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Pop Star to whore in one stop

We had been driving for maybe five hours, droning south west at what ever the posted limit was, cruising down the freeway through the swamps where I grew up and on past my hometown as I drove Claudia down towards Orlando for her next sell out gig.

Claudia, this seasons teen singing sensation, at least her records were sensational, a tribute to the tech guys and auto tune, Aileen she was christened, I knew that I saw her ID enough times when I took her from gig to hotel and she was so high she was incoherent and her minders were too dumb to help.

Three months I had put up with the bitch, three months of fat pay checks and biting my tongue and just driving that stretch limo she insisted on using because she was scared of flying, three months of humiliation when I should really have punched her out, maybe have busted her jaw, and now it was nearly over, back to University for me next week after the summer break, some break, I was really looking forward to studying again and believe me I am not joking.

The big four lane girder bridge over the west river loomed up and I seriously considered stopping right there on the shoulder and walking home, well not home that was twenty five miles away but maybe to my pal Gerry's place about a mile from the freeway.

At least this time she wasn't arguing with anyone, usually she argued with her father who was also her manager, at least he managed to keep her stoned most of the time while pocketing most of the profits, and when she wasn't arguing with him it was her mother, or maybe father and mother argued with each other but today it was just me and her.

She sprawled across the back seat her long golden hair spread over the seat back, her dark skin glistening where the sun caught that fake tan she sprayed out of a can whenever she could, hell she hadn't had a bath in weeks in case it washed off she was so vain.

Just "Gee what a dump," she said as we passed by, "Plainsville what a shit name," she said disproving the notion I had that she was illiterate.

"It's my home town!" I reminded her.

"Figures," she said, "I guess that's why you never made nothing of your life," she said, "That and being a homo."

"That's right," I agreed.

"Good," she said and she pulled her robe open and slipped her brassiere off and sprayed another layer of fake tan up under her tits, not that she did anything for me, no I'm straight but she couldn't resist flashing her tits at me, or anyone else for that matter.

I checked the mirror, the goon car with her minders was behind as always, droning along, another Chrysler like this one, stretched beyond all reason, with a diesel engine like this one and something like six hundred miles between fuel stops usually Toni and Pete rode with us when her dad wasn't with her but today she kicked them out for some reason, and now it was just her and me.

Hank was driving the other Chrysler, and every now and again he eased up alongside to indicate he needed to stop for a comfort break, I didn't want a row, she hated stopping unless she needed to, and now he was right alongside, and that's when she figured they were perving at her, I mean the glass is tint so you can see out but not in but she went ballistic, right as we arrived at the down town exit ramp.

I just flipped I had enough and I saw the ramp was nearly past and I just swung that steering wheel around and hauled that sucker around to the right like it was a NASCAR racer not a stretch Limo and I kept on hauling past the advisory 35 signs at twice that till the tires howled like she did when she hit the high notes, and the back end tried to come around.

I floored the throttle and it squared up a piece but we arrived at the down town intersection a damned sight too fast to stop and I thank the lord the lights was green.

I don't think Hank could have clocked what happened but there was no way he could follow and there were twenty five miles to go before he could get turned around so it was just me and her and she was sprawled against the left side door as I looked in the mirror..

"I fucking quit!" I told her, "That is my home town OK."

"No need you're fired," she snapped, "What do you mean you quit what's got into you?"

"You," I said, "I can't take no more of your bitching." I said and as soon as I was clear of the Intersection I pulled over to the side of the highway.

"You can't stop here!" she panicked as I pulled over by a whole line of stores that was boarded up ready for re development.

"Fine, I'll drop you at my house," I said, "Save me a twenty mile hike."

She shut up then, I guess she thought she could talk me around and started talking in her cell phone, she got real pissed when it died, ten miles out of town.

"Gator swamps," I said real friendly like as we left the town far behind.

"Look, OK," she said, "You're scaring me."

"You don't say!" I agreed, "Don't worry you can use the phone at my place!"

"Look, you want money is that it?" she asked, "You just kidnapped me right?"

"No!" I protested, "I just quit."

"You'll get twenty years," she said, "In Jail."

"I ain't kidnapped you, you're free to go, just as soon as I get to my house." I said.

"You'll kill me after right?" she said her mind working overtime.

"I'll kill you right now if you don't pipe down," I said and that stupid bitch believed me and she shut right up.

Plainsville where I grew up ain't much of a place, it used to be called Plaguesville as it was where the Confederacy camped down for a while marching north from Florida and got blackwater fever, there wasn't nothing but a railroad yard and a cemetery really till the tourists came and Dad built the biggest wooden shack right against the river, where the current was strong and the Gators couldn't just float stationary.

I drove the three miles down the dirt track to our house and when I got there there weren't no one there, Dan Tucker was a good few years older than I was and he lived a quarter mile further down the track so after I collected my bags from the trunk and set them down in the shack beside the house I went to see if he knew where my folks were.

"Hey Steve!" he greeted me, "What you got here." he says.

"Chrysler stretch, diesel," I says.

"No the girl, this a mobile whore house?" he asks quite seriously.

"No she's Claudia, at least she's a look alike." I said, "You got any beers?"

"Sure, come on in," he says "Bring the lady."

"She ain't no lady," I said as I climbed out the car and turned to her and said, "Bye, you can go now," because I never realised she couldn't drive.

Claudia just shrugged her shoulders and hunkered down in the seat and sulked.

"What gives?" Dan asked.

"I had enough of her bitching," I said, "Where's the beers."

"What you want beer for when we got moonshine?" he asked, with a chuckle as he led me to his porch and fished out a couple of bottles from under the boardwalk around the house.

A half dozen slugs of that velvety nectar cans and things seemed a whole lot clearer.

"She's a whore right?" Dan says.

"Sure, a bitch and a whore." I agreed.

"In the old days they branded whores," he said seriously, "If they got uppity they chained em up as Gator bait and when they weren't bait anyone could screw em."

"Right,," I agreed, “That was then.”.

"See I got the stuff right here some place," he said and he went to get his stuff except he fell right over, potent stuff that moonshine.

Claudia just sat there in the back seat, waiting, I guess she hit the mini bar to drown her sorrows but what did I care.

Silas Grabbinger came by a while later, he stopped by the house, "Nice car," he said, "You been robbing banks Dan?"

"Steve's," he said, "Mobile whore house,"

"Right!" Silas laughed, he must have been the wrong side of eighty now, "May be I'll have a piece of the action!"

Claudia got out the car, "Hey watch out for Gators now," I cautioned and she leapt back in so fast she was nothing but a blur.

The sun was going down behind the trees when I figured it was time to see if my folks was home, except before I set off there was these headlights spearing through the gloom as the light turned from gold to red and three pickups and a Ford Galaxy turned into Dan's drive.

"You got yourself a whore son?" Gerry Hamberg asked as he climbed drunkenly from his Ford.

"Sure have," Dan agreed, "Why?"

"Fuckaroolee time," Gerry said, "Dumbass!"

"Hey," I said.

"What's wrong?" Gerry said, "Ain't she legal?"

"No," I said and I tried to figure out what to say, "She ain't registered."

"Hey Jarvis get down here," Gerry shouted and trooper Dave Davis staggered drunkenly from his truck and came across, "His whore ain't registered," he said.

"No problem, just get her branded and we'll do the paperwork tomorrow," Dave agreed as he broke wind and then threw up into the creek.

"Branded?" I asked as the fog rolled into my brain.

"Sure whore number and blood type," Dan said, "How many whores we got Dave?" Dave threw up some more, but Sam Jarvis piped up.

"None I reckon," he said, "Maybe we should brand her a hundred?" he suggested "Make folk thing we got a few more?"

"Branding, gee that's barbaric," I said.

"Don't do the steers no harm," Dan suggested, "I guess we didn't ought to what with the size of the brands."

"Tattoo," Sam suddenly announced, "Hey Mike, can you tattoo tits?"

"I guess," Mike said as he staggered over, "You want your tits tattooed?"

"No, you fool, " I replied and Gerry chipped in,

"Steve's whore, only we ain't got no branding irons small enough."

I sunk another glass of moonshine, maybe a pint, it was real smoootthhh, nectar.

"Where's the whore?" Mike asked.

"In the car," Dan replied and the guys wandered over to see her, she got out the car smiling, she thought they knew her as a hot shot singer while they just saw a piece of ass.

I heard Claudia shouting, "Manson, what are you doing?" as she stormed over, "Get over here , have you guys been drinking?"

"Choo eee." Dan exclaimed, "She sure has one grade A whore ass."

"What!" Claudia gasped, "Don't you rednecks know who I am?"

"Sure you're Steve's new out of town whore!" Dan replied,

"I'm Claudia!" she said.

"Claudia who?" Dan asked.

"Fucking Claudia Dumbass!" she said and she had just about the exact opposite effect to what she intended, because with all that fake tan in the glow of Dans porch lighting she looked like her skin was jet black.

"Don't reckon I can get all that writ under her tits," Mike said.

"Just do Claudia and the one hundred eh Steve," Dan suggested.

I was wondering why the moon had gone a mean shade of light green around this time you know that's what happens when you drink moonshine like its Bud when you should treat it like Bourbon.

"What the fuck, are you talking about, dumbass?" Claudia asked, "I'm only here 'cause my cell phone won't work."

"I reckon the front porch is just fine," Dan said, "You wanna get started."

"Started?" Claudia said, "On what?"

"Whoring you bitch, that's why you're here ain't it?" Dave asked, "Shit you ain't registered, are you?"

And that's when Sam reached out and tore her $150 top right off of her and and as she screamed he said, "I can't see no brand."

"Under the brassiere cups," Dave suggested grabbed her waist and held her as Sam popped her titties right out of her bra.

She even had fake tan under her tits, and Sam said, "Nope nothing," and she let out such a scream loud and pure, pure opera, the first damned true note I ever heard her sing.

She tried to run, "Hey there's gators out there you stupid bitch," Gerry shouted and he cut her bra strap with his fishing knife as he fetched her back to the porch dragging her cut off Levis and panties off as he dragged her back.

"You want first poke Steve?" Gerry said.

"Later maybe," I said as I stood up and fell down in a single drunken motion.

"Best get her branded," Dave says.

"Yeah, Mike you got your bag?" Gerry asked.

"Sure, Claudia and one hundred," he said.

"No!" Claudia protested, "Oh for fucks sake no!"

"Just do it in pen for now," Dave said, "My Cocks juicing up real bad."

Mike weren't no artist so it was a damned good job he never tattooed her tit in the darkness, but she fidgeted so it took all of us to get her held down while we Mike drew on her with a marker pen.

"How much for anal bitch?" Gerry asked when Mike was done writing.

"Well town ordnance of 1893 says whores can't charge above three dollars out side and ten inside." Sam said.

"What, you moron?" Claudia said, "Where you learn this crap."

"It's never been updated," Sam explained, "Sorry."

"So what does it say abut rape, fifty years?" she snapped.

"Ten dollars for raping a registered whore," Sam says.

"I ain't no registered whore!" she snapped, "Now get serious before I call the cops!"

"At your service ma'am," Dave says, "I guess I get first poke?"

"No!" she said but we was all sort of still hung onto her, so it never mattered much as Dan got the blanket out the dog basket and laid it on the porch so she had somewhere to lay.

I yanked her left leg, I don't know who had her right and then Dave had his pants down and his tool was coming in for a landing in her snatch like the space shuttle Columbia coming back to earth.

He just speared between her pale pink cunt lips, which was just about the only danged give away that she weren't born black, and then his tool sort of jack knifed and jerked out and flopped down by her ass.

"Hot damn," he said and he drew his revolver, "You juice up of I'll blow the hole bigger with my 44," he said.

"Dumbass it’s an old thirty eight," Gerry said but the cold tip of the revolver barrel against her soft body sure made her juice up real quick.

"Don't shoot!" she said, "You guys got condoms?"

"We ain't got diseases," Mike explained as he grabbed a handfull of her snatch meat while Gerry gave her tits and nipples a work out, she gasped and Mike started to worm three fingers deep inside her rapidly moistening snatch.

Mike held up three glistening fingers, “I guess she’s ready,” he laughed "Poke her Dave."

Dave never needed no second bidding and I watched fascinated as his tool disappeared inside of her cunt like a albino rat going to ground.

"Fuck you bitch you just going to lie there?" Dave asked.

"Just get him off me OK?" she said, "You bastard." she insisted and then he started riding her real sweet just like a randy steer.

I watched kind of disinterested as the guys took turns to fuck her, she never seemed too upset about it except when Gerry spun her over and started to fuck at her ass, the guys cheered as he started trying to ram his meat up her anus and they held her down as it took Gerry more than a few pokes before he got his cock deep enough in her to start humping properly.

With her ass busted it was obvious she could suck cock at the same time she had her ass fucked so as word got around and more guys started arriving thats what they had her do.

Phil Mason and his cousin Dan came over, “Hey she looks like that Claudia bitch off of the TV," Dan said as he fucked her mouth.

She weren’t happy but she understood pretty quick that while she could maybe bite some guys cock that guy could maybe rip all her teeth out and fuck her mouth without any teeth in the way.

I guess she liked having teeth, either that or she liked sucking cock, me, I just sipped moonshine till everything seemed real good and all the lights sort of went fuzzy and green.

Just before everything went fuzzy they started to double team her and treble team her she was so popular. There was Eli Rawston fucking her ass, Jed Thorn fucking her cunt and Jerry Lamsden with his cock in her mouth looking real pleased with himself.

I guess I passed out around then, right there on the ground in the gator swamp.

My luck held, least aways no Gator had me for breakfast and when I woke the sun was up, the birds was singing and the band of the Marine Corps was playing and somehow their bass drum had gotten itself inside my head and someone was hitting it and when I looked there she was lying naked on the boardwalk by the porch in a pool of cum.

There was bits of fake tan missing now, she never looked a million dollars anymore, she looked dog rough and used, and she smiled drunkenly at me, "You want to fuck me lover boy?"

"No ma'am," I said, "It's in my contract, don’t fuck with the boss."

"You're fired," she reminded me, "You want to fuck?"

"Sure," I said, "Maybe with someone else, maybe when the hangover's gone."

"You come and fuck me baby and then you can go to the Pen for fifteen years for rape." she said happily.

"OK, your call," I replied, "But I can't get it up, sorry."

"No problem," she replied, "Because you're going to the Pen anyway."

"Sure," I agreed, "I guess you're right, all your friends around here, my word against theirs!"

"Bastard!" she snapped back, realising what I said was just the gods honest truth, "You really are a total bastard."

"That's what I like about you Claudia, you're so sweet, so considerate," I told her, "Say you might even get a lift out of here for Anal or a blow job of you play your cards right."

"You owe me," she snapped, "You had no right to bring me off the highway."

"OK," I agreed, "I'll take you back, soon as I sober up,"

"Oh," she says, "When?"

"When I sober up, when Dad gets back," I promised.

"Can't we go now?" she asked.

"Sure," I said, "Back to my place, I'll borrow Dan's gun in case there's any Gators," I said knowing she would never risk that.

"OK," she said calling my bluff, so I borrowed an old .38 and she found some of her clothes so she wasn’t naked no more and we set off for a short walk to my place. We sort of walked arm in arm 'cause truth to tell neither of us was sober enough to make it there alone and wen we arrived there was no one home.

"Can I borrow your phone?" she asked.

"Sure," I agreed so she dialled 911, and then she put the phone down.

"I want to report a rape," she says, "How the fuck should I know where I am," she added in answer to a question, and "Claudia, Claudia, don't you watch TV she asked and that's when the put the phone down on her, "Shit," she said, "They wouldn't believe me."

"Too bad," I said, "You want to bathe?" I asked.

"Yes," she said, "I guess."

I fired up the boiler and got her some waffles and syrup and coffee while I sobered up and then after maybe a half hour she took a bath.

She looked mighty ridiculous afterwards, the fake tan was going all streaky like it did wen she started sweating, leaving some places tanned and not others, "Shit!" she protested loudly so I headed for the bathroom to see what riled her, "Shit will you just look at that!"

She just stood there stark naked with a patch of white skin around her pubes and all these blotches where the tan was gone, and there written under her tits was ‘cladier horeioo.’

"Gee!" I looked at her, I guessed she hadn’t noticed it, but her nose was all pink, and her cheeks and her ass was too and she looked all vulnerable and I was getting horny.

"I thought I didn't do nothing for you," she said as she spotted my hard on, "What do you say then Samson," she said getting my name wrong, "You want to fuck now?"

"I want to get that crap off you," I said, "When we finished fucking."

"Sure," she said, "You spunk in me you go to jail!"

"You have such a wonderful way with words," I assured her as I took her in my arms, "You fucked every one of my friends, why you're just a whore," I assured her, "Guess I'll use a rubber."

I never got the chance, a Big Ford truck rumbled to a halt and a couple of rednecks piled out, “Hey you got that whore in there?" a big guy asked.

“No just my girl," I replied

“Tell her we’ll pay fifty dollars," he said.

“Each," the other guy added.

Im looked at her, “Sure," I said , “Come on up, she got ten minutes."

She glowered at me "You sure are one sick bastard," she said, “I won’t do it!”

“You act like someone who has a choice,” I said, “You want to be supper for a hungry Gator or do you want a nice warm cock or two up inside you?”

“No!” she said, “You can’t!”

"I guess I can," I said, "I guess you better use my bed,” I said and I handed her a pack of Walmart Condoms from my drawer.

“Hell Walt said she was beautiful,” The Redneck said as he came in.

“So what, she fucks, that’s a hundred greenbacks gentlemen,” I advised.

They paid me, she looked on, and then she just laid back and let them do what ever the hell they wanted to.

“You be sure to come again,” she shouted after them as they went away.

“I guess that turned you on?” Claudia asked when they drove off.

"No," I lied bcause watching her fuck had already made me cum in my pants.

“Liar I saw you cum in your pants," she said, “You roll your eyes."

“Ok maybe," I admitted and I dropped my pants and shorts and wiped my tool.

"It's time," she said.

"What?" I asked stupidly.

"Time to fuck," she said, "You know you want to," she said and knelt down in front of me and she grabbed my tool and pulled me to her and began to suck.

She was good, real good.

“See,” she said, “It ain’t my voice which gets me on TV or my looks, I fuck every damn producer and exec I can,” she admitted, “I can’t sing I’m not beautiful but I fuck real nice.”

“Right,” I agreed.

“So I’m a whore.” she admitted between sucks.

“Right,” I agreed.

“So what does that make you?” she asked, and she stopped sucking and looked me in the eye.

“Pretty bad,” I said, “But you treat me like shit!”

“One day you’ll be some big shot exec taking advantage of someone like me,” she said.

“I guess I never thought.” I said.

“So fuck me big boy, take your chances with me.” she suggested.

Truth to tell I never needed no second bidding so I just laid her down and she guided my tool as I shoved it inside her, and it slipped in real easy ‘cause she was all wet and slippery. I guess that warm slippery wetness was because she wanted me.

I felt real good suddenly, she was warm and compliant and she wrapped her legs around me as she milked that cum right out of my tool. Hell she was good, her cunt muscle control was first class, you know thousand dollar a throw high class whore good, and when I cummed I thought I died and went straight to heaven.

To be continued?


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8211 I

Author: manoj രണ്ടു വര്ഷം ജോലി ചെയ്തു കഴിഞ്ഞപ്പോളാണ്ഡി ഒരു കാര്യം മനസ്സിലായത്‌, MBA ഇല്ലെങ്കില്‍ പ്രൊമോഷന്‍ താധയവ. അങ്ങനെ ഒരു പേര് കേട്ട കോളേജില്‍ ചേര്‍ന്ന്. നല്ല കാണാന്‍ ചരക്കുകളാണ് കൂടെ ഉണ്ടായിരുന്നത്. ഡിഗ്രിക്ക് കൂടെ പഠിച്ച ചരകുകള്‍ ഒരുമാതിരി മെഗാസീരിയല്‍ നായികമാരെപ്പോലെ പതിവ്രത കോഴ്സിനു പോകുന്നവര്‍ ആയിരുന്നു. ഒന്ന് കമ്പി പറഞ്ഞാല്‍ പോലും കമ്പ്ലയിന്റ് ആയിരുന്നു, അവരോടുള്ള കമ്പനി ഞാന്‍ ആദ്യവര്‍ഷം തന്നെ കളഞ്ഞു. ഇവിടെയും അങ്ങനെയുള്ള കുരെയെന്നമായിരിക്കും ഉണ്ടാവുക എന്നാണ് ആദ്യ നിരീക്ഷണ ഫലത്തില്‍...

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The TeacherChapter 20 Ways and means

"This was taken ten years ago..." said Venera. "The lady on the left is my mother; she is now a spry old biddy of seventy and she is as feisty now as she was fifty years ago. My parents were naturists and my brother and I were brought up to be as well." "While we were at university, my brother fell in with a bunch of Christian Fundamentalists who brainwashed him into accepting their narrow-minded beliefs. While I disagree wholeheartedly with his life-view, the very fact that he has a...

4 years ago
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Naked Tantra Yoga Class Part 2

The same three couples from the first class came back for the second.  Tonight's class was about tantra massage techniques.  The actual instruction was very brief and simple.  Karen demonstrated a slow, kneading technique on her partner.  Then she did a fingertip feather stroke technique.  And finally, she demonstrated a gentle fingertip rub technique.  Karen told us that every stroke should be slow and gentle.  The idea was to give pleasure and build up sexual energy without making anyone...

Group Sex
4 years ago
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Sharing the wife

For a long time I have always wanted to see my wife, Anne, fuck other men, or more to the point, be fucked by other men, used like a slut etc. It had to be whilst I watched or took part as I didn’t get off on her doing it whilst I wasn’t there.Unfortunately she didn’t want to do it. The main reason was that she didn’t really buy into the idea of having more than one man at a time, but she wasn’t comfortable with her body anyway. I believed she said she wasn’t comfortable with the way she looked...

2 years ago
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work isintersting

i was at work today and a pretty middle aged women came in. she was around 30 or so and was wearing a fairly short flowing skirt, which revealed her sexy curvy creamy thighs. i had a quick glance over and she gave me a smile. i carried on working, thinking nothing of it.when i next looked up...well i wasn't expecting what i saw!The lady was bending over, her skirt way up over her big curvy arse. revealing her lacey, black french knickers. i couldn't beleive it!! i just stood there, staring at...

3 years ago
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The New Unisex Beauty Salon

The advertisements were out, the flyer and discount vouchers all posted and the initial interest seemed a bit over the top, but a week later the crowds had died down and along with it a lot of the interest too. It was then I decided that because I needed my hair cutting, I would try it out and whilst there I would get a pedicure and facial too. So I phoned the number and was given my choice of appointment times. I chose the last appointment of the day figuring that I would do me good to be in...

2 years ago
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Saving our friends marriage

Hi guys and galsJust wanted to take a few minutes to share an experience from a few months back. We hope you'll enjoy.....We were traveling to New Jersey to see some old friends that we hadn't seen in over a decade.Their names are Rex and Rayna.Rex is a fireman, and Rayna is a chef, both still looked great. Rex and I were having a beer, and discussing plans for our stay. When he mentioned that he wanted to take us to the drive-in for a movie I thought he was joking, a drive-in in this day and...

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BangBros18 Clara Trinity Leana Lovings I Suck It You Fuck It

Leana Lovings and Clara Trinity were getting ready for their yoga instructor. As the where getting ready they realized how beautiful they are and decided to lick and scissor some pussy first. They orgasmed just as Danny Steele was knocking. Yoga was sort of exhausting so Leana secretly flashed Danny and signaled him to meet her at the toilet. There she sucked his dick until Clara knocked, also flashed Danny and lured him to the bedroom. Here the two were fucking in doggy until Leana burst in....

4 years ago
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Finding Elvis Ch 06

Chapter Six: Coming out To say he was surprised would be like saying that linebackers were a bit bigger than me. He didn’t let go of Gretchen, but he did look like a fish out of water. ‘Jesus, Gretchen! You’re going to give him a heart attack!’ I said with a shake of my head. ‘Look Hans, I realize this is a shock, but it just sort of happened. Are Ted and Lisa still here? This will be easier if we just go through it once.’ Gretchen laughed gaily in her father’s ear. My father-in-law, I...

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Nurses stories

Introduction: Im a registered nurse… Ill share a story that happened to me about 15 years ago. Im a registered nurse and at the time was working the male orthopaedic ward. One day, I had a new patient, his name was Chris. Chris had been badly hurt in a motor bike accident and suffered a broken hip, leg fractures and arm fractures. He was young and athletic, 19 years old and very shy. I had to wash him in the morning. He kept apologising that he couldnt manage to wash himself, but because of...

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HussiePass Numi Zarah Our 1st Bangladeshi Girl

Juicy South Asian coed Numi Zarah ❤ makes her Hussie?Pass debut today, and we paired her up with 2 of our favorite studs: Brian Omally and Danny Steele, for this fun-filled BBG update. After our skillful director, Johnny ?? Robins, helps us get to know a little about the exotic Bangladeshi girl, Numi shows off her curvy body before using her fingers to get her juices flowing. Enter Brian & Danny with some lube ? for Numi’s luscious all-natural tits ?? and lovely backside ? which she,...

2 years ago
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Loosening Up Book 1 Journey StartChapter 31 Another Video Changes in Group

Alice said, “I asked them not to tell you because I wanted to delay you knowing for as long as possible.” Mike also came into the room from the hallway just then, wrapped in a towel like the other men. “We’re about ready lady and gentlemen. Places please. All others, be very quiet and invisible.” Alice leaned to her sister and whispered, “We’re making an adult video – a porn film. I’m the star.” Julie gasped. All the little tidbits of information she’d been accumulating fell into place in...

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I think ever since I can remember, I was the hopeless romantic. I would open doors, pull chairs, bring flowers, and offer my assistance if someone needed help. It seems like this art form is dying day by day right in front of our eyes. I can assure you, there is nothing romantic about what transpired in my first encounter that cold January night! I remember it like was yesterday, not in a good or bad way, just as one of the funniest sex stories I will write about of sexual encounters of my...

3 years ago
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Nightmare HolidayChapter 21

When the door swung open, Manuel had to stifle a scream of rage. The man who followed Renee in was not Chico, who looked so much like a gringo they did not even glance at him twice at the border, it was that Americano. The one Jose and Antonio were to have taken care of last night. Manuel kept his eye glued to the peephole, no longer concerned about Fran, who was with Pepito, a reliable man. Inside he was fuming. Where was that cabron Chico? Renee followed Alex into the room and closed...

3 years ago
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Washed UpChapter 33

Sam: Preparing for the trip to St Joseph Okay. Tomorrow we leave for St Joseph. I thought it had been frantic the other day when the men left with the cattle. It wasn't half as bad as it was today. There were still nine family members at the ranch and I think they must have asked nine questions each before noon. To top it off, Becky picked this morning to be cranky. She spent a lot of time crying and I kept trying to get her to stop. Finally, Delia put Becky in her carrier on her chest....

4 years ago
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Cheerleader Mom

Cheerleader MomBy JanMary approached me after school and confronted me. "Donetta, your fucking my mother, aren't you?"That took me aback, I wasn't sure how I should answer her question. I was having sex with her mother, but her mother was the one that had seduced me. It wasn't as if I jumped her mother's bones and fucked her.I had just been a member of our high school cheerleading squad for a year. Mary was a senior and the captain of the squad. The squad consisted of six girls picked on the...

4 years ago
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The Black Bull The Hotwife and Cuckold

My wife just couldn’t hold on to the secret any more you see, and I half think she just wanted to see what my reaction was to the thought of Jill sneaking around and of course what I thought about the whole interracial thing. Apparently Jill and Dave had nearly stopped having sex and Dave just seemed to have lost interest in Sarah. Dave’s loss in my opinion as Jill is fucking knockout. Jill had met Sarah back in college. I was dating Sarah at the time but I had always fantasized about...

3 years ago
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Swimming Pool Mei Uncle Ke Saath Chudai

Hi friends, yeh story hei mere aur mere parosi uncle aur unke bete ke sath sex ki. Ye meri chauthi kahani hei. Pehle teen kahani padhne ke liye pls author name pe click kare aur padhe. Doston mere pics insta gram par dekhlo is id par “me.kritika.singh.88” par , lekin comment or msg mat karna ji, agar comment karoge kuch story se related toh apne aap ko block paoge aur iske baad aur stories bhi nhi sunaungi. Aap ko agar mei pasand aaun toh aap mujhey follow bhi karna. Ye kahani ka pehla bhaag...

4 years ago
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Daniella Bound

For Daniella all was darkness. The sleep mask he had slipped over her eyes encased her in velvet black. Every other sense was heightened. She heard the soft whirr of the fan and the rustle of his clothing, as perhaps he crossed his legs or shifted in his seat. She smelled the honeysuckle through the open window and the sharp tang of cologne whenever he drew close. She felt the prickling of cooling sweat on her exposed skin every time the fanned air brushed her. And she felt the tautness of the...

2 years ago
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My First Sex With Cousin

Hi to all this is my first story maine bahut safi adult stories padhi hai. To maine socha k m b apni story post karu. Well mera nam avi hai name changed aur mere lund 7″ lamba aur 3″ mota hai. Mere age 24 hai ye story mere aur meri cousin Babli name changed k bare m hai. Uski age 21 ki hai. Rang gora aur nain naksh bhi achche hai. Mai Gurgaon me rahta hu ar meri cousin Delhi me and well about the story start karta hu. Ye bat karib 2 sal pahle ki hai. Meri cousin mere ghar aai hui thi. M apni...

3 years ago
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Finger Fucked On 1st Date

Hi, I am a regular reader of iss from last two years, after reading stories from so long, I thought today why not I also participate in uploading my real sex story here, before I start posting my story, let me introduce myself first, my name is Sanjay (real name), I am 43 years now, residing in Ahmadabad, I am married and a Casanova, flirty by nature. Now, over to the story, It is a real story which took place in the year 1997, at that time I was doing business from Kolkata to Bangladesh, I...

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Holly and Whats Left of the CityChapter 2

Holly walked out of Ashley’s house and hung a left down the street. She loved the feeling of cool air on her bare skin. Sirens still sounded in the distance while she walked to the bus station. On her way there, she noticed the street was mostly empty. Every now and then she noticed some random person running in the direction she just came from while screaming in fear. “What’s wrong with people here? It seemed like such a nice neighborhood when I just got here...” She said as she reached the...

2 years ago
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Sex Du JourChapter 13

"I love you and that's the beginning and end of everything"--F. Scott Fitzgerald. Cause baby you know that I I'm your biggest fan I'll follow you until you love me Papa-paparazzi Baby there's no other superstar You know that I'll be Your papa-paparazzi Promise I'll be kind But I won't stop until that boy is mine Baby you'll be famous Chase you down until you love me Papa-paparazzi Who would care and give a damn if I drown myself right this very moment and give up my...

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Secret Slut Wife

He finds out what his wife is doing behind his back. The capacity for self delusion and denial in the human mind is surprising. It took what most would say was pretty damning evidence before I even became suspicious that my wife was up to something. Even then, I couldn’t bring myself to really think that something illicit was going on. Surely there was a reasonable explanation for everything. Then, when I had my suspicions confirmed, I heard ringing in my ears, my extremities went numb, and...

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PART 2, ok so I'm still extremely high and I'm on the corner of samo blvd and st andrews and we are now attracting multiple cars driving past and staring and i have no idea what I'm doing i was just so nervous being dressed like a CHEAP WHITE SISSY AND my top ts momma has basically made me understand that we are gonna stay here with about 6-7 other tgirls that are older and all are mexican and black,, they were yelling at me and saying that because I'm young and white I'm basically gonna...

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Ed BiggersChapter 8

Kelly returned to the Druid College once her responsibilities to the Fusion Foundation were over. Leroy left to move his lab closer to home. Ed was surprised to learn that Leroy had learned to fly and had purchased a private plane. The three-hour drive to his new lab was now just a little over an hour away by plane. Ling, working with Cathy and Mary, was still coming to grips with taking over the financial responsibilities for the house. They were still short-staffed, but it would be a while...

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Shopping with Daddy2

“Man, what I would give if that curtain wasn’t closed all the way.” Kevin whispers to Mark. Mark stands frozen in the moment as he looks at the row of curtained dressing rooms in a changing area sectioned of the store. Mark takes a moment to retrace the events that have lead him to his moment. ****** Mark’s 14 year old daughter, Katie, was texting on her phone at the front of the car in the mall parking lot. This was when Mark first noticed what Katie was wearing; short shorts, the bottom...

2 years ago
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HomeworkChapter 7

June finally arrived, and John graduated from High School. Paula, Sharon and John were about to embark on a summer they would remember for the rest of their lives. Sharon took a shower and went to her mother’s bed; John had left about an hour ago. Sharon could tell her mother wanted her to help in getting off. Paula had a way of cuddling up to Sharon, putting a leg over her and rubbing like she did the first night. Sharon wasn’t sure if her mother knew it was a dead giveaway. Sharon would...

3 years ago
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انا عصام لما خلصت دراستي الجامعية رحت الخليج و اشتغلت مهندس بشركة خاصة قعدت بالخليج حوالي 11سنة خلال الفتره دي كتبت كتابي على وحده وبعد كم شهر فركشنا و بعدها بفتره تجوزت وحده تانيه و استمرت الجوازه حوالي سنه و نص و طلقنا بسبب الخلفه, سنة 2014 الشركة اللي بشتغل فيها افلست و سرحت حوالي 70 موظف و من ضمنهم انا و صرفولي اتعابي و تعويض مناسب , دورت على شغل ملقيتش فاخدت قرار اني ارجع بلدي و كنت خلال فتره غربتي اشتريت...

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Nymph of the WoodChapter 6

The next morning, I awoke to discover that I was a little less sore than the previous morning. If a guy could do this every day, I imagine he would be in mighty good shape. I looked over and saw that my friend was waking up also. I mentioned to Troy my experience of seeing the eyes of fish in the water, but didn't mention the large golden eye. I didn't want to endure his ribbing for the remainder of our hike. When I climbed out of the tent, I was surprised to see moose tracks within eight...

4 years ago
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White DelightsChapter 5 Making A Date

The next day the Emir's personal telephone rang. It was Paulette who sounded very nervous, "I thought I ought to explain. I wouldn't mind going out with you but I have nothing to wear, and I would be nervous among all those people in the Opera. So I really must say no." "That need not be a problem. Is there a particular opera you would like to see?" "Well, Tosca is on, but tickets are very difficult to get." "Let me worry about that. When is your next evening off?" asked the...

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My wife in a black bachelor party

Two weeks went by after our week end trip to Las Vegas. Then I got a phone call from Leon; the black guy that had fucked my fife in a wild way while we stood there.He wanted to know if I could come down to the city where he lived during the next week. He invited me to his friend’s bachelor party. He had an idea and wanted to know what I thought about it. After dinner that evening I went with Ana to our bed. As she was inserting her favorite black dildo in her hot cunt, I told her I had received...

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Summer Fun

It was summertime and mom had decided that we would go in for a holiday away from the city. I can't remember the last time we were away, so I was glad.She had gotten us a villa for two weeks, the only snag was, we had to share it with two other families. I didn't know them and didn't really want to, I just wanted the chance to laze about by the pool. Naked if possible.Mom packed our bags and more or less shoved me into the car, hurrying us out before I changed my mind.The car ride was pleasant,...

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Masturbating with Amy Chapter One

Amy and I had known each other for several years and had never been particularly close, but were always friendly. We became friends when we both ran cross country as freshmen in high school. We were in some of the same classes and had similar interests, but mostly our personalities just clicked. Amy and I were both quiet, not especially popular, and were average looking. One day after practice I asked her if she’d like to go running on the weekend, just the two of us, and she said yes. We...

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Strangelings Artifacts The Ring

Also, I've got a plea for my female readers: Please, Please PLEASE, let me know if I overstepped or got it wrong. I'm a guy, through and through. I have no right to claim that any of the ideas or the sensations in this story are true or or even close to the mark. I'm just assuming, and everyone knows where that will get me. So do me a favor. If you're reading this and you have a problem, or maybe if you just want to help me out, then leave a message or PM me. I'd love to get your take on...

5 years ago
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My name is Karen and I am guilty. Completely and without a doubt, I am guilty of seducing my father-in-law, Tom.This September, we had a family reunion, of sorts, in northern Vermont. Tom's father (my husband's grandfather) had rented out an entire wing of a small Inn nestled on the slope of a plush green mountain. Most of the family arrived on Friday night. My husband, Rich, tried to keep me up to date on who was there and who wasn't, but even he got lost in some of the names. All in all,...

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The Lady and Her Lover Ch 01

What started as a simple search on a personals site just to see what was out there quickly became an obsession with sex. However, it did start quite innocently. On the first day visiting the website, I spent time trying to think of funny witticisms, and being truthful without being too personal. I was hesitant to begin, and kept thinking of all the crazy stalkers out there, and what if they could find me, even though the site filtered everything. Still, I was never expecting someone to send me...

2 years ago
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Oh God I Could Use A Good Fuck

Fbailey story number 331 Oh God I Could Use A Good Fuck As I entered the room with another tray of drinks I heard Gina B say, “Oh God, I could use a good fuck.” Now Gina B was one hell of a good looking woman and I would have given anything in the world to be able to fuck her just once. She was one of those women that you just dream about, knowing in your heart that she would never give you a tumble in real life. Gina B was the hot one, while Gina J was just the typical stay...

3 years ago
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College Domination

Professor Douglas Hermann was really going to do it this time. His colleagues kept bragging about all their freshman conquests and he was sick of it. If they could get laid by college girls, so could he. Sure, he wasn't much to look at. Forty and balding, of average height, he wouldn't stand out in a crowd, but his buddies didn't look much different and it worked out for them. He'd spent the summer planning it out and now was the time to put his plan into action. It was the first day of...

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Pushing Boundaries

You come home after yet another long day at the office, and as you walk in, you find me waiting for you in the moonlit lit living room. I am sitting in a very comfortable lounge chair, sipping a glass of wine, and looking out of the huge window into starry sky. You felt the energy of sensuality the moment you walked into the room, thus making you wonder. I stand up, and approach you, gently hold your arms and pull you into a soft brush of a kiss. You can see in my eyes that spark, which you...

2 years ago
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Horny Balling MotherChapter 8

"Did you enjoy the day, darling?" Joan asked Ted. He was rubbing at his eyes, his young face sleepy. He nodded at his mother, smiling widely. "Fawn is really something, isn't she?" Joan said, feeling the need to talk. "I've never known anyone as ready to fuck as she is, man or woman." She paused, then giggled. "Except you and me, that is." Ted sat at the end of the couch, his feet up on the cushions, facing his mother. Joan turned toward him, drawing her knees up and...

4 years ago
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Uncle Toms Desire

Uncle Tom barely has a chance to get out of his car before his niece Lilly wraps her arms around his neck and hugs him tightly."I have missed you, Uncle Tom!" He had been gone for a year on business and during that year his niece had on into a fine young woman...very fine. He puts his arms around her has he feels her large DDD breasts press into his chest, he tries hard to keep from getting hard, sure she'd feel it with her body against him as it is.She lets go of him and takes a step back...

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CarleyChapter 8

Rob knelt on the sofa behind Carley. He had an impressively long and thick erection which he rubbed against Carley’s outer lips. As he started to work his cock into her, Carley gasped and pulled away. “Easy with that thing! Take it easy!” Rob flipped onto his back and pulled Carley down over his face. He licked and tongued her until she was wet enough, then resumed his position behind her. Carefully, he managed to get his cock almost all the way in. Rob often bragged that he was too long...

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