The Story Of Mark & Lisa: Getting Re-aquaintted. free porn video

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September of ’99..

As a single person with a major in marketing & a minor in American literature, I’ve couldn’t’ve asked or have been blessed with anything more. Even though I was born with a physical disability, I'm still to hold down a decent job. And with a job as a manager at a gift shop in a big hospital in SE. Michigan, you might say I have a lot going for me. I just finished what would turn to be one of the best novels anyone has ever written. The book would go on & sell by the millions. That’s what five years worth of college & two trades and what it will do to an ambitious, single guy like myself. Not to mention, working my ass off in between. Up until 1999, I really didn’t date a whole lot nor do a whole lot in much of leisure activities or vacation time. All in all, things were going great, until one evening in the middle of April of that same year.

I decided to work a little later than usual so I could do inventory and have a brief staff meeting with the regional supervisor. As it turned out, I would be transferring to a new store- which happened to be only a few minutes from where I live. But I wouldn’t be starting till later in the fall of that same year. After the short meeting, I clocked out, went to the parking garage and headed home. Unfortunately, I never made it. I was only a few minutes from home, when an unidentified vehicle crossed the double yellow line & hit me head-on. All I heard after was another loud crunch of metal before I blacked out. The only thing was, the black-out seemed to last for a really long time. Somehow in the back of my mind, I knew something wasn’t right.

Sure enough, all I could hear were people talking to me in the background and feeling every nudge, jab & poke as well. When I finally woke up, that was when my suspicions were realized & confirmed. I had needles & tubes coming out of me, including a tracheostomy tube. This would explain why I wasn’t able to speak at the time. Only thing anyone could do is read lips. Another example of how I noticed things were a bit out of place was when I looked at the date. It was then the first week in May, which meant that I was in a coma for nearly three weeks.

Finally, my mom, dad & my brother & sister came to visit me after I woke up. There were a flood of questions I wanted to ask them, like the aftermath from the wreck.

“Hi baby.” My mom said. Since both of my parents were excellent lip readers, they were able to easily understand at what I was trying to say & ask.

“Wh-where.., am.., I?”

“Mark,” my dad said, “your at the University hospital.”

“You’ve been in a medically–induced coma for almost three weeks now.” My mom said as she began to sob a little.

“What about the person who hit me?” I asked as my dad was reading my lips.

“I think it’s best that we don’t discuss that right now.” My dad suggested. “You obviously have far more important things to worry about.” And my dad was right, just by them seeing me come out of a coma was good enough for them. After they talked to me and saw how I was doing, my dad, my sister Jenny & my older brother Mike all left to go home. My mom decided to stay overnight with me. As it turned out, each of them stayed the night with me just to make sure I would pull through.

I would spend the next month in the hospital, doing tense therapy sessions. About a week after I came out of a coma, I finally got my voice back after the nurses put in a smaller, metal trache tube. The primary injuries that I’d sustained in the accident had since then healed quite nicely. Things were slowly beginning to improve little by little, but I still had a long way to go. The only good thing about this whole ordeal was I was getting workers compensation & unlimited medical benefits. Finally a week after the Memorial day weekend, I was allowed to go home to continue my outpatient therapy.

After I got home and as I was mobility was improving, that was when I learned the horrible truth behind my accident. As it turned out, the driver who collided head-on with me should’ve never even been behind the wheel in the first place. Not only was he not old enough to drive, but he also had epilepsy- which would’ve prohibited him from being issued a driver’s license. To make matters worse, his passenger wasn’t even an adult. Amazingly, they only sustained only minor injuries. Nevertheless their parents were liable anyway.

The whole summer was mostly shot, in the fore of recuperating & rehabilitating myself so I could get back on track. But I didn’t give myself much leeway, simply because I was sort of impatient. I was determined to hurry up with the physical & occupational therapy sessions so I could go back to work and get my life back. Not to mention, a slew of follow-up appointments I had to do. Then finally right before the Labor Day weekend, I got a much needed clean bill of health & took a many vacation with my family. Since my boss knew what was going on with me, I was able to keep my position & my seniority status. Despite me being out for over four and a half months, business was still going strong. That was because my fellow co-workers all filled in and covered for me, just like I used to fill in for them anytime they took a medical leave from work.

When I finally went back a week after Labor Day, I was overjoyed as I was greeted with a huge welcome back committee. It was that week when I found out that not only was I being transferred, but was getting promoted as well. But it wouldn’t be until after the New Year however, since the store I’d be working at wasn’t quite finished yet. As it turned out, there was a minor setback as far as the building inspection went. But anyway, what did I care? Profits from my novel were starting to pour in. So I was feeling pretty good. I also found out the same week that I went back that I would only work four days a week instead of the usual five to six day work weeks like I’ve done in the past. But then early one Thursday afternoon, things would really, really turn for the better in an unexpected way.

As I was eating during a late lunch break in the food court at the hospital, I happened to run into an old neighbor of mine.

“No way, Lisa Harrington?” I said to her as I tried to get her attention. She then turned around and was able to recognize me right off the bat. She then answered, “Oh my god, Mark McAllister?”

“How are you doing?” I asked her. She then replied, “I’m doing great. But how’ve things been since your accident?”

“Getting better.” I answered right back. “I just went back to work earlier this week.” But then I asked her, “How did you know about my accident anyway?”

Lisa replied, “I heard about it through your aunt at my parish. Did you get my cards I sent you?”

“Now that you’ve mentioned it, yes.” I replied. Then it dawned on me, she did come to visit me while I was in the coma. So after the questions that we both asked each other, we decided to chat a little. I remember Lisa when she used to live next door with her late husband Rick(who died suddenly a few years prior) & her three kids- which whom all have since grown up and have moved on. Lisa is a full-time registered pediatric nurse who at the time was working at the Children’s Hospital, which was adjacent to the main hospital.

So after we chatted, Lisa asked me a question, “Hey Mark, when do you get off work here?”

“About 8 pm. Why?” I asked Lisa after that brief reply. Then she asked me to do her a favor.

“The reason I asked is because I need a ride home. My car is still in the shop getting worked on.”

I then replied, “Sure, I’ll take you home. But how did you get to work today?” Then she answered, “A friend of mine I work with brought us both here. But she had to leave early due to a family emergency.”

“Good enough.” I said to her. Then I suggested that she’d meet me back here at the food court as soon as she got off.

“Okay,” she said, “see you later Mark.”

“You too dear.” I said to Lisa just before she got up to leave to go back to work. As soon as I finished my soda, I got a refill and I too went back to work. Now I have to admit, Lisa hasn’t lost her figure(even after squeezing out three kids). For someone who at the time was in her mid-40s’, she was still a classy, drop-dead, smokin-hot broad. Lisa was a tall, slender kind of gal with long, wavy honey blond hair that want down between her shoulders & her nice, round ass. Did I mention that she had a natural 36DD tits? They’re like half grapefruits. It’s no wonder she gets a lot of attention no matter where she went. I remember me & my family used to babysit her kids when they were little, while both Lisa & Rick were still at work. I could imagine what her kids’ friends used to say about their mother as far as being a knock-out, especially as they got older.

So the rest of the work day was a breeze, I was able to work hard without even so much as a tiny, little distraction. Something told me that my evening would lead to something better as far as the drive home with Lisa went, even though I had no idea what it would have in store for both of us. When quittin’ time came around just after eight, I hurried up to meet up with Lisa back in the food court where we both ate earlier. Sure enough, Lisa came struttin’ down the corridor until she was able to spot me.

“Ready to go Mark?” she asked. I replied, “Let’s go dear.” So we both walked down the main hallway as we reached the exit & the catwalk which led us right into the parking structure where I parked my SUV.

“You park here too?” she asked. I replied, “Most of the time, depending on whether or not there are any spaces open.”

“I know what that’s like.” she said. “I can’t wait till they open the new parking expansion, that’ll be for staff only.”

“Good,” I said, “this whole facility in general has turned into a giant monstrosity. But starting next year, I’m transferring to a different location closer to where I live.”

“Cool.” She said as I opened the front passenger door for her.

“Thank you sweetheart.” She said. “You’re such a gentleman.”

“You’re very welcome dear.” I said to her as I got into my SUV. So as soon as we made our way out of the structure, we were both on our way.

Now normally, it would take me about a half hour to drive home in a straight shot. But Lisa told me where to go to take her home. I found out that she lives only a handful of minutes from where I was living at the time. Therefore, it wasn’t a big deal. Even better, her house was actually along the way.


“Yes, Lisa?”

“I was wondering if you’ll come in and have dinner with me when we get to my place.” She offered. So I accepted. Then I asked, “Were you wanting to pick up something?”

“Sure, we could do that.” she replied. Since it was still early in the evening, most of the bar & grille establishments were still open. Since Lisa happen to have her cell phone on her, I had her call and order carry-out. It happened to be a local place that her & I both liked. So when she asked what I wanted, I let her know. Since we were still about a good fifteen minutes away, the timing would be perfect. I asked for honey barbecue boneless spare ribs, along with butter garlic noodles.

“Sounds mouth-watering to me.” she said. Then she continued, “Maybe I’ll have what you’re having.”

Lisa & I both like our barbecue ribs. When I was growing up, her & Rick would invite me & my family over for a backyard barbeque- along with some of the other neighbors. I would sometimes do it in my neighborhood for a few of my close buddies as well. After we both picked up our carry-outs, we went to Lisa’s house. I gotta say, she has a real nice one too. It’s a nice 3-bedroom ranch with a basement, in a newer subdivision which was developed not too long before. But it wasn’t till after we pulled up in her driveway that she asked me a rather, interesting request.

“Mark honey?”

“Yes dear?” I replied. Then she asked, “I know this is a last-second request, but I was wondering could you stay with me tonight?” Somehow, I kind of figured that’s where this whole thing was going. After all, her youngest daughter Emily has graduated from high school and has since moved on to college. So now, there wasn’t anyone living with Lisa. She was home all by her lonesomeness. And besides, I wasn’t in any hurry to get home anyway; since I didn’t have to work the next day. So I accepted her invite to stay over with her.

“Yes, I’ll do it.” I replied to her. But it quickly dawned in me, I didn’t have any change of clothes. What was I to where the next morning? It was at that moment when she said, “Not to worry Mark, I could wash your cloths tonight.”

“But what deodorant, shampoo & soap?” I asked her. Then she replied, “Not to worry, my son Jerry usually has his shampoo, deodorant, etc. in the other bathroom. So you’ll be fine.”

Resting assured, I said, “I guess it’s cool then.” So after I put my SUV in park, I turned it off, got out and open the front passenger door to let Lisa out with our supper. After I followed her up the walkway to the front door, she pulled her keys out to open the front door. But before we went in, I hit the remote button on my car to lock up for the night.

After she invited me in and asked me to sit down on the love seat in the living room, she went to put the food on the dining room table. She then went to check up on her answering machine, probably to see if there was a message from the dealership. After she came back out, she said, “That was the dealership where I took my car in at.”

“So what did they say or ask?” I asked her. Then she said, “It’s all ready to be picked up. So in the morning, would you be willing to take to pick my car up tnen?”

Without hesitations, I answered, “Sure, I can do that for you. I don’t have anything planned for tomorrow morning.”

“Thank you sweetheart.” she said. So after that, I offered to help her get the dinner set onto regular plates. Then she offer me something to drink, like wine or a cold beer. So I accepted. So we both put our dinner plates back on the coffer table that was sitting in the living room. After we got everything ready, we started eating as we were channel surfing to see what was on.

The night was still young as we slowly took our time eating. I couldn’t help but notice that she had unbuttoned her top part way doen- exposing a little cleavage. I was beginning to get a hard-in. As I took another sip of my wine, I turned over and noticed that she’d unbuttoned a couple more buttons of her top. Is she putting a tease on me to get me aroused with excitement? Maybe she’d noticed a bulging through the fabric of my dress pants.

“Do you like what you see so far, Mark baby?” Lisa asked as if she was trying to flirt with me. But I was just going along, even though I’d began to a little horny. Another thing that we both noticed, there was a wet spot in my pants.

“Oh my god!” exclaimed Lisa. “Is that precum on your covk?” Then I said, “Maybe.” But it was clear that I couldn’t fool Lisa. So as she moved closer to me, I couldn’t believe what she did next. She unbuckles my belt and undid my pants, as my cock is now hard at the same time. I stood up so I could lower my pants & my boxers- exposing my huge, thick shaft.

“Damn Mark!” Lisa said, “that’s a big cock you have.”

“You like what you see?” I asked her with a devilish grin. But she didn’t even have to answer. She let her hands do the stroking as she got down on her knees after she moved the coffee table. Even though my cock is eight inches, it’s still wide- meaning any gal would really have to deep-throat if they wanted to. Soto after Lisa got on her knees, she unbuttoned her top completely, then took it off- exposing her bra with her 36DD tubes still tucked away. Then, she undid her bra, now her tits were just swaying about. I must say, her nipples are nice & round on her tits.

“Damn sweetheart!” I said to her as she began to tongue my balls a little- trying to tease me a little while she stroked my cock. But not long after, she opened wide do she can take my enrire cock down her throat. She went slow at first, since it’s been a while since she gave head. Either she forgot how big a cock was, or her late hubby Rick’s wasn’t as big as mine. And I sure as hell wasn’t gonna ask either. The way I looked at it, this was the best blowjob I’ve had in a long time. Only I was having my cock sucked by a real woman. After a couple minutes of slow bobbing, she was getting used to it. So she picked up the pace a little.

“Ohh.., yeah…, suck that cock.” I said with a nice, gentle moan. But she wasn’t paying attention, she was having too much fun. But I wasn’t gonna last long, so I tried to hold off as long as possible. But after a few minutes, my cock began to stiffen even more as my bass began to churn, boil & tingle. I was about to reach my climax.

“Fuck! I’m.., gonna.., cum!!” I said with a grunting moan. I couldn’t hold it anymore, so I let go and shot load after thick load of my hot, sticky & salty protein through my shaft and into Lisa’s mouth. I knew she was trying to swallow my load because I could hear her take one gulp after another, until my balls were totally emptied. After that, I fell back to earth as my cock softened before she rose up & took it out of her mouth. She licked the remaining drops that were on my cock, then she took a other swig of wine.

“Man, you know how to please a man, don’t you?” I said to her. Then as she wiped the sticky, cum off of her tits which some of my seed had ran down her chest, she replied, “I guess I made someone happy tonight so far.”

“You sure did.” I said to her. But I also had a feeling we were far from being finished. As we finished up with dinner, we found a movie that we could watch later. So after we ate, we straightened up the living room coffee table. Since all we had left were table scraps, Lisa emptied our dinner plates plates and put the remaining scrapes down the garbage disposal. After that, she put our plates, silverware and wine glasses in the dishwasher so she could get them cleaned.

By now, it was going on 10 pm., but I was nowhere near tired yet.

“Mark honey?” Lisa called out.

“Yes sweetheart?” I answered.

“Why don’t we go into my bedroom, okay?” Lisa asked. So I said, “Okay dear.” So after we were finished in the k8tchen, we went into her master bedroom. No sooner after we entered, she asked me to undress again. So I dif. I took off all of my clothes and put them in her laundry basket. Then, she went into her private bathroom so she could change into her robe. But what about me? I was butt-naked standing in her bedroom het to her bed. So I sat down on the edge of her bed until she came back out. She was in there maybe ten minutes, until she came back out wearing just a robe.

“Why don’t you get in my bed under the covers Mark.” she said. “I’ll be back in a couple minutes. I’m gonna put your clothes in the eash, okay?”

“No problem.” I said. So I folded out her blanket and sheets & I got in. She was out of the room no more than five minutes, then she came back in.

“We’re both gonna sleep naked. Obviously you don’t have a problem with that, do you?”

“Nope.” I said without hesitation. How could I not accept? After all, she gave me one of the best blowjobs I’ve gotten in a long time. Right at that moment, I knew this would be very special for both of us. But man, oh man. When she untied her bathrobe and stripped right in front of me, she a nice, thick but trimmed bush all around her twat. I was in awe.

“I really dig you nicely trimmed capety patch.” I said as I continued to stare at her. She soon began to giggle as she was blushing red.

“Oh, do you?” she asked me as she kept giggling. So after she shed her robe, she too got in bed with me. She then turned on the TV so we could begin to watch the movie we both found. It was a romantic comedy that I’ve saw before, but was worth watching over again. As we started to watch the movie, I could tell that Lisa was getting a little frisky again. Only instead of stroking my cock, she took my hand and she put it over her hairy pussy. I can tell she getting in the mood again because her pussy was getting wet.

“Would you like for me to eat your pussy?” I asked her. She then replied simply just by saying in a sexy rone of voice, “Go ahead baby.”

So I folded the sheets and blanket back so I get in all fours. After I did that, I got my head in between her legs so I could eat away at her cunt- which was by now saturated. I teased her a little at first by flinging her clit, thus making her aroused. After I did that for a minute or so, I went to work by tonguing her pussy lips as she got all aroused.

“Ohhh.., ohh.., ohh.., god!!” Lisa moaned with a long sigh. At this point, I don’t know who was enjoying this better? Me or Lisa. As I continued to eat her carpety pussy, I started to finger her too by sticking two of my fingers in & out of her tight cunt. Each time I did that, she kept moaning with pleasure & excitement.

“Ohhh.., don’t stop.., don’t stop!!” Lisa said as she still continued to moan. This was going g on for a good ten minutes, until she said she was gonna cum. Than., it happened.

“OHHH.., YES…, YES…., YES!!!!” Lisa yelled out as her pussy juices shot in my mouth. I’d forgotten how sweet a woman’s love juices tasted, that’s how long it’s been since the last time I ate cunt. But her pussy was cleaned, since she washed up. Therefore, it didn’t smell like fish. But it didn’t matter. As far as I was concerned, I was enjoying every minute of this. First I indulged in my dinner, now I was indulging on her pussy like she did on my cock earlier. After I finished eating her out, I rose up from between her legs until my face met hers. And then, Lisa & I kissed each other. I think she wanted a taste if her own pussy juices.

“You know for somebody who hasn’t eaten pussy in a long time, you sure know how to eat the hell out of woman. Don’t you?” Lisa said. “That’s how wonderful you were tonight so far.”

“You may be right.” I said. “Although it’s been a while since I’ve eaten a woman’s twat, it doesn’t mean that I’ve forgotten how. It seems that I’d made a hell of an impression on you so far. Huh?”

“You sure have.” she said. So we kissed a little more, then we both laid back and continued to watch the film. Although we both made a huge impression on each other thus far, it was clear that our romantic evening wasn’t done. I knew I still have plenty in the tank, in the form of my balls filling up again- ready to make that next big deposit. But we both needed to take breathers, especially after Lisa come back to earth after her big orgasm. But even after about a half an hour after she had hers, she was getting frisky once again. In fact, so was I as I began to finger her twat. Then she made another request.

“Mark, I want you to stick your big cock in my wet pussy. Please??” Lisa begged. How could I even say no?

“Do you want to be on top or do you want me on top of you?” I asked her. Then she replied, “I want you to ride me hard on top.” So I guess that answered my question. So as my cock got hard again, I got up on my knees in order to get between her legs. Then I positioned my cock at the entrance of her pussy. But before I entered deep inside of her, I teased her a bit by rubbing the head of my shaft up & down her slit just to get her aroused once again.

After I teased her, I proceeded with caution by warning her, “Okay sweetheart, here goes nothing.”

“Please go slow first.” Lisa said. “I haven’t made love in a few years.” So with that, I said to her, “ I’ll be nice and gentle.” After that I placed my cock slowly deep inside of her pussy- a couple of inches at a time. As I slowly pumped my cock in a little deeper at a time, Lisa let’s out a few gentle sighs & moans. She was enjoying it as much as possible. Even though I wasn’t completely in, I managed to hit her cervix- that is after I stretched her pussy lips & her inner vaginal walls. By now, her twat was loosening up a little.

After I loosened her twat up a little, I began to pump faster.

“Ohhh.., my…, god!!!” Lisa said in between moans. “Go faster.., harder!!”

So now I began to bust up a sweat, pounding her now loosened pussy. All the while, grabbing hold of her nice round tits. I began to squeeze them with excitement. And I I kept rockin’ & rollin’ on her, the headboard on the bed was banging the walls. That was how wild the sex was getting, and there was no slowing down. As far as both Lisa & I were concerned, we were both in 7th heaven.

As I kept pounding her, she requested me to do something for her in between moans. “Mark.., honey…, i…, want…, to…, cum…, inside…., of…,, me!!”

“Are you sure you want me too?” I asked in between thrusts. Then she begged, “Yes.., please!!!!” But then, we switched positions. She had me lay down on my back, while she rode my cock. But I had her ride in a reverse cowgirl position. This way as she was riding me, I could cup her tits after I grabbed in to them. And so it was on. As she quickly plopped down on my cock, I squeezed her tits as she continued to buck. But as she was riding hard, her tits were bouncing up & down- making it hard for me to grab hold of them. So I was like ‘Piss on it.’ But as she continued to buck and ride my cock hard, my balls were beginning to churn & boil once again.

“I…I’m..,, gonna., cum..,, again!” I said to her with a loud, grunting moan.

“Same here.” Lisa said. I could tell as the inner walls of her pussy soon clamped on my shaft, which was already stiffen inside of her. Then, it happened.

“FUUCCKKK…, YES…, YES!!!!” Lisa said in one giant moan. I could feel her pussy juices showering my cock. But as she was having her orgasm, I had mine too.

“OHHH…, FUCK…, YEAH.., YEAH!” I said with a loud, grunting moan. As she still was riding my cock; rope after thick rope of cum deposited from my balls, through my shaft until it was deep inside of Lisa’s womb. I must’ve shot maybe six or seven. In any case, it was a big load. Finally after we both reached our simultaneous climaxes, we both fell back to earth. And then, she fell right on top of me as she gave me another kiss.

And before we both cuddled up & drifted off to sleep, she asked me, “So how was I? Was I grest?”

“In the lyrics of Eric Clapton, you were wonderful tonight. Only better.” I told her.

“I was better then you thought then, huh?” she asked. Then I said, “Yes.., you were THAT good. To be honest, you’re the first real woman I’ve ever fucked in my life.”

Then she said, “ I want you to fuck me more often then. You think you can handle it?” Without hesitation, I said, “Yes, I’ll do it. I’ll fuck you as many times until you’re really loose!” Somehow, she agreed to that. With all that being said, we kissed one more time, turned off the TV & we slowly drifted off to sleep- wondering how our Friday was gonna play out.



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10 Billion Dollar Blowjob Ch 3 a FrankelLisa story

Introduction: Teaching the girls how to suck at the Blowjob School 10 Billion Dollar Blowjob Ch 3 Original story by Lisa. Frankel retired due to illness, and Lisa wrote a few stories herself. She based her character on the girl in this story, her real name was not Lisa. I have more on Lisa in the first paragraph of The Necromancer and Lisa. Lisa was full of ideas. If it hadnt been for her I probably would have just sat around for a year getting unlimited blowjobs from 18 year old...

2 years ago
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10 Billion Dollar Blowjob Ch 4 a FrankelLisa story

Introduction: The girls are mind controlled into becoming blowjob maniacs! 10 Billion Dollar Blowjob Ch 4 Original story by Lisa. Personally I dont like institutionalized slavery, but this is Lisas story. There was one girl I really liked at the blowjob school Lisa had set up. Like all the others she was only there to have a shot at winning the 10 billion dollars on offer for giving me the best blowjob. She was only 18 by a few days. She had large puppy dog eyes that could be best...

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Lisa And Karen Lisas Rude Awakening

April 2015.I met Rob completely by accident. We literally bumped into each other and in doing so, he accidentally spilt my glass of wine. He apologised immediately for his clumsiness and insisted on buying me another. His conduct and manners were impeccable, so I allowed this rather fit-looking gentleman to buy me a replacement drink. We got chatting. He was a year older than me and worked for a high street bank. He didn’t come across as the stereotype Jack-the-lad; he seemed studious and...

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Lisarsquos Story

Lisa felt her stomach churn as her car entered seedy side of the city, she had grown up in. Her parents would not approve her going anywhere in that part of the city unless her father had accompanied her and even then, he would never allow his daughter to do even that. That side of town was renowned for its strip clubs, massage parlors, prostitutes and adult book stores. It was the last of these that was the reason for Lisa to venture into the “Forbidden Zone”.Lisa had grown up in a strict home...

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Street Justice a Detective Lisa Benson StoryChapter 3

The next morning Lisa entered Captain Moore's office. One benefit from her previous night's insomnia was a plausible cover story all ready to go. "How did the meeting go?" "Pretty good, he's a private investigator who believes there may be some blackmail going on. He doesn't have anything concrete, but I want to re-interview family and friends of our bank robbers. Although there has been no connections so far, we may be able to track down where they were meeting with the blackmailer....

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Street Justice a Detective Lisa Benson StoryChapter 4

"What do you think?" Lisa asked Bobby as he poured over the print outs documenting the battery of tests that had just occupied the past few hours. "Well, there's not much. No unusual blood chemistry, nothing odd on your EEG – you are exceedingly normal in all the usual ways." "So what's next, professor?" "I'd like to get you in for an MRI. We have a subtly different brain construction than normal humans, nothing noticeable unless you were looking for it. But that's going to take...

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TimAand Abbie 65 Mark And Brian Dine With Marks family

Mark has jumped over some of the highest hurdles bringing Brian into his world and entering Brian’s a bit too.  Letting people know his inclinations and choices eases Mark’s usual stress a lot.  The sessions with James are bringing out things from his past and his father.  In sessions that include Brian, they address issues they face together as they build a solid relationship.The next biggest mountain to conquer is introducing Brian to his mother, Patti, and his two older sisters Jessica and...

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Tim and Abbie 65 Mark And Brian Dine With Marks family

Mark has jumped over some of the highest hurdles bringing Brian into his world and entering Brian’s a bit too.  Letting people know his inclinations and choices eases Mark’s usual stress a lot.  The sessions with James are bringing out things from his past and his father.  In sessions that include Brian, they address issues they face together as they build a solid relationship.The next biggest mountain to conquer is introducing Brian to his mother, Patti, and his two older sisters Jessica and...

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Lisa Is Her NameChapter 2 Lisas Story Pov

My FBI handler wanted me to find out more about my Uncle Richard. I was recruited in my junior year at Stanford, and started out behind a desk. I still don't carry a gun; I don't think they are necessary. When my Aunt Pamela and my two nieces were found dead in a Louisiana hotel, I was brought in. They wanted me to have the occasional boyfriend, but nothing I couldn't easily break off. It was easy to convince my mother, I should live with her. Dad was an agent for the Company as well,...

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Lisa Is Her NameChapter 3 Susans Story Pov

I knew my daughter was hiding something from me. When my husband David told me, in a moment of passion that he was with Homeland Security, it got me looking at everything in my life, wondering what to believe and what not to believe. He told me that he was hired away from the CIA in mid-2005 after Secretary Chertoff took office. His death a year later was suspicious to me, but was quickly labeled as a heart attack. I had nothing specific to go on, so I just stopped, grieved and welcomed my...

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Doing My Neighbor Getting the Best of Lisa

I've been living where I'm at now for about seven years and my neighbors have been a young couple by the name of Mike and Lisa that entire time. When I first moved in, they had one child, a little boy name Billy, and they've subsequently had a little girl named Elizabeth. Mike and Lisa are an attractive young couple in the early 30's and Lisa used to teach school but when she got pregnant with Elizabeth, she decided she'd stay home and be with her at least until the little girl got old...

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An Adventure in the Life of Lisa CornellChapter 6 Lisas Audition Rowans Surprise

I was lying in bed diddling myself while I waited for the phone call that Jason Gumbleton promised to make as soon he pulled up in his car. Yes I was DIDDLING myself, you know, fingering my cunt, rubbing my thumb over my clit and allowing a couple of my fingers to slide inside, palm deep. Oh I'd been good and slept to get 'refreshed and reinvigorated' just like Jason had said, but I hadn't been able to sleep too long, I mean you know how it is, the thought of four cocks pulling a train on...

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Lisa Gets Dominated by Her Daughter

Lisa was a single mom who would do anything in the world for her daughter. She was a very hard working professional who lost her husband when Lynzee was only six. Although it was a struggle raising a child being a single parent, Lisa managed to make all of the necessary sacrifices to ensure her daughter had a good childhood. It wasn't until lately that the relationship with her daughter became very strained and Lisa felt bad because it seemed they were fighting almost all of the time. The two...

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The Continuing Adventures of Lisa James Forced to Please

Synopsis: Mrs Henderson arranges a memorable weekend for her submissive lodger Lisa James. An excruciatingly embarrassing dinner date is only a taster of what she will have to endure over the coming few days – visiting her young niece Holly proves horribly humiliating but is soon followed by a fitness lesson that she’ll never forget! And then, after everything she’s already been through, Lisa is forced to suffer a prolonged discipline session at the hands of one of Mrs Henderson’s ?special?...

3 years ago
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Lisa Gets More Than She Bargained For

Contact: You may contact the author through this site or via ya-hoo IM as aprincelyfrog. Please do NOT add me as a friend as I get so many IM's its impossible for me to keep up with everyone so my friends list is for family only. On to the story... Lisa Gets More Than She Bargained For I had been through a nasty divorce about 18 months earlier and was just getting back into the dating scene when I met Lisa. Lisa 42 years old, a mother of three and had a hot little body with two of...

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Lisa Learns to Love

Lisa?s stomach was filled with butterflies Lisa?s stomach was filled with butterflies. She?d passed all the interviews and had finally landed the job. All that was left was to see the personnel manager to sort out some final details. She knocked on the door and entered the office. ?Ah, Miss Jones. Welcome to Amalgamated Holdings. I?m Christine Holmes.? The personnel officer, a smartly dressed woman in her early thirties, stood up and came round from behind her desk. ?Dr Andrews was...

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Lisa Gets More Than She Bargained For

I had been through a nasty divorce about 18 months earlier and was just getting back into the dating scene when I met Lisa. Lisa 42 years old, a mother of three and had a hot little body with two of the greatest tits I have ever seen. It was a pretty normal dating relationship except one thing, Lisa never had an orgasm! I have fucked a lot of women in my day and never had one I couldn’t get off numerous times but Lisa just wasn’t going to cum. One night, I found her hot button and this is a...

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Lisas Night Out

Lisa's Night Out It all started because I opened my big mouth, actually. And by the time everything had reached an end, I found myself simply amazed at just how far some people will go in order to encounter new experiences.I'd just been hired by the new high school as a science teacher. Fresh out of college three months before, I spent the summer at my parent's beach house, not doing much and making sure my beer intake,...

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George And Lisa Discover 8216The Plan8217

George was huffing back home on his bicycle after an exciting and confusing afternoon with his girlfriend Lisa. As usual, George had spent a few hours at Lisa’s house after school. This had become a routine for them in the past several months. They would talk of the day’s events; who was doing what around the neighborhood or at school. Sometimes they would sit on the sofa, watching a movie or program on TV. Today was different. Today there was something else in the air. George could...

1 year ago
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Lisa Mum Me

"Hi mum," I said as I entered the living room."Hi Steve," my mum smiled. She was sitting on the sofa in the spacious living room, which was at the back of the single-storey house she and I lived. "How was school?" she asked."The usual, boring," I replied, dumping my schoolbag on the floor and kicking my trainers off. I didn't do too badly at school, and was an ace at sports, but like most fifteen-year-old boys I didn't exactly find it terribly thrilling. It was nice to be home.My mum, Helen,...

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I guess the first time I sucked a cock was when I was about ten. Thecock I sucked belonged to my friend, Ted who was two years older than me.Even at twelve years old Ted had a gigantic cock. Then it was a good sevenor eight inches long. Ted had just started to cum and that is the reasonthat I sucked him. We were in the woods and he was telling me that he hadjacked off and he came. We had jacked off together before and had talkedabout what most boys talk about, cumming or shooting off as we...

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Becoming a Maid for Mark and Rebecca Part Eight Daisy Shares About Being Marks Beta Boi

Becoming a Maid for Mark and Rebecca, Part Eight - Stevie Shares His Early Days as Mark's Beta Boy In part eight, Daisy shares how she began as Mark's beta boi and she and Rebecca share their memories of how things changed once Rebecca became Mark's submissive and was given control and power over Daisy when she was still only Stevie. "I know you two met at orientation, during the summer before you began classes and Mark had contacted you to ask if you would like to be roommate and...

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Dr Tom and Lisa

                                                                Dr Tom and Lisa                                                                   Episode 1                                                              by roccodadom44    "Jesus Lisa everyone needs secrets" Tom moaned at his relentless wife. "Come on big boy open the vault or Ill close my snatch" half teased Lisa. The couple were coming to grips with the fact that they both adored torturing other humans. Dr Tom had helped several...

1 year ago
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The First Child of Lisa Sarah and Greg

Previously in the Sarah and Greg Series Despite being a pre-op transgender woman, Sarah had been accepted into Greg's family as a daughter and a sister. ("Sarah Visits Greg's Parents", "The Adventures of Sarah and Greg and Lisa") Sarah's mother, Betty Johnson, had had a harder time accepting Sarah as a daughter, but she had been trying very hard since Sarah and Greg got married. ("Sarah and Greg get Married") Adding to the complexity of love, Sarah and Greg met Lisa. Our young couple...

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The Adventures of Sarah and Greg and Lisa

Previously in the Sarah and Greg Series: About a year after Greg and Sarah moved in together, they had a day of living out some sexual fantasies. ("Sarah and Greg's Day of Exploration") During the course of the day, they met Sam and Christina (Chris), who lived several floors above Sarah and Greg. This was the beginning of friendship which has resulted in the occasional dinner or social outing with them over the following almost-two years. While on their honeymoon in Hawaii, Sarah and Greg...

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Lisa Summers the babysitter

Sandra Dunlop was rushing around the house, frantically trying to get herself ready to go out before the cab arrived. It really pissed her off that Richard, her husband of 14 years, had been ready for about an hour and was relaxing in the living room, watching the television, with a large glass of malt whisky. He just seemed to step out of the shower and get dried before throwing on some clothes. His hair dried naturally and perfectly, he didn't have to spend time putting on make-up, and he...

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Lisa Tries a Strip Club

(Couple meets hot slut at strip club)We'd had a long lunch with plenty to drink before Lisa dropped me at the front door, and headed off toward the bar a mile down the road. I'd told her to give me half an hour before she came back, and to wait in the parking lot. "Drive carefully" I said to her as I closed the door and entered the dimly lit strip club.I stepped inside and waited a second, letting my eyes adjust from the brilliant Canadian sunshine to the dark interior of the strip club. It was...

1 year ago
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Lisa und Kelly

Mit unzufriedener Miene musterte Lisa ihr Spiegelbild. Heute geht alles schief. Sie hatten einen neuen Pickel neben der Nase entdeckt und ihre Lieblingsbluse war offensichtlich eingelaufen. Sie zwickte unter den Armen. Ihre Jeans schlottern ihr um die Beine und zu allem Überfluss sahen ihre Haare unmöglich aus. Sie fluchte leise und zog sich zum vierten Mal das Zopfgummi aus dem Haar. "Schrecklich..."! murmelte sie. "Mit dem Pferdeschwanz sehe ich aus wie zehn. Vielleicht sollte ich sie besser...

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Lisa Torture

Lisa = Torture        It had been only four days since Lisa had heard about the ML. Hailed in the underground as one of the richest dealers on the black market, able to get a person almost anything that they wanted?for a good price of course. Jennifer, Lisa’s best friend since 3rd grade had told her about the money and possibility’s that could happen if she joined her in the ML. Lisa couldn’t help but check it out, seeing that it was her Senior year in high school and Jennifer seemed to be...

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Lisas Reality

Oh no LISA?S REALITY Chapter one - Taken  Oh god, not again!? Lisa struggled as she felt a hand cover her mouth and was lifted off the ground by a firm arm around her waist.? She kicked her legs in the air, but soon realised she was not going anywhere.? Suddenly, she felt a sharp pain like a bite in her bottom and everything started to go fuzzy.? Try as she might, she was unable to stay alert and felt herself getting weaker until everything went dark. ****Lisa started to wake slowly,...

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Latent Passion A Lil Lisa Adventure

Latent Passions: A Lil' Lisa Adventure - By Dee Eon "Thanks, man! I love you like a brother!" "Hey, any closer and we'd have wings!" japed Erik Crandall with muted sentiments as his tenth-grade best friend. Jack Hazen rolled the Penthouse and Playboys under an arm and left Erik's bedroom nearly bumping into matronly Aunt Emma on the way out who cast a hard eye at the teenager's cargo. "Trading more filth, no, Erik??" she uttered with disdain. "You're such a disappointment,...

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MAU The Adventures of Lisa and Jeri Chapter 1

MAU: The Adventures of Lisa and Jeri Chapter 1 Jeremy opened the door of the big red barn. The warm afternoon summer sun spilled into the dim dusty interior. Dust motes danced in the light as Jeremy let his eyes adjust to the dark interior. A horse to the right nearby nickered and a cow further back in the barn mooed its welcome to him. Once his eyes adjusted to the darkness he saw where the hay was stacked near the back of the barn and a door to a room in front of that. The door...

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Lisas Interview

Lisa's InterviewThe evening was pleasant. A warm breeze cooled the deck, and dinner was served to the 6 couples aboard the yacht. Light chatter and laughter could be heard by the four men in the smaller boat anchored 100 yards off the starboard bow, unseen in the dark. After observing the yacht for an hour, the leader, Albert, noted that there were only three crew aboard, one a woman. Albert and his men thought of themselves as pirates, but they were slavers. As the dinner drew to a close with...

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The Revelation of Lisa

This is a fictional story I wrote about 3 years ago during my time with my ex (Steve the dom) I was inspired by a girl called Lisa whom he ‘owned’ before he met me. She & I were alike in many ways & as with me, Steve set her free to explore herself after he had moulded her into the slut she ended up being.We never met & I believe she now lives in the west country.Her name was Lisa, she was 22, 5’3” tall with collar length blonde hair. She was very young and girlie looking but this...

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The corruption of Lisa Part 1

Introduction: My meek and innocent looking ex-wife needs to pay the rent after our divorce. My regular poker game may become a new career. I had been married twice. I have four kids that are all off on their own either in college or career from my first wife. But no kids with my second wife. She had four kids of her own from her first marriage. My first wife was and still is a bitch. It was just a big mistake. I am grateful for my kids though. They are the best I could ever hope for. The...

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Lisa 5

Weddings are sexy affairs, the whole thing is sexual and women in particular always seem to get turned on by the occasion, I think it is because everyone knows that the couple being wed are going to be bonking their bones to death in the very near future. In June we attended a friend's wedding, my eldest daughter who had recently had her 10th birthday, was a bridesmaid. The couple that were marrying (Sadie was a work colleague of mine, both were on their second marriage, l guess in their...

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The Second Child of Lisa Sarah and Greg

PREVIOUSLY IN THE SARAH AND GREG SERIES Sarah, Greg, and Lisa have a very non-traditional marriage. Sarah is a pre-op transgender woman, and they have a marriage of three people. ("Lisa Visits Sarah and Greg" and "Lisa Moves in with Sarah and Greg") Although they all believed that Lisa was not capable of having children, she got pregnant anyway, and now the three are parents to a beautiful baby girl, Amy Jillian Booth ("The First Child of Sarah and Greg and Lisa") A FEW MONTHS INTO...

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Lisarsquos First Fuck

Lisa was sitting at the kitchen table as her parents talked. Then she heard her father say that perhaps they would go out of town again this weekend. Last weekend they had let her stay home alone. Her young body tingled with excitement. Last weekend she had given her first blow job and had acquired a vibrator. She felt her body heat with excitement and she wondered if Jimmy Simpson would want to come over. She had already made up her mind she was going to fuck him. If they could have the whole...

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9 Lisarsquos Big Farewell

Sunday morning we had a late start, I was up first and made a big pot of coffee which I took upstairs. There was some initial confusion as not everybody had slept in the same bedroom they’d removed their clothes in. so there was much toing and froing until everybody found what they were looking for. Dan & Ally were the first to leave, Lisa offered to drop them off but they are literally only two minutes from me and due to the way the estates roads go it’s usually quicker to walk in any...

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Lisa Dad Gets Blown Twice

Jack was glad to have a little time to himself after the events of the day. His wife had just gone to be bed and Lisa was doing homework in her bedroom. Jack put his feet up and closed his eyes. Never in his life had he ever been so sexually satisfied. Despite feeling guilty about fucking another woman it was what he needed. If his wife had taken care of his needs none of the would have ever happened. It was then that his phone announced a text message. He looked and saw that it was from...

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More Black Adventures With Wife Lisa Part 3

More Black Adventures With Wife, Lisa Part # 3 This is the third installment of Lisa, my beautiful wife who loves to fuck young black men. Lisa is a blond hair, blue eyed beauty who I talked into fucking two young black studs as her first adventure. This is another story of her journey into the world of black erotica.After her last adventure, where she was gang banged at a secluded cabin, I thought Lisa would be happy for awhile and she was, for awhile. But it didn’t take long for my young...

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lisa lus

The bus came to a shuddering halt. Except for an old couple occupying the seat directly behind the driver it was almost empty. The only other passenger was a young girl. She glanced nervously towards the door as a youth climbed aboard. He was probably about 18 she thought, a few years older than herself, and quite good looking. However her swift appraisal quickly turned to concern, because as the bus pulled away from the stop the boy made his way down the central aisle and with a...

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Lisa Became a Mistress

Part One: Lisa Takes Charge Lisa circled the bed slowly. Leslie's arms were firmly held to the bedframe by the shackles on her wrists. A broad leather strap held her body down on the bed. She strained to reach Lisa's soft skin and lush body, but the younger blonde-haired girl held back just out of reach. Both women were naked. Lisa held a large vibrating dildo that was covered with flavored KY jelly in one hand, and a leather strap in the other. Her tits bounced on her chest as she...

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1.01 The House of Pleasure THP: 1.02 Jessie, Lisa, Aron: 1.03 Jessie, Lisa, Aron, HDTV Condition: 1.04 Mira, Jessie, Introduction: 1.05 Mira, Jessie, First Lesbian Orgasm: 1.06 Mira, Jessie, Jacuzzi: 1.07 Lisa, Aron, Hair Removal: 1.08 Lisa, Aron, Deepthroat: 1.09 Lisa, Aron, Sibling Mating: 1.01 The House of Pleasure THP: The House of Pleasure, THP, is a high end, sexual complex in the Center of Bangkok. It opened two years ago and has become a must layover for business...

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Cindy and Lisa

Cindy and Lisa By Cindy Johnson : [email protected] (This is one of my earlier stories that I decided to share. You can tell how my style has changed and hopefully improved over the years. I admit that I do enjoy listening to this story in the audio version and have enjoyed many orgasms while listing. The Audio book is free - just leave a review and send me a request for the audio to my email and I'll share for free.) I was straightening the seams on my nylons as Lisa came home...

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How Lisa Learnt to Sleep Standing Up

Pulling Her Weight How Lisa Learnt to Sleep Standing UpByRubberwolf Story Codes:? Mff/f nc blkml bd pony At twelve years old Jenny looked very cute as she sat astride her dappled horse Bingo.? She had been riding, or at least sitting on a horse while it was led in walk and trot around the arena, since she was two. At fifteen hands two, Bingo was quite tall for a young girls mount.? She also had a mean streak a mile wide.? Jenny did not, however, know this.? She had only owned the horse...

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MAU The Adventures of Lisa and Jeri Chapter 13

MAU: The Adventures of Lisa and Jeri Chapter 13 "What?" Jeri's clear sunglasses went to night vision mode and showed a tracking dot. Lights in the factory went out. Through an open ventilation hatch a creature entered, she'd never thought to see. Jeri thought she saw an Angel. A flash of red on her wrist caught Jeri's eye only briefly. She stared open mouthed at the beautiful nude woman and white wings spread before her. The woman held her hands up palms outward in a...

1 year ago
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The Continuing Adventures of Lisa James Something for the weekend

Chapter one: A wonderful surprise          It was a wonderful surprise...the train actually arrived on time!           When Holly saw her aunt she immediately began to wave excitedly. Lisa James waved back as her pretty eighteen-year-old niece walked out of the station entrance and hurried across the car park towards her. She couldn’t help noticing the confident sway of the girl’s hips and the bounce of her full breasts. Her little niece had certainly grown up a lot since the last time she’d...

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Lisa Introduces Rose

Lisa got on the bus and took her normal seat in the third row. As she sat down, she looked over to see Rose looking at her. Lisa was struck again at just how young the other eighteen girl appeared but today she was also struck by Rose’s large deep blue eyes. Lisa quickly changed so that she was seated next to Rose.“How are you today?” Lisa asked as she looked at the other girl.“I’m ok.” Rose replied but she kept looking at Lisa as if she was thinking about something and then she asked; “Did you...

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MAU The Adventures of Lisa and Jeri Chapter 10

MAU: The Adventures of Lisa and Jeri Chapter 10 Jeri thought carefully about Alex's offer. She couldn't deny that the conversation had turned her on. Her nipples pressed firmly against the inside of her body suit. It was only the plating inside that kept her six peaks from dimpling the front of the skin tight outfit. She could also feel that her vagina was damp and excited. She surmised that the reason a wet spot wasn?t visible was because of the absorbent liner that Lisa had...

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