Houston II Ch. 07-08 free porn video

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Argie’s Unusual Patient & John’s Peculiar Conquest

Chapter 7 and 8

A week later, at Dr. Coughlin’s, Argie has quit her boring real estate broker job to start albeit slowly, working as a therapist under the tutoring of not only Dr. Coughlin, but his strikingly beautiful assistant, Vanna Bright.

‘You’re doing very well, from what I’ve seen,’ Vanna told an ebullient Argie Franck.

Argie had just finished counseling a young man with erection problems, but hadn’t had sex with him yet.

‘I just wish that I could be of more help to him,’ she said.

‘It takes time and familiarity, Argie. Please keep that foremost in mind when dealing with patients.

‘Time, of course,’ Argie repeated, trying to memorize Vanna’s advice as she had so many other tidbits and pieces of information since starting at Dr. Coughlin’s.

‘I’d also like you to talk with a former therapist, who is also married. She . . . I’m sorry, her name is Nadine, but we all call her Naddie,’ Vanna shrugged, and then wiped a stand of dark hair from where it hung just over her eye.

‘She can help you with her perspective on dealing with sexual therapy with one’s spouse.’

‘I don’t have a problem in that regard,’ Argie said quickly.

‘I know, I know,’ Vanna replied. ‘But it is early in the game. Things happen . . . that I can

guarantee you.’

‘Like . . .’ Argie said, hoping to elicit a response with more meaning to it.

‘Talk to Naddie, dear, she’ll be very helpful. Here’s her number. She should be available this morning,’ with that said, Vanna waltzed away into Dr. Coughlin’s office.

‘He’ll have her pants off in thirty seconds,’ Argie told herself, as she headed to a phone in a corner office that would afford her a modicum of privacy.

Naddie picked up on the third ring. Argie and she hit it off right from the start. Initially, she was too clinical in her approach to the therapy sessions, but as the conversation developed, she revealed that she loved the sexual aspects of the job even more than the clinical parts.

Of course, Argie thought she felt much the same, although she had yet to have sex with any client. Despite this, the two women quickly bonded.

When Naddie confessed that she kept her husband informed, and that he ‘Got off knowing I’m having sex with other guys,’ Argie nearly got off herself. She resolved to tell John about some of her encounters, but not all. Certainly not those with Dr. Coughlin, which she hoped would be often.

Argie was jolted from her sexual daydream when Naddie told her just how much she was making working for Dr. Coughlin.

‘Did I hear you say $3000 a month?’ Argie gasped.

‘Yeah, right, and for only forty hours, well mostly, sometimes I work, if you want to call it work, a bit longer. But never over 50 hours in a single month.’

‘Wow!’ Argie gasped, as visions of sugarplums danced in her head.

‘Some patients, or should I say, clients are generous themselves. For instance, last week was my birthday and Jerry . . . oops, Mr. X., brought me some really sexy underwear. Of course, I modeled it for him, and then he fucked me. I kept the outfit on for the rest of the day, and showed them to Mickey . . . that’s my hubby, as soon as he got home. He especially liked the gooey spot on my panties from the guy’s cum. He made me tell him exactly how it got there. Then he added a gooey spot of his own.’

‘He doesn’t get jealous?’ Argie asked.

‘No. In fact he loves it. It always gets him excited. Whenever I get fucked by a client I can always count on getting fucked again that night by Mickey. It’s like a double-header. And, once I got laid by two different clients. So I get home and shared the news with Mickey. He’s so horny he gave it to me twice in a row.

‘Wow!’ Argie exclaimed, ‘I find it hard to believe that you tell your husband everything. I’ve only hinted about what I’m doing to my guy.’

‘I understand Argie,’ Naddie said. ‘I felt the same way until Mickey found out I’d been having an affair. This was before I started working for Dr. Coughlin. In fact, Mickey caught me with a neighbor in our own bed. I thought he’d be furious. Instead, as soon as the guy ran out the door, Mickey jumped my bones. I got fucked like I’ve never been fucked before. He said he didn’t understand it himself, but he got very turned on seeing me with another man. Now he wants to watch me with my clients, but I don’t think that’s a good idea.’

Knowing Naddie had reached some form of agreement with her husband, Argie pushed the envelope, asking, ‘So how have you resolved that?’

‘We haven’t yet. But if the right situation comes up, we’ll do it. We talked about it a couple times and we’re both fine with the idea.’

‘That’s incredible,’ Argie said, ‘I envy you.’

‘Your husband isn’t the jealous type is he, Argie?’

‘Well, yes and no. He’s been seeing other women forever. He’s kept it secret of course, but I found this tape . . . a kind of diary he started for his shrink, and found out about all of them. He didn’t like it though when I went out and found myself a guy.’

‘How many?’


‘How many women did he have?’

‘Dozens, maybe a hundred or more, I’m not sure. The parts I listened to left off when he was in college.’



‘Don’t get mad at me, but if you didn’t know, were you fucking around too?’

‘No. That started afterward. I let a guy pick me up, and we started seeing each other a couple, three times a week. I blew up at him one day, his name is John by the way, and confronted him. We went to see the shrink together, and he joined Sex Addicts Anonymous afterward to try making amends. ‘

‘Sounds like he’s trying,’ Naddie said.

‘Trying my ass,’ Argie cried out, her voice raising an octave or two. ‘He told me he screwed some bitch at his first meeting. But we’re talking, and trying to get through the whole mess without getting divorced. I do love him and really believe he loves me too.’

‘So you joined Dr. Coughlin to get even, huh?’

‘Not to get even. I want to understand his so called compulsion, and that’s going to take time. I wanted to get even somehow, you know, what’s good for the goose . . . anyway, it was John’s shrink put me onto being a therapist while we were discussing how I might better cope with his problem. Can you beat that?’

‘No shit!’

‘My exact words.’

‘You know, we should have lunch. Can you make it tomorrow?’ Naddie asked.

‘I guess . . . sure, why not? Where do you want to meet?’

‘Do you like Farber’s?’

‘Mmmm, yeah, I love their chicken salad,’ Argie gushed.

‘Farber’s it is. How does noon sound?’

‘its fine, I’m not working tomorrow.’

Naddie laughed, ‘I know, I am.’

Argie was laughing too as she responded. ‘That figures, okay, tomorrow at noon, shall I ask for Naddie?’

‘Yes, I’ll make a reservation in my name, and tell them to expect you.


John was as horny as he’d ever been. He wanted to take one of the kids into the backroom, but decided against it. There had been too many rumors going around about him and the underage kids. The older women were a royal pain in the ass. They all thought he was going to leave Argie for them. They were nuts if they thought that. He loved Argie and she loved him. They were going to figure a way to deal with his problem. Hadn’t she become a sex therapist for that reason?’

Felicia’s body came to mind, and he made his decision. He called her, found that she was home and glad to hear from him.

‘I can be there in twenty minutes,’ he said.

‘Hurry, I’m leaking with anticipation,’ she moaned into the phone. His erection bulged in his trousers. Covering his front with a newspaper, he made a feeble excuse to his assistant manager and left for Felicia’s.


For the first
time, Argie was comfortable and not fidgeting after arriving at the therapist’s office. She looked at the file folder laid out on her desk and smiled. As she began reading the case history, her mind wandered back to earlier that week and how each patient passing her desk had caused her to fantasize about their cocks, and what she might do to ensure they became hard as steel were she their caseworker. She imagined them entering her, and before she knew it, her panties were soaked. She looked around, with an apprehension that everyone else knew of her predicament, then made for the ladies room and relieved herself by masturbating.

Soon after she had returned to her office, Vanna walked into Argie’s office with a file folder. ‘I have something for you to read. If, after reading it, you want no part of it, just say so. On the other hand, if you think you can deal with this particular subject . . . please let me know ASAP.’

Argie nodded, although not fully comprehending, and reached out for the file.

‘I should tell you,’ Vanna added, as she carefully studied Argie, ‘this one is highly unusual. The doctor and I won’t be put out if you feel you have to decline. But, I think taking this particular assignment will help you as much as it does the patient.’

Vanna left and Argie began to read the file. The patient had apparently spent most of his life until recently, encased in an iron lung.

‘Holy shit, Batman!’ she thought. ‘What the fuck did I let myself in for?’

But as she read on, she was filled with pity for the man in question. It was evident that he was filled with psychological problems as pertained to his repulsive body — at least that’s how the psychologist phrased it in medical terminology. The patient’s name was Harold, and Harold felt a potential lover would be horrified at seeing his pale, thin body with its bent spine, bent neck, washboard ribcage, and hipbones protruding like outriggers. Harold’s second problem was with the cost of the surrogate’s service. He had little money to spare, with almost every penny he earned from government handouts going for medical treatment and medicines.

Argie saw a scrawled notation by Dr. Coughlin, ‘Pro Bono,’ which she knew was a legal term that meant he was performing the service free of charge. Another line she managed to decipher as: ‘Use as a training exercise.’ ‘Not for him,’ she thought. ‘but for me, or another one of his surrogate’s.’

‘So that’s how I got this assignment,’ Argie told herself. The fact that the doctor wanted to help Harold helped change Argie’s perspective even more. Now she was determined to help him, no matter how horrifying his appearance. She was a mother, had raised three healthy children, and that experience would aid her in dealing with Harold’s ‘problems.’

Argie poured over Harold’s records, read with interest as he explained his feelings about sex, his fantasies, his self-loathing, and his interest in seeing a surrogate. He was matter-of-fact in stating he knew it would never be easy for him to find a lover because of his disability.

She closed the file, sighed, reached for the phone, and dialed Harold’s number.

‘Hello, Harold. This is Argie.’

He knew without having to ask that it was the surrogate. ‘R.G? You use initials?’

‘No, no,’ Argie said laughing, ‘I have a rather unusual name. Its spelled A.R.G.I.E., pronounced ‘RG’. I have an opening this morning, would that be convenient for you?’

‘Well, I know the sooner the better, but I’m not alone at the moment.’

‘Oh, I’m sorry, that was stupid of me. I should have realized . . .’

No, no. I want to see you as soon as possible. Look can you call me back in, say . . . thirty minutes? We can talk then. ‘

‘Certainly, I’ll call back in half an hour, Harold.’

When Argie called back, they fenced over where they should meet. Argie realized that with Harold’s condition, he was not about to hop on a bus and come to her. So she asked him to set the parameters for their meeting.

She was embarrassed to learn that everything had been arranged to provide them with the most discreet arrangements possible under the circumstances. They would meet at the home of a trusted friend


There was another woman waiting for John at Felicia’s. She wore a kimono over a slim, petite frame. She had almost no breasts, but a ravishing smile on wide, red lips, and expressive, wanton eyes, that seemed to devour him.

Felicia, wearing a matching kimono, said, ‘John, this is Norma. I didn’t mention her on the phone. I thought that . . . well, two insatiable women might have kept you away.’

‘I doubt that,’ he said. ‘Anyway, it’s nice to meet you, Norma.’

‘Likewise,’ the slim woman said, her eyes roaming his body with undisguised hunger. He realized that she too was addicted to sex, possibly even more than Felicia.

Felicia cleared her throat, as she decided how to begin. She looked at John and said, almost inanely, ‘I love your tan, I wish I could tan like that, but I can’t,’ she arched her eyebrows, ‘Doctor’s orders.’

‘I know,’ he smiled, ‘Besides don’t you spend most of your time indoors?’

Felicia laughed. ‘Forgotten our adventure in the park already?’

‘Not on your life. I’m sorry. It’s just . . . well, I’m not really prepared for intelligent conversation at the moment.’

‘Neither are we,’ Norma said quickly, nervously.’ In fact, my panties are getting damp. I hate it when they cling to me. ‘

John’s eyes widened with pleasure as the petite brunette’s hands went under her kimono and deftly removed her underwear. She handed her panties to him and instinctively, John brought them to his nose.

‘Feel how soggy they are,’ Norma said, and then with an obscene lilt, ‘Take another good whiff, Johnny-Boy.’

He did so, slightly annoyed at her calling him Johnny-Boy, then tossed the panties at Felicia, and began unbuttoning his shirt. Both women watched intently. Felicia licked her lips in anticipation.

‘You girls do one another?’ he asked out of curiosity. Women when aroused will admit to many things they would normally keep hidden away.

‘What?’ Felicia asked, not having heard him clearly as she was focused on the bulge protruding from his crotch.

‘I asked if you two went down on each other.’

‘We entertain ourselves, Johnny-Boy,’ Norma said, ‘Like the old sailor once said, ‘any port in a storm, eh, sailor?’

‘I’m not a sailor,’ he said, as his trousers crumpled around his ankles and he kicked them away. He stood there in shoes, socks and skimpy silk, black bikini underwear.

‘Who’s the top, when you munch each other’s carpet?’

‘If you must know,’ Norma said, ‘we take turns.’

‘You take turns, eh? Well, take my shoes off, Norma,’ he said, for some reason liking the sound of her name as he pronounced it.

Norma agilely dropped to her knees, and lifting one leg at a time, removed his socks and shoes.

‘Good, you want first dibs on my skivvies?’

Norma was breathing heavily as she replied. ‘Yes.’

But as she reached up to pull them down, he stepped away from her and said, ‘Aw, too fuckin’ bad. You weren’t quick enough.’

John noted the glitter in Norma’s eyes immediately after he had refused her. He assumed correctly that Norma had been someone’s slave, and not too long ago.

The skimpy bikini briefs he wore barely covered his crotch. Both women’s nipples had hardened into pebbled points, easily evident through the soft silky material of the twin kimonos they wore.

Norma’s attention was riveted to the head of his cock, still contained within the wisp of black silk. Felicia’s immediate attention was on the manner in which his balls seemed to be sagging so heavily in his briefs. Neither woman could tear their eyes from him.

‘Show her . . . please,’ Felicia whispered. John looked at her and shrugged. A moment later he peeled the silky briefs away to
reveal his erection to both of them. ‘Magnificent!’ Norma exclaimed quietly. ‘You were right about him having a wonderful endowment, Leech.’

Felicia did not reply to her friend, but continued to stare at John’s erection. For the record, his cock was large, but not extraordinary in size. Measured, it would have come in at eight and a half inches, with a generous thickness, especially along the center of the shaft. It was his innate ability to remain hard, to perform time after time, his gift, or curse of the Satyriasis that drove him to conquest after conquest, often wearing his female partner to a frazzle before tiring himself.

‘Lose the kimonos,’ he said, his voice already raspy with sexual overtone. As one, both women shrugged off the silken robes and stood wordlessly in their nudity before him.

As John had suspected, Norma was flat-chested, with large brown areola, centered with thick, rubbery nipples that had been stretched to a length of over an inch and a half.

‘Some nips you got, Norma,’ he said, without thinking.

‘She was mistreated,’ Felicia volunteered without being asked.


‘Tell him, sweetie,’ Felicia said kindly.

‘I . . . I was a slave.’ Norma said this as though if explained everything succinctly.

‘And . . .’ John said, leading her toward a more amplified answer.

‘I . . . um . . .’ Norma found herself unable to continue.

‘Have a little suck on my dick, maybe that will loosen your tongue,’ he told her.

He was surprised with the alacrity Norma used in pouncing upon his erection, and drawing it into her soft mouth. He allowed her to tongue his cock for perhaps a minute before gently taking it from her mouth and holding in his hand, tapping it against her open lips.

‘No more sucking until you tell me about being a slave.’

John!’ Felicia said, protesting his actions, ‘I thought we’d have a nice fuck here. Don’t do this to her, please?’

‘Its okay, Leech, the petite brunette said quietly. ‘What do you want to know?’

‘Tell me how you got started.’


‘Felicia, while she’s talking, how about some nice head?’

Felicia slowly sank to her knees in front of him, and cupping his balls in one hand, used the other to direct his length to her mouth.


Harold’s caregiver dressed him, put him into his wheelchair, and pushed him to his life long friend Ned’s apartment, which was next to his. Harold did not want this R.G., to see the horde of medical apparatus that sustained his frail body day after day, at least not on her first visit.

He became increasingly apprehensive. What if she took one look at his deformed body and fled? He imagined her saying ‘Oh, I’m terribly sorry, but I can’t do this . . .’ Polite or not, it would destroy him.

He fought off his apprehension by running over what Argie had told him earlier. The first hour would involve an in depth interview. Following that she would introduce him to a series of ‘body awareness’ exercises. He had not asked what this involved, but had given his approval to them.

As the time of Argie’s arrival approached, Harold felt as if his executioner was about to arrive. His caretaker, Maude reassured Harold it would be all right, and placed him on Ned’s double bed. Since it was difficult for Harold to turn his head to the left, Ned and the caretaker pushed him to the left side of the bed in order that Argie might lie next to him and Harold might be able to see her.

Then Maude put the hose of his portable respirator near Harold’s mouth, in case he needed air. Harold insisted on it because he had never been outside the respirator for more than an hour without needing to use the portable respirator. He was all set. His friend and caretaker left him to wait on the front steps for the surrogate to arrive.

A minute passed before Harold glanced at the noncommittal green numerals flashing on the nearby digital clock. 11:04:30. Argie was late. 11:07:43. 11:11:00.

‘Oh, God, she wasn’t coming! She’d changed her mind! She couldn’t bring herself to face him!’

11:14:55. ‘Oh, God!’ he moaned aloud. Five seconds later there was a light knock on the front door.

‘Come in!’ Harold yelled, surprising himself with the volume and timbre of his usually weak voice.

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Hi mera nam rahul hai.me surat me meri mom-dad k sath rehta hun.hum log ek society me rehte hai.mere papa police me hai.hamari financial condition thik nahi hai.fir papa ko bharuch me achhi job mil rahi thi jis se hamari condition sudhar sakti thi papa ne wo job accept ki aur wo bharuch rehne chale gaye.yaha me aur meri mom hum do hi the. Meri mi 36 sal ki hai uski figure 34-32-34 haiwoh bahut hi sexy hai.raat ko me aur mom sath me hi sote the.to kabhi kabhi jabh me raat ko mut ne uthta to...

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His First Sensual Massage

Terry had endured a thoroughly miserable holiday, possibly the worst yet. The hotel they had booked had seen better days, the family had squabbled incessantly, and the all-inclusive meals had left an awful lot to be desired. The final straw was the tedious long drive home due to the Bank Holiday traffic jams. Excusing himself from the supper table, Terry headed for bed.His bedtime reading matter included the first edition of The Herald, a new community newspaper. After reading all the news...

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HandsOnHardcore Tabitha Poison Three Cock Challenge Accepted

Tattooed temptress Tabitha Poison debuts on Hands On Hardcore in this raunchy 4K orgy scene co-starrring Tarzan and Kristof Cale giving us an unforgettable performance and turning us into her number one fans. This PYT may be a newcomer to Pornworld, but she’s certainly no amateur when it comes to cock pleasing. See how she does it in this exclusive premium porn scene when she’s presented with a three on one group sex orgy that she emphatically says yes to, getting right down to...

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Duel and Duality Book 1 of Poachers ProgressChapter 2 Portugal and Spain

I do not intend chronicling the campaign in the Iberian Peninsula, although it brought fame and fortune to Arthur Wellesley and added fresh lustre to the reputation of the British army. There are those far mightier with the pen than I to describe the battles, so I shall just touch on the points of the campaign were I was involved. The 69th arrived too late for the Talavera campaign, and so spent our first six months in Portugal getting more intimately acquainted with the topography of that...

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Sexual violence against Armenian women and girls during the Genocide 1915

SEXUAL VIOLENCE AGAINST ARMENIAN WOMEN AND GIRLS DURING THE GENOCIDE (1915 )        (For the illustrated part go to my website or google :  Maria ProcoThe forced deportation of the women, childerly, and elderly left alive after the gendercide against Armenian men gave rise to some of the most hellish scenes in recorded history. Some Armenian women and children were offered the alternative of conversion to Islam and subsequent slavery in Turkish harems. The rest were driven from their homeland...

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MageChapter 24

"We may be able to find a portal to that position but I would not like to arrive under a hundred metres of water or even on the surface. I doubt we could get to land." We tried to remember the shape and size in relation to Saranam. When the 'Lady' was found, if she could be found, we would have to make a trip to this location to see if the island was still there. Perhaps it still had some of the descendants of the mages there that had built this base. It was getting dark by the time we...

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Futanari ClubChapter 3

Ding Lisa took up her phone. It showed she had a message from Jenn at the Futanari Club. “Miss you and want to see you. Are you free tonight?” Lisa got excited. She was free and she really wanted to see Jenn. The plan had been that Lisa would meet up with Maria and Jenn over the weekend as Jenns husband would be gone on a business trip. This was one day earlier than planned. She sent a message back. “I am free and want to see you. Is it really possible tonight?” “My husband leaves at 7...

2 years ago
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Housewife8217s Tales Part 3 Getting To Know ISS Reader

Hi guys and welcome back to another erotic story of my lustful life. Also, thank you all for all of your lovely response and feedback. For those who don’t know me. I am a 29-year-old married woman from Mumbai. I have assets size of 34D and figure of 34-28-34. My life has been always a roller coaster ride of lust, especially after my marriage. So far Karan (my neighbor) and Rohit (my ex-colleague) helped me to fulfill some of my pleasure which my husband couldn’t fulfill. But as time passed they...

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Alleine im Urlaub Teil 2

Fortsetzung vom ersten Teil:https://de.xhamster.com/stories/alleine-im-urlaub-700863Teil 2: Die TennisstundeDie Zeit bis zum Nachmittag vergang wie im Flug. Der Postboote brachte ein Paket mit neuen High Heels, die ich aber für die Ankunft meines Schatzes aufheben wollte. Schließlich hatte er diese auch für mich ausgesucht und mit mir zusammen bestellt und würde sich sicher freuen wenn ich ihn damit in der Tür stehend begrüßen würde. Also verstaute ich den Karton im Schlafzimmer und zog mir...

3 years ago
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Pushing Her Limits

I got to the coffee shop at 8:50am. She was running late and had called me. I thought, not good for her. She showed up at 9:12am. She sat down and I looked at my watch "You know, you will pay for being late young lady." "Yes sir." "I'm really sorry, but.." I held up my hand "I'm not to hear any excuses, do you understand?" She held her head down and simply said "yes, sir." "I've ordered for you." "They weren't going to put the order in until you showed up." "Did you do...

1 year ago
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Wanting to get caught

Our home office secretary of 12 years knows me well and has been very complimentary about my looks and body over the years. I guess those comments have led to what happened two days ago. But first, I must back up to late last summer. She was at our house and I came home from work early. My family would be gone for a few hours more and I was hoping to get naked for some sun soaking on our patio (and what usually followed that stimulation). With Jennifer at the house, I was bummed out…not knowing...

2 years ago
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A Good Hard Lesson

THIS IS A WORK OF FICTION.Mr Collins hated Mondays. It's well known that most people hate Mondays but Antony Collins loathed them; it meant the start of another week teaching rebellious, ignorant, hormonal teenage girls. Everyone had told him that teaching at a Catholic school would be a dream, but clearly they'd never taught at St Anita's. He was sure they were worst than any public school girls. On this particular Monday it was raining, not uncommon for December but it meant all the girls...

Straight Sex
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Truth About Cotillions

I am Richard King, now the author of nearly 100 stories on Storiesonline.net, but that isn’t what I always did. When I was younger, I mean not yet a teenager, maybe sixth grade – I didn’t even think about girls. I had two sisters, but they’re my sisters ... and were nothing special to me. Kinda cute! I also had an older brother, but this isn’t about any of them. The first time I met a girl whom I thought was pretty, it was the initial night that I went to Cotillion. Yeah, that’s where I got...

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FamiliesTied Chloe Cherry Michele James Scandalous Anal College Admission For Bratty StepDaughter

Rob Piper is just trying to be a good father, math professor, and track coach. But the teen college sluts surrounding him would rather suck dick than do their homework. At home he has to manage his hot teenage nightmare of a step-daughter Chloe Cherry, and at work he has posh, cocky college admissions brat Michele James. Michele’s father has paid her way into a fake sports scholarship in Rob Piper’s department, so she thinks she can just throw 20-grand on Rob’s lap and give...

3 years ago
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Internet Partner

Internet Partner As told by Julie I As you know my sex life with Sam has not that thrilling. It seems all he ever thinks about is his job. He gets a decent income from his work, but the trouble is, it seems that he is always at work. I sit at home waiting for him. He comes home eats supper, and falls asleep in front of the television. The odd time I can interest him in sex he plays with my tits for a few minutes, fondles my pussy then mounts me, and fucks me till he ejaculates, then roles over...

1 year ago
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Hot bed tea with a hot sizziling kiss

After few days from my story , I received a mail from a 24 years old hot and very very sexy girl from Bangalore. How sexy she could be I realized only when I met her. Her name is Deepali with fair skin. With the first talk we had on the phone I could make-out that she was happy to lucky girl. She is a sexy lady with nice assets and mind-blowing figure. She has the habit of wearing T-Shirts and Jeans and at time you could see her in rappe-arounds. After talking to her could of times, we decided...

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The Police Detective and the Singer 19661968

June 1966 City of Castle Texas Castle Texas police detective Adam Rogers is eating supper at Rosa's diner and enjoying a rare night off, after he was done eating he paid his bill and gave Miss Rosa Marie a large tip, then he left the diner got back into his Ford F-150 pickup truck and drove home. When he got home he went inside the house, went to his bedroom, took off his jacket and laid it on his bed, then he unholstered his service revolver a S&W Model 36.38 caliber revolver and locked...

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Sonnet 57Chapter 5 Asylum

In Warwick, Jennifer McEwan receives a letter from Corinne Aimes the CEO of the Adult Experience Company Inward Bound to say how pleased they are to hear that she is back safe and well and to inviting her to visit. In Edgebaston, Jennifer has another session with Dr Laura Malvern, the trauma psychologist helping her to come to terms with her recent history. Jennifer may be safe but is she well? In Moscow As Anatoly strides purposefully thought the streets, the rhythm of his steps and the...

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How Long Can You Resist Ch 01

Author’s Note: This is a slowly developing story, and one that does not ‘get to the sex’ for quite a while. If that is what you’re interested in, you’ll be disappointed here. But if you enjoy getting wrapped up in characters and their stories, then I hope you enjoy what I have to offer. * Syresham, south Northamptonshire, England, 1809 The sun rose in the window overlooking Elizabeth Winshaw’s bed, and it woke her from a rather pleasant dream. The chickens could be heard in the yard below,...

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The Beginning Part 8

The Golf Game It was one hectic day at work. When work gets thiscrazy you lose track of even what day it is. I was so glade to get home.A little down time having supper with the family and play time with your son sure can help you get back on track. Of course a little time alone with the wife in the shower after the baby goesto bed keeps you on track. The wife sure is looking good with her fine ass and the way her full breast are hanging down. It don’t take much for my mind to wander about...

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Lesbian MILF Seductress BrideChapter 6 The Bridal Shower

Over the next two weeks, Susanne had dream after naughty dream about Bree. She woke up each time in a hot sweat and incredible horny. She had Todd fuck her more often trying hard to fuck the odd dyke out of her. She was not a lesbian or bi for that matter. So why could she not get Bree out of her head? It was Susanne's bridal shower, being held at one of her bridesmaid's houses, since Maggie didn't have a big enough location living at the sorority and all. It was the home of her best...

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Impregnating my mother

Ever since I was a little boy I was afraid of thunderstorms, andwhenever there was a particularly violent one at night, I would run tomy parents bedroom and climb into their big king size bed, where mymother would hold me until the storm abated. I literally shook withfear, and only the warmth of her body holding me close, and hersoothing voice could calm me down. One such occasion when I was twelvetook a different twist, we were experiencing the worst storm I had everwitnessed, the thunderclaps...

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Was I Turning Gay PT3

Lying in bed with my first lover's cock still deep in my ass, I awoke to a new life and a million questions I didn't have the answers for. Less than a week before I hadn't ever been alone with or even kissed a man. Then, my progression to this state was fast and furious, and I couldn't be happier if it occurred any other way. Transforming myself from an alpha male to a willing and eager bottom in so little time was impossible to explain. All I knew was that I felt wonderful right now, and I was...

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Anal Awakenings Part 1

These are the stories of how I, a recently divorced guy in his early 40s, got to love the feeling of young, hard cock up my ass. It all started while Shane and I were sixty-nining side by side. I was enjoying the sensation of Shane’s throbbing cock in my mouth while he slowly and expertly blew me. Shane moved a hand from the base of my cock and began to caress my ass cheek… Actually, we need to go back about two weeks before that… I’d been divorced for a month when I realized that my freedom...

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Suman Bhabhi Ki Chut Aur Gaand Mari

Namaste dosto mere nam kitu hai 21 saal ka ho body athletic hai hai & height 6 feet aur mera chota bhai joki is kahani ka hero wo 6.5″ inch lamba aur 3″ inch mota hai & mere stamina bhi bohat acha hai. Ye meri second chudai story hai iss pe kuch mistake hoye maf karna aur me iss ka karib six years se follower ho. I can fuck daily 5 to 6 hours continuously and don’t have any work too because I am an unemployed person searching for a job. Any girl, aunty,bhabhi and any unsatisfied widow or...

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Surfside Chapter three

After his aunt had left his room, Kevin cleaned himself up, got dressed and went downstairs for a tall drink of cola. He was totally satisfied physically, but emotionally he had needed to touch her, taste her, fuck her. His aunt had a wonderful set of breasts and a magnificent pussy. Her waist was small and it gradually blended into a fantastic set of hips. She had a fabulous body and after the incident upstairs, he knew that she had special needs that he hoped she would let him fill....

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Gorgeous Aunty 8211 Part II

Hello and Hi to all, My name is Nandan from Hyderabad and my age is 25 .I have read many stories and thought of posting my experience by the way I look athletic with a very good sense of humor this is my first sex counter with an aunt Sarita who was my house owner and it happened just 2 month s back. Let me describe her she is attractive and got round big boobs 36d and she look sexy. I used to masturbate every night by dreaming at night. I work in an MNC .she’s married and got 1 kid and her age...

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Story of Jane Cuckold

True Story of Jane Part 1 When I first met my wife she was 23 and I was 28. She had been married once before. I learned very quickly that she was very sexually experienced and I found out she had had a black American soldier, who was stationed in England, as her boyfriend for a while. I pressed her to tell me more about sex with him and she readily admitted that he had the biggest cock she had ever taken (and she also admitted she had taken quite a few). She said that his favourite position was...

4 years ago
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Correction house for naughty girls PART TWO

Girls correction house PART TWOActually entering the dining room with a very red smarting bare bottom was not as embarrassing as I had anticipated as the four other girls there apart from myself and Amanda all sported red bottoms. Nobody said a word but sat without comfort.On the upside the food was very good and our given rooms were excellent.I soon fell into the rythem of the place getting up at half seven and having my bed made room tidy by 8pm ready for breakfast call. For two days...

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Nancy and the Boss

Nancy and the BossByJohn TagliaferroPART ONEMorning With The Kneelers?Oh, yum, good morning Little Mister,? Sarah said with a moan as she woke to her husband deep inside her wetness, ?hope you are not too close, I am just getting warmed up.??Ah, Miss Sarah, you sounded in full fury during your vocal dream only a few moments ago,? Edward responded with a powerful thrust.?Really now?  I don’t remember,? she feigned ignorance of her vivid reliving of a swap session the couple had just a few weeks...

4 years ago
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Train Me Ladki Chodne Ki Style

By : Rahulking Of Dick hai dosto i m back again with my new story.dosto meri pichli story “orkut k through ladki ki chut mari” readers ko bahut acchi lagi. mere pass bahut se mail b aaye aur bahut si ladkiyo aur auntiyo ne apni family ki problem batayi ki unke husband ka lund unhe pura maja nahi de pate aur jaldi hi apna lund jhad lete hai aur wo bolti rah jati hai ki jaan aur chodo magar wo let jata hai. aur kuch ladkiyo ne bataya ki wo direct ladko se mil kar apni chut chudwane k liye nahi...

2 years ago
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The Doctors Home Visit

The following morning I had a lay in, I had nothing planned apart from the good doctor’s visit. I showered and then pondered what to wear, hell it was hot so a pair of baggy shorts and tee shirt would fit the bill.My morning was full of anticipation, I can’t tell you how many times my cock got hard just thinking of the Doc and how I was determined to get into her panties.Time was dragging but the afternoon arrived and I waited patiently for her arrival, I heard a car pull up and dashed to the...

1 year ago
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Are you a Trendy Porn fan? I’ll be honest, I like it all, depending on my mood; popular, unpopular, trending or vintage is all fine with me as long as the girls are hot and doing nasty shit on video. Of course, these are modern times, and I know how much modern perverts love that modern porno. That’s why I think you’re going to appreciate this next erotic gem I’ve dug up for you.TrendyPorn.com has one of those catchy domain names that you figure was probably gobbled up by domain prospectors way...

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A WellLived Life 3 Book 1 SuzanneChapter 45 One Last Try

September 1, 2000, Chicago, Illinois “Hi,” I said sheepishly when I walked into the sunroom where my dad was waiting to cuddle. “Good morning, Pumpkin,” Dad replied. “Come share some cuddles.” I hurried over, climbed into the chaise with him, and snuggled close. He wrapped his strong arms around me and I felt safe and loved. Dad had run and taken a shower and I smelled his soap and deodorant. It was wonderful and I loved how he smelled. “I really am sorry, Dad,” I said. “I shouldn’t have...

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Fucking My Gf8217s Friend

Hi this is ram from Chennai (), today I will tell you about one of my sex encounters I had. I was a committed guy in my engineering college and I loved my girlfriend (now ex) very much, she was average looking but was really loving and caring. We use to hang out together all the time and really didn’t bothered about others. She had few friends with whom I was also comfortable with and use to have long chats. One of them was Priya, to describe her she was very fun to go with girl and really good...

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The Hooker and The Milf

So usual boring ass sunday night at work polishing glasses, smoking the occasional cigarette and serving the odd customer a simple drink....same shit different day...9 pm and i am dreading the next 5 hours of doing fuck all and waiting to go home plus....a bit of a hangover from saturday night shenanigans is not helping my cause....The minutes slowly tick by and usually when i am hungover i feel the need to a cuddle and sex more so than when i am sober....so as i am clock watching i am...

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Bisexual Cuckold

It happened by accident. I was married happily to a very sexy and attractive girl Donna. We had been married 9 years and our sex was not as frequent as it used to be which we in the beginning made love daily sometimes as many as 3 times a night. Now it was like she was tired all of the time and maybe we had sex once a month. I have to admit I was horny all of the time, but I assumed that women lost their sex drive as they got older. I would beat off in the shower to satisfy my hunger for...

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Gigolo 8211 Male Escort 8211 Rent Man 8211 Call Boy Odisha 8211 Part 5

Hello to all indiansexstories2.net readers. Girls/ Ladies/ Housewifes/ Widow/ Single Ladies, I am Bapi back again to share one more incident of a real story of a fabulous encounter of my gigolo profession. I would like to introduce myself to readers who dont know me. As informed earlier my name is Bapi,age 32, unmarried, located in Rourkela, Odisha. I am working in a private firm and serving as part time gigolo (male escort) for unsatisfied females. If you are lonely or unsatisfied with your...

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