MAU The Adventures Of Lisa And Jeri - Chapter 9 free porn video

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MAU: The Adventures of Lisa and Jeri Chapter 9 Jeri's eyes were dry as she sat in the back of Tim's cab. It seemed to her that this was a scene they had repeated. "At least this time I'm not crying," she thought, as she wondered what Tim must think of her. She could see that he kept glancing into his rearview mirror ? checking to make sure she was okay. "Jeri, maybe it's not my place to say," he said finally, thus breaking the uncomfortable silence. "It seems what you're doing is not working for you. If you don't want me to say anything, just say so and I'll keep quiet." He looked in the mirror to see if Jeri made any sign that he should be silent. "It seems you're looking for someone or some ones to help you feel like you belong. You need someone to make you feel special. It probably works for the moment but then later you feel somehow cheated," Tim continued. "There's an old saying around these parts that goes kind of like this: If the farmer can get the milk without the cow, why buy the cow?" He paused to look to see if she was following him, "You've got something every guy wants. The difference between feeling used or cheap is the price you put on your wares. Some girls want only a kiss, some a dinner or movie, others a ring. Some don't want anything but money. You're the one selling so you have to decide what it's worth to you. Most women need to feel special. A one night stand just doesn't do that for them. I think you're like most women." Tim stopped waiting to see if Jeri said something in response. Jeri thought about what Tim was saying. Some of it made sense but Jeri just couldn't believe he was like most women. "Tim part of what you say makes sense but I just don't believe I am like most women. Somehow I don't believe anyone would ever want to be with someone like me on a permanent basis." "There's an old country and western song that has a line in it ?There's someone for everyone?'you'd be surprised at how many times I've seen that line come true," Tim said wistfully, "The hardest part is to have the patience to wait and see. Sometimes you find that person when you're nineteen or twenty. Sometimes people don't find each other until they're forty or fifty. Right now you're young and want everything right away. Try to give yourself time to figure out who you are before you get involved in a relationship that you're not ready for. There are also people out there who prey on young people like yourself. If you're not careful you can end up so screwed up by them that you will never get yourself untangled from them." As Tim finished speaking, the wheels of the cab crunched onto the gravel of the driveway to the plant. "Tim, thanks for the advice. You're right. I am trying to find out who I am. I'll try to use your advice. It's reassuring to know there's someone out there who cares," Jeri said. She leaned forward and kissed him on the cheek as she gave him the fare. Monday morning began with the arrival of Jeri's period and the usual load of deliveries except for one problem. One of the drivers refused to let a drone unload his truck. Lisa alerted her to a problem on the loading dock. Jeri went to investigate. When she got there she found a large driver standing in front of the back doors of his trailer with a large pipe in one hand. It was the kind the drivers used to get more leverage on their load binders. He was threatening the drum carrier drone with it. Jeri noted there was a red dot fixed on the pipe about two inches above his hand, no matter how he waved the pipe. She stepped out through the personnel door and said, "Can I help you?" "You can tell that tin can to get away from my truck and send someone out to unload my truck," the driver said. The driver was tall. He had big solid legs wrapped tightly in faded jeans. His boots were typical steel toed lace up work boots. At first Jeri thought he had a paunch and then she realized that it was just part of how big the man was. His canvas bomber style jacket made it hard to see how big he truly was and the leather gloves hid his hands but Jeri figured that she could probably walk underneath his arms if he held them straight out to his side. "Could we go inside and talk about this please?" Jeri asked. She did her best to look innocent and saccharine. She tried to imagine herself as one of the characters in Final Fantasy. "It's cold out here." "I'm not going anywhere ?til that pile a scrap moves away from my truck. The last time I let some automatic pallet jack near my truck I was outta work for six months. I nearly lost my house and everything else before the insurance company finally paid up. Even then it didn't nearly make up for all the problems in between," the driver said. Jeri went back inside. She called towards the front of the plant, "Lisa I need you to recall your drone. We've gotta do something to calm this guy down and doing the Cylon thing won't help." "Well tell him to drop his pipe and then I'll have Huey and Dewey unload his truck," Lisa responded. "Lisa, he's paranoid someone's going to tear up his truck. Some automated system nearly made him bankrupt just a few month's back. Have some empathy. Let me get him calmed down and I'll explain how we're different okay?" Jeri pleaded. The drone rolled back towards the dock double doors as Jeri walked toward the driver. She walked up to him and put an arm around the driver's that was holding the pipe. She tugged gently and said, "Come on let's go around to the front and get a cup of coffee. It'll be awhile before someone's able to unload the truck." Jeri did not think for an instant that she could budge this mountain unless he wanted to move himself. The driver looked down at the redhead holding his arm. He was sure he could lift the girl with the arm she was hanging onto. He didn't know whether to trust her or not. She smiled pretty enough but after long years on the road he didn't trust anyone that smiled like she did. Strangely enough as he looked down at her she had a worried almost fearful expression as if she was afraid of something he might do. He scowled down at her and shrugged. She flinched. He winced and disentangled himself from her and jumped down onto the pavement and slid the cheater bar into the place he kept it behind his cab. He turned to look to see if the girl was following him. As he did so, he watched the girl, who seemed to do a forward handstand that ended with her doing a flip to land on her feet down on the pavement below the dock. The way she stood it reminded him of something he'd seen with one of those Olympic gymnasts. When she got up to him he asked, "Something wrong with the steps?" She looked at him with that fearful look once again. Then seemed to decide it was okay as she said, "Nope, I just like to see if I can do those things once in awhile." She stuffed her hands into the pockets of her fleece jacket and started walking around towards the front of the building. He fell in step beside her puzzling what was different about this girl aside from the obvious thing that she looked too young to be working in a place like this. She asked, "Do you have the freight bill and invoice?" He tapped his left breast and said, "It's right here." They crunched on the gravel as they walked over to the building. Their breath was noticeable in the chill October morning. "Where's everyone park?" the driver asked. "Around back," Jeri said automatically. When people did come to the plant to work that's where they used to park. The driver seemed to accept it. Up until now they'd never had anyone say anything about the way things were done at the plant. This time it seemed like everything they did was being questioned. Jeri was getting more nervous with each moment. The man reached up just a moment before she did to grab the door handle and open it for both of them. She jumped back with a frown. The driver thought she looked like she was expecting someone to take a swing at her. He winced inwardly at how jumpy she was. "After you," he said. He never knew a man that had a good enough reason to hit a woman or a girl. "Thanks," Jeri said after a moment. She was still getting used to having someone do that for her. In the office Jeri had placed a card table with a coffee urn, cups, sugar, non-dairy creamer and a few male interest magazines. Two chairs sat on either side of the table. She found out that this host service had made it a lot easier to deal with the drivers when they came in. She grabbed one of the foam cups off the stack they had for that purpose and Jeri asked, "Straight or cream and sugar?" "Straight's fine," the man said. Jeri poured a cup and handed it to him. She took from him the shipping papers. He reluctantly gave them up but when Jeri explained that she would be right there with them the whole time, he agreed. She went around to her desk and sat down at the computer. She returned to the spreadsheet she was working on for the invoices. It made it easier for her and Lisa to track any problems in the items they received. They'd found so many obvious errors that it had become a habit to check. The man stood for a few minutes and then sat down in the plastic chair and picked up a magazine. "You'll let me know when they start on my truck?" he asked. Jeri looked up from the computer screen and replied, "As soon as I know anything I'll let you know." Deep in thought as she worked on the computer Jeri's nose twitched. She noticed something ? an odor. It was familiar but just hadn't been present before. She sniffed deeply and then realized what she smelled. It was a man. She looked up at the man next to the coffee service. Jeri thought he was at least her Mom's age or older. Lines circled his eyes and cheeks. Grey sprinkled his hair and the mustache and goatee he wore. There was something about him that made her feel comfortable around him. She saw a ring on his left hand as he held the magazine up reading it. She wondered if he fooled around while he was on the road. Then she stopped her thoughts from going any further. Jeri scowled at herself as she realized she'd been checking the driver out trying to evaluate his potential as a mate or something. Jeri tried to concentrate on her work. She soon gave up the attempt as futile. The man's scent was driving her to distraction. She could feel each of her nipples had hardened into points. She even began to imagine her sex getting wet and gaping open. Jeri got up and went around her desk to the man and said, "I don't think I introduced myself earlier. I'm Jeri." She stuck out her hand. The man looked up and took it gingerly. "I'm Art," he said, "nice to meet you. Are they ready to unload my truck yet?" "I haven't heard," Jeri responded. The man scowled at that. "Art I need to talk to you about that," Jeri looked up at the man and could see him tense up. She decided straight forward would be the best way. "We're not automated here but we are remote control. There's really no one that can unload your truck here. Well I could try but I don't drive very well. So it's done by remote." She saw him get tense and his face get red. His breathing came quicker. She tensed up expecting him to lash out at her. She shrank into herself and adopted a defensive stance. He noticed her reaction and forced himself to speak calmly. He didn't know why anyone would hurt a girl. It just didn't make sense. Art forced himself to relax and speak calmly. "Jeri, is someone working on my truck right now?" he asked. "I don't know. I told them to wait until I had a chance to explain to you our situation," Jeri replied. "What do you mean by remote control?" he asked. "Well you know. You have a transmitter in your hand and then direct your plane or boat," Jeri said, "only it's a lot more precise and controlled." "Well how does the idiot know if he's going to tear up my truck?" Art asked. "Same as always - see, hear and feel. The operator can experience those senses through the equipment," Jeri answered. "It's almost like the operator is right there with the equipment." "Isn't there a lag time?" Art asked. "No it's real time. We have a direct feed," Jeri was interrupted by the door to the plant opening. A drone entered carrying a full tumbler of iced tea. Jeri's mouth dropped open. A speaker announced, "Here's your morning tea, JK. Also, Control said to tell you that if you'll turn your monitor around you can introduce Art to Huey, Dewey and Louie, who'll unload his truck." The drone handed Jeri the iced tea. "Uhm, Okay Lisa," Jeri replied dumbfounded by the drone. She set the tea down and reached across and turned the flat panel around so that four faces were visible to her and Art. In the top left corner was a head and shoulders view of Mark. On the right was Henry's picture below him was Frank. In the lower left was Lisa's avatar. Jeri didn't know what stunned her most. She decided it had to be the live appearing web cam images of each of her lovers. However Lisa's blatant display of herself and automation was certainly close to leaving Jeri fainting. Jeri just stood there as Lisa began to speak. The videos of each of the three men seemed to make her experience with each of them more real. Somehow she'd been able to make it seem like a dream. Staring at the men displayed on the monitor removed that illusion. One thought stood out in the jumble of emotions and thoughts Jeri had, "I slept with them. I did things with them no guy can or should do." "Art, I'm Lisa and I'm control for the system. I'm the one that tells everyone when they need to do something," Lisa explained. "Huey, Dewey and Louie are nick names we use for coordinating the work. I thought if you met who was doing the work it might make it easier for you to accept. Boys, say hello to Art." Each of the three men waved and said hello to Art in turn. "How long have you boys been doing this?" Art asked. "Well, we've been unloading trucks about a month," Mark replied. "Yeah, when the drones were ready we started right away. We've handled about a hundred loads already. Haven't damaged anything yet," the video of Frank said. Jeri was amazed Mark was dressed in a pocket T-shirt with a flannel shirt over it. Henry had on a white T-shirt and Frank was dressed in an oxford short sleeve shirt. Each image seemed to reflect the character of the person they were modeled on. She couldn't believe Lisa was doing this. The guys even sounded like themselves! "So each of you have about a thousand hours doing this?" Art asked. "Come on, Art," Henry said, "About a hundred hours is all you can get in a month. In about six months we might have a thousand hours. Now we did practice a lot before we started and when we don't have anything to actually unload we run sims or simulations." "For us it's not much different from driving a car or ATV in a video game but, it's way cooler ?cause it's real," Mark said. "Yeah, it's neat getting paid for playing a game, although we realize it's real. We've got real time video feed and the rumble in the seat isn't real comfortable if the truck's a little far from the dock," Frank said. "So far the only thing we've damaged besides our pride is a few paint scrapes. We haven't dumped a single pallet," Mark said. "I don't like it but I guess you got me over a barrel. At least I know there's a real person behind the machine even if I can't see ?em," Art said. "I guess we'll go on out and watch you guys work but if you wreck my truck or trailer there's goin' to be hell to pay." "No problem," Lisa said, "If anything happens to your truck I'll authorize JK to issue a check in full for the price of a new truck and trailer," Lisa said. Together Art and Jeri crunched across the gravel back to where his truck was parked. Her hands were tucked into her hip pockets. Jeri was unconscious of the fact that it naturally thrust her breasts out. They were hidden below the fleece sweatshirt she was wearing in addition to her duster. Out of the corner of her eye she watched Art walk purposefully back to his truck. She realized she was taking almost two steps for every one of his. Yet she wondered if he would be interested in her. She didn't even stop to think about what it was she was saying when she said, "It must get lonely on the road. Do you ever look for company?" The question totally caught Art by surprise. This girl looked barely out of high school. He didn't even think she might be making a pass at him. "Not really. I remind myself that I've got a family waiting for me at home. My wife always makes me feel like she missed me rather than like I'm in her way. My oldest daughter's probably a little older than you and she's in her second year of college. My boy is signed up for the Marines when he gets out of high school. They say they may send him to ROTC. But each Saturday night when I'm back we all go to the movies together. Of course now my daughter and son are as likely to bring a date along as well. Dinner and a movie gives us a chance to get to talk with each other. No, I don't get lonely but I find myself lookin' forward to bein' at home." Jeri felt herself blush. She hadn't realized how forward she was acting until the words left her mouth. Now the man next to her practically called her a child. It was certainly clear that she'd find no romantic interest with him. She did wonder what it would be like on the road. "There must always be new sights to see, new people to meet, even new things to do," she said. "Occasionally, that's true. When I was younger it was better. When I first started driving, of course everything was new. After the third year everything started to look the same. Then it got to be where I knew where to look for certain people cause I always saw them at the same place. Well, some of them are good friends now. Some have moved on. When you see so much change you begin to appreciate what's stayin' put. Home is one of those things," Art said wistfully. "I can understand how a young ?un like you would want to get out and see the world. I recommend it too. Just make sure you know when it's time to settle down and build for your future. And just so you understand your future is not in how big a house you have or the number of people that know your name. The future is in your family. The kids you have, their cousins and those that have been grafted in by marriage or whatever," Art continued, "you won't even know it's happening until you get there either. That's also why the deepest hurt is losing a child too. That's why wars and things cost so much more than dollars. They take someone's future away." Once again Jeri was left thinking about her mother. Had the box taken her future away she wondered? Jeri just stared at the trailer watching the three drones move back and forth between the trailer and the unloading area. In short order the work was complete. "You know that's the fastest and easiest anyone's ever been to my truck and trailer," Art said, "Thanks for explaining to me what you were doing and being patient with me." "Thanks for listening to us and trusting us especially after what you went through before," Jeri said. As she shook his hand she added, "Drive safe." Jeri watched the driver pull out of the gate and then went inside. When she sat down at her desk she said hotly, "Lisa, what gives you the right to invade my privacy? Do you have any idea how embarrassing it was to have the pictures of those men displayed like that?" "Jeri, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to embarrass you," Lisa responded on the computer monitor. "I wanted to create images that would be believable. The first thing that came to mind was to use the guys that you had been out with." "But Lisa, I haven't told you about two of them. And I'm not sure I mentioned Mark at all!" Jeri responded. "Are you spying on me so you can get your thrills that way? ?Cause it sure seems like you are. God, why'd I even think of making you into a shell person? Why didn't I think of the simple thing and give you a fully functioning normal body?" "Jeri, you're over reacting. Just relax," Lisa responded calmly. "I haven't been spying on you. It's just I want to know where you are and that you're safe. When you've called to tell me to come get you, all I've done is check through public records to find out who these people are and where they live. That way if anything were to happen I'd know where to start looking." Lisa paused. "Look at what happened with Torque. Where would you be if I didn't do that sort of thing? I can't follow you anywhere so I use the means available to me. I'm sorry if you feel like I'd intruded but, what would I do without you? That driver is a prime example of why I need you here," Lisa replied emphatically. A close up web cam shot that looked like a video, showed a very sincere expression on Lisa's avatar's face. "If you're not spying on me then how did you get the photos?" Jeri replied. "Driver's License, that's too easy. Ask me a really hard question?" Lisa responded crisply. "Those weren't driver's license photos on the screen. Those were videos of them talking and what they wear normally," Jeri responded. "Oh come on Jeri? How hard do you think it is to extrapolate what they'd wear based on the record information available? Look at my avatar. I can make her look or wear anything and it's impossible to tell that it isn't a real image," Lisa said. As she spoke a full screen image of the avatar appeared. She was walking down a modeling runway and as she did so a new outfit appeared every zero point five seconds. Just long enough that Jeri could register the outfit. There were outfits ranging from a sheer pink teddy to a Victorian gown to sweat shirt and pants to leather pants and bustier. It looked as if a montage of someone modeling the items in a catalog had been prepared. It did appear as if a live person was wearing each item. It was a bit disconcerting to Jeri to see all of those outfits, most were very provocative but some of them were very normal looking. It was the casual things that really impressed her though. Things like tossing her hair, opening a jacket. An extra twitch of her hips at a turn that really made Jeri realize that it probably was easy for Lisa to take any image and make it look like a real person doing something. "I'm sorry," Jeri responded, "I guess I'm just sensitive about some of the things I've done with those guys. I mean I was a guy and I act like a complete slut. It's like it was the most natural thing in the world for me to do what I did and it shouldn't be." "Why's that Jeri? You sure look like a girl to me. Maybe a little over endowed in some ways but still all female. Why wouldn't it be natural?" Lisa responded. "You wouldn't understand," Jeri said, "I need to get back to work." Jeri hardly responded to Lisa the rest of the day. She really ignored her in the evening. It bothered Lisa to see Jeri acting this way. She just could not understand what had set her off. It was also disconcerting to Lisa that this was not a problem that she could analyze, create an algorithm and arrive at a solution. Behavior was predictable, she knew that, but individuals were also influenced by hormones, energy levels, past experiences, and their own thoughts. She would try to find a method to bring Jeri out of her "shell". Tuesday Lisa received an intriguing notice of communication from one of her spy ware sprites in cyber space. The communication was a notice that a cellular phone conversation had been translated as follows: 'Trisha Ann has trapped and neutralized the intruder.' ?I guess she really put the squeeze on him.' ?Yeah, she certainly embraced him with her affections.' The conversation confirmed what Lisa was nearly one hundred percent certain of, Trisha Ann Delarue was still in the country of Myanmar or Burma near the town of Putao. She initiated a series of searches to gather more information on Kachin State, the city of Putao. At the same time she checked on the progress of her special orders that she made on Saturday. The items were in production. She expected them to be delivered by Friday noon. By Friday Lisa was discovering that she still had considerable emotional response to external stimuli. The treatment that Jeri had given her since Monday was beginning to eat through her patience. She could function on many levels and states of awareness for performing her normal manufacturing, surveillance, intelligence gathering and financial functions. However, when she interacted with Jeri it was as if she was stuck in a time warp loop. All she could get was a monosyllabic response. The responses were triggering unwarranted hostile reactions that Lisa found difficult to control. This was not supposed to be occurring as far as she was concerned. After all she was an atrophied body inside a shell. She thought she should have no emotional responses. She was beginning to realize though that because she was human an emotional response was always associated with data input. She began to re-evaluate her performance and analysis criteria based on the fact that her results may be biased by emotional input. It was she found hard to do but when she finally created a suitable algorithm and paradigm for separating her emotional response to the data input she found that when dealing with Jeri almost all of her responses were biased by emotional input. This in turn had an influence on her predictive statistical analysis for patterned behavior and interactions. The end result she found in short made her believe that some of her conclusions were correct when in reality they had a wide margin for error. She spent a lot of time thinking this over. She came to one conclusion during this period, maybe she should more often ask Jeri for input before taking some course of action. On Friday morning Lisa decided that she should talk to Jeri and use her avatar. As Jeri finished her oatmeal and bananas for breakfast, Lisa said, "Jeri, I think I've located Trisha Ann but I'm not certain and the information is very inconclusive." Jeri perked up instantly. She had thought that Lisa had no intention of finding Trisha Ann. In fact Jeri was convinced that Lisa only responded to humor her, just like she only got a tepid response when she mentioned Claudia. In fact tepid was probably marginal at best. When Jeri mentioned having Claudia stay with them after she was out of the hospital Lisa practically refused. "What do you mean?" Jeri asked. "I told you that Torque had sold Trisha Ann to a drug dealer in Burma, what is now Myanmar," Lisa explained, "I just didn't know if she was still there after so long. However earlier this week I received a communication that linked Trisha Ann's name with the entrapment and termination of an intruder. I found that person's death certificate and discovered that it listed the cause of death as blunt trauma to multiple places on the body. What's more an associate of the intruder stated that they were attacked by giant snakes and that his friend was killed for no reason. They were only hunting for wild black orchids in the unclaimed portions of Kachin state. It is an activity that is common and used by some of the locals to supplement their income. I am extremely concerned because there have been a number of reports of giant snakes, monsters or nagas in the area." "But you say Trisha Ann is there?" Jeri asked. "Yes. I'm certain she's there," Lisa replied, "I just don't know why she'd be involved as some sort of security detail. Torque's accounts indicated he sold the girl as a pleasure slave to Myo Aung. You can hardly expect a pleasure slave to act as a security guard." "How can you be sure Trisha Ann killed someone by beating them to death? If she did, it sounds like someone who is desperate. Look, somehow we need to talk to this girl and find out what's going on and if she is our Trisha Ann," Jeri said, "We need to get over there." "I was afraid you were going to say that," Lisa replied glumly. "There is no way I can go. And I know there is no way you would stay. I have a plan but you have to agree to everything." Jeri didn't even hesitate or even attempt to negotiate. "Alright. Whatever it is I'll do it." Lisa didn't blink. She couldn't. Her words for Jeri's rebuttal were already waiting to be transmitted when she heard the first diphthong of Jeri's acquiescence. "Okay, JK here's the sitch," Lisa started to explain. A drone arrived with several boxes. "First let me explain your mission equipment and features. This stuff was ordered after the fight with Clifton Waterton. I'm trying to figure out if I can get you to wear it while shopping for my own peace of mind." Lisa also arrived in the vestibule. And at Lisa's request Jeri came around the counter. Out of the largest box Lisa pulled two garments. She set one of them aside and began to explain the other. It was a full body suit in dull flat black and brown. The black seemed to be over her limbs as well as her rounder and larger body portions. The brown was everything else. Jeri was surprised at how light the garment felt even though it was pretty substantial. The other thing she noticed was how the weave seemed to have a very tiny chain or scale like feel. It reminded her of the skin of a dead shark she had once touched. Even more remarkable was that the garment seemed only as thick as a single layer of leather or denim. At Lisa's invitation she put the suit on. To do so she had to take all of her clothing off including her corset and thong. She found the Velcro seam over the zipper that ran from collar to crack in the back and opened it. An emerald green liner covered the inside of the suit. Lisa explained that it was a highly advanced synthetic composite polymer that was as strong as high tensile steel. But even more importantly it would not chaff being as soft as silk and it would wick away moisture of any kind. The next layer was an advanced hollofil fiber filled with a viscous gel. According to Lisa this provided a place for any moisture from Jeri's body to stay and evaporate. It also provided thermal insulation from cold or to keep her cool in heat and provided cushioning from any impacts. The next layer was the same as the outside layer. The outer layers were a different high tensile composite fabric woven in such a way that it was non reflective. It also reduced heat emissions making the wearer less visible to IR or night vision equipment. Both layers were resistant to penetration from small caliber weapons and blades. In between the outer layers were overlapped and stitched a series of ceramic composite plates. Lisa explained that the plates could stop shrapnel, high powered rifle ammunition, and shield her against explosions. Because of their size and articulation Jeri realized they covered her upper arms, legs, butt, back, chest and abdomen. It was then she realized the back seam wasn't for style. Its location and interweaving layers provided the best protection for her torso from firearms and flying debris. Jeri looked at herself in the glass door reflection. Everything except her head was covered by the body suit. She could barely see her reflection because the suit blended into the shadows. "Here this will help," Lisa said. A hologram appeared of Jeri standing in the suit before her. It was a mirror image and mimicked all she did. Jeri noticed how the suit seemed to emphasize her upper breasts. They seemed to stand out very prominently, even more than in her corsets. But the middle and lower pair looked as if they were her rib cage and abdominal muscles and had been emphasized for effect. In short she looked Amazonian. From her waist down the suit clung as tightly as her own skin just like it did everywhere else. To Jeri it was almost obscene how the suit clung to her mound. It seemed more revealing than a sheer thong. That impression was only emphasized when she turned part way around to look at her butt. The suit seemed to mold itself onto her cheeks and even follow her natural crease right up to in front between her legs. The suit continued down her legs curving and undulating across her thighs and calves to her feet. These too were encased in the suit. As she studied her feet she realized that additional cushioning provided support like her tennis shoes. However the suit held her feet like it was a sock or hose. She saw that there was an indentation that separated her big toe from the rest of her foot. The sole of the foot also had a different type of material. It seemed rubber like but also seemed to be firm and flexible with ridges that easily gripped the ground surface. The fingertip pads and palms of the suit seemed to have the same surface material. Lisa pulled from another box a small pack and belt. The pack was the same black color as the suit. It seemed to have two parts one was a firmer stiffer section that fit closely to her back. The other part was the same loose material as the outer layers of the suit. There were several pockets, loops, clips and attach points. "Here put this on," Lisa instructed. Next Lisa handed to Jeri a helmet similar to one used for skateboarding, or mountain biking. It had a green visor and mouth guard that pulled down into place once the helmet was on. Jeri had to tuck her long red hair down her back inside the suit. "Now pull your cowl up around your helmet like so," Lisa said. The hologram demonstrated how it would look. The cowl attached by Velcro around the bottom of the helmet and the mouth guard. When that was done Lisa explained, "Jeri the cowl is very important so don't ever forget to put it in place. First it helps complete the seal of the suit so that all of your heat emissions are baffled and dissipated through the suit. It actually reduces your IR visibility by fifty percent. But most important the cowl will protect you from an errant round or shrapnel that could kill you if it hit your neck." "The helmet is the monitor to all the systems that are available to you," Lisa instructed. As she spoke the hologram image demonstrated each system, how to activate it and what it looked like. "Your helmet has a GPS navigation system, digital compass, video displays for one hundred eighty degree rear vision, IR vision, a small screen radar display, and can display remote camera images. It also has surround sound audio and includes parabolic mic pickups that can hear a cockroach or ant walk on carpet. You also have a satellite uplink direct to me." Lisa summarized, "you really should have time to practice with all of this." Jeri could only nod as she saw the different systems demonstrated. "Your belt has a secure pocket on the left for your kimmunicator. That device always has a communication link to me that cannot be blocked by any electromagnetic interference on this planet. In the first compartment in the center is a small high torque motor. Wrap a couple of turns with a high tensile cable and you can be pulled up anywhere. It works best with the compressed air grapple gun, right here," Lisa said. She showed Jeri the gun and its compartment on the belt and how to disconnect the three hundred meter cable with grappling hook. The right compartment in front of the gun contained small pellets. When Jeri asked what they were Lisa said they are flash pellets. They produce light and smoke and will blind anyone using IR vision equipment for a few seconds. The smoke would block visible light for a few seconds so that Jeri could pull a ninja style disappearance into the shadows. The left compartment contained stun disks. These were essentially small high strength explosives. The concussive force from these was usually enough to knock someone to the ground. Another compartment contained knockout and teargas capsules. They had a small area of effect of about five feet, the same as the stun disks. The last compartment contained about ten buttons about the size of a quarter. Lisa explained, "These are mini wireless cameras. They have a transmit time of about ten minutes before the battery goes dead. You can toss them around a corner, down a well, or slide them under a door. They will always land right side up. If you want you can remove the small backing and stick the camera on the wall." "Now I know that you do not want to wear all of this all of the time so that is what the next three items are for," Lisa said. She pulled out a large brimmed fedora, a duster similar to her leather one and a pair of iridescent framed sun glasses. "The hat has the same GPS, video, and audio sensors as your helmet. It just doesn't protect your head and neck like the helmet does," Lisa said, "All of the electronics is built into the brim and hat band. It's also easier to damage. The sun glasses provide the HUD monitor and speakers." "The duster is different. The buttons on the front are the stun disks. The studs along the shoulder tabs are flash pellets. The piping on the cuffs is actually plastic explosive strong enough to cut through a twelve inch steel beam. The belt is a bolo and can also function as a restraint. The Velcro is very strong. You also have additional pockets." "The coat also has the same layers and protective padding as your suit. Included in the liner is a heating layer. It will keep you warm in the middle of a Montana blizzard even if you're in water or soaked. Your duster also has an inflatable bladder in the collar and lapels. It is also naturally buoyant so keep it if you go swimming," Lisa advised. "Inside your backpack is a device that looks like an oversized PSP. What it really is, is an X-ray view camera. Place the device against a wall or door, turn it on and adjust the focus. You can view anything from the surface to twenty feet through concrete and steel. However there is no fish eye effect. The screen is like looking through a two inch pipe into the area you are looking at. The display tells you what distance you are viewing through the surface." "The side pocket of your pack contains a six inch cylindrical object. It is not a vibrator so don't worry although I can get you one if you want. That object is a high powered laser cutter and welder. Your glasses and helmet visor will filter the light to keep you from being blinded by the flash and allow you to see what you are doing. It has a charge that will last one hour. It can be recharged from your pack," Lisa showed a hologram image of the device. "There are three more items and then you need to leave with Tim. I'll explain everything else on the way." Lisa said. This statement really surprised Jeri as she'd hardly had time to ask about any of these things. "Your belt contains a miniaturized version of the fusion generator. It is sufficient to provide power for everything you're carrying and still power a house. Don't worry about it exploding or failing. Even if something did manage to puncture the reaction chamber, the amount of material is so small that it would just dissipate in the wreckage that smashed the chamber. It will work just fine even submerged." "All of the systems will function about ten minutes without the generator. Power is conveyed by a set of contacts in the suit and on the belt. You won't notice it at all. "Your suit is wired so that it can control the powered skate board. The skate board can be transformed into a water ski, or snowboard. Your helmet pc has a tutorial download that explains all of its functions. The skateboard works by using a turbine and heating the air with a super hot coil. It's strong enough to pull a semi truck and trailer. It also has a safety lockout at two hundred kilometers per hour. It won't go faster not because it can't but because a wipeout at that speed would be fatal." "Also, as a last resort of self defense you can transmit an electrical shock. It can be adjusted from a voltage similar to what you feel when you shock yourself on a door, to a shock strong enough to knockout an elephant. Be careful because it can cause a heart attack. Your suit insulates you from the shock." Lisa paused after giving Jeri the rundown on all the equipment. "Jeri, if you've got the belt on then I will be able to see and hear everything you can. I will also have telemetry that tells me how your body is doing. If you're wearing the helmet or hat and glasses I will have that as well. I want you to keep the belt on all of the time." "So now I'll know for sure that you're watching me instead of guessing about it?" Jeri stated more than questioned. "Jeri it's for your own good. It's so I can help you. I'm not going to stop you from doing anything," Lisa responded. "Ok, whatever," Jeri replied. She was stretching and bending in different ways, testing the limits of the suit. The more she moved the more she really liked the feel of it. It cupped each of her breasts firmly and yet it moved with her. The clich? of fitting like a glove seemed so inadequate to describe how comfortable the suit felt. "Tim is going to take you to the airport. There you will catch a mail flight to Alameda, California. Then you'll switch planes and catch a flight to Nome, Alaska. I'll give you more details during the flight," Lisa explained Jeri's itinerary. "JK inside your pack is some food. I've also packed your makeup, brush, clips and other personal items. There is a set of your regular clothes and underwear. In the front pocket of your pack is some currency common for the places you'll travel. You also have extra cables for your grapple gun, stun disks, flash pellets and other consumables. Do you have any questions?" Lisa said abruptly. "Uhh, yeah, do I have to get undressed to go to the ladies room?" Jeri asked. "No," Lisa's avatar actually looked embarrassed, "there's a zip lock seam that begins where the zipper ends in the back and comes to the front. Just lift the edge to open it. It will open enough for anything you need to do down there." "And it will close back just as easily?" Jeri asked. "Yes." "Cool. Feels like a thong. I thought it was just a seam." Jeri responded as she tested the extra opening. "Anything else you want to tell me before I leave?" Jeri asked. Lisa paused. Her image looked down as if she was thinking about something. Then she looked up at Jeri tears were brimming in her eyes. "JK, I know you can do anything and that you'll be fine. But I'm afraid that something will happen to you and I won't be there to help. I won't be able to leave here for one hundred forty-nine days nine hours and thirty two minutes. If someone captures you or abducts you it will be that long before I can come rescue you." "Lisa I'll be fine don't worry," Jeri said. "Yeah, but what about me? I don't know how I'll survive without you. What if someone finds out it's just a machine here?" Lisa replied. "Lisa you're not just a machine. And look at what you did to Torque and his goons. I pity anyone who tries to come in here without your permission," Jeri confidently added, "I know! I can have Tim look in on you." "No!" Lisa stammered, "He doesn't know I'm a shell that would be disastrous." "Don't worry I'll tell him to drive by and see if everything is okay. I'll tell him to call you and report how things look," Jeri said. "I don't think that's necessary. Tim is here. You need to go," Lisa replied perfunctorily shifting modes all of a sudden. Jeri could see she was still nervous. She'd do something for Lisa. At the airfield Tim drove to the General Aviation side. As Jeri got out of the cab and paid Tim she said, "Tim, thanks for the ride. Listen, I'm going to be gone for a few days and my sister's really paranoid about leaving the factory alone. We've got security cameras and everything but, if you'd drive by and give her a call to let her know if you saw anything, I know she'd really appreciate it. Can you do that for me?" "No problem, Jeri. I'm over that way all of the time," Tim responded, "In fact I'll check in a little after sundown." "Please, and thank you," Jeri replied. "You shouldn't have done that," Lisa hissed in her ear through the earpiece on her sunglasses. "I told you it wasn't necessary." "Yes it was. So be quiet while I concentrate on what I'm doing here," Jeri responded. Jeri entered a hangar door marked "Air Freight and Mail Services". Jeri explained per Lisa's instructions that she was traveling with the mail to Hayward, California. The attendant reviewed her records and found the entry. After checking Jeri's identification and verifying payment said, "Follow me." Jeri followed the attendant out onto the taxiway near the hangar. He led Jeri to a medium sized business jet. A group of men could be seen loading packages and bundles onto the airplane. The attendant escorted her over to two men who were helping with the loading. "Here's your passenger," the attendant said perfunctorily and left. The younger one tossing packages looked up and resumed reading a number on the package off to the other. The taller gray haired man just grunted and continued checking something off on the clipboard in his hand. Jeri stood patiently waiting and looking around. She was extremely surprised to see the pilots help with the loading. They were not your usual glamorous airline pilots with fancy uniforms with gold braid on their sleeves and scrambled egg on their visors. In fact they reminded Jeri a lot of the truck drivers who owned their own trucks. These guys were meticulous, efficient, and courteous to the guys they worked with. "All set Cap," the darker pilot said. "Okay, Number one. Why don't you get our tourist settled and I'll start the pre-flight," the tall pilot said. The darker pilot climbed up a small set of steps into the front portion of the plane. He gestured for Jeri to follow him. As she did so she noticed him checking her out. Her long red hair was loose hanging down the back of her duster. The hood of the body suit formed a cowl neck collar. Her gold chain necklace hung over that and matched the gold dangling earrings she wore. But she noticed he was looking more at the peaks formed by the body suit where her breasts should be. His eyes trailed down to the junction of her hips and thighs. He seemed to lick his lips as he gestured for her to take a seat in a small jump seat just behind the pilot's cabin. She could look in and see them and talk to them but was not actually in with them. He seemed to take a long time showing Jeri where she could put her pack and duster. He advised her to keep it handy as it might get a little chilly later. As she turned her back to him to put the pack in a little compartment she could almost feel his eyes boring into her butt. She knew that the body suit revealed almost as much as it concealed. She smirked to herself as she thought, "I wonder if he'd be like this if he knew that just over a month ago I used to be a boy?" "Call me Alex," he said. He began showing Jeri how to attach the seatbelts and adjust the seat. "I'm Jeri," she responded. Jeri smothered a laugh as Alex seemed to make a lot of fuss adjusting the seatbelts. He checked their fit against her waist. Then it was her shoulders and waist, and then it was between her breasts. Jeri could feel Alex's fingers push against the plating between her breasts where the belts passed but did not feel him actually push against the sides of her breasts as he did so. "This isn't Southwest, Jeri so we have few amenities. Let us know if you gotta take a piss so we can try to miss a few of the bumps while you're in the head. If you get cold put your coat on or a blanket if you brought one. We don't have a heater really except in the pilot's cabin. The doorway stays open so some heat should blow back to you. Our first stop is in Colorado," Alex explained succinctly. He then sat down and busied himself with things in the cockpit. After a few minutes the captain entered the aircraft. He seemed to glance and scowl in Jeri's direction. He also sat down in the cockpit and moments later they were rolling. Jeri heard them talking and at first thought it was because of the open door. Then as she listened more closely realized the sound was coming through the earpiece on her glasses. She wondered if it was an audio pickup on her hat or the eyeglasses that was providing it. She scanned the HUD and found the means of identifying the audio pickup selector. She played with the controls during their taxi and takeoff. She was impressed with how the system worked. "So Jeri have you ever flown before?" Alex asked. Jeri thought about the first time she turned herself into Kim Possible and flew the jetpack around the Taylor's place. "Twice," she answered. "I bet this is a lot different from flying those lumbering airliners. This is real flying," Alex said grinning around the corner at her. Jeri thought about the loops and rolls she'd done with the air tugging on her clothes and her hair whipping around her face. She thought about skimming above the trees. The branches were close enough she could kick the leaves with her toes. It seemed like a lifetime ago. "You certainly feel more exposed here," Jeri responded. "Yeah, this is one of the reasons I fly - nothing but you, the plane and the sky. This job is as close as you can get to the early days of flying and still get paid. The early days are when one of the first flying clubs got started. Know what it is?" Alex asked. "No," Jeri said. "Want to know?" Alex asked. "Sure," Jeri replied. She noticed that the captain seemed to be ignoring Alex and her as he surveyed charts and checked instrument readings. "It's called the Mile Hi Club," Alex stated grinning. "What's that?" Jeri asked, "How do you join? What do they do?" "Legend has it that it was started by Glen Curtis and a female student pilot back in 1911," Alex stated looking at something on the instrument panel and then continued, "when they engaged in successful sexual congress one mile above the earth's surface." he looked back at Jeri to see her reaction. His face was neutral. Jeri realized how easily she had been setup and blushed at her embarrassment. She looked away and then looked back at Alex a smile tugged at the corners of her mouth. "I suppose I know how you join?" she said to Alex. "Actually the rules have become a bit more refined. For it to truly count you have to engage in relations with an already bonafide member who is also a certified pilot and it should be with more than one individual. Upon completion of the ceremonial initiation and induction rights you are presented with your official wings," Alex said and held up a freebie handout of pilot's wings. Handwritten in the center circle were the words "Mile Hi". "And membership activities include?" Jeri asked. "What do you think?" Alex answered. Jeri blushed trying to keep a straight face at Alex's 'kid with a new toy' expression. "Oh I don't know perhaps it's handing out balloons to kids or polishing propeller shafts. Maybe it's making more wings." Jeri realized that the innuendo was really starting to turn her on. It was a new facet of sexuality that she had no idea existed. "Well once you're a member you can do all of that. Most members concentrate on finding new members and membership renewal," Alex said, "So do you want to join?" "I know what you get out of this but what do I get?" Jeri asked. "Well bragging rights of course!" Jeri just looked at Alex with a very sour expression. The Captain chuckled. It was the first overt sign that he was paying attention to the conversation. Alex and Jeri just glanced in his direction. Alex actually blushed and hemmed. "Okay, well it will give you an extraordinary experience. It will give you unbelievable adventures as you find new people to invite into the club." Jeri thought, "I've already had unbelievable, extraordinary, adventurous experiences. I wonder what they'd be like if they'd been through what I have?" "How can I find new people when I'm not a pilot? You said it takes a pilot to make it official." Jeri replied. "There are plenty of pilots who aren't members of the club. You could find just those by wearing the wings," Alex said. He realized he was starting to sound like he was begging. He wondered how he'd gone from having her squirming to him begging. "I think wearing your little wings would be like wearing a sign that says 'slut'. Do you think I'm a slut?" Jeri asked. "No. No, not at all," Alex replied, "I think you're one of the hottest girls I've ever seen." "So this isn't just some scheme to get in my pants? Some wham bam thank you ma'am scam so you can brag to your buddies?" Jeri asked innocently. "Not at all. This is for everyone to have a good time. I mean Grant and I are already members so we don't have to do any thing. It's just a pleasurable way to pass the time," Alex said. "Who's Grant?" Jeri asked. "Him" Alex replied and indicating the other pilot. Grant gave a two fingered wave to Jeri and seemed to return to the business of flying the jet as if it required his full attention. "I don't know. This seems awful cramped space. I can see you gettin' off but what do I get. I think this club might be more like the four- F's: Find'em, Feel'em, Fuck'em, and Forget'em. You don't even remember the name of the woman that guy screwed to start your high flying club," Jeri replied. "Her name was Blanche Scott. She became a stunt pilot," Alex replied, "but it's all legend. No one knows for certain who started it." "Oh, I guess it must have been some stunt to fly and hookup at the same time," Jeri replied. "We always leave someone in the cockpit for safety even when we're on autopilot. Besides it's FAA regs," Alex said. "So I'd have to take off all of my clothes?" Jeri asked. She couldn't believe she was actually considering doing this. But it did sound interesting and it was awhile since she'd had her last man. "I mean you did say it gets a little cool here." "You only have to take off what's necessary to accomplish what you want," Alex replied.

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MAU New Love

MAU - A Different Kind of Love. By YONI I am not really sure how to go about this, I am a 44 year old man, single, somewhat overweight about 6'2" tall. By single I mean that I have never been married though I have been in love several times. They say love at first sight is a wonderful thing, but they never tell you about the people who fall in love with someone who never loves them back. I have often wondered if the people we call stalkers are people who have a case of unrequited...

3 years ago
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MAU 5K Chapter 4

Author's note: I have received some negative comments regarding dialog. I don't know what I was thinking when I wrote this. I re-edited it and made a change in the direction this story was going. Chapter 4 Steve had morning wood again. Well, I was more than ready to take care of his needs. We made love, quickly. He must have been having some good dreams as he was pretty horny. I came quickly, and he was just behind me. "Steve, can you do me a favor?" I asked. "Sure, what is...

1 year ago
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Michelle and Jeri Part 4

Michelle and Jeri, Part 4 I stumbled out of bed and decided to make Jeri breakfast. I brought a tray with fresh coffee, juice, scrambled eggs and bacon into his bedroom where he was passed out on top of the covers, spread eagled and naked. I licked my lips at the sight of his hairless, muscular body and perfect ass. I had come a long way incredibly quickly but here I was, wearing a little apron carrying breakfast into the bedroom for my lover, a large, powerfully built man. "Knock...

2 years ago
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MAU Painting the Town Pink Part 4 La Femme at last

I went into the MAU with a blank groin, and I stepped out with seven inches of pulsing manhood and a pair of balls between my legs. The phantom penis sensation had faded while I was still back at my house, leaving nothing, and to actually have my cock back, to be able to wrap my hand around it, was wonderful. I hadn't previously appreciated how great it was having a penis. I almost regretted saying I'd become a woman for a while to please Julia. But since it was Julia, only...

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Michael and Jeri Part 1

Michael and Jeri, Part 1 I suppose I shouldn't complain. Here I was, mid-50s, back in a rented room after having my own home for decades. Messy divorce, luckily no kids, but being a jobbing programmer meant that I didn't have proof of a steady income for anything better. I still love my wife even after all this but she decided to go for a swarthy younger man, construction worker with his own small firm, instead of our friendly but passionless union. So I found myself in an admittedly...

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MAU Slayers Are You Sure This Is Canon

Previously on MAU - Slayers... Jordan and Laura were two friends who used the MAU to become Faith and Buffy from the television series, Buffy the Vampire Slayer. They began to work for the Agency, a group who searches for active MAUs and the people who use them. A man in the higher ranks of the Agency now wants the slayers as part of his plan. They are now on the run from the Agency and trying to help any user they find. Little do they know, that these users are being hunted by the...

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Michelle and Jeri Part 2

Michelle and Jeri, Part 2 Jeri took his finger out of my mouth, reached down to his large, dripping erection and covered it in his secretions. He brought it back up and smeared it over my glistening lips, then wiped it under my nose. "I want you to taste me, Michelle, and remember my smell. My pungent aroma, my creamy, salty taste. You'll crave it, Michelle, you'll want to let it consume you. Lick your lips, taste me now. That's it, and soon you'll have it direct from the source....

4 years ago
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MAU 5K Chapter 1

Twenty years ago, I had started a successful software company. Made millions. I sold it to a major software company for a tidy profit. Millions more in the bank. My wife Joney and I decided to chuck it all, exit the rat-race and retire to the mountains of Northern California. We bought an old ranch on 9500 acres. The old ranch house was charming, but needed much repair. Same for the barn and some outbuildings. It was so far out in the boonies, that it had no electricity, running water,...

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MAU 5K Chapter 5

Chapter 5 I pondered on a new transformation. What new form could I make myself into? I put my hand on the pad, and conjured up an image of one, hot, slender, Asian girl, with small tits. I made her 4 foot 10 inches tall, with long straight black hair that flowed down to her waist. I just love puffy nipples, so her areolas were dark and puffy, with long nipples. The breasts were about an A cup. I made her waist slender, but her hips were a little wider than normal to give her an hour...

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Michelle and Jeri Part 3

Michelle and Jeri, Part 3 I finally knuckled down and got some work done. I was exhausted after my abject sexual surrender to Jeri earlier. Incredibly I still felt ready for another round but I wasn't sure if my body was. As it turned out, Jeri came home and it was almost as if I had imagined our earlier tryst. He was friendly as ever and chatted to me about all sorts of trivial things but told me that he had plans for the evening. When he saw my brief crestfallen look, he stepped...

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Jeri Miguel and Sylvia at the StarVue motel

I went from bored to horny really quickly.I had to get back to my gig, though I didn't really want to, now. Jeri and Miguel had their heads close together. then they were kissing just like people who are going to find a motel soon. I had never seen her like this. She was gettting to me. I wanted to crawl under the table, push her skirt way up her thighs, pull the crotch of her panties over, and bury my face in her pubes. Jeri had a nice bush, and a fragrance and taste, even when she wasn't...

3 years ago
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MAU New Love 2

MAU: NEW LOVE 2 By YONI I sat there and explained what dating meant and what we were expected to do. She had some objections to my explanation. "But this is my home," she protested and then added, "Yet it is your home also. How can you pick me up to go places if we both live here?" "Well that is simple," I replied, "We will be girlfriends who are sharing an apartment. I figure over the next few days we will know whether or not we are good with each other." "But you said that...

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JeriJeri and I had known each other for over six months and had become good friends. She is six foot tall and has a full bust I can only guess a CC cup and a narrow waist and hips well rounded and she really fills out the back of her jeans. I am six one and weighs in at 185 pounds and from working at a gym I am always working out and not huge muscles I am well toned and pretty ripped. I meet Jeri out while dancing at a new club and I had gone out alone that night and I walked past her as she...

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MAU Painting the Town Pink Part 2 Enter the MAU

I must have dozed off for a few minutes then, because the next thing I remember is Jerry shaking me and saying, "Mike! Mike!" over and over again. I opened my eyes. I had slid part way down on the seat of Julia's pickup truck. Jerry was standing outside the open passenger door. When he saw I was awake he grinned hugely embraced me. I pushed him away roughly. My head and face still hurt like the devil, and opening my jaw was agony, but at least I was thinking clearly again. "What the...

2 years ago
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MAU Slayers Into The Great Unknown

Previously on MAU - Slayers... Before encountering the MAU, Faith and Buffy were two ordinary friends. The alien device transformed them into the vampire slayers from the television series, Buffy the Vampire Slayer. They were forced to hunt down their former friends who had become the vampires Angel and Spike. Faith was eventually kidnapped by another MAU user named Dennis. He had used the device to give him the ability to control people simply by touching them. Faith was held...

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MAU Slayers Acceptance

Previously on MAU - Slayers... Laura and Jordan were two ordinary people, until the MAU entered their lives. Now they are Buffy and Faith the Vampire Slayers. They soon found themselves hunting their friends Mike and Chris, who had become the vampires Angel and Spike. After the deaths of their families, the two Slayers joined the Agency, a group tasked with tracking down the MAUs and stopping any dangerous user of the devices. Faith has recently become aware of how much she...

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MAU Slayers Getting To Know Yourself

Previously on MAU - Slayers... Guided by a dream, the Slayers headed to Washington where they believed they would find an active MAU. Instead they have accidentally created copy of the person Faith used to be. MAU - Slayers - Getting To Know Yourself [This is meant to catch anyone up before the last few stories, think of it as a clip show with character development.] Jordan backed up against the MAU, "What the fuck is happening?" Buffy ran over to him, "What's the last...

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MAU Like Father Like Son Almost

MAU: Like Father, Like Son (Almost) Synopsis: A son sees his father using an MAU and decides it can help him get closer to a girl he wants to date. Things just don't quite turn out like he planned. (This story is a sequel to MAU: Role Reversal, but hopefully, it will stand on its own.) [email protected] ********************************************************************** MAU: Like Father, Like Son (Almost) Travis Hollings sat on the back steps stewing. ...

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MAU Superman and Supergirl Part IV

He smiled at the goddess laying peacefully beside him the scent of fresh strawberries filled the air around her and was like a intoxicating drug to him. A part of him wanted to wake her properly, but like all good things in life they both had other obligations. To start with they both needed to fly back to Las Vegas and retrieve their belonging, and if the seeds he'd planted before setting out to find her earlier, an new life as well. With a trace of reluctance he stopped caressing...

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MAU The SlayerKaraoke Nightmare AKA Once Again With Feeling

Previously on MAU: The Slayer - James went over to his friend Max's apartment, who had found a Morphic Adaptation Unit. James ended up as the character Faith, the rouge vampire slayer from the television series Buffy the Vampire Slayer. - Max and his girlfriend Karen turned themselves into vampires from the show and framed James for murder. - James was forced to join with the Agency (a governmental group which is seeking a working unit and tracks those who are changed by...

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MAU Slayers The Man Comes Around

Previously on MAU - Slayers... Guided by a dream, the Slayers headed to Washington where they believed they would find an active MAU. Instead they have accidentally created copy of the person Faith used to be, they decided that they must head back to the Agency and take on the man who wants to capture them. But before they could do anything, they were captured. Faith found herself in a fantasy world where she was a normal girl. She managed to escape and found herself and Buffy...

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MAU Slayers Walking Blindly

Previously on MAU - Slayers... The Slayers celebrated their first Christmas after their encounter with the MAU and without their families. The also encountered Bill, a man given the ability to see the future by the MAU. He told them of their future and of the darkness that is to come. MAU - Slayers - Walking Blindly... The two vampires sat in the cell. They had been there for weeks now. Ever since those two girls had somehow beaten and captured them. The male one had spent the...

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MAU Slayers Keeping Everything Shiny

Previously on MAU - Slayers... Jordan and Laura were two friends who used the MAU to become Faith and Buffy from the television series, Buffy the Vampire Slayer. They began to work for the Agency, a group who searches for active MAUs and the people who use them. A man in the higher ranks of the Agency now wants the slayers as part of his plan. They are now on the run from the Agency and trying to help any user they find. Little do they know, that these users are being hunted by the...

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MAU Slayers I Close My Eyes And Then Drift Away

[Special thanks to Allen W for his assistance with a piece of dialogue and finding one character's voice] Previously on MAU - Slayers... The Slayers took on Angel and Spike who were in possession of an active MAU. Both vampires were killed during the battle. During the confusion, Faith was kidnapped by Dennis, an user of the MAU who had given himself the power to control people by touch. MAU - Slayers - I Close My Eyes And Then Drift Away Three Weeks Later... Dennis...

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MAU Trekkin Along

MAU: Trekkin' Along Synopsis: This tale continues the adventures of Danni - a 'victim' of the Morphic Adaptation Unit who now resembles Seven of Nine, down to functional Borg implants! [email protected] ********************************************************************** MAU: Trekkin' Along Danni eased back into the chair, stretching out her long curvy legs, feeling the muscles protesting slightly at the movement. Damn, but even the tiniest motion...

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MAU Slayers Everything Is Slipping Away

Previously on MAU - Slayers... For three weeks Faith was under the control of Dennis, an user of the MAU. Faith was eventually able to escape when her true personality awoke and was rescued by her friend Buffy and Agent R. MAU - Slayers - Everything Is Slipping Away Faith found herself in darkness. She attempted to call for help but it was as if her voice had vanished, even moment felt impossible. Suddenly she saw a blinding light, when her eyes adjusted she found herself in...

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MAU Slayers Runaways

Previously on MAU - Slayers... Jordan and Laura were two friends who used the MAU to become Faith and Buffy from the television series, Buffy the Vampire Slayer. They began to work for the Agency, a group who searches for active MAUs and the people who use them. A man in the higher ranks of the Agency now wants the slayers as part of his plan. They are now on the run from the Agency. MAU - Slayers - Runaways "So what happened?" Agent R asked his partner, Agent S. They...

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MAU Typhoid Mary Syndrome

Author's notes: I've watched the evolution of MAU with mixed emotions. On the one hand, it's been quite popular for authors, which is rewarding to watch. On the other, well, one thing I really didn't want to create was a universe based on fantasy, and I hoped the rules would help contain that. Unfortunately, my fears have been realized as stories have strayed into the fantastic and beyond. I could be like Bill with SRU and consider anything not by me to be non-canon. I could close...

2 years ago
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MAU 5K Chapter 6

Chapter 6 I woke up feeling refreshed. I slipped on a sheer robe, and went out to the kitchen to make some coffee. I felt so good. It looked to be a cool, clear day today. I figured I should get dressed. I hated to take off my sheer babydoll. I felt so sexy in it. I loved the way the soft material felt on my skin. Well, there will be plenty of time to wear these sexy things. I went into the bedroom and now I had to decide what to wear today. I selected a pair of bikini underwear, a...

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More Black Adventures With Wife Lisa Part 3

More Black Adventures With Wife, Lisa Part # 3 This is the third installment of Lisa, my beautiful wife who loves to fuck young black men. Lisa is a blond hair, blue eyed beauty who I talked into fucking two young black studs as her first adventure. This is another story of her journey into the world of black erotica.After her last adventure, where she was gang banged at a secluded cabin, I thought Lisa would be happy for awhile and she was, for awhile. But it didn’t take long for my young...

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Cousin Jeri Chapter 1

I’ve know cousin Jeri ever since I can remember. First of all, she isn’t really a bl**d relative. Her parents and mine are lifelong best friends. We grew up together on a remote cattle ranch in Oregon. Our parents worked the ranch for an absentee owner. Jeri’s mom home schooled us until our senior year in high school. Our houses were about a mile apart and we were as close as b*****r and s****r…..closer than most probably. Our schooling took 4 or 5 hours every day, then we had chores to do. We...

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Cousin Jeri Chapter 1

I've know cousin Jeri ever since I can remember. First of all, she isn't really a blood relative. Her parents and mine are lifelong best friends. We grew up together on a remote cattle ranch in Oregon. Our parents worked the ranch for an absentee owner. Jeri's mom home schooled us until our senior year in high school. Our houses were about a mile apart and we were as close as brother and sister.....closer than most probably. Our schooling took 4 or 5 hours every day, then we had chores to do....

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MAU Slayers What Is And What Can Never Be

Previously on MAU - Slayers... Guided by a dream, the Slayers headed to Washington where they believed they would find an active MAU. Instead they have accidentally created copy of the person Faith used to be, now they must head back to the Agency and take on the man who wants to capture them. MAU - Slayers - What Is And What Can Never Be Agent S had arrived at the hotel and had just listened to Buffy and Faith explain how a person had just appeared from nowhere. "So, the...

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MAU The Thule Incident Part 2

MAU: The Thule Incident Part 2 By Danielle J Author's note- This is the second installment of my latest MAU saga. I suggest you read MAU - The Thule Incident before starting on Part 2. You will find Part 1 at Fictionmania listed both under stories by Danielle J and by a category search for MAU stories. I must thank Steve Zink for his editing and hard work in preparing this story for publication. ***** As ordered, Major Koval returned to the interview room for the...

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