on stage. I watched her walk along, barely as tall as Sheila’s shoulders, talking at 100 miles an hour. It brought back many memories, none of them were good.

Behind them, taking no part in the conversation, was a young woman. This would be CC. She looked rather attractive in her flowery sun dress and pony tail. She was wearing tall wedgie sandals, which made her almost as tall as Sheila, who was wearing lower heels. Francine Martel was wearing what looked like house slippers. Like me, why would she wear heels.

The trio brought one other thing to mind. CC was wearing 3′- 4′ heels, and doing it pretty well. Still, she walked like a woman in heels. Francine Martel flowed smoothly along, despite constantly gesturing and twisting her torso. As impressive as that was, she was a famous dancer, so you could expect it. What struck me was the way Sheila walked. Having a professional dancer for comparison highlighted the effortless grace that Sheila personified. No wonder I remembered her as the more talented of the two.

At that point, Sheila saw me and made a subtle gesture with her head. The three of them changed their direction and I moved to meet with them. Suddenly, everyone was quiet. I am rarely at a loss for words, and clearly Francine Martel could talk, but there was nothing to say. Just as things were getting awkward, Sheila glided over and gave me a hug. Grace is more than just movements.

Introductions were made. I thought I saw a glimmer of recognition in Francine’s eyes. It was hard to credit, since I had been ten and she was eighteen or nineteen. Sheila would have been about fourteen, yet they were always paired. Just how good could Sheila have been?

There was no conversation on the walk, but it was only a couple of blocks. I do not know what I expected, but an employee entrance to a decrepit department store was not it. There was a brief break in the tension, when Francine Martel made to go into the thrift store and Sheila warned her off. I felt a twinge of sympathy. A new thrift store is a fine thing.

We went up a run of stairs to a sitting area. It may have once been the employee break room. Two elderly ladies were introduced as Maggie and Millie. Both were wearing corsets, though it was not obvious. They seemed comfortable. Maggie picked up a tape measure and asked me to go into a curtained area. Here goes. Nothing but T-shirts have ever fit me. There was a sign listing alteration prices.

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He sent me a faceless, cockless message on Adult FriendFinder, and I was apprehensive to reply. Being new to the site, and posting some of the pictures and video I had, I had become accustomed to emails of this ilk. Most of them said things like "I love the way you suck that dildo, wish it was my cock" or "I'd love to blow my load on those big nipples". It was obvious to me that none of them had bothered to even take a glimpse at my profile. Once in a while, a message would strike me as funny,...

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Mystery Motel 9

Donald found out that Susan was staying with Michelle and he was going there to talk to her. As he was driving he was muttering that damn bitch when thinking about Adele the witch. He pulled into the driveway and got out of his Tahoe, He went up and knocked on the door and it was Michelle. She said, "Hi, I bet you are here to see Susan. Now, yes it is your deceased wife but she is as confused as you are." She led Donald in and there was Susan she smiled and went to give him a...

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Dog door I felt like the door

feel my body clench every muscle in it all at once. It happened a couple of times, I think they were testing the button on the machine or something. Then it stopped. Then nothing but silence. I decided it was time I got out of there before things got already Stranger Than They had. I start twisting my body and trying to get through the door the rest of the way but my hips just won't fit. I guess I do have the ass like my mother said I would. This went on for what seemed like a minute or two and...

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Being Naughty At Nude Resort 8211 Part 4

All of a sudden Anders fainted, Alex and Jacob hurried to pick him up. After sprinkling some water on his face he gained consciousness. Me: Thank god, are you feeling ok, now? Anders: Yes I guess. Alex: I guess you didn’t eat much today other than alcohol right? Anders: Ya I wasn’t in a mood to eat all day long. Me:  I will take care of him Why don’t you guys go out and get something to eat for us? Alex: Sure, I’m starving too. Jacob and Alex went out to grab a bite, I started massaging...

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The CastleChapter 7

Miss Parradine was in one of the vaults of the County Record Office, where many of the papers of the Earls of Fortescue had been kept since the family had donated them in an uncharacteristic (for them) act of benevolence, some hundred and fifty years ago. It was deep underground and smelt chiefly and displeasingly of mildew and rust. The air conditioning was mediaeval in its antiquity, along with many of the documents. Normally she would have material she wanted to examine brought up to her...

4 years ago
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Her Name Was Allissa

Her name was Allisa My Wife of 10 wonderful years thus far knew my cravings and agreed to lend a hand in my desire. My wife was born with three siblings. Two sisters, Anna and Sonya, and one brother, George. When we got together we expressed or mutual likeness in young children. I had always had fantasies of younger girls and her of boys. After our 6th year together, we heard the very unfortunate news that her sister Sonya had past away in a car accident. Unfortunate for my wife and...

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The Love Monk or Zen in the BedroomChapter 9

When they recovered from the orgy, the dyke night manager was standing by the bed, her clothes opened, one hand twisting a nipple while the other was shoving fingers quickly into her pussy until her whole big body was rocked by orgasm. "Hi Jeanette," said SHE, her body embedded in the pile of bodies. "What brings you here?" "People have been complaining," explained Jeannette, putting her clothes back together, her face beat red from a combination of embarrassment and intense orgasm,...

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Culture Shock 623

For a moment Elaine wondered where the disappointment was coming from. Maybe she was just annoyed with herself. She was usually meticulously punctual. But it wasn't like she'd promised to meet him. It had just been a 'maybe'. Shaking her head, she had a new appreciation for the term 'wasted'.Who am I k**ding? she wondered. The guy could be a nut. Simone said he wasn't but who was Simone? Maybe HE was 'Simone'. Surely no one was that devious. She had to admit it was possible. Elaine decided she...

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The Convention 20xx

Saturday April 21st - 2:30 AM As I sit here writing this, people are still shifting. Friday was spent altering con goers. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed some of them as they were but it is still more fun to alter them. First, thing I did after getting my stuff into the room was to break into the neighboring room. Well, that's a bit of an exaggeration. It wasn't exactly the neighboring room and I didn't exactly break in. It was my friend's room. My friends James and Bob are sharing the room two...

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My Sweet Friend Zinat

Hi all! This is Mahbub again. Thank you all for supporting me by giving huge response to my email after my first story submission about my first experience with Ruma Bhabi. Feel encouraged by your mails and will continue writing my experiences and share my pleasant memories with my friends. I described my very first sexual encounter with Ruma Bhabi in the last post (in incest section). The best time in my life started there was hardly a day (other than holidays) that we did not love like crazy...

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Up the Creek

I never have been one for camping. But, when you're only 18 years old, and it's considered to be "important family time", you don't usually get a choice in whether or not you get dragged along. Such was the case this weekend. had decided that they'd pick me up from school and we'd head straight off to go camping. We were headed up into the El Dorado hills along the Cosumnes River, "we" meaning my parents my sister, her friend Patti, and me. Riding in the camper isn't necessarily bad, and in the...

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TGS The Phoenix in Room 3C

The Phoenix in Room 3C Timber Grove: Story #4 by Trinity The Timber Grove Retirement Community was rated one of the best in the Timber Grove, and that is why Neil White had placed his Grandmother Irene there over 5 years earlier. Over the years he would visit her as often as he could manage, making the short drive from his little house by Horseshoe Lake. Grandma Irene had raised Neil in Timber Grove since he was a little child. His parents had died in a plane crash, and Irene...

4 years ago
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One kinky night part 1

It all started late one evening, we sat on the couch watching television cuddled close. She sat so close I could hear her breathing and feel her chest press against mine as her breasts moved with the motion. I slide my hand down towards thighs, rubbing the inside as her nipples began to perk up. She turned her body more towards me and we began to kiss. I unbuttoned her jeans and slid the zipper down. The warmth from her pussy radiated underneath her navy blue panties. She asked me to make her...

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BlacksOnBlondes Raven Hart 08212018

Raven Hart is a struggling artist. It’s a tough life, too. She’ll literally spends months painting a picture…then who knows if it’ll sell? Imagine trying to budget around that! Slim Poke is a world-famous rapper — and a collector of art. He’s seen some of Raven’s work, and through a mutual contact, Slim and his posse have been invited to Raven’s loft. She’s going to try and sell one of her masterpieces. It’s an abstract, and it’s...

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Annas Innocence

Memories, Anna thought as she pulled down the lane that would bring her to the family farm, could be as heady as an illegal narcotic. Every sight, every sound and every smell brought back moments long past. The gravel path crunch under her tires as bits of rock bounced off her undercarriage. A very recent rain had settled the dust and washed the summer colors to gleaming brilliance. It had been too long since she had been home and for some reason, today it was more welcoming then ever. She...

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Late at the office

It had been a long hard day at the office, and Zoe still had paperwork to catch up on. At least with everyone else long gone she would have no interruptions. In fact it took even less time than she had expected. Sitting back in her chair she took a deep sigh of relief and let her mind wander to her plans for later that evening. She was going out for dinner with Adam, a guy she had know from her local gym for a while now, and she was hoping that it might develop into something more. As she...

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Crazy Twin Sister Chapter 13

Chapter 13 Crazy twin sister tricks her twin brother who got the family inheritance to go to a costume party dressed as each other. She has him drugged, checks him in to a mental hospital as her and pays off the doctor and staff to feminize and condition him to be a bimbo whore. In this chapter, Brian has to satisfy two crooked cops to avoid arrest. Help may be on the horizon, though, when Mr. Bartleby hires a private investigator to find Brian. You'll recognize the cops from...

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Paula My Little Scottish Playmate Chapter Three

It’s been months since I've seen my Scottish playmate. I had the best time with her when I spent two weeks in Scotland. She showed me as much as she could when I was there. It was wonderful. I miss her and I’m ready to see what else we can get into. This time we've agreed to both travel. We've each been to our home countries and now want to go on holiday together. We talk endlessly where we want to go. She suggests a place called Maldives, but I never even heard of it, let alone know where it...

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boys night2

Don't get me wrong. Usually I would happily join them and enjoy it as much as they did. But now all I wanted was to go to bed and fall asleep. “Guys I'm home”, I called and went straight to our bedroom. Yawning I undressed, tossed my clothes straight in the laundry basket. Maybe I would join them for a beer anyway. No harm and a chance to relax and unwind. I reached for the tank top and boxer shorts on my side of the bed. Long ago, when he had been away for a long time, I had developed...

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A NOT so Welcomed Guest Ch 5

Quinn Markov - human wife of Ephus ----------------------------------- Norse Deities -------------- Odin - War god, main god of the Norse gods Freya - a goddess associated with love, beauty, fertility, sex, war, gold, and seiðr. Frigg - Wife of Odin, promoter of marriage and fertility Loki - a mischievous god who can shape-shift and can take up animalistic forms. ------------------------------------------------------------ Valkyries ---------- Göndul - War Valkyrie Egyptian...

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My Best Friends Husband and His Boss

100% fiction! Since I had got trapped with Rafiq, there was no way out. He used my body every day. And I used his. After all, having sex with him was so good. I will not blame it entirely on Rafiq. It’s also because of my huge appetite for sex and my hunger to cheat on my partner. After that night and day of mind blowing sex, it had become unstoppable. Rafiq and I used to meet for sex whenever we could take out even 30mts. Sometimes, when I get through with my shift at night and if Agus is not...

Cheating Wifes
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Sex Story

Hi.. I’m Raj.. The name is fake but my story is completely real.. I’m 21 years old.. Height 6 ft and my penis’ size is 7 inches.. My mom is around 38 yrs old.. Figure, 38-28-38.. Not very attractive but to me she is the most sexiest woman on earth.. Let’s begin the story.. How i did to my mom. Since childhood i must have been a horny bastard.. When i was a kid, me and my mom were having a bath. I was too young so she was having a bath with me without any clothes on.. While bathing i asked her,...

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Blood of BrothersChapter 4 Seeing the Darkness

The world was dark to Tim as he awoke. He lurched up from the cement on which he lay, and gasped in a breath. Looking at his surroundings, Tim was having trouble seeing anything. "What time is it?" He wondered allowed. As if in answer to his question, the entire universe exploded. Sounds from everything within three miles came crashing in through his ears, laying siege on his brain. Cars whizzed by office buildings, cats walked in the alleyways, hearts beat in each and every one of the...

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The Princess And The Traveller

For now, I am abandoning my autobiographical series of short stories (though rest assured I will return to them soon!) and present here a completely fictional rendering in the Medieval "Sword and Sorcery" genre. I'm doing this now partly because I had been working on my third autobiographical story for a couple of weeks now, and my computer just ate it. No backup! Augh! Anyway, until my frustration dies down and I begin writing the whole @#!* thing second time, I decided to whip...

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Swingers Pool Party

Justin loves parties. Good looking with a solid build, my husband is in his element meeting women and having them fawning over him. I don't mind — I enjoy the attention I get from men.I confess I was both surprised and amused that Justin seemed taken aback by my dress as I prepared for our latest party night. Okay, it revealed a bit more flesh than usual but I had a nice body for my age so why not flaunt it? Justin made a few comments but I simply told him to remember who I would be coming home...

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Second Life

Sally and James lead two very different lives. Their first life was very much like every other married couple’s life. They went to work, they paid their bills on time, and spent most of their spare time running the kids around to sports. They were even part of the school PTA at the local Christian school. Sally volunteered from time to time at the school while James helped out at the local Men’s Shed, helping older members of the community build and work with their hands through their retired...

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Mixed Signals

Some secrets should be kept to yourself. Some secrets are better explored with others. My secret fascination with being treated like a girl by men and dressing like a girl for men straddles that fine line at times. It is something that’s been with me since I was a young boy, and I am in my mid 30’s now. I have let very few men into that world, out of fear of being outed or hurt, and always do my due diligence when committing to be with a man in that situation. I can’t explain myself very...

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Training CentreChapter 10

Monday afternoon, week five. The Major arrived just as Sandy was escorting Belle back to the kitchen. "Anything special, Joshua?" "Yes, sir. Quite a lot." "Oh. I was going to send you home to your wife. But I suppose I'd better wait for ... Dick? And Jane?" "Yes, sir." They didn't have long to wait, and Sandy was back from the kitchen before they had all the women except Jennifer on the Sybians. Jennifer was set to work with a soft broom to sweep the parade area. While Sandy...

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wish full thinking put on paper

It was raining one afternoon this past summer when I received a phone call from out of area. I was ina hurry and almost didn’t answer it when I caught it on its last ring. To my surprise it was Amanda. Ihadn’t talked to her in more than two years so it was quite a surprise to hear from her.Amanda and I were best friends in college and were roommates together in our last year of school.When college had ended we each went our separate ways. I moved back home, while Amandamoved back to where she...

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Third Times the Charm

I arrived home late Friday afternoon, grumpy and annoyed. The boy I had been starting to hang out with had turned out to be playing four different girls at once, and had seemed to be confused as to why this might be a deal breaker for any of us. It was too bad; he was pretty hot, and apparently was pretty big down there, but I wasn’t going to be pulled around like that. What was it with guys? They all seemed to treat girls like they were some mythical creatures we had to beg to deal with. Just...

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Touched by a Stalker

The way he looked at me scared me. He looked at me as if I were a piece of meat, something to eat. As I walked out of the door he followed. Its okay, I thought. Im at a public shopping mall, what can happen? Little did I know, a lot could happen. I was sixteen at the time, and, naive. I had just go my license, and had decided to go shopping to celebrate. I was still a virgin, and I didnt have a boyfriend. Maybe that was why I was still a virgin. I wouldnt consider myself ugly, just average,...

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BigTitCreamPie Angel Youngs Step Dads Creampie

Angel Youngs was in the shower. She was playing with her big breasts and then started to masturbate. As she was about to come step dad rushed into the bathroom. Angel was embarrassed. Sean Lawless pretended like it is all normal and started to shower next to her mumbling something about emergency and no water pressure in his bathroom. Then he started to compliment her breasts. One thing led to another, she sucked his dick and they ended up fucking in the living room. Sean had a big dick with a...

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LaredoChapter 5

The captain wasn't in his office, yet, so the two Rangers put up their horses and went to eat breakfast. Capt. Johnson had shown up by the time they finished eating, so they went in to see him. "Cap'n? We got sumpthin' to report," said Ezra. "Yeah, I 'spect ya do. Otherwise, ya wouldn't be here. OK, spit it out." "We found a place about five miles north of Carney that looks like an army camp, but they ain't wearing uniforms. There's at least ten buildin's that look like...

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The awakening of Anna

All rights to the book lie with the author and duplication, even parts of the book, is only allowed with the consent of the author. Should you find errors in the translation please let me know. I tried to translate the book into English for everyone and I hope I succeeded. In any case, I thank Googel for the help. All characters are allowed to do what they do and enjoy it. The whole book is available on Amazon under the same name.Anna experienced buying a bikini you can read here as a sample....

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Sex encounter in office 2

Hello all, continued from part one. I reached home, and I was thinking about Madhan. I was seeking sex, and my pussy was wet. I hugged my hubby, and he hugged me tightly. My kid was sleeping. My hubby brought condoms and started fucking me. He fucked me in a missionary position for around one hour. I was satisfied that night. The next day in the office, Madhan and Mithali worked on a project and left the office early. This happened for the next 5 days. That was a Friday evening. They both left...

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