Ross Ch 2 Kimiko
- 2 years ago
- 34
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Ross sat on his back porch sipping whisky. Despite how much he liked the whisky, he could barely taste it. His mind was elsewhere.
Just the day before he’d gone to his neighbor’s house for a barbecue. After John Jones drank too much and passed out, his mind-blowingly beautiful wife had stripped naked, bathed him and then fucked his brains out. Ross had never had sex with a Japanese woman before but now he was definitely stricken with yellow fever.
Kimiko was what every man dreamed about in a woman. Pretty, petite but still large-breasted, her naked body was something to behold. Yet still, she held herself with graciousness and poise.
“Hey there, neighbor!” a voice called out.
Ross looked toward his fence with a start and saw John leaning his head onto his arms on top of the pickets.
“Oh,” John said distractedly, “Hi!”
Here it comes, he thought. John figured out what happened last night and now he was in for it!
“That Chargers-Titans game starts at six,” John said, “You feel like coming over to watch it?”
“Uh,” Ross stammered.
“Come on, Buddy!” John insisted, “Kimiko is looking forward to seeing you again!”
Ross’ heart stopped and he stared in fear at his neighbor.
“She’s been asking about you all day!” John went on.
“Really?” Ross asked nervously.
“Yeah!” John said, “She said you’re the most polite guest we’ve had in months!”
“Oh,” Ross said lamely.
“So, you’ve got to come!” John said enthusiastically.
“Um, okay,” Ross said lamely, “I’ll um, see you soon.”
“Great stuff!” John said, “One more thing, though. Do you have any corn chips? I was hoping to get the wife to make nachos but we’re fresh out.”
“Yeah,” Ross said, “I’ll, um bring them with me.”
“Nah, that’s no good. They need to be ready in time for the game,” John said, “Besides, with all the other snacks she’s making there’s no room in our oven. Is it okay if she goes to your place and makes them there?”
“Uh,” Ross said nervously.
“Great!” John said excitedly, “She’ll be right over!”
Ross sat back on his chair and sighed heavily. John might be a falling-down drunk, but Ross actually liked him, at least a little bit. He was already feeling guilty about his tryst with Kimiko last night. How was he supposed to be able to look John in the eye after this?
Now she was going to come over to his house?
“Good God!” Ross muttered.
John disappeared from the fence and then Kimiko stepped through the gate by the house. She was dressed in a full-length blue peasant dress that covered her from neck to ankles and carrying two grocery bags. She held them up like prizes from a lottery.
With her customary pleasant smile on her face, she looked just as pretty as she always did.
She stepped up onto the porch and bowed in front of him.
“Remember to make them spicy, the way I like!” John called out from the next yard.
Kimiko grinned and stared meaningfully at the back door. Ross stood up hurriedly and led her through to his kitchen.
She unloaded her bags onto the counter and produced a cookie sheet. Ross reached high up on his shelves for the corn chips and Kimiko molded her tiny body against his. He looked at her with alarm, and she giggled.
“It seems we are alone again,” she said quietly with her slight accent.
Ross swallowed nervously and she giggled again. She placed her open hand against his pants and grinned.
“I think you missed me,” she said.
Ross groaned and closed his eyes. Her hand pressed hard against his groin and made butterflies leap and bound in his stomach.
“I must prepare the nachos,” she said with a coy smile.
Then she was all business. In less than five minutes, she had all the ingredients laid out on the cookie sheet. She sprinkled three different kinds of cheese over the top and then placed the pan into the oven.
She closed the door and knelt before it to look inside. Then she pivoted on her toes and opened Ross’ pants. She quickly shoved his slacks and underwear to his ankles and took his cock between her lips.
Ross leaned back against the counter with a groan and closed his eyes. Her mouth was warm and wet and the sucking motions she made were driving him insane.
Suddenly she wasn’t sucking him anymore. He opened his eyes to see her naked and bent over with her hands on the counter. Her dress had been tossed carelessly to the floor and her legs were spread wide. She looked over her shoulder at him with a grin and wriggled her buttocks.
Ross couldn’t help himself. He gripped her hips and pushed forward. With her fingers to guide him, he slipped into her channel easily. He thrust into her again and again, grunting explosively each time. She put her hands on her knees and pushed back against his hips. Her legs flexed and she gasped wordlessly each time he pushed into her.
Then Ross came. She cooed softly as he spewed inside and then she grinned once more as she looked over her shoulder at him.
“You are very strong man!” she said.
She placed her palm against her mons and pushed the semen oozing out of her back inside.
“I do not want to waste,” she said with a smile.
Then she knelt in front of him and took his wilting cock into her mouth with a moan. She licked every inch of his dick and let it pop out of her mouth. Then she grinned and cleaned the jism off her lips and chin with a finger. She put her fingertip into her mouth and smiled around it.
“Very strong!” she said.
She let her dress fall back into place and looked down at his spent penis.
“My husband is looking forward to your company,” she said, “The football is very important to him and he is eager to share it with you.”
Ross nodded and absently pulled up his slacks.
She pulled the nachos out of the oven and gripped the pan with oven mitts.
“I have only seen football a few times,” Kimiko said, “But I understand the half-time shows are very entertaining!”
She winked and then walked out the back door.
Ross groaned and stared at the door for several minutes.
At a few minutes before six, he grabbed a six-pack of beer and headed next door. Kimiko greeted him warmly and then bowed. Then she led him to the basement where John was laid out on the massive couch watching the pre-game show on the massive TV bolted to the wall. The TV screen was almost six feet across and the sound system was turned up loud. It was like watching the game inside the stadium.
There were two more equally large sofas, each of them facing the TV screen. The lights were dimmed for optimal viewing and the corners of the room were in shadow.
“Hey, neighbor!” John shouted above the din, “Grab a seat! Coin toss in a few minutes.”
Ross settled on the huge sofa to the right of the screen. John was on the center sofa. He sank deeply into the plush cushions and smiled absently at how comfortable it was.
“Hey, what’d you think of the Japanese bath out back?” John said with a grin.
“What?” Ross replied with alarm.
“The bath!” John continued, “Kimiko said you tried it out. Pretty nice huh? After we moved in, she insisted we set up an authentic Japanese bath. It reminds her of her home back in Kyoto.”
“Um, yeah,” Ross said nervously, “It’s nice.”
“Course, it’s always better when you share it with someone,” John said as he turned to watch the coin toss on the TV, “Maybe next time, huh?”
Ross didn’t reply. He couldn’t. He just didn’t know what to say that wouldn’t make him look and feel guilty as sin.
“Oh, here’s the kick-off!” John shouted, “You sure you don’t want to bet?”
“Sorry,” Ross said, glad that the subject had finally changed, “I’m not a bettor.”
“Suit yourself,” John said.
As the game got underway, Kimiko showed up bearing drinks and snacks. Ross opted for whisky. Beer wasn’t going to shake the discomfort he was feeling. She smiled and bowed as she placed a tray of nachos and wings at his side.
Ross smiled nervously at her and she winked at him.
Well into the second quarter, the game was a nail-biter. The Titans were up by three but the Chargers had their second down on the Titans’ forty. The attempted pass was blocked but they ran to within one yard for the fourth down.
As they set up to go for a field goal, Ross sat forward on the couch. If they made this, it would tie the game.
When he leaned forward he saw movement in the low lighting. He squinted into the dimness and gasped. Kimiko was on her knees in front of John. She was kneeling forward and sliding his cock in and out of her mouth. John was sitting back with his mouth open and squirming his hips.
He put a hand on her head and she smiled up at him. His hips started to buck and she clamped her lips over the head of his penis. He shuddered once or twice and then sank back with a sigh.
Kimiko straightened to crouch on her knees and let his cum drool out of her mouth and into her palm. She licked it out of her hand and then stood. She leaned forward and kissed him lightly. John smiled and placed a hand on her cheek.
Then she stood and bowed and then turned to leave the room.
As she turned, she saw Ross staring at them and grinned. She stepped over to stand in front of him and bowed once more, then left the room.
“Hey, Buddy,” John shouted, “Did your Chargers make that field goal? I missed the last play.”
Ross quickly looked at the scoreboard and saw the Chargers still down by three.
“Nah,” he said.
“That sucks!” John said with a huge belly laugh, “Sucks to be you!”
Ross nodded and held his drink up in a mock toast.
“Bite me, John!” he said.
The half-time show started and John yawned hugely. He blinked a few times and stretched.
“You like marching bands, Buddy?” he asked.
“They’re okay,” Ross said.
“Yeah,” John said, “Maybe it’s from my army days, but I love marching bands!”
As the band on TV started playing, John turned the volume up. It had been loud for the first half of the game. Now it was deafening!
Kimiko came into the room and settled beside Ross on the couch. She looked at him with a smile and settled back against the cushions with her shoulder and thigh firmly pressed against him.
Ross looked toward John but saw that he had eyes only for the TV. He looked at Kimiko again and she grinned widely. Slowly and gently she placed both her hands in his lap. Ross shook his head with a pained face.
She ignored his discomfort and massaged his groin expertly.
Ross wanted to tell her to stop, to plead with her and make her see sense, but the TV was too loud for him to be heard. Even shouting it wouldn’t have done any good.
She straddled his hips and lifted the dress up to her belly. Ross’ eyes opened wide when he saw she was not wearing panties. Her neatly trimmed pussy hair stood out starkly against her pale skin.
Kimiko took both his hands and pushed them up the front of her dress until they were firmly planted on her large breasts.
Again, Ross was surprised. The dress was the only item of clothing she was wearing; no panties, no bra and not a stitch of anything else.
With her hands over his, squeezing them open and closed, her nipples hardened under his touch. He looked frantically toward John again but his eyes were glued to the TV and the brass band marching up and down the field.
Ross suddenly realized that Kimiko’s hands were no longer guiding his. He was squeezing and caressing her bare tits all on his own. The look of desire on her face was overwhelming.
She opened his fly and pulled out his dick. It was hard and dripping pre-cum.
Without any preamble, she shifted forward and fed his cock into her slit. It slipped inside quickly and Ross sighed at how wet she was.
Even as slick as her pussy was, she soon had him gasping for breath and ready to cum. She clamped down hard on him with a determined look in her eye and kissed him fiercely.
“Cum for me!” she said into his ear, “Cum!”
That did it. Ross came and sighed heavily. He could feel the semen pumping out of him so acutely it was almost painful.
“Strong man!” she whispered as she kissed his earlobe.
Ross leaned back with fear written across his face and watched her stand. She pushed her dress down to hang naturally to her ankles, and John called out from the other sofa.
“You taking good care of Ross, Honey?” he asked as he continued watching the half-time show.
Kimiko nodded and smiled.
“That’s my girl!” he said.
Ross couldn’t help feeling that the guilt was written all over his face. John looked at him with a grin and turned back to watch the TV.
“After the game, the wife says you can use the Japanese bath again if you want,” he said.
Ross groaned quietly and gave a feeble nod.
“Don’t worry about me!” John went on, “I’m not much good for anything after nine these days. I’ll be fast asleep!”
After the game was over, where the Titans beat the Chargers by three, John turned off the TV and slapped Ross on the shoulder as he walked past the sofa.
“Told you, Buddy!” he said, “Your Chargers can’t beat my Titans!” In the sudden silence, he almost seemed to be shouting.
He tottered awkwardly to the stairs and spoke as he went.
“I’m off to bed,” he said, “Kimiko will take care of you until you go home. Goodnight, Buddy!”
Ross watched him go and then looked at Kimiko. She was standing at the bottom of the stairs staring right back. As they heard John’s footsteps creak across the ceiling above, she reached down to her ankles and gripped the hem of her dress. She lifted it over her head and tossed it to the floor.
Ross stared helplessly at her naked body. Her tits stood up proudly with her hard nipples pointing toward the ceiling. Her pale white skin seemed to glow in the dim lighting. Ross was mesmerized by the sight of her neatly trimmed pussy and tiny slit. Her fine Japanese features made her look like a delicate China doll.
She stepped deliberately toward him and knelt on the floor in front of him.
“Take off your clothes,” she said, her slight accent somehow making her statement even more poignant.
Completely lost to his own lust now, Ross pulled his shirt over his head and she unsnapped his trousers. She pulled his slacks and underwear down to his feet and then off. Then she pulled off each of his socks.
“Come to me,” she said.
As quietly as she said it, Ross believed she could be heard a block away. The quiet in the basement was now overpowering.
She lay back on the sofa with her head on the armrest and her splayed legs pointing toward him. Ross crawled to her and she gripped his cock confidently. She placed it at her entrance and then pulled him in with her arms and legs. She locked her lips to his and shoved her tongue deep into his mouth. Ross started thrusting almost without thinking about it.
“Strong man!” she hissed into the silence, “Cum inside me!”
Kimiko cooed and sighed as she squirmed beneath him, clutching him around the neck like a vise. She ground her hips against him and her pussy squeezed his cock relentlessly. Ross came with a loud grunt. Ross was positive John would come barreling down the stairs in fury any minute. Kimiko didn’t seem to notice his alarm and continued squirming erotically underneath him.
When he tried to pull out of her, she would not release him. She continued to gyrate her hips and plunge her tongue into his mouth.
She was insatiable!
The little sounds she made as she gripped him would have brought a dead man back to life. She sighed and moaned softly, whispering words of encouragement as she nibbled on his earlobe.
“Please love me!” she hissed, “Love me now!”
Despite the aching in his balls from all the sex over the past two days, he felt himself beginning to recover.
As his cock began to harden again, she smiled and kissed him softly.
“Yes, please!” she grinned, “Love me!”
His manhood swelled, still buried in her sloppy channel and she pulled him in with her thighs.
“Strong man!” she said with a wide smile.
Ross was out of his depth. He’d never met a woman as voracious as Kimiko. As he thrust into her, she looked up at him with a look of bliss on her face. She was flushed red from her navel to her ears and her nipples were like hard nubs.
Ross came inside her again and still she wanted more. She refused to release him from her grip.
With a groan of exasperation, he continued thrusting and came again a few minutes later. She finally let him go and scooped a finger full of goo out of her cunt. She held his flaccid cock lightly and sighed happily. Then she shoved her semen-coated finger back inside her channel.
Then she scooted to the floor and took his tortured cock into her mouth. Ross groaned almost in agony. Kimiko suckled it for several minutes and then realized there was no more life in it.
After they dressed, she led him toward the Jacuzzi, but he declined.
“I can’t even move right now!” he muttered.
She smiled and bowed deeply then led him to the back gate.
He went home and slept as soundly as he could remember.
Three nights later, there was a knock on his back door at nine-thirty. He opened it and was shocked to see Kimiko. She was wearing a peach-colored baby-doll nightie that fell barely past her hips. He could clearly see her nipples and pussy hair through the translucent material. Her long jet-black hair hung over her shoulders and she toyed with the strands in her fingers as she stared at him with desire.
Before he could utter a word, she had him backed against the wall in the kitchen. His pants were at his ankles and her mouth was slipping up and down his shaft.
She stood suddenly and grabbed him by the hand. She led him up the stairs and to his bedroom. She undressed him and then pushed him back on the bed. She crawled up on top of him and rode him for all she was worth. After he came she once again felt around her slit and grinned at the semen oozing out of her. She shoved it back inside and left sated and smiling.
The following Friday, she showed up at his back door at midnight wearing a light pullover top and tiny shorts. Neither garment did anything to hide her amazing body. They were light white cotton and her nipples and pubis could be clearly seen through them.
She didn’t bother leading him upstairs or even undressing him. She pushed him to the floor and crawled on top of him. She pulled his cock out through his open zipper and pushed the gusset of her tiny shorts aside. As soon as the head was nestled in her slit she started riding him with tiny squeaking sounds on every downward thrust.
He came inside her and she examined the sticky goo flowing out of her opening with a beatific smile before shoving it back inside. Then she lovingly licked every last drop of cum off his wilting penis.
For the next few weeks, Kimiko visited Ross at all hours of the day and night. Most of the time it was late in the evening but there were a few Saturdays or Sundays where he could hear John cheering at the game on the television next door. Ross thought it was a miracle that John didn’t hear Kimiko when she squeaked each time he bottomed out in her pussy.
She ravaged him until his balls hurt. Each time she would reach into her pussy and smile as she shoved the semen back inside then licked his dick clean afterward.
Every morning he would wake up with sore balls and his cock hurt from all the attention it was getting.
The next month, Ross sat on his front porch drinking coffee. John’s car pulled into their driveway and both he and Kimiko jumped out with huge smiles.
“Hey, neighbor!” John called out gleefully, “Guess what? We’re having a kid!”
Ross smiled uneasily and nodded. He stood and greeted John with a feeble handshake.
“Really?” he asked.
Kimiko came bounding up to the pair of them with a beaming smile. She hugged Ross awkwardly then kissed her husband on the cheek. Then she stepped back, bowed and bounded off to run into their house.
“That’s great news, John,” Ross said.
John smiled and leveled a knowing look at him.
“Thanks, Buddy,” he said quietly, “I couldn’t have done it without you.”
Then he turned and walked excitedly into his house. Ross watched him go with a shocked expression on his face.
That night, Kimiko slipped through his back door after midnight. Ross had gotten used to leaving it unlocked at night. She crawled into bed beside him and molded her tiny body against his.
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Kimiko is a famous Japanese amateur porn model. you can see her in my Gallery "Japanese playboy Nory and Kimiko, famous amature milf." Yes, you may use our sex pictures as adult website banner/background or other images, upload to website etc. We never insist any reward. But I am happy if you let me know Link to websites you have created or uploaded with our sex pictures through Message of xhamster here. I met her on an internet personal website. Webmaster of the website had two...
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IncestTwo months later.Diana tapped on her coffee shop table with a measured calm, her eyes fixed on her towering ice cream float. She used her spoon to poke at the sticking white mess as it melted, ensuring none spilled over the side. With each motion of her wrist, the dangling silver child’s bracelet she wore made an audible rattling sound. A mere hour before closing time, only a handful of customers remained seated. Diana had studied them all a thousand times since she sat down.“Eight o’clock.”...
IncestTwo months later.Diana tapped on her coffee shop table with a measured calm, her eyes fixed on her towering ice cream float. She used her spoon to poke at the sticking white mess as it melted, ensuring none spilled over the side. With each motion of her wrist, the dangling silver child’s bracelet she wore made an audible rattling sound. A mere hour before closing time, only a handful of customers remained seated. Diana had studied them all a thousand times since she sat down.“Eight o’clock.”...
IncestMaddi stifled a pleasured groan with each bite of prime rib she ate. The tender ribbons of meat melted under tongue and did much to help her ignore Diana grinning across the table. Her sister’s volatile treachery terrified her, but every time the feeling seemed overwhelming, Maddi stuffed another protein in her mouth.“Diana, Madison. I can’t believe this.” Dr. Dory Drake smiled from her seat next to Rochelle. She was a brown-haired woman in her 60s with square vintage glasses and a pressed,...
IncestMaddi dropped her phone on the bathroom floor and returned her head to the toilet and retched. Memories of the past night swirled in her head like water down the flushing bowl. Then clear, watery vomit filled the bowl again. Maddi wished her camera wasn’t so good—she could see the muscles in her scrawny throat work as she swallowed her sister’s cum. She vomited again.And she hadn’t even addressed Diana’s threat. What started as a means to protect herself from her sister, now terrified her more...
IncestMaddi breathed a sigh of relief as the blue minus symbol came into view. She tossed the pregnancy test in the bathroom wastebasket and folded her arms as she contemplated. From her seat on the toilet she took her time rolling her brown tights over her tapered legs.“This is crazy,” she whispered, rubbing her temples. “She’s so in my head right now.” Maddi couldn’t help but crack a smile as she staggered upright. Did she really think her sister had knocked her up without her knowing? “It’s...
IncestMaddi eased her bedroom door open and slipped inside. The muscles in her back crunched and popped as she tried to stretch her worn shoulders. She made a yawning sigh— the kind meant to push the stress from her tired lungs. Her hand fumbled against the smooth painted wall before she found the light switch. Then her hand was quick to cover her face to shield the flash of light. When her eyes adjusted, they focused on Savannah’s tawny bare foot, poking out from the layers of blankets. Maddi...
IncestDiana Masters kept her deep sapphire eyes locked on the red-yellow streak of fuji apple she tossed high in the air. The soaring thing kissed the bright orange leaves of the tall maple tree in the University’s atrium. It made a loud slapping noise as it came back to her cupped hand. Her other hand clutched a brown paper bag that bounced with a brisk rhythm off her shapely hip. The crimson mid-length dress she wore swooshed to the side as she stopped. Diana scanned the scene as she resumed her...
IncestMadison “Maddi” Masters curled her toes, about to pass the point of no return. The young futanari swiped the rogue strands of raven hair from her sweaty brow and thrust on. Her clammy palms clutched her lover’s boney shoulders as she pressed deeper. The girl beneath her squirmed in the thick layers of silkish blankets that topped Maddi’s queen-sized bed. The girl’s commingled throaty moans accompanied the gentle squeaking of bedsprings. These sounds were faint, as neither girl weighed more than...
IncestOur hero looked out onto the front of their yard here in the small town of Crossroad cove. A small sleepy coastal town, founded by Franciscan monks a 2 centuries and change ago the town was originally one of hundreds of little East coast towns that dotted from Maine to Florida. Small town but with a lot to offer. Crossroad Cove had started out as the name suggested as a crossroad to bigger towns North and South as well as a well worn road west. The town almost died when the interstate made it...
FetishBy HosieryQueenPart 25I quickly went into my apartment and found my handcuffs and took the elevator back up to Jaiden. I got to the apartment again and started rolling some joints while I took another beer. I thought about Lauren and how she was doing right now. If she just kept on getting fucked by Roger. started bothering me again. But then again, Jan had just fucked me. So I should maybe relax a little!? Mmm, that cock felt so good inside me. And his warm cum filled my pussy so...
Part 24We took the elevator down to the parking garage and drove off in my pretty pink Rolls Royce.“Where are we going, Caroline?”We drove to the city where I knew there was this shop with all kinds of Victorian and l****a dresses.“First, we need to get your nails done, so we need to find a salon! I know there is one in the mall. So let’s start there!”He looked at me a bit frightened. “No...I can't! I'm in pantyhose and panties! I refuse!”I parked the car outside the mall and stepped out, but...
Part 23It was a long flight back home and I was very glad to have a seat in first class. I walked through the tunnel and into the airport. I went to get my suitcase and walked through customs. Then check my passport.“Did you have a nice flight, miss?”“Yes. Pretty long though!”He looked at me and then my passport. “I bet! Well, you’re clear, miss. Have a nice day!”“Thanks. Ehmm. I’ve got my car stashed in a hangar. Can you maybe help me get to it?”“Sorry miss. But ask at the airport security...
Part 22The taste of cum and her sweet saliva was so good. Feeling her soft tongue twirl around mine was just the best feeling. I was for real kissing the women I had a crush on for a while now. It was magical. Mmmm, I open the buttons on her beige silk shirt and pop one of her big breasts out of her black bra. We stopped kissing and we were both breathing heavily from the excitement."Wow,'re a really good kisser. Please untie me, sweety!"I got up and untied her hands and feet...
Part 21My whole body felt warm inside when he talked that way about me. He knew that I had a tiny dick from the start, and I was treated like a princess. I totally blushed “Th...Thanks...Ehm!”Then the waiter came with some ice desert with some strawberries on the side.“Can I ask you something, Caroline?”“Sure!” I picked up a strawberry and put my dark red matt lips around one. Mmmm, they were juicy and full of flavour. It tasted so good; I closed my eyes as I took another bite.“God, you’re so...
Part 20We stepped out of the car and inside. Such an old yet classy place. Noah came with the suitcase. Lauren was talking to the receptionist and was handed 2 keycards. She turned around and gave me one.“Here, Caroline. The room number is on the card. Do what you like. I need to go with Jonas and Noah to their tuning factory to check up on some things. It's very important that this racing deal goes smoothly. So don't wait up for me!”I nodded “Ok miss. What about your suitcase?”“Take it into...
Part 19I woke up rested and feeling great. I went to bed late and woke up around 16:00. Luckily for me it was Saturday. I have just been in the shower, and cleaned my pussy good from Jan’s cum. As I was done with that, I turned on the TV and made myself a cup of coffee and saw my phone had received a text message.Afternoon Caroline. Put on some burgundy red nail polish. And do your makeup in the same colour theme. And put on some white opaque pantyhose.I went to the bathroom and took my...
Part 18As I walked out of her office, I found my way to the elevator and went down again. I left the building and thought about her gorgeous nylon feet that I’d just massaged. I smelled my fingers and crossed the road to my parked light pink ‘Royce’ outside the cafe. I was so freaking horny thinking about her pretty nylon toes. I saw a girl with her friend taking pictures of my car. I unlocked the car and was about to get in, but then I thought ‘I’ve got black tinted windows all over’, only the...
Part 17Well a text was showing on my TV again...That was fun to watch. Seeing Jan cum in his pants was kind of a surprise to me. He ran out like a little boy. I know how much he loves those pantyhose of yours. He was in your apartment while you were taking your driving licence.“What...? What do you mean?”Look at this.A video clip was showing onscreen. Watching Jan enter my apartment. There were multiple camera angles following him across the living room and straight into my bedroom. I saw him...
Part 16He turned around and saw me sitting there on the bench with my champagne. He got a beer from the fridge and sat back down on the chair. He opened the beer and it foamed over. He drank from it and looked happy. “So I’m gonna tell you, was fun playing along, but did you really think you were the dominant type? Inside, I was laughing of that foolish attempt. How pathetic! I feel so tipsy about now, and you teasing me all night, made me so fucking horny. I think I’m gonna take...
Part 15Oh god, this could not be happening!“Mmmm...aren't you a cute little girl?” She got a tight grip in my light pink hair, and pulled my head back. “I see why my useless thing of man wants to fuck you! Harrold, you need to pleasure this girl. Or can you not even do that right?” She looked at Luis, just laying there in the middle of it all, with his big black cock out, but she didn't care. “Does it feel good while my husband is fucking your tight little pussy?”Harrold got turned on, and...
“Quickly, Gil, we’re about to land,” the sexy, young brunette sitting next to me on the plane purred in to my ear as she picked up the pace of stroking my cock. ~ We had met in the Toronto International Airport, while waiting to board our plane. I was seated at a table, replying to emails on my phone, when a young, sexy brunette tripped and fell on me. She gave out a short yelp and wrapped her arms around my shoulders to keep from falling on the floor. She immediately laughed once she...
BDSMPart 14“Candy it is!”We had been driving for around 2 hours, mostly on the highway.“I'm getting hungry. Let's take a break!”“Yeah, I could really use a coffee too!” I said.“Good! Let’s hold at the next gas station!”After 10 minutes of driving, we turned off to the gas station and found a place to park. He quickly jumped out and got my heels for me, and opened the door for me again.“I got you, Candy! You just sit there with your feet turned to me!”I turned around on the seat. The car was pretty...
"Are you sure you're okay with this, Mickey," said Rona. She was watching my eyes very carefully. "I mean if . . ." "I think so," I said. "But, I'm still concerned about it affecting our marriage." "Baby, that is the one thing that you do not have to worry about at all. If anything it will add sugar and spice to it, not the other way 'round," she said. **** For the record, I'm Mickey Iverson. I work for Stanley Construction. I'm a site foreman. The work is hard some days, but the pay is...
CuckoldLast week I crossdressed for a while. Wore tight dark green jeggings, and two different shirts. I was barely able to squeeze these huge fucking J cup tits into a basically skin tight size XS stretchy nylon beige tshirt, and the other was an olive green turtleneck of the same tight fit. Wore both inside and outside. Took a short walk before sunrise. Felt so good. I really need to take photos of these shirts….they’re tighter fitting than any of the shirts I’m wearing in my current photos. I have...
Mera nam sahil hai, M/28/delhi, , Love to enjoy my life with every bit of second. Mai Delhi mei rahta hoo aur aajtak New Friends Colony, Sarita Vihar mei lagbhag 15 houswewife ko chod chukka hoo aur we meri chudai se bahoot satisfy hoti hai kyunki mai chudai sirf chudai ke liye nahi karta balki pura satisfaction dena meri aadat hai.Sath hi 100% Secracy meri mai maintain karta hoo.Yadi aap call/phone talk/chat karna chahe to mujhe e-mail Karen, mai jawab dunga. Dosto aaj mai aapko ek aisi kahani...
So, after I blew the guy downstairs and told him to come and knock on my door and pay me to blow him again anytime, I went up and took a long hot shower and put on a nighty and went to sleep. I slept surprisingly well considering I had just spent a long night out selling my ass. I thought about how much it scared me and aroused me as I drifted off to sleep. The next day I called Jesse and talked about what happened. We talked about how turned on I was by the whole thing she told me I was nuts....
Hello all my lovely iss readers. I am Rocky from Mumbai. Once again came with a new real story. Thanks for your replies. Mostly thanks to those who are my close friends and fuck buddies. Please boys and gays don’t msg me I will ignore your mail. You can chat with me girls, aunty and bhabhi. Hello all iss readers. Ye story hai ek aisi incident hai jo maine kabhi socha bhi nahi tha ki aisa hoga. Maine bahot stories yaha pe post kiya hai. To mujhe bahot feedbacks ate hai. Aunty bhabhi aur girls ko...
A Crossdresser' s Surprise - by: by Deborah Pinto I guess I should have seen it coming. My wife, Virginia, and I were drifting apart sexually, and I should have suspected that she was having an affair. Afterall, we had not made love in over a year except for one night she had come home a little drunk from her office Christmas party and had virtually raped me in the middle of the night. I remember her laughing and saying, "Tim, what's wrong with you tonight? You feel so tiny inside...
I know it's a little dated, but read it anyway. Crossdresser's Placement Agency By Ricky With apologies to those of you who weren't around to listen to radio in the sixties, I'll start this with a famous quote. In the immortal words of the Chicken Man: "They're everywhere, they're everywhere." Crossdressers, that is. In the last week everywhere I look I see a crossdresser, right out there in public. First there was the color coordinated Dennis Rodman with green hair and...
Crossdresser's Paradise By RogerGirl Charles had just returned from his summer trip with Stan and Desiree. It was a rare time of year since both his parents were home at their main mansion. Charles was feeling nervous, but felt he had to finally tell his parents about Charlene, his feminine side, and that he was bisexual. He walked into the kitchen where his parents were eating lunch. His father, Simon, came from a long line of wealthy businessmen and had expanded his family's...
My roommate and I were both bi and part-time cross-dressers. We were also familiar with consensual B & D and had already worked out several code words, then went a step further and wrote scenes for each other, so that when we're in the mood, we could call up the scene rather than try to explain it or coach someone through it. Sometimes we did a scene to please each other sometimes we asked for a scene because we were in a specific mood. So it was that I got an e-mail at work, which...
CrossdressingAndi Carson was very upset, her crush Dean, thought she was a boy, and he was on a date with a girl she really hated, Ferin. Additionally, her father wouldn't let her race any more, and instead had a French asshole do the racing. The only thing that kept Andi from going crazy lately, was the fact that since her twin brother Andrew had broken his leg, he needed help getting around a lot, and even doing simple things like getting into the shower. While he always wore a towel, Andrea still got...
She was now the captain of the 39 foot sailboat named “Crossbones” on Lake Erie. For years she and her husband had raced the boat in the many regattas that were held there. He’d had the boat when they married and their honeymoon was a 10 day voyage to Lake Huron. They’d sailed naked and screwed out in the middle of the lake as well as every other chance they got. But cancer got him and she was now left with the memories and the boat. To play along with the boat name, her husband had gotten...
"Are you sure you're okay with this, Mickey," said Rona. She was watching my eyes very carefully. "I mean if..." "I think so," I said. "But, I'm still concerned about it affecting our marriage." "Baby, that is the one thing that you do not have to worry about at all. If anything it will add sugar and spice to it, not the other way 'round," she said. For the record, I'm Mickey Iverson. I work for Stanley Construction. I'm a site foreman. The work is hard some days, but the...