The Continuing Adventures of Lisa James Forced to Please
- 2 years ago
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Chapter one: A wonderful surprise
It was a wonderful surprise...the train actually arrived on time!
When Holly saw her aunt she immediately began to wave excitedly. Lisa James waved back as her pretty eighteen-year-old niece walked out of the station entrance and hurried across the car park towards her. She couldn’t help noticing the confident sway of the girl’s hips and the bounce of her full breasts. Her little niece had certainly grown up a lot since the last time she’d seen her.
It didn’t take long to drive to Lisa’s lodgings. The detached house she shared with her landlady, Mrs Henderson, was only a few miles from the station. It occupied a position midway down a very pleasant tree-lined avenue in the quietest part of the small town. She parked in the driveway then lifted Holly’s bag from the boot. Unbeknownst to most of Lisa’s friends and colleagues it wasn’t just a home that she shared with the older woman, but also a rather unusual relationship. A relationship that Lisa preferred to keep well hidden from prying eyes...although prying eyes were something she was having to get used to on a regular basis!
A vase of fresh flowers sat on the bedside table in the guest room, their delicate perfume pervading the air. The curtains had been drawn wide to allow the summer sunshine to flood in. Holly liked the room as soon as she saw it. After quickly unpacking she joined her aunt downstairs and a few moments later they were heading eagerly into town. The rest of the afternoon they spent shopping and laughing together like a pair of over-excited schoolgirls. Holly had always idolised her youthful aunt and being invited to stay with her, even for a few days, had been a wonderful surprise.
That evening Lisa introduced Holly to Mrs Henderson and the three of them visited an Italian restaurant that her landlady particularly favoured. They all agreed that both the food and wine were quite excellent. Throughout the meal Holly appeared to get on really well with the older woman and although Lisa was pleased by this, she also found it slightly worrying?
On the Saturday morning after a sumptuous cooked breakfast they left Mrs Henderson, who had plans of her own, and headed to the local swimming pool. Lunchtime saw them ensconced in a rather upmarket wine bar where, unsurprisingly, they attracted a fair amount of male attention. Refreshed and refuelled they once again spent the afternoon perusing designer clothes in a variety of fashionable stores. It was a little after a quarter to six when, chattering and giggling, they stumbled through Mrs Henderson’s front door. The selection of bags they carried were clear evidence of Lisa’s ?spoiling? of her young niece. Wonderful aroma’s drifted from behind the kitchen door.
?I told you Mrs H was a good cook,? said Lisa, her mouth already watering.
?I bet she’s gone to lots of trouble for us.? Once showered and dressed they went down to dinner and, as Lisa had predicted, the food was absolutely delicious.
Having eaten their fill and finished off two bottles of wine Holly insisted on clearing the dishes and together with Lisa did the washing up. Once that was done and they were slumped contentedly in the lounge Mrs Henderson made a pot of coffee. It was then that Lisa received the first of a series of unpleasant heart-stopping surprises?
?I do hope your aunt has been keeping you entertained?? said the smiling landlady as she carefully put her coffee cup down.
?Oh yes Mrs Henderson,? said Holly, ?I’ve been having a lovely time.?
?Do call me Jean my dear. Well you won’t know this but your aunt entertains me as well?? The smile on Lisa’s face disappeared in a flash, her cheeks immediately growing hot as the older woman turned towards her.
?Sit up straight girl you look like a bag of potatoes!? Lisa could feel her niece staring at her. Oh please no! Please not with Holly here! As she sat up straighter and pulled her shoulders back her heart began to hammer uncontrollably.
?You see Holly your aunt can be a dirty little girl at times and she needs me to keep her in order. Isn’t that right Lisa?? Lisa nodded reluctantly keeping her eyes downcast, unable to meet the astonished gaze of her niece.
?In fact when she’s naughty she has her bottom spanked don’t you young lady?? Again Lisa nodded as humiliation turned her blushing cheeks a darker shade of red. Mrs Henderson looked at the eighteen-year-old girl who was staring in shock at her now obviously shaking aunt and smiled.
?Go and wait in position at the top of the stairs. I’ll be there in a minute.? Lisa looked up into the older woman’s grinning face. She knew what the word ?position? implied.
?Well hurry up it’ll soon be your bedtime!?
Lisa literally scampered from the room unable to raise her eyes from the carpet. She wanted to curl up and die. How could Mrs Henderson be so horrid? The humiliation of being spoken to as though she was a child was always demeaning, but in front of her own niece it was simply dreadful. Holly was staying until Tuesday morning. What on earth did her landlady have planned? She began to tremble violently at the thought of what she might be forced to do over the next two and a half days?
Standing naked at the top of the stairs with her hands on her head and her elbows pulled back was a ?position? that Lisa knew well. Mrs Henderson often made her stand that way when they were expecting visitors. Once invited in the guests were inevitably treated to an unobstructed view of Lisa’s nudity. And then, with her boobs wobbling and everything on show, she was always made to come down the stairs and introduce herself whilst standing embarrassingly exposed to their interested eyes. She shivered uncontrollably as memories of strangers seeing her private places flooded her mind. There had been one truly terrible occasion when she’d been made to curtsey to two young boys whose ball had landed in Mrs Henderson’s back garden. Totally naked she’d been forced to fetch it whilst the horrid teenagers followed her through the house, ogling her bare bum and boobs and pussy with obvious glee. The memory of their eyes and grins made her face burn.
An almost interminable fifteen minutes later when she heard foot falls in the hall her nervousness suddenly intensified. Shame faced she stood to attention as Mrs Henderson looked her up and down. The landlady laughed gaily at the younger woman’s embarrassment. She couldn’t help noticing how hard the dark nipples already appeared to be. They were jutting out quite rudely.
?In there and get your gym kit on. I think Holly’s going to enjoy seeing you exercised, don’t you?? As she went into her room Lisa’s stomach started to churn.
?And if you don’t perform well we’ll have to punish you.? Jean Henderson gave her trembling lodger a beaming smile, loving the way the girl blushed so prettily.
Obviously not designed to contain the ample charms of a 27 year old office manager the tiny cut-off vest barely covered the large mounds that strained against it. Lisa’s erect nipples produced two very noticeable points in the thin cotton. Mrs Henderson had hemmed the vest so that the lower curves of her submissive playthings full breasts were only just hidden. If Lisa lifted her arms above her head or even moved quickly her heavy globes would inevitably be displayed to anyone present. Matched to this was a short skirt beneath which Lisa was completely bare. She’d known she wouldn’t be allowed any knickers. Training shoes and white ankle socks completed the outfit. Standing nervously in front of her landlady her cheeks suddenly bloomed with heat as she felt a telltale trickle of wetness escape her pussy.
?Holly is going to help me discipline you. We’ve had a little talk about your disgusting behaviour and I’m going to give her free reign where you’re concerned.? Jean Henderson laughed at the look of absolute horror covering Lisa’s face.
?Well come on you don’t want to keep your new Mistress waiting!? With her heart beating wildly Lisa stumbled unsteadily down the stairs behind the older woman.
When they entered the lounge Holly immediately turned to look directly at her. Lisa couldn’t help noticing that her nieces’ face was much pinker than it had been a short time earlier and that her eyes were alive with excitement. Quickly she looked away and refocused her gaze onto the carpet. The furniture had been moved back leaving a clear space in the middle of the room.
?Go and stand in front of your Mistress,? said Mrs Henderson sitting down in an armchair.
?I’m sure she wants to have a closer look at you.? Lisa did as she was told horribly aware of her nieces’ eyes following her every move.
?Holly and I have agreed that because of your uppity and patronising manner she’s going to help me deal with you over the next few days. Have you got anything to say?? Both women laughed delightedly at the worried look that flashed across Lisa’s very red face as she slowly shook her head.
?First you’re going to show her how we keep you fit. I’m sure she’ll find it amusing.? Lisa said nothing.
?Before we start go and fetch a chair. No doubt we’ll be needing it later if your usual lack of effort is anything to go by. Hurry up!?
Once Lisa had returned with one of the heavy chairs from the dining room Mrs Henderson told her to put it down. It made an audible thump as it hit the floor. She looked desperately into the smiling face of her landlady hoping that some glimmer of pity would show itself. Of course it was a futile hope.
?Well what are you waiting for girl?? said the older woman harshly. Lisa knew what she was expected to do. She stood to one side of the chair and self-consciously began to march on the spot in front of the interested women. Mrs Henderson immediately told her to go faster.
?Don’t look at the carpet all the time you little tart, we want to see your face.? With her cheeks burning Lisa looked up into the excited features of her audience. As instructed she quickened her pace. Doing so caused her breasts to bounce and jiggle beneath the little top, the lower curves slipping into view at almost every step. Her already thorn-like nipples grew painfully hard as they slid back and forth against the thin material and within moments she was starting to perspire. It had been warm in the room to begin with and she’d just eaten a meal. As she marched she was acutely aware of the short skirt flicking up at both front and back. If she went any faster she’d start to show what was underneath. As she caught Holly’s eye she realised that exactly the same thought had just crossed the young girls mind! Blushing intensely she tried her best to save what shred of modesty she still possessed by only lifting her feet a short distance from the floor. Mrs Henderson was quick to notice.
?Stand still! What on earth do you think you’re doing?? The older woman’s tone was threatening making Lisa gnaw at her lower lip nervously.
?I suppose you think you’re being clever. If a couple of boys were sitting here I’ve no doubt you’d be quite happy to show them everything you’ve got! Well?? Lisa shook her head quickly, her cheeks flaming.
?Lift your skirt, right up you little slut!? It was an order.
Shaking uncontrollably Lisa took hold of the tiny skirts hem. She couldn’t believe this was going to happen. That she was going to be made to display her pussy to her young niece. Screwing her eyes tightly shut she swallowed hard then slowly lifted the edge of the skirt to her waist. Her heart hammered in her chest. She heard a slight gasp from Holly as the girl saw for the first time the smooth shaven mound that sat between the tightly clamped thighs of her beautiful aunt.
?Look at us girl and stop standing like that. Open your legs properly!? snapped Mrs Henderson sternly. Lisa reluctantly opened her eyes and even more reluctantly eased her legs apart. In doing so she exposed the pink-lipped slit beneath the curve of her belly. The sensitive knob of her clitoris was already threatening to poke out from its covering, she could feel it throbbing, and she knew her pussy lips were shiny with her own secretions. Being made to show her private places to others filled her with shame but the humiliation of the exposure was always accompanied by a wave of excitement. She noted the look of amusement on her landlady’s face and the satisfied smile playing at the corners of her mouth. In contrast Holly’s cheeks were growing redder by the minute. The tip of the girl’s tongue kept darting out to lick at her lips as she studied the exposed vulval opening being displayed only inches in front of her face. It wasn’t difficult for Lisa to recognise the growing sexual tension in the girl. She blushed even more deeply at the thought of what her young niece was looking at.
?As you can see Holly I keep your aunt clean shaven. It helps with her personal hygiene but also makes it easier for me to tell if she’s been a dirty girl. One of the worst problems I have is that she seems unable to stop touching herself, even in front of strangers. Your fingers are always busy aren’t they you little tart?? Lisa’s cheeks burned. She suddenly squealed as her landlady’s hand swung out and smacked the top of one of her thighs.
?Ooooowwwwww!? Lisa jerked to the side as the sting penetrated her skin, her boobs wobbling uncontrollably beneath the tiny vest. Holly’s eyes bulged with disbelief as a red handprint gradually outlined itself on the trembling flesh.
?Stand still!?
Mrs Henderson began to slap each leg in turn.
?Ooouch! Ooooh!?
?Slap! I said stand still!?
?Oooooeeeeeooowww!? Lisa rolled her hips from side to side as the tops of her thighs grew scarlet from the hard smacks. Fearful of what might happen if she let go of the little skirt she kept its hem held tightly to her waist. The dreadful embarrassment of having to show herself to her niece combined with the stinging from having her legs smacked was almost too awful to bear. She began to sob. She couldn’t help it. Nevertheless as she jerked under the stinging slaps she made sure her pussy stayed bare for them throughout. She was gasping for breath and tears were welling up in the corners of her eyes by the time the older woman was satisfied. Mrs Henderson pulled her closer, reached out and ran her fingers over the denuded pubic mound, ignoring the sobs and gasps that came from the trembling girl. Roughly she pulled the soft flesh back and forth causing the pink slit to gape open. Lisa squirmed and wriggled as the woman’s fingertips slid between her labial folds and urged her clitoral bud from beneath its hood. She could feel Holly’s eyes greedily consuming each and every detail of what was happening.
?I think you need to see Mr Blake my girl. You’ve got some fuzz growing by the feel of it.? Lisa swallowed nervously and tried her best to stand still as her clitoris throbbed wildly under the older woman’s teasing ministrations.
Mr Blake was Mrs Henderson’s friend who lived next door. He was in his sixties and surprisingly good looking for his age. He knew Lisa very well indeed. In fact he knew her intimately. He’d been examining and touching her at least once a week from the very first day she’d moved in. Every time Mrs Henderson thought Lisa’s pussy hair was growing back she was sent next door. It was Mr Blake who kept her ?properly? shaved, as Mrs H liked to call it. The embarrassment of having him inspect and shave her pussy was bad enough but he did other things as well. Horrible things! Her heart thumped in her chest as she realised that Mrs Henderson would certainly send Holly along with her, so that the young girl could watch. Involuntarily her bum hole clenched with dread.
?Now this time do it properly, get your legs up!?
Lisa began marching on the spot again but this time she lifted her knees up high. She didn’t want to give Mrs Henderson even the slightest excuse to punish her again. At each step the skirt rode up and exposed everything between her legs. She was told to turn around and keep marching. The short skirt did little to hide the womanly curves of her churning behind. Holly was beside herself with excitement, her pussy growing wetter and wetter as she watched the rhythmic bouncing of the almost bare bottom cheeks. Her aunt’s submission to Mrs Henderson was proving to be, without doubt, the biggest surprise of her young life. Even more surprising was the effect it was having on her. She felt dizzy with desire, almost panting! The gap between her legs was soaking, she could feel it, and as she squeezed her thighs together a thrill of pure pleasure shot directly into the depths of her belly.
?Star-jumps.? Lisa immediately began to perform star-jumps. She knew better than to show any defiance to her grinning landlady. Executing each jump caused her boobs to wobble and jiggle wildly. They began to hurt. After only a few such jumps the little top started to slide up and within seconds it was bunched up above her now completely exposed bouncing globes. Lisa didn’t dare to pull it down so continued to show the softly laughing women her hard nipples as they jumped and pointed in all directions.
?Right young lady now that you’ve warmed up you’d better do some stretching. Take your top off it’ll only get in the way.? Once the little top was gone Lisa stood in front of them nervously twisting her fingers together.
?Before she starts Holly would you like to examine her? She’ll do exactly as she’s told, if she knows what’s good for her.? The young girl nodded enthusiastically.
?Stand here and keep your skirt out of the way,? said Mrs Henderson, pointing to a spot directly in front of Holly. Swallowing noisily Lisa edged forwards and lifted her skirt once more to her waist. She blushed intensely as her big boobs stuck out towards them, her flint like nipples only inches from Holly’s excited face. Hesitantly a hand reached out and gently slid across her exposed stomach. Lisa gasped and jerked at even this slight contact then moaned as the mound of her pussy was cupped intimately by her young niece. Trembling fingers explored the wet lipped slit but quickly grew bolder, their tips pushing the delicate folds apart.
?T..T..Turn around.? It was the first time Holly had spoken directly to her aunt. Her voice sounded nervous and husky, as if she had a dry throat. Lisa listened but didn’t register what was being said, her head was spinning with humiliation and she was feeling really confused. She jumped with shock and almost fell when a hand suddenly slapped viciously into the side of one of her already sore thighs.
?I said turn around!? This time the order was delivered with much more confidence. Jean Henderson noted the almost immediate change in the young girl’s demeanour and smiled gleefully. Catching Holly’s eye she was rewarded with a dazzling smile. The girl was going to prove most entertaining.
?Take off your skirt.? Lisa did as she was told. She was shaking uncontrollably, a mixture of fear, embarrassment and arousal threatening to overwhelm her.
?Goodness Jean I see what you mean. She’s got a very fat bottom.? Lisa visibly shrivelled at the mocking words from her niece. Her face flamed anew.
?Bend over girl. I know you want to show me what you’ve got.? Holly giggled again. She couldn’t help herself. Lisa slowly bent keeping her knees tightly pressed together. Mrs Henderson immediately barked at her.
?Are you trying to annoy us you little bitch? Get your legs spread now!? Lisa quickly shuffled her feet apart.
?That’s better now hold yourself open so we can see properly. I know you’re enjoying every minute of this.? Cringing inwardly Lisa reached behind and grasped a bum cheek in each hand then pulled them wide apart. Mrs Henderson joined Holly on the settee, both of them laughing loudly at the display the 27 year old was making of herself. Nothing was hidden from view now. The swollen split peach of Lisa’s vagina and the tight brown rosebud of her anus were both lewdly exhibited for their inspection. It wasn’t long in coming. The young girl began poking and pulling at both openings. Lisa groaned as eager fingers pinched her clitoral stub then gasped as the tips of two digits forced themselves into her bumhole. Moaning loudly she almost buckled at the knees as they penetrated more deeply, painfully stretching the entrance to her rectal passageway.
?Reacts like a little slut doesn’t she?? said the grinning older woman. Holly nodded as the straining ring of muscle grasped her fingers tightly. There was an almost audible ?plop? as she pulled them free. Lisa’s cry was tinged with both discomfort and anguish as she sank unceremoniously to the floor.
?Get up and stop making such a fuss! Running on the spot, get on with it.? Lisa felt horribly hot. Her head was spinning as she started jogging where she stood. At once she could feel the now swollen lips of her pussy rubbing slickly back and forth. Her face burned as she detected the tell tale aroma of her own excitement filling the air. Both women watched with interest as the physical attributes of their ?plaything? bounced and swung most erotically. Lisa’s boobs and the cheeks of her bottom began to perform an almost identical rhythmical dance. Suddenly she became aware of a stickiness seeping from the slit of her pussy. They’d notice in a minute. Oh God No! Please don’t let them see!
MAU: The Adventures of Lisa and Jeri Chapter 9 Jeri's eyes were dry as she sat in the back of Tim's cab. It seemed to her that this was a scene they had repeated. "At least this time I'm not crying," she thought, as she wondered what Tim must think of her. She could see that he kept glancing into his rearview mirror ? checking to make sure she was okay. "Jeri, maybe it's not my place to say," he said finally, thus breaking the uncomfortable silence. "It seems what you're doing is...
MAU: The Adventures of Lisa and Jeri Chapter 16 It appeared that by mutual consent no one was going to discuss anything about the situation more relevant than sugar, more coffee and the leaves turning. Jeri and Jaimie watched the car roar to a stop in a whirl of leaves. The woman driving, got out, and picked up something heavy. They watched as she struggled and cursed to get to the barn with the object she carried. They didn't know what was going on. Jeri's mother slammed...
More Black Adventures With Lisa, My Wife This is another chapter with Lisa, my beautiful blond wife who was just introduced into the world of black men. Lisa and I have been married a number of years and I had always fantasized about her and black men. She had never had a black man until we had discussed our fantasies and I had put a suggestion in her mind about having sex with a black man. She ended up having sex with two handsome young black men for her first time and it was heaven for...
MAU: The Adventures of Lisa and Jeri Chapter 13 "What?" Jeri's clear sunglasses went to night vision mode and showed a tracking dot. Lights in the factory went out. Through an open ventilation hatch a creature entered, she'd never thought to see. Jeri thought she saw an Angel. A flash of red on her wrist caught Jeri's eye only briefly. She stared open mouthed at the beautiful nude woman and white wings spread before her. The woman held her hands up palms outward in a...
MAU: The Adventures of Lisa and Jeri Chapter 14 Jeri, Lisa and Jaimie parked the rental truck off to the side of the parking lot. Due to the shadows of the buildings, it was somewhat shadowy as well. There was the rush of wind and then Jaimie was with them. Lisa formed her avatar and Jaimie gave her an air kiss on either cheek. "How'd it go?' Jaimie asked after the greetings were over. "Why didn't you tell me my mother had become an alcoholic?" Jeri asked. "Because I didn't...
MAU: The Adventures of Lisa and Jeri Chapter 1 Jeremy opened the door of the big red barn. The warm afternoon summer sun spilled into the dim dusty interior. Dust motes danced in the light as Jeremy let his eyes adjust to the dark interior. A horse to the right nearby nickered and a cow further back in the barn mooed its welcome to him. Once his eyes adjusted to the darkness he saw where the hay was stacked near the back of the barn and a door to a room in front of that. The door...
MAU: The Adventures of Lisa and Jeri Chapter 10 Jeri thought carefully about Alex's offer. She couldn't deny that the conversation had turned her on. Her nipples pressed firmly against the inside of her body suit. It was only the plating inside that kept her six peaks from dimpling the front of the skin tight outfit. She could also feel that her vagina was damp and excited. She surmised that the reason a wet spot wasn?t visible was because of the absorbent liner that Lisa had...
MAU: The Adventures of Lisa and Jeri Chapter 4 Jeremy walked out to the cab. The gravel crunched under his feet. It made him feel even more unstable. It only emphasized even more the swing of his hips, which he had tried from the beginning to minimize. Now he just went with what felt natural. He knew by now his body would anyway. "Evening, Miss Knight," the cab driver said as he held the door open. "Good evening. You know I didn't catch your name the other day," Jeremy said as...
MAU: The Adventures of Lisa and Jeri Chapter 6 The warm water stung Jeremy's breasts. He stood facing under the shower spray. Behind him Henry pressed up close. He reached around Jeremy and cupped his breasts. He squeezed, pinched, rolled and caressed his nipples. His hands roamed over all six breasts. The tight space of the half shower/ half bath enclosure made it difficult to move. Jeremy was squirming against Henry as much from Henry's actions as he was from the shower spray....
MAU: The Adventures of Lisa and Jeri Chapter 2 Jeremy and Lisa crept quietly towards the Taylor's barn. Evening insects and the Whippoorwills called to each other in the dusky light. Lisa did not detect that anyone was present. They crept into the barn while Lisa kept watch. Jeremy was startled to see the box missing in the hay. He went over to investigate and discovered that where the box used to be was a gray metal case a little larger than two laptops stacked together. He saw the...
MAU: The Adventures of Lisa and Jeri Chapter 15 "Lisa? Lisa where are you?" the Jedi paduwan called. Momentarily Lisa was simultaneously processing multiple conversations. "Shh. I'm over here," Lisa replied. "Are you okay?" he asked. "I'm fine," she replied. "I can't see you anywhere," the Jedi said. "Of course not, it's pitch black in here," Lisa replied. "I'm going to crawl over to you," the boy said. "No, they might see you and start shooting," she said. "I...
MAU: The Adventures of Lisa and Jeri Chapter 3 Jeremy walked confidently through the doors of Macy's department store. This was in sharp contrast to how he actually felt. In fact Jeremy was wondering if this really was such a good idea. The cab ride to the mall had been pleasant. Jeremy had gotten to see some of the city he now resided in and the driver had pointed out some of the points of interest. Jeremy thought the whole trip that the driver was going to remark on his...
MAU: The Adventures of Lisa and Jeri Chapter 7 Jeri followed Lisa down the stairs to the main factory floor. They proceeded back to the far corner where Jeri knew they had several drums of chemicals stored. She was a bit surprised when they encountered a wall of drums stacked five high. It was four drums thick. They negotiated two tight turns and were suddenly inside the wall. The wall was just one of four which actually formed a cube. Inside the cube was what appeared to Jeri to...
MAU: The Adventures of Lisa and Jeri Chapter 8 Jeri slowly became conscious with a headache and felt dizzy. She also realized she had to pee. She tried to stir to make herself more comfortable. As soon as she moved her arms to bring them down by her side they were jerked up tight. Suddenly she was fully alert as she realized she was in an unfamiliar room that looked somewhat like a hotel room. Her hands were secured somehow above her head. Her arms were asleep. The room was dark and...
MAU: The Adventures of Lisa and Jeri Chapter 12 "General! General Aung! Come quick the nagas have gone crazy!" the door handle turned and a colonel came rushing in with a squad of soldiers. "What are you doing here?" he practically shouted as he pulled up short finding himself suddenly confronting a naga. The men thrust their weapons forward, not really sure they were needed. Trisha spoke, "I conducted this woman here for questioning by General Aung." She pointed at Jeri." Just...
MAU: The Adventures of Lisa and Jeri Chapter 11 "No! Wait!" Jeri said, "You're right he doesn't know about those things. But Tim told me one afternoon in his taxi how much he missed you. He said 'I don't care what she's done. She's still my baby. I'd tell her if she's happy she can do what she wants. If she's not we'll help her do what she needs to so she can be happy. It's just the not knowin' that eats you from inside like it was cancer.' and that's a quote." "He still drives a...
James pulled into the mall shopping lot and started to look for a parking space. He hated shopping, but it was time for some new jeans. Just the thought of walking around the mall made him mad. It was no fun at all. He found a spot near the back of the parking lot. The car pulled in, he got out and headed for the mall entrance.As he walked through the door James noticed a sexy woman to his left going in another door. She was a little older than him, pleasantly plump and had the most beautiful...
On this unseasonably mild December day, as they made their way to work together, Julia was looking out the window as she and James approached downtown. As the office tower that holds James’s office came into view, Julia was reminded of the erotic tour she had of James’s new office and the fantasy she fulfilled as she seduced him in the chair in front of his desk. It had been a wonderful evening with dinner and the Messiah at the NAC, followed by the seduction. The seduction actually started...
Previously in the Sarah and Greg Series: About a year after Greg and Sarah moved in together, they had a day of living out some sexual fantasies. ("Sarah and Greg's Day of Exploration") During the course of the day, they met Sam and Christina (Chris), who lived several floors above Sarah and Greg. This was the beginning of friendship which has resulted in the occasional dinner or social outing with them over the following almost-two years. While on their honeymoon in Hawaii, Sarah and Greg...
It only took a moment for Jim to bring Lisa’s form up on his laptop’s computer screen and make the adjustments needed to allow her to really enjoy anal sex, not to mention her new C-cup tits. He’d be interested to see if her hubby noticed her new developments. She’d have fun shopping for new bras anyway. Lisa was in the kitchen unloading the dishwasher when she felt something, or rather some things happening to her body. For one thing, her blouse and bra suddenly became too tight. And, for...
I had arranged to take Lisa away for the weekend. I had booked a nice hotel in the country. Its large grounds and grand rooms made it the perfect place for our weekend of fun. Lisa was a sexy 40 year old short brown bobbed hair, large breasts with large brown areolas with very large nipples. We booked into the hotel and were shown the room; the room was large with a four post bed with white d****s. There was a large en-suite with a bath and shower. It had French windows that over looked...
MAU: The Adventures of Lisa and Jeri Chapter 5 Thursday morning just before Jeremy sat on the porcelain bowl in the little closet he pulled down the full panty briefs he was wearing. He inspected the thin pad in the crotch, noted the light spotting and ripped the pad from the crotch. He tossed the pad in the can then hung the silk panty briefs on the door handle while he sat and emptied his bladder. Jeremy thought that maybe today would be the last day of his 'forced' period. He...
Samantha was more than right about Lisa winning, but even she didn't think that 10343 would get quite the merciless going over that Lisa gave her! She wondered, a trifle regretfully, if there would be any more fights after that. It seemed hardly probable that any one would be so suicidal as to face her unexpectedly fearsome friend! But she need not have worried! There were plenty willing to take a shot at the incredible Lisa, with all the kudos that knocking her out would bring them, and one...
"Still no letter from Lisa, Dad?" "No, son. Your mother is so worried. It's been over a year since she wrote to say she had started her sentence and since then, nothing. I've written to the prison and the Foreign Office and my MP and to everyone I can think of and it's a brick wall. I know that she's alive and in good health. That much they will tell me, but they button up their lips when I ask why she writes no letters. There must be a pile of them we've sent her!" George, Lisa's...
Heather and Lisa sometimes worked together and often worked separately but today they'd been given a mid-afternoon assignment to go provide two hours of sexual entertainment to Ron Williams. Both girls were very cute and had sexy petite bodies that the guys always seemed to enjoying seeing naked and then engaging with them in all kinds of lusty sexual play. Heather was the shorter of the pair and she was a sexy looking petite blonde. She had a nice pair of rounded breasts that sat high on her...
"LISA! Your face! What a mess. I never saw you that bad. I won't ask who won! Never mind! You couldn't have been expected to give your best, not with all you have on your mind right now. You'd better go to bed and stay there a week! I'll get the doctor to see to you. Get upstairs at once and prepare to be an invalid!" "Stop fussing, Samantha! I'm fine! In fact I'm on top of the world! And, despite what that other cow did to me, I still have my one hundred percent record and you...
A few weeks later on a Saturday evening, James and Julia prepared to join Diane and Megan for the evening. They had decided to take taxis each way so that they could enjoy the wine that James had selected from their cellar. The hostesses had suggested that they dress comfortably, so James wore silk boxers, Dockers and a long-sleeved Tommy Hilfiger polo shirt. Julia wore a sweater and black pants, with dark green lingerie underneath. Shortly after arriving at the townhouse and ringing the bell,...
"Who started this" shouted a purple faced warder. Unfortunately, Lisa's father had not had anything to say about prison codes of honour, so when it came to answering this question, Lisa was on her own, without parental wisdom to guide her. And the silly girl spoke the truth, which is a commodity always best doled out in small measures! "She did, Ma'am. She kept pushing me and then she punched me!" "Well! You sure got the worst of it. But you'll be Ok. Go and get cleaned up! No need...
Lisa Griffiths was in her one hundred and twentieth week of strict solitary confinement. After so long in this position she was finding it harder to get through the days and the effort of fighting down the horror was getting too much for her. Each day she woke up with a feeling of surprise that she should still be alive and in her right mind. Those first days of sheer horror might be two years in the past, but she continued to feel, each time her eyes opened to face yet another day of hopless...
I have been crossdressing since I was about 14 and by the time I was 18 or so I was meeting with guys I met online for sex and I loved it! I got married to a hot and sexy lady when I was 23 and I thought that might take care of my tranny urges but in reality it only made it worse. I now have to go long periods between playing dress up and it’s often all I can think of so when I do have the opportunity I tend to get pretty wild, like I did a few weeks ago…. My wife went...
CrossdressingI decided to head home early during the work day and was coming down my street when I noticed my nephew's car pulling into my driveway. I don't know why but I pulled around the corner and quietly made my way to the back of the house. I then spotted my nephew, CJ talking to my wife Lisa in the downstairs bedroom sitting on the bed. I heard her yelling something about her pussy as he was approaching her. The window was cracked open with the blinds pulled up a few inches. I peeped through the...
It was now about 4 months that Lisa and I had been going out together, I was spending more time with her when I could. On this particular Thursday I had just finished my shift at the hotel when I received a call on my new mobile/cell phone from Lisa to say that her Mum was away with her sisters for a girly day and to head down as soon as. When I arrived she gave me the most passionate kiss ever and was sucking my tongue for all it was worth. I discovered that Lisa and her cousin had been on the...
Latent Passions: A Lil' Lisa Adventure - By Dee Eon "Thanks, man! I love you like a brother!" "Hey, any closer and we'd have wings!" japed Erik Crandall with muted sentiments as his tenth-grade best friend. Jack Hazen rolled the Penthouse and Playboys under an arm and left Erik's bedroom nearly bumping into matronly Aunt Emma on the way out who cast a hard eye at the teenager's cargo. "Trading more filth, no, Erik??" she uttered with disdain. "You're such a disappointment,...
April 2015.I met Rob completely by accident. We literally bumped into each other and in doing so, he accidentally spilt my glass of wine. He apologised immediately for his clumsiness and insisted on buying me another. His conduct and manners were impeccable, so I allowed this rather fit-looking gentleman to buy me a replacement drink. We got chatting. He was a year older than me and worked for a high street bank. He didn’t come across as the stereotype Jack-the-lad; he seemed studious and...
CheatingEmma and I graduated high school, and decided we would travel around the world, before deciding what to do with our lives. On our trip we wanted to try and see how many countries we could fuck in. The first country we stopped in was France, specifically the south of France, since we hated cold places, and it was our biggest fantasy to have a hot, sensual encounter on the beach. Emma and I used a holiday home, owned by a friend for our first stop. We needed to pick a place for the perfect first...
Emma and I graduated high school, and decided we would travel around the world, before deciding what to do with our lives. On our trip we wanted to try and see how many countries we could fuck in. The first country we stopped in was France, specifically the south of France, since we hated cold places, and it was our biggest fantasy to have a hot, sensual encounter on the beach. Emma and I used a holiday home, owned by a friend for our first stop. We needed to pick a place for the perfect first...
Straight SexI was lying in bed diddling myself while I waited for the phone call that Jason Gumbleton promised to make as soon he pulled up in his car. Yes I was DIDDLING myself, you know, fingering my cunt, rubbing my thumb over my clit and allowing a couple of my fingers to slide inside, palm deep. Oh I'd been good and slept to get 'refreshed and reinvigorated' just like Jason had said, but I hadn't been able to sleep too long, I mean you know how it is, the thought of four cocks pulling a train on...
Lisa nearly passed out because of the low temperature and the lack of water and food. Thend suddenly the door opened and the man entered the room. "OK slave, hello there. Get up!" Lisa felt she'd die soon if she didn't do as commanded so she tried to get up. On the third try she finally managed to lift herself onto her feet. "Let me see how your walking practise went and how well you're doing" Lisa blushed but had no choice other than walking around and hoping for water...
Over the last couple of days Lisa had gotten used to live in the stable box. She was comfortable in sleeping on the straw and also in walking on it. Standing in high heels all day was also not a problem anymore. Also it looked like her body began transforming a bit. Maybe it was due to the horse hormones her reproductive organs sent into the rest of her body. Her hair had begun to grow down her neck quite fast, it almost looked like a mane now. Also her legs were quite muscular now and a...
Lisa slowly woke up. She was in a hospital bed. Her master sitting next to her. She lay there naked. The first thing she could see was the bandage around her, now extremely huge, breasts. Her nipples sticked out of the bandage and were covered with some kind of plaster. They nearly had the size of a bottle cap and her breasts looked like cup size K or bigger. Immediately she felt how the weight of her new breasts pushed down onto her, making breathing a little harder now. Slowly...
[email protected] (I’d like to acknowledge the great work by Trent Wolf in his ?Domino? stories for the inspiration to pen this style of story and a great fan Rollo T for his ideas and inspiration)The Continuing adventures of Agent Suzzanne Midsummer 5 ?DOWN AFRICA WAY? CHAPTER 1 The black cab pulled to the kerb and the door swung open and an elegant leg followed by another stepped out onto the wet pavement. ?Thanks and keep the change? smiled Suzzanne as she paid the driver. ?Much...
Lisa was not the average girl, not the girl next door. She always had a thing for attention. For eyes following her all over when she walked somewhere, entered the room or got on a bus. Since she turned 14, she was wearing high heels and short stuff. Mostly red which fitted her bright blonde hair really well. She was really what you call an early starter. At the age of 15 she already had a B cup which then kept growing until it reached the D she had at the moment. The moment? Yes,...
So recently I was out having a drink, when I received a message on here asking to meet up, so after a couple of days talking on here. I finally decided to go and meet this gorgeous blonde milf with a big arse and nice sized tits. We had arranged to meet at a hotel not to far from me. So as I get to the hotel I start to feel a bit nervous, luckily for me I was a bit early so I quickly had a few drinks just to gain some confidence. There I am checking my phone, wondering if she is going to turn...
Following Lisa and Tim's little romp in the hay on their first day as lovers, the two of them showered and had a quick breakfast. Lisa needed to get home and the two of them decided to tell her mom of their new-found love. This was not going to be easy for any of the three of them. Since Tim's dad, Jack, had shot himself, Lisa's mom, Vickie, had taken to drink. She was what could best be described as a functioning alcoholic. She arrived for work on time each day, did her job properly,...
Contact: You may contact the author through this site or via ya-hoo IM as aprincelyfrog. Please do NOT add me as a friend as I get so many IM's its impossible for me to keep up with everyone so my friends list is for family only. On to the story... Lisa Gets More Than She Bargained For I had been through a nasty divorce about 18 months earlier and was just getting back into the dating scene when I met Lisa. Lisa 42 years old, a mother of three and had a hot little body with two of...
Its been a while since I posted on here, but having just returned from a contract in the UK, I thought id post again.The drive homeI purchased a motor home for a whilst working on a short contract in the UK, I found myself driving up to see friends after a weeks work on a Friday evening. Having finished for a 3 day weekend I started the drive north and found myself getting sleepy on the route. Not knowing the A11 too well I pulled over in a layby to look at the map, my luck was in, a food van...
Its been a while since I posted on here, but having just returned from a contract in the UK, I thought id post again.The drive homeI purchased a motor home for a whilst working on a short contract in the UK, I found myself driving up to see friends after a weeks work on a Friday evening. Having finished for a 3 day weekend I started the drive north and found myself getting sleepy on the route. Not knowing the A11 too well I pulled over in a layby to look at the map, my luck was in, a food van...
I had been through a nasty divorce about 18 months earlier and was just getting back into the dating scene when I met Lisa. Lisa 42 years old, a mother of three and had a hot little body with two of the greatest tits I have ever seen. It was a pretty normal dating relationship except one thing, Lisa never had an orgasm! I have fucked a lot of women in my day and never had one I couldn’t get off numerous times but Lisa just wasn’t going to cum. One night, I found her hot button and this is a...
Lisa?s stomach was filled with butterflies Lisa?s stomach was filled with butterflies. She?d passed all the interviews and had finally landed the job. All that was left was to see the personnel manager to sort out some final details. She knocked on the door and entered the office. ?Ah, Miss Jones. Welcome to Amalgamated Holdings. I?m Christine Holmes.? The personnel officer, a smartly dressed woman in her early thirties, stood up and came round from behind her desk. ?Dr Andrews was...
Lisa's Night Out It all started because I opened my big mouth, actually. And by the time everything had reached an end, I found myself simply amazed at just how far some people will go in order to encounter new experiences.I'd just been hired by the new high school as a science teacher. Fresh out of college three months before, I spent the summer at my parent's beach house, not doing much and making sure my beer intake,...
George was huffing back home on his bicycle after an exciting and confusing afternoon with his girlfriend Lisa. As usual, George had spent a few hours at Lisa’s house after school. This had become a routine for them in the past several months. They would talk of the day’s events; who was doing what around the neighborhood or at school. Sometimes they would sit on the sofa, watching a movie or program on TV. Today was different. Today there was something else in the air. George could...
"Hi mum," I said as I entered the living room."Hi Steve," my mum smiled. She was sitting on the sofa in the spacious living room, which was at the back of the single-storey house she and I lived. "How was school?" she asked."The usual, boring," I replied, dumping my schoolbag on the floor and kicking my trainers off. I didn't do too badly at school, and was an ace at sports, but like most fifteen-year-old boys I didn't exactly find it terribly thrilling. It was nice to be home.My mum, Helen,...
For the last four years my sex lift has sucked. I keep complaining to my wife, Lisa, that whenever I want to make love to her she is either in bed asleep or she says that she's too tired. I remind her how much she used to enjoy sex and that now we make love about once every two or three weeks. Lisa always puts the blame back on me saying "If you would come to bed at a decent hour instead of watching ball games or movies every night till after 11:00. It is not my fault if I get bored and fall...
I guess the first time I sucked a cock was when I was about ten. Thecock I sucked belonged to my friend, Ted who was two years older than me.Even at twelve years old Ted had a gigantic cock. Then it was a good sevenor eight inches long. Ted had just started to cum and that is the reasonthat I sucked him. We were in the woods and he was telling me that he hadjacked off and he came. We had jacked off together before and had talkedabout what most boys talk about, cumming or shooting off as we...
Dr Tom and Lisa Episode 1 by roccodadom44 "Jesus Lisa everyone needs secrets" Tom moaned at his relentless wife. "Come on big boy open the vault or Ill close my snatch" half teased Lisa. The couple were coming to grips with the fact that they both adored torturing other humans. Dr Tom had helped several...
Previously in the Sarah and Greg Series Despite being a pre-op transgender woman, Sarah had been accepted into Greg's family as a daughter and a sister. ("Sarah Visits Greg's Parents", "The Adventures of Sarah and Greg and Lisa") Sarah's mother, Betty Johnson, had had a harder time accepting Sarah as a daughter, but she had been trying very hard since Sarah and Greg got married. ("Sarah and Greg get Married") Adding to the complexity of love, Sarah and Greg met Lisa. Our young couple...
Now the story..... Bob and Lisa met when they were in high school. Bob was Lisa's firstboyfriend and she thought the world of him. He was a good looking boy withdark brown hair which was greased back, the style at the time. Although Bobwas a year older then Lisa, because he had failed a year, he found himselfin the same class with her. There was an immediate bond between them andbefore long they were dating. After school during the week, Bob had a job delivering groceries forthe local...
Sandra Dunlop was rushing around the house, frantically trying to get herself ready to go out before the cab arrived. It really pissed her off that Richard, her husband of 14 years, had been ready for about an hour and was relaxing in the living room, watching the television, with a large glass of malt whisky. He just seemed to step out of the shower and get dried before throwing on some clothes. His hair dried naturally and perfectly, he didn't have to spend time putting on make-up, and he...