Madison's Awakening Part 2, January, Saturday 28th-Sunday 29th, 2017 free porn video

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Note: This is second part of the story of my roommate coming out to me as bisexual, how our relationship has developed, and how she became a part of our friends with benefits group.
This Friday night started out with my best friends and me getting ready to go out and have fun. Some of us made other plans but it was made clear tonight was all about Robin and Charlotte getting Maddi to be more open with her bisexuality while I went off to have fun with a couple I have been going out with recently. This story picks up after I left the girls at the bar and went to my friends place.


As we arrived and Pete and Amy’s house, I went through my weekly routine letting the others know exactly where I landed. I also decided to share my location with Maddi too. After a minute or so, I got the alert that she was sharing hers with me. We went inside to enjoy each other’s company for the night.

I arrived home early in the morning, so early it was still dark out. I made my way in through a side door to the Dorm so as not to catch hell from the R.A. for being out so late. I walked into my room to find two, beautiful naked women asleep in separate beds. Maddi was on her bed and Robin was on mine. I dropped my stuff and stripped out of my clothes. Robin was sprawled all across my bed. Maddi was curled in a ball leaving enough room for me on her small, twin bed. I stepped up on her bed to settle in behind her and slipped one arm under her neck and the other; I lay on her side and let my hand rest on her firm belly. I noticed her wake slightly and smiled as she pulled my arm tighter, against her side. I gave her a kiss on the cheek and a few minutes later, we were sound asleep.

Somehow, through our sleep, I managed to roll over to face the wall and Maddi was pulled in behind me tightly as big spoon. She had pulled the covers up over us to keep the winter chill away. I moved slightly to keep from waking her when she raised her hand up and whispered, asking if I was awake. I rolled my head over and smiled before kissing her lightly on the lips and just said “Yes, how are you feeling this morning?” She told me that after I left, Robin and Charlotte brought her back her and they had a wild night of their own. I asked what happened and she just told me they were her memories and that she might share someday and have me write about them, but for now, she wanted to keep them to herself. She told me Charlotte decided to head back to her and Robins room because he left her medication and had to go take it, and that left Robin and Maddi alone. She said they fooled around for a little while longer and took a shower together before Robin got out, and toweled off. Maddi said when she stepped back into our room, Robin was passed out in my bed. I laughed and told her that I saw her. Just then, Robin pounced on both of us asking “You two bitches talking about me?” and began laughing. She told us to get dressed and that she said she had texted Charlotte to see if she wanted to meet up for breakfast. I took some ibuprofen for my slight hangover and left for IHOP.

We enjoyed our breakfast and talked about my nights events, but they were less forthcoming about their own night. Robin did get Maddi to say she was very comfortable with display sof affection for her newfound girlfriends, including me as she leaned over to give me a deep kiss while the waitress was at our table. We finished and paid our bill and head back to campus. Charlotte and Robin went back to their dorm and Maddi and I to ours. We spent the day holed up in the room, talking about everything and I spent the day talking to people on my favorite forum. About mid-afternoon I received a text from Charlotte asking if I wanted to go to a bar downtown we go to from time to time to get away from the college guys. I told Maddi I was going out with Charlotte later and asked if she wanted to join us. She explained she would be going to her sisters for a small party for her brother-in-law to celebrate a promotion he'd just received.

The place is a little more upscale than the place we usually hang out at, mostly frequented by older gentlemen. Charlotte and I both found guys to spend time with that night and both left separately. A spent the night with an older man named Michael and left around 4 am to head back to my dorm. I walked in to find Maddi still awake, watching Netflix.

Maddi asked for details and I simply said: "I have to pee, come in here." With that, I dropped my underwear and sat down while telling her of my night and undressing. I told her I was going to hop in the shower and that she should join me. She told me she wanted to finish the episode of the show she was watching and I told her I finish telling her of my night in a few minutes then.

I stepped out of the shower, dried off and put on my thick terry cloth robe and stepped to the mirror to put my hair up in a towel. I stepped out of the bathroom to give Maddi the rest of the details of my night. As I was towel drying my hair, I told Maddi how the guy tried to pay me and how upset I was. I liked the guy and had planned on trying to see him again until he pulled that crap. It made me feel ashamed and cheap. She came over to hug me and tried to apologize for him and I told her it was not her mistake to apologize for. I let go of her to step back and drop my robe to get in bed and she asked if I would like some company. I told her I’d love it and she dropped her running shorts and underwear, kicking them away as she pulled her cut off Tee over her had to show me her beautiful nude body and climbing into bed with me. As much as I wanted to explore her body completely, to lick and kiss every inch of her, I was too tired and simply pulled her close and became "big spoon" for the night. We were both asleep within minutes.

I woke up the next morning with her gone and maybe a little upset that she had left without telling me but everything was made better when I grabbed my phone to see a text from her telling me she just went out to grab us some breakfast. Within two minutes of reading the message, she walked in with food. Cherry Cheese Danish, Milk, Cereal, and some Pop-Tarts in one bag, and in the other was Styrofoam box with pancakes, syrup, sausage links, and the food of the gods, Bacon! She asked my plans for the day and I told her I planned on staying in all day and working on some schoolwork, messing around online and just hanging out with her in the room. She agreed and said she had homework too. I mentioned I would go for a run later and she should join me and she agreed.

The day was uneventful and I spent most of my day talking to people on the forums back and forth and another guy I knew in a messenger program on my phone. Later that night, I mentioned Maddi and some things she was doing and how I was getting turned on. He encouraged me to initiate something with her and I did. Our conversation was cut short as Maddi and I began exploring each other fully with our hands.

I had been wearing my little Yoga/booty shorts and a sports bra, removing both as I walked toward her. She sat there with a look of pure anticipation on her face like someone was about to hand her a puppy. As I reached her bed, I pulled the covers from her legs and ran my upturned hand from her feet and up her leg as I sat on the edge of her bed. I am not into feet as a fetish at all, but I lifted her leg and brought her beautiful foot to my face as I kissed the top and moved up to her ankle planting small kisses along the way. I positioned myself on my knees and continued kissing my way to her thigh dropping to the side to kiss her inner thigh and jumping to her other leg for some attention. I ran my hands up both legs as I kissed further up and got to her shorts. My hand slid up her legs, past her shorts and up to her stomach before sliding back down to grab her waistband. As I pulled down she raised her butt to allow me to slip them off easily. She pulled her knees to her chest so I could completely remove them.

I was pleased to see she had no underwear. I told her “I’m glad to see you still have “my” heart on your mound.” She laughed and said “Are you kidding? It’s the most intimate thing anyone has ever given me.” I laughed and lowered my head to kiss her thighs again. I stuck my tongue out to run it up the remaining six inches the slip it between her folds and taste her sweet juices which had already started flowing. I mentioned “You’re already wet. Is that for me?” and she told me “I’ve been wet all day long just thinking about you and the fun we might have.” I continued licking her wet little pussy while sliding my hands up her stomach to her gorgeous breasts. I raised my face to plant a kiss right on the heart I have shaved into her bland triangular patch a few days earlier. And kissed my way up her belly and further up between her boobs. She looked at me, “I’m sorry my tits are small.” I laughed and told her “I can only fit so much in hands or my mouth, you have no reason to apologize.” And she giggled as I drew her nipple into my mouth and sucked so deeply, so much that I wanted more of her. I couldn’t explain it I just wanted her inside of me. I wanted to merge with her. I wanted the two of us to become one person.

I played with her boobs for another minute or two before moving up to kiss her neck and gently suck and nibble on her earlobe. As I released her earlobe, I felt her hands on my sides as she turned her face toward mine and gave me a kiss so deep and passionate; I could remember no kiss like it before. I've never been kissed like that before and never with so much feeling. Her hands slid to my waist and then up and over my back as she pulled me closer and continued her kiss. With one knee positioned to her side, I lowered myself onto her while we made out. I could feel my aching pussy rub her hip bone as I put slightly more weight on her. I felt her hands moving down my back and over my ass. With a squeeze, she pulled my cheeks apart where I could feel the cool air hit all my moist spots. I rocked my hips downward to rub my hood and clit over her hipbone for some stimulation. I felt her lips curl into a smile as we continued kissing and pulled back and looked at her. She smiled “You’re eager.” I just smiled and nodded.

She rolled me to her side and ran her hand down my chest and belly before slipping her finger between my lips and pulling them back and forth. She then let one finger slip down to my entrance as I tried to force my pussy down onto her hand. She felt this and happily pushed into my opening and pulled out, slipping in a second finger again and slowly sliding them in and out of my wet little pussy. I began undulating my hips while lying on my side and playing with her nipples. I wanted more of her in me, but she withdrew her fingers and pulled them to her mouth. She shoved her fingers into her mouth and sucked my juices from them and told me “You taste so good; I may have to go straight to the source.” She climbed up on her knees and began kissing my tits and chest as she made her way further down my stomach. I reached over and rubbed her mound and pushed my hand further back to run my fingers up and down her slit. Reaching from under her, I ran my hand further up and toward her ass to feel her little asshole pulse slightly when I touched it. I circled it with my well lubed middle finger before sliding in a very small amount and hooked my finger downward to give a gentle tug to let her know I had her. She kissed further down and was kissing my mound and mentioning how smooth I was as she slid her tongue through my slit.

Still to my side and licking my juices from their source, I pulled her legs over and told her to raise her leg as a smacked her inner thigh. She raised her leg as I slid underneath and placed my hand on her hip to position her better. Once in place, I bunched a pillow under my head to bring me closer. I stuck my tongue out and lightly licked her clit before opening my mouth to place it over the upper part of her slit and suck on her pussy. I felt the tip of my nose getting wet as it slipped between her lips and she smelled so wonderful. I didn’t care, I wanted her juices all over me, I wanted her cum all over my face. I had to have her. I continued licking her and as I sped up, I felt her speed up and get more forceful with her own licks. It almost became a game of who could lick harder. We kept this up for another minute before I felt my legs begin to stiffen and shake. I licked and sucked on her pussy harder as I started to feel her lips begin to twitch and pulse in my mouth. I heard her say she was going to cum and that was all it took before I began to twitch and shake and I had the most intense orgasm of quite some time. This seemed to push her over the edge completely as she buried her tongue into my hole and began tongue-fucking my still pulsing pussy. I could feel her sucking and almost slurping. Her juices had run down the sides of my nose and onto my cheeks, I wanted more as I pushed my face as deeply as I could into her, nibbling and sucking on her lips, pulling them as far into my mouth as I could.

She raised up from me and told me that I came so much. She said without thinking, she tried to “drink” all my juices but could not keep up. She said it looked like watered down semen and just kept “oozing” out of me. She lifted her leg back over so I could sit up. As I slid back a little and looked down, I felt so bad. I had soaked her bed with a huge wet spot, probably now eight to twelve inches in diameter. I apologized and she told me not to. She just kind of laughed and told me “I guess I have to sleep with you tonight.” I agreed and insisted since I messed her bed up a little. I told her she was welcome anytime anyway and to just climb right in. She mentioned getting a shower before bed and I agreed.

We stepped into the bathroom and looked in the mirror, and I pulled my hair up into a bun. She looked at me as I turned my head toward her and grabbed the sides of my face to pull me in for a kiss tasting her juice on my lips and cheeks. She pulled back and just said “Mmmmm, is that me?" and I nodded. She planted her lips on my cheeks in a kissing fashion while gently sucking in. She then kissed me with her juice covered lips. I kissed her and licked her lips as she pulled away. She gave me slow, sensual licks across my cheek to clean it and gave me another kiss to share her sweet flavor. She released me and stepped toward the glass door of the shower to reach in and turn the water on and adjust the temperature. I stepped into our bedroom to grab a toy, a toy I had wanted to use on her since the first time she watched me use it on myself back around Thanksgiving. She had borrowed it several times since the first time she saw it, but I wanted to use it on her and to control it. Her eyes lit up as I entered the bathroom with my trusty 10-inch crystal jelly in hand and ready to use it.

I tossed it to her as I stepped into the shower; she dropped it on the bench as she stepped into the water streaming from the showerhead. She soaped up and rinsed our water dong attachment we use for anal cleansing before a night of butt fun and let it hang. She continued to soap up her body as I sat on the built-in tiled bench. I watched her as she began to play with herself and I began to slip my toy into me. She took this as an invitation and kneeled in front of me and took control, leaning in to suck my nipple into her mouth as I leaned my head back against the wall. I wrapped my legs around her lower back and pulled her closer. She looked up as I looked down at her and our lips met. We began kissing and biting each other’s lips lightly and sucking on them. She ran her tongue across my upper teeth and I caught it before she withdrew it completely from me. I wrapped my arms around her neck and held her tightly and told her that I loved her. I do, maybe not in an “In love” kind of love, but as a very, very close friend. She shook her head and told me she loved me too. She continued pumping the dildo in and out of me and I was going crazy. She had one hand on the dildo and one hand squeezing my breasts and pinching my nipples, periodically dipping down to kiss or suck on them.

I was quickly approaching orgasm and I decided it was her turn to cum first. I stood up and made her sit on the bench. I grabbed the dildo from her and reached up to turn on the water dong. I knelt down in front of her and slid the dildo up and down her slit before sliding it up inside her. She leaned over and put her face on my shoulder and inhaled so deeply as I worked the crystal pink shaft in and out of her wet little kitty. I could hear her long, inhale deeply as I slid it in and exhale slowly as I withdrew it, with moans mingled in between everything. I grabbed the water dong and shoved it into my own wet little slit to flood my own pussy with warm water. It felts so amazing flooding me like that. I could not put it in as deeply as I craved it because of the hose so I slid back from the bench to be able to go deeper. This also allowed me to bend down and suck her inner lips into my mouth as they stuck to the side of the dildo as I slid it out of her. I changed my angle so I could lick and suck on her clit. As I made contact, she put her hands on my back and dragged her nails from my butt to my shoulders and slid them back down. She gave me goosebumps it felt so good. I raised up and suck her nipples into my mouth as I dropped the dildo and started running my fingers over her clit quickly as I heard her breathing increase. Within 10 or 15 seconds, her legs start shaking and stiffen as she came with a loud moan. I continued kissing her and rubbing her pussy until she pushed my hand away. I raised my face to hers and kissed her as deeply as I could, she began kissing and licking my cheek and face as the water from the shower beaded and ran down my face.

I was close to my own orgasm from the water dong and the flooding of my pussy. My breathing picked up and she stood up, put her hands under my arms to raise me up. As I stood up, she pushed me backward to the opposite wall and ran her hands up my legs to my stomach before squeezing and pulling on my boobs and rolling my nipples between her fingers. She leaned down to take one in her mouth and looked up at me. I can only imagine that is the same feeling a guy gets when I look up at him with his cock buried deep in my mouth and throat. She opened her mouth and suck in a large part of my boob like a baby suckling on its mother. It felt incredible as I felt her tongue rolling back and forth over my nipple buried inside her mouth. She had her palm flat against my stomach as she slid her hand down to cup my mound and let her middle finger slide into my slit. As she rubbed her hand up and down, I could feel her increasing the pressure so the length of her finger pressed on my clit. I still had the water dong in my hand, just spraying our legs. She grabbed it between her fingers and slid it inside me while continuing to rub her palm up and down my mound and putting pressure on my clit at the same time. She released my breast from her mouth and began kissing down my belly where she teased my belly button with her tongue. She finally brought her lips down to my pussy and ran her tongue up and down my folds before locking onto my little love button and sucking on it gently at first, then increasing her pressure as she heard and felt my breathing increase. She had let go of the toy she was using on me to replace it with her fingers. The more I moaned and squirmed, the faster and harder she pumped her fingers into my little cunt. My clit felt like it was swelling more and more and she sucked on it harder. Just then I felt my legs start to shake, then stiffen, and then give completely out as I slid down the wall to my ass. She steadied me as I slid to the floor but continued pushing her fingers into me to keep my orgasm rolling. She started rubbing my slit with her other hand and kissing me with her tongue buried deep in my mouth as I breathed heavier.

Finally, she eased off to let me calm down. I grabbed her face with both hands and pulled her close to kiss her and told her again that I loved her. She looked down at my lips, shook her head yes and kissed me once more. She thanked me for everything that’s happened over this weekend and wanted me to know she would love to continue our relationship together, knowing we wouldn’t be exclusive to one another, but she informed me she would not be actively seeking out other partners because of schoolwork. We turned the water off, dried ourselves, helping each other and walking out to our beds. She plugged her phone into her charger and I asked her if she’d plug mine in as well. I laid on my bed and slid under the covers. When she turned around, I raised one arm to open my covers to her and simply said "Won't you join me, Angel?" She smiled "No one has ever called me that before." and smiled from ear to ear. She climbed in facing me for a kiss and we made out for a few minutes before rolling over, telling me once again that she loved me, and good night. I had one arm under her neck and the other draped over her side and stomach. I drew her tightly against me and laid my cheek on the side of her head and told her that I loved her as well.

The next morning, we both woke up late and had to scramble out the door to make it to class. That afternoon, I got a text asking me to let her know if I would be heading back to our room anytime soon and she would be waiting. We’ve had fun with each other at least two or three times a week since she began to open up. I have even walked in on her and Robin having fun too. I’m so glad my best friends all get along. I finally admitted to myself and her that I considered her one of my best friends along with Robin and Charlotte.


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Sunday--Miss Suzy Premi?re partie "The best things in life are free. The second best are very expensive." Since I de-planed in the Big Apple (I came from Ohio, but am most certainly not a Scientologist--unless an impeccable platinum banded solitaire ring of about five carats is part of the deal) I've had oodles of marriage proposals and was even, briefly, engaged. All very flattering, but I can afford to be choosy--or could. I think it's well past time if a lady is unmarried at 3...

4 years ago
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Staceys Awakening part 2

To follow the story please pick up on the first part of the series. now on things will start to pick up for the better (or worse) for our lovely Heroin. Make sure to like or leave a comment. All input is greatly appreciated and motivational for continuing the story. Chapter 3 : And so it begins Stacey lifted her head, a buzzing pain clouded her ability to think straight as she lifted her head from her pillow.My god, she thought...

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The Awakening of Chris Part 6

I walked back through the coolness of the kitchen and out into the heat of the pool area. I walked back into my apartment and saw Caley and Paul sitting at the table eating breakfast. Caley was in a towel. She looked beautiful. Paul turned, "At last.....thought you had left for the day. Everything OK?" I could see that Paul was a little worried about how things might have gone regarding his little hook up last night. "Everything's fine, just needed to wait for Mom to get out...

1 year ago
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Sleepwalker The Sexual Awakening of Kate N Part

This is a story of a young woman’s sexual awakening at the hands and cock of an older man — me. of, well, me. I’m an older man. I’m almost 50, with a still somewhat athletic build, hairy chest and body, and a decent-sized cock of about eight inches long rooted in a mass of wiry brown pubic hair. The young woman I’m about to tell you about is Kate N.. I’ve known her for a very long time. Let’s just leave it at that. Kate was adopted as an infant from China by her mom, Ewa, and her adoptive...

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Saturday Night Sunday Morning

I’m Doug the husband. I coach division one college baseball for a University located on the west coast of Florida, I’m not saying which one but you’ll probably know after reading my story. I’m married to my beautiful wife Sandy. Both she and I turned thirty last summer. I never thought I could fall in love at first sight but with Sandy that was the case. She had a body that most women would die for. At five foot four her tiny waist and hip’s only accentuated her luscious 34c breasts. Her long...

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Awakening of Alexis part 6

The Awakening of Alexis - Part 6The videos that we were given at that evening gathering were unbelievable. But I will describe them later, because something else came up that kind of interrupted their enjoyment.My wife Alexis came to me late one evening and said she had to talk something over with me. I knew that she and Jackie - the white prostitute or 'escort' who arranged and organized our various 'extracurricular activities' - had had another telephone conversation that afternoon. The rest...

2 years ago
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The Awakening of a Cougar Part 2

The Awakening of a Cougar With Debbie remaining across my lap I inspected her bottom. Her cheeks had coloured a luscious shade of red, the evenness of tone telling me that I had succeeded in ensuring that no accessible part of her bottom had been left unchallenged. As I eased those cheeks apart, the contrast between the paleness of her cleft and the glow of her spanked flesh added further testimony to the effectiveness of my hand. It also afforded a view of her neatly puckered anus, reminding...

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Pete and Amy Part 32 Little Dolly Lexa February 10th 2017

Note: This is Part 2 of my third time hanging out with Pete and Amy for intimate fun. We’ve had lunch several times since we met in mid-January, but our schedules have only allowed us to hang out for sexual reasons twice since I met them at the bar. This original plan for this night was entirely different and started out that way but during a break in the action, I was given an opportunity I couldn’t pass up. I’d been interested in Dollification for quite some time but every time I met...

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The Awakening of DawnPart 1

A Story about a Mature Married White Woman's awakening to Her True Sexual Destiny...Worshipping Big Black Cock....helped by Younger College Girls who know what their Older Married sisters Really Need....Enjoy..;-)Dawn Tikken hurried to get dressed. The thirty six year old wife and mother had enrolled in classes at the university when her youngest c***d had started kindergarten. Her husband was a sergeant in the U. S. military and with him being gone half of the time, she needed something in her...

1 year ago
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My Awakening Part One

My awakening into the world of bi-sexual encounters which have rocked my world.Up until I was 19 I had never even looked at another women with anything but a fashionable eye and a bitch about her beauty, but a hot and sticky July afternoon was to change that forever. My best friend had invited me to her beach hut where she spent most of her summers to relax and enjoy some sunshine and white wine with a couple of her colleagues from work, I had never been out with this crowd before but very soon...

4 years ago
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Thursday 29th October 2015

Waiting in the bedroom. showered and smooth underneath, my clit caged and locked wearing exactly what Master requested… blonde wig, stockings, suspenders lacy panties and bra under a sexy mini dress. Standing, waiting nervously, glancing around the room I caught sight of a neighbour through the window but even more worrying sitting on top of a cabinet next to the double bed stood a fist sized black butt plug. At which moment Master entered the room. After some posing and a small show I was...

2 years ago
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Over the Hills and Faraway Book 2 RelationshipsChapter 7 The Courtship of Phillipa Goddard 29th December 1987

It was just a little after 11 am when I rang her door bell. She opened the front door immediately. "I was thinking you wouldn't turn up." She was flushed and agitated, "it would have been all my fault, I shouldn't have badgered you over those bloody silly names." I handed her the book I had bought at W H Smith's on the way over to her house. "I stopped to get this." It was a paper back copy of ' Death to the French' She gazed at me for a few seconds then threw her arms around my...

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The Awakening of a Vengeful Phoenix Part 16 Chapter 21

The Awakening of a Vengeful Phoenix - Part 16 - Chapter 21 A man is feminized by his wife and his business partner and framed for embezzlement. Can he survive the humiliations his wife intends to subject him to and start a new life? Thanks go out to Marina Kelly for her very valuable editorial assistance in improving the quality of this story. We find comments (good or bad) to be valuable in helping us to write a good story. Thank you. Sally forced herself to sit back...

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Kellys Awakening Part 1

Kelly's Awakening – Part One   Kelly Richmond was having a very bad day. It had been about 20 minutes since she had hung up the phone and she was still in shock. Jennifer, her girlfriend for the last 9 months, had ended their relationship with a phone call! Not only that, but Jennifer had admitted that she had been having an affair with a man! To rub a little more salt into the already wide open wound, the man she had been seeing behind Kelly’s back was there with her while she was on the...

1 year ago
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Rogues Story Part One The Awakening

Rogues Story – Part One -The AwakeningThis story couldn't have been written without one man, you know who you are! She quickly turns the ornate gold tap in the opulent ladies room of the country house, and grabs a handful of paper towels that were neatly placed next to the expensive hand creams and lotions, she begins to dab the red wine stain on her new cream evening dress. “This isn’t going to come out, that stupid oaf of a man.” She wishes she could have let loose and tell him what she...

Wife Lovers
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Kellys Awakening Part 3

Introduction: Kelly gets more than she bargained for when she tries to seduce her ex girlfriends sister! Revenge is sweet, but pussy is sweeter Kellys Awakening Part 3 Id recommend reading the first two instalments of this series to fully understand the story, but, if you just want to read this one, or if youre a returning reader to the series, here is a very quick recap of what happened in the last chapter. Enjoy! P.T Jennifer has ended the relationship between herself and Kelly. Jennifer...

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Kellys Awakening Part Three

Kelly’s Awakening – Part Three  I’d recommend reading the first two installments of this series to fully understand the story, but, if you just want to read this one, or if you’re a returning reader to the series, here is a very quick recap of what happened in the last chapter. Enjoy! P.T  [Jennifer has ended the relationship between herself and Kelly. Jennifer had seen Kelly and Ariel (Kelly’s best friend) with her two sisters (Amy and Bianca) and assumed there must be something going on, in a...

3 years ago
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Rihannas awakening part two

This is the continuation of my story about the lovely Rihanna after she was propositioned by a few of the regular guys at our gentleman’s club on the night of her awakening.One of the guys called Paul had drafted and passed on a contract for her to review, much like we all did weeks ago. She had gone over the details, signed the contract and had told us she had since received the full amount of £12000 in her bank account.The new contract detailed very similar to our requirements from her in...

1 year ago
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January and February Stories

January – Sent OutIt was January, and it was snowing. It was cold, and during the night the snowflakes formed a huge white blanket on the streets and buildings. I was going to dress up to go out to go grocery shopping, but Mistress was a bit displeased by my behavior of the previous evening.I think I said something wrong or, well at the time she didn't tell me but it was so obvious. She looked at me with a malicious and a dash of wickedness. She ordered me to take off my yoga pants. She opened...

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A January Day In London

He’s done it again. The little shy boy routine, the wide oval eyes full of sparkle, the uneasy stammer. I’ve been with James for a year or so now. I know the tricks only too well because I fell for them myself. The story of a softly spoken, innocent looking guy who wouldn’t hurt a fly, but scratch the surface and you find the reality. * We’re sat in a backstreet pub in the centre of London, nothing out of the ordinary, and in fact we almost walked right past it, until James had taken a quick...

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My Moms 2019 8211 January

Hello, my dear Readers. This is a diary, written by Varun, mentioning the sexual escapades of his mother, Priya. Happy Reading! When 2019 started, never in my wildest dreams did I think, it was going to be the year my homely conservative mother will be transformed into a sex hungry MILF slut. As we enter the third month of 2019, I, as a son, noted down the events in my mom’s life. During the most sexually significant life of her year. It all started in the second week of January 2019. I saw...

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When January Cums

It had been several years since I last saw Roger. He and his beautiful wife placed an ad on a website looking for another woman to share their sexual fantasies with. I am married and was looking for the same, not another couple. But after seeing her picture and getting to know her through several emails, I decided I did not care. I had to have her. Before meeting, I also befriended her husband. It was important to them that I was compatible with both of them before meeting in person. We all got...

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January 6th

January 6th January 6thBy Freddie Clegg          A Short, Festive Story    ? Freddie Clegg 2006? Not to be reproduced or reposted without permission. [email protected]    It was the twelfth day of Christmas??The Great Detective sat back in his wing back chair. He reached out with the poker and prodded at the remnants of the fire in the grate. A stream of sparks sputtered from the last of the logs and spiralled away up the chimney and out into the night.He turned to the...

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Band Geek DiaryChapter 20 January 18 20

January 18 Nobody said anything about more lessons from Becky this weekend. I thought the lessons were over, now that Katie and I had made love. I slept in this morning, feeling bummed about not having sex on Saturday like I’d had since early in November when Becky started teaching me, preparing me to make love with Katie for the first time. Mom and Dad asked if I was feeling okay when I finally came out of my room around ten. I just shrugged and said I was tired. Katie called me around...

1 year ago
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Kellys Awakening Part Two

Kelly’s Awakening – Part Two [This story directly continues from the first, picking up from about seven months before the split up, shortly after Kelly and Jennifer became lovers,] In a very short time Kelly had realized exactly what Jennifer was like; she was highly sexual and very possessive. She took Kelly to meet her two sisters once, Amy and Bianca, and she’d asked her new girlfriend what she thought of them. Kelly had said they seemed nice and they were cute, that turned out to be the...

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Awakening of Alexis part 1

The Awakening of Alexis - Part 1I can't say that I really regret anything that's happened. Step by step it's been unbelievably exciting. Let me explain what happened.I am in my late forties and Alexis, my wife of some 18 years, is the same age. She is tall, fairly slim, with brown eyes and hair, smallish breasts, and with lots of light brown pubic hair. Our sex life has been drab to say the least and as our sex has dropped off, I've tried to find new ways to excite her. I have never been...

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Awakening of Alexis part 2

The Awakening of Alexis - Part 2After a lot of time, thought, encouragment, and some light pressure on my part, Alexis finally agreed to take things to the next level, sexually. I mean she SAID she agreed, but she was also very hesitant. She sometimes seemed almost angry when I brought the subject up and refused to even talk about it, but gradually I got her to talk more about this and we got into some specifics.A lot of the discussion about what we would do, took place while making love....

3 years ago
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Kellys Awakening Part Four final

Introduction: Kelly learns everything, and it isnt all good Kellys Awakening Part Four Once again, as with the previous parts, Id recommend reading the first few stories so that this one makes more sense to you! For those of you that just want to read one story, or if youre returning to this series, heres a quick recap from the last story. Enjoy! [After seven months Jennifer, Kellys girlfriend, had ended their relationship because she suspected that Kelly desired her sisters, Amy and Bianca,...

1 year ago
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Janets Awakening Part 2

That night after dinner I heard mom and dad have an argument in their room again. Usually when they fought more the one day in a row it meant dad had an out-of-town trip for work. He drove trucks, usually within the city and had normal hours, but to make extra money he would often take long distance work that would take him away from home sometimes a week or 2 at a time. Mom was wonderful at times and at other times cold and distant and that took its toll on dad. I didn’t understand it at...

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The Awakening Part Two Resurrection

The Awakening By Michele Nylons Part Two - Resurrection Up in the attic I turn on the standard lamp, unlock the Chubb lock and open the trunk. Nadine is out for a few hours so I can take my time and fully investigate the contents of the trunk. There are layers of skirts; blouses and lingerie all neatly folded. I take one of blouses out of the trunk and try it on. I'm not really surprised to find it is a perfect fit. I fumble with the buttons because they are on the opposite...

2 years ago
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Awakening of Alexis part 2

The Awakening of Alexis – Part 2 After a lot of time, thought, encouragment, and some light pressure on my part, Alexis finally agreed to take things to the next level, sexually. I mean she SAID she agreed, but she was also very hesitant. She sometimes seemed almost angry when I brought the subject up and refused to even talk about it, but gradually I got her to talk more about this and we got into some specifics. A lot of the discussion about what we would do, took place while making love....

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Awakening of Alexis part 5

The Awakening of Alexis - Part 5My wife serviced a few more black men in the next couple of weeks, before Jackie arranged for us to get together again. She wanted us to view some video material, talk to us, and so on, along with some other people present.One of the servicings involved Alexis having to meet a black guy on the other side of town but it was a decent area. As usual, I drove her there and we went up to the house together. The wife opened the door. She was black, tall and very...

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Tales From Mist WorldChapter 14 A Rude Awakening and Departure

Jake’s dreamed of him and Catherine standing on the bridge of the Karenna sailing the skies. In the dream, Catherine was holding their infant son. The eels were there along with many tiny eels floating around them. The dream changed, Jake was laying in his bed. Catherine was lightly stroking his face. Then she kissed him and covered him with a blanket. The dream ended and he drifted deeper into slumber. He was awoken by a knock on his cabin door. Jake sat up looking around. It took a few...

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Awakening of Alexis part 3

The Awakening of Alexis - Part 3For days after that night at the motel, I was in a kind of turmoil. It was such a turn-on to see my wife Alexis pleasured by a woman and also pleasuring herself in front of her. But far more so, were the statements made by Jackie - the prostitute / 'escort' - about future encounters - i.e. involving black men. The examples she gave, the scenarios, the options, were breathtaking. Recalling her words just gave me an instant hard-on. Alexis was just as aroused too....

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Good Morning with Nivagi Jan 28th

Nivagi is my girlfriend – we’ve been dating since 2008. We both date other people openly, including our girlfriend Ke. “Ke” and “Nivagi” are not their real names, of course, but since I’m writing explicitly about my real life, I had to come up with something to call them. Sorry if the weird names I came up with are confusing. ############## Thursday morning I had a very nice wake-up with Nivagi. As we snuggled in bed, me in boxers and she in cute panties, we cuddled and enjoyed each...

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Our Second Date December 28th 1974 Satur

Our second date was on December 28, 1974. I got up around 7 am, cleaned up and went to the mess hall for breakfast. Didn’t eat much since I wasn’t used to eating at the mess hall – but it was bearable – just. I then drove around the base to become familiar with the layout, where I would be assigned, etc. There was a lot of construction going on at that time with new buildings being put up everywhere – it was nice to see. I went over to the bowling alley which was open with league bowling going...

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Our Second Date ndash December 28th 1974 Satur

Our second date was on December 28, 1974. I got up around 7 am, cleaned up and went to the mess hall for breakfast. Didn’t eat much since I wasn’t used to eating at the mess hall – but it was bearable – just. I then drove around the base to become familiar with the layout, where I would be assigned, etc. There was a lot of construction going on at that time with new buildings being put up everywhere – it was nice to see.I went over to the bowling alley which was open with league bowling going...

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Oct28thshaved in the hospital

I recently fell off of a bar stool in my kitchen on a hardwood floor and idiot me broke my hip just before Halloween. However,the reason for this story is that while in the hospital for 2 weeks going though surgery and physical therapy it seemed that my shaved cock and balls grabbed the attention of quite a few people there. I mean it COULDN'T have been the first time that nurses and my anesthesiologist and surgeon have seen this before but it started when a female nurse was helping me into the...

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