Ride Along -- Part 1 Of 3 free porn video

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Everybody liked Bernie. Her given name was Bernadette but everyone called her Bernie. She was a hard worker, a live wire and an inspirational leader. People loved being around her and worked hard for her because she busted her ass, was always positive and enthusiastic, had a great sense of humor and could sell ice cubes to an Eskimo in February. Oh, and she was also hot as a firecracker.

Bernie was in her early forties but looked ten years younger. She was of medium height with light brown shoulder-length hair, pretty face, a mature, slim body with all the right curves and nice firm boobs jutting straight out. She had a way of turning heads wherever she was whether it was because of her infectious charisma, her impeccable dress or her incredible body.

She was a Vice President of Sales for a large marketing firm. But her style was unlike that of the other VPs in the company. The others tended to spend most of their time at the corporate office holding meetings, working at their computers or talking on the phone. But Bernie spent much of her time in the field. She still serviced a large number of accounts herself while the others only handled a cherry-picked few. She also spent a lot of days riding with the sales reps under her umbrella, meeting their clients, learning their territories and helping them sell.

Bernie had a sales manager working for her named Wendy. Wendy was Bernie’s polar opposite: A fat dead-serious Jewish woman with a grating nasal voice, annoying personality, no sense of humor and seemed to take little or no enjoyment from her work. She was all about the numbers.

They were planning to open a new territory in an outlying area that was a two-hour drive from the office. They would need a qualified self-starter who could get up and running and become productive quickly and could work unsupervised most of the time. It was decided that Wendy would interview the applicants and any that she deemed strong candidates would then be interviewed by Bernie. They had both interviewed five applicants when Wendy asked Bernie to interview Jayden. ‘This could be the one’, Wendy had said.


I remember when Jayden walked into my office for his interview. My very first thought was, ‘Wow, this kid sure is nice to look at’. He was mid-to-late-twenties, tall and I could tell he was muscular underneath his snug dress shirt. He was ethnically handsome with a dark complexion. His black hair was pulled tight against his scalp and tied into a pony tail which was tucked into the back of his collar and down inside the back of his shirt. He made a good first impression, had a professional appearance and I instinctively knew he could represent the company well.

His resume was pretty much what we were looking for: College degree and some, but not too much, related experience (the company had its own culture and liked to mold its own). He was sharp, quick-witted and very likable, and spoke with a clipped, indiscernible articulation. Within five minutes I knew two things: One, I was going to hire him, and two, I was going to supervise him myself. 


After the first interview I didn’t think I’d get the job, and wasn’t even sure I wanted it. Wendy seemed to be so serious and such a ball-buster, I just couldn’t imagine working for her. But when she said she wanted me to interview with her boss, a VP named Bernie, I figured ‘Okay, what the hell’. I went to the interview the next week and had no idea Bernie was a woman until I walked into her office. 

What a knockout! She might have been older, but she was fucking hot. Great thin body and nice firm tits all wrapped up in a cool blue designer business suit with just enough skin of her upper chest visible to give my dick a buzz. I tried not to let my eyes linger there but I’m sure she caught me.

We hit it off immediately, she was nothing like Wendy. Bernie was enthusiastic as she described the position and asked all the typical interview questions and she had a magnetic smile and laugh. I liked her right away.

A few days later I learned that I got the job and was relieved and flattered to hear that Bernie would be my direct supervisor. She mentioned that Wendy was already spread too thin but I think she may have sensed that me and Wendy would have been like oil and water.


Jayden started work three weeks later. The first week was classroom training with other new employees. The company put him up in a local hotel so he wouldn’t have to drive over two hours each way each day. A couple evenings after class he met with Bernie in her office and they discussed his prospects, his work plan and goals and mapped out the new territory. Bernie said that she would try to arrange to ride along with him at least once every couple weeks for a while to help him get off to a fast start. Both times they were in her office till after seven p.m. On Wednesday evening she took him out to dinner and they talked business and it was after eight by the time she dropped him off. It appeared that he would be working for a workaholic. He’d noticed she was in early and went home late.

“You really work long hours, don’t you, Bernie?” Jayden asked her at one point.

“Yes, I guess I do,” she said, “But I love what I do. My daughter is grown and out of the house and my husband Fred is an airline pilot. He flies from the U.S. to the far east…Tokyo and Hong Kong…and back every week. He is gone Sunday till Thursday. So I work a lot during the week, and go home to a big, empty house.

‘Hmm’, Jayden thought to himself, wondering if she was getting enough at home.

On Friday, the final day of training, Bernie told Jayden that she would come out and ride with him the following Wednesday. She asked him to set up a full day with four or five confirmed appointments and they would make some cold-calls too. They were going to close some sales.


Jayden had five set appointments. They went 0-for-2 in the morning but closed two out of three in the afternoon, and managed to set up several appointments for the coming days. Jayden would let Bernie kick things off and then follow her lead. They quickly developed a chemistry together. The prospects seemed to enjoy their performances.

Jayden got the hang of the job quickly and was doing pretty well on his own, but every time Bernie rode along with with him was a productive day. Unless appointments canceled on them, they’d always manage to close one or two and identify some good future prospects. Bernie would arrive early and they would haul ass all morning, then Bernie would treat him to lunch, and then they’d haul ass all afternoon. Then right before they parted at the end of the day, Bernie would get out her datebook and schedule their next ride-along.

Each day they spent together was seven or eight or nine hours in close quarters, in the car, side by side in front of a client, at a cozy table for lunch. They became very comfortable together, their inhibitions lowered. They laughed together, occasionally touched one another during conversation, and shared personal information.

“Can I ask you a question?” Bernie asked him one time at lunch.

“Sure,” Jayden said. “What?”

“You have a slight accent. It’s very unique. Where are you from?”

He smiled and sat back. “I was born in Curacao and lived there until I was twelve. Then my mother wanted me to be educated in the States and we moved here. My father stayed.”

“Ah, interesting. How did your parents meet?”

“My mother is American. A tall blonde with blue eyes. She was a senior in college and in Curacao on her Christmas break when she took a snorkeling trip and met my father. He was Captain of the boat. She went back home and finished her final semester of school with me in her belly. As soon as she graduated she went back to him. They were together until she brought me here when I was twelve. She begged him to come but he had no interest. He’s still there, still running boat charters. We’ve stayed in touch and I visit him from time to time; he is always after me to move back and go into the business with him. I probably will some day.”

“Your father sounds like a character from a Hemingway novel.”

“His name is Alonso. He is a descendant of the Caquetio Indians and the Dutch. He loves where he lives and what he does.”

“That’s the secret of happiness, I think,” Bernie said. “Who, what and where. Sounds like your father has at least two out of three.”

“Huh?” Jayden asked.

“Who, what, where,” she said. “Who are you with, what are you doing and where are you doing it? If you are with the right person, are doing what you want to do and live where you want to be, that’s true happiness. If you have two out of three you can be reasonably happy too. Less than two, I don’t think so.”

“Hmm,” he said. “I never thought of it like that. Interesting.”

“How about you, Jayden? Where are you on the scale?” Bernie asked. Her eyes were wide open and staring into his. He detected a slight semi-wink from her left eyelid.

“Two out of three. I have the what and the where.”

“No who?” she asked.

“Nah, not right now, I’m too busy with the new job and everything.” he said. “My last who ended months ago. I’m currently who-less.”

Bernie laughed and paid the lunch tab. They went back to work and sold a new account that afternoon. At the end of the day Jayden watched Bernie drive off and thought about that little sparkly wink in her eye. He had a brief thought about Who’s Who and then instantly put it out of his mind.



After a couple of months I could have ceased and desisted with the ride-alongs. Jayden was doing a very good job on his own. But I didn’t because I was getting as much out of it as he was, I think. Those days riding around with him were a nice change of pace from my days around the corporate office. I really enjoyed his company and I could tell he enjoyed mine. Whenever I was with him, I would sneak peeks at him. I found myself dressing up for him. He was always checking me out, I could tell, and I was checking him out too, believe me. Sometimes we flirted.

I think there are times we come to in life when we have to make hard decisions and take a risk. Risk, or lose out. I could hardly believe it, but I started actually contemplating taking a big risk. Risking my marriage, risking my job, risking my reputation. With a young employee only a few years older than my daughter. My brain was saying no, but another part of my anatomy was screaming yes, yes, yes!

In twenty-three years of marriage I had never cheated on my husband. Men had come on to me plenty of times over the years but I’d never strayed. My husband had, though. We learned the hard way that him flying halfway around the globe and back every week, and crashing at airline-owned condos in the Far East with other crew members could lead to some shenanigans. Now, for the very first time I was considering it. Adultery, that is.


We became pretty comfortable together. We made a good team on sales calls. We shared a lot of laughs and there was definitely a mutual attraction despite the age difference. We were both a little flirtatious but it was all just innocent, playful fun. If Bernie hadn’t been my boss I would have made a move on her, married or not. But she was my boss and I knew it would probably never happen. 

One time I made a follow-up sales call to a client I had seen the week before with Bernie. ‘Where’s your girlfriend?’ he asked. I played dumb and he added, ‘You know, your girlfriend you came in here with last week’. ‘Oh, Bernie’, I said. Then he asked, ‘You tapping that?’. ‘Bernie, hell no, she’s my boss!’ I said incredulously. He said: ‘I know that, but it wouldn’t be the first time it happened. You sure you’re not tapping that?’ I assured him I wasn’t. Not that I hadn’t thought about it.


It was very early on a Tuesday morning. Bernie was in the shower when she decided what the hell, this would be the day. She quickly scrubbed her body clean, shampooed her hair and rinsed off. She dried herself and dressed in one of her hottest pantsuits. She added a touch of red lipstick and smoky eye shadow. She logged on line briefly and booked a hotel room for that night. Then she packed an overnight bag and got into her car and began her two-hour drive to spend the day with Jayden.

They met in their usual place, a shopping center which conveniently had plenty of parking and was directly across the street from the hotel where she would stay that night, hopefully with company. If she was going to enter into an affair, she reasoned, then doing it two hours away from home was the way to do it.

Jayden had a full day planned for them and they ran hard all morning and afternoon, not even having time to stop for lunch. They grabbed hot dogs from a street vendor as they hustled from one appointment to the next. They managed to sell two new accounts and it was almost six o’clock when Jayden dropped her off at her car.

“Do you have plans tonight, Jayden?” Bernie asked.

“Nothing big tonight. Go home, heat up some rice and Chunky Soup. Recover from the way you run me ragged. Rest up for tomorrow.” 

Bernie laughed. “Would you like to have dinner with me?” she asked.

“Dinner with you?” Jayden said with surprise. “Tonight?”

“Yes. We didn’t get much of a lunch today and I’m staying over there tonight,” she said, pointing at the hotel. “I wasn’t up for the long drive back. Are you up for dinner?”

“Uh, sure,” he said. “I’d love to.”

“Okay good, I’ll enjoy the company. I want to get a shower and I have a little bit of work to do. How does seven-thirty sound?”

“Seven-thirty sounds fine.”

“All right, let’s meet in the lounge. I’ll buy you a drink.”

Jayden headed home to get a shower and some fresh clothes.


When Jayden entered the lounge at seven-thirty Bernie was already camped out in a small booth along the wall. She was talking on her cell phone, frantically waving her hand as she spoke and had scattered papers and a half-empty glass of wine on the table in front of her. She spotted him and waved him over.

Jayden sat down and waited while Bernie finished her call. She was talking to one of her managers about one of her areas. A waitress came by and he ordered a draft beer.

“So here we are, thanks for coming,” Bernie said when she finished her call. She slid a piece of paper across the table. “Here, sign this. Then our work is done for the day.”

“What is this?” he said as he picked up the paper.

“It’s your ninety day review. Don’t worry, you aced it. Just a formality and now your probationary period is over and your benefits kick in.” She sipped her wine. He signed it and slid it back across the table.

The waitress returned with his beer and Bernie ordered another glass of wine. They made small talk for a few minutes. Jayden was a little nervous and tried not to drink his beer too fast. He noticed some men in the room checking them out. They’d noticed that this stylish older woman had been busy in her booth by herself and now this young guy strolled in and joined her.

Jayden was into his second beer when Bernie steered their conversation into shop talk.

“So, Jayden, now you’re a crusty, old employee of ninety days. What do you think?”

“What, about the job?”

“The job, the company, your boss, the whole shebang. How do you feel about it?”

“I’m happy with it,” he said. “The work is harder than I thought it would be, but the company offers good product and delivers on their promises. Most clients seem satisfied and the ones that have had issues get taken care of. I’d like to make more money, but I know that will come, I can see growth in that area already. And you have been great. You are a great help and I appreciate it.”

“Well, thank you and you are welcome. Your success is my success, remember that. The better you do the better we both look.”

“Here’s to looking good!” Jayden said, raising his glass.

Bernie laughed and raised her glass. “To looking good,” she said, and gave him her sparkly wink.

Jayden thought, damn right you look good. She had on a fine white blouse with a gold pendant peeking through the top two open buttons. A trace of nipple nudging through the fabric above the tabletop. Red, sheeny lipstick.

The waitress came by again and Bernie asked for menus. She asked Jayden if he minded if they had dinner in the lounge instead of the dining room. He said he didn’t. ‘It’s cozier, more intimate’, she said. They ordered another drink. They were loosening up.

Dinner arrived in short fashion. Bernie had a Greek salad and Jayden the Club Sandwich. Eating light. About halfway through the meal there was a brief lull in the conversation. Bernie knew it was time.

“You know, we’ve had a lot of success and fun these last few months on our days riding together, haven’t we?” she said.

“Yes, we have.”

“You set ‘em up, and we knock ‘em down,” Bernie said. “You could have a great future here if you want to.”

“I hope to,” he said. He noticed her eyes were wide open and staring into his.

There was a brief silence. They took sips. Their eyes were locked.

“You are getting the job done, no doubt about that, Jayden. But even though you are doing a great job, I have to admit that there have been times when I’ve wondered whether it was a mistake to have hired you.”

“Really? Why?” he asked.

“Can I be brutally honest with you, Jayden?”

“Yes, please.”

“Okay. I’ve been doing this kind of work for a long time. I started on the ground floor, worked hard, worked my way up, took night classes, became a manager and now I’ve been a VP for six years. And in all that time I had never found myself in the situation…in the predicament…I’m now in with you.”

“What do you mean?”

“Come on. I’ve seen you checking me out. And don’t tell me you haven’t caught me checking you out. Agreed?”

“Agreed,” he said, his voice slightly breaking.

Bernie leaned closer so their faces were inches apart. Jayden could see a glassy green brightness in her eyes and tiny trickles of sweat above her ruby lips.

“This is the first time I… You are the first man ever to work for me whom I’ve wanted to fuck,” she said softly. 

There was a long silence as they sat staring at one another. Bernie was suddenly very afraid she’d gone too far and had blown it.

“What do you think about that?” she asked nervously.

Jayden was silently shocked. After a moment he said, “All I can think of to say is yes, good. I like it.”

Bernie sat back a little, relieved. “I’m quite a bit older, does that bother you?”


“Do I turn you on, Jayden?”


“Good, you turn me on too. Can you keep our secret?”


“Good. Want to come to my room?”




I couldn’t believe what was happening. It was surreal, like my head was separated from the rest of my body. It seemed like a long walk to her room even though it was just down the end of the hall from the lobby. I didn’t know what to do, should I hold her hand, should I touch her? I wanted to jump her bones, but she’s my boss! How does she like it? She wants to fuck, that’s for sure, but what else? How far should I go?

As she was unlocking the door to the room my brain slowed down enough so I could relax a little bit and think straight. I realized that SHE PLANNED THIS. The hotel room, the dinner, the drinks. Then her telling me she wanted to fuck me and knowing I wanted to fuck her.


I was thinking, finally, I’m going to get to fuck this kid. God, I was relieved when he said YES. I thought that he would, but you never know for sure and it would have been pretty embarrassing if he’d turned me down. That would have been an awkward situation I don’t think we could have recovered from. But I was confident enough to go for it because I knew he didn’t have a wife or girlfriend, I was pretty sure he wasn’t gay, plus I’d seen him peeking at my tits and my ass and my crotch enough times and I knew he liked what he saw. 

He’d caught me peeking too, of course. I never got tired of running my eyes around his sweet butt, over his broad shoulders and down between his legs, thinking to myself, he’s probably hung like a horse.


Once in the room Bernie entered the bathroom first. She sat on the toilet and peed, then washed and freshened up. She splashed a reinforcement of a subtle lemon scent onto her chest and touched up her lips. She planned on leaving her lip prints all over Jayden’s hard young body.

She came out of the bathroom and Jayden immediately went in, saying he had to pee. Good idea, she thought, soon something else will be shooting out of that dick of yours. She kicked off her shoes and sat down in a chair. A minute or two later he came out of the bathroom. She scooted to the edge of her seat.

“Come here,” she said. 

Jayden walked to her and stopped, standing about three feet in front of her. Bernie reached out and hooked a finger into one of his belt loops and pulled him close, his crotch now inches from her face. She was looking up into his eyes as she unbuckled his belt. She unbuttoned his pants and unzipped his fly, then took a breath and pulled down his pants. She gasped softly but was happily in awe by what she saw.

No underwear, that’s cool, Bernie thought. And not a whisker of pubic hair on him, a first for her, but also cool. But his cock: Oh, what a cock.

It hung long, thick and dark between his legs. She hefted it in her hand and felt its bulk and weight. She licked her lips then licked its head. She stretched her mouth open wide, trying to ready it for what was coming. She looked back up at Jayden, who was unbuttoning his shirt with a serious look on his face.

“I want you to come in my mouth,” she said. “After that, you can have your way with me.”

Then she spread her lips and took his gunmetal cock into her mouth.

Bernie’s mouth was of good size but she could feel instantly that this was the largest thing that had ever been in it. She opened wide and eased it in and when she felt the head touch the back of her throat…not even half of it in…she began sucking. With each infinitesimal sway of her head she sucked him, gently at first but soon with more force, and before long, with its girth filling her mouth, she was slurping and saliva drooled from the corners of her mouth.

Jayden’s balls were dangling like mojo sacks. Bernie took one in each hand and gave them both a deep massage. She now felt his hands firmly on the back of her head and he started pumping his cock into her mouth as she sucked. He wanted to give her more. 

She wasn’t sure she could take any more, but Jayden was pushing it into her pretty good so she kept sucking. She adjusted the angle of her head and his shaft slipped in deeper and she felt the head slide into her throat. Jayden’s next swing had a little more force and she gagged.

She backed off, took her mouth off of him, and she was surprised by the amount of cock that emerged from her mouth. His scrotum was now like a pair of roasted chestnuts in her hands.

“Sorry,” Jayden said.

“Your cock, it’s beautiful,” she said, “But I don’t know how much...”

“It’s all good, what you’re doing. Suck me, Bernie.”

She felt an increased pressure of his hands on the back of her head and the head of his penis against her lips. She wiped the spit off of her chin, opened her mouth as wide as she ever had in her life and his cock, with a force of its own, found its way in, and in one plunge filled her mouth and entered her throat. And Jayden fucked her face.

As she sucked him and felt the power of his dick pounding away in her mouth, Bernie thought, Ah, so this is why they call it giving head. She’d wanted this kid’s cock and now she was getting it. She squeezed his nuts softly in her hands.

“Ughhh…” Jayden groaned.

She squeezed again, trying to help him along.

“Ughhh…” His groan was deeper, louder, more guttural.

Jayden’s body wobbled and his legs almost buckled but he held on to the back of Bernie’s head and felt the silkiness of her hair between his fingers. He felt his cum rising from deep down and it felt almost like slow motion as it rose up through his shaft and forced its way out of the tip of his cock.

With half of his cock filling her mouth Bernie felt the rush of Jayden’s semen spray-paint the back of her throat. It was a hefty load. After the second shot she backed off before she would gag and with just his cockhead in her mouth, with each succeeding spasm she lustily sucked his cum into her mouth. When he had no more to give Jayden moved his hands to her armpits and gently lifted her. His cum-covered dick plopped from her mouth and she rose from her chair and stood looking up at him. She had his cum churning in her stomach and coating her throat and dabs on her cheek and chin.

And she still had a mouthful, which Jayden’s tongue tasted when he stabbed his tongue hard and deep between her lips. They gripped each other tightly as their tongues glided around in their oily mouths. It was a lingering kiss and the fronts of their bodies were plastered together, her breasts mashed against him and his slimy erected cock soiling the fabric of her blouse. When they finally ended the kiss they both smiled and broke into quiet laughter.

“God, that was fantastic, he said.

“I love your cock,” she said.

Jayden unbuttoned Bernie from the top down. Her bra-less tits were firm and her nipples aroused. The blouse came off with a sexy shift of her shoulders.

“Let’s get you naked,” he said.

Jayden slipped one hand inside the back of her slacks and panties and felt her bare ass for the first time. He undid the front with his other hand and slipped his fingers into her. She was warm and wet. He thumbed her clitoris and felt its readiness. With a hand on her ass and a hand in her twat they kissed again, another long one, long enough for Bernie to squirm out of her pants and push them down. 

Still in her kiss bliss, Bernie suddenly felt two hands on her buttocks lifting her up. Jayden pivoted around and lay her gently on the bed. He pulled her pants and panties off and hung them on the chair. With his cock still stiff and pointing at the ceiling, he stood there for a moment looking at her. Her puffy, kissable lips, where he had more work to do. Her neck, which he wanted to cover with kisses. Her tits, which he wanted to suck the shit out of. And he’d get to all that. But her pussy...it was neatly trimmed and beautiful and seemed to be smiling at him. It would get his immediate attention.

“Damn, you have a great body,” he said.

“Take it.”

Jayden didn’t hesitate. He spread her legs and knelt between them. He kissed and licked both thighs and gradually zeroed in. Bernie sighed as he kissed her crotch and licked her open lips but she literally howled when he jammed his tongue into her. She pushed her crotch hard against his face, wanting to feel it deep, and deeper, over and over.

Bernie felt his strong hands on her butt, molded to her cheeks, squeezing simultaneously with each of her movements. With each stroke, eight, ten, twelve, Bernie pinched his tongue with her cunt and Jayden tasted her hot briny sauce. Then Bernie tensed when she felt his finger enter her asshole.

“What are you doing?” she asked curtly.

He backed off and said, “Getting a better grip. Easier to hang on for the ride.”

He removed his finger from her ass and slipped his hand into her runny twat, soaking it. Then he stuck the finger back up her ass with a jolt. 

“Yeow!” Bernie squeaked.

He lowered his head back into her crotch, licked each of her slick lips, and stabbed his tongue into her a couple times. Then he wrapped his mouth around her plumped clit and sucked it like a syphon.

“Oh my God!” she blurted.

Bernie’s body writhed on the bed like a fish out of water with her asshole pivoting on Jayden’s embedded finger and her clit plastered to his lips. She had her hands on the back of his head with one fist gripping his pony tail. She mashed her groin into him, and soon wrapped her legs around the back of his neck and squeezed tightly. His mouth and her cunt were working hard and fast as a single unit, every thrust accompanied by grunts of pleasure and a sharp poke up her ass, and each one taking her closer to orgasm.

Her climax was loud and wet. Bernie almost screamed when she released, and her legs became like channel locks around his head, and her saved-up cum sprung from her and soaked his face and mouth and the bedspread. When she’d expelled all of her ejaculate and her body became still and free of tremors, Jayden spent the next several minutes lapping up excess cum from her pussy and thighs.

By then he was ready to fuck her.

Jayden rose up on his knees, his cock hard and long and thick. Bernie’s eyes turned into saucers as she marveled at it.

“I’m gonna fuck you now,” he said.

Bernie nodded fast and furiously. She groaned when his cock entered her. It felt large inside her. He started slowly but soon he was pounding her. With the force of his fucking and his weight atop her, his finger felt even bigger and sharper and deeper in her ass. She pounded him back with all she had, matching him stroke for stroke and grunt for grunt, and the double penetration made her feel like she didn’t know if she was going to come or shit. But she did know one thing: This was the most-fucked she had ever been. 

The bed was rocking and knocking. Jayden was squeezing Bernie’s ass with his other hand. Her legs were scissored around his, and her arms were around his back. Their eyes were wide and locked-in and they stared at each other as they fucked away. Their bodies were hot and slick with sweat but it felt cool on their skin in the air-conditioned room. Bernie felt his dick inside her, gliding in and out of her soaked, slippery cunt. She felt her water rising when Jayden’s body shuddered.

“I’m gonna come,” he said. “Is it okay if…”

“Yes!” she barked. “Me too.”

Jayden groaned raspy and deep like a leaky trombone. He banged her harder; he wanted to give her every drop.

Bernie took the pounding and her body released its own flow, and their cum met and mixed inside her. When their bodies finally stilled and Jayden pulled his lumber out of her, their blended juices seeped out of her and onto the bed.


Bernie and Jayden were lying together basking in their afterglow. She was resting in his arms with her head on his shoulder and one arm around him. The fingers of her other hand were wrapped around his cock.

She liked how it felt in her hand. Substantial. Big and heavy. She was thinking that she wanted it again, and began stroking it. She raised her head to kiss him and his tongue plunged into her mouth and she sucked on it. As they kissed his cock grew in her hand and her ass was palmed by his.

She pulled her mouth off of his and said, “I want some more of this,” and squeezed his turgid thickness.

He lifted her ass and rolled her on top of him. He put two fingers in her mouth and she sucked on them, then with his hands on her hips he lifted her and she pointed the tip of his cock at her open gash. She lowered onto it and felt all of it again fill her up. 

“Ooh, ugh…” Bernie slurred when Jayden’s fingers filled her asshole.

Up and down, up and down, over and over he lifted her and lowered her and craned his groin into her with every movement. The bed groaned with Bernie as she rode him, harder and faster. Jayden held himself back, wanting her to come first, so on and on they fucked until she did.

Bernie’s orgasm was coupled with a rebel yell when she came all over him. Jayden did his sick trombone bleat when he came in her. 

She collapsed on the bed and thought that maybe this is the time when Jayden would get up and leave, but he didn’t. Oh well, she thought, guess I’m sleeping with him tonight.

Which she did. Which probably is a good thing, she thought, because he’ll have a nice, big boner in the morning. Which is exactly what happened.

Bernie woke with the sun with her naked body up against his. She felt around between his legs and found it. His cock, long and hard.

So she sucked it. Then she fucked it. And she kissed him goodbye. She showered, got dressed and drove to her office.



Oh my God! I can’t believe what I did…what we did. It was like I was on auto-pilot or something. As soon as we got into the room I turned into a whore for Jayden’s cock. And what a cock…it’s huge. Jesus, when it came out of his pants, dangling there from its hairless perch, I swear it looked like a giant sausage hanging on some smokehouse wall. And it was darker than the rest of him, that was a surprise, but it turned me on even more. The inner slut that I never knew was inside me came out and took over. I looked at his ripped body and his big hard cock and just went off. I wanted it. I couldn’t believe it, that’s the first time I ever sucked a man’s cock before we even kissed! And we fucked like animals, it felt like we were Tarzan and Jane.


I definitely wanted to fuck Bernie, but, I don’t know, maybe it’s because she’s my boss, but I had no idea she would be such a wild whore in bed. And what a cocksucker, I had her lipstick all over my body, my cock and balls and thighs and neck and face and who knows where else. I can still taste it, still taste her, and can still feel her slinky hair between my fingers and her hand around my cock.


That’s how their affair began. They both knew there was no going back now, they’d done it. They couldn’t unring the bell; they would have to be secretive and discreet.


Same as Ride Along -- Part 1 of 3 Videos

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Ride Along Part 3 of 3

She found out two days later that when Fred had his heart attack he was in bed sticking his dick into a flight attendant named Henrietta. Bernie remembered meeting her and her husband at a Christmas party. She guessed it must have been going on for some time.----Death fucks up everything. Bernie would never have to tell her husband about why she got fired, but she would have to explain it all to Tina, and everybody else would find out anyway. Now she was a widow and would have to deal with all...

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"When's the party?" my Mom asked. "The party's this Saturday," my 16-year old big sister Autumn answered. The party was next door at Savannah's house. She was 16 too. "Alright, you can go. You know that Dad and I will be at his business convention and we won't be home until very late." The convention center was a couple of hours away. "I know," said Autumn. "I was going to be bored at home all day so this gives me something to do." "And me too," I chimed in. Autumn frowned...

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Ride For The Sun Ch 02

Please read Chapter 1. It will help continue the flow of these characters and events. As usual constructive comments, critiques, and emails are welcome and appreciated. ******************** ‘Would you do something for me Marshal?’ Henry Johnson nodded. ‘Send a telegram to my folks in San Antonio and let them know I’m okay and that I’ll write them when I get settled somewheres.’ Johnson nodded again and Rafe mounted Bowie. He touched his hat brim in a salute, turned westward and continued...

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Bill and Larry had been roommates and best friends throughout college.  One thing that they both loved was riding motorcycles.  They’d started out with small dirt bikes but eventually worked their way up to cruising bikes.Every weekend during their senior year they’d go for weekend rides up and down the West coast. But then they graduated, found jobs and the weekend rides turned into monthly rides and eventually only once or twice a year rides.  It was one of those weekends and while they were...

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Ride A Cock Horse

Cupping her elbow lightly in his hand, Goncourt led Lady Huysmans from thedining room, across the tiled hall to the broad sweeping staircase. She wasa haughty woman, he knew she would flinch at any more intimate touch, a womanof breeding who hunted and rode to hounds and would feel herself to be a littleabove the likes of him. Her cool reserve throughout dinner had been an annoyanceto him, the ice in her eyes and the pride in her smile infuriating. She heldherself aloof, looked down on him, as...

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“Yeah… yeah, I heard ya. I should be going to Harvard. Blah. Blah. Blah.” I just couldn’t resist. He’ll consider my behavior “disrespectful” and give me a speech on how he’s paying for my entire college expenses and how grateful I should be. Like I said, blah. Blah Blah. The thing is, I never wanted to go to college. It’s a place where you pay thousands of dollars for an education you can get on youtube for free. And for what? So I can be an asshole like my father? No, college is for...

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Ride With Me

The yellow Harley paced him well through the winding mountain roads.The sun was beginning to set over the ocean, turning the foam on the waves a bright orange. Carolann could definitely ride well, despite the statement she made about being new to all “this”. She cracked the throttle of the sleek yellow Sportster and it barked away from Steve’s full dressed Harley. She led him down the twisted ribbon of Coast Highway at a good clip. Steve closed in on her, and held a position just behind for...

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Ride Me BabyChapter 7

By mid-morning the sun had broken through the clouds and blue sky was once again on show. Louise soon began to wish she hadn't worn her thick fleece, but she was pretty much stuck with it until they stopped for a rest. She stayed towards the middle of the long line of cyclists traversing an endless succession of winding country lanes. Cows mooed mournfully as they pedalled past and she scowled at them miserably. At least they didn't have to face the fact they'd been shafted both literally...

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Bridezilla Brendas Beastly Brawl Part 4 The Reception

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Bridezilla Brendas Beastly Brawl Part 3 Taming a Spoiled Brat

Part 3 -- Taming a Spoiled Brat Cast of named characters in this series: Brenda Robinson -- 26 years old, 5'10" tall 140 lbs --- Bride. Arrogant, spoiled, domineering, wealthy, self centered, and oh so tall and beautiful. Bradley Eaton -- 27 years old, 6'2" tall, 180 lbs --- Groom. Physics graduate student. Intelligent, hardworking, handsome, faithful, reliable. Amy Robinson -- 21 years old, 5'10" tall 125 lbs --- Maid of honor. Physics undergrad student. Intelligent,...

1 year ago
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Bridezilla Brendas Beastly Brawl Part 2 The Brawl

Part 2 -- The Brawl Cast of named characters in this series: Brenda Robinson -- 26 years old, 5'10" tall 140 lbs --- Bride. Arrogant, spoiled, domineering, wealthy, self centered, and oh so tall and beautiful. Bradley Eaton -- 27 years old, 6'2" tall, 180 lbs --- Groom. Physics graduate student. Intelligent, hardworking, handsome, faithful, reliable. Amy Robinson -- 21 years old, 5'10" tall 125 lbs --- Maid of honor. Physics undergrad student. Intelligent, hardworking,...

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Bridezilla Brendas Beastly Brawl Part 1 Bringing on Bad Luck

Part 1 -- Bringing on Bad Luck Cast of named characters in this series: Brenda Robinson -- (21) 26 years old, 5'10" tall 140 lbs --- Bride. Arrogant, spoiled, domineering, wealthy, self centered, and oh so tall and beautiful. Bradley Eaton -- (22) 27 years old, 6'2" tall, 180 lbs --- Groom. Physics graduate student. Intelligent, hardworking, handsome, faithful, reliable. Amy Robinson -- (16) 21 years old, 5'10" tall 125 lbs --- Maid of honor. Physics undergrad student. ...

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Inferidelity Ch 01

“Patel?” my wife said, astonished.It started at the sex therapist.  Just before Christmas.Our sex life was fine, but not perfect.  Two years after our first kid, we wanted to have a second, just in time for my wife’s thirtieth.  However, we both admitted that we could barely conjure up the passion to make love once a week, much less multiple time during her ovulation period.  It wasn’t because her body had changed.  In fact, all my favorite features about my beautiful wife had barely changed...

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We were spending Thursday night at ‘Jack’s Bar’, along with Mandy, Paul, Jeff, and Kari. It was getting late, so Jack, dropped me the keys.  ‘Bar’s yours,’ he said, winking, ‘close up, will ya?’ As he left, I flipped the closed sign around, and locked us in.  ‘Bar’s ours!’ I said, to a chorus of cheers. Plucking a fresh bottle of tequila from the shelf, I yelled, ‘ Drinks are on the house!’ Everyone made a wild dashed to the bar. ‘Wait,’ I said, holding Kari back, ‘girls have to remove...

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Hayride Hookup this year

It was Halloween and I had decided to spend my night volunteering at a haunted hayride. It was a full two mile hayride with thirty different stands. At the beginning we all got together and ate pizza and pop and then everyone was assigned to their stands. It was a mix of people of different ages. Some in their teens, others in their twenties and thirties but not many in their thirties. Everyone was dressed up in black clothes. I was surprised to find that my partner was a woman, Emma. Dirty...

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Ghostrider Part II

"So did you enjoy that?" I asked, after pulling Ghost out from between the young girl's legs."Ummm - - yeah, it felt kinda funny - - and like nice, having something press up against me right there." she said, giggling with her red rosy cheeks from all the uncontrollable blushing. "Ok good - - so - - I want you to lie down so that I can demonstrate something for you."As she laid back, I soon realized that she was a totally submissive person. I removed my sweatshirt, with only my tanktop and...

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It was mid September and I was walking the local path in the woods. It was a warm day and what a day it was. My dog Ghost was with me, and as dogs do, he was running around, sometimes behind and sometimes in front of me. I had walked for some time now and I was looking for the little cave down by the river for some shade and to rest awhile. As I situated myself under the shaded nook, I whistled and heard Ghost barking but he never ran back to me so I whistled again and this time I realized that...

3 years ago
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Rideshare Driving seems to Have its Perks

I started giving the ride share thing a try on weekends because I wanted to save up for a nice trip this summer. Friday and Saturday nights are usually slow for me and I figured I may as well use the time productively, rather than out drinking and spending money on $4 beers and $10 mixed drinks. I also figured driving the partying crowd around could be kind of fun. So far I’ve been right. I’ve met some interesting people. Most of them have had a few drinks in their system, but none have been so...

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