Summer Vacation(copied)_(0) free porn video

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Part 1
After all the shit that happened with Derek and Heather at the beginning of the year I can safely say that the rest of the school year went really well. My sister Elizabeth found herself a boyfriend, some straight laced guy in the choir at the local church named Greg of all things. The girls and I got things worked out with a little negotiating on my part, Katy and Kori got along just fine but Mathilda felt left out a lot of the time. Kori hooked her and Katy up with some shopping days and they bonded, thank god too considering I didn’t really need a girl fight.

Jun on the other hand seemed like his world went straight shit sideways when his girlfriend Lilly got all weirded out not feeling like one of the crew and made some advances to me to be ‘one of the girls’. I knew what it’d do to Jun and turned her down which really doesn’t go over well, they haven’t been together for the rest of the year and Jun’s been real quiet about a lot. He’s been there for the others but real quiet.

The best thing going on in my world right now is the same thing going on for everyone right now, summer vacation in two days. Everyone in the school is acting like dogs in the kennel for too long and wanting to get out. It’s a Wednesday after school and all of us are at home eating dinner when it hits me, Mom and Dad are really quiet and have been since we got home. I let it be and head to my room after dinner. It’s about seven at night when I get a knock on my door, its Liz and she’s waving me out of my room. Ever have that feeling where you’re walking into a bad surprise, I get into the living room and I see Mom and Dad sitting in their recliners and some guy in a suit sitting on the couch.

“Hi there, you must be Guy. I’ve heard a lot about you,” the suit says standing up, six feet tall Caucasian, decent build and his suit is pretty nice. I can’t seem to place his accent but he sounds redneck.

“Okay, Dad did I do something wrong,” I ask looking at everyone in the room.

“Guy you should sit down and listen to Mr. Delauter for a minute,” Dad says motioning me to the loveseat.

“Well I’m here on behalf of your mother Guy,” the suit tells me as we both sit down.

“Okay, she’s right there,” I say nodding to Mom in the recliner, I see Mr. Delauter frown at the reference.

“No Guy, I mean your real mother, Loretta,” the suit says, I can feel my stomach tighten and start to feel sick.

Dad is looking at me as the suit tells me about how my ‘mother’ rehabbed a year ago, got a hold of money and paid off all her back child support. I feel cold as mom moves over to the loveseat with me as he tells me she has filed and received summer visitation rights.

“I’m not going,” I say cutting Mr. Delauter off.

“I’m sorry son, but the law is clearly defined. Your mother having paid her dues and being clean and sober for a year gets her visitation rights,” Mr. Delauter tells me taking some papers out of his briefcase.

“First off I’m NOT your son, don’t tell me what I can and can’t do. That ‘woman’ doesn’t deserve a visit from me behind plate glass,” I tell him hotly getting up from the couch.

“She does and she’s entitled to six weeks this summer starting in two days,” Mr. Delauter says standing up,” I’ll be at the airport to take him back to Texas ten in the morning day after tomorrow.”

“My son will be there, you understand something Mr. Delauter,” My dad says standing up,” You want to help my ex wife, fine. You want to take her in and marry her, fine. But you asked for more trouble than you know how to deal with cause you want six weeks with MY son at your home.”

I freeze at what Dad says, he’s gonna let them take me. I get off the loveseat and stomp back to my room; as soon as I’m in I grab a bag and start packing. Its a few minutes when Dad gets to my room; I don’t even turn to greet him.

“Packing for your trip,” Dad asks leaning in the doorway.

“Gonna make a run for it,” I tell him rolling a few shirts up.

“No you’re not,” Dad says taking the bag,” I’ve been to the courts about this for months now. This is all legal and Loretta gets her six weeks Guy.”

“You knew,” I ask shocked,” you knew that she was trying this and you didn’t tell me?”

“I’ve been at court on this, going through hearings. I didn’t want this for you,” Dad tells me.

I shake my head, 6 weeks with a woman I haven’t seen or wanted to see in seven years, now my Dad says I have no choice and I have to go. I don’t even say anything when dad leaves; I just lock my door and shut down. I get knocking after a half hour but ignore it and head to sleep.

Last day of school being a half day everyone is talking about their plans in my crew. It takes a while before everyone realizes I’m in a grim mood, even Jun is talking about summer. Finally Natsuko decides to break the silence.

“So what is our brooding leader doing this summer,” Natsuko asks.

Katy and Liz get really quiet, I know they heard what happened last night and I’m waiting for Liz to drop the bombshell. The others at the table start getting nervous so I decide to drop the summer bombshell. I watch their faces some grim, some shocked.

“So are you going to be okay,” Jun asks me breaking the silence.

“Okay and me are not good friends right now,” I reply from my hood.

“Hey man, I’ll take care of the girls while you’re gone,” Jun tells me.

The whole table starts laughing about it; I even manage a chuckle out. We settle down but I’m still in a bad way when Kori nods for me to head outside. I leave the table and follow her out, it takes me a second but I know Katy is following me. I see her stop in front of the school offices and sit down on the concrete planter, guess this is one of those moments.

“Why didn’t you tell me about this,” Kori asks.

“I found out about it last night, thought about making a run for it but my Dad shut that idea down,” I tell Kori sitting down next to her.

“Okay Kori, Guy should have told you,” Katy cuts in standing in front of us,” but this is trauma drama shit happened to him last night, when he pulled me out of my shit I didn’t have my head on straight for days. You two plan a going away thing for just the two of you tonight; I’ll talk to Mathilda and let her know.”

And just like that Katy is gone and Kori and I are left alone on the planter. I put my arm around her and she cuddles inside my coat, even in the summer I keep the leather jacket with hood on. After a few minutes I feel Korinna rustling around in my pockets and watcher her take my phone out. Quickly she gets up and starts going through my numbers, I almost protest but I see her make a call.

“Hi Mr. Donnelly… no it’s not Guy its Korinna… No Guy is fine… no he didn’t make a run for it… yes I will make sure he’s fine… Mr. Donnelly I’m going to borrow my boyfriend till tonight if that’s okay with you and Mrs. Donnelly,” is what I get to hear from Kori on my phone with my Dad,” Yes I’ll have him back tonight thank you.”

“Did you just make my plans for the evening,” I ask Kori taking back my phone.

“Yes I did sir, you will sit and you will like it,” Kori tells me taking out her own phone and start making a call, I hear her talking to her folks.

I get up and head back to the cafeteria; I see the rest of the crew still plotting their fun. I honestly worry about what’s gonna happen with my own trip. I push that shit down and grabbing my bag head off to home room for my midday last class.

Final bell comes and the flood gates open for screaming teenagers to drive, run and bike or skate he hell off school grounds. I hang around and watch most leave when I get a text from Kori saying she’s getting her mom’s van and to stay put. I sit my ass down on a bench and watch the whole school clear out in a record time. As I’m sitting there I feel that pull again, I should run. I start to get up and move when a hand grabs me from behind and sits me back down on the bench. Two hands set on my shoulders and start rubbing.

“Now you wouldn’t be thinking of running would you Guy,” I hear Katy ask me from behind,” cause I’ve got this promise I made to your Dad, my Guardian, that I wouldn’t let you go running off.”

“Yeah well my options are getting really slim and to be honest I’m feeling like I’m getting sentenced to a jail term,” I tell Katy from my hood.

“Hey I know bad too Guy, you saw it and took pictures for fuck’s sake,” Katy says moving to sit next to me,” But you need to do something for the rest of the crew.”

“And now the mantle of leadership is firmly on,” I say chuckling,” what needs doing cause I could use some violence.”

Katy gets up and I follow her back into the school, we hit the Gym and head back to the storage room. She pulls one door open and ushers me inside, as soon as I’m in I watch Katy pull the door closed behind us. It’s mostly dark but we have enough light to see most everything in the room, cages with balls, athletic equipment and floor mats for padding. I get the idea and put Katy up against a wall and shove my tongue in her mouth, it takes her a second before she warms up a little. After a few seconds of kissing Katy backs me off of her.

“Not for me, not this time champ. This is for Jun,” Katy tells me pointing around a corner.

I take a quick look around the corner and see Lilly standing nervously around like she’s waiting for someone. I take a better look at her, she’s about 5’6” glasses and short black hair around her ears, she’s a heavier set not too fat but defiantly not curvy like Kori, her breasts are smaller than I thought for a bigger girl but her ass is big and round like Katy’s. I turn back to Katy who shrugs at me.

“Is this seriously what you brought me in here for,” I ask Katy in whisper.

“Okay, Jun knows she wants this, she has been wanting to get back with Jun but she feels like an outsider all the time,” Katy tells me,” Give her one and tell her to get a hooded coat and it’s over.”

“Not a fuckstick for the student body Katy,” I say shaking my head,” is Jun hanging around?”

She shakes her head and I adjust my hood and go around the corner to where Lilly can see me. She’s a little startled at first but I watch her start to take off her coat and I stop her.

“You know what happens next,” I ask Lilly.

“Ummm, we make love and you let me be part of your group,” Lilly taking her coat off.

“Lilly, you were already part of the group. Unless you are wanting to be girlfriend number four and I’ve got no need for a fourth girlfriend,” I tell Lilly pulling my hood back,” Now as for a fucking it’s your asshole, are you sure you want that.”

I watch Lilly’s eyes go wide with a little shock; it’s the only thing I can think of to get Lilly to back down from trying to jump into my pants. I know that I can hit it and probably get a new member to the ‘fan club’ but Jun’s been really hurt over it if he found out that I’d be out a friend and I don’t have too many guy friends. I motion for Lilly to sit down which she does after some hesitation; I crouch down in front of her.

“You don’t want to fuck me Lilly. You really want to be one of this crew again,” I ask her from my hood.

I see her nod in response then look over my shoulder; I turn to see Katy standing behind me. I refocus on Lilly.

“You go back to your man; you make it right and whole. Are we clear,” I ask Lilly.

She nods and stands up quickly, trying to get out of the room. As she starts past me I take her by the arm.

“Us not having sex isn’t because I have some obligation to my girls or because I don’t think parts of you wouldn’t look good wrapped around my dick,” I tell her seeing her eyes brighten a little.

I give Lilly I quick hug and let her go before sitting down on the padding where she was sitting. I watch Katy see Lilly off and out before she comes back over and stands before me.

“So are you not interested get some anymore,” Katy asks.

I stand up quickly taking Katy by the back of the head and jam my tongue in her mouth, she grabs the back of my head and we have a mouth war to see who survives. After a minute or two she breaks kiss and I turn around and throw her down onto the stacked padding. Katy’s wearing a short cut leather jacket with a hood, black tank top and a red plaid schoolgirl skirt, it’s her white and pink skull panties I’m interested in. I reach down and pull them off to her knees and bury my face in shaved punk pussy.

As soon as my tongue hits Katy’s clit she grabs my head and makes sure I seem to find the right spot for the moment. I use one hand to undo my pants and the other to hold Katy’s hips in place as she squirms. I move my tongue from her clit to her hole and get as much inside her as I can. I let her moan a little more before I take my face away from Katy’s pussy and pushing her knees up to her chest stuff my cock into her pussy. I sink in thanks to how wet she is and waste no time pounding as hard as can into Katy. It takes her a minute to get her panties off one leg and when she does she spreads wide for me and grabs the back of my head to make eye contact.

“I’ve been on the pill for months now, you better fucking cum in me or I swear to god you’ll…,” is all I let Katy get out as I put my hand on her throat and keep air from getting to her.

I keep my pounding of her pussy up and start to get that tingle at the base of my cock. I hold out just enough to see Katy’s eyes start to roll up in her head and letting go of her throat dump a hard load into her pussy. Air getting to her plus my orgasm sets Katy off like a demon as she wraps her legs around me and squeezes out her own orgasm while nearly crushing my testicles against her ass. It’s hard and wet grinding for us and after a few minutes Katy finally lets me out of her pussy.

I pull out and stand up, after getting myself adjusted I check the door, nobody in sight to be found. I come back to Katy; she looks like she’s in her own personal heaven as I lay down next to her.

“I swear to god I am gonna figure out how your cock knows right where my G spot is beats the shit out of it,” Katy tells me smiling.

“Well you’ve been dying for a creampie so I figured since you were so hot for a sex show I’d make you a sex show,” I tell her grinning back.

Katy get herself to a bathroom and I take the men’s room to wash my cock off. Only been forty five minutes since school got out, but when I exit the bathroom Katy is waiting for me. Both our phones go off and I load up a video message from Jun, I see Asian ass and Asian cock fucking and just chuckle.

“Okay now I seriously think that’s hilarious,” Katy says watching the clip.

“Hey they’re back together and that makes shit good in the crew,” I tell Katy as we exit the Gym.

I decide to take a bus back home while I let Korinna plan the going away thing. Katy doesn’t say much to on the trip home but I know she’s concerned for me. As soon as I’m in the door I see that Mom and Dad are home in the middle of the day on a Thursday. I don’t even make eye contact as I head past them in the living room and get to packing for my ‘vacation’. A knock on my door that I don’t answer brings my Dad into the room.

“So I thought you and Kori were doing something,” he asks sitting in my computer chair.

I shrug loading up a orange coverall I wore for Halloween one year into my bag, I figure on packing workout clothes, the basics along with my phone and iPod. Also gotta wear my coat, Jun said I’m pretty recognizable with it so it’s a part of everything that isn’t a family function.

“You gonna keep hating me forever about this,” Dad asks calmly.

“You gave me your word; you swore to me that she would never touch my life again. Now here I am with good things going on and she gets to drag me away from it cause you couldn’t keep your word,” I tell my Dad hotly.

I can see his face; he’s pissed and wants to hit someone. I’d let him hit me too, not for some bullshit way out but just to get some pain in my system so I don’t feel so damn numb. After unclenching his fists I see Dad calm down.

“They filed for custodial rights. Delauter is a good lawyer but Loretta’s record kept it from happening. She couldn’t get partial but with the child support paid and the agreement that there would be a family therapist down there that you and her would have to meet I agreed to the six weeks. Once you turn seventeen it’s all your decision, but this is the way this has to go now,” Dad tells me getting up and placing his hand on my shoulder.

“I’d rather go to jail,” I tell him scared.

“Yeah I know, we cancelled the family trip till August just so you can get back and be with the family. I got you a cash card and will be putting a hundred and fifty dollars in it each week so I know you can eat and have some fun there,” Dad says showing me the card,” I will not tell you it’s going to be easy down there but you hold out and you’ll have family and all those girls of yours when you get home.”

I smirk a little and Dad gives me a hug before stepping out of the room. I quietly finish packing when I get a text message about an hour later from Kori telling me to come over and look nice. It takes me a few minutes to get some slacks on and a white button up shirt before grabbing my coat and heading out the front door.

It’s a cool afternoon walk to Kori’s parent’s home. It takes me a half hour to get there and when I do I see no vehicles their home. I knock on the door and wait about a minute before Kori greets me in her in a t shirt, jeans and an apron.

“Hi honey, go sit and watch TV and you will go nowhere else in the house,” Kori tells me without even a kiss hello.

I get inside and close the door after me, I try to follow Kori but she gives me the ‘look’ and I back down and get on the couch. I can smell cooking going on but Kori’s never cooked before as far as I know. I get a sci fi show on and chill out trying to ignore this trip of mine. I watch a whole hour before Kori finally comes out of the kitchen and heads up stairs.

“Go sit down at the table and wait for me please,” Kori asks heading up.

At the table I’m looking at some pan cooked chicken with potatoes and green beans. I glance into the kitchen and see a lot of dirty dishes, I figure she must have been doing this since she got in. I hear foot falls coming up behind me; I turn and freeze as I see Kori. It’s her beautiful frame clad in simple white cotton sundress, I honestly am stunned by her and she smiles at my reaction.

“Okay honey, eat something,” Kori says smiling.

She sits and we eat, it’s really good food. We don’t talk for a bit but I can see she wants to say something. I get my plate finished and wait for her to say what she needs to say.

“Okay, girls and I put it to a vote. We’re giving you a pass on the lack of notice with vacation and Mathilda says she gets you first when you get back,” Kori tells me taking a drink of milk.

“Okay, I can accept that. I’m sorry for…,” is all I get out when she cuts me off.

“I don’t want sorry baby, I don’t need it. We’re all giving you a free pass for six weeks down there as long as you don’t get anyone pregnant,” Kori says smiling.

“It’s gonna be a prison sentence for me Kori,” I let out exasperated.

“Yeah, since me you got more girls beating down your door and I’m glad to know you waved off Lilly earlier,” Kori says with her knowing smile,” but you are going to get laid down there and I am not worried after tonight.”

I want to ask but she gets up and takes my hand, I follow her up the stairs and when we get to her bedroom she sits me down on her bed and starts stripping me down till I’m naked. I watch from the foot of the bed as she undoes the knots on her sundress and lets it fall to the floor, as soon as it’s down she moves in and kisses me deep laying me down on her bed. I put my arm around Kori and back us both up till my head is on her bed pillows. Kori has no lingerie on and our bodies are pressed together as we kiss softly.

I am harder than Chinese calculus as we’re rubbing against each other, I try to move Kori down to see if I can get a blowjob but she breaks the kiss and I can see she’s got a different plan.

“I’m not gonna go down on you Guy, I’m gonna make love to you,” Kori tells me quietly.

I feel her hands reach down and find my cock while Kori shifts her body and straddles my hips. She leans up a little and raises her hips off of me and after lining my cock head up with her pussy I slide in till our hips are flat against each other. Slowly Kori starts moving, it’s soft and warm inside her and I let her sit upright. I watch her b cup breast slowly rock back and forth as Kori grinds on me deep. I can see we’re feeling every inch of each other and I start to run my hands up and down Kori’s body. She starts moaning from everything and I’m loving the feeling as she builds herself up to her first orgasm, I feel her pussy contract and see Kori bite her bottom lip while I us my hands to hold her in place and rid out her orgasm.

After a couple minutes Kori starts moving again, not softly grinding this time but bouncing with purpose. All I can hear is Kori moaning and our hips smacking together, it’s great but if this is what has to carry me through for six weeks I want a memory. I sit my torso up and using one arm to prop myself up I wrap the other up around Kori’s body, I let her lean back and we reposition my legs under me. As soon as we’re both upright and holding each other I start thrusting up into Kori while she pushes down onto my lap. It’s not as soft as when we start but it feels close and warm and I’m getting that tingle at the base of my cock.

“Cum in me baby, I want to feel you cum in me,” Kori says right before kissing me as passionately as she can.

I’m so into what is going on with the mood and everything from the day that my first shot surprises Kori as much as me but as soon as it does all I can do is clench up and lose my breath panting against Kori. I think I feel her cum as well but I’m so far gone into my own I barely notice.

I’m all tense as Kori helps lay me down on my back the lets me fall out of her and cuddles up on my right side gently rubbing my chest. I drift off to sleep in a wonderfully warm place.

Of all the ways to wake up, in my girl’s be with her and us both being under the cover’s makes up for the six foot five black stepdad waking me. I startle a little but calm down when I see he’s not pissed. I crawl out of Kori’s grasp and get my clothes on after Carl, her stepdad, leaves. I’m almost off the bed from getting my pants on when Kori comes to her senses and latches onto me.

“Hey you stay tonight, I’m not letting you go till six in the morning,” Kori tells me sleepily.

“I’ll be back baby, your dad summoned me,” I tell her heading out of the room.

I get down stair and see Mary, Kori’s mom sitting down at the dining room table. I check the clock and see it’s only ten at night but she looks like she’s wide awake. I take a seat as Carl brings me a glass of water and heads up to bed.

“You want to run from this don’t you,” Mary says breaking the silence.

“Like nothing else in my life,” I reply.

“But you won’t will you,” Mary asks me.

“I can’t ma’am. Even if I could get away and not have my father hunt me down I can’t leave Kori or Katy or Mathilda,” I tell her feeling resigned to the fate.

“We’ve never talked but I’m going to let you in on a secret. She’s too good for you; she is a beautiful girl who needs a man that is going to be there for her in the long run. That’s not you is it,” Mary says to me coldly.

I’m floored we’ve always gotten along with Mary before and now I’m being told that I’m not what she wants for her daughter. I sit there downcast wondering how my life went straight to shit when a hand on my shoulder snaps me to reality; it’s Kori in her bathrobe with a really sour look on her face.

“Mom that is so not funny,” Kori scolds.

That’s when Mary and Carl start laugh where they stand or sit. I look up at Mary and she is dying in her chair. I really want to be angry with her but I’m all out of emotion other than what I have for Kori right now. I stumble my ass back up stairs while Kori talks to her Mom. I get undressed and curl back up in Kori’s bed, she rejoins me a few minutes later.

“Mom and Carl have been wanting to pull a joke on you for a while,” Kori tells me cuddling up,” I’m really sorry baby.”

I nod lightly and curl my body around hers and drift back to sleep. The alarm for six goes off and I rush out of bed and quickly get dressed, Kori gets dressed as well putting on a pair of capri pants and button up blouse. Kori says bye to her parents and we load up into her mom’s van and head back to my home.

Once I’m inside my parent’s house I get a shower in and quickly finish packing the rest of my bag, Dad is already set to go and I hug Mom, Liz and Katy before stepping outside to the truck. Kori is still there and I give her one last kiss before she stops me from speaking and gets back into her Mom’s minivan. I load my bag and get in the truck with Dad and off we head to the airport.

The trip to the airport takes about ninety minutes but I don’t bother to engage Dad in any conversation. I’m wearing camo pants and a shirt that says ‘Antisocial’ in big letters on the front of it, got my boot and leather coat. Finally Dad decides to start talking.

“Are you ever going to talk to me again,” my Dad asks as we get off the freeway.

“Is there a point, all this was done behind my back and I can’t trust anyone now cause I’m just a teenager and don’t have any say in it,” I tell Dad from my hood.

“I guess we’ll have to work this out when you get back from Texas,” Dad says as we get into airport parking.

I get my bag checked at the counter and Dad walks me to where Mr. Delauter is waiting. I still have my hood on and can see he’s a little puzzled by my clothes.

“Mr. Donnelly I’m glad you we able to get here so quickly, we’ll be able to get boarded on our plane sooner than we thought,” Delauter says smiling.

“Now Guy, I can’t go to the terminal but you have your phone and you can call us anytime,” Dad says placing his hand on my shoulder.

I nod to my Dad and head past Mr. Delauter into the security terminal. They make me take off my boots but I get through and after that it’s just a bunch of sit and wait.

“Well I called your mother before the check in, she’s anxious to see you again,” Mr. Delauter tells me trying to break the ice,” We’ll be in the air for a few hours and hopefully back to the house in time for dinner.”

“Do I look like I care,” I ask him.

“Excuse me,” Delauter asks stunned.

“Thanks to you and Loretta I’m missing out on six weeks of time with my family and my girlfriends cause the junkie got herself into some money so let me make this perfectly clear, SIR,” I spit out the sir at him,” I will never call her my mother and now I’m going to spend six weeks making up for the nine years of bullshit and pain she caused me, you wanted it and you got it.”

I see him think about what I said but I don’t care. I get my IPod out and get my some metal playing. I check my phone and facebook to see a lot of farewell messages and update my eta to prison on my page. I see that Delauter is talking to me and pull my ear bud out.

“It’s our time to board,” Delauter says heading into line.

We get boarded and I’m not sitting in the back of the plane. Take off is bumpy and we’re in the air for hours before we can finally get off the plane and after collecting our luggage we get into a car he had in the parking garage. It’s the first Mercedes and I’ve never been in a car this nice but all things being equal it feels like a prison bus.

Mr. Delauter doesn’t talk while driving through town but it’s a big city we’re in, something starting with an A I think. We get out of the city and into some suburbs and then into a smaller community. I see a lot of money and even more snobby attitudes. I left my home at eleven in the morning on a plane and now it’s five in the afternoon at my temporary lodgings. The house is huge, two floors and a basement from what I can tell on at least an acre of land. I get my bag from the trunk and see the door open. There’s a woman at the front with a scared smile on her face as she stares at me, it’s been a long time but this woman at all of five feet eight inches, with blonde hair and wearing an apron is defiantly not the Loretta I knew. I grit my teeth and head up to the house turning off my iPod.

I watch Delauter head up first and give her a kiss and a hug before turning to me and losing his smile. I watch Loretta come down the steps towards me.

“Oh my god I never thought you’d be so big and handsome,” Loretta tells me.

“Great, whatever, can I go to my cell please I’m tired of bullshit today,” I reply coldly stepping past them both and heading inside.

I let Delauter get ahead of me and lead me to a room on the second floor, giant TV and a queen sized bed along with a couch and dresser make up the furnishings. I drop my bag and do a little unpacking. I hear someone call up saying something about a dinner tonight. I don’t respond, day one and I’ve fired the first shot.

Part 2

I feel very weird and still bitter about being in this new house as I unpack my meager belongings. If I wanted to actually be a part of my surroundings I know I’d be in with money in this family. My Dad and Mom aren’t poor at all but the lawyer asshole Loretta hooked up with is living big. I can see the Mercedes I arrived in but the four car garage and the rot iron and brick fence tell me Delauter likes to show off and has enemies.

“Hey Gi, aren’t you going to come down and eat,” I hear Delauter call from down stairs.

Well apparently Loretta didn’t get the memo about how I want my name pronounced. Still got my camo pants on but I change into a plain black t-shirt and head down stairs. It takes me about a minute or so to find the damn dining room but when I get there I can see everyone is dressed a hell of a lot better than I am, and in another world I might actually care. Aside from Mr. Delauter and Loretta there are three people I’m assuming are Delauter’s children. The first is a guy a couple years older than me, about 6’3” and built like a wall of muscle in a polo shirt and khakis with well groomed black hair. The two females are polar opposites, one girl is about my age I think with black hair like the guy and about 5’7” with a petite build and dressed in a white button up blouse and a long brown skirt, her face framed in some plain glasses. The last girl is about 5’9” and built like a porn cheerleader, long blonde hair and large b cup breasts held in by a varsity sweater and a pleated skirt.

“Oh, Guy, I want you to meet Mark’s children,” Loretta says as I start to sit down at the table,” Mark Jr., Abigail and Bethany.”

I grunt in the girl’s direction and nod to the son. After a few moments of everyone praying at the table we start to eat, someone cooked Mexican and while I don’t often eat Mexican get half a plate down before I realize that Loretta is talking to me and not one of the others.

“I remembered that you loved Mexican food when you were a kid Gi,” She tells me smiling.

“I didn’t eat a lot of Mexican food when you were around,” I tell Loretta as I stop eating.

“You did, you were always hanging out with that Mexican family and their son in the apartment down stairs when your father and I lived in Detroit,” Loretta tells me expectantly.

I think about it for a minute and remember the family she’s talking about, I start laughing as everyone is looking at me funny.

“Mexican, Dad paid them to watch me while you were hung over and he had to work. My friend’s name was Kalani and they were Hawaiian,” I spit out laughing,” Excuse me I need to go laugh this off. Mexican.”

I know everyone at the table is staring at me as I get up from the table and leave the room. I get to the stairs before I hear other’s putting their forks down and I think Loretta is crying. I leave it them to their own damage control and head back upstairs to my room. I get the door closed and go to my phone shooting off a text detailing that I’ve arrived and the first dinner in my new jail was a laugh riot. I post the same on facebook and just relax on the couch in my room.

After about an hour I realize that scanning my phone for anything interesting on the internet is boring and I wish I had a laptop. I head out of my room to search for the bathroom, it’s not a huge house but it takes me a minute to find the first bathroom and see that it’s occupied. After waiting a few minutes the door opens and I’m greeted by the blonde, Bethany.

“Oh, did you knock,” She asks exiting.

“Nope, you wait in line in prison,” I say entering the bathroom and closing the door.

I exit the bathroom to be greeted by Mr. Delauter standing there with his arms folded. I nod my head and walk past him to my room; I make it in the door to realize he’s followed me from the bathroom.

“Would it kill you to try to treat my family with a little respect,” He asks me closing the door.

“Probably but I haven’t gone after everyone,” I reply sitting on the couch.

“Your mother is trying to bridge this gap between you two but you seem dedicated to make her feel as horrible as possible,” Mr. Delauter asks rhetorically.

“She’s not my mother, you are really slow for someone who’s got a law degree,” I tell him standing up,” and MY name is pronounced Guy, not Gi.”

I can see him thinking about what to say but he leaves and I am once again alone in my room. I hate not being home and I’m stewing that Mr. Delauter won’t even bother to figure out how bad of an idea dragging me down here is. I start to think about the girls back home and lying on the couch I drift off to sleep.

I wake up with the sun down and that odd ‘not sleeping in my own bed feeling’. I check my clock and see it’s about midnight and I must have dozed off about six in the evening. Not wanting to wake other’s I decide to do some sneaking around, I take off my socks and head out into the rest of the house. It’s still a really big house but I need to get my bearings fast since asking for help is off the table for me. Giant kitchen to go with the dining room, a damn pool in the back yard, looks like everyone but the oldest, Mark Jr., seems to sleep upstairs. It takes me about an hour to make my figure out my way around when I hear movement upstairs. I creep up the stairs to see Abigail in a t-shirt and shorts creeping off to the bathroom. I get close enough to watch her head past the bathroom and into my room. I follow and into the doorway and peer inside to see her going through my luggage bag. I get inside the room and close the door behind me startling Abigail.

“Oh shit I thought you were in the bathroom,” Abigail whispers startled.

“Why are you in my shit,” I ask in a growl.

“I was just seeing what you brought is all, I got curious,” Abigail tells me keeping her hands behind her back.

I cover the distance between us slowly and take Abigail’s right arm and pull it around in front of us, it’s my underwear in her hand. Little pervert was jacking my underwear to masturbate or some shit. I start chuckling and I see she’s getting scared.

“Want to explain it before I start calling out that you’re taking my drawers,” I ask Abigail letting go of her arm.

“I don’t know, I just thought it would be risky to take them since you’re so hostile,” Abigail says edging back and sitting down on the bed.

“Now I know you’re bullshitting me. If that’s how you get your freak on then cool but those are clean, do you want ones that smell like me or is it a texture thing,” I ask undoing my camo pants.

I can see her puzzled in the light coming through my window, Abigail’s looking at the door like she should run but I can tell she has the curious questions about what is going on right now. I step out of the door way and sit down on the couch, taking off my camo pants.

“So you’re not freaked out that I smell your underwear,” Abigail asks.

“Not really, after this year and having three girlfriends and a couple fuck buddies there’s only a few things that I can’t wrap my head around when it comes to sex,” I reply.

“You’ve had three different girlfriends in one school year,” Abigail asks.

“No I have three different girlfriends and they all know each other, it’s really quite good since they’re all different enough to be interesting but they all want to be with me so they work it out and I don’t play favorites,” I explain to Abigail who is a little stunned by the news.

“Can I ask you a not sex question,” Abigail queries.

“Sure but I’m bored a little and if I answer I get to ask you a question,” I reply opening myself up for the first volley of questions.

“Why do you hate your mother, Loretta, so much,” Abigail asks cringing a little.

“All I remember of my mother was either being in the back of a bar while she drank, trying to wake her up cause I was hungry while she was hung over or watching her when she’d forget something she was supposed to go to but was either at the bar or passed out,” I explain to my not so captive audience.

“That’s all you remember of her,” Abigail asks confused,” and you can’t get past the fact that she wants to be a part of your life?”

“Ah ah ah, I get a question before I answer that,” I tell her holding up my hand,” Are you a virgin?”

“No, I lost my virginity sophomore year to a junior on the chess team,” Abigail tells me embarrassed,” he insisted that since we were dating we should and afterwards I didn’t want to anymore so I broke it off.”

“Nice, I’ll answer your question now. I might have been able to get past it in different circumstances, like not taking me from my life against my will and moving me to Texas,” I reply to her previous question,” What happened that made you not like sex?”

“It was short, fast and painful,” Abigail tells me loosening up,” I get off when I do it myself but it hurt when he did it so I just didn’t want to anymore.”

I shake my head, I’ve heard about guys who don’t know what to do to get a virgin warmed up for sex but apparently I’m one of the few who pays attention. I start to smile but I don’t think she can see it.

“it’s my turn, ummmm, so you get to have three girlfriends and other girls you have sex with,” Abigail struggles for a moment to find the question,” What makes you pick a girl?”

“Well honestly if she’s not interested in me then I don’t bother with the whole making her interested in me,” I answer simply.

“So would you have sex with me or my sister,” Abigail asks me quickly.

“Hey I get to ask my question first,” I cut her off,” are you on birth control?”

I see her nod in response but she’s still shy about it. I pull my shirt off and motion her to come over. Abigail gets off the bed and moves over until she’s standing in front of me. I reach up and pull on her shirt to help her out of it; once it’s off I can see her A cup breasts and quarter sized nipples are rock hard. I take Abigail by the hips and sit her down on my lap straddling my crotch and bumping our hips together. She’s a little startled by the sensation and places her hands on my shoulders.

“It’s been a while I’m guessing,” I ask quietly.

Abigail nods her head and realizing she still has her glasses on takes them off and sets them to the side. I wait for her to finish before I latch my mouth onto her left breast, rolling the nipple between my lips. I feel Abigail’s body shift and a light moaning escape her mouth as I keep her nipple from leaving my mouth, I move my hands from her back and taking hold of her ass start grinding our hips together slowly.

I can feel some moisture from the crotch of her shorts and I’m getting hard enough to move things up a bit. I let her nipple fall out of my mouth and squeeze her ass cheeks to get her attention. Abigail looks down at me in a minor daze then gets up off me and drops her shorts to the floor before crawling onto my bed and lying crossways rolls onto her back with her legs spread.

I get up after her and see a little pubic hair on her pussy as she lightly starts rubbing her clit. I smile and take my shorts down and when I straighten up I can see her eyes widen at the sight of my hard seven and a half inch penis.

“Oh shit that won’t fit in me, my ex boyfriend was half that size,” Abigail says with a little fear.

“Okay, so this is what is going to happen,” I tell Abigail crawling up her body till we are face to face,” I am going to push into you slowly, I’m not going to stop until either I am all the way inside or I reach the bottom. After that I will wait till you tell me that I can start moving. Deal?”

I can see she’s skeptical but she nods her head in agreement. I take my time lining up my cock with Abigail’s pussy hole and after a little prodding get the first two inches in. I can see Abigail’s eyes are closed and she’s biting her bottom lip as I slowly work more and more of my cock in and out of her pussy until I get all but the last inch inside as I bump her womb. As soon as I hit the bottom I watch Abigail’s eyes and mouth open wide in shock, I quickly place my mouth over hers to keep the scream contained. Abigail’s mouth was making the noise but her body wasn’t offering a different opinion of the situation as she clamps her legs around mine and tries to grind my cock deeper into her pussy.

Once Abigail is done screaming and thrashing we lay there quietly as she adjusts to my size. I take my mouth off of hers as she slides her hands down my sides and pulls me against her by my ass. I don’t need more invitation than that as I start moving three inches of my cock in and out of her pussy. She’s not screaming as I work long, smooth strokes in and out of her pussy but moaning and grinding back against me start making me a little more anxious as I back up to my cock head and slamming as much of my cock as will fit into her pussy.

“Fuck me harder, I wanna cum hard again,” Abigail whispers to me desperately.

I start kissing her neck and nibbling on her ear as I fuck her pussy with fast, deep strokes. I can hear her grunting and the sloshing noise that her pussy is making every time I thrust is keeping the room from being too quiet. I’m grunting with Abigail and she has her hands all over my back and lightly bites into my shoulder as I grunt and cum deep into her pussy. My orgasms sends her over the edge with hers and we grind against each other riding it out till we’re both covered in sweat and physically tired.

I don’t know how long we laid there but when I finally pulled out of Abigail I watch her slide off the bed and pull her panties and shorts back on pulling them up into her pussy as she wobbles out of my room. I put some shorts on without underwear and wait in the bed under the covers. It takes Abigail a few minutes but she wobbles back and slides up next to me resting her head on my chest.

“Why did you kiss me,” Abigail asks me quietly.

“To keep you from letting everyone in the house know you were getting your orgasm wings,” I joke lightly.

I feel her cuddle in deeper and the silence continues as I drift off to sleep.

Five thirty in the mother fucking morning and my cell phone alarm is blaring to me to wake up. I look around and see that I’m alone in the bed; Abigail must have snuck out after I passed out. Just as well considering she’d have to get up and leave or explain why she was in my room alone to someone other than me. I get myself changed into my black running suit and matching hooded jacket and creep down stairs and out the front door. I get to the front of the yard and fence and discover there is a code or system to get the doors to open and that the alarm is active. Well that kills street running so I start doing laps around the yard.

I keep a good pace and realize that I’ve been jogging for thirty minutes and I’m at the back of the house when I decide to head back up and bust out the pushups and sit ups portion of my morning routine.

I don’t know when it happened but I realize that there is an audience watching me from the house as I finish up. I ignore it and bust out the last of the morning routine before heading in the back door.

“Do you work out every morning,” I turn to see Loretta asking me.

“Yes, either I work out or I train with Dad, been that way for seven years now,” I tell her pulling my hood off.

“I can make you some breakfast if you want,” Loretta asks me quietly.

I turn to face her then see a maid working in the kitchen behind her and chuckle. Loretta turns to see what I’m looking at and turns her head downcast.

“Rosa just cleans, I actually cook meals for the family,” She tells me weakly.

“Yeah, just wondering what else you ‘remember’ about my childhood that is wrong,” I say coldly.

I can see she’s hurt and decide not to push the pain anymore I’ve got five weeks and six days left to drag this out if needed. I could be nicer, possibly more respectful but I remember George Carlin, respect should be earned, not assumed. I head to the upstairs bathroom and stripping down hop into the shower. A good warm rinse after a workout helps a lot but once I’m done I realize that either I put a towel around me or wear dirty clothes back to my room. I opt for the towel and head back, nearly bumping into Bethany as she’s exiting her room wearing nothing but a pink tank top that barely covers her light blue panties.

“God you are not supposed to be here,” Bethany gasps loudly.

I puzzle then hear the noise from her room, shuffling and then a window opening followed by a distant thud. I smile at her as she scowls down at me for listening.

“You just remember that you’re the visitor here and you better keep your mouth shut,” Bethany threatens with her light Texan accent.

“Okay, what happens in your room isn’t any of my business,” I tell Bethany getting serious,” by the way you have some cum on your face.”

I watch her unconsciously pull her hand up to her face to wipe it off as I breeze past her and into my room. Before I can close the door I hear Bethany growl and start stomping towards me, I step inside but leave the door and ready my towel.

“You asshole, I ought to have my boyfriend come back here and kick the shit out of you,” Bethany threatens closing my door behind her.

I turn to address her, keeping my face blank with no real expression at first then smiling big and crazy like. I watch her own gaze go from anger to fear in less than four seconds as she turns and start to open the door before I cut her off by placing my hand on the door to keep it shut. I take my free hand and lightly grab Bethany by the back of her neck and place her back against the door with my body only inches from hers.

“You don’t know me so listen well; I will not be talked down to for any reason by anybody. Especially some dyed blonde cheer slut who gives her boyfriend a blowjob then lets him sleep over cause she’s too prudish to actually fuck him,” I start in,” I’m not the guy you blew last night, you ever come at me again and I’ll come into your room, wake you up when he’s here and fuck you like a good little bitch and let him watch. It’ll be hard and fast and afterwards you’ll like me for it.”

I can see her fear in her eyes; apparently nobody talks to her like this in her world or at her school. I figure I need to ‘emphasize’ my point and let my towel drop to the floor. Bethany is so freaked out that she doesn’t even try to look down, she just keeps staring into my eyes.

“Take your hands and feel how big my cock is,” I order Bethany.

I feel her fumble around for a second then take the base of my cock in her left and the rest with her right. Bethany’s eyes go wide and she finally looks down and then back up with either more fear or shock.

“Now tell me what you have in your hands,” I demand from Bethany quietly.

“Your cock,” Bethany answers almost in a whisper.

“And what is that cock going to do to you,” I ask her again more intensely.

“Fuck me hard and fast if it wants to,” Bethany whispers out.

“Good, now let go of me and I’ll decide as to when and where I’ll fuck your cheerleader ass,” I tell her stepping back and letting her take the door and leave.

I chuckle after she quietly bolts out of my room and quickly get dressed in my camo pants from yesterday and my ‘Antisocial’ t-shirt. Once done I shoot Kori a text about last night and this morning to which I get the reply ‘told you so’. Before I’m even down stairs I get one from Katy saying she needs to see a picture of me making a cheerleader moan. I reply that I’ll see what I can do as I hit the kitchen.

The kitchen has a bar with stools for dining and sure enough Loretta is actually making some breakfast. Bacon and eggs with some hash browns, I sit down and Loretta serves me a plate and I proceed to devour my first helping in record time.

“I was going to head into town today and wondered if you want to head in with me since the girls still have school for today and till Wednesday next week,” Loretta asks me expectantly.

I think about the pros and cons of my answer when I see Abigail walk into the kitchen area slowly with a large amount of books in her back pack for her last Friday of school. Abigail smirks at me and trails her finger tips across my back as she walks past.

“Sure, I’ll head in with you, I think I need to get a tattoo anyway,” I say plainly drinking my orange juice.

Both Loretta and Abigail start to chuckle at the comment and then stop when they see my face, I wasn’t kidding and this isn’t a joke. I watch Loretta start to get into a Mom mode but she quickly backs down realizing that it wouldn’t help.

A day trip with my biological mother, what could possibly go wrong?

Part 3

I watch as my ‘mother’ brightens to my agreeing to spend time with her. All of us; Abigail, Bethany, Loretta and I; pile into her car and head off to take the girls to school. Loretta drops the girls off at the front of the school with the other students and Abigail smiles at me a little as she gets out of the car and heads to class.

“I do have a few errands to run,” Loretta tells me as we get out of the parking lot,” but we’ll get you to a mall today so you can shop some.”

“I want to get a tattoo,” I tell her from my hood, I’m wearing the leather jacket even in a hot Texas summer.

“I can’t let you get a tattoo, I’m already skating on thin ice with having you down here,” Loretta tells me while driving,” Besides you’re barely seventeen this year, you can’t get one till you’re eighteen.”

I shrug from my hood, money usually solves that problem with most things, Johnny taught me that one this spring. I relax in the car at Loretta’s first stop, some halfway house for teens. I nearly fall asleep waiting in the car when a knock at the window rouses me. It’s a girl a little older than me, kinda ratty looking white girl in some beat up clothes. I get out of the car and lean up against it closing the door.

“Are you Mrs. Delauter’s son,” she asks me.

“And why do you give a fuck,” I nearly spit the words out.

“Cause she’s been talking about seeing you for the past month, some of us wonder what the fuss is about,” She says walking away.

Wonderful, not only is Loretta a fucking saint to these girls but now I’m the biggest asshole on the planet. I get back in the car and after a total and hour Loretta finally joins me.

“Sorry you had to wait out here by yourself, one of the girls went missing in the building and we needed her to sign some paperwork,” Loretta tells me starting her car.

“Yeah, apparently I’ve got a fan club here,” I mutter back.

“Well I couldn’t contain my excitement for seeing you again after all these years,” Loretta says with some pride.

It’s a surreal feeling to be sitting next to her after all the years where I honestly thought she died somewhere and nobody noticed. I think that might have been preferred by me honestly cause when she said a few errands what she meant was ‘going to show you what a good person I’ve become so you’ll like me’. Another youth home and two rehab clinics later put us at just after noon with me still waiting to head to the mall and find a tattoo artist.

“I’m sorry this is taking so long. It’s the end of the week paperwork and check ins,” Loretta tells me as we leave the last place.

“I’ve got six weeks, this is one day,” I mutter.

“I know this isn’t what you were looking forward to today but we can go now if you still want to,” Loretta asks hopefully.

I let her drive where she wants which not surprisingly leads to Mr. Delauter’s workplace. It’s another stop in the parade of boring shit and I’m done. We both get out of the car but as soon as Loretta starts to head towards the office I turn and walk out of the parking lot and down the street. I’m not sure how long it takes her to realize I’m not there but I’m already at the first cross walk when my phone goes off.

“Guy where did you go,” I hear Loretta asking me over the phone when I pick up.

“Where did you get my number,” I ask her crossing the street.

“I got it from your father when you were coming down here, where did you go honey,” She asks again.

“I went to go do something else, I’m tired of wasting my time and being lead along by the nose,” I tell her trying to figure out where the hell I am.

“Honey just come back here and we’ll go to the mall or whatever you want to do I promise,” I can hear Loretta getting worried.

“Ummm, no done being lied to and force fed your crap,” I hang up the phone and continue walking.

I get another couple calls from the same number but ignore them, I use my phone GPS to figure out where

I am and where the damn high school is around here. It takes a minute but after the ‘out of normal area’ bullshit I get my bearings and head off.

The walk is hot and I almost regret coming out but after an hour of walking I finally hit school grounds. It’s about one thirty and I figure the classes will be till three so I calmly look around. Defiantly a football school, a lot of trophies inside and there is three fields all painted out for football with the best one having actual stadium lights and real stands for people to sit.

I do my wandering for about an hour when classes get out and I can see the students shuffling about for their cars and busses. A good amount of money here in the students, Johnny would make a killing. I leave that thought where it is when I see Bethany all decked in her summer cheer outfit, short orange and white skirt with a tight top and those damn shorts they wear over their panties. Her boyfriend if you wanna call him that is a black guy in jeans and a letterman jacket. I circle around them and keep just out of Bethany’s sight with my hood up.

Advantage of a new area is people don’t notice the jacket or that I’m wearing my hood up. It takes Bethany a little bit but finally she realizes she’s being watched and starts to do the whole searching the crowd looking for who could be there. I duck out of the area when her phone goes off and she says Dad.

Someone’s getting the troops together to try to mount a search. I head off across the campus and nearly walk past Abigail and some of her friends talking. Abigail’s on her phone but as soon as she hangs it up I creep up behind her and snake my arms around her waist pulling her against me.

“Who the fuck,” Abigail jumps away from me spinning around to see her ‘attacker’,” Guy how did you get here, you’re Mom and my Dad are looking for you.’

“Really, I’ve only been gone for a couple hours, I wonder what they’ll do after a few days,” I ask myself out loud.

I can see her friends wondering who the hell I am and what planet I came from; as soon as Abigail goes to make a call on her phone I snatch it away from her.

“What are you doing, I need to call your Mom and tell her you’re okay,” Abigail tells me reaching for her phone.

“Or we don’t call her and I get to have some fun here at the school with you and your friends,” I tell her looking at her two friends.

Both are Latino, one guy and one girl, the guy is about 5’8” and thin build in a white button up shirt and slacks, well groomed black hair. The girl on the other hand is 5’6” and a little chubby but in all the right places, c cup breasts in a tank top and capri pants, black hair done in a pony tail.

“He sounds worse than my brother,” the girl says eyeing me up and down.

“Abigail you should get a teacher if he’s not supposed to be here,” the boy says nervously.

“Really, get a teacher? Three days before the end of the school year and a teacher this close to not having to do shit for three months is going to just jump at the chance to deal with a teenager who isn’t even a student on campus,” I tell the guy staring from my hood.

I can see them back down a little when the girls look past me to someone else, I turn enough of my head to see six Latino males about my age of varying sizes but it’s the one dressed like the skinny kid that gets my attention the most. He’s about 5’10” and well built, sporting a black goatee and ponytail, dressed in a white button up shirt that’s open with a white tank top underneath and plain khakis.

“Who the fuck is this coming to our school and speaking to our women,” one of the scrawny guys spits out referencing me.

“He’s with my family, visiting my step mom from out of town,” I hear Abigail speak up from behind me.

“Hey Carlos, let me welcome him to our school,” I hear the scrawny one say again.

“Brother don’t he’s just new around here,” I hear the Latino girl behind me plead.

“Carlos man this fucker is eyeballing you man, let me teach him about shit around here,” I see the scrawny one ask again.

I watch Carlos shake his head at the scrawny guy but the dumbass still moves in. I let him place his left hand on my right shoulder, I bring my right arm up throwing his hand off and taking the palm of my hand deliver a straight shot to his throat. I watch his eyes go wide as he starts to gasp for air before grabbing his throat and dropping to his knees. I watch the others start to move but Carlos waves them off.

“Oh shit, Hector are you alright homes,” one of the hanger ons asks.

“I’m sorry, Hector is unable to answer your question right now but if you leave a short message or stay on the line he’ll get back to you as soon as he remembers how to breath,” I say out loud for everyone to hear.

I can see the faces of Carlos’s crew, either shocked or mad except for Carlos himself who is smiling. I watch him wave two of the others to Hector who help him up and sit him down in the back before he walks up to me still smiling.

“I like this guy, he knows how and when to fuck shit up,” Carlos says to his sister and boys before extending his hand to me.

I think for a minute and shake his hand and let him see some of my face, I can see he’s been through shit and knows how to deal with it too. I watch him take his boys and sister off towards one parking lot when I hear a newly familiar voice from behind me.

“Guy, what the hell do you think you’re doing,” Mr. Delauter yells at me from behind.

I turn to see Bethany and a couple jocks staring along with Abigail and her guy friend. I turn away from Mr. Delauter and start to walk away when he grabs me by the shoulder and spins me around to face him.

“You’re coming back with me you disrespectful little shit,” he spits out as he pulls me towards his car.
I can see the girls are already embarrassed by the situation and I don’t want to make any more problems so I let him drag me to his Mercedes and shove me in. I don’t even put my seat belt on and as the girls get in the car I can see the other student’s staring hard.

The drive back to the house is fast and quiet. As soon as we pull in and park I’m out of the car and through the front door and up to the room I’m staying in. I pass Mark Jr. and Loretta completely by without a word but I c

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SummerChapter 3

#RING# I reached over to pick up my phone - It was Dad! "Hey Gregory!" "Hey Dad!" "How are you and Summer getting along these days?" He sounded sincere, for a change. "A lot better dad, we sat down a couple days ago and talked out our issues with each other. Now - we're like inseparable, going everywhere together! Are you and mom back from skiing or are you just checking in on us kids to make sure we haven't killed each other!" "Just checking – I called home and got June, who...

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Summer Holidays

Author's Note The wicked step mother is a familiar theme and Aaron Swindling's Step Mother Knows Best, is my particular favourite. I wanted to write one where the step son refuses to be a victim and succeeds in maintaining his dignity and essential decency under difficult circumstances. Be warned there is very little sex and no humiliation. Summer Holidays Holiday Plans Shay Pegg gazed out of the window of the rapidly moving train, idly watching as the countryside...

2 years ago
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Summer in The City

Hot TownThe Outdoor Film Festival had Grant Park buzzing with activity and hot women. Yet, she still stood out to me. She seemed hot from a distance, and not just from the July Chicago heat. As I watched, she suddenly began gathering her things and leaving. I caught up to her, and tapped her on the shoulder. She turned and then promptly collided with my chest. “Sorry!” she said in apology. “You’re not leaving, are you?” I said as if we were old friends. I could see she was scanning my six-foot...

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Summer 9

She’d arrived with a small suitcase, much like before. And, just like before I offered her the spare bedroom. I probably should have talked it over with Jennette first, but thankfully, she seemed okay with it.‘I think telling you no would be worse for us than telling you yes,’ was what she told me and so it was settled although, despite that, I was understandably nervous with both of them in the house especially since Summer, had she changed at all during the last three years, seemed to fall...

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Summer in the fields

Steve is an average 19 year old on the outside. He has a full time job, a live in girlfriend (Amanda), divorced parents, and 2 cats. On the inside he's about to erupt. Summer is the eruption. Summer is Steve's "alter ego" who comes around every now and then. Steve used to let Summer drive around on the many less traveled roads in the area. Summer has never been with a guy, and she only got enough courage to massage the outside of her asshole with her wet finger. Right now Summer's about to...

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Summer Sex and Summer Love

This is more of a stroke story than anything terribly serious. In spite of the first person narrative, it is a work of fiction, it is not biographical. There are always snippets of truth and fact in any work of fiction. I’ve tried to give my characters thoughts and words which fit the time, the place and their situations. In my last summer of graduate school, I scored a real coup. I was picked with another guy for a heaven-sent student assistance job. The two of us were responsible for...

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Summering in Femininity Part 11 Summers End

Over the course of the summer, Taylor's life had changed in numerous ways, but the most noticeable change was in his morning routine. After agreeing to join the cheerleading program, Taylor was then quickly roped into Emily's morning jogs, so that meant being up early and in a tight running outfit. Once the run was over, Taylor would return to Aunt Agnes' to take a shower, which was a whole production, since he had an entirely new hair and skin-care regimen courtesy of Emily's cajoling....

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SummerChapter 4

Summer's beginning to show a little, but at least she's not having too bad of a case of morning sickness! She sure looks cute in maternity clothes! #RING# I reached over to pick up my phone; it was Dad! "Hey Greg!" "Hey Dad!" "We'll be in Greeley next week for a Corporate Meeting at their Regional State Farm Offices – We'll stay with you and Summer while we're there - How's that?" He said. "Sure Dad, It's been so long since either of us have seen you and Mom, I hope we...

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SummerChapter 2

"So, Jake, where do you normally take your naked, horny girls to show them off?" Summer was grinning as her fingertips flirted with both the shoulder strap of her top and the incredibly short hem of her skirt. She was turned to face me, her bare legs draped over the center console of the car. Though the wind was flapping her skirt again, all I could see were acres of smooth, tanned thigh; she had her hand on the hip that was facing up, preventing me from being able to see beneath her...

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Summer Job

Author's Note: This story does not contain any sex; sorry. Summer Job It wasn't until Alex Harvey put his bike away and locked the shed that he realised how tired he felt. The two hour session at his karate club had been especially intense and then typically he had ridden the 5 miles home as fast as he could. He dragged his suddenly heavy feet up the path to the front door and went inside. "Is that you Alex?" called a voice from the kitchen. "It is," replied Alex as he...

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SummerChapter 2

My sisters and I went to the Newport Beach Brewing Company, a rather upscale place that has a selection of beers, if you're so inclined and of age, as well as a decent selection of food to choose from. Both Summer and June ordered a Newport Beach Blonde, one of the beers on tap at this place, while I got a coke. They all knew me there, so I couldn't get a beer, even if I tried. I got us all a Three Cheese Pizza to share as well. As tantalizing as it was to let them both get drunk, I made...

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Summering in Femininity Part 2 Things Are Going Swimmingly

The next morning, Taylor finished up his breakfast and was heading back to get changed when he noticed that something was missing from his room. "Aunt Agnes!" Taylor shouted. "Have you seen my bathing suit?" "I don't think so," Aunt Agnes shouted back as she climbed the stairs. "Where did you leave it?" "It was on the chair in my room," Taylor said as Aunt Agnes walked in. "Was it underneath that pile of dirty clothes you had sitting on it?" Aunt Agnes asked. "Maybe,...

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Summering in Femininity Part 10 Three Cheers for Taylor Continued

That night, Taylor's manicured fingernail was positioned over Owen's contact as Taylor stared at his phone. He'd managed to secure a night away from Emily, thankfully Emily's mom had some event that required the entire family to attend. Taylor felt happy and secure having eschewed the feminine attire to wear the clothes he'd brought with him from home, a men's t-shirt and shorts, in addition to removing his prosthetics, being the first time in a few weeks that Emily wasn't around, he was...

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Summer on the Farm

Sara and Ken were friends. Every summer they were together and explored the mysteries of growing up. They made plans for a fun summer. Little did Ken know what was to happen. Ken came from the city and Sara from the country. Sara was one of five of Ken’s summer friends, all girls. She grew up on a farm in central New Hampshire. She turned 17 over the winter and could not wait for summer. Ken grew up in the second largest city in Massachusetts. This was his last trip to the farm for the summer. ...

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Summer 8

I’ve had a few relationships. More than a few, really. A couple ended kind of ugly, but most of them ended when we both simply lost interest in staying together. Thing was, Summer wasn’t my girlfriend. That said, I felt an emotional hit when she left, and, afterwards, life seemed a little empty, at least for a while. It’s not that we drifted apart or had any kind of disagreement. It was simply that she felt a need to continue on her journey...The day had started out as most had since she’d...

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Summer By: Mahohokus Summer vacation had just started, I was now a senior in high school and was enjoying the first few days of days of summer. I was sitting with Jack in his car at a drive-in hamburger stand eating lunch Jack had just graduated from high school and would be going into the Marines the next day. The Marines was sending him back east to Parris Island for basic training. Jack would finish basic training and...

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Summer Camp Once a Scout Always a Scout

Summer Camp: Once a Scout, Always a Scout Prologue The line separating fact from fantasy often blurs as one ages, this is not true for me. The line is very clear. With one exception, all of the characters and most of the incidents are as described. The reader will have to determine which is the exception. There is one indisputable fact that runs throughout, however: almost all older women (any woman over thirty in my view) are horny by nature. Place them with a bunch of horny young men and...

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Summer Dreams

The day was unusually hot, so Summer decided to shut the house up and turn on the air-conditioner to try to cool down. Finally, she thought, I have the place to myself. Kids and hubby were off at football as per the norm for a Saturday. Wearily she sat down in her comfy chair in the lounge room and started to think about all the excitement of the last few weeks. It had started with her decision to quit her job after 15 years with the same company. Summer had realised that career-wise, she was...

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Summer at Pond Cove Chapter 01

Walter has just finished college and is spending one last summer taking care of his weird uncle’s cabin located on Pond Cove, a secluded area surrounded by a government nature preserve. All of the other owners, except one, have been bought out by the government which wants to turn Pond Cove into a frog sanctuary. Walter meets his neighbors for the summer– six sorority sisters who are spending one last summer together.Things get a little warm... and a little weird... as Walter learns about his...

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Summering in Femininity Part 3 En Femme

Author's Note: I'm glad everyone seems to be enjoying the new story, this is one that's been in my head for years and I'm happy to finally have it down on the page. Additionally, if you've been chomping at the bit for more stories, I've taken part in a few CYOA interactive stories over at and that you can find fairly easily. "What am I going to do?" Taylor asked, after explaining his current situation to Aunt Agnes. She sat with a pensive look on her...

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Summer of Love part 1

Not only cousins, but also lifelong best friends, the two boys look so much alike that they’re often mistaken for brothers, even twins. Both are short, with Aaron standing 5’5, weighing in at 125 pounds while J.J. is 5’6, and 135 pounds. Both have lean and wiry builds. With their dark hair and blue eyes, they are never seen without their backwards baseball caps, and when they smile, their boyish charms are only enhanced, with both of them flashing winning tinsel grins with their braces....

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Summer I love you

Finally! Summer! For me, that has two meanings. School is over, I’m back from college. Finally, I get to lounge by the pool and relax for three months. Also, my baby sister is named Summer. At 19, Summer had perfect long, blonde hair hanging down just past her shoulders. Her body had developed during my first year of college, so my summer break that year was quite a shock. When I left, she was a 5’6” gangly 16 year old girl with a pretty face. When I came back, she was still the same height,...

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Summer of Love Week 1

Not only cousins, but also lifelong best friends, the two boys look so much alike that they’re often mistaken for brothers, even twins. Both are short, with Aaron standing 5’5, weighing in at 125 pounds while J.J. is 5’6, and 135 pounds. Both have lean and wiry builds. With their dark hair and blue eyes, they are never seen without their backwards baseball caps, and when they smile, their boyish charms are only enhanced, with both of them flashing winning tinsel grins with their braces....

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Summer Secrets part 1 of 7

Summer Secrets By Varian Milagro Chapter 1 It should have been a great day. It was a beautiful June morning and the school year was ending in just a couple minutes. All of my classmates were excited; half of them were counting the exact number of seconds left until summer break officially began. I looked around the room knowing that it was probably the last time I'd be in this school. I was a middle school graduate now and would be a tenth grader in...

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Summer Escapades Series Chapter 1

SUMMER ESCAPADES – The Beginning of a Great Summer Chapter 1 By Bob Andersen I loved going to camp. It was the only thing that I looked forward to during the summers, even more than baseball. I had gone to the same over-night camp since I was 8 years old, and now that I was 15, I looked forward to the Counselor-in-Training program. It meant that I would be away from parents and my little brother for a whole 8-weeks. That in itself should have been enough, but I also knew that a lot of the kids...

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Summer at Pond Cove Chapter 01

Things get a little warm... and a little weird... as Walter learns about his submissive side from the hands of some expert teachers. This story stands on its own, but the storyline will continue in the future. Because this is the first chapter, there is a lot of setup and staging before things get interesting. = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = WARNING! All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual...

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Summer Experiment

Summer Experiment Chapter One Frankie felt the agitation building in his body simply talking on the phone to his wife. He missed her terribly. She was hours away and he was feeling so down about being alone. And she was bringing up the same old thing all over again, sex. He didn't like the topic of sex. It made him feel nervous inside just talking about it. It was awkward discussing their sex life or lack of it and it was even worse to do it while his wife was on a speakerphone...

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Summer friends with a benefit

Me and my wife don't really like to label our relationship. To many boxes with some many constraints attached to them. If somebody asks we just reply that we are swinging, as it seems to sum up our views on sex and love. As far as I'm concerned, I've never been into monogamy. The whole concept of just fucking one person for the rest of the relationship seems boring to me. I don't own anybody, and nobody can ever claim to own me, or my body. It's my life after all.My first experience on this...

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Summer at Pond Cove Chapter 08

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = The saga comes to a close as Walter and Holly return to school... now as teachers. How they get their new teaching positions, who their principals will be, and where they will teach is all discovered in this final chapter of Summer at Pond Cove. This story stands on its own, but makes a little more sense if you have read the previous chapters. = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = WARNING! All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of...

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Introduction: This is the dark tale of Jana who accompanies her boyfriend to a summer solstice celebration held deep in the woods. The story is very OTT and is meant to be. It is not for the faint of heart and it does not have a happy ending. It is a dirty, dirty story with tons of fucking, cannibalism, death, horror, and destruction. If you do not like this sort of thing then please do not read it, choose something happier. If you read it despite this warning, please keep your comments to...

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Son-in-law's Summer of Love and SexbySusanJillParker©This is a Summer Lovin' contest story. Please vote.Wife abandons husband and baby for a wild life on the French Riviera. *Glad for the experience, it had been a long, hot, emotionally charged and sexually frustrating summer spent with my mother-in-law. Surviving the heat, a record number of 90 plus degree consecutive days, no longer feeling sorry for myself, I was looking forward to the cooler temperatures of fall to clear my head for a fresh...

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Summer 6

I didn’t quite know what to expect the next morning. After all, we’d crossed a line, one that couldn’t be recrossed again, and I found myself consumed with a million little worries when I woke. Nothing to do about it, at least not until Summer arose too. I decided that we’d sit down and have a long talk and work this out…As usual, though, Summer was… Summer, meaning things just sort of worked themselves out. Or maybe they didn’t. At least not how I expected.I heard her stirring. Or rather, I...

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Summer 7

We drove to the spring again, accompanied by Debussy’s Prelude to the Afternoon of a Faun. She was giggly. She’d been so all morning. She’d also brought one of her shopping bags with her. I didn’t ask. I’m sure I’d find out later.“Stay here for… Oh, I don’t know. A while.”“Why?” I asked.“Because I asked you too.”So I did. Fifteen, maybe twenty minutes going by. And then I picked up my easel and my paint box and joined her at the spring.“Don’t laugh,” she told me shyly, as if I would. She was...

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Summer At Pond Cove Chapter 08

It’s hard to believe that my summer at Pond Cove has come to an end. Things didn’t finish the way I had expected. Actually, things didn’t begin the way I expected either and the summer was nothing like I thought it would be. I thought I would have a lot of time to myself over the summer to get ready for my first year of teaching. Instead, most of my summer was taken up finding out I was a painslut, falling in love with another painslut– holly, submitting myself to Mistress Gloria... and then...

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Summer Cockbuster Part 3 A Summer to Member

I was catching up with my old high school buddy Jeff.  We hadn't seen each other since two summers ago, when we had gone to a movie together - and ended up sucking each other off in the back of the theater.Now seeing each other for the first time in a long time, we'd just started to watch a movie on the couch at his house, but we didn't get far into it.  Almost immediately, we took turns blowing each other.  Then, as he came back from the kitchen with beers, his dick swaying temptingly as he...

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Summer Nowhere Part One The Summer Home

written by Nellieneska, edited by atrain_alex89 Every year the Clark family goes on its annual summer vacation trip. They own a house out in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by endless amounts of trees and a lake that spans on for miles. While on these vacations, it is rare to come across another soul, which is what they liked about it. They got to escape from the world and just have a little fun and relaxation before heading back into their daily lives. As time went on, these trips seemed to...

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Summer Fling

Summer Fling By Mr. Double-U All Arnie wanted was a summer love. That wasn't too much to ask, was it? He sat on his blanket, listening to the waves against the shore. 'It's Labor Day weekend. Another summer shot in the ass' he thought. He watched as the couples walked arm in arm across the beach and sighed. 'He isn't so great looking', Arnie thought. 'How come she's with him and not me?' Arnie sat up and continued with his book. Arnie wasn't a star athlete or a rocket...

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Summer Class at a Girls School

Copyright 2008 tgwriter7 My father was a bridge builder, an engineer. I grew up in five towns and three countries, I grew up wherever my father's work took us. He had passion for it, said there was something about an idea that came from his mind being built on a massive scale, his thoughts becoming part of the landscape. But then our family would move on leaving nothing but monuments. As families go we got along, we didn't have time to make close friends so we ended up making...

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Summer at the Beach

Hello, dear readers. My name is Marcia. Marcia Darling. I can't help it, that is our family name and we are stuck with it. Just to give you a little information about myself: I am 42 years old and still, if I say so myself, rather good looking. About 5'8" with a well proportioned body, 36D and 28 inches at the waist, 34 at the hips. My longish hair is almost platinum blonde (only my hairdresser knows for sure). I know my way around a lipstick and an eyelash curler, with no problem....

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Summer Sunshine

Clara My mind wandered as I looked into the eyes of the attractive, exotic young man above me. It was a strange time to be thinking about other things. His tanned skin and exotic eyes alone should have been enough to keep my interest, but it somehow wasn't the case. As his sweat dripped down onto me and my body finally began to respond, I was imagining another face. I stifled a laugh and Stephen thought that it had something to do with what we were doing. Alone in my own little world, I...

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Summer StormsChapter 4

The next morning, I woke up bright and early and stared at the ceiling. Outside the cabin, dawn was just breaking, and the world was awash with the usual muted forest noises. I listened to the sound of the birds for a few moments, and had just decided to get up, when I heard a soft whimper. I blinked (as if blinking would make me hear better), and strained to pick up the sound over the birdcalls. Quietly, very quietly, I rolled to the edge of the bunk bed and peered over. It was just barely...

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Summer Job

This a copyrighted original work and the exclusive property of the author. You may use this work for your personal use only. If you wish to use it, or a portion of it for any other reason, please contact the author for permission. This is a work of fiction written for mature audiences only and if you are not 18 years of age please do not go any further. The author hopes you enjoy it and if you have, or have a particular plot you would like to see developed let him know at...

Straight Sex
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My plane just landed in Rio the Janero, Brazil which marked the start of my summer vacation with my dad. My dad and mom met when my dad came to Boston, from Brazil, on an exchange program for his final year of high school, they were both in the same class and the co-ed soccer team. I was the result of that brief reunion and since then I've been shuttled back and forth. I spent every summer, a week either at Christmas or the following week, it alternated, and usually two weeks during the...

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Summer Solstice1

They'd been driving on the long winding road for what seemed like forever. This place was sure in the middle of nowhere, and Jana hoped it lived up to it's billing. She was only here because she knew it was very important to her new boyfriend, Derek, who couldn't stop talking about what a great long weekend it was and how he couldn't wait to bond with her in the woods. They were driving to an annual event celebrating the summer solstice, one with a back to nature feel to it. Jana...

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Summer of Lust

This summer would change her life forever.I remember the summer after my first year of college as if it was yesterday. Even though my freshman year at the university had opened my eyes to new and wondrous things, the summer that followed changed my life forever, in more ways than one.I had grown up in a small town in Northeast Iowa, following in the footsteps of many young women before me. I was on the girls basketball team, learned home economics from a spinster who thought cooking nutritious...

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Summer on the Ranch 1

It was the summer right after high school graduation. A hot summer.In order to earn some extra money for the upcoming first term ofcollege, me and my old high school buddies, Steve and Greg, took summerjobs up in the ranch country. We were pretty much all the same, pussyhungry young bucks with too much time on our hands, spending one lastsummer partying together before life took us all in different directions.The ranch was run by the Old Man, who was cold as ice and mean as asnake. He'd only...

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Summer Swap

The Summer Swap Synopsis: With the help of some moonlight magic one summer evening, a guy has a very unique 'first time'. [email protected] ********************************************************************** The Summer Swap It all started as a blessing, a chance to experience the other side. Now, I realize it was a curse. Thanks to that magical moonlit evening so many years ago, I have a unique understanding of women, and I've been told - by a...

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summer on the farm and the farmers wife

Summer on the Farm Wife!!! It was the summer that I turned 15 and my parents thought it would be a great idea for me to go and life on a farm for the summer and learns what hard work is all about. I was not to gear to go off and live in the sticks with a family I had never met before but I had no choice. School had finished and my dad had set up the whole deal with a friend of a friend of a friend, I was packing up on the Friday night when my friends came over to say good bye. Sue was my...

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Summer Princess

Summer Princess Mom thought it might be a good idea to write this down, so I could show it to the therapist. I guess that's ok, and better than having to do some "How I spent my summer" essay for school. I guess there are some advantages to being home schooled, at least for now. My summer started by going to Uncle Mike's place, because my mom was sick, and she wanted me to have a normal summer for once. Little did she know. When I got to his place, it turned out that Uncle Mike had...

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Summer Fun Chapter 4 Private Party

Marc and Jeff have been getting a little peeved at me for not being around much lately. Between working at Pizza Depot, and fucking- I mean, working, with Renee at the apartments, I can see their point, I’ve probably been a little scarce. Today, I have the day off and I’ll make sure to spend some time with them. We want to go swimming again today, but not at the community center pool, so we ride our bikes out to Tucker’s Pond. The pond is a hidden away, deep swimming hole, just past the...

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Summer Hart 90 107000

I was looking at Summer Hart’s Twitter (SummerHartXXX) all morning, and I have kind of mixed feelings. On one hand, I’m pretty happy to have gawked at all the free nudes and dirty movies she posted, which led to a very satisfying orgasm on my part. On the other hand, I did get some weird looks from the other Starbucks customers as I was whipping up my froth, and now I honestly don’t know how long my willpower will hold out before I have to delve into some of Summer’s paid offerings. I guess...

Twitter Porn Accounts
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Summer in the City

Most of my friends were happy to be done with junior year. One year left of high school. Then real life would hit. Some disappearing off to college if their families could scrape together the money, most moving on to "real" jobs like their Dads had. It was going to be our last free summer. Sure most of us had some kind of job to have spending money, but the nights were free, the weekends for adventure. We weren't "legal" yet but in those days 17ish was close enough. And if you were lucky...

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